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1. What is the sum of first two prime numbers? Ans.=5
2. What is the difference between the largest three digit number and the smallest four
digit number? Ans.=1
3. What is the smallest odd prime number? Ans.=3
4. What is the largest three digit even number? Ans.=998
5. How many prime numbers are there between 1 and 10? Ans.= 4
6. What is the place value of 7 in 417,532? Ans.=7000
7. How many months have 30 days? Ans.=4
8. What is the product of any number and 1? Ans.= The number itself
9. What is the value of 15 × 40 × 3 × 0?
10. What is the value of 45÷15x 0? Ans.= 0
11. What is the sum of all one digit prime numbers? Ans.=17
12. What will be the quotient if we divide 360 by 4? Ans.=90
13. What should be added to 20 to get the sum 42? Ans.=22
14. Which number when multiplied by itself gives 144 as product? Ans.=12
15. Dividend is exactly divisible by divisor if_______ is 0. Ans.= remainder
16. What is the first common multiple of 5 and 8? Ans.= 40
17. What are the factors of prime numbers? Ans.=1 and itself
18. What is the H.C.F. of co-prime numbers? Ans.= 1
19. What is the smallest multiple of 184? Ans. =184
20. What is the L.C.M. of 16 and 64? Ans.=64
21. I am a factor of every number. Who am I? Ans.=1
22. What is the multiple of 8 between 20 and 30? Ans.=24
23. What is the third odd multiple of 15? Ans.=75
24. How many ¼ make 2 wholes? Ans.=8
25. How many months are there in one third of a year? Ans.= 4
26. How many half hours make a day? Ans.=48
27. What is half of a quarter? Ans.=one- eighth
28. What is the multiplicative inverse of 7? Ans.= 1/7
29. Which type of fraction represents more than 1? Ans.= improper fraction
30. What is the equivalent fraction for 3/5 which has denominator 15? Ans.=9/15
31. What is the value of quarter of 240? Ans.= 60
32. How many dam are there in 3.2 km? Ans.=320
33. How many mm make 7 m? Ans.=7000
34. Which unit will you use to measure distance between Delhi and Agra? Ans.= km
35. How many litres are there in 1.5 kilolitres? Ans.=1500
36. By how many times does the area of a square increase if length of the square is
doubled? Ans.= four times
37. What will be the side of a square with area 64 Ans.=8cm
38. What is the area of a unit cm square?
39. To know the number of tiles needed for a room we need to know its _______.
40. To know the length of border needed for a blanket, its_______ should be known.
Ans.= perimeter
41. How many sides are there in an Octagon? Ans.=eight
42. What will be the area of a rectangle with dimensions 6m X 4m? Ans.=24 sq.m.
43. How many unit cm squares when joined give the area 6 Ans.=6
44. Figures with same area may have different perimeter? (Yes/No) Ans.= Yes
45. What is the formula for area of a square? Ans.=side X side
46. What is the formula for perimeter of rectangle? Ans.=2(length + breadth)
47. What type of an angle is formed between the hands of the clock when it is 10:10 by
the clock? Ans.= obtuse angle
48. Opposite edges of a ruler is an example of ________ lines. Ans.= parallel
49. What is the length of a 50m broad field whose area is 2000 sq. m.? Ans.=40m
50. What will be the area of a square whose perimeter is 40 cm? Ans.= 100
1.Name the fibres present in our food which helps in removal of undigested waste from our body.

Answer :Roughage

2.Lack of iodine causes which disease ?

Answer :Goitre

3.Name a disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.

Answer : Night Blindness

4.Which mosquito spreads malaria ?

Answer : Female Anopheles

5.Name a disease caused due to bacteria.

Answer : Typhoid

6.Name the scientist who discovered smallpox vaccine.

Answer : Edward Jenner

7.Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of which nutrient ?

Answer : Vitamin C

8.Which number should be dialled to call a fire brigade ?

Answer : 101

9.Name the injection given for dog bite.

Answer :Anti-Rabies

10. What is the immediate help given to an injured person known as ?

Answer : First aid

11.What is looped around the neck to support the fractured arm?

Answer : Sling

12.Which injection is given for snake bite ?

Answer : Anti-Venom

13.What is a break or a crack in a bone known as?

Answer : Fracture

14.Which gas is used in fire extinguishers?

Answer :Carbon dioxide

15.What is tied in case of excessive bleeding?

Answer : Tourniquet

16.What is used to put off fire caused due to petrol?

Answer : Sand
17.Name a method of soil conservation.

Answer : Afforestation

18.The process of removal of top fertile soil is known as ?

Answer : Soil erosion

19.What is the process of cutting trees on a large scale known as ?

Answer : Deforestation

20.Name the method of farming done by cutting steps on the hills.

Answer : Step farming/Terrace farming

21.Name the uppermost layer of soil where all the agricultural activities take place.

Answer : Top soil

22.Moon takes how many days to complete one revolution?

Answer : 27.8

23.Who was the first man to step on moon?

Answer : Neil Armstrong

24.Name the first artificial satellite.

Answer : Sputnik -1

25.Name the first Indian Satellite.

Answer: Aryabhatta

26.Who was the first Indian woman to go into space ?

Answer : Kalpana Chawla

27.What are the saucer –shaped holes on the surface of the moon called?

Answer : Craters

28.Name the first space shuttle sent by India to moon.

Answer : Chandrayan-1

29.What is the full form of ISRO?

Answer: Indian Space Research Organisation

30.What are the heavenly bodies which revolve around a planet known as ?

Answer : Satellite

31.Name two diseases caused due to water pollution.

Answer : Typhoid, and Dysentery

32.What are the substance which cause pollution known as?

Answer : Pollutants

33.Name a gas responsible for green house effect.

Answer : Carbon dioxide

34.What is the full form of CNG ?

Answer : Compressed Natural Gas

35.Give one example of a non-renewable resource of energy.

Answer : Coal or Petroleum

36.Name a disease caused due to air pollution.

Answer : Asthma

37.DPT vaccine prevents us from how many diseases .Name them.

Answer : 3 diseases , Diphtheria,pertussis,tetanus

38.Which gas is used in soft drinks ?

Answer : Carbon dioxide

39.Name any two gases which are soluble in water.

Answer :Oxygen and Carbon dioxide

40.What is matter made up of ?

Answer : Molecules

41. Give two examples of fluids.

Answver: Gas and Liquids

42.What happens to matter on cooling?

Answer : It contracts.

43.What is the process by which solid changes into liquid on heating called?

Answer :Melting

44.Which occupies more volume a gas or a liquid ?

Answer : Gas

45.What do you call a satellite which is used to send messages from one country to another?

Answer : Communication Satellite

46.What is the full form of INSAT ?

Answer : Indian National Satellite

47. What is the importance of ozone layer?

Answer : It protects us from harmful UV rays.

48. Why electric cables hang loose from poles in summers?

Answer : Due to expansion of matter.

49. Name the two types of carbohydrates.

Answer : Sugar and Starch

50. Remains of dead plants and animals present in soil forms_________

Answer : Humus.

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