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«Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ «Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ ¿ýÈ¢ ¿Å¢ø¾ø nantRi navilthal Acknoledgements

Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi

THE VAST GLOW OF GRACE ¿ðÀ¢É÷, §¸¡¨Å «Õû¿¢¾¢ þáÁ þÕÍÀ¢û¨Ç, §ÀẢâÂ÷
¾¢Õ §Å¾Òâ «Å÷¸ÙìÌõ, À¡¼ø¸ÙìÌ ¬í¸¢Äî
¾É¢ô¦ÀÕõ ¸Õ¨½ «Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ ¦º¡ø֨øû «Ç¢òÐõ, «¸Ã Å⨺¨Â §¿÷¦ºöÐõ ¯¾Å¢Â
Thanipperum KaruNai Arutperum Jothi ¬÷ÅÄ÷ ¾¢Õ ¦ºó¾¢ø ÁÕ¾ôÀý («¦Áâ측) «Å÷¸ÙìÌõ,
ÅûÇÄ¡÷ ¦ÅÇ¢ þ¨½Â¾Ç ¦¿È¢Â¡Ç÷ ¾¢Õ ¦ºÂÀ¡ø ¸¡÷ò¾¢§¸Âý
(Àí¸éÕ) «Å÷¸ÙìÌõ ¯Çí¸É¢ó¾ ¿ýÈ¢ ¯Ã¢ò¾¡Ì¸.
Gratitude to our guides AruL Nithi Rama Irusu Pillai, and Professor
Vedapuri of Coimbatore, for inducting to VaLLalaar Space and
encouraging this service; to young friends, Engineer Senthil
«Õð§À¦Ã¡Ç¢ żæ÷ þáÁÄ¢í¸ ÅûÇÄ¡÷ «Å÷¸Ç¢ý Maruthappan in the US, for assisting with words translation to
ArutpaeroLi vadaluur Iraamalinga vaLLalaar avarkaLin English and sorting of glossary, to Engineer Jayapal Karthikeyan at
By Light of Grace Vadaluur Ramalinga Vallalar Bangalore, the enthusiastic organiser of VaLLalaar

»¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ ¾Á¢ú ¯¨Ã¿¨¼ Å¢Çì¸õ

«Õû¿¢¾¢ þáÁ þÕÍÀ¢û¨Ç
Gnana Sarikai Wisdom In Service ¾¡Ó ¿¸÷, §¸¡¨Å 641045
(ÅûÇġâý Å¢¾¢¸û, ¾¢Â¡É Ó¨È þ¨½ôÒ¸Ù¼ý
vaLLalaar vithikaL, Dhiyaana murai udan - with Codes

of VaLLalaar and Meditation Practice) À¡¼ø¸û ¦º¡øŢâšì¸õ, ¬í¸¢Ä ±Øò¾¡ì¸õ,

‘¿ò¾õ§À¡ø §¸Îõ ¯Ç¾¡Ìõ º¡ì¸¡Îõ ¦ºöÔû, ¯¨Ã ÅÊ׸Ǣø ¬í¸¢Ä ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¡ì¸õ:
Å¢ò¾¸÷ì ¸øÄ¡ø «Ã¢Ð’ ¾¢ÕìÌÈû 235
Annotation of songs, English transliteration, prosody
versions and translation of Thamizh prose by:

±ø§Ä¡Õõ þýÒÈ ¦º.¿¡Ã¡Â½º¡Á¢, J.Narayanasamy,

Ellourum InbuRa ‘ÌÈǸõ’ ¦À.¿¡.À¡¨ÇÂõ ‘KuRaLakam’, PNPalayam,
§¸¡¨Å 640120, ¾Á¢ú¿¡Î Coimbatore 641020, India
Å¡ú¸ ÅÇÓ¼ý Å¡ú¸ ¨Å¸õ
¦¾¡¨Ä§Àº¢¸û:91-422-3248850 1-925-394-4063
Vaazhka vaLamudan Vaazhka vaiyakam
«¨Ä§Àº¢:91-93450 48850 Á¢ýÉïºø:[email protected]
May happiness and prosperity thrive this world
1 2
VALLALAAR SPACE - A SELF GUIDE VaLLalaar Works: Book II: Poems are like those of
Gnanasambandar, Appar, Sundarar, Manivaasakar, SaekkiLaar in
VaLLalaar A multidimensional personality lived his reli- praise of places and temples visited. Book III: Poems of Esoteric
gion and attained embodied immortality; saintly life of exalted yoga. Love Book IV: Poems dedicated to the Four Saivaite Saints.
Pearls of science in the songs of VaLLalaar; existence in Truth Book V: Poems dedicated to Muruga and Vinayaka:
absolute. He was able to reach a view of consciousness much
above the planes of religious concepts, and see the Almighty in the Lord Muruga is immanent in him, as his Spiritual Master and
form of a Leading Light of Grace, he does not appear to have fully Gnanasambandar as Guru and initiator. Poems of first five books
overcome the futility of dualism, a God above Nature, and a soul were sung before he got higher experience of realization of God.
distinct from life mechanism. There are also indirect and implied Books 1 and 4 indicate in a few poems powers of spiritual realism.
traces and figurative concepts from Saivism and Jainism, as juxta- KeerthanaikaL reveal his knowledge and command of music, fol-
posed to ancient Indian thoughts and philosophy of Oneness of lowed by Naamaavazhis.
Nature and Almighty (that there is no God above Nature) and Prose Texts:
Agnosticism (propounded by Bertnand Russel also). In Gnanasarikai 1.Manumurai kaNdaraasakam
there are no references involving religious codes; he unites and 2.SeevakaaruNya Ozhukkam
emphasizes the Almighty in Space and our Inner-self, guiding as 3.Sanmaarg ViNNappangkaL , about sanctuary
a leading light of grace. for external service. (Ozhivu il Ozhukkam)

Though VaLLalaar has condemned the rigidness, ignorance, Thiruvadip Perumai song no. 35 shows the multidimension-
blind beliefs and discriminatory philosophy and wrong activities of ality scientific knowledge of VaLLalaar of 19th Century and says:
religions in the following verse, he did not revolt or raise against the ‘Aggregation of forces mightier remain without dispersing. Sojourn
evils that came out of religious beliefs, but only tolerated and they (stay with) in that state therein as entities independent. When
ignored them.; perhaps convinced of the futility of wasting time idling without motion, with many a method to dismiss, enduring as
fighting against the vested interests entrenched in religious institu- light, as space of grace, in the open space of light, stagnated as
tions. ‘¿¡øÅÕ½õ ¬º¢ÃÁõ ¬º¡Ãõ Ӿġõ always constant. (Aggregates of atoms are molecules. Atoms join
¿Å¢ýÈ ¸¨Äî ºÃ¢¾¦ÁøÄ¡õ À¢û¨Ç Å¢¨Ç¡𧼠by chemical bonds (breed by forces like heat energy). Collision of
¸¨ÄÔ¨Ãò¾ ¸üÀ¨É§Â ¿¢¨Ä¦ÂÉì ¦¸¡ñ¼¡Îõ molecules/atoms break chemical bonds; the harder the impact that
¸ñãÊ ÅÆ츦ÁøÄ¡õ ÁñãÊô §À¡¸’ breaks atom bonds the greater the heat energy released.
Unity: Merging completely in the Almighty is ancient Indian
The codes and cults of four racial divisions
philosophy of ONENESS.
Pronounced are artificial childish plays Rule of Grace: Intensified and manifested in mind, intellect
Artful figments of imagination; hail them not and body is the path of Light.
As permanent tenets; such blind habits Scepter of Grace: Divine energy, devotion, communion and
Shall lay buried deep and destroyed in mud. supernal powers.
3 4
Spirit (Soul) “Jeevan” Deep inner mind. MaraNamilaap Peruvaazhvu: Eternal life of Bliss, sans death.
Religions are seclusive and animus; should be refined and elevated Life in harmony with Nature; Fame outlasting Death. Eternal state of
to be secular and ideal, to promote natural human sympathy, love Bliss and internal state of Wisdom. Stable and Natural state of
and mutual respect. Humanity knows no innate differences. Coexist- Happiness. The Elixir of Immortality. Death is a natural part of Life.
ence of religions for peace and amity. World fraternity and universal Twenty centuries earlier ThiruvaLLuvar has said “Thannuyir thaan
brotherhood towards attaining ultimate reality, the Supreme. aRap peRal, and Koutram Kuthithal’ (i.e.absorbing life within the
body and obviating death) by virtue of penance.
‘Souls are Immortal’? What is a soul, where is it, what is its Thouya Nan-neRi Universal path of purity, service cum spiritual-
shape, form, weight, or energy. Has it been proved by Scientific ity. higher mortal spiritual realm to experience ultimate reality.
research! or psycho analysis. (Living with the experience of soul is Divine experience soaring beyond religions.
a sensual life of excellence!)
Underlying theme: Compassion and connecting humans with
Sanmaargam: NanneRi Universal path of Purity. Set of rules fellow beings as well as with the Almighty to gain the guiding light
for physical health and diet; diseases and relief by herbs. Philoso- of Grace: Compassion and service are the only way to attain
phy of compassion for the poor, for the destitute and ascetics. this power; the universal path; integration of minds thro’ love, thro’
Sanctuary for eternal service as embodiment of compassion. universal brotherhood, a unitary religion of enlightenment.
Blind beliefs are biased notions, dogmatism. Repertory of
Almighty: Is active in and activates all atoms. literature, hymns and poetry replete with diction of common par-
lance, depths of spirituality embodied in sainthood. Literature stabi-
Arutpaer Ozhi: Supreme Light of Grace leading to universal lizes and preserves ethical relations, experiences, both momentous
path to experience the ineffable translucent Reality and to attain and permanent.
inseparable union. Worship thro’ Work to serve is the impelling
force. Experiences resonate in poems, intercessions and interac-
Mystic Divine Vision: Solitude and introspection. tions. Imagery and symbolism of his experiences in poetry, allitera-
Clairvoyance: Perception beyond sight tion, rhyme, repetition, rhythm, diction, congruity, metaphor, simile,
Geeva kaaruNiyam, KaNNouttam: Compassionate service metonymy, personification, allegory and antithesis for perception by
to living beings. the mind’s eye remains the life principle of poetry. Thamizh litera-
ture is imagery of the hoary past, evocative power and pathos of
Gifts of God: It is an objective concept, not subjective. contrasting situations. Elaboration to express the ineffable are an
Hall of Wisdom: Sidhhis, Miracles, Mysticism and Mental strength; incentive for imagination.
union with the infinite force; exalted spiritual state of Infinite bliss,
eternally tuned spirit, ossified, pervaded, sapping, flickering light of ThirukkuRaL: Penance with sensual control of the magne-
spiritual faith, the origin of awakening. tism of life prolongs ageing. Recycling of energy thro’ yoga can
control sinking of life mechanism.
5 6
Sygmund Freud: Death is weak against the stride to live. Astral State/Projection/Supernatural/
Thomas Jefferson: The general spread of light of science Miracles/Illusions/Mysticism: What is astral existence in space!
has already laid open every view, the palpable truth: the mass of or clairvoyance? Where are they? What are their characteristics;
humanity has not born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored have they been proved scientifically?.
few booted and spurred’ These are hypothetical and abstract concepts, not backed by
Yaathum Uurae Yaavarum KaeLir: All space is abode; all any substantial evidence, or proved by scientific research. When
people are our kin. Filial relationship songs in the form of hymns Nature itself is full manifestation of the force and glow of Almighty,
and apostles yearning esoteric theosophy . what can be supernatural, above Almighty?
OntRae Kulam: Universal humanity is One; Miracles remain as ridles until they are studied, researched
and resolved to reason. In ancient times Wind, Rain, Fire, Thunder
‘¯¼õÀ¡÷ «Æ¢Â¢ý ¯Â¢Ã¡÷ «Æ¢Å÷
and Lightning were miracles to the aborigines.
¯¼õÀ¢Ûû§Ç ¯Ú¦À¡Õû ¸ñ§¼ý
¯¼õÀ¢Ûû§Ç ¯ò¾Áý §¸¡Å¢ø ¦¸¡ñ¼ý ±ýÚ Alchemy: Materials transform according to the character,
¯¼õÀ¢¨É ¡ɢÕòÐ µõÒ¸¢ý§È§É’ ¾¢ÕÁó¾¢Ãõ combination and ratio of atoms. Mystics are said to have performed
When the body ceases functioning life extingushes miracles. No doubt there have been KaNiars, Seers, Saints and
I have found the inner-self in my body Sidhars who have performed and said strange things. That were out
As the almighty in goodness resides in me of their valued experiences, deep knowledge and inner thoughts
I patronise and protect my body clean Thirumanthiram with which they could observe, conceive and forecast events. Their
alchemy and medications were achieved out of hard and sustained
‘¯¼§Ä §¾÷ ¦À¡È¢ÒÄý¸§Ç ̾¢¨Ã¸û work by study of metals, minerals and plants. Their methods were
ÁɧÁ ¸ÊÅ¡Çõ «È¢§Å §¾÷ôÀ¡¸ý’ Å¢§Å¸¡Éó¾÷
somewhat secret and native. These things were not properly docu-
Body is a chariot, senses are the horses,
mented and recorded as subsequent scientific findings and develop-
mind is their bridled reins, knowledge is charioteer
Swami Vivekananda ments. So we lost precious findings with remnants of faint traces
‘À¢Èó¾ ¯¼Öõ À¢¨½ó¾ ¯Â¢Õõ only.
þÈó¾À¢ý þøÄ¡Ð ´Æ¢ÅÉ’ À¡Ã¾¢¾¡ºý Cellular Life: Life is nothing but the acting and activating
The body that exists in bond with life method of cells in body tissues, which sustains the living mecha-
After death both vahish into nothingness Barathi Dasan nism of the body. They regenerate themselves with protein and
survive. Due to aging or disease, the body cells deteriorate, degen-
Yoga & Meditation: Concentration and integration of mind erate and cease function. The important component is Protein
has effect on the changes in our bodily and mental constitution. (latine for first of importance). Genetic information contained in
Atunement of mind, kindling force of service to attain flow of Grace, molecular chromosomes determines the protein composition of an
opening realm of supreme consciousness to attain embodied immor- organism and affords macro molecular uniqueness, as revealed by
tality. the Quantum Theory of Atoms (1920). Virtual particles fill the
7 8
Cosmos. Like a womb for the child the black hole (void) in the ÅûÇġâý ÅÃÄ¡üÚì ÌÈ¢ôÒ¸û
cosmos is the house of rising (or extinguished) stars of the galaxy. The Life Path of Ramalinga VaLLalaar
20th century Scientific Research has established successfully
that by cloning of tissue cells life mechanism can be produced (not þÂü¦ÀÂ÷: þáÁÄ¢í¸õ
created) and grown as rates and sheep and cows. Then where Given Name: Ramalingam
does the concept of Jeevan (as distinct from body) stand? As usual º¢ÈôÒô ¦ÀÂ÷: ¾¢Õ «ÕðÀ¢Ã¸¡º ÅûÇÄ¡÷
and historically known, blind religious beliefs of vested interests Honorary Name: Thiru Arutprakasa VaLLalaar
À¢ÈôÒ 5-10-1823 (¯Ä¸ ´Õ¨ÁôÀ¡ðÎ ¿¡û)
have opposed this Science and prevented further progress. Such
Born on: 5-10-1923 (observed as World Unity Day)
kind of blind beliefs were opposed by VaLLalaar.
¦Àü§È¡÷: þá¨Á¡ À¢û¨Ç, º¢ýÉõ¨Á¡÷
Origin and Evolution of Universe and Civilizations: Parents: Iramaiya PiLLai, Sinnammaiyaar
Space, Cosmos, Universe, Elements, Stars and Planets, according ¯¼ý À¢È󧾡÷: ºÀ¡À¾¢À¢û¨Ç, ÀÃÍáÁô À¢û¨Ç
to scientific studies and research so far (Vacuum Theory, Big Bang Íó¾Ãõ «õ¨Á¡÷, ¯ñ½¡Ó¨Ä «õ¨Á¡÷
Theory, Theory of Expanding Universe, Darwin’s Theory of Evolu- Brothers, Sisters: Sabapathi Pillai, Parasuraamap Pillai
tion, Quantum Theory, Theory of Relativity of time and space, etc.) Sundaram Ammaiyaar, UNNaamulai Ammaiyaar
appear to have evolved from a Core Atom in the vacuum of the Å¡úó¾ þ¼í¸û: ¦ºý¨É/Chennai: 1825-1858,
void from which everything else evolved by causative action (atoms Places resided: ¸ÕíÌÆ¢/KaruNkuzhi;: 1858-1867:
in matter are in perpetual motion; actions are self induced and żæ÷/Vadaluur: 1867-1870:
evolved in Nature; matter can neither be created nor destroyed but §ÁðÎìÌôÀõ/Mettuk Kuppam: 1870-1874
Á¨Èó¾ ¿¡û/Sidhi 30-1-1874
only changes forms.). The concept of Creation sounds odd without
áø¸û/LiteraryWorks:1. ¾¢ÕÅÕðÀ¡
conveying any vision or meaning in the eyes of science and
rational, ethical analysis. We conceive, form, shape, produce and 2. ¿¡ÂýÁ¡÷¸Ç¢ý §Áø À¡¼ø¸û
modify matter, which are processes of evolution- KuRaL 385. The Songs on Saivaite Saints
zero concept of void (zero to plus infinity, back to zero from minus 3. §ÀâýÀ Å¡ú×
infinity) is of ancient Indian origin as also the origin and evolution Esoteric Love
of human species in the lost continent of Lemuria of which the 4. ¾¢Õò¾Äô À¡¼ø¸û
Deccan Plateau is the remnant (part of the Gondwana land of Songs on Temples
Southern hemisphere which separated and drifted millions of years 5. ÓÕ¸ý, Å¢¿¡Â¸ý À¡¼ø¸û
ago due to movement of Continental surface tectonic plates on Songs on Murugan and Vinayakar
crust of Planet Earth). 6. ÁÛÓ¨È ¸ñ¼Ã¡º¸õ
On Manu’s Codes
Science is yet to fathom out the secrets of the origin/
7. º£Å¸¡Õñ ´Øì¸õ
evolution of the Core Atom; till then the concept of ‘as is where is’
Ways of Compassion on Life
has to prevail and continue to guide. The concept of the Core Atom 8. ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ Å¢ñ½ôÀí¸û
as Almighty, which, as the whole, constitutes and prevails every- Appeals to the Path of Grace
thing, is not different but all in one in itself.
9 10
«Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ «Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ Saathi samaya, matha, ina, mozhi, naadu poundRa paakupaadukaL
¾É¢ô¦ÀÕõ ¸Õ¨½ «Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢ anusariththal vaeNdaam
Arutperum jouthi Arutperum jouthi
thanipperum karuNai Arutperum jouthi ADOPT NON-ADHERENCE TO DIVISIONS OF RACE, CASTES,
4. ±øÄ¡ ¯Â¢÷¸¨ÇÔõ ¾ý ¯Â¢÷§À¡ø ±ñÏõ ¬ýÁ§¿Â
´Õ¨ÁôÀ¡ðÎ ¯Ã¢¨Á¨Âì ¨¸ì¦¸¡û¸
Ellaa uyirkaLaiyum than uyirpoul eNNum aanmanaeya
orumaippaattu urimaiyaik kaikkoLka
»¡É¡Ä ÅûÇÄ¡÷ §¸¡ð¼õ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¦¿È¢Ó¨È¸û
Gnanaalaya VaLLalaar kouttam-Sanmaarga NeRimuraikaL SPIRIT OF HUMANE COMPASSION.

þ¨ÈÅý §ÀÃÕ¨Çô ¦ÀÈ ÅÆ¢§¸¡Öõ.
1, ¸¼×û ´Õŧà «Åâ ´Ç¢ ÅÊÅ¢É÷. «Å¨Ã «Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢
¬ñ¼Å÷ ±ý¸ thunbuRum uyirkaLukku uthavuvathae iRaivazhipaadu. Uyir
irakkam ontRae iRaivanin paeraruLaip peRa vazikoulum
KadavuL oruvarae. Avar oLi vadivinar. Avarai Arutperum Jouthi
OF LIGHT 6. Àº¢ò§¾¡Ã¢ý Àº¢ ¬üÚ¾ø ±ýÛõ ƒ£Å¸¡Õñ§Á §ÀâýÀ Å£ðÊý
2. º¢Ú ¦¾öÅ ÅÆ¢À¡Î ܼ¡Ð. ¯Â¢÷ ÀĢ¢ξø Å¢Äì̸. Siru thaiva
vazhipaadu kuudaathu. Uyir Baliyiduthalum vilakkuka. Pasiththourin pasi aatRuthal ennum jeevakaaruNyamae
paerinba veettin thiRavukoul
3. º¡¾¢, ºÁÂ, Á¾ þÉ, ¦Á¡Æ¢,¿¡Î §À¡ýÈ À¡ÌÀ¡Î¸û «ÛºÃ¢ò¾ø
§Åñ¼¡õ. 7. ÒÄ¡ø ¯ñϾø §Åñ¼¡õ. ²¦ÉÉ¢ø ±øÄ¡ ¯Â¢÷¸Ç¢Öõ ¸¼×û
11 12
Pulaul uNNuthal vaeNdaam. Eanenil ellaa uyirkaLilum kadavuL KaNavan IRanthaal manaiviyidam thaali vaangkuthal kuudaathu.
13. Á¨ÉÅ¢ þÈó¾¡ø ¸½Åý ÁÚÁ½õ ¦ºöÂü¸
8. §Å¾õ, ¬¸Áõ, Òá½õ, þ¾¢¸¡ºõ ¬¸¢ÂÅüÈ¢ø þÄðº¢Âõ ¨Åì¸
Manaivi ieRanthaal kaNavan maRumaNam seyyatRka


Vaedam aakamam puraaNam ithikaasam aakiyavatRil ilatchiyam vaikka
vaeNdaam. 14. þÈó¾Å÷¸¨Çô Ò¨¾ì¸ §ÅñÎõ. ±Ã¢ì¸ì ܼ¡Ð


9. ¸ñãÊô ÀÆì¸ ÅÆì¸í¸¨Çì ¨¸Å¢¼×õ 15. ¸ÕÁ¡¾¢, ¾¢¾¢ ӾĢ º¼í̸û ¦ºö¡¾£÷. Á¡È¡¸ ¿£ò¾Å÷ ¿¢¨ÉÅ¢ø
«ýɾ¡Éõ ¦ºö¾ø §ÅñÎõ
KaNmuudip pazakka vazakkangkaLai kaivida vaeNdum.

Karumathi, thithi muthaliya sadangkukaL seyyaatheer. MaaRaaka

neeththavar ninaivil Annathaanam seythal vaeNdum
10. ¸¡Ð, ãìÌ Ìòоø §Åñ¼¡õ
GIVE UP RITUALS LIKE OBSEQUIES (after-death ceremonies) AND
NOSE 16.Áì¸û ±ø§Ä¡÷ìÌõ ¦À¡ÐÅ¡É ÅÆ¢À¡Î §ƒ¡¾¢ ÅÆ¢À¡§¼

11. ¬ñ¸¨Çô §À¡Ä§Å ¦Àñ¸ÙìÌõ §Â¡¸õ ӾĢ º¡¾Éí¸û MakkaL ellourkkum pothuvaana vazipaadu jouthi vazipaadae
¸À¢ì¸ §ÅñÎõ. §À¾ÁüÚ ÀÊôÒ Ó¾Ä¢Â×õ ¦º¡Ä¢ì ¦¸¡Îì¸ §ÅñÎõ
AaNkaLaip poulavae peNkaLukkum yookam muthaliya
saathanangkaL kaRpikka vaeNdum
17. ¯ñ¨Á «ýÀ¡ø ¸¼×û ÅÆ¢À¡Î ¦ºöÐ ¸¼×û ´Ç¢¨Â ¿ÁìÌû

12. ¸½Åý þÈó¾¡ø Á¨ÉŢ¢¼õ ¾¡Ä¢ Å¡í̾ø ܼ¡Ð

13 14
uNmai anbaal kadavuL vazipaadu seythu kadavuL oLiyai PRAY AND SEEK THE SURVIVAL AND FLOURISHING OF ALL LIFE.
namakkuL kaaNka.
Ethilum pothu noukku vaeNdum. Suya nalam neekkuka. Anpae
18. Àº¢ò¾¢Õ, ¾É¢ò¾¢Õ, ŢƢò¾¢Õ Pasiththiru, thaniththiru, viziththiru. LOVE IS GOD LOVE IS GOOD LOVE IS GOD

BE ALOOF, AWAKE AND AGAILE 30.01.1874 «ýÚ ÅûÇÄ¡÷ ¾ý¨É Á¨ÈòÐ즸¡ûÇ þÃñÎ
Á¡¾í¸ðìÌ ÓýÒ º¢ò¾¢ÅÇ¡¸ò ¾¢ÕÁ¡Ç¢¨¸Â¢ý ¯ûÇ¢Õó¾ Å¢Ç쨸
19. þó¾¢Ã¢Â ¸Ã½ ƒ£Å ¬ýÁ ¿¢ò¾¢Â ƒ£Å¸¡Õñ ´Øì¸í ¸¨Çì
¦ÅÇ¢§Â ¨ÅòÐ:
‘þ¨¾ò ¾¨¼À¼¡Ð ¬Ã¡¾¢Ôí¸û. þó¾ì ¸¾¨Åî º¡ò¾¢Å¢¼ô
Indiriya, karaNa, jeeva, aanma, niththiya, jeevakaaruNya
§À¡¸¢§Èý. þÉ¢ ¦¸¡ïº ¸¡Äõ ±ø§Ä¡Õõ - ¬ñ¼Å÷ þô§À¡Ð ¾£À
ozukkangkaLaik kadaippidikka.
ÓýÉ¢¨Ä¢ø Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈÀÊ¡ø - ¯í¸Ù¨¼Â ¸¡Äò¨¾ Å£½¢ü
AND DUTIES WITH COPASSION À¡¼Ä¢ü¸ñ¼ÀÊ ¦¾öÅ À¡Å¨É¨Â þó¾ ¾£Àò¾¢ü ¦ºöÔí¸û. ¿¡ý
þô§À¡Ð þù×¼õÀ¢ø þÕ츢§Èý. þÉ¢ ±øÄ¡ ¯¼õÀ¢Öõ ÒÌóÐ
20. ƒ£Å¸¡Õñ ´Øì¸í¸¨Çì ¸¨¼ôÀ¢Êì¸ì ¸¨¼ôÀ¢Êì¸ ²Á º¢ò¾¢ ¦¸¡û§Åý’ ±ýÚ ¾¢ÕÅ¡ö ÁÄ÷ó¾ÕǢɡ÷.
º¡¸¡ì ¸øÅ¢ ¾òÐÅ ¿¢ì¸¢Ã¸õ ¦ºö¾ø ¸¼×û ¿¢¨Ä «È¢óÐ «õÁÂõ
¬¾ø ¬¸¢Â §ÀÚ¸Ùõ ¸¢¨¼òÐ ÁýÁ¢øÄ¡ô ¦ÀÕÅ¡ú× ¦ÀÚ¾ø ÜÎõ þôÀ¡¼ø¸Ç¢ý ¦À¡Õ¨Ç ¯½÷ó¾¡ø, ´Ç¢ÅÆ¢À¡ð¨¼Ôõ,
«¾ýÅÆ¢ ¾¢Â¡Éò¨¾Ôõ ÅÄ¢ÔÚò¾¢ ¯ûÇ¡÷ ±ýÀÐõ, ¾¢Â¡Éò¾¢ý
JeevakaaruNya ozukkangkaLaik kadaippidikkak kadaippidikka eama ÅÆ¢ ÁýÁ¢Ä¡ô ¦ÀÕÅ¡úÅ¢ý «Å÷ ÜȢ ¦¿È¢¸¨ÇÔõ ¿¢¨Ä¸¨ÇÔõ
sidhi, saakaak kalvi Thaththuva nikkirakam seythal, kadavuLnilai ¬Æî º¢ó¾¨É ¦ºöÔÁ¡Ú §Åñθ¢È¡÷ ±Éô ÒÄôÀÎõ.
aRinthu ammayam aathal aakiya paeRuaLum Kidaiththu
maraNamilaap peRuvaazvu peRuthal kuudum. On 30.01.1874 2 months before VaLLalaar hid himself brought
out a light form the Hall of Consiousness and kept it out saying:
SUSTAINED DISCIPLINE OF COMPASSION ACHIEVES SUCCESS. Propitiate this ever glowing lamp. I am closing the door. As God is
FRUITFUL EDUCATION, RELATIONSHIPS AND FUSION IN DIVINITY present in the form of light, all of you, not losing time, pray to Him in the
REACH A STATE OF ETERNAL BLISS. way described in 28 songs beginning ‘Contemplate, muse, sense and
feel’ in all reverance to this lamp. I am in this body now; hencefort will
21. ±øÄ¡ ¯Â¢÷¸Ùõ þýÒÈ Å¡Æ §Åñξø §ÅñÎõ
be in every body as life’ If we understand the content of these songs,
Ellaa uyirkaLum inbutRtRu vaazha vaeNduthal vaeNdum. VaLLalaar has stressed the importance of worshiping of light of glow and
and through that meditation, to attain a life of Eternal Bliss.
15 16
GNANASARIKAI SONGS- With arutperum glory of vast grace compassion
Transliteration and English Version aruLthiRam strength of grace kaNmaiyinaal out of compassion
B karainthu dissolved, crying
I. Glossary of Thamizh words in bakthi devotion karaNam actions
Transliteration and E n g l i s hbalap patRu holding karu neRi concocted dark
strong,steady codes
Dictionary: bougam luxury karuNaa nithi repository of
A D compassion
Dhayaa nithiyae treasure of karuNai compassion
aamayam sins of lust, wrath, compassion karuvin muthalae the core of embryo
hatred, arrogance E kathiyae ultimate resort
and stupor eaththum extol, praise, katRathu learned
aaraNaththin of scriptures elevate kodu mozhi words distasteful,
aarkind tRaen dare to express eNmaiyinaan simpleton scorn
aarntha (kadal)roaring, rumbling, ennappan our lord, father koul thanae honeycomb on tree
raising eNthaku adorable KouNum deviant, crooked
aeruruvae resort for surrender etRi nindRu stand firm & high M
arivu arithaam hard to fathom G
aesu aRa relieve pain and gnana natath maamarunthu elixir of relief
fatigue tharasae sovereign path of malamae facces; rejected
akavadivu inner form of beauty wisdom residue
alanaay in the shape of gnana pooraNamae full form of wisdom maanam honour, dignity
nothingness guruvai guide, teacher manam kouNa frown, shrink,
ambalam inner-self, temple I screw, acute
ammai appan the seeder idainthu wavering, wandering maNimandru pearled stage
&developer ikam worldly nature maraNamillaa,
amutha vadivu ecstatic form iruuttulaku dark, ignorant iRavaatha: eternal(sans death)
anakavadivu external form of issaikkintRaan resounds, resonates maruutulaku perplexed,
space iyantRa agreeable, active frightful
aNinthu n praise iyaRkai uNmai vision of nature maruvi besiege
aniththiyam passing paces, K meyneRi real path of
non-permanent kaaNaatha kaatchi visions virtue
an maargam wrong, harmful path perceived,not seen meyppayanae real truth to
aRatRukiRaar panics, screams kaLiththu ecstatic pleasure reach
aRivuL aRivai wisdom of my kaNinthu considered, meypporuL wisdom of truth
knowledge esteemed mey thaava embrace, close
aruL sidhi grace of inner-self kaninthuruki oozing in ripeness in truth
aruLi, aruLamuthu grant, nectar of kaNmai tharum dispenser of muuda matham absurd,
grace superstitious
17 18
cults of religion O perunj sukam pure experience,
mousa urai words to beguile Ohm maya filled with comfort
mousam ill harmless, benign resonance of peruvaazhvu life of bliss
mudukku curve, creek Vibrations in pervaram rare boon
mukamaRiyaa alien, unknown vacant space piNi malady, illness
mukkaalam timeless-past, ooRuravu resort for bondage ponpudai simmering gold
present, future orumainaal unite by birth, poruLmudi ultimate meaning
munnuminoe come forth life poruLthiram wealth of
muththar saints, seers Oornthidu examine, investi- sustanance
muurtham idealstate, poruttalla incosequential
venerable, pukalthal saying, uttering
auspicious time pukalkintRaen speak for you
N oppu uRavae to conjoin, to unitepukazhum esteemed as
nadungum tremble oruppadu concenrate,intergratepukumtharuNam opportune time to
nadukku frenzy, shake unite, focus enter
naeruRavae intimate bondage punainthu urai fiction or
nallour people of goodwill P falsehood
naekizhnthu flex to tender punitham sanctity,
naesam humane love paNinthu in serene reverence holiness, purity
naeya uRavu lovable relation paraaparamae primordial space pun maargam wrong path
namarangkal one among you puNNiyan virtuous, blessed
nanainthu drench, soak param cosmos, space puth amuthae fresh nectar
nan maargam right path puuraNa perfect, in full
nan-nithiyae wealth of virtues paramparamae the atom in atoms S
nedu mozhi introspective payintRa learn by training saarbu uRavae attain intimacy
foresight pazuthu flawed deceit saarnthidum sustained close,
Ninainthu contemplate, muse permpathi embodiment of space attached to
ninthai slander perunpaavi horrid form of saarulaka materialistic
nirainthu demise
nirainthu grayed,wrinkled, peru neRi sublime, universal
saernthidavae reach,conjoin
weaned code
nithytha pari- peru vaazhvu eternal life of
puuraNan the stable form fame
sanmaargam amiable codes to
ultimate perungkaruNai condescend,
path of virtues
nithiyavaan perpetual compassion
perungk sammathi reconsile, agree,
niththya stable
sitRsabai ever vigilant inner kuNaththaar noble disposition accept
self perumpathiyai chief master sadam (jadam) innert, corporal
sathguru percepter
19 20
saththiyam virtual truth illuminated, uNarnthu sense, feel
sathya vaeda- enlightened uNarnthu aware, awake
antham virtual truth of thanipperum unniyavaaRu as aspired and
edicts pathiyae master of space sought
seer peRavae to atone, to refine thanith thaayae precious mother uRuveer reach, resort to
seerk kadavuL guide in praise thanich sabapathi unique master uththama satguru high spiritual
sem paakae refined treacle of mind percepter
syrup thaNmaiyodu humane sympathy utkoNdahu taken in mind
seRiththidum intense, in depth tharuNam time, occasion utRidalaam enjoy
sidhaantha substance of suited uzha laatheer perturbed to
intuition theLinthidum mature and clear suffer
sidhi; siththan inner-will; person theLLamuthu pure, clear nectar
of willpower, mystic theLLamuthu tasting nectar V
sikaa maNi chief of mystics therutkoLa in clear wisdom vaan karuvae the embryo of
siRanthidu renouned, esteemed thirana twig, particle, heaven
sithamparamae the glow of inner- farthing vaathu perverted logic
self thiru amutham cream (of toxins/ vaayppaRai drummed up voice
siththaadal mystic play nectar) vaethaantha ultimate in
sitRambalam glow of inner-self churned out scriptures
sitRsabaiyin inner temple (of thiru maeni vision of divinity vaithal chid, scold,
wisdom) thiru nadanam play of blissful abuse
siva neRi pristine beauty vallaba mighty,
principles thiru uLLam compassion of mind vaLLal munificent
siva pathi pristine chief thiruneRi noble path vanainthu shape and form
sivakathi pristine resort thirup pothu sanctified self and vanbudaiyaar the vehement,
southi (jouthi) glow of light space malicious
sudha anubavam pure experience thountRa appear active varainthu map,form and
sukam pleasure, bliss thuriyamudi effect of shape
sukam comfort, pleasure meditation varamae the boon (of
suuthu cheating, dice U life)
udaintha varu neRi nascent elite
T samayakkuzhi fragmented pitfalls code
thaesu udaiya brightness of glow of discarded cults
vazhiyaatheer pour out
thanip pathiyaay excl. Lord of uLaRi in blabber
everything uLLaa NintRa in the minds
veRiththa empty, dazed
of devotees
thaniththidu viNdathanaal be not desperate
uLuththavarum deteriorated and
(siRsabai) exclusive, vuuzhi thorum all eons of time
uNarnthida to appreciate
21 22

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸: Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai
Song 1:
À¡¼ø 1:
‘¿¢¨Éóп¢¨ÉóÐ ¯½÷óЯ½÷óÐ ¦¿¸¢úóЦ¿¸¢úóÐ «ý§À Oh come on all of thee in mundane life, worldly knowledge;
NinainthuNinainthu uNarnthu uNarnthu naekizhnthu naekizhnthu anbae
Contemplate, muse, sense, feel and flex to tender love
¿¢¨ÈóÐ ¿¢¨ÈóÐ °üÚ±Øí ¸ñ½£Ã¾É¡ø ¯¼õÒ
niRainthu niRainthu vuutRu ezhung kaNNeerathanaal udambu That brims and flows with affection to spring out tears that
¿¨ÉóÐ ¿¨ÉóÐ «Õû «Ó§¾ ¿ýÉ¢¾¢§Â »¡É
Nanainthu nanainthu aruL amuthae nannithiae gnana Drench, soak, shape and form ourselves in compassion;
¿¼ò¾Ã§º ±ýÛâ¨Á ¿¡Â¸§É ±ýÚ To extol in ecstasy and acclaim the Nectar of Grace, the
Nadaththarasae ennurimai naayakanae entRu
ŨÉóРŨÉóÐ ²òÐõ¿¡õ ÅýÁ¢ý ¯Ä¸¢ÂÄ£÷ Wealth of virtues, Sovereign path of wisdom, Lord our dear;
Vanainthu vanainthu eaththum naam vanmin ulakiyaleer
To seek and attain an eternal life of bliss*, sans death, and
ÁýÁ¢Ä¡ô ¦ÀÕÅ¡úÅ¢ø Å¡ú󾢼ġõ ¸ñË÷
MaraNa milaap peruvaazhvil vaazhn thidalaam kaNdeer Enter in time the golden temple of conscious congregation;
Ò¨ÉóШçÂý ¦À¡öÒ¸§Äý ºò¾¢Âõ ¦º¡ø¸¢ý§Èý
This is no fiction or falsehood but virtual truth I bequeath.
Punainthuraiyaen poipukalaen saththiyam solkintRaen
¦À¡üº¨À¢ø º¢üº¨À¢ø ÒÌõ ¾Õ½õ þЧŒ. (*life in harmony with Nature; fame outlasting death)
PotRsabaiyil sitRsabaiyil pukum tharuNam ithuvae.

¯Ä¸ ¿ý Á츧Ç! ÀĨÅ¡Öõ ¿¢¨ÉóÐ, ÀÄŨ¸Â¡Öõ All good people of this world. Think and feel in all possible ways, to
¯½÷óÐ ÁÉõ ¦¿¸¢ú§Å¡õ. «¾ý ¸¡Ã½Á¡¸ «ýÒ ¿¢¨ÈÂðÎõ.; the level that flexes and melts your mind; and fills it with love and
°üÚô ¦ÀÕ째 §À¡ø ÁÉõ ¸º¢óÐ ¸ñ½£÷ ¦ÀÕ¸ðÎõ. compassion, so that tears flow and flood your body. Praise and
«¾É¡ø ¯¼õÒ ¿¨ÉÂðÎõ. «ÕÇÓ§¾! «Õð¦ºøŧÁ! »¡É worship Him as the nectar of grace, wealth of wisdom, our dear Lord
¿¼õ Ò⸢ýÈ «Ãº§É! ±ýÛ¨¼Â ¯Ã¢¨Á ¿¡Â¸§É ±ýÚ who plays (in cosmos and inner-self) as master of all wisdom. In
Ò¸úóÐ ÅÆ¢À¼ Å¡Õí¸û. «ùÅÆ¢ À¡ð¼¡ø Áýõ þøÄ¡¾ doing so, be aware you attain a life of eternal bliss, without fear of
Å¡ú× Å¡ÆÄ¡õ. «È¢óÐ ¦¸¡ûÙí¸û. ¿¡ý Ò¨ÉóÐ ¯¨Ãì¸ death. What I say is no falsehood, or imaginary but virtual truth. This
Å¢ø¨Ä; ¦À¡ö ¦º¡øÄÅ¢ø¨Ä; ºò¾¢Â¡Áî ¦º¡ø¸¢ý§Èý. is the opportune time the Almighty resides in the innner-self of our
´Ç¢Â¡¸×õ »¡ÉÁ¡¸×õ ¿õ ¯Çò§¾ ¯ûÇ «Ãí¸¢ø þ¨ÈÅý
Å£üÈ¢ÕìÌõ ¾Õ½õ þЧÅ.
23 24
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸:
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 2:
Song 2:
ÒÌõ ¾Õ½õ þиñË÷ ¿õÁŧà ¿¡ó¾¡ý
pukum tharuNam idhu kaNdeer nammavarae naanthaan Fortunes in time, parents or kith and kin, possessions
Ò¸ø¸¢ý§Èý ±ý¦Á¡Æ¢ µ÷ ¦À¡ö¦Á¡Æ¢ ±ýÉ¡¾£÷
pukalkintRaen enmozhi vor poymozhi ennaatheer Or worldly chorus last not in aid forever; Oh my folks dear!
¯Ìó¾Õ½õ ¯üÈÅÕõ ¦ÀüÈÅÕõ À¢ÈÕõ
ukuntharuNam utRavarum petRavarum piRarum I speak for you all to say- Do not deem or disdain these-
¯¨¼¨Á¸Ùõ ¯Ä¸¢ÂÖõ ¯üÈ Ð¨½ «ý§È
My words are not folly. See this a moment opportune to seek
udaimaikaLum ulakiyalum utRa thuNai antRae
Á¢Ìó¾ ͨÅì ¸Õõ§À ¦ºí¸É¢§Â §¸¡ø§¾§É
And salute in deep devotion and all humility - Thou aught the
mikuntha suvaik karumbae sengkaniyae koulthaenae
¦ÁöôÀ夃 ¨¸ô¦À¡Õ§Ç Å¢¨ÄÂȢ¡ Á½¢§Â Sweetest cane to chew and cheery; the ripe fruit, the honey
meyppayanae kaipporuLae vilai aRiyaa maNiyae
¾Ìó¾ ¾É¢ô¦ÀÕõ À¾¢§Â ¾Â¡¿¢¾¢§Â ¸¾¢§Â Combed in Nature, the real truth to reach, the Bliss in me,
thakuntha thanipperum pathiyae thayaa nithiyae kathiyae
ºò¾¢Â§Á ±ýÚ ¯¨ÃÁ¢ý Àì¾¢¦Â¡Î À½¢ó§¾ A pearl beyond price, unique master of vast space, the

saththiamae entRu uraimin bakthiyodu paNinthae

Treasure of compassion, the ultimate resort and virtues pure.
¯Ä¸ ¿ý Á츧Ç! þ¨ÈÅý ¯ûÇò¾¢ø ÒÌõ ¾Õ½õ þÐÅ¡Ìõ
±É «Ã¢Å£÷¸Ç¡¸! Á츧Ç! ±ý ¦Á¡Æ¢¸û ¦À¡ö ¦Á¡Æ¢¸û «øÄ. All good people of this world! You aught to know this is the
«È¢Â¡¨Á «¸üÚõ ¸¡Äò¨¾ô ¦À¡Õó¾¢ þÕôÀÅ÷¸Ùõ «¾¨É opportune time the Lord enters our inner-self. Folks! my words are
noway false. For those who have shuned ignorance, and those who
«¸üÈ¢ ¿¢üÀÅ÷¸Ùõ ÁüÈÅ÷¸Ùõ ¯¨¼¨Á¸Ùõ, ¯Ä¸¢ÂÖõ ¿ÁìÌ have an opportunity to do so, worldly life, material possessions are
¿¢¨Äò¾ Ш½ ¬¸¡. þ¨ÈÂÕ¨Ç ±ñ½¢, ͨžÕõ ¸Õõ§À! not stable supports. Always think of the great grace of Almighty
¸É¢§Â! §¾§É! ¦ÁöôÀÂÉ¡¸ Å¢ÇíÌÀŧÉ! ¨¸õ§Áø ¸¢¨¼ò¾ and praise and propiciate him in all humility as the sweet cane of
¦À¡Õ§Ç! Å¢¨ÄÁ¾¢ì¸ ÓÊ¡¾ Á¡½¢ì¸§Á! ´ôÀüÈ ¾¨ÄŧÉ! sugar, the ripe fruit, the honey, the embodyment of true compassion
¸Õ½¡¿¢¾¢§Â! ±ÉìÌ ¸¾¢Â¡¸ Å¢ÇíÌÀŧÉ! ºò¾¢Âô ¦À¡Õ§Ç and love, the real wealth on hand, the precious pearl, unmatched
±ýÚ Àì¾¢§Â¡Î À½¢óÐ Ò¸úóШÃÔí¸û. Lord, the benefactory of love, the ultimate resort to me, the real form
of virtual truth.
25 26
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
Song 3:
À¡¼ø 3:

Oh people of the world! Sing verses in cool inner peace

À½¢óÐÀ½¢óÐ «½¢óЫ½¢óÐ À¡ÎÁ¢§É¡ ¯Ä¸£÷
paNinthu paNinthu aNinthu aNinthu paadumioe vulakeer
Of mind, and proclaim in serene submissive reverence;
ÀÃõÀçÁ¡ º¢¾õÀçÁ ÀáÀçÁ ÅçÁ
paramparamae sithamparamae paraaparamae varamae
To perceive in mind, visions that are not seen by eyes-
н¢óÐ Åó¾ §Å¾¡ó¾ Íò¾ «ÛÀŧÁ
thuNinthu vantha vaethaantha sudhtha anubavamae
The atom of atoms, the glow within us, the primordial in space,
ÐâÂÓÊ «ÛÀŧÁ Íò¾ º¢ò¾¡ó¾ Á¾¡ö
thuriyamudi anubavamae sudhtha sidhthaantha mathaay
The boon of all life, the pure experience and considered essence
¾½¢ó¾ ¿¢¨Äô ¦ÀÕï͸§Á ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸
thaNintha nilaip perunjsukamae samarasa sanmaarga
Of gospels in pursuit of knowledge; the end effect of meditation,
ºò¾¢Â§Á þÂü¨¸ ¯ñ¨Áò ¾É¢ôÀ¾¢§Â ±ýÚ
saththiyamae iyaRkai uNmaith thanip pathiyae entdru
The lord of Nature, ultimate substance of intuition, that affords
¸½¢óÐ ¯û§Ç ¸É¢óÐ ¿¢¨ÉòÐ ¯¨Ãò¾¢Êø «ô¦À¡Ø§¾
kaNinthu uLLae kaninthu ninaiththu uraiththidil appozhuthae
Comfort and happiness; amiable codes of universal path virtuous
¸¡½¡¾ ¸¡ðº¢¦ÂøÄ¡õ ¸ñÎ ¦¸¡ûÇÄ¡§Á
kaaNaatha kaatchi yellaam kaNdu koLLalaamae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! Àĸ¡Äõ À½¢óÐ ÁÉ «¨Ä¾½¢óÐ «Åý All good people of this world! Be humble, subdue your wavering
Ò¸ú À¡Î¸! ÀÃõÀçÁ! º¢¾õÀçÁ! ÀáÀçÁ! ÅçÁ! ±Éì ¸É¢óÐ minds and sing His praise all the time and say: You are the inner
¿¢¨ÉóÐ ¯Ã¢¸¢Î¸. §Å¾¡ó¾ þÚ¾¢Â¢Öõ Ðâ ÓÊÅ¢Öõ «ÛÀÅ¢ìÌõ atom of all atoms, the primordial force in space, the glow of light
Íò¾ «ÛÀŧÁ! º¢ò¾ò¾¢ý «ó¾Á¡ö ¦¾Ç¢ó¾ ¿¢¨Ä¢ý «ÛÀÅÁ¡õ within us, the boon of our lives!; the enlightened ultimate comfort of
¦ÀÕï͸§Á! ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò¾¢ø ¯½ÃôÀÎõ ºò¾¢Â§Á! ±ýÚõ experience in our minds; the ultimate result of meditation; the virtual
¯ûÇ ´ôÀüÈ À¾¢§Â! ±Éì ¸É¢óÐ ¿¢¨ÉóÐ ¯¨Ãò¾¢Îõ. þùÅ¡Ú truth realised in the pure path of amiable codes of virtue; the unique
ÁÉõ ̨Æ µ¾ µ¾ ÒÈì¸ñ¸Ç¡ø ¸¡½ÓÊ¡¾ ¸¡ðº¢¸¨Ç «¸ì everlasting Lord. When you pronounce and pray on, what you do not
¸ñ½¡ø ¸¡ÏÅ£÷¸û see with your eyes you will perceive in your mind.
27 28

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 4:
À¡¼ø 4:
You people of worldly traits, have realized not yet
¸ñ¼¦¾øÄ¡õ «É¢ò¾¢Â§Á §¸ð¼¦¾øÄ¡õ Àا¾
kaNdathellaam aniththiyamae kaettathelaam pazhuthae the truths of life; most of what we have -
¸üȦ¾øÄ¡õ ¦À¡ö§Â ¿£÷ ¸Ç¢ò¾ ¦¾øÄ¡õ Å£§½
Seen are passing paces and faces; listened to are
katRa thellaam poyae neer kaLiththa thellaam veeNae
¯ñ¼¦¾øÄ¡õ ÁħÁ ¯ð¦¸¡ñ¼ ¦¾øÄ¡õ ̨ȧ Flawed deceit; learned are in-consummate and blemished;
uNdathellaam malamae utkoNda thellaam kuRaiyae
Filled in our bellies comes out as facces; taken in mind
¯Ä¸¢ÂÄ£÷ þÐŨÃÔõ ¯ñ¨Á «È¢ó ¾¢Ä¢§Ã
ulakiyaleer ithuvaraiyum uNmai aRinth thilirae Or bodies are deficient, imperfect; yet feel not exposed
Å¢ñ¼¾É¡ø ±ý, þÉ¢¿£÷ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ Or exasperate. Henceforth adhere to amiable, real path
viNdathanaal en, ini neer samarasa sanmaarka
¦Áöó¦¿È¢¨Âì ¸¨¼ôÀ¢ÊòÐ ¦Áöö¦À¡Õû ¿ý̽÷ó§¾ Of the virtuous Great; realize in clarity the wisdom of Truth,
meynneRiyaik kadaip pidiththu meyp poruL nangu uNarnthae The adorable Glow of inner-self and reach the vast
±ñ¾Ì º¢üÈõÀÄò§¾ ±ó¨¾ «Õû «¨¼Á¢ý
Glory of Grace to attain the boon of eternal Bliss
eNthaku sitRam balaththae enthai aruL adaimin
þÈÅ¡¾ ÅÃõ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ þýÀ ÓÈÄ¡§Á and the great ecstacy of worldly life.
iRavaatha varam peRalaam inbam uRalaamae

Good people of this world! What you see are unstable in nature; what
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¿£í¸û ¸ñ¼É ¿¢¨Ä¡¨Á ¯¨¼ÂÉ; §¸ð¼É you hear are harmful; what you deem to have learned are false in
ÌüÈí¸Ç¡¸§Å ¯ûÇÉ; ¸üÈɦÅøÄ¡õ ¦À¡ö¡¸ ¯ûÇÉ; ¸Ç¢ò¾É reality; what you have enjoyed are vain; what you have consumed
Å£ñ ¸Ç¢ô§À; š¡ø ¯ñ¼É ±øÄ¡õ ÁÄõ ¬ÅÉ; ÁÉò¾¡ø turn into refuse excretia; what you have thought of are defective
¦¸¡ñ¼É ±øÄ¡õ ̨ÈÔ¨¼ÂÉ Å¡Ìõ. ¯ñ¨Á¨Â incomplete. The virtual truth, real meaning you have not yet realized.
(¦Áöô¦À¡Õ¨Ç) þÐŨà ¯½ÃÅ¢ø¨Ä. þÅü¨Èì ÜÚžɡø What is the purpose of saying these all? Try to realise the true
±ýÉ ÀÂý? ¦Áöô¦À¡Õ¨Ç ¯½Õí¸û. ±ñ½ò ¾ì¸ »¡É substance. Our father who dominates all space of wisdom, whom we
¦ÅǢ¢ø Å¢ÇíÌõ ¿õ ¾ó¨¾Â¡¸¢Â þ¨ÈÅÉ¢ý «Õ¨Çô ¦ÀÕí¸û. have to think of and seek to attain his grace. That will grant you the
þÈÅ¡¾ ÅÃõ ¦ÀüÚ þýÀõ ¦ÀÕ¸ Å¡ÆÄ¡õ. boon of everlasting life without the fear of death.
29 30

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
Song 5:

À¡¼ø 5:

My dear loved ones! come in and take the amiable

þýÒÈÄ¡õ ±øÄ¡ ¯ÄÌõ ±ö¾¢¼ Å¡ú󾢼ġõ
inbuRalaam ellaa ulakum yeithida vaazhnthidalaam Pure path to Glory of Grace; achieve happiness; attain
±øÄ¡õ ¦ºöÅøÄ º¢ò¾¢ þ¨È¨ÁÔõ ¦ÀüÈ¢¼Ä¡õ
ellaam seyvalla sidhi iRaimaiyum petRidalaam All the worlds to prosper in life; gain worthy gift of
«ýÒ¨¼Â£÷ ÅýÁ¢ý þí§¸ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ
All-pervasive powerful Divine will, to perceive and proclaim:
anbudaiyeer vanmin ingkae samarasa sanmaargam
«¨¼ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý «¸ÅÊÅ¢í(Ì) «É¸ ÅÊÅ¡¸¢ô Thou aught the inner form of beauty reaching external
adainthidumin akavadivu ingku anaka vadivaakip
¦À¡ýÒ¨¼ ¿ýÌ ´Ç¢÷´Ç¢§Â Òò¾Ó§¾ »¡É Form of beauty, in the luminous Glow of simmering gold,
ponpudai nanku oLiar oLiyae puththamuthae gnana
âý§Á ¬Ã½ò¾¢ý ¦À¡ÕûÓÊ §Áø¦À¡Õ§Ç The bright radiant light, Nectar afresh, final and complete
puuraNamae aaraNaththin poruL mudi mael poruLae
Wisdom above ultimate contents of gospels; rarest gem
ÅýÒ¨¼Â¡÷ ¦ÀÈü¸Ã¢¾¡õ Á½¢§Â º¢üº¨À¢ý
vanbudaiyaar peRaRk arithaam maNiyae sitRsabaiyin Beyond reach of the vehement and malicious; the elixir in
Á¡ÁÕó§¾ ±ýÚ ¯¨ÃÁ¢ý ¾£¨Á¦ÂøÄ¡õ ¾Å¢ó§¾
maamarunthae entRru uraimin theemaiyellaam thavinhthae Inner temple of consciousness to obviate all harm.

Great people with kindness of love. Come on! Attain all happiness.
«ýÒ¨¼Â ¦ÀÕÁ츦Ç! þí§¸ Å¡Õí¸û. þýÀõ «¨¼ÂÄ¡õ.
±øÄ¡ ¯Ä¸Óõ §À¡üÈ¢¼ô Ҹؼý Å¡ÆÄ¡õ. ±øÄ¡õ ¦ºöÂÅøÄ Live a life in praise of all worlds. Reach top of mysticism to perform
º¢ò¾¢¸Ç¢ø ¾¨Ä¨Á ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ. ¦ºö §ÅñÎÅÐ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò¨¾ acts of vitue. For that you have to adopt the wise path, amiba codes
§Á¦¸¡ûŧ¾. «¸õ ÒÈõ ±ýÈ §ÅÚÀ¡¼üÈ «É¸ ÅÊÅõ ¦ÀÚÅ£÷. of pure virtues. You will gain the formless state beyond inner and
¦À¡Ä¢× ¦ÀüÚ ´Ç¢÷¸¢ýÈ ¦À¡ý ÁÂÁ¡ÉŧÉ! Òò¾Ó§¾! »¡É outer forms. Hail and praise, in a mind free from sins, the radiating
¿¢¨È§Å! §Å¾ô ¦À¡ÕÇ¢ý ÓÊ×ìÌ §ÁÄ¡É Å§É! ÅýÁÉò¾¡ø Glow of simmering gold, fresh nectar, precious pearl beyond reach of
¦ÀÈÓÊ¡¾ Á¡Á½¢§Â! »¡É º¨À¢ø ±Øó¾ÕÙõ Á¡ÁÕó§¾! the malicious, fulness of wisdom above ultimate scriptures, the elixer
±Éì ÌüÈí¸¨Çò ¾Å¢÷ò¾ ÁÉò§¾¡Î Å¡úò¾¢ô Ò¸úÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸. of the hall of wisdom.
31 32
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:

À¡¼ø 6 Song 6:

¾£¨Á ±øÄ¡õ ¿ý¨Á ±ý§È ¾¢Õ×Çõ ¦¸¡ñÎ «ÕÇ¢ All people of this world come up fast- it is time
theemai yellaam nanmai entRae thiru uLLam koNdu aruLi

º¢È¢§ÂÛìÌ «Õû «ÓÐ ¦¾Ç¢× «Ç¢ò¾ ¾¢Èò¨¾ Opportune to besiege and attain the gift of immortality
siRiyaenukku aruL amuthu theLivu aLiththa thiRaththai
From the One in wide form, the Lord of compassion who
¬¨ÁÂõ ¾£÷òÐ þÂü¨¸ þýÀ «ÛÀŧÁ ÁÂÁ¡ö
aamayam theerththu iyatRkai inba anubavamae mayamaai
Has banished lust, wrath, arrogance, hatred, stupor in us;
«õÀÄò§¾ Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈ «Õð¦ÀÕõ §º¡¾¢§Â µ÷
ambalaththae viLangkukintRa arutperum southiyai oor To brim in pure inner-self, throb and merge with heavenly
µõ Á šý ÅÊ ×¨¼Â¡÷ ¯ûÇò§¾ ¿¢¨Èó¾
Ohm maya vaan vadi vudaiyaar uLLaththae niRaintha Form of breath, Ohm vibrations; who predominates Space as

´Õ ¦À¡Õ¨Çô ¦ÀÕí¸Õ¨½ ¯¨¼Â ¦ÀÕõÀ¾¢¨Â Embodiment and exponent of Nature’s beauty; who has
oru poruLaip perungkaruNai udaiya perumpathiyai

¿¡õ ÁÕÅ¢ þÈÅ¡¾ ¿Äõ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ ¯Ä¸£÷ Condescended to bestow on this Humbler, clarity of light
naam maruvi iRavaatha nalam peRalaam ulakieer
And nectar of vast Grace; by unfathomed skills granted
¿øÄ ´Õ ¾Õ½õ þÐ, Åø¨Ä ÅýÁ¢ý ¿£§Ã.
nalla oru tharuNam ithu vallai vanmin neerae
Divine dispensation turning harm and evil to good benefit

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! º¢È¢§Â¡É¡¸¢Â ¿¡ý ¦ºö¾ ¾£¨Á¸¨Ç ±øÄ¡õ All good people of the world. The Almighty in his perpectuity has
¿ý¨Á¸û ±Éò ¾¢Õ×Çõ ¦¸¡ñÎ «ÕÇ¡¸¢Â «Ó¾ò¾¢ý condescended to bestow on me, a simpleton, the clear Nectar of
¦¾Ç¢¨Å «Ç¢òÐ ¿ÄÁ¡¸ ¯ûÇ ÀÃõ¦À¡Õ¨Ç, ¯Ç
ÁÂì¸Á¡¸¢Â §¿¡¨Â Å¢Ä츢, þÂü¨¸ þýÀ «ÛÀÅ ÁÂÁ¡ö grace, treating all my acts of harm as for the good. The great glow,
Íò¾ ¦ÅǢ¢ø Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈ «Õð¦ÀÕõ§ƒ¡¾¢¨Â, ´ôÀüÈ the light of grace has cured the disease of stuper from my mind. He,
µí¸¡ÃÁ¡¸¢Â ¯Â÷ó¾ ÅÊÅò¨¾ô ¦ÀüÚ ÁÉò¾¸ò§¾ ¿¢ýÈ who has revealed the unique and highest form of Ohm sound and
´ôÀüÈ ¦À¡Õ¨Ç, ¦ÀÕí¸Õ¨½ ¯¨¼Â ¦ÀÕõÀ¾¢Â¡õ exists in our minds; the one Divine who is matchless in his mercy;
þ¨È¨Â, ¿¡õ ¦À¡Õó¾¢ þÈÅ¡¾ ¿Äõ ¦ÀÃÄ¡õ. þÐ ´Õ
this is the opportue time for you to come quick as we have to conjoin
¿øÄ ¾Õ½õ. Å¢¨ÃóÐ ÅÕÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸.
him and gain he gift of eternity, beyond the fear of death.
33 34

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
Song 7:
À¡¼ø 7
Thee! all people of earthly life, you are not aliens;
¿£÷ À¢È§Ã¡ ¡ý ¯ÁìÌ §¿Â ¯ÈÅħɡ
neer piRaroe yaan umakku naeya uravalanoe We are closely connected by love of humanity
¦¿Î¦Á¡Æ¢§Â ¯¨ÃôÀý «ýÈ¢ì ¦¸¡Î¦Á¡Æ¢ ¦º¡ø§Å§É¡ I propagate by introspection and far-sight; never by
nedumozhiyae uraippan antRik kodumozhi solvaenoe

º¡÷ÒȧŠ«Õû «Ó¾õ ¾óÐ ±¨É§Â §Áø ²üÈ¢ò Words distasteful or scornful; come in quick and fast,
saarbuRavae aruL amutham thanthu enaiyae mael eatRith
This is the right time to attain intimate proximity of the
¾É¢ò¾ ¦ÀÕõ ͸ÁÇ¢ò¾ ¾É¢ò¾ ¦ÀÕõ À¾¢ ¾¡ý
thaniththa perum sukamaLiththa thanitha perum pathi thaan Lord you aspire and seek - the memorable festive days

º£÷¦ÀȧŠ¾¢Õô¦À¡ÐÅ¢ø ¾¢Õ§ÁÉ¢ ¾Ã¢òÐî When the unique vision of Divinity manifests mystic
seerpeRavae thiruppothuvil thirumaeni thariththa
Performances in sanctified inner-self and in Space, to atone
º¢ò¾¡¼ø Ò⸢ýÈ ¾¢Õ¿¡û¸û - «Îò¾
siththaadal purikintRa thirunaaLkaL - aduththa And retain the glow and Glory of Grace. Approach and
´ôÒ ¯È§Å þÐ ¿øÄ ¾Õ½õ þí§¸ ÅýÁ¢ý
oppu uRavae ithu nalla tharuNam ingkae vanmin Conjoin the One who has bestowed nectar of grace and

¯Ä¸¢ÂÄ£÷ ¯ýÉ¢ÂÅ¡Ú ¯üÈ¢ÎÅ£÷ Å¢¨Ãó§¾ Exalted me by exclusive comforts of his pleasure

ulakiyaliir unniyavaaRu utRiduveer virainthee.

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¿£í¸û ±ýÉ¢Ûõ §ÅÈ¡ÉÅ÷¸Ç¡? ¿¡ý All good people of the world! You are not different from me. I am
¯í¸Ç¢ý «ýÒ ¯ÈÅ¢Éý «øÄÅ¡? ±ýÚõ ¿¢¨Ä¿¢Úò¾ ¯¾×õ among your friendly kith and kin. Would I tell you hard and strong
¦º¡ü¸¨Ç «øÄ¡Áø ¦¸¡Î¨Á¡ÉÅü¨Èî ¦º¡ø§ÅÉ¡!
«Å¨Éî º¡÷óÐ ¿¢ü¸ ¯¾×õ «ÕÇÓ¾ò¾¢¨Éì ¦¸¡ÎòÐ words, except ones that can be established firmly in truth.He is the
±ý¨É §Áø¿¢¨ÄìÌ ²üÚÅ¢ò¾¡ý. ´ôÀüÈ ¦Àâ þýÀò¨¾ one who who granted me his nectar of grace to help stand by him
«ÕǢɡý. «Åý ´ôÀüÈ ¾¨ÄÅý. ±ø§Ä¡Õõ ¿Äõ¦ÀȧŠand attain elation. He has graced me with matchless great pleasure
¦ÅÇ¢ ¿Î§Å ¾¢Õ§ÁÉ¢ ¦¸¡ñÎ «Åý »¡Éì Üò¾¡¼ø and biliss. He is the uniqe Lord. For the sake of goodness to prevail
Ò⸢ýÈ ¾¢Õ¿¡ð¸û «Îò¾É. ¯½÷× ¦ÀÈ þÐ ¿øÄ ¾Õ½õ. on every one, the prinstine days he is to play the dance of wisdom
«Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡Ê¢¼õ Å¡Õí¸û. ¿£í¸û ±ñ½¢Â ±ñ½¢Â in Space are approaching. Come up to the Light of grace. This the
±ñ½¢ÂÅÚ ¨¸ÜÎõ. propitious time to realize what you wish, and as you wish.
35 36
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
Song 8:
À¡¼ø 8

Å¢¨ÃóРިÃóÐ «¨¼ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý §Á¾¢É¢Â£÷ þí§¸ All of you! people of this land, come on fast and
virainthu virainthu adainthidumin maethiniyeer ingkae
Reach faster here; what I propagate is factual truth
¦Áö¨Á ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý ¿£÷ §ÅÚ ¿¢¨É¡¾£÷
maeymai uraikkintRaen neer vaeRu ninaiyaatheer
from inner self; have no doubts - here comes the
¿¢¨ÃóÐ ¿¢¨ÃóÐ ¯Ùò¾ÅÕõ þǨÁ «¨¼ó¾¢¼×õ
nirainthu nirainthu uLuth thavarum izhamai adainthidalaam Divine of mystic play; in his graceful presence, all those

¦ºò¾Å÷¸û ±Øó¾¢¼×õ º¢ò¾¡¼ø Òâ With wrinkled skin and weaned bodies deteriorated, can
seththavarkaL ezhunthidavum siththaadal puriya
Regain youth and rejuvenate discarded lives. He appears,
ŨÃóРŨÃóÐ ±øÄ¡õ ¦ºöÅøÄ º¢ò¾ý ¾¡§É
varainthu varainthu ellaam seyvalla siththan thaanae Manifests and incarnates in mystic forms, with the might to
ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ ¾Õ½õ þÐ ÅÃõ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ ¿£Å¢÷ Map, form, shape and produce anything; it is occasion opportune
varukintRa tharuNam ithu varam peRalaam neevir
to merge dissolve and melt in inner-self to flood that flows
¸¨ÃóÐ ¸¨ÃóÐ ¯Çõ ¯Õ¸¢ ¸ñ¸Ç¢ø ¿£÷¦ÀÕ¸¢ì
karainthu karainthu uLam uruki kaNNil neer perukik
In thy eyes to perceive and regard the Form of compassion
¸Õ¨½ ¿¼ì ¸¼×¨Ç ¯ð ¸ÕÐÁ¢§É¡ ¸Ç¢ò§¾
karuNai nadak kadavuLai utk karuthuminoe kaLiththae And obtain His boon of eternity to exult in ecstasy.

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¿¡ý ¯ñ¨Á¨Âî ¦º¡ø¸¢ý§Èý. §ÅÚÀ¼ Good people of the world! I say what is true. Do not deem
±ñ½¡¾£÷¸û! Å¢¨ÃóÐ Å¡Õý¸û. ãôÀ¢ý ¸¡Ã½Á¡¸ §¾¡ø it differently. Come on quick. To facilitate and enable those ripe
ÍÕí¸ Á¢¸×õ Ó¾¢÷ó¾Å÷¸Ùõ þǨÁ ¦ÀÈ×õ, ¦ºò¾Å÷¸û in age with skin shrunk in folds to regain youthfulness, and those
¯Â¢÷ ¦ÀüÚ Å¡Æ×õ »¡É ¿¡¼¸õ Ò⸢ýÈ, ±øÄ¡Åü¨ÈÔõ deemed dead to rejuvinate in life, He is performing his dance of
ŨÃÂÚòÐî ¦ºöÂÅøÄ º¢ò¾É¡õ þ¨ÈÅý, ¾¡§É ¯ÅóÐ wisdom. He is a mystic who defines and executes everything to
ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ ¾Õ½õ þÐ. ¿£í¸û ¯ûÇõ ¸¨ÃóÐ ¸ñ¸Ç¢ø perfection. This is an opportunity when He is pleased to come.
¿£÷¦ÀÕ츢 «Õû ¿¼Éõ ¬Î¸¢ýÈ ¬ñ¼Å¨É ÁÉò¾¢ø You should think of him, who dances in the form of Grace, with
¨ÅòÐî º¢ó¾¢ôÀ£÷¸Ç¡¸. your mind in concentration and eyes in flood of tears of gratefulness.
37 38

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 9
À¡¼ø 9

¸Ç¢òÐ ¯Ä¸¢ø «ÇÅ¢¸ó¾ ¸¡Äõ ¯Ä¦¸øÄ¡õ

kaLiththu ulakil aLavikantha kaalam ulakellaam Oh my worldly folks! lovable and affectionate

¸Ç¢ôÀ¨¼Â «Õû §º¡¾¢ì ¸¼×û ÅÕ ¾Õ½õ This is the time opportune and mature to gain
kaLippadaiya aruL southik kadavuL varu tharuNam The grace of our Father the Great, who appears
¦¾Ç¢ó¾¢Îõ ±ò¾Õ½õ «§¾¡ ±ýÉ¡¾£÷ þЧŠAnd presents himself in ecstatic displays in Space
theLinthidum eththaruNam athoe ennaatheer ithuvae
Timeless in extent, to delight all the worlds by
¦ºò¾Å¨Ã ±ØôÒ¸¢ýÈ ¾¢¸ú ¾Õ½õ ¯Ä¸£÷
sethavarai ezhuppukintRa thikazh tharuNam ulakeer The glow of his vast Grace; who grants in the

´Ç¢òШÃì ¸¢ý§Èý «Äý¿¡ý Å¡öô À¨È ¬÷츢ý§Ãý Temple of inner-self and fulfills our wishes; do not
oLithuraik kintRae alan naan vaayp paRai aarkkintRaen
doubt in suspicion and vacillation, but be clear
´Õº¢È¢Ðõ «îºÓ§Èý ¯ûÇÀÊ ¯½÷ó§¾ý This moment renowned and lustrous, to wake alive
orusiRithum achamuRaen uLLapadi uNarnthaen
Those who are deemed no more. I do have nothing
«Ç¢ò¾¢Î º¢üÈõ ÀÄòÐ ±ýÉôÀý «Õû¦ÀȧÅ
aLiththidu sitRam balaththu ennappan aruL peRavae To conceal in words and dare drum up my voice
¬¨ºÔ ¯ñ§¼ø ÅýÁ¢ý þí§¸ §¿ºÓ¨¼Â£§Ã To express what I realize, without fright or fear
aasai uNdael vanmin i ngkae naesam udaiyeerae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯Ä¦¸Ä¡õ «Ç׸¼ó¾ ¸¡Äõ Á¸¢úÅ¡¸ All good people of the world! This is the time the Lord of Grace
Å¡Æ «Õ𧺡¾¢ì ¸¼×û ¯Ä¸¢ø ¸Ç¢ô§À¡Î ÅÕõ ¸¡Äõ.
¿õ «È¢¨Åò ¦¾Ç¢Å¨¼Âî ¦ºöÔõ ¸¡Äõ ±ì¸¡Ä§Á¡ ±ýÚ and Glow is greatly pleased to visit the world to pervade happiness
±ñ½¡¾£÷. þÐ ¦ºò¾Å¨Ã ±ØôÒ¸¢ýÈ ¿øÄ ¸¡Äõ ¬Ì;õ. in life for eternity. Do not be worried when the time will come to
¿¡ý ±¾¨ÉÔõ Á¨ÈòÐî ¦º¡øÄÅ¢ø¨Ä. ±ý Å¡¨Â§Â elighten our knowledge. This is the good time to rejuvinate and
À¨È¡¸ì ¦¸¡ñÎ ÓÆí̸¢ý§Èý. º¢È¢Ðõ «îºõ þø¨Ä. revitalise those who are deemed dead. I am not concealing anything
¯ûǾ¨É ¯ûÇÀÊ ¯½÷ó§¾ý. »¡É¡¸¡ºò¾¢ø Å¢ÇíÌõ from you. I am using my mouth to voice and drum up these things.I
±ý «ôÀÉ¢ý «Õ¨Çô ¦ÀÈ Å¢ÕõÒÅ£÷ ¬Â¢ý; ±ýÀ¡ø fear not anything. I say the truth what it is. Who desire to achive the
§¿Âõ ¯¨¼Â£÷, ±øÄ¡÷ìÌõ «Õû Ò⸢ýÈ »¡É¡¸¡ºò¾¢ø grace of our father shining in the sky of wisdom, those who value my
Å¢ÄíÌõ «ôÀÉ¢ý «Õû¦ÀÈ ¬¨º þÕì̧Á¡ɡø þí§¸ goodwill, and wish to benefit the grace of Father, who is the form of
ÅÕÅ£÷. grace, please reach here.
39 40
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 10 Song 10

¬¨º ¯ñ§¼ø ÅýÁ¢ý þí§¸ «Õ𧺡¾¢ô ¦ÀÕÁ¡ý Oh commoners of this world! as your desires will be-
aasai uNdael vanmin ingkae arutsoutip perumaan
Achieve and attain an ideal state and venerable form
«õ¨ÁÔÁ¡ö «ôÀÛÁ¡ö «ÕÙõ «ÕÇ¡Çý
ammaiyumaai appanumaai aruLum aruLaaLan Perpetual and everlasting; with intent and passion, come

²ºÈ ¿£ò¦¾ý¨É ¬ð¦¸¡ñÎ ±ñ½¢ÂÅ¡Ú «Ç¢ò¾¡ý On this day of renown and festive; the day the mystic
aesaRa neeththennai aatkoNdu eNNiyavaaRu aLiththaan
Glow of Grace, the great Benefactory of life energy, in the
±øÄ¡õ ¦ºö(Â)ÅøÄ º¢ò¾ý ±ýÛ¢âø ¸Äó¾¡ý
ellaam saeyya valla siththian ennuyiril kalanthaan
Form of initiator and developer as father and mother;
§¾Í¨¼Â ¦À¡ÐÅ¢ø «Õûº¢ò¾¢ ¿¼õ ÒâÂò
thaesudaiya pothuvil aruL sidhi nadam puriyath The savior and dispenser as we aspire; reliever and

¾¢Õ×Çõ ¦¸¡ñ¦¼ØóÐ «ÕÙõ ¾¢Õ¿¡û þí¸¢Ð§Å Benedictory of pain and fatigue; the One merged in our lives
thiruvuLam koNdezhunthu aruLum thirunaaL ingkithuvae
As air we breathe; the divine Guidance present as player,
§Á¡º ¯¨Ã ±É¿¢¨ÉòÐ ÁÂí¸¡¾£÷ ¯Ä¸£÷
mousa urai enaninaiththu mayangkaatheer ulakeer In graceful beauty in our minds and Space; get rid of any

Ó측Äò¾¢Ûõ «Æ¢Â¡ ã÷ò¾õ «¨¼ó¾¢¼§Å confusion, these are not words of beguile or harm
mukkaalaththinum azhiyaatha muurtham adainthidavae
All good people of this world! The Almighty in great glow of
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! «Õð¦ÀÕõ§ƒ¡¾¢Â¡ö Å¢ÇíÌõ ÀÃõ¦À¡Õû
«õ¨ÁÔõ «ôÀÛÁ¡öò §¾¡ýÈ¢ «ÕûÒâÔõ «Õû¿¢¾¢ ±ý grace benefacts us in the farm of father and mother; he relieves us
ÐýÀí¸¨Ç Å¢Ä츢 ±ý¨É ¬ð¦¸¡ñ¼¡ý. ±øÄ¡õ ¦ºÂÅøÄ of all pains, and obsobes us in grace of wealth. The all powerful
º¢ò¾¢Â¡¸¢Â «Åý ¿¡ý ±ñ½¢ÂÅ¡Ú ±ÉìÌ «Ç¢ò¾¡ý; ±ý ¯Â¢Ã¢ø form of mysticism, grants us the way we think and seek, and
¸Äó¾¡ý. »¡É ´Ç¢Âáö Å¢ÇíÌõ ¦ÅǢ¢ø «Õû¿¢¨Èó¾ »¡É merges in our lives. From Space of wisdom brightr, He comes to
¿¡¼¸õ ¿¢¸úò¾ ¾¢Õ×Çõ ¦¸¡ñÎ ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ ¾¢Õ¿¡û þÐ. ¿¡ý play here in our inner-self graceful wisdom; this is a day festive. Do
¯¨ÃôÀÉ ¦À¡öԨà ±É ±ñ½¢ ÁÂí¸¡¾£÷. Ó측Äò¾¢Öõ not dout in confusion, what I say is not false. If you wish too attain
«Æ¢Â¡§¾ Å¢ÇíÌõ ¯ÕÅõ ¦ÀüÈ¢¼ ¬¨ºÂ¢ÕìÌÁ¡É¡ø Å¡Õí¸û. a form that is eternal for all the time, come here.
41 42
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 11 Song 11
All folks of the world! think and realize; this is time
«¨¼ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý ¯Ä¸£÷ þí¸¢Ð ¾Õ½õ ¸ñË÷
adainthiduveer ulakiyaleer ingkithu tharuNam kaNdeer
Opportune; the Great begetter and saviour of us
«Õ𧺡¾¢ô ¦ÀÕõÀ¾¢ ±ýÉôÀý ÅÕ¾Õ½õ
Comes and manifests here; the unique One who takes in
arutsouthip perumbathi ennappan varu tharuNam
with pleasure, mercy and compassion the cream churned
¸¨¼ó¾ ¾É¢ò ¾¢ÕÅÓ¾õ ¸É¢ó ¾Õó¾¢ ±É째
kadaintha thanith thiru amutham kaninth tharunthi enakae
out of the sea of inner-selves and Space, to purify us of
¸¡½¡¾ ¸¡ðº¢ ±øÄ¡õ ¸¡ðθ¢ýÈ ¾Õ½õ
Toxins; offering us precious nectar of grace, and revealing
kaaNaatha kaatchi ellaam kaattukinRa tharuNam
Rarest of rare phenomena. I think, see and tell, all of us
þ¨¼óÐ ´Õº¡÷ «¨Ä¡¾£÷ ͸õ ±¨Éô§À¡ø ¦ÀÚÅ£÷
idainthu orusaar alyaatheer sukam enaippoul peRuveer
Are noway separate; you have been wavering, wandering,
¡ý §ÅÚ ¿£÷§ÅÚ ±ýÚ ±ñϸ¢§Äý ¯¨Ãò§¾ý
Unaware of what you are; languishing in grief and malady.
yaan vaeRu neervaeRu entRu eNNUkilaen uraiththaen
Come up and out of the pitfalls of fragmented religious cults
¯¨¼ó¾ ºÁÂìÌÆ¢ ¿¢ý¦ÈØóÐ ¯½÷Á¢ý «Æ¢Â¡
udaintha samayak kuzhi nintRazhunthu uNarmin azhiyaa
Of discordance, and take the indestructible discipline, noblest
´Õ ¦¿È¢Â¡õ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò ¾¢Õ¦¿È¢ ¦ÀüÚ Åó§¾
And laudable path pure of equity and good Grace
oru neRiyaam sanmaargath thiruneRi petRu vanthae
Good people of this world! This is an auspicious time when our
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! «Õð¦ÀÕ狀¡¾¢Â¡õ ±ý «ôÀý ±Øó¾ÕÙõ
¾Õ½õ þÐÅ¡Ìõ. ¸¨¼ó¦¾Îò¾ ´ôÀüÈ ¾¢ÕÅÕÇ¡¸¢Â «Ó¾ò¨¾ Father the leading light of grace makes his presence felt here. He has
±ÉìÌ Á¸¢ú§Å¡Î «Ç¢òÐ ¿¡ý þÐŨà ¸¡½¡¾ «Ã¢Â ¸¡ðº¢¸¨Çì granted me in pleasure the matchless grace of nectar churned out
from the sea. He has shown me gratefully the rare visions we have
¸¡ðÊ «ÕÙ¸¢ýÈ þì ¸¡Äò¾¢ø Ţĸ¢ ¿¢ýÚ º¡÷ó¾¢ÕóÐ «¨Ä¡¾£÷.
not seen so far perseved. At such an opportune time, do not wander
±ý§À¡ýÚ Í¸õ ¦ÀÚÅ£÷. ¿¡ý §ÅÚ ¿£÷ §ÅÚ ±ýÚ ±ñÏÅÐ
after things that are unstable. Seek to attain higher pleasure and
þø¨Ä. ±É§Å ¯í¸ðÌ ¯¨Ã츢§Èý. À¢Ã¢¨Å ¯ÕÅ¡ìÌõ ºÁÂí comforts of mind like me. I do not deem you are different from me.
¸Ç¡¸¢Â ÌƢ¢ø Ţơ¾£÷. ±ØóÐ «Æ¢Â¡ ¦¿È¢Â¡õ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ô ¦À¡Ð So I tell you do not fall into the pits of divisive religions. Get up,
¦¿È¢¨Â §Á÷¦¸¡ñÎ ¯½÷צÀÚ¸! Å󾨼¸. come, realize and and adopt the pure amiable path of grace.
43 44

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 12 Song 12
¾¢Õ¦¿È¢ ´ý§È «Ð¾¡ý ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷¸î All thee, humanity of the world, assemble
thiru neRi ontRae athuthaan samarasa sanmaarga
here in time to know and realize with pleasure-
º¢Å¦¿È¢ ±ýÚ½÷òÐ ¯Ä¸£÷ §º÷ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý ®ñÎ
siva neRi entRu uNarnthu ulakeer saernthidumin eeNdu The sublime code is the one of pristine principles
ÅÕ¦¿È¢Â¢ø ±¨É ¬ð¦¸¡ñÎ «ÕÇÓ¾õ «Ç¢òÐ The equanimous and pure path of virtual grace,
varuneRiyil enai aatkoNdu aruLamutham aLiththu
The nascent elite code that blossoms and possess;
ÅøÄÀ ºì¾¢¸¦ÇøÄ¡õ ÅÆí¸¢Â µ÷ ÅûÇø
vallaba sakthikaLellaam vazhangkiya vour vaLLal
In the nectar of grace granted by the mighty power.
¦ÀÕ¦¿È¢Â¢ø º¢ò¾¡¼ò ¾¢Õ×Çõ ¦¸¡ñ¼ÕÇ¢ô
peruneRiyil siththaadath thiruvuLam koNdaruLip The munificent great has condescended as the

¦ÀÕí¸Õ¨½ ÅÊÅ¢¦É¡Î ÅÕ ¾Õ½õ þЧŠEmbodiment of infinite grace in universal codes of

perungkaruNai vadivinoudu varu tharuNam ithuvae
Mystic plays. Do not get perturbed and suffer in the
¸Õ¦¿È¢ Å£úóÐ ¯ÆÄ¡¾£÷ ¸Äì¸õ «¨¼Â¡¾£÷
karuneRi veezhnthu uzhalaatheer kalakkam adaiyaatheer Void of concocted codes. In unified genuine thoughts

¸ñ¨Á¢ɡø ¸ÕòÐ ´ÕÁ¢òÐ ¯ñ¨Á ¯¨Ãò§¾ý Of benign perception I utter the truth.
kaNmaiyinaal karuthtu orumithu uNmai uryththaen

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¾¢Õ¦¿È¢ ±Ûõ ¿Î¦¿È¢ ´ý§È; «Ð ÀÄ People in goodness of this world! The supreme code is the
«ýÚ. ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ º¢Å¦¿È¢. þô§À¡Ð ¦ÅÇ¢ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ þî only code of equity; it is not many. It is the pristine code. The
º¢Å¦¿È¢Â¢ø ±ý¨É ¬ð¦¸¡ñÎ «ÕÇ¡¸¢Â «Ó¾ò¨¾ «Ç¢òÐ one who has endowed and abosorbed me in this firm code,
ÅøĨÁ Á¢ì¸ ºì¾¢¸û ÀÄ×õ ¾ó¾ÕǢ ÅûÇø ¦ÀÕ¦¿È¢Â¡õ granted me the nectar of grace and many powerful strengths, the
¿ÎÅ¢¼ò§¾ »¡Éì Üò¾¡¼ ±ñ½¢ ¸Õ¨½ ÅÊÅ¢ø ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ munificent great, has come to play in the wisdom of our inner-
¾Õ½õ þÐÅ¡Ìõ. À¢ÈÅ¢ ±ÎìÌõ ÅƢ¢ø ¦ºýÚ ÐýÀõ «¨¼Â¡¾£÷; self. This is the opportune time. Do not go in the path of painful
¸Äì¸õ «¨¼Â¡¾£÷. þÃì¸ ¯½÷Å¡ø ¸Õò¦¾¡Õ¨Á¢ø ¯í¸ðÌ lives; do not be disturbed. With compassion in mind, in unity of
¯ñ¨Á¨Â ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý. þí§¸ ÅóÐ §ºÕí¸û. thoughts I tell this truth to you. Come and join here.
45 46

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 13 Song 13
¯ñ¨Á ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý þíÌ Å󾨼Á¢ý ¯Ä¸£÷ I am preaching the truth Oh worldly folks; come and
uNmai uraikkintRaen ingku vanthadaimin ulakeer
Reach this abode with pleasure; lurk not in suspicion
¯¨Ã þ¾É¢ø ºó§¾¸¢òÐ ¯ÇÈ¢ ÅƢ¡¾£÷
urai ithanil santhaekiththu uLari vazhiyaatheer Or doubts on what I say; or pour out any nonsense
±ñ¨Á¢ɡý ±É ¿¢¨É£÷ ±øÄ¡õ¦ºö ÅøÄý
eNmaiyinaan ena ninaiyeer ellaam sey vallavan In blabber talks; He the great is not any simpleton; you

±ýÛû «Á÷óÐ þ¨ºì¸¢ýÈ¡ý þЧ¸ñÁ¢ý ¿£Å¢÷ Do not presume or dream. The Almighty of actions
ennuL amarnthu isaikkintRaan ithu kaeNmin neevir
resides and resounds in me. Listen to his voice; this is the
¾ñ¨Á¦Â¡Î Íò¾º¢Å ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¦¿È¢Â¢ø
thaNmaiyodu sudhasiva sanmaargha neriyil Time the Guide in praise, as soft light of humane sympathy

º¡÷óРިÃóÐ ²ÚÁ¢§É¡ ºò¾¢Â Å¡úÅÇ¢ì¸ì And grace of mind, of dignity, vision and fame; the repository
saarnthu virainthu eaRuminoe saththya vaazhvaLikka
Of all compassion arrives to dispense soft gentle and kind,
¸ñ¨Á¾Õõ ´Õ¦ÀÕï º£÷츼×û ±Éô Ò¸Öõ
kaNmai tharum oruperunj seerk kadavuL enap pukalum Pristine doctrines of discipline, to redeem you in the pure path

¸Õ½¡¿¢¾¢ ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ ¾Õ½õ þо¡§É Of equity and grace, to attain a life of virtuous bliss
karuNaanithi varukintRa tharuNam ithuthaenae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯ñ¨Á¨Â ¯ûÇÅ¡Ú ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý. þí§¸ Good people of this world! I am speaking trhe truth virtual as it
Å¡Õí¸û. ¿¡ý ¦º¡øÖõ ¯¨Ã¢ø ºó§¾¸õ ¦¸¡ñÎ Å¡ö §À¡ÉÀÊ is. Do not doubt what I say and let loose your tounge to chatter
§Àº¢ì ¦¸Î¾ø §Åñ¼¡. þ¾¨É ¯¨ÃìÌõ ±ý¨É ±Ç¢ÂÅý ±Éô go bad. Do not neglect me as a simpleton. The Lord Almighty is
ÒÈ츽¢ì¸ §Åñ¼¡. ±øÄ¡õ ¦ºÂÅøÄ þ¨ÈÅý ±ýÛû ¦À¡Õó¾ present in me. Lister to what I say. With a cool and kind mind
±Øó¾ÕÇ¢ÔûÇ¡ý. ¿¡ý ¦º¡øž¨Éì §¸Ùí¸û. ¯ÇìÌÇ¢÷§Å¡Î adhere to the pure pristine path of amiable codes to attain
Íò¾ º¢Å ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¦¿È¢¨Âô À¢ýÀüÈ¢ Å¢¨ÃóÐ ¸¨¼ò§¾ÚÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸. salvation. To grant you an eternal life of grace and compassion,
¯í¸ÙìÌ ¿¢ò¾¢Â Å¡úÅÇ¢ò¾ þÃì¸ ¯½÷¨Å ¿øÌõ ¦Àâ the divine in form of oneness, who is he wealth of compassion
µ÷¨Á§Â ¯ÕÅ¡Ìõ ¸¼×û ±ÉôÀÎõ ¸Õ¨½Â¡õ ¿¢¾¢ þí§¸ is to arrive this opportunate moment; so reach here fast.
ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ ¾Õ½õ þÐ. ±É§Å Å¢¨ÃóÐ ÅóÐ §ºÕí¸û.
47 48
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 14
À¡¼ø 14

¾¡§É ¾¡É¡¸¢ ±øÄ¡õ ¾¡É¡¸¢ «ÄÉ¡ö Almighty is the entity, inner self within itself; He is
thaanae thaanaaki ellaam thaanaaki alanaay
Infinite manifestation of everything in space; as also the
¾É¢ô À¾¢Â¡ö Å¢Çí¸¢Îõ ±ý¾ó¨¾¨Â ±ó¾¡¨Â
thanip pathiaay viLangkidum en thanthaiyai en thaaiyai Void and form of nothing apparent; he is the
Å¡§É «ùÅ¡ý ¸Õ§Å Å¡ý¸ÕÅ¢ý Ó¾§Ä Lord of everything; our father, mother and what not
vaanae avvaan karuvae vaan karuvin muthalae
He is the sky, its embryo, the first core atom and the
ÅøÄ¡÷ ±ýÚ «ýÀ¦ÃøÄ¡õ ¯ûÇ¡ ¿¢ýÈŨÉ
vallaar entRu anbarellaam uLLaa nintRavanai
Omnipotent who prevails thoughts of all devotees who
§¾§É ¦ºõÀ¡§¸ ±ýȢɢò¾¢Îõ ¦¾ûÇÓ¨¾î
theanae sempaakae entRu iniththidum thaLLamuthaich Praise him- the sweet honey, the refined treacle syrup

º¢üº¨À¢ø ¦ÀÕÅ¡ú¨Åî º¢ó¨¾¦ºöÁ¢ý ¯Ä¸£÷ Tasting nectar, the eternal life of our inner-self whom
sitRsabayil peruvaazhvaich sinthai saeymin ulakeer
We shall realize and cherish to attain for our body flesh
°§É¡õ ¯¼ÄƢ¡ àÆ¢¦¾¡Õõ µíÌõ
uunae aam udalazhiyaa thuuzhi thorum Ongum The miraculous and sterling grace everlasting and rising for

¯ò¾Á º¢ò¾¢¨Âô ¦ÀÚÅ£÷ ºò¾¢Âõ ¦ºý§É§É Eons; what I convey you is virtual truth innate
uththama sidhiyaip peRuveer saththiyam sonnaenae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¾¡§É ¾¡ý ¬¸¢Ôõ À¢È ±øÄ¡Óõ Good people of this world! Almighty is all in himself, the force
¾¡É¡¸¢Ôõ, «¨Å «Ä¡¾ÅÉ¡ö, ´ôÀüÈ ¾¨ÄÅÉ¡ö within himself, but also above from all that, shining as a matchless
Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈÅý ±ÉìÌò ¾¡öÁ¡ö ¾ó¨¾ÔÁ¡ö ¯ûÇ¡ý. leader. He is our father and mother. As the sky, the embryo of
«Åý Å¢ñ½¡ö, Å¢ñ½¢ý ¸ÕÅ¡ö, «ì¸Õ×ìÌ Ó¾øÄö
sky, and core of embryo. Trusted by devotees as the origin of all
¯ûÇ ÅûÇø ±É «ýÀ÷¸Ç¡ø ¿¢¨Éì¸ô Àθ¢ýÃÅý. §¾ý
¦ºõÀ¡Ì §À¡ýÚ þÉ¢ò¾¢ÎÀÅý. ¦¾Ç¢ó¾ «Ó¾õ §À¡ýÈÅý. munificence. He is the form of sweet cane syrup, clear nectar, he
»¡É º¨À¢ø ¯¨ÈÀÅý. þôÀÊôÀð¼ þ¨ÈÅ¨É ÁÉò¾¢É¡ø presides the assembly of wisdom. We have to think, realise and
±ñ½¢ô §À¡üȢθ. þ¾É¡ø °ý ¦À¡Õó¾¢ ¯¼ø «Æ¢Â¡Ð. hail his unique glory, so as to merge with him and maintain a
°Æ¢§¾¡Úõ Å¡Øõ ¯ò¾Á º¢ò¾¢¨Âô ¦ÀüÚ Å¡ÆÄ¡õ. body lasting for ever, and a life of consciousness for eons.
49 50

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 15 Song 15

ºò¾¢Â §Å¾¡ó¾ ¦ÁøÄ¡õ º¢ò¾¡ó¾õ ±øÄ¡õ The One, hard to delve deep or understand in full, who
sathya vaedaantha mellaam sidhaantham ellaam
Knows to the core, distinctly and differentially, above
¾É¢ò ¾É¢ §ÁÖ½÷òÐõ ¾¨É¯½÷¾ü ¸Ã¢¾¡ö
thanith thani mael uNarththum thanai uNarthaR karithaay
Common knowledge, and imparts virtual and ultimate
¿¢ò¾¢Â º¢üº¨À ¿Î§Å ¿¢¨ÈóÐ ¿¼õÒâÔõ
niththya siRsabai naduvae niRainthu nadam puriyum Truth of edicts and scriptures, the fruits of self-awareness;

¿¢ò¾ Àââý¨É º¢ò¾ º¢¸¡ Á½¢¨Â The chief of mystics in total eternity, who plays in full form
niththa paripuuraNanai siththa sikaa maNiyai
In ever-vigilant inner-self; the great Lord, the grace of
«ò¾¨¸ µ÷ ¦ÀÕõÀ¾¢¨Â «ÕÁÕó¨¾ «Ê§Âý
aththakai vour perum pathiyai arumarunthai adiyaen
Condesence, the rare elixir who inculcated his spirit in my
¬Å¢ ±ý ¬Å¢Â¢§Ä «Á÷ó¾ ¾Â¡ ¿¢¾¢¨Âî
aavi en aaviyilae amarntha thayaa nithiyaich Inner-self; the pristine refuge who has endowed on me

º¢ò¾¢¦ÂøÄ¡õ ±Éì¸Ç¢ò¾ º¢Å¸¾¢¨Â ¯Ä¸£÷ Mystic powers. All people of the world, give up slander or
sidhi yellaam enakkaLiththa siva kathiyai ulakeer

º¢ó¨¾ ¦ºöÐ Å¡úòÐÁ¢§É¡ ¿¢ó¾¨É ±Ä¡õ ¾Å¢÷ò§¾ Vilification, to contemplate in depth and adulate
sinthaiy saethu vaazhthu minoe ninthanai elaam thavirththae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ºò¾¢ÂÁ¡É §Å¾¡ó¾õ º¢ò¾¡ó¾õ ¬¸¢ÂÉ ¯ý¨Áò All good people of the world. Edicts of ancient scriptures and philosophy,
¾É¢ò¾É¢§Â ¯½÷óÐõ ¯½÷¾üÌ «Ã¢Â¾¡ö ¯ûÄÅý «Æ¢Â¡¾ though delve deep to realize him, he is above and beyond all of their
»¡Éº¨À¢ý ¿Î§Å ¿¢¨ÈóÐ ¿¢ýÚ ¿¼õÒ⸢ýÈ¡ý. ¿¢¨ÈÅ¡¸ reach. He is full in Space and plays his mistic dances in the Hall of
¯ûÄ¡ý. º¢ò¾¾¢ý ÓÊ Á¡¨Â¡¸, º¢ò¾÷¸Ç¢ý ¦Àâ ¾¨ÄÅý. Wisdom. He is the ultimate form of everything. He is the mystic chief
«Ã¢Â «Ó¾õ ¬ÉÅý; «Ê§ÂÉ¢ý ¯Â¢Ã¡ÉÅý; «ù×¢âø of all mystics; he is the form of rare nectar; the life force of all
±Ø¾ÕÇ¢ÔûÇ ¸Õ¨½ ¿¢¾¢Â¡ÉÅý. ±øÄ¡î º¢ò¾¢¸¨ÇÔõ devotees; the compassionate wealth inherent in all like. He is the
±Éì¸Ç¢ò¾ º¢Åý. ÌüÈí¸¨Ç Å¢Ä츢 «Å¨É ÁÉò¾¢ø ¿¢¨ÉòÐ pristine mystic who has afforded me all my faculties. Hail him and get
Å¡úòÐí¸û. rid of all your sins and faults.
51 52
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 16
À¡¼ø 16
¿¢ó¨¾Â¢Ä¡÷ ¦¿ïº¸ò§¾ ¿¢¨Èó¾ ¦ÀÕõ¾¨¸¨Â All my folks come on and put in all your endeavors
ninthay yilaar nenjakaththae niRaintha perum thakaiyai
To banish crooked shrunken acts; give up frenzy of
¿¢¨Ä «¨ÉòÐõ ¸¡ðÊ«Õû ¿¢¨Ä «Ç¢ò¾ ÌÕ¨Å
nilai anayththum kaatti aruL nilai aLiththa guruvai Death ultimate; drive away earlier dirt and stains of sins
±ó¨¾ ±ó¾É¢ò ¾¡¨Â ±ý þÕ¸ñ Á½¢¨Â
enthaiy enthanith thaayai en irukaN maNiyai And come forth in devotion to the One great sublime

±ý ¯Â¢¨Ã ±ý ¯½÷¨Å ±ý «È¢×û «È¢¨Å Who fills the minds of all to free from slander and curse
en uyirai en uNarvai en aRivuL aRivai
Who manifests all forms to grant grace of sober stability
º¢ó¨¾Â¢§Ä ¾É¢ò¾¢ÕìÌõ ¦¾û «Ó¨¾ «¨ÉòÐõ
sinthaiyilae thanith thirukkum theL amuthai anayththum
My precious father, the guide of learning, the pupil of
¦ºöÂÅøÄ ¾É¢ò¾¨Ä¨Á º¢ÅÀ¾¢¨Â ¯Ä¸£÷
saeyvalla thanith thalaimai sivapathiyai ulakeer My vision; my lifeline and core of my thoughts; the wisdom

Óó¨¾ ÁÄ þÕ𦼡Ƣ ÓýÛÁ¢§É¡, ¸Ã½ Of my knowledge, exclusive and pure nectar in my inner self
munthai mala iruttozhiya munnuminoe, karaNa

ÓÎ즸¡Æ¢òÐì ¸¨¼Áý ¿Î즸¡Æ¢òÐ ÓÂý§È

the matchless master and pristine chief.
muduk kozhiththuk kadai maraNa nadukkozhiththu muyantRae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ÌüÈõ «üÈÅ÷¸Ç¢ý ÁÉò¾¢ø ¿¢¨ÈóÐ Good people of this world! Great he resides in the maind of
Å¢ÇíÌõ ¦À÷󾨸; þýÀ »¡É ¿¢¨Ä¢ø ±øÄ¡Åü¨ÈÔõ those, who have shyed sings.; shows all the stages of wisdom
¸¡ðÊÂÅý; «Õû¿¢¨Ä ÅÆí¸¢ÂÅý; ÌÕÅ¡öò ¾¢¸úÀÅý. ±ÉìÌò and pleasures; endows a state of grace as a sacred guide. He
¾ó¨¾Â¡ö, ¾¡Â¡ö, ¸ñ¸Ç¡ö, ¯Â¢Ã¡ö, «È¢Å¡ö, «È¢Å¢Ûõ «È¢Å¡ö is the form of our mother, father, our eyes, our life, our feelings,
Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈÅý. º¢ó¨¾Â¢ø Å£üÈ¢ÕìÌõ ´ôÀüÈ «Ó¾Á¡ö kinowlede and wisdom. He pervades our thoughts sweet as the
þÉ¢ôÀÅý. ±øÄ¡õ ¦ºÂÅøÄ ´ôÀüÈ ¾¨ÄÅý. º¢Å supreme nectar. He is the uniqe Lord omnipotent. You always
ÀÃõ¦À¡Õû.«ò¾¨¸Â ¦ÀÕÁ¡¨É; ¸Ã½í¸Ç¢ý ÌüÈìý¸¨Ç ¿£ì¸¢.
hold your thoughts on him and pray him to get rid of consequences
¸¨¼º¢Â¢ø §¾¡ýÚõ ÁýÁ¡¸¢Â «îºò¨¾ ´Æ¢òÐ, ÓýÉ§È ÀüÈ¢Â
ÁÄÁ¡¸¢Â Å¢Äì¸, ¿¢¨ÉóРŽíÌí¸û. of your actions, the stain of sins; to expel the darkness of your
obsessions, and overcome the fear of death.
53 54
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 17
À¡¼ø 17
ÓÂýÚ ¯Ä¸¢ø ÀÂý «¨¼Â¡ ã¼ Á¾õ «¨ÉòÐõ This is the time when our Lord appears in Grace
muyantRu ulakil payan adaiyaa muuda matham anaiyththum
The practical agreeable harmless path of virtues that
Óθ¢ «Æ¢ó¾¢¼×õ ´Õ §Á¡ºÓõ þøÄ¡§¾
muduki azhinthidavum oru mousamum illaathae
Activates the deceased to rise up as if from slumber
þÂýÈ ´Õ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ ´ýÚ ±íÌ(õ) ¿¢¨Ä¦ÀÃ×õ
iyantRa oru sanmaargam ontRu engkum nilaiy peRavum Waking up to awareness; to learn experience cultivate
±õ þ¨ÈÅý ±Øó¾ÕÇø þÐ ¾Õ½õ ¸ñË÷
em iraivan ezhuntharuLal ithu tharuNam kaNdeer And sustain this rarity, my folks! you come in haste;

ТýÚ ¯½÷ó§¾ ±Øó¾Å÷ §À¡ø þÈó¾Å÷¸û ±øÄ¡õ imbibe in your minds what you have missed to learn
thuyintRu uNarnthae ezhunthavar poul iRanthavarkaL ellaam
And absorb yet; realize and appreciate, worldly endeavors
§¾¡ýÈ ±Ø¸¢ýÈÐ ¦¾¡¼÷óÐ ¿¢¸úó¾¢Îõ ¿£÷
thountRa ezhukintRathu thodarnthu nikazhnthidum neer
to gain, benefit and hold on to pleasures and comforts
À¢ýÚ «È¢Â Å¢¨ÃóÐ ÅýÁ¢ý ÀÊ¡¾ ÀÊô¨Àô
payintRu aRiya virainthu vanmin padiyaatha padippaip You can attain these as you get rid of the foolish, stupid
ÀÊò¾¢¼Ä¡õ ¯½÷󾢼ġõ ÀüÈ¢¼Ä¡õ ͸§Á
padiththidalaam uNarnthidalaam patRidalaam sukamae Superstitious beliefs of all religious cults

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ÀÄŨ¸Â¢Öõ ÓÂýÚ ´Õ À¨ÉÔõ Good people of he world! Having tried in may ways, with out
«¨¼Â¡¾ Ó¼Á¡É Á¾í¸û ±øÄ¡õ ¯Ä¸¢ø Å¢¨ÃóÐ attaining any goals, many religions have failed, handicaped and
«Æ¢ó¾¢¼×õ; ´Õ ÌüÈÓõ þøÄ¡¾ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¦¿Ã¢ limping, and are sinking to disappear. This is the time our Lord
±íÌõ ¿¢¨Ä¦ÀÈ×õ ±õ þ¨ÈÅý ±Øó¾ÕÙ¸¢ýÈ ¸¡Äõ. manifests to fullfil our wishes and to sustain the pure amiable
àí¸¢ ±Øò¾Å÷¸û §À¡ýÚ þÈó¾Å÷¸û ±Øó¾¢ÕìÌõ ¦ºÂø; code of virtues. Like those waking up from sleep, the deceased
þÐ ¦¾¡¼í¸¢ ¿¢¸Øõ. ¬¾Ä¡ø «ó¾ Å¢ò¨¾¨Âõ ¸üÚì will arise to live on ; and this will go on. So hurry up fast to
¦¸¡ûÇ Å¢¨ÃÅ¢ø Å¡Õí¸û. þÐŨâø ÀÊò¾¢Ã¡¾ ÀÊô¨ÀÔõ learn that magical feat. You can learn what you have missed so
ÀÊòÐ ¯ñ÷óР͸õ ¦ÀüÈ¢¼Ä¡õ Å¡Õí¸û. far, realize the truth and live in happiness.
55 56
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 18 Song 18

͸õ «È¢Â£÷ ÐýÀõ ´ý§È н¢óÐ «È¢ó¾£÷ ¯Ä¸£÷ Your have not learned to enjoy real pleasures and comforts
sukam aRiyeer thunpam ontdrae thuNindhu aRindheer ulakeer Of life; but dared to suffer pain only in the ways of dice,
ÝÐ «È¢ó¾£÷ Å¡Ð «È¢ó¾£÷ àö¨Á «È¢ó¾¢Ä¢§Ã
Cheating and perverted logic; but not the path of purity in
soodhu aRindheer vaadhu aRindheer thooimaiy aRinthilirae
þ¸õ «È¢Â£÷ ÀÃõ «È¢Â£÷ ±ý§É Ñí ¸Õò¾£(Ð) Mind and body; you are unaware of external ways and qualities
ikam aRiyeer param aRiyeer ennae nung karuththeethu of the world, of Space and Cosmos. I wonder of what
±ýÒâţ÷ Áýõ Åâø ±íÌ ¯ÚÅ£÷ «ó§¾¡
Use your knowledge and experiences are! What will you do
enpuriveer maraNam varil engu uRuveer andhoe
«¸õ «È¢Â£÷ «É¸õ «È¢óÐ «Æ¢Â¡¾ »¡É When the end approaches? despair in dire helplessness!
akam aRiyeer anakam aRinthu azhiyaatha gnaana
Oh my Lord! They know not their inner-self, living as aliens
«Ó¾ ÅÊÅõ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ «¨¼ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý ®ñ§¼
Unseen, uncared. They are yet to see You in me, praised
amudha vadivam peRalaam adainthidumin yeendae
Ó¸õ «È¢Â¡÷ §À¡Ä¢Õó¾£÷ ±ý¨É «È¢Â£§Ã¡ And adored by mature Seers and saints. My dear folks!
mukam aRiyaar poul iruntheer ennai aRiyeeroe
Come here and realize the indestructible forces of Nature
Óò¾÷ ±øÄ¡õ §À¡üÚõ «Õ𠺢ò¾÷ Á¸ý ¿¡§É
muthar ellaam poutRum arut sidhar makan naanae In eternal Space and attain wisdom of his ecstatic forms

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯Ä¸ ¿Äõ «È¢Â£÷. ±¾¢÷Á¨È¸¨Ç ¿ýÈ¡ö Good people of the world. You know not what is good in this
«È¢óÐûÇ£÷. ÝÐ Å¡Ð «È¢Å£÷; àö¨Á «È¢Â£÷. þõ¨Á ÁÚ¨Á
«È¢Â Á¡ðË÷. ±ýÉ ±ñ½¢ÔûÇ£§Ã¡. Áýõ ÅÕõ§À¡Ð world. You are familiar with negativea of life; and practise cheating
±íÌî ¦ºøŧá! ³§Â¡ «¸õÀüÈ¢ «È¢óÐûÇ£÷; «É¸õ ÀüÈ¢ and illogic. Know what is pure and good for presen and future; your
«È¢Å£Ã¡Â¢ý «Æ¢Â¡¾ »¡Â þýÀ ÅʨÅô ¦ÀüÚ ±ýÚõ thoughts are not clear. You know not to face death; but worldly chorus
Å¡ÆÄ¡õ. «¨¼ó¾¢¼ þý§È ÒÈôÀθ. ±ý¨Éì of life. If you know external space and cosmos, you gain sweet vision
¸¡½¡¾Å÷§À¡ø þÕ츢ýÈ£÷. ±ý¨É «È¢Â£÷. Óò¾÷¸û of wisdom everlasting. You do not know me, or see Him in me. I am
±øÄ¡õ §À¡üÚõ «Õû º¢ò¾÷ìÌ Á¸ý ¬§Åý ¿¡ý.
descendent of the One who is praised and hailed by sains and seers.
57 58

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 19
À¡¼ø 19
You are my tribes as kith and kin; what I utter as words
¿¡ý ¯¨ÃìÌõ Å¡÷¨¾±øÄ¡õ ¿¡Â¸ý ¾ý Å¡÷ò¨¾
naan uraikkum vaarthai yellaam naayakan than vaarththai
Are prompts by Master of my inner-self, where he resides.
¿õÒÁ¢§É¡ ¿ÁÃí¸¡û ¿ø ¾Õ½õ þЧÅ
nambuminoe namarangkaL nal tharuNam ithuvae You rely on them with no doubt or hesitation, as words of

Å¡ý ¯¨Ãò¾ Á½¢ ÁýÈ¢ø ¿¼õ ÒâÔõ ±õ¦ÀÕÁ¡ý Virtual truth flowing out from a mind soaked in sweet honey.
vaan uraiththa maNi mantRil nadam puriyum emperumaan
What we seek as boon is the grace of Almighty to fill the
ÅÃ× ±¾¢÷즸¡ñÎ «Åý «ÕÇ¡ø ÅÃí¸¦ÇÄ¡õ ¦ÀȧÅ
vaavu ethirkoNdu avan aruLaal varangkaLellaam peravae
Microcosm of inner-self by our master, who is in eternal play
§¾ý ¯¨ÃìÌõ ¯Çõ þÉ¢ì¸ ±Ø¸¢ý§Èý ¿£Å¢÷
thaen uraikkum uLam inikkia ezhukintRaen neevir On the stage blistering with pearls of glowing grace in the

¦¾Ã¢óÐ «¨¼óÐ ±ýÛ¼ý ±ØÁ¢ý º¢ò¾¢¦ÀÈø ¬Ìõ Macrocosm of Space. Out of compasssion I elaborate with
therinthu adainthu ennudan ezhumin sidhipeRal aakum
Intent- this is time opportune and auspicious for us to
²ý ¯¨Ãò§¾ý þÃì¸ò¾¡ø ±ÎòÐ ¯¨Ãò§¾ý ¸ñË÷
eaen uraiththaen irakkaththaal eduththu uraiththaen kaaNeer
Realize and come-forth, welcome and receive Him in earnest,
¡ý «¨¼Ôõ Íìò¾¢¨É ¿£÷¾¡ý «¨¼¾ø ÌÈ¢ò§¾
yaan adaiyum sukaththinai neerthaan adithal kuRiththae to exchange and share our delights in bliss.

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁì¸Ç¡õ ¿õÁÅ÷¸§Ç! ¿¡ý ¯¨ÃìÌõ Å¡÷ò¨¾¸û All good folks of this world! The words I speak to you are
±øÄ¡õ þ¨ÈÅÉ¡¸¢Â ¾¨ÄÅÛ¨¼Â Å¡÷ò¨¾¸§Ç¡õ. inspired by the wisdom of the Lord, our master. You can belived
¿õÒÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸. Å¢ñ½¡¸¢Â «Æ¸¢Â «õÀÄò¾¢ø ¾¢ÕìÜò¾¡Ê them. He, the one who is in perpectual dance in the Space of
«ÕÙõ ±õ¦ÀÕÁ¡ý ±Øó¾ÕÇ×ûÇ þò¾Õ½õ «Å÷ ÅèŠgreat beauty, is about to manifest his presence here, at this time.
±¾¢÷¦¸¡ñÎ, «Åý «ÕÇ¡ø ±øÄ¡ ÅÃí¸¨ÇÔõ ¦ÀÕžüÌ Come here with your hearts pure to welcome himwith me to
þɢ ¯Çò§¾¡Î ±Ø¸¢ý§Èý. þ¾¨Éò ¦¾Ã¢óÐ ¿£í¸Ùõ ±ýÛ¼ý attain his grace of of great boons. You understand this and join
ÒÈôÀÎí¸û. ±øÄ¡î º¢ò¾¢¸¨ÇÔõ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ. ¿¡ý þ¾¨É ²ý me. All those your desires can be fulfilled. I tell this to you out
¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý ±É¢ø ¯í¸Ç¢ø ±ÉìÌûÇ þÃì¸×½÷×õ ¿¡ý of love and compassion on you that what I attain shall reach you
¦ÀÚõ §ÀüÈ¢¨É ¿£í¸Ùõ ¦ÀüÚ Á¸¢Æ §ÅñÎõ ±ýÈ ±ñ½õ¾¡ý. also so that you gt a life of pleasure and happiness.
59 60

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 20
À¡¼ø 20

ÌÈ¢òÐ ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý þ¾¨Éì §¸ñÁ¢ý þí§¸ ÅýÁ¢ý

kuRiththu uraikkintRaen ithanaik kaeNmin ingae vanmin Worldly folks, obsessed by a sense of shame with a

§¸¡Ïõ ÁÉì ÌÃí¸¡§Ä ¿¡Ï¸¢ýÈ ¯Ä¸£÷ Deviant crooked mind of Apes (our ancestors in evolution)
kouNum manak kurangkaalae naaNukintRa ulakeer
Come and listen to me with intent and rapt, what I point out
¦ÅÈ¢ò¾ ¯õÁ¡ø ´ÕÀÂÛõ §Åñθ¢§Äý ±ÉÐ
For sure is- I am not in expectation of anything from the
veRiththa ummaal orupayanum vaeNdukilaen enathu
Void of your dazed mind or body. Do not deem my words
¦Áö¯¨Ã¨Âô ¦À¡öԨáö §ÅÚ ¿¢¨É¡¾£÷
mey uraiyaip pouy uraiyaai vaeru ninaiyaatheer Truth serene, as falsehood or feel diffident. Regimented and
¦À¡È¢ò¾ Á¾õ ºÁÂõ ±øÄ¡õ ¦À¡ö¦À¡ö§Â «ÅüÈ¢ø Rigid cults and dogmatic codes have no basis of real truth;
poRiththa matham samayam ellaam poy poyae avatRil
Mostly they are false notions; do not delve or drown in them.
Ò̾¡¾£÷ º¢Åõ ´ý§È ¦À¡Õû±Éì ¸ñÎ «È¢Á¢ý
pukuthaatheer sivam ondRae poruLenak kaNdu aRimin Pristine knowledge alone, learn and recognize truth serene; the

¦ºÈ¢ò¾¢Îõ º¢üº¨À ¿¼Éò¨¾ò ¦¾Ã¢óРо¢ò¾¢ÎÁ¢ý Player in thy inner-self, in depth of knowledge you devote to
seRiththidum sitRsabai nadanaththaith therinthu thuthiththidumin And assimilate. Your inner will, aspirations are sure to
º¢ò¾¢ ±øÄ¡õ þò¾¢É§Á ºò¾¢Âõ §º÷ó¾¢Î§Á Gain right now; this is universal truth in the light of bliss
siDhi ellaam iththinamae sathtiyam saernthidumae
Good people of this world. I have interest on you in my mind and tell
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯í¸¨Ç ¯Çò¾Á÷ò¾¢ ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý. þ¾É¢ì
this to you. Come here and listen to this. Mind is an Ape that disturbs
§¸Ùí¸û. þí§¸ Å¡Õí¸û.§¸¡½Ä¡¸ ¿¼ì¸î ¦ºöÔõ ÁÉÁ¡¸¢Â
and deviates your activities and puts you in shame. I do not expect
ÌÃí¸¢É¡ø Åà ¿¡Ï¸¢ýÈ£÷. ÁÕñÎ ¸¢¼ìÌõ ¯õÁ¢¼õ ±¾¨ÉÔõ
anything from you in return. Do not deem that my virtual words or in any
¿¡ý ±¾¢÷À¡÷ì¸Å¢ø¨Ä. ±ÉÐ ºò¾¢Â ¦Á¡Æ¢¸¨Çô ¦À¡öԨøǡ¸,
way false or alien. All written codes of religions and cults are full of
Á¡È¡¸ ±ñ½¡¾£÷. ±Ø¾ô¦ÀüÈ Á¾í¸û, ºÁÂí¸û ¬¸¢Â ±øÄ¡õ
falsehood. Do not delve in them. The pristine power is the only real one.
¦À¡ö§Â. «¨Å¸Ç¢ø Ò¸¡¾£÷. º¢Åõ ´ý§È ±ýÚõ þÂíÌõ ¦À¡Õû.
Try to realize this. Feel and hail His dance in the hall of wisdom and
þ¾¨Éì ¸ñ¼È¢Ôý¸û. ¦ºÈ¢§Å¡íÌ »¡Éº¨À¢ø «Åý ¬Îõ
inner-self. All your good desires shall get fulfilled.
¾¢Õ¿¼Éõ ±Éò ¦¾Ã¢óÐ §À¡üÚí¸û. þý§È ±øÄ¡î º¢ò¾¢¸Ùõ
¯¨Á «¨¼ó¾¢Îõ.
61 62

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 21
À¡¼ø 21
To reach, conjoin and attain the great Absolute
§º÷ó¾¢¼§Å ´ÕôÀÎÁ¢ý ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò
saernthidavae oruppadumin samarasa sanmaargath Concentrate; integrate, unite and focus on the amiable

¾¢Õ ¦¿È¢§Â ¦ÀÕ¦¿È¢Â¡õ º¢ò¾¢ ±øÄ¡õ ¦ÀÈÄ¡õ Pure path of virtues; the noble path and sublime code.
thiru neRiyae peru neRiyaam sidhi ellaam peRalaam
Take courage to think, examine investigate and dessert-
µ÷ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý ¯ñϾüÌõ ¯Èí̾üÌõ ¯½÷ó¾£÷
oornthidumin uNNuthaRkum uRangkuthatRkum uNarntheer We feel the need for food and rest; we see all in and

¯Ä¸¦ÁÄ¡õ ¸ñÎõ µ÷ ¯Ç¨Å «È¢ó¾¢Ä¢§Ã Out of earth surrounded by roaring, rising and rumbling
ulakamelaam kaNdum oor uLavai aRinthilirae
Waves, where life is mortal. Once a corpse even a twig,
¬÷ò¾ ¸¼ø ¯Ä¸È¢Â Áýõ ¯ñ§¼ «ó§¾¡ Particle or farthing respect not or accept. Have we found
aartha kadal ulakaRiya maraNam vuNdae anthoe
A simple, sharp and fine-tuned method to overcome death,
Áýõ ±ýÈ¡ø º¼õ ±Ûõ µ÷ ¾¢Ã½Óõ ºõÁ¾¢Â¡
maraNam entRaal sadam enum oor thiraNamum sammathiyaa That persists and shadows all the time. As you glimpse
º¡÷ó¾¢Îõ «õ Áýò¨¾ò ¾Îò¾¢¼Ä¡õ ¸ñË÷ And get a vision of Reality in perpetual play at conspicuous,
saarnthidum am maraNaththaith thaduththidalaam kaNdeer
Exclusive, enlightened Stage of inner-self and Space,
¾É¢ò¾¢Î º¢üº¨À ¿¼Éò¨¾ò ¾Ã¢ºÉõ ¦ºöÅ£§Ã
thaniththidu sitRsabai nadanaththaith tharisanam saeveerae The apparent impossible becomes all the more possible

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯ñ½×õ ¯Èí¸×õ «È¢óÐûÇ ¯í¸Ç¡ø Good people of this world! We know to eat and sleep. Do we
±øÄ¡ ¯Ä¸í¸¨ÇÔõ ´Õí§¸ ¸¡½ò¾ì¸ Ýú¨Â understand the way many worlds survice together. To gain this
«È¢ÂÅ¢ø¨Ä§Â. ¦ÀÕ¦¿È¢Â¡¸¢Â ¿Î¦¿È¢Â¡õ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò¨¾î wisdom, come forth, join the only righteous path of amiable
§º÷ó¾¢¼ ¯¼ýÀÎÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸. ¦Àâ ¸¼Ä¡ø ÝÆôÀ𼠯ĸ¢ø Áýõ codes of grace. Extinction of life in this world surrounder by vast
¯ñÎ ±ýÀ¨¾ ±øÄ¡Õõ ¯½÷Å÷. «È¢ÅüÈ ´Õº¢Ú ÐÕõÒõ seas, is surely know to everyone. Even a particle bit of matter
Áýò¨¾ Å¢ÕõÒž¢ø¨Ä. «ò¾¨¸Â Áýò¨¾ ÅáÁø ¿õÁ¡ø does not relish destruction. To obviate such dreaded death,
¾Îò¾¢¼ ÓÊÔõ. µôÀüÈ »¡É º¨À¢ø ¾¢Õ¿¼ò¨¾ ¾Ã¢ºÉõ realize the uniqe dance of grace of Almighty in the hall of
¦ºöÔí¸û. wisdom.
63 64
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 22
À¡¼ø 22 The mighty repository of vast grace in perpetual
¦ºö¾¡Öõ ¾£¨Á ±Ä¡õ ¦À¡Õò ¾ÕûÅ¡ý ¦À¡ÐÅ¢ø Play of blissful beauty in cosmic space and our
saethaalum theemai eLaam poruth tharuLvaan pothuvil
Inner-self; He takes in kindly in infinite mercy
¾¢Õ¿¼Éõ ¦ºö ¦ÀÕí¸Õ¨½ò ¾¢Èò¾¡ý «í(Ì)
thiru nadanam saey perungkaruNaith thiRaththan angku All wrongs harm and evil. I call upon you people
«Å¨É ¦Áö¾¡Å ¿¢¨Éò¾¢Î¸ ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ Of earthly dull; in transient mundane interests of
avanai meythaava ninaiththiduka samarasa sanmaargam
Sensual body -you take and adhere to the pure path of
§Á׸ ±ýÚ ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý §Á¾¢É¢Â£÷ ±¨Éò¾¡ý
maevuka entRu uraikkintRaen maethiniyeer enaiththaan Grace. You may choose to abuse, deride and chide me
¨Å¾¡Öõ ¨Å¾¢ÎÁ¢ý Å¡úò¦¾Éì ¦¸¡ñÊΧÅý By all means do it . I take and deem them as praise
vaithaalum vaithidumin vaazththenak koNdiduvaen
And honor in admiration; shall not shrink or frown.
ÁÉõ §¸¡§½ý Á¡É¦ÁøÄ¡õ §À¡ÉÅÆ¢ Å¢Îò§¾ý
manam kouNaen maanamellaam pounavazhi viduththaen I have come far away from out of adulations. Not in
¦À¡ö¾¡ý µ÷ º¢È¢¦¾É¢Ûõ Ò¸§Äý ºò¾¢Â§Á any bit, what I say is what is not true, but utter truth
poythaan oor siRithaenum pukalaen saththiyamae
Virtual; to persuade you to embrace the path of sanctity
Ò¸ø¸¢ý§Èý ¿£Å¢÷ ±øÄ¡õ ÒÉ¢¾ÓÚõ ¦À¡Õð§¼
pukalkintRaen neevir ellaam punithamurum poruttae
All good people of this world. The pristine Lord who dances in
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! «õÀÄò¾¢ø Üò¾¡Î¸¢ýÈ ¸Õ¨½Â¡¸¢Â Space in the form of compaqssion and love, condones our fauls
¦¿È¢Â¡õ º¢Åý, ¿¡õ ¦ºöÔõ ÌüÈí¸¨Çô ¦À¡Úò¾ÕûÅ¡ý. and sins of ignorance. Always think of him residing in your inner-
«õÀÄÁ¡¸¢Â «í§¸ «Å¨É ¦ÁöÂý§À¡Î ¿¢¨Éò¾¢Î¸. ºÁú self with real love. Conjoin the code of amiable pure path of
ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò¨¾ô ¦À¡ÕóÐí¸û. ¿¡ý ¯¨Ã츢§Èý. ±ý¨É virtues. I assure you ven if you scold me I will take that as a hail
«¾ü¸¡¸ò ¾¢ðÊÉ¡Öõ «¾¨É Å¡úò¾¡¸ ²üÚì ¦¸¡û§Åý. of praise, without a frown of my mind. I have goven up
ÁÉõ §¸¡½Á¡ð§¼ý. Á¡É ¯½÷¨Å Å¢ðÎÅ¢ð§¼ý. µ÷ expectation of self-respect. I will not mouth any falsehood, even
º¢È¢Â ¦À¡ö¨ÂÔõ Ò¸Ä Á¡ð§¼ý. ¿£í¸û ±øÄ¡Õõ àÂÅ÷
¬¾ø §ÅñÎõ ±ýÈ Å¢ÕôÀ¡ø ºò¾¢Â§Á ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý. tiny. I speak virtual truth execting that all of you attain purity
65 66

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai:
À¡¼ø 23 Song 23

¦À¡Õð¼Ä Ñõ §À¡¸õ ±øÄ¡õ ¦À¡ö¡õ, þí¸¢Ð Is there any charm or substance languishing in the
poruttala num bougam ellaam poyyaam ingkithu
dark world of ignorance, perplexing and frightful
¿¡ý Ò¸ÖŦ¾ý ¿¡û§¾¡Õõ Òò¾¢Â¢ü ¸ñ¼Ð§Å
naan pukauvathen naaLthourum buththiyitR kaNdathuvae
Come to this sanctuary where we can enjoy a life of
ÁÕðÎĸ£÷ þÕðÎĸ¢ø ÁÊÅÐ «Æ¸Ä§Å
maruttulakeer iruttulakil madivathu azhakalavae Fame in eternal bliss. The life you bear in enjoying

ÁýÁ¢Ä¡ô ¦ÀÕÅ¡úÅ¢ø Å¡ÆÅõÁ¢ý þí§¸ Luxuries, natural or artificial, are unstable, false and
maraNamilaap peruvaazhvil vaazha vanmin ingkae
Fleeting, I need not elaborate. Come and join the
¦À¡Õû¾¢Èõ §º÷ Íò¾º¢Å ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¿¢¨Ä¢ø
poruL thiRam saer sudhasiva sanmaarga nilaiyil Path pure and pristine, the path of grace and relish

¦À¡ÕóÐÁ¢ý º¢üº¨À «Ó¾õ «ÕóÐÁ¢ý «ýÒ¼§É In love, the nectar of ideals of inner-self and dance
porunthumin sitRsabai amutham arunthumin anbudanae
absorbed in ecstatic feeling of strength in the light of
«Õû¾¢Èõ §º÷óÐ ±ñ½¢ÂÅ¡Ú ¬ÎÁ¢¦É¡, Ñõ¨Á
aruL thiram saernthu eNNiyavaaRu aaduminou, nummai
Grace. None there is to obstruct, but join you. The
«ÎôÀŧà «ýÈ¢ ¿¢ýÚ ¾ÎôÀÅ÷ ÁüÈ¢¨Ä§Â
aduppavarae antRi nitRu thaduppavar matRilarae Almighty conducts your play in grace of bliss.

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯Ä¸¢ý «ÛÀÅ¢ìÌõ §À¡¸í¸û ¿¢ÄÂüȨÅ. Good people of this world. All pleasure you enjoy on earth are
þ¾¨É ¿¡ý ¦º¡øÄ §ÅñÊÂÐ þø¨Ä. ¯í¸û ÁÉÁȢ ¿£í¸§Ç unstable. I need not elaborate this to you; you know it by your
¯½÷óÐûÇ£÷. ÁÂì¸ ÅøÄÐõ «È¢Â¡¨Á ¿¢¨Èó¾ÐÁ¡É ¯Ä¸¢ø inner-self. You are living in a world of ignorance and temptations.
Å¡úÅ£÷. þù×ĸ¢ø Å¡úóРţ§½ ÁÊÅÐ «Æ¸ýÚ. ÁýÁ¢Ä¡ô Such a life and death as a routine is of no value or use. We
¦ÀÕÅ¡ú× Å¡ÆÄ¡õ; þí§¸ Å¡Õí¸û. ¦Áöô¦À¡ÕÇ¡õ «ó¾ can change this and lead a lasting life in fame and fruitful. Come
º¢Å ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¿¢¨Ä¢ø §º÷ó¾¢Îí¸û. »¡É º¨À¢ø Å¢ÇíÌõ hear and join the virtual reality of pristine pure path of amiable
«Ó¾õ ¯ñÏí¸û. «ýÒ Á¢Ìó¾ «Õû ¯ûÇò§¾¡Î codes of grace; relish the nectar in the hall of wisdom, leading
Å¡úÅ£÷¸Ç¡¸. ±øÄ¡Õõ ¯ÁìÌ ´ò¾Å÷ ¬Å÷. ¾¨¼Â¡¸ þá÷. a life with love and grace. All are your tribes, no hurdles.
67 68

ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service

VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai: Song 24

À¡¼ø 24
Ooh folks of this world, if you lie low saying that-
Á¡üÚ «È¢§Å¡õ ±Éî º¢È¢Ð ¾¡úó¾¢ÕôÀ£÷ ¬É¡ø
maatRu aRivoum enach siRithu thaazhnthu iruppeer aanaal Think of it not now; the cruel harsh form of demise, the
Áý¦ÁÛõ ¦ÀÕõÀ¡Å¢ Åó¾¢Î§Á «ó§¾¡!
maraNamenum perumbaavi vanthidum anthoou Usurper of life may come on you any time; there is
ºüÚõ «¨¾ ÑõÁ¡§Ä ¾Îì¸ ÓÊ¡§¾
No other way to overcome sinking down, except resort to
satRum athai nummaalae thadukka mudiyaathae
ºÁú ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ºí¸ò¾Å÷¸û «øÄ¡ø «¾¨É
The assembly of those in amiable path of virtuous codes.
samarasa sanmaarga sangkaththavarkaL allaal athanai
±üÈ¢ ¿¢ýÚ ¾Îì¸ ÅøÄ¡÷ ±ù×ĸ¢ø ±ÅÕõ There is no one anywhere else who can stand up and
etRi nintRu thadukka vallaar evvulakil evarum
þø¨Ä ¸ñË÷ ºò¾¢ÂÁ¢Ð ±ý¦Á¡Æ¢ ¦¸¡ñÎ ¯Ä¸£÷ Kick the demon out; what I say is virtual truth for ever.

illai kaNdeer saththiyamithu enmozhi koNdu ulakeer

You realize, seek and hold on to the everlasting strength
ÀüȢ ÀüȾ¨Éò ¾¢¨ÉÔõ ÀüÈÈ Å¢ð¼ÕÙõ
patRiya patRathanaith thinaiyum patRRaRa vittaruLum Of the Almighty whose grace alone will afford wholesome
ÀÄôÀü§È ÀüÚÁ¢§É¡ ±ýÚõ þÈÅ£§Ã
Relief from worldly afflictions to attain a life of bliss in eternity
balap patRae patRuminou endRum iRaveerae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! À¢ýÉ÷ À¡÷òÐì ¦¸¡ûÇÄ¡õ ±Éì ¸¡Äò Good people of this world. If you delay good things and postpose
¾¡úòÐţáɡø, Áýõ ±ýÛõ ¦¸¡Ê À¡Å¢ Åó¾¢ÎÅ¡§É. deed to future, the inevitable terror of death is sure to come on time
to usurp you. You cannot do anyting then to prevent or elude it.
³§Â¡ «¾¨É ¯í¸Ç¡ø º¢È¢Ðõ ¾Îì¸ ÓÊ¡§¾. ºÁú
.Exept by those who have taken to the pure path and amiable codes
ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ºí¸ò¾¡÷¸¨Çò ¾Å¢Ã, «¾¨Éò ¾Îì¸ ÅøÄ¡÷
of virute and grace, such an eventuality can be obviated. You take my
±ù×ĸ¢Öõ þø¨Ä; ±ÅÕõ þø¨Ä. ºò¾¢ÂÁ¡¸¢Â ±ý words as virtual and honest truth; give up ties to worldly possessions
¦Á¡Æ¢¨Â ²üÚ ÀüÚì¸¨Ç «È§Å Å¢ÎòÐò ¾¢ÕÅÕ¨Ç ¿øÌõ and hold on firmly to the hall of grace that grants grace of the Great
«õÀÄò¨¾§Â ÀüÈ¡¸ô ÀüÚí¸û.
69 70
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸ VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai
À¡¼ø 25 Song 25

þÈ󾡨à ±Îò¾¢Îõ §À¡Ð «ÃüÚ¸¢ýÈ£÷ ¯Ä¸£÷ People of this world you have not chosen to realize
iRanthaarai eduththidum pouthu aratRukintReer ulakeer The ultimate end till you take on the malady of illness
þÈÅ¡¾ ¦ÀÕÅÃõ ¿£÷ ²ý «¨¼Â Á¡ðË÷ And aging; you did not think of it even in default. Those
iRavaaatha peruvaram niir ean adaiya maatteer
Of goodwill and kindness are sure to tremble in and out,
ÁÈó ¾¢Õó¾£÷ À¢½¢ ãôÀ¢ø ºõÁ¾§Á¡ ÑÁìÌ
To think of grave consequences. You fret and panic, scream
maRanthiruntheer piNi muuppil sammathamoe numakku
And cry while the corpse is being disposed off, knowing no
ÁÈóÐõ þ¨¾¿¢¨É츢ø ¿ø§Ä¡÷ÁÉõ ¿ÎíÌõ ¸ñË÷
maRanththum ithai ninaikkil nallourmanam nadungkum kaNdeer Other way. Have you any time pondered of the path to

º¢Èó¾¢Î ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ ´ý§È À¢½¢ ãôÒ Áýõ Attain the rare boon to exist in everlasting life preventing
siRanthidu sanmaargam ontRae piNi muuppu maraNam Pain, aging and illness, which you tolerate in daily life?
§ºÃ¡Áø ¾Îò¾¢Îõ ¸¡ñ ¦¾Ã¢óÐ ÅýÁ¢ý þí§¸ Know thee the esteemed path and codes of grace alone
saeraamal thaduththidum kaaN therinthu vanmin ingkae
Can save you from disasters. You are sure to attain and
À¢Èó¾ À¢ÈôÀ¢¾¢ø ¾¡§É ¿¢ò¾¢Â ¦Áö Å¡ú×
Enjoy a stable, real and lasting time of supreme bliss in
piRantha piRappithil thaanae niththiya mey vaazhvu
Life here by grace of the leading light within you
¦ÀüÈ¢¼Ä¡õ §ÀâýÀõ ¯üÈ¢¼Ä¡õ Å¢¨Ãó§¾
petRidalaam paerinbam utRRidalaam virainthae
Good people of this world. When a dead body is being disposed off
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¦ºò¾¡¨Ãô Ò¨¾ì¸ ±Îò¾¢Îõ§À¡Ð you moan and cry. You are toiling in miseries without attaing the boon
«Ø¸¢ýÈ£÷, ÒÄõÒ¸¢ýÈ£÷. þÈÅ¡¾ ÅÃò¨¾ô ¦ÀÈ¡Ð ²ý of eternity. You forget that diseaces and aging inevitably brings on
¯Æø¸¢ýÈ£÷. Áýõ ÅÕž¨É ÁÃóÐ §¿¡¨Â ÁüÚõ death, but compromise with it. While to think of it the minds of people
ÓШÁ¨Â, º¡¨Å «¨¼Â ºõÁ¦¾§Á¡ ¯í¸ÙìÌ. þ¨¾ in goodwill and kindness tremble. To obviate this situation, the only
¿¢¨É츢ø ¿ø§Ä¡÷ ÁÉõ ¿ÎíÌõ. ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ ´ý§È þ¨Å clear path is the pure path of amiable codes of virtue and grace. You
Åá¾ÀÊ §À¡ìÌõ ¦¿È¢Â¡Ìõ. þ¨¾ò ¦¾Ã¢óÐ þí§¸ Å¡Õí¸û. come here and realise the truth. .We can achieve in this life, a body
þôÀ¢ÈŢ¢§Ä§Â «Æ¢Â¡¾ ¯¼õ¦À¡Î Å¡Øõ Å¡ú¨Åô undestructie with everlasting existance.
71 72
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
À¡¼ø 26
Song 26
¯üÈ ¦Á¡Æ¢ ¯¨Ã츢ý§Èý ´Õ¨Á¢ɡø ¯Á째
utRa mozhi uraikkintRaen orumaiyinaal umakkae I am telling you what I have seen by vision of

¯ÈÅý «ýÈ¢ô À¨¸Åý ±É ¯ýÉ¡¾£÷ ¯Ä¸£÷ Unified thoughts as are good for you. I am aligned
uRavan antRip pakaivan ena unnaatheer ulakeer
As one among you by birth; do not lurk any animosity
¸üÈÅÕõ ¸øÄ¡¾ÅÕõ «Æ¢ó¾¢¼ì ¸¡ñ¸¢ýÈ£÷
katRavarum kallaathavarum azhinthidak kaaNkintReer
Amidst this world, The learned and the uninitiated, all
¸Ã½õ ±øÄ¡õ ¸Äí¸ ÅÕõ ÁýÓõ ºõÁ¾§Á¡
karaNam ellaan kalangka varummararaNamum sammathamoe Vane and vanish on time in equal pace. Are you reconciled

ºüÚõ þ¨¾î ºõÁ¾¢Â¡Ð ±ý ÁÉõ¾¡ý ¯ÁÐ to death that shakes and ceases your active life?
satRum ithais sammathiyaathu en manamthaan umathu

¾ý ÁÉõ¾¡ý ¸ýÁɧÁ¡ ÅýÁɧÁ¡ «È¢§Âý My conscience accepts not certainly. Is your mind so hard
than manamthaan kanmanamoe vanmanamoe aRiyaen
And frigid? I do not see. This disaster can and should be
þüÈ¢¾¨Éò ¾Îò¾¢¼Ä¡õ ±ý¦É¡Î §º÷ó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý
intRithanaith thaduththidalaam ennoudu saernthidumin put an end to here and now. Join me in my path, the
±ýÁ¡÷ì¸õ þÈô¦À¡Æ¢ìÌõ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸õ ¾¡§É
Pure one of virtues to attain eternity in this life here
enmaargam iRappozhikkum sammaargam thaanae

¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ÁÉ ´Õ¨ÁôÀ¡ð§¼¡Î ¯í¸ÙìÌô ¦À¡ÕóÐõ Good people of this world! A speak to you truths gathered in
¦Á¡Æ¢Â¢ø Ò¸Ö¸¢ý§Èý. ±ý¨É ¯í¸û À¨¸ÅÉ¡¸ ±ñÉ¡¾£÷. unification of thoughts, in a language understood by you. Do not
¯í¸ÙìÌ ¿¡ý ¿øÄ ¯ÈÅ¢Éý. ¸üÈÅ÷, ¸øÄ¡¾Å÷ ¡á¢Ûõ consider me as your enemy. I am a good relative of you. You have
þÈóÐ §À¡Å¨¾ì ¸¡Ïí¸û. ÁÉõ ӾĢ ¸Ã½í¸û ¸Äì¸õ seen all people learned or un-lettered eventually die. Are you in
«¨¼ÔõÀÊ ÅÕ¸¢ýÈ Áýõ «¨¼ÅÐ ¯í¸ÙìÌî ºõÁ¾Á¡? agreement with cruel death that comes immobiising your mind and
±ýÁÉõ «¾¨É ´Õ ¦À¡ØÐõ ²üì¸Ð . ¯í¸û Áýõ ¸ø§Ä¡, body movemens? My mind will not accept it anyway. I do not know
Åý¨Á Á¢ì¸§¾¡ «È¢§Âý. þô§À¡§¾ þó¾ Áýò¨¾ò ¾ÎòÐì if your mind is stony or firgid. there are ways to prevent this
¦¸¡ûÇÄ¡õ. ±ý§É¡Î ÅóÐ §º÷Å£÷¸Ç¡¸. ±ý ¦¿È¢ þÈô¨À eventuality right now. Come and join me. My path is on the noble
´Æ¢ìÌõ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ¦¿È¢. pure amiable codes of virtue.
73 74
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai
À¡¼ø 27 Song 27
ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ô ¦ÀÕí̽ò¾¡÷ ¾õ À¾¢¨Â ±ý¨Éò Oh my dear folks of this world! You attain clarity and
sanmaargap perungkuNaththaar tham pathiyai ennaith
Maturity of wisdom; seek the One, master of those in the
¾¡í̸¢ýÈ ¦ÀÕõÀ¾¢¨Âò ¾É¢î ºÀ¡À¾¢¨Â
thaangkukintRa perumpathiyai thanich sabapathiyai Pure path of noble dispensation; the form of Space who

Sustains me; the unique master of mind and Space who

¿ý Á¡÷ì¸ò ¦¾¨É ¿¼ò¾¢î ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ºí¸
nan maargath thenai nadaththum sanmaarga sanga Guides me by leading light in the path of grace; who

¿ÎÅ¢Õì¸ «ÕÇÓ¾õ ¿ø¸¢Â ¿¡Â¸¨Éô Prevails in this society for amiable codes of virtue, the
naduvirukka aruLamutham nalkiya naayakanaip
Master who grants the grace of nectar; the one who is
ÒýÁ¡÷ì¸÷ì(Ì) «È¢Å⾡õ Òñ½¢Â¨É »¡É
Beyond reach and hard to fathom to the ones in mean path;
punmaargarkku aRithaam puNNiyanai gnaana
The Origin, who shines brimming full with virtue of wisdom;
âý ¦Áöô¦À¡ÕÇ¡¸¢ô ¦À¡Õó¾¢Â Á¡ÁÕó¨¾
puuraNa meypporuLaakip porunthiya maamarunthai The vision of true knowledge, the Elixir who rescues with grace

«ýÁ¡÷ì¸õ ¾Å¢÷ò¾ÕÇ¢ «õÀħ¾ ¿¼õ¦ºö Those on wrong harmful path, and is in perpetual play
anmaargam thavirtharuLi ambalaththae nadamsey
On our minds. Hail vast glory of grace, the glow of Grace
«Õð¦ÀÕõ §º¡¾¢¨Â ¯Ä¸£÷ ¦¾Õ𦸡Çî º¡÷Å£§Ã
arutperum southiyai ulakeer therutkoLach saarveerae
Good people of this world. The one who is the head of those with
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ò¾¢üÌâ ¦ÀÃ¢Â Ì½í¸¨Ç qualities committed to the cause of pure codes of virtues path; the
¯¨¼ÂÅ÷¸ÙìÌ ¾¨ÄÅḠ¯ûÇÅ÷; ±ý¨Éò ¾¡í¸¢ì ¸¡ììÛõ great leader who is protecting and patronising me; he is the head of
¦ÀÕõ ¾¨ÄÅý. ´ôÀüÈ «õÀÄò ¾¨ÄÅý. ¿øÄ ÅƢ¢ø ±ý¨É all Space. He is leading me in the right path; has put me amidst the
¿¼ì¸î ¦ºöÐ ºýÁ¡÷ì¸ ºí¸ò¾¢ý ¿Î þÕìÌÁ¡Ú ¦ºöÐ «Õû society of amiables in the code of virtues; has giftred me with nectar
»¡É «Ó¾ò¨¾ò ¾ó¾ÕǢ ¾¨ÄÅý. Òý¨Á ¦¿È¢Â¢ø ¦ºøÅ¡÷ìÌ of graceful wisdom. He is the form of purity, difficult to be recognised
«È¢Â ÓÊ¡¾ Òñ½¢Âô ¦À¡ÕÇ¡ö ¯ûÇÅý. ÓüÈȢšö by those in the small ways. He shines as the mature divine elixir, the
¦Áöô¦À¡ÕÇ¡¸¢ô ¦À¡Õó¾¢Â ¦¾öÅ ÁÕ󾡸 Å¢ÇíÌÀÅý. ultimate in knowledge and realism. Ignoring impure ways, know clearly
«øÄ¡¾ Á¡÷ì¸í¸¨Çò ¾Å¢÷òÐ «õÀÄò¾¢ø «Õû ¿¼Éõ Ò⸢ýÈ the glowing light of grace, in perpectual play in Space, to realize and
«Õð¦ÀÕõ §ƒ¡¾¢¨Âò ¦¾Ç¢Â ¯½÷óÐ §º÷Å£÷¸Ç¡¸. reach him.
75 76
ÅûÇġâý »¡ÉºÃ¢¨¸
VaLLalaarin Gnanasarikai VaLLalaar’s Wisdom in Service
À¡¼ø 28
Song 28
º¡÷¯Ä¸ Å¡¾¨É¨Âò ¾Å¢÷¾Å÷ ¯ûǸò§¾
saar ulaka vaathanaiyaith thavirthavar uLLaththae Praise in pleasure, humans of this world; adore and

ºò¾¢ÂÁ¡ö «Á÷ó¾ÕÙõ ¯ò¾Á ºüÌ÷¨Å Acclaim with a mind oozing in ripeness; the highest
saththyamaay amarntharuLum uththama saRkuruvai
Unique spiritual Perceptor, who prevails and adorns
§¿÷ ¯È§Å ±ÅáÖõ ¸ñΦ¸¡Çü ¸Ã¢¾¡õ
naer uravae evaraalum kaNdukoLaRk karithaam With grace, the minds of ones who have moved out
¿¢ò¾¢Â Å¡ý¦À¡Õ¨Ç ±Ä¡ ¿¢¨Ä¸Ùõ ¾¡É¡¸¢
Of materialistic mentality; the One hard to reach in
niththiya vaanporuLai ella nilaikaLilum thaanaaki

²÷ ¯È§Å Å¢Çí̸¢ýÈ þÂü¨¸ ¯ñ¨Á ¾ý¨É Intimate bondage; perpetual sense of the Universe,
ear uRavae viLangkukintRa iyaRkai uNmai thannai
The Omnipresent; the vision of Nature; the ultimate
±øÄ¡õ ¦ºö ÅøÄÀò¨¾ ±Éì¸Ç¢ò¾ À¾¢¨Â
ellaam saey vallabaththai enakkaLiththa pathiyai Resort for voluntary surrender; the Master who endows
µ÷ ¯È¦ÅýÚ «¨¼óÐ ¯Ä¸£÷ §À¡üÈ¢ Á¸¢úó¾¢ÎÁ¢ý
with omni-powers. Know him as the one to attain in
Vour uRaventRu adainthu ulakeer poutRi makizhnthidumin

¯ûǦÁÄ¡õ ¸É¢óÐÕ¸¢ ¯ûÇÀÊ ¿¢¨Éò§¾ Intimate bondage perpetually and to cherish Him
uLLamelaam kaninthuruki uLLapadi ninaiththae
All good people of his world! Our Lord of grace sits firm in
¯Ä¸ ¿ýÁ츧Ç! ¯Ä¸¢Âø º¡÷ó¾ Á¡÷ì¸ò¨¾ ¿£í¸¢ÉÅ÷ the minds of all who have left the paths of material gains. He is
¯Çò¾¢ø ¿¢¨Ä¡¸ «Á÷ó¾¢Õ츢ýÈ ¯ò¾Á ºòÌÕÅ¡¸ the best guide of knowledge and power. He is the eternal light,
Å¢ÇíÌÀÅý. ±ÅáÖõ ¸ñΦ¸¡ûÇ ÓÊ¡¾ §¿÷¨ÁÂ¡É leading the righ pah, whom none can perceive in full, who is all
¯È¨ÅÔ¨¼Â ¿¢ò¾¢ÂÁ¡¸¢Â ´Ç¢ô¦À¡Õ¨ÇÔõ ±øÄ¡ pervasive, the form of nature, the shine of beauty, who has gifted
¿¢¨Ä¸Ùõ ¾¡§É ¬¸¢ «ÆÌÈ Å¢ÇíÌõ þÂü¨¸ ¯ñ¨Áô me the strength to do everything; the leader unique in kinship;
¦À¡Õ¨ÇÔõ, ±øÄ¡Åü¨ÈÔõ ¦ºöÂÅøÄ ÅøĨÁ¨ÂÔõ let us seek him and hail him with all our thoughts and feelings
±Éì¸Ç¢ò¾ ¾¨ÄŨɧ ´ôÀüÈ ¯È× ±ýÚ «¨¼óÐ ¯Çõ unified in kindness.
¸É¢óÐ ¯ûÇÀÊ ¿¢¨ÉòÐô §À¡üÚí¸û.
77 78
(An English rendering of Arutperum Jothi akaval - meditation Now your body is already part of the wind, melting in the vastness
cum prayer in Thamizh by a devotee of VaLLalaar, of Space, and feeling weightless.
(Thirugnanananda of VadavaLLi)
Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi A gentle breeze flows thro’ you and makes you feel one and the
Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi same with the mystic breeze
Hail thy Glory of Vast Grace The Glory of vast Grace O the Guide of Guides and Master of Benevolence makes every
Unique boundless Compassion The Glory of vast Grace one of us feel happiness and ecstasy of the vast grace. This
ecstatic feeling coolly flows full in our veins, touching every cell of
Everyone! concentrate on your eye-brows centre and meditate our body, bubbling and overflowing!
Now pray for the blessings of the benevolent Guide, and vast Grace Your exuberant experience enjoins the sayings of VaLLalaar the
great Seer of Benevolence:
Focus your mind and thoughts on to your ukaaram; ukaaram for
males the right eye; and for females the left eye . ‘The gentle breeze that wafts thro’ the fields of flowers
The comfort offered by its serene flow
Now every one of you feel very clearly and realize the wisdom of
vast Grace at the Sikaaram, the peak of your head. The bounty derived by our body and mind’

What you realize at sikaaram the peak is the Omnipotent presence The pronouncements of the Great Seer manifests as your joyful
of the Guide, and the Great boundless vast Grace experience of:
‘The matchless charm of the VeeNa
By grace of the Guide and the Great, the power of grace at
sikaaram the peak sprouts as a fountain of magnetic force, manifests Serene Beauty of the moon at eve
and fills all over Space The soothing southern wind flow
The chasm of the early warmth of
You merge with this Divine force which carries you all along and
makes you feel spread out all over. A pool surrounded by humming bees’

Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi These are symbols of the serene feet of the Lord.
Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi
The exotic joy of thy graceful feel responds in every cell of our
Now your mind is set in deep meditation transcending thoughts body brimming with passion.
79 80
All of us are totally lost in ecstatic joy, in meditation that transcends longevity, natural disposition, positive qualities, the strength of mind
thoughts We have an eternal peaceful state of listlessness in and a life of peace
Space Joyfulness as total feeling of comfort; joyfulness as your
and safety; courteousness and sublimity
total form, you exist in bliss
Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi O Lord shower on us thy vast grace and benevolence for an ideal
life of fulfillment laced with
Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi
affection and kindness
Now you can appeal conscientiously to the seer of Vast Grace,
The marvelous Guide, the Almighty: and humbly pray for and seek The Omnipotent divine marvel and matchless Glory of Wisdom, our
a boon, befitting and harmless to all Life in the Universe Lord, we bow down to thy boundless grace all the time.

Besiege the marvelous Guide, the Glory of Vast Grace, and pray; Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi
be sure your quest will be fulfilled. Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi
Persist in your prayer and meditation day by day, every day, Now, concentrate your mind and thoughts at the ukaaram and open
emphatically with all your will power, and by the Glory of Vast your eyes.
Grace; it will be fulfilled.
Let us start the process of self healing. Seek blessings of the
By marvel of the vast glory of Grace, we plead thy to heed and Guide, the Vast Grace and plead:
grant the humble wishes of your seedlings and fulfill them. Please
grant them their boon atone and grace them. Hold your hands straight up before your face like a cup; sustain
your thoughts at the ukaram and at sikarm the peak.
To Almighty, the Omnipotent glow of Grace, the Divine marvel we
thankfully bow down to besiege your feet, with all humility and deep Now your palms are filled with the energy of Grace, like a divine
respect. magnetic charge. This magnetic charge flows down your forehands
and elbows, in fullness as cool energy.
Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi
Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi This divine magnetic force pervades the whole body; cleans up all
toxins in our tissues and makes the body a pure and healthy and
The all powerful mighty Grace of Glory, the marvel of Divinity we,
divine entity with graceful harmony
thy seedlings, besiege thy grace to grant and endow us thy
benevolent resources of grace, mental and physical health, wealth,
81 82
Now touch the sikaram, the peak of your head with mid fingers of Now paddle gently your eye lids horizontally with your middle
your hands. Thro’ the tips of your mid fingers the energy of grace fingers, thrice. This refreshes your eyes and enhances your sight.
flows in full freshness, fills your head and invigorates.
Next stretch both your hands vertically upwards and pray with
Then lower your hands and anoint your face with your palms. The palms joined together.
feel of freshness spreads and glows your face
Maintain you concentration at the ukaram, sikaaram, and tips of
Put your hands across and brush up your ears gently with your your mid fingers.
palms- right palm to the left ear and the the left to the right. .
Meditate with your eyes closed. Chant the sacred hymn, mahaa
Continue to anoint the back of your neck, shoulders and then
manthiram thrice:
joinyour palms in front of your face. Your attention and concentration
should all the time remain focused on your ukaram and sikaaram. Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi

Next buttress your jaws with both palms of your hand; go ahead Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi
smoothly anointing your neck, chest, waist, back of your body, Then spread your hands like the wings of a bird in ascent, and
esophagus, stomach, abdomen, genitals, thighs, joints cavities and slowly open your hands keepingthe palms facing the sky and lower
proceed all along knee joints, legs, feet, palms and fingers. them slowly, softly.
Put across your hands and hold the thumbs of your feet, sustain
Return to the pose of cupped palms, the unique stamp mark of
concentration and focus on the ukaram and sikaaram; close your
VaLLalaar the Seer.
eyes and meditate deeply.
Continue meditation with your eyes closed and attention focused on
Your entire body is filled with the divine magnetic charge and the ukaaram and sikaaram .
overflow of fresh energy.
You now feel your body is very light and relaxed and you mind is
By this you get purified and relieved of all toxins; all unhealthy in deep silence .Then keep your hands cupped tigh pressing the
molecules of your tissue cells are rejected and moved out. You get lower abdomen and bow down your head touching the floor; repeat
your body rejuvenated with divinity, hale and healthy. it five times praying for the Grace of the Guide and the Great
Go back to the position of cupped up hands, on the unique stamp Benefactor. Benefits of prayer in this position helps eliminate all
of AruLthiru VaLLalaar, the Seer of Grace. Keep up your concentration body afflictions and diseases like Diabetics, Urinal disorders, Breathing
centered at the ukaram and sikaaaram. problems and Digestion disorders.
83 84
Sit erect after bowing down your head five times as above. ‘«Ó§¾ ¾Á¢§Æ «Æ¸¢Â ¦Á¡Æ¢§Â ±ý ¯Â¢§Ã’
Continue to meditate with your eyesclosed and attention focused on
¯¨Ã¡º¢Ã¢Â÷ ¦º.¿¡Ã¡Â½º¡Á¢/ Author J.Narayanasamy
ukaaaram sikaaram. The vibrations felt at sikaaram, is the realization
of the Omnipotent form of Vast Grace in wider perspective. Absorbed
in this divine feel recite and chant like us:
Arutperum Jothi Arutperum Jothi

Thanip Perung KaruNai Arutperum Jothi

¿üÈÁ¢ú ¦¸¡íÌò ¾¢Õ¿¡ðÊø
May goodness prevail in all humanity! §ÅÇ¡ñ ÌÊ¢ø À¢ÈóÐ
-Âü¨¸Â¢ý ÁÊ¢ø ÅÇ÷óÐ
All good people adopt the path of virtues;
ÀûÇ¢ò ¾Á¢Æ¢ø ÀÊôÒò ¦¾¡¼í¸¢
Gain strength to attain spiritual values; ÀÌò¾È¢×ô À¡º¨È¢ø ÀüÚ즸¡ñÎ
¸øæâ¢ø ¸½ì¨¸ì ¸üÚò§¾È¢
Fulfill their wishes for a life of health & wealth; Å¡ú쨸ôÀ¡¨¾¨Â «ÖÅÄ¢ø ¦¾¡¼í¸¢
¦¾¡Æ¢øÑðÀ «È¢Å¢Âø À¢üº¢¦Âö¾¢
¦¾¡Æ¢ø ÅÇ÷ô À½¢¸û ¬üÈ¢
All life on Earth shall achieve happiness Á¨ÉÁ¡ðº¢Ôõ «È¢ÅÈ¢ó¾
Áì¸ð§ÀÚõ «¨ÁÂô ¦ÀüÚ
Code of non-violence shall thrive everywhere ¾¢¨Ã¸¼§Ä¡ÊÔõ ¾¢ÃÅ¢Âõ §¾Ê
µö× ¾Á¢Æ¡÷Åò¨¾ ÓÎ츢¼
Praise the Lotus Feet of VaLLalaar ÌÈû¦¿È¢ìÌì ¸ðÊÂõ ÜÈ¢
¡ý -ýÒÚÅÐ ¯Ä¸¢ýÒÈ측½
Vaazha Vaazha Vaazhka ±ØòÐô À½¢Â¢ø ¿¡ð¼õ ¦¸¡ñ§¼ý.
Thamizh, a language of beauty and elegance,
Love is SIVAM Love is SIVAM Love is SIVAM sweeter than nectar,that sustains my life stream.
‘Born in the Kongu country of Thamiz Nadu
In a family of agriculturte & tradition
We are approaching the end of our meditation with full contentment Nurtured in the lap of Mother Nature
Educated in Thamiz at a Christian School
Attracted by rational thoughts& movements
All of you brace your eye lids with your hands softly thrice; Graduated in mathematics and geography
A humble beginning of life in office work
With practical training in fields of science,
Meet with your eyes and felicitate every others and exchange technology & industrial management
Hands on experience in starting new units
divine greetings with the chant ‘Love is SIVAM’ Favoured with a peaceful family and
intelligent offspring in cherished life
Opportuned to work abroad and gain wealth
All pervasiveness prevails in total content In primness of leisure, kindled by embers
oflove for Thamizh language & literature
Devoted to the cause of ThirukkuRaL, to read,
write and share with the society what little
I have come to know.’

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