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Utilization of Pineapple Leaf Waste as

Fiber-Reinforced Mortar for

Compressive Strength Analysis

Ylian M. Gaffud
Angelyn C. Milante
Wiljay Lord L. Song
Pauline Mhargel V. Sta Cruz

A Research Paper Submitted to the Senior High School Department

At Partially Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

Research Project (RES04)

Mapúa University
May 2019

The research analyzes the compressive strength of the pineapple leaf waste as fiber-
reinforced mortar. The previous studies revealed that the fiber-reinforced mortar is fast and
durable however, no studies have conducted for the effectiveness of the pineapple leaf waste as
fiber-reinforced mortar. The study aims to have the comparison of the compressive strength of
mortar that has pineapple fiber and without pineapple fiber, to utilize the pineapple leaves as
fibers and have a cheaper cost or reinforced mortar. The research method used is the ASTM
C109/C-109M-02 — Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement

Keywords: Mortar, Reinforced Mortar, Compressive Strength, Pineapple, Pineapple Leaf

Chapter 1


Pineapple is a popular fruit that contains fibers that are extracted from the leaves and

abundantly grows in the Philippines. It has been studied that the detailed study of the chemical,

mechanical, and physical properties of a pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) will bring out the logical and

reasonable utilization of PALF in different applications. From the socioeconomic perspective, the

potential replacement of the expensive and nonrenewable synthetic fibers can be the pineapple leaf

fiber that will serve as a new source of raw materials to the industries. Many scientists and

engineers are having great interest to find out new sources of raw materials that will be suitable to

meet the physical and mechanical properties of synthetic fibers. Various factors of selecting raw

materials are being cheap, has a high degree of flexibility, easy collection, eco-friendly, and its

availability (Asim, et al., 2015). The huge and wide range of availability of natural fibers in the

Philippines can help reduce the pressure on forest and agriculture. Not only pineapple leaf fiber

will help the nature to keep its ecological balance by the usage of diverse raw materials, it will also

help civil engineers for creating reinforced materials for construction. It can be useful to create a

fiber reinforced mortar by mixing the pineapple fibers into the mortar mixture which will prevent

the hydraulic shrinkage

The fiber-reinforced mortar is fast and durable. Its benefits in the building industry are

varied from renovation of damaged parts to the simple coating. According to (Montesano, 2015)

this type of mortar is ready for use, so it requires no special processing steps. It is applicable in the

construction of interior and exterior plaster and for the construction of load-bearing walls or

partitions that is very versatile and easy to use. Application of fibers in the mixture has the function
to counteract the hydraulic shrinkage, characteristic of the mortar during the solidifying process,

and avoiding the formation of cracks and fissures on the surface of the plaster applied. (Montesano,


The previous study did not address the effectiveness of pineapple leaf waste as fiber

reinforced mortar. The previous study did not take a comparison test between a controlled mortar

and pineapple leaf waste fiber reinforced mortar.

This study aims to compare the added percentage of compressive strength of a mortar

without pineapple fiber and with pineapple fiber. This study also seeks to aid the disposal of

pineapple leaf waste and make use of it as a fiber reinforcement in hydraulic cement mortar. This

study also aims to form a cheaper cost of reinforced mortar by using pineapple leaf wastes instead

of the conventional polypropylene and glass fiber which are high-priced.

The significance of this experimental research is to develop a more durable mortar paste to

be used by construction workers and civil engineers. The production of fiber reinforced cement

mortar will aid the disposal of pineapple leaf waste that can be found numerously within the metro

manila’s public markets. Lastly, this study will serve as future reference on the subject of

reinforced mortar.

This study is limited to test if fiber from pineapple leaf wastes can be an addictive material

in hydraulic cement mortar. The pineapple leaves that will be gathered are the ones who end up in

the trash only—specifically pineapple leaves with the measurement of 1 foot. These pineapple

leaves that will be gathered are going to be collected in public markets within Manila only. The

whole process of testing and experimentation will be done at the Mapua University, specifically

in room NW101 - Universal testing machine (UTM). The mixture to be analyzed in this research

shall adopt the ASTM C 109/C 109M-02 or the Standard Test Method for compressive strength of
Hydraulic cement Mortars. The compressive strength of the mortar will be analyzed after its seven-

day water curing. Only 5 grams of pineapple fibers will be added in the cement mortar mixture.

The cement mortar will be molded in a 2”x2” cube specimens. This experiment will be limited to

9 cube samples which will be divided into two batch: for 3-day curing and 7-day curing. This

research will also be limited to testing of compressive strength of the mortar and nothing more

kind of stresses. This research will not cover different types of agricultural products that can be

extracted as natural fibers, like kenaf, jute, sisal, banana stem, and others. The result of this study

will not reflect those of other courses that do not cover the field of civil engineering such as interior

design, medicine, accountancy, and others.

Chapter 2



Mortar mix is one of the most important building components that must be combined

thoroughly. It is the paste used to bond materials between bricks, concrete block, stone, and many

other masonry materials. Mortar is made from Portland Cement, sand, and water in having specific

ratios. (Rodriguez, 2019).

Reinforced Mortar

In the food industry, recycled fibers could be added as reinforcement to cement-based

materials. The cement-based materials perform well under compression, but its tensile strength

and post-cracking ductility in tension are poor. The fibers that are produced from steel, glass and

synthetic materials, have been successfully used to overcome such failure. It is studied that the

fiber-reinforced mortar has shown an increased post-cracking ductility and improved long-term

supportability due to the crack control provided by fibers. The waste disposal from food industry

is globally a major concern because of its environmental impacts. Because of this, the usage of

recycled materials in construction applications has been investigated. One of the investigations is

the incorporation of pig hair a waste produced by the food industry worldwide, in fiber-

reinforced mortars. This composite material is intended to reduce the environmental impacts by

giving importance to waste materials in terms of construction applications to improve

mechanical properties (Araya-Letelier, Antico, Parra, & Carrasco, 2017).

It does not require the presence of specialized labor because it is easy to create. The presence

of fibers in the mixture has the function to counteract the hydraulic shrinkage. It will help the
mortar during the hardening process to be able to avoid the formation of cracks and fissures on the

surface of the plaster applied (Montesano, 2015).

Pineapple fiber reinforced mortar

Studied the influence of the size of coconut fibers on cement mortar in the mechanical

strength properties, using 0.3% fiber incorporation in relation to the cement mass. Mortars

reinforced with fiber incorporation of 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5and 75 mm were tested at 7, 28 and

56 days of age. All mortars with incorporation promoted a decrease in mechanical strength

properties, the addition of a high volumetric fraction of fibers to the matrix gives a larger number

of defects due to an ineffective compaction of the fresh mixture. Such defects increase with

increasing the amount of fibers once the blend becomes more rigid and less workable. Even with

this negative result, the authors observed that the ductility of the mortars examined increased

considerably with the application of the fibers. Moreover, they come to a conclusion that the

workability is a key parameter in the study of the behavior of cement-based mortars and

application of natural fibers (Marvila, Azevedo, Alexandre, & Zanelato, 2019).

Portland Cement

Portland cement is the basic ingredient of concrete. Concrete is formed when portland

cement creates a paste with water that is mixed with sand and rock to solidify. Cement is

manufactured through a closely controlled chemical mixture of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron

and other materials (Portland Cement Association, n.d.). Most used materials to manufacture

cement include limestone, shells, and chalk or marl mixed with shale, clay, slate, blast furnace

slag, silica sand, and iron ore. These materials, when placed at a high temperature heat, forms a
rock-like substance that is ground into the fine powder that we commonly think of as cement

(Portland Cement Association, n.d.).

Hydraulic Mortar

Hydraulic Cement is a product used to cover leaks in concrete and masonry structures. It

is a type of cement, similar to mortar, that sets extremely fast and solidifies after it has been mixed

with water. Hydraulic cement is commonly used in the construction industry sealing structures

under grade and in situations when the structures are affected or submerged in water (Rodriguez,

The Uses of Hydraulic Cement and How to Apply, 2018).

Fine Aggregate

Aggregates are inactive granular materials, for example, sand, rock, or pulverized stone

that, alongside water and Portland cement, are a basic fixing in cement. Fine totals for the most

part comprise of normal sand or pulverized stone with most particles going through a 3/8-inch

sifter. Those particles passing the 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) sifter, for the most part passing the 4.75 mm

(No. 4) strainer, and overwhelmingly held on the 75 µm (No. 200) strainer are called fine aggregate

(Portland Cement Association).

Chapter 3


For an environment to preserve its beauty, it is important to innovate the environment in a
resourceful way. One of the aspects would be starting at a bonding agent that helped bind bricks
and stones that can be useful for house construction. The researchers decided to study the Fiber
from Pineapple Leaf Waste as an additive in mortar to test its compressive strength compared to
a controlled mortar.
This chapter describes and discusses the methods the researchers would perform in
gathering the necessary data and the information that would be useful for the entire study. It cites
what would be the focus of the research. This chapter also explains the procedure of data collection
and instruments used. the type of research, research method, and the research location where the
study would be conducted with respect to the study's scope and delimitations. This chapter would
present how the data and information to address the research objectives and questions are collected,
presented and analyzed. The chapter includes the presentation and analysis of results as well as the

Keywords: Mortar, Reinforced Mortar, Compressive Strength, Pineapple, Pineapple Leaf

1. Introduction

Pineapple is a popular fruit that contains fibers that are extracted from the leaves and

abundantly grows in the Philippines. It has been studied that the detailed study of the chemical,

mechanical, and physical properties of a pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) will bring out the logical and

reasonable utilization of PALF in different applications. From the socioeconomic perspective, the

potential replacement of the expensive and nonrenewable synthetic fibers can be the pineapple leaf

fiber that will serve as a new source of raw materials to the industries. Many scientists and

engineers are having great interest to find out new sources of raw materials that will be suitable to

meet the physical and mechanical properties of synthetic fibers. Various factors of selecting raw

materials are being cheap, has a high degree of flexibility, easy collection, eco-friendly, and its

availability (Asim, et al., 2015). The huge and wide range of availability of natural fibers in the

Philippines can help reduce the pressure on forest and agriculture. Not only pineapple leaf fiber
will help the nature to keep its ecological balance by the usage of diverse raw materials, it will also

help civil engineers for creating reinforced materials for construction. It can be useful to create a

fiber reinforced mortar by mixing the pineapple fibers into the mortar mixture which will prevent

the hydraulic shrinkage

The fiber-reinforced mortar is fast and durable. Its benefits in the building industry are

varied from renovation of damaged parts to the simple coating. According to (Montesano, 2015)

this type of mortar is ready for us, so it requires no special processing steps. It is applicable in the

construction of interior and exterior plaster and for the construction of load-bearing walls or

partitions that is very versatile and easy to use. Application of fibers in the mixture has the function

to counteract the hydraulic shrinkage, characteristic of the mortar during the solidifying process,

and avoiding the formation of cracks and fissures on the surface of the plaster applied. (Montesano,


The previous study did not address the effectiveness of pineapple leaf waste as fiber

reinforced mortar. The previous study did not take a comparison test between a controlled mortar

and pineapple leaf waste fiber reinforced mortar.

This study aims to compare the added percentage of compressive strength of a mortar

without pineapple fiber and with pineapple fiber. This study also seeks to aid the disposal of

pineapple leaf waste and make use of it as a fiber reinforcement in hydraulic cement mortar. This

study also aims to form a cheaper cost of reinforced mortar by using pineapple leaf wastes instead

of the conventional polypropylene and glass fiber which are high-priced.

The significance of this experimental research is to develop a more durable mortar paste to

be used by construction workers and civil engineers. The production of fiber reinforced cement

mortar will aid the disposal of pineapple leaf waste that can be found numerously within the metro
manila’s public markets. Lastly, this study will serve as future reference on the subject of

reinforced mortar.

This study is limited to test if fiber from pineapple leaf wastes can be an addictive material

in hydraulic cement mortar. The pineapple leaves that will be gathered are the ones who end up in

the trash only—specifically pineapple leaves with the measurement of 1 foot. These pineapple

leaves that will be gathered are going to be collected in public markets within Manila only. The

whole process of testing and experimentation will be done at the Mapua University, specifically

in room NW101 - Universal testing machine (UTM). The mixture to be analyzed in this research

shall adopt the ASTM C 109/C 109M-02 or the Standard Test Method for compressive strength of

Hydraulic cement Mortars. The compressive strength of the mortar will be analyzed after its seven-

day water curing. Only 5 grams of pineapple fibers will be added in the cement mortar mixture.

The cement mortar will be molded in a 2”x2” cube specimens. This experiment will be limited to

9 cube samples which will be divided into two batch: for 3-day curing and 7-day curing. This

research will also be limited to testing of compressive strength of the mortar and nothing more

kind of stresses. This research will not cover different types of agricultural products that can be

extracted as natural fibers, like kenaf, jute, sisal, banana stem, and others. The result of this study

will not reflect those of other courses that do not cover the field of civil engineering such as interior

design, medicine, accountancy, and others.

2. Methodology

This study uses a Quantitative Research Design. The pineapple fiber is extracted from the

pineapple leaves that are collected in public markets. The gathering of data is based on the

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) -- The international standards organization
who develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials,

products, systems, and services. Specifically, the ASTM that the researchers would use is the

ASTM C109 – Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars

System flow diagram

Figure 1. System Flow Diagram of the Research Paper

Based on the system flow diagram (see figure 1.), the experiment will start with the process

of collecting the pineapple fiber waste from public markets in metro manila followed by the

process of extraction which includes soaking the pineapple leaves into water for 1 week letting it

absorb enough water to be soft for the next procedure which is the scraping. The pineapple leaves

will be scraped to extract the fibers. After the extraction of the fibers from the pineapple leaves,

the researchers would condition the fibers that are extracted from the leaves to prepare it to be

added in the mortar mixture. When the fiber is now ready, the materials for the concrete mixture

shall be prepared by the researchers. Using the ASTM C 109, the procedure of the Standard Test
Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars shall be executed thoroughly by

the researchers. The researchers shall test if the necessary apparatus is working properly, if the

chemicals needed are all complete, and if the attire and guidelines in conducting an experiment are

well followed.

After the testing has been made, the researchers will now tabulate and analyze the data

gathered from the experiment; Comparison of the compressive strength of the 2 mixture will now

be possible using the data from the experiment.

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of the Research Paper

The theoretical framework for this study, as shown in Figure 2, is composed of five steps.

These steps begin with the gathered data which are being processed afterward. After processing

the data, reassessment of the data shall commence producing a response. This response should lead

to the outcome of this study. In the case that further questions arise due to the outcome, the outcome

shall undergo either one of the four steps - the gathered data, the process, the reassessment, and

the response - stated in this framework. The structure of the theoretical framework is as such
because of the trial-and-error nature of the gathered data. With that being stated, the framework

allows the data to be reprocessed to accurately reassess the data's components and parameters. This

enables comparison between correction factors. Moreover, this framework can be used

continuously to obtain accurate data.

Figure 3. Conceptual Framework for the Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete

The conceptual framework for this study as shown in Figure 3, provides an outline of steps

and actions or procedures to be taken in this research. This framework will show us the detailed

steps and organized ideas that will cause us to achieve our objectives in this study. The conceptual

framework is connected to this study's purpose and will give a wider perspective and a deeper

understanding of the thesis. Thus, this will help not just the researchers but also the readers of this

thesis to analyze the research. This will also serve as a guide to the researchers to assure that they

stay on track along the way of conducting the research.

3. Materials
Preparation of Materials

The materials for the experiments - pineapple leaves and pineapple fibers are gathered.

After the procedures indicated below are done, the testing of compressive strength of the mortar

will based on the test methods of ASTM C 109.

A. Pineapple Leaves

The pineapple leaves are collected by the researchers to extract its fibers. The pineapple

leaves should be sterilized before gathering its fibers.

B. Pineapple Fiber

After gathering the pineapple fibers, the researchers are conditioning the mixture and

submerging the mixtures in a wet environment then rinsing it in running water. After rinsing it, the

researchers are designated to proceed in extracting the fiber then drying the fibers and preparing it

for mixing.

C. Cement

The researchers will make hydraulic cement mortar specimen using “2 x 2” molds. The

quantity of cement to be used will be 1000 grams, 500 grams for the experimental specimen and

500 grams for the controlled specimen. This will allow the researchers to have a total of 6

specimens in each mixture (controlled and experimental) which will be divided into two batch for

two types of curing namely: 3 days and 7 days. These specimens are subjected to undergo the

ASTM C 109 - Standard test method for compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars.

D. Sand
The quantity of sand to be used will be 1375 grams per mixture. This will allow the

researchers to have a total of 6 specimens per mixture which will be divided into two batch for two

types of curing namely: 3 days and 7 days. These specimens are subjected to undergo the ASTM

C 109 - Standard test method for compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortars.

4. Procedure

Extraction of the Pineapple Fibers by Hand

This process is done by soaking the leaves of the pineapple into the water in a certain period

such as a week. The next process is the process of using a plate or whittle with no sharp knife to

remove the skin leaves still attached to the fiber surface. After that, the fiber is washed with water

and dried under the sun or using the oven.

Testing of Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement

Mortars by using 2-in. or [50-mm] cube specimens.

This test method’s coverage is determining the compressive strength of hydraulic cement

mortars, by using 2-in. or [50-mm] cube specimens.

The mortar used is composed of 1-part cement mixed with 2.75 parts of sand proportioned

by mass. Portland or air-entraining Portland cements are mixed at specified water/cement ratios.

Water content for other cements is that enough to obtain a flow of 110 ± 5 in 25 drops of the flow

table. Two-inch or [50-mm] test cubes are compressed by tamping in two layers. The cubes are

cured one day after placing it in the molds and stripped and submerged in lime water until tested.
This test method provides a means of determining the compressive strength of hydraulic

cement and other mortars and the possible results may be used to determine compliance with

specifications, this test method is referenced by numerous other specifications and test methods.

Awareness must be exercised in using the outcomes of this test method to predict the strength of


The amount of the materials for standard mortar shall be in composition of 1-part cement

to 2.75 parts of graded standard sand by weight. Usage of water shall be in ratio of 0.485 for all

Portland cements and 0.460 for all air-entraining Portland cements. The amount of mixing water

for other than Portland and air-entraining cements shall be such as to produce a flow of 110 ± 5 as

determined in accordance with 10.3 and it shall be shown as weight percent of cement.

Apply a thin clothing of release agent to the interior faces of the mold and non-absorptive

base plates. Apply oils and greases using an impregnated cloth or other applicable means. Wipe

the mold faces and the base plate using any cloth as necessary to remove any excess release agent

and to achieve a thin, even coating on the interior surfaces. When using an aerosol lubricant, spray

the release agent directly onto the mold faces and base plate from a distance of 6 to 8 in. or [150

to 200 mm] to reach complete average. When done spraying, wipe the surface using a cloth as

necessary to separate any excess aerosol lubricant. The remaining part of coating should be just

enough to allow a distinct fingerprint to remain following light finger pressure.

Mechanically mix in accordance with the procedure given in Practice C305. Begin

molding the test subjects not more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds after completion of the original

mixing of the mortar batch. Put a layer of mortar about 1 inch (estimated one half of the depth of

the mold) in all the cube compartments. Tamp the mortar in each cube compartment 32 time in

about 10 seconds in 4 rounds, the tamping pressure shall be just enough to ensure uniform filling
of the molds. When the tamping of the first layer in all of the cube compartments is done, next

thing to do is fill the compartments with the remaining mortar and then tamp as specified for the

first layer. During tamping of the second layer, bring in the mortar forced out onto the tops of the

molds after each round of tamping by means of gloved fingers and the tamper upon completion of

each round and before starting the next round of tamping.

Storage of Test Subjects – Promptly, upon completion of molding, put the test subjects in

the moist closet or moist room. Keep all test subjects, promptly after molding, in the molds on the

base plates in the moist closet or moist room from 20 to 72 h with their upper surfaces exposed to

the moist air but protected from dripping water. If the subjects are separated from the molds before

24 h, keep them on the shelves of the moist closet or moist room until they are 24-h old, and then

immerse the subjects, except those for the 24-h test, in soaked lime water in storage tanks

constructed of noncorroding materials. Keep the storage water clean by changing regularly as


Test the subjects immediately after their removal from the moist closet in the case of 24-h

subjects, and from storage water in the case of all other test subjects. All test subjects for a given

test age shall be broken within the permissible tolerance prescribed as follows:

Test Age: Permissible Tolerance

24 h ±1/2 h
3 days ±1 h
7days ±3 h
Optional: 28 days ±12 h

If there are more than one test subject at a time is removed from the moist closet for the

24-h tests, keep these test subjects covered using a damp cloth until time of testing. Then if more

than one test subject is removed at a time, from the storage water testing, keep these test subjects
in water at a temperature of 73.5± 3.5 ºF or [23 ± 2ºC] and of enough depth to completely submerge

each test subject until time of testing.

Apply the load to specimen faces that were in contact with the true plane surfaces of the

mold. Gently place the test subject in the testing apparatus below the center of the upper bearing

block. Prior to the testing of each cube, it shall be ascertained that spherically seated block is free

to tilt. Do not use cushioning or bedding materials. Bring the spherically seated block into uniform

contact with the surface of the subject. Put the load rate at a relative rate of movement between the

upper and lower platens corresponding to a loading on the specimen with the range of 200 to 400

lbs/s [900 to 1800 N/s]. Obtain this designated rate of movement of the platen during the first half

of the anticipated maximum load and make no adjustment in the rate of movement of the platen in

the latter half of the loading especially while the cube is yielding before failure.

Record the total maximum load indicated by the testing apparatus, and compute the

compressive strength as follows:

𝑓𝑚 = 𝑃/𝐴

𝑓𝑚 = compressive strength in psi or [MPa],
𝑃 = total maximum load in lbf or [N], and
𝐴 = area of loaded surface in2 or [mm2 ].

5. Results and Discussion

The following discussions tackle the result of the testing of mortar in the universal testing

machine. Proper procedures have been followed in the data collection phase. It was analyzed and

was briefly summarized and tabulated to supplement the objectives and research questions of the


Test Subjects – Experimental (3 days)

Specimen Max. Force Max. Stress Max. Stress
Label kN kN/mm2 MPa
M3-A 55.3688 0.02215 22.15
M3-B 48.9688 0.01959 19.59
M3-C 40.6125 0.01625 16.25

Table 1. Mortar reinforced with pineapple leaf fiber cured for three days

Test Subjects – Controlled (3 days)

Specimen Max. Force Max. Stress Max. Stress
Label kN kN/mm2 MPa
M3-A 12.8562 0.00514 5.14
M3-B 18.2813 0.00731 7.31
M3-C 18.2750 0.00731 7.31

Table 2. Controlled mortar cured for three days

The data shown in table 1 are all of the samples of mortar reinforced with pineapple leaf

fiber that was cured for 3 days with its maximum stress and maximum force. While table 2 shows

the maximum stress and force of a controlled mortar cured for 3 days.

Based on the results of the test apparatus, the reinforced mortar with the label of M3-A has

reached its maximum stress of 22.15 MPa with a maximum force of 55.3688 or 55.37 kN while

the controlled mortar (M3-A) reached its maximum stress at 5.14 MPa with a maximum force of

12.8562 or 12.86 kN. The data showed that the mortar with pineapple fiber reached its maximum

stress and force higher than the controlled mortar. The difference between the maximum stress of
a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 17.01 MPa while the difference between the

maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar is 42.5126 kN.

The next specimen, M3-B has reached its maximum stress of 19.59 MPa with a maximum

force of 48.9688 or 48.97 kN while the controlled mortar (M3-B) reached its maximum stress at

7.31 MPa with a maximum force of 18.2813 or 18.28 kN. The data showed that the mortar with

pineapple fiber reached its maximum stress and force higher than the controlled mortar. The

difference between the maximum stress of a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 12.28

MPa while the difference between the maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar

is 30.6875 kN.

The next specimen, M3-C has reached its maximum stress of 16.25 MPa with a maximum

force of 40.6125 or 40.61 kN while the controlled mortar (M3-C) reached its maximum stress at

7.31 MPa with a maximum force of 18.2750 or 18.28 kN. The data showed that the mortar with

pineapple fiber reached its maximum stress and force higher than the controlled mortar. The

difference between the maximum stress of a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 8.94 MPa

while the difference between the maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar is

22.3375 kN.

Test Subjects – Experimental (7 Days)

Specimen Max. Force Max. Stress Max. Stress
Label kN kN/mm2 MPa
M7-A 41.7438 0.01670 16.70
M7-B 44.2313 0.01769 17.69
M7-C 60.4750 0.02419 24.19
Table 3. Mortar reinforced with pineapple leaf fiber cured for seven days

Test Subjects – Controlled (7 Days)

Max. Force Max. Stress Max. Stress
Specimen kN kN/mm2 MPa
M7-A 27.9000 0.01116 11.16
M7-B 21.7750 0.00871 8.71
M7-C 24.8250 0.00993 9.93

Table 4. Controlled mortar cured for seven days

The data shown in table 3 are all the samples of mortar reinforced with pineapple leaf fiber

that was cured for 7 days with its maximum stress and maximum force. While table 4 shows the

maximum stress and force of a controlled mortar cured for 7 days as well.

Based on the results of the test apparatus, the reinforced mortar with the label of M7-A has

reached its maximum stress of 16.70 MPa with a maximum force of 41.7438 or 41.74 kN while

the controlled mortar (M7-A) reached its maximum stress at 11.16 MPa with a maximum force of

27.9000 or 27.9 kN. The data showed that the mortar with pineapple fiber reached its maximum

stress and force higher than the controlled mortar. The difference between the maximum stress of

a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 5.54 MPa while the difference between the

maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar is 13.8438 kN.

The next specimen, M7-B has reached its maximum stress of 17.69 MPa with a maximum

force of 44.2313 or 44.23 kN while the controlled mortar (M7-B) reached its maximum stress at

8.71 MPa with a maximum force of 21.7750 or 21.78 kN. The difference between the maximum

stress of a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 8.98 MPa while the difference between the

maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar is 22.4560 kN.

The next specimen, M7-C has reached its maximum stress of 24.19 MPa with a maximum

force of 60.4750 or 60.48 kN while the controlled mortar (M7-C) reached its maximum stress at
9.93 MPa with a maximum force of 24.8250 or 24.83 kN. The difference between the maximum

stress of a reinforced mortar and a controlled mortar is 14.26 MPa while the difference between

the maximum force of a reinforced mortar and controlled mortar is 35.65 kN.

5. Conclusion
The data above show the results of the compressive strength test done using the

UTM to both controlled (no additives) and pineapple fiber reinforced mortar.

Through these data we have proven that a mortal reinforced with pineapple leaf fiber can

hold a compressive force up to 55.368 kN (M3-A) which will give a compressive strength of

22.15 MPa that surpasses the 18.2813kN (M3-B) with 7.31MPa compressive strength of a

controlled mortar both cured for 3 days. Thus, the mortar reinforced with pineapple leaf fiber can

hold up to 3x of the force a controlled mortar can. Having said that, the researchers may

conclude that the pineapple leaf fiber has contributed approximately 60% to the compressive

strength of the mortar making the mortar more durable.

With the data from the 7-day curing, the maximum compressive force a pineapple leaf

fiber reinforced mortal can hold is 60.4750 kN (M7-C) that will give a compressive strength of

24.19 MPa this is twice the data gathered from the controlled mortar which can only hold a

compressive force up to 27.9kN (M7-A) which gives a compressive strength of 11.16MPa.

giving us a result of approximately 50% higher compressive strength with the use of the

pineapple leaf fiber as reinforcement in the mortar mix.

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