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Constant Settable droop Design Standard of GE

1.0 System Summary

Constant Settable Droop Speed/Load control represents a method of formulating the gas turbine droop
response as a function of the unit power output. This method of speed/load control is applied to units
where the fuel stroke reference (FSR) is not predictable as a function of the gas turbine output power.
Standard droop control utilizes the approximate linear relationship between FSR and the gas turbine
power output as the basis for reacting to variations in electrical grid frequency. When gas fuel heating
value is subject to variation due to fuel composition changes, the FSR may not be predictable with
load. Constant Settable Droop Speed/Load Control is a method where gas turbine megawatt output is
used as a control parameter to formulate the turbine droop response to electrical grid perturbations.

2.0 Application

Constant Settable Speed/Load Control should be applied when the Pegasus code option BP5B is called
for on a requisition and on all DLN units. This option is used instead of Standard Droop Speed/Load
Control (BP1G) or the optional Non-Linear Droop Speed/Load Control (BP5D).

NOTE: The Constant Settable Droop and Non-Linear Droop options share some of the same software
algorithms (BBLs), signal names, and constant settings. These options, however, are documented in the
standards as separate approaches. A modification to this standard should prompt a review of the BP5D
3.0 Design Standard

3.1 Hardware explanation

Dual redundant megawatt transducers are required at a minimum to provide megawatt feedback to the
Constant Settable Droop sequencing.

3.2 Scope of Responsibility

Not Applicable

3.3 Software Description

A droop governor response is used in turbine generator controls to help maintain an electrical grid at
constant frequency. Generally, a drop in electrical grid frequency indicates that the power generation
capability of the grid is less than the load demand on the grid. Conversely, if the electrical grid
frequency is above the nominal, the power generation capability supplied to the grid is greater than the
load demanded. Droop governor response attempts to correct these situations by changing the power
output of a turbine inversely proportional to the electrical grid frequency departure from nominal. If the
grid frequency drops below rated frequency, the turbine will be commanded to increase its power
output. If the grid frequency increases above the rated frequency, the turbine will be commanded to
reduce its power output.

The droop response of a turbine generator governor is typically referred to in terms of the percent
frequency variation required to cause a 100% turbine load output change. The standard droop response
configuration for GE gas turbine generator applications is a 4% droop response. This means that the
gas turbine load output will change by 100% with a 4% grid frequency change. In other words, a 4%
droop governor will modify the gas turbine output by 25% per every 1% grid frequency change (or, per
every 1% turbine shaft speed change since grid frequency and turbine speed are proportionally

The lines drawn in Figure 1 represent a 4% droop governor response. The control command signal TNR
is the gas turbine speed/load reference in terms of percent. During startup, this command varies from
0% to 100% speed. After synchronization to an electrical power grid, TNR becomes a load reference
and varies between 100% and 104% to command the load output from 0% to 100%. The lines drawn
in Figure 1 disregard any other facet of the gas turbine controls, such as exhaust temperature control,
which could limit the maximum power output of the turbine. The family of curves in Figure 1 is intended
to represent the relationship between TNR, percent load output, the electrical grid frequency and the
percent turbine speed for a 4% droop configuration. For example, if the gas turbine controls command
a TNR setpoint of 102%, the unit will output a power level equal to 50% of rated base load for a normal
100% turbine speed operating point (Point �A�). If the electrical grid frequency where to decrease
and cause the turbine to operate at 99% speed, the power output would be increased to 75% of rated
base load (Point �B�) with the same TNR setpoint of 102%.

The Constant Settable Droop software used to implement the droop response characteristic is
functionally shown in Figure 2 of paragraph 4.0. Constant Settable Droop Control features an inner
speed control loop and an outer megawatt control loop. The inner speed loop is a proportional plus
integral control whose mission is to make the turbine speed TNH match the called for reference speed
command TNRL. The outer megawatt loop formulates the droop governor response by creating a speed
bias as a function of unit power output. When the turbine speed is held fixed by an electrical grid, the
turbine fuel consumption and megawatt output is modified (or �Constantly Set�) such that the TNRL
reference speed command is made to equal the turbine speed TNH. The scaling of the turbine power
output DWATT to the speed bias signal DWDROOP defines the droop governor response in terms of
megawatt output change per percent grid speed change.

The control constant DWKDG uses the rated Base Load megawatts as a basis to scale the megawatt
feedback to a percent speed bias resulting in the nominal droop governor response. The formula for
calculating DWKDG is:
7.1 Default Control Constant Settings


DWKDG Note 1 %/MW PC2MW Speed Control Droop Reference Gain C
DWKTC Note 1 sec SEC64 Speed Control Droop Reference Time -
DWKMN Note 1 MW MWATT Minimum Megawatt for Droop -
FSKNTC Note 1 sec SEC64 FSR Speed/Load Control Integral Time -
FSKNG Note 1 %/% PC7PC FSR Speed/Load Control Proportional -
Code: C = Constant is calculated per unit
F = Constant can be field adjusted

Note: Constants above are set for 4% droop over the entire speed range as a default for the database
Note 1 : Default constant settings are listed in the Constant Settable Droop Design Standard BP5B:
Value Value Value Value Value
MS3002 0.500 5.0 0.0 15.0 2.5
MS5002 0.250 5.0 0.0 12.5 2.5
MS5001P 0.150 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS6001B 0.100 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS7001EA 0.050 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS9001E 0.035 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS9001EC 0.024 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS6001FA 0.060 2.5 0.0 10.0 2.5
MS7001FA 0.025 5.0 0.0 10.0 5.0
MS9001FA 0.020 5.0 0.0 10.0 5.0

7.2 Control Constant Calculation Methods

Software Signal Definitions


DWDROOP % PCT Turbine Load Droop Reference
FSRN % PCT Speed Control Fuel Stroke Reference
TNH % PCT HP Turbine Speed
TNR % PCT Turbine Speed/Load Reference
TNRL % PCT Load Turbine Speed Reference

10.1 System Description Text

Constant Settable Droop Speed/Load control represents a method of formulating the gas turbine droop
response as a function of the unit power output. This method of speed/load control is applied to units
where the fuel stroke reference (FSR) is not predictable as a function of the gas turbine output power
due to varying fuel heating value or where fuel is switched between different combustion system
injection nozzles.

Constant Settable Droop Control features an inner speed control loop and an outer megawatt control
loop. The inner speed loop is a proportional plus integral control whose mission is to make the turbine
speed TNH match the called for reference speed command TNRL. The outer megawatt loop formulates
the droop governor response by creating a speed bias as a function of unit power output. When the
turbine speed is held fixed by an electrical grid, the turbine fuel consumption and megawatt output is
modified (or �Constantly Set�) such that the TNRL reference speed command is made to equal the
turbine speed TNH. The scaling of the turbine power output DWATT to the speed bias signal DWDROOP
defines the droop governor response in terms of megawatt output change per percent grid speed

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