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This agreement entered into this ____ day of ___ in ___________________, by and
between the following:

CITI GLOBAL REALTY AND DEV’T., a domestic corporation, duly

organized and existing under and by virtue of Philippine laws, with principal
place of business at Unit 1209 The One Executive Office Bldg., West Avenue,
Quezon City, herein represented by Garfunkel To (President) through Secretary
Certificate (Annex A), of legal age, married, Filipino citizen and with address as above
indicated, hereinafter known to as the FIRST PARTY.


Mr. Faisal Luna, legal age, single/married, Filipino citizen, represented by

__________ through Special Power of Attorney (Annex B) and with address at
________________, herein after referred to as the SECOND PARTY.


WHEREAS, the FIRST party is a domestic corporation primarily engaged in the

real estate development among others;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is a unit buyer of the Tagaytay Fontaine Villas,
unit specifically describes as ____________________________________.

WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY and the SECOND PARTY hereby enter into an
agreement subject to the following terms and conditions; viz:

1. THE FIRST PARTY’s primarily undertakes to pay the refund of installments made
for the above-mentioned unit amounting to__________________ in equal monthly
installments amounting to _________________ every _________ of the month
starting _______________.

2. BOTH the FIRST PARTY AND SECOND PARTY mutually consents to the
following arrangement:

a. Payments will be received by post-dated checks;

b. FIRST PARTY undertakes to pay in full the refund stated above;
c. Upon receipt of the first installment, the SECOND PARTY is bound to accept
the payments made by the SECOND party in accordance with this MOA;
d. Upon signing of this MOA, the SECOND PARTY abandons all its claims and
actions arising from the transaction pertaining to the purchase of the Unit and
agrees to receive the payments agreed upon;
e. Upon signing of this MOA, SECOND PARTY shall release and forever
discharge Citi Global Realty and Development and Realty Inc., including all
its officers, from any and all money claims, causes of action or otherwise.

3. Both PARTIES are bound to comply with all the conditions and stipulations
embodied in this Memorandum of Agreement.

4. Any acts committed in violation of any of the stipulations of this agreement shall
be a ground to rescind this contract/ agreement and shall entitle the non-erring
party to claim for damages. In case of dispute arising from this contract, the City
of Manila shall have exclusive jurisdiction to try and hear the same to the exclusion
of other courts.

Signed this ____ day of ____ in __________________.

_________________ ____________
Garfunkel To

Signed in the presence of:

___________________ ______________________


Republic of the Philippines)

City of Manila)

BEFORE ME A NOTARY PUBLIC, for and in the City of Manila, personally

appeared the following:
Exhibiting to me their respective ID as above indicated, known to me and to me
known to be the same person who exhibited this memorandum of agreement and
acknowledged the same to be their own free and deed.


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Series of 2018.:

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