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Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

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Sedimentary Geology
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / s e d g e o

Evolution of the Miocene sedimentary fill of the Gediz Graben, SW Turkey

N.B. Çiftçi a,1, E. Bozkurt b,⁎
Türkiye Petrolleri A.O. (TPAO), TR-06532 Ankara, Turkey
Middle East Technical University, Department of Geological Engineering, TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Gediz Graben is a continental extensional basin filled with Miocene to Recent sediments. The evolution
Received 26 December 2007 of the graben can be expressed in terms of two phases: (i) Miocene half graben phase; and (ii) post-Miocene
Received in revised form 22 December 2008 graben phase. The Miocene half graben phase was governed by the southern margin structure evolution of
Accepted 21 January 2009
which significantly controlled the stratigraphic variability in the basin. Alluvial, fluvial and lacustrine systems
developed in the graben as a function of distance to the southern margin. Thus, alluvial deposits with coarse-
grained facies dominate the southern margin and grade into finer fractions of fluvial and/or lacustrine
Fluvial-lacustrine sediments deposits to the north. This depositional architecture repeated three times during the Miocene and deposited
Normal faulting Alaşehir, Çaltılık and Gediz formations. These formations depict distinct thickness and grain size decrease
Crustal extension from south to north to emphasize the half-graben configuration for the favour of the southern margin. The
Gediz Graben post-Miocene graben phase started with the faulting of the northern margin. This resulted in relatively
SW Turkey balanced partitioning of the subsidence between the two margins although the preceding asymmetry was
inherited by the graben. Sediment influx became bipolar and alluvial fan systems developed along the both
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction two decades (e.g. İztan and Yazman, 1991; Cohen et al., 1995; Emre,
1996; Yazman et al., 1998; Koçyiğit et al., 1999; Yılmaz et al., 2000;
Southwest Turkey is part of the Aegean Extensional Province, Seyitoğlu et al., 2002; Purvis and Robertson, 2005a). Yet, the
which is a region of extensional deformation driven by the development of basins remained controversial mainly based on the
complicated convergence of the African and Eurasian plates (Fig. 1). gross tectonic and stratigraphic inferences.
In response to pervasive crustal extension, geology of the southwest Four different processes have been proposed as the cause of
Turkey is dominated by numerous graben basins that are filled with extension in the region: (i) subduction roll-back along the Aegean–
Miocene to Recent continental clastic rocks with volcanic rocks and Cyprian trench (McKenzie, 1978; Le Pichon and Angelier, 1979, 1981;
minor carbonates. Based on the trend, these basins can be grouped Mercier, 1981; Jackson and McKenzie, 1988; Meulenkamp et al., 1988;
into two as ~ E–W-oriented and ~ N–S-oriented, usually referred as Kissel and Laj, 1988; Meulenkamp et al., 1994; Thomson et al., 1998);
cross-grabens (Şengör, 1987) (Fig. 1). The E–W-oriented grabens are (ii) westward escape of the Anatolian micro-plate along dextral North
morphologically more prominent features with strong topographical Anatolian and sinistral East Anatolian fault systems (Dewey and
expressions. Among them, the Gediz Graben is probably the best- Şengör, 1979; Şengör et al., 1985; Şengör, 1987); (iii) post-orogenic
developed in terms of thickness of accumulated sediments and total collapse of the crust overthickened during the closure of the northern
offset occurred along the graben-bounding structures. The graben branch of Neotethys (Dewey, 1988; Seyitoğlu and Scott, 1991, 1992);
starts SE of Alaşehir to the east and extends westward for more than and (iv) different convergence rates along the Aegean–Cyprian
100 km to Turgutlu and beyond, along the plain of Gediz River after subduction zone (Doglioni et al., 2002). Although proposed onset of
which the graben was named (Fig. 1). The southern margin of the the extension by these studies varied greatly between 5 to 60 Ma, it is
graben is better defined with a broad, convex-northward outline. It is commonly agreed today that the extension was initiated by the latest
relatively narrow to the east but become wider to the west until it Oligocene–early Miocene time and occurred in two distinct deforma-
splits into two branches near Manisa (Fig. 1). tion styles (i) latest Oligocene–Miocene core-complex formation in
Evolution of the graben basins in southwestern Turkey, particularly the footwall of presently low-angle normal faults; and (ii) post-
the Gediz Graben has been the focus of many studies during the last Miocene modern graben formation as a consequence of Plio–
Quaternary high-angle normal faulting (e.g. Bozkurt and Park, 1994;
Hetzel et al., 1995a,b; Emre, 1996; Hetzel et al., 1998; Okay and Satır,
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 2105725; fax: +90 312 210 5750.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Bozkurt).
2000; Gessner et al., 2001a,b; Işık and Tekeli, 2001; Lips et al., 2001;
Current Address: CSIRO Petroleum Resources, PO Box 1130, Bentley, WA 6102, Bozkurt, 2003; Işık et al., 2003; Ring et al., 2003; Bozkurt, 2004; Işık
Australia. et al., 2004; Ring and Collins, 2005; Thomson and Ring, 2006; Bozkurt,

0037-0738/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of SW Turkey showing the distribution of ~ E–W-trending grabens and NE–SW-trending basins over the crystalline Menderes Massif (from Bozkurt, 2000). Inset map illustrates the regions main tectonic
features, approximate extent of the Aegean Extensional Province (AEP) and the location of the simplified geological map. The study area is also illustrated on the geological map.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 51

Fig. 2. Geological map of the study area around Alaşehir showing major structures, geological units, location of the boreholes and seismic profiles. Abbreviations: MGBF, master
graben bounding fault; BH, borehole.
52 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

2007; Ersoy and Helvacı, 2007; Ersoy et al., 2008; Cavazza et al., stantiates a distinct change in the architecture of the graben during
in press; Özkaymak and Sözbilir, 2008; Uzel and Sözbilir, 2008). Yet, a the successive post-Miocene period. The role of structural controls on
major controversy remained unresolved whether the two distinct the evolution of the basin fill is elucidated based on sedimentological
styles evolved in a continuous manner without any break (e.g. data and inferences are drawn towards the evolution of the
Seyitoğlu et al., 2000, 2002, 2004; Glodny and Hetzel, 2007) or in an continental extensional regime in southwest Turkey.
episodic manner with more than one phases of extension separated by
phases of contraction and/or tectonic quiescence (e.g. Koçyiğit et al., 2. Structural framework
1999; Yılmaz et al., 2000; Bozkurt, 2001a,b; Bozkurt and Sözbilir,
2004; Kaya et al., 2004; Purvis and Robertson, 2004, 2005a; Beccaletto Normal faults are the dominant elements of the deformation
and Steiner, 2005; Kaymakcı, 2005; Koçyiğit, 2005; Bozkurt and pattern in the Gediz Graben. They can be grouped into two as: (i) the
Mittwede, 2005; Bozkurt and Sözbilir, 2006; Emre and Sözbilir, 2007; major, low-angle (0–20°), north dipping, normal fault (the detach-
Koçyiğit and Deveci, 2007; Özsayın and Dirik, 2007; Kaya et al., 2007). ment fault, named as Karadut fault [Emre, 1996], Çamköy detachment
All the ongoing arguments regarding the geology of the south- [Koçyiğit et al., 1999] or Gediz detachment [Lips et al., 2001]) exposed
western Turkey urge the necessity of, and calls for, more focused extensively along the southern margin of the Gediz Graben (Figs. 1
studies in the region. In this context, the Gediz Graben has a key and 2). The fault separates metamorphic rocks in the footwall from
significance because it comprises all the aspects of the region's continental sediments in the hanging wall (e.g. Hetzel et al., 1995a,b;
geology, particularly evidence for the distinct structural styles. Nature Emre, 1996; Koçyiğit et al., 1999; Yılmaz et al., 2000; Sözbilir 2001,
of these styles (Miocene core-complex formation and post-Miocene 2002; Işık et al., 2003; Bozkurt and Sözbilir, 2004; Glodny and Hetzel,
graben formation) has to be well documented in terms of related 2007); and (ii) high-angle normal faults controlling both the southern
depositional and deformational patterns. Only then it can be and northern margins of the graben as well as the deformation pattern
constrained whether the evolution of extension in the region is within the graben fill (Figs. 1 and 2) (e.g. Çiftçi and Bozkurt, in press).
continuous or episodic. Our recent detailed studies provide new data These faults trend approximately E–W to WNW–ESE or ENE–WSW
towards the deformational characteristics of the graben fill (e.g. Çiftçi orientations and they either occur as single faults with lengths varying
and Bozkurt, 2007, 2008, in press). However, data on depositional from sub-kilometres to tens of kilometres, or as fault sets composed of
aspects has still remained limited to gross observations lacking discontinuous, mostly synthetic, and parallel to sub-parallel segments
throughout facies and environment analyses (İztan and Yazman, 1991; (e.g. Temiz et al., 1998; Çiftçi and Bozkurt, 2007, in press). A graben-
Cohen et al., 1995; Yazman et al., 1998; Koçyiğit et al., 1999; Yılmaz facing step-like pattern is recognizable by the first order major- and
et al., 2000; Seyitoğlu et al., 2002; Purvis and Robertson, 2005a). second-order synthetic and antithetic faults, with younging direction
Detailed new studies focusing on the Neogene fill of the grabens are towards the graben floor (e.g. Cohen et al., 1995; Koçyiğit et al., 1999;
emerging in southwestern Turkey (e.g. İnci, 2002; Alçiçek et al., 2007). Seyitoğlu et al., 2002; Bozkurt and Sözbilir, 2004). Well-preserved slip
It is critical to establish a region-wide perspective by providing similar planes indicate that the activity of the fault system is predominantly
data from the Gediz Graben. normal-slip with minor strike-slip component (Çiftçi and Bozkurt,
This work intends to reconstruct the depositional history of the in press). Linear coalesced alluvial fan aprons are commonly
Gediz Graben by presenting detailed field observations supported by associated with this fault system as an indication of their active
the subsurface data. It is particularly focused on the Miocene accommodation creation potential. Actively growing travertines, hot
sequences deposited during the core-complex formation and sub- water springs, shifting/bending of river courses and ground ruptures

Fig. 3. Neogene stratigraphy of the Gediz Graben based on the geological data around Alaşehir. Figure briefly depicts the relationship between the lithostratigraphic units, associated
lithologies, governing facies associations and interpreted seismic stratigraphic units. See text for detailed discussion on the figure. Description of facies associations and constituent
facies are given through Tables 1–6.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 4. Neogene stratigraphy of the Gediz Graben documented by various researchers. Available age data are also illustrated on each column. Age data were derived from the associated study. Note the controversy among the stratigraphic
columns and given ages. Dashed lines depict approximate correlations. Abbreviations — fm: formation; fa: facies association. (A) Yazman et al. (1998), (B) Yılmaz et al. (2000), (C) Seyitoğlu et al. (2002), (D) Koçyiğit et al. (1999), (E) Cohen et
al. (1995), (F) Purvis and Robertson (2005a,b), (G) Emre (1996). Note that stratigraphic columns (A) to (F) represents Alaşehir area whereas (G) is based on the data from Salihli area. Arrows in (E) and (F) illustrates fault contacts.

54 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

of historical (e.g. 1969 Alaşehir Earthquake, Eyidoğan and Jackson, (Fig. 3). The lithostratigraphic units representing the graben fill are
1985) and recent earthquakes (e.g. Firuzan, 2008; Pamukçu and predominantly exposed along the southern margin where the most
Yurdakul, 2008; Polat et al., 2008; Tan et al., 2008) were illustrated as active graben-bounding structure(s) (master graben-bounding
further evidence of fault activity (Koçyiğit et al., 1999). The high-angle fault — MGBF) is located (Fig. 2). The exposures along the northern
fault system(s) cuts and displaces the low-angle normal fault (the margin exhibit much less lithological variations and shorter period
detachment fault), which is interpreted as the superimposition of the of deposition (Fig. 2). Volcanic rocks, named as Toygarlı andesite, are
neotectonic style of deformation related to modern graben formation also exposed in a small area along the northern margin of the
over the older style related to core-complex formation (e.g., Bozkurt graben, and represent the Neogene volcanism. This exposure
and Sözbilir, 2004). suggests relatively minor volcanic activity in the Gediz Graben
compared to the extensive Neogene volcanism observed to the north
3. Stratigraphic framework of the Gediz Graben (e.g. Ercan et al., 1997; Yılmaz et al., 2000;
Doglioni et al., 2002; Çiftçi et al., 2004; Erkül et al., 2005; Purvis
The fill of the Gediz Graben comprises Miocene to Recent et al., 2005; Tokcaer et al., 2005; Yücel-Öztürk et al., 2005;
continental clastics of mainly lacustrine, alluvial and fluvial origin Aldanmaz, 2006; Altunkaynak, 2007; Dilek and Altunkaynak,

Fig. 5. Measured stratigraphic sections through Alaşehir and Çaltılık formations. Section's are illustrated approximately on Fig. 2: (A) Evrenli section; (B) Osmaniye section in
Zeytinçayı creek; (C) Kayadibi section; (D) Soğukyurt section; (E) Gökçealan section. Lithological and sedimentological patterns are explained in (F).
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 55

Fig. 5 (continued).

2007; Emre and Sözbilir, 2007; Ersoy and Helvacı, 2007; Karacık a low-angle normal fault (Gediz detachment); a metamorphic core
et al., 2007; Kaymakcı et al., 2007; Yılmaz, 2007; Yılmaz et al., 2007; complex composed of deep burial metamorphic rocks and associated
Ersoy et al., 2008 and references therein). granites.
The established stratigraphy of the Gediz Graben have been
complicated by numerous studies which produced number of 3.1. Alaşehir Formation
different formation names, controversial age assignments and
different facies models for the same deposit (Fig. 4) (İztan and Alaşehir Formation is the oldest Neogene unit exposed along the
Yazman, 1991; Cohen et al., 1995; Yazman et al., 1998; Koçyiğit et al., southern margin of the Gediz Graben, particularly to the south of
1999; Sarıca 2000; Yılmaz et al., 2000; Seyitoğlu et al., 2002; Purvis MGBF (Figs. 2 and 3). The unit is exposed only in the vicinity of the
and Robertson, 2005a). In this study, we prefer to follow the rules on Alaşehir after which the formation was named (Yazman and İztan,
stratigraphic nomenclature and therefore use the earliest proposed 1990; İztan and Yazman, 1991; Yazman et al., 1998). Where exposed,
scheme (İztan and Yazman, 1991; Yazman et al., 1998) with some the formation has a low-angle normal fault contact with the
modifications in order to represent the up-to-date knowledge (Figs. 3 metamorphic basement rocks (Fig. 2). Traditionally, the formation is
and 4). This framework defines five different lithostratigraphic described as a fining-upward succession, which starts with cobble–
formations in the Gediz Graben: Miocene Alaşehir, Çaltılık and pebble conglomerates at the base (Yazman and İztan, 1990; İztan and
Gediz formations, and post-Miocene Kaletepe and Bintepeler forma- Yazman, 1991; Yazman et al., 1998; Yılmaz et al., 2000). Laterally, these
tions. An angular unconformity separates the Miocene and post- coarse conglomerates display rapid gradual transition to monotonous
Miocene formations in the outcrop exposures. The graben-fill rest alternation of sandstones, siltstones and organic-rich shales (Yazman
structurally over the metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif along and İztan, 1990; İztan and Yazman, 1991; Cohen et al., 1995; Yazman
56 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

Fig. 5 (continued).
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 57

et al., 1998; Purvis and Robertson, 2005a). This internal lithological composed of poorly sorted locally channelized conglomerates, tabular to
variation is treated in the member rank as the coarser-grained Evrenli cross-bedded sandstones with muddy matrix, and rare limestone lenses.
and finer-grained Zeytinçayı members (Fig. 3). With its bright red colour, it is a very distinctive lithostratigraphic unit.

3.2. Çaltılık Formation 3.3. Gediz Formation

Çaltılık Formation conformably overlies the Alaşehir Formation Gediz Formation is exposed along NW–SE-trending fault-con-
through a gradual contact (Fig. 3). As the Alaşehir Formation, it is trolled belt at the immediate southern margin of the modern graben
exposed only to the south of the MGBF (Fig. 2). In areas where the floor (Fig. 2). The exposure of the formation is bounded by two
Alaşehir Formation is not observed, Çaltılık Formation is juxtaposed northward-dipping normal faults that bring the unit in contact with
with the metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif along a low-angle the metamorphic basement, Alaşehir and Çaltılık formations to the
normal fault (Fig. 2). Named by Yılmaz et al. (2000), the formation is south and with the Quaternary graben floor sediments to the north

Fig. 6. Measured stratigraphic sections from the Gediz Formation. See Fig. 4F for the explanation of lithological and sedimentological textures. Due to outcrop availability, sections are
located out of the area on Fig. 2, slightly to the west. Measured immediately north of the MGBF, lithologies logged on the sections are correlatable with the study area.
58 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

(Fig. 2). Stratigraphically, the unit overlies the Çaltılık Formation associations, environments of deposition were reconstructed for the
although no contact relationship is exposed (Fig. 3). Gediz Formation Miocene formations. Post-Miocene formations are not the main focus
comprises two subunits named as Hamamdere and Salihli members of this study and no detailed analyses were presented here. Yet, they
(Yazman and İztan, 1990; İztan and Yazman, 1991). These units are were reviewed in the previous section based on the basic field
composed of conglomeratic deposits of an alluvial fan system and observations and available literature in order to provide foundation
sandy deposits of a fluvial system, respectively. for the seismic interpretations.
Three available boreholes in the Gediz Graben were analyzed and
3.4. Kaletepe Formation borehole sections were constructed based on the well cuttings and
gamma ray (GR) logs. Cuttings are actual fragments of the subsurface
Kaletepe Formation is exposed extensively along the southern formations that were brought to the surface during drilling by the
horst block of the Gediz Graben (Fig. 2) (Yazman and İztan, 1990; İztan circulation of the drilling fluids. GR logs are the remote measurements
and Yazman, 1991; Yazman et al., 1998). It overlies the Gediz in the boreholes which are useful for lithology detection. The tool is
Formation with an angular unconformity (Fig. 3). In general, the sensitive to natural radioactivity which increases with increasing clay
formation is earth coloured, thick and poorly bedded, poorly lithified content (cf. Asquith, 1982; Asquith and Krygowski, 2004). Using the
and composed of polymictic conglomerates with relatively minor borehole sections, formations defined in the surface were tied to the
sandstone and mudstone intercalations. subsurface and 270 km 2D seismic reflection profiles were interpreted.
Knowledge on the depositional characteristics of the formations
3.5. Bintepeler Formation gained through outcrop studies was found very helpful during the
seismic interpretation. Calibrated by the well data, seismic profiles
Bintepeler Formation is the only sedimentary unit exposed along oriented both parallel and transverse to the graben trend, enlighten
the northern margin of the Gediz Graben (Fig. 2) (Yazman and İztan, the thickness and facies distributions of the formations in broader
1990). The formation starts with very coarse-grained, texturally scale than the outcrop exposures.
immature conglomerates. Stratigraphically upward, the grain size
decreases and the lacustrine limestone beds become distinct. The 5. Facies, facies associations and environment of deposition
amount of lacustrine limestone further increases upward and the
formation become limestone dominated. There is a complete lateral In this section, each Miocene formation of the Gediz Graben is
gradation and interfingering relationships between conglomeratic analyzed in terms of comprising facies associations. These associations
facies and lacustrine limestone. Sandstones, intercalated with marls are based on the facies that were defined on logged stratigraphic sections
and channelized conglomerates, are the dominant lithologies at the (Figs. 5 and 6). Keep in mind that the measured thicknesses of the facies
uppermost part of the formation (Yusufoğlu, 1996). associations in the logs are much less than their true thicknesses. The
Saraç (2003) documented mammalian fossils from several reason for this is the intense normal faulting which makes it impossible
localities along the southern margin of Gediz Graben. They all indicate to measure a complete section without a gap. Therefore, the measured
middle–late Pliocene (MN 16–17) ages, thus supporting post-Miocene sections were utilized only as data to facies characteristics of the
age for the Kaletepe Formation. formations. Subsurface data presented in the next section will provide
better constraints for the thicknesses of the formations.
3.6. Quaternary alluvium
5.1. The Alaşehir Formation
Quaternary alluvium in the Gediz Graben can be differentiated into
two units as proximal and distal alluviums (Fig. 2). Proximal alluvium is Alaşehir Formation is well-exposed to southwest of Alaşehir
characterized by coalesced alluvial fans of diverse sizes fed from the horst between Kayadibi and Karakirse villages (Fig. 2). Four outcrop
blocks. They are dominated by chaotic to cross-bedded conglomerates, sections were logged through the Alaşehir Formation to document
cross-bedded sands and well-layered fine-grained deposits. Proximal its lithological characteristics (Fig. 5). Nineteen lithofacies were
alluvium grade into and interfinger with finer-grained axial fluvial system defined based on type of individual beds, grain size and primary
towards the centre of the graben. Meandering channel system of the sedimentary structures (Table 1). Fig. 7 illustrates field photos of the
Gediz River controls the axial fluvial system. Together with distal alluvial some of the major lithofacies. This lithofacies diversity was grouped
fan sediments, the deposits of fluvial system form the distal Quaternary into 4 main facies associations as FA1 to FA4 (Table 2). FA1 to FA3
alluvium which is dominated by sands and muds. correlate to the coarse-grained Evrenli member and FA4 correlates to
Quaternary travertines are also observable in the study area. They the finer-grained Zeytinçayı member (Fig. 3).
occur in a close proximity to the MGBF, controlling the southern FA1: alluvial fan facies association is characterized by the relative
margin of the Gediz Graben (Fig. 2). They either intercalate with the abundance of facies Cm, Sp, Gms, Stl and Gtx (Table 1 and Figs. 5A, C
Quaternary alluvium or overlie the metamorphic basement. There are and 7). The FA1 is dominated by conglomerates intercalated with
active hot-springs in close proximity to the travertine accumulations pebbly sandstones. Conglomerates are generally thick bedded to
(e.g., Tarcan et al., 2005) similar to other parts of southwestern massive, poorly sorted, generally internally chaotic and structureless
Anatolia (e.g., Mutlu, 2007). with sharp and erosive bases and irregular tops (facies Cm and Gms).
Laterally they can be traced for up to hundred metres. Rarely, trough-
4. Material and methods cross bedded conglomerates occur with lensoidal geometry but
wedges laterally in less than ten metres (facies Gtx). The clasts are
Miocene formations of the basin fill succession have been studied derived from the basement metamorphics and range in size from
in detail by means of measured stratigraphic sections. Eight outcrop coarse sand in the matrix up to metre-scale large blocks. Polymictic
sections were logged and macroscopic facies analysis was carried out clast population includes gneiss, phyllite, schist, marble and chert.
for the Alaşehir, Çaltılık and Gediz formations (Figs. 5 and 6). 37 Crude clast imbrication indicates N–NE-directed palaeocurrents.
lithofacies were defined (Tables 1, 3 and 5) and they were grouped Poorly bedded, coarse-grained pebbly sandstones (facies Sp) are
into 8 different facies associations (Tables 2, 4 and 6). It should be commonly observed as interbeds to conglomerates and occur with
noted that facies represent specific process of deposition and facies rare thin-bedded sandy siltstones (Stl).
association represents environment or sub-environment of deposition FA2: lacustrine fan delta / delta front facies association is
in which several processes are operational. Based on the facies composed of Ss, Sfu, Sng, Sst, Cm, Gms, Fps, Sr, Stl, Sp, Se facies
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 59

Table 1
Dominant facies, facies descriptions and interpretations of the Alaşehir Formation.

Facies Description Interpretation

Cm, massive conglomerates Granule to cobble size clasts with sandy to gravely matrix, matrix supported, massive and Debris flow
chaotic, poorly sorted to unsorted, polymictic angular clasts, sharp (and locally sheared)
base, irregular top, locally inversely graded, locally contains sandstone lenses; dimensions:
bed thickness up to 3 m; lateral extent tens to hundred metres
Gtx, trough cross-bedded Granule to pebble size clasts supported by coarse sandy matrix, poorly bedded, generally Channel fill
conglomerates lensoidal, subrounded and poorly sorted clasts, moderate to poorly cemented, polymictic,
generally fining upward with erosive base with or without a lag, trough cross bedded;
dimensions: bed thickness up to 50 cm; lateral extent up to 8 m
Gms, matrix-supported Granule to pebble size clasts supported by sandy matrix, poorly bedded, poorly sorted, Debris flow to hyper-concentrated
gravelstones angular-subangular clasts; dimensions: bed thickness up to 1.2 m; lateral extent few tens flow deposits
of metres
Gr, rippled gravely Granule to coarse-grained sandstone, poorly sorted and rounded, locally pebbly, rippled at Deposits from channelized flows
sandstones the top, erosive base; dimensions: bed thickness up to 50 cm; lateral extent up to 10 m
Sp, pebbly sandstones Coarse-grained sandstone, pebbly, poorly bedded, moderately cemented, locally FeCO3 Deposits of flash flow — sand
nodules bearing, slightly erosive base; dimensions: bed thickness up to 70 cm; lateral dominated hyperconcentrated flow
extent few tens of metres
Se, erosive-based Coarse-grained sandstone, moderate to poorly sorted, locally red coloured, lensoidal, cross Scour-fills
sandstones bedded (crude), erosive base, fining upward; dimensions: bed thickness up to 50 cm;
lateral extent up to 3 m
Ss, stratified sandstones Medium- to fine-grained sandstone, moderately cemented, moderately sorted, FeCO3 nodules Subaqeous deposits at lower
bearing, locally laminated; dimensions: bed thickness up to 40 cm; lateral extent few tens flow regime
of metres
Sfu, fining-upward Medium-grained sandstone, usually formed as a single bed, locally laminated, fining upward, Subageous deposits at lower
sandstones ripples at top; dimensions: bed thickness up to 1 m; lateral extent tens of metres flow regime — wanning flows
Sr, rippled sandstones Medium- to fine-grained sandstone, generally laminated at the lower parts of the bed and Subaqeous deposits at lower
rippled at the top (wave ripples?); dimensions: bed thickness up to 25 cm; lateral extent flow regime-oscillation
tens of metres
Sng, normally-graded Medium- to fine-grained sandstone, normally graded, well cemented, locally occurring in Unchannelized turbidites
sandstone fining upward cycles; dimensions: bed thickness up to 15 cm;lateral extent tens of metres (hyperpycnal flows)
Sst, alternation of Fine-grained sandstone/siltstone, laminated, moderately cemented, locally graded bedding Deposition from turbulent flow
sandstone–siltstone in sandstones, locally rippled and FeCO3 nodules bearing — dimensions: bed thickness up
to 20 cm; lateral extent tens of metres
Ssh, alternation of Fine-grained sandstone/shale, laminated, locally convolute laminated, moderately cemented — Deposition from suspension with
sandstone–shale dimensions: bed thickness up to 20 cm; lateral extent tens of metres episodic turbulent flows
Stl, laminated siltstones Siltstones, laminated, locally sandy; dimensions: bed thickness up to 20 cm; lateral extent Deposition from suspension
tens of metres
Fst, alternation of shale/marl shale/marl/siltstone, laminated, bituminous, abundant plant remnants, calcareous; dimensions: Deposition from suspension;
and siltstone bed thickness up to 30 cm; lateral extent tens of metres generally low-energy environment
Fps, paper shales Shales, wavy laminated, very bituminous, abundant plant remnants; dimensions: bed thickness Deposition from suspension;
up to 20 cm; lateral extent tens of metres low-energy environment
Fm, mudstone Mudstone, laminated — dimensions: bed thickness up to 70 cm; lateral extent tens of metres Channel overbank deposits —
waning currents in channel
Fsm, siliceous mudstone Mudstone, red coloured, siliceous; dimensions: bed thickness up to 15 cm; lateral extent tens Deposition from precipitation and
of metres suspension under sediment
starvation (hydrothermal source?)
C, coal-coaly mudstone Coal, brown coloured, laminated; dimensions: bed thickness up to 50 cm; lateral extent less Subaerial low energy, channel
than ten metres overbanks — coastal plain
L, limestone Limestone, beige coloured, very hard, clayey, poorly bedded; dimensions: bed thickness up to Low energy (lacustrine)
20 cm; lateral extent tens of metres

See Fig. 5 for the related measured stratigraphic sections. Fig. 7 illustrates field photos of the some of the lithofacies in the formation.

(Tables 1 and 2; 5A–C and 7). The sandy facies of the association are siltstone alternation (facies Stl) and bitumous shales (facies Spl) are
commonly beige-brown coloured with local diagenetic recolouration. less common. Intercalation of debris flow facies such as Cm, Gms and
The grain size is highly variable from fine to coarse sand where mica Sp indicates interfingering relationships with FA1.
and quartz form the predominant grains. Individual beds are laterally FA3: coastal plain marsh facies association is composed of Fm, C, Sr,
extensive (tens to hundred metres) with rare lensoidal geometry. Sst, Se, Ss, Sp and Gr facies varieties (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 5A and 7).
Horizontal lamination, ripples, graded bedding, convolute lamination, The occurrence of the association is relatively rare compared to others.
and flame structures are characteristics syn-sedimentary structures It is dominated by alternation of laminated mudstone (facies Fm), coal
and occur at various stratigraphic levels (facies Ss, Sr, Sng). Fining- (facies C), rippled gravelly sandstones (facies Gr) and cross-bedded
upward sandstones are commonly included within higher order sandstones with erosive base (facies Se). Lateral extend of these facies
coarsening-upward cycles (Facies Sfu). Thin-bedded sandstone/ are usually limited to few tens of metres. Thin-bedded sandstone/
siltstone alternation (facies Sst), stratified sandstones (facies Ss) and
Table 2 pebbly sandstones (Sp) are also observed.
Facies associations of the Alaşehir Formation. FA4: lacustrine basin facies association is defined by Fps, Fst, Sng,
Ss, Ssh, Fsm and L facies (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 5B and 7). Dominant
Facies associations Constituent lithofacies
fine-grained facies of this association are very bitumous, micaceous,
FA1, alluvial fan facies associations Cm, Gms, Sp, Stl, Gtx
FA2, lacustrine fan delta/delta front Ss, Sfu, Sng, Sst, Cm, Gms, Fps, tabular and horizontally laminated (facies Fps, Fst and Fsm). They are
facies association Sr, Stl, Sp, Se well-bedded where an individual bed is commonly traceable to the
FA3, coastal plain marsh facies association Fm, C, Sr, Sst, Se, Ss, Sp, Gr outcrop limits or structural discontinuities (tens of metres). Dis-
FA4, lacustrine basin facies association Fps, Fst, Sng, Ss, Ssh, Fsm, L seminated and nodular pyrite is frequently observed within these
See Fig. 5 for the related measured stratigraphic sections. facies as well as abundant plant fragments. Occasional normally
60 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
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Table 3 FA1 suggest deposition on an alluvial fan setting in front of a highland

Dominant facies, facies descriptions and interpretations of the Çaltılık Formation. fed from metamorphic source area. The large clast size, textural
Facies Description Interpretation immaturity and the lack of permanent channel facies probably
Gt, trough cross-bedded Granule to pebble size clasts supported by Channel fills indicate that the distance of sediment transportation is very limited,
gravelstones and coarse sand matrix, moderately rounded the slope is steep and the gravity is the main agent of transportation. It
conglomerates and poorly sorted, moderately cemented, can be inferred from the foregoing evidence that the relief provoking
polymictic, scoured based with lag,
the deposition of FA1 is probably fault controlled. Considering the N–
troughy cross bedding, fining upward;
dimensions: bed thickness up to 30 cm; NE-directed crude palaeocurrent indicators, an orthogonal trend to
lateral less than 10 m the palaeocurrent direction is suspected for the controlling structure,
Gp, planar cross-bedded Granule to pebble size clasts supported by Mid-channel which is approximately E–W-oriented.
gravelstones and coarse sand matrix, moderately rounded bars The sandy FA2 is probably deposited in marginal lacustrine setting
conglomerates and poorly sorted, poorly cemented,
polymictic, base is non-erosive, foreset
at the toe of FA1 where the alluvial fan system meets with a lacustrine
cross bedding; dimensions: bed thickness basin. Thus, heavily sediment laden streams of the alluvial fans
up to few meters; lateral extent few tens of introduced into the stagnant body of lake water. Therefore, the FA2 is
metres probably represents deposition at fan delta/delta front setting (cf.
Sp, planar cross-bedded Medium to coarse sandstone, otherwise Mid-channel
McPherson et al., 1988; Nemec and Steel, 1988; Dabio, 1990; Johnson
sandstone similar to Gp sand bars
Sl, low-angle cross- Medium-grained sandstone, red coloured, Crevasse splays and Graham, 2004). The progradational nature of the association,
bedded sandstones moderate to poorly sorted, with low-angle which is revealed by coarsening-upward cycles, suggests that the
planar cross bedding; dimensions: bed sediment accumulation was building towards the lacustrine basin, a
thickness up to 30 cm; lateral extent few typical aspect of overfilled lake basins (Bohacs et al., 2000).
tens of metres
Intercalated conglomeratic facies of debris flow origin indicate that
Se, erosive-based Coarse-grained sandstone, red coloured, Scour-fills
sandstones moderate to poorly sorted, crude cross gravity is still an influential agent that carries coarse sediments pulses
bedding, erosive based, fining upward; from the steep margins into the basin.
dimensions: bed thickness up to 40 cm; FA3 is probably deposited on the coastal plain of a lake and is charac-
lateral extent few less than 10 m
terized by alternation of low-energy and high-energy facies, indicating
Ssc, scoured-based Coarse-grained sandstone, red coloured, Scour-fills
sandstones moderate to poorly sorted, broad scoured
periodic variations of the depositional energy. Deposition of laminated
based with lag, fining upward; mudstones (Fm) and coal (C) probably represent marshy settings that
dimensions: bed thickness up to 40 cm; developed at the top of lake benches (cf. Cabrera et al., 1995; Davies and
lateral extent less than 10 m Gibling, 2003). Periodic flooding of the vegetated wetlands or marshes by
Sh, horizontally Coarse-grained sandstone, well sorted, Deposits from
running surface waters during the high discharge periods of the alluvial
laminated sandstones horizontally laminated; dimensions: bed planar bed flow
thickness up to 1 m; lateral extent few system was probably responsible for the deposition of the coarser-grained,
tens of metres high energy erosive facies by temporarily channelized flows.
S, sandstone Stratified sandstones FA4 is probably deposited in a low-energy, stratified, anaerobic
Fl, sand, silt, mud Sandstone/siltstone/mudstone, red Overbank or
lacustrine basin towards relatively deeper parts of the basin distal to
coloured, laminated to faintly rippled, well waning flood
cemented, locally fist size nodules bearing; deposits
marginal fan delta complex (cf. Talbot and Allen, 1996; Basilici, 1997;
dimensions: bed thickness up to 20 cm; Bohacs et al., 2000, 2003). Disseminated and nodular pyrite
lateral extent few tens of metres occurrences probably indicate anaerobic environmental conditions
Fm, mud, silt Mudstones, red coloured, desiccation (?); Overbank or (e.g. Wilkin and Barnes, 1997). Occasional intercalations of facies Sng
dimensions: bed thickness up to 20 cm; muddy channel
with these finer fractions may indicate peaks in the energy of the
lateral extent few tens of metres fill (drape)
deposits environment. Graded bedding and Bouma (1962) successions indicate
L, limestone Limestone, very hard and carbonaceous, Deposition at the activity of turbidity currents in the deeper parts of the system.
clayey, poorly bedded, lensoidal; ponds during These turbidity currents can be caused by hyperpycnal flows that form
dimensions: bed thickness up to 1 m, draught
during the flood stages. Alternatively, seismic activity of the margin-
lateral extent 10 metres
bounding fault system may trigger the turbidity currents by provoking
See Fig. 5 for the related measured stratigraphic sections. Fig. 8 illustrates field photos of the sediments that are already deposited at the steep basin margins.
the some of the lithofacies in the formation.
FA1, FA2 and FA3 described above can be grouped into a fan-delta
complex representing the coarse-grained deposits marginal to the
graded sandstones (facies Sng) intercalate with the fines and fades lacustrine basin. The exposure of the fan-delta complex is predomi-
away by means of fining and thinning upward cycles. nantly constrained to the E–SE of the outcrops of the Alaşehir
Formation (Fig. 2). To the E–NE, deposits of the fan-delta complex
5.1.1. Interpretation display obvious grain size reduction into the fine-grained facies of FA4,
The conglomerates and subordinate sandstone beds of the FA1 are representing the deposits of the lacustrine basin.
mainly deposited by debris flow processes with coarse-grained and Based on the studies of palynological biostratigraphy, Early–Middle
bed-load dominated sediment budget (cf. Nilsen, 1982; Nemec and Miocene age was assigned to the Alaşehir Formation (İztan and Yazman,
Steel, 1984; Collinson, 1996; Miall, 1996). The clasts are derived from 1991; Seyitoğlu and Scott, 1992; Ediger et al., 1996). Palynomorphs
basement metamorphics by mainly cohesive and stream debris flow identified in samples from the Alaşehir Formation, particularly from the
processes (cf. Nemec and Steel, 1984; Nemec and Postma, 1993; Blair, FA4, correspond to Eskihisar spore–polen biozone (20–14 Ma) (Benda
1999). Intercalated pebbly sandstones and laminated siltstones may and Meulenkamp, 1979, 1990). Coal beds observed in the Evrenli
indicate water laid deposits of somewhat dilute flows (cf. Nilsen, 1982; member also sampled during this study but no index palynomorph
Nemec and Steel, 1984; Nemec and Postma, 1993). All these facies of groups were identified. However, palynomorph facies were found very

Fig. 7. Figure illustrating some lithofacies observed in the Alaşehir Formation. (A) Facies Cm is composed of metamorphic clasts derived completely from Menderes Massif. Note the
tendency of inverse grading in chaotic conglomerates above the facies Gms. (B) and (C) Clast size in Cm facies varies significantly from pebble to boulder as a function of distance to basin
margin. All these clasts are embedded in a sandy to gravelly matrix. Note that the large loose block at the left of (C); it is actually a clast of the facies. (D) Recolouration of the sandstone facies
Ss due to FeCO3 occurrences. (E) and (F) Rippled sandstone facies. Lamination is locally observable in sandstone facies such as Ss and Sr. (G) A slump structure in facies Fps. (H) Coals and
mudstones represents subaerial marshy settings of the coastal plain. See Tables 1 and 2 for the more detailed description of lithofacies and related facies associations.
62 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

Fig. 8. Figure illustrating some lithofacies observed in the Çaltılık Formation. (A) Horizontally laminated Sh facies composed of coarse-grained sands. (B) Mudstone clasts are
common in high-energy channelized facies and scoured from the underlying mudstone beds. (C) Planar cross-bedded sandstones. (D) Note the laterally discontinuous lenticular
geometry of poorly-bedded limestone facies. (E) Red coloured finer-grained facies. See Tables 3 and 4 for the description of lithofacies and related facies associations.

similar to those of Eskihisar spore–polen biozone (personal commu- These sandstones occasionally have interbeds of conglomerates which
nication with Hayrettin Sancay). are cross-bedded, poorly sorted, moderate to well cemented and are
composed of subangular to subrounded clasts in the range of gravel to
5.2. Çaltılık Formation boulder (facies Gt and Gp). The clast population is polymictic and
derived from various metamorphic lithologies of the Menderes Massif.
Based on the measured sections illustrated on Fig. 5B, D and E, Mud is a pronounced constituent of the matrix in the sandstones and
eleven lithofacies were described in the Çaltılık Formation (Table 3 ). in the conglomerates together with sand. In general terms, the facies
The observed lithofacies diversity was classified into two groups as of the association, especially the muddy facies, are strongly reddened
FA5 and FA6 (Table 4) Fig. 8. (Facies Fl and Fm). Greenish grey colour is usually observed for the
Alluvial fan facies association (FA5) includes Gt, Gp, Sp, Sl, Se, Ssc,
Table 4
Sh, S, Fl, Fm facies varieties (Table 4; Figs. 5 and 7). The facies
Facies associations of the Çaltılık Formation.
association is predominantly composed of sandy facies comprising
poorly-sorted, moderate- to well-cemented sandstones interbedded Facies association Constituent lithofacies
with conglomerates and mudstones. Planar cross bedding, low-angle FA5, alluvial fan facies associations Gt, Gp, Sp, Sl, Se, Ssc, Sh, S, Fl, Fm
cross bedding, and horizontal lamination are common in sandstones, FA6, small lake or pond facies associations L

together with scoured or erosive bases (facies Sp, Sl, Sh, Ssc and Se). See Fig. 5 for the related measured stratigraphic sections.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 63

Table 5 of dateable fossils. The only age data available for the formation is the
Dominant facies, facies descriptions and interpretations of the Gediz Formation. magnetostratigraphic work, which shows that the transition from the
Facies Description Interpretation Alaşehir Formation to the Çaltılık Formation, occurred around 15.5 Ma
Cm, massive Granule to cobble size clasts supported by Debris flow (unpublished data of Şen and Seyitoğlu in Seyitoğlu et al., 2002). This
conglomerates sandy matrix, chaotic, polymictic, angular, deposits data is in agreement with the Eskihisar poromorph association (20–
sharp base, irregular top, locally inversely 14 Ma) of Benda and Meulenkamp (1979, 1990) and suggest that no
graded, locally sandstone lenses bearing;
significant time gap exists between the Alaşehir and Çaltılık
dimensions: bed thickness up to 3 m;
lateral extent tens to hundred metres formations.
Gt, trough cross-bedded Granule to pebble size clasts, moderately Channel fills
gravelstones and rounded and sorted, polymictic, trough 5.3. Gediz Formation
conglomerates cross bedded, generally fining upward,
scoured based with lag; dimensions: bed
thickness up to few metres; lateral extent
Three measured stratigraphic sections document the lithofacies
few tens of metres characteristics of the Gediz Formation (Fig. 6). Seven different
St, trough cross-bedded Coarse-grained sandstone, locally Channel fills lithofacies were described in the formation and these facies were
sandstones pebblely, moderately sorted, trough cross grouped into two facies associations as FA7 and FA8 (Tables 5 and 6).
bedded, scoured based with lag, fining
FA7 correlates to the Hamamdere member and FA8 correlates to
upward; dimensions: bed thickness up to
1 m; lateral extent less than 10 m Salihli member.
Sp, planar cross-bedded Medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, Sand bars Proximal alluvial fan facies association (FA7) is composed of Cm,
sandstones moderately sorted, well cemented, tabular Sp and Sh facies varieties (Table 5; Figs. 6 and 9). The association
cross bedded; dimensions: bed thickness comprises the lower part of the formation in the form of red-brown
up to 1 m; lateral extent few tens of
coloured, coarse-grained, texturally immature, polymictic conglom-
Sh, horizontally laminated Fine- to coarse-grained sandstone, pebbly Planar bed erates derived from the various lithologies of the basement meta-
sandstones to silty, horizontally laminated; flow deposits morphics of the Menderes Massif. These massive, matrix-supported
dimensions: bed thickness up to 25 cm; and locally inversely graded conglomerates (facies Cm) frequently
lateral extent several tens of metres
include lenses of tabular cross-bedded sandstones (facies Sp).
S, sandstones Others
Fl, sand, silt, mud Sandstone/siltstone/mudstone, locally Overbank or
Intercalation of horizontally laminated sandstones probably indicates
laminated; dimensions: bed thickness up muddy water laid deposits of unchannelized flows. Sandstones are very
to 20 cm; lateral extent several tens of channel fill micaceous with mud in the matrix. Diagenetic red colouring is locally
metres observable. Pebble imbrications in the conglomerates suggest NE- to
See Fig. 6 for the related measured stratigraphic sections. Fig. 9 illustrates field photos of NW-directed sediment transport.
the some of the lithofacies in the formation. Distal alluvial fan and fluvial facies association (FA8) is composed
of facies Gt, Sh, Sp, S and Fl with occasional intercalation of the Cm
(Table 5; Figs. 6 and 9). The association above the FA7 is easy to
gravel- and coarse-sand-dominated facies. Yet, red staining of the distinguish with its beige–yellow colour, increase in textural maturity
outcrop surface, which is derived from muddy facies, always hides the and decrease in grain size. Moderately rounded and sorted gravel
true colour and result in general red coloured appearance. Tabular and stones with scoured bases (facies Gt), trough cross-bedding and
lensoidal bedforms both exist in the association. Clast imbrication, fining-upward cycles indicate the dominance of fluvial channels
cross bedding and channel orientations indicate dominant sediment during deposition. Intercalated sandstone facies S and Sp are
transport direction from south to north varying in the range of SSW– distinguished with improved textural maturity and increase in
NNE to SSE–NNW. content of quartz grains in contrast to micaceous sandstones observed
Small lake or pond facies association (FA6) includes facies L that in the other associations. Mudstone is relatively rare but occasionally
occasionally forms individual beds within the clastic facies of the occurs in the section (facies Fl). Debris flow facies Cm is also rare
formation (Tables 3 and 4). These limestone beds have lenticular compared to FA7. W–NW-directed sediment transport inferred from
geometry with thickness rarely exceeding a metre. Laterally, lime- channel orientations and cross-bedding is the first observed tendency
stone beds fade away in less than 10 metres. of the E–W-oriented sediment transport.

5.2.1. Interpretation 5.3.1. Interpretation

The deposits of FA5 probably represent an alluvial-fan environment Based on the coarse-grained sediment budget, and gravity-
from proximal to medial setting. Predominantly channelized appearance dominated depositional processes, the FA7 is interpreted as the
of sandstones and conglomerates with textural immaturity suggests a deposit of an alluvial fan setting. Dominance of the debris flow
high-energy setting in the form of longitudinal and transverse bars of a deposits in the section probably suggests that the association
braided river system (cf. Abdul Aziz et al., 2003). Horizontally laminated represents the proximal part of an alluvial fan system (cf. Nilsen,
sheet sandstones interbedded with mudstones possibly represent 1982; Miall, 1985; Nemec and Steel, 1988; Miall, 1992; Blair and
unchannelized sheet flows of a sand flat sub-environment (cf. Nemec McPherson, 1994; Miall, 1996; Collinson, 1996; Abdul Aziz et al.,
and Steel, 1988; Miall, 1992; Blair and McPherson,1994; Abdul Aziz et al., 2003). Predominantly south to north sediment transport reveals that
2003). The alluvium was fed by Menderes Massif from south to north and the alluvial fans were fed from the southern margin and prograded
the alluvial fans prograded to the north towards the graben. towards the graben. This direction of sediment transport is consistent
FA6 probably indicates a deposition in pod-like depressions
forming small fresh water lakes at the surface of the alluvial fan(s)
(cf. Valero-Garcés and Gierlowski-Kordesch, 1994; Miall, 1996).
Table 6
Alçiçek et al. (2007) observed similar occurrences in Denizli Basin
Facies associations of the Gediz Formation.
southwest of the Gediz Graben and considered this to be character-
istics of humid environments in which precipitation is abundant (cf. Facies association Constituent lithofacies
Abdul Aziz et al., 2003; Bassetti et al., 2004). FA7, proximal alluvial fan facies association Cm, Sp and Sh
No palaeontological age date was acquired from the Çaltılık FA8, distal alluvial fan and fluvial facies association Gt, Sh, Sp, S, Fl and Cm
Formation. Samples collected for age assessment failed due to lack See Fig. 6 for the related measured stratigraphic sections.
64 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

Fig. 9. Figure illustrating some lithofacies observed in the Gediz Formation. (A) and (B) Inverse grading in facies Cm. Note the clast size variation of the facies. (C) Poorly channel-
formed conglomerates can locally be recognized in the chaotic Cm facies. (D) Debris flow facies start to intercalate with channelized facies away from the basin margin. (E) and
(F) Channelized facies such as Gt and St have very distinct erosive bases usually with lag. See Tables 5 and 6 for the description of lithofacies and related facies associations.

for the alluvial fan systems of all the three formations defined so far. FA8 probably deposited in the form of a braided river system at
This suggests that there is no change in the basin configuration in relatively distal part of an alluvial fans (Nilsen, 1982; Miall, 1985, 1992,
terms of source area during the entire Miocene deposition of the 1996; Collinson, 1996; Abdul Aziz et al., 2003). Observed sandstone
graben. Horizontally laminated sandstones probably indicate water facies probably represents sand flats and mid-channel bars with a
lain deposits of unchannelized flows. component of downstream accretion (e.g., Miall, 1992; Blair and
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 65

McPherson, 1994; Abdul Aziz et al., 2003). Mud is relatively rare in the Toygarlı andesite is subintrusive in the area, extrusive equivalents
section and may indicate deposition at abandoned channels or by to the north might be the source of the volcanic inclusion(s)
waning flows. Debris flow facies Cm is also rare compared to FA7 to within the formation. The available age data for the Toygarlı an-
indicate relatively distal setting to the margin. It is important to desite clusters around Middle Miocene: 14.4 ± 1 Ma (Ercan et al.,
recognize that the dominant north to south sediment transport 1997), 14.65 ± 0.06 to 16.08 ± 0.91 Ma (Purvis et al., 2005), 12–
direction prevailing in the graben has gained some westward 16 Ma (TPAO unpublished data) and 15 Ma (Yılmaz et al., 2000).
component with this unit. This age assignment overlaps with the depositional period of the
The Gediz Formation, as the other formations defined so far, lacks Alaşehir Formation and may suggest that the Alaşehir Formation is
reliable age data. Emre (1996) defined Acıdere, Göbekli and Filiztepe Middle Miocene rather than Early–Middle Miocene assigned by
formations in the Salihli area, which probably correlates with the palynological biostratigraphy.
Gediz Formation. In Emre (1996), Dacian (Miocene–Pliocene bound- Evrenli member overlies the basement with a low-angle fault
ary) was assigned to the Göbekli Formation based on Gastropod surface. This unit displays a general fining-upward character as
fossils. As Göbekli Formation is comparable to the upper parts of the indicated by the increasing sand content (Fig. 11). Within this overall
Gediz Formation, Late Miocene–Pliocene (?) can tentatively be fining-upward pattern, 20–30-m-thick coarsening-upward cycles are
assigned to the Gediz Formation. easily distinguishable in GR patterns to represent progradational
nature of the unit (Fig. 11). The data is in agreement with the outcrop
6. Subsurface correlation of the lithostratigraphic units observations of the Evrenli member and fits well with the fan-delta
complex interpretation (including FA1, FA2 and FA3). Above the
All the studies conducted in the Gediz Graben so far have been Evrenli member, Zeytinçayı member of the Alaşehir Formation
outcrop oriented focused mainly on the exposures along the southern (corresponds to FA4) is marked by a very sharp change in the GR
margin and to some extend along the northern margin (Fig. 2). There pattern (Fig. 11). The unit is characterized by higher and erratic GR
is no doubt that these outcrops are critical to delineate the response and comprises dark brown to green coloured, laminated,
stratigraphic units (lithofacies and their distribution) and deforma- bitumous and locally carbonaceous shales intercalated with brown to
tion characteristics of the graben fill. However, as the loci of most beige coloured, quartz- and mica-bearing and well-cemented sand-
intense deformation, margins of a graben are very sensitive and may stones. GR log response indicates coarsening- and fining-upward
host local geological relations that are not representative of the entire cycles in 10–30 m thickness range as evidence to variations in
basin. It is of critical importance and also requirement of modern depositional energy of the system. Zeytinçay member correlates well
geology that these observations have to be extended to the entire between the three boreholes by its distinctive lithology and GR
basin by means of a proper subsurface method(s). Unfortunately, pattern (Figs. 10 and 11).
available subsurface data in the Gediz Graben is underutilized to From the examination of well cuttings, Çaltılık Formation is
address this critical issue. Without a concrete surface to subsurface recognized by its green to yellow coloured, quartz and mica-bearing
correlation, which portrays the sedimentary fill from the margin to the sandstones and polimictic conglomerates with distinctive brick red
depocentre, a basin's stratigraphic framework can only be constructed coloured mudstones intercalations (FA5). The log pattern of the
to a limited extend. formation is characterized by less erratic and lowered GR response
The following section intends to tie the surface observations compared to Alaşehir Formation (Fig. 11). This indicates increased
presented in the preceding section to the subsurface data. In this way, amount of sand in the formation. Thus, the well data is in confirmation
high resolution but laterally discontinuous outcrop data become with the surface observations that the Çaltılık Formation is sandstone-
supported with the low resolution but laterally continuous subsurface dominated deposit with mudstone intercalations. Thin limestone
data. This provides further evidence to lateral extent, depositional lenses (FA6), which indicate presence of small, temporary fresh water
geometries,stratal patterns and contact relationships of the lithos- lakes or ponds, also noticed occasionally within the formation in well
tratigraphic units defined in thepreceding section. cuttings. Furthermore, the amount of limestone is increased in the
formation towards north and reached up to 70 m in thickness in BH-1
6.1. Boreholes (Figs. 10 and 11). Compared to outcrops, this is a significant increase in
the thickness of FA6 and indicates distal depositional setting with
Three exploration wells have been drilled in the Gediz Graben near respect to the southern margin.
Alaşehir (Fig. 2). These boreholes penetrated to the Neogene clastics As the outcrops, conglomerates and sandstones dominate the
with BH-1 reaching all the way to the basement metamorphics Gediz Formation in the boreholes (Fig. 10). The formation can be
(Fig. 10). Although BH-1 provides the thickest section of the graben fill recognized above the Çaltılık Formation based on a distinct colour
which is around 2500 m, thicker sections are likely for BH-2 and BH-3, change and increased average grain size and this changes the GR
which were drilled in closer proximity to southern margin and did not response of the formation to slightly lowered GR readings with more
reach to the basement. regular pattern. Although lithological descriptions of the rock cuttings
Polymictic conglomerates with interbeds of sandstones and are not adequate to distinguish the two members of the formation, the
pebbly sandstones are observable at the base of the BH-1 and Hamamdere member can be recognized based on relative abundance
probably correspond to FA1 of the Alaşehir Formation. Therefore, of conglomerates due to its proximal alluvial fan setting (FA7)
this lowermost section can be considered as the Evrenli member. (Fig. 10). On the other hand, the Salihli member is characterized by
Remember that the Evrenli member was correlated with the fan- cylindrical log pattern and low GR response, which indicates clean
delta complex of the Alaşehir Formation (Fig. 3), comprising FA1, sand-dominated nature of the unit deposited by a braided river
FA2 and FA3. Gamma Ray (GR) response of the unit is usually low system (FA8) (Fig. 11).
and indicates coarse-grained, clay free nature of the unit with rare Kaletepe/Bintepeler formation(s) overlies the Gediz Formation
and thin GR picks (Fig. 11). These GR picks are significantly higher and is composed predominantly of conglomerates. Discrimination of
than the normal shale responses of the Alaşehir Formation. the Kaltepe/Bintepeler formations above the Gediz Formation is
Therefore, they may indicate a volcanic input to the system as difficult by borehole data due to lithological similarity of the forma-
thin ash layer intercalations. This volcanic content might be tions. There is also significant sediment influx to post-Miocene
related to the regional Early–Middle Miocene volcanism of the formations from the underlying Miocene units, which were already
western Anatolia as represented by the Toygarlı andesite along the exposed along the southern margin; a process known as cannibalisa-
northern margin of the Gediz Graben (Fig. 2). Although the tion (cf. Cohen et al., 1995). Yet, slightly increased GR response and
66 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

Fig. 10. A summary section correlating the boreholes drilled in the Gediz Graben. See Fig. 2 for the location of the boreholes.

weak cementation may help to identify these formations. Compared indicating that accommodation creation by subsidence of the graben
to the underlying formations, thickness change of the Kaletepe/ block is more symmetrically distributed among the margins of the
Bintepeler formation(s) is minor (if any) from south to north, basin during the post-Miocene period (Fig. 10).
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 11. Figure illustrating formations and corresponding GR responses in BH-1. Exaggerated GR logs depicts the internal character of the deposits that includes coarsening-upward (CU) / fining-upward (FU) cycles or cylindrical log responses.

N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 12. 2-D seismic profile (S-12) oriented transverse to the Gediz Graben. Vertical scale is in milliseconds. The distance between the horizontal tick marks is 625 m. Note that there is nonlinear vertical exaggeration associated with the seismic
profiles. (A) Uninterpreted profile. Small arrows point out the stratal terminations. (B) Section with interpretation of seismic stratigraphic units. Thick black line depicts the subsurface continuation of MGBF and thinner black lines illustrate
some secondary hanging-wall faults offsetting the stratigraphic units. See Fig. 2 for location of the seismic profile.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 69

6.2. Seismic data The unit has steep dip next to MGBF where the reflector dip is
almost parallel to the dip of the MGBF. Away from the MGBF, the dip
The available seismic data from the graben have provided further gradually decreases and the reflectors become tangential to the
evidence to depositional geometries of the graben fill. Metamorphic underlying SSU-I around the depocentre of the graben. Here, one
basement and three distinct seismic stratigraphic units can, based on can define a downlap surface between SSU-I and SSU-II to
the reflection characteristics and stratification pattern, be differen- differentiate the units. Further north, the dip direction changes
tiated in the seismic profiles (Fig. 12). The metamorphic basement is and the reflectors become slightly north dipping to confirm the
relatively obvious beneath the sedimentary cover by its acoustic dominant roll-over fold geometry of the hanging-wall. It is also a
transparency. Although the basement is a zone of no prominent straight forward observation that the unit gets thinner from south to
reflectors in general, several high-amplitude reflections were imaged north. Reflector character of the unit also changes in the same
on some profiles immediately below the sedimentary fill (Fig. 12). direction. Towards the MGBF, the unit displays hummocky pattern
Well data, on the other hand, avoid any arguments to consider these characterized by irregular, subparallel and discontinous reflections
reflectors as part of the sedimentary fill. which become more distinct and parallel to the north. Although,
Seismic stratigraphic unit I (SSU-I) lies above the basement and is some of this change may be attributable to the change in the
characterized by continuous parallel reflector pattern (Fig. 12). In imaging quality as a function of distance to MGBF, it may also
general, the reflectors dip towards the MGBF and become almost demonstrate a component of lateral facies change from north to
horizontal to the north of the basin. It is obvious that, this strata pattern south. As SSU-II correlates with the Çaltılık Formation (Fig. 13), it
is not inherited from the deposition of the unit but is produced by roll- can be interpreted that disorganized conglomerates of alluvial fans
over folding above a listric MGBF (cf. Xiao and Suppe, 1988, 1989; Shaw dominate the proximal part of the unit near MGBF and result in the
et al., 1997). The thickness of the unit is apparently influenced by hummocky pattern. Towards north to more distal area, more
secondary hanging-wall faults that created basement highs and lows organized and water driven deposits (e.g., lacustrine carbonates of
across the depositional realm of the SSU-I (Fig. 12). In most transverse the Çaltılık Formation) become dominant to produce parallel and
sections (e.g. Fig.13), the thickness of the unit apparently decreases from continuous reflection responses. The thickness distribution of the
south to north. When SSU-I is correlated with the well data, a good formation emphasizes two distinct depocentre for the unit where it
match become evident with the Alaşehir Formation (Fig. 13). Therefore, exceeds 1000 m (Fig. 14). The eastern depocentre correlates well
SSU-I was considered as the equivalent of the Alaşehir Formation. The with depocentre of the underlying Alaşehir Formation. Yet the
thickness of the formation in the buried graben block locally exceed western depocentre is located in that part of the graben where the
1400 m with a well-defined depocentre located immediately NE of Alaşehir Formation wedges off. This suggests that the accommoda-
Alaşehir (Fig. 14). The location of this depocentre correlates well with tion creation was migrated towards the west. The Çaltılık Formation
the spatial distribution of the formation's exposures (Fig. 2). Formation wedges off to the east over the Alaşehir Formation (Fig. 14).
wedges off to the west from this depocentre as the exposures of the Seismic stratigraphic unit III (SSU-III) overlies the SSU-II and is
formation demise in the same direction. characterized by almost horizontal reflectors onlaping onto the
Seismic stratigraphic unit II (SSU-II) overlies the SSU-I with a underlying unit (Fig. 12). The reflectors have a tendency to thicken
distinct change in the stratal pattern and a downlap surface (Fig. 12). near the depocentre of the graben. They also appear more continuous

Fig. 13. A transverse seismic profile (S-10) with basic interpretations and Borehole 1 (BH-1). The vertical axis is in time (msec) and the horizontal scale is as illustrated. There is a good
correlation between lithotratigraphic formation(s) identified in the BH-1 and seismic stratigraphic units. Although Gediz Formation and overlying Kaletepe Formation and
Quaternary alluvium appear as a single seismic stratigraphic unit, a prominent reflector marks the boundary between Gediz and overlying Kaletepe/Bintepeler formations. See Fig. 2
for the location of the seismic profile.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 14. Thickness of the units in the buried graben block (Fig. 2). Grey areas with white outlines illustrate fault gaps. Black lines are the location of 2D seismic profiles. (A) Alaşehir Formation; (B) Çaltılık Formation; (C) Gediz Formation; and
(D) post-Miocene units including Kaletepe/Bintepeler formations and Quaternary alluvium.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 71

towards the southern and northern margins but become relatively the northern margin structure and correlating Kalatepe and Binte-
discontinuous at the depocentre. SSU-III correlates to more than one peler formations across the two margins of the graben above the
formation. Together with the Quaternary alluvium, Gediz, Kaletepe Gediz Formation. Thickness distribution of the Gediz Formation and
and Bintepeler formations (or their basinward equivalents) are all post-Miocene deposits are illustrated in Fig. 14C and D, respectively.
included within the SSU-III. Although, no distinct seismic unit which Gediz Formation displays relatively uniform thickness around 400 m
correlates to Gediz Formation can be differentiated by means of a across the seismic coverage without a distinct depocentre. It thins to
significant seismic surface, borehole data helps to identify the less than 200 m towards east and locally reaches maximums around
uppermost contact of the formation (Fig. 13). Indeed this contact 700 m. On the other hand, post-Miocene sediments have several
corresponds to a prominent reflector that can be traced across most of depocentres exceeding 1000 m thickness (Fig. 14D). These depocen-
the graben fill. Remember that an angular unconformity was defined tres are probably controlled by the segments of the fault system
between the Gediz and Kaletepe formations (Fig. 3). Therefore, the immediately bounding the southern margin of the modern graben
prominent reflector defined above is probably a correlative conformity floor (Fig. 2). This fault system is located north of the MGBF and
of this angular unconformity observed in the outcrop exposures. extends from Dereköy to Yeniköy by means of numerous overstepping
Furthermore, a sedimentary wedge can be recognized above this fault segments (Fig. 2).
horizon adjacent to the northern margin (Fig. 15). It is very likely that The three seismic stratigraphic units defined in Fig. 12 indicate
this wedge is related to the Bintepeler Formation and represents a changes in the depositional system, which result in stratal reorienta-
southward prograding deposition, sourced by the northern margin of tion and the formation of the bounding surfaces between the units.
the graben. This important piece of data is useful to constrain timing of These bounding surfaces are not significant erosional surfaces or

Fig. 15. A transverse seismic section and its interpretation that defines a sedimentary wedge adjacent to northern margin-bounding fault system. This wedge is important to constrain
timing of faulting at the northern margin as it is the first evidence of southward prograding deposition sourced by northern margin.
72 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

unconformities that are sites of major time gaps. Although, local and thickness apparently decreases towards the north (Figs. 12 and 13).
minor erosion may be incorporated with these surfaces particularly Fig. 16 schematically depicts this south to north variation that there is a
towards the margins of the graben, there is no evidence of major distinct decrease in average grain size, amount of gravity-driven relative
erosion or lost section with in the graben fill. Towards the active to water-driven processes and the thickness of the formations. It is
southern margin, however, these surfaces may correlate to the obvious that the sediment was derived mainly from the southern
unconformities recognized on the surface exposures. In rift basins, margin because it was the only active margin and the basin was a half
minor and local unconformities tend to develop with block rotation graben during the Miocene.
and shift in the locus of extension yet they rarely represent major The Miocene depositional architecture is typified by alluvial fans
hiatus (cf. Moretti and Colleta, 1987, 1988; Coletta et al., 1988). The formed along the fault-controlled southern margin and grades
main cause of the discrete seismic stratigraphic units and intervening northward into finer fractions of fluvial and/or lacustrine systems
bounding surfaces is probably more related to the activity of the (Fig. 16). This architecture repeated three times during the Miocene
graben-bounding faults. Change in the rate of subsidence and/or and deposited Alaşehir, Çaltılık and Gediz formations. The facies and
deposition, change in the geometry of the graben-bounding structures thickness evidence presented here contradicts to studies claiming that
and spatial evolution of the graben can easily influence the deposi- the Alaşehir Formation was deposited in approximately N–S-trending
tional patterns and lead to formation of discrete sediment packages basins (Yazman et al., 1998; Yılmaz et al., 2000). Instead, it can be
and intervening surfaces. confirmed that thickness and facies distribution of the Alaşehir
Formation are well conformable with the Gediz Graben in which the
7. Discussions formation was actually deposited. On the other hand, limited spatial
distribution of the formation in the graben is most likely related to
7.1. Facies and thickness distribution temporal and spatial evolution of the graben (cf. Davies et al., 2000;
Cowie et al., 2000; Gawthorpe and Leeder, 2000).
Miocene units of the Gediz Graben were deposited in alluvial, fluvial Although the active basin margin did not change during the
and lacustrine environments each of which is represented by character- Miocene, it was probably stepped to the north before the deposition of
istic facies associations. These associations grade into each other the Gediz Formation because no evidence can be observed for the
spatially, as a function of distance to the southern margin structure; existence of this formation to the south of the MGBF (Fig. 16). On the
i.e. the main graben-bounding fault (MGBF) (Fig. 2). There is a distinct other hand, the asymmetry of the graben was still preserved during
asymmetry in the graben for the favour of the southern margin. This the deposition of the Gediz Formation (Figs. 12 and 16).
asymmetry is reflected not only by facies distribution but also by The Miocene depositional architecture described above was
thickness variations of the seismic stratigraphic units. Alluvial deposits altered during the post-Miocene period. The main reason of this
with coarse-grained facies dominate the vicinity of the MGBF and change is the fact that the northern margin-boundingstructure has
rapidly grades into finer fractions of fluvial and/or lacustrine systems formed and the graben started to experience a subsidence that is more
away from the margin (Fig. 16). In a similar way, depocentre of the evenly partitioned between the northern and southern margins. Thus,
seismic stratigraphic units lie adjacent to MGBF away from which the the Miocene half graben configuration was changed into a graben by

Fig. 16. Schematic cross-section illustrating the facies and thickness distribution of Miocene formations along a section orthogonal graben strike. Related measured sections (MS) and
boreholes (BH) are approximately located on the cross-section to refer encountered lithologies. The half graben configuration of the Gediz Graben is well illustrated by thickness and
facies distribution of the Miocene formations.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 73

the post-Miocene period. The evidence for this is provided by the lack of Deposition in the graben starts with the Alaşehir Formation in front of
significant thickness difference in the post-Miocene deposits between fault controlled relief (Fig. 17A). A fan-delta complex comprising FA1,
the two margins of the graben (Figs. 10 and 13). Accommodation FA2 and FA3 facies developed adjacent to this relief carrying
creation at the northern margin during post-Miocene time was sediments into the lacustrine basin which is represented by the FA4
considerably higher compared to the Miocene formations (Figs. 12 of the formation. The along-strike dimensions of the fault controlling
and 13). Furthermore, first evidence of southward prograding deposi- the basin were probably much limited than today's dimensions of the
tion sourced from the northern margin is documented by the seismic MGBF. This resulted in discontinuous deposition of the Alaşehir
data (Fig. 15). Thus, sediment influx to the graben became bipolar and Formation within the realm that advanced to modern Gediz Graben.
sourced from the both margins. Surface geology of the post-Miocene Although available literature assigns Early–Middle Miocene age for
formations also supports the bipolar sediment influx in a way that the Alaşehir Formation (İztan and Yazman, 1990; Seyitoğlu and Scott,
sediment derived from southern horst block deposited the Kaletepe 1992; Ediger et al., 1996), data from borehole constraints, based on the
Formation along the southern margin whereas the sediment derived presence of volcanic rocks in the formation, places this depositional
from northern horst block deposited the Bintepeler Formation along the period into Middle Miocene.
northern margin (Fig. 2). Accordingly, the Kaletepe and Bintepeler As the extension accumulates, the bounding structure has grown
formations are interpreted as age equivalents deposited at southern and and the basin widened in strike-wise sense during the deposition of
northern margins, respectively. Similar symmetrical subsidence can also the Çaltılık Formation (Fig. 17B). Yet, increased sediment supply
be inferred for the overlying Quaternary alluviums of loose conglom- probably enhanced the alluvial fans compared to the preceding period
erates and sands (Fig. 10). and the basin became dominated by the FA5. The lacustrine basin
shrank in size and retreated towards the northern margin of the
7.2. Unconformities and bounding surfaces graben where limestone facies of the FA6 become the main phase of
deposition (Fig. 17B).
Seismic profiles from the graben revealed existence of two distinct Deposition of the Gediz Formation was followed by a major
surfaces defined by onlap or truncation of the reflections (e.g., Fig. 12). modification of the southern margin, which migrated basinward by
These bounding surfaces can be traced across the entire graben around means of a new fault (Fig. 17C). This new fault was the precursor of
Alaşehir. Similar type of bounding surfaces or unconformities are MGBF south of which no evidence for the deposition of Gediz
important feature of the stratigraphy of the continental rift basins. Formation exists. Alluvial fans of FA7 fed the graben and an axially
Olsen (1997), for example, subdivided the syn-rift strata of central oriented fluvial system has developed (FA8). There is no facies
Atlantic rift basins into four packages based on these surfaces and named evidence for a lacustrine basin during this period.
them as tectonostratigraphic packages. The bounding surfaces observed Fig. 17D illustrates the post-Miocene configuration of the graben.
within the rift basins could represent time gaps as unconformities or they The northern margin was faulted and the basin started to receive
can be produced by a change in the dynamics of the depositional system sediment influx from both southern and northern margins. An axially
during continuous deposition (cf. Olsen, 1997; Contreras and Scholz, oriented fluvial system became the main agent of sediment
2001). Therefore, it is not straight forward to interpret the bounding transportation and deposition although processes related to alluvial
surfaces observed in Gediz Graben as the expression of regional events fans still persisted along the margins.
such as changes in the tectonic regime (Yazman et al., 1998; Yılmaz et al., The evolution presented above indicates a large-scale strati-
2000). It is a well-known concept today that stratigraphic variability and graphic transition from lacustrine processes to alluvial/fluvial
basin development is closely related to the fault growth and fault array processes where earlier phases of deposition was dominated by
evolution (cf. Gupta et al., 1998; Cowie et al., 2000; Davies et al., 2000; lacustrine systems (Fig. 17A) that gradually shrank in size with time
Gawthorpe and Leeder, 2000). New studies from the Gediz Graben (Fig. 17B); finally the system was occupied entirely by alluvial and/
document evidence that fault segment linkage is a significant process in or fluvial deposits (Fig. 17C and D). Indeed, this trend, which starts
the evolution of large normal faults such as MGBF (Bozkurt and Sözbilir, with lacustrine deposits and changes up-section to coarse-grained
2006; Çiftçi and Bozkurt, 2007, 2008). It is very likely that, formation of fluvial sediments, is not specific to the Gediz Graben but it has been
the bounding surfaces in the Gediz Graben is local a phenomenon that is reported from the number of similar basins and computer-based
related to dynamics of the graben margin evolution, which includes, but simulations of the continental rifts (e.g., Lambiase, 1990; Schlische,
not limited to strain localization, shift of main sediment entry points and 1993; Jansen et al., 1995; Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Contreras
climatic changes. In a computer modelling effort of rift stratigraphy, et al., 1997; Contreras and Scholz, 2001). This large-scale strati-
Contreras and Scholz (2001) have generated similar bounding surfaces by graphic transition is controlled primarily by the decrease of basin
simply changing the climatic conditions during a continuous deposition capacity (or accommodation space) with respect to sediment
to affect the sediment supply to the basin. supply. Lacustrine systems are favourable when the capacity exceeds
A distinct angular unconformity is observable between the Gediz and the sediment supply. During the earlier phase of extension in the
Kaletepe formations and separates the Miocene and post-Miocene Gediz Graben, the accumulated tensional strain was low as the relief
formations (Figs. 2 and 3). When correlated with the buried graben between the horst and graben blocks. This low relief was favourable
block, this unconformity becomes almost obscure within the uppermost for relatively low amount of sediment influx from the horst and
SSU-III (Figs. 12 and 13). It can be only correlated to a seismic surface resulted in basin capacity being greater than the sediment supply.
adjacent to the northern margin where the southward prograding This has formed the lacustrine basin of the Alaşehir Formation
sedimentary wedge was identified (Fig. 15). Note that basin margins are (Fig. 17A). Accumulated extensional strain, however, has increased
the most intense site of deformation and are more prone to develop- the relief between the horst and graben blocks and resulted in
ment of local unconformities due to tilting and rotation of fault blocks. increased amount of erosion of the horst block and increased rate of
Away from the basin margins, these unconformities may translate into deposition in the graben. This has increased the sediment supply
correlative conformities. This might be the case for the Miocene–post- compared to the basin capacity and the lacustrine basin gradually
Miocene unconformity in the Gediz Graben (Fig. 3). filled up during the deposition of the Çaltılık Formation (Fig. 17B).
The alluvial and fluvial depositional systems finally became
7.3. Evolution of the depositional system dominant starting with the Gediz Formation, as they are more
compatible with the increased rate of sedimentation (Fig. 17C and
Fig. 17 schematically illustrate the evolution of the depositional D). The axial fluvial system has beencarrying the excess sediment
system in the Gediz Graben based on the data presented so far. out of the graben.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79
Fig. 17. Block diagrams illustrating conceptual schematic palaeogeography of the main depositional periods in the Gediz Graben. (A) Alaşehir Formation (Miocene). FA1 — alluvial fan facies association; FA2 — lacustrine fan delta/delta front
facies association; FA3 — coastal plain marsh facies association; FA4 — lacustrine basin facies association. (B) Çaltılık Formation (Miocene). FA5 — alluvial fan facies associations; FA6 — small lake or pond facies associations. (C) Gediz Formation
(Miocene–Pliocene?). Alaşehir and Çaltılık formations are represented by most typical lithology of the formation. FA7 — proximal alluvial fan facies associations; FA8 — distal alluvial fan and fluvial facies associations. (D) Current configuration
of the Gediz Graben with both Miocene and post-Miocene formations. See Tables 1–6 for the definition of facies and facies associations.
N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79 75

7.4. Regional synthesis (Bohannon et al., 1993). All of these basins show some degree of half
graben development along a major range and basin bounding listric
Gediz Graben shares many similarities with the other western fault. They are all characterized by proximal fan deposits adjacent to
Anatolian grabens such as Büyük Menderes (Sözbilir and Emre, 1990; major bounding fault that laterally grades into lake-bed sediments or
Seyitoğlu and Scott, 1992; Bozkurt, 2000, 2001b; Şen and Seyitoğlu, fluvio–lacustrine deposition (Gordon and Heller, 1993). General
2002), Küçük Menderes (Bozkurt and Rojay, 2005; Rojay et al., 2005; thickening of units towards the major bounding fault(s) and location
Emre and Sözbilir, 2007), Bakırçay (Yılmaz et al., 2000), Gökova (Görür of the main depocentre slightly basinward of the bounding fault are
et al., 1995), Edremit (Çiftçi et al., 2004; Beccaletto and Steiner, 2005) the other common points.
and Denizli (Koçyiğit 2005; Alçiçek et al., 2007) grabens (Fig. 1). In all
these examples, deposition commenced by the early (?)–middle 7.5. Implications for the evolution of the extensional regime
Miocene with alluvial-fan systems that developed adjacent to graben-
bounding structures. Distal to alluvial fans, lacustrine basins have The fill of the Gediz Graben can be differentiated into several
occurred locally only if the basin capacity exceeded the sediment influx. packages based on internal strata patterns and bounding surfaces
In larger grabens with very active bounding structures and high rate of observed in the seismic data. However, there is not enough evidence
subsidence, such as Büyük Menderes and Gediz grabens, this condition to assign these packages into separate phases of deformation (Yazman
seems to hold relatively early in the deposition history after which the et al., 1998; Yılmaz et al., 2000). These surfaces are very common in
sediment supply cannot be compensated. This resulted in shoaling of the graben basins and form in relation to temporal-spatial evolution of the
lacustrine basins and dominance of alluvio-fluvial systems afterwards. grabens (see Section 5.2) but they hardly represent a break in the
In some basins, such as Denizli Basin, lacustrine environment sustained deposition. Furthermore, the distinct angular unconformity observed
much longer provided that the rate of sedimentation is well compen- between the Miocene and post-Miocene formations is apparently
sated (Alçiçek et al., 2007). Coals are observable in variable amounts in specific to southern margin and translates into correlative conformity
association with marginal lacustrine deposits in almost all of the within the buried graben block.
grabens. In general, lacustrine deposits are overlain by red clastics which It is worth nothing that comparable unconformities were reported
in turn are overlain by poorly consolidated buff coloured sediments. On from the other western Anatolian basins (e.g., Sözbilir and Emre, 1990;
the other hand, upper Miocene evaporites reported from the Denizli Seyitoğlu and Scott,1992; Sözbilir and Emre, 1996; Seyitoğlu et al., 2000;
basin (Alçiçek et al., 2007) are not observed in the Gediz Graben as well Yılmaz et al., 2000; Seyitoğlu et al., 2002; Purvis and Robertson, 2004,
as in the other E–W-oriented grabens because the lacustrine basins had 2005a,b; Emre and Sözbilir, 2007; Ersoy and Helvacı, 2007). Precise
already filled up by that time. correlation of these unconformities among the basins is not a straight
Alçiçek et al. (2007) documented detailed record of climate forward effort due to lack of sufficient age data. Although we have no
changes from the Denizli Graben and justified its influence on the real evidence from the Gediz Graben that the exposed unconformity
evolution of the depositional system. Although it is very likely that between the Miocene and younger lithologies exist in the subsurface
these climatic changes also affected the deposition in the Gediz within the graben fill, we think that the occurrence of angular
Graben, they were probably surpassed by the mechanical control of unconformity at the very similar and/or the same stratigraphic levels
the southern margin-bounding structure. Yet, there is a common point in almost all of the E–W-trending grabens (Edremit, Bakırçay, Küçük
that both basins evolved as a half graben during most of their Neogene Menderes, Büyük Menderes, Denizli and Gökova grabens) cannot be a
history and then established their current graben configuration by coincidence but may imply the existence of a more regional unconfor-
faulting of the northern margins. mity and a break in stratigraphic record. Furthermore, there is also a very
Similar basin fill is observable as north as the Edremit Graben good correlation between the Miocene–post-Miocene unconformity
where the basal alluvial deposits are overlain by the lacustrine and the change of the garben architecture from Miocene half graben
Küçükkuyu Formation which bears many similarities to the Alaşehir configuration to post-Miocene graben configuration. It is possible that a
Formation (Yılmaz et al., 2000; Yılmaz and Karacık, 2001; Çiftçi et al., change in the graben dynamics led to change in the graben architecture
2004; Becceletto and Steiner, 2005). Although alluvial and fluvial and caused two different phases in the evolution. As the associated
sediments dominate the clastic deposition above the Küçükkuyu unconformity surface indicate a time of erosion and hiatus, the
Formation, the whole Neogene section has received significant definition of deformation phase (Passciher and Trouw, 1996) preclude
volcanic input by means of several episodes during Miocene and to attribute Miocene and post-Miocene events into a single phase of
Pliocene (Yılmaz et al., 2000; Yılmaz and Karacık, 2001; Çiftçi et al., deformation but suggests two distinct phases during which the
2004). This volcanic influence is also noticeable in the sedimentary fill orientation of stress axes and style of deformation (N–S-directed
of the Bakırçay Graben (Yılmaz et al., 2000). Gediz Graben, on the continental extension) have not changed.
other hand, bears almost no evidence to this volcanic activity except A promising relationship can be speculated between the change of
for the thin ash layers interpreted in the borehole logs. graben architecture with associated unconformity and the ‘tectonic
Miocene graben development can further be extended into the escape’ of the Anatolian microplate along its boundary structures dextral
neighbouring areas particularly to the entire Aegean province. Across North Anatolian and sinistral East Anatolian fault systems. Super-
the mainland Greece, series of NW–SE-trending asymmetrical grabens imposed on to the preceding causes of the Miocene extension (e.g.,
host lacustrine/marine deposits overlain by terrestrial conglomerates subduction roll-back; orogenic collapse), ‘tectonic escape’ certainly had a
up to 1000 m thickness (e.g., Doutsos et al., 1988; Poulimenos et al., potential to change the dynamics of the extension in the region. From
1989). Evolution of these grabens correlates well with the post- this time onwards, the ~N–S extension in southwest Turkey can be
Miocene evolution of the Gediz Graben as their fill usually 5–6 Ma in attributed to the combined effect of westward extrusion of Anatolia into
age (Jolivet and Patriat, 1999). Although, most of these grabens are the Aegean and slab roll-back along the Aegean–Cyprian trench (e.g.,
bounded by high-angle normal faults, seismic data suggest that these Bozkurt and Mittwede, 2005; Bozkurt, 2007; ten Veen et al., in press).
faults are rotated into lower angles at depth (Jolivet and Patriat, 1999), The southward accelerating extension in the region is well expressed by
similar to the Gediz Graben (Çiftçi and Bozkurt, in press). present-day GPS velocity fields (McClusky et al., 2000; Reilinger et al.,
There is also strong similarity between the Gediz Graben and late 2006). Therefore, the evolution of the graben could be a two-episode
Cenozoic half grabens of the Basin and Range province of US in terms process expressed by Miocene half graben configuration and post-
of depositional architecture. Some of these include Pine Valley Miocene graben configuration with inherited asymmetry.
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the Mormon and Mesquite subbasins in the Virgin River depression unresolved. Evidence for an ntervening contractional phase has
76 N.B. Çiftçi, E. Bozkurt / Sedimentary Geology 216 (2009) 49–79

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• Facies and thickness distribution of the Alaşehir Formation is Bozkurt, E., 2003. Origin of NE-trending basins in western Turkey. Geodinamica Acta 16,
conformable with the Gediz Graben. This suggests that the 61–81.
Bozkurt, E., 2004. Granitoid rocks of the Southern Menderes Massif (southwest
formation was deposited within the Gediz Graben. Along strike
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during the deposition of the formation. Bozkurt, E., 2007. Extensional vs contractional origin for the southern Menderes shear
• The evolution of the Gediz Graben is probably two-episode process zone, SW Turkey: tectonic and metamorphic implications. Geological Magazine
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which is emphasized by the change of graben architecture from Bozkurt, E., Park, R.G., 1994. Southern Menderes Massif: an incipient metamorphic core
Miocene half graben configuration to post-Miocene graben config- complex in western Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of the Geological Society, London 151,
uration with inherited asymmetry. The two episodes could 213–216.
Bozkurt, E., Sözbilir, H., 2004. Tectonic evolution of the Gediz Graben: field evidence for an
represent successive pulses of extension. episodic, two-stage extension in western Turkey. Geological Magazine 141, 63–79.
Bozkurt, E., Mittwede, S.K., 2005. Introduction: evolution of Neogene extensional
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Bozkurt, E., Rojay, B., 2005. Episodic, two-stage Neogene extension and short-term
intervening compression in Western Turkey: field evidence from the Kiraz Basin
This research is part of NBÇ's PhD work which is founded partly by and Bozdağ Horst. Geodinamica Acta 18, 299–316.
METU Research Foundation grants BAP-2004-03-09-04 and BAP- Bozkurt, E., Sözbilir, H., 2006. Evolution of the large-scale active Manisa Fault,
2006-03-09-01, and by TÜBİTAK grant 104Y154. TPAO is kindly southwest Turkey: implications on fault development and regional tectonics.
Geodinamica Acta 19, 427–453.
acknowledged for providing the subsurface data. The authors are Cabrera, L., Hageman, H.W., Pickel, W., Saez, A., 1995. The coal bearing Cenozoic As
thankful to Hülya Alçiçek, Chris Fielding and the two anonymous Pontes Basin (Galicia, NW Spain): geological influence on its coal's characteristics.
reviewers for their invaluable critics and comments that improved an International Journal of Coal Geology 27, 201–226.
Cavazza, W., Okay, A.İ., Zattin, M., in press. Rapid early–middle Miocene exhumation of
early version of the paper. the Kazdağ Massif (western Anatolia). International Journal of Earth Sciences.
doi: 10.1007/s00531-008-0353-9.
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