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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

1 E: Yeah I like it because I really love Australia and it’s

Unit 1. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9. sunny every day on the show, not like here!
L: OK, so what don’t you like watching?
Listen to two friends, Leo and Emily, talking
about TV programmes. Write T (True) or E: Well, I hate reality TV shows and I don’t like
F (False). sports programmes either.
Leo: Hi Emily! Listen, we’re doing a project on TV L: Ah, I love sports programmes, especially about
programmes in our English Class. Can I ask you football – Match of the day is my favourite.
some questions? E: No, I’m not interested in watching sport at all,
Emily: Hi Leo. Yeah, sure. I much prefer comedy shows and chat shows –
I really enjoy watching chat shows when they talk
L: First of all, what’s your favourite programme?
to famous film stars.
E: Mmm, I think probably Neighbours? You know,
L: But it’s only good if they’re funny. Sometimes the
that Australian soap opera.
stars can be really boring.
L: Really!?
E: So, what’s your favourite TV programme then?
E: Yeah I like it because I really love Australia and it’s
L: I love comedy shows. I’m a big fan of
sunny every day on the show, not like here!
Modern Family.
L: OK, so what don’t you like watching?
E: Oh, I don’t know that series.
E: Well, I hate reality TV shows and I don’t like
L: It’s great! It’s about a big family in Los Angeles in
sports programmes either.
the USA. Lots of funny things happen – it’s like a
L: Ah, I love sports programmes, especially about
documentary, but it’s not real life.
football – Match of the day is my favourite.
E: Mmm, Modern Family, sounds interesting – you
E: No, I’m not interested in watching sport at all,
can tell me more later – it’s time for Science class.
I much prefer comedy shows and chat shows –
See you in a bit.
I really enjoy watching chat shows when they talk
L: OK, see you later and thanks!
to famous film stars.
L: But it’s only good if they’re funny. Sometimes the 3
stars can be really boring.
Unit 2. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
E: So, what’s your favourite TV programme then?
Listen to five teenagers in different shops.
L: I love comedy shows. I’m a big fan of
Match the speakers with the shops.
Modern Family.
1 I’m buying some face cream and some make-up
E: Oh, I don’t know that series.
for my mum’s birthday. She doesn’t often buy
L: It’s great! It’s about a big family in Los Angeles in
things like that so I want to surprise her. I’m also
the USA. Lots of funny things happen – it’s like a
getting some shampoo and shower gel for me.
documentary, but it’s not real life.
2 I usually get my favourite cycling magazine here
E: Mmm, Modern Family, sounds interesting – you
but they haven’t got any today. I think I’m a
can tell me more later – it’s time for Science class.
bit late because I usually come when the shop
See you in a bit.
opens. Oh well, I can get a newspaper for Mum
L: OK, see you later and thanks! and Dad. I don’t know why they get a newspaper
… they never have time to read it!
3 I’m looking for a smartphone because I got a
Unit 1. Extra Test. Listening, Exercise 9. lot of money for my birthday. I’m really excited
Listen to two friends, Leo and Emily, because all my friends have got smartphones. I’ve
talking about TV programmes. Complete got a part-time job so before my birthday I saved
the sentences. all my money from my job too. Right now I’m
Leo: Hi Emily! Listen, we’re doing a project on TV waiting for a shop assistant to help me.
programmes in our English Class. Can I ask you 4 I’m waiting to talk to the shop assistant. My
some questions? mum isn’t very well so she went to the doctor’s
Emily: Hi Leo. Yeah, sure. and now she needs some medicine. She’s at
L: First of all, what’s your favourite programme? home in bed right now so I’m here to get her
E: Mmm, I think probably Neighbours? You know, medicine for her. There are a lot of people
that Australian soap opera. here. It seems lots of people aren’t very well at
L: Really!? the moment!

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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

5 I hate shopping but I need some new trousers J: Well, Beyoncé for example.
and some shirts because I’ve got a Saturday S: I think she’s a hero to a lot of people. But for me
job and I want to look professional. I never go she’s more like a celebrity than a hero.
shopping with my girlfriend because she spends J: OK then, who are you doing your project about?
hours in all the shops. But today she’s helping S: I’m doing it about Didier Drogba.
me so that’s good because I don’t know what
J: Who’s he?
to buy!
S: A famous footballer.
4 J: I don’t know him.
Unit 2, Extra Test, Listening, Exercise 9. S: When he was young, he was a brilliant player.
J: Where’s he from?
Listen to five teenagers in different
shops. Complete the sentences with the S: He was born in the Ivory Coast in Africa but
correct shops. played in Europe. When he played in England,
fans at Chelsea football club voted him the best
1 I’m buying some face cream and some make-up
player in history.
for my mum’s birthday. She doesn’t often buy
things like that so I want to surprise her. I’m also J: Wow!
getting some shampoo and shower gel for me. S: But he’s more than a football player. He also
2 I usually get my favourite cycling magazine here makes a lot of money for charities in Africa.
but they haven’t got any today. I think I’m a Footballers earn a lot of money so it’s good that
bit late because I usually come when the shop he gives to other people.
opens. Oh well, I can get a newspaper for Mum J: Yeah, he’s a good hero to choose, but what
and Dad. I don’t know why they get a newspaper about me? Who can I choose for my hero?
… they never have time to read it! S: Why don’t you write about Roger Federer – a
3 I’m looking for a smartphone because I got a fantastic tennis player and he also helps a lot
lot of money for my birthday. I’m really excited of charities.
because all my friends have got smartphones. I’ve J: Great idea. I don’t know anything about him
got a part-time job so before my birthday I saved but I can get some information on the Internet.
all my money from my job too. Right now I’m When do we need to finish the project?
waiting for a shop assistant to help me. S: Next week so you’ve got lots of time. I can help
4 I’m waiting to talk to the shop assistant. My you because he’s another one of my heroes.
mum isn’t very well so she went to the doctor’s J: Brilliant, thanks! Let’s make a start now!
and now she needs some medicine. She’s at
home in bed right now so I’m here to get her 6
medicine for her. There are a lot of people Unit 3. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 10.
here. It seems lots of people aren’t very well at Listen to two friends, Jemma and Simon,
the moment! talking about their English project. Complete
5 I hate shopping but I need some new trousers the sentences.
and some shirts because I’ve got a Saturday Jemma: I can’t decide who I want to write about for
job and I want to look professional. I never go our English project. They want us to write about
shopping with my girlfriend because she spends a personal hero, but how can you choose one
hours in all the shops. But today she’s helping person as your hero? I’ve got lots of heroes.
me so that’s good because I don’t know what
Simon: Like who?
to buy!
J: Well, Beyoncé for example.
5 S: I think she’s a hero to a lot of people. But for me
she’s more like a celebrity than a hero.
Unit 3. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 10.
J: OK then, who are you doing your project about?
Listen to two friends, Jemma and Simon,
S: I’m doing it about Didier Drogba.
talking about their English project. Write
T (True) or F (False). J: Who’s he?
Jemma: I can’t decide who I want to write about for S: A famous footballer.
our English project. They want us to write about J: I don’t know him.
a personal hero, but how can you choose one S: When he was young, he was a brilliant player.
person as your hero? I’ve got lots of heroes. J: Where’s he from?
Simon: Like who?

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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

S: He was born in the Ivory Coast in Africa but W: I’m so happy that he didn’t steal anything. We’re
played in Europe. When he played in England, very lucky that I came home in time to catch him
fans at Chelsea football club voted him the best in our house.
player in history. P: Next time, please call the police before you do
J: Wow! anything! Sometimes thieves are dangerous.
S: But he’s more than a football player. He also W: Yes, that’s true, you’re right, but I was so angry
makes a lot of money for charities in Africa. to find someone in our home, I didn’t think.
Footballers earn a lot of money so it’s good that P: Ok, that’s all for now, Mrs Jones. We’ll call you
he gives to other people. if there’s any news. Our officers are working on
J: Yeah, he’s a good hero to choose, but what the case … .
about me? Who can I choose for my hero?
S: Why don’t you write about Roger Federer – a
fantastic tennis player and he also helps a lot Unit 4. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
of charities. Listen to a woman talking to a police officer.
J: Great idea. I don’t know anything about him Correct the underlined words.
but I can get some information on the Internet. Police officer: Thank you for coming to the
When do we need to finish the project? police station, Mrs Jones. Now, tell me exactly
S: Next week so you’ve got lots of time. I can help what happened?
you because he’s another one of my heroes. Woman: Well, I was coming home from work. It
J: Brilliant, thanks! Let’s make a start now! was about 7.30 and so it was dark.
When I came into our street I saw a light on in
our house. I thought it was strange because
Unit 4. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9. my husband is never at home on Tuesday
Listen to a woman talking to a police officer. evenings … he has his Spanish class … and Tom,
Circle the correct options. my son, was at his friend’s house.
Police officer: Thank you for coming to the P: So what happened next?
police station, Mrs Jones. Now, tell me exactly W: I walked up to the house and opened the door
what happened? very quietly. I was really scared! Suddenly a
Woman: Well, I was coming home from work. It young man ran past me into the garden.
was about 7.30 and so it was dark. P: Can you describe him?
When I came into our street I saw a light on in W: It all happened very quickly, but while he was
our house. I thought it was strange because running away, he dropped his bag – he was
my husband is never at home on Tuesday carrying a bag – and all of our things fell out.
evenings … he has his Spanish class … and Tom, I ran after him but he was very fast.
my son, was at his friend’s house. P: What was he wearing? Did you see?
P: So what happened next? W: I think he was wearing jeans and a hoodie but
W: I walked up to the house and opened the door I’m not sure.
very quietly. I was really scared! Suddenly a P: Did you see his face?
young man ran past me into the garden. W: No, I’m sorry, I didn’t, but I’m quite sure he had
P: Can you describe him? brown hair, and he was very tall too.
W: It all happened very quickly, but while he was P: That’s very helpful, Mrs Jones. Thank you.
running away, he dropped his bag – he was W: I’m so happy that he didn’t steal anything. We’re
carrying a bag – and all of our things fell out. very lucky that I came home in time to catch him
I ran after him but he was very fast. in our house.
P: What was he wearing? Did you see? P: Next time, please call the police before you do
W: I think he was wearing jeans and a hoodie but anything! Sometimes thieves are dangerous.
I’m not sure. W: Yes, that’s true, you’re right, but I was so angry
P: Did you see his face? to find someone in our home, I didn’t think.
W: No, I’m sorry, I didn’t, but I’m quite sure he had P: Ok, that’s all for now, Mrs Jones. We’ll call you if
brown hair, and he was very tall too. there’s any news. Our officers are working on the
P: That’s very helpful, Mrs Jones. Thank you. case … .

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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

9 3 My favourite room is the kitchen! I love cooking

Unit 5. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9. but I don’t have much time to do it. I never use
a microwave or any of those modern appliances
Listen to five people talking about their because I think you should use traditional
homes. Write T (True) or F (False). methods. My wife says I’m really messy when I
1 I never go into Emma’s bedroom, it’s so messy. cook but I hate washing-up so I’m very happy
I’m always telling her to tidy it but she doesn’t that we have a dishwasher!
listen – she just tells me that it’s her room and
4 I don’t know why Jack thinks the sofa is his
she can do what she wants. I suppose she’s no
personal property. He always sits on the sofa
different from any other teenager but she really
watching the TV every night after school, and all
should listen to me sometimes!
day at the weekend – I can’t watch any of my
2 When I get stressed or I’m feeling a bit sad, I programmes! When he’s in the living room, I just
always go and have a long, hot shower or bath! leave and go and watch TV in my bedroom.
I love my bathroom. The bath’s really big so you
5 We all help Mum and Dad with the housework
can really relax in there. I often read a book when
at the weekend. That’s how we earn our pocket
I’m in the bath – which isn’t easy! Mum and Dad
money! I usually take the clothes out of the
have their own bathroom so it’s easy to escape
washing machine and clean the microwave.
and have time to relax alone.
My sisters, Lisa and Laura, usually clean the
3 My favourite room is the kitchen! I love cooking bathroom together. We all tidy our bedrooms
but I don’t have much time to do it. I never use every day – we don’t get pocket money for that!
a microwave or any of those modern appliances
because I think you should use traditional 11
methods. My wife says I’m really messy when Unit 6. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
I cook but I hate washing-up so I’m very happy
that we have a dishwasher!
Listen to Dan talking to his mum. Tick the
things they mention.
4 I don’t know why Jack thinks the sofa is his
Mum: So how was school today?
personal property. He always sits on the sofa
watching the TV every night after school, and all Dan: It was OK. We had an interesting lesson on
day at the weekend – I can’t watch any of my the future of technology.
programmes! When he’s in the living room, I just M: Really? That does sound interesting. So what did
leave and go and watch TV in my bedroom. you learn?
5 We all help Mum and Dad with the housework D: Well, first we watched a video about 3D printers.
at the weekend. That’s how we earn our pocket M: A 3D printer? What’s that?
money! I usually take the clothes out of the D: It’s a printer which prints objects in
washing machine and clean the microwave. three dimensions.
My sisters, Lisa and Laura, usually clean the M: In three dimensions?
bathroom together. We all tidy our bedrooms D: Yeah, you use a scanner to scan the design
every day – we don’t get pocket money for that! into a computer and the 3D printer builds a
physical copy of the design. You can make lots of
different things.
Unit 5. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 9. M: Wow, that’s incredible!
Listen to five people talking about their D: It’s really cool. Our teacher showed us some
homes. Complete the sentences. examples of 3D printed objects. There were
1 I never go into Emma’s bedroom, it’s so messy. some shoes, a bike and a guitar. It was
I’m always telling her to tidy it but she doesn’t really interesting.
listen – she just tells me that it’s her room and M: Can you really make all of those things with
she can do what she wants. I suppose she’s no a printer?
different from any other teenager but she really D: Yep. We also learnt about these amazing new
should listen to me sometimes! computer glasses.
2 When I get stressed or I’m feeling a bit sad, I M: What type of glasses? You mean the ones you
always go and have a long, hot shower or bath! drink out of?
I love my bathroom. The bath’s really big so you D: No! The type you put on your face to see
can really relax in there. I often read a book when and read!
I’m in the bath – which isn’t easy! Mum and Dad
M: Ah, OK. And what’s so great about these glasses?
have their own bathroom so it’s easy to escape
and have time to relax alone.
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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

D: Well, when you wear them, you can see a M: What type of glasses? You mean the ones you
computer screen in front of your eyes! You drink out of?
can connect to the Internet, check your emails, D: No! The type you put on your face to see
use different apps and take photos all by and read!
voice command. M: Ah, OK. And what’s so great about these glasses?
M: Voice command? D: Well, when you wear them, you can see a
D: Yes, obviously there’s no keyboard or mouse, so computer screen in front of your yes! You can
you tell the glasses what to do with your voice: connect to the Internet, check your emails,
you just speak to them. use different apps and take photos all by
M: So how much do the glasses cost? voice command.
D: They’re quite expensive at the moment, but I’m M: Voice command?
sure they’ll be cheaper in the future. I think it’s D: Yes, obviously there’s no keyboard or mouse, so
really exciting to think about how technology will you tell the glasses what to do with your voice:
change over the next few years. Don’t you? you just speak to them.
M: Yes, who knows what they’ll invent next. M: So how much do the glasses cost?
D: Maybe they’ll invent an app to do my homework D: They’re quite expensive at the moment, but I’m
for me! sure they’ll be cheaper in the future. I think it’s
M: They should invent a machine to automatically really exciting to think about how technology will
tidy your bedroom! change over the next few years. Don’t you?
D: Very funny, Mum! You never know, it’s possible! M: Yes, who knows what they’ll invent next.
M: Yes, but until they do invent a bedroom-tidying D: Maybe they’ll invent an app to do my homework
machine, can you go and tidy your bedroom for me!
before dinner? M: They should invent a machine to automatically
tidy your bedroom!
D: Very funny, Mum! You never know, it’s possible!
Unit 6. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 9. M: Yes, but until they do invent a bedroom-tidying
Listen to Dan talking to his mum. Circle the machine, can you go and tidy your bedroom
correct answers. before dinner?
Mum: So how was school today?
Dan: It was OK. We had an interesting lesson on
the future of technology. Unit 7. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
M: Really? That does sound interesting. So what did Listen to Mark and Alice talking about
you learn? leaving school. Write M (Mark) or A (Alice).
D: Well, first we watched a video about 3D printers. Mark: I can’t wait to leave school. We finish our
M: A 3D printer? What’s that? exams in two weeks. Can you believe it?!
D: It’s a printer which prints objects in Alice: I know! But don’t forget how much work
three dimensions. we’ve got before we leave. We’ve got a lot
M: In three dimensions? of exams.
D: Yeah, you use a scanner to scan the design M: You’ll be OK – you always do well in exams.
into a computer and the 3D printer builds a Anyway, what are you going to do after
physical copy of the design. You can make lots of you finish?
different things. A: I don’t know. I’m thinking about going to work
M: Wow, that’s incredible! abroad – you know, in another country. What
D: It’s really cool. Our teacher showed us some about you?
examples of 3D printed objects. There were M: Well, the first thing I’m going to do is take my
some shoes, a bike and a guitar. It was driving test. I’m hoping that my parents will buy
really interesting. me an old car if I pass my test.
M: Can you really make all of those things with A: Cool!
a printer? M: If they don’t, then I’ll get a job during the
D: Yep. We also learnt about these amazing new summer and save all my money. And then I’m
computer glasses. going to start my year out and travel.
A: Where do you want to go?

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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests

M: Well, I really want to go to Australia to work. A: I’m thinking of going to work as an au pair in
There are lots of farms there so you can work for Germany because I want to improve my German.
two or three months and then travel around the I also want to study at a German university in
country. What about you? Which country are you the future.
thinking about going to? M: You’re always thinking about studying!
A: I’m thinking of going to work as an au pair in A: Not only that. I want to try working with
Germany because I want to improve my German. children. I’m thinking about being a teacher in
I also want to study at a German university in the future.
the future. M: A teacher!?
M: You’re always thinking about studying! A: Yes, maybe a language teacher or something.
A: Not only that. I want to try working with M: Well you do love languages. Anyway, I suppose
children. I’m thinking about being a teacher in we’ve got lots of time to think about the future.
the future. I’m more interested in what I’m going to have
M: A teacher!? for lunch!
A: Yes, maybe a language teacher or something. A: Come on then, the canteen’s this way!
M: Well you do love languages. Anyway, I suppose M: OK. I’m coming.
we’ve got lots of time to think about the future.
I’m more interested in what I’m going to have 15
for lunch! Unit 8. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
A: Come on then, the canteen’s this way! Listen to five speakers talking about
M: OK. I’m coming. accidents they’ve had. Match the speakers
with the accidents in the box.
1 It was one of those days when everything goes
Unit 7. Extra Test. Listening, Exercise 9. wrong. The traffic was really bad because of the
Listen to Mark and Alice talking about cold weather so I decided to walk. I was walking
leaving school. Complete the sentences with too quickly because I thought I was going to be
one or two words. late and I didn’t see the patch of white in front of
Mark: I can’t wait to leave school. We finish our me and then, bam … I was on the floor! Luckily,
exams in two weeks. Can you believe it?! I didn’t break anything but I felt really stupid!
Alice: I know! But don’t forget how much work 2 I’ve never felt as much pain as I felt that day! It
we’ve got before we leave. We’ve got a lot was absolute agony. I was getting out of the car
of exams. and my hand was inside the door when suddenly
M: You’ll be OK – you always do well in exams. the wind blew the door closed. It got three of
Anyway, what are you going to do after my fingers. I went to the hospital but the doctor
you finish? said it wasn’t serious. I’m more careful with car
A: I don’t know. I’m thinking about going to work doors now!
abroad – you know, in another country. What 3 It was very foggy that night so I was driving
about you? very slowly but it’s not just about you, is it? It’s
M: Well, the first thing I’m going to do is take my amazing how fast people drive when they can’t
driving test. I’m hoping that my parents will buy see what’s in front of them … and well … that’s
me an old car if I pass my test. what happened to me. The woman behind
me didn’t stop in time and went into the back
A: Cool!
of my car. Luckily, we weren’t going fast so I
M: If they don’t, then I’ll get a job during the
wasn’t hurt.
summer and save all my money. And then I’m
4 It was the first day of our school skiing trip. It
going to start my year out and travel.
was a beautiful day with blue skies and bright
A: Where do you want to go?
sunshine. The snow was perfect too so we all put
M: Well, I really want to go to Australia to work. on our skiing things and went up the mountain.
There are lots of farms there so you can work for I’m not great at skiing but I’m not bad either.
two or three months and then travel around the Anyway, that day I didn’t see the rock and I skied
country. What about you? Which country are you right into it. Yep, I spent the rest of the holiday in
thinking about going to? the local hospital with my leg in plaster. I couldn’t
walk for another four months!

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5 My sister and I were making a surprise dinner 17

for Mum because it was her birthday. Dad did Unit 9. Standard Test. Listening. Exercise 9.
the shopping and then we cooked the food.
Listen to friends, Rob and Louisa, talking
What a stupid thing to do… I opened the oven
about a recent wedding. Circle the
to take the cake out and didn’t think to use an
correct answers.
oven glove so guess what? … OUCH … And I
dropped the cake as well! That’s the last time I Rob: So, how was the wedding? I’m really sorry I
do any baking! couldn’t come.
Louisa: It was great.
16 R: I’ve spoken to Ben and he’s going to send me
Unit 8. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 9. some photos. How was he on the day? He was
so nervous when I saw him the day before. I’ve
Listen to five speakers talking about
never seen him like that.
accidents they’ve had. Write the accidents.
L: Well, it is one of the biggest days of your
1 It was one of those days when everything goes
life, isn’t it? I think it’s quite normal to be a
wrong. The traffic was really bad because of the
bit stressed.
cold weather so I decided to walk. I was walking
too quickly because I thought I was going to be R: True, and what about Clare?
late and I didn’t see the patch of white in front of L: She looked beautiful and so happy!
me and then, bam … I was on the floor! Luckily, R: Did she cry? You know what she’s like.
I didn’t break anything but I felt really stupid! L: No, she didn’t, but I’m sure I saw a tear in Ben’s
2 I’ve never felt as much pain as I felt that day! It eye! Clare’s mum certainly cried a lot.
was absolute agony. I was getting out of the car R: What about the reception party at the hotel
and my hand was inside the door when suddenly after? How many people were there?
the wind blew the door closed. It got three of L: There were about fifty. I was sitting with Clare’s
my fingers. I went to the hospital but the doctor relatives. I didn’t realise she had such a big family.
said it wasn’t serious. I’m more careful with car R: Was Jack there?
doors now! L: Who’s Jack?
3 It was very foggy that night so I was driving R: You know, Ben’s ‘interesting’ friend.
very slowly but it’s not just about you, is it? It’s
L: Oh, yes. He was the best man! He made a
amazing how fast people drive when they can’t
terrible speech – he told all these embarrassing
see what’s in front of them … and well … that’s
stories about Ben! And then after at the party, he
what happened to me. The woman behind
was even worse.
me didn’t stop in time and went into the back
R: Why? What did he do?
of my car. Luckily, we weren’t going fast so I
wasn’t hurt. L: You can imagine. You’ve seen him at parties
before, haven’t you? He’s always the same.
4 It was the first day of our school skiing trip. It
was a beautiful day with blue skies and bright R: Oh well, I’m sure Ben and Clare still had a
sunshine. The snow was perfect too so we all put good time.
on our skiing things and went up the mountain. L: Yes, they did. And the meal was fantastic and the
I’m not great at skiing but I’m not bad either. band was great. We danced really late at night.
Anyway, that day I didn’t see the rock and I skied R: I can’t wait to see the photos. Do you know
right into it. Yep, I spent the rest of the holiday in when they will be back from holiday?
the local hospital with my leg in plaster. I couldn’t L: I think they’re away for two weeks but I’m
walk for another four months! sure they’ll invite us to their house when
5 My sister and I were making a surprise dinner they’re home.
for Mum because it was her birthday. Dad did
the shopping and then we cooked the food.
What a stupid thing to do… I opened the oven
to take the cake out and didn’t think to use an
oven glove so guess what? … OUCH … And I
dropped the cake as well! That’s the last time I
do any baking!

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Smart Planet 2 Audio scripts for Unit Tests


Unit 9. Extra Test. Listening. Exercise 9.

Listen to friends, Rob and Louisa, talking
about a recent wedding. Complete the
sentences with one word.
Rob: So, how was the wedding? I’m really sorry I
couldn’t come.
Louisa: It was great.
R: I’ve spoken to Ben and he’s going to send me
some photos. How was he on the day? He was
so nervous when I saw him the day before. I’ve
never seen him like that.
L: Well, it is one of the biggest days of your
life, isn’t it? I think it’s quite normal to be a
bit stressed.
R: True, and what about Clare?
L: She looked beautiful and so happy!
R: Did she cry? You know what she’s like.
L: No, she didn’t, but I’m sure I saw a tear in Ben’s
eye! Clare’s mum certainly cried a lot.
R: What about the reception party at the hotel
after? How many people were there?
L: There were about fifty. I was sitting with Clare’s
relatives. I didn’t realise she had such a big family.
R: Was Jack there?
L: Who’s Jack?
R: You know, Ben’s ‘interesting’ friend.
L: Oh, yes. He was the best man! He made a
terrible speech – he told all these embarrassing
stories about Ben! And then after at the party, he
was even worse.
R: Why? What did he do?
L: You can imagine. You’ve seen him at parties
before, haven’t you? He’s always the same.
R: Oh well, I’m sure Ben and Clare still had a
good time.
L: Yes, they did. And the meal was fantastic and the
band was great. We danced really late at night.
R: I can’t wait to see the photos. Do you know
when they will be back from holiday?
L: I think they’re away for two weeks but I’m
sure they’ll invite us to their house when
they’re home.

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