Boarding Musil Michal PDF

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Boarding pass

Name Musil Michal

Ticket Number 5665766915031
Security Number PRG-066
Special Services OTHS
Baggage Allowed 1 PC


From PRG - Prague Ruzyne International Airport, Prague


To KBP - Borispol, Kiev PS 808

Boarding Time Departure Time Departure Date Terminal Seat Class

14:20-14:50 15:00 10 Jul 18 T1 19C Q


Important notifications
1. If yo u have any baggage to c he c k in, ple as e take yo ur bags
to a baggage dro p-o ff o r c he c k-in de s k.

2. Yo u MUS T c anc e l yo ur c he c k-in o nline at le as t 6 0 minute s

be fo re de parture if yo u c anno t trave l as planne d. Failure to
do s o may re s ult in additio nal fe e s fo r future c hange s in yo ur
tic ke t.

3. Pas s e nge rs mus t pre s e nt the ir valid do c ume nts . D riving

lic e ns e s and ID c ards are no t ac c e pte d.

4. Ple as e c he c k yo ur ac tual time o f de parture and gate numbe r

afte r arriving to the airpo rt.

Last call
Ple as e be at the gate NO LATER THAN 30 MINUTES be fo re de parture , o nc e the gate is c lo s e d bo arding is no t po s s ible and any c he c ke d-in
baggage will be o fflo ade d.
Boarding pass
Name Musil Michal
Ticket Number 5665766915031
Security Number KBP-110
Special Services OTHS

Baggage Allowed 1 PC Zone: A


From KBP - Borispol, Kiev Flight

To CMB - Colombo Bandaranaike International, Colombo PS 387

Boarding Time Departure Time Departure Date Terminal Seat Class

20:20-20:50 21:00 10 Jul 18 D 29D Q


Important notifications
1. If yo u have any baggage to c he c k in, ple as e take yo ur bags
to a baggage dro p-o ff o r c he c k-in de s k.

2. Yo u MUS T c anc e l yo ur c he c k-in o nline at le as t 6 0 minute s

be fo re de parture if yo u c anno t trave l as planne d. Failure to
do s o may re s ult in additio nal fe e s fo r future c hange s in yo ur
tic ke t.

3. Pas s e nge rs mus t pre s e nt the ir valid do c ume nts . D riving

lic e ns e s and ID c ards are no t ac c e pte d.

4. Ple as e c he c k yo ur ac tual time o f de parture and gate numbe r

afte r arriving to the airpo rt.

Last call
Ple as e be at the gate NO LATER THAN 30 MINUTES be fo re de parture , o nc e the gate is c lo s e d bo arding is no t po s s ible and any c he c ke d-in
baggage will be o fflo ade d.

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