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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics for Kindergarten II

I. Objectives:

At the end of the week the pupils are expected to;

 identify the meaning of skip counting by 5s,
 write the missing numbers to complete skip counting 5s
 skip count by 5s from 5 up to 100, and,
 appreciate the people around them by saying thank you and I love you

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Skip Counting by 5s

B. Reference: Ladders to Learning K2 Mathematics pp. 94-98
C. Materials: Video Clips, Number Chart, Laptop, and Television

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
How do you pray? I put my hands together. I close my
eyes. this is the way I talk to Jesus.

(sign of the cross)

In the name of the Father, of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

(Our Father)

St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus and Mere Pray for us.

Therese Emanuel.

Our Holy Guardian Angels. Watch over us.

Everybody, all for Jesus! All for Jesus

(sign of the cross)

2. Greetings and Checking of


Good morning K2 Uriel! Good morning teacher Kat, good

morning teacher Pau, good morning
classmates and friends. It is nice to see
you all today, Namaste!

Where ____ Here we are.

3. Review
What was our lesson in Math last Last time we talked about skip
time? counting by 10s.

Yes, correct! Last time we talked

about skip counting by 10s. What
should we remember about skip
counting by 10s? Skip counting by 10s takes in every
tenth number.

When counting by 10s we will add

another 10 number.

Now let us skip count by 10 using our Learners will skip count by 10s.
soft voice.

Very good! This time get a partner

and skip count by 10 together.

And lastly let us skip count by 10

using our natural voice.

Alright, good job!

4. Motivation
Today we are going to have our new Learners stand and dance.
lesson in Math. But before that, may
I ask everyone to stand and let us first
move our bodies through the music
of Lolo Jack.

The teacher will play the video in the


B. Presentation
1. Lesson Proper/Discussion Pupils will raise their right hands.
Based from the song, what do you
think is our new lesson in Math?
Raise your right hand if you want to
Skip counting by 5s.
Yes ------?

Yes correct! Today we will learn Skip counting by 5s

about “skip counting by 5s”. What
again is our lesson for today?

Is there anyone here who knows

about skip counting by 5s?

Skip counting by 5s is just like skip

counting by 10s. It is another easy
way of counting many objects. Just
like in this situation.

The teacher will present a


How many pencils are there in each Each group has 5 pencils.

Let us count with Johny. Learners count.

Based from the given situation, what Skip counting means

can you say now about skip counting ________________
by 5s?

Very good!

When we say skip counting by 5s, it

means that we are going to jump to
the next fifth number or we will add
another 5 number to a certain
number. How many numbers are we 5
going to skip?

Everybody say “Skip counting by 5s

means jumping to the next fifth
number or we will add another 5

Good job!
The teacher will present a number

Look at the number table on the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50.
board. Can we read the numbers?
Skip counting by 5s
What skip counting is involved in the
number table?

What are the numbers that takes in

every fifth? Let us write them on the
board. They all end in numbers 5 or 0.

Look at the numbers written on the

board. What do you notice about
5 or 0
Therefore, when we skip count by 5s
all numbers should end in --------? 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,

What are the numbers?

Skip counting by 5s means we will be

jumping to the next fifth number or we
2. Comparison and will add another 5 numbers
What do we mean by skip counting
by 5s? We will be going to skip 5 numbers.

How many numbers are we going to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,

Let’s count by 5s.

Very good!

III. Application
Let us see if you really listened to
our discussion today. I prepared here
an activity.

Children do the activity.

Skip count by 5s by making curve
line above the numbers.

Skip counting by 5s.

When counting by 5s we will add

another 5 numbers. Skip counting by 5s
takes in every fifth number.
IV. Generalization
What did you learn today? 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50,

How do we count by 5s?

Let’s count by 5s.

Very good!

V. Values Integration Yes, teacher Kat.

When we skip count, we skip some
numbers to make our counting faster
and easier. However, in life we must
not miss to thank and appreciate the
people who care for us and love us
very much. We shouldn’t not skip a
day without saying I love you
especially to our parents. Is it clear?

Okay, very good!

VI. Evaluation:
Count by 5s. Write the missing numbers.

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