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© Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitsis 2011

First edition published 2004

Second edition published 2008
Reprinted 2009

This third edition published 2011

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‘This is an exciting book. It covers the most important concepts in good currency.
The coverage is based on the best and most relevant research. It connects with
practical problems. It is written in language that is clear and accessible. It contains
innovative exercises to help the readers expand their knowledge beyond simply
reading this book.’
Chris Argyris, James B. Conant Professor Emeritus, Harvard University and
Monitor Group ‘This is truly the most exhaustive textbook on organization and
management that ever existed. It conveys complex messages avoiding complicated
style; it moves gracefully between the summaries of theories and examples from
practice, between models to imitate and errors to be avoided, between micro and
macro lenses applied to organizational phenomena. While obviously meant as a
travel guide – a thorough and detailed manual for the beginners, it offers many
unexpected insights and pearls of wisdom even for the most seasoned travelers
interested in knowledge of and about management.’
Barbara Czarniawska, M.A., E.D., Professor of Management Studies, Göteborg
University ‘Managing and Organizations succeeds at being practical and honest in
its treatment of working in and with organizations. It challenges students to build
their competencies and insights step by step while deepening their awareness of
opportunities for genuine achievement while working through workplace conflicts
and politics.’
Denise M. Rousseau, H. J. Heinz II Professor of Organizational Behavior and
Public Policy, Director, Project on Evidence-based Organizational Practices,
Carnegie Mellon University ‘A textbook on managing thinking and practice that
takes the reader into “real life”, within and outside organizations. It is conceived as a
travel guide that allows to connect and make connections between what is already
known and what may be discovered and enjoyed during the voyage. It is friendly and
challenging, simple and complex at the same time. And, most important, it is
faithful: it delivers what is promised in the first lines of its introduction.’
Silvia Gherardi, University of Trento, Italy ‘Here it is, the second edition of one
of the best and most intriguing introductions to the complex processes of managing
in organizations to be written in the past decade … It offers a perfect mix of
practical information and well-thought-out and challenging theoretical insights,
which will help the reader to reflect critically on the complex processes of managing
and organizing.’
Hans Doorewaard, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

‘The book is up-to-date yet historically grounded. It is easy to read yet richly
textured. It maps the territory of organizational studies in clear and useful ways. Its
lively format, excellent examples, and topical coverage make it a unique and highly
relevant text for becoming a thoughtful practitioner of organizations.’
Jane Dutton, Robert L. Kahn, Distinguished University Professor of Business
Administration and Psychology, University of Michigan ‘The book is a true
pleasure to read! It is an excellent “travel guide to the world of management”, not
only because of its wealth of detailed information and insight, but also because it
makes you want to travel! Don’t leave home without it! And if you don’t go, read it
at home!’
Kristian Kreiner, Professor – Copenhagen Business School – Department of
Organization, Director – Center for Management Studies of the Building
Process – Realdania Research ‘Managing and Organizations is a real adventure …
it is a novel, innovative and unconventional textbook, which will not only inform but
will also entertain … a real must in understanding the process of management and
organizational behavior.’
Professor Cary L. Cooper, CBE, Professor of Organizational Psychology and
Health at Lancaster University Management School, and Editor in Chief of the
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management

‘Critical and practical, scholarly and aesthetically enjoyable … Students on Master

courses and reflective practitioners will find insight, inspiration and encouragement
to think differently about what has been seen as a pretty dry area. What more could
be expected of a learning and teaching resource?’
Richard Weiskopf, Department of Organization and Learning, School of
Management, Innsbruck University

‘Most textbooks discuss in vitro organizations: bloodless, lifeless, distorted and

inanimate, hence ready for study and dissection. This volume is different. Written as
a “realist’s guide to management”, it pictures organizations as they are in the “real
world”: alive, paradoxical, emotional, insecure, self-confident, responsible,
irresponsible. This book, in other words, contains life, the life of organizations. To
read this book is to live that life.’
Miguel Pina e Cunha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa ‘In an age where there is
saturation of textbooks on Managing and Organizing, particularly due to their
limited impact on management practice, this book provides a truly refreshing
Elena Antonacopoulou, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, University of
Liverpool Management School

‘This book is both scholarly and fun. It may even give textbooks a good name! I
thoroughly recommend it to all students and lecturers who want something more
enjoyable, insightful and enduringly satisfying than McManagement takeaways or
force-fed ivory tower correctness.’
Richard J. Badham, Professor of Management, Macquarie Graduate School of
About the Authors
Guided Tour
Companion Website
PART ONE Managing People in Organizations
1 Managing and Organizations
2 Managing Individuals
3 Managing Teams and Groups
4 Managing Leading, Coaching, and Motivating
5 Managing Human Resources
6 Managing Cultures

PART TWO Managing Organizational Practices

7 Managing Power, Politics, and Decision-Making in Organizations
8 Managing Communications
9 Managing Knowledge and Learning
10 Managing Innovation and Change
11 Managing Sustainably: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
PART THREE Managing Organizational Structures and Processes
12 Managing One Best Way?
13 Managing Beyond Bureaucracy
14 Managing Organizational Design
15 Managing Globalization
About the Authors
Guided Tour
Companion Website



Managing, Organizations, Sensemaking

Learning objectives
Why theory?
What is practice?
Individuals in a society of organizations
Individuals wrapped up in chains
What are individuals?
Framing managing
What do managers do?
Organization characteristics
Organizations go on while members change
Organizations are huge repositories of rules
Organizational identity
Organizations as professional institutions
What is sensemaking?
Sensemaking characteristics
Why are organizations interested in sensemaking?
Tools and sensemaking
Multiple sources of sensemaking in organizations
Sensemaking can be a matter of life and death
Sensemaking produces what we take to be rational
Metaphors framing rationality
Metaphors of division
Metaphors of the organ
Metaphors of choice and rationality
Why are assumptions of rationality so influential?
The changing contexts of managing and organizations
Organizations and technological changes
Changing relations of service and production
Going global
Changing conceptions of time and space
Changing demographics; changing values
Using Managing and Organizations
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
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Seeing, Being, Feeling

Learning objectives
Psychology at work
Perception at work
Perception and common errors
Values: managing me, myself, and I
You are what you are: the trait approach
You are what we think: the sociocognitive approach
You are what you don’t know: the psychoanalytical approach
You are what you grow: the humanist approach
Personality and management
Positive psychology: emotions and happiness
Shiny happy people
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
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Case study


Cohabitation, Collaboration, Consternation

Learning objectives
Team and group dynamics
The things that bind: why we form groups
Types of groups
Group properties and processes
Social impact and group size
Social facilitation
Conformance and obedience
Social loafing
Developing teams
Team stages
Teamwork as a reflexive process
Team roles
Gender roles
Team conflict and managing tensions in teams
Toxic handling in organizational conflict
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Transformation, Instruction, Inspiration

Learning objectives
What is leadership?
Leadership as traits
Leadership as behaviour
Situational and contingency theories
Transactional, transformational, and charismatic approaches
New perspectives on leadership
Substitutes and neutralizers
Leaders as servants and the postmodern condition
Postmodernism, postmodernity, empowerment, and neutralization
Leaders as coaches
Leaders as motivators
Motivation: a question of self-determination
The positive psychology of leadership
Leadership wisdom
Is leadership culturally variable? The GLOBE project
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
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Case study

Diversity, Selection, Retention

Learning objectives
HR origins
HRM grows up
HRM in context
HRM and strategy
HRM and environmental complexity
Demographic changes: ‘talking’bout my generation’
Changing face of knowledge
Institutional shaping of HRM
Equity and diversity
Occupational safety and health
HRM in practice: the core functions
Recruiting people
Selecting people
Retaining and developing people
The industrial relations climate
Employment relations
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Values, Practice, Everyday Organizational Life

Learning objectives
The concepts of culture
High culture and the cultures of everyday life
Levels of culture
Stories of strong cultures
Peters and Waterman: McKinsey changing the world of organizations
Strong cultures, homogeneity, and disaster
The culture of management
Culture in Disneyland
Organization culture and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
Making up culture
Different perspectives on culture
The politics of managing culture
The texts of culture
Measuring national cultures
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study




Resistance, Empowerment, Ethics

Learning objectives
Sources of power
Strategic contingencies
Organizations as political arenas
Power and the politics of resistance
Resistance by distance
Domination and authority
Soft domination
Electronic and team surveillance
Concertive control
Institutional entrepreneurs and hegemony
The extremes of power
Total institutions
The ethics of organizational obedience
Techniques of power
How ordinary people can use authority to do extraordinary things
Positive power
Power, politics, and decision-making
The ethics of decision-making rationality
Managing with positive power
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Meaning, Sensemaking, Polyphony

Learning objectives
Theories of communication
Levels of communication
Organizational communication and organizational design
Communication as marketing
Communication as branding
Communication at work
Creating the expressive organization
Managing with words?
Power and communication
Polyphonic communication
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Communities, Collaboration, Boundaries

Learning objectives
Knowledge management
Sources of knowledge
Types of knowledge
Organizational learning
Learning as adaptation
Single-and double-loop learning
Learning through exploitation and exploration
Driving forces behind knowledge and learning
Learning in and through communities of practice
Learning in and through collaborations
Organizational learning as paradox?
The paradox of organizational learning
A practical guide to organizational learning
Learning, unlearning, non-learning?
The power of learning
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Creativity, Chaos, Foolishness

Learning objectives
Platform innovation
Central approaches and main theories
Planned change
Theories of processual change
Innovation and change at the edge of chaos
The changing innovation agenda
Managing change and innovation
Managing the politics of change and innovation
Innovating through significant stakeholders
Mapping innovation
Creativity, foolishness, and management fashion
The innovator’s dilemma
Being monstrous!
Creative structures?
Management fashion
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study



Morals, Conduct, Responsibility

Learning objectives
The challenge of managing ethics
Approaches to business ethics
Thinking about ethics
Normative and descriptive ethics
Ethics pays: good business equals good ethics
Ethics as an individual responsibility
Ethics and bureaucracy
Ethics as Catch-22
Corporate social responsibility
Taking CSR seriously
What role do NGOs play in spreading CSR?
Ethical rules for corporate social responsibility
When rules work to effect compliance
When rules work as ceremonial facades
When ethical rules are at odds with other types of rules
When the rules are ambiguous in their application
When rules assign responsibilities
Ethics as practice
Doing ethics, being ethical
Ethics expressed in and through the categories used in everyday language
Practices at work: designing ethical behavioural change
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability
How responsible are managers?
What is corporate greening?
What are the consequences of going green?
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study



Thinkers, Principles, Models

Learning objectives
Developing early modern management
Limited liability legislation
Management theory: founding fathers and mother
Designing architecture for management: Jeremy Bentham
Engineering design of jobs: F. W. Taylor
Engineering design of authority: Henri Fayol
Bureaucracy: Max Weber
Human relations: Elton Mayo
Management, leadership, and the functions of the executive: Chester Barnard
Management and social justice: Mary Parker Follett
Exporting modern management ideas
Contemporary management models
Resisting management: labour process theory
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
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Case study


Dysfunctions, Institutions, Isomorphism

Learning objectives
Rethinking bureaucracies
Who benefits?
The centrality of compliance
Rule tropism
Changing interpretations of bureaucratic rules
Authority and delegation
Discretionary delegation rather than rule following
Questioning bureaucracy
New public management
Institutional theory
Institutions and entrepreneurs
Institutions and professions
Standards and institutionalization
Are managers dedicated followers of fashion?
Why French bread is better – organizationally, in terms of taste, freshness,
Organizations exploiting and exploring
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study


Design, Environment, Fit

Learning objectives
Contingency theory
Structural contingency theory
Organizational design
Technology and organizational design
Strategic choice and organizational design
Structural adjustment to regain fit, or SARFIT
New organizational forms
The limits of the bureaucratic model
Defining a new organizational form
Matrix organizations
Shamrock organizations
Call centres
New organizational forms after bureaucracy
Rationalized myths and organizational change
Design thinking
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study

Flows, Finance, People

Learning objectives
Chinese whispers
Defining globalization
Why globalization? Scale, scope, and access to key resources
Characteristics of globalization
Global flows of finance, knowledge, people, and politics
Globalization is a multiplicity of processes, not a state of existence
Global financial systems
Global strategic alliances
Mergers and acquisitions
Different institutional systems
National governments and transnational companies have different interests
Competitive advantage
Innovation drives competitive advantage
Local clusters in a globalizing world
Who and what are the globalizers?
Large IT firms
Management gurus
Management consultancy
Management education
Systematic management standards
Global managers and global jobs
Knowledge work
Better than sex: how a whole generation got hooked on work
Global work
Knowledge work and dirty work
Global rights
Global sustainability
Global winners and losers
Resisting globalization
The dark side of globalization
Summary and review
Additional resources
Web section
Looking for a higher mark?
Case study

Gentlemen, he said,
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes,
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.
Bob Dylan (1978), ‘Changing of the guards’
Stewart Clegg Stewart is Professor of Management and Research Director of the Centre for Organization and
Management Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney Business School. For over forty years he has
been extremely active in teaching and researching organizations and management from a sociological
His major research interests have always centred on power relations in organizations and in theory. He is
the author of many books, including Strategy: Theory and Practice (2011), a further collaboration with Martin
Kornberger, amongst others, as well as being the editor of a great many volumes, including the award-winning
Handbook of Organization Studies (2006). In addition he is editor of the series Advances in Organization
Studies. He has published many articles in leading journals.
He lives in Sydney and travels extensively in Europe, Asia and the Americas, usually finding time to catch
up with good friends and good music, especially if one of his favourites happens to be in town. He believes in
the potential of the sociological imagination to illuminate social reality. To this end he has tried, with his co-
authors, to make understanding management and organizations relevant, accessible and stripped of pretension.

Martin Kornberger Martin received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Vienna in 2002. After a
decade in Sydney he currently lives in Vienna and works at Copenhagen Business School. With an eclectic
bookshelf behind him, his eyes are firmly focused on organizations: How do we manage them? How do we
strategize their futures? How do organizational cultures shape insiders? How do brands engage with outsiders?
What makes some organizations more innovative than others? And what ways are there to make organizations
behave more ethically?
Martin has written several other books including Brand Society (2010) which explores how brands
transform practices of production and consumption; and Strategy: Theory and Practice (2011) with Stewart
Clegg, Chris Carter and Jochen Schweitzer.
His research has been published in leading journals including Accounting, Organizations and Society;
Public Administration; Strategic Organization; British Journal of Management; Organization Studies;
Organization; Human Relations; Management Learning; Sociological Review; AAAJ; Journal of Business
Ethics; Scandinavian Journal of Management; Industrial Relations Journal; European Management Review;
Gender Work and Organization; Journal of Management Inquiry and others.

Tyrone S. Pitsis Tyrone is Co-Director of Strategy and Society at the Newcastle University Business School,
UK where he teaches Strategy and Change Management. He is also a visiting academic at EDHEC, France and
University of Sydney, Australia
His major area of research is in the phenomenology of inter-organizational collaboration, strategic foresight
and organizational and managerial innovation. He is the author of The Handbook of Organizational and
Managerial Innovation (2012), as well as several research book chapters, encyclopedic entries and
publications in journals such as Organizational Science and Organization Studies. He has been a recipient of
research awards, including from the British Academy of Management, and the Emerald Science Citation of
Excellence Award with Stewart Clegg and Kjersti Bjorkeng. In 2011 he was elected Chair: Practice Theme
Committee of the Academy of Management
He lives in Newcastle upon-Tyne and travels extensively in Europe, Australia and North America. Tyrone
originally started his working life as a chef, starting off as a kitchen hand and worked his way up to an
Executive Chef in award-winning restaurants and hotels. He now cooks as little as possible. Aside from his
family, Tyrone could not live without his iPod and cannot imagine life without music.
All book authors need good friends, patient colleagues, and great loves. Starting with
the last first, Stewart had Lynne, Jonathan, and William, Martin had Jessica, and
Tyrone had Sharon and gained Theodore and Joseph.
In addition to those who are close to us, we want to thank all the people who
featured in the first edition, with the following revised acknowledgements. We
should start with Cleusa Lester. Everyone who knows Cleusa (or Cleo) realizes, even
if they cannot imagine all of the incredibly important roles she plays, that she is
absolutely fabulous. Being Brazilian is not the least! We were sorry to see her return
to her home country. Since Cleo left Nancy Chan and Lisa Adiprodjo have been of
great assistance. Among the patient friends, good colleagues, and others who have
helped us, provided feedback, or just been supportive, we would like to mention,
alphabetically, Anjana Anandakumar, Emma Bowyer, Geoff Breach, Chris Carter,
Andrew Chan, Jonathan Clegg, Lynne Clegg, William Clegg, Chris Coupland, David
Courpasson, Miriam Dornstein, Dan Evans, Jessica Fergusson, Kevin Foley, John
Garrick, Ranjan George, Ray Gordon, John Gray, Julie Gustavs, Winton Higgins,
Simon Hoerauf, Brian Hunt, Joan S. Ingalls, Emanuel Josserand, Ken Kamoche,
Kevin Keough, Karl Kruselniscki, Linda Leung, Adam Morgan, Michael
Muetzelfeldt, Katherine Peil, Bruce Petty, Paul O. Radde, Tim Ray, Carl Rhodes,
Anne Ross-Smith, John Sillince, David Silverman, John Stokes, Emanuela Todeva,
Marc Tyrell, Robert van Krieken, Johannes Weissenbaeck, Adam Yazxhi, Joanne
Young, and also the members of the Friends of Positive Psychology listserve.
It seems almost unfair to single out anyone in particular from this list, but we
should acknowledge some specific contributions to the first edition: Anjana
Anandakumar for her initial proofreading, alerting us to continuity problems, as well
as giving us insight into what should go into our glossary, and her help in preparing
the PowerPoint slides; Emma Bowyer’s knowledge was a great help in keeping us
focused on our readers; Chris Carter, for providing the very careful and thorough
reading, as well as the many small word-sketches of ideas and input to the material
on culture and globalization, especially; David Courpasson and Dan Evans, as well
as the students who took the subject, for providing an opportunity to test out some of
the ideas from the first edition of the book in the classroom with the 2003 MBA
Summer School at EM-Lyon in Managing with Power and Politics; Miriam
Dornstein for her panoptic capability for telling us where we were getting lost in our
text; Kevin Foley for his ability to detect structural weaknesses and omissions – not
all of which might have been rectified to his ‘standards’; Ranjan George, for inviting
Stewart to Sri Lanka to develop curriculum material for the Open University of Sri
Lanka, which formed an initial challenge within which some of the convictions that
shaped this book were gestated; Ray Gordon, for the police case on the website; John
Gray for his alertness to our occasional lapses into a particular type of metaphysical
bathos; Julie Gustavs for her sharp eye for detail; Emanuel Josserand for his
assistance in researching the current state of play in the French bread industry; Carl
Rhodes for his support and enthusiasm; John Sillince for his identification of a
number of theoretical absences in our arrangement of the material; and Joanne
Young for her detailed commentary on early drafts and suggestions for the title. We
would also like to thank all the IML students who presented ideas for the original
website, especially Antoine Tremoulet and Ian Tanedo, whose ideas we enjoyed
most and who built the first website for us. We carried some ideas over. Without the
great images that Jonathan Clegg and Jessica Fergusson made available, the book
would not have been as interesting. Penultimately, a very special thanks to Johannes
and Simon from PLAY, with whom Martin thought a lot about why so many books
are so boring and, as a result, started thinking about some new ideas that are
reflected in the underlying structure for this book; and finally, from Stewart to
Jonathan, because, through working with his visual creativity, he learned to be more
fluent with words.
We also appreciate the great support and guidance that we have had at Sage from
many people, including Rachel Eley, Alan Maloney, Ruth Stitt, Natalie Aguilera, Ian
Eastment, Seth Edwards, Ben Sherwood, Alison Mudditt, Sanford Robinson (not
forgetting the great copy-editing job done by all the copy editors we have worked
with on various editions), and especially Kiren Shoman. She is a persistent editor
who was able to persuade Stewart to do something that he had agreed, in principle
and in contract, to do a long time ago with some other potential collaborators (for
both Sue Jones and Rosemary Nixon, who should also be acknowledged as earlier
editors) but which, for various reasons, he never got around to doing. As it
transpired, Stewart is delighted to have written the book with Martin and Tyrone. He
doesn’t think he could have had a more enjoyable partnership for the project.
Finally, there may have been some other people we should have thanked and
acknowledged but have overlooked. Sorry if that is the case, but do let us know.
We would like to single out a few people for special mention. First, we would like
to thank all the people who provided us with great case studies: James B. Avey,
Kjersti Bjørkeng, Arne Carlsen, Gerard Fairtlough, Reidar Gjersvik, Annelies
Hodge, Brett C. Luthans, Tord F. Mortensen, Emil A. Røyrvik, Ace Simpson, Marie-
France Turcotte, Grete Wennes, and Tara S. Wernsing. Second, we have some more
generic thanks for the support of the various heads of the Management Discipline
Group in Sydney, and Chris Carter for lots of help and good times in Edinburgh and
St Andrews. More especially, we want to thank Ursulla Glunk, Ad van Iterson, and
Robert Roe at Maastricht University, and Chris Carter, now from the University of
Newcastle, for their very helpful comments on an earlier draft of the first chapter.
Also, more specifically, in Sydney, we want to thank Ed Wray-Bliss, Mel Edwards
and Jonathan Pratt for critical feedback on an earlier edition and Sebastian Graham
and Emma Lovelly for their feedback and help in making the second edition even
better. Also, in Sydney (but now in Oxford) William Clegg helped us greatly by
reading the manuscript and suggesting revisions from a student perspective as well
as working on the permissions. In Lyons, we say thanks to Grégoire Croidieu for the
trip to the Boulangerie de l’Ille Barbe! In Birmingham, Bhomali Grover was a great
help. Finally, thanks to everyone in Sydney, Lyons, Maastricht, and Copenhagen
who helped out with the photos – you know who you are – even if you didn’t always
make the final cut due only ever to photographer error – you know who he was!
Rachel Eley has done a great job of steering the book through Sage’s production
process along with the various copy editors: a big thanks!
Institutionally, we would like to thank various organizations and people that have
hosted us and our endeavours over the editions: University of Technology, Sydney;
Aston Business School, Birmingham; The University of Maastricht; Copenhagen
Business School; University of Paris-Dauphine; University of Innsbruck; University
of St Andrews; EM-Lyon Business School; the University of Versailles Saint
Quentin-en-Yvelines; Universidade Nova, Lisbon; Vriej Universieit, Amsterdam;
The American Psychological Association; Professor Edward L. Deci, Professor
Kennon M. Sheldon, and Dr Tim Sharp.
Finally, Stewart would like to thank the University of Umea, where he spent a
month in 2010 as the Erasmus Mundos Fellow; the Institute of Advanced Study,
Durham University, UK, where he was a Distinguished Fellow in 2010; and the
University of Cambridge Judge Business School, where he was the Montzelomo
Visiting Professor in 2011.
Stewart, Martin, and Tyrone
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
and Universidade Nova, Lisbon
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
University of Newcastle, UK
Welcome to the new world of management and organization theory! We will take
you on a trip through some main roads, back streets, secret places, and exciting
viewpoints, to explore management thinking and practice. But let us begin at the
beginning …

The three of us all worked in the School of Management at the University of
Technology, Sydney, where this book was conceived. Martin and Stewart are also
Visiting Professors at Copenhagen Business School, and Stewart is also a Visiting
Professor at Universidade Nova, Lisbon, in Portugal; at the Universidade do Estado
de Santa Catarina, in Florianopolis, Brazil, and at EM-Lyon in France. In each of
these places the ideas that form this book have been rehearsed and practiced. We
would like to thank all the students and colleagues at UTS and elsewhere for their
insights and inspiration. Drawing on this global experience we believe we have
written a book that can travel as readily as we do. We have written a textbook that
introduces management as we conceive of it. It is a realist’s guide to management,
and this is what makes it so different from many other books. It is not a work of
desiccated science fiction, creating an ‘as if’ world where technical dreams come
true and the reality of life lived in organizations rarely intrudes. We tell it like it is,
but we also suggest how to do it better; thus we offer a book that proposes a new
approach to management and treats it in an open and refreshing way.
The book provides not only an account of theories, but also an introduction to
their practice − one that we hope you will find enjoyable. To make it more so, we
have used examples from everyday life and culture, such as football and skating, as
well as discussions of management and organization theories. The book provides a
resource for making connections, a book that will connect with you and will connect
you to lots of other interesting ideas and people. It is meant to be serious but also
fun. It is undoubtedly scholarly, but it is also accessible. It is a book to use. In short,
we think that you will find this book challenging but also engaging.

The idea that structures the book is quite simple. Think of a travel guide. It provides
you with all the necessary information you need to know to enjoy your trip. Of
course, sometimes it is tricky to read, with lots of details and comparisons, maps,
and tables. But it also gives you a flavour of the country you will visit, its lifestyle,
culture, and attractions. To package this into a formula, what a guidebook does is
provide you with necessary information, but it also fascinates, inspires, and
motivates you to explore more and to see things from different perspectives. So we
decided that we wanted to write a travel guide to the world of management,
containing reliable maps of the terrain, highlighting some critical viewpoints, and
outlining ways forward, as well as exploring some of the nooks and crannies and
byways while observing the main thoroughfares. We wanted to provide you with a
resource book that helps you to navigate through this world and encourages you to
explore not only new, exciting, and brilliant aspects, but also some dark sides as
well. And it is a guide with great interconnectivity: check out the material at the end
of the chapters and visit the Companion Website and you will see what we mean.


We have divided the book into three parts, which we have envisaged rather as a
photographer focusing a camera. First, we begin with the closeup focus, with issues
related to managing the individual in the organization, matters that are close at hand
to the individual, such as teams, groups, leading, coaching, mentoring, human
resource management, and cultures at work. Then, in the second part of the book we
open up the perspective a little wider, to take in more of the scene that surrounds
individuals at work, by looking at the organizational practices that they are
necessarily involved in when being organized. Here, the themes are broader,
involving managing power and politics, communications, knowledge and learning,
and highly contemporary and salient issues of corporate social responsibility,
sustainability and ethics, as well as the constant issue of innovation and change. The
third part of the book opens up the full landscape view. We look at how the
historical landscape underlying present practices was formed, beginning with the
long-standing search for the elixir of the one best way to manage, a search that never
will and never can arrive at its destination. We pause for a while to focus on some of
the most pervasive features in this landscape – the persistence of bureaucracy,
despite its many critiques, and the widespread rationalization of this landscape by
the simple systems of McDonaldization. Organizational design does not stop with
bureaucracy and McDonaldization, of course, so we also consider some of the new
organizational forms that have emerged subsequent to the development of these
designs, right up to contemporary concerns with virtual organization. Increasingly,
tomorrow’s managers will have to manage in a global context, considering the
impact of globalization and the issues that it raises, and will raise, for any successful
contemporary manager. Increasingly, in the contemporary world, organizations
cannot be treated as if they stand apart from the momentous forces shaping our
everyday life as employees, consumers, and citizens, which have major implications
for employment relations, the world of work, and its management.
Welcome to the guided tour of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to
Theory and Practice. This tour will take you through the main sections and special
features of the text.
Learning objectives: A clear set of key learning objectives are provided for each chapter.

Introduction: The introduction provides you with the overall framework of each chapter. It provides a map of the journey you are about to undertake within each topic area, the key ideas, their histories, present
and future.
Marginal references to journal articles: Stimulating papers from key journals on the topics covered are provided free to you and your students on the book’s Companion Website.

Marginal definitions: Key terms clearly and concisely defined in page margins of every chapter in order to aid understanding.
What do you mean? Boxed text designed to expand upon key concepts within each chapter in order to facilitate learning and understanding.

What’s the point? Within each chapter boxed text can be found illustrating the relevance and significance of key concepts covered in the text.
Mini case: Boxed mini cases for active learning and practical reinforcement of difficult or challenging concepts.

Question time: A boxed selection of fun and challenging exercises, tests, and surveys on specific key concepts.
Summary and review:This section simply does what it says. We review the main concepts and issues we covered in the chapter in order to be sure that you are clear on what was covered, and why.

End of chapter exercises: Group and individual based exercises designed to provide practical and reflective learning on key issues, concepts and phenomena covered in each chapter.
Additional resources: A selection of handpicked resources such as novels, texts, movies, music, and other forms of media that explain and expand upon chapter contents.

Web section: An excellent array of web-based resources such as website links and YouTube clips that illustrate and emphasize key issues covered in the book.
Looking for a higher mark? An annotated list of engaging and challenging journal articles that can be accessed for free on the Companion Website are provided at the end of every chapter.

Case study:Each chapter ends with an innovative case study with questions designed for reflective learning and the reinforcement of key concepts.
Glossary: At the end of the book you will find a detailed glossary of all the key concepts covered in the book.
Be sure to visit the Companion Website at to find a range of
teaching and learning material for both lecturers and students including the following:

For Lecturers:

Instructor’s notes: A password-protected instructor’s manual is provided on the

website with teaching notes, including:
A tutor’s guide indicating how the subject might best be taught with insights
into debriefing the exercise and case studies found within the textbook.
Assessment resources: A wide range of multiple choice, short-and long-answer
b assessment questions with test generation capabilities. This section also
includes model answers for long-and short-answer questions.
Teaching resources: An array of extra case studies, and in-class exercises with
c methods and debriefing sheets, to aid in the quality of the learning experience
for students.
PowerPoint slides: PowerPoint slides for each chapter for use in class are also
2 provided in the instructor’s manual on the website. The slides can be edited by
instructors to suit teaching styles and needs.
Teacher interaction portal: A portal direct to the authors for textbook-related
3 feedback, continuous improvement, recommendations, case contributions, and
general Q&A.
For Students:

1. Online readings: Full access is provided to selected journal articles related to each chapter, summaries
of which are given on the website and at the end of each chapter.
2. Links to relevant websites: Direct links to related websites for each chapter are provided as
3. Flashcard glossary: The full glossary for Managing and Organizations is online in flashcard format.
You can use these flashcards to test your knowledge and revise the key concepts in the text.
4. Interactive multiple choice questions: A sample of selective multiple choice questions are available for
students to test and challenge themselves.
5. Interaction portal: Direct access to the authors to offer your own pictures that you believe represent
key concepts, to communicate your glowing praise, or suggestions for improvements, and general
1 Managing and organizations

2 Managing individuals

3 Managing teams and groups

4 Managing leading, coaching, and motivating

5 Managing human resources

6 Managing cultures
Managing, Organizations, Sensemaking

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Appreciate many of the meanings behind the words managing and organization
Explain the relation between managing and organization
Understand why individuals and groups within organizations can be a challenge
to manage and that managing is a difficult job to do well
Identify the impact that changes in the contemporary world are having on
Explain how traditional conceptions of organization and management entail
issues of identity, hierarchy, and rationality
Explain why ‘rationality’ is sometimes less rational than it seems


A little Danish wisdom:

Life must be understood backwards; but … it must be lived forward. (Søren Kierkegaard, Danish
existential philosopher, 1813–1855)

The book that you have started to read will be, for many readers, a first introduction
to the theory and practice of managing and organizations. While you may be
familiar with organization practices of many kinds, you may not be familiar with the
theories that may lie behind those practices or that enable us to make sense of them.
Thus, in this introductory chapter we will do two main things:
1. Define the relation between our two key terms of ‘managing’ and
2. Stress the importance of ‘sensemaking’ and ‘rationality’ both for management
practice and as central organization devices.

We will argue that while it is important to have management tools and techniques in
place to run organizations effectively, we should never lose sight of the fact that it is
people who are doing the managing. However much managers may believe that the
management systems and tools that they have designed and adopted are well thought
out, people still have to use them. In using them people will make different sense of
these devices and the contexts in which they are deployed – this is what we call
sensemaking. What connects the activity of managing to the structures, practices,
and processes of organizations is sensemaking. That is why we have chosen it as the
central theme of this introductory chapter and why it will recur so frequently as a
theme in the book.
Let us begin with the subtitle first – with the theory word before we move to
consider practice.

You may find theory difficult and wonder why we have to have it. The point is,
however, that we are all tied up in theories of one kind of another. The way your
university or college is organized is underpinned by a theory, just as much as is the
McDonald’s that you might have worked in while at school, the production line that
your grandfather may have laboured on, or the organizations in which your parents
are employed. How we make sense of these things depends on the theory we use. We
live within the designs and assumptions of past theory about effort and its
organization every day at work. However, if we are aware of the theories that hold us
captive we at least have the chance to understand the ties that bind us, and, maybe,
we might even be able to change them.

A theory is an account of how things work, which is, at its best, coherent in its terms and applicable to phenomena that it seeks to interpret, understand, and explain.

IMAGE 1.1 Theory and shopping

You need to be clear about the theory that you are using just as much as you need
to be clear about the theories that frame the organizations in which you are working.
Remember, theory makes sense of the world – and theory need not be scary!

Practice is what connects disparate actors, material things, and ideas (see
Antonacopoulou (2008) for a much fuller analysis of the idea of practice). In
practice, managers situate themselves and are situated within knowledge that
enables them to be coordinating, controlling, and communicating with various
others. These others may be thought of as stakeholders – people who have an interest
in the organization, such as employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and
governments. In addition, they are interacting with various things: with immaterial
artifacts such as software, systems, models, and accounting principles as well as
with material artifacts such as buildings, computers, and machines.
These relations often form routines in organizations that are reflected in
historically evolved collective patterns of interconnected actions, activities, and
modes of knowing. These collective patterns are governed by a purpose, certain
rules, formal and informal routines – in short, organization – which are embedded in
technological and societal contexts. Although not necessarily the most important
part of this complex scheme of things, these arrangements all depend on individuals
designing, maintaining, and reproducing them. So let us look at individuals next,
before we get to the main title – Managing and Organizations.


Individuals wrapped up in chains

The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) wrote that ‘Man is born
free, but everywhere he is in chains.’ When he wrote these words in pre-
revolutionary France in The Social Contract (2006 [1762]), the ‘bonds’ he had in
mind were those of feudal, monarchical, and religious privilege. The modern world,
in contrast, has been shaped by the principles of liberté, égalité, and fraternité
(liberty, equality, and fraternity). If Rousseau could be transported forward into the
present, would he find then that the chains binding individuality have been dissolved
by more than two centuries of progress?
In the contemporary world the bonds of organizations shape our lives: from being
born in a hospital, entered into the Registry of Births, Marriages, and Deaths – which
tracks the whole population and changes in it – enrolled in formal schooling in
kindergarten from an early age, proceeding through primary, secondary, and then
higher education, to be employed by an organization to earn a salary or wage,
perhaps going to festivals, concerts, cinemas, or joining clubs for recreation, being a
member of various spiritual, social, and sporting organizations, checking train and
bus timetables, flying on airlines for holidays, having children of our own, enrolling
them in school, seeing them into work, growing old, looking forward to the pension
or superannuation, planning the retirement experience, perhaps moving into a
‘sunset home’ in our old age, and then dying, and being re-entered for the last time
into that Registry of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.
Almost every aspect of our everyday life – and, indeed, our deaths – will be
shaped by organizations of one kind or another. Billions of individuals – all of who
can lay claim to uniqueness – are every day being organized as members of
organizations – as employees but also as students, customers, and clients. While
each of us is both alike and unique – our essential biology is remarkably similar,
irrespective of ethnicity, marked only by gender differences – is this also the case of
the many organizations through which we pass?
Consider those organization types that you have already experienced. One,
mentioned already, deals with your birth, marital status, and death while the other
concerns your education. The Registry of Births, Marriages, and Deaths and the
university both chart individual progress through life through entries in databases.
The university deals with a slice of life while the Registry deals with the whole of
life. Both employ many experts in different fields to enter and interpret the data.
Each has quite sophisticated routines in place for registering the information that
they then attend to, from records of births signed by medical practitioners to
classroom records of attendance, assessments performed, and grades recorded. The
uniqueness of each individual is the subject of a vast amount of organizational effort
in the modern world, rendering that uniqueness into statistics, into data, creating a
record that is, from some perspectives, the sum of you.
IMAGE 1.2 Rousseau: ‘Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains’

What are individuals?

Being an individual means that each body – and all that it contains – is as unique as
the fingerprints we leave or the DNA that constructed us. You can only really ever
be you and not another person – although as an actor you may assume the identity of
another person. Identity is a concept that cannot be defined easily, other than to say
that identity refers to the way a person constructs, interprets, and understands who
they are in relation to others in their life world. Identity may be more or less stable,
more or less fragmented, more or less problematic, and more or less secure. The
personal identities that we emphasize in one space may be very different from those
that we emphasize in another. Thus, the identity that we develop and project at work
may be very different from that which we project when clubbing or playing a sport.
We have multiple identities.
Not all acting occurs only on stage or on screen. In everyday life we often are said
to be actors, acting out parts, learning to be siblings, lovers, parents, and members of
many and various organizations. So our identity is not fixed but fluid, within the
genetic inheritance that defines our uniqueness. We may have a relatively fixed
genetic appearance but exercise, diet, styling, aging, and surgery can modify that
quite markedly. We may have a definite personality, but, once again, ill health,
drugs, diet, and life experiences can reshape the ways that we present ourselves to
the world, often quite dramatically.
Some celebrities in popular culture are famous for their shifting iconography, the
way they style themselves and hint at their changing personality. Within our unique
bodies most of us like to think we have a uniquely free will. Only we are master or
mistress of ourselves, a sentiment particularly strong in toddlers, but certainly not
absent from more mature manifestations of will. To think otherwise is to accept that
the fates, the stars, the gods, society, or some other transcendent entity guides our
lives as preordained. Often, our glimpses of celebrity seem to offer another, more
exciting world than that which we live in. But even celebrity does not escape
routine: rehearsals, performances, organizing glamour weddings in between
checking in and out of rehab, the divorce courts, and the gym. As individuals we
have power to shape organizational practice; we can vote in elections or choose to
support various products. Each time we make a purchase we make a decision
whether or not to support a particular organization’s products. However, individual
choice is constrained. These constraints may be as obvious as a police officer
forcing you to comply with the rules imposed by the structure of the state, or as
discrete as the behaviour encouraged by the language one uses in conversation with
one’s peers.
When we become organization members each of us has to surrender some of our
autonomy to the control of others and other things such as schedules, machines,
routines, and deadlines. In return we receive wages, salaries, or fees, identifying us
as workers, staff, or independent professionals. Actually, we receive far more than
mere income. We are able to bask, as unique individuals, in the ambience of a
unique organization. Its brand helps define who we are: we are US Customs Officers,
or Australian Tax Officers, or London Police Officers; we are Oxford academics or
college professors; we are Vogue models or Chelsea football players. Sometimes we
bask in a reflected light: we may be Chelsea football fans rather than supporters of
Arsenal, wear Armani rather than Dolce & Gabanna, or wear Nike rather than
Adidas. We can attach our identities as individuals to organizations quite easily.

Framing managing

A key term in theory is the idea of there being a frame through which we understand
things. We will use this introduction to develop some key terms with which to
understand this book.

A frame is a term that comes from the cinema: a director frames a shot by including some detail and omitting other detail. A frame defines what is relevant.

All managing involves framing: separating that which deserves focus from that
which does not. One thing that managers have to do all the time is to differentiate
between the relevant and the irrelevant, just as do the authors of textbooks, trying to
manage their expectations of their readers. To do this we, much as managers, frame
some things as more relevant than others.

Frames enable us to do framing. They focus us in on specific relevancies: by framing we decide on what is relevant from the infinite number of stimuli, behavioural cues, sense data, and information that
surround us.

We can differentiate between managing as a practice, as something that we do,

and organizations as a goal-oriented collectivity, in which we are organized. We
begin with organizations and then move on to the tasks of managing them, arguing
that both are changing radically. We relate the formal rationalities of management
– the plans, design, and other procedures – to the necessity for individuals and
groups within organizations to make sense of them.

Managing is an active, relational practice which involves doing things. The things that managers do are supposed to contribute to the achievement of the organization’s formal goals.

Organizations are systematically arranged frameworks relating people, things, knowledge, and technologies, in a design intended to achieve specific goals.

To be organized means being an element in a systematic arrangement of parts, hopefully creating a unified, organic whole.

Management is the process of communicating, coordinating, and accomplishing action in the pursuit of organizational objectives while managing relationships with stakeholders, technologies, and other artifacts,
both within as well as between organizations.

What do managers do?

Managers use different technologies, knowledge, and artifacts such as Lotus Notes,
memos, or Microsoft Outlook to help frame what is relevant and then manage it.
Diary appointments, to-do notes, agendas – these are all devices that frame the
relevancies of the working day and enable us to manage our time; however, we
should never mistake the technical devices that management uses for management
itself. For instance, using accounting techniques or financial management programs
is only a part, a small part, of what a manager does. Great managers are not merely
good technicians but also expert managers of social relations – between themselves
and others as well as between themselves, others, and things such as plans,
documents, and data analysis.
Managing signifies being in charge of something, being responsible for its smooth
running and its rational conduct, handling and controlling it as if it were a well-oiled
machine; thus, it is a relational term. Managing takes place in organizations. In
terms of everyday usage it means handling, directing, controlling, exercising skill in
executive ability – the acts done by the person in charge of controlling and directing
the affairs of an organization. Managing entails framing.
Managers strive to be rational and much of organizational life consists of
routines that make this rationality easier to enact; hence they practice management.

Being rational means systematic application of various techniques to achieve some given end or goal.

Rationality: Action that is produced according to some rule; action that is not random or unpatterned.


The etymology – the origins in language – of the key terms ‘management’
and ‘organizations’
In Italian, the terms manege, with maneggiare meaning to handle, train (horses), with the stem deriving
from mano, from the Latin manus, for hand, were well known from the seventeenth century. The term
manager has its origins in English in the period 1555–1565. Shakespeare used it in the late sixteenth
century, in A Midsummer Night’s Dream , in the context of theatrical management. He talks of a
character being a ‘manager of mirth’. The terms management and manager had become known by
about 1600, although the term manager did not enter into everyday English use until the nineteenth
The root stem of the word organization is the Greek organum, meaning, in an archaic sense, a wind
instrument, but more recently, since about AD 1000, a mechanical device or instrument; it is closely
related to the Greek term órganon, meaning implement, tool, bodily organ, musical instrument, akin to
érgon, the word for work. In general use since at least the late fourteenth century, when the archaic
form was organizacion. Etymologically, organizations are therefore tools designed for a specific

Managers always manage as interpretive individuals, as people who are trying to

make sense of things – and sometimes these things may be confusing, ambiguous,
and puzzling. Things become even more puzzling and ambiguous at times of rapid
change. We will discuss the major trends shaping, and being shaped by,
organizations and their impact on managing later in this chapter. We consider
technological changes; the shifting international division of labour; globalization;
the compression of conceptions of time and space; and the emergence of new
generational values.
Although the origins of the term manager are manual – the stress on handling
things – it would be quite wrong to think that management is a job that is principally
premised on manual labour. Instead, it is largely a job that involves interpreting,
understanding, directing, cajoling, communicating, leading, empowering, training,
politicking, negotiating, enthusing, encouraging, focusing, explaining, excusing,
obfuscating, communicating – a job full of action words that are all to do with the
manager as a speaking subject, a person who manages to shape and express
directions, in writing and in speech. The mastery of different forms of meaningful
expression, in writing, talk, and images, is usually referred to as a mastery of
discourse. Central to discourse is rhetoric; indeed, a skilled master of business will
be a master of rhetoric. Rhetoric means the tools of persuasion and argumentation,
the ways of producing agreement and of making a point. Managers have to be
skilled at talking because their expressive capabilities will be the most used and
useful assets that they have. In a world of individuals, all capable of going their own
way, the manager’s task is to steer, guide, and persuade people to pull together in a
common enterprise – an organization – when this may not be the instinctive desire
of those being addressed. To be an effective manager requires a combination of
power and knowledge: power to be able to bend others to executive will and
knowledge enough to be able to interpret both the nature of that will, resistance to it,
and the effects of changing circumstances, contexts, and contingencies on its
implications. Managers must constantly be interpreting the people, technologies, and
environments that they enact and with whom they interact. Hence, managers must
blend technical skills with sophisticated social skills to be effective.

Managers are middletons: they intercede between executive authority, howsoever lodged, and those whose task it is to execute it. Historically, they were the supervisors, comprising the staff – those who had
superordinate vision over subordinates, who were the hired ‘hands’.


Organization characteristics

Organizations all differ in what they do. Think of some of the organizations that you
will have encountered thus far in life. Schools, designed to educate; police, intended
to regulate, or media, functioning to communicate. Irrespective of the rationale of
any specific organization, they will all be purposive, with specific objectives and
goals, giving rise to the following characteristics:
1. The organization and its actions are consciously shaped by the organization’s
design, expressed through its routine practices and specific structure.
2. The organization is not time-and motion-less: changes will occur as
organizations revise their practices intermittently in the light of experience.
3. The organization will be future oriented, as the members of the organization
seek to achieve a desired and planned future. Often this future will be expressed
in terms of key performance indicators or targets.
4. The organization will employ hierarchy and a division of labour to create
distinct and related roles that are laterally separated and stratified vertically. A
hierarchy is a systematic arrangement of powers of command and control with
reciprocal obligations of obedience and consent lodged in those being managed.
5. Responsibilities are defined for roles, and actions, roles, and responsibilities are
revised in the light of experience as future actions unfold.
6. As future action unfolds the preferential weighting of actions, roles, and
responsibilities is systematically revised by programmes of change
management or organization reform.

Behind all organizations’ roles, relations and responsibilities are rules: organizations
are built on rules. Rules provide for rationality. A rule tells how things have been
done in the past and how they should be done in the future. If organizations follow
rules it is thought that they will minimize opportunities for error. Rules protect
organization members; they ensure rationality.
Brunsson (2006: 13), a leading European management thinker, suggests that
organizational actions are not just guided by formal instructions and directives but
also by informal rules. Additionally, as Brunsson (2006: 14) suggests, experience-
based learning and imitation will also play a role. The first often tells us how to
short cut rules that we find inconvenient. We follow the rule but, on reflection, think
that there is a better way of doing it. Learning to drive is like this – when you pass
the driving test you have to ‘do driving according to rule’ in a way that you will
probably never do as you become a more experienced driver, and your driving
becomes more fluid. So you drive without risk or danger on a country road a little
above the speed limit because you are an experienced and safe driver and there is
little traffic on the road. When the speeding ticket arrives in the mail a few weeks
later you wish that you had followed the speed rules, or more likely had seen that
speed camera so that you could slow down until out of range. Rules, especially as
they have legitimate authoritative sanctions attached to them, which are then applied
to you, can be a powerful experience – especially when rules are paired with
punishment (you speed, you get a fine).

Organizations can be thought of as huge repositories of rules. These rules often have different origins
and rationalities supporting them, and, as a result, they may often come into conflict. From the above
examples it is also clear that these organizational rules originate from both individuals comprising
organizations as well as from the social relations and institutions embedded within organizations. These
produce some unlikely similarities: consider the following questions.

1. What essential features does a kindergarten share with a university?

2. In what ways could a university be compared with a fast food restaurant?
3. In what ways might a McDonald’s be similar to a car factory?

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Parker and David Jary (1995) if you want to learn why some universities and McDonald’s
have some things in common.

Organizations go on while members change

Organizations have an embedded, structural reality that endures irrespective of their

members. People may come and people may go but the organization retains an
identity separate from the individuals who comprise it. Think of the educational
institution in which you are reading this book: every year a new cohort of students
enters, staff retire or resign, and new staff are employed, but the university or
college carries on regardless. The same routines – enrolment, lectures, tutorials,
seminars, and assessments – are carried out year to year irrespective of who is doing

Organizations are huge repositories of rules

Let us take a closer look at what we mean by ‘rules’. Here are some common

1. Formal rules: You will arrive at a certain time and leave at a certain time. This
is often a really stupid rule as it slows everyone down as the roads clog with
people all trying to get to the organization at the same normal time – often
making many people late. Should people be able to come and go as they please
at work?
2. Professional rules: These are the rules that you have internalized, perhaps as a
result of a professional accreditation, achieved in, or in conjunction with, your
higher education. But sometimes the organization that employs you will require
things of you that simply cannot be done as and when is required using the
internalized rules. Which rules should you follow – the professional rules or
those of the employing organization, if there is a clash between them?
3. Legal rules: These may be directives that are explicit, compulsory, and have a
clear source and target within the organization. For instance, you shall not use
organizational resources for personal purposes. But even a simple rule such as
this can be difficult to follow. Should you not call friends and relations on the
office phone?
4. Standards: Many organizations do many things according to standards
authorized by explicit rules that are designed by independent standard-setting
organizations, such as British Standards, Standards Australia or the
International Standards Organization. These may cover many things from the
correct lighting and plumbing standards, through health and safety standards, to
quality standards or environmental standards. Standards can be very powerful
devices in shaping similar behaviours in many organizations. What standards
can you think of that shape organizational behaviour?
5. Informal social rules: For instance, about clothing. Men will wear jackets,
shirts, and trousers and women may wear shirts, trousers, and skirts, but men
usually do not because that would be ‘cross-dressing’. In most organizations it
is OK for women to wear trousers but this was not always the case. What
happens if the men are Scotsmen, or Pacific Islanders? Is it then OK to wear
‘skirts’, if they are called kilts, sulu, pareau, lavalava, or sarong? If they are
men in hot climates, are shorts acceptable? How long should they be? Should
they be worn with socks? Should the socks be long or short? Should the shoes
be white, black, or can they be sandals? These informal rules can be quite


Choose three of the following organizations: what do they have in common?

The police service

Orchestras and bands
Military organizations
Rock festivals
Correctional organizations

Organizations’ arrangements are usually thought of as attempts at systematically

rational approaches to goal achievement. Most organizations strive to be rational –
that is, to be consciously designed to achieve specific ends in an ordered and
systematic way, such as fitness, punishment, and training – sometimes even in one
organization, such as the military.
Hierarchy is often seen as a necessary feature of any complex organization,
involving delegation and authority, with communication, coordination, and control
centralized on the top management team. Additionally, in most organizations,
different roles are clearly distinguished and prescribed. Members and non-members
are usually clearly differentiated, whether the latter are defined as clients,
customers, patients, or civilians.

Organizational identity

Organizations have distinct identities. Corporate organizations often strive to shape

their organizational identities in ways that reflect their conception of the corporate

The notion of an organizational identity usually means that organizations are assumed to have clear boundaries, a large degree of autonomy, and distinctive characteristics that differentiate them from other

In addition, they often seek to present a coherent corporate identity to the world.
That an organization should prove to be a source of identity is not so surprising.
Since the late nineteenth century it has been established that corporate bodies –
organizations – have a distinct ‘legal personality’. Attributes such as logos create
familiar signs and symbols, which help to reinforce the brand. Most people have a
fairly clear idea quite quickly of what organization they work for or are visiting.
Some of what these organizations do as everyday activity helps define them: the
accounts they keep, the orders they ship, the web pages they maintain. Other, more
intangible elements, which are often referred to as ‘organization culture’, which we
discuss in Chapter 6, are also important.
Brunsson (2006) suggests that identity, whether attached to the qualifier of either
organizational or individual, is typically used to alert us to the unique properties and
characteristics that individuals and organizations use to differentiate their unique
features. All notions of identity are relational: distinguishing something means
denoting a difference from something else just as much as it may be an affirmation
of likeness and similarity with others. Organizational identities are becoming
increasingly complicated: firms that enter into alliances to deliver products,
projects, and services blur the boundaries of their unique identity. Alliances are one
of the most common of the new organizational forms (see Chapter 14), involving the
forging of innovative collaborations, partnerships, and networks. For instance, many
companies such as Oracle have hundreds of licensing arrangements with other
companies as channels to market. Fashion leaders such as Benetton (Clegg, 1990)
comprise a core firm that remains independent but linked to many suppliers and
outlets by IT. The suppliers receive detailed small-batch orders for specific models
and sizes of garment, using information derived from the sophisticated IT that each
franchised outlet uses to send sales data to Benetton HQ.

Zara operates a vertically integrated demand and supply chain – a network of organizations that
collaborate to deliver a product or service to an end-user or market. Zara studies its customers’ demand
in the stores and tries instantly to modify just-in-time production schedules to meet the shifting patterns
of demand. Zara’s designers can ‘interpret’ the latest catwalk fashions from Paris, London, New York,
or Milan and have them on the racks in five weeks. Zara uses IT to communicate directly with suppliers
and designers in Spain. Shop managers use personal micro-computing devices to check on the latest
clothes designs and place their orders in accordance with the demand they observe in their stores. Zara’s
speed is the secret of their success.
What management and organization aspects of Zara’s business model help to make it so successful?
Use the web to research the case.

IMAGE 1.3 Zara – Europe’s most successful fashion chain

Many other firms, especially in high-technology organizations and in major project-
based organizations, working on projects such as major pieces of infrastructure, use
alliances between different organizations to produce a consortium of skills that in
alliance can do what none of them can do independently (see Pitsis et al., 2003).
None of these types of organizations are characterized by a clear-cut identity that
maps easily to any one legal identity. Their identity is tied up with the networks that
they form and is indistinguishable from them.

Organizations as professional institutions

Especially in knowledge-intensive organizations that employ many professionals,

such as universities, hospitals, high-technology firms, and R&D (research and
development) labs, it is often the professional boundaries and identities that are
most meaningful for the individual employee. Their identity might stem more from
the profession they belong to than the organization they work in. Further,
organizations are subject to many institutional demands from their environment and,
as many organizations share the same environment of legislation and standards, they
tend to end up looking very similar – they all have the same ISO standards in place,
they all have to comply with EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) legislation and
OHSS (Occupational Health and Security) laws, and so on. Large consulting
companies, for example, offer similar solutions to the various problems that they
face and so they end up with similar recipes: quality management, business process
re-engineering, or knowledge management. As we will explore in Chapter 13, these
institutional tendencies make organizations less distinctive and more alike.
According to Scott (2001), one of the main scholars in the field, institutions are
social structures that persist and endure and, in doing so, strongly shape the way that
people, especially professionals, in organizations do the things they do. Institutions
have been conceptualized as being made up of various elements. If the emphasis is
on cognitive elements then we tend to talk of common mental maps or archetypes
among professionals; if the emphasis is on more normative elements, then we focus
on the informal rules and expectations that surround an institution, while regulative
elements usually refer to either state regulation, often coercive in kind, or more
subtle regulation by institutionalized standards, such as ISO 9000. These, together
with associated activities and resources, provide stability and meaning in our sense
of the organization of work, business, and everyday life.

Institutions are recognizable in as much as specific practices are widely followed, accepted largely without debate, and exhibit properties of endurance.

Institutions are formed from habituated action that is routinely repeated and
sometimes changed. The agents of change are often referred to as institutional
entrepreneurs, and may be either particular individuals or organizations, such as
Richard Branson and Virgin, changing business models in related fields such as
trains and airlines by cross-pollinating ideas from one field to the other.
The reality of complex organization means that hierarchy does not always work
well. Sectional interests often prevail. At the operational level what it makes sense
to do is what appears to be in a department’s best interests rather than that of the
organization as a whole. Interestingly, this has been a recurrent phenomenon in very
hierarchical organizations, such as military, intelligence, and government
bureaucracies, where departments and services have competed for political attention
and resources, such as seeking funding for new battleships rather than new tanks, or
for domestic surveillance rather than foreign operations. Where the parts are
completely coordinated and controlled from the centre then important cues can be
missed, ensuring a lack of flexibility and adaptability, as the behavioural theorists of
the firm realized (Cyert and March, 1963). It is at the boundaries and interface of the
organization with other organizations – suppliers and customers, information
analysts and service providers, other companies and civil society groups – that
crucial behavioural cues can be enacted and shape action – but not if everyone is
following central management dictate. In some management textbooks the job of
being a manager looks pretty simple: it is the task of managers to have an overview
of everything that is going on and steer the organization accordingly. Of course, this
is absolutely unrealistic in anything but a small business – and even there it is
sometimes difficult to work out where one’s stock is being pilfered, or why
customers are not returning.

Hierarchy implies status differentia based on relations of super-and subordination and associated privileges and distinctions.

Total control rarely occurs in any organization – if it did, there would be no need
for the extensive literature on the gap between decision-making and implementation
that we discuss in Chapter 7. As Brunsson (2006: 32) suggests, the implementation
gap can in fact be a good thing – it creates space for subordinate and marginal views
to get a hearing. Also, it allows managers to talk the talk that people expect without
the risks of walking the walk – the risk that their decisions will lead to action is
minimized. As Brunsson says, this can be especially useful ‘when organizational
action is expensive or awkward, or when organizations encounter inconsistent
demands from their environment’ (Brunsson, 2006: 32).
Often, an organization’s managers will say one thing and do something different.
There can be several reasons for this. First, they are creating cover for what they
really want to do; second, they may be quite wrong in what they want to do and their
subordinates or those on the margins are trying to tell them so, because they are
closer to the action and have a better insight into what can be done. Smart managers
will listen and do something different, accepting good advice in good spirit. Not so
smart ones will probably carry on regardless.
Smart managers know that their actions and those of the people around them
shape – or should shape – their preferences. Those who cultivate the illusion of
acting emphatically, carrying a metaphorical big stick, usually come unstuck. They
seek to act out their projects but in a way that can only be a kind of fantasy that does
not connect with the reality in which they find themselves. Typically, managers
report to a top management team, which in turn reports to an ultimate governing
body: a board of directors, a university council, or (in government) a cabinet, for
example. Again, as Brunsson (2006: 33) suggests, if the top management team’s
managers want to be able to implement decisions they are better making them in
alignment with the preferences of their subordinates rather than against them.

The top management team comprises the senior executives in any organization, the people who set strategy, direction, and purpose.

What do top management teams do? In profit-oriented organizations the crucial

factor is to maintain a sustainable flow of earnings and profits; for other
organizations, it is more complex. In not-for-profit organizations there is a great
deal more to manage than the bottom line.
Some organization theorists suggest that it is not just financial capital that needs
to be managed but also other kinds. In the case of a university, for example, there are
different types of capital, each of which needs to be managed. There is the financial
capital, required to ensure that the university is a ‘going concern’, and there is also,
very importantly, social capital (above all, that intangible thing called ‘reputation’).
Social capital refers to whom you know rather than what you own or what you know;
social capital is the set of relations and knowledge embedded in those relations that
you are able to mobilize. For instance, in business schools students not only learn
from the formal curriculum but also make social contacts that they can relate to later
in their business career.

Capital is an abstract concept that might take many material forms. Traditionally, it was thought of purely in economic terms, as wealth invested in an asset with the intention of delivering a return to the owner of
that asset. As such, capital implies complex sets of relations of ownership and control of the asset and employment in its service.

Recently, it has become common to talk of intellectual capital, meaning

knowledge that is worth something, that can earn its owner a return on the
investments made in acquiring it. The most obvious example would be where one
has intellectual property rights to benefit from a specific innovation or invention.


What is sensemaking?

Top management teams are supposed to set a common frame within which
organization members, customers, suppliers, investors, etc., can make common
sense of the organization – what it is and what it does. If the members of an
organization cannot negotiate some commonsense and shared understanding, goal
achievement is difficult.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Karl Weick if you want to learn more about sensemaking.

We all make sense of everything around us all of the time. Organization and
management theorists refer to this as sensemaking. One way to think of
sensemaking is to compare it with driving: as you drive you interpret and try to
make sense of other road users’ and pedestrians’ intentions and behaviours, as well
as of all the traffic signs around you. You are constantly making sense of a mass of
detail, data, and interpretation.
Sensemaking: Managers have to be highly skilled and competent in managing to make sense of what they do. In management, the key competency has become known as sensemaking, which has been defined by
Weick (2008) as the ongoing retrospective development of plausible images that rationalize what people are doing.

Much of what happens in organizations entails a constant process of sensemaking.

Organizations are a little like a busy intersection through which a great deal of
traffic is moving. Managers may be thought of as ‘drivers’ – they seek to steer
things, make things happen as they are intended to. Some managers are driving for
performance, for instance production managers; others are driving marketing or
sales; some others are driving human resource management.

Sensemaking characteristics

What are the characteristic activities that bind such different kinds of managing
together? Consider the definition of sensemaking given in the margin above and
explore each of its terms in a little more detail:

1. Ongoing: We are always making sense – we never stop doing so, even when
asleep – our dreams are ways of making sense of deep issues that we must deal
with in our wakeful moments. Our sense of what we are experiencing is always
of the moment – fleeting, experiential, changing, and contextual.
2. Retrospective: We make sense of something as it is elapsing and we are
constantly reviewing the sense we make in terms of additional sense data.
3. Plausible: We never make perfect but provisional sense, sense that is good
enough for the matter and people at hand. It allows us to go on with what we are
trying to do. While accuracy may be desirable, reasonable constructions that are
continuously updated work better as directional guides, especially when things
are changing fast.
4. Images: We often work with representations of things – models, plans, and
mental maps – as we navigate our way around unfamiliar territory. We hear
what the other is saying and try to accommodate it to things we already know
and carry round with us as our stock of knowledge.
5. Rationalize: We rationalize the meaning of things that are confusing to make
them clearer and justifiable.
6. People: Although organizations contain many things that act which are not
people – such as computers and keypads – it is people who do the sensemaking.
7. Doing: We do things through thinking and action, which define one another.
Weick uses a rhetorical question, ‘How can I know what I think until I see what
I say?’ The point he is making is that when people act they discover their goals,
which may be different even when we think we are dealing with the same cues.

We all make sense of things all the time and sometimes the sense that we make may
be quite different from another person’s – even though we might think we are
dealing with the same cues. In organizations, managers should aim to have their
employees make the same sense.
We make individual sense of what’s happening around us. We use our sense data
– sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell – to assemble impressions of unfolding events
and then we use our cognitive capacities to make a pattern from the data. The sense
we make is always our sense – you make the sense – but you never do so in isolation.
You use many cues to make sense: past experience; what others say they think is
happening; likely stories that you are familiar with that seem to fit the pattern that
appears to be forming; and so on. People will not use these cues in a uniform way,
because they are individuals and, as a result, people can make wildly different senses
from the same set of cues.

Why are organizations interested in sensemaking?

Organizations have a considerable interest in their members making common sense.

Any organization appears to be only as good as its people, products, and services,
and if these people are consistently ‘on message’, making a sense that is common
across customers, suppliers, shareholders, and employees, then this is a vital factor
in assisting the organization to produce consistent products and services. Common
sensemaking is important for organizations.
It is because common sensemaking is important for organizations that a vital part
of the management task is to try and produce many cues for common sensemaking.
An important part of the manager’s job is to create, adapt, and use common frames
of meaning that characterize the organization and its members. However, making
sensemaking common is no easy matter in a world of individuals. We are all, in
principle, free to interpret things as we please. But of course, practically, we usually
try to obey the law when doing so; we follow habits and routines; we interpret using
familiar categories and concepts that are customary in our language. Managers also
employ many different tools to help develop common sense. Have you ever received
or experienced any communications from your university, old school, sporting club,
or favourite shops that could have shaped your sensemaking practices?
As we have said, management is not dissimilar to driving. Driving is not only a
complex activity in itself, involving acute hand, feet, eye, and brain coordination,
but it takes place in a complex environment of signs. Some of these signs are
advisory; others are prescriptive. These signs are cues for you to use to manage your
flow in the traffic on the road. When you drive, you immediately enter into a
complex system – the car – of whose workings your knowledge is likely to be less
scientific and more a matter of ‘know-how’. Once you are driving the car you are
interacting with a great many other road users as well as interacting with the
environment that they share with you. As you share this environment you also
constitute it because the sense that you make of the road becomes a factor for the
sensemaking of all those other drivers in proximity to you. You constitute a part of
the environment for these others as they constitute a part of it for you. You cannot
control what these other drivers do but you can signal your intentions in many subtle
ways such as the way that you drive and the traffic signals that you give. Meanwhile,
your driving is framed by all the prescriptions that surround you: Slow Down! 50 km
zone! Stop!
Road signs are visible cues and artifacts that provide prescriptions for driving.
They seek to shape the environment in which we do driving. When we drive we
make sense of the signs and cues that surround us. Managing is similar.
Organizations want their members to drive in unison and harmony, with a common
understanding, and no nasty accidents. They provide many cues and artifacts that try
and frame this common sense. The most obvious ones would be uniforms, which
visually position the individuals they employ as members. Hence, many
organizations, such as large-scale bureaucracies, including the churches, police,
military, hospitals, railways, and airlines, dress their members in uniforms. Thus, we
may say that organizations often reinforce the way that they shape the identity of
their members by dressing them up in uniforms. Probably the first uniforms were
military ones – it helped to distinguish who was friend and who was foe on the field
of battle – but we find uniforms today in many walks of life, from small settings
such as car rental counters or restaurants, to large complex organizations such as
hospitals or armies. In some of these organizations the subtle distinctions between
gradations of rank are encoded in uniform: take a look at Images 1.4 and 1.5–can
you see any signs of different status in common identity?
The uniforms are sometimes more symbolic and culturally valued than they are
functional; the soldiers in the picture guard the Royal Palaces in Copenhagen and,
rather like the guards at England’s Buckingham Palace, have to wear a uniform and
headgear that is neither comfortable nor practical – but it has enormous symbolic
value, denoting them as Royal Guardsmen. More often than not the function of
uniforms is as much symbolic as functional; the other photo shows bar and
restaurant staff in a corporate uniform. When we see people wearing clothing that
identifies them corporately as members of an organization we know that
management is positioning them not just as employees but as employees who
‘belong’ to the organization.
Management seeks to establish rules and rational routines that will make
individual sensemaking predictable. Uniforms help to do this because they code in a
shorthand way what rank people have, what they might know and do.

Tools and sensemaking

Most managers try to be people who are not just managing but doing the best that
they can with the best tools and advice available. Just like drivers, they are trying to
follow the signs, interpret the complex situation, make sense of it all, and get
somewhere – that is their goal – as they do so. Drivers do so using a tool – the car –
and their capacity for sensemaking.
IMAGE 1.4 and 1.5 Being clothed in and by organizations

Managers also use tools to get things done: accounting systems, resource planning
models, and so on. These tools are designed to be rational instruments to aid
managing. But, just as the car is a tool, and will not go anywhere if it is not driven,
so it is with management tools. They only work insofar as they are made sense of
and driven. Managers are the drivers and those people with whom they interact in
and around the organization are the sensemakers.
Tools do nothing on their own; they have to be used; they have to be made sense
of in terms of the specific context of their application, the time available to do
something, the information that is at hand, the skills and capabilities that are
available. Thus, managing is actively constructed – made sense of – by ordinary
people going about their everyday organizational life, using such resources as come
to hand – including rational tools, instruments, and designs. But the important thing
is the use to which they are put – not that they merely exist – and that there is a
distinct individual who is the user and who is making sense of the context and
situations of use. A number of factors thus enter into sensemaking.


Aspects of sensemaking
Sensemaking is a complex phenomenon. It involves:

Social context: Sensemaking is influenced by the actual, implied, or imagined presence of others. If
other people think that a particular interpretation makes sense then you are more likely to do so as well.
Personal identity: A person or group’s sense of who they are is important in sensemaking. Certain
situations may subvert or reinforce this sense of identity. Think of yourself reading this book. By now
you should be thinking that managing – which might have seemed such a new idea – is now more
familiar because you are able to relate it to your identity as a driver.
Retrospection: What people notice in elapsed events, how far back they look, and how well they
remember the past, all influence sensemaking. Organizationally, this is extremely important because,
sometimes, the most important decisions are often the least apparent: decisions made by minutes
secretaries – what to keep and what to discard – can provide the basis for any later sense that can
possibly be made by organization members. While these are not strategic or conspicuous decisions they
construct the organizational past.
Salient cues: When we read detective novels and try to work out ‘who done it’ we are doing
sensemaking. Managers will use sketches of what is going on and who is who in making sense, which
they have derived from their past experiences; thus they project their pasts onto their futures.
Ongoing projects: Stuff is always happening. We provide structure to divide the unfolding of events
into different patterns. Often situations are structured in such a way as to assist you in doing this: for
instance, football is a game of two halves; symphonies have different movements. In a football game,
for example, one goal can change the whole meaning and tempo of a game.
Plausibility: To make sense is to answer the question, ‘What’s the story here?’ Sensemaking is about
creating meaning that is sufficient to carry on with current projects.
Enactment: Actions can modify that which is being observed. Something seems to be overheating and
you take steps to cool it. Your action enacts your understanding of the situation – it’s overheating – and
what you do changes the situation – now it’s cooling down.
Drafting: Sensemaking involves redrafting an emerging story so that it becomes more comprehensive as
events unfold and are interpreted.
Doing: Sensemaking involves framing details as relevant, to isolate particular themes in an emerging
story and provide an answer to the question, ‘What’s going on?’

(Adapted from Weick, 1995; 2008)

Sensemaking is endemic in organizational life. Organizations are full of plausible

stories – rumour, gossip, official statements, business plans, and websites – each
sensible in its own way but none necessarily coherent with the others. People talk all
the time at work. Much of what they say is formal: the transmission of instructions
and information; the making and taking of orders; the analysis of data and artifacts;
debating issues in meetings, or making speeches and presentations. Yet, even more is
not formal, which is to say that it is neither constitutive of, nor mandated by, the
occupational and organizational roles that organization members fill.
Everyday talk in organizations engages an infinite variety of topics as matter for
discourse. Some of these relate to the currency of intimacy: talk of one’s
appearance, family, friends, and significant others; while others deal with more
generalized others to be found in sports, media stories, politics, or a new movie.
Sometimes this talk makes a difference to the formal organizational world: the
resignation due to stress, illness, or the holiday necessary to recuperate from a
gruelling project. Mostly it is just about being at work.

Multiple sources of sensemaking in organizations

Organizations often have multiple sources of formal meaning regarded as official.

For instance, many organizations contain members who are represented by unions,
which will formulate views on official policy of the organization that is equally
formal and official but may well conflict with that of management. In a pluralist
organizational setting, it is recognized that management and the unions will often
hold competing but legitimate views on an issue. Unions are formal organizations
that need to be managed; just as other organizations they use IT, maintain websites,
and offer benefits and services to members.
Unions can be defined as an association of wage-earning employees mobilized and organized in order to represent their constituents’ interests. These interests can often be counter to the interests of employers,
but not always necessarily so.

Some people consider unions that seek to bargain collectively for the betterment
of the rights and conditions of their members as illegitimate representations of
irrational interests queering the pitch for the rational employer and loyal employee
to collaborate harmoniously. Unions are secondary organizations because they can
only ever organize in a space already organized by employers. To the extent that
these employment spaces become increasingly global, the creation of solidarity by
the union becomes far more difficult to manage.
Unions are sensemaking devices that many employers and conservative political
parties antagonistically oppose because they regard the sense they make as a
restraint on the free market. From this perspective labour is a commodity to be
bought, sold, and used (or not used) just as any other commodity, and its sale should
be at a market rate determined only for individual cases rather than at some
collectively bargained price.
Management, employers, and the political parties that seek to represent their
interests often regard unions with hostility, despite the many positive things that
unions can achieve, such as legitimate grievance resolution, which can often
minimize turnover with all its attendant costs, or obliging employers to be more
innovative in the use of capital because the price of labour cannot be pushed lower.
They want to exclude union sensemaking from the picture. Often employers,
managers, and the parties that seek to represent them have a unitarist frame of
reference that espouses what is termed managerialism. The belief in management
as a means capable of solving any problem elevates the necessity of management
into an ideology of the modern world.

Managerialism is the view that organizations should be normatively integrated by shared values expressed within a single source of authority, legitimacy, and decision-making embedded in the managerial
hierarchy and serving the interests of the owners of that organization.

An ideology is a coherent set of beliefs, attitudes, and opinions. The meaning is often pejorative, with a contrast drawn between ideology and science.

Where the owners are shareholders then the assumption is that the decisions that
management makes can always be rationalized by reference to the maximization of
shareholder value. In such a conception of the organization, resistance to
management decisions is regarded as illegitimate and irrational.
In recent years managerialism – or new public management as it is known in the
public sector – has come to pervade most aspects of organizational life.
Managerialism involves the attempt to remake organizations in an idealized image
revolving around a strong corporate culture, entrepreneurialism, quality, and
leadership, and focused on achieving targets. The targets are often measured through
audits – of culture, quality, job satisfaction, customer satisfaction, etc. These can be
used to rank organizations according to a range of criteria. Power (1999) has argued
that this is a sign that we live in an ‘audit society’ in which rankings of
organizations are increasingly common, and where league tables determine the sense
that is made of organizational performance.
How organization relations actually pan out will always depend on the specific
sensemaking that we find in local situations, discourses, and practices. For instance,
Scandinavian managers would expect to be union members; British and other
English-language managers would not. Their attitudes to unions will differ in
When managerialism is expressed politically at the national level it can take the
shape of a systematic mobilization of bias against collective representation,
contracts, and rights, stressing instead the individual nature of employment contracts
and effort bargains. When it is expressed politically at the organization level it is
usually through the discourses of human resource management (HRM) in which
mechanisms that create employee commitment to the organization are stressed, such
as performance-related pay, regular performance appraisals, team working,
empowerment, and skill development programs (see Chapter 5).
Among the major sensemaking tools in use in organizations are rational
management plans, designs, structures, and theories – it is these that provide the
categories and labels with which managing is done. Sometimes these work smoothly
and paper over the little cracks that may occur in our understanding of the situation.
We should expect to find a great deal of managerialism and rational planning in the
organizational world. For one thing, trying to fix everyone’s sensemaking on
management’s terms is a powerful device but, equally, we might also expect that
some people might have a fair degree of cynicism and contestation about managerial
interpretations when doing so.
Different types of sensemaking occur especially where things are uncertain or
where things are not as we would have expected them to be, when sense just breaks
down, or cannot be made, and normal expectations do not work. The computer
messages that the system transmits are just plain puzzling and seem wrong, your
colleagues are acting strange (what do they know that you don’t?), and so on. When
we make sense of breaches in everyday understanding, suggests Weick (2008), we
look first for reasons that will enable us to keep on doing whatever it was that we
were doing – we are averse to change. We make sense using devices such as what
everybody knows, or apply rational analysis, or we ask others what they think is
going on.

Sensemaking can be a matter of life and death

Organizations are often difficult places to make sense in, especially as we cross their
rational boundaries. Consider the example of hospitals. Despite being focused on
patient care they can in fact be dangerous for the patients. One reason for this is that
the patient’s body becomes the point of intersection of many different professional
practices, such as radiography, anaesthetics, operative care, post-operative care, and
so on. At each handover point there will be inscriptions – readings, charts, data
printouts, briefings – that are passed from one team to another. Unfortunately, these
present lots of opportunities for people to make different sense of the situation.
Sometimes inscriptions will be misunderstood, sometimes improperly read or
communicated, sometimes they will be faulty, and sometimes they just get it wrong.
Organizations are full of handoff situations: when inspection comes into play; when
training takes over; when memos are sent and instructions issued from one subunit
to another. All of these offer ample opportunity for recipients to make plausible
sense of incomplete details – and hopefully, not have to be accountable subsequently
for the sense that they did, or did not, make at the time (Weick and Sutcliffe, 2003).

Sensemaking produces what we take to be rational

So, sensemaking is what all people in organizations will do routinely while they go
about their busy organizational lives. Essentially, it is a process of pattern-making.
We fit clues and cues together and make meaning out of them. We trace a frame,
enabling us to connect things together and make a coherent and connected picture,
often using metaphors to do so. Once we have the frame then we can make sense.
Metaphors frame understanding to produce rationality.
One metaphor has long been dominant where management is concerned: the
metaphor of engineering. The idea of there being a specific managerial rationality
first emerged in the 1880s in the USA (Shenhav, 1999) from which early
management writers created a new language of rationality, one that American
engineer Frederick Taylor (1967 [1911]) popularized in the famous Principles of
Scientific Management.
The father of modern management, Taylor insisted that under rational
management ‘all of the planning which under the old system was done by the
workman, as a result of his personal experience, must out of necessity under the new
system be done by management’ (Taylor, 1967 [1911]: 38). Here decision-making is
taken to be the domain of the superior intellect of the manager such that the manager
(usually) can deploy a scientific rationality in order to find the ‘one best way’
proposed by Taylor’s approach.
The divorce between decision and execution has been a central tenet of
management science. Usually, the model of decision-making is described as a
perfectly well-organized, rational, and logical process. Problems are defined, the
relevant information is analysed, possible solutions are generated, and the optimal
solution is decided upon and implemented. Deming’s ‘plan–do–check–act’ (PDCA)
cycle is an excellent example of how this is done in many contemporary
organizations (see Deming, 2000). Organization members become disciplined and
reflexive extensions of the corporate mind, able to exercise discretion, but in
corporately prescribed ways. Much of modern management thinking follows this
vector. It is framed by a simple assumption that what management does is nearly
always necessarily and inherently rational.


While the essential tool of the driver is the car, the essential tool of the manager is
often said to be rationality. However, while cars are very tangible and real,
rationality is always a metaphor. A metaphor cannot be pointed to as if it were the
new BMW in the street outside, although when asked about the car, the owner might
use a metaphor to describe it, such as saying it is a ‘dream-machine’.

Metaphors use terms other than those of the subject under discussion to describe it. ‘Dream-machine’ is a recognizable metaphor.

Creating a metaphor always involves the literal meaning of a phrase or word being
applied to a new context in a figurative sense, says Grant (2008: 896). Metaphors
influence the way we describe, analyse, and think about things. As Morgan (1986)
has argued, it is the metaphor of the machine that is most preponderant in its
application to managing and organizations. So when rationality is attributed to
managers and organizations it is often done so in terms of machine-like properties,
such as ‘the organization runs on clockwork’. We will look at three influential
metaphors used in thinking about managing organizations as rational enterprises.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Joep P. Cornelissen, Mario Kafouros, and Andrew R. Lock (2005) if you want to learn
more about metaphors.

Metaphors of division

A very specific idea of rationality, one tied up with the division of labour, became
embedded as the common sensemaking of modern management. Discussion of the
division of labour goes back at least to Adam Smith (1723–1790), with his praise for
the rationally divided pinfactory and its labours in The Wealth of Nations (1961
[1776]). Economic growth, according to Smith, is rooted in the increasing division
of labour. Where there is a division of labour, each employee becomes an expert in
one task, saving time in task-switching and thus increasing efficiency.

The division of labour produces a more specialized labour force. Instead of everybody trying to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none, capable of doing everything in an organization, labour becomes
more specialized by breaking down large jobs into many tiny components.

A smart organization divides all its tasks in terms of different roles and
responsibilities and assigns these to different occupational titles, suggested Smith.
In turn, these titles describe in shorthand the jobs that people are supposed to do.
Smith’s ideas connected with many currents in the US, the home of modern
management. In the military, especially strong after the US Civil War, West Point
engineers were very influential in promulgating efficient engineering solutions to
many problems. One man, in particular, F. W. Taylor, fused the engineering stream
with one that emerged from the Deep South. Many of the practices used to manage
slaves were based upon the idea that the people being managed were basically stupid
and that therefore the means of control and direction needed to be very simple.
Taylor adopted the idea that the best worker was a simple creature and he sought to
design efficiently engineered solutions for designing and managing work based on
the assumption that these simple employees were not to be trusted. What
intelligence they had, he thought, often became manifest in cheating on their

Metaphors of the organ

Another key metaphor for modern management and organizations is the assumption
that organizations are analogous to an organ.

Organizations conceived as an organ are seen as a collective body in which all the component parts should function much as do healthy organs in a human or animal body.

Putting the organ into organization, some people like to think about organizations
as having brains and other organic characteristics. The brains are usually seen to be
in the ‘head quarters’ (headquarters), the hands on the factory floor, and so on, all
working in a harmony and unison designed by the brain. Such metaphors are
essentially organic – they assume that the organization is akin to an organism – and
have been around for a long time. They are especially popular with top management
teams who think that they are the brains of the organization.
The problems with conceiving of organizations as an organ are evident. Only the
top management team is allowed to have ideas; everybody else has to follow these.
Thus, there is little scope for innovation to arise from anywhere other than the top. If
good ideas emerge from elsewhere the odds are they will not be captured. Often they
are not sought. A desperate Henry Ford asked why he always got stuck with the
whole person rather than with a pair of hands. Hands were what he hired, but
troublesome bodies with querulous minds were what he so often got, despite many
systematic attempts by the Ford organization and the agencies it hired to screen out
troublemakers and those morally unfit and insufficiently temperate in their habits
for the regime on Ford’s production line. The metaphorical body corporate easily
reduces the literal body of the worker to be considered only as exemplary if the
worker behaves as a puppet to the commands issued through the managerial pulling
of strings (ten Bos and Rhodes, 2003).

Metaphors of choice and rationality

Sometimes it is assumed that everyone who works in whatever job they do does so
because of a Rational choice, otherwise they would exit. Of course, this is to deny
the many ways in which opportunities are structured historically, economically,
socially, culturally, religiously, and so on.

Rational choice is a concept that adopts the view that all social interaction is a basically economic transaction undertaken by self-interested, goal-oriented individuals who exercise choice among alternative
known outcomes that are based on their knowledge of, and the incentives that exist in, their immediate environment.

Rational choice theories, beloved of economists, assume that individuals have an

established preference or utility order. The rational person, it is assumed, will
always maximize individual benefits and reduce costs in the choices that they make.
There are many things wrong with the assumption that individuals exercise rational
choice. The criticisms point to the neglect of individuals:

Ideas and preferences : These are always socially and organizationally formed
and cannot be treated as independent and voluntary casual variables. You are
Jewish or Muslim and abhor pork, for example, while I am Hindi and cannot
bring myself to eat beef.
Motivations: Individuals sometimes have interests not only in their self and
particular others, such as family members, but sometimes act on behalf of
members of particular categories of person, such as women (feminist
organizations; battered women’s shelters), or religious orders (youth or social
clubs). Individuals often act from rational motives that are not economically
self-interested. Individuals’ rational preferences are frequently shaped by
irrational factors, such as emotions: think of the sports teams you love and hate.
Knowledge: Individuals never have perfect knowledge of alternatives and thus
cannot weigh up preferences rationally.
Calculations: Individuals do not have an economic calculus for every action;
some actions have value that is expressed morally, ethically, and socially rather
than economically.
Habit: Many actions are considered very poorly, or very quickly, as matters of
instinct or habit.

Individuals’ choices made in the spirit of self-interest do not necessarily maximize

the collective benefit; poor managerial choices can destroy things of great value,
such as employment, careers, shareholder value, the environment, and social
harmony. Indeed, if one takes a longer term perspective, choices made in the spirit
of self-interest may not be of benefit over a longer period: for example, burning
fossil fuels can further climate change; using common land to feed one’s animals,
because it is a free resource, leads to the depletion of the resource.
Social scientists are skeptical about the capacity of human decision-making to be
utterly rational. Instead they prefer to see people as only ever rational within the
bounds of their knowledge and ignorance. They see people as characterized by
bounded rationality.

To talk of bounded rationality means accepting that there are limitations and constraints on human behaviour. People are cognitively limited, producing satisfactory rather than optimally rational decisions (March
and Simon, 1958; Simon, 1957), which is referred to as ‘satisficing’, meaning accepting decisions that are both sufficient and satisfying. Conditions of uncertainty are often characteristic of decision-making
situations. In situations of uncertainty individuals act inconsistently (and thus irrationally).

From a bounded perspective, rationalized practices are seen as essentially

cultural, expressed through managerial talk and writing (Dobbin, 1994). Fligstein
(2002) showed how different managerial groups sought to promote their own
expertise as the basis for organizational rationality in the emerging multi-divisional
form of organizations that superseded bureaucracy, as we discuss in Chapter 14. The
crucial thing is to appear to be rational by having all of the symbols of rationality in
We could not express ourselves fully if we did not use metaphors. Yet, as we can
see in these three cases, metaphors can be dangerous. Each of the metaphors that we
have looked at assumes that rationality inheres in each of them. However, these
assumptions of rationality dissolve when the metaphors are interrogated. In fact, we
find that rational divisions of labour can produce irrational employees; that the
organization conceived as a rational organ can stultify innovation; and that rational
choices can sometimes be irrational.


Rationalist views are attractive to many managers. Such views place them in control.
They tell them they know what they are doing. They make them feel authoritative.
They place them clearly in the centre of their own frame. They legitimate these
frames. They make them feel important – big men and tough women in business –
even as their pretensions may be mocked by their subordinates, contradicted by their
failures to make the world of work correspond to the ideal model, and compromised
by the endless ways in which they have to ad hoc and cobble together compelling
accounts of what they have been doing, which they know do not correspond with the
reality that they have lived.
Sometimes, as some feminist critics suggest, managerial rationality seems a
peculiarly masculine view of the world (Freeman, 1984), which we discuss in terms
of gendered communication in Chapter 8. The rational attributes of decision-making
are equated with male characteristics by contrast to the way that women have been
represented as being emotional, capricious, unsystematic, and irrational (also see
Calás and Smircich, 2006).
To maintain a rational model of organization would mean being able to closely
control events and people, according to a tight script, even at a distance. As we will
see in Chapters 11, 12 and 13, this is the very essence of bureaucracy. But any
organization that ran like this would be not only a disaster in any environment
subject to change but also impossible. It would be a disaster because there would be
no deviance, no opportunity for learning or innovation (see Chapters 9 and 10), just a
kind of Stepford Wives rationality (Oz, 2004). It would be impossible because we
cannot help making sense, and we cannot help but make sense using a plurality of
devices, as social beings. It takes a lot of training to have total tunnel vision; many
failed organizations seemed to have thought it worthwhile to attempt it in pursuit of
How do organizations’ managers know that they are being rational? Brunsson
(2006: 34) suggests that they can do so by following rules, or imitating the ways in
which other organizations operate, or through experimenting. Following rules is a
sure-fire way of keeping out of trouble, even if the results are unfortunate, as we will
see in Chapter 12. In reality, rule following is usually less about getting things done
and more to do with keeping out of trouble. Similarly, if managers imitate what
other managers who are perceived as being successful do, they can claim legitimacy
for their actions – even if they fail – while experimentation may mean that they hit
on something that they could never have arrived at intentionally (see Chapter 13).
Rational models are best thought of as descriptions of action that will usually be
compelling for most organizational audiences – thus they are a handy tool with
which to provide accounts of action – but they are not necessarily the best basis for
determining what managing actually consists of. The metaphors of rationality have
great legitimacy – in part because they have been around for a long time and in part
because they have been associated with strong programmes for reforming
The opposite of rationality is irrationality. Given that the most powerful people
in any situation usually get to define what rationality is, then it is not surprising that
they also define what rationality is not, and thus what is irrational. Irrationality
usually looks a lot like what the powerful oppose or that which opposes them. For
instance, when managers implementing reforms encounter widespread resistance to
change they tend to see the resistance as irrational. Resistance to change serves as
additional evidence for managers of the rightness of the reforms being resisted and
so a vicious cycle of more control generating more resistance often ensues (see
Chapter 7).

Irrationality literally means the non-interpretability of a rule or rules underlying action; in practice, it more often means action whose rationality runs counter to that which is dominant and authorized. otherwise,
people would not resist! According to this view, if reason prevailed there would be total commitment and no resistance.

A belief in rationality can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: if what managers

define as rational is resisted then the resistance simply shows the irrationality that
has to be reformed (Fleming, 2008). There are two types of resistance to change:

Resistance by omission: Passive attempts at undermining what is being

presented as rationality by withholding consent or support, demonstrating a
lack of legitimacy of the rationality in question.
Resistance by commission: More active attempts at blocking, thwarting, or
otherwise sabotaging what the organization is trying to position as its
rationality (Fleming, 2008).

Resistance can sometimes be thought of as an attempt to assert an alternative

rationality. Claims to management knowledge that position it as rational often
assume all other claims are merely the promotion of sectional, self-interested, and
irrational strategies. Such views presuppose a unitary framework: that there is one
correct way of seeing things. The unitary view of organizations is a major strategy in
promoting managerial rationalities. Often, the argument is that where there is
resistance then more work must be done in building commitment on the part of
HRM (see Chapter 5);
Many social scientists suggest that rather than restrict the category of rationality
to plans that rarely work out in practice we should instead study the practical,
situated rationality that people display in their everyday life – what is sometimes
referred to as mundane reality. Hence, there are rationalities, rather than rationality
per se. People make sense through their understanding of the world, their
interpretations of other people and those things that populate their world. They have
many categories and devices for making sense of this world; some of these will be
shared with other members of the organization and some will not. Some will be
regarded as legitimate by the organization while others will not. Organization
members build their practices on their understandings.
We should not just study the formal rationality that characterizes modern
organizations – the plans, documents, and devices of the top management team – but
we should look at what people actually do with and to these. In other terms,
rationalities will be plural, they will consist of both the words and the deeds that are
done – and sometimes not done – in and around organizations.
Many of the strategic errors that managers make can be attributed to the fact that
they manage as if the world depicted and represented in their tools and plans was
actually as controlled and controllable as these make it appear to be. Rarely, given
the ingenuity that we all bring to sensemaking, can this illusion be sustained,
because we rarely use a shared common sense to make sense. We work from
different interests, different disciplines, and different knowledge, with different
power relations, striving to make sense using those terms that make sense to us. Of
course, if we are all doing this, then we should expect managing to be a highly
politicized and contested activity – which is precisely what management is.


We all learn to make sense of the situations we are in. However, just like a fast-
flowing river, these situations are often changing in imperceptible ways. Before too
long we find that the ways we have been using to make sense leave us out of our
depth! Managers find that what they took for granted no longer helps them survive
as well as it did in the past. Well-established direct techniques of the past, such as
management by rules and instructions, by oversight and surveillance, by command
and control, on the part of hierarchical managers, are changing. Today, what they
seem to be changing to is use of more indirect techniques, such as managing in and
through vision, mission, culture, and values, leading to a lot less imperative
instruction and command and a great deal more dialogue and discussion. When
everyone can be connected to anyone everywhere, when the value basis of
employees is shifting radically, and when the organization laces itself over the globe
and employs many of the diverse peoples that the globe has to offer, the old
certainties are harder to hold on to.
Having considered sensemaking, we now move on to consider the contexts in
which people work. We will first look at the generic changes that we think are
important; then we will look at their impact on managing and organizations, relating
them to specific chapters later in the book. The reasons why paradigms for
management are changing are several. We need, however, to distinguish between
academic paradigms and business paradigms. The former are ways of theorizing
about an activity; in the case of the latter they would be the activity itself. For
something to be a paradigm it must be accepted as an ideal model and exemplar,
something that shows people how to practice something.

Paradigm: A coherent set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline, in which the views are
widely shared as a result of training and induction into the methods of the discipline. In more mature disciplines, there is usually a single dominant or normal paradigm, whereas less developed disciplines are
characterized by a plurality of paradigms because there is a lack of shared agreement on what the discipline entails.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by James G. March (2007) if you want to learn more about how the study of organizations
and organizing has changed since the Second World War.

Organizations and technological changes

The shift to a digital world means that digital capabilities enable organization to be
moved offshore – hence the spectacular rise of Bangalore in India as an IT and call
centre ‘district’ – a region of the global economy in which a particular part of
organizational activity is often done for many firms, using the English-language
skills of Indian graduates, as well as those of the many fine computer and
engineering graduates produced in this vast sub-continent. Of course, the main
reason is that wage costs in India are far less than, say, Indiana or Aberdeen. Since it
is much cheaper to live there, employers pay far less.
Outsourcing involves contracting the provision of certain services to a third-
party specialist service provider rather than seeking to deliver the service from
within one’s own organization. Usually, outsourcing is entered into to save costs and
to deliver efficiencies and productivity benefits. By not concentrating on services
and tasks that are peripheral to the main business, an organization can better focus
on those things it needs to do well while leaving the peripheral tasks to organizations
that specialize in the delivery of those services. Often, areas such as HRM, catering,
IT, and equipment and facilities maintenance are outsourced.

Outsourcing occurs when an organization decides to contract a service provider who specializes in a particular area of service provision to do more economically and efficiently something that it previously did
itself, such as catering, cleaning, maintenance, or IT.

Outsourcing is not a new phenomenon: in major production industries such as

automotives, the outsourcing of initially non-core and latterly core functions and
services has been progressively used since the 1930s (Macaulay, 1966). The
development of outsourcing, burrowing away at the innards of organizations,
hollowing them out, and networking them into other organizations’ capabilities and
competencies, is often regarded as being a part of a shift that has been underway in
organizations since the late twentieth century. The outsourcing of sectors such as IT
and telecommunications, and business processing, occurred with the dawning of
advanced digital telecommunications services. The imperative to outsource – as
distinct from the opportunity to do so – was a result of other dynamics of the digital
age, which we will shortly consider: primarily globalization and increased
competition, leading to a continual need to improve efficiency from productivity and
to increase service levels. Thus, vertically integrated services were no longer seen as
the best organizational arrangements for gaining competitive advantage. Extending
the organization’s capabilities, whether core or non-core, to a third party became
synonymous with efficient and effective management.
Many new industries have developed on the back of the digital revolution, often
referred to as knowledge-intensive industries, those which we find at the forefront of
contemporary global competition, such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Dell. In
these organizations we find new organizational forms that challenge the older, more
bureaucratic structures of the past, new organization structures that we will explore
in Chapter 14.
Digital capabilities have transformed the world – some journalists such as
Friedman (2005), of the New York Times , suggest that digital capabilities have made
the world ‘flat’ – by which he means that advances in technology and
communications now link people all over the globe. This may explain the rapid
development of India and China, and the growth of global businesses that exploit the
opportunities of the Internet to create and design goods and services on a 24/7 cycle
– globally – taking advantage of different time zones to work on accounts, data, and
designs seamlessly. The world has speeded up to a state of immediacy: any reader of
this book would know how to find the authors in a matter of seconds and send them
feedback immediately. (We would like you to let us know what you think about the
book – we like to hear from our customers!)

Managing technological changes Shorter life cycles, virtual connectivity, and

dissagregation spell many changes in ways of managing. The dominant trend is that
there has been an increasing separation of routine processes from more essential
work, which is often reflected in a spatial division of labour. Thus, for instance, as
we will see in Chapter 14, in call centres the work is as routine and scripted as in any
work process designed in an early twentieth-century bureaucracy by one of F. W.
Taylor’s scientific managers (see Chapters 12 and 13). The means for storing the
rules may have shifted from paper to software and the nature of the work may be
less physical, but there are still essential similarities.
There are consequences for other jobs when much of the routine is extracted and
repositioned elsewhere. The remaining core staff – rather than those that are
peripheral – will need to be more skilled than before. They will be working in
technological environments subject to rapid and radical change. New competencies
and skills will be required. Managing will mean more developmental work oriented
to renewing staff’s specific skills and general competencies rather than seeing that
they follow the rules, issuing imperative commands, and generally exercising
authority. Managing will mean negotiating the use and understanding of new
technologies, contexts, and capabilities, and facilitating the understanding of those
who will be operating with the new tools and environments. As Sandberg and
Targama (2007: 4) note, citing Orlikowski’s (1993) influential work on Japanese,
European and US firms, many technology implementation projects fail because of
what the employees do – or do not – understand. Changing technological paradigms
mean that managers must be able to make sense of the new technology for all those
who will use it.
Traditionally, organizations were neither very responsive nor flexible because of
their bureaucratic nature, as we will see in Chapter 12. They had tall hierarchical
structures, relatively impermeable departmental silos, and many rules. Such
organizations offer little incentive for innovation and, typically, innovation was
frowned on because precedents went against the rules. Such organizations could
hardly be responsive – they were not designed to be.
More responsive organizations should have employees who are capable of
problem solving rather than having to refer any problem, deviation, or precedent to a
higher authority. Such people need to be trained and engaged in styles of managing
and being managed that reinforce empowerment, using far more positive than
negative approaches to power, as we will see in Chapter 7.
New technologies attach a premium to a flexible, timely approach to customer
requirements. In order that such flexibility can exist in an organization it has to be
premised on ways of managing employees that allow them to be responsive to
customer requirements in developing products and services. As we will see in
Chapter 13, the critique of bureaucracy has been particularly acute in the areas of
public sector management. Especially in the Anglo-Saxon countries, from the 1980s
onwards, the extensive adoption of strategies of deregulation, privatization, and
contracting out, often on the back of significant changes in technology, have led to
profound changes in the nature of public sector work. Something known as new
public management (Osborne and Gaebler, 1992) has had a profound impact on the
public sector, in the public (or civil) service, education, universities, and health care,
especially. The clarion call has been for more entrepreneurial managers and less rule
following. Whether this is a good or bad thing has been the subject of lively debate,
which we discuss in Chapter 13.

Changing relations of service and production

Look at your computer; check the clothes you are wearing; what about your shoes?
Where do your things come from? Bet they were made in several countries and none
of them may be where you live. Bet also that China was one of the countries. Today,
‘Made in China’ is a ubiquitous label – we find it on virtually any manufactured
product that we are likely to wear or use in the office or home.
Supermarkets such as Wal-Mart represent the end of a supply chain that
invariably starts somewhere in China. The concentration of much global
manufacturing in China is a relatively recent phenomenon, which really gathered
pace in the 1990s. Just as much of service work has been disaggregated into lower
value-adding elements such as call centres that can be located anywhere, much of
what was once produced by a domestic blue-collar labour force in the then
heartlands of Europe or the USA, is now produced globally, often in China.
One consequence of the shifting international division of labour is that the
developed world is increasingly based on the production of services rather than
goods. Material things – such as computers, clothes, and household goods – are
increasingly being produced in the developing world. One consequence is that the
nature of work and organizations is changing rapidly in both worlds. In the
developing world peasants are rapidly becoming factory workers; in the developed
world there has been an explosive growth in what is referred to as knowledge work,
done by knowledge workers in knowledge-intensive firms. Chief among these are IT
firms (Alvesson, 1995; Starbuck, 1992), global consultancy, law, and accounting
firms, as well as the universities, technical colleges, and schools that produce the
new knowledge workers.

Shifting locations, shifting managing An increase in knowledge-intensive work

means that organizations have to employ – and manage – different kinds of
employees. Brains not brawn, mental rather than manual labour, are the order of the
day. Employees need to be capable of working with sophisticated databases,
software, and knowledge management systems. These have to be related to customer
requirements often on a unique and tailored basis that deploys a common platform
while customizing it for specific requirements. Thus, technical and relational skills
will be at a premium.
Knowledge-intensive work, according to Alvesson’s (2004) research, depends on
much subtle tacit knowledge as well as explicit mastery. In such a situation, working
according to instruction and command will not be an effective way of managing or
being managed, especially where the employee is involved in design and other forms
of creative work on a team basis, often organized in projects. In such situations,
increasingly common in contemporary work, ‘because of the high degree of
independence and discretion to use their own judgement, knowledge workers and
other professionals often require a leadership based on informal peer interaction
rather than hierarchical authority’ (Sandberg and Targama, 2007: 4). As we will
explore in Chapters 4 and 5, some of the old theories and approaches to leadership
and project work need updating.

Going global

Digital technologies, together with a growing international division of labour

between economies specialized on services and production, make the world
economy increasingly globalized. Competition is based less on traditional
comparative advantage as a result of what economists call ‘factor endowments’,
such as being close to raw materials, and more on competitive advantages that arise
from innovation and enterprise. IT means that enterprise and innovation can now be
globally organized. No industry is more indicative of this than the financial services
industry, where firms such as American Express, Citicorp, and HSBC span the globe.
These multinational behemoths operate as integrated financial services providers
almost everywhere. Global competition goes hand in hand with outsourcing in
industries such as these, as such firms exploit technology to disaggregate ‘back-
office’ routine functions and locate them in cheaper labour markets, as we discuss in
Chapter 15.

Managing globally Doing business internationally in real time, enabled digitally,

produces ample opportunity for cultural faux pas and misunderstanding. Work
groups may be working in serial or in parallel with each other on projects that are
networked globally. Global organization means managing diversity: it means
developing appropriate ways of managing people who may be very different from
each other – from different national, ethnic, religious, age cohort, educational
achievement levels, social status, and gender backgrounds (Ashkenasy et al., 2002).
One consequence of globalization and diversity is that HRM must be both
increasingly international and equipped to deal with diversity, as we will see in
Chapter 5.
Diversity is increasingly seen as an asset for organizations: people with diverse
experiences can contribute more varied insights, knowledge, and experience than a
more homogeneous workforce. (In the terms that we use in Chapters 6, 7 and 10 we
can say that it is a good thing to introduce more polyphony into organizations.) An
evident reason is that if a business wishes to sell globally it must understand all the
specificities of the local markets into which it seeks to trade. One good way of doing
this is to ensure that the organization has employees that understand that market.
Moreover, in certain markets, such as the Middle East, where etiquette and rituals
are of considerable importance in everyday interactions, then it is enormously
beneficial to have employees who do not have to learn through making costly
mistakes because they have an intuitive understanding. Moreover, as we will see in
Chapter 11, organizations whose members are not representative of the populations
the organizations draw on and serve risk being seen as discriminatory in their
recruitment policies. There are ethical issues concerned in managing diversity.

Changing conceptions of time and space

Technological developments such as the Internet and other telecommunications

seem to make the whole world something that can be present here and now – as users
of Google Earth no doubt know. E-mail can fly around the world in seconds, as quite
a few people can testify who have pressed the send button inadvertently on
something they might have preferred not to share globally.
While time and space are two fundamental coordinates of the way we relate to the
world, the ways in which we make this representation are not fundamental but
socially constructed. The earliest concerns of modern global management were with
the centrality of clock time in the time and motion studies of F. W. Taylor. Indeed,
in these studies the central motif was that of time–space relations, as we will see in
Chapter 12. Stopwatches measured in terms of microseconds to prescribe ways of
doing tasks. Space was rigidly defined in order to maximize the speed of work.
These notions of space and time as phenomena under strict organizational control
are hardly relevant in the age of the Internet. With a computer, camera, and
broadband connection any organization member can simulate immediacy with
anyone anywhere in the world similarly equipped. In such a situation time and space
are eclipsed. Organizations can be global, navigating anywhere.

Managing time and space Immediacy through the eclipse of space presents
problems. Work is much more accountable and transparent as others can be online
anytime, anywhere, challenging the understandings that the other has developed.
Often these understandings will be embedded in a sense made in a cultural,
linguistic, religious, ethnic, and age and gendered context that is simply foreign to
partners elsewhere. Great cultural sensitivity, as well as a capacity to handle
circadian rhythms, is needed in the interest of global business. In such contexts there
will be a great deal of doing by learning as managers seek to make sense of others
whose cues are not only unfamiliar but often mediated by the limitations of Internet
communication. Managing communication in these circumstances poses especial
challenges, as we will see in Chapter 8.

Changing demographics; changing values

The era from the 1960s onwards has been dominated by the ‘boomer’ generation,
who are now slowly moving out of the workforce, to be replaced with people drawn
from Generation X and Y. Generation X, broadly defined, includes anyone born from
1961 to 1981. In the West, Generation X grew up with the Cold War as an ever-
present backdrop. During their childhood they saw the dismantling of the post-war
settlement and the advent of neo-liberal economics (such as Thatcherism) and the
collapse of communism. They often grew up in single-parent households, without a
single clear or guiding moral compass. They had to negotiate the hard years of
global industrial restructuring when they were seeking their first jobs; they
experienced the economic depression of the 1980s and early 1990s; and saw the
decline of traditional permanent job contracts offering clear career structures.
Instead of careers they were invited to accept insecure short-term contracts,
unemployment, or junk jobs in McDonaldized organizations, or to get educated.
Many of them ended up overeducated and underemployed, with a deep sense of
insecurity. Not expecting that organizations will show them much commitment, they
offer little themselves.
Generation Y includes anyone born in the late 1980s and 1990s, sometimes to
professional boomer couples who left childrearing later than previous generations
or, as a result of boomer males mating with much younger women, maybe entering
into reproduction the second or third time around. Young people born in this bracket
are the first digital generation for whom the computer, Internet, mobile, iPods,
DVDs, and the Xbox were a part of what they took for granted growing up. While
Generation X was shaped by de-industrialization in the West and the fall of
communism globally, Generation Y developed into maturity during the War on
Terror, grew up reading Harry Potter, and, until 2008, enjoyed relatively prosperous
economic times, in part because of the success – for the West – of globalization. If
you want to know more about the generations and the differences they are inscribed
in, you could talk to your parents or grandparents – if they haven’t already talked to
you about these things!

Managing changing values The employment of Generation X members offers real

challenges for managers seeking to motivate and gain commitment from employees.
As we will see in Chapter 3, the issues of commitment and motivation are
increasingly central to managing. The X generation will be more cynical than its
predecessors and less likely to accept rhetoric from management that is not backed
up by actions. For Generations X and Y, according to Sennett (1998: 25), there is a
predisposition towards high uncertainty and risk-taking as defining features of the
challenges they want from work because they do not expect commitment. In part this
is because they do not expect anything solid or permanent: they have seen casino
capitalism at close quarters as brands they grew up with moved offshore or were
taken over, or radically changed by new ownership, and so tend to distrust prospects
of long-term or predictable futures.
Using traditional management control and command devices to manage people
who desire to explore is not appropriate. Instead, the emphasis will have to be on
creativity and innovation, as we explore in Chapter 10.
If there is one value that binds these disparate generations together it is the sense
that the previous generations have really made a mess of the planet; green values are
very strongly held, and saving the environment through sustainability is high on the
list of value preferences. Consequently, as we discuss in Chapter 11, issues of
corporate social responsibility, especially those addressed to sustainability, are high
on the values agenda. Such changes pose major implications for how organizations
attract, select, retain, and treat employees, as we see in Chapter 5 on HRM.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Ronald Paul Hill (2002) if you want to learn more about how generations should make a
difference to the ways that managers learn and are taught.


The basic argument of this text is now established. In this book, as we have
foreshadowed, we will introduce you to the main lines of management and
organization theory, and we will situate these in the major changes marking the
present-day world. These, we will argue, make the ideal of the wholly rationalistic
organization evermore difficult to believe in principle and secure in practice.
However, most of what you will learn as a management student makes assumptions
about the rationality of organizations and management. We will outline these
assumptions, and the associated arguments, in each case.
We will not assume that there are two types of entity involved in organizations:
the organization’s (objective) systems and the (subjective) people within it. This
kind of thinking, often called dualistic in the social science literature, leads to the
view that if you change the objective systems then the subjects framed within these
systems will change in ways that the objective changes should predict. If you start
from these premises then the appropriate strategy is to seek relationships between
changes in the objective conditions and the effects of these on organizational
behaviour – what the people in organizations actually do.
By contrast we argue that if we do not understand the sense that the subjects make
of objective changes we will understand and manage very little. What people choose
to do will depend on their understanding of the contexts and the resources that they
find at hand. The choices are theirs and their choices are grounded in their
understanding, in their stocks of personal knowledge, in the way that they socially
construct reality, as well as in the way that they are constrained by other people’s
social constructions.
Managing will rarely if ever correspond with the management presumed in
rational plans and principles. Management consists of a series of devices and
resources for making sense while managing. Managers seek to be rational but they
can never be sure that they will be. As the old phrase has it, even the best laid plans
can go awry as the immutable individuality of different ways of making sense, of
interpreting and making meaning of the world, intervenes. Managers use
sensemaking to construct the situation that they are in. They draw on professional
disciplines, organization rules and routines, as well as everyday stocks of
knowledge, to make this sense. Even though organizations have hierarchies that seek
to sustain top management’s ways of making sense as the natural attitude of those
who are subordinate, there are so many competing sources of sensemaking that the
social construction of a shared reality is always an enterprise that is likely to crack
up and break down.
People who share only organization membership, but neither gender, ethnicity,
age cohort, religion, families, interests, friends, pastimes, nor anything else, are
hardly likely to find it easy to make common sense other than in a superficial way,
without rational designs, plans, and structures binding them together.
Organizations go to great lengths to try and ensure that stocks of knowledge are
shared as widely as possible within the organization, as we will see in subsequent
chapters, and do so in ways that are reflected in each of the subsequent chapters:

1. Creating induction programmes (Chapter 2), which socialize individuals into an

organizational frame of reference; they train individuals in teamwork and
groupwork (Chapter 3).
2. Hosting leadership development, coaching, and training for common
understanding (Chapter 4).
3. Building highly rationalistic HRM plans and seeking to implement them
(Chapter 5).
4. Emphasizing strong, common cultures (Chapter 6).
5. Designing lots of rules to frame everyday behaviour in the organization
(Chapter 7).
6. Managing power, politics, and decision-making so that plans are implemented,
not resisted, and so sectional and specific interests are well aligned with
rational plans (Chapter 7).
7. Communicating these rational plans, their culture, and other messages to
organization members (Chapter 8).
8. Capturing all of what their members know and embedding it in management
systems as they try and practice organizational learning (Chapter 9).
9. Managing change, introducing and effectively using new technologies, and
ensuring innovation (Chapter 10).
10. Incorporating new mandates arising from social issues and concerns articulated
by new stakeholders and influential social voices, such as sustainability, ethics,
and corporate social responsibility (Chapter 11).
11. Implementing global management principles in the organization (Chapter 12).
12. Adjusting the structure of their organization to fit the contingencies it has to
deal with, be they size, technology, or environment (Chapters 12 and 13).
13. Designing the organization in order to empower (some) people and distribute
(some) knowledge while not empowering or sharing with others (Chapter 14).
14. Managing to manage globally, to manage globalization, and to deal with the
added complexities that managing in a global world entails (Chapter 15).


In this chapter we have introduced some key ideas as well as many of the topics that will frame the
remaining chapters.
We have introduced the two key terms that comprise the title of the book: managing and
organizations. We chose to begin with organizations, as this is the more conventional point of
departure. Next, we considered managing, the other key word in the title of the book. Managing is an
activity, something that we all do. We all manage our everyday lives, more or less competently. While
managers are specialists in managing – it is the job that they are paid to do – this does not make
everyone else they work with a non-manager. They do not give up managing their affairs because
someone called a ‘manager’ has come on the scene.
The core competency of managing is sensemaking: making sense of others, of situations, of material
things and immaterial ideas, plans, and documents. It is possible to make sense on one’s own but it is
not advisable. Sensemaking is what we do when we make sense of situations, people, and things. Most
of what is important about situations, people, and things is the sense that others are making of them, and
if we do not have a good grasp of the range of sensemaking that is going on we cannot begin to act as
effective managers. Being an effective manager means getting things done, and to get things done we
have to act with and through others: we must form alliances and coalitions, use power, build relations,
develop cultures, and so on.
We never manage in a metaphorical ‘green field ’. There is always too much history, too much past
sense that people have made of the same situation or situations that they define as being similar. That’s
how people make sense – they make comparisons using what they know. People bring past experience
to bear on the situations in which they find themselves. Different people often make different sense of
what appears to be the same situation. Managing has to deal with these different definitions of the
Organization is, in many ways, a prescribed state, and a great deal of management and organization
theory seeks to prescribe its states. But managing is never static, always dynamic. Managing means
accomplishing organization in action. If rules are not followed, if routines are not repeated, if standards
are not reproduced, then the organization is not being achieved in the terms that those who seek to
control think it should be. Contrary to much conventional thinking, lack of control may not be such an
error. Creativity and innovation rarely come only from following rules or orders: it is often the exclusion
of error, according to plans, that makes organizations more fallible and likely to fail, precisely because
they have minimized opportunities for learning.
For the individual, becoming an employee in an organization means renouncing some degree of
freedom of choice and freedom of sensemaking . As the old adage has it, you have to fit in – and
organizations will go to great lengths to try and ensure that you do, from selection, through training, to
performance-related pay. Much of HRM is oriented to achieving desired organizational behaviour. As
an employee, you have to make sense on terms that are largely prescribed for you – and for those who
are managing you and those whom you are managing. There will always be areas of agreement and
areas of conflict and some things that just do not make much sense.
Managers use many artifacts with which to manage: organization charts, standards, routines, rules,
technologies, and, above all, formally planned and prescribed ways of relating to and using all these
devices. Because of sensemaking they may actually use these devices in creative and different ways.
The devices used by managers do not prescribe what management does: managers choose how they
will use what they use and what they seek to position it as meaning, just as do all those other people in
and around their organizations – subordinates, colleagues, rivals, suppliers, customers, etc., who have
an interest in the situation being defined and managed.
Sensemaking is always more problematic when situations are changing rapidly and their definition
is contested or unclear. The world of organizations is changing rapidly at the present time such that
ever since the development of new digital technologies, particularly the Internet in the mid-1990s,
writers have been noting that paradigms of management were changing (Clarke and Clegg, 1998). In
this book we focus not only on new technologies but also on changing international divisions and
specialization in the production of goods and services, and the skill implications of these for managers;
we also look at the effects of globalization and the increased diversity that this creates for organizations
to manage; also, we consider the role of changing values, particularly those concerning corporate social
responsibility and sustainability, values often held dearly by the younger generations, and consider what
it means to manage in a world that is not only speeding up but becoming evermore integrated. All these
trends are deeply corrosive of traditional modes of organization.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.


What do you think are the major changes that are shaping the contemporary world and what do you think
their impact is on management?
3 What happens to one’s sense of individuality in organizations?
4 How is your world flat?

1. If you want to find out more about ‘sensemaking’, then the key resource is Weick’s (1995) book, called
Sensemaking in Organizations. It is not an introductory book, though, and may be hard going if you are
new to this subject.
2. Three excellent books on problems with the rational model of organizations have been written by the
Swedish theorist, Nils Brunsson. These are The Irrational Organization (1985), The Organization of
Hypocrisy (1989), and Mechanisms of Hope (2006). Together they form a remarkable trio of
organization analysis at its best. Again, however, they are not for the introductory student. There is also
an interview with Nils Brunsson on
3. Rational choice theory is dissected economically and clearly by Zey (2008a).
4. If you want to know more about the major changes shaping the contemporary world of business you
could take a look at Clarke and Clegg’s (1998) Changing Paradigms. It is dated now, but still has
several interesting points to make about globalization, digitalization, and so on. This book is not too
difficult for the introductory student.
5. A good overview of approaches to understanding and sensemaking in organizations is provided by
Sandberg and Targama (2007), in their excellent book Managing Understanding in Organizations.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #1: Introducing the field of managing
organizations, by Stewart Clegg.
3. A great resource site is It is packed with useful and searchable
bibliographic references and links as well as pod casts.
4. We assume that most readers of this book will be either students in business or intending to be so. If this
is the case then you might find the following website useful:
5. A good site for the fashion retailers, Zara, is to be found at:
6. Yale University hosts a site with many interesting and relevant interviews, articles and debates – well
worth exploring:
7. Good pages on sensemaking are to be found at
8. Pearltrees has an interesting site on sensemaking:
f=1_343513&N-s=1_343513&N-p= 2062093&N-pw=1.
9. There is a special issue of the journal Organization Studies, one of the consistently best journals in the
field, on ‘Making sense of organizing: In honor of Karl Weick’, which is available at, if your institution has viewing rights. Otherwise, the
issue is Volume 27, Number 11, 2006.
10. An important research article on sensemaking and organization by Karl Weick, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe,
and David Obstfeld is available from


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade.

1. Universities are similar to McDonald’s – or at least, some are! This is the conclusion that Parker and
Jary come to in a 1995 paper on ‘The McUniversity: organization, management and academic
subjectivity’, Organization, 2 (2): 319–338.
2. In an article highlighted in the chapter, by Karl Weick (2006), titled ‘Faith, evidence, and action: better
guesses in an unknowable world’, Organization Studies, 27 (11): 1723–1736, there is a good and
accessible account of his approach.
3. The paper by Joep P. Cornelissen, Mario Kafouros, and Andrew R. Lock (2005) ‘Metaphorical images
of organization: how organizational researchers develop and select organizational metaphors’, Human
Relations, 58 (12): 1545–1578, is a useful place to extend your knowledge.
4. How management ideas are used in management practice is a topic of perennial interest, given the role
of business schools and subjects such as the one that you are probably doing now! Andrew Sturdy’s
(2004) ‘The adoption of management ideas and practices: theoretical perspectives and possibilities’,
Management Learning, 35 (2): 155–179, is a good place to get an overview of some current views.
5. Of all the significant contemporary management thinkers, James March stands out for the elegance of
his ideas and expression: see James G. March (2007) ‘The study of organizations and organizing since
1945’, Organization Studies, 28 (1): 9–19.
6. Generations do make a difference in management, according to Ronald Paul Hill (2002). See what he
has to say in his article, ‘Managing across generations in the 21st century: important lessons from the
ivory trenches’, Journal of Management Inquiry, 11 (1): 60–66.
Seeing, Being, Feeling

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Develop an understanding of how psychology contributes to organizational

Describe the process of perception and understand how it can affect
performance at work
Outline how values drive individual behaviour
Outline a range of personality theories
Explain how positive psychology can improve people’s workplaces


A few words from Anna Quindlen, Pulitzer Prize winning American journalist:

When you leave college, there are thousands of people out there with the same degree you have; when
you get a job, there will be thousands of people doing what you want to do for a living. But you are the
only person alive who has sole custody of your life. (Quindlen, 2000)

In the last few years we have seen a succession of natural and human made disasters
and changes ranging from destructive floods and earthquakes, global financial
meltdowns, increasing civil unrest in the Middle East and Europe, and a shift in
economic power trending towards China, Brazil, India, and Russia. At the same time
advances in technology, particularly in communications technology, are
transforming the ways in which we not only do business, but how we relate and
communicate as societies. As organizations face unparalleled levels of complexity
and uncertainty that come with such challenges, they must become more agile and
responsive, not only to survive but also to lead and capitalize on the opportunities
available to them during seemingly turbulent times. It is no secret that people – how
they relate to one another, work together, and share ideas – are at the very core of the
ability for organizations to be innovative, responsive, adaptive, and successful. What
we hope will be evident in all the chapters of this textbook is that the relational
aspects of managing and organizing, while often treated as ‘the soft stuff’, are
probably going to be the most difficult part of your life as a manager. Indeed, most
of the problems you will experience at work will be related to people, the things they
do, or don’t do, and the way you relate to and with them. In organizations today a
‘one size fits all’ management approach will not work. Contemporary managers can
no longer rely on hierarchy and nominal roles to manage people; there is no longer a
divine right to manage, and so managing has become an increasingly difficult,
political, and challenging endeavour. It is so for one very good reason: people are
complex. It is imperative, therefore, that managers are acquainted with some of the
core ideas that have originated from psychology and are now applied to managing
and organizations, often in taken for granted ways.
In this chapter we will explore the core ideas central to managing individuals,
particularly from a psychological perspective. Psychological properties can be
analysed at both an individual and a group level, both of which are critical to
managing people at work. We will explain the basic psychological concepts and
principles we believe are central for managing individuals in organizations – we will
look at groups and teams in Chapter 3. In this chapter we will discuss perception and
how perception can affect how we behave and think about things. We humans are not
the perfectly designed creatures we believe ourselves to be; how we perceive things,
what we attend to and ignore, how we interpret people and make decisions about
them is prone to many types of errors. For this reason understanding the process of
perception is critical in helping us become better managers.
Second, we take a close look at values because they are the fundamental building
blocks for managing culture, diversity, and communication (all topics covered in
detail throughout this textbook). You need to consider how our values are formed
and how they can drive us throughout our working lives; how they bind us but also
how they separate and isolate us from others, and how they can lead to conflict
between people and societies. Third, personality is important because it is seen as
the essence that makes each of us who we are, determines how we behave, and
shapes how we feel. We ask, ‘Can we categorize people as types, or are each and
every one of us unique individuals?’
Finally, we close the chapter by looking at emotions from a ‘positive psychology’
(PP) perspective. We will concentrate on a topic, the pursuit of which is enshrined in
at least one nation’s constitution. Before we explore these fascinating topics, let us
first build an understanding of psychology and its application at work.

Psychology first explicitly emerged in Greece more than 2,500 years ago when
philosophers tried to explain the nature of the self, the soul, and personality. The
word psychology has a classical etymology.
Psychology seeks to answer the question: ‘Why are we the way we are?’ It
concerns itself with all aspects of the workings of the mind (such as perception,
attention, thought, memory, and affect at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels
of analysis), and also with understanding the brain’s development, its possibilities,
degradation and limitations.

The term psychology is derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning one’s own thoughts and feelings, and the English suffix ‘ology’ derived from the Greek logos, meaning reason, which in English is rendered
as ‘ology’, denoting a field of study.

The application of psychology at work has occurred through the fields of applied
industrial and organizational psychology. However, more generally it is in the field
of organizational behaviour that the theory, research and practice in psychology
have been applied to organizational life.

Organizational behaviour (OB) refers to the study of human behaviour in organizational contexts. OB is an applied discipline that concerns itself with individual level, group level and organizational level
processes and practices that inhibit or enable organizational performance.

OB involves understanding, researching and addressing organizational behaviour

phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective including psychology, sociology,
anthropology, economics and political science to name but a few.
In this textbook we epitomize the interdisciplinary nature of the OB field. The
book is written by a sociologist who has worked in management for nearly 20 years
and has a behavioural science background (Stewart); a philosopher and strategist
who works in both the management and the design field (Martin); and a psychologist
(Tyrone), who also works in management. In Chapters 2 to 5 we predominantly draw
upon psychology’s contributions to OB; later, some of the other influences will be
more apparent – they are all part of the rich blend that comprises the study of
managing and organizations today. Now, on with the show.

Who am I?
Stop and reflect for a moment about who you are. Before you read on, answer the question ‘Who am
I?’, and write down and list the things that you believe make you who you are … go on, do it!


Now, look at your list. What sorts of things make you who you are? Did you describe yourself in terms
of roles (daughter, son, student, volunteer, mother, father, etc.) and profession (accountant, lawyer,
chef, etc.)? Did you describe yourself in terms of character and emotions (good, happy, depressed,
honest, confident, shy, etc.)? By appearance (fat, skinny, tall, short, ugly, pretty, etc.)? By institutional
affiliation (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Green, etc.), or by
beliefs and perceptions (pro-versus anti-abortion, pro-versus anti-immigration, etc.)? Or even by
demography (Generation X, Y, gender, marital status, or by where you live or come from, etc.)?
Keep your list handy and when you complete this chapter, revisit your list. What would you add,
change or take away from your original list?
How would you answer the question ‘Who am I’? knowing what you know now after reading this
chapter – and maybe even the entire book?

So, why are we the way we are? We can all answer this question to a degree, but how
we answer it depends upon our beliefs about human nature. Over the last 100 or so
years, there has been a great deal of theory, research, and practice in psychology that
addresses these questions. Our intention is to guide you to what you need to know in
relation to psychology at work.
In almost all fields of psychology, two main themes drive theory and research.
The first theme centres on the nature versus nurture debate. At issue is whether we
are genetically encoded to be the way we are, and so how well you achieve in
specific spheres of life depends on your genetic dispositions – your personality,
ability to be a leader, to be caring or aggressive. The second theme focuses on the
idea that we come into this world tabula rasa – that is, with a clean slate – and that
we learn our personality, we learn to become leaders, and that we are influenced by
social contexts such as the socioeconomic status of our families, their culture, social
support, the environment in which we grow up, our schooling, and so on.
The opposing views of nature versus nurture frame much of what you will learn in
the field of organizational behaviour because psychology informs much of
organizational behaviour theory, research, and practice. Some theorists and
researchers hold dearly to one or the other view. Others, like us, however, prefer
more moderate, integrative theories about what makes us who we are. Our view is
that we are born with aspects of what constitutes us but that much of who we are is
learned over time and that context has a profound impact on development. How you
approach the question of nature and nurture influences how you manage people and
the underlying assumptions you make about how people might, or might not, behave
at work.
An important theme that has emerged in organizational behaviour theory and
research suggests that nurture is overridden because of the fundamental drives that
underpin human nature. Such ideas are derived from Charles Darwin and his theory
of evolution; in particular the importance of behaviours that perpetuate the survival
of the species. Some evolutionary arguments stress the ‘selfish gene’ perspective:
that we are programmed for competition in a fundamental struggle to perpetuate our
genes over those of others. Others stress that fitness and survival depend far more on
the fact that we are social animals seeking affiliation and human relations; hence, we
are more committed to cooperation than competition to ensure our survival as a
species. These two related but somewhat opposing views of evolution underpin
many of the ideas in management research and theory today.
Many management scholars and theorists use Darwinian theory to validate and
substantiate their claims about human nature as being based in a competitive instinct
and struggle. Evolutionary psychology has made substantial inroads into
management research and theory such that it is now steeped in the Darwinian
tradition of ‘survival of the fittest’. Some of those who believe in the survival of the
fittest as a competitive concept are the first to claim a liver or a kidney transplant. In
the ideal world of survival of the fittest, of course, such individuals would be left to
die because they are simply not fit enough. Conversely, some of those who believe
that the fittest survivors are those best able to cooperate are the first to complain
when their taxes are raised to provide more public goods.
Before Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life in 1859, Adam Smith
(1961 [1776]), a political economist and philosopher of the Scottish Enlightenment
who is credited with being the father of capitalism, argued that progress and
economic growth occur because human behaviour is based on self-interest, which is
best served by the operation of free and unfettered markets in the supply of goods
and services. For example, if we as consumers want more leisure time and express a
preference for this through our purchasing decisions in markets – maybe by buying
vacations and appliances rather than saving money – then business people who
market vacations or innovations in labour-saving devices will be rewarded. We buy
and sell in markets that achieve balance between the supply and demand of goods
such that, in the long term, efficiencies will prevail, and the price mechanism will
maintain equilibrium. By being self-interested, we create demand preferences that
markets emerge to meet; these markets benefit all of society because they create a
self-regulating economic system where benefits trickle down by way of jobs,
economic growth, prosperity and innovations.
Fundamental self-interest does not necessarily provide welfare or products or
services that cannot be privately owned to generate income and so, the argument
goes, government must become involved in providing such public goods. When a
16-year-old single parent has produced a baby and needs some support to sustain
herself and her child, no business will assist her because there is no profit in giving
resources away unless someone is paying them to do so. Hence, government
typically provides social security and basic support. Of course, in doing so, in the
long term, this is a subsidy to business in general because it enables the reproduction
of another recruit to the next generation of workers and consumers. It is not
surprising that social responsibility and economic, social, and environmental
sustainability have long been perceived as the duty of government to regulate or a
task for charity and other ‘do-gooders’ (see Chapter 11).
The views of Adam Smith have certainly been influential. Look at any newspaper
story on corporate behaviour to see parallels with notions of survival of the fittest,
the centrality of self-interest, and the primal pursuit of economic wealth as the end
of human activity. Today, this bundle of beliefs assumes that self-interested
economic action is the only rational basis for human behaviour. Hence, it is a small
step to arguing that our rationalities are formed this way as a constitutive feature of
our human nature. Using Darwin and Smith as authorities, some scholars, such as
Nicholson (2000), would argue that competition is genetically a human
predisposition. Despite the global financial crisis (GFC), and its effect in raising
questions about the viability of unfettered market behaviour, we still see behaviours
being lauded that stress a return to business as usual, with exorbitant CEO salaries
and payouts, together with a continuation of gender and racial inequalities in
management ranks as well as resistance to sustainable, corporate social
All ideas, such as the survival of the fittest through competition or cooperation, as
well as debates about nature and nurture, underpin and are underpinned by our
beliefs or working theories about how the world, and the things within it, operate.
Our values and beliefs are integral to all these working theories and assumptions
about work, organizations, and society. These values, beliefs, and assumptions are
inherent in the workplace and become an important component of the management
of people and organizations. Psychology provides part of the answer to
understanding and dealing with the tensions and opportunities that present
themselves in the workplace. We will now consider these in more detail.
We will begin with a central concern in psychology, that of perception. How we
take information in, process it, store it, add to it, and use it are fundamental issues
for research and theory into human perception. Feeding into the idea of perception is
how we experience and make sense of ourselves and others in our world, particularly
in terms of what drives our behaviours and attitudes to work, society and life in
general. Our discussion of personality will lead us to the exploration of values.
Values refer to those things we value more strongly than others. Sometimes our
values are aligned to those people we relate with, while sometimes our values
systems are opposed to those with whom we have to relate in our jobs. Values, as the
drivers of behaviour, are integral not only to management but to organizational life
in general. Here the concept of personality becomes a core concern, particularly
given that there is an obsession with selecting and developing the ‘right’ people for
the job; moreover, our dealing with different personalities from the unique
positioning of our own personality complicates our ability to practice management.
Ultimately, our aim as managers should be to create positive, productive working
environments, in which all kinds of performativity can flourish healthily and so we
will close with a discussion on the idea of positive emotions at work.
First, however, in order to fully understand how values drive behaviour, how we
make sense of our own and other people’s personality, and even how we can achieve
happiness, we need to understand how the process of perception works. In the next
section we will discuss the process of perception, its structures and common errors.

In general terms, all management starts from perception because we manage what
we think we perceive to be happening.

Perception is the process of receiving, attending to, processing, storing, and using stimuli to understand and make sense of our world. The stimuli can be experiences through any and all of the senses such as
sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Figure 2.1 represents a basic model of information processing: the model shows in
a simplified way the perceptual process of how we deal with stimuli in our
environment. Let us use an example in order to help us make sense of this model.
Let us assume you are at a party, and the music (stimulus A) played has been
excellent all night – Lady GaGa, The Killers, and Snow Patrol, as well as some of
the old stuff like Blur and Marilyn Manson, and even ancient stuff like Bob Dylan
and the Beatles. You notice one of your fellow students ( stimulus B), whom you find
very attractive, is alone and you go over and strike up a conversation – you find you
both have so much in common that you attend to every word (attention). So much so
that you forget that the music is playing, even though your absolute favourite song is
playing (filtering) – filtering can be intentional or subconscious and essentially is
the same thing as selective perception, or the process of selectively gathering and
processing information that is consistent with one’s values, belief, and attitudes. The
more you listen to the person the more you find you have in common, the more
attractive they appear to you, and the more they reinforce what you believe about
their attractiveness, and so this information that is selectively attended to is stored
and processed in relation to existing schemas (organization). The cognitive process
of organization happens through schemas.

Schemas are sets of cognitive constructs developed through social interactions that organize our thoughts, feelings, and attention (Baldwin, 1992; Epstein and Baucom, 2002).

The next step in the model is interpretation, all the information you have gathered
and organized about this attractive person (attractiveness, smiling, common
interests, body language), has been grouped into a set of schemas that comprise a
possible relationship (be it sexual or loving), and so you store all this information as
reality or as representative of what you are experiencing. The problem is that people
interpret stimuli in different ways, sometimes not in the same way you do. What you
did not notice is crucial: what you did not notice was that this person found you
friendly, and recognized you from the lectures – it was not romantic interest but
simple affability that person exhibited towards you. But to be sure, they utter those
words you never expected to hear ‘Oh, here is my partner, I’ll introduce you, you’ll
really get along’. All that information you stored about a possible love interest is
retrieved and reinterpreted. What you once thought ‘real’ is no longer real, and so
you must reanalyse and update your information as you come crashing back from a
momentary alternative reality. Of course, some people don’t do this, and still hold
on to the original belief – in this example, if you did this you probably would find
yourself charged with stalking or being labelled ‘a creep’.
FIGURE 2.1 A basic information processing model of perception (adapted from Reed, 2007)

A very important component of the perceptual information processing story told

above are schemas because in many ways they underscore much of what we cover in
this chapter – our values, personality, and emotions can all be linked to schemas
(also referred to as schemata or scripts). Schemas are used to structure and organize
information that we experience in our social world and are often hierarchical (my
car is a Mini Cooper, a Mini Cooper is a small car, a car is an automobile, an
automobile is a vehicle, a vehicle is a mode of transport). There are several types of
schemas, including person schemas and self-schemas.

Person schemas are structures of meaning that affect thinking, planning and behaviour concerning others; there are idealized person schemas which serve as prototypes which we compare all other persons with
(see Horowitz, 1991).

Self-schemas are specific self-conceptions we hold about ourselves and we believe are self-descriptive and highly important to possess (Fong and Markus, 1982; Markus, 1977).

Script schemas refer to schemas about how we operate upon our world and understand and remember information.

You may perceive yourself as an open, honest and attractive person and so it is not
surprising to you that the person at the party also finds you attractive: self-schemas
are critical in our personality, and include idealized self-or projected self- (an ideal
self-) schemas.
Other kinds of schema include script, social and role schemas. We all have several
scripts, deriving from script schemas, and these scripts allow us to function in our
daily lives – we have scripts for going to a restaurant, scripts for going to university,
scripts for how we ride our bikes, and so on (Schank and Abelson, 1977). In all these
situations there are conditions (such as going to the restaurant because you are
hungry, you have money for food, and the restaurant has food), standard roles for
main actors (you are the star playing lead role of customer) and supporting actors
(waitress, chef, and other customers), props (tables and chairs, etc.), and results (the
main actor has less money, but is no longer hungry) (Reed, 2009). We develop these
scripts from social schemas and role schemas.

Social schemas, as the name suggests, refers to our social knowledge (such as knowledge about public affairs, laws, politics, media and the arts, and anything else socially important).

Role schemas refer to schemas about appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in specific contexts (for example, a woman’s role as a mother, daughter, professional, wife, friend, etc.).

Once our schemas become established they become increasingly difficult to

change and falsify; that is, we tend to pay attention to information that reaffirms or
fits our schemas, rather than questioning our schemas whenever we experience
information that contradicts them (Reed, 2009). As an example, read the sentence in
the What Do You Mean? box below. This example works with people who possess
good English language skills. The brain reads the first and last letter, matches it to
the words on either side and quickly calls up language scripts that fit the general
idea of the passage. ‘The hamun brian’ makes no sense (unless you actually know
someone called Hamun Brian), so your brain searches for the closest match – ‘the
human brain’.


The hamun brian is so azaming, as lnog as the frist and lsat lteter is the
smae yuo wlil mkae snese of the snetecne!
This sentence is an example of how schemas are organized and influence perception through selective
perception. Your brain will automatically complete information for you so that things will make sense –
most people will see ‘The human brain is so amazing…’. However, if you read the sentence exactly as
the letters appear you will find most of the sentence is nonsense. What you think you see, and what is
actually there, are two different things.

(© Tyrone S. Pitsis (2012))

For cognitive psychologists schemas are, as already mentioned, the underlying

constructs that contain information about our values, how we perceive ourselves as
people, how we perceive others, how we adjust and respond to change, how we
operate in our world, and how we experience emotions. Schemas are so powerful
that they are proving to be one of the most important components of cognitive-
behavioural therapy. Schema therapy is used to uncover and deconstruct the
underlying thought processes and structures of people, and transplant destructive
schemas with more psychologically healthy schemas (Giesen-Bloo et al., 2006;
Young et al., 2003); it can even be used to better understand how we might negotiate
peace between conflicting parties (Leahy, 2011). We will revisit schemas in this
context when we look at personality and also the pursuit of happiness later on; let us
now look at how perception and schemas can be problematic, especially in
workplace contexts.
There is probably no better example of how schemas structure our understandings,
beliefs, and values more than the science vs religion, evolution vs creationism
debate. The argument for and against intelligent design (ID) is one of those debates.
There has been a growing and powerful movement within the United States, which
seeks to include ID as a core part of the education curriculum. At best the
proponents of ID want it taught along with Darwinian evolutionary theory, at worst
they want it to totally replace teachings on evolution. The main argument is that God
(an intelligent entity) designed the world and humans, and that much of this design
can be scientifically tested and supported to a) prove God exists, and b) to prove
evolutionary theory is wrong. Here is an example of the arguments used.
The Christian world view begins with the Creation, with a deliberate act by a
personal Being who existed from all eternity. This personal dimension is
crucial for understanding Creation. Before bringing the world into existence,
the Creator made a choice, a decision: He set out a plan, an intelligent design.
(Colson and Pearcey, 1999)

More recently in March 2011, a Republican State Representative for Texas, Bill
Zedler, introduced the Bill HB 2454, which was aimed at protecting the rights of
people to teach ID.
Science, of course, rejects the ideas espoused in ID, and organizations and
institutions such as the National Science Teachers’ Association and the US National
Academy of Science have responded by claiming that ID is not a science, and in fact
some call it junk science. Ironically, the very things that proponents of ID argue for
and against contradict their arguments for intelligent design – for example, the
existence and wiping out of most dinosaurs, mental and physical illness, and the fact
that every single human being on earth can be traced back to Adam and Eve (which
means we are all the result of in-breeding), is hardly evidence of intelligent design.
It seems people do not necessarily rely on facts or evidence but more on common
held beliefs that are experienced and interpreted to be true. Common errors in how
people perceive the world appear to be rife.


Armed with a basic understanding of perception and the perceptual process and
structure let us now define and explore some common errors we make in
judgements, interpretations, assumptions, and beliefs about our social world, the
people within it, and our place in it. In this chapter we will discuss stereotyping,
self-fulfilling prophecies, the halo effect, attribution error, and cognitive
dissonance. All these errors have important implications not just for our roles as
managers, but in life more generally.

The concept of the halo effect was first developed by psychologist Edward Thorndike (1920) and refers to the process by which if we ascribe certain characteristics to a person in one situation based on one
trait, we tend to apply those characteristics to that person in other situations and to other traits.

The first perceptual error is stereotyping. In reality while many textbooks present
stereotyping as an error, stereotyping serves as an important process for dealing with
information in a timely manner, and is not always negative. Stereotyping occurs
most commonly in the absence of enough social cues in order to make an informed
assessment (Jackson, 2011; Kawakami et al., 1998). Stereotypes are problematic
when the objects we stereotype are complex, as people tend to be. Think of the terms
‘Jock’, ‘Nerd’, ‘Greenie’, and so on – these are all stereotypes. The most common
issues concerning stereotyping centre on culture and race. Examples of language
around stereotyping include overt statements that are benign, perceived as fact but
still false and covertly racists: ‘Irish love potatoes’, ‘The English don’t bathe’,
‘Americans are loud and obnoxious’, ‘Asians study hard and drive expensive cars’.
Alternatively, and most often, stereotyping can be racist and overtly offensive.
‘Mexicans are lazy’, ‘Arabs are terrorists’, and so on.

Stereotyping refers to the process of grouping objects into simplistic categories based on one’s generalized perceptions of those objects.

Stereotyping also concerns people’s roles based on gender. For example, currently
in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States there is still a gender gap in
terms of equal pay – even after 100 years of the women’s rights movement. While
the situation is definitely improving, women are paid on average approximately 80
per cent of what men are paid for the same role and position (Iyer and Ryan, 2006;
Joo-Kee, 2006; Taylor, 2006). When we ask our management students in the
classroom about their opinions concerning such gender pay inequity, those opinions
vary; some students argue that because women can become pregnant they are not a
good investment and so should be paid less. Others argue that the inequity occurs
because of sexist, male-dominant culture, which has no place in modern society.
Research suggests that mothers are perceived to be less competent and less
committed to their work, even though there is no evidence to support such a
stereotype: surprisingly, it is women who were more likely to perceive mothers in
this way (Benard and Correll, 2010).
Often, to avoid stereotyping, people have been asked to stop or suppress their
stereotyping behaviour. In studies on prejudiced people it was found that while
suppression works in the short term, it tends to work only with highly motivated
individuals who want to stop stereotyping people. In the long term, even when
people are motivated they tend to revert back to stereotyping people (Wyer, 2007).
Indeed, people with unprejudiced beliefs tend not to stereotype, irrespective of
whether they are motivated to do so or not (Wyer, 2007), and even when they lack
social cues they still tend to avoid stereotypes (Kawakami et al., 1998). Such
individuals can contribute to positive work places and positive identity construction
(see Dutton et al., 2010). Seeking out more information about others, learning about
other cultures and subcultures, knowledge and experience of other people, discussion
and open communication, and practising empathy and compassion are all ways we
can avoid stereotyping people.
The next perceptual error arises from self-fulfilling prophecies. The self-fulfilling
prophecy affects both how we perceive others and how we act when we interact with
them, but it also affects how we perceive and act ourselves. One of the most famous
studies of self-fulfilling prophecy was Robert Rosenthal’s and Lenore Jacobson’s
(1992) seminal study on the Pygmalion Effect – an experiment that would in all
likelihood not be allowed in today’s world. In their experiment the researchers
randomly selected 20 per cent of students from 18 different classrooms and told the
teachers that these chosen students were gifted, and that these students would show
improvements in academic ability over time. The students were returned to class and
by the end of the year the students did show significant improvement.

The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy was originally conceptualized by the sociologist, Robert Merton (1957), to refer to the process by which a person who holds a belief or expectation, irrespective of the
validity of that belief or expectation, causes that prediction to come true because people behave and act as if it is true.

What caused this improvement? Teachers treated the gifted students differently
because they were perceived as gifted. These students sat closer to the teachers, and
were given more attention by the teachers and were, generally, treated differently to
the non-select group. The ‘normal’ students were perceived as less bright and these
students were given less time to answer questions, and had certain qualities
attributed to their behaviour because they were differentiated. The implications for
us as managers is that we can easily allow our self-fulfilling prophecies to cloud our
judgement about people, so we may label some people as performers and team
players and others as non-performers, or not team players – we therefore start to
treat people differently and the prophecy becomes fulfilled. In order to avoid such
self-fulfilling prophecies, we need to be careful that how we judge people is based
on sound information, is done accurately and uses critical reflection, equity, and
As with the self-fulfilling prophecy, the halo effect also involves bias in
judgement that affects behaviour.
An example might be the expectation that a comedian who is funny on stage will
be funny in all other contexts, is generally happier than most of us, and more
positive, and would be fun to hang around with. Or because a person drives an
expensive looking car and wears a suit they must be rich and successful. In terms of
businesses and organizational behaviour, the halo seems to be rife. Hype
surrounding businesses that are perceived to be successful creates a halo around
them. For example, Cisco was one of the most popular companies and was often
used as an exemplar of how businesses should operate – until of course Cisco
developed financial problems (Rosenzweig, 2007). Similarly, ENRON had been
awarded a number of accolades, even just before its historic collapse, and so we
should be skeptical and careful about how we use examples as proof of success.
Interestingly, a similar, and less covered concept is the devil effect.

The devil effect refers to generally ascribing negative interpretations of people based on one negative trait in one situation (think of the former prisoner who cannot get a job when he divulges this information,
even though he has done his time).
The final two perceptual errors we are prone to make are attribution errors and
cognitive dissonance. Let us begin with attribution error; in order to do this we
should first discuss attribution theory.
Attribution theory addresses how we explain away our own behaviour and the
behaviours of others in our lives based upon two general types of attributions. Later
on we will look at internal and external locus of control, which is a social cognitive
theory of personality. In essence locus of control is an attribution theory of
personality. Attribution theory involves three general components, with
internal/external attributions being one of those.

Attribution theory in its simplest definition refers to how people ‘attribute’ cause to their own and other people’s behaviour (Heider, 1958).

Internal attribution refers to attributing the cause of an individual’s behaviour to internal or dispositional factors such as being mean or being generous.

External attribution refers to attributing the cause of an individual’s behaviour to an external or situational factor such as being ‘Catholic’, ‘Jewish’, or ‘Muslim’.

Another component of attribution is stability: if we perceive the attributed causes

a s stable, then we would expect the same result from that behaviour next time.
Conversely, if the attributed cause is unstable, then we would expect outcomes to
vary next time. The final component is controllability: if we believe the situation is
controllable then we would assume that next time we could control the outcome; if
the situation is uncontrollable then we believe it probably cannot be altered,
irrespective of our efforts (see Weiner, 1980; 1992). Research shows how we
attribute negative motivations to people we disagree with and more favourable
perceptions towards those we agree with. Thus if we agree with a war, or with gay
marriage, for example, we are more likely to attribute positive motivations towards
people who also support our perceptions and attitudes, and we are also more likely to
be attracted to them and they are more likely to be attracted to us (Greifeneder et al.,

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Glenn D. Reeder and his colleagues (2005) if you want to learn about some interesting
research on George Bush and his decision to go to war in Iraq and on attitudes towards gay marriages and abortions.

Within attribution we are prone to two key errors. The first is the fundamental
attribution error.

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to make internal attributions when explaining the causes of the behaviour of others.
When we see someone fail or behave in certain ways we believe it is due to their
personality, attitude, or disposition. For example, over recent years research has
shown that when discussing rape crimes people have apportioned blame to the
victims of rape due to their choice of clothing, being under the influence of drugs
and/or alcohol and therefore not in control of their own behaviour, and choice of
profession, rather than to external causes such as the criminal act and anti-social
behaviour of another person (Vanderveen, 2006). Related to attribution error is the
notion of self-serving bias.

When a self-serving bias comes into play, people attribute their own successes to internal causes and their failure to external causes.

Let us say you go for a job interview and you get it, and you may believe that you
got it because you did well in the interview, you have all the skills and abilities
necessary and you can do the job. Conversely, let us say you missed out on the job,
you may attribute your failure to the poor interview questions, or that someone on
the interview panel did not like you, or the questions were stupid, or the position has
already been filled internally. The fundamental attribution error and self-serving
bias are important concepts that we need to reflect on when managing people, and
especially when we are making judgements about their behaviours based upon their
internal attributions. Practising empathy by putting yourself in other people’s shoes
or trying to understand their perspective, and trying to account for the external
causes of behaviour are good ways to avoid attribution errors.
The final perceptual error is cognitive dissonance. Most commonly we do not
experience dissonance until we experience conflicting or disconfirming information.
For example, a devout person may question their faith after experiencing tragedy in
their life; they question their belief in God, and their religion. They may ask, ‘Why
would God do this to me?’ Similarly, Albert Einstein developed his theory of
relativity but when his theories were used to develop weapons of mass destruction he
felt anxiety and regret – his assumptions were that his theories would lead to new
forms of power generation, not the possible destruction of humanity and the death of
millions (Braun and Krieger, 2005).

Cognitive dissonance refers to the anxiety and discomfort we experience when we hold inconsistent and conflicting sets of cognitions (or schemas). flooding. A number of people were convinced, and joined the
cult, some of them were totally committed, others were less so. After the date of doom passed, and there was no flood or destruction what do you think happened? Those people who were on the periphery
believed they had been conned, or left the cult. But a number of people became even more committed to the cult claiming that it was actually their faith and prayers that stopped the floods.

Leon Festinger (1957) was one of the first people to develop and study cognitive
dissonance theory. Festinger’s study, even though quite old, is not only critical to
understanding cognitive dissonance, it is fascinating. Along with a number of
colleagues he studied the behaviour and cognitions of a cult that claimed to know the
date that the world would end, and that it would end by
When experiencing cognitive dissonance, therefore, people will either seek to
reconcile their feelings of anxiety and discomfort by changing their beliefs, or
reinterpreting the information that contradicts their beliefs (Festinger, 1957;
Festinger and Carlsmith, 1959). There are some interesting implications that emerge
out of cognitive dissonance. Let us say you choose to study a subject, and you find
the subject really difficult and you struggle and put lots of effort in, and pass but do
not do well. Now let us also say you study another subject that you find very easy,
you don’t need to study hard, and you still do exceptionally well. What dissonance
theory shows is that the first case creates dissonance because you choose a subject
and find it difficult, you therefore reduce dissonance by saying ‘even though it’s a
hard subject, I really am getting a lot out of it, so it’s worth it’. Conversely, your
emotions concerning the subject that you did well in are less intense. Cognitive
dissonance is important when we give feedback to people, because their
commitment to the task, their beliefs, opinions, and expectations will determine how
they react to the feedback.
Interestingly, we rarely question what we know, how we came to know it, and
what we think we know about things, because we take things such as our knowledge,
experiences, values, and belief systems for granted; as a result we selectively
perceive and reinterpret what we experience to fit what we already know (Pitsis and
Clegg, 2007; Weick, 2004). The process of perception is important, and it shows that
we can often make errors. Often these errors are because of our ideas being based on
unreflexive beliefs about things and we make assumptions or inferences based on
these systems of beliefs rather than informed decision (challenge yourself with the
two examples in the Question Time box).

Assumptions and inferences
Often people talk in dualisms (for example, black and white thinking, A or B, either/or …) If the world is
that simple, try this exercise: for each item try writing in the concept that would belong in the middle point.
a. Good ___________ Evil

b. Safe ___________ Unsafe

c. Honest ___________ Dishonest

d. Us ___________ Them

e. Happy ___________ Sad

Because we find it hard to reflect on the way in which we categorize people and their behaviours, if
they do not fit one extreme we tend to categorize them into the opposite extreme. Try and think of as
many situations in which you may do this sort of categorizing of people.
Often we do not distinguish between our inferences and observations when we are perceiving objects. Look
at the picture below, which of the following are observations that are true about the picture:


1. Box A has things to eat in it

2. There are three boxes
3. Box B should be handled with care
4. Box C is larger than box A and B
5. Box C is heavy

The fact is that only statements 2 and 4 are observations, the rest are inferences based on our
assumptions and interpretations. We assume food is in box A because it says food on the box, we
assume box C is heavy, and we assume box B is dangerous because of our knowledge about dynamite.
Next time you make judgements; see if you can distinguish between observation and inference. How do
inferences affect your observations? Can we ever really separate inferences from observations? (An age
old question in the philosophy of science.)
These exercises are adapted from the Oklahoma State University’s Speech Communication
Interaction Program.

A final word; all the things we have discussed under perception are in many ways
what makes us human. Our inadequacies, creativeness, eccentricity, are what makes
us all unique and the reality is that some of the most influential theorists,
researchers, and leaders on earth have interpreted things and made sense of things in
very different ways from most of us. Further, many of these issues of perception are
essential to handling the nearly infinite stimuli our mind receives. Perception and
cognition are definitely exciting fields for research and theory. You should now have
solid foundations for the rest of this chapter because much of what we cover is
underpinned by perception and schemas (ideas about ourselves, others, and about our
social world). So, let us now look at the idea of values because these not only frame
how we perceive the world, they also affect how we act upon it.
For many scholars, values can be thought of as the building blocks of culture
(Howard, 1988). However, values can also be understood within the context of
people management; to form, sustain, and improve relationships with people, or to
motivate people, we must understand what is and what is not important to them.
Values not only drive behaviour but also affect, and are affected by, how we
perceive and make sense of our world. To a great extent, management is about
managing people in a coordinated way to ensure that organizational outcomes are
realized while also ensuring that one’s own and others’ values are met.
Understanding values is a fundamental attribute for managing today. Moreover, we
should also have an understanding and appreciation of how our values filter
information and create knowledge, colouring the world we perceive as tinted lenses
do. Not everyone sees things the same way.
Although there are many theories and approaches to values, here we look in detail
at Shalom Schwartz’s (1992) account of the role that universal values play at the
personal level. We choose to highlight Schwartz for two reasons: first, because his
work underpins much of the values research evident in organizational behaviour
today, yet his role is underemphasized, even though he developed his theory of
values based on a sample of over 60,000 people around the world (Schwartz, 1994);
and second, his work is influential and well respected in psychology. Indeed, we
believe that over the next few years Schwartz’s model of values will become a
dominant tool for understanding people’s values – be they employees or customers –
and aligning the organization’s own values to those values. Unlike the values models
that we will consider in Chapter 6 on managing culture, Schwartz’s values model
clearly distinguishes between individual level and cultural level values – something
that cannot be said about the models of Hofstede, Trompenaars or Hampden-Turner
– which are much more oriented to the broader cultural level of analysis. In the next
section, we provide you with the necessary background to values theory to help you
start managing values.


So what are values?

Values are a person’s or social group’s consistent beliefs about something in which they have an emotional investment. Schwartz defines values as desirable goals, varying in importance, which serve as guiding
principles in people’s lives (Schwartz, 1992; 1994).

People are social animals living in a state of tension between values associated
with their individuality and values associated with social conformance (Aronson,
1960). Values can create tension because some values that drive our behaviour as
individuals are not consistent with others that regulate our behaviour socially.
For example, superstar football players earn more money in a week than most
people earn in a lifetime. They have the means to have whatever they desire and to
live a lavish lifestyle in competition with other fit, wealthy young men. Not
surprisingly, these young men express both highly competitive and team-based
values. Sometimes their competitive values as young men competing for success can
clash with social norms. In addition, sometimes the team norms of sharing with your
teammates may conflict with social norms respecting the individuality and privacy
of others, particularly as one comes into contact with others from outside one’s field
who are, nonetheless, relatively overawed followers of it. A number of high-profile
cases of sexual assault by professional sportsmen underscore this point. For
instance, from a social values perspective, one might see young football players as
overpaid, oversexed, and undereducated louts, whereas from an individual values
perspective, they are supercompetitive and thus appropriately rewarded, but they
have some problems adjusting to societal rather than team values.
Values have a personal component and a social component. Sometimes what we
value as individuals might not be valued by society and vice versa – the interaction
of personal (self-schema) and social values (social schema) can result in tension
because values are something people feel strongly about. Typically, individuals
become very upset when they feel their values are threatened or compromised.
In essence, this is where the role of a manager is most difficult – managing and
sharing understanding about values, whether they are those of a coworker, a
customer, a superior, or other organizations. Understanding values is critical in
aligning organizational behaviour and managing people. For example, if you were
the English football team manager getting ready for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in
2014, how would you manage the private lives of your players when they are lived in
the public face of the paparazzi? Any desires the players have can be satisfied easily
because they are so wealthy, so bored when not playing or training, and so ready for
whatever action is going down.

Schwartz (1992) identifies some values as ‘trans-situational’.

Trans-situational values are those that, irrespective of the situation in which you find yourself, your values do not change; you take them with you wherever you go.

For instance, if you value life and freedom above all else, and one day you see a
march protesting about your country going to war, it is likely that you will join this
march to protest. Another day, you may be at the football stadium watching your
team win another amazing victory. At this time, your values for life and freedom
may not be at the forefront of your thoughts, but does this mean that you no longer
value life and freedom, or hold them any less important?
Values appear to have a strong motivational aspect to them. Rokeach (1968; 1973)
argued that values guide our behaviours throughout life. Accordingly, Schwartz
(1992) identified a number of motivational value types organized according to sets
of associated values. He identified ten universal values that he believed all people
and peoples would hold in common. Some of these values are mutually exclusive,
but most are what Schwartz calls ‘continuous’, meaning that they overlap. Because
values overlap, people behave or respond differently to certain things in life. Study
each of the representations of Schwartz’s value types in Table 2.1 for a moment, and
look at their associated values.
You may recall that we said the ten values types are universal and that we all hold
these values, irrespective of culture. Often, values are discussed in the same breath
as culture and we will explore values in relation to culture later (see Chapter 6), but
what is important to note is that values have often been talked about as being
cultural, that is, that culture determines values; however, a significant body of
research suggests that culture does not determine values (Schwartz, 2011).

TABLE 2.1 Schwartz’s values by type and their associated meanings

Sources: Adapted from Schwartz (1992; 1996) and Rohan (2000)

Much research supports Schwartz’s views of values and has shown that we all,
more or less, have the same sets of values – irrespective of culture, gender, and
religion (Schwartz, 1996). However, we differ in the priorities we assign to our
values (Rohan, 2000). Research has shown that how values are prioritized can lead to
conflict between people from the same political party when their values are
prioritized differently (Keele and Wolak, 2006); and how we prioritize our values
has a strong influence on whether we trust or distrust our institutions such as
churches, governments, and so on (Devos et al., 2002).

Value priorities refer to the order of values in terms of their importance to us as individuals.

For this reason, there has been a lot of interest over the last decade in
understanding values, especially in organizational settings, and Schwartz’s model of
values is growing in stature and popularity (Knafo et al., 2011; Lindeman and
Verkasalo, 2005; Lönnqvist et al., 2006; Sagiv and Schwartz, 2000; Tsui et al.,
2007). We explore values in greater detail later (see also pp. 221–242), when we
look at the chapters on managing human resources (pp. 174–180), managing cultures
(pp. 240–242), and managing sustainably (pp. 409–413). Parashar et al. (2004)
provide an accessible and readable account of values, and present a study conducted
on students’ values, their perceptions about what values are important in society and
how they might affect their actions as future professionals.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Sapna Parashar and colleagues (2004), which provides some insights into values, their
definition, and underlying constructs, and how they are developed over time.


A question of values
Using Schwartz’s values, let us look at an example of how people might think and act according to their
value priorities. Imagine a person who works for a major IT company meets a client for the first time in
a meeting – let us call them Anne (the national manager of a chain of book stores) and Samantha (the
customer relations manager of the IT firm). The two of them will have a lot to do with each other over
the next few years as their associated companies are now in a joint venture. Let us assume Anne’s
values rate highly on tradition, power, and conformance, but low on universalism, so she respects and
upholds her cultural and religious traditions and believes they are dominant, and that people who violate
or threaten such traditions should be converted to her views or should be punished. Like Anne,
Samantha also highly rates values of tradition and conformance but, rather than having power as a
priority, she views universalism as a higher-order value. Take a look at the associated values for power
and universalism in Table 2.1; do you think that over time Samantha and Anne will find it difficult to
get along? What do you think might happen after they start discussing issues important to them? Sure,
they might agree that it’s a nice sunny day, that Brad Pitt is a hunk, and that Angelina’s new African
baby is too cute – but what about if they start discussing issues such as whether asylum seekers from
different religious backgrounds should enter their country? Of course, as managers we would hope that
they only ever discuss work matters, but in close working relationships such a wish would be very
difficult to uphold. This is where values are very important because we tend to prefer people who have
the same value priorities as we do, and often we find it difficult to tolerate people with different value

Why do managers need to know about personality, and what is a personality,
anyway? Management, above all, is about managing people. And people, unlike
machines or numbers, have individual personalities.

Personality refers to the stable patterns of behaviour and internal states of mind that help explain a person’s behavioural tendencies (Monte, 1991).

Most of us are already everyday theorists of personality – we make observations

about people’s actions and behaviours, and we categorize people accordingly, on an
almost daily basis. Consider the following example. A group of friends go to the
university bar every Friday night. One friend, Jo, is always joking and making
people laugh; another friend, Sal, is quiet and reserved. Jo is a ‘fun’ person, and
people might say Jo is extroverted. Sal, however, is perceived as introverted. Their
individual personalities influence how others react and behave in response to them,
both in the bar and at work.
In the workplace, depending on the task, Sal and Jo’s different personalities will
have a profound effect on how those they work with perform their work and the
quality of their working relationships. For this reason alone, the ability to manage
diverse personalities is an important repertoire for a manager’s set of skills. In
addition to values, personality is important in understanding why and how humans
behave, think, and feel as they do, and people’s personalities can have a strong
impact on what they choose to do and how they perform at work (George, 1992),
how well they succeed in life (Rode et al., 2006), and on their academic achievement
(Jolijn Hendriks et al., 2011).
In this section, we consider a handful of theories that have emerged from quite
distinct backgrounds. The fascinating story of how personality has been theorized
has many twists and turns. We look at four broad accounts: the trait, the
sociocognitive, the psychoanalytical, and the humanist. There are many others but
these are the four dominant ways that personality is theorized; each approach views
the subject matter of personality from a quite distinct perspective.
Traits refer to a mixture of biological, psychological, and societal influences that characterize a person’s thoughts and actions throughout their lives.

You are what you are: the trait approach

The trait approach develops from the perspective that personality is something that
can be clearly identified, operationalized, and measured.
The trait perspective became popular in the 1930s, when Allport and Odbert
(1936) sought to identify all the traits that might describe people. To do this, they
decided to look in a dictionary. They found about 18,000 words that could be used as
descriptors, and subsequent psychologists have sought to reduce and condense this
enormous list. The most popular approach is through factor analysis.

Factor analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability amongst variables by identifying inter-correlation coefficients that indicate underlying factors.

Let us revisit Jo. Jo might be funny, friendly, easy to get along with, and might
also enjoy experiencing new things and taking risks. Each of these traits reflects Jo’s
personality. Traits that cluster together are called a factor. In this example, the
factor would be ‘extraversion’.
By far the best-known trait theory using factorial analysis is McCrae and Costa’s
(1996) ‘Big Five’ personality factors. The Big Five personality factor approach has
been found to be one of the most reliable trait-based approaches to personality
measurement (Endler and Speer, 1998; Howard and Howard, 2006; Schmitt et al.,
2007). Almost every textbook on personality, organizational behaviour, and
management includes the Big Five, also sometimes referred to as the NEO-PI, and
OCEAN. The five factors and their associated meanings are presented in Table 2.2.

You are what we think: the sociocognitive approach

The sociocognitive approach seeks to explain how learning, social behaviour, and
cognition compose and shape our personality. Its popularity started with the work of
Alfred Bandura and his concept of reciprocal determinism (Bandura, 1986).

By reciprocal determinism, Bandura meant that our personality is a product of our behaviour, our thoughts, and our feelings in interaction with our environment.

For example, Samantha might come from a very quiet and reserved home. She has
grown to like peace and quiet, and this has helped make up much of her personality.
The fact that the bar is loud and crowded makes Sam uncomfortable, so she becomes
quieter and more reserved. It is not that she is unsociable: Sam may be sociable and
friendly at home but not in the bar because it is the wrong milieu for her personality.

TABLE 2.2 The Big Five personality factors

Factor Description
Emotional Emotional stability includes whether a person is calm vs anxious, self-satisfied vs self-
stability pitying, secure vs insecure, emotionally stable vs emotionally unstable
Extraversion Extraversion refers to whether a person is sociable vs reserved or assertive vs timid
Openness refers to a person’s approach to life – whether they are independent vs
conforming, broad-minded vs narrow-minded, creative vs practical
Agreeableness refers to how people get along with others – whether they are warm-
hearted vs ruthless, trusting vs distrusting, helpful vs uncooperative
Conscientiousness refers to high vs low tolerance for risk, well organized vs disorganized,
well disciplined vs impulsive

Sources: Adapted from McCrae and Costa (1996) and Costa and McCrae (1999)

One of the most appealing sociocognitive theories of personality is known as the

locus of control, developed by Rotter (1966). You can complete Rotter’s Locus of
Control Survey in the Question Time box below.

Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale
Answer the questions honestly and choose only one option (A or B) per question.

a. Children get into trouble because their parents punish them too much.
b. The trouble with most children nowadays is that their parents are too easy with them.
a. Many of the unhappy things in people’s lives are partly due to bad luck.
b. People’s misfortunes result from the mistakes they make.
a. One of the major reasons why we have wars is because people don’t take enough interest in
b. There will always be wars, no matter how hard people try to prevent them.
a. In the long run people get the respect they deserve in this world.
b. Unfortunately, an individual’s worth often passes unrecognized no matter how hard they try.
a. The idea that teachers are unfair to students is nonsense.
b. Most students don’t realize the extent to which their grades are influenced by accidental
a. Without the right breaks one cannot be an effective leader.
b. Capable people who fail to become leaders have not taken advantage of their opportunities.
a. No matter how hard you try some people just don’t like you.
b. People who can’t get others to like them don’t understand how to get along with others.
a. Heredity plays the major role in determining one’s personality.
b. It is one’s experiences in life which determine what they’re like.
a. I have often found that what is going to happen will happen.
b. Trusting to fate has never turned out as well for me as making a decision to take a definite course
of action.
a. In the case of the well-prepared student there is rarely if ever such a thing as an unfair test.
b. Many times exam questions tend to be so unrelated to course work that studying is really useless.
a. Becoming a success is a matter of hard work, luck has little or nothing to do with it.
b. Getting a good job depends mainly on being in the right place at the right time.
a. The average citizen can have an influence in government decisions.
b. This world is run by the few people in power, and there is not much the little guy can do about it.
a. When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work.
b. It is not always wise to plan too far ahead because many things turn out to be a matter of good or
bad fortune anyhow.
a. There are certain people who are just no good.
b. There is some good in everybody.
a. In my case getting what I want has little or nothing to do with luck.
b. Many times we might just as well decide what to do by flipping a coin.
a. Who gets to be the boss often depends on who was lucky enough to be in the right place first.
b. Getting people to do the right thing depends upon ability, luck has little or nothing to do with it.
a. As far as world affairs are concerned, most of us are the victims of forces we can neither
understand, nor control.
b. By taking an active part in political and social affairs the people can control world events.
a. Most people don’t realize the extent to which their lives are controlled by accidental happenings.
b. There really is no such thing as ‘luck’.
a. One should always be willing to admit mistakes.
b. It is usually best to cover up one’s mistakes.
a. It is hard to know whether or not a person really likes you.
b. How many friends you have depends upon how nice a person you are.
a. In the long run the bad things that happen to us are balanced by the good ones.
b. Most misfortunes are the result of lack of ability, ignorance, laziness, or all three.
a. With enough effort we can wipe out political corruption.
b. It is difficult for people to have much control over the things politicians do in office.
a. Sometimes I can’t understand how teachers arrive at the grades they give.
b. There is a direct connection between how hard I study and the grades I get.
a. A good leader expects people to decide for themselves what they should do.
b. A good leader makes it clear to everybody what their jobs are.
a. Many times I feel that I have little influence over the things that happen to me.
b. It is impossible for me to believe that chance or luck plays an important role in my life.
a. People are lonely because they don’t try to be friendly.
b. There’s not much use in trying too hard to please people, if they like you, they like you.
a. There is too much emphasis on athletics in high school.
b. Team sports are an excellent way to build character.
a. What happens to me is my own doing.
b. Sometimes I feel that I don’t have enough control over the direction my life is taking.
a. Most of the time I can’t understand why politicians behave the way they do.
b. In the long run the people are responsible for bad government on a national as well as on a local

Score one point for each of the following:

2 (a), 3 (b), 4 (b), 5 (b), 6 (a), 7 (a), 9 (a), 10 (b), 11 (b), 12 (b), 13 (b), 15 (b), 16 (a), 17 (a), 18 (a), 20
(a), 21 (a), 22 (b), 23 (a), 25 (a), 26 (b), 28 (b), 29 (a)

The higher the score, the higher the external locus of control (maximum score is 23).

The lower the score, the higher the internal locus of control.

Copyright © 1966 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission. Table 1, pp.
11–12, from Rotter, J. B. (1966) ‘Generalised expectancies for internal vs. external control of
reinforcement’, Psychological Monographs, 80: 1–28.

You may remember our discussion on schemas, and attribution theory, internal,
external attributions and attribution errors – these are all concepts in locus of
control. To get a feeling for the locus of control approach, consider the following
example. You are walking along the street and you trip. You look back at the spot
where you tripped and notice there is a brick on the path. Do you say, ‘Oh, I’m such
an idiot because I didn’t see that brick’, or do you say, ‘Argh, what idiot put that
brick there?’
In one case, you internalize your behaviour (it is your fault for falling over), and
in the other you externalize (the reason you fell over is someone else’s stupidity). In
the former, we describe an internal locus of control, which refers to the belief that
you control your own fate. In the latter, we describe an external locus of control,
which is the perception that outside forces, or even chance, predominantly determine
your fate – your fate is outside your control.
Internals have a high level of achievement, they are much more independent,
enjoy better psychological and physical health, and have much better coping
strategies (Myers, 2001). Moreover, internals perform better on most subjective and
objective measures of organizational behaviour (Beukman, 2005; Spector, 1982).
Interestingly, high external people cope better and are happier when they eventually
enter old age homes where life is structured and controlled (Cicirelli, 1987), and
high externals tend to create a social environment and prefer to lead and be led in an
autocratic way (Beukman, 2005).
Locus of control has been shown to be very important in terms of how people
behave in organizations and how well they cope with uncertainty and change (Chen
and Wang, 2007; Herscovitch and Meyer, 2002; Spector, 1982). Those with high
internal locus of control are better able to deal with work conditions of high
uncertainty and stress (Rahim, 1997). Ng and Feldman (2011) found that internal
locus people are more likely to feel embedded within their organization, while
external people are more likely to move because they are much more influenced by
external forces.
IMAGE 2.1 Peeling back to the internal locus of control
Of course, as in all theories there are counter arguments. While much of the
research supports the idea of locus of control towards an internal or external
orientation, to simplify behaviour as either internally or externally oriented is
somewhat dualist. It might not be that people are either internal or external, but
rather are both simultaneously. Research is suggesting that locus of control can be
altered through cognitive behavioural training methods, which suggests locus of
control is a mindset socialized and learned over time (Wolinsky et al., 2010), and
hence alterable.

You are what you don’t know: the psychoanalytical approach

The psychoanalytical approach to personality is typified by unconscious desires and

defence mechanisms aimed at fighting pent-up sexual anxiety and the pervasive fear
of death. Unlike the other approaches to personality, the psychoanalytic approach
focuses on the ‘battle’ between the subconscious and conscious awareness as critical
to constructing our personality. Sigmund Freud is considered the father of the
psychoanalytical approach to personality. Freud is a theorist who is one of the most
loathed (by many psychologists and some feminists) and, at the same time, one of
the most admired (by many artists, writers, and psychiatrists). Certainly, Freud,
along with figures such as Charles Darwin and Adam Smith, did much to define the
ways in which we understand the nature of the reality that we experience today.
Freud believed personality was made up of thoughts and actions emerging from
what he called the unconscious. The unconscious surfaces in dreams and slips of the
tongue, because it contains desires, thoughts, and feelings that are ‘unconscionable’
and often repressed. For Freud, absolutely nothing happens by accident; an
explanation is usually to be found hidden in the unconscious. It is deep in the
unconscious that we store our troubled feelings and thoughts, and the mind keeps
them hidden by working in a number of remarkable ways.
According to Freud, there are three ways in which our mind is structured. First,
the unconscious mind (the id) operates on the pleasure principle and is driven by
desires such as hunger, sex, and aggression. The id must be controlled, or it will be
impossible to delay gratification. Second, there is the ego, which allows us to cope
with our world based on the reality principle (the principle that, as we grow, we
become aware of the real environment and the need to adapt to it). It recognizes
desires and satiates them, but in ways that ensure minimal pain and destruction. The
ego is the ‘control room’ of our personality. Third, there is the superego – our social
and personal monitor, constantly judging our behaviour, thoughts, and feelings,
looking at how we should behave through the eyes of all those others around us who
constitute our society. The superego and the id are usually in battle, so the ego must
ensure that the two are reconciled – and, as we shall see, this is where all the trouble
IMAGE 2.2 Fragmented self
For Freud, absolutely nothing happens by accident.
Freud (1935) believed personality development coincided with certain
psychosexual stages. For example, at the oral stage (up to about 1½ years of age), a
child is fixated with oral pleasures, such as sucking, gumming, and chewing,
whereas at the anal stage (around 1½ to 2½ years of age), the child becomes fixated
on the anal stage of development, focusing on anything to do with what comes out of
the anus. Fart jokes work well with the anally fixated – think of the Terrence and
Phillip characters from the cartoon South Park. From about 3 to 6 years, the child is
in the phallic stage (you can see why feminists might dislike Freud given the
‘phallocentric’ nature of his theory!) and gains arousal and pleasure from
stimulation of the genital region. Then, from around the age of 6 until puberty,
people go into a sort of hibernation – or what Freud calls latency – where everything
lies dormant. Finally, individuals enter the genital phase as they hit puberty and start
getting interested in sex.
Quite a lot of the language you hear today has its origins in Freudian theory based
on the sexual stages of development – for example, the notion of a Freudian slip, an
Oedipus complex, penis envy, fixation, repression, and many other concepts in
everyday use. Table 2.3 provides a description of some of the concepts related to
three of the psychosexual stages (oral, anal, and phallic).

TABLE 2.3 Freud’s three stages of development

Stage Description
If we are traumatized or disciplined during the oral phase, we become fixated at that stage. So an oral
person becomes fixated with pleasures of the mouth, which can be quite sensual. They constantly
Oral place things in their mouths, tend to overeat, and possibly smoke. Orally fixated people tend to
become artists. Or they can deny their overdependence on oral pleasures and tend to become
aggressive to compensate – so maybe they end up as a bouncer at a bar or a black belt in judo
Being punished during the anal stage tends to make a person what Freud calls ‘anally retentive’. Such
people discover that they can control their parents by refusing to go to the toilet or by going to the
Anal toilet at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places. Such individuals are quite stringent, control
oriented, and tend to choose a career in accounting or something similar. Or they might become
anally expulsive – highly disorganized and messy
The phallic phase is where we start seeing some real problems. For example, based on the ancient
Greek fable of Oedipus, who killed his father and married his mother, Freud believes males develop
an Oedipus complex. Because mothers tend to clean up after their children, children get sexual
gratification and arousal from maternal attention. Slowly, the male child develops sexual feelings for
Phallic his mother and hatred for his father, who is perceived as a competitor for maternal affections. These
feelings create intense anxiety and guilt in children, and they come to fear castration by their fathers.
The only way to cope with such overwhelming feelings is to repress and hide all these fears deep
down in the unconscious
Source: Adapted from Hall and Lindzey (1957: 29–75)

Obviously, if Freud’s ideas stopped at the psychosexual stages of personality,

everyday life would be a challenge, and the anxiety, guilt, and fear we would
constantly feel would be unbearable. However, in addition, Freud argued that there
exists an intricate system of checks and balances that enable us to operate in our
world – the defence mechanisms that allow us to reinterpret reality and to fool
ourselves that everything is fine. There are a number of defence mechanisms; here,
we look briefly at three: repression, reaction formation, and projection (adapted
from Myers, 2001: 494).
First, through repression we block all our incestual thoughts and feelings and try
to present a smooth facade to the world. However, repression is an imperfect
mechanism because some thoughts still slip out. Freud believed such thoughts would
manifest themselves through symbolism or in slips of the tongue. For example, the
fact that many missiles are designed in a shape similar to a penis suggests to some
psychoanalysts that men create these weapons of mass destruction because of their
repressed sexual feelings and aggression.
Second, we use reaction formation to block our impulses and feelings by acting in
ways opposite to them. One common social problem today is the violence that some
young men perpetrate towards homosexuals (gay bashing). Freudians would argue
that such young men are trying to cope with their homosexual thoughts and feelings
by causing violence to the very people they fear they might be. Thus, being macho
both enables them to repress any anxieties and to demonstrate, by
overcompensating, their own sense of the sexuality that they wish to project to the
Third, projection: when we have feelings and thoughts that are threatening for us,
we project them onto others. For example, a distrustful and incompetent office
administrator may treat everyone who comes into their office with distrust and see
them as incompetent. Such a person denies his or her own incompetence by
projecting it onto others.
Although Freud produced one of the most interesting personality theories, there is
inconsistent evidence supporting his notions. Even so, there is no doubt that he has
been, historically, one of the most influential psychological theorists and
practitioners. His concepts have had considerable intellectual appeal and remain the
most salient aspect of Freud’s work. Still, Freud’s theory takes a very negative view
of humanity and overemphasizes sexual desire as the main motivator behind
behaviour and thought. Imagine reprimanding an employee by saying that he is
fixated at the phallic stage of development and is acting the way he is because he
wants to sleep with his mother and kill his father – that might not go down too well!
Fortunately, there are other personality theories that approach the subject from a
more positive view – the humanist approach.

You are what you grow: the humanist approach

The humanist places our sense of self at the centre of personality. The aim of the
humanist is to ensure that humans fully realize personal growth and potential. The
humanist tradition experienced its greatest growth in the 1960s as psychologists
became increasingly critical of the overreliance on objectivity in trait-based
approaches to studying personality, where paper and pencil inventories and factor
analysis de-humanized psychology. They were equally wary of Freud’s overly
negative orientation, with its view that our personalities are mainly based on
suppression of deviant thoughts and incestual sexual desires. By far the best-known
humanist psychologists are Carl Rogers (1967) and Abraham Maslow (1968) (see
also pp. 149–151 and 323).
IMAGE 2.3 Symbols of/on the self

Most critical for Maslow and Rogers is the notion of how we express the self-
concept. When we try to answer the question ‘Who am I?’ the self-concept refers to
our thoughts and feelings about ourselves. We view ourselves as being in the world
in a number of ways. First, we have an actual self and an idealized self, and we strive
to reduce the gap between the two by becoming as close to our idealized self as
possible. When we act in ways consistent with our ideal self, we have a positive self-
image. If we feel there are gaps between our ideal self and actual self, we have a
negative self-image.
Rogers approached personality from the perspective that we are all unique and
fundamentally ‘good’ people, all striving for what Maslow termed self-
actualization. For Rogers, the key to positive self-image is the environment within
which we grow because it provides three basic conditions enabling that growth:

People must be genuine, honest, and open about their own feelings.
People must be accepting, in that they value themselves and others. Even one’s
own failings should be seen with a positive regard, or what Rogers referred to
as ‘Unconditional Positive Regard’.
The final important aspect for Rogers is empathy; empathy concerns how we
communicate our feelings to the world and how we, in turn, share and reflect on
these meanings. Empathy is very important in concepts such as emotional
intelligence (see also pp. 74) and is an integral part of our ability to function in
the social world.

Personality and management

Personality is clearly complex; although we all have one, it is by no means clear

what it is or how it should best be conceived, and many very successful people are
adept at masking the true nature of their personality. Rather like the mask in Image
2.1, they present a smooth but inscrutable front to the world. But if so much about
personality is hidden or unclear, how are we supposed to use it as a tool to manage
Perhaps the best thing to do is to take a few pointers from each theory. Try to
identify the traits that those with whom you work exhibit, and try to adjust your
expectations and behaviour appropriately. Be sensitive to people’s conceptions of
the locus of control. Appreciate that some people will be more anal retentive in their
dispositions than others, and try to deal with them in a way that takes this into
account. Understand that not all behaviour is obvious and measurable, and that
people sometimes are driven due to subconscious and repressed reasons. Also, try to
be a practical humanist and facilitate human growth and potential.
At the beginning of this journey through perception, values, and personality we
pointed out that we will predominantly take a psychological perspective. Psychology
is commonly associated with the study of the deviant and the abnormal but is
becoming increasingly interested in more positive phenomena. Although the essence
of positive psychology has been advocated since William James, the concept can be
attributed to Martin E. P. Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who describe that:

The field of positive psychology at the subjective level is about valued

subjective experiences: wellbeing, contentment, and satisfaction (in the past);
hope and optimism (for the future); and flow and happiness (in the present). At
the individual level, it is about positive individual traits: the capacity for love
and vocation, courage, interpersonal skill, aesthetic sensibility, perseverance,
forgiveness, originality, future mindedness, spirituality, high talent, and
wisdom. At the group level, it is about the civic virtues and the institutions that
move individuals towards better citizenship: responsibility, nurturance,
altruism, civility, moderation, tolerance, and work ethic. (2000: 5)

Positive psychology (PP), in the form of positive organizational behaviour (POB),

is growing and attracting attention in management theory, research, and practice. In
essence, it is an overnight success that was one hundred years in the making (Pitsis,
2008c). Historically, psychology predominantly concerned pathology and treatment
of a variety of mental illnesses. As such, its initial application to disciplines such as
OB also bound management psychology to pathology. Psychology centred on
abnormality below the norm, and its explicit aim was to find ways to help the
individual become ‘normal’. Positive psychology is more interested in helping
people be abnormal but above the norm. One area in which PP is internationally
recognized is in the pursuit of happiness, but of course this is only a small part of
what PP scholars are interested in. Even so it is one of the most contentious areas, if
only because happiness has become a massive industry.

In its simplest form, positive psychology is the study, research, and theorizing of the psychological bases for leading the best life possible through positive thinking, feelings, and behaviour. In a management
sense, positive psychology seeks to understand and to foster civic virtues, social responsibility, altruism, tolerance, happiness, and psychological wellbeing.

Not everyone is enamoured with positive psychology; indeed, some people are
critical of certain sectors of the positive psychology movement. Barbara Held
(2004), for example, believes that positive psychology paradoxically presents itself
in a negative light. She believes some within the positive psychology movement are
negative or dismissive of ideas or views that run counter to the movement’s
dominant message: (a) negativity about negativity itself, which is explored by way
of researching health psychology, happiness, and coping styles rather than
depressions etc; and (b) negativity about the wrong kind of positivity, namely,
allegedly unscientific positivity, especially that which Seligman purports to find
within humanistic psychology.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Barbara Held (2004) if you want to learn that positive psychology may not be as positive
as some of its adherents suggest.

Happiness is something that PP seeks to spread and so it will be the focus of this
final section of the chapter. Before we delve into happiness, let us briefly look at the
general topic of emotions. First, we’ll look at what they are and then check the
differences between ‘reading emotions’ and ‘feeling emotion’.

Emotions are by definition feelings in response to or expectation of an object or event.

Emotions are complex, and at the same time both highly personal and social. It is
often assumed that emotions arise as a result of an instrumentally irrational
cognitive process and that they are thus superfluous to the rational job of managing.
We now know that this is not the case and that emotions enter into a great deal of
how managers manage.
Early works on emotions perceived them to be related to instinct and survival and
so were presented as quite basic, simple displays of emotional responses to threat or
courtship (such as anger, fear, sadness). However, by the late 1990s emotion
researchers and theorists provided insights that go beyond the earlier accounts of
emotions as solely tied to simple displays of emotions (see for example, Campos et
al., 1999). Cognition, rational and irrational, is a critical component of emotions and
it is quite feasible that a person can feel many different kinds of emotions at any one
time (Sroufe, 1979), or more importantly can mask emotions for a range of reasons
such as the closeness they feel to other people, or due to the power status of others
(Diefendorff et al., 2011). Diefendorff and colleagues found that when in the
presence of people with high levels of power status, people will mask strong
negative emotions such as anger and emphasize positive ones such as happiness.
Clearly, humans are much more complex in their behaviours and emotional displays
and so a simple smile sometimes is not simply a smile.

Try this interesting experiment. Take a few photos of your friends in natural settings – try and get them
when they are naturally laughing or happy. Then instruct some other friend to assume a certain attitude
or disposition (e.g. happiness). Record what they have chosen to enact. Load the pictures on your
Now, show the pictures and hand out a list of emotions to another group of people. Ask each person
to attach an emotion to a face. Also have them assess whether they believe the emotion being displayed
in each picture is authentic or fake, and ask them to provide a short reason as to why they believe this to
be the case.
How consistent and accurate are people in the attribution of emotions?
Note: We do not necessarily condone the consumption of alcohol at all, and accept no responsibility
if you are influenced by the following story, but when Tyrone was a psychology student he and his
friends used to play a very similar game, but would have to drink shots of vodka every time they gave
the incorrect answer.

The understanding of emotions has been problematic. Ekman, for example

(Ekman and Friesen, 1986), objectively studied emotions by observing facial
expressions and found facial expressions to be consistent across cultures. But so
what? When you smile do you always feel happy? Sometimes we smile even though
we are unhappy, or we smile back at someone in order to be friendly. We will tend to
mimic the emotions of our ‘in-group’ – the group we feel affiliation towards –
irrespective of whether we actually feel that emotion (van der Schalk et al., 2011).
We may display emotions when we find a person attractive (O’Doherty et al., 2003),
or we want to sell them something (Sutton and Rafaeli, 1988), and any other reason
you might think of.
Anthropologists have shown that smiling might be interpreted as friendly and
happy, yet culturally it might actually mean that the person smiling is nervous or
anxious – as is the case with some Indonesian and Australian indigenous cultures. Of
course, other times a smile might actually mean a person is happy; but can you ever
really know if the display of happiness means the person actually is happy? The
ability to read and regulate emotions is a major concern for organizational and
management researchers and theorists.
Being able to read people’s emotions is recognized as an important social skill;
moreover, the ability to manage one’s own and other people’s emotions has become
a popular domain of interest. Most recently the concept of emotional intelligence
has become increasingly popular. Many textbooks include a discussion of emotional
intelligence, and almost always that discussion comes under personality.

The concept of emotional intelligence has been popularized by Daniel Goleman (1997), who conceives of it as the capacity to recognize our own emotions and the emotions of others, and the ability to manage
our emotions in our relationships with others.
John D. Mayer, along with Peter Salovey, wrote profusely on EQ in the early
1990s. Mayer argued that the popular literature’s assertion – ‘that highly
emotionally intelligent people possess an unqualified advantage in life – appears
overly enthusiastic at present and unsubstantiated by reasonable scientific standards’
(Mayer, 1999: 1). More importantly, Mayer believes emotional intelligence is just
that, a factor of intelligence, not a personality factor at all. Moreover, tests designed
to measure emotional intelligence are still not as reliable as they should be, and
claims that emotional intelligence leads to significant outcomes in terms of
performance, or other life outcomes, are overstated – it seems only to account for 2
per cent to 25 per cent of the variance in outcomes. In other words, 98 per cent to 75
per cent of important life outcomes cannot be explained by emotional intelligence –
even those surveys developed by Mayer, Salovey, Caruso and Sitarenios (2001;
2003). Hence, all the really positive things you read about emotional intelligence
should be treated with a little caution – it works, but not to the degree many authors
of popular books might assume.
It should be made clear that the reading of emotions and the experience of
emotions are very different things. Think about being severely depressed – the
constant feelings of sadness, fatigue, and lack of motivation can be severely
debilitating, and even lethal. Just by anecdotal logic we can assume that by no longer
feeling depressed, you go about your daily life in a very different way. Emotions
definitely affect certain life outcomes (when scientists use bland ‘unemotional’
words like ‘life outcomes’ they mean things like success, failure, life, death,
alcoholism, drug abuse, and so on. Emotions include love, anger, hatred, shame,
happiness, sadness, fear, resentment, joy. You will often hear the word moods, and
for many people it is hard to distinguish between the two (Parkinson et al., 1996).

The difference between moods and emotions is duration – a mood is thought to last longer, and mood states can take time to develop. Emotions are seen as a response to an event, or emotional episode; the
emotion subsides (sometimes within minutes), but a mood state remains for hours and even weeks.

IMAGE 2.4 A happy face and a sunny disposition

Shiny happy people

There are few emotions that are as hotly debated in the social sciences as happiness.
Life, business, and leadership coaching firms, psychotherapists, organizations, self-
help books and DVDs, and university research centres have been established around
the emotion of happiness. But what does happiness actually mean? Happiness is a
very slippery concept, and most people would describe it as feeling ‘good’ or feeling

Happiness can generally be defined as positive thoughts and feeling about one’s life and can range from elation (being present when your team wins a grand final at the weekend), to a general feeling of
satisfaction and contentment with one’s life; it includes feeling calm, contented, satisfied, fulfilled, inspired, positive, and free.

The term ‘good’ could mean anything in a subjective sense, such as a general
feeling that life is good (however good is defined), but here we consider ‘good’ to
mean positive emotions and feelings with regards to one’s overall quality of life.
Veenhoven (2004) sees quality of life as integral to happiness. He breaks down
quality of life (happiness) into two parts, which are represented in Figure 2.2. First
there is a distinction between chances of a good life (life chances), and the actual
outcomes of life (life results); second, he distinguishes between environmental
(outer) qualities and individual (inner) qualities.
Happiness, in Veenhoven’s model, is a function of: (a) the type of environment we
live in (top left quadrant), and whether that environment provides opportunities for
growth and happiness; (b) the purpose of life (bottom left), and whether we feel we
have a higher purpose in life and are living according to our values; (c) life-ability
of the person (top right), which includes health, capabilities, adaptive ability
(optimism, coping, resilience, and so on); and (d) appreciation of life (bottom right),
which refers to satisfaction with life, and is typically a subjective experience.
Happiness, therefore, requires a positive environment, purpose and values, health
and feelings of being capable and competent, and appreciation of and satisfaction
with life (Veenhoven, 2010; Veenhoven, 2011).
FIGURE 2.2 Four qualities of life (Veenhoven, 2004)

But why be happy? A number of studies have shown that happy people tend to be
healthier (Ward and Coates, 2006), and they have greater opportunities in life,
especially when people are part of a happy community, as happy communities tend
to be healthier, wealthier (Ross, 2005; Subramanian et al., 2005), and generally do
better in life. There is, however, a slight problem with some of these studies on
happiness and health. The issue is that unhealthy people seem to rate themselves as
unhappy and happy people rate themselves as healthy, but is it the health that is
causing the mood state or is it the mood state that is causing the health? More
importantly, it has been argued that happiness increases productivity at work and
leads to several other positive organizational outcomes.
Does happiness actually lead to organizational productivity? This seems like a
simple question, but it has a very complex and hotly debated response. The fact is,
despite what you might read, we do not really have a definitive answer to this
question – indeed, if we think about it, happiness may not be conducive to certain
types of performance. For example, wealth is known to have low correlation with
happiness (Kahneman et al., 2006) and feelings of wellbeing, but wealth does have a
high correlation with good health (Bloom and Canning, 2000), which makes the
health–happiness link a little confusing. However, the field of research on happiness
and work-related outcomes is new, and slowly research is beginning to address the
issue of reliability, validity, and scholarship (i.e. serious academic, rigorous, and
well-designed study, Cameron et al., 2003b).
Finally, can we teach happiness? Fortunately we can and people have been
working on increasing happiness for a long time. While the interest in happiness is
old, the design, use, and validation of happiness training are relatively new. One of
the most fruitful approaches to happiness is schema therapy – which is similar to
cognitive-behavioural therapy that addresses how we think, feel, and act by
promoting consistency across those three areas. Aaron T. Beck uses cognitive-
behavioural theory in order to help people overcome depression – aside from
medication; CBT seems to be one of the most successful approaches to dealing with
mental health problems (Westbrook and Kirk, 2005), and the application of parallel
principles to happiness shows promising signs (Seligman et al., 2005).
While there is growing evidence that happiness can be taught, pursuing
interventions that make you happy should be seen as critical (Norrish and Vella-
Brodrick, 2006). Even if it adds no measurable value to an organization’s
performance, general feelings of wellbeing are something that the individual might
wish to pursue (see the What Do You Mean? box below).
One cliché you may often hear is, ‘Money can’t buy you happiness’, but is this
really true? Someone once responded to this statement by saying, ‘Money might not
buy you happiness, but it sure buys you a better quality of misery’. Counter to
several decades of research that suggests money does not actually buy happiness, the
most recent research suggests money does actually buy you happiness (Blanchflower
and Oswald, 2011). So, the next annoying person who says, ‘Money does not buy
you happiness’, tell them to read this book: but get them to buy it, because that
makes Stewart, Martin, and Tyrone happy too.


Get happy!
In order to help people experience sustained happiness, clinical psychologist and happiness guru, Dr
Timothy Sharp, proposes the CHOOSE model of happiness. To develop and enhance your experience
of happiness implement some of these steps:

C = Clarity (of goals, direction, and life purpose): Happy people set clear goals and determine clear
and specific plans to ensure these goals become reality. So clarify your life plan now (because no one
else will do it for you!).

H = Healthy living (activity and exercise, diet and nutrition, and sleep): Health forms a crucial part of
the foundation to happiness. It’s hard to be happy if you’re literally sick and tired all the time. So do
whatever you can to be healthy and you’ll also boost your chances of being happy.

O = Optimism (positive but realistic thinking): There’s no doubt that happy people think about
themselves, others, and the world differently. Among other things, they search for more positives. The
good news is that this is something you can learn to do, so start practising now.

O = Others (the key relationships in your life): Research strongly indicates that happy people have
both more and better quality relationships. So make sure you devote time to developing and fostering
your key relationships.

S = Strengths (your core qualities and attributes): Rather than spending all their time trying to ‘fix’
their ‘weaknesses’, happy people spend more time identifying and utilizing their strengths. Find out
what you’re good at and do it as much as possible.

E = Enjoy the moment (live in, and appreciate the present): The past is history, tomorrow’s a mystery,
and today’s a gift – that’s why they call it ‘the present’. Live in the moment and enjoy life more.

As we bring this chapter to a close, we will consider just one last and important
concept on happiness from a sociocognitive point of view: Tim Wilson and Dan
Gilbert discuss the concept of affective forecasting, and cognitive errors that occur
in forecasting: impact bias and focalism.

Affective forecasting refers to the process of making basic decisions in the present based on predictions about your emotions in some future act or event.

Sometimes the prospect of a negative event in the future elicits negative emotion
in the present, and so you refrain from action (for example, we may fear bad news
from a full body health check up, and so we keep putting it off). Of course,
sometimes we also overpredict the value of positive goals because we think that the
future event will elicit lots of positive feelings for us (for example, we may look
forward to a big party at the weekend). When we pursue things we often make a
cognitive error called impact bias.

Impact bias may be considered to be the overestimation of the intensity and duration of the feelings actually experienced when we achieve that future event or goal.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Kent Lam and colleagues (2005) if you want to learn more about how affective
forecasting varies culturally.

One cause of the impact bias is focalism. Another is our failure to anticipate how
quickly we will make sense of things that happen to us in a way that speeds
emotional recovery. In an interesting study conducted on affective forecasting Kent
Lam and his colleagues (2005) found that there are cultural differences in the impact
bias process of affective forecasting. It seems that some cultures that think more
holistically are less likely to be affected by focalism (the tendency to overascribe
affect to upcoming events). The study found ‘Westerners’ are more likely to focalize
than ‘East Asians’; however, it was also found that Westerners who were helped to
‘de-focus’ were as likely as Asians to make only moderate affective forecasts.

Focalism refers to the tendency to underestimate the extent to which other events will influence our thoughts and feelings (Lench, Safer, and Levine, 2011).

In other words, when we are pursuing happiness, we need to be cognizant or aware

of the fact that we sometimes attach too much emotional weight to that event, and so
we can actually end up being disappointed when the event or goal achieved does not
meet our expectations. Furthermore, positive feelings are not experienced 24 hours a
day, but rather it is more likely you will experience a range of emotions over the
Realistically, how likely would it be that any future event will provide you with
everlasting happiness and joy? Thus, in the pursuit of happiness we must be aware
that the feeling subsides, and sometimes our pursuits might not necessarily make us
as happy as we once thought. Conversely, negative events are never as terrible (in
terms of our ability to cope) as we think. What Wilson and Gilbert (2005) argue is
that we often find ways to cope internally with situations as they arise. In the end,
you create your future emotional state in the way that you approach and make sense
of your place in that future.

How happy are you?
This survey measures how happy you feel. Please read each of the following groups of statements and
select the one statement in each group that best describes the way you have been feeling for the past
week, including today.
a. I feel miserable almost all the time.

b. I often feel miserable.

1 c. I usually feel neutral.

d. I usually feel pretty good.

e. I feel great almost all the time.

a. I find life to be boring all the time.

b. I’m pretty bored with most aspects of life.

2 c. I find life boring at times but at other times, it interests me.

d. I’m interested in most aspects of life.

e. I find life and living to be absolutely fascinating.

a. I have no direction or life purpose.

b. I’m unsure about my life direction and purpose.

3 c. Sometimes I feel like I know my life purpose.

d. I’m pretty clear about my life purpose and direction.

e. My life purpose and direction are crystal clear.

a. I have no energy and feel tired almost all the time.

b. I often feel tired and lethargic. c. I usually have enough energy to do what I need to do.
d. Most of the time I feel energetic and enthusiastic.

e. I’m bursting with energy and enthusiasm almost all the time.
a. I’m extremely pessimistic about the future.

b. There are times when I feel pessimistic about the future.

5 c. I’m not sure about the future, one way or the other.

d. I’m pretty optimistic about the future.

e. I’m extremely optimistic and excited about the future.

a. I don’t have any close friends.

b. I have a few friends but none I really consider close.

6 c. I have a few good friends and family members with whom I’m close.

d. I have quite a few good friends.

e. I have lots of good friends and feel I easily connect with everyone.
a. I don’t think I have any strengths at all.

b. I’m not sure whether or not I have any strengths.

7 c. I’m getting to know my strengths.

d. I know my strengths and try to use them when I can.

e. I know exactly what my strengths are and I use them all the time.
a. I never enjoy myself no matter what I’m doing.

b. I find it difficult to enjoy life in the moment.

8 c. I try to enjoy life as much as I can.

d. I enjoy myself most of the time.

e. I thoroughly enjoy every moment.

a. I have absolutely nothing for which to be grateful.

b. There’s not much in my life for which I’m grateful.

9 c. I’m grateful for a few things in my life.

d. I have quite a few things in my life for which I’m grateful.

e. I’m extremely grateful for so many things in my life.

a. I’ve accomplished nothing.

b. I’ve not accomplished much in life.

10 c. I’ve accomplished about as much as the average person.

d. I’ve accomplished more in life than most people.

e. I’ve accomplished a great deal more in life than most people.

Score each question from 1 to 5 where (a) equals 1 and (e) equals 5 (your maximum score, therefore,
should be 50 and your minimum 10).

If you scored 40 or above – you’re doing extremely well. Keep up the great work.

If you scored 30–39 – you’re doing pretty well but might like to review the questions on which you
scored 3 or below and consider how you might improve in these areas.

If you scored below 29 – you could be much happier!

© 2007 The Happiness Institute (


Organizational behaviour is a vast and complex field. It represents the cohabitation of psychology with
management, and in this chapter we have barely scratched the surface. Our task has not been to provide
you with a complete account of OB – there are other books that do that – but simply to suggest some
ways in which psychology and its insights may be useful in understanding management and work. We
have painted over a broad canvass, nonetheless. In this chapter we have addressed perception, values,
and personality theory. We have looked at the new currents in organizational psychology, which stress
positive organizational behaviour, and visited the fascinating importance that emotions such as
happiness have in and for organizations.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means:

Attribution error
Attribution theory
Big Five personality
Competing values
Halo effect
Information processing model
Organizational behaviour
Positive psychology
Internal/external locus of control
Id, ego, and superego
Cognitive dissonance
Affective forecasting
Impact bias

The commitment to happiness exercise. Research shows that when we do things out of love and passion,
and that fit our values, we tend to be happier and healthier. This exercise is used in Tyrone’s Executive
MBA subject on organizational behaviour and students respond to this very favourably. The exercise is
designed to help you do more of what’s important to you. Do each part of this exercise on your own:
a. List everything that you can think of that is important to you. Be specific and honest. These things
can be extrinsic material (money, car, guitar, etc.), intrinsic or intangible (love, family, friendship,
happiness, etc.), spiritual (God etc.). Really whatever you think is important to you.

b. Now, you must choose the top five things that are most important to you and rank them from 1–5.
This is difficult, but it is to help you to sort out your priorities. Once you list the top five things you
must also write three things that you currently do each week which prove that the things you have
listed are the most important to you. For example, let us say you said financial wealth is one of those.
Then you should be able to say: 1) I put money into my savings account, 2) I personally contribute
money each week to my retirement fund, 3) I own property, and so on. If you cannot list three things
that you do each week that contribute directly to your financial wealth then maybe it’s not as big a
priority as you say. Do this for each of your top five.
c. Now, if you cannot list three things that you currently do for each of your top five, on a piece of
paper write down three things you will start doing right away to show that your behaviour is
consistent with what you list as most important in your life.

d. Once you verbalize your commitments to what you say is important to you, start a journal and
keep track of how you show your commitment to what is important to you. Remember that
sometimes we cannot always commit to things as much as we like, so it would be unrealistic to
commit everyday. In addition, some days are harder than others are, so look more for a general
commitment over a period of time. However, by keeping the journal we start being more realistic and
honest with ourselves.


1. If you are interested in positive organizational scholarship, a very well-written, and excellent
foundational text is Cameron, Dutton, and Quinn (2003a) ‘Foundations of Positive Organizational
Scholarship’. This text provides an excellent grounding and introduction to the work being done in
positive psychology. We also highly recommend Cameron and Spreitzer (2011) Oxford Handbook of
Positive Organizational Scholarship.
2. Memento (directed by Christopher Nolan, 2001) is an outstanding psychological thriller that deals with
perception, memory, obsession, and toxic emotions in the form of obsession and revenge. The film is
about an insurance fraud assessor who searches for his wife’s killer; however, he suffers from a serious
form of amnesia and must rely on a complex array of memory substitutes (such as Post-it notes, tattoos,
and photographs, etc.). Be warned it is a demanding film because the story line actually runs
backwards. Similarly we recommend Inception (directed by Christopher Nolan, 2010), which deals with
temporality, reality, and even affective forecasting.
3. A great film that deals with attribution error, stereotyping, and personality is the movie Crash (directed
by Paul Haggis, 2006). The film is about a number of people interconnected in certain ways and deals
with covert and overt forms of racism, human behaviour, and character. The tag line to the film is, ‘You
think you know who you are, you have no idea!’ and the story follows a number of people in Los
Angeles, CA, including a police detective with a drugged mother and a thieving brother, two car
‘jackers’ who philosophize on society and race, a white district attorney and his over-pampered wife, a
racist white cop and his sick father, and the cops idealistic younger partner, a successful Hollywood
director and his wife who deal with the racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father, a Hispanic locksmith and
his young daughter who is afraid of bullets for good reason.

Our Companion Website contains a great deal of
1 excellent resources, links, exercises, cases, and self-testing. Be sure to visit it, and look under Chapter 1 for
lots more great things on managing the individual in organizations.
For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:
2 Check out especially Talk #2 by Tyrone Pitsis on An introduction to
managing people in organizations. is an excellent website titled the personality project. From
here you can access personality surveys, definitions, and explanations.
Check out the website of the Academy of Management (AOM) at It contains some
4 excellent resources for students, and more than 25 per cent of the AOM’s membership is management
Professor Martin Seligman is director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
You can join the web portal Authentic Happiness and access a large number of resources on happiness,
5 wellbeing, and so on, access groups and other positive psychological societies, research centres and
resources. The resources on the Authentic Happiness site are free to use as long as you register. You can do
so at
Visit for some great videos illustrating many of the concepts we covered in this chapter:
6 some clips are funny, some are quite stupid, some are well made, and many are not. We recommend the
a For an interesting study on how travel and emotions affect our perception of time watch

b. This six-minute clip runs through several optical illusions. See if you can guess any before the
answer is provided?

c. For an interesting training video on office values, watch the following ten-minute clip Let us hope your managers can be this inspiring
and values driven, especially concerning the guidelines to living life.


Reading and digesting these articles will help you gain a deeper understanding of some of the concepts
we have covered in this chapter. We chose these articles because they challenge your thinking and in so
doing might help you gain a better grade.

1. In an interesting study conducted on affective forecasting Kent Lam and his colleagues found that there
are cultural differences in the impact bias process of affective forecasting. The article is: Lam, K. C. H.,
Buehler, R., McFarland, C., Ross, M. and Cheung, I. (2005) ‘Cultural differences in affective
forecasting: the role of focalism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31 (9): 1296–1309. The
paper is available for download on the Companion Website
2. Glenn D. Reeder and his colleagues conducted some interesting research including using George Bush
and his decision to go to war in Iraq, and attitudes towards gay marriages and abortions. Their study
shows how we attribute negative motivations on people we disagree with and more favourable
perceptions towards those we agree with. Thus if we agree with the war, or with gay marriage, we are
more likely to attribute positive motivations towards people who also support our perceptions and
attitudes. The article by Reeder, G. D., Pryor, J. B., Wohl, M. J. A., and Griswell, M. L. (2005) ‘On
attributing negative motives to others who disagree with our opinions’, Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 31 (11): 1498–1510 can be downloaded from the Companion Website for free: organizations3.
3. What are values, and how do they develop? Once they are developed how do they influence us in our
future. Sapna Parashar and friends provide some insights into values, its definition, and underlying
constructs and how they are developed over time. They provide an accessible and readable account of
values, and present a study conducted on students’ values, their perceptions about what values are
important in society and how they might affect their actions as future professionals. The paper by
Parashar, S., Dhar, S., and Dhar, U. (2004) ‘Perception of values: a study of future professionals’,
Journal of Human Values , 10 (2): 143–152, can be accessed from the Companion Website
4. Not everyone is enamoured with positive psychology, some people are critical of some sectors of the
positive psychology movement. Barbara Held (2004), for example, believes that positive psychology
paradoxically presents itself in a negative light. She believes some within the positive psychology
movement is negative or dismissive of ideas or views that run counter to the movement’s dominant
message: (a) negativity about negativity itself, which is explored by way of researching health
psychology, happiness, and coping styles rather than depressions etc; and (b) negativity about the
wrong kind of positivity, namely, allegedly unscientific positivity, especially that which Seligman
purports to find within humanistic psychology. You can read more on the issue by downloading the
article by Held, B. S. (2004) ‘The negative side of positive psychology’, Journal of Humanistic
Psychology, 44 (1): 9–46, from the Companion Website

The Case of Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra 1

There is something mysterious about concert halls. All concert halls, not only the Victorian ones: dark
corridors, silent-signs, thick doors, and the bright and alluring stage. The mystique is even more
noticeable when the orchestra appears. Musicians in black and white, concentrated and grave looking.
After a minute or two the first violin player (concert master) stands up. A tone is given somewhere in
the ensemble – and everyone follows in tuning. Then a new silence: everyone stands up – the conductor
arrives on the stage …
The largest orchestra in Norway, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, contains 109 musicians, performing
as a large group, struggling and searching for a homogeneous sound day after day, concert after
concert. Starting every week with a new conductor, sometimes one the orchestra already knows – even
maybe the chief conductor, other times a stranger. Sometimes the teamwork pays off – in magic
moments of melding together into one. But the large group is most of all 109 individuals, or even 110
including the conductor, trained towards perfection, maybe with a solo career in mind. Most of them are
still in training for individual perfection, often by silent competition with the neighbouring musician at
their side.
Musicians in Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra differ widely in their career outlooks, motivations, and
horizons as well as their paths into their organization. Some are just starting while others are near the
end of their careers. Some have moved into their present position by working up the ranks, some are
fresh from music school, while others have principal positions that will last a lifetime. Not all are equally
ambitious or motivated, nor are they on the same level musically, technically or emotionally. They may
despise and envy one another, disagree about music and the merits of conductors, and even be in open
competition with their colleagues for prestigious or better positions within their respective orchestral
The nature of work in a symphony orchestra may therefore be described as a dichotomous
experience for musicians: at times it is extremely exciting, challenging, and satisfying; at other times,
full of stress, disappointment, and boredom. Orchestral musicians are highly skilled specialists who
have trained from an early age. Once in an orchestra, musicians must contend with the social dynamics
of a huge group that is an amalgamation of diverse individuals, and in an organizational setting that is
complex and competitive. The most mysterious part is how it is possible to make this highly specialized
and individual work into an integrated and collaborating unity.
The history of this particular orchestra goes back to the eighteenth century, under other names and
forms than the orchestra we know today, formally established in 1919 as Filharmonisk Selskap. Famous
composers and conductors such as Edvard Grieg, Johan Halvorsen, and Carl Nielsen were all part of the
orchestral music scene in Oslo in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, developing the orchestra. In
more modern times, Mariss Jansons, the chef conductor for the 20-year period to 2000, is recognized by
many as the most important individual in stretching the orchestra’s quality and quantity of repertoire. He
has also been important in stretching the management opportunity set.
The guest conductors (on a weekly basis) and the chief conductor (leading the orchestra for about
ten weeks a year) have an unquestionably important role in the orchestra’s performance and
development. Although there are some universal rules to the art of conducting, the conductors differ
greatly in personal qualities and in musical orientation. The dominant picture of a great conductor is still
the one of the lonely and gifted genius, a picture often used to describe Mariss Jansons.

We can feel the energy increase in the orchestra sometimes a week before Mariss arrives. Because we
know it is going to be that good and that challenging. He forms me as a musician – by his ambitions for
the orchestra and for every one of us.3

There are wonderful stories of other, greater conductors, but with less pedagogical skills. The
musicians in the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra tell stories of ‘tyrannical artistic leaders’ with high
expectations and ambitions. Some leaders are described as having dangerous tempers and unpredictable
behaviours. Individual members of the orchestra have experienced intense critique in front of the entire
orchestra but there is never any noticeable protest or protection of the individual in this context. The
stories of these conductors are often told with a touch of pride and as a history of success, probably
because they all are willing to pay the price for an unforgettable concert. Because the musicians face a
different leader every week, they must be flexible. They have to adapt to different interpretations of the
same symphony and tolerate these variations. In this way an orchestra may be one of few organized
professional groups that is explicitly trained in following a leader, no matter what the circumstances.
Everyday rehearsals and concerts on Thursdays and Fridays are held at Oslo Concert Hall, while the
administrative department, with about 19 administrative employees, is located in another building. Here
you also find the administrative director, in charge of the entire organization. The story of ‘following the
leader’ does not, however, apply to him. In any case of non-artistic decision, the orchestra seems to
follow a different logic.

Outside the concert hall, every decision is based on democracy: everyone should and will be heard.

Despite the fact that is it me that has the total responsibility for this organization, I have to give the chief
conductor room enough to be creative and to be an excellent performer. The rest of the year I also have
to deal with a group of 109 strong individuals that feel that they have a right to be in charge – as a
community. I have to live with the fact that my management room is reduced.4

During a one-year period the chief conductor, the board leader, and the administrative director all left
their positions – in that order. The orchestra remained the same – 109 individuals.


1. Imagine you are recently employed as the administrative director. How will you start to establish the
relation and teamwork with the main artistic leader (the chief conductor)?
2. What do you think is the main challenge you have to deal with as a director?
3. What do you think are the main tensions, natural and unnatural, in an orchestra like this?
4. How can you, as a top manager, deal with these tensions?

Case prepared by Dr Grete Wennes, Associate Professor, Trondheim Business School, Norway.

1 The case is based on the dissertation ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and the case is therefore presented from a
researcher’s point of view. Wennes, Grete (2002) ‘Skjønnheten og udyret: Kunsten å lede
kunstorganisasjonen’. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen. See more
in Falkner (1973) of the diversity in symphonic orchestras.
2 String player in Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (in Wennes, 2002).
3 String player in Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (in Wennes, 2002).
4 Administrative director in Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (in Wennes, 2002).
Cohabitation, Collaboration, Consternation

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Define the meanings of teams and groups

Describe the concept of group dynamics and the process of group development
Categorize common problems in teamwork
Understand how to identify and resolve team conflict
Describe toxic emotions and how to deal with them in organizations and teams


Advice from Mahatma Gandhi:

A small group of determined spirits with an unquenchable thirst for their mission can alter the course of

Our world continues to become increasingly complex and ambiguous. Resources are
becoming scarcer, and globalization is opening up exciting possibilities, while at the
same time increasing the level of risk and complexity in managing organizations.
With complexity comes the need to address problems in collaborative ways, and
where once upon a time the aim was to ensure team members were as similar as
possible, current complex problems (often referred to as ‘wicked problems’ because
they have no simple solution) require diversity of knowledge, skills, philosophies,
and practices in order to achieve success. Not surprisingly the use of teams has
grown because they allow greater flexibility in decision-making and adaption to
change, and provide better decisions and even better performance outcomes than do
individuals operating under such contexts. Sometimes teams can be the most
rewarding ways of doing things, but at other times teamwork can be frustrating,
riddled with conflict, and even counterproductive. The reality is that every single
one of us will work as part of a team at some stage in our lives – be it playing sport,
doing ballet, or while studying or working.

A team can be defined as two or more people psychologically contracted together to achieve a common organizational goal in which all individuals involved share at least some level of responsibility and
accountability for the outcome.

In Chapter 2 we considered the problems of perception and how perceptual errors

can affect our judgements and evaluations of people. These processes are even more
complex in teams because we are dealing with multiple people simultaneously, all of
whom are expected to be aligned to the same objectives and goals. It is therefore
important for us to have a general understanding of teams, their psychological
properties, how they influence us, and how teams work.
We will explore our definition of teams in greater detail. Management academics
like to distinguish between a team and a group; even though the differences between
teams and groups are subtle, they are important differences in some contexts.
However, in this chapter we sometimes use the terms interchangeably because in the
development of psychology, all teams have traditionally been referred to as groups.

A group can be defined as two or more people working towards a common goal, but there is no psychological contract between them; the outcomes are less dependent on all the members working together, and
there is usually no shared responsibility and accountability for outcomes.

Let us look at an example. Jenny, Mary, Sarah, and Joanne all play for the Mount
Pleasant Rangers – a local football team that has made it into the finals. Every day,
the players get together and practice their shots at goal, their long and short passing,
and their game plan. The coach also makes sure that the players imagine themselves
winning, holding up the trophy after the game. She points out to her team how
important it is that they understand each other’s roles and positions, and stresses that
even though some of them do not get along that well, they need to work together to
achieve that all-important win. On finals day, people from all around Mount
Pleasant leave their houses for the game. The traffic is bad; some people are driving
on sidewalks, others are waiting for an hour or so for a bus, and some are walking.
Obviously, these groups of people are all there for a common purpose – to get to the
stadium to see their team play – but they are not bound by any psychological
contract. If the people on the bus never get to the stadium, it does not affect the
people who get there by walking or driving. In this example, the Rangers are a team,
and the fans are a group.
A psychological contract can be defined as the assumptions, beliefs, and expectations held between one person and another or within a group, organization, or some other collective entity, about the nature and
function of the relationship between them. Typically a psychological contract refers to a contract made in the context of work.

In reality, a team is a form of work group and so in this chapter we will use the
terms group and teams interchangeably to mean groups at work in which people are
dependent upon others in their team in achieving outcomes. Interdependence among
people in teams poses many challenges and opportunities to managers because it
means increased saliency has to be given to managing issues such as personalities
and values; coordinating behaviours; establishing direction, roles, and
responsibilities; and resolving conflict. Put simply, teams are not only difficult
things to be part of, but also full of leadership challenges. To help you better
understand the complexities of teams, we look at how group psychology came about,
mainly in the form of group dynamics. We then consider how an individual can be
affected by groups of people, and how and why teams are used.


Elsewhere in this book we discuss some well-established approaches to
management–employee relations (see Chapters 5 and 12). Two key perspectives are
the scientific management (or Taylorism) and human relations traditions. We cannot
examine teams at work without engaging with the assumptions of these two
managerial ideologies (you can refer to Chapter 12 for in-depth discussion about
these approaches).
Scientific management essentially takes a very instrumental view of
management–employee relations. The manager is assumed to know the best method
or ‘one best way’ of getting the job done: a team will have no role in deciding what
gets done and how it is to be done outside perhaps how much gets produced.
Moreover, the use of teams in which people work closely together in a social group
to complete tasks is avoided, if not frowned upon. Scientific management
emphasizes clearly demarcated lines of management and worker roles, and states
that work should be hierarchically divided; that is, workers and managers must be
clearly demarcated. The human relations approach partly grew out of resistance to
the ideas inherent in scientific management and emphasizes the role of teams, and
the importance of social relationships in affecting workplace performance. Groups
are seen as a critical part of the human relations philosophy, which includes notions
such as the following: people want to be liked, respected, and valued; management’s
role is to ensure that people feel part of the team; all staff and teams should be
involved in decision-making and provide staff with self-direction; and management
should clearly define objectives and expected outcomes, and seek input or buy-in
from staff when making such decisions (Mayo, 1946).
Teams, for the human relations school, are critical, but many ‘feel-good’
statements are made about teams. Some influential theorists, researchers, and
authors argue that many organizations have unreal expectations of teams; in fact,
they say, it can take up to ten years for an organization to transform itself into one
with effective teams (Greenberg and Baron, 2003). Others are even more critical,
such as Graham Sewell (2001), who argued that the idea of teamwork is often
accepted without question as a ‘good thing’ based on the legend that we have always
worked in teams. Such ideas can have the effect of downplaying individuality and
individualism. Hence if someone chooses not to be part of a team, or prefers to work
alone, they can be labelled as problematic and ‘not a team player’.
Teamwork, therefore, can be extremely difficult because it is so open to
interpersonal psychological issues. Certain psychological properties of teams can
attract and bind individuals, or they can orient people towards destructive
behaviours, causing some managers to question the value of teams because they
require substantial management time and resources. In other words, teams can
demand a lot of management time and effort, mainly because when teams are used,
they are not designed or managed to great effect.
There are many psychological underpinnings to groups and teams, so we will now
discuss how these function mainly from a psychological perspective. The specific
study of teams and especially their psychological properties is called group
dynamics. Group dynamics is a concept popularized by Knowles and Knowles
(1972) and refers to the underlying attitudes, perceptions, and behaviours of groups.
Included within group dynamics are questions about why and how teams are
formed, how they develop, how they work (or do not work), how they are sustained,
their challenges, and their eventual demise. So let us take a close look at group

Group dynamics is concerned with how groups form, their structure, processes, and how they function as a unit. Group dynamics is relevant in both formal and informal groups of all types. In essence group
dynamics is concerned with the study and analysis of any form of interaction that occurs within group contexts.

The things that bind: why we form groups

Why do we form groups? First, let us consider the notion of safety in numbers. In
evolutionary terms, forming groups rather than existing alone is a very important
way in which many animals ensure survival. Ants and bees have very large, highly
structured, and organized societies, comprising many groups of worker ants or bees,
queens, and armies. Small fish in the ocean and animals in the wild (such as the
impala, buffalo, and zebra) all travel in large groups for safety.
In the tradition of Charles Darwin, imagine yourself as an animal aware that a
predator might be waiting to make you their lunch. If there were a series of points on
your journey where attack was more likely, your chances of surviving would be
greater if you travelled in large numbers than if you were on your own – especially if
you were fitter, smarter, and could run faster than the others. However, to say that
we form groups simply to avoid getting killed is a bit too simplistic.
Psychologically, being part of a group is critical to our survival in other very
important ways.
Second, we form groups because of a sense of belongingness. If you pick up any
psychological textbook and turn to the chapter on psychological disorders (abnormal
psychology), you will notice one remarkable thing: all the disorders (regardless of
their cause) are considered problems for individuals because they cannot function
effectively as part of society. Being part of a group is necessary for healthy
psychological development and identity. In their classic text The Social Psychology
of Organizations, Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn state the following:

By being part of something beyond the physical self, the individual can achieve
a sense of belongingness and can participate in accomplishments beyond
individual powers. Moreover, affiliating with others can extend the ego in time
as well as space, for individuals can see their contribution to the group as
enduring over time even though they themselves may not survive. (Katz and
Kahn, 1978: 374)

Being part of a group, therefore, is important for our own psychological needs
because it provides us with a sense of self beyond our physical life. We all belong to
one form of group or another – a family, a group of friends, a work team, a student
group, a union, a special interest group, a religious group, a nationality, and so on.
We feel that we either belong or do not belong to those groups for myriad reasons.
With the thought-exercise below, you will notice that for almost all of us, whether
we feel part of a team or not is based on whether we are made to feel we belong,
whether our interests and values are similar, and whether we fit in. Organizationally,
when thinking about teamwork, the manager might design a team that cultivates the
feelings in the first column and reduces the feelings in the second column. By
identifying, or not identifying, with certain teams, we are effectively creating a
distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them’. Each of us is treated as either in or apart from
the group. When part of a group, we, in turn, probably treat others in the same ‘us’
and ‘them’ terms.
IMAGE 3.1 Teams at work
Team feelings
Take a few moments to think about the groups you feel you belong to or are a part of. You do not need
to identify these groups to anyone unless you want to – just think about them.
In the first column below list the reasons why you feel included as part of these groups.
After you complete that list, think about the groups that you feel you do not belong to or that you
feel excluded from and, using the second column of the table, list the reasons why you feel that you do
not belong.

I feel I do belong because:


I feel I do not belong because:


Now, with some friends, compare and contrast your answers. What do you notice about why people felt
they did or did not belong to each group? Can you see any common themes emerging? Are there any
major differences?

Much research has shown that in group settings we tend to favour certain
individuals when making decisions. This phenomenon is called the in-group bias.
In-group bias occurs because one’s own group members are perceived to possess
qualities and attributes not possessed by out-group members. Such bias can be
between groups (favouring members of your own group) and even within groups
(favouring select members of your group over other members of your group) (Hogg,
1996; Turner, 1987). Creating and reinforcing an ‘us’ and ‘them’ distinction has
often been used as a way of uniting teams towards performance, especially by
getting a team to compete against ‘other’ teams, thus creating strong identification
with one’s own team, or in-group. Over time, strong identification with your group
can lead to quite problematic relations, such as prejudice and distrust, and even
hatred and anger, towards members of different out-groups (see Whitely, 1999).

In-group bias refers to the process by which members of a group favour or treat members of their own group with preference over others.

Out-group refers to those people within one’s own group, or in another group, who are treated inequitably or more negatively because they are not seen as belonging to one’s own in-group.

TABLE 3.1 Types of teams in organizations

Advice and Management decision-making committees, quality control (QC) circles, staff
involvement teams involvement teams
Production and Assembly teams, maintenance, construction, mining, and commercial airline teams,
service teams consulting teams, sales and health-care teams
Project and
Research teams, new product development teams, software development teams
development teams
Action and
Military combat units, surgical teams, trade union negotiating teams
negotiation teams

Source: Adapted from West (2008)

Overall, team cohesion and identification is important, but bear in mind that it can
pose problems that make managing teams a complex art.
Types of groups

Having developed an understanding as to why we form groups, let us now look at

different kinds of groups that we may experience over time. Typically there are two
categories of groups in organizations, formal groups and informal groups.

Formal groups refer to those groups where people have been specifically selected and are recognized as a team in order to complete a task, innovate, solve a problem, or provide a service or a product.

Informal groups are groups that are not necessarily sanctioned or even accepted by the organization and its management, but which still play a significant role in organizational outcomes.

There are many kinds of formal groups, for example a surgical team in a hospital,
a production team in a factory, a policy team within government, a construction
project team, or even a team of students working on a group assignment. An
informal group is one that forms outside the formal structuring of work roles and
For example, informal groups are a group of workmates who meet for lunch every
week, union members within an organization, a group of workmates who play in a
football team at weekends, or even a number of people who form a coalition within
the organization to resist, reduce, or alter the power or interests of others in the
Most groups tend to be closed groups. For example, most teams in an
organization will contain people skilled or capable in key areas. A surgical team will
include surgeons, anaesthetists, and nurses – all skilled in specific aspects of the
surgical task. Obviously, to be part of this team you must have completed a range of
university degrees in medicine, nursing, and so on. Moreover, the surgeon may
belong to a national association, such as the Royal College of Surgeons, which has
strict requirements in all aspects of joining and maintaining membership (including
entry requirements, ongoing exams, and fees and charges). Moreover, being a
member of such a group provides one with accreditation, as well as a certain level of
prestige and professional trust within the community.

Closed groups have several limitations or barriers to joining, maintaining, and ceasing membership.

Some groups are relatively open, called, not surprisingly, open groups. Some of
the most common open groups can be found in online communities. YouTube is a
perfect example in which people share favourite movies, ideas, and productions.
YouTube members vary from professional movie-makers through to total amateurs
from all over the world. Of course, in reality even open teams are limited in
membership in terms of available and accessible technologies, same interests, and,
as we will see shortly, in terms of operating within accepted behavioural norms.
Open groups usually have free membership and no barriers to exit, and attract people due to shared interest.

Table 3.1 above lists the most common types of teams used in organization.

The power of self-comparison in groups
The aim of this exercise is to develop your understanding of how we often make social comparisons.
Try the exercise out on a group of friends or work colleagues (they are not allowed to use the Internet
etc.). Tell your friends you did a general knowledge test and you want to see how they would have
performed (but do not say if you did well or poorly). Have them answer the following questions but tell
them to keep the answers to themselves. Explain that the general knowledge test is in two parts, simple
A and difficult B, and that you will compare scores at the end.

Part A
1 What or who is Scooby Doo?
a. A cartoon dog

b. A street sweeping vehicle

c. A rap band
2 Which of the following is not a Star Wars character?
a. Yoda

b. Darth Vader

c. Spock
3 Which number is the last number in the following sequence: 2, 4, 6, 8, __?
a. 10

b. 12

c. 14

Before you read out the answers ask people to rate themselves on a scale of 1–5 in terms of how they
believe they performed in this task compared with the others in the group. The ratings are 1 = better, 3 =
about the same, 5 = worse. Get them to call out this rating and you write it down.
Now read out the answers and tell them to give themselves one point for each correct answer, but not
to let anyone know how they performed. The answers are 1A, 2C, 3A. Now move on to part B.

Part B
1 Agronulocytosis is
a. A part of a plant?

b. The process of fermenting fruit for alcohol?

c. A type of microorganism?

d. A side effect from drugs?

2 Which of the following is the largest in terms of size?
a. The United Kingdom

b. Malta

c. Italy

d. The Great Barrier Reef of Queensland

3 How many medals did Australia win in the 2006 Winter Olympics?
a. None, Australia does not compete in the Winter Olympics

b. Two – one Gold and one Bronze

c. None

d. One – a Gold Medal

Once again ask people to rate how they believe they did compared with the others in the group, where 1
= much better, 3 = about the same, and 5 = much worse. Read out the answers, and tell people to give
themselves two points for each correct answer: 1D, 2D, 3B. Now look at the rating people provided.
Did anyone believe they would do worse or better on the easy section (Part A), and did people believe
they would do worse or better on the hard section (Part B)? If a task is easy, why would people assume
they would do better than others would? Would others not tend to find the task easier? If it is hard, why
would they assume they would perform worse than others would? Where is the logic in that? Would
most people not find the task more difficult? We are always comparing ourselves with others and can
make wild and incorrect judgements about ourselves compared with others in our groups.


So far we have considered some of the reasons why we join groups, and the kinds of
groups that exist in organizations. Group dynamics research and theory have
identified some key properties and processes of teams that are integral to how they
perform on given tasks. In this section we will discuss issues of social impact and
group size, social facilitation, conformance and obedience, the problems of
groupthink and social loafing.

Social impact and group size

In groupwork social impact has been identified as an important factor in the

richness and quality of communication between people interacting together (Latané,
1981; Latané and Wolf, 1981).
Social impact refers to the strength of ties between individuals interacting in a group, the spatio-temporal closeness of the individuals, and the size of the group.

Social impact theory is concerned with how a social system influences people to
behave and think in certain ways. In other words, how people in teams perform is a
function of how well they know each other, trust each other and get along, how
interrelated their jobs are in terms of space and time, and how large the group is –
the larger the group, the lower the social impact.
Group size is a critical component in how groups perform. Online groups, often
referred to as online communities (e.g., would be perceived typically
to have a low social impact and are therefore usually seen as unable to get complex
tasks completed because they lack close ties, are spatio-temporally distant, and can
be of an immense size – even millions of people – thus lacking the closeness one
would find in a small group.
There are, however, exceptions to the argument that large groups lack the social
impact and meaningfulness of small groups. TEDx is a wonderful example of how
people all over the world, from the most famous through to everyday people, can
connect online in very rich and meaningful ways through TEDx talks and
conferences: be they large scale production or local TEDx talks that are held all over
the globe (visit Thinking about groups has often ignored the
fact that computer-mediated communications now vary widely, and new IT can
provide chatting and voice or video conferencing tools where people can interact
synchronously as well as asynchronously through multimedia, such as Skype, i-chat,
msn messenger among others. In addition, social networking sites allow members of
large groups to form smaller informal groups that focus on special interests.
Usually virtual communities are not designed to achieve specific organizational
goals and objectives, and can sometimes even run counter to stated organizational
goals. Members of virtual communities, unlike virtual teams, are usually bound
together by similar interests, and so they are usually centred on social exchange,
knowledge and information sharing rather than task completion. Even though they
are not usually task-oriented, virtual communities do offer a lot of possibilities for
organizations because they can be a great way that organizations can share
knowledge, creativity, learning, and ideas (Frey and Lüthje, 2011; Gudergan et al.,
2005; Lampel and Bhalla, 2007; Suh and Shin, 2010).
A virtual team has fewer people than an online community and so is perceived to
be a more effective group than is an online community. Moreover, the virtual team
exists to achieve results for the organization or group of organizations. Even so, a
virtual team continues to be perceived as less effective in most situations than a
face-to-face team. Researchers believe poor performance is due to the poor training
and coaching of people in using collaborative technologies, and especially in
developing and coping with high levels of empowerment and self-direction. While
virtual teams work best when members have had at least some face-to-face
meetings, research has found that fewer, rather than more, face-to-face meetings
work best when the teams are highly empowered (Kirkman et al., 2004). In other
words, if you are going to have people work in low social impact teams they should
be empowered, motivated, self-directed, and skilled and knowledgeable: otherwise it
is highly likely that the team will not perform.
Indeed, this case is true irrespective of whether a team is virtual or face to face.
Face-to-face group communications have their problems, which can be just as
serious and problematic. Where virtual teams experience problems because of the
lack of social presence of others, face-to-face teams experience problems because of
the presence of others, lack of psychological contracts, and inappropriate group size.
Let us take a brief but closer look at these.
It appears that in face-to-face teams the ‘Goldilocks’ principle applies to group
size – teams must not be too big, or too small, but ‘just right’. What does just right
mean? The answer to this question is not as simple as some people make it out to be.
Typically there are a number of questions that we need to consider when deciding on
group size:

What is the nature of the task? For example, is the task complex and ambiguous
and does it demand a great amount of resources, skills, knowledge, and
expertise? A larger group might mean a greater pool of resources, expertise,
skills, and knowledge. There is a trade-off in terms of group size and the
available pool of talent. A larger group will have a greater pool of talent to
choose from; however, a larger group will require clearer leadership and
coordination as more people can mean greater chances of conflict.
What is the nature of the physical space within which the team will operate? If
space is limited a large group will mean space is cramped and uncomfortable.
Is there likely to be high turnover of staff? A small team cannot afford one or
two people to leave, so is the team large or skilled enough to cope with
Is the team to be self-led or will there be a formal leader established?

Large teams will find it harder to be self-led and so structures and systems will need
to be implemented in order to direct large teams. Smaller teams tend to be better for
self-led tasks as people tend to share leadership in smaller groups.

The majority of group research suggests that the optimal size of an effective and
productive team is between three and seven people. There have been effective teams
with as many as 20 people. More recently, research suggests that a team of three is
sufficient for performance on moderately difficult decision-making tasks (Laughlin
et al., 2006); however, the research is recent and requires greater investigation.
The size of a team is very important. In terms of social impact it means that in
larger groups it will be more difficult to communicate and coordinate interpersonal
behaviours and actions towards group goals and objectives. Conversely, the task is
also a critical component because a team that is working on a complex and
demanding task but is too small in size will be stretched beyond the limits of its
abilities. Similarly, a team that is too large, and is especially working on routine
tasks, will perform less well and less efficiently due to overcrowding – simply put,
there are ‘too many chefs cooking the soup’.

Social facilitation

As social influence and impact suggest, groups of people have a profound effect
upon individual behaviour and the overall performance of the team. Social
facilitation is a concept that is as old as the discipline of psychology itself. In the
late 1800s, Norman Triplett observed that children fishing would wind in their reel
much faster when other children were present (Myers, 2001). The phenomenon of an
increase in performance in the presence of others, known as social facilitation, is
similar to the effect found in the Hawthorne studies by human relations theorists
(see also pp. 464). Almost always, however, social facilitation occurs on fairly
simple tasks only, or on tasks a person is experienced in doing. If the tasks are
complex or the person performing them is a novice, social facilitation produces
performance that is actually worse in social settings than when the person works
alone. Thus, how you introduce and train new team members needs careful
consideration and thought. Also, people who can do something competently alone
may not necessarily perform competently in the presence of others. Training and
experience, therefore, can be a critical aspect to successful teamwork, as all
sportspeople who play competitive team sports know.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by K. Granstrom and D. Stiwne (1998) that expands upon Janis’s notion of groupthink, which
considers how groupthink can lead to depressive team behaviours and thinking and identifies some symptoms and methods for overcoming depressive groupthink.

IMAGE 3.2 Up early and on the water by 5 a.m. – making a team work
FIGURE 3.1 Solomon Asch’s experiment demonstrating conformity. Which line is identical to the standard
line: A, B, or C?

Conformance and obedience

In 1955, Solomon Asch published in the journal Scientific American what has
become a classic study, in which he reported an interesting and simple experiment
about how groups influence individuals. Asch had prearranged a group of five people
who were seated in a room. Another individual, who had been recruited for the
study, would arrive at the experiment to find this group already seated at the table.
The individual was told that the group consisted of other people who were recruited
for the experiment. What the individual did not know was that everyone in the group
was a confederate of the experimenter. After the subject (who was the real focus of
the experiment) sat down with the group, the experimenter began the study by telling
the members of the group that he would show them a standard line and a set of
comparison lines (similar to the lines in Figure 3.1). The group had to decide which
comparison line was identical to the standard line, and each person spoke in turn,
with the individual who was the subject of the experiment being asked to speak last.
The process was repeated a couple of times. On each occasion, the answer was
obvious, but each person in the group would answer in a way that was clearly
incorrect – for example, they would all say C is identical to the standard line. Now if
you were the individual who was the real focus of the study, how do you think you
would answer? You think you would say B, would you not? Well, do not be so sure,
because over the course of the experiment approximately one-third of the
individuals agreed with the group – even though all the information available
showed that the answer was incorrect.
Often, of course, conformity is absolutely necessary. Imagine a workplace in
which no one conformed to the rules concerning health and safety, for instance, and
no one followed policy on decision-making. Imagine the chaos; you would be in a
workplace that looked a lot like the Wild West with its lawlessness, bandits, and
outlaws. Even so, many people tend to follow or conform blindly to the group even
when what the group is doing is clearly wrong. Conformity might help explain why
so few people resist their organizations and why a group may tolerate or engage in
unethical and socially irresponsible behaviours (see also Chapter 11 for an in-depth
discussion on ethics and responsibility).


Similar to conformity, groupthink is a term coined by Irving Janis, who was

intrigued by how teams arrive at devastating decisions – even when the teams appear
to be prestigious, well educated, or carefully selected (Janis, 1982). Since Janis’s
study, many researchers have found that groupthink occurs across broad levels of an
organization. Even when the team culture of a senior leadership team is made up of
experts of equal power and status, it can become too strong. When this occurs, the
team reinterprets information so that members can avoid any thinking that might
disrupt the strong team culture, sometimes leading to a belief that, together, the
team can overcome any obstacle faced (Clegg et al., 2002), but of course, sometimes
such thinking can actually help teams overcome obstacles, such as a team that
strongly believes in the vision and mission of what they are trying to achieve (Pitsis
et al., 2003).

Groupthink refers to the tendency of members of a group to seek and maintain harmony in a group, at the cost of ignoring or avoiding important decisions that may disrupt harmony.

To avoid groupthink the team might encourage people to voice their opinion by
establishing that any critique of the team’s decision is welcome and encouraged, or a
team can allocate a role of devil’s advocate in which one or two people actively
question ideas in an informed and critical way. One especially effective way to avoid
groupthink is to encourage reflective learning by sending team members on
reflective retreats in which they discuss and interrogate the process of decision-
making in their team.

No space for groupthinking at NASA
By far one of the most famous cases of groupthink is Esser and Lindoerfer’s (1989) analysis of the
Challenger space disaster. On a freezing day in 1986, NASA engineers instructed key NASA
administrators to abort the takeoff of the Space Shuttle Challenger because conditions were unsafe.
NASA had a proud history of leading the space race, a very strong culture of invulnerability and
success, cohesion, and close personal contact. There was extreme pressure for this flight to succeed due
to future funding issues, time pressures, and world expectations. After the instruction to abort, the
engineers and other members of the NASA team involved in the launch finally gave what appears to be
a unanimous decision to continue with the flight. It ended in tragedy, with the crew all being killed in an
explosion shortly after takeoff.
Once the federal inquiry began, a number of team members started to try and apportion blame across
the organization.
Tragically, groupthink can be so pervasive that even accidents such as the Challenger disaster have
little effect on enacting change. In 2003, we saw similar events at NASA when the Space Shuttle
Columbia broke up during its re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, killing all aboard.

What advice would you give NASA in order to avoid such examples of groupthink?

Social loafing

One of the reasons that people exert less effort in some group situations is that
people feel less accountable for their behaviours when they know other people will
pick up the slack (Harkins and Szymanski, 1989). For instance, when everyone
around you is applauding a performance, you do not need to do so demonstratively
because your applause will neither add much nor be missed if it cannot be heard.
(Though if everyone at a performance thought this way, what would happen?)
There are many reasons why people might appear to be social loafers in an
organizational setting, such as lack of confidence, being poorly matched to the job,
or having personal problems such as family relationship or health problems.
However, although social loafing is an important issue, especially for student teams
doing an assignment, in a team at work it is quite unlikely that people will be able to
loaf socially for a long period of time without other team members seeking to
correct the situation. Theoretically, one would assume that social loafing would be
much less likely to exist in work teams because team pressures can be a powerful
source of conformance (Barker, 2002).

Social loafing – colloquially known as shirking, bludging, free riding, or laziness – is a phenomenon that we have all experienced. It refers to a situation in which members of a group exert less work effort than
their peers.

Even when social loafing does occur, it is easy to counter by, for example,
ensuring that team members have clear roles, responsibilities, and accountability.
Also, you can ensure that there are clear goals set for individuals and the team, and
that team and individual performance are measured. When team rewards are based
on individual contributions, allow team members to decide how members will be
punished for failure to perform. In general, do not use teamwork for simple, routine,
or meaningless tasks or in situations in which the whole team is dependent on the
performance of only one or two members. For example, many department stores use
sales teams; however, in sales there are often one or two individuals that have the
ability to close or complete the sales transactions. In such situations, a team is only a
team by name. It is probably more effective to use individuals in competition with
each other rather than a team that relies on cohesion and the equal input of many
Of course, we are not suggesting more complex teamwork makes it less likely that
social loafing will occur. Research has shown that when teams work on non-linear
tasks, such as ad hoc decision-making, it is often the case that social loafers will
coexist with active members of the team. Often the management response to the
existence of social loafing is to tighten managerial control; however, rather than
using a dictatorial team management style, cooperation in ad hoc decision-making
groups can function robustly and efficiently (Kameda et al., 2011).

Up to here we have discussed groups and teams, the types of teams that exist in
organizations, and explained some of the reasons why we form teams. We then
considered some of the key team dynamics inherent in teamwork and how this
dynamics affects how individuals behave in teams, and how individual behaviour
affects teams. In this section we investigate how teams form and develop, and
differentiate between stage and process models of team development. We then place
emphasis on the social psychology of team roles because knowing our roles and
responsibilities in team settings is crucial to performance. We then move on to some
practical discussion of managing tensions in teams.


First, let us take a look at the stages of team development. West (2008) identified
four key dimensions upon which all teams can be differentiated. First, degree of
permanence refers to the duration that teams are expected to operate as a team. The
temporal life of teams can vary from quite short assignments to long-term tasks. For
example, project teams may be formed for tasks that can vary from a few weeks to
several years. Other teams may be required to work together in short shifts, such as a
team of chefs in a restaurant or a team of airline cabin and cockpit crews who are
together for only a few hours.
Second, teams vary on expectations of skill levels required over time. Consider a
specialist medical team that provides care to expectant mothers with medical
complications – not only are the required skill levels high, but they must also be
constantly developed to keep up with technological changes and improvements in
the knowledge of care and treatment of a variety of medical complications. Other
teams may require few skills other than knowledge or experience around a given
topic (as is the case with a jury).
Third, autonomy and influence refer to the level of real power and influence
possessed by the team members. A team of five 17-year-old McDonald’s staff may
have little autonomy and influence in what gets done and how it is to be done,
whereas McDonald’s top management team is very powerful.
Finally, teams differ in terms of the nature of the task involved. Tasks can be
routine, as would be the case on a car assembly line, whereas a senior leadership
team may develop the strategy for a company for the next two decades.
We will add a fifth dimension that is not included in West’s list, that of spatio-
temporal context. By spatial context we mean that members of a team may interact
in close physical proximity or they may interact from distant or remote physical
locations. By temporal context we mean that people may operate in synchronous
time (at the same time), or in asynchronous time (at different times). For example,
an emergency disaster response crew will work in close proximity at the disaster site
together at the same time, sharing not only space but also time. Conversely, a virtual
team of engineers may be globally dispersed, working at different times of the day
via computer-mediated communications (e-mail, virtual collaborative software) and
in different time zones. Some of the engineers might never have met face to face.
Teams that operate in this way are often referred to as virtual teams.

Virtual teams are teams that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries in order to complete a project. Typically they use computer-mediated communication technologies and collaborative
software in order to communicate and share information.
Virtual teams are predominantly knowledge based in that each member
contributes their knowledge, expertise, and experience to the specific task at hand
(see the What Do You Mean? box below).
So, to summarize, all teams can be differentiated based upon five key dimensions:

1. Degree of permanence.
2. Skills/competencies.
3. Autonomy and influence.
4. Level of task from routine to strategic
5. Spatio-temporal context.


The Clegg, Kornberger, and Pitsis virtual team
While the three of us usually work at the same organization, in the same building (and even on the same
floor), as with the first edition, for the creation of the third edition of this book you are reading we
operated as a virtual team. Stewart worked in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Denmark, while
Martin was in Denmark, and Tyrone was in Sydney. Sometimes, when one of us was writing, because
of the different time zones, others were asleep, which made the production of the text faster than it
might otherwise have been.
When Tyrone was writing the words that you are reading right now, Stewart was getting ready for
bed. When Stewart woke up nine hours later the chapter was in his inbox, waiting for him to add his
contribution and comments, before it was sent to the editorial team at Sage in London.
As a virtual team, enabled by our technologies and the Internet, Stewart, Martin, and Tyrone and the
other team members were able to work on a twenty-four-hour cycle from different parts of the Earth, at
different times.

Team stages

One of the most famous models of team development is Tuckman’s (1965) stages of
group development. As an educational psychologist, Tuckman was able to observe
how people operate in teams, and develop a theory of team development that
identified four key stages that all teams go through. These are the forming, storming,
norming, and performing stages of group development. Later Tuckman collaborated
with Mary Anne Jensen and together they added a final stage called ‘adjourning’.
Table 3.2 represents each of the stages and summarizes the key characteristics of
each stage.
Many books that describe Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) stages of group
development critique the model as outdated because it assumes team development
occurs in a linear, functional manner. Another reason the model is critiqued has been
because it is prescriptive, in that it is telling us what ‘should’ happen, rather than
descriptive – what is happening. However, the power of the model is not to be found
in terms of the ‘stages’ of group development but rather that it provides us with a
relatively simple framework for understanding that certain things are happening at
certain stages and that these influence the effectiveness of the team. For example,
knowing that everyone is operating to the same norms around deadlines, quality of
work, values, and so on might be integral to successful task completion. In this
sense, by thinking about the stages and what goes on in each stage, managers can
identify and reflect on what is happening, and what things need to be considered
during each stage.

TABLE 3.2 Stages of group development

Stage Characteristics
As the name suggests, as people form groups they tend to try and avoid conflict and seek to gain
acceptance by others. The group seems to lack a sense of urgency as people try to get to know
one another, but in reality a lot is happening at this stage of group development. People are
actually sizing each other up, working out status, power, and roles. However, because this is an
early stage of group development, there is little action as people avoid issues and actions that
might create conflict
Eventually the group will have to disband, fade away, or move towards action. Once these things
start happening people begin to vie for position, they align with in-group members, and conflict
may start to emerge as people attempt to deal with contentious issues relating to group outcomes
and processes. Individuals in the group can only remain nice to each other for so long, as
important issues start to be addressed. Sometimes members work towards cohesion in order to get
things done, but a lot of problems concerning group dynamics emerge at this stage. Sometimes
issues are repressed but continue to fester until they explode into overt conflict. It is here where
the third stage, norming, begins to evolve
At this stage people start to get an understanding of their roles and responsibilities, what they can
and cannot do, how they do it, and who does it. Once norms are established, new members must
abide by these norms or face becoming outcast and being pushed out of the team. These norms
become embedded and taken for granted and once established become very difficult to change. It
is therefore important to ensure the norms reflect the intentions of what the group was established
to achieve
Once the team has established its norms and a sense of cohesion is achieved the team is ready to
perform. If you remember earlier we defined a team as one in which people are interdependently
linked. That is, the task requires all people to perform in order for the team’s outcomes to be
realized. A team can only reach the performing stage when people are able to work well together,
Performing know and trust each other, and care enough about each other and what they are doing to adapt
and change as needed in order to get things done. A performing team is identifiable when people
are comfortable in airing their concerns, and the team members work through problems and
issues without severe conflict
In the adjourning stage the team has completed its tasks and everyone should be basking in the
glow of a job well done. People exchange ideas about the tasks, say their goodbyes, or find ways
Adjourning to stay in touch with team members, and must cope with a sense of ‘break-up’ and loss that they
experience as the team dissipates. Of course, some teams such as project teams only adjourn in
the sense that they have completed their given task, but remain a formal team that goes on to
work on new projects


Looking at each stage of group development, what do you believe are some important issues that team
members should be thinking about, discussing, and developing?
Try and list two or three for each stage. For example, at the adjourning stage we might ask, ‘How
can learning from the process of teamwork be shared among team members so that we can improve our
ability to work in teams and perform well on task completion in the future?’


Teamwork as a reflexive process

While the team stages help us to understand what might be happening at different
stages of group development in order to make the team more effective, in reality the
process of team working is much more complex. One interesting way to think of
teamwork is to view it as an ongoing process of reflexivity.

Reflexivity is the process of thinking about the effect of one’s role, assumptions, and behaviour on a given action or object and considering the effect that the action has upon how we continue to think and

Reflexivity is similar to a journey in which we start off a certain way, act out
certain things, and then stop to think about how we acted and how the action affects
future action. For example, let us say you and a friend are in a team together, and let
us say that your role is to provide information for making decisions on allocating
funding to certain departments, and your friend’s role is to ensure that the meetings
stay on track and on time. You might find that you always go way over your allotted
time, and you constantly find yourself being cut off by your friend. Moreover, you
find that the rest of the team members agree with your friend, that you waste too
much time, and that your presentations should be shorter and better organized. You
may get very angry and storm out, but after a while you may calm down and accept
that there are certain things you can do to be better prepared and present the most
important information during those meetings. So, you do this and in the next
meeting people commend you on a job well done, and that the changes in the
structure of your presentation are much easier to follow and to understand. Through
reflexivity, you performed a task, reflected on the task, changed what you did, and
performed the task again.
While Tuckman and Jensen’s (1977) model paints a picture of teamwork and team
formation as a linear process where we can isolate and identify where a team is in
terms of its stages of development, others argue that team working should be
thought of as a complex and dynamic process (West, 2008; Wiedow and Konradt,
2011). For example, when we work in teams a great deal of cognitive processing and
sensemaking is going on. How do we work together as individuals; are we getting
along; do we know how to do the job; are our expectations realistic; do we have the
required resources and people, and so on? Such questions do not happen in a static
way, but evolve and continue throughout the life cycle of the team’s development.
As all this processing goes on, each team member is constantly adapting, changing,
processing, and integrating what they know, do, and think in relation to the task at
hand – in this sense teamwork involves a high level of team task reflexivity (West,
2008). By team task reflexivity we mean that a team will be effective not so much
by adhering to certain rules around stages of team development, but that team
members reflect upon their task objectives, strategies, processes, and environments,
and adapt and improve these aspects of their functioning in order to achieve their
West (2008) identifies a number of problems that teams face if they are not
reflexive about how they are performing tasks, including that non-reflexive teams

Tend to comply unquestioningly with organizational demands and expectancies.

Accept organizational limitations and only operate within these limitations.
Fail to discuss or challenge organizational incompetence.
Communicate indebtedness and dependence on the organization.
Rely heavily on organizational direction and reassurance.

A reflexive team will tend to improve how things are done and challenge behaviours
that are not conducive to task performance and the betterment of team outcomes.

Team roles

One final but critical aspect of teams that we need to cover is the issue of team roles.
In teams people are usually quick to take on specific roles in order to get things
done. For example, consider a team designed to run a major event. A person will be
in charge of budgeting and finance, another person in charge of operations
management, another of marketing, another of catering, and so on. Each person has a
specific role, and as each person performs their role in a synergistic way, the event is
able to happen. Now let us say one person, the person doing budgeting, lets their role
slip; then the project will probably fail as people lose track of costing and invoices
do not get paid, and so on. Each role in the team is critical for success.
Not all roles are prescribed and often we can find ourselves taking on certain
emergent roles. A team leader, for example, may not be formally identified, but one
may emerge over time in order to lead the team (Ellis, 1988). Furthermore, different
people have an orientation to different roles. A person may be a good people person
and enjoy dealing with issues around relationships, or conversely they may not be
comfortable dealing with people but have excellent ability to ensure jobs get done.
These person and task roles underpin some seminal work on team roles developed
by Meredith Belbin. Belbin (1993; 2000) offered a model of team roles that
identified typologies of the roles that individuals adopted as they worked as part of a
team. He later developed an inventory, the Belbin Team Roles Self-Perception
Inventory, which sought to measure and identify the types of roles people played in
teams. Table 3.3 lists and describes Belbin’s team roles and the weaknesses of each
role. Can you identify yourself in any of these?
While Belbin’s typology appears to provide an original and interesting way to
establish and understand such roles, research has been quite varied in its support.
Some researchers argue that the Belbin team roles have no validity or reliability and
that it makes little sense to use these as explanations of team roles (Fisher, 1996).
Others have provided research that supports Belbin’s team roles and suggests that
such team roles actually exist and vary across teams (Senior, 1997).
Despite the contention and contestations we believe the roles add value not
because they are ‘proven’ as clear and distinct roles, but because they simply
provide a frame from which we can make sense of team roles. For example,
anecdotal experience tells us that each of these roles is important in getting things
done. People have to generate ideas, others might be better at getting things done,
and others may be good at playing devil’s advocate and finding problems or pointing
out limitations to the ideas. So rather than view these as real, measurable, and
distinctive roles we use them more as a sensemaking tool.
Often problems occur due to role ambiguity and role conflict. Role ambiguity
refers to the fact that people’s roles have not been adequately established and
understood. When people experience role ambiguity they experience anxiety and
tension because they are uncertain as to what they should be doing. For example, if
people in a team are all doing the same thing and some things are not getting done
then we might assume that people are not clear about their roles. To avoid role
ambiguity it is important we are clear about who does what, who is responsible for
getting certain things done, and what happens and who is responsible when things do
not get done.
Role ambiguity often leads to role conflict, especially when one person believes a
team member is encroaching on their role and responsibilities. Indeed, role
ambiguity can often make it very difficult for newcomers to teams and organizations
to function properly (Slaughter and Zicker, 2006). Imagine you get a new job and
think it is fantastic and on your first day you are placed in a team. Imagine your
surprise when you join the team and you are uncertain about what it is that you are
actually meant to be doing. Moreover, imagine that what you end up doing actually
clashes with what another member is doing. What do you think the outcome may be?
Would you or your new workmate be angry? As the new person how do you think
you will be treated? Getting team role clarity is crucial in order to ensure team
performance; this is irrespective of whether the team roles emerge, or whether they
are prescribed.
The question of the roles people play has long been an area of research and theory.
Role theory is derived from sociology and social psychology and is concerned with
how people come to behave, think, and feel in relation to their socially sanctioned
roles. Roles are complex and varied and are always socially defined and
experienced. People expect others to fulfil certain roles in society and when they
come into contact with people they will make a judgement as to the roles people will
play in different contexts based upon certain individual and group characteristics.
The implication of this is that the role that you are generally expected to play in
society is a function of what social groupings you are believed to belong to. Notice
here the parallels with the discussion on stereotyping and attribution error that we
covered in Chapter 2. Let us consider gender roles.

TABLE 3.3 Examples of team roles

Text and Table 3.3 reprinted with permission, Belbin, R.M. (1993) Team Roles at Work. Oxford: Butterworth-
Heinemann and Belbin, R.M. (2000) Beyond the Team. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Gender roles

Traditionally, occupations have been characterized as either masculine (male) or

feminine (female). For example, certain job roles are seen to be feminine, such as
nurses, child-care workers, seamstresses, and it is expected that these jobs will be
occupied mainly by women. Other roles are perceived as masculine and tend to be
dominated by men (construction and engineering, motor racing, and so on). After a
while it becomes accepted that such gender roles are a social fact and we take it for
granted that males and females tend towards certain jobs.
Of course, most of these gender roles are socially constructed to fit in with the
strongly paternalistic and male-dominated institutions. Slowly but surely women are
becoming better educated and increasingly entering the workforce and doing jobs
that were traditionally the bastion of males, and many women have set up their own
business. Men too are increasingly entering female-dominated careers such as
nursing and child-care. As this becomes increasingly popular, perhaps one day there
will not be the taken-for-granted assumption that certain jobs are for women and
certain jobs are for men.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an interesting study on role conflict and role ambiguity by Slaughter and Zicker (2006), which
considers how role ambiguity and role conflict affect the socialization of newcomers into existing groups.


It is a fact of life that at some point in our lives each and every one of us will
participate, usually unwillingly, in an episode of conflict. Given that teamwork
involves working closely with a number of people, the chances that we will
experience conflict in such situations is more likely. There are a number of reasons
why conflict can emerge in teams, many of which we have covered in chapters you
have read or will read later on. Issues such as role ambiguity, social loafing,
competing values, personality difference, differences in sensemaking, cultural and
communication issues, power, globalization, diversity, and generational differences
can all lead to conflict at work.
We cover issues of conflict throughout this book. It is appropriate here to define
and discuss conflict more generally, identify some of its sources, and then focus
directly on conflict in team contexts. Once we have done this, we will then focus on
a fascinating area of workplace conflict – toxic emotions at work.
The term conflict is one of those words we all use, often without really thinking
about its meaning. The Collins English Dictionary defines conflict as:

In organizational contexts we can define conflict as one or more people perceiving that their interests are or will be negatively affected by the interests of others. Such conflict occurs when people want the same
thing (power, job, resources, land, space, etc.), and access to those things is limited. Conversely, conflict may occur because parties may actually want different things (such as different outcomes).

n. 1. a struggle or battle. 2. opposition between ideas or interests; controversy.

~vb 3. to be incompatible; clash.
IMAGE 3.3 Managing conflict is both an art and a skill. Artwork courtesy of Catherine Reinke (recycled artist)
Such definitions of conflict underpin the oppositional and combative nature of
conflict. However, conflict is best understood by highlighting its philosophical
underpinning. In the area of conflict theory there are many perspectives on conflict
but we will consider two of the main ones here: the unitarist and the pluralist.
The unitarist approach argues for consensus and cohesion in organizations. In this
approach conflict is abhorrent and avoidable and something that should be managed
out of the organization. The unitarist perspective focuses on conflict at the
individual, interpersonal level. Conflict occurs because an individual acts in a
manner that is subversive to organizational performance and managerial prerogative.
It is the role of management to ensure that employees understand their roles and
position within the organizations. Conflict is a symptom of poor management and
through control, the establishment of ‘best practices’, and people understanding their
place in the organizational hierarchy, conflict can be avoided.
The pluralist approach argues that conflict is inevitable and, moreover, that it is
necessary in balancing power in organizations (Dunlop, 1958). A balance of power
means that the distribution of resources and power becomes more equitable
(Hamilton and Sharma, 1997). In this sense conflict can be negative and positive,
functional and dysfunctional, depending on whose perspective is taken. Table 3.4
provides some examples of functional and dysfunctional conflict.
Of course, how we come to understand positive or negative, functional or
dysfunctional conflict is a question of experience. You and a workmate might both
experience the same conflict situations yet one of you sees it as a positive in the long
run, the other as a negative. For example, consider people who divorce or break up
after a long-term relationship typified by arguments and conflict. Both parties may
be aggrieved and saddened by the break up, but twelve months down the road one of
the people has a wonderful new relationship and is about to go on a honeymoon to
Hawaii, and the other continues to pine for his or her lost love. As such it is actually
quite difficult to distinguish between functional and dysfunctional conflict until at
least some time has passed (probably all the more reason why we should not
overreact in times of conflict).

TABLE 3.4 Examples of functional and dysfunctional conflict

Functional Dysfunctional
The problem is solved The problem continues to exist and fester
People experience growth and change as a result of People are diverted from the team goals and task
the conflict accomplishment
People actively become part of the solution to the
The team cohesion and morale are destroyed
Team members are polarized and divided into an ‘us’
People feel closer bonds after the conflict
and ‘them’

Source: Adapted from Cappozzoli (1995: 28–30); Edelman and Crain (1993)

In their very entertaining book on conflict resolution Edelman and Crain (1993:
22–29) provide some key sources of conflict. While these sources are not explicitly
linked to team conflict in the workplace, the sources are applicable, and so we
provide some of them here, with our own examples of how they apply to teamwork:

Misunderstanding: Occurs when the feelings and intentions of a party are

translated in a way that is contrary to that which was intended. For example,
one team member is ignored by a fellow team member when giving a
presentation. However, the team member dislikes giving presentations, and is
not intentionally ignoring the other person but rather is very nervous.
Dishonesty: Dishonesty can be out and out lies, or even just half-truths, that
eventually are found out. For example, a team member may often call in sick
but one day is found healthy and enjoying a cool drink and sun-bathing on the
Negligence: Many conflicts occur due to simple negligence such as poor
organizational skills, social loafing, leaking secrets told in confidence, and so
on. For example, a team member may have told their team leader of an
important holiday several months ago, and the team leader agreed to allow the
employee some time off. However, when the time comes the team leader has
forgotten this promise and expects the employee to change the date of their
Intention: If we intentionally seek to create conflict and to provoke people then
it is highly likely that we will succeed in creating conflict. For example, a
handful of team members might gossip and utter personal insults at work
towards one of their team members. Eventually the team member has enough
and retaliates with anger.
Exclusive investment in one’s own values and beliefs : We are tied to our
ideological belief systems. When we have opposing belief systems, and each of
us is absolutely certain we are right, then conflict is inevitable. For example,
team members may have extreme and differing views on religion, sexuality,
politics, and even sports teams. Depending on how strong and immovable they
are in these beliefs then conflict is always a real possibility.
Boundaries: As with our discussion on team norms earlier, when limits to what
is and is not acceptable are not set or clearly stated, then it will be likely that
people will operate outside these boundaries. As such, stepping outside of one’s
own boundaries sometimes means stepping over other people’s boundaries.
This has serious potential for conflict. For example, a team member may have
worked long and hard on part of a project and comes back from lunch to find
that another team member has started working on their section, overriding
several days of work.
Mishandling conflict: The avoidance of conflict and hoping it will go away is a
serious source of conflict. More importantly, because many people are
untrained in dealing with conflict, when they mishandle the situations the
conflict can escalate beyond control. Often when we feel conflict between
ourselves and another team member we may overreact and lose control. We
might often say things we regret or did not mean, thus destroying our
relationships and even ruining the team’s cohesion.
Hidden agendas: Sometimes people have a hidden reason as to why they want
to see parties in conflict. Hidden agendas can be conscious – such as one team
member seeking approval and favouritism from the team leader by constantly
agreeing to work late, run errands, and do menial tasks for the team leader such
as making coffee. Other times they can be unconscious in that one team
member may lack social skills and often offend other team members due to
insensitive remarks.

These are just some of the sources of conflict that might manifest themselves in
teams in addition to all the other issues of team conflict we have raised in this
chapter, such as team roles, social loafing, and so on. We will now close this section
by briefly discussing some approaches to conflict resolution in team contexts. The
most common explanation of conflict management is the interpersonal conflict
management styles model (Figure 3.2) offered by de Dreu and Van Vianen (2001).
The approach we use in resolving and managing conflict will have major
implications for the strength and duration of the conflict. According to the model in
Figure 3.2, certain kinds of orientations towards conflict management will result in
certain outcomes. There are two factors that influence the approach to conflict
resolution used: the level of assertiveness and the level of cooperation in resolving
the conflict. The parties involved will vary in both these scales and will be highly
assertive or submissive (the desire to satisfy one’s own interests), and with high or
low cooperativeness (the desire to satisfy other people’s interests). Table 3.5
describes each of the conflict management styles.
FIGURE 3.2 Strategies of conflict management in the workplace (adapted from de Dreu and Van Vianen,

TABLE 3.5 Conflict management styles

Style Characteristics
This approach seeks a win/win solution. There tends to be a high concern for self and
others. Emphasis is on being open, exchanging information, exploring and examining
differences, and reaching an effective solution acceptable to both parties
This approach usually leads to a lose/lose position. There tends to be a low concern for self
Avoiding and others and so withdrawal, buck-passing, and sidestepping situations tends to be the
norm in order to avoid the conflict situations
This approach seeks a win/lose outcome. The needs of the other party are ignored or
downplayed and one’s own interests are central to the outcomes
This approach leads to a lose/win outcome. The others’ interests are valued over one’s own
interests. Often cohesiveness is sought over conflict even if it means losing out
In this orientation both parties win a little and lose a little. Both parties give up something in
order to achieve an amicable solution

Of course, the style that we use will depend on the context. For some trivial things
we may be more than willing to lose and allow others to win. For example, we may
not be fussed about what colour chairs our team chooses for our office space, but we
may be much more passionate about how work gets rewarded. Thus importance and
relevance of the context is critical in determining whether a forcing, avoiding,
compromising, accommodating, or collaborative style is used to conflict
More importantly, the notion of conflict we discuss here is somewhat simplistic
because it is important that we understand the fundamentals of conflict. However,
conflict is much more complex, especially when we consider the issues of power,
politics, rationalities, and sensemaking. In this section we mainly focused on basic
interpersonal psychology aspects of conflict. In other chapters we deal with much
more complex notions. Finally, we will now discuss an innovative and interesting
approach to understanding workplace conflict in the form of toxic emotions.


One certainty in life is that almost all of us must work for one reason or another, and
for most of our lifetime. A fact of that certainty is that we are likely to spend more
time with our work colleagues than with our own families. When we work as part of
a close team, the emotions we feel and perceptions we have can be almost as intense
as if it were a family relationship.
Fortunately, some of us will be lucky enough to work in jobs we love, working
with people we get along with really well. Such jobs fill us with excitement and a
sense of self-esteem, provide important social interaction, help build our sense of
self-identity, and provide us with monetary and other forms of wealth.
Unfortunately, for many people this is less true – work can be a miserable,
dangerous, unfulfilling, and even lethal place of existence. Moreover, we sometimes
have to work with people that we find frustrating, challenging, and difficult. Frost
and Robinson (1999) systematically reflected on the impact and coping strategies
that emerge from such situations in an influential article in the Harvard Business
Review. They were concerned with how to address what happens when organizations
do bad things to good people. The article begins by discussing the impact that a new
CEO had when brought in by the corporate board of a public utility. According to
Michael, an employee in the utility, the CEO was authoritarian and insensitive to the
needs of others:

He walked all over people … He made fun of them; he intimidated them. He

criticized work for no reason, and he changed his plans daily. Another project
manager was hospitalized with ulcers and took early retirement. People
throughout the organization felt scared and betrayed. Everyone was running
around and whispering and the copy machine was going non-stop with resumes.
No one was working. People could barely function. (Frost and Robinson, 1999:

However, as we soon learn, Michael was not just a passive observer of these bullying
behaviours – he played a vital role in helping the organization and its members to
absorb and handle the stresses that were being created. Frost and Robinson termed
these stresses ‘toxins’ and noted that Michael became a ‘toxic handler’ in the
organization. According to Frost, toxic handlers are individuals within

who take on the emotional pain of others for the benefit of the whole system …
like psychic sponges for a family or work system … they pick up all the
toxicity in the system. (2003: 3–4)

The toxic handlers, therefore, play a very important role in organizations. Managers
deal with toxic emotions at work every day in the role of toxic handlers, and can also
be the source of toxicity (Anandakumar et al., 2007).
The following excerpt from Frost’s book Toxic Emotions at Work provides a
graphic sense of one particularly unpleasant way that a manager created toxic
emotions at work:

Ryan was a senior manager who kept two fishbowls in the office. In one were
goldfish, in the other, a piranha. Ryan asked each of his staff to pick out the
goldfish that was most like themselves (the spotted one, the one with deeper
color, and so forth). Then, when Ryan was displeased with someone, he would
ask that person to take his or her goldfish out of the bowl and feed it to the
piranha. (Frost, 2003: 35)

Think about the symbolism that Ryan is trying to communicate. You are as
insignificant as a fish, swimming around in the fishbowl, and as long as I like you
and you do what I expect of you, you will survive. The minute you do otherwise, you
cease to be a survivor and will be eaten alive by the piranha. You are dispensable
and will remain only while you are useful. What kind of working environment might
such behaviour create and sustain? Employees might be productive, but the
environment would be one based on fear and distrust. Many managers manage
people in this way. They inadvertently, and sometimes purposefully, create toxic
conditions at work by managing through fear and anger.
Frost characterizes the emotional pain that undermines hope and self-esteem in
people at work as a toxin. To explain how managers create toxicity in the workplace,
he identified seven deadly ‘INs’ of toxic emotions (Frost, 2003: 36). A description
of these INs appears in Table 3.6.

TABLE 3.6 The seven deadly INs of toxic emotions

Source: Adapted from Frost (2003: 36–50)

Looking at these toxic emotions, we can see that in most organizations some level of
toxicity is unavoidable. However, the skills of toxic handlers ultimately make toxic
emotions at work either disastrous or enabling. Think about situations in your life in
which you have either handled toxic emotions or caused them.
Here is an example of a team situation that illustrates how toxic workplaces
operate. Many of Frost’s (2003) seven deadly INs are clearly evident in this case.
When Tyrone was much younger, around 15 years old, he was employed as part of a
team working in a kitchen. Two middle-aged brothers (whom we will call Nick and
John) ran the café in a very unethical way. Many of the staff, including Tyrone, were
working illegally because Nick and John had not registered their staff with the tax
department. Knowing that Tyrone and the others were young and inexperienced,
Nick and John would have them work extremely long hours without breaks, did not
pay pension and other compulsory contributions, never logged overtime, and did not
provide appropriate training – after all, they had no training themselves (to use
Frost’s terms, an example of incompetence). If employees questioned these
conditions, they were either ridiculed or fired (intention). One day, Tyrone cut his
finger very badly while working, slicing the tip off. John took him to the hospital but
instructed Tyrone to say it happened while Tyrone was visiting John at home and
that if he said otherwise, he would be fired (insensitivity). After about two weeks,
Tyrone returned to the café, where he was told he was no longer needed. He received
neither severance pay nor the previous two weeks’ pay. Six months later Tyrone
complained to the Industrial Relations Commission that he had been underpaid,
unfairly dismissed, and exploited. Interestingly only two other team members
supported Tyrone on the issue; the rest of the team decided to keep quiet and keep
working. Eventually, however, Nick and John filed for bankruptcy, never paying a
cent to anyone, and got away with behaving in unethical ways (institutional). In this
situation the team’s reluctance to respond to the toxicity ended badly for all


Each of the toxic emotions that Frost identifies can have devastating effects on people. The seventh
deadly IN is inevitability and refers to the pain that comes from natural and human-made disasters. A
team of al-Qaeda terrorists flew two airliners into the World Trade Center twin towers on 11 September
2001. The aim was to cause as much pain as possible to the US and its allies. However, out of that pain
also emerged great bravery and teamwork. The bravery of the teams of men and women of the New
York Fire Department is now legendary. However, the NYFD had to deal with immense organizational
pain and managers had to be trained and skilled in dealing with high levels of emotional anxiety,
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorders. So what is the point of toxic handling? The management
of toxic emotions is a critical component of managing people. More importantly, we do not need
disasters on a grand scale to cause toxicity at work because many managers, as Frost points out, are
quite capable of creating a range of toxic environments.

Typically, toxic handlers fulfil vital, but often formally unrecognized, tasks for their
organizations. Often, they burn out doing it. Think of them as filters that help
remove the toxins that the organization or particular members in it can create.
Although they may help to cleanse the organization, their doing so carries profound
personal costs – they have to hear, share, and bear the misery and pain that the
organization imposes on those it employs. Often, because the sources of the toxicity
are people in formally authoritative and senior roles in the organization, there is
little that they can actually do to rectify the situation. If organizations reward or are
run by thugs, bullies, and the diplomatically challenged, expect toxicity to be
pervasive. The best remedy is compassion, but this commodity is often a tender,
precious, and vulnerable bloom, easily trampled by the foolhardy insensitivity of
others, especially those in positions of formal authority.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an excellent article by Peter Frost and colleagues (2006), which considers how we can practice
compassion at work in order to alleviate many of the toxic emotions that organizations and managers create and which we have covered in this chapter.


Teams are increasingly a preferred form of mobilizing people at work. Teamwork plays an important
role in ensuring human relations within organizations are productive, cohesive, and aligned to
organizational outcomes while also balancing people’s desire for meaning, autonomy, and social
In this chapter we defined teamwork and considered why we form groups, as well as several aspects
of team dynamics such as group size, cohesion and social facilitation, conformance and obedience. We
then considered some of the problems we face in teamwork such as groupthink and social loafing and
considered some ways of overcoming such obstacles. We then considered some issues around team
development such as stages and processes of team development and argued that teamwork is complex
and requires constant reflexivity of one’s role in team tasks. We discussed and defined conflict and
considered some orientations to understanding and dealing with team conflict that range from win/win,
to lose/lose approaches. We finally closed the chapter with a discussion on the novel and fascinating
work by Peter Frost on toxic emotions, and considered how the seven deadly INs affect our everyday
working lives.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

In-group bias
Group dynamics
Closed group
Open group
Team roles
Formal group
Social facilitation
Informal group
Toxic handling
Role conflict
Social loafing
Virtual teams

Conflict reactivity. Imagine you are in a public space with a friend minding your own business. How
would you respond to each of the following situations?
A tall well-built man with dark sunglasses and several tattoos looks at you and says in a loud and angry
voice, ‘What are you looking at?’ What do you do?
a Do you try to explain calmly and in a friendly way that you were not looking at him?

b Do you become confrontational and answer back in a forceful way?

c Do you panic, and feel a sense of fear and quickly try to leave?
You and a friend are out having fun at a pub listening to music and you are continually bumped by
another person even though there is plenty of room. How do you respond?
a Do you confront them and warn them of their behaviour?

b Do you ignore them and move?

c Do you say something to them and then move?

Think about your responses. What would happen if you say nothing and move in situation (i)? What
about if you just up and leave in situation (ii)? How we react to conflict situations has important
implications for what happens. Often just walking away is enough to disarm the conflict situation.
However, often people do not want to lose face – add alcohol and drugs and the situations can
become lethal.
Try to think of – and write down – a few scenarios in which either you were a toxic handler or you might
have caused toxicity in a team context. They need not be work related: they might be in a social group, a
party, at a sports match, or whatever you can think of and prefer to talk about. Thinking about your
examples, which of the seven deadly INs of toxicity apply? Be sure to clearly identify which ‘IN’ applies.


1. We recommend David Anspaugh’s (1986) Hosiers as an excellent movie about teamwork and
perseverance. The movie is about a basketball team in a small Indiana town and considers issues of
social influence, teamwork, social norms, strength of character, and conflict. It provides insights into the
emotional and passionate aspects of teamwork and team conflict.
2. Oliver Stone’s (1986) Platoon is another excellent movie on the devastating effects of team conflict and
social influence on behaviour. As two leaders start to fight a personal war during the Vietnam conflict,
soldiers begin to pick sides and eventually the soldiers are fighting and killing no longer only the
‘enemy’ but also each other. The movie is a strong symbol of how individuals can subvert team goals in
order to meet their own interests and how team members can easily find themselves in the inand out-
groups, and suffering from groupthink.
3. The Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose (2001) is a compelling and thought-provoking book about a
group of young men who are transformed into a team of heroes during the Second World War as they
fight in Normandy against the Nazis under appalling conditions. While we are against the glorifying of
war, the book does provide several insights into the power of teamwork.
4. Two excellent, well-written, and informative books written by some of the world’s leading experts on
teamwork are by West et al. (2003), International Handbook of Organizational Teamwork and
Cooperative Working, and West (2003), Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational
Research: Psychology of Work and Organizations . Both books are excellent resources for
understanding the psychology of teams, how teams are best designed and managed, the problems faced
in teamwork, and how problems can be minimized and controlled.

Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies,
and general questions and links to teamwork resources. Go to
For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
2 Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Micheal West’s Talk #3 on Managing teams and groups.
If you are interested in reading more about Belbin’s team roles, you can visit his website and read some
articles on team roles and organizational performance at com/.
If you are looking for an excellent website with plenty of resources on teamwork, including links to a wide
4 range of teamwork websites, resources, surveys, and advice, visit teams-and-
The University of Colorado has some extensive online resources on conflict resolution at
5 From the website you can read and access articles and resources on conflict
resolution. There are also some interesting surveys and exercises to try out.
Check out just how many social networking sites actually exists at:
7 Watch some great YouTube videos on teamwork, including:

A short video on teamwork and sharing the workload,

A longer (four-minute) video with some nice quotes and proverbs on teams,
A humorous short film on teamwork and the importance of sharing and having fun to solve all kinds
of problems,
The amazing things a well-coordinated team from Turkey can achieve,


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade in your studies:
1. Slaughter and Zicker (2006) present an interesting study on role conflict and role ambiguity in an
academic context. They consider how role ambiguity and role conflict affect the socialization of
newcomers into existing groups within academic departments in their paper titled, ‘A new look at the
role of insiders in the newcomer socialization process’, Group & Organization Management , 31 (2):
2. For those of you seeking a very challenging read on teamwork, Frey (2004) has written a very good
paper on how group members use symbols to relate and interact with each other. Indeed, Frey argues
that symbols underpin group dynamics because it is through signs and symbols that rich interactions are
generated. Frey’s paper is titled ‘The symbolic-interpretive perspective on group dynamics’ and appears
in Small Group Research, 35 (3): 277–306.
3. Practising compassion at work might seem a bit too soft and not really the role of managers. Kanov et
al. (2004) show that doing the ‘soft’ stuff can actually be the hardest thing we can do as we relate and
work with others in teams and organizations generally. They discuss how we can practice compassion at
work in order to alleviate many of the toxic emotions that organizations and managers create and which
we have dealt with throughout this chapter. Read their excellent and thought provoking paper titled
‘Compassion in organizational life’, American Behavioral Scientist, 47 (6): 808–827.
4. While groupthink often means people are trying to avoid conflict through cohesion, and that a lack of
conflict can mean a team is in trouble, groupthink can also cause a team to spiral into depressive
thoughts. At least that is what Granstrom and Stiwne (1998) say in their interesting paper that expands
upon Janis’s notion of groupthink. They consider how groupthink leads to depressive team behaviours
and thinking and identify some symptoms and methods for overcoming depressive groupthink. Their
paper is titled, ‘A bipolar model of groupthink: an expansion of Janis’s concept’, Small Group
Research, 29 (1): 32–56.


In the summer of 2005 Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, was in the midst of
engineering the most advanced commercial jetliner in history. The Fortune 500 company, with over
100,000 employees, was adding a new jetliner (the 787) to its product line of twin-aisle jumbo jets. Not
since 1993 had Boeing revealed a new product to the public, with its 777 aircraft. During the summer of
2005, a researcher from the Gallup Leadership Institute was examining the role of ‘hope’ (a component
of psychological capital) in workplace teams. This case is told from his perspective.

The case

By the time I entered the series of daily meetings between the Electrical Design Engineering team
(Electrical) and the supplier teams, frustration was really mounting. Boeing had already invested over 2
billion dollars (US) into the 787 with a radical new way to consider partnerships. Specifically, Boeing
had made a strategic decision to partner with global suppliers to a much greater extent than with any
other airplane before. Raw materials in Egypt were turned into parts in Russia. Parts were assembled in
China and put into electrical systems in India. Those systems were joined to make sets of systems in
Japan and then shipped to the US for final assembly. The Electrical designers needed to know the
electrical properties of every part of the aircraft to create their design. Never had their job been so
complicated in terms of data collection, data management, and maintenance.
After months of meetings the process went something like this. First, the Electrical design team
would make a recommendation about how to receive data from suppliers. Next, the supplier teams
would go back to all the related systems in their organization and see if that method would work.
Simultaneously, Electrical would talk to all of its Boeing counterparts to see if the proposal would work.
The next day Electrical would meet and determine that the proposal did not meet some constituency’s
requirements. That day, the series of actions would start over.
By late summer, because of the cumbersome process, conversations at the senior leadership level of
the company included skepticism regarding the Electrical design team’s ability to work with suppliers
and achieve designs on time. Timing for such ambitious projects, of course, was critical. If Electrical
were late, the delivery dates would be late, customers would drop orders, Boeing stock would heavily
decline. Enter Bill Hamilton.
Bill was a 42-year-old senior manager who understood the concept of hope as a positive
motivational state that consists of an interactively derived sense of both the agency (‘will-power’) and
the pathways (‘way-power’). He was the only senior manager without an engineering education and
earned his position by tenacity and respect from his team. Before entering Boeing as a grunt labourer,
Bill was an electrician on residential houses where he learned the value of pathways thinking. Pathways
thinking, a critical component of hope, is when a person considers multiple paths to solve the same
problem. This way, if one path is ‘blocked’ (e.g. the plan does not work) they can fall back on the
contingency plan. Therefore, there is always hope for success because there are several paths to
accomplish any goal. As an electrician, Bill would examine a house and determine several possibilities
for an electrical design. This way, when a client changed the layout of the house, Bill would not have to
reconfigure all of his plans but rather fall back on his contingency plans. He was also aware that while it
was ideal if an individual employee had hope, when hope was evident in teams, there was a contagion
effect where each team member’s pathways thinking and motivation would transmit to other team
members. Just as hopelessness was contagious, the positive side of hope could be cultivated at a team
level for increased motivation and creative performance in challenging situations.
When Bill was asked to engage in the conversation with the suppliers he wasted no time
implementing his approach. As the first meeting was coming to a close, people began to pick up their
notebooks when Bill said softly, ‘What do we do if that doesn’t work?’ Plan B was then generated. Then
he asked, ‘What are the obstacles in the way of achieving this plan?’ and, ‘What if this plan doesn’t
work?’ At the end of the first meeting each group went to its constituencies with three different
solutions. This was the first step in the team processes to start thinking in a hopeful way.
Within weeks, Bill had implemented a method whereby all major constituencies in Boeing and their
suppliers attended the meetings (by face-to-face, phone or video), which had been increased to weekly.
With each proposal, everyone was required to devise multiple contingencies. A method of working
together was achieved that summer where data transmission, changes, and communication were
established. Bill had not just ‘hoped for the best’ in turning around an important process that was
heading for trouble. Instead, he drew from his psychological capital component of hope (the will and
the way) to get the process on track and make a major contribution to the launching of the 787 airplane.


1. How did Bill effectively model hope for the Boeing and supplier teams?
2. Why is it that hope (and hopelessness) in teams can be contagious?
3. How can a team avoid running out of ‘contingency plans’ to attain an objective?
4. How can leaders help teams walk the fine line of maintaining creativity and improvisation while also
planning for contingencies?

Case prepared by James B. Avey, Department of Management, Central Washington University; Brett C.
Luthans, Department of Management, Missouri Western State University.
Transformation, Instruction, Inspiration

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Define what is meant by leadership and coaching

Evaluate critically the main approaches to leadership theory
Understand the changing role of the leader
Understand the assumptions underlying motivation theories and their relevance
to leadership and coaching
Identify the emerging and alternative approaches to leadership and the value of
Evaluate the concepts of positive psychological capital and authentic leadership
Understand the complex relationship between leadership and culture


A short story from Tyrone’s childhood:

When I was around eight years of age, I would follow my mother out into the front garden of our house
and, every so often, our little old lady neighbour, called Pearl, would peer over the fence. I remember
my mother would ask old Pearl, ‘How are you today, Pearl?’ and Pearl would usually answer in the
same sad and tired voice, ‘I’m managing, love; I’m managing.’ By this, Pearl meant that she was just
coping, just doing the bare minimum to survive. Because I was from a non-English-speaking
background, I concluded that ‘managing’ must just mean ‘coping’. Now, almost a quarter of a century
later, I have come to realize that Pearl’s notion of management is spot on: most managers I see or talk
to today are just coping, and they are one day, one decision, one missed deadline, or one mis-
communicated sentence away from failure or a disaster. In contrast, therefore, a leader might be
someone who goes beyond just coping or just managing. The leader inspires, develops, and mentors
people. Above all else, a leader is a humanist. We cannot afford our leaders to be anything else, can
Literally, to lead or to exercise leadership is to be ahead of the others, to take them
forward where they might not necessarily want to go, to make them go where they
need to be, and to motivate them so that they overcome any fears or qualms that they
might have about the process. Leadership describes a relation between people – one
cannot lead a computer or a share portfolio. However, one could manage these
inanimate objects. Hence, leadership necessarily involves social relations and social
At face value, leadership appears to be a simple domain of interest. Almost
anyone can think of a leader and can provide a definition of leadership or make
feelgood statements about what a leader does or should do. However, after you go
past leadership at a superficial level, it is one of the most complex, problematic, and
time-consuming domains of management and organization theory. As an
experiment, go to your favourite search engine, such as or, and enter the search term ‘leadership’. If you had done this in June
2008 you would have returned over 160,000,000 hits for the term ‘leadership’, if you
had done this in June, 2011 you would have returned over 418,000,000 hits. In just
three years the number of websites concerned with leadership has tripled. It would
take more than a lifetime for any one person to read, review, and critique each and
every one of these web pages, articles, books, and book chapters. Arguably there is
no other topic in management and organizations that has so much written and said
about it, but still remains elusive and problematic as a concept.
IMAGE 4.1 Leadership
Leadership as a domain of interest has become an unnecessarily complex,
confusing, and contradictory concept. Attempting to present old and new leadership
theories in one chapter is challenging. First, there are the differences of opinion in
terms of what leadership is. Is leadership, as the trait theorists argue, a question of
unique traits that people are born with, like their height, weight, intelligence, and
personality? Or is leadership, as the behaviourist school argues, specific ways of
behaving that make you either an effective or ineffective leader? Or is leadership
situational, where different situations create different leaders? Or is leadership
contingent upon the interactions between leaders and the led? Or is leadership a
socially constructed concept? Or is there no such thing as leadership per se, only
what members of specific organizations make it in retrospect?
In this chapter, we introduce you to the current and central approaches to
leadership. Rather than going into each and every theory in depth, we look at the
main approaches to leadership. After we introduce the main approaches, we then
explore some newer contributions to leadership. We look at substitutes for
leadership and explore the possibility of life without leaders and the blurring of
boundaries between leadership and followership. We then consider the changing role
of leaders and leadership practice by discussing the role of coaching and of self-
leadership. Also, because the task of both leaders and coaches is often expressed as
being able to motivate people to achieve outcomes that benefit the individual, the
team, the organization, and, in the case of leadership, more collective entities such
as society, we think it is necessary to introduce you to the concept of motivation. We
will focus on two very important aspects of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation. We close the chapter by discussing some positive psychological
perspectives on leadership that argue that leadership should primarily be about
inspiring and fostering positive change, corporate citizenry, and social, economic,
and ecological sustainability.

What is leadership? It is a term that gets tossed around promiscuously: almost
every time a politician, business magnate, or football manager speaks on what is
required to get results, the term occurs.

In its simplest definition, leadership is the process of directing, controlling, motivating, and inspiring staff towards the realization of stated organizational goals.

The Collins English Dictionary defines a leader as ‘a person who rules, guides, or
inspires others’, and the process of leading as, ‘to show the way by going with, or
ahead … to serve as the means of reaching a place’ (Hanks, 1986: 476). This simple
definition falls a little short because it underplays the complexity inherent in the
social relations and complex environments within which leadership, as a practice,

A leader: (a) leads people as a ruler; (b) inspires people as a motivator; and (c) facilitates or guides them as a coach and mentor.

Katz and Kahn (1978: 527–528) believed leadership is commonly viewed:

as the attribute of a position, as the characteristic of a person, and as a character

of behaviour … Moreover, leadership is a relational concept implying two
terms: The influencing agent and the persons influenced … Leadership
conceived of as an ability is a slippery concept, since it depends too much on
properties of the situation and of the people to be ‘led’.

Leadership may thus be seen as a product of one’s position; as a set of personality

traits; as a set of observable behaviours; as dependent upon the situation in which it
is exercised; and as contingent upon how the leader and the people being led react
and interact with each other. Obviously, leadership may be all of these many things,
and so, not surprisingly, it is one of the most overtheorized, overresearched, and
empirically messy areas of management and organization theory, with a clear lack of
unity of perspectives or approaches. The problem is that people can come up with
words to describe a leader, what a leader is or does, but few can say why these words
describe a leader. Have a go at guessing the leader in the ‘Who am I?’ exercise.
The main aim of the ‘Who am I?’ exercise is to encourage you to reflect critically
on the term leadership. In each clue are fundamental aspects of the leadership
concept: character, behaviour, situation, and contingencies. Although we often see
leadership as composed of factors that make us feel good, leaders are not always
enlightened, humane, and oriented to personal growth; they are sometimes tyrants
more concerned with their own egos than those of their followers, adept at practising
domination, power, and delusional self-interest. Therefore, it is necessary to think
beyond leadership as a simple construct and to reflect critically on what leadership
might mean.

Who am I?
To help students cope with the complexity of the topic of leadership, let us play a guessing game called
‘Who am I?’ The aims of the game are to help you think about (a) the qualities and life events that make
someone a leader and (b) how no one theory or concept adequately accounts for leadership. Read the
following series of facts about a famous leader and consider the leadership qualities inherent in these
facts to come up with an answer.

I was regarded as a good artist and had a flair for sketching and watercolours yet I was rejected from a
prestigious art school.
I then joined the armed forces and was awarded a prestigious medal for bravery, yet some of my
officers claimed I would never be a suitable leader of men.
After the war, unhappy with how my country was being run and eager to prove my detractors wrong, I
joined a small political party and became a great orator able to inspire others.
At the time that my ideas became popular, my country was plagued by poverty and economic recession.
I was soon imprisoned as a political agitator but it was in prison that I helped grow my political party,
and I wrote one of the most influential books in history.
After leaving prison, I was given charge of my political party, and we went from a handful of members
to hundreds and thousands of followers – many of whom abandoned senior positions in opposition
parties to join me because they could see I was committed to changing how things were done in my
country forever and they wanted to follow me.
I eventually became leader of my country and one of the most influential figures in history. Indeed, all
around the world I continue to inspire many followers even though I am long since dead.
So, who am I?

Think about the clues and consider the qualities – artistic, brave, and ambitious. He was able to write
books and change society from within a prison and to attract followers even from his opposition. For the
answer see the end of this chapter.

Students often ask, ‘What’s the point of all this theory? Who cares if leaders are
born or made?’ Our answer is that leadership theory is critical for our understanding
of the role individuals can play in shaping society and its organizations. More
importantly, leaders can and do change society, so it is imperative that they do so in
a socially responsible and ethical way (see also pp. 434–435). Only if we understand
the theoretical underpinnings of those leadership perspectives in use by particular
writers and leaders can we adequately reflect upon and answer appropriate questions
about leadership. Moreover, the theory you subscribe to will underpin your own
approach to leadership – after all, you may one day be a leader, and what you believe
about leadership will influence your approach to what a leader is, what a leader does,
and how a leader does it. Conversely, learning about different theories may cause
you to reflect upon and to question your own beliefs.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Susan Lynham and Thomas Chermack (2006), which discusses how complex the issue of
leadership is, and seeks to address the underemphasis of whole system effects of leadership.

Leadership as traits

The clearest sign that a manager is doing an excellent job managing her team:
she takes time off work and no one notices she is gone. (Anonymous)

Great leaders plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.
(Translated Greek Proverb)

The trait approach to leadership assumes people are born with qualities that are
stable across time and situations, and which differentiate leaders from non-leaders.
For a long time, trait theorists believed that leadership depended on certain physical
features and personality characteristics. To investigate leadership, trait theorists
would consider a wide range of demographic variables such as age, gender, height,
weight, and ethnicity, to name a few. They also looked at certain personality
characteristics similar to those found in the trait approach to personality (see also
pp. 63–67). Such key demographic and personality variables were believed to
differentiate truly exceptional leaders from mere mortals, which is why trait theory
has also been known as the ‘great person theory’ (Barker, 2001). According to House
et al. (1996), the difference between those of us who emerge as outstanding leaders
and those of us who are always destined to follow is an undying drive for
achievement, honesty, and integrity, and an ability to share and to motivate people
towards common goals. Such people have confidence in their own abilities as well as
intelligence, business savvy, creativity, and an ability to adapt to ever-changing
environments (also see Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991).
Doubtless many people believe in the great person theory. That is, they believe
that certain physical features and personality characteristics will make you a leader.
If this were true, the teaching of leadership would help only those with a
predisposition towards leadership: the rest of us might as well either pack up
immediately or perhaps enrol in a course teaching us how to be better subordinates.
In reality, however, there is little evidence to support the notion that leaders are
born with special traits that non-leaders lack. In fact, those who argue for the great
person approach tend to miss the point – that is, many characteristics they believe to
be critical to successful leadership have been made important through social norms
and culture. If we look at leadership in most organizations, leaders tend to be taller
rather than shorter, and, more often than not, are male. To be consistent, these trait
theorists would argue, because most leaders of major corporations are male, it must
be an important trait in successful leadership. Also, in places such as the US,
Australia, the UK and much of Europe most of them are also white, usually well
educated in elite schools and institutions, and often from wealthy backgrounds. In
fact, it makes a huge difference if you can choose your parents carefully! Of course,
you cannot, but it is clear that a major factor that propelled leaders such as George
W. Bush to their positions of leadership was that their fathers had already founded
dynasties and substantial fortunes. Sure, if you are non-white or female, you can still
make it, but it will be much harder for you, and you will have to expend more energy
on the leadership attributes you have available or can cultivate – and that is on top of
attribution errors made about you (i.e. the assumption that you got to where you did
for certain reasons such as affirmative action – see pp. 184–191), or in the case of
Barack Obama, that you are Muslim or not born in the US and so should not be
The trait theory of leadership, despite its shortcomings, has played a critical role
in the evolution of leadership theory and research. Whether you agree or disagree
with it, many have used it to critique and to reflect upon what it means to be a
leader. Thus, even if the empirical evidence is weak, its strength has been to create
some kind of discourse and scholarship in leadership as a concept.
To try to overcome the objection that many leadership traits that are assumed to
be innate are actually based on norms and culture, newer theories have chosen to
look at what leaders do rather than what traits they have. Some see leadership as
situational or contingent upon many factors. Others see leadership as a socially
constructed phenomenon – that is, what a leader is, and what a leader does, changes
as society changes over time or as we move from one culture to another. Next, we
visit these different perspectives of leadership, beginning with the behavioural

Leadership as behaviour

The behavioural theory of leadership is not concerned with the traits or

characteristics that make someone a successful leader: it is concerned only with
observable behaviour. Thus, for behaviourists, you either act like a leader or you do
not. This is an important departure from trait theory because it implies that if we can
observe how leaders act, we can codify and measure this behaviour, find out ways to
teach it, and help to develop future leaders. A critical concept that is common to all
behavioural theories of leadership is the notion that there are two underlying
behavioural structures that characterize leadership – an orientation towards the

Interacting and relating to other human beings.

The task at hand, or the technical side of work.

You will find these two behavioural orientations in just about every theory you read
about, even those outside the behavioural school. Though the terms used by these
theories vary, they refer to the same fundamental distinction. The terms used
include: employee centred/task centred; relationship behaviour/task behaviour;
concern for people/concern for production; and consideration/initiating structure.
FIGURE 4.1 The managerial grid (adapted from Blake and Mouton’s (1985) registered model) reprinted with
permission from
The most recognized behavioural study of leadership was developed by Blake and
Mouton (1985) at the University of Texas. The approach was later expanded upon by
Blake and McCanse (1991) and is referred to as the leadership grid or the
managerial grid (see Figure 4.1). The grid is divided into two dimensions. On one
axis is the concern for production and on the other axis is the concern for people.
Depending on their responses to standardized questions, a person is rated by an
accredited psychologist on both dimensions on a scale from 1 to 9 (or low to high).
The ideal position is to be high on concern for production and concern for people
(9,9), or what Blake and Mouton (1985) refer to as team management. However, very
few if any ever score 9,9 on their first try, so leaders are helped to develop their
concern for people and their concern for production skills so that they reach the ideal
position on the grid. Leaders that score 1,1 are said to practice impoverished
management because they lack a concern for both people and production, so their
ability to manage will be quite poor. Other styles include country club management
(1,9), where there is a high concern for people while the concern for production is
forgotten or ignored, so people being happy and having fun is more important than
getting the job done. (These styles can be seen in action in the hit TV show The
Office, if you have seen it, if not, do so as it is brilliant.) Conversely, a person may
be concerned with only production, or what Blake and Mouton call task management
(9,1), and then there is middle-of-the-road management (5,5).
As with the managerial grid, all major leadership theories seem to emphasize
f i r s t , consideration, or the extent to which leaders take into consideration
subordinates’ feelings, needs, concerns, and ideas; and second, initiating structure,
or the extent to which leaders are task oriented and more focused on ensuring that
subordinates do what is required through autocratic direction, control, and
surveillance. These two styles tend to be presented as being independent of each
other, so a leader can be high or low on initiating structure and high or low on
consideration, and it was long held that superior leadership was characterized by
being high – high on both dimensions. However, there is little research to support
the notion that effective leaders are only those high on both initiating structure and
consideration (see e.g. Nystrom, 1978). As a result, researchers began to compare
and contrast effective and ineffective leaders.
Again, in keeping with the theme of orientation towards person versus task, Likert
(1979) argued that employee-centred leaders were more successful than job-centred
leaders – mainly because job-centred leaders tended to be overly concerned with
achieving efficiency, cost reduction, and deadlines, rather than with people’s needs
and goal achievement. However, common sense says that an overemphasis on people
might compromise the completion of tasks and getting the job done, just as an
overemphasis on tasks can alienate people and affect motivation and job
satisfaction. It is therefore more likely that both dimensions are equally important,
and this is the argument underlying the managerial grid. The managerial grid is
more a behavioural training tool than a leadership theory: it emphasizes the need to
develop a person’s ability to manage both people and tasks.


Weaknesses with behavioural and trait approaches to leadership
The behaviourist usually is interested only in observable behaviour and ignores often unobservable
intentions. We can never know people’s thoughts and intentions other than through social cues, and
these can be masked behind observable behaviour that, on face value, appears to be exemplary.
If honesty and integrity are inherited traits necessary for elevation to leadership, then why do so
many people reach leadership positions and attain enormous material wealth, power, influence, and
control, only later to be revealed as crooks and charlatans who sometimes even use their ‘leadership’ to
try to avoid the wrath of the law?
Why are the attributes that one group of people see as exemplary regarded as evil by others? For
example, some compare Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and David
Koresh to Satan, but presumably their many followers viewed them as great leaders – if not, then how
did they attain such influential leadership positions?
At what point does observable behaviour tell us that people are no longer acting like leaders? After
they murder people or corrupt organizations and steal millions of dollars? As an example, Enron, one of
the largest energy companies in the world, was consistently heralded for its leadership, but in the end
were the bosses at Enron really the corporate heroes they were often lionized as being before their
malfeasance became evident and Enron collapsed?
The managerial grid appears to imply that all outstanding managers must have
special skills for dealing both with the job and with people. Yet throughout history
we have seen people reach the heights of leadership who are not always expert in
tasks and others who are not always expert in managing people. Moreover, if you
consider some of the people who have inspired you, we are sure that at least some of
you will mention people who are no longer alive or people you have never met. It is
a bit hard to manage people and tasks when you are dead or you never have face-to-
face contact with your followers, so something else must make leaders be regarded
as effective or ineffective besides merely what they do here and now.
The trait and behavioural approaches should not be totally discounted. Some
situations, for example, call for high concern for people, whereas others call for high
concern for production, and others call for both. However, leadership can also be
thought of as being situational and contingent.

Situational and contingency theories

Some recent approaches to leadership argue that leadership emerges out of the
situation. The same person who may emerge as a leader in one situation may find
themselves unable to cope, let alone lead, in a different situation. Anecdotally
evidence suggests there is some merit to the situational argument. For example,
prior to the 9/11 attack on New York City, the former mayor of New York, Rudolph
Giuliani, was known mainly for his strong stance on crime in New York. He
implemented a ‘three strikes and you’re out’ policy for repeat criminals. He had
many critics, especially people who lived outside the New York area, who
experienced escalating crime as a result of criminals moving away from the city.
City crime rates were going down because the city was exporting rather than solving
crime. Other than this policy, Mayor Giuliani had few things going for him.
However, during the 9/11 attacks, Mayor Giuliani took a strong leadership role –
indeed, the moment made the man. The mayor’s leadership was seen as so strong
that he even eclipsed the then President George W. Bush, and the world watching the
events that unfolded in New York could easily have been forgiven for believing that
Mayor Giuliani was the leader of the US. Realizing the effect a situation can have
upon a leader’s success and popularity, former President Bush was also quick to try
to leverage statesmanlike success out of the situation. He went from low legitimacy
(because of the fiasco of the Florida vote recount during the presidential election in
2000) and relative political obscurity in the shadow of the charismatic Bill Clinton
to record-high popularity ratings, at least until Americans began seriously to
question the reason the country went to war with Iraq and the extraordinarily high
number of American casualties involved. In many ways the situation and context can
make and break the leader.
We have chosen to group together the situational and contingency approaches,
even though some people like to separate the two. There are subtle differences
between them, but we believe that these differences are not enough to make them
distinct schools of thought. Underlying contingency theories is the notion that
leadership is all about being able to adapt and be flexible to ever-changing situations
and contexts. Contingency leadership theories have made one of the most important
contributions to the evolution of leadership theory because leadership effectiveness
is seen as being less dependent on innate traits or observable behavioural styles and
more dependent on the context of leading, such as the nature of work, the internal
working environment, and the external economic and social environment (Fiedler,
1964). Two main contingency leadership theories are discussed here: House’s (1971)
path–goal theory and Hersey et al.’s (1996) situational leadership model.

Path–goal theory of leadership Perhaps the contingency theory that has been most
studied and tested is Robert House’s path–goal theory of leadership. According to
House (1971; see also House and Mitchell, 1974), effective leaders motivate
employees by helping them understand that their needs and expectations can be
fulfilled through the performance of their jobs. The better an employee performs, the
greater the need fulfilment. Moreover, the path–goal theory emphasizes that an
ability and commitment to providing employees with the psychological and
technical support, information, and other resources necessary to complete tasks is
integral to the leader’s effectiveness.
The path–goal theory has been extended, developed, and refined, and it is
probably one of the most influential leadership theories around (House, 1996;
Jermier, 1996). The path–goal theory is more advanced and complex than any of the
theories we have looked at thus far because it lists four leadership styles and a
number of contingencies that lead to leadership effectiveness. Table 4.1 lists and
describes each of the four main leadership styles.

TABLE 4.1 Path–goal leadership styles and descriptions

Style Description
The directive leader clarifies goals, what must be done to achieve them, and the outcomes of
Directive achieving the goals. They use rewards, discipline, and punishment and are mostly task
The supportive leader shows concern for the needs – especially psychological – and the
aspirations of people at work. They provide a supportive and enjoyable working environment
The participative leader actively seeks and encourages the input and involvement of staff in
decision-making and other work-related issues
The achievement-oriented leader, as the name suggests, expects from people the highest
Achievement- commitment to excellence both at a personal and an organizational level. This type of leader
oriented believes that work should be challenging and that people will strive towards achieving these
goals by assuming responsibility
The networking leader knows how to play the political power games to acquire resources,
Networking achieve goals, and to create and maintain positive relationships. (For more on power and
politics, see also pp. 252–263.)
The values-based leader is skilled in creating, sharing, and inspiring vision, and in ensuring
Values-based that the organization and its people are guided by that vision and the values related to that

Source: Adapted from House (1996) and Jermier (1996)

However, you will notice that we have added networking and values-based
leadership as two more issues that have emerged from House’s (1996) and others’
work (see e.g. Jermier, 1996; O’Toole, 1996: 101–108). We believe these will be
increasingly important additions to House’s original work because they move the
leadership theory away from solely being interested in person-to-person relations to
include relationships at team, organizational, and interorganizational or network
An effective leader adjusts and adapts their style according to the situation and
can use one or more styles as needed. However, the effectiveness of the leader
ultimately depends upon two broad sets of contingencies. The first concerns
employee-relevant contingencies, such as the employee’s competencies, knowledge,
skills, experience, and even their personality, such as whether they have an internal
or external locus of control (see also pp. 64–67). The second concerns
environmental-relevant contingencies, such as the nature of teams and the structure
and nature of the task, just to name a few.
So, for example, let us assume you have completed your college education, you
have been working for a leading bank for the last five years, and, over time, you
have reached the position of head of corporate services. Up to this point, you have
managed very junior staff in positions low on task structure that required little if any
teamwork. Experience has shown you that a directive leadership style works best in
this situation. However, last week, you were promoted, and now you manage a team
of 15 people who value a high level of control over their work and their environment
(i.e. high internal locus of control). They all have several years of experience in the
department, have taken several training courses on implementing change, and enjoy
working as part of a cohesive team that shares leadership duties.
How well would your directive leadership style work in your new position? It
would be safe to assume that you and your team would not operate effectively, and,
over time, you would experience friction because your staff would see you as
unnecessarily controlling and directive. Your options for change would be: change
the nature of the work and the type of staff so that they support your directive
leadership style, change your leadership style, or cruise into crisis! Ideally, if people
could change their leadership style, many problems could be overcome. However,
more often than not, people avoid changing themselves and seek to change others
and their environments instead.

Situational leadership model Hersey et al.’s (1996) Situational Leadership Model’s

intellectual appeal resides in its emphasis on the subordinates’ readiness and
willingness to be led by others. As with path–goal theory, it is up to the leader to use
the appropriate style after they have established what kind of people work for them.
Figure 4.2 shows the four leadership roles – known as delegating (S4), participating
(S3), selling (S2), and telling (S1) – together with the associated follower readiness
(R4 to R1). The most appropriate leadership style depends on the amount of
emotional support followers require in conjunction with the amount of guidance that
they require to do their jobs – in other words, the follower’s readiness.
FIGURE 4.2 Situational Leadership Model
Hersey et al.’s (1996) Situational Leadership Model is to contingency theory what
the managerial grid is to behavioural theory: it is more a training and consulting tool
than a theory per se. The Situational Leadership Model and other contingency
theories depart from the trait perspective but share many elements of the
behavioural approach. Where contingency approaches differ from the behavioural
approach is in concentrating attention towards factors outside the actual person
leading. Later, we discuss contingency-based views that argue that leaders may be
substituted for processes, technology, policies, and can even be made obsolete in the
If a leader’s competency is contingent upon factors outside their control, then
there could be thousands of contingencies that affect leader performance. This raises
the problem of where to start in the search for the contingent factors that might
affect leadership performance. Obviously, there are changing and emergent
contingencies: risk management, especially focused on the management of terror
and security; sustainable management, focused on the environment and the political
ecology of the material inputs and outputs that the organization is involved with, and
gender management, managing in a gender-specific sensitive way. These are all
contingencies that leaders have to deal with today, but in each case they are the
result of changes in the political agenda. Thus what counts as a contingency for
management depends on what is made to count. And what is made to count depends
in part on the changing institutional environment of regulation, opinion, and politics.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Richard Bolden and Jonathan Gosling (2006), which asks is leadership theory too rational
and obsessed with competencies rather than relational; should it not be looking at issues such as emotions, fear, managing people, etc.? The paper argues that the competency approach is limited as a rational
approach for selecting, measuring, and developing leaders.

Transactional, transformational, and charismatic approaches

We now look at three relatively recent approaches to leadership that incorporate all
the leadership theories we have discussed thus far. The leadership theories presented
in this section are still much more in line with the trait, behavioural, and
contingency schools. From the perspective of some views of leadership, neither
Adolf Hitler nor many other political and organizational leaders would be viewed as
positive leaders because they lack those humanist ideals that underpin positive
psychology (see also pp. 72–79), whereas in the ideas presented here, Hitler and
many other violent and brutal leaders could still be defined as leaders and listed
along with Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama as examples of
charismatic and other types of leaders, such as transactional and transformational

Charismatic leadership is a leadership type that emphasizes the articulation of a vision and mission that promise a better life. Sometimes such leaders develop a cult following.

Transactional leadership epitomizes the initiating structure, concern for production, and task-oriented themes of the behavioural leadership literature.

Transformational leadership, as you probably could guess, epitomizes consideration and concern for people and similar relations-oriented themes.

You could probably define each of these leaders yourself just by looking at the
words charismatic, transactional, and transformational. See Table 4.2 on page 138
for a breakdown of each leadership approach.
Charismatic leaders can create the impetus for change. However, they can also be
volatile and inconsistent and can be blinded by their own vision. Transformational
leadership is an agent of change. Transformational leaders are the ideal people to
have during major organizational change because they have the visionary component
of the charismatic leader, but also have staying power and provide energy and
support throughout the change process. If the transformational leader has a
weakness, it is that organizational life is not always about constant change, so the
effectiveness of a transformational leader can be short-lived. After the change
occurs, another type of leadership style might be more appropriate. The transactional
leader may be more useful during periods of homeostasis, when you want things to
run smoothly.


Might not good leadership also require an ability to be a good follower?
Reading through the multitude of textbooks on management, you could be forgiven for thinking that
‘leadership’ and ‘followership’ are distinct concepts: a leader is a person who provides direction and
inspiration towards goals, whereas a follower is a person who does not ask why but only how; a leader
says something, whereas a follower does that which is said.
What tends to be underemphasized is that inherent in many of the perspectives on leadership is a
lack of explanation about how exactly a good follower becomes a good leader and whether there
actually is a difference between followers and leaders. A heart specialist is working in a large hospital
under a management team, but would we say the specialist is subordinate to them? Just because you are
in a leadership position does not make you a leader any more than being in a subordinate position
necessarily makes you subordinate.
To become a leader in many fields, you are required to do your apprenticeship under a master, often
for many years. So, might not good leadership also require an ability to be a good follower? More
important, is there actually a difference between followers and leaders other than the labels attached?
Perhaps leadership theorists and researchers should become more active in asking such questions. Such
issues will become pertinent when we look at leadership substitutes and neutralizers, as well as the
postmodern and dispersed leadership approaches, later in this chapter.
Perhaps theorists should view films more often: the dramatic quality of a good script, expert
direction, and brilliant acting can often bring leadership issues to the fore – as, for example, in Master
and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Weir, 2003), where the relationship of the master and
commander with his followers is a vital ingredient to his leadership. In one of the finest films about
leadership, Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962), T. E. Lawrence, a historical character, refuses the
leadership position offered to him and exercises that leadership which he believes in inherently, from an
ethical point of view. He is committed to the cause of the Bedouin with whom he associates rather than
to the duplicitous policies of the British politicians and generals.
Typically, in the army, leadership is predicated on good followership, and it is the good follower
who is given the opportunity to climb the ranks from private to corporal to sergeant, and so on. In this
respect, Lawrence could be said not to have leadership qualities, despite the extraordinary charisma that
is attached to him and his evident success in leading men into battle.
Perhaps it is best to think of the leadership–followership relation as a fluid one. On some occasions a
skilful leader often serves people and organizations best by following the innovation, inspiration, or
interpretation of one of the followers; on another occasion a leader may lead best by subordinating
personal attitudes to those of superiors, peers, or subordinates in order to retain influence or carry a
Transactional leadership is effectively what good management is all about: the paperwork, the
budgeting, the scheduling, with a bit of psychological support and motivation of people thrown in for
good measure. However, transactional leaders do not cope well with major change and are not adept at
managing the change process. Charismatic leaders can create the impetus for change, but they can be
volatile and inconsistent and can be blinded by their own vision. (Our ‘Who am I?’ exercise earlier in
this chapter shows that Hitler had many charismatic leadership qualities, but we do not think that you
would want someone similar to Hitler to be your boss.) Indeed, there are not many business leaders who
would be classified as charismatic leaders; typically, such leaders tend to lead social or political
movements rather than commercial organizations, although we did discuss Richard Branson earlier – is
he an exception? Such leaders are seen to have sources of inspiration that deal with more fundamental
human values than just the end of achieving profit. They are also concerned with the purposes to which
such resources may be put. However, perhaps with the rise of new social movements and of the
importance of corporate social responsibility and the emergence of new stakeholders, charismatic
leadership will increasingly be sought in the corporate world as managers become more sensitive to the
imperatives of ethical workplace and corporate practices.

TABLE 4.2 The transactional, charismatic, and transformational approaches to leadership

Approach Description
Transactional leaders do all the necessary and critical
management functions such as role clarification and task
requirements, and they know how to allocate and provide rewards
and punishments. They adhere to organizational policies, values,
and vision and are strong on planning, budgeting, and meeting
Charismatic leaders are a bit more complex. They have a
motivating effect upon people and are able to create grand visions
about an idealized future. They are able to unify people towards
that vision and to foster conditions of high trust
Transformational leaders inspire change and innovation. They are
Transformational the opposite of transactional leaders because they deal mainly
with abstract and intangible concepts such as vision and change

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by B. W. Browning (2007) on a leader’s expedition that went horribly wrong.
From the perspective of situational contingency arguments, in some situations you
need a transactional leader to hold the ship steady, at other times you need a
charismatic leader to create a vision and inspire the need for change, and sometimes
you need a transformational leader to foster and manage the change process through
to completion. Still, there are risks. Transformational leaders may end up believing
too literally in their own hype; they might really think they are the heroes that their
strategies seem to position them as being, effortlessly changing minds, actions, and
More recently Bass and Avolio (2000; 2003) have developed the idea that leaders
can be both transactional and transformational – or what is referred to as full-range
leadership (Antonakis and House, 2002; 2004; Kirkbride, 2006). Full-range
leadership includes transformational and transactional components, as well as
passive-avoidant leadership characteristics – or non-leadership to be more precise.
According to Bass and Avolio (2000), the ideal leader will be high on both
transformational and transactional components, and low on the passive-avoidant
ones. The next most favourable outcome is to be a high transformational leader,
followed by a high transactional leader. The least attractive outcome would be to be
low on transactional and transformational, and high on passive-avoidant. Table 4.3
provides an overview of each of the styles and their associated constructs.
There is a growing body of research supporting the idea of full-range leadership
styles, and it has been shown that they are important in promoting knowledge
management practices, such as sharing information, organizational learning, and
knowledge transfer (Nguyen and Mohamed, 2011); are more likely to promote safety
behaviours in the workplace (Martínez-Córcoles et al., 2011); are more ethical in
decision-making and behaviours (Toor and Ofori, 2009). Female leaders who are
perceived to display full-range leadership qualities are more likely to be promoted
(Vinkenburg et al., 2011); and interestingly gender and level of educational tend to
be important in leadership styles. The research suggests educated females tend to
display more full-range leadership behaviours (Barbuto et al., 2007).

TABLE 4.3 The full-range leadership model

Influence Perceived by others as transformational, optimistic, open, and energetic
Risk-taking, leading from the front, leading by example with purpose, integrity, and
consistent to values
Inspirational Envisions change, highly symbolic, clear strategic vision and mission articulation and
Motivation symbolism, articulation of visions, hopes, and desires
Intellectual Encourages innovative thinking, encourages people to question what they know and think,
Stimulation especially their reliance on outdated or overused methods and processes
Individualized Supportive, sensitive to members’ concerns, high EQ, mentors and develops others (even
Consideration to the detriment of self)
Recognizes the contribution of others, is able to reward and motivate by linking into
especially intrinsic, but also extrinsic motivations; clarifies expected outcomes and what
will be delivered and how performance will be rewarded
Exception Monitors performance, solves problems as they arise to maintain performance
Part of transactional leadership but tends to avoid monitoring performance; only reacts if
problems become serious or problematic
Tends to let things pan out and sort themselves out. It really refers to non-leadership and
Laissez-faire the abdication of responsibility. Avoids decisions and defers judgement to others or to a
later time in expectation that the problem will go away

Source: Adapted from Bass and Avolio (2000; 2003)


A critical question and challenge for leadership theory and research is whether
leadership is merely a term or, alternatively, something that actually exists. Will
there come a time when leaders can be substituted, if not made obsolete, in
organizations? Some contingency theorists argue that such a time is here. Others,
such as the postmodernists, turn the term leadership on its head, painting a picture of
leaders as servants. So let us look at both these perspectives a little closer, starting
with the contingency view of leadership substitutes and neutralizers. Before we visit
these approaches a quick word: leadership as a concept has come under constant
bombardment – with statements such as, ‘Leadership is dead’ – even from the
contingency theorists. However, we should remember one thing: many of these
approaches, but especially contingency theory, fail to account for the fact that
leaders can and do change the situation and the environment within which they
operate – and they often do so intentionally. That is, leaders can sometimes control
contingencies. In this way, they can actually use the contingent variable to control or
to increase their effectiveness – and they do this in quite subtle and pervasive ways.

Substitutes and neutralizers

Some contingency theorists, such as Kerr and Jermier (1978), argued long ago that
situational variables could act as substitutes for leaders, thus rendering the leader
irrelevant. Let us look at an example to help illustrate how such a theory works. You
might work as part of a self-managed work team (SMWT). In an SMWT, each team
member might be involved in all decision-making about rostering, goal-setting,
performance measurement and evaluation, setting of wages, and so on. There could
be high levels of trust, shared responsibility, interdependence, and support. A leader,
be it transactional or transformational, is not required. Similarly you may identify
more with a profession (say psychology), and have high levels of autonomy, be
motivated, capable, and high on self-efficacy (belief in one’s ability and competence
to complete tasks). For a team or individual equipped with the right resources, and
knowledge of what needs to be done and by when, a leader can be a hindrance rather
than a benefit.
Even people with low professional affiliations, skill level, and autonomy can be
managed without leaders through carefully designed jobs high in formalized,
routinized procedures and with training for employees to be able to identify and to
rectify simple breakdowns in routinized tasks – really, not much different from
monkeys flying multi-million-dollar rockets into space for NASA. (For more in-
depth discussions of substitutes for leadership, see Podsakoff et al., 1993; Starke et
al., 2011; Wu, 2010.).


Forward together
In 1995 Sydney, Australia, was awarded the 2000 Olympic games. The triathlon and other water sports
would be conducted in Sydney Harbour, but at the time the harbour was prone to severe contamination,
especially from storm water runoff. Given that the Olympics would showcase Sydney to billions of
people around the world, it was acknowledged that Sydney Harbour must be sparkling and clean.
Clegg et al. (2002) studied a major alliance involving five companies that were brought together to
construct 20 km of tunnel under some of the world’s most expensive real estate. The project was worth
over A$0.5 billion and had to be completed in under three years (in time for the Sydney Olympics). The
aim of the project was to construct a tunnel that would divert storm water away from Sydney Harbour
towards a processing plant. By doing so Sydney Harbour would be clean, in time for the 2000
However, research conducted by the business partners had shown that a project with similar
contingencies (such as ground conditions, size of project, tunnelling requirements), conducted in
California, took over seven years to complete. The leadership team decided that for the alliance to meet
its ambitious objectives, it would have to develop some innovative approaches to dispersed leadership,

1. KPIs: The use of innovative key performance indicators (KPIs) that encouraged behaviour beyond
business as usual. That is, the project would only be judged a success if the alliance excelled in all its
KPIs. Thus, they had to be on budget, on schedule, improve the ecology of the areas within which they
operated, do it all safely, and improve relationships and account for community stakeholders.
2. Cultural alignment: The use of an enculturation programme in which every member of the alliance
underwent induction into the culture of the alliance, and was taught to be self-empowered. The training
included the learning of specific cultural norms such as ‘What Is Best for Project?’, in which members
would always act in the best interests of the project’s completion, and ‘No Blame Culture’, in which
problems would be ‘fixed’, rather than wasting time apportioning blame when something went wrong.
The culture programme included the learning and reinforcement of a number of alliancing principles,
and these principles espoused values of self-leadership, team working, accountability, and responsibility
for organizational outcomes.
3. Psychological contracting: Relationships were formed and bound via psychologically based contracts
(i.e. understanding and agreement engrained and reinforced through culture). The traditional black and
white letter legal contract was less important and restricted only to the most critical component. In this
way the contractual document for the alliance was 28 pages long rather than the usual several hundred.

The result of the alliance was that it achieved all its stated KPIs, and did so beyond business as usual
performance. In recognition of its innovative approach to project management, the alliance project team
won several awards in North America, Europe, and Australasia.

Leaders as servants and the postmodern condition

As the boundaries between leaders and followers blur, the focus on ‘the leader’ in
the more traditional theories highlighted earlier in this chapter become increasingly
problematic. When leadership skills and responsibilities are dispersed or shared
throughout an organization through empowerment, or leadership is substituted or
neutralized, an emphasis is placed upon the process and practice of leadership and
not upon the attributes or style of a unique person or set of persons – the ‘leaders’. In
short, dispersed leadership theories – theories that move leadership away from an
individual person – may imply that leadership is something that many people can do,
and actually do, and is therefore not a fruitful basis upon which to differentiate
people at work. Furthermore, viewing leadership as a relational process suggests that
the leader–follower relationship is no longer of central importance to the study of
leadership (see e.g. Gordon, 2002), but rather the ability to be critically reflexive
about one’s own practices, and how these practices relate to and impact others are
more important (Gambrell et al., 2011). Such views suggest that the boundaries that
once differentiated ‘the leader’ from ‘the follower’ are becoming very grey – a
follower is a leader is a follower is a leader, and so on, ad infinitum. This has opened
the door to postmodern concepts, so it is appropriate to review at least one
postmodern perspective on leadership – that of Boje and Dennehey (1999).
Postmodernism, postmodernity, empowerment, and neutralization

Postmodernism applied to organization studies has many critics. While some

criticisms are valid many are based on incorrect assumptions, partly because
postmodern theories can be somewhat confusing, and even convoluted.
Postmodernism has its roots both in French philosophy and in architecture, but it
was American cultural theorists Leslie Fiedler and Susan Sontag that did most to
bring postmodernism into view and provide the impetus for its spread into art,
cultural studies, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and most recently
organization theory. Put simply, what is seen as true or false is a result of power
relations and dominant discourses, which present ‘truth or reality’ in ways that are
framed through systems of power. For example, for many profit is more important
than environment, and this is reflected through policies, practices, the media, and so
Postmodernity is subtly different to the idea of postmodernism. Postmodernism is
underpinned by the idea that reality is constructed, and that there are multiple
realities, but what comes to be known as real or truth is talked into being. The
critical idea in postmodernity, however, is that the idea of capitalism has spread into
every area of society, and in every part of the globe, such as the media, education,
health, sport, the arts, sciences, and so on. In this sense there is a pre-capitalist
(premodernity) period prior to the industrial revolution, a capitalist (modernity) era
that came about through industrialization and the growth of globalization, and a
post-capitalist (postmodernity) era. In postmodernity, absolutely everything
becomes about consumerism, even selling books like this. Many argue that we are
now in the post-capitalist era – or in postmodernity (for an excellent account and
discussion of this see Nicol, 2009).


Postmodern leadership and empowerment?
Let us take a postmodern look at empowerment and leadership, and contrast this to contingency views
of leadership. Empowerment addresses the power inequality inherent in subordination. We are
subordinate because someone or something is in a relational position of power over us. Empowerment,
therefore, concerns releasing the shackles placed on us by those who have power over us in the
workplace. Employees are empowered when they are given control of organizational decision-making,
as well as many other aspects of their work life, and by the use of self-managed work teams (SMWTs;
these are teams that have full autonomy and control of all aspects for their work, including how the
budget is spent, rostering, managing of human resources, etc.).
By empowering people, you are lowering their reliance on and need for leaders to rule over them
and to be constantly monitoring them. Followers, through empowerment, start looking more like
However, what if you manage a small music store and you employ students who work on the
weekends while studying law or medicine? They come to work because it is fun, they like listening to
music, and many of their friends come in on the weekends. (Maybe you have read Nick Hornby’s novel
High Fidelity (1995) – which was also made into a film (Frears, 2000) – in which the sales staff are
interested in only those customers who are as cool and knowledgeable as the sales staff think
themselves to be.) Such people do not mind working in low-status jobs because one day they know they
will be wealthy doctors or lawyers. But although they are having fun, customers find they are extremely
poor salespeople – they are rude and ignore customers in favour of their friends, and they take your
business for granted. You know they do not need the job, and the unemployment rate is so low that
people can walk in and out of low-skilled jobs like these.
Because of all these contingencies, your ability to lead actually neutralizes your leadership ability.
So rather than being able to substitute your leadership through contingent variables, such as
empowerment of your friends, your leadership becomes impotent. Obviously, neutralizers can be
viewed in a more negative light than substitutes. Indeed, substitutes can be very useful tools of
empowerment and can free up your time for other duties, whereas neutralizers cancel out the benefit or
effectiveness a leader might have.


SERVANT model of leadership
S is for servant. The leader is the servant to the network. Leaders serve people and the people, in turn,
serve customers. For a long time in the past, leadership was about differentiating oneself so that a leader
would be different from a follower. In a postmodern perspective on leadership, leaders seek to rid the
world of such differentiation; the leader articulates the servant conceptions of what the leader should be.
Think of the CEO who dresses down and on Fridays works on the shop floor with the other workers.

E is for empowers. The leader empowers participation in social and economic democracy.

R is for recounter of stories. The leader tells stories about the organization’s history, heroes, and future.

V represents being visionary. Leaders without vision, the reasoning goes, offer nothing, and people’s
hopes perish. At their best, visionary leaders should articulate a clear concept of what it is that followers
already are committed to and believe in.

A is for being androgynous. Androgyny means no gender; the leader must be able to speak in both
male and female voices.

N is for networker. The leader manages the transformation and configuration of the diverse network of
teams spanning suppliers to customers.

T is for team builder. The leader mobilizes, leads, and dispatches a web of autonomous teams.

Postmodernism blurs the boundaries of how we understand and make sense of

leadership, stressing that leaders are servants of the types of leadership that others
recognize as leadership in discourse. Put simply, leaders become servant to the
qualities that people characterize as leadership: they are therefore talked into
leadership. Let us go through Boje and Dennehey’s (1999) approach, in which each
letter in the word SERVANT is given a special significance, to get some of the
flavour of the postmodern approach from their analysis (see the What Do You
Mean? box above).

TABLE 4.4 Premodern, modern, and postmodern leadership

Source: Adapted from Boje and Dennehey (1999)

Boje and Dennehey provide a description and comparison of premodern, modern,

and postmodern leaders, as shown in Table 4.4. They explain their model in terms of
the stages of premodernity, modernity, and postmodernity: each typified by different
forms of leadership. Their approach is novel and creative, but take a closer look at
the table. Can you see any parallels with transformational, transactional, and
charismatic leadership? Also, can you see some link to behavioural and contingency
theory? Note how Boje and Dennehey conceive leadership almost from the
perspective of a behavioural style.
Moreover, if leadership transforms through time, something must be accounting
for that transformation from master to servant; are time and place the contingent
factors? Also, are the nature and expectations of those of us who were once led
changing as we access education, gain instant information through the Internet, and
use the new technologies to receive greater exposure to contrasting views of
political, social, and economic current affairs?
In a later paper Boje and Rhodes (2006) present a very innovative idea on the
postmodern conception of transformational leadership. According to Boje and
Rhodes, Ronald McDonald can be thought of as a transformational leader for
McDonald’s. Mr McDonald has been integral in transforming McDonald’s from a
restaurant that promotes the eating of fat-and sugar-laden meals, sold en masse to
people at a very cheap price, to one that values the health, safety, and security of our
families. Mr McDonald can now be seen eating healthy salads and low-fat meals at
his restaurants; moreover, his name is synonymous with helping the families of kids
with cancer and other serious diseases through Ronald McDonald House (Boje and
Rhodes, 2006).


Yes We Can! President Obama’s historic win in 2008 heralded the dawning of a new era, not only for
America, but for many people around the world. Obama’s leadership represented hope for hundreds of
millions of people, but the expectations on Obama, the human being, were unrealistic in many ways.
Obama, irrespective of his obvious leadership qualities, has been subject to an unrelenting wave of
criticism and political opposition, some fair, much of it not, and some of it plain lunacy. As President
Obama campaigned for the 2012 election, he faced the prospect of a one-term presidency: how quickly
things change in the world of leadership, even after getting Bin Laden.

Leaders as coaches

Great leaders create great leaders, not more followers. (Greek proverb)

Increasingly, an important function of leaders, particularly transformational leaders,

is the ability to coach and mentor people at work. While leadership has long been of
interest to organizational behaviourists, coaching and mentoring are more recent
domains of research and theory. Coaching refers to the process of developing a
person’s own knowledge and skill sets in order to improve on-the-job performance.
While coaching at work concentrates on achieving excellence in organizational
outcomes and objectives, more recently life coaching has become an increasingly
common ‘profession’.

Mentoring is the process of passing on the job expertise, skills, and knowledge in order to develop a protégé.

Coaching is the process of developing and enhancing employees’ job competencies and capabilities through constructive suggestions and encouragement.

Coaching differs somewhat from leadership because a coach is not a person who
directs people; rather a coach ‘develops’ the individual’s knowledge and skills.
Coaching psychology emphasizes the importance of psychological health, and so it
has strong connotations with positive psychology. Even so, the ability to coach is
now becoming a core challenge for good leadership.
Unlike coaching, mentoring is an ancient process of development that goes back
at least to the ancient Greeks. It can be much more intensive than coaching, and
often involves master and student, but mentoring can also include the mentoring of
groups. In reality, everyone has a mentor at some stage in life. The mentoring
relationship naturally occurs in our lives, even though we may not realize it – our
parents, teachers, bosses, sports coach, and so on.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to Madsen and Gygi’s (2005) very interesting interview with leadership guru John H. Zenger on his ideas
about extraordinary leadership and its development through education and training.

Dubrin (2005) identifies 12 key areas in which a person must be proficient in

order to be an effective coach. By developing these skills in one’s self, one will be
able to develop and enhance other people’s strengths and leadership capabilities.
According to Dubrin, these critical areas include building trust, showing empathy,
active listening, using influence, setting goals, monitoring performance, giving
feedback, encouraging positive actions and discouraging negative ones, training
team members, helping people solve problems, managing difficult people. Table 4.5
contains more detail about some of these approaches, and while these are important
for effective coaching, they are just as critical for good leadership.

TABLE 4.5 Core competencies of coaches and mentors

Description of a good coach
Operate with integrity by modelling behaviour and acting
with consistency; show honesty, and sincerity in
communication; be open and communicative; be
Trust building
knowledgeable and seek out information and update
knowledge; trust in people’s ability and capabilities to get
things done
Demonstrate an ability to take the perspective of the other
person and put yourself in their shoes; use the same figure
Empathy of speech when you talk to people; provide and seek
information that shows you understand what the other
person is saying, feeling, or experiencing
Ensure there are no distractions (noise, obstructions) when
communicating; establish good eye contact; allow the
person to speak freely – the good coach speaks 20% of the
time and listens 80% of the time; learn from the people you
coach; notice both the verbal and non-verbal
communication, and manage your own body language (such
as facial expressions, fidgeting, personal space, etc.); listen
Active listening
for understanding rather than agreement – this questioning
is never confrontational but gentle and questions are well
designed; the good coach will not directly tell a person
what the problem is, nor what he or she should do about it,
but will help them identify the solution to the problem
themselves; the mentor, however, will offer his or her
experience in dealing with an issue or problem
Ethical influence tactics are important: act as a role model,
shaping positive behaviours; be persuasive by knowing
what you want, and what must be achieved, communicating
the benefits – both personally for the coachee, and the
Influence tactics organization – of achieving goals or behaving in certain
ways; explore and understand why people may resist or
object to decisions or changes; and use positive rather than
negative language; be charismatic, assertive and use
appropriate humour
Help people develop and review a mission statement;
establish specific and realistic goals, and set deadlines for
those goals; develop a detailed action plan, and
Set goals acknowledge that goals change over time so ensure you
review them; support the goal setter through positive
feedback and encouragement; and set individual, group and
Develop a set goalsofas appropriate
standards upon which people’s
performance will be assessed and involve people in setting
Monitor performance these standards; measure actual performance as originally
agreed, and compare the performance to the standards; take
corrective action as needed
Effective feedback, rather than efficient feedback, should
be the key aim. Effective feedback involves careful
communication about what is fed back and how it is fed
back; feedback is provided frequently, and some
Feedback interpretation on the part of the coach or mentor should be
provided; ensure feedback is specific, and ensure the
feedback conveys your feelings about the behaviour; seek
feedback on your feedback and maintain rapport with the
Recognize and reward performance; compliment people on
desired actions behaviours; be clear on what behaviour is
Encourage positive rewarded; and choose appropriate rewards that fit the
behaviour and desires of the person; provide rewards in a
timely manner, but reward intermittently

Be clear about what will be punished and choose an

appropriate actions punishment; supply ample feedback so
Discouraging negative that the person is clear on what he or she did wrong and
how they can avoid it in the future; make sure punishment
is timely and specific to the behaviour
Source: Adapted from Dubrin (2005)

Leaders as motivators

Part of the role of the leader as mentor or coach is the ability to motivate and
inspire. There is not a single theory or approach to leadership that fails to recognize
that a fundamental quality of leaders – irrespective of whether leadership is innate,
learned, situational, or whatever – is an ability to inspire and motivate people.
While the psychological concept of motivation is over 100 years old, it has been
applied to organizational and management contexts only since the 1950s. Motivation
is necessary whether you are to lead yourself, to lead others, or to be led by others. It
is therefore important to visit briefly some approaches to motivation and see how
they are relevant to you as a leader. We discuss two key approaches to motivation –
the process and content theories – and two key motivation concepts – intrinsic
versus extrinsic motivation. Rather than talking about individual motivation
theories, we explore the assumptions behind the theories and how such approaches
might specifically relate to leadership. We introduce and discuss some basic
assumptions underlying motivation concepts with the objective that it will help you
to reflect critically upon what motivation means for you as a future leader and will
help you think about and reflect upon the concept of motivation.

Motivation is defined as the psychological processes that drive behaviour towards the attainment or avoidance of some object (be that object a person or relationship, an abstract concept such as love, or a
material good such as money, an iPod, or a BMW).

TABLE 4.6 Theory X and Theory Y motivation

Source: Adapted from Pitsis (2008a) Theory X and Pitsis (2008b) Theory Y

FIGURE 4.3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

One of the best-known perspectives on leadership and motivation is McGregor’s
Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor (1960) developed his work on Theory X and
Theory Y after observing the main approaches used by people when managing and
motivating people. According to McGregor, how we approach the way we motivate
people is strongly influenced by our beliefs about human nature. McGregor argued
that managers could be grouped in terms of their assumptions concerning the way
people behave towards work (Table 4.6 presents a summary of the two approaches).
The concepts of Theory X and Theory Y are extreme opposites and it would be
hard to find an organization that epitomises either theory in its extreme form.
Moreover, McGregor developed these ideas in the 1960s when most corporate
organizations approached a Theory X style of management. McGregor was a
humanist psychologist (along with Maslow and others), and so he believed in an
ideal world in which people come before profit. Much of motivation theory evolved
out of the humanist school of psychology, and its main interest was to find those
motivational processes that would lead to a psychologically healthy society.

Theory X orientation assumes that people are lazy, require structure, direction and control, and want to be rewarded with money for a job well done.

Theory Y orientation assumes that people crave responsibility and autonomy, want to be treated with respect, and are driven towards self-actualization (Pitsis, 2008a; 2008b).

Today we might say, if we take an overly cynical view, that much of motivation is
about ensuring that people behave in the organization’s best interest (Rousseau,
1996) – even if it is not in one’s own interest. There has been a clear shift away from
motivation theory’s original objective, which was first and foremost about the
psychological wellbeing and esteem of individuals, not about how much harder we
can make them work.
For many centuries, philosophers have contemplated why we do the things we do.
For instance, in the eighteenth century, Adam Smith held the view that we are
motivated purely by self-interest. Smith (1961 [1776]) believed that self-interest
was a central concept leading to the wealth of nations. As people set up companies to
become wealthy, they created jobs, which provided income to people and tax
revenue to government, which would be spent on health, education, security, and so
For Smith, this would even lead to innovation and technological change; because
people would want more leisure time, they would innovate and change machinery to
free up time for socializing. However, the perspective is seriously flawed because it
cynically assumes that all action is motivated only by self-interest. Other
philosophers such as John Stuart Mill suggest that we value only what is useful to us
(Mill, 1962). Therefore, if other people cannot be useful, we will not value them.
Contemporary approaches to motivation focus on the satiation of needs – we all
need food, love, shelter, and safety, for instance. When you do not have these things,
you are ‘pushed’ to go out searching for them. There are many negative
consequences if we do not satiate our needs – for example, starvation, loneliness,
illness, injury, or death. In organizational behaviour, theories that focus on needs are
known as content theories of motivation.

Content theories of motivation refer to those ‘contents’ within us that drive or push us.

One of the most famous content theories of motivation is Maslow’s (1970)

hierarchy of needs theory (see Figure 4.3). According to Maslow, there is a hierarchy
of needs; as we meet the needs within each tier of the hierarchy, we can move on to
meet the next level of needs. The hierarchy begins with typical physiological needs,
such as the need to satiate hunger and thirst; second in the hierarchy are safety
needs, such as shelter and security; third are the needs to belong, love, and be loved;
fourth are esteem needs that are met by professional or other achievements, respect,
and recognition. At the top of the hierarchy is the self-actualization need, or the need
to live the happiest and most fulfilled life possible, the achievement of which
usually requires us to realize our fullest potential.
The self-actualization component of Maslow’s theory is its most critical part
because it was embedded in his philosophy of life. Yet, if you look at almost any
organizational behaviour textbook, you will find fleeting mentions of Maslow’s
theory as an early and outdated theory of motivation, criticized on the grounds that it
assumes that motivation is hierarchical. Such thin criticisms and representations of
Maslow’s life work ignore his notion of eupsychian management (Maslow, 1965).
Maslow coined the term ‘eupsychia’ for his vision of utopia, which, he argued,
society should aspire to; with this vision, he attempted to refocus attention on
motivation back to psychological wellbeing. Maslow believed that leadership should
promote, support, and maintain psychological wellbeing at work by basing the
structure of society and its organizations upon virtues, which, in turn, would filter
into the broader society and the community. He saw leadership in organizations as
integral in helping people self-actualize. Yet, if you look at Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs theory in any organizational behaviour textbook, it will not tell you that
Maslow was driven to try to understand why some self-actualized people were what
he called ‘fully functioning’ and how to capture and foster such positive virtues in
society at large.
In essence, 50 years ago, Maslow thought about issues that still dominate much of
leadership education and theory today. If people have to worry about where their
next meal will come from, or where to sleep, or whether they have family support,
how can they realize their full potential? The fundamentals of Maslow’s arguments
remain humanist despite their grounding in the early work that he conducted on
Content theories do not sufficiently explain why people are motivated to behave
in certain ways. To answer such questions, we need to consider process theories of

Process theories of motivation concern themselves with the processes that are involved in motivation. Some argue that the process is one of expecting that behaving in a certain way will realize certain

Proponents of process theories assume that you are more likely to behave in
certain ways if: (a) your effort leads to your expected level of performance, (b) your
level of performance gets the results you expect, and (c) you value such outcomes.
Such assumptions are typical of a particular type of expectancy theory, known as
expectancy theories of motivation (see e.g. Georgopoulos et al., 1957).
To make the point about expectancy theory clear, let us assume that you take your
OB final exam after having missed classes all semester long, you have fallen behind
on your reading, and have rarely studied. In rational terms, you would expect that the
lack of study would lead to failing the exam, and you find that you do actually fail.
You thus learn that effort influences performance, and performance, in turn,
influences outcomes. Let us also assume that the reason you have missed your
studies is that your garage-band is becoming increasingly popular and you have
started performing in pub gigs. So you have decided to concentrate your efforts on
your band; you value the result in your management class much less than a
successful rock career. In your sensemaking, it makes more sense to pursue
something you value (a rock career), rather than something you do not value as
much (a degree).
Another process theory, equity theory, extends the expectancy argument by adding
that we also compare our inputs and outcomes to other people’s inputs and outcomes
(see Adams, 1963; Mowday, 1991). Equity theory – or social exchange theory – is by
far one of the most dynamic and influential process theories. As an example, let us
say that your rock band has been playing for ten years now but has never gained the
recognition and rewards you believe it deserves, even while others become pop stars
‘overnight’ through American Idol or one of its many clones globally. You compare
your effort, performance, and outcome to theirs and realize that the world is damn
unfair. You believe that your inputs – your skills, experience, time, and effort – were
well above those of the idol star, yet she is rewarded with fame, wealth, and a
recording contract, whereas you end up playing after the ‘Bingo’ competition on
Saturday nights. If only you had studied for that management exam. You give up
being a musician or a model in disgust and start working in a music store, managing
medical and law students who really do not need the job, money, or hassles, living
out the alienated High Fidelity lifestyle.

TABLE 4.7 Examples of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic Extrinsic
Behaviour motivated by intrinsic factors such as Behaviour motivated by extrinsic factors such as the
self-expression, interest, and enjoyment promise of reward or threat of punishment
Motivated to finish reading because you are
Motivated to finish reading to meet a deadline
Working because you find the job stimulating and
Working because you need the money
Changing jobs because you want the challenge Changing jobs because you are certain you will be fired
Motivated to work in difficult jobs that challenge
Motivated to work in difficult jobs to get the pay rise
Study to improve yourself Study to get a high-paying job

Source: Adapted from Deci and Ryan (1987); Myers (2001: 451–452); Ryan and Deci (2000)

Motivation or control?
Next time you are chatting to a friend, a work colleague, or a family member ask them this question:
‘What is the difference between motivation and control?’ Note how they answer this question and how
they view the concept of motivation. As you listen to them think about the concept of motivation, and
how it was originally linked to psychological wellbeing. Are their answers more in line with such
approaches to motivation or are they more in line with the concept of motivation as a means of getting
workers to do things they might not otherwise want to do? What are their

assumptions about people – Theory X or Theory Y? Jot your impressions down here.


Unlike many process theories, equity theory does not assume a rational process. If
we were rational we would expend effort only when we think it will lead to an
outcome that we value, and we would not expend effort when it leads to outcomes
that we do not value. The theory acknowledges that sometimes our motives are
hidden or subconscious (Adams, 1963). Why do people murder? Why do some
leaders hide unethical and corrupt behaviours? Why do some people avoid effort?
Why do some people put themselves in danger for other people? Why do some of us
stay in a job or a relationship that makes us unhappy, sometimes for many years?
Human behaviour is not always a rational and linear process. Often we find
ourselves doing the very things that do not make us happy, and we, in turn, expect
those working for us, or with us, to suffer the same existence. Perhaps a more
fruitful way of thinking about motivation is to think about extrinsic and intrinsic
motivation. Table 4.7 on page 152 lists descriptions and some examples of intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation.
Obviously, you could think of more examples, but it should be clear by now that
intrinsic motivation refers to those internal states that drive us towards behaviours
that directly meet self-actualization and belongingness needs. On the other hand,
extrinsic motivation refers to those internal states that drive us towards behaviours
that directly meet esteem needs.
Theoretically, the two types of motivation are not mutually exclusive; however,
notice that we used the word ‘directly’ in the previous sentence. In other words,
sometimes money is important, even for an intrinsically motivated person, but it can
be simply a means to an end – for example, to save enough money to realize your
life dream of starting your own little restaurant. So, as a leader you have to know
whether people – including yourself – are extrinsically or intrinsically motivated and
not assume that all people are always intrinsically or extrinsically motivated by the
same things. Moreover, much research suggests that the overuse of extrinsic
motivation can kill or thwart intrinsic motivation (Deci and Ryan, 1985; 1987).
Ryan and Deci (2000: 70) argue that ‘no single phenomenon reflects the positive
potential of human nature as much as intrinsic motivation, the inherent tendency to
seek out novelty and challenges, to extend and exercise one’s capacities, to explore
and to learn’. Imagine a wonderful world in which leaders manage and motivate
people with an emphasis on self-actualization and the realization of intrinsic desires,
and in which, in turn, organizations foster and promote self-actualization. Is this the
hopeless dream of a handful of ‘do-gooder’ psychologists and rich celebrities? Ryan
and Deci’s (2000) self-determination theory may be something that allows us to take
one step closer to achieving psychological wellbeing through work. In Chapter 2, we
took a look at happiness, and essentially self-determination theory is concerned with
psychological happiness.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Susan Herman (2007), which looks at how leaders sometimes do not motivate or inspire
people because people do not value or consider the concept of leadership important.

Motivation: a question of self-determination

Ryan and Deci (2000) became increasingly dissatisfied with traditional conceptions
of motivation theory – especially those theories with an emphasis on instrumental
goal achievement. They therefore developed a comprehensive theory of motivation
that is linked to personality and self-regulation. This theory is called self-
determination theory (SDT). SDT places great importance on the social context in
thwarting or facilitating psychological wellbeing and health:

Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation that emphasizes our intrinsic needs for being seen as competent, liked, and free from control of others.

people’s inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs that are the
basis for their self-motivation and personality integration, as well as for the
conditions that foster those positive processes. Inductively, using the empirical
process, we have identified three such needs – the needs for competence
(Harter, 1978; White, 1963), relatedness (Baumeister and Leary, 1995; Reis,
1994), and autonomy (deCharms, 1968; Deci, 1975) – that appear to be
essential for facilitating optimal functioning of the natural propensities for
growth and integration, as well as for constructive social development and
personal wellbeing. (Ryan and Deci, 2000: 68)

A critical component of SDT is that emphasis is placed on social context. As is

stated in the quote above, the need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy all
occur in social contexts.
In many ways SDT is an exciting and promising field of motivation theory and
research that we believe will make a significant contribution not only to leadership
and organizational behaviour, but also to psychological health and wellbeing. SDT
assumes we are active organisms, who inherently strive towards psychological
growth and development, and seek to master ongoing challenges and to integrate our
experiences into a coherent sense of self. All this requires a supportive social
environment in order for us to function effectively, and ensure our active
engagement in life and our psychological growth (see Deci and Ryan, 2000). When
people feel they have achieved high levels of self-determination they are believed to
be operating at high levels of psychological health and wellbeing because they feel
more competent, social, and free (Thrash and Elliot, 2002; Vansteenkiste et al.,
Try the self-determination scale in the Question Time box below developed by
Kennon M. Sheldon (1995). It has been shown to be a reliable and valid predictor of
psychological health and wellbeing (Sheldon et al., 1996). A higher score on the two
constructs in the scale (less than 10 on both) indicates higher levels of self-

The Self-Determination Scale
Scale description

The Self-Determination Scale (SDS) was designed to assess individual differences in the extent to which
people tend to function in a self-determined way. It is thus considered a relatively enduring aspect of
people’s personalities, which reflects (1) being more aware of their feelings and their sense of self, and
(2) feeling a sense of choice with respect to their behaviour. The SDS is a short, 10-item scale, with two
5-item subscales. The first subscale is awareness of oneself, and the second is perceived choice in one’s
actions. The subscales can either be used separately or they can be combined into an overall SDS score.
Instructions: Please read the pairs of statements, one pair at a time, and think about which statement
within the pair seems more true to you at this point in your life. Indicate the degree to which statement
A feels true, relative to the degree that statement B feels true, on the 5-point scale shown after each pair
of statements. If statement A feels completely true and statement B feels completely untrue, the
appropriate response would be 1. If the two statements are equally true, the appropriate response would
be 3. If only statement B feels true the appropriate response would be 5 and so on.
Scoring information for the SDS. First, items 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 need to be reverse scored so that higher
scores on every item will indicate a higher level of self-determination. To reverse score an item, subtract
the item response from 6 and use that as the item score (so if you scored 5 for question 9, subtract this
number from 6 and you get 1). Then, calculate the scores for the Awareness of Self subscale and the
Perceived Choice subscale by averaging the item scores for the 5 items within each of subscale. The
subscales are: Awareness of Self: Qs. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10; Perceived Choice: Qs. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Scores greater
than 10 on both reflect a high level of self-determination.

This survey first appeared in Sheldon, K. M. (1995) ‘Creativity and self-determination in personality’,
Creativity Research Journal, 8: 25–36.

The SDT is an important motivation theory underpinned by principles of positive

psychology. It is therefore appropriate, and important, that we consider an
increasingly popular aspect of the positive psychology of leadership: that of
authentic leadership and positive psychological capital.

The positive psychology of leadership

Building positive psychological capital through authentic leadership To be a

leader is a huge moral responsibility because executive leadership can easily
overwhelm reason. Hitler was able to lead men and women and influence them so
strongly that they committed horrific acts. Indeed, his ability to read and use the
situational contingencies, his vision, and his drive all came together, and he nearly
achieved his ultimate goal. Because many researchers wanted to figure out how this
type of blind loyalty to an evil leader could be avoided in the future, a large body of
work is emerging that emphasizes and distinguishes leadership by behaviours and
cognitions (or ways of thinking). Such approaches have emerged out of the traditions
of positive psychology (see also pp. 72–75) and place virtues such as strength of
character, wisdom, authenticity, and humanity before all else. Remember earlier that
many of the traditional theories of leadership do not differentiate between leaders
such as Hitler or Obama. As such, wisdom, authenticity and humanity are strong
values that allow us to make sense of leadership as ‘doing good’.
As the work of Milgram (1971) has shown, these values are extremely important.
Milgram was intrigued as to why people would follow some leaders to the point
where they would engage in atrocious behaviour. As a person of Jewish ancestry and
as a social psychologist, Milgram was especially interested in why Germans, and
many others, blindly followed the Nazi quest to exterminate all Jews. How could
leaders have so much power and influence over people? Was there something
specific about those Germans that made them obey the Nazi leader’s orders? Or
could any one of us become violent, murderous, blind followers given the right
conditions? Milgram designed a study in which people were asked to give various
levels of electric shocks to individuals (who unbeknown to the participants were
actors in the experiment). The participants thought the experiment was about
punishment and learning; however, after administering mild shocks to the actors,
Milgram asked participants to give extremely high, lethal shocks to people. Over
two thirds of respondents were willing to give the highest dose, even when the
participants themselves appeared emotionally distressed (for a full description of the
experiment see
As Milgram so eloquently noted a few years after his original study was
ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on
their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even
when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are
asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality,
relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority. A variety of
inhibitions against disobeying authority come into play and successfully keep
the person in his place. Sitting back in one’s armchair, it is easy to condemn the
actions of the obedient subjects. But those who condemn the subjects measure
them against the standard of their own ability to formulate high-minded moral
prescriptions. That is hardly a fair standard. Many of the subjects, at the level
of stated opinion, feel quite as strongly as any of us about the moral
requirement of refraining from action against a helpless victim. They, too, in
general terms know what ought to be done and can state their values when the
occasion arises. This has little, if anything, to do with their actual behavior
under the pressure of circumstances. (Milgram, 1974: 4–5)

Luthans and Avolio’s (2003) concept of the authentic leader differs from the type
of leader encountered in Nazi Germany and the Milgram experiment. Their authentic
leadership development exemplifies many of the qualities espoused by positive
psychology. According to Luthans and Avolio (2003: 242–243), authentic leaders are
transparent. Their intentions seamlessly link espoused values, actions, and

Authentic leaders have the qualities of transformational leaders but also work on moral and ethical grounds; possess great self-awareness, integrity, confidence, and self-control; are positive and optimistic; are
resilient (bouncing back from adversity); and are future oriented.

Authentic leaders inspire, transform, mentor, and develop (Gardner et al., 2005).
The authentic leader might be the perfectly designed leader to achieve Maslow’s
eupsychian philosophy that we discussed earlier. Indeed, for many of his generation,
John Lennon, with his commitment to peace, seemed to be such a leader, capable of
taking his celebrity and parlaying it into consciousness-raising about profound and
not just entertainment values. In this respect, Lennon was that unlikely iconic
phenomenon: an authentic leader, writer, and musician, in the way that, more
recently, others such as Bob Geldof and Bono have also sought to be.
The authentic leader, by definition, should be able to realize when she or he makes
a mistake or inadvertently does wrong and will then take responsibility, accept
accountability, and seek to amend the situation. In addition, a very important aspect
of the model is that authentic leadership occurs within a context in which leaders are
able to empathize with subordinates and to reflect cultural, moral, and ethical
standards in their approach to management, so the authentic leader is not only a way
of being and a way of seeing but is also situational. A critical aspect of the authentic
leader is the ability to develop positive psychological capital (PsyCap) (Gardner et
al., 2005; Luthans et al., 2002, Luthans et al., 2007).

Positive psychological capital (PsyCap) refers to positive states such as hope, resilience, optimism, and self-efficacy through leadership and organizational behaviour that is oriented towards the positive
psychological wellbeing and health of its members (Anandakumar et al., 2008).

Fred Luthans and his colleagues at the Gallup Leadership Institute in the
University of Lincoln-Nebraksa have done most to develop and apply the concept of
PsyCap. According to Luthans et al. (2007: 2), PsyCap refers to an individual’s
positive psychological state of development and includes (1) self-efficacy – or the
confidence to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks;
(2) optimism – making a positive attribution about succeeding now and in the future;
(3) hope – or persevering towards goals and, when necessary, redirecting paths to
goals in order to succeed; and (4) resilience – meaning the ability to bounce back
and succeed in the face of problems and adversity.
Luthans and Youssef (2004) argue that the role of psychological capital leadership
is to develop and enhance employees’ psychological strengths. These strengths of
self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resiliency have been shown to be important in
performance and satisfaction at work (Luthans et al., 2007). Leadership can play an
important role in building psychological capital by acknowledging that everyone
brings their life experiences with them to the workplace and that current workplace
events shape an employee’s confidence, hope, resiliency, and optimism (Bagozzi,
2003; Luthans, 2002; Luthans and Avolio, 2003; Luthans and Youssef, 2004).
Stewart, Martin, and Tyrone have all worked for organizations where the building of
PsyCap was the last thing on lists of priorities. Our anecdotal experience – that is
evidence based on our own life experience – shows that such organizations are
detrimental to happy, functional, productive, and healthy working lives, and they can
stay dysfunctional for a very long time. PsyCap has been shown to reduce levels of
workplace incivility, and also buffer people from the negative effects of incivility
(Roberts et al., 2011); to promote servant leadership behaviours (Searle and Barbuto,
2011); and to improve performance (Peterson et al., 2011).
To believe that such positive ideals can be attained as absolutes (or universal
truths) is not only idealistic, but in our opinion unrealistic and unattainable. Now, by
no means should this imply that we should not try to strive for organizational and
leadership behaviour that espouses positive psychological capital. However, to do so
requires a change in the dominant sources of leadership wisdom.

Leadership wisdom

A concept closely related to authentic leadership is leadership wisdom (Dunphy and

Pitsis, 2003). As with Gardner et al. (2005) and Luthans et al. (2002), the authors
argue that leaders of the future will need to take stock of principles and concepts
typified by positive psychology – but especially the notions of ecology, ecosystems,
biospheres, diversity, and community. Leaders of the future will be authentic and
will realize how interconnected everything is in the world. Our organizations are not
free enterprises meant to consume all resources to produce products for all
consumers. Rather, organizations are made up of you and me, our families, friends,
and even our enemies, and what they do has an impact on all of us, both now and in
the future. Leadership involves principles of social, economic, and ecological
sustainability and ethical responsibility (see also Chapter 11, Managing
Sustainably). Sustainability is not synonymous with keeping things the same: it still
involves change and development, but it is about transforming society towards
positive behaviour and cognition by avoiding overconsumption; addressing
inequality; and using intelligent business methods, long-term vision and planning,
and future-mindedness.
Pitsis and Clegg (2007) present a more challenging notion of leadership wisdom.
In their paper they draw upon ancient Greek philosophy to argue that wisdom is the
acknowledgement that one never truly knows. To search for knowledge and
information before making or acting upon difficult decisions is analogous to acting
ethically. Such an idea runs counter to management, for management is beholden to
the need for action, and so patience and seeking out more information do not come
naturally to many people. A wise leader will wait, actively listen, and search out
more information in order to make a decision.
Pitsis and Clegg (2007) argue that there are several cognitive barriers that inhibit
wise leadership behaviour. They draw upon the work of Ghoshal (2005), Mintzberg
(2004), and Pfeffer (2005) to argue that much of the theory that underpins
management education and training is based upon ‘bad’ theory, and outdated
approaches. For example, many of the principles taught in business schools, and
practiced by managers, are steeped in traditional forms of organizing, such as the
quest for efficiency, the belief in perfect competition and the free hand of the market
mechanism, and profit maximization as the core to organizational survival.
Imagine a world in which our leaders at least tried to live by ethical guidelines
and values, and in which our organizations operate upon principles of authenticity
and wisdom. This type of world would mean that many of the ways we do things at
work today would have to change forever; it is a big challenge, but it is one that
more and more people seem to believe in.


One important discussion of leadership in the context of culture arises from the
GLOBE leadership project. GLOBE refers to the Global Leadership and
Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness research project. It involves over 170
researchers from over 61 cultures around the world using a range of quantitative (i.e.
surveys) and qualitative (i.e. interviews) methods to examine the interrelationships
between societal culture, organization culture, and organizational leadership.
GLOBE is by far the most comprehensive research project on cross-cultural
In one of its earlier publications the GLOBE project sought to investigate how and
if cultural differences affect and shape leadership behaviour and effectiveness
(House et al., 2004). Given the globalization of society, a comprehensive and
exhaustive study of leadership and its cross-cultural implications promises to be one
of the most important areas of research and theory-building in leadership.
Importantly, the GLOBE study has practical implications in terms of how leadership
is applied across different cultural contexts. House et al. have identified six global
leadership dimensions across 64 countries. These six styles include:

Charismatic/value-based leadership, which refers to leadership that is perceived

to be visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificing, and operates decisively and with
Team-oriented leadership, which refers to leadership that is collaborative,
diplomatic, cares for others, and is administratively competent.
Humane leadership, which operates with modesty and humanely.
Participative leadership, which is democratic and participative.
Self-protective leadership, which is self-centred, status conscious, face-saving,
and procedurally oriented.
Autonomous leadership, which is highly individualistic, independent,
autonomous, and unique.

According to House et al. (2004), charismatic/value-based leadership and team-

oriented leadership are universally endorsed cross-culturally. Humane leadership
and participative leadership tend to be universally endorsed, but self-protective and
autonomous leadership are culturally specific. In other words, leadership styles that
emulate many of the positive transformational approaches we discussed earlier in
this chapter tend to be consistent across cultures. So, things like vision, inspiration,
self-sacrifice, humaneness, diplomacy, competence, and decisiveness tend to be
valued across cultures. However, the leadership style that values status, is self-
centred, individualistic, autonomous, independent, and unique tends to be culturally
specific. As such, it can be argued to an extent that leadership that resembles
transformational or authentic leaders will tend to be valued irrespective of where
leaders ply their trade. However, leaders who reinforce status, or value
individualism and uniqueness, may not fit as well cross-culturally. That is, what the
GLOBE project suggests is that the style of leadership used must take into account
cultural differences and values.


What leaders do and what they say have profound effects upon the world. Leaders influence others and
can make life fulfilling, enriched, and empowered (of course they can also make it empty, shallow, and
powerless). Although some leaders provide others with the tools to become leaders themselves, other
leaders abuse their power, authority, and trust to achieve and to realize their vision and mission of how
they think society ought to be.
In this chapter, we have seen that leadership is an extremely complex and value-laden domain of
theory and research. Is a leader, as the trait theory suggests, made up of inherent characteristics? The
literature does not support such an argument. Behavioural theory sought to refocus leadership away
from traits to how a person behaves – that is, one’s behaviour makes one a leader or not.
Yet even the behaviourists could see that this was not the entire story, so theorists concluded that
situational/contingent factors were influential in determining what made leaders and, more important,
what made them effective. Leaders were then conceptualized as charismatic and transformational, with
an ability to envision, to inspire, and to implement change. Others may be transactional in that they
know how to be exemplary managers. Of course, if full-range leadership theory is correct, the best
leaders are both transformational and transactional.
Some contingency theorists argued that the situational factors are so strong that contingencies could
be used as substitutes for leadership, and some others even argue that leadership is null and void. The
dispersed and postmodern approaches to leadership attempted to turn leadership around. The leader has
changed over time, from premodern to modern to postmodern. The postmodern leader is a SERVANT.
No matter which leadership theory we look at, motivation emerges as a critical concept. Leaders
must be motivated, but they must also motivate others by inspiring, envisioning, and empowering. We
tied motivation into Maslow’s hierarchy of needs by focusing on eupsychian management. We then
discussed the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as a way of understanding motivation and
leadership, and we emphasized the growing influence of Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory.
In light of Maslow, SDT, and from the perspective of positive psychology, we discussed what our
roles and responsibilities might be as members of the human race and related this discussion to the
positive psychological traditions of leadership, including the authentic leader and leadership wisdom.
Finally, we closed this chapter with a discussion of the exciting work being done in the GLOBE
leadership project. In all, after studying this chapter we hope you have developed an appreciation of the
main approaches to leadership, coaching, and motivating people.
Answer to ‘Who am I?’ exercise on p. 127: Adolf Hitler. A man with horrific intentions who gained
the power to implement appalling practices ultimately responsible for the murder of millions of people,
who inspired hundreds of thousands to carry out his dirty work, including many unspeakable acts
against humanity as well as the barbarism of total war.

Now that you have read this chapter you should be able to define in your own words each of the following
key concepts:

Leadership traits
Leadership behaviour
Leadership styles
Transformational leadership
Transactional leadership
Charismatic leadership
The GLOBE study and culture
Servant leadership
Authentic leadership
Positive psychological capital
Positive psychology
Extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation
Self-determination theory
Theory X and Theory Y

What does it mean to say ‘true leaders create more leaders, not more followers?’ How far do you agree with
this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
How practical is it to argue that leadership can be substituted or neutralized? Can we create leadership
substitutes or neutralizers in any industry or organization? Why or why not?
Choose two perspectives or theories of leadership – the one you liked best and the one you liked least.
Compare your choices with those of your peers and try to find out why you and your peers chose those
theories or approaches. What was it about the theories that you liked or disliked? What were their strengths
and weaknesses? Take note of how and why you and your peers differed or agreed.
Set up a class debate titled ‘In the end, when you want to motivate people, all that matters is money –
5 everyone has a price!’ Have one team argue for the previous statement and one team against. Both groups
should use current motivation research and theory to state their claims.
6 How might a leader be able to inspire people through the principles espoused by self-determination theory?
7 What is coaching and why is it a critical component of leadership?
Is it realistic to assume that the concept of positive psychology can be applied in the business world? Why
or why not?


1. There are many excellent resources on leadership. Two interesting approaches to leadership that paint a
picture of the importance and influence of leadership upon organizations are Goleman et al.’s (2002)
The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results, and Kouzes and
Posner’s (1995) The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in
2. Another excellent source is Den Hartog and Koopman’s (2001) ‘Leadership in organizations’, in the
Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology.
3. There are many good movies on leadership and motivation. One such movie is Glengarry Glen Ross
(Foley, 1992), a film about a small organization made up of a dysfunctional sales team and a leader who
(at the surface level) seems overly concerned about people. Be warned that this movie contains
extremely offensive language.
4. Other films about leadership and inspiration include ‘heroic quest’ movies such as Gladiator (Scott,
2000) and Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, as well as the The Lord of the Rings
(Jackson, 2001–2003) trilogy. It is interesting to compare this form of account with that used by chief
executives in their memoirs – they seem to be as seduced by the genre of the heroic quest as an
archetype as are film-makers.


1. Visit the website of the GLOBE leadership project – there are some excellent resources, papers, and
surveys on leadership (
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #5 by Ray Gordon on Leading in organizations and
Talk #6 by Anthony Grant on Understanding coaching, as well as Talk #7 by Edward L. Deci on The
self-determination theory perspective on motivations in organizations.
3. is a site that contains several resources on self-determination
theory. You can download and complete a number of SDT questionnaires and inventories, and learn
about how SDT is being developed and applied.
4. Some great clips on leadership are available from See what you can find yourself,
but here are some we recommend. Feel free to e-mail us your suggestions and we may add them to the
next edition of this book.

Can you change your world? Leaders do. This short five-minute video provides several clips on the issues
a of leadership from a number of movies and also has a great soundtrack: See if
you can identify what kind of leadership each video represents.
What are the myths of leadership? Are you an eagle or a chicken? Here is a funny, if not a little bit creepy
b (creepy for Tyrone because he hates human-like puppets – but he likes Elmo), puppet show on leadership:


Those of you looking to challenge yourself and write more advanced essay and exam answers might
find reading and digesting the following papers can increase your ability to write higher quality
responses. All these papers are available free on the Companion Website
1. What do experts believe makes a good leader? Read a very interesting interview with leadership guru
John H. Zenger on his ideas about extraordinary leadership and its development through education and
training. Pay attention to the five core competencies or leadership tenets and see if you recognize them
in other leadership models. Madsen, S. R. and Gygi, J. (2005) ‘An interview with John H. Zenger on
extraordinary leadership’, Journal of Leadership and Organization Studies, 11 (3): 119–125.
2. What happens when leadership does not motivate people simply because they have lost respect for
leaders? Susan Herman provides an engaging and wonderful account of a leadership conference in
which a poet and hip-hop artist is the keynote speaker. The artist’s speech was full of swearing, and
almost entirely about how he did not know anything about leadership and was not interested in it, and in
fact how he hates leaders, does not trust them at all. The response to his speech was dismay from the
administration, astonishment from the faculty, and great enthusiasm from the majority of the students –
including cheers, clapping, and celebrations. Herman uses this story to ask some important questions,
most importantly the implications of leadership at a time where faith and trust in and respect of many
leaders is low among young people. Read it and see what you think. Herman, S. (2007) ‘Leadership
training in a ‘not-leadership’ society’, Journal of Management Education, 31 (2): 151–155.
3. What does leadership behaviour, passion, commitment, and even obsession mean in desperate times?
What if you were leading the first ever expedition across the Antarctic continent and your boat sank,
and you were stuck in a frozen, foreign land with very limited supply. What would you do? How would
you cope? Would you lead? Follow or get out of the way and give up? Blair Browning uses the diaries,
pictures, archival data, and stories of Ernest Shackleton whose goals went from an exciting expedition
to one of getting every man home alive. Browning writes a fascinating paper on how the story is a
perfect way to teach and develop leadership, especially in the face of very bad odds. We think you will
find this a very interesting read, so download it from our website. Read the article by Browning, B. W.
(2007) ‘Leadership in desperate times: an analysis of endurance: Shackleton’s incredible voyage
through the lens of leadership theory’, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9 (2): 183–198.
4. Leadership is a very difficult domain of research, but it is important that academics identify what kinds
of leadership work, what theories make sense, and reflect what leaders do, how they do it, and why they
do it. The paper by Susan Lynham and Thomas Chermack seeks to address the underemphasis of
whole-system effects of leadership. Leaders are not free from their context, and no person, group,
organization, or country is truly independent of other people, groups, organizations, and countries.
Read the article by Lynham, S. A. and Chermack, T. J. (2006) ‘Responsible leadership for performance:
a theoretical model and hypotheses’, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 12 (4): 73–88.
5. Can we specify a set of competencies (sets of identifiable skills and abilities) that underpin leadership?
What might be the risks of obsessing with competencies that distinguish leaders from non-leaders?
Richard Bolden and Jonathan Gosling argue that the competency approach is illusionary as a rational
approach of selecting, measuring, and developing leaders. They believe that leadership is such a
complex concept that identifying and developing leaders based on competencies is too simplistic. They
find a substantial difference in the outcomes of leadership training when programmes take into
consideration moral, emotional, and relationship dimensions of leadership. Bolden, R. and Gosling, R.
(2006) ‘Leadership competencies: time to change the tune?’, Leadership, 2 (2): 147–163.




This case is about the Clif Bar organization, and is presented from the perspective of the third person. It
demonstrates authentic leadership which is a concept based in: (a) self-awareness; (b) balanced
processing (i.e. seeking alternative, even contradictory, viewpoints); (c) transparency and disclosure of
relevant information; and (d) morally based ethical actions. Authentic leadership is applying individual
leader authenticity, which at the core represents being true to one’s self, to the broader scope of
leadership experiences that impact a leader’s constituencies and organization. The case below will
illustrate these points.

The story

In 2006, Clif Bar was a private company with estimated annual revenues of about $150 million and
about 170 employees. Yet, there was a moment when it almost became another product line of a large
mega corporation and another countless blip across the C-SPAN screen. It was a ‘moment’ that can be
described as authentic leadership that changed the course of the future for the owner, employees, and
customers of this unique company.
After two key competitors in the industry were bought by large corporations, an offer was made by a
third large corporation to purchase the Clif Bar company in the year 2000. It was an outstanding offer
that was sure to make both owners extremely wealthy to the extent that they would never have to work
another day in their lives.
On the day of signing the contract, however, Gary Erickson, one of the owners, felt a sense of panic,
so he decided to take a walk to consider his ‘epiphany’. In that moment, being aware of his innermost
thoughts, he realized he did not want to sell the company. He decided he was not going to give in to all
the rational reasons that ‘experts’ gave him for selling the business, the primary one being the fact that
key competitive products were recently bought by corporations with large marketing budgets; it was
argued that Clif Bar would never be able to compete at that level and would wither away under the force
of immense competition. But on this day, Gary listened to his conscience and made a decision that went
against these experts, including the co-owner of Clif Bar, who would now have to be bought out. Gary
defied the odds and decided to back out of the deal of a lifetime. He went on to buy out the other owner
for over $60 million, even though he only had $10,000 in his bank account at the time.
In this case, his leadership paid off. The company has since grown from about $40 million in sales to
$150 million, even while competing with mega corporations. Most recently Clif Bar became a leader in
business sustainability by offering the nation’s first incentive programme to pay cash to employees who
purchase clean-burning bio-diesel cars, helping employees buy high-mileage hybrids, and offering a
variety of rewards to those who leave their cars at home altogether.
Gary Erickson has demonstrated authentic leadership by aligning his actions with his conscience
when he chose to back out of the sale at the last minute and follow his ‘inner voice’. He trusted his own
wisdom over the advice of the other highly experienced business people involved. Not only did he
succeed in sustaining the revenue growth of the company over time, but Clif Bar continues to create
innovative ways to be a company that values and takes actions towards sustaining the planet.
In retrospect, he could have been wrong about the future earning potential, but he would have still
been right about himself. His level of self-awareness regarding his inner morals and values led him to
maintain and grow one of the best-known outdoor food brands in the USA. Although authentic
leadership in this example was clearly demonstrated by a major decision, that decision took years to
carry through, and required a repeated focus on core values during that time. As a result, the company
continues to thrive and lead other companies in social responsibility initiatives. Gary Erickson continues
to lead the company in a way that is consistent with his core values system that places people and planet
before personal profit.


1. What do you think the moral of the story is?

2. Would we still call it effective leadership or even authentic leadership if Clif Bar had gone bankrupt
instead of increasing in revenues?
3. How did Gary use the concept of balanced processing and self-awareness when all experts were saying
one thing yet he chose a different direction?
4. In this case, Gary was transparent about his intentions with his partner. What are the political and
power-related circumstances that make it easy or difficult to be transparent at the upper levels of
organizational leadership?
5. In an age of rational decision-making, how do authentic leaders stay true to themselves when the
‘numbers’ or evidence presented by respected advisors suggest a different choice?

Case prepared by Tara S. Wernsing, Gallup Leadership Institute, University of Nebraska–Lincoln;

James B. Avey, Assistant Professor of Management, Central Washington University.
Diversity, Selection, Retention

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Describe the origins and meaning of human resource management

Understand the key concepts in human resource management and how they
affect organizational practice and performance
Describe the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to human resource practices and
Understand the main methods and approaches to recruitment, selection,
retention, and development used in human resource management
Evaluate the human resource function and its role in shaping organizational
Appreciate the role of government in influencing human resources policy


Some words from the Marx Bothers:

I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. (Groucho Marx)

‘So, why do you want to work for us?’ It is likely that almost all of us will be faced
with this uninspiring question at least once in our working lives as we search for a
job. Other typical questions include ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses?’,
‘Tell us a little about yourself’, ‘Why did you leave your other job?’, ‘Can you work
as part of a team?’, and so on. These questions are not simply friendly banter: they
are underpinned by specific intentions. Think for a moment: why would a possible
future employer ask you these things? It is not because they want to date you (well,
usually not!): it is because they want to determine if you are the right person for the
job. Human resource management (HRM) concerns a broad range of practices and
processes that include:

HRM is the process and practice of managing and advising management on the recruitment, selection, retention, and development of staff in an increasingly complex legal and social environment with the aim of
achieving the organization’s objectives as they are made sense of by its managers or consultants.

Attracting and selecting employees in line with the strategic direction and
intent of the organization.
Managing and facilitating career development and advancement of employees.
Dealing with and keeping abreast of current rules, laws, and legislation in
industrial relations and other policy areas such as occupational health and
safety legislation, equity and diversity, and antidiscrimination laws.
Ensuring there are uniform procedures and company HR policy information
available to staff and management on all aspects of employment.

Typically most large organizations will have a department dedicated to human

resources. However, most people work in small to mediumsized organizations, many
without a human resources department. The human resources manager in small
organizations is usually also the business owner, manager, or supervisor, with
typically a wider span of duties and responsibilities, and a much smaller HR budget.
This is unfortunate because many of the HR challenges that large businesses face are
the same as those that face small businesses. For example, it is just as important that
a small business is able to attract and retain talented staff. More importantly, in the
case of workplace accidents, where employer negligence is involved, it can often be
easier for government departments and legal entities to pursue the small-business
owner than large-company executives.

IMAGE 5.1 Shared meaning shared values?

Irrespective of business size, how HR managers approach their tasks is a function
of their own and their organization’s value systems. Do they value people? Is the
most important aspect profit maximization and efficiency? What assumptions about
human nature are dominant in the employer’s mind? Do people simply want cash, or
is a person’s identity and self-esteem wrapped up in what they do for a living? All
these questions are integral to the HR function. To explore such issues we need to
consider the history of HR management and its origins and underpinning
philosophies that drive different approaches in HRM. We will discuss the aims and
objectives of HR and why it is important that HR policies are aligned to the
organization’s strategic vision and mission.
We will explore some of the contextual aspects of HRM that shape the way people
are recruited, selected, retained, and treated once on board the organization. HRM is
a complex and difficult part of organizational practice: HR managers and their teams
must understand a plethora of government laws, rules, and regulations in areas such
as equity and diversity (antidiscrimination and affirmative action), occupational
health and safety, and industrial relations laws (both domestic and international).
Not only must HR managers be knowledgeable about all these things, they must also
have a strong awareness of what is happening in society – for example, generational
differences are believed to have major influences on why and how people work.
Knowing all these things, and transforming all this knowledge into understandable,
easily accessible, and practical information is easier said than done.
We will focus on the areas of recruitment, selection, retention, and development
of staff. If you were to ask any executive or business owner what they find most
challenging in running their organization, it is likely that they would respond that
finding and selecting the right staff is one of the most challenging. However,
selection is only part of the HRM story; once you find people, you need to keep
them. Herein lies one of our biggest challenges as managers – how do we actually
keep people? A good HR manager will ensure practices, processes, and policies exist
that maintain the interest of employees, and provide opportunities for staff
development. First, let us delve a little deeper into the history and main themes in

Accounts of the origins of the theory and practice of HRM vary. HR practices have
been studied implicitly by anthropologists for over two centuries as they
investigated work practices in ancient times. For example, it has been found that
many Anglo-Celtic people were named after what they did for a living – Smith,
Cook, Miller, and Tailor are not simply surnames but also job titles: people were,
quite literally, what they did for a living.
In ancient times people often did the same job for life: sometimes they were born
into a trade, so a ‘Carter’ could, literally, be a carter, a ‘Smith’ literally a smith, and
so on. They would follow in their father’s footsteps. Some jobs required a lifetime of
learning, practice, and experience before they could be mastered, and young people
would enter apprenticeships where they would receive close mentoring. In many
respects apprenticeships have changed very little over the centuries, and the model
used to train people has remained strong. Young stonemasons, jewellers,
glassmakers, chefs, and other craftspeople were bound to their masters through
apprenticeships, often having to live with their employers until they mastered their
trade. Today the apprenticeship system of staff training and development remains.
Indeed, if you intend one day to be an academic you will find the apprenticeship
model is alive and well in academia. Your research supervisors or advisors will be
your coaches and mentors, guiding you through the process of designing and
conducting research, writing and publishing your thesis, teaching, dealing with
university policies and politics, and so on.

HRM grows up

While anything to do with finding and hiring a person for a job can be interpreted as
HRM, the theory and study of HRM is quite new. They began with the introduction
of HRM as an area of study as part of the Harvard University MBA and at the
Michigan Business School in the 1980s. Often you will hear people refer to ‘hard’
and ‘soft’ HR models; in reality they are referring to the Michigan and the Harvard
schools of HRM respectively. The notion of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to HRM is
an integral component of all HRM practices, so it is important we appreciate and
understand what is meant by these two terms. To comprehend fully these two HRM
schools of thought and to understand the meaning of the terms ‘hard’ and ‘soft’, let
us look at two seminal approaches – Fredrick Taylor’s scientific management and
Elton Mayo’s human relations approaches to management. (Both approaches are
discussed in greater detail in Chapter 12). More so than most topics in this textbook,
HRM is underpinned by variations of scientific management or human relations
approaches – especially in regards to staff training and development, and on
performance measurement and reward. While we cover these topics in greater detail
shortly, they are important underlying concepts in HRM theory and practice. Table
5.1 summarizes the key points of both approaches to HR practice.
These two underlying themes of soft and hard HR practices can be seen in the
Harvard and Michigan models. The models can also be matched to Douglas
McGregor’s conception of Theory X and Theory Y orientations to managing people
(see Chapter 4 for more details). Theory X refers to managers who take a hard
orientation towards managing and motivating people at work, and Theory Y refers to
leaders who take a soft orientation (Pitsis, 2008a; 2008b).
In the soft model of HRM it is assumed that work is an integral part of life and
should provide a fulfilling, empowering, and positive experience for people. People
will be attracted to jobs that provide opportunity for growth and advancement; they
will stay in jobs that invest in them as valuable assets.

The soft model of HRM takes a humanistic approach to HRM; typically soft HR managers have a Theory Y orientation, which emphasizes that people are intrinsically motivated.

In the hard model of HRM it is assumed that people do not want empowerment:
they simply want to be told what is required of them, given the resources and
training to achieve these requirements, and be remunerated if they go beyond those
requirements. People will be attracted by good pay, clear objectives, and
unambiguous job duties.

In the hard model of HRM, managers tend to have a Theory X orientation and believe most people would rather not be at work; for this reason management monitoring and control is integral, and typically
extrinsic rewards such as pay raises and bonuses are used.


Resources (n);
Backup supply – a reserve supply of something, such as money, personnel, or equipment

Corporate assets – any or all of the resources drawn on by a company for making profit, e.g.
personnel, capital, machinery, or stock

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by E. C. A. Kaarsemar and E. Poutsma (2006) about how HR managers can implement and
reinforce a true Theory Y philosophy in HRM.

Before considering the main functions of HRM, let us cover one very important
concept underpinning HRM practice. This issue is central to HRM because it
concerns the very name of human resource management – that is, ‘humans’ as
‘resources’. The online encyclopedia, Encarta, describes resources in a number of
ways. Two of the most interesting and most commonly shared are shown in the What
Do You Mean? box above.
On the face of it, these definitions look benign. However, we need to deconstruct
their meaning and etymology (that is, the origins of the words and their meaning).
When we take a closer look at the ‘reserve supply of something’, the ‘something’
refers to personnel. As a corporate asset, personnel are used ‘by a company for
making profit’. Personnel are of course humans, or more precisely human resources,
yet it can sound as though they are merely an item on a corporate shopping list,
along with other items such as money, equipment, capital, machinery, and stock.
One could imagine a large warehouse somewhere, full of pencils, pens, envelopes,
and boxes of copy paper, and just below that, perhaps some nicely packaged humans.
Of course, we are only joking, sort of – most organizations do store people in offices
for a large part of the day. However, the concept of humans as resources has very
important implications for the notion of HRM because there are some very basic
assumptions underpinning the notion of humans as resources.

TABLE 5.1 Hard and soft HRM practices and philosophies

Source: Adapted and extended from Price (2004)

Historically, some humans were thought of as resources that could be bought and
sold as slaves – human bodies forcibly removed from Africa and made to work in
the Americas – and for hundreds of years slavery was the most profitable trade in the
world economy. Indeed, the British, French, and Dutch prospered greatly from the
slave trade.
It was not only the slave trade that reinforced the treatment of humans as nothing
more than resources. The wealthy industrialist classes in the UK, France, Germany,
Spain, The Netherlands, and other colonialist nations helped to create a large
working class. Economies were structured in terms of a division between the owners
of capital and those whose only resource was the ability to provide their labour
power by renting some of their time and labour to a capitalist for a wage.
At this time many nations saw an increase in the union movement, as unions were
created to counter the increasing power of industrialists and owners of capital, and to
ensure a fair wage for a fair day’s work. Unionists believed the main aim of union
organization was to ensure that humans were not treated simply as resources, but as
human beings with lives, families, aspirations, and so on. For many in management,
and some management theorists – including those within both the scientific
management and the human relations schools – unions were seen as more of a source
of disruption and conflict in organizational life.
One might be skeptical about the intentions of HRM and its role in people’s –
those human resources – working lives. You do not have to search far or wide to
experience cases of people being treated as nothing other than a resource. Often
companies pursue programmes of mass redundancies in order to influence stock
market prices and every day there are cases of unfair dismissal, discrimination, and
exploitation, even in some of the biggest and most successful companies.
Yet, while it is certainly true that the exploitation of people occurs on a day-to-
day basis, it is also true that many organizations proclaim that their people are their
greatest asset. Some of these companies have experienced phenomenal growth, even
in times of great competition and challenge, and we will visit some of these
throughout this chapter. The point to be made here is that the desire to treat humans
as valuable ‘assets’ rather than as expendable ‘resources’ gives HRM a very
important role within organizations – especially as unionism continues to decline,
partly in the face of governments’ aggressive neo-economic policies on industrial
relations which privilege individual over collective contracts. So it is time now to
visit the HRM functions that are central to the success and growth of organizations.


HRM and strategy

A key function of HRM is to assist the business to meet its strategic objectives.
Earlier in this chapter we outlined the soft and hard approaches to HRM. While the
Harvard and Michigan models are presented as the main HR models, in reality four
general schools of thought evolved about HRM at around the same time. In addition
to the Harvard and Michigan schools, Price (2004) lists two other important HRM
schools of thought that have influenced the way in which HRM is understood,
practiced, and taught: – these are the Warwick and the Schuler schools. Importantly,
the Schuler school is named after Professor Randall S. Schuler who emphasized the
critical role that HRM plays in strategic management. His work since the 1980s has
sought to emphasize that, although the practice of HRM and the practice of strategic
management are interrelated, most strategic management scholars underemphasize
the role that HRM plays in business strategy (Schuler and Jackson, 2000; Schuler
and MacMillan, 1984; Tarique and Schuler, 2010). From Schuler’s work emerged
the important but debated concept of strategic HRM.
Strategic management is a broad managerial function, usually formulated,
implemented, and evaluated by the senior leaders within an organization. Strategy is
more than just planning and executing, it is about change and leading from the front
(Hamel, 2002; Hamel and Prahalad, 1996). According to Porter (1987; 1996),
strategic management is what gives businesses competitive advantage because it
differentiates them, and what they are doing, from other businesses. Traditional
approaches to strategic management, such as those proffered by Porter and others,
involve a vision of the future of an organization, then formulating, setting, and
selling a clear plan, set of objectives, and measurement systems for the
organization’s future. The strategic plan is sold to staff, customers, and other
stakeholders in order to help the business realize its vision.
According to Schuler and Jackson (2000), strategic management is comprised of
five core practices that can be divided into strategy formulation and strategy
implementation. They argue that these core activities can be directly transposed onto
the key HRM functions of the business as strategic HRM. The strategic activities
relating to formulation include: (a) deciding what business the company will be in,
formulating a strategic vision, and generating a set of values and a general strategy;
(b) identifying strategic business issues and setting strategic objectives; (c) crafting
a set of strategic plans of action for meeting the objectives. The activities relating to

Strategic HRM: In the formulation stage strategic HRM can contribute to the organization’s objectives by ensuring that all key HRM functions such as the recruitment, retention, and development of staff are
consistent with the business strategy. In the implementation stage HRM can contribute by ensuring that people understand the key strategic intentions and objectives, and ensure that people are abiding by those
strategic intentions through measurement of performance consistent with those objectives. implementation include: (a) developing and implementing the strategic plans of action for functional units; and (b)
evaluating, revising, and refocusing for the future. For Schuler and Jackson, strategic HRM is closely tied to strategic functions of strategy formulation and implementation.

In the formulation stage strategic HRM can contribute to the organization’s

objectives by ensuring that all key HRM functions such as the recruitment, retention,
and development of staff are consistent with the business strategy. In the
implementation stage HRM can contribute by ensuring that people understand the
key strategic intentions and objectives, and ensuring that people are abiding by those
strategic intentions through measurement of performance consistent with those
Much of the work on strategic management, and therefore strategic HRM, adopts
a contingency theory perspective on the world. Contingency theory assumes that
organizations constantly scan their environment, and that their response to certain
variables, or contingencies, in their environment is what enables the organization to
succeed. The strategic manager must always ensure that the organization is aligned
with these contingencies, for if they are not, they must realign the organization to
regain fit with its environment (Donaldson, 2002 [1987]; Schuler and Jackson,
Such conceptions of strategy assume that the business managers are in control and
can alter and manage aspects of the organization as they see fit. In this sense the HR
manager can help align the organization to fit better with the environment by
selecting who is employed, how and why they are selected, how they are trained, and
so on. The HR manager can formulate an HR strategy consistent with corporate
strategy, and implement that strategy, and can then ensure that there is a
performance measurement system in place to ensure staff are performing according
to strategy. This assumes that management has control of where the organization is
going and also control over the staff. That is, people in the organization are made to
fit the overall strategic mission of the organization.
There is, of course, common sense in ensuring that HR and corporate strategy are
well aligned. However, the notion that one can plan for and measure strategy, let
alone design the entire HRM function around that strategy, is grandiose. The notion
assumes (a) that the rational model of strategy is what actually gets implemented
and (b) that external events are knowable, controllable, and manageable. In practice,
however, the likelihood is that what is implemented is the various, contested,
understandings of this model that people in different parts and levels of the
organization possess. Specifically there is debate around the idea that one can plan
for and measure performance on things that have not yet happened. That is, the
contexts within which organizations operate are exemplified by uncertainty
(unknowable events) and ambiguity (differences in understanding and perception
about events and objects). Strategic management is therefore a process that
‘happens’ as it unfolds in real time and space (Carter et al., 2008; Clegg et al., 2011).
That is, how can we plan for things that have not yet happened, but we simply think
will happen? How can we plan

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an interesting and easy to read paper on strategic HRM by B. E. Becker and M. Huselid (2006).

for events that will only unfold as we think they will if everyone else shares our
understanding and follows the rational plan perfectly? We know from a great deal of
research that it is rarely the case that this happens (Brunsson, 2006).
The Strategy-As-Practice (SAP) movement attempts to reverse the trend towards
viewing strategy as something that organizations have, and emphasizes the idea that
strategy is something people do – or practice (Clegg et al., 2011; Golsorkhi et al.,
2010; Johnson et al., 2007). As such, strategy is a fluid process that unfolds as
people in organizations go about ‘doing’ strategy, and sometimes the outcome of the
strategy is something which unfolds, or becomes, as a result of the practices rather
than any pre-planned and carefully controlled and managed event (Bjorkeng et al.,
2009; Clegg et al., 2011).
So, for many strategic management scholars, strategy is not so much what we plan
as something we do. It is neither something that happens in isolation from
everything else, nor something that is easily compartmentalized into doable chunks
that are ‘plannable’ and measurable. While we can say, ‘Today I will strategize,
tomorrow I will plan, on the next day I will implement’, and so on, in reality the
world does not operate in this way. To define and set up performance management
systems for events that have not yet occurred is an activity that can be viewed with
skepticism. Often what many employees find, as they negotiate how their
performance will be assessed, is that over time the things they ‘agree’ to achieve and
to be measured against end up becoming obsolete and irrelevant. Similarly,
managers often believe in the myth that they can control all aspects of work as long
as they can plan for it and thus will know what can be predicted in the future
(Makridakis et al., 2010; Pitsis and Clegg, 2007). But the daily news suggests this is
not so. Many staff and management in Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman
Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, American International Group, Enron,
WorldCom, One-Tel, Arthur Andersen, etc., all had their performance measurement
and performance reviews in place, all in line with the strategic plans of the
organizations. However, we wonder if these performance agreements and
negotiation of salary and benefits included the potential and actual collapse of these
companies? Informed by these stories, some management thinkers have called for a
re-evaluation of the term strategic HRM, not so much because they oppose HRM but
because they take issue with the concept that strategic management dealing with a
specific list of contingencies can be exhaustive of the issues that might arise (you
can read more about contingency theory in Chapter 14).
Those of you who go on to specialize in HRM will invariably study strategic
HRM, and it is likely that you will then come across such debates about
measurement of performance in line with strategic imperatives. Perhaps in some
courses you will even debate whether HRM actually is strategic. In our experience,
most HR departments simply implement what they are told to by company
executives, and so it is the executives who are being strategic, something evident in
the fact that relatively few boards include the HR director, nor do HR managers
often present to the board and say, ‘This is the strategy we believe the company must
take, here is our ten-point plan to implement it, now let us go do it!’ In most cases
HR does not have a strategic role in an organization, which is not to say that it
should not and cannot, especially in public organizations (Teo and Crawford, 2005).
The debate on the role and effectiveness of strategic HRM in affecting
organizational performance is young and inconclusive, but it promises to be a
growing and interesting area of research and study (Brewster, 1995; Guest, 2011;
Lawler, 2005; Schuler and Jackson, 2000), especially as alternative strategic
management perspectives that challenge the dominant rational scientific approach to
strategic management enter the fray (see Clegg et al., 2004; 2011).

HRM and environmental complexity

A complex and challenging aspect of the HR function is the need to remain up to

date with the constantly changing legal, political, and social environment. In this
section we will discuss a number of areas where HRM can provide critical
knowledge and information regarding all aspects of managing people at work,
specifically in areas that concern their employment.
Environmental complexity has a considerable impact on the core functions of
HRM, such as recruitment, selection, and retention. However, what is often
underplayed is the way in which organizations can alter and create the very
environment they seek to adapt to. Here we will consider issues such as the changing
nature of the workforce, issues of diversity and gender, equal employment and
affirmative action or positive discrimination, and occupational safety and health.
All these things, either alone or in tandem, can significantly affect the ability of
an organization, large or small, to function effectively. For this reason, the HR
manager and their team – if fortunate enough to have one – have a key role to play in
the organization. Whether those responsible for HR have their own department in a
large organization, or whether they are a small-business owner with a handful of
staff, understanding and accounting for the environmental complexity and
uncertainty caused by social, economic, ecological, and political factors is crucial.
The HR manager not only provides advice to other managers and staff on these
issues, but also implements organization HR policies and procedures that reflect and
help account for these complex issues.

Demographic changes: ‘talking’bout my generation’

HRM requires management of the critical areas of employee recruitment, selection,

and training and development in a way that is consistent with an organization’s
objectives. However, the organization does not exist in isolation from its context or
the environment within which it operates. Because HR is fundamentally about
people – irrespective of whether it is hard or soft oriented, or whether HR strategy
can be planned or whether it evolves in response to events as they occur – everything
to do with people has an impact on HR practices and processes. One of the most
important concerns for organizations is the changing nature of the workforce. Here
we will discuss selected key areas. The discussion will be by no means exhaustive;
rather we cover these to ensure that we can all appreciate the complexity, challenges,
and opportunities available in managing HR. The areas we will focus on are:

Assumed generational differences between people that affect their attitudes,

perceptions, and expectations about work.
Knowledge, skills, and education levels of people currently in the workforce
and on the job market.
Types and levels of immigration and migration central to government
immigration policy.

Let us begin with generational differences. One often hears people talk about
Generation ‘X’, Generation ‘Y’, ‘Baby boomers’, ‘Noughties’, and so on. Some
organizational theorists have asserted that generational differences will have
profound effects upon organizations (Conger, 2000), but others argue the idea that
generational differences have had a profound effect on organizational behaviour is
still yet to be sufficiently proven (Parry and Urwin, 2011). Even so, many
researchers have shown that generational differences not only exist, but also have
important implications for HR practice (Benson and Brown, 2011; Burke, 1994;
Lyons et al., 2005; Smola and Sutton, 2002). Benson and Brown (2011) show that
one uniform HR policy cannot adequately account for the differences in work-and
life-related values identified with each different generation. Hence, HR policy has to
be sensitive and reflective of the values of the varied generations. So what does it
mean to differentiate generations, to think of them as characterized by different
types of behaviour, and why do they differ? Essentially every generation has claimed
to have difficulty understanding the next.
Different age groups experience events that shape their lives in different ways;
these can be local or world events, and they occur as events in a specific period of
people’s lives. The Great Depression, the Second World War, the 1960s period of
social experimentation and protest, the 1980s and the advent of economic
rationalization, of corporate greed, downsizing and high unemployment, periods of
rapid economic growth, the Internet, and, of course, 9/11 and the associated War on
Terror, all these things leave an imprint on people’s psyche. But smaller events also
shape people – the proliferation of new technologies, changes in expectations about
leisure time and work/life balance, improvements in education and health care, and
so on. All these things transform people in implicit ways, and therefore also have an
impact upon their attitudes and expectations around work. Table 5.2 lists some of the
generations and some of their implications for HRM practice and policies.

TABLE 5.2 Managing the different generations from an HRM perspective

Sources: Nowecki and Summers (2007), and Proffet-Reese et al. (2007), and Wikipedia


The changing face of knowledge
Knowledge has transformed with time, as have the expectations of people’s core skills sets and
capabilities. Most of Western civilization has transformed from an agrarian, to an industrial, then a
technological, and most recently a knowledge and emotions based society.

FIGURE 5.1 Stuffing the head full of different knowledge

Changing face of knowledge

Let us now look at issues around knowledge, skills, and education levels of the
workforce. It is not just generational differences that pose challenges to HRM
practice and policy. The changing nature of the workforce in terms of education and
skill is also a critical factor. A better educated workforce means people can be better
informed about many issues relating to work and quality of working life. We have
already seen (in Table 5.2) how Gen-X and Gen-Y are especially technologically
savvy, though of course the use of technology is only a small part of what people do
at work. The nature of knowledge and concomitant skills expected of people has
transformed over time. Figure 5.1 represents the changing knowledge and skills of
people in society over time. In Western civilizations most societies were structured
around agriculture and artisan crafts such as tool-making, weapon-making, pottery,
art, and so on. The demand for people with knowledge, skills, and abilities was
concentrated around farming and artisan craftwork. However, as the Industrial
Revolution gained impetus there was a change in the expectations of knowledge,
skills, and abilities as there was a giant leap in economic growth. Industries based on
mass production, heavy mining, heavy transport (such as trains and ships), and many
other technological and scientific innovations, took the place of agricultural and
artisan work. As we will discuss in Chapters 12 and 13, mass production brought
with it standardized, routinized, and formalized work. Thus workers were no longer
expected to be skilled artisans; rather they were trained to do specialized, repetitive

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Ronald Paul Hill (2002), which provides an excellent overview and discussion of
generational differences and their implications to management.

By the 1990s information technology (IT) professionals were being paid

exorbitant amounts of money as the IT bubble kept expanding. University courses
and degrees, and specialized IT colleges, appeared from everywhere to meet the
demand for people seeking IT qualifications. In many ways the IT rush was similar
to the Gold Rush era of the US, Australia, and South Africa. Around the turn of the
century, the Western world was said to have entered the stage of knowledge work
and the growth of knowledge-intensive firms. It is likely, given that you are studying
a management and organizational behaviour textbook, that you are or will be a
knowledge worker yourself one day, as we are as the authors of this book, and that
you will work in a knowledge-intensive firm.

Knowledge-intensive firms create value by solving their clients’ problems through the direct application of knowledge. Whereas knowledge plays a role in all firms, its role is distinctive in knowledge-intensive
firms. Rather than being embodied in the process or product, knowledge resides in experts and its application is customized in real time based on clients’ needs (Sheehan, 2005: 54).
Once knowledge-intensive firms included only consulting companies, legal firms,
and other organizations where the outcomes were professional advice on
organizational problems. Increasingly, however, even traditionally non-knowledge-
intensive firms have moved to trading and promoting their knowledge. Most
organizations in a variety of industries now involve at least some level of
knowledge-based work, be it in banking and finance, tourism and travel, education,
pharmaceuticals, food, and so on.
Mats Alvesson (2004: 139–141) argues knowledge-intensive organizations, more
than most, must acknowledge that people are critical to their growth and success. He
offers two interesting concepts that he believes are critical concepts in HRM and
how people are employed and treated at work. These are human capital advantage
(HCA) and human process advantage (HPA), both of which are explained in the
What Do You Mean? box below. According to Alvesson, effective HRM requires
both HCA and HPA, but many companies prioritize these differently – not least
because HCA is costly. Most try and design and implement work systems and
processes that transform effort into specific, preordained outcomes.
Alvesson (2004: 137–139) argues that knowledge work and the growth of
knowledge-intensive firms pose significant challenges to HRM practice and policy.
He believes that most current HR practices are inappropriate for attracting and
retaining knowledge workers and that the primary aim of HRM should be to enhance
the appeal of the organization to talented staff. That is, the key to organizational
excellence is to attract excellent employees, to retain them, and to develop and draw
upon their talent. Indeed, research supports Alvesson’s idea, showing that an
emphasis on human capital advantage allows organizations to be more innovative
(Camelo-Ordaz et al., 2011).


Two types of advantage, according to Alvesson
Human capital advantage (HCA) – HCA refers to the employment of talent and the advantage that the
organization derives from that talent. For this reason high levels of effort and expenditure should go into
the recruitment, selection, and retention of exceptional and talented staff. The knowledge, skills, and
qualities of these talented people lead to desirable organizational outcomes.

Human process advantage (HPA) – HPA refers to highly evolved processes that are difficult to imitate,
such as systems of cross-departmental cooperation, executive development, and so on. The aim of HPA
is to set up the preconditions for organizational functioning and synergy between people and processes.
This can include job design, policies, and so on. The emphasis is on process delivering outcomes rather
than specific knowledge of employees delivering outcomes.
Another transition in knowledge and skills can be seen in Figure 5.1, where it is
represented by the symbol of the heart. The heart represents the growing emphasis
on the ability of people to practice empathy and compassion at work, to exhibit high
levels of emotional intelligence, communicate effectively, and work closely with
other people (Cooney, 2011). In many ways, knowledge workers will also require an
ability to relate from the heart. One of the leaders in this area was the late Professor
Peter Frost. We have an excellent interview with Professor Frost on the Companion
Website (, in which he discusses
how matters of the heart are the essential skills and attributes required of leaders and
employees for the future.
Often you will hear arguments that women will be better suited to such new
‘emotional roles’ at work because caring, empathy, and relationship-building are all
feminine-type roles. How often have you heard people say women are better
listeners and communicators than men? Often research supports such findings; for
example, there has long been a strong correlation between gender and helping
behaviours and altruism (Mesch et al., 2006; Piliavin and Unger, 1985), and overt
claims about women’s superior communication skills over men:

there is some evidence that many women are exceptional global people for the
following reasons. One, they tend to approach relationships and negotiations
from a win-win strategy that results in success for both sides … Two, women
tend to be more formal, show more respect, and take care in establishing
relationships than men. Three, women tend to be better listeners and more
sympathetic than men. (Abbott and Moran, 2002: 78)

Such claims should be viewed with some skepticism because often there is a role
expectation that women and men will behave in certain ways. Moreover, much of the
research conducted on gender difference involves people rating men and women on
different variables. The ratings attract a halo effect in that women are often rated as
being more helpful and altruistic than men simply because they fulfil a specific
gender role such as mother, wife, or girlfriend (see Hendrickson-Eagley, 1987). We
are not saying that these attributes are not important in the workplace, or that being
emotionally sensitive, an excellent communicator and listener, and so on, are not
critical skills and knowledge to possess. They are, and employers will increasingly
demand such knowledge, skills, and abilities as businesses emphasize relationships
and collaboration more and more. Our point is that too much emphasis is placed on
the idea that men and women are fundamentally different and naturally inclined
towards one form of employment than another – rather people fill specific roles in
life, and act and are perceived to act in accordance with these roles (Fletcher and
Sydnor Clarke, 2003; Rees and Spreecher, 2009). It is not that they are really
differences in sex, but rather socialized differences – and so it is no less important
that men should be expected to develop and possess emotional skills and knowledge
(see also the discussion of gender roles in Chapter 2, Managing Individuals).


The picture we have painted so far is that HRM is a difficult and challenging
endeavour, in which generational changes and the transition towards knowledge
work have increasingly complicated its role. However, in many ways these changes
are what give life to the growth and interest in HRM as a domain of research and
practice. One more area that we will now discuss has far-reaching and significant
implications for the practices and policies enacted by HR managers. Through public
policy, government shapes society, and therefore the workforce, in a wide range of
areas. Here we consider only three: diversity and equal opportunity, occupational
safety and health, and industrial relations law. We begin with diversity and equal
opportunity. The demographic transformations that we described earlier in this
chapter directly and indirectly implicate organization policy on issues of workplace
safety, and gender, equity, and diversity. Let us take a look at gender, equity, and
diversity first.
IMAGE 5.2 Diversity – as DJ Mitch sees it (you can find DJ Mitch’s page at
Equity and diversity

One of the most important and politically charged aspects of HRM practice is
dealing with issues of gender, equity, and diversity. Let us start with diversity.

In an organizational context, diversity can most simply be defined as variety in geography, culture, gender, spirituality, language, disability, sexuality, and age.

The most common form of diversity is cultural diversity, and given that
organizations are more or less comprised of members of society, one would expect
that they would reflect the diversity in that society – or so the theory goes. Most
industrialized countries in the world have relied heavily upon immigration in order
to grow prosperous. Some new countries, established on the traditional lands of an
indigenous population, such as the USA, Canada, and Australia, are almost entirely
comprised of migrants.
The sources of the migrant population have transformed with time, which has
provided such countries with a culturally diverse society.
The most significant wave of new migrants occurred immediately after the
desolation of Europe in the Second World War. Many of the Jewish people who
survived the horrors of Hitler’s Nazi regime fled Europe for the USA, Australia, or
to join the new state of Israel, on land previously controlled by the British as
protectors of the Palestine Mandate and settled by several different peoples,
predominantly Palestinian. Post-war Europe saw Italians, Greeks, and Yugoslavians
(as they were called then) also flee Europe for the relative wealth, safety, and
opportunities available to them in relatively free and democratic countries such as
the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Later, war and despotic regimes in
Vietnam and Cambodia respectively saw a large intake of South-East Asian
refugees, and the war in Lebanon also saw a flow of Middle Eastern migration.
Interspersed between them all came migration from Third World nations, and
nations experiencing civil unrest, such as China, India, Pakistan, the West Indies,
Sudan, as well as South Africa and Zimbabwe (for excellent accounts of
international migration see Castles and Miller, 2003; Jupp, 2002; Kupiszewski and
Kupiszewska, 2011).
Diversity is not restricted to cultural diversity. Take a moment to study Table 5.3.
Clearly diversity poses great challenges for HRM. On the one hand, it is a complex,
emotionally charged, and legally and socially explosive area of organizational
behaviour. On the other hand, it can be a source of growth, competitive advantage,
and creativity. Indeed, if there is one thing that organizations cannot afford to get
wrong it is their approach to HR processes and practices concerning diversity.

TABLE 5.3 The key diversity categories: their descriptors and HR implications
Source: Adapted and extended from Hopkins (1997: 5)

In Western Democracies there is an assumption that notions such as equity and

diversity are highly valued. Aristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher, defined
democracy as ‘rule by the people, for the people’, and over time democracy became
about the pursuit of religious freedom, separation of powers between church and
state, basic human and civil rights. Of course that is in a perfect world; in reality
there are a number of challenges facing democracy as a form of government. From
this perspective some human resource policies are designed to reinforce the ideas we
take for granted about living in a democracy. While our discussions here are almost
exclusively about equity in industrialized democracies, we fully acknowledge that
there are other forms of government that have very little interest in freedom,
equality, and human rights. We also recognize that the global flows of monetary
policy and commodity prices have a profound effect on equality around the world.
What is clear, however, is that if you live in an egalitarian regime (such as a
democracy), there are lower levels of inequality than in other regimes (Galbraith,
2011). Indeed, inequality can be thought of as counter to democracy, and so
organizations can play a critical role in promoting equality; that is the theory, but
the reality is quite different.

TABLE 5.4 Average yearly earnings, by industry and gender ($US in 2005)

Source: Susan Van Dorsten, NAFE Magazine and the National Association for Female Executives (2004,
Fourth Quarter)

Gender inequity is a highly emotive issue typified by a variety of arguments and

perspectives. Consider pay inequity between the genders – Table 5.4 lists the pay
rates for males and females in a number of professions. In the five years since these
statistics the USA has yet to see any real changes in terms of equal pay for women
(New York Times, 13 July 2010), and even as recent as 2012, the gender inequity gap
in pay seems to still not have been addressed. The story is the same for most other
countries, especially for Australia and the UK, where women are paid less than 85
per cent of what males earn for the same job, qualifications, and experience (The
Sydney Morning Herald, 2 March 2010; The Guardian, 7 September 2009; see also and Even in Germany
and Sweden women face an array of stereotypes that reinforce pay inequity (Lilja
and Luddeckens, 2006).

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by E. C. A. Kaarsemaker and E. Poutsma (2006) about how HR managers can implement and
reinforce a true Theory Y philosophy in HRM.

Such inequity continues today and while several initiatives are being implemented
to counter inequity, it is clear that change is extremely slow. Often people may
rationalize pay inequity as being the result of women’s choices, such as choosing not
to advance their careers or to work full time because of family commitments, or
that, because women bear children, their employment is a financial risk which
should be accounted for in wage levels (Lilja and Luddeckens, 2006). A related
defence of the gender pay gap is that people in positions of power tend to be men,
and so bonuses and pay are based on the individual’s effect on organizational
performance: if women are not in positions where they are measured on performance
they will not receive bonuses, and hence will have a lower income (Roth, 2006).
While publicly many people and organizations deplore such inequity, the reality is
that the inequity continues to exist. Of course, migrant women are doubly
disadvantaged when it comes to pay because migrant workers who do not speak the
language of the country they have migrated to are paid significantly less than other
workers – irrespective of gender (Boyd and Pikkov, 2005; Kung and Wang, 2006).
When considering the diversity categories, descriptions, and HR implications we
presented earlier, we need to attend to one very important fact. The nature of HR
policy on diversity cannot be separated from government policy and ideology. For
example, if a government favours ‘cultural integration’ and assimilation, it expects
that migrants will forgo their cultural past and integrate fully within the dominant
culture. If a government values multicultural diversity then it will ensure diversity is
preserved. Some countries, such as Canada (see the case study at the end of this
chapter), take the ‘perfect neutrality’ approach, in which the aim is to ensure that all
forms of diversity are fully protected and all discrimination is eradicated. Most
governments, however, will ebb and flow between cultural diversity and cultural
assimilation – depending on the mood of the constituents, on the country, the
prospect of an election (if one is allowed) and, ironically, the spiritual disposition of
those in charge (such as Christian fundamentalists, Islamists, or Zionists) with their
specific views on homosexuality, gender roles, and disability.
Fortunately many developed-nation governments in the OECD appear to value
almost all the categories of diversity we covered earlier. However, there are many
more governments around the world that have scant regard for human rights of all
kinds. Many governments, especially those in the industrialized world, have a range
of laws, acts, and regulations upholding and reinforcing the principles of equity and
diversity and equal employment opportunities. Moreover, global organizations such
as Amnesty International, United Nations Human Rights Council, and GlobalVision
also oversee the policies and practices of governments and organizations in terms of
issues of equity and diversity. In the web section of this chapter you will find some
outstanding government links to equity and diversity in the USA, UK, Sweden,
Australia, and other countries.
In the workplace context, equity means that people will be treated fairly. As a
general rule, governments that value equity and diversity all have certain elements
in common; these include protection against discrimination based on gender,
sexuality, culture, language, religion, disability, and age in the workplace. These
include, but are not limited to, protecting people from:

Being denied an interview or employment based upon any one or more of the
Being denied promotion or advancement due to one or all of the above.
Experiencing persecution, ridicule, and harassment based on one or all of the

WalMart up against the wall – taking diversity seriously?
Almost every few days in early 2007 a new magazine article or news story emerged concerning the
HRM practices of the massive US-based company WalMart. As an example, read this article, edited
from the New York Times online (

York Times Online – 7 February 2007

WalMart’s efforts to block the nation’s largest sex discrimination lawsuit suffered a big setback
yesterday when a federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled that the case should proceed as a class
action. Legal specialists said the ruling would increase pressure on WalMart Stores to settle the case, in
which the retailer is accused of discrimination in pay and promotions. WalMart executives said they
would appeal, voicing confidence that the decision would be overturned.
The court ruled yesterday that the lawsuit should proceed as a class action – the largest such civil
rights case in history – because it raised common questions of law and fact, because the six named
plaintiffs were typical of the class and because there were so many women that it was impractical to
handle the matter in individual cases.
The majority wrote, ‘Plaintiffs’ expert opinions, factual evidence, statistical evidence, and anecdotal
evidence present significant proof of a corporate policy of discrimination and support plaintiffs’
contention that female employees nationwide were subject to a common pattern and practice of
WalMart’s lead lawyer, Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., said that yesterday’s decision was not based on the
merits of the case. ‘WalMart has a strong antidiscrimination policy,’ he said. Arguing that the ruling
contained factual and legal errors, Mr. Boutrous said WalMart would ask the three-judge panel to
reconsider the case and would also ask a full panel of 15 Ninth Circuit judges to consider it. Mr.
Boutrous asserted that yesterday’s decision conflicts with Supreme Court rulings and other Circuit Court
A lawyer for the plaintiffs, Joseph Sellers, hailed yesterday’s decision. ‘This ruling confirms that no
company, no matter how big, is exempt from the civil rights law, no matter what WalMart claimed,’ he
said. Brad Seligman, the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer, estimated that the class – which includes all women
who have worked at WalMart at any time since Dec. 21, 1998 – encompasses more than two million.
‘Simple math, given the size of the class and the types of disparities we’ve shown, indicate that the
losses to women are in the billions,’ Mr. Seligman said.
He said the ruling showed that ‘it is time for WalMart to face the music.
Knowing what you now know about HR and equity, what HRM policies and procedures might have
avoided such outcomes for WalMart?
What advice would you give WalMart in relation to HRM practices for the future?

One of the most controversial HR policies enacted by governments is affirmative

action. Affirmative action (or positive discrimination) originated in the US,
specifically in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and in the 1966
Civil Rights Act. The main aim was to address the damage done as a result of
slavery and racism against African-Americans, and by gender stereotypes to women.
Today affirmative action applies to all categories of diversity in order to reinforce
the American ideals of fairness (Crosby et al., 2003). In Australia affirmative action
was applied especially to reverse the bias against indigenous people, as well as
women, and is enacted in a number of laws and acts. Many of these are administered
by the Affirmative Action Agency and include the Affirmative Action (Equal
Employment Opportunity for Women) Act, 1986. While Australia and New Zealand
were the first countries to allow women to vote, indigenous people in Australia,
similarly to African-Americans, had very few rights until the 1960s.

Affirmative action attempts to address long-standing and institutionalized discrimination against people of diverse backgrounds – such as gender, race, etc. – by discriminating in favour of people perceived as
belonging to categories that are disadvantaged.

Many people, for no other reason than race, gender, colour, ethnicity and so on,
were, and continue to be, excluded from many jobs in favour of white males (in the
West that is; there is similar discrimination against white people in some Asian and
African nations). The main application of affirmative action is aimed at influencing
organizations to review employment policies for discriminatory practices. The next
most commonly reported policies relate to companies’ efforts to assist employees to
balance the competing roles of work and family. Very few affirmative action
policies seek to challenge traditional patterns of employment, and policies that seek
to ‘fix’ people into certain positions are even less commonly reported by
organizations (Sheridan, 1998).
According to the National Organization for Women (,
affirmative action is often opposed because it is seen to promote reverse
discrimination, in that, if a white person or a man and a black person or a woman
apply for a job, the black person or woman must get it. Such an understanding,
which is quite prevalent, is somewhat of a myth because both the black person and
woman must possess the relevant skills and qualification. Despite negative
perceptions in some parts of society, research has found that affirmative action is
generally positive and is predominantly based on merit (Crosby et al., 2003).
Moreover, when explained in a way that connects with people’s values of fairness,
equality, and opportunity, positive discrimination policies tend to be supported by
the broader public (Does et al., 2011).

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Barry Goldman and his colleagues (2006), which considers perceptions towards
discrimination in the workplace, as well as their legal and social ramifications.

Overall, equity and diversity are important, we believe, and the principles
espoused by proponents of equity and diversity are the cornerstone of a free, open,
progressive, and democratic society, the practical test of which is how any society
treats not only its own citizens but also those who seek citizenship. Whether you
become an executive officer, a supervisor, or an HR manager, these things should
feature in any and all aspects of your organization’s HRM decisions, practices, and

Occupational safety and health

Death and injury have a variety of causes, including chemicals, gases, equipment
failure, risks associated with the nature of the work (mining, police and fire officers,
soldiers, etc.), employee or employer negligence, incompetence or mental illness,
violence (by colleagues or customers), and ergonomic design flaws (Collins and
Schneid, 2001; Tehrani and Haworth, 2004). These are issues of occupational
health and safety (OHS). As with equity and diversity, OHS is also legislated. Its
simplest expression is found in the many safety notices that abound in the

Occupational health and safety (OHS) refers to legislation, policies, acts, practices, and processes that are aimed at protecting all workers from injury and death in the workplace.

IMAGE 5.3 Danger at work

Violation of OHS legislation has two extremely negative impacts: first, it results
in death or injury; and second, it can result in criminal proceedings, fines, and even
imprisonment for management, including the HR manager. In the event of a death or
injury, management can be personally liable if it can be shown not to have
implemented and understood relevant health and safety legislation in the workplace
– irrespective of whether the business is large, medium, or small. The HR manager,
along with management in general, must design and implement OHS management
systems, processes, and training in accordance with OHS legislation.

All OHS acts and legislations are framed around the following:

Preventing death and injury at work.

Dealing with events that can or have caused death or injury.
Dealing with compensation paid to the family or next of kin of the deceased, or
paid to the injured person(s).
Dealing with the occupational rehabilitation of the injured person(s).

Any management system must adequately account for each of the areas listed.
OHS laws, acts, and legislation are complex, and can be confusing. Fortunately
governments provide excellent resources and training that HR managers can use to
help design, implement, and enforce their OHS management systems. (See e.g.
Australia: The Australian Safety and Compensation Council,; UK: The Health and Safety Commission,; USA: Department of Labour: OHS


The core HRM functions have, without a doubt, the potential to influence
significantly the performance and outcomes of organizations (Becker and Gerhart,
1996). We have reviewed a number of texts with chapters on HRM and some seem
to favour an emphasis on quantity of content over quality. We do not expect you to
become a professional HR manager after doing an OB course – especially given that
most OB courses either do not cover HRM or, if they do, usually cover it in one or, if
you are lucky, two lectures. Thus, rather than present you with a detailed step-by-
step manual of the core HR functions, we prefer to provide you with an overview of
each of these functions with some practical examples and illustrations. In this way
we provide you with an easy to read and understand introduction to the core HR
functions. Understanding these functions, as a manager, is very important because it
provides you with knowledge that will complement the people and organizational
management skills and knowledge that you are acquiring as you study. So, it is time
to look at the recruitment, selection, retention, and development of people in

Recruiting people

As we discussed earlier in this chapter, demographic changes associated with

migration and generational changes have critical implications for the ability of
employers to attract talented, qualified staff to their organizations. To complicate
matters further, the demand for talented and qualified staff has gone global. No
longer are organizations competing against only their local competitors for staff,
they are competing against large international corporations and international
governments offering the promise of higher standards of living, higher wages, career
prospects, and so on. As jobs are going global, so too is recruitment. In addition,
sustained global economic growth has created staff shortages in several countries’
sectors. This applies in the case of white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar
(trades) workers, which includes plumbers, electricians, chefs, firefighters, and
police officers. Furthermore, as with the selection stage, one should pay particular
attention to relevant equity and diversity acts, laws, and legislation when recruiting.
As such, one of the critical aspects of effective HRM is the ability to design
appropriate recruitment methodologies.
Recruitment involves searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in
sufficient numbers and quality so that the organization can select the most
appropriate people to fill its job needs (Shen and Edwards, 2004: 816). The process
of recruitment requires that the organization and the HR manager know what they
are looking for in terms of skills, knowledge, and capabilities and that these things
match what is required for the job. Importantly, effective recruitment should be
targeted appropriately. As a case in point, when Tyrone was an executive chef in
Sydney he advertised for a pastry-chef on an international website. Two weeks later
he received approximately twenty résumés; by the end of the week he had 198
applications, of which only 1 per cent were from Sydney, Australia, and two came
from Iraq. Knowing what you need and targeting your recruitment appropriately is

Recruitment refers to the processes and practices used to attract suitable employees to the organization.

IMAGE 5.4 We want you as a new recruit!

The Uncle Sam poster is one of the most recognizable images, if not all over the
world, then definitely in the English-speaking world. Indeed, every nation has its
version of Uncle Sam, such as the old COO-EE! posters used in Australia and the
‘Empire Needs Men’ posters from the UK for the First World War. These posters
were integral to the recruitment of men into the army at a time when many young
people were being killed in the war, and many more were needed to wage a ‘total’
war, thus recruitment was crucial.
Today HR managers and departments have a variety of tried and trusted
recruitment strategies at their disposal. These include job ads in local, city,
suburban, national, and even international newspapers, recruitment and employment
agencies, government employment agencies, the Internet and e-recruitment
websites, internal communications, specialized industry publications and
associations, through to networks, word of mouth, and even via serendipity (that is,
by good fortune). In the recruitment stage the applicant is provided with a realistic
job preview (RJP). This specifies critical essential and desirable job criteria. The
unique aspect of the RJP is that the employer lists both positive and negative aspects
of the job. More recently innovative multimedia approaches are used such as video
or YouTube presentations to provide a realistic sense of what working in the target
job would be like. Incumbents present both the positives and negatives about the job;
and the applicant is provided with firsthand experience of the ins and outs of the
working environment(s). The RJP provides the applicant with detailed glimpses into
the job and so it is likely that being transparent about the virtues and less virtuous
aspects of the job ensures that the successful applicant knows what to expect (Adler,
2011). In other words, the RJP creates a stronger psychological contract between the
new employer and employee because it is based on reality rather than on false
information (Adler, 2011; Guest, 2004; Robinson et al., 1994). Realistic job
previews have been shown to correlate with low staff turnover, and to increase
productivity compared with other methods of recruitment (Phillips, 1998; Weiss and
Rupp, 2011).

Selecting people

In reality selection and recruitment are not entirely distinct functions. Both require
high levels of synthesis between: (a) the nature of the job(s) being filled; (b) the
skills, qualifications, capabilities, and attributes required of the prospective
employee(s); and (c) the skills, qualifications, capabilities, and attributes of the
people available in the job market. Where recruitment concentrates on attracting the
right person for the job, selection concentrates on choosing the right person based
upon a range of selection techniques and methodologies.

Selection refers to the tools, methods, and criteria upon which people will be, and are, selected for a given position, and includes job applications, interviews, tests, and measurement. Selection is related to the
recruitment stage of the HRM function.

In order to aid selection the HR manager will ensure that a clear job–duty
statement has been written. Typically, job–duty statements should include a list of
essential criteria and desirable criteria required or expected of the applicant. The
essential criteria are those aspects of the job – the knowledge, skills, expertise,
abilities, and capabilities – critical to the job’s performance. The desirable criteria
are those extra aspects that, while not critical, are looked upon favourably by
potential employers.
An example of a job–duty statement with key selection criteria
Organizational Behaviour

Skills and attributes

Ability to work in a team.

Good oral and written communication skills.
An enthusiasm for research and teaching.
Good rapport with students, staff, and the members of the community.
Flexibility as regards patterns and location of teaching (days, evenings, block release at either or both
campuses or in off-campus settings).
Capacity to develop industry links and obtain research funding.


Demonstrated knowledge of management and organizational behaviour theory and practice.

Practical knowledge of management and the principles of organizational behaviour.
An understanding of and ability to apply the principles and practices of effective teaching.
An understanding of and ability to apply equal opportunity in the workplace.


Doctoral degree in management or related discipline.

Experience required

Teaching experience with evidence of good teaching performance.

Evidence (such as research papers) of a capacity to undertake high-quality research that will lead to
journal publications in the field of management and organizational behaviour.
Demonstrated capacity to contribute collaboratively to at least one of the research strengths of the
School of Management.
Experience in teaching in the area of leadership and/or management consulting is desirable.
Well-established research and publication record in the field of management/organizational behaviour
including evidence of publications in high-quality refereed international journals.
The job–duty statement in the What’s The Point? box above is the actual one that
Tyrone responded to when he applied for a job as a Senior Lecturer in
Organizational Behaviour at the University of Technology, Sydney, in 2007. The
Head of the School of Management, along with a committee, determined that the
school required more staff in OB; however, the changing nature of the academic
environment also required a potential staff member with an ability not only to teach,
but also to conduct and publish research in OB and management, to attract research
funding and have industry links, among other things. The HR department then
advertised the position and handled the applications, and sent the applications to the
Head of the School and her committee of internal and external interview panel
With well-designed job–duty statements, applicants are able to ascertain whether
they would be appropriate for the position. They then have to demonstrate that they
are the ideal candidate by writing a job application in which they address each and
every criterion specifically and with practical examples – in this example, not just
by saying ‘I do lots of research, and I enjoy it so I am a really good researcher’.
Rather the applicant would write something like:

As demonstrated by my publications in journals such as Organization Science,

Organization Studies, my best research paper awards at the Academy of
Management, as well as my papers under current or second review in journals
such as Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, and Journal of
Organizational Behavior, I am able to publish research in reputable journals of
significant impact. My first publication in Organization Science investigates …
blah blah blah.

Indeed, applicants must address each and every essential and desirable criterion in
detail in order to demonstrate that they clearly meet the criteria. Obviously Tyrone
was able to do this because he got the job at UTS.
The essential and desirable criteria are designed for a specific reason. It helps the
potential employer to develop a set of measures, or weights, in order to rate and rank
a potential employee. The better the applicant is able to articulate how they meet
those criteria, the more ‘ticks’ they get. For jobs where several candidates apply
with similar qualifications, experience, and performance outcomes, the task of
selection becomes more difficult. A number of selection tools and techniques are
available that aid the process of selecting appropriate candidates. These tools
The job application: Unless the job applicant is applying from within the
organization, the job application is usually the very first contact a prospective
employee will have with their potential employers. The good job application
usually includes: (a) a letter covering the applicant’s key strengths and
highlighting achievements; and (b) a curriculum vitae addressing the essential
and desirable criteria, and including relevant biographical data such as
educational and work history, membership of professional associations, as well
as extracurricular activities such as volunteering, sports, and so on. Of course,
there is the possibility that people will exaggerate their successes in résumés.
As a result, security and information checks are now becoming a big business,
which adds to the cost of the selection process.
The job interview: Successful applicants usually receive a telephone call, a
letter, or e-mail stating that they have been shortlisted for the position, and are
invited to attend an interview. Some organizations also let applicants know if
they were unsuccessful, but some do not. The job interview is almost always
formal, with prepared questions, and usually includes an interview panel. The
questions will always centre on the core aspects of the job. For example,
assume we own a marketing company and we are interviewing two people for
the position of marketing manager. After reviewing our essential criteria, we
developed a range of questions aiming to highlight the applicant’s knowledge,
experience, and abilities in both marketing and managing projects. Let us say a
critical criterion of success in marketing management is the ability to meet
tight deadlines. We would ask these people for concrete examples about how
they meet deadlines under pressure, and how they prioritize deadlines. Now let
us say the first person answered, ‘Well, I was at university and I always handed
in my assignments pretty much on time’, and the second person said, ‘Well, last
year I was handed two major accounts by my boss, both were scheduled for
completion on the same week. So I met with both clients over lunch and we
discussed their expected outcomes. I used reverse planning and carefully
implemented a number of contingency plans along the way.’ Who would you
employ? (Hint – it is not the first person!)
Tests and measurement : Increasingly, organizations are using more advanced
and some would say invasive tests. Most of us will be expected to do one test or
another at some stage in our professional careers. Tests include personality
tests such as the Big Five Personality Factors (see Chapter 2), intelligence tests,
tests of general aptitude and cognitive abilities, psychometric tests, even mental
health tests. In some organizations, mainly in the US, people undergo bio-
feedback, lie-detection tests, even DNA and drug tests, and today a number of
knowledge-intensive companies (i.e. consultancies) have emerged that conduct
a whole range of selection methods (see
Research suggests that the use of such selection tools is a good predictor of
performance of staff (Borman et al., 1997), especially so when multiple selection
tools – what is now increasingly called multiple hurdles – are used appropriately
(Mendoza et al., 2004). Moreover, both qualitative and quantitative techniques are
useful in selecting staff, as long as the tools are well designed and appropriately
used (Ehigie and Ehigie, 2005). Some organizations now use a range of innovative
selection techniques such as ‘role plays’ and other simulation exercises to select.
One extreme example is the approach used in the popular television show The
Apprentice, where Donald Trump or Lord Alan Sugar place a number of young
‘talented’ people through a series of gruelling situations until they are left with the
successful candidate.
Now we cannot leave this topic without raising some serious questions about
selection tools. The first concerns equity and diversity. Organizations have been
successfully sued because their selection techniques were judged to be
discriminatory against certain people (Holly, 2003; Landy, 2005). For example,
intelligence tests have been shown to have a cultural bias, and there are also issues
of English-language skills, education levels, and so on. If a person can show they
were discriminated against because of the selection tools used, this can be very
expensive for the company (Gardiner and Armstrong-Wright, 2000; Landy, 2005).
Second, measurement and testing explicitly involve the total subjugation of the
individual to strangers – sensitive and powerful information is collected on people,
and this is before they are even members of the organization. In this sense there are
some serious ethical questions that need to be asked about how personal information
is used, shared, stored, and destroyed. While the topic is becoming of increasing
interest, there is still a dearth of research and literature, which should be a general
concern to all people (Gardiner and Armstrong-Wright, 2000; Gilliland, 1993;
Landy, 2005; Ryan and Ployhart, 2000).

Retaining and developing people

If the right people have been appointed by the HRM process, then it is crucial that
they should be retained and allowed opportunities for staff development.

Retained retention refers to the practices and process used to retain staff, and often includes

staff development, which refers to the processes, procedures, and policies designed and implemented to enhance and update the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of staff in relation to their career and their job.

This final HRM function addresses the processes and practices of retaining and
developing an organization’s best assets – its people. In most industrialized
countries it is now generally well recognized that employers can no longer offer job
security and so a range of retention and development methods will prove the key not
only to retaining and developing talent, but also to attracting talent to the
organization (Lawler, 2005). Indeed, staff will actively seek out and participate in
training and development when jobs are challenging and the organization values
career progression (Tharenou, 1997).
There are two interrelated aspects to retention and development: retention consists
of the methods and approaches used to keep talented people in the organization in
some way – such as awards, promotions, and remuneration; development concerns
the methods and approaches used to enhance, transform, and better utilize staff
knowledge, skills, and capabilities – such as training, mentoring, and education.
In an organizational context, developing people most often means providing them
with training and education that assists them in entering and finding their way
around the organization and familiarizing them with the job (orientation); skills
training that aids in learning and updating skills required for the technical aspects of
a job, and management or leadership development programmes that help develop
employees’ managerial and leadership skills. Such forms of development can be via
on-the-job training, which includes coaching, apprenticeship, and mentoring
programmes; off-the-job training, which includes formal courses and programmes,
delivered in-house or by independent training and education institutions, and also
online; as well as other training and development methods such as role plays,
scenarios, and so on.


The question to ask is not what if I spend all this time and money training and developing a person and
they leave? Rather it should be what if I don’t spend any money on their training and development and
they stay? (A quote from a change consultant)

Distinguished Professor Edward E. Lawler III argues that organizations should

forget about loyalty contracts and instead move towards ‘value propositions’ that are
tailored to the types of employees being sought and also promote continued
development and improvement in order to sustain one’s edge. Through the use of
value propositions, Lawler believes organizations should strive towards virtuous
spirals in their HRM practices and processes:

Organizations need to offer a skills and performance-based substitute for the

loyalty contract that motivates selective retention and high performance. It
needs to stress that continued employment is based on performance and having
the right skill set for the organization’s business strategy. It also needs to stress
that people are rewarded for performance and skill development. When this is
translated into the right combination of reward system practices, people will be
motivated to excel and those who excel will be motivated to stay because they
will be highly rewarded. This is the foundation of the virtuous spiral, in which
both sides win and create success for each other. (2005: 14–15)
IMAGE 5.5 Relaxing at CBS

Lawler identifies some organizations that have promoted the virtuous spiral. These
include Microsoft and Procter & Gamble in which large stock options are provided
to employees, as well as generous professional and self-development programmes.
Southwest Airlines has long been a preferred employer. Southwest was one of the
only airline companies in the USA to thrive in the face of a downturn in air travel
and chaos post 9/11, a time that saw major airlines file for bankruptcy – including
United Airlines and American Airlines.
Many organizations realize the importance of play at work and space in which to
relax. An example is CBS (Copenhagen Business School) as shown in Image 5.5.
Another organization that takes the retention and development of staff seriously is
Google. Google is renowned for attracting some of the brightest minds from all over
the world from a range of professions such as computer programmers, designers,
marketers, and even philosophers. It retains the best staff by offering them work that
is challenging, fun, and also is in line with values of sustainability. Imagine working
somewhere where you can take your pets, eat for free, play during work times, and
even have a nap when you want, as Google’s corporate website demonstrates.
Of course, one has to be extremely careful regarding the type of value
propositions that companies such as Google try to create and reinforce through
‘virtuous’ spirals. By way of experiment, look at images of Google on their website,
what kinds of people do you think they would attract? What sorts of people do you
think it is looking for? In 2004 Google had an age discrimination suit filed against it,
and the suit focused on the ‘youthful’ corporate culture branded by the organization
and reinforced through its HR practices. A former Google executive claimed
wrongful termination because he did not fit in with Google’s youthful culture (Shah
and Kleiner, 2005). Google won the case in 2006, but the man appealed and the case
still continues today. Thus, those very things that are designed to attract and retain
talent can sometimes result in litigation (Hurley-Hanson and Giannantonio, 2006).
According to Lawler:

organizations that link skill development with continued employment – and

rewards with performance – handle change more effectively than others. In a
sense, you might say that they create ‘mobile’ human capital; people who
realize that they must continue to learn, develop, and perform in order to
maintain their positions and careers. Today, organizations need mobile capital.
Getting stuck with obsolete human capital is just as big a negative as getting
stuck with outdated equipment and materials. (2005: 15)

Such claims are all well and good, but one should be extremely careful in referring
to humans as obsolete capital – perhaps the former Google executive felt he was
deemed obsolete capital because of his age? Fortunately Google, in many ways and
with very few exceptions, is an exemplary organization with excellent working
conditions, training and development programmes, and employee benefits and
remuneration (Effron et al., 2003; Menefee et al., 2006).
Much of Lawler’s arguments concerning HR were underpinned by the economics
of Milton Friedman, in particular that an organization must ensure that making
money is its first and most critical objective; employees should only be retained if
they fit such a value proposition. More recently, however, Lawler and his colleagues
have moved entirely away from the arguments that organizations should be driven
by performance at the expense of sustainability and corporate social responsibility,
and go as far as to argue that there needs to be a complete ‘reset’ in management
thinking in relation to what constitutes performance (Lawler et al., 2011: Ch. 1). Of
course, many of us in the Critical Management Studies and Positive Organizational
Studies fields have been arguing this for years (so we thank Professor Lawler for his
Inherent in arguments about training and retaining staff is the principle that the
organization should only seek to retain staff that are deemed talented and worth the
effort (no obsolete human capital allowed here!), and develop staff that will be
willing to increase effort and performance. Of course, this begs the question of the
measurement of performance. Performance measurement and evaluation is one of
the most difficult things to do because there is no consensus on defining
performance. Moreover, as many jobs move away from manufacturing or producing
goods, in favour of knowledge work and service provision, it becomes increasingly
difficult to conceptualize and operationalize performance, and much work still has
to go into considerations of the validity and, especially, the ethicality of
performance appraisal. To be sure, we are not saying that performance measurement
and appraisal will not work: indeed, there is evidence to suggest it can (Smither et
al., 2005). Rather, we are saying that how it works may not be a reliable measure and
basis upon which to reward and retain staff (Atkin and Conlon, 1978). Table 5.5
outlines some of the more common appraisal systems used, and some of their more
common shortcomings.

TABLE 5.5 Common performance appraisals, their use and their limitations
Sources: Tziner et al. (2000); Nathan and Alexander (1985)

Overall, we may say that, while there are many limitations to performance
management, measurement, and appraisal, they do have a role in assisting HRM
decisions. Indeed, we would be the first ones to say that there is nothing worse than
staff effort and hard work going unrecognized and unappreciated by employers.
However, many performance measurement systems are poorly designed and
inappropriately used and applied. Error and bias in ratings have commonly been
reported. There can be legal ramifications when performance measurement systems
fail to accommodate diversity (Arvey and Murphy, 1998; Atkin and Conlon, 1978;
Olson and Hulin, 1992; Spector, 1994; Watkins and Johnston, 2000), and the systems
are often used more as a tool of managerial control and subjugation than as a system
that benefits the employee in any real way.


The issues most commonly dealt with under the banner of industrial relations (IR)
include: claims for improved working conditions (occupational safety and health,
working hours, and so on); claims for better pay and reward systems; the nature of
notification of redundancies, and discrimination or unfair dismissals and
disagreement on promotion of employees. However, the definition we have provided
in the margin may be a little too broad since not everything associated with the
employer/employee relationship comes within the scope of IR. Most countries have
an IR commission or government department that deals with a number of issues
pertaining to employer/employee relationships and the IR climate.

Industrial relations (IR) refer to the relationship between employers and employees.

Table 5.6 provides links to the relevant government departments and commissions
that deal with IR issues. This list is not comprehensive, as individual jurisdictions –
states, local councils, counties, and boroughs – might also have IR powers and
responsibilities. We list the main federal and commonwealth bodies that include
resources and material on IR laws, acts, and other relevant issues. We are certain
that you will find these links will enable you to access some very interesting
reading. (If you are not from one of the countries listed, we welcome an e-mail from
you telling us where you are from, and a link to the equivalent government body that
deals with IR in your country.)

TABLE 5.6 Government organizations that deal with IR (all sites last accessed 14 July 2011)

Note: Most of these countries also have independent IR commissions to handle IR matters and disputes
between employees/unions and employers/employer associations

Our aim is not to deal with specific acts and pieces of legislation because IR
legislation varies between countries. Rather, in this section we will deal with three
broad but interrelated themes integral to the IR climate: unions, wage-setting and
conditions, and OHS. Though these may vary across different national boundaries,
there are certain issues that are shared irrespective of the nation where you reside.


Unions are closely associated with IR and employer/employee relations. They tend
to be politically charged organizations and are often perceived, sometimes correctly,
as being in direct opposition to the interests of employers and employer
associations. However, many organizations achieve excellent performance results
when they work with unions (Appelbaum and Hunter, 2005; Kochan et al., 2009;
Reardon, 2006). Unions have had to transform their activities and the way they relate
to organizations, governments, and non-unionized labour. The old hard-line
adversarial approach that once typified unions has mellowed out. This has occurred
mainly because of a decline in union membership around the industrialized world
(Bronfenbrenner, 1998), but also because of aggressive government policies
implemented by political parties such as the Republicans in the US, Conservatives in
the UK, and the Liberal Party in Australia. (It should be noted, however, that the
relationship between social democratic parties and trade unions has also changed in
recent years, with policies of economic labour market deregulation also pursued by
nominally social democratic parties). In the US union membership has declined
from a peak of 35 per cent in 1954 to 12.9 per cent today (Reardon, 2006: 171). The
decline is similar in Australia (Burchielli, 2006) and throughout the UK and much of
Europe (European Industrial Relations Observatory On-line, 2004).

Unions can be defined as an association of wage-earning employees mobilized and organized in order to represent their constituents’ interests. These interests can often be counter to the interests of employers,
but not always necessarily so.

The issues on which unions represent their members include wage negotiations,
conditions of employment, penalty rates, and working hours, as well as OHS
pension, and superannuation. Unions also assist members in a range of other
employment-related areas such as unfair dismissal and advice on corporate HR
practices and policies. Today many smaller unions have amalgamated or been
consumed by large unions and are represented by mega trade union organizations
such as the AFL-CIO in the US, ACTU in Australia, and UNISON in the UK.
Because unions were traditionally associated with programmes such as that outlined
in Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto, organized labour has always been
treated with suspicion, if not contempt, by many businesspeople and conservative
governments. In view of the decline in union numbers around the world, it may be
that the general population also finds unions irrelevant and overconfrontational in
orientation. However, the unions’ decline has coincided with a remarkably long
boom in these economies. Unfortunately, most people do not realize what the unions
have achieved in their long, and often acrimonious, opposition to business owners.
Wins have included overtime pay and reduced working hours (Trejo, 1993), paid
holiday leave (Green, 1997), paid maternity and paternity leave (Baird, 2004). In the
US, unions have influenced policies that have transformed societies – for example,
the Public Accommodation Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, equal
employment opportunity legislation, anti-poverty legislation, and the Occupational
Safety and Health Act of 1971 (Freedom and Medoff, 1984).
Despite the decline in union membership, some organizations have found that
cooperating with unions can actually improve performance and commitment of
employees to the organization’s cause. This may apply even when open book
management is used (see e.g. Clegg et al., 2002). ‘Open book management’ means
that the finances of the organization are transparent to all stakeholders, including the
union. This is not a new approach: Brazilian millionaire businessman, Ricardo
Semler, between 1980 and 1990 turned his organization around with soft HR
approaches (he was a Harvard MBA graduate); at Semler’s business the unions were
actively involved in the running of the business, and open book management was
also used (Semler, 1993). Evidently finding ways to work with unions can actually
benefit the organization.
Semler’s idea to involve unions in a proactive way in his business has gained
considerable attention over the last few years, but the idea is quite old. It dates from
the Scanlon Plan of the 1940s (also known as Gainsharing). Joseph Scanlon was a
former steelworker and union leader, and later Massachusetts Institute of
Technology graduate, who believed union/employer cooperation was the key to
growth and prosperity for society. A large body of work has supported the Scanlon
Plan and its overall beneficial environment of cooperation between key stakeholders
(Collins, 1998; Hatcher and Ross, 1991; Schuster, 1983; 1984). Joseph Scanlon
became increasingly interested in how unions, employees, and employers could
participate for win–win outcomes. He advocated that the best way to do this was to
involve unions and employees in key decision-making. It should not be forgotten
that at the time that Scanlon was doing this, the dominant management model was
the Theory X orientation to employee/employer relations.
More recently, the literature and research on participatory approaches to OB have
downplayed the role of unions. However, those true to the original Scanlon Plan
ensure that unions are incorporated. Indeed, such approaches might provide an
excellent way for unions to regain some lost ground. However, many critical
management scholars who subscribe to the neo-Marxist models of
management/employee relations in terms of labour process analysis would argue
that even participatory management should be viewed with great skepticism. They
argue that words such as ‘empowerment’, ‘gainsharing’, and ‘participatory
management’ are nothing more than new managerial words of control and
subjugation (Hancock and Tyler, 2001; Howcroft and Wilson, 2003; Voronov and
Coleman, 2003). It seems that in some ways people can sometimes feel that they are
damned if they do, damned if they don’t, when they attempt to address quality of
working life.

TABLE 5.7 Types of negotiated contract; their strengths and weaknesses

Sources: The information in this table is derived from the various government websites listed in Table 5.6,
specifically the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Australia), the Department of Labor
(USA), and the Department of Trade and Industry (UK)

Employment relations

In this final section on the IR climate we will look briefly at a specific HRM issue
that we believe is critical in the current economic climate: the nature of employment
contracts. As we said earlier, we will not go into specific IR labour laws here.
Rather, we provide a general theme that underpins all labour contracts between
employees and employers – collective or individual contracts. Table 5.7 on page 206
indicates the main features, strengths, and weaknesses of each type of negotiated
As the table indicates, there are both positives and negatives in the individual and
collective agreements. In reality, presenting a table like this underplays the serious
implications and ideologies underlying these two approaches. The argument for and
against individual agreements versus collective agreements is a war of political
and economic ideologies about the nature of work and employment. We will leave it
up to you to decide whether you agree with one or the other, or neither of these.

Individual agreements, as the term suggests, refers to the process of individuals negotiating the terms and conditions of their work, including pay, rewards and remuneration and so on.

A collective agreement is a written agreement, made between the employer and the employees, which sets out terms and conditions of employment. Usually it is made between a union, as a body representing
employees, and an employer. Collective agreements are typical of social democratic approaches to industrial relations.

The movement towards individual contracts, while being advocated as positive

and in the interests of talented employees, raises some serious issues that need to be
addressed. First, the individual contract is, as Lawler (2005) believes contracts
should be, one based on the objective of getting rid of ‘obsolete capital’. Over time
the USA and Australia have watered down the ability of unions to seek collective
agreements on the members’ behalf. Part of the reason for this is obviously to ensure
employers are not committed to maintaining employment levels when they
experience downturns. Downsizing, outsourcing, permanent and temporary layoffs
typify both the US, Australian and to a lesser extent the UK markets. In Sweden, as
with many other North European and more social democratic countries, 90 per cent
of employees are protected by collective agreements, many of which include job
security (Landsorganisationen I Sveirge , 2006). Indeed, recent research shows that
countries that actively avoid policies of downsizing and layoffs, but are typified by
companies that value and actively seek to create job security, are actually
outperforming countries that do not (Eichengreen, 2007; New York Times , 25
February 2007).


From the day we decide to go out to work to the day we cease working, human resource management
(HRM) processes and practices will have an effect on all aspects of our working life. HRM can be a
complex task: it deals with how people are recruited to the organization, how they are selected, retained,
and developed. While at face value recruitment, selection, retention, and development seem like
straightforward tasks, they are in fact extremely complex and sometimes controversial processes. HR
and HRM do not occur in a vacuum; the HR manager cannot simply assume that anything goes,
because HR occurs in specific contexts undergoing constant change: government policy, industrial
relations, unionization, social attitudes, globalization, demographic changes, immigration, technological
changes, and so on, all affect the ability to perform and implement the major HR functions.
In a democratic and free society certain core human rights issues are taken seriously: they include
equity, diversity, and justice. Such values should not be forgotten when performing the core HR
functions we covered in this chapter because to do so would be not only unethical but often unlawful.
Of course, in practice they often are forgotten: sometimes organizations get away with it, and sometimes
they do not and end up in tribunals or the courts. However, in a world that is undergoing such rapid
transitions, where the Internet provides endless sources of information (some of which, at least, is
valid!), people are more knowledgeable and inquisitive about how they should be treated at work. If
people are going to expend effort, apply their talents, capabilities, knowledge, and a skill for an
employer, money is no longer the main motivator. Organizations must be thoughtful and reflexive in
how they attract and retain talent, and we would expect that those organizations that do so will prosper.

After having read this chapter you should now be able to define or describe each of the key concepts
1 below. Try and use your memory and your own words before looking back through the chapter for the
description of each word.

Human resource management (HRM)

Hard and soft HR
Performance review and assessment
Equity and diversity
Realistic job preview
Benefits and remuneration
Human process advantage
Human capital advantage
Affirmative action (positive discrimination)
Training and development
Humans as resources
Workplace regulations and legislation
Strategic HRM
Knowledge workers
Occupational health and safety
Industrial and employment relations
Collective bargaining
Enterprise bargaining

What are some of the main contextual issues that HR managers must account for in their everyday
What are the core HRM functions and how might they have an impact on different aspects of organizational
This exercise assists in writing realistic job previews. Draw a table with two columns and in one column
write ‘good’ and in the other write ‘not so good’. Now, if you work, think about your job; if you don’t
work, think about the task of being a student. Assume you want to leave work or university and you have
4 been told you can leave as long as you find a replacement. List all the positives and negatives of the job by
using the appropriate good and not so good columns. Once you have listed all these, write a job ad using
the realistic job preview. Compare your realistic job preview with others in your class. What differences and
similarities do you find?
5 With your peers discuss critically the following statements:
a ‘Maternity leave makes it too easy for women to opt for getting pregnant at the expense of the

b ‘Should women and men have equal pay? Why and under what conditions would inequity in pay
be justified?’

c ‘Does affirmative action and positive discrimination work? Why or why not?’
In groups, discuss the performance appraisals used at work or university. How well do these systems work?
6 Are they fair? How would you design a performance appraisal system for students studying this subject at
university or college?
Divide into two teams; team 1 will follow the scientific management model of HRM and team 2 will follow
the human relations model. Assume you are the co-owner of a mediumsized company that deals in the
production and export of electrical components for plasma HDT TV sets. You have a staff of 25, and you
7 are seeking to hire another five people. Read through your team’s allocated column (i.e. scientific
management or human relations) in Table 5.1, and then, as a team, design your HR policies in terms of
each area of the HRM practice orientations. Once you have completed this, both teams present their models
and compare and contrast the differences in approaches.
Debate: Unions are a waste of time and money! Choose two teams of three, plus one moderator and one
timekeeper, with the rest of the class to act as the audience and judges. Organize a debate between two
groups with one group for the affirmative (unions are a waste of time) and one group for the negative
(unions are not a waste of time). It is best to have a week to prepare, do some research on unions, and bring
along facts and figures. Perhaps your teacher may even purchase a reward of some sort for the winning


1. There are some great movies on issues about work and employment: Kevin Smith’s (1994) Clerks,
Colin Higgins’ (1980) Nine to Five, and Mike Judge’s (1999) Office Space.
2. A classic IR movie is the John Ford classic, How Green Was My Valley (1941), which traces 50 years in
the lives of a close-knit clan of Welsh coal miners. As the years pass, the Morgans try to survive
unionization, a lengthy strike, and a mining accident; meanwhile, their hometown and its venerable
traditions slowly disintegrate.
3. There are also some fantastic situation comedies on TV, such as The Office, and some all-time classic
episodes concerning work in The Simpsons and Futurama.


1. A company’s HR practices can have the potential to send the company broke. For example, accusation
about WalMart’s treatment of women has seen a phenomenal growth in numbers of women seeking to
be represented in a class action against the company. See (Note that we do not verify or endorse this site as a
legitimate source for legal representation; it is provided merely as a practical example of what happens
when HR practices of companies are not well designed and thought out.)
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #2 by Tyrone Pitsis on An introduction to managing
people in organizations. There is also another complete set of Henry Stewart talks on Human Resource
3. is an excellent resource for students and practitioners of HRM. The site is full
of the latest information and ideas in HRM, and provides some excellent links to a number of valuable
and interesting sites.
4. To read an interesting article on the knowledge revolution and its impact on work, visit
5. For our American readers, the US government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is an
excellent resource, go to
6. For our Australian and New Zealand readers, there is an excellent equity and diversity tool-kit with lots
of great links and resources,
7. For our UK readers there are some very excellent resources on the government websites:,, and
8. For our Swedish readers the International Labour Organization has some great resources, go to
9. This article debunks some of the myths associated with affirmative action in Australia, and is written by
an engineer:
10. This YouTube video of President Obama talking about CEO pay inequity shows how important the
problem is:
11. This is an award winning essay on affirmative action that appeared in the prestigious Medical Journal of
Australia, 183 (5): 269–270, written by a doctor practising medicine in an indigenous community:
12. This is an interesting take on union/organization relationships from an HR manager in the
pharmaceuticals industry:
13. See an interview with the HR maverick, Ricardo Semler:


By reading and digesting the following articles you can gain a deeper understanding of some of the
concepts we have covered in this chapter. A deeper understanding might mean that you can write a
more thorough and detailed paper, report, or essay and thus gain a higher grade. Each of the articles
below is available for free from the Companion Website

1. What can we learn about management from Mr Burns and the way he treats his ‘human resources’ in his
nuclear power plant? A very entertaining and critical look at management using Montgomery Burns’
leadership style and his attitudes to human capital can be found in an article by Professor Carl Rhodes.
The paper has some classic quotes and stories from The Simpsons and links these to making sense of
human relations in organizations. Download and enjoy the article from the Companion Website:
Rhodes, C. (2001) ‘D’Oh: The Simpsons, popular culture, and the organizational carnival’, Journal of
Management Inquiry 10 (4): 374–383.
2. How can a Theory Y orientation be realized in HRM strategies? Eric C. A. Kaarsemaker and Erik
Poutsma consider this issue through employee ownership. They argue that organizations should
propagate the idea that employees deserve to be co-owners and take employees seriously as such, and
that the HRM system should reinforce this Theory Y philosophy as a reality, not just rhetoric. The article
is ready to be downloaded from the Companion Website: Kaarsemaker, E. C. A. and Poutsma, E. (2006)
‘The fit of employee ownership with other human resource management practices: theoretical and
empirical suggestions regarding the existence of an ownership high-performance work system’,
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27 (4): 669–685.
3. What are the human resource implications of the generational difference? Ronald Paul Hill considers the
generational differences and expectations of Boomers versus Gen-Y, and provides managers, as well as
educators, with some insights into how they might better deal with these differences. Read about Hill’s
insights by downloading the paper, Hill, R. P. (2002) ‘Managing across generations in the 21st century:
important lessons from the ivory trenches’, Journal of Management Inquiry, 11 (1): 60–66, from the
Companion Website.
4. Why do organizations discriminate against certain people, what leads to this discrimination, and what
are the consequences of it? These are important questions with strong implications for you as future
managers. Barry Goldman and his colleagues deal with these questions in the hope of organizations
better dealing with, understanding, and identifying discriminatory practices, their antecedents, and
consequences. The article is downloadable from the Companion Website: Goldman, B. M., Gutek, B.
A., Stein, J. H. and Lewis, K. (2006) ‘Employment discrimination in organizations: antecedents and
consequences’, Journal of Management, 32 (6): 786–830.
5. The future shape and nature of strategic HRM promises to be an exciting area of research, theory, and
practice. The paper by Brian Becker and Mark Huselid considers not only the current state of strategic
HRM but also its future directions in a complex and changing globalized world. This is a very
interesting and easy to read paper on strategic HRM and is available from the Companion Website:
Becker, B. E. and Huselid, M. (2006) ‘Strategic human resources management: where do we go from
here?’, Journal of Management, 32 (6): 898–925.
6. How do you feel about genetic testing in employee selection, and retention of people being based on
genetic qualities? What might a future hold in which the process of selection involves genetic testing?
Does that prospect scare you or excite you? What if it was you being genetically tested for a job?
Lizabeth Barclay and Karen Markel tackle this issue head on in a worrying but fascinating article on the
issue of genetic testing in selection. The paper is free to download from the Companion Website:
Barclay, L. A. and Markel, K. S. (2007) ‘Discrimination and stigmatization in work organizations: a
multiple level framework for research on genetic testing’, Human Relations, 60 (6): 953–980.
Suffering is fundamental to human experience. Often it is triggered by such events as illness, accidents,
death, or the breakdown of relationships. As organizations are places of human engagement, they are
invariably places that harbour feelings of joy and pain and reactions of callousness or compassion in
response to another’s suffering (Dutton et al., 2002). The emotional and social cost of human suffering
in organizations includes loss of work confidence, self-esteem, and health; as well as toxic relations
involving reduced employee cooperation (Frost, 1999; 2003). The financial and social cost is
astronomical, even in the wealthiest nations on earth (Margolis and Walsh, 2003).
Awareness of the power of compassion to lessen and alleviate human pain (Kanov et al., 2004;
Lilius et al., 2008) has lead to growing interest in compassion in organizations under the banner of
Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). Compassion is defined by POS scholars as a three-fold
process of noticing another person’s suffering, feeling empathy, and responding in some way to
alleviate the pain (Dutton et al., 2006; Frost et al., 2006).
Human resource departments in organizations that strive to be compassionate actively promote
compassion both by encouraging compassionate co-worker relations, establishing systems and policies
to ensure that employees’ pain is recognized, acknowledged, and responded to with compassion, and
by developing compassionate leadership.

Compassionate co-worker relations

Human resource departments can promote compassionate co-worker relations by encouraging co-
workers to recognize, feel, and respond to each other’s pain through kind words, providing comfort
with flowers and cards, hospital visits, open listening, help with home and office work, and financial
support (Frost et al., 2006). Examples of such supportive employee relations are found among the
employees at MHS.
Several years ago at MHS, an employee with seven children required bypass surgery but didn’t have
enough money to take leave from work for the period of operation and recovery. Neither did he have
insurance coverage to provide this support. In a show of support, a co-worker set up a tax trust fund and
other co-workers from among the 75 who worked in the lab submitted donations (Frost et al., 2006). In
less than a week, $5800 was collected, more than enough to cover the employee’s time off work.
Afterwards co-workers expressed feelings of pride to be working among people who care. This example
demonstrates the provision of tangible support in compassionate co-worker relations. Yet, support does
not have to be tangible. Just knowing that someone cares is often all that matters. When another MHS
employee struggled to work while attending to her critically ill mother, her co-workers daily asked after
her welfare and enquired if they could do anything to help (Dutton et al., 2007). She later explained that
most of the time there was nothing they could do, but knowing they cared and were eager to help
boosted her spirit. She further stated that it enhanced her relationships with her co-workers, which she
described as irreplaceable.
Compassion can be expressed towards others at all levels of social relations – colleagues of equal
hierarchical status, junior employees, as well as senior supervisors. When the dog of a senior supervisor
at MHS was diagnosed with cancer, her staff showed great compassion by enquiring about her pet’s
welfare and listening each day as she revealed greater detail of the illness as well as ‘happy’ stories from
her healthy days (Dutton et al., 2007). When the supervisor called in one day to say she would be late
as her dog had just passed away, the staff made a collection and sent flowers. Sharing such a moving
experience brought them all closer together as friends beyond their professional roles.
Compassionate policies and systems

Human resource departments can further promote compassion within the organization by establishing
policies and systems that legitimate, reflect and ensure the enactment of a culture that underscores and
supports values of dignity, commitment to others, respect, equality, importance of members, etc. (Frost,
1999). It further supports beliefs that people are more than their professional identity, that humanity
should be displayed, and that members are like family (Dutton et al., 2006). Finally, it is reinforced by
outcomes of the practices of compassion such as trust, quality connections, and positive emotions,
creating social resources based upon the conceptualization of the organization as one that cares (Dutton
et al., 2007).
The fulfilment of compassionate organizational values and policies is executed through the
development of compassion supporting systems. When a Cisco employee visiting Japan had a medical
emergency and couldn’t find an English speaking health care support, Cisco designed a network system
to provide medical assistance to Cisco employees travelling abroad (Dutton et al., 2002). The objective
was to ensure that no Cisco employee would again feel so forsaken and alone in a frightening situation.
This system has proven invaluable on many occasions. During a period of civil unrest in Jakarta,
Indonesia in 1998, employees found themselves in the middle of the conflict zone. Cisco used its
networks to organize an ambulance that could travel unimpaired through the city streets, to collect
employees, and drive them hidden under blankets to a waiting airplane at a deserted army airstrip and
fly them to safety.
Systems can also be established to build the organization’s capability for compassion by recognizing
and rewarding compassionate acts (Dutton et al., 2007; Frost et al., 2006). The MHS had in place such a
system by way of a monthly newsletter entitled ‘Caring Times’, which was distributed to the entire
hospital staff (Dutton et al., 2007). The newsletter contained stories of HMS staff performing
compassionate caring behaviours.


1. Describe the HR approach used by MHS and Cisco.

2. How was compassion embedded within MHS and Cisco?
3. What might be the result, in terms of positive psychological capital, of the HR approaches used in this

Case prepared by Ace Simpson, UTS School of Business, University of Technology, Sydney.
Values, Practice, Everyday Organizational

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Recognize that organization culture is a more complex phenomenon than is

often thought
Understand why managing culture within organizations can be a challenge
Understand why organizations typically have multiple cultures and subcultures,
and that these are not easily managed by managers
Distinguish between integration, differentiation, and fragmentation accounts of
organization culture
Describe how official conceptions of organization culture often function as a
resource for managing, rather than a literal description of the state of affairs
Explain why the influential work of Geert Hofstede is subject to serious


Unfortunately, it takes just a bit longer for organizational members to change their organization than it
takes the organization to change its members. (Joschka Fischer, recent German Foreign Minister)

Managing the culture of an organization is sometimes presented as an easy task.
This chapter will show, among other things, why that is by no means always the
case. For one thing, there often is not a singular organization culture. For another,
whatever cultures exist are often not easily amenable to being managed.
Culture represents the totality of everyday knowledge that people use habitually to make sense of the world around them through patterns of shared meanings and understandings passed down through language,
symbols, and artifacts.

Culture largely comprises the habits, values, mores, and ways of acting – often
referred to as norms – by which people identify themselves and others, both those
whom they see as alike and those whom they see as different, as members of distinct
groups. One way to establish clearly what the norms are is by breaking them;
breaching the norm draws it to attention so that it becomes remarked upon. In other
words, you are more likely to know when you are breaking cultural norms, than
when you are practising them.

Norms represent the tacit and unspoken assumptions and informal rules, the meaning of which people negotiate in their everyday interactions.


High culture and the cultures of everyday life

What do you think of when you hear the word culture? Beethoven, Picasso,
Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, or Eminem’s rhymes, Damien
Hirst’s dead animals, Harry Potter novels, and The Lord of the Rings movies
(Jackson, 2001–2003)? Well, of course, these are all culture – not just because of
where they are performed or exhibited but because they are resources that some
people use and relate to in their everyday lives. Culture does include the formally
approved pieces that are a part of the established order of that which is deemed to be
tasteful. However, culture is not just ‘high art’. Culture also includes the pop and the
transient. In fact, everything that is constructed according to some underlying rule,
even if the rule is one of randomness, forms a part of culture – no matter whether it
is gangsta rap, Shakespearean sonnets, or the ancient Chinese book/oracle I Ching.
Everything that marks out the way that we relate to our habitats, offices, nature, and
each other is a part of culture. To put it in other words, our everyday existence and
the ways that we relate to it are embedded in cultural norms, cultural artifacts, and
cultural practices.


The idea that organizations with good leaders will have a strong culture is at least 2,000 years old. In the
Bible, you can find accounts of the ‘good shepherd’, whose goodness resided in tending his flock. For
many management writers, leaders should be good shepherds. In this view, managers are perceived to
use culture to secure consent to their projects; they tend those in their charge, cultivate them. McNay
(1994) points out that, under Christianity, the relation between the shepherd (or the king or the leader)
and his flock underwent a subtle transformation from a relation of obedience to one of dependence.
Culture was thought of as being similar to a farmer cultivating his plants ‘to ennoble the seeds and
enrich the crop’ (Bauman, 1992: 8). Culture as human tending conjures up the metaphor of a gardener
weeding out unruly crops or the gamekeeper ferreting out rats and rabbits from burrows to eliminate
those rivals who might also reap or harvest the game. The good gamekeeper, farmer, and shepherd were
closely related in that all were good managers. The contemporary manager, rather like a gamekeeper,
tends an organizational arena wherein the employees may be vicariously treated as the crop – that
which is to be cultivated. Or, if you were a cynic, most of us are like sheep, and there is certainly some
suggestion of the tendency to follow blindly in strongly normative views of culture.

IMAGE 6.1 All the rules of golf are subject to final interpretation by the gentlemen of the Royal and Ancient
Golf Club, St Andrews (‘St. Andrews’ by H. G. Gawthorn)

Of course, art objects, paintings, popular music, poetry, and other artifacts are not
the only things that are constituted according to rules – so are societies and
organizations. All societies have rules about who can do what to whom and under
what circumstances, or what you can and cannot wear on particular occasions, or
which people are allowed access to specific

Artifacts are those things with which we mark out territory: the decorations and art in a building; the furnishings and fittings; the styles of clothes that people wear; the types of desks, offices, and computers that
they use – these are all artifacts that tell us, subtly, about the environments we occupy or are in. places and under what circumstances. Given that we all need to eat to live, it is particularly interesting to consider
the rules that surround food. All societies have rules about what is edible and what is not. How do you feel about chicken’s feet, a delicacy in Hong Kong; Witchety grubs, an Australian Koori treat; dog, a
perennial favourite in Korea and some other parts of Asia; rats, sometimes on the menu in China; or cow’s stomach lining (tripe) popular both in the north of England and in many parts of Continental Europe?

Sports make the importance of rules for defining a specific culture clear.
Organizations such as the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews are
repositories of elaborate rules about membership and members’ duties, and enforce
and interpret the rules of the game of golf. The rules of a sport may be more or less
formal. Golf is very formal, but what about skating? Skaters can have a fairly
organized sense about the rules of the game they play. The two Images (6.2a and
6.2b) of skaters show an informal skate competition in Paris that was set up on the
Pont Louis, a bridge that is closed to traffic, which goes over the River Seine from
the Ile de la Cité. The apparatus was composed of found materials (notably street
barriers, which the participants picked up on the street as they sped to the venue on
their skates). All the participants understand the rules: the aim, as can be seen from
the subsequent pictures, was to clear an obstacle set as high as possible, as stylishly
as possible.
Culture is a concept with its own complex history that stretches back long before
organization theorists began to study it. Consider Image 6.3, showing Traitor’s Gate
at the Tower of London – the place where traitors, having been transported by barge
up the River Thames, entered the tower to await their execution (or, if they were
lucky, imprisonment). Traitor’s Gate stands as a stark reminder of what might be the
consequences of breaking the organization culture rules in an organization ruled by
an absolute authority, such as the Tudor monarchy of Henry VIII. Many of the king’s
courtiers and two of his wives – Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard – saw that gate
close behind them.
Today, there are still a few CEOs who seem to imagine that they can behave like
Tudor monarchs. Many examples were provided at the trial of Lord Conrad Black,
the ex-newspaper magnate, accused of using organizational finances as if they were
his personal property, and convicted on charges of fraud. Referring to the ‘greed of
Conrad Black and his complete disregard for his shareholders’, Hugh Totten (a
partner for the New York law firm Perkins Coie) commented, ‘It makes him look
like some English Tudor monarch rather than the CEO of a public company with
responsibility to shareholders’ (Bone, 2007: 45). As we write this chapter, during
July 2011, the unfolding scandal in the UK concerning phone hacking, bribery, and
the destruction of evidence sanctioned by the actions of senior News International
executives (quite how senior is not yet proven) seems to suggest a belief on the part
of such executives that they were above the law. Indeed, comparisons are being
drawn with the Watergate scandal that occurred during the Nixon presidency in the
US, while comparisons have also been made in the non-News International press
between the regime of Rupert Murdoch as head of News Corp (the parent company
of News International) and that of an absolutist sovereign. For example, in the
politically conservative UK newspaper The Telegraph, the chief political
commentator, Peter Osborne, states that News International had run ‘a flourishing
criminal concern that took an evil pleasure in destroying people’s lives’ in the way it
managed the News of the World newspaper. Rupert Murdoch, chief executive of
News Corp, ‘used his power to immense effect, undermining and attacking our
greatest public institutions – above all the monarchy and the judiciary. His
employees believed they were above the law and could act with impunity. And this
was indeed the case, thanks to the connivance of police, politicians and the press’
(Osborne, 2011). The effect of these actions was severe: billions of dollars were
wiped off the value of News Corp’s stock; the bid by News Corp to take over the 61
per cent ownership it did not have in BSkyB was withdrawn as a result of censure by
the House of Commons, and the wider operations of News Corp in both the United
States and Australia were brought into question and became subject to further
investigation. Meanwhile, an influential social movement began mobilizing against
the Murdoch empire globally
IMAGE 6.2A and 6.2B Even informal street games have clearly improvised rules
In fact, few organizations today have the power of absolute authority. Most
modern CEOs, outside of ‘Press Barons’ such as Black and Murdoch, find it difficult
to be absolutist rulers because they do not have the powers of an absolutist monarch,
but are enmeshed in the rules of complex bureaucratic regulation. Nonetheless, their
organizations are just as full of complex culture as any Tudor court. And, like a
Tudor court, the cultural rules can often be very implicit, subtle, and highly political
in their interpretation.
IMAGE 6.3 The basis of the Tudor monarchy’s organization culture of control
Organization theory discovered the importance of culture quite early in its
development. Parker (2000: 128) notes perceptively that F. W. Taylor sought to
create a single utilitarian culture to minimize employee resistance and to maximize
productivity – and, of course, to increase profits. However, Taylor in 1911 did not
focus explicitly on culture. The earliest explicit research into culture as an object of
specific study arose when Roethlisberger and Dickson (1939) realized that the most
significant variables governing the output at the Hawthorne plant appeared to be not
physical but social (see also pp. 464). As Mouzelis (1967: 99) pointed out, such
factors defined the ‘culture of the group’.
Managers can draw on various types of expert knowledge (psycho-technological
and managerial) to manage culture by using comprehensible prescriptions to
regulate actions (Kono and Clegg, 1998; Mayo, 1946): job descriptions, manuals of
procedures, and mission and vision statements all serve to shape, subtly, the
members’ sense of their organization’s culture. Increasingly, managers seek to
secure compliance through shaping employees’ attitudes and sentiments (Senge,
Views that link an organization’s culture with its performance seek to do so by
creating a common frame of understanding (Kotter and Heskett, 1992): the
assumption is that if you can create harmony in terms of expectations and
behaviours that flow from the organization culture, the organization will perform
better. The earliest approaches to organization culture actually referred to it using a
term from the psychological literature, organizational climate. Schein (2002) argues
that this term was a precursor to the concept of organization culture. As Ashkenasy
(2003) demonstrates, these roots are pervasive in discussions of organization
culture. However, while some writers have seen culture as the great unifier in
organizations, others see it as the great divider.

Levels of culture

Organization culture comprises the deep, basic assumptions and beliefs, as well as
the shared values, that define organizational membership, as well as the members’
habitual ways of making decisions, and presenting themselves and their organization
to those who come into contact with it.

Schein (1997) defines organization culture as the deep, basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by organizational members. Culture is not displayed on the surface; instead, it is hidden and often
unconscious. It represents the taken-for-granted way an organization perceives its environment and itself. To clarify the various components of culture in organizations, Schein differentiates between three levels
of culture (Figure 6.1).

Level 1 consists of artifacts, including visible organizational features such as the

physical structure of buildings and their architecture, uniforms, and interior design.
This level is easily observable but does not reveal everything about an
organization’s culture. Sometimes researchers use the term organizational climate to
refer to the more evident and malleable aspects of the organization’s environment.
For instance, the rich and powerful often use architecture to impress the less
fortunate with the magnificence of their wealth. The ways in which these artifacts of
power are manifested vary enormously from society to society (see Images 6.4 and
Level 2 comprises espoused values. Values represent a non-visible facet of
culture that encompasses the norms and beliefs that employees express when they
discuss organizational issues. A mission statement or a commitment to equal
employment opportunities is part of this level.

Espoused values are a person’s or social group’s consistent beliefs about something in which they have an emotional investment as they express them; they are articulated in speeches, writings, or other media.

FIGURE 6.1 The levels of culture, according to Schein

The deepest culture – the basic assumptions hidden beneath artifacts and
expressed values – is found in level 3. This bull’s eye in the dartboard of culture is
the most important level. It includes the basic assumptions that shape organizational
members’ worldviews, beliefs, and norms, which guide their behaviour without
being explicitly expressed. It is the most influential level because it works
surreptitiously and shapes decision-making processes almost invisibly. It is hard to
observe and even harder to change. Nonetheless, it is the level that carries the most
potential for transformation. (Notice the Freudian influence on these conceptions of
culture in terms of unconsciousness and hidden depths; see also pp. 67–70.)

Basic assumptions are defined by Schein as the core, or essence, of culture, represented in difficult to discern, largely unconscious, and tacit frames that subconsciously shape values and artifacts, formed around
deep dimensions of human existence such as the nature of humans, human relationships and activity, reality and truth.


Stories are an important part of organizations; often they circulate as gossip,
sometimes as part of the informal legends, sagas, and mythologies of the
organization and characters deemed important in its history. The key point about
stories is that they are transmitted orally through story-telling, although they can be
recorded and become a part of the official story – think of how Silicon Valley
companies such as Apple and Hewlett-Packard started off in garages and grew to
become global corporations. Research on corporate cultures has used stories as data
about top leadership that circulated widely in the organization. These tales captured
something special and unique about the organization and often showed the
exemplary qualities of the leadership in some way. Phenomena such as myths and
legends became important objects for research. The culture became identified with
everything from common behavioural patterns to espoused new corporate values that
senior management wished to inculcate (Schein, 2002). The researchers who did
most to popularize the story-telling approach initially were Peters and Waterman
IMAGE 6.4 and 6.5 Buildings as artefacts of power designed to awe the populace
Peters and Waterman: McKinsey changing the world of organizations

Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, two consultants from McKinsey & Company (the
multinational consulting firm) who had, with links to Stanford’s Graduate School of
Business, offered an account of culture based on an instrumental view of the relation
between managerial practice and management knowledge. They promoted the
concept that culture that is strong and unifying – which is shared by everyone in an
organization – is what makes companies great.
Peters and Waterman’s In Search of Excellence: Lessons From America’s Best-
Run Companies was published in 1982. Previously, the central concern that had
characterized much of management and organization theory had been organization
structure. This changed markedly as a result of In Search of Excellence, which
propelled culture to centre stage in corporate analysis, resulting in related research
that we will refer to as excellence studies. The message was simple: great companies
have excellent cultures. Excellent cultures deliver outstanding financial success.
What makes culture excellent are core values and presuppositions that are widely
shared and acted on.
Books such as In Search of Excellence, Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals
of Corporate Life (Deal and Kennedy, 1982) and Organizational Culture and
Leadership (Schein, 1997) helped make culture a popular and acceptable topic in
business. Excellence studies stressed how a pattern of learned and shared basic
assumptions framed organization members’ perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. Put
simply, culture encompassed the following questions:

How were things done in particular organizations?

What was acceptable behaviour?
What norms were imparted to new members?
What norms were members expected to use to solve problems of external
adaptation and internal integration, and which ones did they actually use?

Theorists presumed that if you forged a strong culture that incorporated all
organization members in shared beliefs and commitments, everything else – good
morale, performance, and results – should follow. Having such a widely shared and
integrative culture in organizations is often viewed as a panacea for management
and a sure-fire recipe for corporate success.
Few management books have been as popular as Peters and Waterman’s In Search
of Excellence. Its appeal is apparent, packed as it is with anecdotes, lively stories,
and lists. According to Peters and Waterman, top management’s job was to show
leadership through culture building by making values clear, transmitting them
widely, reinforcing them in practice, and backing them up. Formal policies, informal
stories, rituals as well as rules, and constantly practising what you preach should
ensure a strong culture. Effective cultures were also unambiguous, unitary,
harmonious, and managerially integrative. On the other hand, pluralistic cultures
that accommodated dissent and conflict were regarded as dysfunctional and were a
sure sign that the culture was unproductive. Strong leadership that articulated clear
values should overcome opposition.
Top managers embraced these arguments, as did many scholars who produced
studies on the keys to excellence in organizations (e.g. Deal and Kennedy, 1982;
Kanter, 1984; 1990; Pascale and Athos, 1981). They argued that improvements in
productivity and quality would accrue when corporate cultures systematically align
individuals with formal organizational goals. Culture was understood as the glue that
should hold organizational objectives and individual needs together.
In Search of Excellence and subsequent excellence studies shaped the world of
practice through the authors’ consultancy work with McKinsey & Company
(Colville et al., 1999). In fact, Peters and Waterman’s work translated ideas from
quite subtle and complex organization theories to apply them to practical exigencies.
The origins of these theories were the sensemaking perspective of Weick (1969;
1979; 1995). As Colville et al. (1999: 135) argue, these origins were reflected in In
Search of Excellence through the insights that ‘fundamentally … meanings matter’
and that ‘mundaneity is more scarce than people realize’ (1999: 136). In Search of
Excellence was not simply a publication ‘offering advice for addressing pragmatic
problems thought to be relevant to managers, consultants, and other individuals who
work in or with organizations’ (Barley et al., 1988: 34). Peters and Waterman
produced a work that translated unfashionable and highly abstract organization
theory into a form that a wider audience was able to appreciate (Colville et al.,

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Ian Colville, Robert Waterman, and Karl Weick (1999) about how

In Search of Excellence was conceptualized and researched.

Peters and Waterman have a nice story to tell. Integrate everyone into one
managerially designed and approved culture of excellence and superior performance
will be the outcome. Subsequent researchers supported this idea (Denison, 1990).
However, as critics are not too unkind to point out, many of the so-called excellent
companies had in fact become far less successful within eighteen months of In
Search of Excellence being published. The change in their circumstances did not
slow the rollout of the rhetoric of excellence in management-speak, however. It
proliferated rapidly. Soon, nearly every manager and wannabe manager could be
heard talking about how important searching for excellence was, and many
management consultants were only too happy to help design a culture to make this
Despite In Search of Excellence being a huge commercial success, there are
problems with it: it was too one-dimensional, too focused on culture as just one
aspect of organization life and too focused on the stories only of top managers,
almost as propaganda for the managerial elite and their views of the way culture
should be. But millions read it.

Strong cultures, homogeneity, and disaster

Research on the demise of England’s Barings Bank has shown (Stein, 2000) that too
much consensus and homogeneity in an organization can easily lead to blind spots
that can be fatal. Barings was the world’s first merchant bank, but its proud tradition
ceased suddenly in 1995 when it collapsed because of the activities of a 27-year-old
trader in its Singapore office, Nick Leeson. Of course, one could blame Leeson
personally for the disaster because he was acting unethically (trading speculatively
without telling anyone what he was doing, and covering up his tracks as he did so),
but this would not explain why Barings collapsed. Rather, it collapsed because he
was able to do these things due to a lethal mix of elements in its organization
culture. As Stein argues, ‘Barings’ problem [is located] squarely with the institution
rather than with Leeson … the conditions for Leeson’s fraud were set in place
substantially prior to his arrival at Barings’ (2000: 1227). They were deeply
embedded in the culture of Barings as an organization.
Barings was a very conservative and established bank that recruited its board
members from the English aristocracy. Indeed, previous generations of Barings had
been governor-generals in colonial Egypt and Kenya. It was the bank of the British
monarch’s mother. It was just about as Establishment as it was possible for a bank to
In the 1980s, the UK government deregulated the banking industry. One
consequence was that banks faced more challenges in a more turbulent environment
than they had previously. Barings decided to employ a risk-taker who was expected
to make sense of the new situation: Nick Leeson. He was known as a maverick,
someone who told stories about himself that were not always exactly true, as well as
someone who liked to drink and gamble. At its worst, these predilections
occasionally resulted in unseemly behaviour; as Stein writes, ‘in a drunken stupor
one night, Leeson had exposed his buttocks to several local women in a bar’ (2000:
1219). In short, he was not the publicly acceptable face that young men drawn from
the English aristocracy would have preferred to present. But the bank’s management
agreed that it needed someone different than they were used to hiring if they were to
master the challenges ahead. Barings promoted Leeson, and soon he was trading in
Singapore with the bank’s money – and lost it.
Normally, there are many control mechanisms in place that should ensure that an
individual employee cannot lose all the company’s assets by gambling on the stock
market (in the case of Barings, it was £860 million). But Barings management
ignored all the signs that Leeson was losing the bank’s money. The organization
culture at Barings was strongly homogeneous among the gentlemen of the top
management team, which made them blind to seeing what was really going on in the
accounts that Leeson managed. Moreover, their bonuses depended on his gains as he
reported them. They had hired an entrepreneurial type of person, and they left him to
do the job, with very hands-off control because, in the past, class and breeding had
made strong discipline by management unnecessary. As the Bank of England
subsequently reported, there was no clear explanation as to why Barings
management did not question why the bank should be apparently lending more than
£300 million to its clients to trade on the Singapore Exchange when it had collected
only £31 million from clients for those trades. Barings had a strong culture – one in
which no one dared to point out that all was not quite what it might seem – which
had disastrous outcomes. Leeson described the culture as one in which employees
never asked questions because they did not want to appear ignorant. The dominant
unofficial culture was one of no questions, despite whatever may have been
maintained officially.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to articles by Ian Greener (2006) and Andrew D. Brown (2005) if you want to learn more about the
collapse of Barings Bank, as seen by management and organization theorists.

The case of Barings shows we should not assume that a dominant culture is
always the official one. In some organizations, such as various police services or
firms such as Enron and WorldCom, a dominant culture of corruption has become
widespread. Although such cultures are not ‘officially official’, their proliferation
suggests that formal tolerance enabled them to flourish and to become established as
the local norm. To illustrate this point, we refer to a study of hospitals and the way
that they dealt with terminally ill patients; it shows that there was a well-established
‘officially unofficial’ culture that shaped the organization’s treatment of those of its
‘members’, i.e. patients, who departed the organization by dying.
Sudnow’s Passing On: The Sociology of Dying (1967) compares the culture of two
hospitals, one private and one public. One characteristic of both was that most
deaths in the hospitals seemed to occur in the mornings. Although Sudnow initially
could not figure out why this was the case, he eventually discovered that when death
occurred on the night shift, the staff would try not to recognize the fact because of
the attendant duties associated with it. Dead bodies are a bureaucratic nightmare;
heaps of paperwork and a lot of physical and cleanup work are associated with them.
Thus, the shift culture regarded dead bodies as a nuisance best left for the new
morning shift to attend to. Hence, deaths peak in the morning, when the new shift
clocks on and has to register, statistically, the fact of death.

The culture of management

In principle, managers who have a capacity to understand management theoretically

should be better able to manage than inspired amateurs. However, we should bear in
mind a point made by Mintzberg (1973): in practice, managers change tack every ten
minutes or so. One consequence is that managers are more likely to steer with
intuitive judgements because managing means doing many things under tight
pressure rather than having leisurely opportunities to consult the latest research.
Hence, an intuitive ability to understand the different elements of organization
culture that they are working with is an essential prerequisite for the job.


How should practical managers relate to organization and management
Donaldson (1992) would have managers follow the findings of management science. He would want
them to be skeptical about popular management recipes, such as the excellence studies promoted. What
managers actually do, what management science says they should do, are sometimes significantly
There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggesting that managers – even very important ones –
are not necessarily as rational as they might seem to be. Our favourite example is one of the most
popular of US presidents, Ronald Reagan. A former actor, Reagan used the scripts of films that he
knew, such as Star Wars (Lucas, 1977–2002), when communicating the sense that he made of the
world that he sought to manage. Meanwhile, his wife, Nancy, consulted her astrologer. Do not laugh:
for many decision-makers in some economies, such as Hong Kong, the predictions of astrologers or
feng shui practitioners are at least as important as those of econometricians or management consultants
– and are sometimes as effective.
Nancy was not the only politician’s wife to consult New-Age-Type guru’s – Cherie Blair was well
known for her penchant for receiving advice from her ‘lifestyle coach’, Carole Caplin. The Daily
Telegraph (3 July 2007) contained an interesting story about ‘When Asia’s rich and powerful need
advice’ they call on ‘a tiny, hunched deaf-mute’ soothsayer in her mid-forties called E. Thi, universally
known by the nickname ET in Asia. She numbers Thaksin Shinawatra, ex-Prime Minister of Thailand
and present owner of Manchester City Football Club, the Burmese Junta, the Indonesian Foreign
Ministry, and the Nepalese monarch among her clients (see
Some other managers, trained in business schools, may seek to apply some rational models that they
dimly remember from their MBA, when they were taught that a culture of ‘excellence’ was the way to
go. They thus replicate lessons from their youth, repeatedly, even though the truths of that time may
have become the errors of today. Still others manage their organization culture by thinking of the most
recent columns they read in the press or that last book they bought at the airport on a business trip, or
how their mother or father brought them up, or how a winning sports team is managed. Managers in
various contexts have different relevancies guiding their culture of managing, and not all are guided by
management theories.

Practising managers’ conceptions of culture are important. They shape what they
regard as ‘best practice’. If managers think that a unitary culture will be less
troublesome and more supportive of their projects they will apply it as a kind of
recipe knowledge. For a while, In Search of Excellence seemed to provide a good
recipe. The trouble with recipes is that if everybody cooks according to the same
script, the lack of variety becomes bland and boring, and there is no innovation in
the diet. The lack of innovation applies not only to the competition between
organizations but also to organizations in which everyone subscribes to the same
culture, enacting the same realities. The more recipes we have to work from, from
different approaches, the more skilled we will be in blending experience and
ingredients, theory and practice, management and managing.
Thus, we would argue for polyphony in preference to strong cultures. Managers
are better off with pluralism, better with dissonance, because it offers more space for
innovation. If everyone agrees on the direction being steered and the underlying
values, such a situation is foolish if they are wrong and their common agreement
does not enable them to see the dangers ahead. The Titanic was not just a ship; it
serves as a metaphor for all those who are secure in the belief that they are
Academics and their students should be skeptics – those who are prepared to
suggest that the recipe may not necessarily be all that it is cracked up to be.
Sometimes skeptics might suggest alternative recipes, whereas other times they
might ask whether you really want to use that recipe if you want to achieve that
outcome. Sometimes, they scoff at the recipe. We think that management academics,
at their best, should be able to speak out about organizational power without
suffering adverse consequences. Some of them are well-paid people, engaged in
secure positions, with a privileged access to potentially influential people – their
students. As such, they should not be afraid of speaking or writing in ways that
represent views that, to paraphrase the economist J. K. Galbraith, challenge the
conventional wisdom (Galbraith, 1969). Experienced managers will rarely know as
much about the theory of management as you do as a student. Some may belittle
theory. We think they should, if that theory is prescriptive and tells them what they
should do. No theory can operate without regard for context. That is why we stress
the need always to relate managing – what managers actually do – to the theories,
artifacts and other resources that they manage with. The point of theory in
management is not its ‘truth’ but its use.

Culture in Disneyland

For cultural anthropology the enthusiasm for unitary cultures as a source of

excellence in organizations might have been surprising.
Cultural anthropologists stress that it is usually societies whose belief systems
are in trouble that seek to re-emphasize symbols and rituals to stress that there are
unitary beliefs (Alvesson and Berg, 1992). In doing so, their elites are making a
conscious effort to impose value consensus. An example from twentieth-century
history is the post-Prague Spring Soviet-backed Husak regime in Czechoslovakia (as
it then existed), which was imposed by Soviet tanks in 1968 along with martial law
and the overthrow of the Dubcek government. The new policy of the Husak
government was actually termed ‘normalization’! The process of normalization
meant reasserting a state of repression and limited freedoms on the aspirations of the
Czech and Slovak peoples for self-rule on a more liberal model. What is ironic is
that it took foreign intervention, tanks, troops, and the overthrow of a government –
all pretty extraordinary interventions – to create this highly contrived and forcefully
imposed ‘normalcy’. What was regarded by the Soviet authorities and their
emissaries as ‘normal’ was seen by the protestors of the Prague Spring as an
authoritarian imposition. Organizations that demand fealty to corporate cultures
against the skepticism of their members echo this authoritarian behaviour in
demonstrating that the authorities believe that they know what is best for ordinary
people and will impose it, if necessary, even if against their will. Think of the
actions of organizations such as Wal-Mart in opposing trade union representation
among their workforce.

Cultural anthropology is the study of specific societies and cultures, using the methods, concepts, and data of field-based research in its descriptions and analyses of the diverse peoples of the world. Sometimes
called social anthropology, it developed as an adjunct of imperialism in the nineteenth century, mapping largely small-scale (or ‘primitive’), non-Western societies, but in the twentieth century has developed its
fieldwork methods of inquiry into areas as diverse as youth cultures and corporate cultures.

Like prisms, organizations have many facets that are seen and refracted through
different perspectives. Managers are sometimes strongly committed to the official
version of the organization culture. On this basis they may thus assume that other
managers and members will be also. However, such assumptions of cultural
homogeneity may well be simplifying complex realities by concentrating only on
officially endorsed accounts of what the organization is. Sometimes there is more
than one dimension to a situation.
Highly developed value integration may be seen as a way of emphasizing
underlying basic assumptions – especially when they are under threat.
Anthropologically oriented organization researchers are attuned to the politics of
symbolic action (Smircich, 2002 [1983]). Sometimes, from this perspective, one
implication is that people might, on occasion, mean more than they say. It would not
be surprising if this were the case; the world of organizations usually includes
different types of actors, opinions, and conceptions of culture that quite often come
into conflict with each other. Organizations are arenas within which many things
might happen that put a big smile on top management’s faces, but there is also much
going on that will just as surely wipe it off.
Organizations with friendly public images are often revealed to have elaborate
facades. For example, Van Maanen (1991) revealed that Disneyland at that time was
not the fun place its marketing promoted; instead, it was an environment with many
stressed-out workers, often obnoxious customers, and generally hassled supervisors,
all seeking an advantage over others, and using organization resources to do so.
Despite this reality, in the ‘smile factory’ (as Van Maanen calls it), a strong
corporate culture sought to make sure that every employee behaved according to
Disney’s philosophy. Uniforms, education through the University of Disneyland, and
an employee handbook embodied this spirit. However, the stressed-out staff found
their own way of dealing with the masses of visitors. For especially nasty customers,
employees developed informal mechanisms to discipline them. For instance, the
‘seatbelt squeeze’ on amusement rides was but a ‘small token of appreciation given
to a deviant customer consisting of the rapid cinching-up of a required seatbelt such
that the passenger is doubled-over at the point of departure and left gasping for the
duration of the trip’ (Van Maanen, 1991: 71). Or bothersome pairs could be
separated into different units so that they had to enjoy a ride without each other (the
so-called ‘break-up-the-party’ gambit; Van Maanen, 1991: 72). These and many
other unofficial and informal rules and practices were learned and developed on the
job and formed a part of the culture of Disneyland. Probably not quite what Walt had
in mind, though!
Culture is not just the formally approved ways of doing things; it is also the sly
games, informal rules, and deviant subcultures of lower level employees against
supervisors and supervisors against lower level employees, women against men and
men against women, and creatives against management types as well as management
types against creatives (Burawoy, 1979; Rosen, 2002 [1985]; Young, 1989).

Organization culture and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

As we have seen, strong cultures do not necessarily equal good cultures. One of the
strongest critiques of the dominant orthodoxy that strong cultures are good cultures
came in a scathing article by a British academic, Hugh Willmott, who drew
inspiration from Orwell’s most celebrated book, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), to
make sense of corporate culture programmes (Willmott, 2002). In the book, Orwell
imagined Oceania, a totalitarian state set in the future. It maintained coercive
control through, among other things, making the official parlance of Oceania
Newspeak, a perversion of the English language. Although Newspeak is based on
English, all contentious political words are removed, and, more generally, the
vocabulary is much reduced. The purpose of the language is to limit that which can
be said and thought. The ultimate aim of Newspeak is to produce a mode of
communication that requires no thought on the part of the speakers. This ideal is
achieved, in part, through the use of abbreviations that serve to conceal the true
meanings of terms. For instance, the Oceania Ministry of Law and Order, where
torture occurs, is known as Miniluv. One of the important features of Newspeak is
doublethink, which refers to the capacity to hold mutually contradictory views at the
same time.
So what does the dystopian fiction of a writer who has been dead for half a
century have to do with corporate culture? Willmott (2002) argues that Orwell can
help us understand what he characterizes as the dark side of the corporate culture
project. Willmott contends that corporate culture is best regarded as a form of
Newspeak. The words, terms, and artifacts that describe the culture can be regarded
by corporate elites as a gift bestowed on organization members through cultural
design. The assumption, however, that organization members will want to receive
these gifts uncritically and reproduce them unreflectedly in a perfect echo of
corporatespeak may well be too much. Most of us retain degrees of skepticism about
the latest change projects and initiatives that our organizational masters impose on
us. One of us works in a Business School whose philosophy is expressed in the
phrase ‘Forward-thinking, Work-ready’. To be forward thinking and simultaneously
work ready seems to be a contradiction in terms, given the practices of organizations
in the wider world, such as News Corp, that embrace criminality and corruption.
Other senior managers of organizations seem to think being ‘work ready’ means
being ready to accept levels of sexual and other forms of harassment that are
punishable by law, given the frequency of such law suits and their reporting in the
press. With Willmott, the language of corporate culture programmes should be seen
as a means of attempting to control the choices and identities open to employees that
is plagued by doublethink, in which the values of community and autonomy can be
simultaneously celebrated and contradicted, as in the slogan ‘Forward-thinking,
Work-ready’. Much as the Party member in Orwell’s Oceania, the well-socialized,
self-disciplined corporate employee is ‘expected to have no private emotions and no
respite from enthusiasm … The speculations which might possibly induce a
skeptical or rebellious attitude are killed in advance by his early-acquired inner
discipline’ (Orwell, 1949: 220). Under the guise of giving more autonomy to the
individual than would be the case in organizations governed by bureaucratic rules,
corporate culture threatens to promote a new, hypermodern neo-authoritarianism. No
longer governed by clear rules, organization members know that as long as they can
parrot the corporate line, they can claim to be acting responsibly.
Willmott finds this potentially more insidious and sinister than bureaucracy, with
its clear formal rules and limits, because it leaves no space for an autonomous
professional ethos. The notion of the classical public servant as a person who works
according to the dictates of conscience embedded in a professional ethos disappears
in favour of a vision of the loyal employee. Loyalty is seen to be expressed in the
ability to reproduce various corporate lines in appropriate contexts and to keep any
reservations or misquiet to one’s self. In such a situation there would be nothing
guiding organization members’ actions other than the appearance of conformism.
Everything is supposed to be subordinated to the greater good of the corporate
culture. Only within this frame can organization members find freedom and value.

Making up culture
Much contemporary organization culture discourse represents a desire by
management to enlist workers’ cooperation, compliance, and commitment to create
an esprit de corps with which to limit human recalcitrance at work (Barker, 1998).
The rhetoric of control, coupled with a new vocabulary of teamwork, quality,
flexibility, and learning organizations, constitutes culture management projects that
seek to create culture as a mechanism of soft domination (see also pp. 265–267).
Management writing on culture increasingly came to focus on how it could be
used to constitute and enthuse members’ commitment to the organization.
Programmes of cultural change are often designed to make the culture more explicit
and better understood. (Casey, 1995; du Gay, 2000a; Jacques, 1996). At the furthest
point, what such thinking about the relation of organization members and
organization culture sought to construct was ‘designer employees’ (Casey, 1995) –
people made up in such a way that they were organizationally most functional.

Recruiting at Cathay Pacific
The ultimate designer employee is depicted in a Cathay Pacific recruitment advertisement from 1997.
The employee is a specific category of organizational subject imbued with an obvious, natural, or
acquired demeanour, comportment, and specifications:

Who am I?
I travel the world but I’m not a tourist.
I serve 5-star cuisine but I’m not a chef.
I walk the aisle but I’m not a fashion model.
I care for people but I am not a nurse.
And I do it all from the heart.
Who am I?
I am …

… a flight attendant with Cathay Pacific and you could be one too! (Cathay Pacific Airways, 1997)

To what extent has Cathay Pacific generated a strong culture among its flight attendants and other staff?
(Hint – start from

Management practitioners seek to use culture and control to try and frame the
subjectivity of their employees – to try and get them to see things with the same set
of relevancies that they have as managers. We see this most readily in some post-
excellence accounts of quality management, such as the Six-Sigma movement
popular in Japan and much of East Asia (Kono and Clegg, 2001). Principles such as
seiri (putting-in-order), seiton (arrange properly), seiketsu (cleanliness), seiso
(cleaning), and shitsuke (good behaviour), seen in many plants of Japanese
corporations, seek to govern not only the workplace but also the comportment of
employees in the workplace (March, 1996). Organization culture prescribes norm-
defined management techniques and habit-inducing routines that culminate in a new
consciousness and a new set of beliefs and values that promise a new personhood, a
new subjectivity, and even a new embodiment. Think of highly designed conceptions
of organization culture that frame what it means to be an organization member, such
as those associated with the advertisement for Cathay Pacific that we saw
previously. The employee has to work from the heart; this is what it means to be
designed for work as a Cathay flight attendant.

For Casey (1995), a designer culture has the following characteristics:

1. Individual enthusiasm manifested in the values of dedication, loyalty, self-

sacrifice, and passion. These values translate into the use of the
organizationally approved forms of language, including buzz-terms, as well as a
willingness to be part of the team at work, in play and recreation (joining in at
the pub, for instance), and putting in long hours at work – where you earn your
salary from 9 to 5 and your promotion from 5 to 9.
2. A strong customer focus, where customers are not just the end-users but
employees and other significant stakeholders are thought of as customers.
3. Management discourse characterized by a language of team and family, which
is inclusive of everyone – even if they would prefer not to be a part of the team
or family.
4. Finally, public display of the designer culture. There will be many artifacts,
such as websites, that display images of the culture, such as team photos, team
awards, employee of the month, and such like.

Owners and senior managers who have a paternalistic relation to their employees
will urge them to be part of the organization family. The use of family metaphors –
we’re all one big happy family here – is particularly inappropriate. The family
metaphor is widely used to try and represent an organization culture, as for instance
when people talk of disloyalty when an employee criticizes the firm or approaches
another organization for a position – almost as if they were having an affair! Of
course, the whole notion of the organization being metaphorically aligned with a
family is suspect, as we should recognize. Are managers then parents and employees
children? Not all families are a haven from a heartless world; some are awful places,
with institutionalized abuse, violence, and cruelty, which are hard to escape. But an
idealized notion of family is the one that is usually at work in designer cultures,
never the one that takes the sad facts of the family law courts as its empirical
compass. Actually, although we cannot choose our families, we can, in principle,
choose our organizations. Therefore, we can choose to escape a perverse
organization and go elsewhere, but membership in many families does not allow
such choice. We suspect that most of you would prefer being exploited by an
organization that you can leave easily rather than being held captive in a family (or a
family business) that is relatively inescapable. Family bonds are much harder to
escape than an employment contract, so here is our advice: beware of employers
claiming family ties or suggesting that the organization in which you work is like a


The politics of managing culture

Integration perspectives Cultural practices enable managing to happen by binding

entities together, and sometimes there is friction. Managing creates a nexus of
peoples, ideas, materials, and technologies that can act semi-autonomously in
pursuit of strategies. Culture is the shorthand term that captures the ways in which
people are able to make sense of their managing and being managed. Modern
managing involves the creative destruction of existing recipes and practices
embedded in cultures. Such managing means disorganizing and deconstructing past
routines, retaining some while changing others. Culture is always in process, never
static – it is constantly evolving, deconstructing, reconstructing, and resurrecting
Practising managers need to find solutions to new problems every ten minutes or
so (Mintzberg, 1973). Not surprisingly, they have little time for reflection or for
reading the latest research knowledge other than that which is immediately
available, local, contextual, working knowledge. In such a situation, the excellence
studies made perfect sense because they provided generic solutions that seemed to
be capable of being applied to many problems that could be now reclassified as
culture issues. The great strength of the culture perspective was that it seemed to
promise the dissolution of all that friction and resistance that managers know they
often produce routinely, as a normal part of their work. In the place of conflict it
offered integration. Indeed, some analysts refer to the strong cultures model as an
integration perspective.

According to Martin and Frost (1996), adherents of the integration perspective define culture as a phenomenon that is consistent and clear. Because they define organization culture in terms of unitary and
shared assumptions they include in their evidence only manifestations of it that accord with this definition, thus excising all the plural and non-integrative aspects of the culture.

Integration theorists define culture as ‘organization-wide agreement with values

espoused by top management’ (Martin and Frost, 1996: 608). Often, they suggest,
such agreement was assumed by researchers only after the views of top management
had been sampled! When decisions were not overtly biased by sampling decisions to
exclude likely sources of dissenting views, they were often made to exclude any data
that seemed to suggest a weak or fragmented culture as an inconsequential margin to
the central cultural values. Martin and Frost are scathing:

each ‘strong’ culture was a monolith where every manifestation reinforced the
values of top management, employees complied with managerial directives,
and preferences were assumed to share these values, and there was, apparently,
only one interpretation of the meaning of events shared by all. These studies
were designed so integration research would find what it was looking for.
(1996: 608)

Critiques of the integration perspectives Many anthropologically inclined

researchers were critical of integrationist findings because they systematically
excluded resistance, subcultures, and countercultures from their analysis. These
critics saw the concept of dominant cultures as unitarist. Rather as a religion might
proclaim itself to be the one true faith and develop protocols for ensuring
congregational compliance with its precepts, more secular organizations can
privilege the views of managers of the organization against those other members or
stakeholders for whom a subculture, or even subcultures, might be more important
(Willmott, 2002). Subcultures may form around the status attributes of the
workforce (such as ethnicity, gender, class, and skill) or on the basis of spatial
markers (such as where people work and the conditions under which their work is
performed). Sometimes, there may be a well-organized counterculture centred on a
union or an ethnic subculture, reinforced by a strong sense of community among co-
workers. Often this is the case among those who do blue-collar, dangerous work,
including dockers, miners, and construction workers.
The integration theorists countered that if you went looking long enough and hard
enough for such things as subcultures, you would be sure to find them, especially,
the critics continued, if the research consisted of ‘focused, non-random samples of
lower level employees’ and if the process involved ‘ignoring (or not searching for)
evidence of values shared on an organization-wide basis’ (Martin and Frost, 1996:
608). They went on to say that, if properly conducted with appropriate skill, even
ethnographers could come to see that deep fundamental values might be shared by a
majority of organization members (Schein, 1997).
Predictably, with such disagreement between researchers surfacing in the public
arena, the idea that culture might be a quick fix for corporate ills became harder to
market. The committed ethnographic researchers were never very interested in the
market, anyway. They saw themselves as more akin to anthropologists who practiced
long-term participant observation and brought tales from the field to the public
arena (Van Maanen, 1988).
The anthropologists resonated somewhat more with those who felt outside the
approved cultures of excellence. Organizationally, if, for whatever reasons, you felt
unable to bond with the strong cultural values being stressed, you were likely to feel
some degree of unease. For instance, many women in organizations felt excluded
from implicitly masculinist strong cultures. If work was to become even more of a
boy’s club as a result of its having a strong culture, these women were not going to
be happy with this outcome. Linda Smircich and Joanne Martin, both major
American feminist organization theorists, know a thing or two about dominant
(masculine) cultures – and about how to resist them. And what they saw in the
strong-culture literature raised their feminist hackles; they thought that it seemed to
privilege an exclusive club to which leaders could aspire – but the implicit message
was that they could succeed only if they were male. Being on the team meant joining
in with a world that was masculinized, centred on sports talk, drinking, and blokey
inclusiveness. While that was fine for ‘the boys’ it tended to marginalize ‘the girls’.
Knowing what it was like to be a female in a world dominated by men, they tried to
create a theoretical space within which to make sense of why resistance to dominant
masculine culture projects might occur – and not just as a result of poor
socialization. They argued that if resistance was an attribute of insufficient
socialization, the culture literature was ideological in the extreme. If you opposed
the dominant culture, you were automatically a deviant and needed more
socialization and training. There was no space from which it might be legitimate and
justified to resist.
Smircich (2002 [1983]) began with methodological criticisms of data based on
survey findings. She was particularly critical of the approach to data collection by
functionalist researchers. Typically, they had little deep knowledge of the culture
that they wrote about, knowledge gained from ethnography and the use of
anthropological methods (e.g. living in and mingling intimately with the community
being researched). Usually they just administered a questionnaire with a series of
questions and Likert-scale response sets. One consequence was that the studies of
excellence often ended up being accounts of the espoused values of the top
management as if they were the values characterized throughout the organization,
rather than being a study of the values actually used by all managers in practice.
Thus, these ‘excellent’ cultures were more often than not top managerial wishes, the
fulfilment of which was empirically questionable because the ethnographically rich
data that might address it had often not been collected.

Ethnography is an approach to research that attempts to understand social phenomena, such as organizational life, as it happens and in its own terms. It involves in-depth interviews, participant observation, and
detailed case study, and generally approaches research from the point of view of understanding what the subjects themselves think. It starts from the premise that meanings and understandings are socially

Differentiation perspective Martin (1992) became particularly concerned with the

lack of concordance between researchers from two different perspectives using
different methodologies. In the perspective that she classified as ‘integration
research’, the a priori assumptions were that culture was the vehicle of integration
for organizations; consequently, that was what was researched. A contrasting
perspective is known as the differentiation perspective.

The differentiation perspective stresses that the normal divisions to be found in organizations – of departments and disciplines, of spatial locations, of gender, religiosity, ethnicity, age, and other attributes of
human beings – will all tend to be potential bases for specific local cultural formation. The assumption is that experience of more than one culture is likely to be the organizational norm.

Researchers inclined to a differentiation perspective start with a predisposition to

see plural cultures rooted in different experiences within organizations.
Various studies demonstrate that organizations are often unstable and
characterized by conflict (Calás and McGuire, 1990; Gregory, 1983; Martin, 1992;
Meyerson, 1991; Riley, 1983). Organizations may have members who share strong
values about basic beliefs with some, but not all, of the other members of the
organization. There will be cliques and cabals, relatively separate lunch networks,
and distinct coffee circles. When these groups are sufficiently clearly articulated in
terms of cultures, we refer to them as subcultures, which are occupational and
professional groups that reflect different interests, tastes, and habits; such
subcultures develop alongside whatever may be the formally acknowledged
organization culture (Gagliardi, 1990). Subcultures coexist with other cultures and
can become dominant if they can unify adherents through the use of resources,
symbols, and other forms of meaning (Clarke et al., 1976). If a subculture reflects a
cohesive group and defends plausible ideas, it may become dominant and legitimate
(Gagliardi, 1990). If it challenges legitimate values, it becomes a counterculture.
Countercultures engage in oppositional political activities (de Certeau, 1988; Scott,

Culture: integrated, differentiated … and fragmented Martin (1992) suggests

that cultures are always simultaneously somewhat integrated and somewhat
differentiated: they are rarely totally coherent or totally differentiated. An
organization culture might be integrated when it reflects a wide consensus,
differentiated when it is confined to separate subcultures. However, an
organizational culture may be best seen through a fragmentation perspective when
there is little consensus and the situation is essentially ambiguous.

The fragmentation perspective is suspicious of the desire to make culture clear. According to the fragmentation view, culture is neither clearly consistent nor clearly contested, but likely to be muddled and
fragmentary. A fragmented organizational culture is one that forms around specific issues and then dissolves as these fade or are resolved. The nature of fragmentation is that specific and opportunistic cultural
coherencies form at different times around different issues.

The fragmentation approach shares very little with the normative integration
theorists, who argue for the benefits of a strong culture, and the differentiation
proponents, who say that a strong culture equals a dominant culture, and a dominant
culture is one that subordinates differentiated subcultures.
The picture represented by fragmentation perspectives is more likely to be one
that represents contradictory and confusing cultures battling for the soul of the
organization as well as those of its employees. Individuals are more likely to exist in
a state of competing cultural commitments, where they are constantly under
competing pressures to identify themselves and their organization with rival
conceptions of an appropriate cultural identity. In such a situation, ‘consensus is
transient and issue specific, producing short-lived affinities among individuals that
are quickly replaced by a different pattern of affinities, as a different issue draws the
attention of cultural members’ (Martin and Frost, 1996: 609, citing the work of
Kreiner and Schultz (1993) on emergent culture in R&D networks as an example).
Although Martin suggests that any of these different conditions for organization
culture formation can be found simultaneously at any given time, they can also
provide a framework for depicting changes in organizational culture over time, such
as in Gouldner’s (1954) study of a gypsum plant (see pp. 490–492). We could easily
describe the study’s events in terms of a shift from an integrated culture of
community to one that became differentiated and then fragmented by the unexpected
strike action.
From any perspective that sees organization culture as more akin to fluid
processes than stable value systems, measuring culture would be meaningless. We
can understand its fluent and changing nature better through ethnographic case
studies. Chan (2003: 313) argues that the ‘treatment of culture as a fixed, unitary,
bounded entity has to give way to a sense of fluidity and permeability’. He suggests
that earlier studies of organizations as essentially ‘negotiated orders’ (Strauss et al.,
1963) are better guides to managerial behaviour. Rather than seeing the organization
as a fixed pattern, managers should instead look at the ways that the members of the
organization use its resources (including conceptions of its values and culture)
constantly to negotiate the sense of what it is that they are doing in and as an
organization. In this view, the members of the organization create culture from the
mundane, everyday aspects of their work and often use the managerially approved
dominant culture as a resource in doing so, but not always in ways that would be
approved within its rhetoric (Linstead and Grafton-Small, 2002).
Chan (2003) suggests that culture should be thought of as a way of accounting for
what has been done in and around an organization, as a way of making sense of what
has been experienced. Thought of in this way, culture is far harder to engineer than
the strong-culture perspective suggests. Rather than being just a matter of replacing
one set of normative assumptions with an alternative set, producing yet another
mission and vision statement, culture consists of loosely negotiated, tacit ways of
making sense that are embedded in specific situations in the organization rather than
an all-enveloping structure that somehow contains all who are members. Because
culture is overwhelmingly situational, culture is usually quite fragmentary, forming
around certain emergent issues and then dissolving. Often, managers take different
sides on these issues and are thus divided among themselves.
Organization cultures can make organizations confusing, because different
cultural constituencies overlap and are only partially understood in terms of
common sensemaking. Culture is rarely a clear, sharp image of corporate and
individual identity; it is more likely to represent different or fragmented forms of
ambiguity. Confusion about what is really going on is normal in many organizations;
asking questions about clarity is not. Culture is an artifact of the methods used to
investigate it and the assumptions that make such an investigation possible.
Realistically, if you cannot define culture clearly, and the people whose culture it is
supposed to be do not know what it is, it can hardly be the cure for corporate ills.
The fragmentation perspective in its research reports a world in which ambiguity
provides a protective shroud from the meaninglessness of everyday organizational
life. Meyerson (1991) discovered in her study of social workers that:

ambiguity pervaded an occupation whose practitioners had to operate in a world

where the objectives of social work were unclear, the means to these goals were
not specified, and sometimes it wasn’t even clear when an intervention had
been successful or even what success in this context might have meant. (Martin
and Frost, 1996: 609)

Cynics might say that this is not surprising, given that the example is social work, an
area that is usually under-resourced and that is one in which people have to deal with
the many complex problems of often severely dysfunctional clients. However, there
are studies of other cultural contexts, which are certainly not resource poor and that
have a premium on clarity and detail, in which fragmentary cultures were normal.
For example, Weick (1991) discusses a case involving air-traffic controllers in
which normal fragmentation produced tragic effects. They were working at Tenerife
Airport one foggy night as two jumbo jets manoeuvred in their airspace. Pilots,
controllers, and cockpit crews struggled to communicate but failed. The barriers of
status and task assignment, not to mention the more general problems of languages
spoken, all conspired to produce an organization culture that was mired in fatal
ambiguity. When a foggy day met a fragmented culture in the airspace of Tenerife
Airport, a disastrous impact occurred. The two jets collided, and hundreds of lives
were lost in the atmospheric and cultural fog. As we mentioned in the introduction,
cultural cues become particularly acute in organizational handovers.

The texts of culture

Culture is less like a family and more like an unfolding and indeterminate text –
something that we can all read or watch at the cinema and understand but not
necessarily make the same sense of (e.g. Chan, 2003). Think of movies that are hard
to decipher, that have enigmatic stories, characters, or endings. Often we interpret
these differently from our friends.
At the simplest level, the way we come to know organization cultures is through
textual accounts. We look at websites; we read accounts of organizations in
magazines and newspapers; or we look at PR material that the company produces.
All of these accounts are either literal texts or discourses that are text-like. These
texts might be those of researchers or consultants, or they may be managers’
artifacts, such as company reports. They could even be the texts of everyday life
embedded in the discourses of people at work: what people ordinarily say about the
organizations that they work for and know. Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt
and the everyday accounts will be very different from the well-turned PR prose!
Carefully constructed textual artifacts, say some contemporary theorists, mirror
the practices that they address. The social realities of everyday working life in
organizations are much like texts as well. They consist of actors attached to various
accounts and stories with which they seek to enrol and influence others who are
trying to influence them at the same time. There are official accounts, but there are
also unofficial and downright scurrilous accounts as well, and only a fool would ever
believe just the official story. All of these stories circulate as either literal texts or
discourses that are text-like. Such stories are all social constructions whose social
constructionists are positioned within them – on whom the texts reflect, and who
reflect on the texts in various ways. These texts – whether formal or informal in
their production – are elaborate constructs fabricated out of the bricolage that
organizations provide. With these resources we are always doing cultural
construction as we talk some sense into being and deny the sense of other accounts
or ideas.
Fragmentation in culture is to be expected when we are trying to capture a certain
reality. Social realities are always already textual – the words and deeds of the
subjects concerned – before they are reworked into the texts of culture. All texts of
culture suppress, silence, and marginalize some elements of discursive reality that
some other account of the same underlying texts might instead privilege. That is,
culture acts as a structure around individual behaviour: it constrains what actions
one might take, and encourages particular actions over others – as a result cultural
texts are powerful forces within organizations. People seek to find a sense of their
self within the cultural texts that the organization makes available for them to use
and there is no reason to expect that they will only find these in the officially
approved texts.
The view that organizations should be thought of as complex cultures that can be
read in fragments, like incomplete and multifaceted texts, has become widely
associated with postmodernist accounts of culture. Rather than join what Martin and
Frost (1996) call the culture war games, postmodern theorists seek to demonstrate
the strategies that make moves in these games possible and the reflexive edge of
thinking about those debates that occupy centre stage (Clegg and Kornberger, 2003).
Typical postmodern accounts include reflexive analysis by analysts of their ordering
of the data that constitutes what they take to be the culture, and sometimes it also
includes the voices of research subjects, which are usually omitted by others (Clegg
and Hardy, 1996; Jeffcutt, 1994). Methodologically, postmodern analysis seeks to
deconstruct the assumptions that underpin particular accounts of culture and to show
that the account is an artifact of these assumptions (Smircich, 2002 [1983]).


If it is a big assumption to think that organizations have a singular culture, how
much bigger is the assumption that countries have a singular national culture? And
that it can be measured? Some researchers argue that we can measure an
organization’s culture and its effects on performance (see Gordon and DiTomaso,
1992). One prominent researcher along these lines is Ashkenasy (2003), for whom
values are the core component of organization cultures. He says that conceptions of
organization culture are more reliable when they can be measured rather than just
described and argues that the concept of a value system allows you to do this.
Hofstede (1980) goes one step further: he says that you can measure the values of a
national culture.
Geert Hofstede, the writer best known for having measured national culture, in
terms of values, studied only one organization – but he studied it in over 40
countries! It is now widely known that the unidentified organization that Hofstede
(1980) reported on in his book Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in
Work-Related Values was the multinational company IBM. He describes culture as
‘mental programming’, as ‘software of the mind’, as ‘subjective’. Hofstede is a
cultural determinist: for him the national culture will determine the shape of the
organization culture. While the population of a nation can be differentiated on many
grounds, Hofstede claims that, nonetheless, a national population shares a unique
culture. His empirical basis for this claim, however, is a statistical averaging of the
principal data – questionnaire responses from IBM employees. It is as a statistical
average based on individuals’ views, which he calls a ‘central tendency’ (1991: 253),
or ‘an average tendency’ (1991: 253). In other words, it is a statistical artifact.
Hofstede’s data drew on a data bank of 75,000 employee attitude surveys
undertaken around 1967 and 1973 within IBM subsidiaries in 66 countries, which he
analysed statistically. He found that the data demonstrated that there were four
central dimensions of a national culture, such that 40 out of the 66 countries in
which the IBM subsidiaries were located could be given a comparative score on each
of these four dimensions (1980). Hofstede defines these dimensions as follows:

Power distance: ‘the extent to which the less powerful members of

organizations and institutions (like the family) expect and accept that power is
distributed unequally’ (Hofstede and Peterson, 2000: 401).
Uncertainty avoidance: ‘intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity’ (Hofstede
and Peterson, 2000: 401).
Individualism versus collectivism: ‘the extent to which individuals are
integrated into groups’ (Hofstede and Peterson, 2000: 401).
Masculinity versus femininity: ‘assertiveness and competitiveness versus
modesty and caring’ (Hofstede and Peterson, 2000: 401).

Hofstede arrived at the national patterns by averaging the means of the

distribution of the data collected on individuals in terms of the national samples.
Consistent patterns were established in terms of national variation – variation
according to the means, which were, of course, statistical devices for representing
the sum of individual variance. The upshot would be similar to saying that the
average Dutch person is taller than the average Chinese person; the statement
accepts that the average is a summary device. The average tells you nothing about
what any particular Dutch or Chinese person’s height may be any more than it
informs you about the values they hold. An average of values, although it is
economical, is about as meaningful as an average of height. Just as there would be
wide variance in the height of any given population so there would be wide variance
in the values of that population, a point that is well established in McSweeney’s
(2002) critique. As he says, Hofstede assumes that it is national cultures that
produce the variance in his data but provides no evidence to support the assumption;
any other classification made on the basis of another assumption would have done
just as well – or as badly – as an explanatory device.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Brendan McSweeney (2002) if you want to learn more about what’s wrong with the
assumptions that Hofstede makes and what the implications are for management.

To accept Hofstede’s analysis is to assume the cultural homogeneity of nations –

that lines on a map inscribe a unitary, patterned, and consistent common culture. In
the vast majority of cases in the contemporary world, this is hardly feasible. There
are few singularly ethnically, linguistically, and culturally homogeneous countries
among the major nations in the world today. Indeed, one of the countries that
Hofstede (1980) treated as a unitary cultural space in his study, Yugoslavia, no
longer exists as such – precisely because it was not a unitary cultural space in the
first place, as indicated by the horrors of the ‘ethnic cleansing’ and associated mass
murders in the early 1990s that were its major contribution to world affairs. In many
countries, modern identities are much more likely to be plural than singular, as
shown in hybrid, hyphenated identities such as Anglo-Indian, Viet-Australian, and so
on. Will the diversity that the organization’s members display in their everyday life
not be reflected as diversity in the organization as well?
You could argue that it is precisely because organizations are able to pick and
choose who joins them – through human resource management practices – that they
may be said to have cultures (but the countries they operate in also have equal
employment and anti-discrimination laws!). In other words, they select people to fit
the culture. Contrary to this viewpoint, however, many organizations have been torn
apart by bitter internal conflicts, even when professionally managed, which make the
idea of their having only one culture seem questionable.


In this chapter we have introduced some key ideas about organization culture and its discussion in
management and organization theory:

The notion that we can make others do what we want them to do by persuading them to want to do it is
one that has a long pedigree. It eventually became formalized as an integrative view of organization
culture, spurred by the remarkable commercial success of In Search of Excellence (Peters and
Waterman, 1982).
The ‘strong-culture’ perspective, even though it is the most popular, is not the only well-developed view
of organization culture.
Other views see strong cultures as the problem, not the solution, and think of them as dominant rather
than empowering.
More recently, ethnographers have suggested that it may be quite normal for some organizations to
have neither a strong nor a dominant culture. On the contrary, culture may be characterized by
Finally, postmodern theorists suggest that all representations of culture are characterized by such a
complex intertextuality – the texts of the subjects, the texts of the organization, and the texts of the
authors – that they are better thought of as occasions for further analysis than as in any sense a
definitive account of what really happens.
Managers who are familiar with postmodern thought are at least less likely to be duped into believing
that culture is a panacea and might be more sophisticated in the ways that they seek to understand and
possibly to use it.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what the following key terms

Organization culture
National culture
Levels of culture
Dimensions of culture
Cultures’ consequences
Espoused Value
Basic values and assumption

2 What are the three levels of culture, and how do they operate?
3 What are the management arguments for a strong culture?
4 What is the difference between seeing a culture as strong or dominant?
5 What are the differences between integration, differentiation, and fragmentation accounts of culture?
6 What would postmodernists make of organization culture?
7 In what ways are contemporary managers the pastoralists of the modern age?
8 Should management academics prescribe organization cultures?
9 How useful is the construct of national cultures?
Think of culture as a multilevel concept, with subcultures, countercultures and so on: how easy is it to
design an organization culture in such circumstances?
Can culture be managed, or is it just something that is there? Look at the students around you; think of
11 your conversations with them, and discussions in class. To what extent can the variance between their
value statements be considered reflective of a ‘national culture’?
a What might it mean to say that an individual has a national culture?

b How might it affect the way that you do your work?

c In what ways is your work, organizationally, shaped by what your national culture is?


1. Probably the best way to come to terms with organization culture is to consult some exemplary studies
of it. Peters and Waterman’s In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best-Run Companies
(1982) is the obvious point to start.
2. From a more anthropological and ethnographic perspective, Martin et al.’s (1988) study, ‘An alternative
to bureaucratic impersonality and emotional labour: bounded emotionality at The Body Shop’, is of
considerable interest because it demonstrates how the distinctive culture of The Body Shop, a cosmetics
chain, produces highly committed employees. Many of you have probably been in a Body Shop at
some time; now you can read all about what it means in terms of an integrationist organization culture.
Another easily accessible and good narrative account can be found in Van Maanen’s (1991) ‘The smile
factory’. He provides an entertaining account of the corporate culture at Disneyland.
3. An excellent account of organization culture from a detailed ethnographic perspective is Kondo’s
Crafting Selves (1990), which does a really nice job of unpicking the assumption that Japan has a
national culture that easily creates effective and harmonious organizations.
4. There is a very thorough analysis of the literature on national cultures in The Sage International
Encyclopedia of Organization Studies entry by d’Iribarne (2008).
5. Films often provide a detailed insight into organization cultures. Think of the stress on family values as
an integration metaphor in The Godfather movies (Coppola, 1972, 1974, 1990) or the emphasis on the
sources of gender differentiation in the otherwise seemingly integrated ‘organization man’ world of the
movie Down With Love (Reed, 2003) or the Legally Blonde movies (Luketic, 2001; Herman-Wurmfeld,
6. Interesting examples of strong organization cultures and their effects are provided by military/war
movies, especially A Few Good Men (Reiner, 1992), starring Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, and Tom
7. Perhaps one of the most interesting movies ever made about organization culture is one based on a true
story: Colonel Redl (Szabo, 1985). Colonel Redl is an outsider in the Austro-Hungarian court at the turn
of the nineteenth century. He is part Jewish, part Catholic, part Ukrainian, part Hungarian, and gay.
Within this sociopolitical context, he does not fit anywhere into the culture. He manages to pass himself
off as a member of the dominant culture; however, he ends up being blackmailed and disgraced, and
the culture leaves him with only one organizational option, which occupies the closing reels of the film.
8. Both the late Peter Frost and Joanne Martin, whom we have discussed in this chapter, can be seen in
short interviews on the Companion Website organizations3.
9. There is also a film of the Barings Bank disaster caused by Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader (Deardon,
1999). This makes particularly interesting viewing, if seen in conjunction with the classic business
movie Wall Street (Stone, 1987), as an illustration of an organization culture premised on absolute
selfishness and ruthlessness.

1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to www.sage
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #9 by Stephen Linstead on Managing cultures.
3. Much of the best work on organization culture consists of organizational ethnographies. There is a very
good website run by Randy Hodson at It has a great many references to
many different ethnographic studies of work and organizations as well as being a really useful guide to
doing ethnographies.
4. The work of Geert Hofstede in Culture’s Consequences (1980) is well represented in controversies on
the web. For instance, there is the site, which includes summaries of
Hofstede’s work and critiques of it, the most useful of which is McSweeney’s (2002) paper from Human
Relations, which called ‘Hofstede’s model of national cultural differences and their consequences: a
triumph of faith – a failure of analysis’. You can find this paper on the Companion Website Geert Hofstede’s official website can be found at, in which, at, you will find a vexed tale about the
relationship between the two Geert Hofstede websites. The first mentioned is an ‘official’ and
‘authorized’ Geert Hofstede site; the second mentioned is not.
5. At htm you will find an amusing exercise for assessing an
organization culture.
6. There is an insightful essay available at on organization culture and symbolism
by Rafaeli and Worline, from the Sage Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate (2000), an
invaluable resource in its own right.
7. The ‘grandfather’ of organization culture, Ed Schein, has a website at For a good idea of a more consulting take on organization
culture take a look at the web pages of any of the big consulting firms, and key in ‘culture’, or look at, for a more specialist appraisal. Another
interesting page from a consulting perspective is, which is oriented to
changing organization culture.
8. As is often the case, Wikipedia has a good basic entry – see


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:
1. The best-selling management book, In Search of Excellence, which shaped a great deal of debate about
organization culture in management circles, had a scholarly genesis, as argued by Colville, I.,
Waterman, R. and Weick, K. (1999) ‘Organizing and the search for excellence: making sense of the
times in theory and practice’, Organization, 6 (1): 129–148. While many critics have suggested that In
Search of Excellence was unalloyed managerialism these authors argue that it was, in fact, a clever
blending of sophisticated organization theory packaged for a mass market.
2. Greener, I. (2006) ‘Nick Leeson and the collapse of Barings Bank: socio-technical networks and the
“Rogue Trader”’, Organization, 13 (3): 421–441, and Brown, A. D. (2005) ‘Making sense of the
collapse of Barings Bank’, Human Relations, 58 (12): 1579–1604, are excellent to read in conjunction
with watching the film, Rogue Trader (Deardon, 1999). These papers demonstrate organization theory
in action – understanding and explaining a significant social event that we can all learn about by
watching the film.
3. McSweeney, B. (2002) ‘Hofstede’s model of national cultural differences and their consequences: a
triumph of faith – a failure of analysis’, Human Relations, 55 (1): 89–118, is a scathing analysis of what
has been an important set of research findings. The importance of Hofstede’s work has been not only
that it has been widely used for executive training and MBA teaching but also it has been a prime
foundation for research in international business. McSweeney, quite rightly, we would argue,
demolishes these foundations. It is notable that even though Hofstede is widely recognized as an expert
on culture he trained as an engineer not an anthropologist or sociologist. Had he done so, he might have
been familiar with Emile Durkheim’s (1982 [1895]) classic The Rules of Sociological Method, which, if
followed, would never have allowed such a dodgy construction to be built on such rotten foundations.


Enacting organization culture

In the 1980s ‘culture’ operated as a kind of ‘open sesame’ concept in management theory.
Subsequently it has been heavily criticized. Despite the critics, the concept of culture continues to be
widely used by managers and consultants. It signifies processes of importance in organizations that
other concepts do not capture so well. A project of ‘managing culture’ was devised in the year 2000 in
collaboration with the Scandinavian engineering consultant company SEC.

Cultural merging

SEC was in a heavy growth period, after mergers and acquisitions of a number of firms. The reasoning
behind the mergers was to position the company for the purpose of delivering complete solutions to
large engineering projects, which were getting increasingly higher shares of the total project market.
The challenges of creating and realizing practical synergies after mergers and acquisitions are all too
familiar from the literature. Since 1997 corporations have globally spent well above $5 trillion on
mergers and acquisitions, yet in 83 per cent of 700 large mergers the stock price of the combined
organization did not rise above those of the single entities.
SEC identified challenges with diverse organization cultures and work practices in the different
companies it had acquired for realizing its ambitions. For example, some of the companies comprised
highly specialized, mono-disciplinary engineers with a much sought-after expert status, and which
subsequently had a wide geographical area as their ‘field’ of work. On the other hand, some companies
comprised highly trans-disciplinary engineers with work practices targeted towards complex and often
local projects where they had responsibilities for more or less the totality of the project. Thus the project
was initiated with the slogan of ‘accelerated cultural integration’. In a collaboration between key
members of the company and our team of researchers we defined the work tasks implied in the slogan
in terms of barriers and enablers for knowledge exchange. The project subsequently focused on
methods, concepts, and approaches for accelerated cultural integration after and during the new
company mergers and acquisitions.

Rituals of cultural exchange and dissemination

The underlying premise was that faster (than the natural cadence of time would have achieved ‘left to its
own’ social evolution) cultural integration would enable conditions for improving, and lowering the
costs of, knowledge sharing. A guiding principle in the project was that culture cannot be dictated
through directives and decisions, but rather is enabled through communal practices of everyday work.
The basic methods of the project were twofold; first, to facilitate process meetings where top
management and local project workers met in all the locations where SEC had offices; and second, to
follow closely through interviews two specific projects that SEC was accomplishing at the time, and on
the basis of them make two so-called ‘learning histories’. We had about 15 process meetings and 20
interviews with top management, middle management, project leaders, and project members. Both in
the real-life gatherings and in the learning histories we focused on what we called ‘fruitful dilemmas’
that SEC employees were facing in daily work activities. Through the ‘dilemma doorway’ the process
meetings provided arenas for people to meet, get to know each other, and exchange different
perspectives on significant phenomena and challenging themes. The learning histories, with their
intimate project practice focus, provided a possibility to lay down traces and ‘sedimentations’ in the
company from the discussions, perspectives, and practices that the process meetings and the two project
cases spurred. Through this work two critical ‘sets of oppositional stories’ displaying core dilemmas in
the company surfaced. We conceived these two sets of oppositional stories as two of the most important
myths that were guiding different practices and thus constituting key cultural knowledge in the

‘Heart surgery – the cheaper the better?’

One of the most important activities in project-based companies such as SEC is undoubtedly the process
of acquiring and initiating new projects. SEC, like similar companies, lives on project acquisitions,
accomplishment, and satisfactory deliverances, and stories of project creations have naturally a
significant place in story-telling practices and thus in the reproduction of culture in the company. The
learning histories from SEC focused to a large extent on what might be called the myth of ‘project
initiation’, which in the specific case of SEC was labelled ‘Heart surgery – the cheaper the better?’
Basically, the dilemma of project initiation as unfolded in the myth and displayed in the learning
histories, stretches along an axis from an understanding of project acquisitions as highly formalized
procedures answering ‘invitations for tenders’ from potential customers, on the one side, to an
understanding of acquiring projects through a history of reputation and trust with ‘good customers’ and
intimate personal relationships on the other.

‘The flying engineers’

Much of the focus in the SEC project meeting discussions (which we considered as enacting rituals
enabling cultural exchanges) evolved around aspects of ‘the ideal organizational structure’ of the
company, and practical consequences of the form chosen. Again dilemmas were at the core, not
surprising, given the challenges of knowledge sharing after mergers and acquisitions had taken place in
a distributed environment creating a singular entity out of several large and small former companies,
‘inhabited’ by engineering experts of different disciplines. For example, the leader of one of the
divisions in SEC on several occasions when discussing priorities, strategies, or challenges said, ‘We
cannot make the flying of engineers a business idea!’ The contention received mixed applause. Some
groups and individuals consented to it, notably the specialized high-status experts, while others
expressed their absolute disagreement. The saying pinpointed some of the dilemmas pertaining to the
myth concerning the existence of ‘the ideal organizational form’. In the joint dialogic unfolding of this
myth during the project, company members increasingly realized that whatever organizational form you
chose to realize, you gain some and you lose some. And like cultural practices that never can be
reduced to static structures, you move on.


1. Is it possible to ‘manage culture’ at all, or is this a contradiction in terms?

2. Based on your own experience, discuss possible approaches to ‘managing culture’.
3. What does culture consist of in this case?

Case prepared by Emil A. Røyrvik, SINTEF Technology and Society, [email protected].

7 Managing power, politics, and decision-making in organizations

8 Managing communications

9 Managing knowledge and learning

10 Managing innovation and change

11 Managing sustainably: ethics and corporate social responsibility

Resistance, Empowerment, Ethics

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

List the main resources proposed as bases of power

Understand how power and legitimacy are related
Know what power relations are
Recognize that power conflicts are normal and acceptable in organizations
Understand how management of power may form a normal part of management
Describe the ‘soft’ ways in which power operates
Use power positively
Discuss decision-making in organizations


A consultant’s experiential viewpoint:

I always thought politics was a dirty word at work, but it’s reality, it’s reality and it’s not … being
sneaky, it’s just making sure that, you know, your people that are going to help you go where you need
to go, are aware of you and know what you do, so it’s… talking about what you’ve done, your
achievements, to the right people. (Young consultant in a global company)

Understanding office and organizational politics is an important skill for all
managers, which underlies and shapes the formal structures of rationality and
authority in which organizational life is situated.
Organizational politics, broadly speaking, refers to the network of social relations between people in and around organizations, between employees and their managers, customers, suppliers, competitors, etc., all
of whom can be involved in organizational politics, insofar as they are involved, whether wittingly or not, in practices of power.

We have seen that organizations are made up of formal and informal rules that
coordinate actions of different people. But how can organizations make sure that
people – who have diverse backgrounds, particular interests, and different
understandings – comply with these rules? Power is the concept that encompasses
the mechanisms, processes, and dispositions that try, not always successfully, to
ensure that people act according to the rules of the game. Hence, power should be
one of the central concepts in both management practice and theory.

The most common definition of power is that it is the chance of an actor to realize their own will in a social action, even against the resistance of others. The actor may be an individual or a collective entity. At its
most mechanical, power means forcing others to do things against their will. However, power can be far more positive and less mechanical when it shapes and frames what others want to do – seemingly of their
own volition.

Max Weber is recognized as the ‘founding voice’ on power in organization

studies. He distinguished between key terms such as authority, which requires the
consent of those being managed, and domination, which does not. He saw power as a
pervasive aspect of organizational life, as people in management sought to execute
actions through imperative commands – orders – that may or may not be resisted.
The imprimatur of authority attaching to management was a great asset in securing
compliance from subordinates.
The definition of power is routinely explained as A doing something to B to cause
B to do something that B would not otherwise do. However, power is more complex
than just the push and pull of attraction and repulsion, command and control. It also
involves the structuring of dispositions and capacities for action, as well as action
We explore power themes in this chapter, looking at the good, the bad, and the
ugly in power relations. We take care not only to concentrate on the negatives but
also to accentuate the positives. After all, if power is inescapable, we might as well
learn how to use it wisely.
Organizations operate within complex internal and external networks of interests
and opportunities, which make ‘social and political skills vital to managerial
success’ (Douglas and Ammeter, 2004: 537). Yet, most studies of organizational
behaviour make little or no reference to politics and political behaviour. Politics is
seen as something done either to resist managerial authority or it is an example of
maverick management: where self-interested action by individual managers
prevails, acting with the sole objective of advancing their own career interests. Any
organizational benefit may be coincidental or secondary. ‘Politics’ is frequently
conflated with ‘politicking’ (Mintzberg, 1985), which is seen as something
disreputable. Perhaps for this reason, as organization theorists began to think and
write about power they did so in terms that often saw it as illegitimate.
Researchers in organization theory and management in the era after the Second
World War developed a set of expectations about the exercise of power in
organizations that they had derived from the formal structure of bureaucratic
authority (Bennis et al., 1958). However, a number of case studies contradicted these
expectations. Surprisingly, these case studies discovered bases of power outside the
formal structure of authority and described the resulting power games and the rules
that made them possible. More recently, interest in discussions of power has shifted
to issues of resistance – how people in organizations resist formal organizational

We spend at least one-third of our adult lives working in organizations in which we
enter into complex relations of power that range from some other people getting us
to do things we would not otherwise do, to us doing the same to other people. We
will spend that third of our lives in different organizations. At best, these will be
warm, friendly, welcoming, open places in which we can do our jobs with pride,
growth, and achievement. At worst, however, they may be akin to places of
concentrated power that frame and shape our hours therein as a heavy and unhappy
As organization theorists began studying the empirical workings of organizations,
they noticed that some members of organizations were able to exploit seemingly
impersonal rules for their own ends. The prevalent conception identified
organization hierarchy with legitimacy: thus, when actions were identified that
seemed to subvert or bypass the official hierarchy of authority, they were labelled
‘illegitimate’ – they were not authorized. In this way, power came to be seen as
illegitimate, whereas authority was legitimate.
At various times, several key assets have been promoted as the basis for expert
power in organizations. The most pervasive of these has been seen to be the ability
to control uncertainty in bureaucratic organizations. More recently, there has been a
shift in focus from bureaucracy to consideration of more empowered alternatives.
But, as we will see, empowerment is not necessarily all it is cracked up to be – it
can mean even tighter control.

Empowerment means giving someone more power than they had previously. Transferring power to the individual by promoting self-regulating and self-motivating behaviour through innovative human resource
policies and practices, such as self-managing work teams, enhanced individual autonomy, and so on.

If an organization makes people do things they normally would not do, power
must be the central issue. Many potential sources or bases of power have been listed,
including: information; expertise; credibility; stature and prestige (Pettigrew, 1973);
uncertainty (Crozier, 1964); access to top-level managers and the control of money,
sanctions, and rewards (Benfari et al., 1986; French and Raven, 1968); and control
over resources (Pfeffer and Salancik, 2002 [1974]). We consider some of the more
important of these bases of power in this section.

Legitimacy attaches to something, whether a particular action or social structure, when there is a widespread belief that it is just and valid.


Power works best when it is seen least. If people already want to do what is expected
of them, there is no need to exercise overt power. If legitimacy can be created for
individual actions, it greatly reduces the chance of opposition to them because it
creates a meaningful context in which these actions can be accepted and justified
(Edelman, 1964; 1971).
In managing and organizations the arbiters of legitimacy are always significant
others rather than the actor the status of whose action is in question. Such significant
others can be subordinates or superordinates, customers, suppliers, government, and
so on. Legitimation lowers the probability of resistance, as Blau (1964: 199)
recognized when he noted that ‘stable organizing power requires legitimation … The
coercive use of power engenders resistance and sometimes active opposition’.
Legitimation is achieved through what Pettigrew (2002 [1977]) called the
‘management of meaning’ – a double action because it seeks both to create
legitimacy for one’s initiatives as it simultaneously seeks to delegitimize those it
Some of the main sources of legitimacy are symbolic. Images can represent a
great deal of power in simple ways. For example, the law is often portrayed as an
institution that impartially weighs justice in its scales. That the common symbol of
this power is blindfolded while holding the scales of justice is meant to represent it
as a legitimate authority; it shows that an impartial judiciary resides over a mass
population that is weighed equally in the scales. Cathedrals were among the most
symbolically important buildings in many European cities until relatively recent
times; they were often the largest, tallest, most richly decorated, and most
symbolically laden buildings that people would ever see. They represented the
condensed and local power of the church as an institution. In Muslim countries, the
mosque has fulfilled a similar function, with its high minarets from which the
faithful might be called to prayer, and an inspiring dome under which those in prayer
might gather.
IMAGE 7.1 A skyline of symbolic power
When spiritual power had to jostle for space with increasing commercial power
the boards of the various banks would compete with each other to build imposing
temples of commerce, often demonstrating visually that their bank had a solid,
classical presence (with lots of Corinthian columns, high vaulted ceilings, and solid
timbering). Banks needed their customers to trust in them and the material and
symbolic presentation that bank buildings and location made was important in
securing this trust. Today, of course, the skylines of famous cities are crowded with
the towers and skyscrapers of the major corporations that now far outreach the spires
of the cathedrals in their thrust into the sky. The skyline is an ever-changing record
of shifting symbolic power.


At a fundamental level, churches, banks, and other organizations seek to impress

those who worship and invest in them, use their services, buy their products, and
serve in their employ, that they are bastions of certainty and security in an uncertain
Step inside organizations and what happens? Is uncertainty banished? To some
extent it is: all those rules that define a bureaucracy are in part intended to take the
uncertainty out of everyday work and organization. However, Weber himself pointed
out ways in which uncertainty could creep back in. Weber (1978) used the example
of the uncertainty that the elected members of a legislative assembly experienced, in
terms of parliamentary, budgetary, and other procedures of rule, compared with the
far more detailed and certain knowledge of their senior permanent public servants.
He saw the uncertainty – a lack of knowledge of the precise rules of the bureaucracy
– of elected politicians as their undoing in power terms when compared with
permanent civil servants. However, the generation of empirical researchers in
organization theory after the Second World War reversed this analysis. For them,
uncertainty increasingly became seen as a source of power rather than a constraint
on its exercise.

We can define uncertainty as the inability to know how to continue some action, a lack of a rule or undecidability about which rule to apply.

Uncertainty and power are not strange bedfellows, and their proximity has been
much explored in organization theory. The view for the last 50 years has been that
when an organization experiences uncertainty in areas of organizational action, if a
person has organizational skills that can reduce that uncertainty, they will derive
power from such expertise. In other words, this view states that despite formal
hierarchies, prescribed organizational communications, and the relations that they
specify, people will be able to exercise power when they control or have the
necessary knowledge to master zones of uncertainty in the organizational arena.
One of the earliest proponents of these views conducted research in one of the
most clearly prescribed of organizations: a military bureaucracy. Thompson (1956)
researched two US Air Force bomber wing commands, comprising both flight and
ground crew personnel. The flight crew had greater formal authority, but the role of
the ground crew was central for the safety of the flight crew. Their need for safety
conferred a degree of power on the ground crew that was not evident in formal
authority relations. Their technical competency vis-à-vis safety issues put them in a
strategic position to secure their own interests – to exercise ‘unauthorized or
illegitimate power’ (Thompson, 1956: 290), which they rationalized in terms of a
need for safety. Hence, the maintenance workers controlled the key source of
uncertainty in an otherwise routinized system.
In a study conducted by Crozier (1964) in a French state-owned tobacco factory,
uncertainty also proved to be a central resource. The female production workers, at
the technical core of the organization, were highly central to its workflow-centred
bureaucracy. The male maintenance workers were marginal, at least in the formal
representation of the organizational design. The production workers were paid on a
piece-rate system in a bureaucracy designed on scientific management principles.
Most workers were, in effect, de-skilled. The bureaucracy was a highly formal,
highly prescribed organization, except for the propensity of the machines to break
down. The effect of them doing so was to diminish the bonus that the production
workers could earn. To maintain earnings, the production workers needed functional
Work stoppages made the production workers extremely dependent on the
maintenance workers, whose expertise could rectify breakdowns. Consequently, the
maintenance workers possessed a high degree of power over the other workers in the
bureaucracy because they controlled the remaining source of uncertainty in the
system. Management and the production workers were aware of the situation, and
they had made attempts to try to remedy it. Management had introduced planned
preventive maintenance to be done by the production workers, but manuals
disappeared and sabotage occurred. Maintenance workers were indefatigable in
defence of their relative autonomy, privilege, and power. Through their technical
knowledge, they could render the uncertain certain and the non-routine routine. The
benefit of maintaining routine was a degree of autonomy and relative power for the
maintenance workers in excess of that formally designed. There was also an issue of
gender; the male maintenance workers used their expert knowledge as a masculine
device over and against the female production workers.
Crozier’s (1964) study was a major landmark. He had taken an under-explained
concept – power – and attached it to the central concept of uncertainty. After this
study, the field developed rapidly. A theory called the ‘strategic contingencies
theory of intraorganizational power’ (Hickson et al., 2002 [1971]) emerged. It
sought to build a theory from existing ideas, particularly that power was related to
the control of uncertainty and that, following Tannenbaum (1968), it could be
measured. Tannenbaum had developed a measurement of power, the control graph.
The graph maps the means of the perceived power of each level in the formal
hierarchy of an organization by averaging the sum of the perceptions of people in the
organization of the amount of power vested at various levels within it. In this way,
intersubjective measures of power may be achieved. It became apparent that power
was not something that was fixed – it could be increased. Organizations that were
quite similar structurally could design power quite differently.

Strategic contingencies

Hickson et al. (2002 [1971]) sought to measure power in organizations. One of their
theoretical innovations was to use a formal model. The organization was
conceptualized as comprising four functional subsystems or subunits dealing with
production, marketing, maintenance and finance (Figure 7.1). The subunits were
seen as interdependent. Some were more or less dependent and produced more or
less uncertainty for other subunits. What connected them was the major task of the
organization, coping with uncertainty. The theory ascribes the differing power of
subunits to imbalances in the way in which these interdependent subunits cope with
and handle uncertainty. The most powerful are the least dependent subunits that cope
with the greatest systemic uncertainty, although there are certain qualifications –
namely, that the subunit is not easily substitutable with any other subunit and that it
is central to the organization system. Note the absence of a vertical dimension and
the assumption that each subunit is quite contained and unitary.
To conceptualize an organization as composed of subunits is to flatten out the
normal hierarchical representation of it as a ‘structure of dominancy’, to use
Weber’s (1978) terms. This new perspective views the organization on a horizontal
rather than vertical axis. Viewing organizations as more horizontal than vertical
structures is to make a number of assumptions about the unitary and functionally
cohesive nature of subunits. In reality, each subunit is typically a hierarchy with a
more or less problematic culture of consent or dissent. For it to be treated as if it
were unitary, there needs to exist some internal mechanisms of power that would
allow for such a representation. In other words, there must be a hierarchy of order
that is effectively reinforced through everyday organizational actions.
FIGURE 7.1 An organization conceived as made up of subunits

Strategic contingencies theory assumes that management’s definitions prevail and

that each subunit is a perfectly unitary form of organization, one capable of being
glossed as a single actor. For this to be the case a great deal of power has to have
been exerted. Indeed, sometimes they are a perfectly unitary form of organization, in
which case management has exercised power. When they are not, management is
outmanoeuvred. Being intermittently outmanoeuvred is a fate that most managers
are familiar with. Later empirical analysis to test the theory deliberately sought out a
simple and tightly regulated bureaucracy (Hinings et al., 1974). The theory worked.


Similar to strategic contingencies theory is the resource dependency view. This

derives from the work of social psychologists such as Emerson (1962) and related
work by French and Raven (1968). All resource dependency theorists view a certain
resource as key in organizations, but they differ in which resource is regarded as
key. Resource dependency theory was formulated in the 1970s as an open systems
model that examined how environmental contexts affect organizational behaviours
and decisions. The focus is on how managers in organizations secure the flow of
resources essential for organizational survival. ‘As such, the theory recognizes that
organizations act not only in response to, but also upon, their contexts. Specifically,
organizations strive to influence organizations upon which they are dependent for
scarce and critical resources. These actions are frequently political’ (Greenwood,
2008: 1383).

Open systems: In an open systems approach, organizations were viewed as systems that were open to inputs from their environments and that sent outputs to their environments as a result of their internal
transformation processes.

Pfeffer and Salancik (2002 [1974]) hypothesized that power would be used in
organizations to try to influence decisions about the allocation of resources.
Resources may be raw materials, capital, information, authority, or any other
essential resource. Most resource dependency theory emphasizes material resources,
such as labour, capital, and information. Resources have to be procured and secured
from a network of other organizations. While the organization is thus dependent on
other organizations, rationally it will strive not to be overdependent. To be so places
it at risk, as a hostage to the actions that these other organizations might undertake
or fail to undertake: banks may not advance loans, for instance, because the
organization is perceived as being already overindebted. Organizations respond to
resource contexts by adaptation (i.e. through internal changes to strategies or
operations) and/or by domination (i.e. through efforts to control the environment).
Using archival data on decision-making in the University of Illinois, they
confirmed their hypotheses, suggesting that power is a positive-sum game for those
that have control of critical resources – using the power these resources bestow, they
can acquire yet more resources, to leverage more power. Those that have resources
attract more resources and thus more power. From this perspective, power is often
conceptualized as if it were a zero-sum game in which, rather like being on a seesaw,
more resources on the part of one party outweigh those of another party because they
can be gained only at the expense of the other party. It is assumed that there is a
fixed amount of power to go around (Figure 7.2).
FIGURE 7.2 A zero-sum conception of power
Michel Crozier subsequently revisited the links between power and uncertainty as
a critical resource (Crozier and Friedberg, 1980). Members of an organization meet
each other in spaces that offer relatively open opportunities for control of rules and
resources. People do not adapt passively to the circumstances that they meet; they
use these circumstances creatively to enhance the scope of their own discretion,
through shaping and bending rules and colonizing resources. Power is still seen in
terms of the control of uncertainty as it is played out in daily struggles over the rules
of an uncertain game.
There is no doubt that uncertainty – as well as the other contenders for strategic
resource status – can be a source of power, but not in a context-independent way.
What counts as a resource can be made to count only in specific contexts. For
instance, box cutters, which are used for cutting paper and cardboard, are not usually
thought of as powerful resources – or at least they were not until 9/11. Then, in the
hands of determined terrorists, they were responsible for what has now passed into
history. So, if information, uncertainty – or box cutters – are to count as resources
for power, they will do so only in specific contexts.
To the extent that specific resources are related to power in a general way, without
regard for context, they are not very helpful. Anything can be a resource in the right
context – the context is what is important. Thus, possessing scarce resources is not
enough to deliver power over and above that formally authorized; one also needs to
have an explicit knowledge of context (Hickson et al., 1986; Pettigrew, 1973; 2002
[1977]) and how to use resources accordingly.

The process of mobilizing (or demobilizing) power is the process of politics. Given
the stress on authority and formal organization in the literature, politics are often
seen as what happens when members of organizations behave in ways that are
potentially authoritatively illegitimate. Pettigrew (2002 [1977]: 45) sees the
mobilization of power as what happens when either individuals or sub-groupings
within organizations make a claim against the extant resource-sharing system of the
organization. As Pettigrew suggests, power is central to the strategy process in
organizations because decisions about what strategy to maintain or innovate will
always be political. Such decisions are ‘likely to threaten the existing distribution of
organizational resources as represented in salaries, in promoting opportunities, and
in control of tasks, people, information, and new areas of business’ (Pettigrew, 2002
[1977]: 45). What do organizational politics arise from, according to Pettigrew?

1. Structural divisions in the organization between different component elements

and identities, and the different values, affective, cognitive and discursive
styles associated with these. Think of the differences between the creative types
in an organization and the accountants.
2. The complexity and the degree of uncertainty attached to a central dilemma (as
we have seen from previous theory). Being able to control uncertainty that is
hardly of much significance will not deliver power.
3. The salience of issues for different actors and identities in the organization. If
the issue isn’t one that concerns the top management team it is probably a poor
basis for a power claim.
4. The external pressure coming from stakeholders or other actors or
organizations in the environment. If important people externally are pushing an
issue those within who can resolve it will become more empowered.
5. The history of past politics in the organizations in question.

Consequently, power and organizational politics are central to much of what

normally goes on in organizations, as Buchanan and Badham (1999) argue in very
convincing terms. Organizations are often lived and experienced as a series of ‘turf
wars’ between different branches, divisions, departments, occupations, and cultures
located within these. Thus, organizations should be conceived as arenas in which
many and varied war games will be in play, with the rules of the game constantly
shifting and frequently unclear, and always overlapping. Talk to anyone with long
experience of organizational life and they will be able to recount many examples of
war games.
According to Pettigrew (2002 [1977]: 47), organizational politics are
fundamentally concerned with the management of meaning. Actors in these political
relations seek to legitimate the ideas, values, and demands that they espouse while
simultaneously denying or decrying those that they seek to oppose. Thus, power is
ultimately deployed in games of organizational symbolism. It is wrapped up in
myths, beliefs, language, and legend – the stuff of organization culture.
In a realists’ guide to organizational politics, Buchanan and Badham (1999) noted
that those managers in organizations who are not politically skilled will fail. In their
terms, managers have to be good at ‘power steering’. From a similar perspective,
politics may be defined as the mobilization of support for a position, decision, or
action (Crick, 1962: 67). The underlying purpose of politics involves mobilizing
support for particular actions by reconciling different interests and values. Thus,
power steering means using skills to influence decisions, agendas, and participation
in organizational politics. Political competence means being the kind of manager
who can get things done, despite resistance, because they are skilled at political
games (Bacharach, 2005: 93).
Organizations as political arenas

In Mintzberg’s (1983a; 1984; 2002 [1985]) terms, the organization is a political

arena, one in which the system of politics comes into play whenever the systems of
authority, ideology, or expertise may be contested in various political games – that
is to say, almost always. Mintzberg identifies various commonly occurring political
games, including those depicted in Table 7.1.
In organizations, politics are normal and serve many orderly functions. They can
be the harbinger of a need for realignment (Donaldson, 1999), the midwife to change
(Pettigrew et al., 1992), the source of renewing innovation (Frost and Egri, 2002) or,
sometimes, the instrument of death (Havemann, 1993). Thus, political games are to
be expected – they are neither aberrant nor deviant. The types that Mintzberg
specifies are not mutually exclusive, of course, and may often overlap and interlink,
but they typically find expression in several major forms in the political arena,
which vary with the duration and intensity of conflict (Table 7.1).
TABLE 7.1 Political games in organizations

Played by lower status participants against the dominant elites
insurgency Played by the dominant elites against the insurgents
Played by patrons and clients
building Played among peers who implicitly seek reciprocal support
A political actor or subsystem seeks to capture others and enrol them as subordinate to its
The objective is to secure resources
The games of strategic contingency
Relatively powerless players seek to ‘lord it’ through using what they claim to be their legitimate
power over those who are supplicant or lower in status: think of family politics between elder
and younger siblings
Line vs staff
Each side uses legitimate power in illegitimate ways in games of rivalry
Alliance or empire-building games develop into rival blocks that face each other in zero-sum
Rival camps
games similar to those witnessed in international relations between competitive countries or
blocks of nations
candidate Those in power seek to ensure the succession of preferred candidates as vacancies arise
blowing Participants, usually lower status ones, seek to expose malfeasance or illegitimacy outside the
games organization to effect internal policy or strategy changes
Organizational authority is preserved, but a coup unseats its present incumbents to institute a
regime change

Episodic confrontations are fairly normal: for example, a takeover attempt occurs,
of a whole organization or a part thereof by another part. An episode of intense
conflict occurs from which victors emerge. Sometimes the combatants, often
uneasily, enter into a treaty. Uneasy treaties can often lead to shaky alliances as
political forces regroup, perhaps to fight another day. Often, however, the struggles
are so vicious that the losers exit or are forced from the organization, such as when
the top management team that resisted the victors is ‘let go’. People in organizations
that cannot manage their power relations, because they cleave around fundamentally
opposed worldviews, will end up spending more time fighting each other than
seeking to find common purpose against competitor organizations. Only very large
organizations or those with no competition can survive sustained complex politics
for long.

Power and the politics of resistance

Resistance is a term that has long been a part of the vocabulary of students of
organization. Coch and French (1948) noted that resistance to change is normal.

Resistance to change consists of those organizational activities and attitudes that aim to thwart, undermine, and impede change initiatives. It is a widely observed phenomenon in organizations. The resistance can
be overt, in the form of wildcat strikes, campaigns, or other forms of collective action, or it can be covert, through attempts at undermining change programmes through widespread adoption of cynicism, irony,
and ambivalence.

It is because of the nature of turf wars, uneasy treaties, and thwarted ambitions
that power in organizations rarely if ever flows effortlessly as pure authority;
because its legitimacy is often contested, power is typically not free of friction. And
where there is friction, there must be resistance. To use these metaphors betrays the
origins of the terms – they derive, of course, from physics. They are rather
mechanical terms, as is so much of the vocabulary in organization and management
theory. However, resistance need not be simply a question of physics – it can be
more organic and dialectical.
The dialectics of power and resistance have recently been addressed in a very
good book, Contesting the Corporation (Fleming and Spicer, 2007), which offers a
window on the corporate world that is too rarely viewed. Behind those many facades
of contemporary corporate life – the visions, missions, websites, spin doctors,
consultants, coaches, culture, corporate scripts (‘have a nice day’), the uniforms, the
corporate attitude and attire – stand real people, sometimes feeling trapped by their
roles and the necessities of life that demand they be filled appropriately, sometimes
playing – ironically, cynically, creatively – with the demands that are made,
sometimes exercising the right to be men and women able to voice that which makes
them different, unique, and existentially free. The reality of life contained and
constrained by the corporation contains many corporate and contested strategies of
power, resistance, and struggle. These are normal states of affairs.

Dialectics refers to the contradiction between two conflicting forces, where each shapes the other, often against the pressure that is being exerted.

Resistance is ‘a reactive process’ whereby people embedded in power relations

actively oppose initiatives enacted by others (Jermier et al., 1994: 90). Often,
resistance has been researched in terms of industrial relations conflicts at work
between management and workers, especially where the latter are collectively
organized in unions (Clawson, 1980). More recent researchers focus on
subjectivities of resistance. These may be constituted in many ways: through
memories of a fairer time or better work, perhaps, or through local social
organization, such as familial or community networks, as well as solidaristic
organizations, including trade unions (Clegg, 1994; Knights, 1990).
A number of studies provide graphic examples of how resistance may be variably
organized. In the next section, we highlight one study in particular because it
demonstrates the ways in which power and resistance, culture and meaning, are
densely interconnected.

Resistance by distance

Collinson (1994) presents a case study of a factory in northwest England in which

the management had traditionally treated the workers as if they were commodities,
easily hired and fired. The workers were marked by decidedly second-class terms
and conditions of employment. The organization had recently been taken over by an
American firm. In its dealings with the men (there were no women) on the shop
floor, the firm applied some current management ideas, such as a corporate culture
campaign and a collective bonus scheme. The workers resisted these moves because
what management said symbolically did not tie in with what the workers
experienced in day-to-day practice. The corporate culture campaign was resisted as
‘Yankee bullshit’ and ‘propaganda’. The bonus scheme made the workers more
economically oriented towards work, more closely tied to the cash nexus than to a
corporate culture.
The workers, regarding themselves as objects of contempt by management, found
an alternative system of values in the camaraderie of their masculinity that was
expressed in hard, dirty shop-floor work. Securing themselves in this identity, they
distanced themselves as much as possible from what, in terms of their values, was
the culturally strange – and comparatively ‘soft’ – foreign world of (Yankee)
In fact, what they did was turn the world of work as seen from the heights of
management on its head. They resisted promotion from the shop floor as selling out
to the other side. They devalued the clean, white-collar world of the office in favour
of the harder edged and ‘blokey’ masculinity of the shop floor as an authentic sphere
of real knowledge grounded in experience rather than theory.
Collinson termed this phenomenon ‘resistance through distance’. The workers
distanced themselves from management by asserting that it was ‘management’s
right to manage’ and something they wanted no part of. They resisted through
keeping their distance.
The use by management of collective bonus schemes meant that when faced with
layoffs, the shop stewards in the union argued for wage cuts rather than layoffs,
which many of the men, in need of the higher wages, resisted. So although the
resistance strategies might have appeared to be based on a collective identity, it was
one that was fragile and easily ruptured. It was also highly reactive; it resisted
through reacting to the authority attempts of management. Like many studies of
resistance, Collinson shows both how resistance creates space for employees in
organizations and how those spaces serve to secure further their incorporation within
the organizations. Resistance is a two-edged sword.
IMAGE 7.2 Resistance in Oaxaca, Mexico, against violent and confrontational anti-labour tactics by the
Resistance, whatever form it takes, is always against something. Organizationally,
those resisted against usually seek to construct or construe the resistance that they
encounter as illegitimate, as something outside authority. To the extent that
initiatives and actions are given sanction by organizational authorities, then, by
definition, resistance to them must be illegitimate. In cases in which whatever is
being resisted is represented as being normal, rational, and desirable (e.g. ‘we need
to change periodically to regain market share’), any opposition can easily be
regarded as lacking legitimacy.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Peter Fleming and André Spicer (2003) if you want to learn more about power, resistance,
and its relation to subjectivity at work.

Resistance is undoubtedly part of politics. The definition of political activity

offered by one of its foremost students is that it is ‘activity … undertaken to
overcome some resistance or opposition’ (Pfeffer, 1981: 7). The vocabulary makes it
clear: when there is opposition, there is politics – or, as we might as well say, the
presence of politics points to the absence of tyranny, for if there were no opposition
or resistance, there would be no politics. Looked at this way, organizational politics
seem better than the alternative.


Hardy and Clegg suggest ‘organizational structures and systems are not neutral or
apolitical but structurally sedimented phenomena. There is a history of struggles
already embedded in the organization’ (1999: 375). The paradox of power seems to
be that you have power only if you are in a superior position in the organization and
are opposed in what you want to do by others who are at the same or a lower level;
when you want to do something against the resistance of these others, it is termed

Authority attaches to forms of domination over others that are viewed as legitimate.

When people seek to do something against superordinate will, it is usually

considered to be resistance to authority. Authority is seen as legitimate; resistance is
seen as illegitimate. In management and organization theory, organizational politics
increasingly become defined as the unsanctioned or illegitimate use of power to
achieve unsanctioned or illegitimate ends, as Mintzberg (1983a; 1984), Mayes and
Allen (1977), Gandz and Murray (1980), and Enz (1988) all argue. From this
perspective, organizational life reduces to a morality play about efficiency: either
members do what they are scripted to do in their formal organization roles in the
terms that authorities determine for them, or, if they do not, they are behaving
illegitimately. Being moral and being efficient become identical actions in a well-
designed system.
Organizations should never be seen just as systems, as engineering that is more
efficient when there is less resistance, in the analogies of physics. Organizations
always have vested within them traces of the past, as something recurrent, shifting,
taking on new meanings, shaping the future. In Weber’s terms, organizations already
incorporate a ‘structure of dominancy’ in their functioning. The relations that they
encompass are invariably saturated and imbued with power. It is distilled deep in the
structure, culture, and history of the organization, which often ‘normalizes’ power
relations so that they hardly seem like power at all.
One of the major strategies of normalization is to practice empowerment. Thus,
much recent management theory has been written in praise of teamwork and against
bureaucratic hierarchies, because it is believed that this is the way to minimize the
expression of power. In the next section, we show that neither the presence of teams
nor the absence of hierarchy means an end to power. First, we look at power
structured through soft domination, where hierarchies seem to be blurred by project
teams, and then consider the role power plays in teams.

Soft domination

The central tension in organizations, when viewed through a power lens, is between
resistance and obedience (Courpasson, 2002). On the whole, from the perspective of
management control, the latter is a far more productive result of policies than the
former. Excessive use of coercion and force invites resistance; therefore, power as a
hard instrumentality, a presence as unsubtle as a billiard ball ricocheting around the
table, will, on the whole, be declined in favour of more subtle mechanisms.
One theorist who has explored such methods is Steven Lukes, who built on
debates in political science to analyse power not only in terms of its mechanics but
also its underlying dimensions. His main insight was that power could be used to
prevent conflict by shaping:

perceptions, cognitions, and preferences in such a way that [people] accept their
role in the existing order of things, either because they can see or imagine no
alternative to it, or because they view it as natural and unchangeable, or because
they value it as divinely ordained and beneficial. (Lukes, 1974: 24)
Power is able to achieve these effects to the extent that it is effectively subsumed
through legitimation within an integrated system of cultural and normative
assumptions. Given the integrated system of cultural and normative assumptions and
an efficient organizational apparatus, goals can be achieved. Authorities create
legitimated rules that are reinforced by clear and credible threats to career, rewards,
status, employment, and so on. Hence, analysis of power in organizations needs also
to focus on the subtle mechanisms through which obedience is produced – soft

Soft domination is characterized by the administration of rules that give managerial discretion to managers while reinforcing the strength of centralized authorities, because those who are delegates know that
their obligation is to act creatively but to do so within the systems of authority (Courpasson, 2002).

Soft domination is based on the appearance of equality in the organization among

peers and the reality of a pervasive system of controls. Chief among these are
instrumentally legitimate techniques used by the entire management community,
such as human resource management, auditing, and holding managers accountable to
plans. These are modern modes of making people responsible, of rendering them
surveyable, and of exercising surveillance over them. What sustains senior
management and limits organizational members, ultimately, is the political
concentration of the power of control over the deployment of human resources in the
hands of a minority combined with the regular use of credible sticks (e.g. formal
warnings) and carrots (e.g. performance-related pay) deployed within clear rules.
More often than not, these forms of accountability and surveillance become the
basis for the games people play at work (Burawoy, 1979). People today often
conceive of the workplace as a game in which they are ‘survivors’. There are many
things to survive – for example, a performance appraisal, not losing face over a
policy or procedural conflict, not being downsized and made redundant, and not
getting a promotion. Above all, people in organizations have to become skilled game
players – they have to know the rites and the rules of the games inside out and
constantly use the spaces that they can create from these to exercise whatever
discretion they can produce and to rationalize that which they cannot.

Electronic and team surveillance

A number of writers, including Poster (1990), Lyon (1994), Bogard (1996), and
Sewell (2002), see modern electronic forms of surveillance as replacing the
apparatus of power laboriously constructed by bureaucracy. Extended electronic
surveillance has been seen as the hallmark of high modernity, of a world in which
surveillance is insidious, making the majority of people increasingly transparent to
others who may not be transparent to them (Robins and Webster, 1985).
Zuboff (1988) introduced the Information Panopticon as a key term. The
electronic eyes of the Information Panopticon are numerous. They are aimed at us
all as generalized bodies caught in their eye. We are aware of their existence in
creating a normative environment – but it becomes a matter of choice as to whether
we allow them to target us specifically. Our deviance defines their acuity, unless we
are in total institutions, where their acuity defines our deviance.

Increasingly, people in organizations and everyday life generally are subject to electronic surveillance, through instruments such as closed-circuit TV (CCTV), speed cameras, security cameras, and so on. These
forms of surveillance have been referred to as the Information Panopticon.

The Information Panopticon privileges organizational elites by making it possible

to consolidate various sources of electronic information about the many who serve
the organization (Robey, 1981). Sewell (2002) argues that electronic surveillance
supplements, rather than replaces, earlier forms of surveillance. Its basic thrust is to
make people in organizations more accountable and less autonomous.
IMAGE 7.3 The eye in the sky … in the UK the average citizen is captured on CCTV 22 times a day

The Information Panopticon is often used in conjunction with policies whose

avowed purpose is quite opposite to these intentions. Sewell concentrates on
teamwork. Teams operate with two dimensions of surveillance: vertical and
horizontal. Vertical surveillance focuses on the aberrant: aberrant waste, time,
quality, and so on. To define the aberrant, you must first define the normal, which is
usually done by establishing performance norms on a statistical basis that enables
the aberrant to be immediately transparent – it stands out as a deviation from the
norm of time taken, quality produced, or waste accumulated. Electronic forms of
monitoring of performance make the norms more transparent and are supported by
peer review through horizontal surveillance. Although electronic and traditional
forms of surveillance reinforce the vertical dimension, which seeks to make the
subject of surveillance their own monitor, the horizontal dimension causes us to
monitor each other. Panopticism explains only some vertical aspects of this group
scrutiny (Hetrick and Boje, 1992).


Teamwork is not usually thought of as a mechanism of power, but recent theory has
suggested that it is (Barker, 2002; Sewell, 2002). Indeed, as Sewell notes, teamwork
is usually associated with the rhetoric of empowerment, trust, and enhanced
discretion. Sometimes it is even referred to as ‘giving away’ power. There has been
a flood of popular management books whose message is cast in terms of this
normative rhetoric, as an analysis by Barley and Kunda (1992) has demonstrated.
These books often espouse single-answer solutions for harried managers; TQM
(Total Quality Management), organizational learning, lean production, and BPR
(Business Process Re-engineering) are among the recipes that Sewell notes. What all
of these methods have in common, he suggests, is a reversal of the highly
individualistic approach to the employee that earlier perspectives such as scientific
management had championed. Rather than isolate, observe, and individually
measure the times taken by individuals for doing standardized tasks and
discouraging them from communicating with others while doing so, the new
approach encourages communication and sociability. No longer are employees to be
set competitively against each other; instead, they work together as members of
teams that have been designed to cope better with more flexible manufacturing
methods and to provide opportunities for more intelligent organization of work
(Clarke and Clegg, 1998), where there is greater distributed intelligence of systems
and discretion.
However, teamwork does not abolish politics. Rather, it relies on what Barker
(2002) terms ‘concertive control’ as its horizontal mode of surveillance. The forms
of power at work help create the types of subjects that work there (Foucault, 1983;
Knights and Vurdubakis, 1994; Townley, 1993; 1994).

Concertive control
Barker begins his account with a brief snatch of interview data with an employee
called Ronald, who is reported as saying that he is more closely watched under a new
team-based work design than when he was closely supervised by a manager. The
team is a stricter supervisor than his supervisor had been! Barker calls this situation
one of concertive control, something that occurs where there is ‘a substantial
consensus about values, high-level coordination, and a degree of self-management
by members or workers in an organization’ (2002: 180). The team shares a common
commitment to do or plan something in cooperation or in harmony with each other.
Organizations that use such teams lower the costs of surveillance and control
because the team mentality becomes the apparatus through which control is

Concertive control is exercised in teamwork situations where the sense of responsibility that you have to the immediate members of the team impels you to work intensively and to not let them down.

Concertive control, argues Barker, is what occurs when organizations become

post-bureaucratic, when they adopt decentralized, participative, and more
democratic designs, a strategy that has long been promoted by more liberal
management theorists such as Follett (1941) and Lewin (1951). Recently, the trickle
of liberal management writing has become a flood, as theorists increasingly have
sought an alternative to bureaucratic models (see also pp. 540–547; 583–584). These
arguments are characterized by a stress on a new age of post-bureaucratic liberation,
in which organization members abandon hierarchy and control by formal rules in
favour of consensual and values-based action. Popular writers such as Kanter (1990),
Peters (1988), and Drucker (1998) promote the benefits of ‘unimpeded, agile
authority structures that grow out of a company’s consensual, normative ideology,
not from its system of formal rules’ (Barker, 2002: 183). The argument is that
‘cutting out bureaucratic offices and rules’ will ‘flatten hierarchies, cut costs, boost
productivity, and increase the speed with which they respond to the changing
business worlds’ (Barker, 2002: 183). Employees collaborate to develop the means
of their own control. The Information Panopticon sought to make each worker the
governor of what they did at work, aware as they were of the supervisory gaze.
Concertive control reinforces this awareness through the discipline of teams (see
also pp. 89–112).
Under the new forms of concertive control and soft domination, power is refined
into evermore subtle techniques using instrumental means to make employees
accountable and transparent. For example, there may be a vision statement that
states, ‘We are a principled organization that values teamwork’ (Barker, 2002: 183).
On this basis, team members agree that being principled means that they all arrive at
work on time – and they ensure that they do, using norms that they have enacted
from the agreed-upon value statement to structure the systems of their own control.
Authority shifts from the hierarchy and formal rules to the team and socially created
and generated rules.
Teamwork is now seen to have a much wider utility. It is not just a means of
producing collaboration between distinct organizational units; it is also a way to
enhance the effectiveness of members of the same organizational unit. The
researcher who has looked most closely at power relations in teams that have been
designed to be self-managing is James Barker. He charts the shifts in management
style from more hierarchical to self-managing teams; see Table 7.2.
TABLE 7.2 Barker’s self-managing teams

Hierarchical management:
hierarchically ordered Team management: shift to self-management
The supervisor has precise The supervisor is replaced by a team of 10–15 people, who take over the
supervisory responsibilities responsibilities of their former supervisor
The supervisor gives Self-managing employees gather and synthesize information, act on it, and
instructions take collective responsibility for their actions
Management relies on formal
Management provides a value-based corporate vision that guides day-to-day
rules and authority expressed
actions by being a reference point from which employees infer appropriate
in terms of disciplines that
seek to reinforce this authority
The supervisor checks that
The self-managing team guides its own work and coordinates with other areas
instructions have been
of the company
The self-managing team is responsible for completing a specific well-defined
The supervisor ensures that
job function for which all members are cross-trained. All members of the
each employee fulfils their job
team have the authority and responsibility to make essential decisions, set
work schedules, order materials, and coordinate with other teams

One reason that many organizations are designed in terms of self-managing teams is
that such teams are supposed to cut costs by laying off front-line supervisors and
gaining productivity benefits from better motivated and more committed employees
(Mumby and Stohl, 1991; Orsburn et al., 1990; Wellins et al., 1991). In Barker’s
case study of ISE Communications, he observed that a shift away from hierarchy and
formal rules led to a tighter form of control based on peer surveillance. Empowered
organizations not only provide new means for control, as Barker (2002) suggests, but
also make opportunities for the everyday negotiations and games of power more
difficult. It is more difficult to negotiate when the people that you work with, rather
than a supervisor, impose the limits. It is much easier to steal some time from a
supervisor or manager with whom you do not share any obvious interest, other than a
necessity to work, than it is from colleagues. You all depend on each other – and that
is the subtlety of concertive control. Everyone is empowered to speak – but with the
same agreed-upon voice.
Institutional entrepreneurs and hegemony

Institutional theory is an approach that tries to explain why the managers of

organizations seem to make a very restricted set of choices about organizational
design. The top management teams that are able to shape organizations are often
referred to as institutional entrepreneurs, although institutional entrepreneurs may
arise anywhere.

Institutional entrepreneurs are those people who occupy key positions with wide legitimacy attached to them, who are capable of bridging between the interests of diverse stakeholders, and have the capacity to
introduce new practices and persuade stakeholders of the good fit of these practices with the routines and values that they embrace (Phillips et al., 2004).

Institutional entrepreneurs engage in political processes that both reflect and

shape the values of the stakeholders that they deal with, strategically. It is this set of
values that are dominant, and the strategies that maintain them, that Italian political
theorist Antonio Gramsci (1971) characterized as ‘hegemony’. Where there is
hegemony, it is the active consent of those subject to it that constitutes their
subordination. Dominant values are taken to be those of the general interest and are
articulated as such. Thus, under conditions of hegemony people are unable to specify
their interests except in terms of the concepts that subordinate them; thus they
cannot achieve autonomy. Hegemony theorists assume that objective interests can be
identified. In other words, it is assumed that for workers or women (or whatever
category of social identity one is focusing on) there are some real interests that, if
members of that group could just see things clearly, they would articulate. The
problem is that how these interests are defined is always affected by the theory of
implicit interests involved. Thus, for example, feminists see gender as the key issue,
whereas for Marxists it is class.

Hegemony signifies a system of rule or domination where those who are being dominated, or ruled, consent to that rule. It is a state of ideological conformance said to have been imposed on a subordinated group
of people because of the concepts through which they think – concepts that do not enable them to assert a point of view that reflects a better understanding of their interests and the situation.

The crucial point is that if there is widespread agreement on values – or at least if

widespread agreement can be represented or produced – there may be little necessity
to exercise overt power. Shrewd institutional entrepreneurs realize this and rather
than fight battles over particular issues seek to create coalitions of interest that
broadly agree on the basic values. They construct networks of power relations that
articulate and shape basic values. So, institutional theory, on this reading, is a form
of power theory: the reason that so many organizations share similar practices and
designs is not simply that they are culturally valued, but that the values in question
are those held by elite alliances. Institutional entrepreneurs who want to challenge
these values in a radical way will find it very difficult to build the necessary
alliances and will tend to be outflanked and overwhelmed by those institutional
values that comprise the current hegemony. Only, perhaps, when there is some acute
crisis, which shakes general beliefs in the efficacy of these values, will there be a
tournament in which alternative ideas might emerge. This is certainly the case in
organizations that have undergone crisis: the crisis is typically used as a rationale
for building new values and coalitions of interest around them, and discrediting the
previous regime.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Christine Räisänen and Anneli Linde (2004) about how hegemony can occur in the context
of managing projects.

If organizations can continue without crisis then organizational hegemony –

where one point of view is predominant – will be easier to maintain. It will be
marked by a strong organization culture and an absence of countervailing points of
view, because almost everyone has come to accept the dominant views (Lukes,
1974). In the next Mini Case box, we consider a case in which organizational
hegemony had been crucial for a very significant global organization, which was
written about by the ex-chief economist of the World Bank and Nobel Prizewinner,
Joseph Stiglitz.


Total institutions

Organizations always place constraints on individuals’ freedom of action, which

people sometimes resist. However, a more important question about power in
organizations is not why people sometimes resist but why, much of the time, they do
not. Obedience, in fact, is a far more fundamental question than resistance. One way
of researching the mechanism of obedience is to look at some extreme cases in total
institutions. The rationale for doing this is that, in extreme cases, the normal
tendencies of everyday organizational life are more obvious because they are more

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Thomas B. Lawrence and Nelson Phillips (2004) about how the tourist activity of whale-
watching resulted from and developed institutional entrepreneurship.

Total institutions are those organizations that share the essential feature of controlling almost the totality of the individual member’s day-to-day life. Boarding schools, barracks, prisons, and asylums can be
categorized as total institutions.

Organizational hegemony in the International Monetary Fund
Stiglitz (2002) provides an account of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). (Stiglitz, a Nobel
Economics Prizewinner and ex-World Bank economist, is someone both well-enough placed to make a
diagnosis and hardly likely to be dangerously radical in doing so.) The IMF is an organization that was
established in the late stages of the Second World War with the express purpose of minimizing the harm
from – and, if possible, preventing – global depressions. Its mandate was to maintain international
liquidity through loans to economically distressed countries that had insufficient economic resources to
stimulate aggregate economic demand domestically.
It is a global organization funded by taxpayers around the world. Yet it is not responsible to them,
nor does it have their views represented to it. Instead, it hears, represents, and reflects the views of
national finance ministries and central bankers, over which one country – the USA – has effective veto
in its deliberations.
Its contemporary policies champion ‘market supremacy with ideological fervour … the IMF typically
provides funds only if countries engage in policies like cutting deficits, raising taxes or raising interest
rates that lead to a contraction of the economy’ (Stiglitz, 2002: 12–13). These policy positions were the
outcome of a hard-fought battle in the IMF that occurred in the early 1980s, when it became dominated
by free-market economists who were under the thrall of the fashionable prescriptions associated with the
governments of President Ronald Reagan in the USA and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the UK.
Stiglitz (2002: 15) argues that the IMF has functioned in what is sometimes called, after a medical
metaphor, an ‘iatrogenic’ manner – its policies have exacerbated the very problems that they were
supposed to solve, rather as a surgical procedure might complicate an underlying condition it was
designed to cure. Rather than contributing to global stability, they have made the international economy
less stable, more crisis-ridden, and indebted countries poorer. Why and how has that been possible?
Stiglitz sees two main factors contributing to the absence of debate between opposing viewpoints:
first, a problem of governance; and second, a problem of representation. Governance addresses the
question of who decides. Commercial and financial interests from the wealthiest countries in the world
dominate the IMF. Its policies reflect these interests – hence the market emphasis – because why would
the suppliers of capital let the state do something that they believe markets can do better and more
profitably? These suppliers are the dominant commercial and financial interests in the wealthiest
countries. Institutions such as the IMF, as well as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization
(WTO), intervene in the economic management of poorer countries. But those intervening are always
representatives of the most developed countries, are chosen by those developed countries behind closed
doors, and do not necessarily have any experience of the developing world. As Stiglitz (2002: 19) says
of these institutions, they are ‘not representative of the nations they serve’.
Raising the problem of representation addresses the issue of who speaks for the countries in need of
assistance. The answer is simple: ‘At the IMF it is the finance ministers and the central bank governors’
who ‘typically are closely tied to the financial community; they come from financial firms, and after
their period of government service, that is where they return’ (Stiglitz, 2002: 19). Such people ‘naturally
see the world through the eyes of the financial community’ in the advanced economies. It is not
surprising that the IMF policies have been addressed more to the interests of commercial and financial
power rather than those of poor peasants or hard-pressed local businessmen trying to pay off the taxes
that the IMF imposes.
Stiglitz argues this is a situation of taxation without representation. When people are taxed without
political representation, they tend to resist through non-representational means – they take to the streets,
riot, and rebel. Ever since the WTO met in Seattle in 1999, the rebellions in the developing world have
been echoed in the heartlands of the global institutions, as idealistic and impassioned opponents of the
dominant consensus about globalization have rioted to try to have their alternative views broadcast. In
organizations that were less hegemonically constrained through having more inclusive governance and
representation, there would be less need for illegitimate means of resistance.
IMF policies, according to Ambrose (2007), have been most adept at reproducing the necessity for
IMF intervention. From an organizational point of view, the IMF needs client states that are indebted:
they are its raison d’être. Its structural adjustment loans, he suggests, lead to more poverty and debt,
thus creating the need for more structural adjustment loans. This is predictable, given the infiltration of
finance ministries with former IMF and World Bank employees.
Not only does hegemony operate through reproduction of the organization mission but it also works
through organizational resistance to changing it. For instance, in April 2006, the president of the IMF
suggested a new role for the institution in managing the world economy: that it should convene bilateral
and multilateral meetings among major economies to address serious imbalances (implying, in
particular, China with its controversial ‘managed’ exchange rate and huge trade surplus, and the USA
with its massive deficit). The idea of a new mandate with which to mediate global economic frictions,
while welcomed by some member representatives, has made little headway against US representations.
Meanwhile, surprisingly, the IMF is losing money as an increasing number of countries, following in
Brazil’s 2005 wake, settle their debts with the IMF, and loan-repayment income diminishes as a

Why is the IMF an internationally hegemonic organization?

The Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman used anthropological research to

investigate how authority was configured in extreme contexts. He chose extremes
because the everyday mechanisms of authority and power were much more evident
there than in the world of the corporate ‘organization man’ (Whyte, 1960). Goffman
(1961) initiated the discussion of extreme organizations when he coined the term
total institution.
People within total institutions are cut off from the wider society for a relatively
long time, leading an enclosed and formally administered existence. In such
contexts, the organization has more or less monopoly control of its members’
everyday lives. Goffman’s argument is that total institutions demonstrate in
heightened and condensed form the underlying organizational processes that can be
found, albeit in much less extreme cases, in more normal organizations.
Total institutions are often parts of a broader apparatus, such as a prison or
detention centre. Total institutions do not just include organizations that make
people inmates against their will, however. They can also include organizations
founded on membership contracted on voluntary inclusion – for instance, a
professional army, a boarding school, a residential college, or a religious retreat
such as a monastery or convent (Table 7.3).
What these very different types of organizations have in common that make them
total institutions are that each member’s daily life is carried out in the immediate
presence of a large number of others. The members are very visible; there is no
place to hide from the surveillance of others. The members tend to be strictly
regimented and often wear institutional clothing such as uniforms. Life in a total
institution is governed by strict, formal, rational planning of time. (Think of school
bells for lesson endings and beginnings, factory whistles, timetables, schedules,
bugle calls in the barracks, and so on.) Hence, members of total institutions are not
free to choose how they spend their time; instead, it is strictly prescribed for them. It
is because of this that the members lose a degree of autonomy because of an all-
encompassing demand for conformity to the authoritative interpretation of rules.
TABLE 7.3 Different types of total institution

Characteristics Types
Places to put people that the state deems incapable of looking after Long-stay hospitals for people with
themselves (these people, who vary historically and comparatively, chronic disabilities. These used to be
have included the ‘feeble’, the ‘lunatic’, or the ‘disabled’) called ‘asylums’
Restrictive organizations that institutionalize people who pose a threat
to others, such as people with communicable disease of contagion who Sanatoria or isolation wards
are legislatively contained for the duration of their disease
Prisons, ‘gulags’, concentration
Punitive organization in which people are confined camps, prisoner-of-war camps, or
detention centres for asylum seekers
Boarding schools, military barracks,
Organizations dedicated to a specific work task spatially separated from
and vessels at sea, or remote
other organizations
company towns
Monasteries, abbeys, convents, or
Retreats from the world
growth and learning centres


Full Metal Jacket
The depiction of life in the US Marines boot camp in the 1987 Stanley Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket is
a good cinematic representation of one type of total institution. In the film, identities are stripped
through organizational means: the arbitrary assignment of nicknames and numbers; the loss of personal
characteristics, such as haircuts, under the Marine razor; total conformance demanded with instructions
that are almost always shouted at recruits, often at close range, sometimes associated with physical
violence to the person so that they are intimidated into obedience; deconstruction of the person as an
individual who is then ‘remade’ as an element of an institution, whose new identity exists only with
reference to institutional symbols and structures, through rigorous discipline and physical exercise. An
esprit de corps, based on the new identity as Marines, is developed.
Full Metal Jacket depicts an extreme example of a common phenomenon: organization socialization,
the processes through which members of an organization learn what it means to be a member.
Sometimes this is done formally, through induction or training programmes, but much of the learning
that occurs is informal and not subject to authoritative control.

If we accept Goffman’s analysis, it becomes evident that the essential core of

organization is power – organizations exert power over their members by making
them do things that they would not otherwise do. Organization members may have to
dress up in uncool uniforms, have haircuts that are not trendy, and pretend to be
interested while doing stupid things. Of course, the uniforms can vary from an
explicit uniform to one that is implicit: the black suits, white shirts, black ties of the
earnest Mormon; the almost de rigueur trouser suit and contrasting shirt of the
corporate woman worldwide; or the pinstripe suit of London businessmen. Even the
boys from a neighbourhood skater gang have a dress code, and becoming a part of
their gang means learning their ways of behaving, doing, and thinking, and often
speaking (using certain slang words and listening to certain music).
Uniforms and other symbols of membership grant you access to those
organizations which embrace the symbols you adopt; however, they also exclude you
from membership of those organizations with differing dress codes, therefore they
define your place in society. A person dressed as a skater would have trouble gaining
acceptance in the corporate financial world as would a ‘suit’ in most gangs and
youth subcultures.
If organizations necessarily exercise power over their members, what are the
ethical implications of the ways in which they do so? A short trip into history can
help answer this question by looking at one of the twentieth century’s most extreme
cases of systematic abuse of power and ethics on a large-scale, organizational basis.

The ethics of organizational obedience

Adolf Eichmann was one of Hitler’s deputies, the Head of the Department for Jewish
Affairs. He led the Reich’s effort for the Final Solution, efficiently organizing the
roundup and transportation of millions of Jews to their deaths at infamous camps
such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Bergen-Belsen. After the Second World War,
Eichmann escaped capture and lived in Germany for five years before moving to
Argentina, where he lived under an alias for another ten years. Israeli agents finally
captured him in 1960, and he was tried for crimes against humanity.
Eichmann’s defence was that he was just a bureaucrat who had to obey because he
was simply following orders. (Hannah Arendt wrote an account of his trial, in which
she coined the memorable phrase ‘the banality of evil’ (Arendt, 1994) to register her
interpretation of the events she reported, in which evil was delivered through
mechanisms such as a punctual and efficient railway timetable.) Although Eichmann
was subsequently found guilty and executed, his defence was important because it
posed the question of the extent to which a person who is obedient to
organizationally legitimate authority can be held accountable as an individual for
their actions.
In the context of an inquiry into the nature of the Holocaust, the renowned
sociologist Zygmunt Bauman extensively addressed such questions (Bauman, 1989).
Bauman’s answer is interesting for management students; essentially, he notes how
central aspects of organizations contribute to the ease with which organizational
malfeasance can occur. At the heart of the moral question is the interpenetration of
power and ethics. Why do ordinary people in organizations do morally bad things
when asked to do so? What aspects of an organization make unquestioning
obedience feasible? Kelman (1973) suggested that three organizational attributes, at
a minimum, make this phenomenon more probable. Subsequent analysis has
extended the list greatly to include 20 characteristic ways of constructing total
institutional power relations (Clegg et al., 2006a).

Techniques of power

When we master a technique, our skill has its own charm, aesthetics, and beauty, and
we can take sheer delight in using it, irrespective of its moral effects:

Technical responsibility differs from moral responsibility in that it forgets that

the action is a means to something other than itself … the result is the
irrelevance of moral standards for the technical success of the bureaucratic
operation. (Bauman, 1989: 101; emphasis in original)

When technique is paramount, action becomes purely a question of technical power

– the use of means to achieve given ends. For instance, as a master of logistics,
Eichmann was enormously proud of his achievements in the complex scheduling of
trains, camps, and death.
Organizational power that makes you technically accountable and responsible for
results expressed in a purely quantitative form has two profound effects. First, it
makes you utterly transparent – either you achieve your targets or you do not.
Second, it relieves you of moral indeterminacy – and, as we will shortly see, moral
responsibility: if you are authorized to do something and given targets to achieve by
superordinates’ guiding strategies and plans, obedience surely is appropriate, and
authority should be served.
Organization work is a ceaseless round of activity. Most organizational members
are in the middle of organizational chains whose links are not always clear. People
are not always aware of the consequences of what they do and do not do – after all,
most of the time, they are just doing what they are told (shred those files, write those
cheques, dispatch those troops, or maintain those train schedules). Divisions of
labour in the complex chains enable us to keep a distance from effects; we can
represent them in terms of intermediary forms of data (kill rates, efficiency
statistics, and so on). Our labour moves minute cogs in a bureaucratic machine
necessarily intermeshed with so many others that we are just one small element in
the overall scheme of things. We do not even have to try to understand the totality.
The system of which we are a part is responsible, not us.
Especially when actions are performed at a distance on people defined as
administrative categories, the people are effectively dehumanized (Kelman, 1973).
The more dehumanized they are, the easier becomes the application of pure
technique to their cases. When whatever is being worked on can be represented
quantitatively, as a bottom-line calculation, it is so much easier to make rational
decisions (cut costs, trim fat, speed throughput, increase efficiency, defeat the
competition) without concern for the human, environmental, or social effects of
these decisions.

How ordinary people can use authority to do extraordinary things

We have already discussed the Milgram experiments in Chapter 4 in the context of

leadership. Now we want to consider their implications for ordinary members as
power subjects. Ordinary people do extraordinary things, as the experiment by
Milgram (1971) shows. Milgram’s research question was quite simple, as you will
recall: he asked to what extent individuals are inclined to follow the commands of
figures perceived to be in authority. His answer demonstrated that the kind of
situation in which people are embedded determines, in part, how they will act. He
designed an experiment in which white-coated scientists instructed ordinary people
(whom we call the subjects) to do cruel and unusual things to other people (whom
we call the participants) as part of an experiment in a laboratory.
In a nutshell, the subjects were instructed to administer increasing levels of
electric shocks to the participants as part of a behavioural learning programme. They
did so under a range of circumstances. When participants gave incorrect answers to
test questions, they were to be administered a shock, with each one to be higher than
the one before. (No shock was actually administered – the participants, unbeknownst
to the subjects, were actually actors who performed the responses that,
physiologically, would be the normal reaction to the levels of shock being
administered.) When the subjects were face to face with the participants and told to
administer the electric shock directly to their hands, using force if necessary, only
30 per cent of the experimental subjects did so. When the subjects could still see the
participants but used a control lever that administered the shock instead of having to
force the hands of the participants onto the plates administering the shock, 40 per
cent did so. When the subjects could no longer see the participants but could only
hear their distress as the current surged, 62.5 per cent were able to apply the current.
Moving the others out of earshot marginally improved the rate to 65 per cent.
The more distance – both physically and psychologically – there was between the
controllers and the controlled, the easier it seemed to be to do inhumane and cruel
things. The closer the relation between the controller and the supervisor, and the
more removed the subject, the easier it became to continue. Obedience flows more
easily when the subjects of action are at a distance. When these subjects can be
transformed into objects in the controller’s mind, obedience flows even more easily.
Another factor facilitating the application of current was its incremental
thresholds – once someone had committed to the action, each increase in the
threshold was just a small step, just another slight increase in pain to be endured. It
is not as if they started out to kill another person or cause them irretrievable injury.
They just did what they were instructed to do, only they did a little bit more of it
each time. Where such action should stop, once started, is not at all clear. After
someone has committed to the action, especially if others are complicit, what
Milgram (1971) termed ‘situational obligations’ arise. In other words, people felt
obliged to do what they were asked to do in a specific situation, which tended to
override more general and abstract moral principles that they might also hold. In
organizations, with complex divisions of labour, sequential action invariably makes
us complicit with many others, in many interactions.
Milgram (1971) made one crucial change to the experiments to test out a further
hypothesis: that plurality produces space for reflection and pause for consideration.
In the experiments reported thus far, there was only one expert giving instructions.
He introduced another expert and instructed them to disagree with each other about
the command being given. The disagreement between authorities paralysed the
capacity for obedience of the research subjects: out of 20 subjects in this
experiment, one refused to go further before the staged disagreement; 18 broke off
after it; and the remaining subject opted out just one stage further.
Polyphony – the presence of competing and conflicting voices – increases the
probability that people will think for themselves rather than just do what they are
told. Thus, strong organization cultures that suppress value difference are more
likely to produce unreflective and sometimes inappropriate organizational action
than more democratic and pluralistic settings.
This discussion leads us back to total institutions. It is in these, precisely, that we
would least expect to find polyphony and difference. As Bauman suggests, ‘the
readiness to act against one’s own better judgement and against the voice of one’s
conscience is not just the function of authoritative command, but the result of
exposure to a single-minded, unequivocal and monopolistic source of authority ’
(1989: 165; emphasis in original). Total institutions – organizations that presume to
exercise strong cultural control over their members, to the extent that they diminish
pluralism – squeeze the space in which civility, reflection, and responsibility can
thrive. As Bauman urges, ‘The voice of individual moral conscience is best heard in
the tumult of political and social discord’ (1989: 166).
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Nestar Russell and Robert Gregory (2005) about how organizations can make the
undoable doable, which discusses the cases about which you have just read.

Even in times and circumstances that are considered normal, you might find
powerful total institutions at work, which the following case demonstrates. Again,
the absence of polyphony is one of the preconditions for the establishment of total
institutions. Haney et al. (1973) designed an experiment that resonates with
government practices that are accepted as normal and routine in many societies. The
researchers divided a group of male American college students into two types of
people: guards and inmates. They created a mock prison in a laboratory basement,
using as subjects 21 healthy male undergraduate volunteers. Each person was to
receive $15 a day for two weeks. Nine were randomly selected to be ‘prisoners’,
with the remainder designated as ‘guards’ who were to supervise the prisoners in a
rotating three-shift system. Each wore the symbolic garb of the role. Prisoners were
given unflattering uniform clothing and tight caps to simulate shaven heads. Guards
were put in a militaristic-type uniform and given LA cop sunglasses. Names were
suppressed with norms of impersonality, and complex rules and penalties for their
infraction were promulgated. Then the experiment began.
The experiment had to be aborted after less than a week. No sense of solidarity
developed between the two groups, and almost all of their conversation centred on
the roles assumed in the experiment. An escalatory chain of events occurred; the
construed authority of the guards was enforced by the submissiveness of the
prisoners, tempting the guards to further and increasingly illegitimate displays of the
power that their authority allowed them to exercise, leading to further humiliation of
the prisoners (Bauman, 1989: 167). Bear in mind that the subjects were all normal,
well-adjusted people before the experiment began, but that after one week they were
playing their roles with such conviction that the experiment had to be abandoned
because of the real possibility of harm to the ‘prisoners’.

Positive power

By contrast to these experiments in perverse power, consider some alternative

experiments in what appears to be positive power. We will, in Chapter 14, encounter
virtual organizations and knowledge workers, the kinds of people one finds
concentrated in areas such as Silicon Valley in California, USA, Fortitude Valley in
Queensland, Australia, and Sophia-Antopolis, in Provence, near Antibes, in France.
Here highly qualified employees, often with PhDs, cluster in high-tech, biotech, and
creative industries, networking, working online, and working virtually, seemingly
without concerns about power. They are highly paid, work in informal environments,
and love the work they do. It was the science park of Sophia-Antopolis that formed
the inspiration for the novelist J. G. Ballard’s Super-Cannes (2001), in which he
reflects on the ethics of the relations of power, freedom, and control in these new
forms of organizations.

Super-Cannes and The Organization Man Super-Cannes
This is an excerpt from a novel by J. G. Ballard where a central character is explaining his philosophy
of life and organizations to a skeptical listener.

A giant multinational like Fuji or General Motors sets its own morality. The company defines the rules
that govern how you treat your spouse, where you educate your children, the sensible limits to stock-
market investment. The bank decides how big a mortgage you can handle, the right amount of health
insurance to buy. There are no more moral decisions than there are on a new superhighway. Unless you
own a Ferrari, pressing the accelerator is not a moral decision. Ford and Fiat and Toyota have
engineered a sensible response curve. We can rely on their judgment, and that leaves us free to get on
with the rest of our lives. We’ve achieved real freedom, the freedom from morality.

Unconvinced by his case, I said: ‘It sounds like a ticket to 1984, this time by the scenic route. I thought
that organization man died out in the 1960s.’

He did, our worried friend in the grey-flannel suit. He was an early office-dwelling hominid, corporate
version of Dawn Man who assumed a sedentary posture in order to survive. He was locked in a low-
tech bureaucratic cave, little more than a human punch card. Today’s professional men and women are
self-motivated. The corporate pyramid is a virtual hierarchy that endlessly reassembles itself around
them. They enjoy enormous mobility. While you’re mooning around here, Paul, they’re patenting
another gene, or designing the next generation of drugs that will cure cancer and double your life span.

The Organization Man

This is the title of a famous 1960 book by William F. Whyte. Here is how he identifies the species:

The organization man: If the term is vague, it is because I can think of no other way to describe the
people I am talking about. They are not the workers, nor are they the white-collar people in the usual,
clerk sense of the word. These people only work for The Organization. The ones I am talking about
belong to it as well. They are the ones of our middle class who have left home, spiritually as well as
physically, to take the vows of organization life, and it is they who are the mind and soul of our great
self-perpetuating institutions. Only a few are top managers or ever will be. In a system that makes such
hazy terminology as ‘junior executive’ psychologically necessary, they are of the staff as much as the
line, and most are destined to live poised in a middle area that still awaits a satisfactory euphemism. But
they are the dominant members of our society nonetheless. They have not joined together into a
recognizable elite – our country does not stand still long enough for that – but it is from their ranks that
are coming most of the first and second echelons of our leadership, and it is their values which will set
the American temper.

The corporation man is the most conspicuous example, but he is only one, for the collectivization so
visible in the corporation has affected almost every field of work. Blood brother to the business trainee
off to join Du Pont is the seminary student who will end up in the church hierarchy, the doctor headed
for the corporate clinic, the physics Ph.D. in a government laboratory, the intellectual on the foundation-
sponsored team project, the engineering graduate in the huge drafting room at Lockheed, the young
apprentice in a Wall Street law factory.

They are all, as they so often put it, in the same boat. Listen to them talk to each other over the front
lawns of their suburbia and you cannot help but be struck by how well they grasp the common
denominators which bind them. Whatever the differences in their organization ties, it is the common
problems of collective work that dominate their attentions, and when the Du Pont man talks to the
research chemist or the chemist to the army man, it is these problems that are uppermost. The word
collective most of them can’t bring themselves to use – except to describe foreign countries or
organizations they don’t work for – but they are keenly aware of how much more deeply beholden they
are to organization than were their elders. They are wry about it, to be sure; they talk of the ‘treadmill,’
the ‘rat race,’ of the inability to control one’s direction. But they have no great sense of plight; between
themselves and organization they believe they see an ultimate harmony and, more than most elders
recognize, they are building an ideology that will vouchsafe this trust.

Compare and contrast the employees in Ballard’s novel with those in Whyte’s account: why do you
think they might be similar or different?

Source: Ballard (2001: 95–96), Whyte (1960: 1) available at, accessed 27 February 2007.


Think of everyday language – it is in headquarters where decisions are made, by
heads of departments, which the organization is supposed to follow. Decision-
making is understood as management’s task par excellence – the bureaucratic cogito
(the thinking brain) whose decisions the corporate body should follow. Management
makes decisions on strategic directions, action plans to implement them, and forms
of control to evaluate their effect.
Usually, the model of decision-making is described as a perfectly well-organized,
rational, and logical process. First, the problem is defined. Second, all the relevant
information that leads to an optimal solution is collected. Third, reviewing the data,
management (perhaps with the help of technocratic ‘experts’) develops several
possible solutions. Fourth, evaluating the possible solutions carefully, management
makes a decision regarding the optimal solution. Fifth, this solution is implemented
in a top-down approach and evaluated constantly by management. Such constant
processes of rational decision-making, supported by the latest IT equipment and an
army of analysts and consultants, are meant constantly and incrementally to refine
and improve an organization’s processes and products. The problem of recalcitrant
hands is solved by turning them into disciplined and reflexive extensions of the
corporate body, able to exercise discretion, but in corporately prescribed ways.
Thus, decision-making has often been discussed as if it were a highly rational
activity: a decision is seen as a rational choice based on a logical connection
between cause and effect, made in the context of a rational search for solutions to
something defined as a problem, for which the options can be rationally weighted
and compared and the optimum decision chosen. Unfortunately, such ‘rational
actors’ are rarely to be found outside of introductory textbooks, especially of
economics; real life is a bit more complicated.
One of the earliest writers to recognize this complexity was the Nobel Economics
Laureate, Herbert Simon. He recognized that few if any decisions are made under
conditions of perfect rationality (Simon, 1957). Issues are frequently ambiguous;
information about alternatives will often be incomplete, and the choice criteria
unclear. In addition, others may see the issues, alternatives, and choices in utterly
different – sometimes antagonistic – terms. And the time, energy, and political will
to reconcile different positions may well be lacking. Consequently, most decision-
making uses criteria that aim for ‘satisfactory’ outcomes rather than ‘maximal’
utility: satisficing. Thus, most decisions are not ideal but make do with what is seen
to be available and relevant. Managers operate with bounded rationality rather than
complete rationality. Decision-makers can only review a limited range of factors and
possibilities in making decisions because of the limitations both of the information
available to them and their cognitive and temporal ability to handle its complexity.
Hence, they can only ever exercise what is known as bounded rationality – that is a
rationality that makes do within these cognitive and temporal limits rather than
searching ceaselessly for all information and data that is available.
Simon (1960) makes a contrast between two types of decision that managers may
have to deal with: programmed decisions can be made by reference to existing
rubrics. The programmed decisions are fairly easy and can be categorized as
operational questions that admit of solution by applying organizational rules that
subordinates can be trained to do. Non-programmed decisions have no precedents,
are unfamiliar, novel, and complex, and cannot be left to subordinates: they are what
are sometimes referred to as messy or intractable problems.
As Miller and Wilson (2006: 470) put it, topics for decision may be complex;
definitions problematic; information unavailable and/or difficult to collect;
solutions hard to recognize; and the process generative not so much of solutions as
headaches from further problems. Most significant organizational issues involving
major commitments of resources that top management teams have to deal with
usually fall into this category. Problemistic search, incremental solution, and
dynamic non-linear reiteration and redefinition of almost all the terms in the
decision mix will characterize these types of activity (Braybrooke and Lindblom,
1963; Lindblom, 1959; Quinn, 1978; 1980).
Incremental decision search and solution means many small steps, which are
easier to retrace if things do not go as hoped for. ‘Once each small step has been
taken it gives a clearer picture of what has to be done and the future becomes more
focused’, as Miller and Wilson (2006: 470) put it. Also, small steps are more likely
to cool out resistance than big sweeping changes which will always seem obviously
threatening to existing interests in a way that a smaller change – as a part of a larger
iterative, emergent, and unfolding design – will not. Muddling through, as Lindblom
calls it, is less scary. Common processes in muddling through include finding an
initial simple impasse and further investigating it to reveal more complex political
issues, from which a basic search for a solution ensues. The search is modified as the
complexity and politicality of the issue start to become more apparent. Next, a basic
design for a solution is advanced and then, typically, the basic design is subject to
blocking moves from other interests. Finally, a dynamic design process is developed
as changes are made, opponents brought on side, isolated, or otherwise neutralized
(Mintzberg et al., 1976; Nutt, 1984).

What makes your rationality bounded?
You have an assignment to do and it is due in 48 hours. Obviously time will be a bounded constraint on
your rationality – but, thinking about how you usually go about doing assignments, what are the other
elements of your own bounded rationality that you can think of? Jot them down below and then
compare notes with your friends.


Is your rationality bounded in the same ways as your friends’ or differently? Why do you think this
might be? Can any theories that you have learned already from this book help explain this finding?

Cohen et al. (1972) pushed March and Simon’s (1958) critique one step further,
announcing that the decision-making process in organizations is organized according
to the logic of what they call the garbage can. The garbage can, of course, is a
metaphor. Problems, solutions, and decision-makers, unlike in traditional decision
theory, are seen to be disconnected. Specific decisions do not follow an orderly
process from problem to solution, but are outcomes of several relatively independent
streams of events within the organization. Decisions are made when solutions,
problems, participants, and choices flow around and coincide at a certain point.
There is a large element of randomness in where they come to rest. Like garbage in a
can, what gets placed next to what is often purely random. Yesterday’s papers end up
stuck to today’s dirty diapers just as downsizing attaches itself to profit forecasts.

The garbage can refers to situations characterized by ‘problematic preferences’, ‘unclear technology’, and ‘fluid participation’.

Starbuck (1983) similarly argued that organizations are not so much problem
solvers as action generators. Instead of analyzing and deciding rationally how to
solve problems, organizations spend most of their time generating problems to
which they already have the solutions. It is much more economical that way. They
know how to do what they will do, so all they have to do is work out why they will
do it. Just think of any consulting business – its solutions to whatever problems
occur will be what it currently offers. Products such as TQM, BPR, and so on, are
solutions to almost every problem, and thus it is not so much the problem that drives
the solution but the solution already at hand that is waiting to be applied to a variety
of different issues.
When decisions begin and end, as well as where they begin and the steps they go
through, are not at all as clear as rational models might suggest (Hickson et al.,
1986). Hickson and his colleagues looked at 150 decisions in 30 organizations; some
decisions that the organizations’ top managers defined as strategic were found to be
resolved within a month while others dragged out over four years, with the mean
time for strategic decision-making proving to be just over 12 months. Nonetheless,
how the decisions were arrived at varied between three predominant processual
paths, characterized by sporadic, fluid, and constricted decision-making (Table 7.4).
The more political the matter for decision, the more stakeholders tend to be
engaged; the more complex the problems are, the more fluid the processes tend to
be. The key stakeholders are usually intraorganizational, typically production, sales
and marketing, and accounting in the organizations that were studied.
With regard to the implementation of decisions made, subsequent research by the
Bradford team of Hickson and colleagues (2003) has found that there are two typical
ways of managing implementation. Where the management team has a pretty clear
idea of what it is doing, and the likely reactions of others to it, a more planned mode
of implementation occurs, based on experience. Where the management team doing
the implementation has less experience and is not so sure what it is doing, the
receptivity of the context in which the decision is being implemented is crucial. In
other words, it matters a great deal if the team can succeed in getting key people
‘on-side’ (Hickson et al., 2003; Miller and Wilson, 2006).
TABLE 7.4 The Bradford studies of decision-making


The politics of decision-making as sensemaking
A famous case study of decision-making was made of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis by Allison (1971).
The Soviet Union had installed missiles on Cuba, which were aimed at the USA, just 44 miles (70 km)
away. Many people thought that the outbreak of a nuclear war was imminent as the respective leaders of
the USSR and USA faced each other off, neither willing to compromise: US President Kennedy
demanded the missiles be dismantled and USSR President Kruschev argued that if NATO could ring the
Soviet Union with missile bases, what was the problem with bases in Cuba? Allison suggested that the
crisis looked very different depending on the type of model through which one looks at it. The trouble
is that if one party is looking through one model and another party is using another model – say a
rational as opposed to a political model – then the opportunities for miscalculation and
misunderstanding are enormous. One side will define the matter in terms of one set of issues; the other
side will define it in terms of a different set of issues. Each side will be busy organizing some issues into
politics while others will be organized out, or as Schattschneider (1960: 71) put it, there will be
mobilization of bias occurring, with different sides mobilizing different biases and excluding other
biases. Thus, as agendas form some issues will be suppressed or poorly represented, and fall into the
space of ‘non-decision-making’ that Bachrach and Baratz (1962; 1970) wrote about.
Non-decisions are the unspeakables of local politics, the covert issues on which it has already been
decided that no action will be taken. Their existence may not even be registered as they are sidestepped,
suppressed, or dropped. Within organizations, the differential resources, expertise, and access that
attach to players in complex power relations mean that the strategy of making some issues ‘non-
decisions’ – perhaps by controlling who is given voice, or whose voice is noted, or seen as rational,
sensible, and useful – serves to constrain agendas in the interests of those who already occupy dominant
relations of power. Like the tip of the iceberg, only those matters already acceded to be legitimate and
rational make an appearance on the agenda. At its most subtle this occurs when there is an apparent
consensus about what issues are and are not, such that there is no conflict about issue definition. An
apparent hegemony, as we saw in the IMF, is created. The official view is the only view registered. Of
course, this assumes that there are few opportunities for actors to create awareness about non-issues and
The best case of how non-issues can become issues is probably the shift from a perspective on
global warming that once consigned it to an issue not worth taking seriously, the preserve just of
hippies, eco-freaks, and maverick scientists, to a situation where its reality and the need to deal with it
preoccupies many boardrooms around the world and most, but not all, significant politicians. Social
movements such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have created an agenda where issues of
climate change are now taken very seriously indeed. With the relational power that they have achieved
by their lobbying, demonstrating, and documenting, they have been able to change what is taken for
granted as rationality. Their increasing social power has shaped the social construction of knowledge,
and the definition of rationality. As Flyvbjerg (1998: 369) argues, power produces knowledge and
knowledge produces power – whatever is taken for granted as rationality will be an effect of the existing
relations of power and knowledge. Thus, decision-making occurs in a complex web of political relations
that are constantly shifting the shape of what counts as knowledge, rationality, and truth.

An important part of organizational politics is shaping the agenda, getting some issues on to it, making
sure that they remain there, and keeping other issues off. But remember, everyone is probably playing
the same game!

It is one thing to make a decision and quite another to see it through into
successful implementation. There are three different ways of connecting decision-
making and implementation:

1. Continuous connectedness is provided by the key involvement of personnel

usually drawn from production, finance, and marketing, throughout the
processes of decision-making and implementation. They see the whole phased
process through, provide a memory, and retain commitment as other interested
parties drop out of the loop.
2. Causal connectedness is more complex. Three elements are crucial: the degree
of contention, seriousness, and endurance of the processes of decision and
implementation. High degrees of contention tend to limit familiar solutions –
these are clearly not working if the contention is high – and they also indicate a
context less receptive to whatever solution is proposed. Contentious decisions
tend to be faster – perhaps because under these circumstances management
decides to crash through or crash. Decisions characterized by a high degree of
consensus take longer to make and implement, but there may well be a lot less
firefighting afterwards (Dooley et al., 2000). The more serious the importance
of the decision being made, in terms of the top management team’s opinion, the
more specific steps will be taken to implement it in an experience-based
approach, while, from a readiness-based approach, the more priority will be
given to implementation. There is also a relationship between how long the
consequences of the decision are expected to endure – endurance – and
acceptability. The longer lasting the implications of the decision will be, the
more the top management team should care about the acceptability of what is
being implemented. Crashing through under these circumstances will more
likely lead to a crash rather than a successful decision, especially where the key
buy-in of production, finance, and marketing has not been achieved – where the
process has low acceptability.
3. Anticipatory connectedness involving thinking forward in terms of the future
perfect tense – what we will have achieved when we have implemented the
decisions we will have made – is important for decision-makers; if we do
implement this decision what will be the effect? Thinking in an anticipatory
way about the impact of the decision can feed back on the decision itself. If
implementation of the posited and projected decision seems unlikely to be
smooth, because implementation will be intricate, then the decision-making
process probably needs revisiting, thus dragging out the process further. There
is a form of feedback from imagined implementation to possible decision,
making the decision process more protracted.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by David Buchanan and Andrzej Huczynski (2004) about how films, in this case 12 Angry
Men (Lumet, 1957) and Thirteen Days (Donaldson, 2000), can be used to illuminate the politics of interpersonal influence in decision-making as a multilayered phenomenon, shaped by contextual, temporal,
processual, social, political, and emotional factors.


In order for a decision to be named as such it must involve some form of choice. If a
decision is made simply by applying a system of rules to a set of data, then there is
no real decision – only the following of a particular programme (see Jones, 2004).
Thus, regardless of the possible rational calculations, the instant that a decision is
made ‘must be heterogeneous to the accumulation of knowledge … not only must
the person taking the decision not know everything … the decision, if there is to be
one, must advance towards a future which is not known, which cannot be
anticipated’ (Derrida, 1994: 37). The implication is that ‘ethics and responsibility do
not involve perfect and clear knowledge and absence of … decision-making
difficulties, but are themselves emergent in and even defined by the experience of
double-binds … For Derrida, responsibility and ethics necessarily involve working
with ‘undecidability’ (Jones, 2004: 53).
If organizational power and decision-making consist of configuring social
relations such that others will likely do what has been decided elsewhere, then the
successful achievement of the exercise of such power would render those others only
technically accountable and responsible for their actions, and without ethical
responsibility to other people. It would have the profound effect of relieving them of
moral doubt – if they are authorized to do something and given targets to achieve by
superordinates working to guiding strategies and plans, then, surely, obedience is
appropriate and authority should be served? It is this doubt, this undecidability,
which is the very condition of ethically responsible decision-making. Stressing
undecidability and attesting to the limits of calculability opens the field of decision-
making to ethico-political considerations, says Derrida (1988: 116). Indeed, if a
decision did not undergo the ordeal of undecidability there would be no space for
ethical or political responsibility (Derrida, 1996). In relation to organizations the
implications are significant – the authoritative application of rules and calculations,
when seen as the primary site of responsible decision-making, must render those
decisions as irresponsible.
In the era of ‘post-bureaucratization’ many organizations stress ‘autonomy,
responsibility and freedom/obligation of individuals to actively make choices for
themselves’ (du Gay, 2004: 41). A post-bureaucratic notion of responsibility is
closely circumscribed by notions of enterprise, economic rationality, free-market
principles, and individuality conceiving of individual responsibility primarily in
terms of ‘financial accountability’ (du Gay, 2004: 176). Insofar as one is ‘free’,
one’s liberty to make decisions is confined within these bounds. Approaches to
management that seek to critique and replace bureaucratic rationality with one that
is entrepreneurial result in the domination of a set of values in which market
economics are the basis of moral and social normalcy. Hence, while market norms
and culture may replace the formal habits of bureaucratic rules and policies,
organizational control of ethics through preordained codifications remains
unchanged – it is just that the code has changed. A shift from formal rules to market
norms still suggests that a pre-calculated rationality ought to govern decision-
Some theorists have proposed ‘corporate governance’, in a series of analogies
with the political process (Clarke, 2004), instead of a concern with ethics. Good
governance is typically seen as being held accountable. The executive board is
regarded as the government, with shareholders being seen as analogous to the
electors. But, the analogies are not apt. Electorates are based on citizenship rights;
shareholder meetings are based on proprietary rights. The citizen’s privileges as a
member of a state are clearly different from the shareholder’s privileges as an owner
of an in-principle entitlement to receive a dividend from a corporation.
Being in organizations and doing things according to the conventional rule – such
as shareholder value, profit maximization, party loyalty, or discipline – is not a
sufficient account in justification of ethical responsibility to those who will, at some
time, hold the organization responsible, irrespective of the organization’s
preferences in the matter. Holding the organization accountable to dominant
interests, such as the party, the nation, or the Führer (as in the extreme case of
Eichmann), and thus working according to rule, as the singular interest so
constituted defines it, is not a sufficient account to justify ethical responsibility.
Principles of concordance with legitimate authority as a rule for action, as either
intuited or formally expressed, are an insufficient basis to ensure ethical outcomes.
In a world of social relations increasingly dominated by organizations there is urgent
necessity for democratic principles of stakeholder representation to be more
widespread, organizationally, and less ritualistic, politically. And this means that
managers have to be able to manage with power positively in terms of both their
internal and external dealings.


Managing with power: seven steps to its effective use

1. Decide what your goals should be and what you are trying to accomplish in consultation with direct
stakeholders in your organization.
2. Diagnose patterns of dependence and interdependence; which individuals both inside and outside the
organization are influential and important to achieving these goals?
3. What are the points of view of the important people likely to be? How will they feel about what you are
trying to do?
4. What are the power bases of the important people? Which of them is the most influential in the
5. What are your bases of power and influence? What bases of influence can you develop to gain more
positive control over the situation?
6. Which of the various strategies and tactics for exercising power seem most appropriate and are likely to
be effective, given the situation you confront?
7. Based on steps 1–6, choose an ethical course of action to get something done.


How can we build positive, ethical power? To be a good manager means knowing
how and when to use what kind of power wisely. When using power to manage
others, always remember that those you are seeking to manage probably also will be
trying to manage you with power. Thus the old adage ‘do unto others as you would
have others do unto you’ is worth recalling. Although you may think of their
response as resistance, to do so presumes a value legitimacy that may not be
justified on your part. They are trying to manage your management of power through
their management of the power that they can enact in the situations in which they
find themselves or that they can create. Power is nothing if not creative.
Crucially, your managing with power means achieving common definition, a
genuine accord, on which to base strategies, tactics, and actions. Positive uses of
power make things happen that would not otherwise have happened – not by
stopping some things from occurring, but by bringing new things into creation,
involving less force and more listening, working with, rather than against, others.
Managing with power does not always mean seeking to impose a specific meaning
on an uncertain context because it entails arbitrary structuring of others’ realities. In
contrast, the alternative model is often seen as one where people advocate bottom-up
decision-making, seeking to listen to what others in the organization have to say.
Organizations that use empowerment seek to enhance the overall systemic powers of
the organization, to mobilize everyone’s resources to get things done. Such use of
power frequently means giving way in the organization conversation, not claiming a
special privilege because of title or experience, and not being selectively inattentive
to others, but listening and attending to them.
The challenge for future power theory, as Pfeffer (1992: 340) suggests, is ‘to
manage with power’, where you recognize, diagnose, and respect the diversity of
interests and seek to translate and enrol members within organizational courses of
action, while at the same time listening to what others are saying, modifying your
position accordingly, and choosing the appropriate strategies and tactics to
accomplish whatever is chosen.
Sometimes, after taking all that into consideration, it still means making others do
what they would not otherwise have done, against their resistance. Power can be like
that. Yet, it does not have to be so. Coercive power should be the refuge of last resort
for the diplomatically challenged and structurally secure, not the hallmark of
management’s right to manage.
Organizations may listen or may not, may work with the creativity and diversity
of people’s identities or work against them. The politics of power and decision-
making can be based on active listening rather than assertive denial through the
instrumentality and ritual of established power. To build such organizations – ones
that seek to extend the organization conversation rather than to exploit its lapses –
would seem to be one of the more pressing aspects of the agenda for future


The pervasiveness of power is the most central aspect of organizational life. Much of the time, power is
wrapped up in the velvet glove of authority, but inside that velvet glove is an iron fist. This fist has
control of the levers of power that authority confers – the power, essentially, to determine policies and
practices within the organization, most fundamentally expressed as whom the organization chooses to
employ and whom it chooses not to employ.
Many organizations shape whether we work and how we are employed if we do; thus, these types of
organizations have power over most of our life chances as wage earners. For this reason, it is important
to understand the limits of power and authority, resistance, and obedience. In organizations, we have to
put up with people and situations while doing the work we have to do or choose to do. It is important
that our choices in how we discharge these duties can be defended ethically.
Fundamentally, power is shaped by what we know and how we know what to do. Organizationally,
it is easy for this knowledge to be applied questionably, which is why it is important that organizations
always be polyphonic rather than totalitarian spaces. Being able to articulate organizational dissent
should be a normal and essential bulwark of civil liberty and individual freedom.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what the following key terms mean:

Strategic contingencies
Total institutions

2 What power games characterize what types of organizations?

3 In what way is managing with power positive?
4 Are power and resistance inseparable?
5 Who gets empowered through empowerment strategies?
6 What common features do total institutions and (seemingly) normal organizations share?
7 Where is the border between use and abuse of power in management?
8 Why is there more to understanding power than listing its most common bases?
Think back to your school days: what were the main forms of discipline – in an everyday, routine sense –
9 that you experienced? Now, think about any jobs that you have done – what were the major forms of
discipline there?


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. Many people have written about the topic of managing power in organizations, and finding just a few
suggestions for further reading is hard. One place to start would be Lukes’ (1974) slim volume, Power:
A Radical View, if only because of its brevity – 50 pages – as well as its elegance and lucidity.
3. If you find the previous resource interesting, you might want to try Clegg’s (1989) Frameworks of
Power and another book that he wrote with Courpasson and Phillips (2006), Power and Organizations,
although neither is written for the introductory student.
4. The work of Michel Foucault is important and notoriously difficult. A good introduction is Barker’s
(1998) Michel Foucault: An Introduction.
5. Probably the most interesting case study of power in and around organizations in recent years is
Flyvbjerg’s (1998) Rationality and Power: Democracy in Practice, researched in the arena of urban
planning in the town of Aalborg in Denmark.
6. A good introduction from a managerial point of view is Pfeffer’s (1992) Managing With Power: Politics
and Influence in Organizations. There is a discussion of this – and many other perspectives – in Cynthia
Hardy’s and Stewart Clegg’s chapter, ‘Some dare call it power’ in the Handbook of Organization
Studies (edited by Clegg et al., 2006b).
7. An example of the power of distance can be found in Ian McEwan’s novel Atonement (2002: 202),
where a character involved in the British retreat to Dunkirk reflects on the ‘indifference with which men
could lob shells into a landscape. Or empty their bomb bays over a sleeping cottage by a railway,
without knowing or caring who was there. It was an industrial process. He had seen their own RA units
at work, tightly knit groups, working all hours, proud of their discipline, drills, training, teamwork. They
need never see the end result.’
8. The classic film about a total institution and organizational power is Milos Forman’s One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest (1975). McMurphy is a prisoner who has been assigned to a mental institution because of
his persistent rebelliousness in prison. After he gets there, he is assigned to Nurse Ratched’s ward,
where a series of power games occur. The most memorable are the group therapy scenes, with Nurse
Ratched practising what she calls ‘therapy’ on the group of patients. McMurphy (played by Jack
Nicholson) sets out to undermine her domination of the ward. The ward is organized and controlled
through a rigid set of rules and regulations, which McMurphy questions.
The contest of wills with the nurse is played out as a struggle, with McMurphy trying to win over the
other inmates to a spontaneous and independent style of thinking rather than one stuck in the routines
that the nurse reinforces because they make the ward more manageable. In the first of the two group
therapy scenes, McMurphy butts in and tries to get the nurse to switch on the TV set so they can watch
the World Series. This suggestion is put to the vote – she clearly disapproves, and her domination is
such that only three inmates vote. During the next therapy session, Nurse Ratched determinedly presses
one member with questions he does not want to answer. Another member proposes another vote about
watching the second game of the World Series. McMurphy encourages the patients with the great lines,
‘I wanna see the hands. Come on. Which one of you nuts has got the guts?’ Nine votes are cast in
favour, and McMurphy senses victory – but Nurse Ratched changes the rules to defeat the proposal:
‘There are eighteen patients on this ward, Mr McMurphy. And you have to have a majority to change
ward policy. So you gentlemen can put your hands down now.’ McMurphy turns and gestures to the
patients of the ward who are uninvolved in the therapy group, most of whom are seemingly in their own
private worlds. ‘You’re tryin’ to tell me that you’re gonna count these, these poor son-of-a-bitches, they
don’t know what we’re talkin’ about.’ Nurse Ratched replies: ‘Well, I have to disagree with you, Mr
McMurphy. These men are members of the ward just as you are.’ Nurse Ratched adjourns the meeting
and closes the voting session. One of the outer group members not in the therapy session, a pivotal
character called Chief, slowly raises his hand, so McMurphy says, ‘The Chief voted. Now will you
please turn on the television set?’ The Nurse replies, ‘Mr McMurphy, the meeting was adjourned and
the vote was closed.’ ‘But the vote was 10 to 8. The Chief, he’s got his hand up! Look!’ ‘No, Mr
McMurphy. When the meeting was adjourned, the vote was 9 to 9.’ Democracy in action in
organizations often involves the highly undemocratic manipulation of the numbers. The film also
illustrates the ways in which ordinary people can do quite extraordinary things as well after they have a
uniform and are dealing not with people but with institutionally defined inmates: McMurphy ends up
being lobotomized to ‘cure’ him, although there is palpably nothing wrong with him other than a strong
and stubborn streak of individualism and anti-authoritarianism.
9. We also suggest watching the German movie Das Experiment (Hirschbiegel, 2001). It is very similar to
the Haney et al. (1973) experiment, which we described in this chapter. It shows, impressively, how the
abuse of power can shape human relations and create a fatal dynamic.
10. The Stephen Spielberg (1993) film of Schindler’s List, adapted from the 1982 Thomas Keneally novel,
Schindler’s Ark, is a classic account of the ways in which the Holocaust was organized and resisted.
11. Organizations frequently enact routine deeds that, at the end of the functional chain of action, have
appalling consequences. Have you seen the film The Insider, starring Russell Crowe (Mann, 1999)? It is
a good example of this point. Tobacco companies knew that their products were killing people, but they
kept on making those products because the fact that people died was an externality of their business
model, and it had no immediate causal consequences in terms of legal responsibility. Besides, people
smoking made profits for the tobacco companies, and they needed to recruit new smokers to replace
those who died, or they would lose market share.


1. In addition to these suggested additional resources, do not forget to look at what is also available on the
Companion Website, including free PDF files of
recent papers related to this chapter, which you can download; video interviews with famous academics
talking about related themes; as well as many other resources, such as connections to interesting
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Prof. Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #10: Organizational politics, Richard Badham
and Talk #11: Managing organizational decision making, Susan Miller.
3. A great resource site is It is packed with useful and searchable
bibliographic references and links as well as pod casts.
4. A useful online introduction to an organizational behaviour account of power can be found at
1650/htmlpower.html. It should be noted that the author of this chapter, Stewart, has fairly severe
reservations about this approach to power. It seems to neglect the formal structures within which power
relations get played out and seems to suggest that power consists of having resources. Think about it: if
it is just the case of resources why could the USA not pacify Iraq with its overwhelming force after
winning the Second Gulf War?
5. There is a good lexicon of decision-making terms at
6. At you can find a classical contribution by Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon.
7. The US National Defense University has a nice page linking organizational power and politics at


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. Peter Fleming and André Spicer (2003) ‘Working at a cynical distance: implications for power,
subjectivity and resistance’, Organization, 10 (1): 157–179, is a really good analysis of the
contemporary politics of resistance in these post-Marxist times. It retains the essence of a critical stance
but updates it to see resistance as a more personal, although organizational, phenomenon that is still
rooted in the experience of exploitation at work, rather than seeing it in terms of collective action.
2. Thomas B. Lawrence and Nelson Phillips (2004) ‘From Moby Dick to Free Willy : macro-cultural
discourse and institutional entrepreneurship in emerging institutional fields’, Organization, 11 (5): 689–
711. A really interesting and fun paper on how whale-watching was institutionalized. It serves as a
practical demonstration of the importance that Schumpeter (2006 [1942]) attributed to new markets,
new products, new methods of production, new sources of supply, and new ways of organizing for
innovation to occur.
3. Christine Räisänen and Anneli Linde (2004) ‘Technologizing discourse to standardize projects in multi-
project organizations: hegemony by consensus?’, Organization, 11 (1): 101–121. This article traces
redesign processes in a major telecom organization and shows how the ‘new’ practices are disseminated
within organizations. It provides a good account of how hegemony can be constructed in practice by
4. Nestar Russell and Robert Gregory (2005) ‘Making the undoable doable: Milgram, the Holocaust, and
modern government’, American Review of Public Administration, 35 (4): 327–349. This is another look
at the classic experiment by Milgram, relating it to events today. Just because a study is a classic it does
not mean that it is no longer relevant!
5. David Buchanan and Andrzej Huczynski (2004) ‘Images of influence: 12 Angry Men and Thirteen
Days’, Journal of Management Inquiry, 13 (4): 312–323. How some great films can be used to make
some good points about decision-making. This article is best used by instructors in the classroom in
conjunction with the films – or at extracts from them.


Here is a story told from my own perspective and with the benefit of a lot of hindsight. In 1980 I led the
small team that founded Celltech, the UK’s first research-based biopharmaceutical company. The
formation of the company was widely recognized as novel and important. The UK was a world leader in
biological science but the USA was the place where new biotechnology companies were being formed.
It was hoped Celltech would reverse this trend. Celltech did turn out to be highly innovative, not only in
science and technology, but also in its relations with academic research and in the openness and trust
within the company, an environment right for a knowledge-based business.
By the end of the 1980s the company had been successful financially, had several key patents, and a
pipeline of promising projects, and it had a workforce of some 300 people, nearly half of who were PhD
scientists. Nevertheless, I found the job of CEO a demanding one and after ten years I said it was time to
retire. I thought I was acting responsibly when I decided to leave. There was an obvious person to take
over: my deputy, whom we will call Peter, who was very keen to get the job.
Most members of the board of directors knew little about knowledge-based businesses. Probably
they were pleased to be presented with a task they found more familiar – that of appointing my
The board must have had reservations about Peter as CEO, but they were not open about them.
Probably they feared he would quit if he did not get the job and that this would damage the business.
Whatever their reasons, the board organized a formal and lengthy search process. The process failed to
produce anyone suitable and the board then announced that the search would continue for more
months. Peter resigned in disgust and I said I was leaving anyway. Things looked bleak for Celltech.
Then, unexpectedly, a senior person from the industry expressed interest and the board had little choice
but to appoint him. In the end he did a great job. The company continued to prosper as an independent
business for ten years until acquired by a Belgian company for US$ 2.5 billion. The new owners
showed their confidence in the Celltech team by putting it in charge of their whole pharmaceutical
Why did the succession process go wrong? It is clear that the board were at fault in giving Peter false
hopes and in asking me to go along with a phoney recruitment process. Perhaps board members had
found themselves uncomfortable with their responsibility for a knowledge-based business and were too
keen to demonstrate power. Perhaps Peter was too ambitious. Although I thought I was behaving
responsibly, I later realized I was at fault too. I thought I was avoiding the classic mistake of the proud
founder of an organization who cannot let go. But I now realize I concealed from myself that Peter was
a psychological surrogate, who could continue the traditions I had established in the company. If he had
become CEO, I would have felt I still had my baby.
What are the lessons from this story? First, everyone was motivated by power, however well it was
concealed or however pure people thought their motives were. The company claimed (rightly) that it
was extraordinarily open and free from politics. But on this key issue, openness was not practiced and
deviousness took over. With a deeper understanding of power, everything could have been done more
honestly. This would have been much less risky and would have caused much less grief to those
involved, including me.


1. Using what you have learned in the chapter on power, how would a deeper understanding of power
lead to more positive outcomes?
2. ‘Everyone was motivated by power’, says Fairtlough. Analyse the power moves and how they played
out, using the theories discussed in this chapter.

Case prepared by Gerard Fairtlough, Triarchy Press, Axminster, Devon.

Meaning, Sensemaking, Polyphony

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Explain the different concepts of communication

Understand the importance of communication processes at different levels
Appreciate the different levels of, and audiences for, communication in
Discuss the benefits and shortcomings of different communications approaches
Evaluate critically the power of communication
Appreciate why polyphony is important in organizations


You cannot not communicate. (Paul Watzlawick)

Organizations, first and foremost, are communicating entities; they are composed of
people who are able to speak to each other and who want to speak to others. They
have products to sell, news to distribute, clients to reach. Plans, change programmes,
and strategies all need to be communicated. Gossip, PR strategies, informal chats
and jokes, as well as marketing campaigns, branding exercises, and websites
communicate what an organization is all about. If you have a great business idea and
a really smart plan with which to realize it but no one knows, you will not achieve
anything. You need to communicate your ideas to others. For instance, you might
need a bank to lend you money to kick off your project and help you through cash
flow problems, or you might have to convince an investor to finance your project or
recruit reliable suppliers to ensure the quality of your product. No wonder that one
of the earliest treatises in organizational communication was Dale Carnegie’s best
selling How to Win Friends and Influence People (1944). In short, communication
connects all organizational activities with each other. It is a game that we all learn to

Communication can be defined as exchange of ideas, emotions, messages, stories, and information through different means including writing, speech, signals, objects, or actions. It may be intentional, such as a
carefully phrased letter, or unintentional, such as the inferences another person may make about one’s body language.

The process of exchanging information between two or more people or entities

defines communication. Organizational communication is what occurs when an
organization seeks to communicate with various audiences. These audiences may be
employees, customers, investors, regulatory bodies and so on.
Fascination with communication reaches back to the ancient Greek philosophers,
who emphasized the importance of rhetoric. Aristotle analysed the role and power of
rhetoric in public speeches and events. Following this tradition, it was ‘studies of
propaganda and the flow of information and mass media effects (in the first half of
the twentieth century) that would lay the foundations of what is now commonly
thought of as the beginning of a communication science’ (Bordow and Moore, 1991:
7). The old study of rhetoric transformed into that of opinion-making, propaganda,
and the strategic use of information to ensure or create ‘suitable’ narratives that
would explain and legitimize the order of things.
In most accounts, communication is understood as a direct cause–effect relation,
as an act in which information is passed from a sender to a receiver. However, in the
1950s the emerging discipline of cybernetics changed the field dramatically.

Cybernetics can be defined as studying feedback and other communication mechanisms in machines, living organisms, and organizations.

The concept of feedback stressed that communication was not only a one-way
effort from a sender to a receiver but a reciprocal undertaking. Person A sends some
information (message) to B, and this information is transported through channels
(media) that might affect and change it.
IMAGE 8.1 Like games, communication is based on feedback loops: your next sentence depends on the
reaction of your opponent, whose reaction depends on your action, etc.
The message does not simply inform B but might change B’s behaviour. B’s change
in behaviour is noticed (received) by A, influencing future action. Put simply,
communication is an interactive circle that involves sender and receiver, messages,
media, and feedback loops.
Early communications research used cybernetics to focus on the relationship
between superior and subordinate in terms of (a) flows of information, (b) their
impact on efficiency, and (c) the possible distortion of communication as it moved
up and down various channels in the organizational hierarchy (Bordow and Moore,
1991). Nowadays, communication is understood not just as merely passing on
information but as an active way of creating, shaping, and maintaining relationships
and enacting shared values, common cultures, agreed goals, and means for their
Normally, different disciplines within management explore the relations between
organizations and the diverse groups created, maintained, and nurtured through
distinct patterns of communication. These disciplines are marketing
(communication with customers), public relations (communication with
shareholders and stakeholders such as local communities or environmentalists), and
human relations (communication with internal audiences). Bypassing this division
of labour, we synthesize aspects of each discipline in this chapter to produce insight
into the fascinating ways in which organizations communicate.

Organizations can be seen as multiheaded hydra (the mythical beast of Greek
mythology), with many mouths speaking to different internal and external
audiences. Of course, with many mouths speaking simultaneously, it is sometimes
difficult to gain agreement, understand what is being said, or to remain consistently
‘on message’. Organizations often suffer from these problems. Communication from
one part of an organization is contradicted by a message from one of its other parts.
Additionally, the giant hydra does not live in a vacuum, where no other messages
circulate. Instead, the environment is full of other, sometimes competing, and
sometimes conflicting, stories: someone’s got it in for the organization; they are
planting stories in the press. Maybe the unions are agitating, or employees are
gossiping, and the markets chatter about the stories that circulate as the hydra tries
to chill out the stories it does not like or want.


Take the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a case study. Research the official response from BP
and compare it to the voices of other organizations such as the US government, activist organizations,
and the Financial Times. In how far do these voices differ? What do they identify as cause of the
disaster? What arguments do they put forward to claim relevance and plausibility for their stories?

Different theories try to map this terrain. In organizational behaviour theory, the
flow of instructions from the top to the bottom of an organization is supposed to
ensure that employees do what management decides they should do. Within an OB
perspective, there are several different emphases (Frank and Brownell, 1989). First,
there is a cultural emphasis, in which communicating produces and shares common
meanings and interpretations (see also pp. 216–222). Theorists who stress the
primacy of human relations emphasize the importance of communication for a
climate of openness, trust, commitment, and collaboration (see also Chapter 2 and
3). Those who view OB from a power perspective understand communication as a
medium through which conflicts and struggles will be played out as a means to
influence and recruit others to preferred views and interests (Frank and Brownell,
1989). They do not assume that your preferences and those of others will necessarily
align; in fact, they are more inclined to think they will not (see also Chapter 7).
A recent school of critical thought is referred to as discourse theory. From this
perspective, discursive communication (including writing, speaking, etc.) informs
our actions and decision-making processes. For instance, the discourse of human
resource management allows you to ask certain questions, make assumptions about
employees, and so on, that are entirely different from those that would be triggered
by Frederick Taylor’s scientific management (see pp. 453–457). Think of Taylor’s
description of factory workers as ‘hands’ in the early 1900s. Thinking of them as
‘hands’ evokes implicit meanings including an image of a headless and heartless
worker who is easily replaceable, because all they contribute is manual dexterity,
which is tightly trained and controlled. This changed during the human relations
movement and Elton Mayo’s emphasis on emotions and feelings at work. In the
1980s the focus shifted to workers as being human resources that can be
systematically managed, trained, and exploited. In each case, the particular way of
speaking about workers influences the way we think about and try to manage them:
in the world of an HR manager employees are resources that should be developed,
managed, and harnessed. On the other hand, in Taylor’s scientific management
employees were nothing but a pair of hands that were replaceable. Other
contemporaries such as Henry Ford wrote over the entrance to his factory ‘hands’
entrance’. The two cases show how different labels (employees as hands or as human
resource) reflect different ways of organizing and managing them. Discourse
analysis argues that the differences and inequalities of the social world are directly
connected to the world of language: because we use certain metaphors to make sense
of the world, and often do not reflect on the implications of these metaphors, they
frame our way of thinking about the world and restrict our imagination. Language is
the map that guides us through the world; the map does not neutrally describe the
territory but actively shapes it through highlighting certain points (tourist attraction,
scenic drive, etc). In other words, language frames, and sometimes even shapes,

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Steve Maguire and Cynthia Hardy (2006), and one by Islam Gazi and Michael Zyphur
(2007), if you are interested in discourse theory.
Sounds complicated? It isn’t. Gareth Morgan made a similar point in his classic
book Images of Organizations (1986): if you think of organizations as machines,
instead of cultures, or as living organisms, for example, it makes a big difference
when you try to understand them and devise a plan of action based on that
Analysis of organization discourse suggests that the language employed in the
communication within organizations shapes organizational reality. Gordon Shaw,
formerly executive director of planning and international business within 3M,
describes the importance of discourse in organization by using the concept of story-

Storytelling is the single most powerful form of human communication. Stories

allow a person to feel and see information, as well as factually understand it.
The events come alive for the listeners so that they ‘see’ with you and become
physically and mentally involved in the story. Storytelling allows you to create
a shared vision of the future … The potential leverage in conceptualising,
communicating, and motivating through the use of strategic stories (both inside
and outside the enterprise) will define superior management in the future.
(Shaw, 2000: 194)

Corporate stories differentiate a company from its competitors (just as your

personal story – your history – distinguishes you from anybody else) and create a
shared sense of community and belonging among internal and external audiences. As
organizational boundaries blur more and more, external and internal are concepts
that lose their descriptive importance: employees also watch TV ads and read
external messages intended for stakeholders, and internal communication shapes
how employees represent the organization to outsiders (Cheney and Christensen,
2001). Everything an organization does communicates meaning, both verbally and
non-verbally (whether the organization intends or desires it to or not). It is not only
glossy brochures that tell you what an organization stands for but also, much more
important, the actual behaviour of its management and employees. In our social
world we use clothing and other artifacts to communicate who we are. Take the
example of the hill tribe from northern Vietnam in Image 8.2: what does the image

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by David Barry, Brigid Carroll, and Hans Hansen (2006), if you want to find out more about
text, context, and story-telling.
The well-known saying that ‘one cannot not communicate’ means that even non-
interaction is a form of interaction. Think of your mum who is angry with you
because you did not spend time with her on Mother’s Day and therefore will not
speak to you. This non-communication expresses something more than words. Or
think of that text message you never wrote to your boyfriend about something else
that you did other than be with him. That can bring you trouble. When the girl you
dated the other day does not answer your calls, she is also communicating
something. It is almost impossible not to communicate.
IMAGE 8.2 Look at the image of a hill tribe from northern Vietnam: although the image does not speak, the
dresses, the colours, the facial expressions, the posture, the fact that only women pose for photos for visitors,
etc. – almost everything in the image communicates a great deal about the life of these people

IMAGE 8.3 Underground

What is true of people is also true of organizations: they communicate even when
they think they do not. Consider the messages communicated by the essentially
similar subway signs shown in Images 8.3 and 8.4 on pages 301 and 302. What do
they suggest to you about the organization that each represents?

Levels of communication

A conventional way of making sense of communication in organizations is to

distinguish the different levels of communication. Communication can be analysed
by looking at the level of personal and social involvement. Littlejohn (1989)
differentiates between four levels of communication, shown in Figure 8.1.
IMAGE 8.4 Metro

Whereas the first three types of communication are mainly situated in an

interpersonal context (face to face, with exceptions such as a phone call or e-mail),
the fourth type is mediated through channels of mass communication (again, there
are exceptions, such as ‘word of mouth’). Dyadic communication occurs between
an employee and manager; small-group and team communication happens in
meetings, brainstorming sessions, and workshops; and finally, mass communication
is at work in marketing and PR campaigns. Wherever it occurs, through whatever
modes, organizational communication is a culturally driven process of sensemaking.
People communicate to make sense for themselves and others; sometimes they
communicate to mislead, other times they do so to be understood clearly. No wonder
there is ample opportunity for messages to become mixed and for the wrong
audience to receive or interpret an incorrect message (Watzlawick et al., 1967).
Sometimes signs that communicate the same message can differ markedly:
attractive communication is pretty easy to spot: compare the Underground and
Metro signs.

Dyadic communication means two-party communications. Dyadic communication can be impersonal when two people interact without direct personal contact as well as face to face and unmediated.

FIGURE 8.1 Levels of communication (after Littlejohn, 1989)

Dyadic communication: interpersonal When the manager from production and the
newcomer in the marketing department go for lunch together, or meet while
smoking outside the building, they might build some understanding of each other’s
task that will be helpful when their company launches its next product. Sure, they
may be doing other things, such as flirting, chatting about sport, or fashion, but they
also get to know each other’s work. They are communicating interpersonally, face to
Interpersonal communication is based on interdependence, where each person’s
behaviour is a consequence of the other’s. Such behaviour can be expressed both
verbally and non-verbally and have either a formally framed or informal character.
A selection interview, for instance, is a formally framed organizational procedure,
whereas a chat over lunch may be informal.

Interpersonal communication refers to direct interaction between two or more people.

Every communication has an informational aspect and simultaneously tells you

something about the relationship of the people involved. The manager saying to his
subordinate, ‘You have until Monday to write this report’, or ‘Would it be possible
to have your report by Monday?’ communicates almost the same information, but
the two sentences define the relationship quite differently. Communication always
has a meta-communication aspect, and organization managers should be well aware
of this – the way the message is projected and received is as important as the content
it contains.
Communication involves multiple meanings, interpretations, distortions, and
omissions. It is not so much the smooth processing of information but rather the
complex, interactive emergence of knowledge, meaning, and narratives that drive
communication. And in this process, the transitions are neither additive nor linear;
what you learn now may change everything you thought you knew before or will
know in the future. This theme is often played out in movies such as Sliding Doors
(Howitt, 1998), a film that showed how an accident can change the whole foundation
of a relationship and a life.
Communication comprises a series of interactions seen differently by the
participants (Figure 8.2). For instance, a leader with a need for control can generate
resistance from employees. If the leader responds with tighter control, this is likely
to generate further resistance, which may be interpreted as a lack of motivation. But
the increased control produces even more resistance and less motivation! We will
encounter further examples of these dynamics in Chapter 13, when we discuss
bureaucracy. When a vicious circle is in play, it is quite tricky to resolve. Both
parties have good reason for their behaviour. They are part of the same interaction,
but they differ fundamentally in punctuating what is happening. Whereas the
subordinate might argue that they are demotivated because of a lack of trust, the
superior might stress that due to a lack of motivation only strictly enforced controls
can guarantee a minimum of engagement. Both parties are weaving the same story,
participating in the same dialogue, but punctuate it differently and thus create
different realities in which causes and effects are reversed. The amplification of
misunderstanding escalates in such circumstances.
IMAGE 8.5 Dyadic communication is key to human relationships. Often it is overshadowed by multiple
meanings, interpretations, distortions, and omissions
FIGURE 8.2 Vicious circles at work

Communicative double interacts
According to Weick (1979), organizations consist of processes that he calls a double interact. Weick
defines the double interact as an act followed by a response that leads to a reaction changing the initial
act followed by a response, in an ongoing loop. Think of a typical work situation: a supervisor says that
he has to control employees because they do not seem to be motivated; the employees are not motivated
because they are tightly supervised and feel demotivated by the lack of trust. You can see how a vicious
circle is produced and sustained. The interesting thing is that both parties live in the same world but
attribute cause and effect differently. For the supervisor, tighter control is the effect, caused by low
motivation levels; for the workers, tight supervision is the cause for low morale. In such a situation both
parties are right and wrong at the same time. Trapped in the ongoing loop they can argue forever
without finding a solution.
An example demonstrating the double impact, would be the case of a manager who tells an
employee that the employee must increase productivity and quality and will be monitored more closely
in the future (act). Demotivated through this lack of trust, the employee responds by taking more sick
days and taking less care of quality standards (response). The manager understands this behaviour as
proof of the necessity to tighten the control mechanism and reacts by increasing pressure on the
employee (re-adjusted action), which leads to a drop in employee motivation, resulting in even more
sick days and poorer quality! It is important to see that this vicious circle is played out in daily
communication. As you already know by now, such fatal dynamics result from the complexity of
communication processes (Watzlawick et al., 1967).

Can you think of any double interacts that you have experienced? How and in what ways were they
double interacts? Jot them down below and compare notes with your friends.


Dyadic communication: impersonal A letter or e-mail between you and an officer

from the Taxation Office is dyadic but impersonal.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article, by Dennis Gioia (2006) about Karl Weick, someone whose work on sensemaking has had a
major impact in management theory.

Think of a call centre that is, by definition, an interface between customer and
organization. When it puts you on hold and bombards you with uninteresting new
offers while you are waiting, it is communicating how the organization that you are
seeking to gain information from takes care of customer needs. Directing you
through a complicated number system to the ‘right’ person, call centres assume that
digital communication is the appropriate level of involvement. However, it is not
necessarily the appropriate frame for establishing a relationship. Companies miss
out on the chance to express and actively shape their relationship with consumers
when they restrict themselves to such forms of communication. Also, the
relationship is purely complementary: if the customer has a problem, the call centre
resolves it as long as it is a standard problem – one for which it has a standard
solution. But, as we will see shortly, organizations can learn a great deal from their
customers about what they want, how they actually use their products, and what
improvements they wish. A more dialogical style would involve customers more
interactively and create stronger relationships (see also Chapter 9).

Small-group communication Group-level dynamics differ from those in dyadic

communication. Think of a team with nine members. Communication is not only
face-to-face, but roles are established, subgroups formed, and a different dynamic is
created. A group is formed by dynamics beyond the influence of its individual
members. The culture, as well as the quality of problem solving within a group,
depends on the interaction between its members. Group pressures influence their
members’ ways of thinking as the phenomenon of groupthink demonstrates
(Littlejohn, 1983: 237).


When groups comprise teams that are too like-minded we get Groupthink
Groupthink occurs when a group of people used to working together end up thinking the same way (see
also pp. 99–100). There are six negative impacts of groupthink:

1. Groups limit the discussion of alternatives to only a few and do not consider the whole range of possible
2. Those options favoured by the majority are often taken without being revisited.
3. The group does not re-examine disfavoured alternatives.
4. Expert opinions are generally not valued more.
5. Groups are highly selective in collecting and valuing information.
6. Once a decision is made, the group is so confident that it does not think of alternatives for plan B

Groupthink is often marked by several symptoms:

Groups have an illusion of invulnerability.
Groups undertake joint efforts to (post-)rationalize the actions they undertake.
Groups tend to see themselves as inherently moral.
Persons outside the group are branded not only as outsiders but also as less worthy in some ways – they
are stupid or bad, for instance.
Self-appointed ‘mind-guards’ protect the group.
The group exercises self-censorship, which ensures both uniformity and homogeneity. Thus, the
negative outcomes of groupthink are enacted, reinforced, and exercised in communication.

Taken that organizations rely more and more on teamwork, these tendencies to groupthink are
frightening. They indicate that organizations actively have to manage communication in teams if they
are to overcome these problems.

Shared meanings Organizational communication comprises a series of recurring

communication patterns that occur throughout the entire organization. In a rather
awkward formula, Weick (1979) argued that organizing is a consensually validated
grammar used to reduce equivocality by means of what organization members
constitute as sensible interlocking behaviours. Now, this is rather a mouthful, but
what we think Weick means is the following: communication takes place on the
basis of shared understandings and implicit rules, which function as if they were a
grammar. They produce predictable communication patterns, which organization
members use to reduce the time spent worrying about the huge amount of things
they do not know in order to make their tasks more manageable by focusing on the
predictable. That is, they seek to reduce equivocality. The way they do this is
through developing shared routines with others in the organization. These shared
routines produce the interlocked behaviour expressed in and through the double
interacts – different ways of sensemaking.
Placing an emphasis on consensual validation helps you understand that shared
meanings form one fundamental aspect of organizations. These shared meanings are
‘agreements concerning what is real and what is illusory’ (Weick, 1979: 62). But
meanings are not always shared. Think of organizations where the newly merged
partners turn out to be sharing the same bed but not the same dreams. The merger
between two companies that appeared synergistic but shared totally different
cultures, styles of communication, and ways of making sense – such as the Time
Warner/AOL merger or Citibank and Travelers – is a case in point.


The grammar of organizing
Think of a restaurant like McDonald’s: what holds it together is a complex set of rules that allows all
people that work and eat there to interact. When you walk into a typical McDonald’s the menu gives
you several options. Ordering at the counter, you have to translate your craving into the McDonald’s
products and meal combinations. That is important, otherwise the person behind the counter could not
tell the kitchen what to prepare next. And the kitchen could not tell the many suppliers which products
to drop in next Monday. In order to make such complex chains function, every organization has
particular forms, routines, practices, and processes. The rules involved may be thought of as a grammar
that reduces all possible combinations to a handful of legitimate ones. They all ensure that outcomes can
be achieved by interlocking different behaviours and actions. Again, think of McDonald’s: it could offer
you an endless variety of burgers but in order to create predictability it reduces the number to a dozen
or so, throwing in a special or new choice every now and then. Of course, sometimes this grammar
ossifies the organization: for instance, when McDonald’s decided to add coffee and healthier meals to
its product offer it had to change the way customers, employees, and suppliers interacted.

All organizational reality is constituted and constructed through communication

and miscommunication. Although formal communication programmes try to
facilitate shared meaning, there will always be stories, myths, and gossip circulating
as well. It is important not to assume that organizations are some privileged space of
shared meaning; though they may strive hard to achieve this, there are often
countervailing tendencies.
Besides this internally focused communication, organizations also constantly talk
to their environments and diverse stakeholders (such as suppliers, network partners,
investors, etc.). Basically, organizations communicate their identity, their values,
and their reason for being to these audiences. Corporations seek to express a sense of
what they are and, in doing so, they build strong relationships with key stakeholders.
Mass communication is one (preferred) way of achieving this.

Mass communication Since McLuhan (1964) coined the phrase the ‘global village’,
the importance of mass communication has constantly increased. Mass
communication has four characteristics: (a) it is communication to a large,
anonymous, and heterogeneous audience; (b) it is primarily oneway communication,
meaning that feedback from the audience is restricted; (c) it is transmitted through
different channels that work fast; and (d) the sender is usually a big organization
rather than individuals (Littlejohn, 1983). Billboard advertisements were an early
form of commercial mass communication but by no means the earliest or the most
pervasive in Western experience (see Image 8.6).

In contrast to the three other levels of communication, mass communication goes from one point to many receivers.

One of the earliest forms of explicit mass communication developed in the

Christian church. In an age when literacy was not widespread, the church controlled
the most powerful means of mass communication. Because the majority of the
church’s congregational members were non-literate, they were able to relate to
iconic symbols much more easily than to sophisticated literary sources such as the
Bible. The church realized this, and, as well as through the words spoken by priests
to the masses as they interpreted the Bible and papal edicts, it communicated
through religious art as its central representational form. The most sophisticated
representational forms were the paintings and stained-glass windows of religious art,
still to be seen in the churches and cathedrals of Europe. However, much more
numerous and available to the populace at a local level, in their homes and everyday
observances, far from the cathedrals and churches, were representations of Christ on
the cross and the Virgin Mary, objects that could as easily fill a niche in the home as
play a role in a procession. These were the core icons and, as such, examples of one
of the earliest and best developed forms of mass communication (see Image 8.7).
These symbols played an important function. In Weick’s (1969) terms, we might say
that they helped to reduce equivocality about belief. Pieces of inert wood, when
appropriately rendered and painted, could become holy icons, calling forth attendant
rituals and behaviours.
The church was particularly effective at mass communication when there were
few other organizations offering competing messages. Today, of course, most large
organizations have marketing and PR departments or agencies that seek to find
appropriate channels to help them reach relevant audiences and get their message
across. Advertisements on TV, billboards, websites, and newspapers remain
organizations’ preferred ways to tell the rest of the world who they are and what they
have to offer. While mass advertising can be costly and, as specialists argue,
ineffective and inefficient, other means of interactive mass communication are
therefore explored. Of course, the Internet and the Web 2.0 explosion have paved the
way to new forms of communication.
IMAGE 8.6 Parisian billboards add grace and style to civic space
IMAGE 8.7 Christ on the cross, communicating that he died to save us from our sins
Add as Friend: Barack Obama, President of USA
Information and communication technology (ICT) changes fundamentally how we organize every
aspect of life, including politics. The 2008 US elections that saw Barack Obama winning against the
conservative John McCain are a good example in case. Analysts have suggested that Obama’s victory is
partly due to his clever use of the Internet. Arianna Huffington, editor in chief of The Huffington Post,
goes as far as to claim ‘were it not for the Internet, Barack Obama would not be president. Were it not
for the Internet, Barack Obama would not have been the nominee’. Obama used Web 2.0 tools
effectively and managed to mobilize supporters, communicate his vision, and reply to criticisms. He
used Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube (see to
broadcast his messages at low cost to an audience that was thought to be tired of politics. Of course
YouTube is much cheaper than paid TV ads: campaign manager Mr Trippi calculated that Obama’s
YouTube messages where watched for 14.5 million hours in total, which equates to a value of $47
million of paid TV ads. New media are not only more cost-effective but they are also trustworthier when
friends send links to each other and news spreads by word of mouse. Mr Trippi speculates, ‘Just like
Kennedy brought in the television presidency, I think we’re about to see the first wired, connected,
networked presidency’. Indeed, if you check out Linkedin or Facebook you can become friends with
the president of America – if there was not that limit of 5,000 friends. With the next president, be fast
and build up your social capital.

Source: Claire Cain Miller, ‘How Obama’s Internet campaign changed politics’, New York Times , 7
November 2008.

Communicating without a budget: ambush marketing
The 2010 soccer world championship in South Africa was a prime opportunity for big brands to
communicate what they are all about by associating themselves with the best that soccer has to offer.
They pay millions to have the privilege of exclusivity, hoping their sponsorship dollars will push them
ahead of their rivals. For FIFA, sponsorship is lifeblood: 30 per cent of its revenue derives from
Budweiser, McDonald’s, Coke, Visa, and other major sponsors.
Clever communication strategists see opportunities in ambushing the official sponsors and gain if not
fame then at least notoriety for their stunts. At the 2010 soccer world cup, the Dutch beer brewer
Bavaria ambushed the game Denmark vs Holland. Bavaria hired some 35 women wearing bright orange
mini dresses during the match, advertising the brewery. Although the dresses did not feature the logo of
the company, FIFA reacted swiftly and ejected ‘beer babes’ from the stadium. Later, two women
allegedly in charge of the ambush were arrested under the Contravention of Merchandise Marks Act,
which states that companies may not benefit from an event without paying for advertising. The law is
meant to protect the official beer sponsor of the event, Budweiser, and ensure that it can reap the fruits
of its sponsorship investment.

Conduct some online research to find other examples of ambush marketing. Use communication theory
to explain how ambush marketing works. Finally, discuss whether ambush marketing is ethical or not.

Source: The Guardian, 16 June 2010; we’d like to thank Chris Carter for alerting us to the case study.

Organizational communication and organizational design

In a large and strictly hierarchically organized company, it is unlikely that the CEO
will speak to people from the bottom, or that people from the bottom will be able to
communicate their ideas directly to top management. Also, it is hard for different
departments that are not directly linked to each other to interact. Put simply, the
organizational design decides who communicates with whom directly. The more
specialization, formalization, and centralization, the more restricted is
communication (see also Chapter 12).
Open-space offices, shared photocopiers where people intermingle and chat, and
corporate events where the usual sense of hierarchy is relaxed (usually when
everybody is a little drunk and people may forget themselves, taking risks that only
become evident when the hierarchy reinstates itself) all produce the internal flow
communication and ensure the necessary exchange that is inhibited by the formal
structure. To undo these structures is the necessary precondition of rich
communication processes. Following Bordow and Moore (1991), such processes
have four major functions:

1. Informative function: Communication transports information about facts and

figures that are the basis for informed action. Thus, communication generates
2. Systemic function: Communication is the glue between organizational
members. It establishes efficiencies for social interaction.
3. Literal function: Communication does not merely transport facts from sender to
receiver but also connotes meaning and sense. In fact, communication is
4. Figurative function: Communication links an organization to its wider
environment. It represents an organization’s identity, its mission, and its
purpose. Put simply, it legitimizes an organization.

Christensen and Cheney (2000) argue that the distinction between different
communication disciplines such as marketing, PR, and advertising is no longer easy
to draw. PR functions were once specialized in their focus on an organization’s
contact with the public, whereas marketing tried to manage relations with customers.
But when Shell, for instance, tried to sink the Brent Spar oil platform in the North
Sea, it was the public who reacted quickly, loudly, and impulsively. Unfortunately,
this public was simultaneously its customers, so who should have reacted for Shell –
the PR or the marketing department? Or take another disaster that BP is responsible
for – the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The difference between the public,
consumers, employees, and other stakeholders is increasingly blurred. Hence
different functions including PR, marketing, HR, and others manage an
organization’s communication with its environment, seeking to get relevant
information from the environment and respond to it adequately. In addition, well-
informed and briefed employees can serve as employee-ambassadors spreading the
message an organization seeks to promote. General Motors, for instance, integrated
internal and external communication in the 1980s as it relied on its employees (who
received both commercials on TV at home and memos at the workplace) to promote
the emphasis on safety (Christensen and Cheney, 2000: 248).


Communication is not just sending messages; it also involves receiving them, and
different audiences are involved in the reception of meaning – which may not always
be that intended. Three main audiences receive organizational communication:
internal audiences (employees) targeted through intraorganizational
communication; other organizations (partners, suppliers, etc.), who receive
interorganizational communication; and the wider society (markets, society, press,

Intraorganizational communication occurs inside an organization and typically engages organizational members.

Interorganizational communication takes place between members of different organizations.

Intraorganizational communication Communication can be downward, upward, or

horizontal, and comprises both formal and informal messages. Downward
communication means the flow of communication from superior to subordinate.
Such communication has several functions. It instructs employees, provides them
with goals, explains how they can achieve them, gives feedback concerning their
performance, and seeks to build commitment.
Upward communication means the flow of communication from subordinates to
superiors. It includes employees’ feedback concerning rules, strategies,
implementations, and so on. Employees often know most about customers, services,
and products, as they are in daily contact with them. Naturally, management lacks
this knowledge, even though it forms the basis for strategic decision-making. So to
be good strategists at the macro level, they need to be good communicators at the
micro level. A famous study conducted by MIT focused on the difference between
Japanese and American ways of producing cars, and it revealed that Japanese
employees were more actively involved in the definition and refinement of car
manufacturing process improvements (Womack et al., 1990). US industry, however,
was still mainly organized according to concepts derived from Taylor, making such
communications difficult. This difference in the management of communication was
one of the determinants of the success of Japanese corporations during the 1980s.
Finally, horizontal communication describes communication that takes place
between different departments. Marketing, for instance, might need to know planned
product innovation for the next few years in order to align its campaign with the
long-term image.
A good deal of managerial work involves providing information and facilitating
communication (Mintzberg, 1973). Managers spend most of their time gathering
information from other people, by talking, listening, and negotiating in meetings, by
informal conversation, and through other media. Peters and Waterman (1982) took
this idea one step further and defined a leadership style called ‘management by
walking around’. In essence, the manager must not only be seen around the place but
also be seen to be aware of what is going on and acting on it.
An example of the power and importance of such intraorganizational
communication is given by Ginger Graham, CEO of ACS, a $300 million US
company. Newly appointed, she found the company in denial of the real roots of its
recent failures. She wrote a plea for open and honest communication within the
company (Graham, 2002). And she started to practice what she preached when, at an
annual meeting, instead of saying the usual friendly things, she said, ‘I’ve always
heard about what a wonderful company ACS is, but frankly, that’s not what I see’.
After saying straightforwardly what everyone knew but nobody openly dared to
admit, there was a huge relief in the audience and among employees that – finally –
someone from top management could see and address the hot issues. What Graham
did from this moment on was, in her own words, to

create a culture that would allow everyone in the company to feel free to tell the
truth, from top managers to the people on the loading dock. Only by arming
ourselves with the truth, I felt, by owning up to it, and by acting according to it,
could deep-rooted problems be identified, understood, and ultimately solved.
(Graham, 2002: 43)

An atmosphere of openness and honesty can be a trigger for change. All

communication is important internally, even when it is addressed externally. For
instance, branding and marketing communication is usually directed towards
external stakeholders, but it also affects employees. Mitchell (2002) argues for the
importance of ‘selling the brand inside’; when done, it creates a powerful link
between the services the company sells and the employees who actually sell it. If
employees do not know what an organization is promising its clients, how can they
live up to what is being preached? In fact, it becomes important that external and
internal marketing are connected. All internally focused information is important
externally: if the markets get negative reports from within a company, it will be
reflected in their valuation of the firm.
Mitchell (2002) provides an instance of a financial services institution that
announced it was shifting from being a financial retailer to becoming a financial
advisor. A year and a marketing budget later, nothing had happened. Customers did
not feel that the announced shift had occurred and still seemed to see the institution
in retail terms. The reason was simply that employees were not convinced by the
new strategy. Marketing had targeted only customers and forgotten that there was an
important internal market to convince – its own employees.

Interorganizational communication for collaboration Interorganizational

collaboration and networks have become increasingly important for organizations.
Like humans, organizations build relationships that sometimes end up happily
ever after but other times end in acrimony. Oliver (1990: 104) distinguished six
reasons why organizations might collaborate with other organizations:

1. Necessity: Collaboration might be based on the fact that an organization is

working together with another organization in order to meet legal or regulatory
2. Asymmetry: Collaboration can be driven by the wish to control relevant
environments. A clothes manufacturer might work closely with its suppliers in
order to exercise control and power over them.
3. Reciprocity: The interests of two organizations might be better pursued when
they join forces and form an alliance from which both benefit, such as occurs in
a trade association.
4. Efficiency: Obviously, this motivation to collaborate is based on the idea of
improving organizational performance through collaboration.
5. Stability: Organizations might collaborate in order to maintain a level of
stability otherwise unreachable.
6. Legitimacy: Organizations seek collaboration in order to legitimize their own
business. Shell, for instance, works together with Greenpeace, which obviously
helps Shell to produce the image of a caring and responsible company.

For the growth of networks, mutual trust and consensus are decisive. This can only
be achieved by communication. Two organizations working together need lots of
coordination, cooperation, and bargaining, which sometimes inevitably produce
conflict and coercion, all of which will be played out in communication and non-
communication (Irwin and More, 1994).
Successful networks rely on managed communication in which two roles are
especially important, the boundary spanner and the interlocker. The boundary
spanner represents and communicates an organization’s goals to its environments
and acquires information from the outside, which is necessary for the organization.
He or she has the ability to bridge the gap between inside and outside, ensuring the
flow of information across boundaries. The interlocker is a member of two
organizations (say a senior manager in company A and board member of company
B) and knows things that the boundary spanner, as an outsider, would not be able to
decode. Gossip, rumours, or industry trends can be examples of information that the
interlocker can communicate because of his or her position (see also Chapter 8).

Communication with stakeholders In communication with stakeholders

organizations use different distribution channels (TV, print, radio, Internet, and
specially organized events) to communicate what they offer. As products and
services become increasingly refined and simultaneously more similar and
exchangeable, organizations seek unique ways to position themselves in the
marketplace. PR, marketing communication, reputation management, and branding
are the organizational means for differentiation. They communicate what an
organization stands for – promoting not only its products but also its core values and
its identity.

Communication with stakeholders describes communication between an organization and other relevant parties (stakeholders) such as media, community groups, labour unions, politicians, etc.

As products and services change quickly, and the difference between original and
generic products increasingly blurs (think of the cola market with all its cheap
generic brands), companies try to establish a unique identity. They create this
through communications, including mission statements, corporate design (business
cards, stationery, etc.), retail outlets, logos, and other activities, such as sponsorship.
The soft drink producer Red Bull, for instance, the biggest global energy drink
manufacturer, selling more than a billion cans a year, promotes its soft drink heavily
through promoting extreme sports events ( The goal is to
establish an image of the organization that goes beyond the characteristics of its
products. Rather, the products should be promoted through this image.

Communicating Nike
Consider the example of Nike. People buy Nike shoes not only because of their qualities but also
because of the fitness aesthetic these products promote, the lifestyle people associate with them, and the
hardly tangible but tremendously valuable identity that Nike provides to its customers; that is, if Shaq
O’Neal or Michael Jordan uses Nike, would you not want to as well?
There is, however, a dark side to the Nike story – a story not of excellence but of exploitation, of
sweated labour, and maggots in the canteen food. Sometimes what is communicated corporately is not
what is communicated organizationally. The short version of the story, as reported by David Boje on his
website, is as follows:

While consumers and sports-spectators associate Nike with fast and powerful athletes, it’s no surprise
that not everyone associated with the company is a Marion Jones or Tiger Woods. In fact, some Nike
factory workers find everyday activities, let alone sports, to be daunting challenges. When you work
sixty hours a week making sneakers in an Asian or Latin American factory and your friends disappear
when they ask for a raise, it is not so easy to be a sports-spectator. Two prime examples: At Kukdong,
Nike’s partner factory in Mexico, women … asked for fair wages, no worms in their food, and their own
union. These women were physically beaten and given bruises and black eyes for asking for basic
human rights you and I take for granted. It’s a familiar story: young girls set out on a magical journey of
adventure, seduced by Nike partner ads for better jobs, only to find that things they value most are
living without terror.

When stories like this one became public Nike acted quickly to ensure that its image would not be
damaged too much. Today, many companies that have factories in developing countries collaborate
with NGOs and have inspectors to ensure that their partner organizations behave ethically.

How effective have Nike’s communications strategies been? Use the web to check out the pros and the
cons of Nike’s communications strategies.

Communication as marketing

Because it is a well-developed discipline in its own right, people in marketing would

not necessarily agree that their subject is a part of organizational communication.
However, the core activity of marketing – promoting products, services, and, by
extension, an organization’s identity – is, in fact, a communication exercise.

The shortest definition of marketing is meeting customer needs profitably.

Behind these words, ‘meeting customer needs profitably’, however, lurks a

complex task and libraries filled with research. EasyJet, for instance, discovered that
people were willing to fly more cheaply by doing without on-board service. The
Body Shop found that cosmetics produced in an ethically and environmentally
responsible and sustainable way, which were not animal tested, met a broad-based
consumer need.
Once identified, such needs become the starting point for strategy making. The
next step is to communicate this strategy to customers and stakeholders. This means
making people understand why you offer what you offer and why they should buy
your services or products. You have to communicate your unique selling proposition
to potential customers. Marketing is all about this communication.
According to Kotler, marketing communication develops in five steps (Kotler,
2000: 552):

1. Identifying the target audience: If you want to sell clothing you have to identify
who you would like to sell it to. You could target men, women, or children. But
these categories are not precise enough by far. If you decide to target women
you have to consider different subgroups such as fashionable 14–18 year olds,
18–24 year olds that are more independent, 25–35-year-old businesswomen,
etc. Each audience is a target market in itself.
2. Defining communication objectives: Once you know your audience you have to
define the objective of your communication: do you want your audience to
learn about your brand? Or do you want them to come to your sale next
3. Designing the message: Depending on the audience and the objective, the
message would differ significantly. If you want to establish a strong brand
image among sport-loving men you might decide to sponsor football. But if you
want people to come to your Saturday sale you will send a different message!
4. Selecting communication channels: Channels of communication include
traditionally TV, radio, and print advertising; additionally, there are new
channels such as online e-mail, SMS, blogs, etc.
5. Measuring the communication process’s results: Finally, once you have decided
how to communicate your message you should measure the effectiveness of
your campaign. Online-based campaigns are very popular because it is very
easy to measure how many unique users visited a site. Other communication
activities such as sponsorship are very hard to quantify: the extent to which
sponsoring a big sports event changes the brand image of a sponsor is a very
tricky question to answer.

Marketing is one part of organizational communication. It includes advertising,

sales promotion, PR, personal selling, and direct marketing. Typically, it
communicates through distribution channels used to display the products (the
strongest message of organizations in areas such as retail) and selling channels (e.g.
banks that facilitate transactions).
The marketing mix is the combination of marketing tools an organization uses to
accomplish its goals. McCarthy (see Kotler, 2000) differentiated between four main
categories: products, price, promotion, and place. These form the tool kit for both
marketing and communication tools. As the marketing guru Philip Kotler suggests:

Company communication goes beyond the specific communication platforms

… The product’s styling and price, the package’s shape and color, the
salesperson’s manner and dress, the place’s décor, the company’s stationery –
all communicate something to the buyers. Every brand contact delivers
something, an impression that can strengthen or weaken a customer’s view of
the company. The whole marketing mix must be integrated to deliver a
consistent message and strategic positioning. (2000: 550)
The concept of integrated marketing becomes increasingly important as
organizations become more customer oriented. For instance, cheap airfares, friendly
staff, no delays, and clean cabins describe a service designed around customer needs.
But in order to deliver on these, firms strive to integrate finance, human resources,
cleaning staff, and airport management. Instead of communicating the benefits of a
certain product in a market crowded with similar messages, organizations
increasingly try to build a strong, lasting, and powerful image in the minds of their
potential customers. This allows organizations to decouple their products from their
image and establish themselves as a strong brand. For instance, although you might
not know all the services Google currently offers, you certainly know what Google
means in terms of its values: Google is a brand.

Communication as branding

Olins (2000) and Hatch and Schultz (2001) identified several reasons why branding
is so influential and a key to success. First, a brand makes choice easier. You
probably know the feeling of standing in front of a packed supermarket shelf and
being completely overloaded by the information and choices you face. Market
economies create choices that are paralysing when you are confronted by many
interchangeable products with slight variations in packaging and product
information. Powerful brands shortcut the need for you to make comparisons, thus
making choice easy – if somewhat redundant. Thus, branding is the conscious
projection of a consistent image of itself that an organization seeks to communicate.

A simple definition describes a brand as the image of an organization that is created through design (e.g. its name, ads, logo, etc.), its behaviour (e.g. employees), and its products and services.

Second, brands bring consistency and continuity to your consumer life. Think of
those thousands of products in a supermarket: rather than checking out all 50
different toothpastes, you might choose the one that you are familiar with. Put
simply, brands help us save time and effort by making choices easier. Third, brands
help us to make up our own identity and provide us with devices to tell others who
we are (or at least, what we try to be). Just think of clothes. Wearing a Hugo Boss
suit, sunglasses designed by Porsche, and a Rolex instantly says a great deal about
who you want to be (or be taken to be). The same goes for street-level fashions and
design; they provide a source of identity. However, the icons can be quite different.
For instance, see if you can identify in Image 8.8 some of the images being marketed
in the selection of T-shirts hanging in the market and imagine the kind of identity
construction that would accompany wearing them.
Fourth, brands reduce costs. Instead of marketing every single product separately,
promoting the brand saves money. Take Sony. Regardless of whether it is a TV, a
stereo, or a game, people associate the Sony brand name with quality.
Finally, having a strong brand means being vulnerable; people look extremely
closely at what Nike and Shell are doing, and, due to their visibility, any negative
message about them travels quickly through newspapers or websites. At best, brands
become universal signs, such as Coca-Cola, the world’s most recognizable brand
(see Image 8.9).
IMAGE 8.8 Faces on T-shirts

Branding expresses what and who an organization is. It is not just a matter of
cosmetics – where stylish packaging promotes a product whose real costs are a
fraction of the asking price, or packaging old ideas in new boxes – but a way of
communicating the identity of the company. Think of Absolut Vodka. Its image as a
company that is young, sophisticated, and chic does not derive from its product, but
rather its products are incubated by its style. Vodka is vodka, one might say, but
Absolut managed to transform its product into a unique, recognizable, and
successful brand, as an icon that inspires people. It is witty, droll, iconoclastic, and
Icons, as Holt (2003) argues, are encapsulated myths that bring products alive.
Nike, for instance, is not just in the business of selling sneakers – which are merely a
vehicle for a story – because its products embody the myth of individual
achievement through perseverance. In this game, products are but one way to tell the
corporate myth and to provide a story that customers appreciate.
Branding is about interacting with the public and communicating your
organization, its values, and its contribution to society. Benetton, apart from
launching campaigns that made it one of the most recognized (but also most
contested) companies worldwide, also features a magazine called Color dedicated to
issues such as slavery, prisons, and refugees. Color is translated into many
languages and sold in over 60 countries. It analyses topics and makes people aware
of marginalized problems. Doing so, Benetton positions itself not just as a clothes
manufacturer but also as a highly socially responsible organization that is concerned
with social issues.
IMAGE 8.9 Do you want a Coke with that?
Successful branding involves customers and creates a relationship between
them and the company
The Body Shop is an excellent example of branding. Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop,
created a strong brand identity around the notion of a profit-with-principles philosophy. The company
protests against animal testing, supports developing countries, plays an active role in women’s and
equality movements, to name but a few of its many activities (Joachimsthaler and Aaker, 1997). These
express the company’s values clearly and consistently and simultaneously motivate staff members.
Benetton, on the other hand, got into trouble with its brand strategy. When Benetton started advertising
using images of HIV-positive people on its billboards and picked up similar hot issues, it doubtless
created brand awareness, but it failed to link this awareness back to its business – selling clothes.
Rather, it alienated both target market and retailers (Joachimsthaler and Aaker, 1997).
Think of a brand that you have bought and enjoyed. What were the reasons? Jot them down.

Now, think of a brand that you have bought and not enjoyed. What were the reasons? Jot them down.

Compare notes with your friends. Do you have similar positive and negative brand identifiers?

Given the variety of approaches, channels, audiences, and levels of communication,
it is critical for organizations to coordinate their communication activities. One way
of managing the multiheaded hydra is explored through the concept of the
expressive organization (Hatch and Schultz, 2001).

Creating the expressive organization

In an interesting contribution to management and organization theory, Schultz et al.
(2000) developed the concept of the expressive organization.

In a nutshell, the concept of the expressive organization captures different levels of organizational expressions and their impact on processes such as strategy making, human resources, marketing, and others.

The key task of an expressive organization is to communicate its identity to its

internal and external audiences. It integrates the levels of communication and the
different audiences and aligns corporate communication accordingly.
If a company manages to communicate an identity associated with values such as
being innovative, fresh, and creative, it will attract top-level employees and
simultaneously motivate its staff members. It will also attract new customers and
build strong ties to existing customers. Furthermore, it will be easier for such a
company to get financial investors on board as well as build strong relations to key
In an increasingly competitive environment, advertising and branding will not be
sufficient tools to differentiate a company from its competitors. Increasingly,
organizations will compete on the basis of what they are and their ability to express
a core identity and values. Managing symbolic and emotional capital through
communication thus becomes the core business of management. Even the symbol of
manufacturing and production that invented the assembly line, Ford, announced a
shift in its orientation towards, and understanding of, its core business. As one of its
executives stated, ‘The manufacture of cars will be a declining part of Ford’s
business. They will concentrate in the future on design, branding, marketing, sales
and service operation’ (quoted in Olins, 2000: 51). A car company’s move from
tangible cars to more intangible assets implies that understanding communication is
its prime task. Brands such as Skoda, VW, Audi, and Seat all belong to the same
company and share a body platform with each other: evidently, the difference
between these products is not so much the physical characteristics of the car but
more the different look, feel, and intangible values associated with them. Thus,
managing a car manufacturer means, more and more, managing meaning. And this
management of meanings relies heavily on communication.
It is important to understand that an organization expresses itself through various
activities: its employees’ behaviour, its physical design (including uniforms, retail
outlets, buildings, etc.), its corporate identity (logo, web page, etc.), its
advertisements, its strategic intent, its involvement in community activities, and so
on. Put simply, everything speaks. Organizations always communicate and cannot
avoid doing so. Thus, the expressive organization focuses on the communications
that constantly (consciously or not) enact any organization.
As Hatch and Schultz (2001) argue elsewhere, in order to compete successfully
with its competitors, an organization has to create a strong corporate identity
reflected in the corporate brand. Such an expressive organization aligns three major
organizational features that are normally separately analysed: vision (strategy),
culture (employees), and image (brand). In order to align these ‘strategic stars’, the
authors suggest analysing the three possible gaps between them:

1. The vision–culture gap emerges when management moves away from its
employees, developing a vision that is not shared, understood, or supported by
the rest of the organization. The vision does not inspire the whole organization
2. The image–culture gap derives from a misalignment between employees’
behaviour and expressed image. The company does not practice what it
3. The image–vision gap results from a conflict between an organization’s vision
and the environment’s image of the organization. If management wants the
company to go in a direction in which its customers and other stakeholders are
not going, the best strategic plan is in vain and will eventually fail.

The key to success is to analyse the gaps and, through careful research, close them
by understanding the stakeholders’ point(s) of view and needs, the employees’
perspective, and the strategic intent of top management.

Managing with words?

Understanding the power of communication and language enables you to utilize

words to manage organizations. Take the example of employees. As a manager, you
might refer to them generically as employees, but you could also call specific
people, on different occasions or in different contexts, ‘hands’, ‘human resources’,
‘team players’, ‘stars’, ‘deadbeats’, ‘losers’, and so on. Different metaphors not only
affect people differently but also trigger different thoughts. Resources can be
exploited and developed, whereas hands are only utilized and, symbolically, come
independent of minds, brains, and bodies. By using different metaphors and
communicating through them, managers create different realities (see also Chapter
Through telling stories, organizational members shape the organization. Deal and
Kennedy (1982) identify three roles that stories play in organizations. First, they
anchor the present in the past. They locate an organization’s history and its
background, which makes it possible for people to understand the current situation.
Second, they maintain cohesiveness. By sharing the same stories, they provide
members with a sense of community and common values. Finally, they explain why
things are the way they are. Stories explain a good deal of the practices and
behaviour that are displayed in organizational life. To this we might add also that
they define normalcy and its range; they locate the deviant both as extraordinarily
good as well as extraordinarily bad.


Communication for an expressive organization starts not with speaking but with listening. As Carl R.
Rogers found in his experience as a psychotherapist in counselling, the main obstacle to communication
is people’s tendency to evaluate (Rogers, 1991). This phenomenon can be overcome by strengthening
another skill – listening. Especially when people talk about emotionally charged issues, they stick to
their own frame of reference and forget to understand the other’s point of view. But as Rogers suggests,
change can only be accomplished by understanding with someone, not by understanding about

A simple technique can help you grasp the importance of listening: before you start to argue with
people, summarize their points so accurately that they agree and are satisfied. This means you have
actually fully understood what they want to say.

Communication as a strategy
An example drawn from the Navistar Company illustrates the linkage of communication to strategy
(Argenti and Forman, 2000). John Horne, CEO of the heavy truck manufacturer Navistar, joined it in
1993 and found the organization in a less than ideal situation. Key stakeholders (employees, unions,
senior management, the financial community, media) had lost trust in the company, and the overall
situation was not very pleasant. Horne decided that the way to change this was through bringing his
employees on board (again) – and this happened through a well-developed communication initiative.
The first step was to visit the plants in order to engage all employees in a discussion of how to beat
competition. Soon this became a formal management task, and every month a member of senior
management visited a plant. At meetings that involved some 30 workers, who talked to their colleagues
about their needs beforehand, they spoke about the good things and things that could be improved.
After the meeting, management published a report that included answers to the issues raised.
Furthermore, assembly plant workers were invited to visit the headquarters and discuss workers’ needs
with the decision-makers informally and directly. Such communication practice develops joint processes
of strategy making and implementing, where workers and managers learned mutually from each other.
Second, Horne started a survey of employees focusing on their specific work situations. The results
of the survey were published, and an action plan was developed, including deadlines and deliverables,
involving, especially, union leaders, making them participants in the change process. Through these
efforts and a couple of related exercises (such as a PR campaign, introduction of leadership conferences
to improve leadership, etc.), Horne brought Navistar back on the road to success. He started
communication processes with different audiences. Through creating a shared communicative basis, the
organization enacted a common future in and through these communications (see Argenti and Forman,

Think about either where you work or where you study. How effectively does the organization
communicate with you and what ways are most effective, from your point of view?

Power and communication

Every way of managing involves power. Communication is no exception; it is never

a neutral device to express reality. In fact, it is a powerful means to establish and
reinforce organizational reality. The following story illustrates the power of
communication. Thomas Watson Jr, chairman of the board of IBM, was challenged
by a supervisor, described as

[a] twenty-two-year-old bride weighing ninety pounds whose husband had been
sent overseas and who, in consequence, had been given a job until his return.
The young woman, Lucille Burger, was obliged to make certain that people
entering security areas wore the correct clear identification. Surrounded by his
usual entourage of white-shirted men, Watson approached the doorway to an
area where she was on guard, wearing not a green badge, which alone permitted
entrance at her door, but an orange badge acceptable elsewhere in the plant. ‘I
was trembling in my uniform, which was far too big,’ she recalled. ‘It hid my
shakes, but not my voice. “I am sorry,” I said to him. I knew who he was
alright. “You cannot enter. Your admittance is not recognized.” That’s what we
were supposed to say.’ The men accompanying Watson were stricken; the
moment held unpredictable possibilities. ‘Don’t you know who he is?’ someone
hissed. Watson raised his hand for silence, while one of the party strode off and
returned with the appropriate badge. (Peters and Waterman, 1982, quoted in
Mumby, 1987: 121)

The story makes clear that regardless of power and the status within the
organizational hierarchy, all members have to obey the rules equally strictly. Both
Watson and the supervisor set an example of correct behaviour: Watson by
organizing the right badge and the supervisor by acting strictly according to the
rules. But the story also functions as a reference point for organizational members
(especially for newcomers who do not yet know how the organization works in
reality) and has some more subtle meanings. As the story demonstrates, everybody
at IBM has to accept the rules equally. What the story does not say, however, is that
these rules are established by management and people like Watson and not by the
Mumby (1987) argues that the story has several hidden meanings that powerfully
influence organizational reality. If Watson was really just another employee who has
to follow rules, the story would not be worth retelling. Simultaneously, Watson is
introduced as an ‘ordinary’ employee who can be spoken to much as any other
member of the organization, but at the same time he appears as a godlike figure in
the story. Just look at the description of the two actors. The supervisor is described
as a ‘twenty-two-year-old bride weighing ninety pounds whose husband had been
sent overseas’; her clothes do not fit her, and she is nervously facing Watson. While
the story paints a poor picture of her, only working because her husband is overseas,
Watson appears as a mythical figure, surrounded by the kind of entourage that
normally accompanies a king. Whereas the supervisor speaks, Watson, again
godlike, does not speak at all – other people speak for him. And even at the point in
the story when he might have spoken, he simply raises his hand and things happen.
Using this ostensibly innocent story as an example, you can see the power of
communication at work. It tells organizational members how they have to behave
(follow rules strictly) and simultaneously it promotes and reinforces organizational
power relations (Watson as a godlike figure, Burger as a woman who struggles with
her job).
Communication is more powerful when it uses images instead of words and
concepts. Looking at how leaders spark people through communication, a team of
researchers analysed the communication style of US presidents and the inspiration
felt by citizens (Roche, 2001). The results of their study were interesting. Presidents
who were described as charismatic and great used image-based words to
communicate their vision. They painted verbal pictures that truly inspired their
fellow citizen. John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address, ‘Together let us
explore the stars, conquer the desert, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and
encourage the arts and commerce’. Compare this with Jimmy Carter’s address in
which he said, ‘Let our recent mistakes bring a resurgent commitment to the basic
principles of our nation, for we know that if we despise our own government, we
have no future’. Whereas Kennedy used lively pictures, Carter used abstract
concepts that seem to remain empty and fail to create commitment. Barack Obama
represents the latest example of a president that successfully deployed ornate
language featuring visions and images of the future. Put simply, image-based
communication is more powerful than conceptually driven language. Instead of
talking just about sustainability, for example, talking about how we can stay in touch
with our children and with nature is likely to move more people.


When the announcement of a fact creates that very fact
An example from sport that you can find in Weick’s book (1979) illustrates the power of prerogative
humorously: ‘The story goes that three umpires disagreed about the task of calling balls and strikes. The
first one said, “I calls them as they is.” The second one said, “I calls them as I sees them.” The third and
cleverest umpire said, “They ain’t nothin’ till I calls them.”’ As the third umpire argues, balls and strikes
do not exist independently of judgement; rather, they become real only when they are pronounced as
such. But most managers are involved in games that are far more complicated than baseball and have
far more ambiguous and inherently problematic rules, and under these circumstances it would be a
foolish manager who believed their own pronouncements without first securing feedback.

Polyphonic communication

In a metaphor often used by writers and artists, organizations may be said to be

similar to the Tower of Babel, 1 imperfect and diverse buildings, the product of
people speaking many tongues. Different cultures and subcultures, each having their
own voice, enacted messy organization reality. Instead of forcing all people to speak
one language, homogenizing the organization in monotonic communication, which
would lead ultimately to the death of creativity (see also pp. 388–395), management
must recognize the value of polyphony.

Polyphony means literally the presence of many voices and hence different ideas and perspectives.

Boje (2002) has a metaphor for understanding organizations that makes use of
Tamaraland, a theatrical production. Tamaraland is a play in which different acts
take place simultaneously in different rooms, which the audience is free to move
between. What a member of the audience encounters, as well as the sense they make
of it, will vary markedly according to the route they take around the rooms. The
production makes problematic notions of what it is to be a member of the audience.
More important, however, the play disrupts notions of linearity, especially through
the way in which the audience may have infinite experiences of the play by virtue of
the order in which they have entered particular rooms. For Boje, Tamaraland, as
multiplicities of meaning, outcome, and experience, is a projection of contemporary
organizations. His suggestion is that although organizations may well be scripted
through missions, strategies, and so forth, there are too many directors (i.e. finance,
marketing, human resources) for only one script to be followed.
Boje suggests that we regard organizations as a meta-theatre, as a multiplicity of
simultaneous/discontinuous dramas, whose sense you make as you go along.
Multiple people make multiple senses, and successful processes of sensemaking
listen democratically to voices normally silenced. People from the periphery
(newcomers and outsiders) will think more creatively because they are ‘exposed to
ideas and developments that do not conform to the company’s orthodoxies’ (Hamel,
1996: 77). Thus, rather than provide strong leadership that silences dissent,
organizations should use the polyphony they have available in their narratives.
‘Narratives’, as Mumby suggests, ‘provide members with accounts of the process of
organizing. Such accounts potentially legitimate dominant forms of organizational
reality, and lead to discursive closure in the sense of restricting the interpretations
and meanings that can be attached to organizational activity’ (1987: 113). Thus,
narratives are not only devices of sensemaking but also a ‘politically motivated
production of a certain way of perceiving the world’ (Mumby, 1987: 114). As we
have argued using the IBM example above, stories told can also have powerful
effects. Stories enact and reinforce a certain image of an organization that can
influence its members almost subliminally, beneath the threshold of their awareness.
Those narratives that provide the matrix for normal organizational talk, action, and
decision-making can, therefore, be productive or counterproductive, functional or
dysfunctional. If the images are monotonic, have been conceived remotely, and
imposed downwards onto organization members, there is more probability of a
lesser sense of ownership, commitment, and responsibility, because few
opportunities for participating in sensemaking or sharing have been created. By
contrast, seeking to manage organizations polyphonically means engaging in
different stories that are communicated through different channels with different
means at the same time. Doing so, we reduce the risk of groupthink and increase our
ability to think creatively.


Organizational communication is absolutely central to managing. It ranges across many approaches to

analysis, as we have seen. Key theories come from the areas of organizational behaviour and discourse
theory. Whereas the former focus on shared meanings and interpretations, the latter focuses on the
constitution of reality through communication.
We have discussed different levels of communication including interpersonal communication (direct
communication between you and your friend in a pub); impersonal communication (between you and a
call centre operative); small-group communication (within a team); and finally mass communication
(e.g. an Apple ad in a magazine that tells you about the latest product).
It is important to keep different levels of communication separate because they all follow different
rules. What works well in mass communication would not go down well when you apply it to your
discussion with a friend in a pub. In order to communicate effectively you have to differentiate between
the audiences of communication: you can communicate within an organization, with another
organization, or with other stakeholders such as media, a local community group, or labour unions.
The chapter has taken you through organizational behaviour, communication theory, and marketing,
helping you to grasp fully the significance of communication. Although you will hear more about these
concepts in other courses it is important to see how they relate to communication in organizations.
Schultz and Hatch’s concept of the expressive organization provides a synthesis of these strands of
research, which is an important development for understanding the way that contemporary
organizations are developing into largely communicative entities that subcontract almost everything
other than control over the brand. It is this path that major corporate organizations such as Nike and
Zara follow.
Managing communication means managing with power. We will also encounter this issue in Chapter
13 when we discuss Gouldner’s analysis of vicious circles. In the context of managing communication,
the positive aspects of power are particularly evident. Communication, involving speaking, listening,
and meaning making from and across many different identities, necessarily involves polyphony.
Managing polyphony requires rethinking of monotonic meaning, singular cultures, and one-way
communication organized in a top-down authoritative model.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you:

1 Polyphony
Expressive organization
Public relations

2 What are the main approaches to communication theory?

3 How do organizations communicate through marketing and branding?
4 What, in the context of management and communication, are vicious circles and how do they happen?
5 What are the main media for organizational communication?
6 What needs to be aligned in an expressive organization?
7 How do words socially construct organization realities?
8 What is the power of silence in the IBM story?
9 How would you manage in a polyphonic organization?


1. It is probably just as well that you be familiar with some of the popular accounts of the importance of
organizational communication – as they have been so influential – and none has been more influential
than Carnegie’s (1944) How to Win Friends and Influence People.
2. A classic text for understanding the mass media of communication is McLuhan’s (1964) Understanding
Media. It would be interesting to take his ideas about what constitutes ‘hot’ and ‘cool’ media and apply
them to some of the media that have developed since he wrote.
3. In terms of critical perspectives on communication, including the nature of organizational
communication as gendered discourse, the volume edited by Corman and Poole (2000) called
Perspectives on Organizational Communication: Finding Common Ground is a useful, if advanced,
4. The most innovative contribution in this area in recent years is The Expressive Organization: Linking
Identity, Reputation and the Corporate Brand, edited by Schultz et al. (2000).
5. The classic film about organizational communication is the superb early Francis Ford Coppola film The
Conversation (1974). The context of The Conversation was Watergate and the fascination with the
Nixon tapes and Nixon’s surveillance tactics on his colleagues as well as his enemies. We see it as an
organizational allegory on the centrality and difficulty of really understanding communication when the
message is opaque, the intent mysterious, and the effects can be deadly. It is also an allegory on how we
can use communication strategies to conceal rather than reveal.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #14 by James Barker on Managing communication.
3. Check out if you want to find out more about the world of ad agencies and
brand experts.
4. To see the world of glamorous advertisement and some outstanding ads see the home page of the
International Advertisement Festival in Cannes:
5. For a critical perspective on multinational brands see
6. To find out more about the trouble a global brand – Nike – has to deal with, see the radical site
7. Another entertaining (though radical) site that celebrates the rejection of global brands and advertising is
8. A more moderate view on the world of advertisement can be found at
9. Powered by global branding expert Interbrand, this weekly online magazine gives you valuable insights
into the world of branding:
10. Check out Richard Branson’s Ted Talk on The godfather of branding provides
interesting insights into management, leadership, and the art of turning oneself into a mega-brand.

Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. Gioia, D. A. (2006) ‘On Weick: an appreciation’, Organization Studies, 27 (11): 1709–1721, which is a
good introduction to and appreciation of Weick’s work.
2. Barry, D., Carroll, B. and Hansen, H. (2006) ‘To text or context? Endotextual, exotextual, and multi-
textual approaches to narrative and discursive organizational studies’, Organization Studies, 27 (8):
1091–1110, a sophisticated textual analysis of narrative.
3. Maguire, S. and Hardy, C. (2006) ‘The emergence of new global institutions: a discursive perspective’,
Organization Studies, 27 (1): 7–29, as their title suggests, takes a discursive look at how a new
discourse shapes the emergence of new global regulatory institutions, specifically the roles played by
actors and the texts they author during the institution-building process of the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
4. Gazi, I. and Zyphur, M. (2007) ‘Ways of interacting: the standardization of communication in medical
training’, Human Relations, 60 (5): 769–972, draws on Weberian, Habermasian, and Foucauldian
perspectives to explain the ways that occupational rationalities are embodied in doctor–patient
encounters, and how these rationalities structure and are structured by occupational conceptions of
medical clients.
5. Kärreman, D. and Rylander, A. (2008) ‘Managing meaning through branding – the case of a consulting
firm’, Organization Studies, 29 (1): 103–125. The authors provide an illustrative case study of a
consulting firm and how it uses the tools of branding to manage the symbolic dimension of work. Their
focus on internal branding illustrates that branding is not only a marketing practice but also a question
of leadership and organization.



Data is an ICT communication agency. Data started out developing tailor-made applications based on
inspiration from artificial intelligence computing. Within ten years Data grew from a small core of 12
developers to more than 130 employees. As the company grew, the projects it performed got bigger and
its services slightly more product oriented. With a continuously growing portfolio of projects, and
continuously growing size of these projects, Data needed to enhance project management skills in the
organization. These skills included formal project management procedures, such as budgeting and
contract negotiation, as well as softer skills, such as management of client expectations, team
motivation, and so on. A wide range of project management skills proved hard to nail down. These
skills were typically tacit practices lacking clear-cut definitions, involving emotions and people skills,
and drawing on collages composed from a wide range of experiences. Communicating these skills, the
experiences of the employees and managers, across the time and space barriers that project work placed
on them, became a central issue.
One of the tools developed for this cause was Scheherazade’s Divan. According to the ancient
Persian tale, Scheherazade is the story-teller in the 1001 Arabian Nights. Each night for 1001 days she
tells the King of Persia a story, and his waiting for the next story is what keeps her alive. Like
Scheherazade, Data figured that it needed stories to stay alive, or at least to keep on growing, thus it
created Scheherazade’s Divan. Scheherazade’s Divan is a virtual story mediator, designed as computer
software that presents stories. It presents a large sample, all of them created by employees and managers
in Data. These stories are comprised of different formats, such as text, cartoons, movie cuts, sound files,
and so on. All employees in Data can contribute stories, and there are no predefined notions of style or
content. In other words, Scheherazade’s Divan is an attempt to articulate and capture some of the
informal practices in the organization, nourish them, and spread them throughout the organization.
One day a programmer chose to videotape himself telling a story from a project he had just entered.
The project was fairly large, the customer had recently criticized the mid-project deliveries, and there
had been internal friction concerning the staffing of the project. In the video the programmer criticizes
the project, identifies project members, describes the contribution of some of them quite harshly, and
portrays himself as a knight in shining armour, saving the project. As he does this, he sits, laid back, by
his computer, with an ironically twisted grin on his face. Less than two hours after the videotape was
presented on Scheherazade’s Divan, the management team removed it. Within minutes the whole
organization knew not only that the story had been withdrawn but also that it was there in the first place.
The whole organization was in a buzz; some resented the idea of censorship, some thought that the
story as it was told should not have been presented in that way, and others again thought that it was
correct that the story as they thought it occurred should be told.


1. The creation of Scheherazade’s Divan can be explained as an authorizing of employees’ knowledge and
voices. Discuss the pros and cons of enabling, and authorizing, informal communication in a public
2. Censorship of communication is found in any workplace. Discuss the different formal and informal
forms that it might take.
3. Communication such as Scheherazade’s Divan was intended only for internal dissemination: is it
realistic to think that what is designed for inside stays inside?

Case prepared by Kjersti Bjørkeng, KUNNE, SINTEF, Norway.

1 According to Genesis 11 the Tower of Babel was a tower built to reach the
heavens by a united humanity to reach their God. God, observing the arrogance
of humanity in the construction, resolves to confuse them to prevent any further
attempts. He does this by making the previously uniform language of humanity
one of multiple languages, immutable each to the other, thereby preventing any
such future efforts. The story is an origin-myth about the multiplicity of
Communities, Collaboration, Boundaries

This chapter will enable you to:

Explain the basic theories of knowledge management and learning

Understand the importance of these theories for organizations
Examine the benefits and shortcomings of these approaches
Understand the challenge that learning and managing knowledge poses for
Identify organizational practices that encourage learning


Francis Bacon said in 1597 that ‘knowledge is power’; we think that ‘knowledge is good, but critique is

In 1988, Arie de Geus, Senior Manager at Royal Dutch/Shell, wrote a paper in which
he stated ‘the only competitive advantage the company of the future will have is its
managers’ ability to learn faster than their competitors’ (1988: 74). Since then,
knowledge, knowledge management, and organizational learning have become
buzzwords of our age. Not only should students and adults learn, but whole
organizations and even societies are supposed to learn constantly. Lifelong learning
seems to be the most valuable asset in an age in which information is everything and
knowledge is the key to success. According to management guru Peter Senge, the
distinctive feature of successful companies is their ability to learn (Senge, 1990).
Companies such as General Electric, Coca-Cola, and Shell use learning concepts in
their organization and claim that they are the key to success. In short, knowledge
seems to be the most important strategic asset of organizations.

Knowledge: That which is a part of the stock of ideas, meanings, and more or less explicit understandings and explanations of how phenomena of interest actually work or are structured or designed and relate to
other phenomena: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education.

Knowledge management is the process of managing knowledge to meet existing and future needs. Put simply, knowledge management is all about know-how and know-why.

Organizational learning: Argyris (1960) defines organizational learning as the process of detection and correction of errors. In many respects, organizational learning is similar to individual learning. The idea is
that organizations learn when the knowledge that their members have is explicitly known and codified by the organization. Organizations should seek to make as much of what their members do as explicit as
possible. If members leave, the explicit knowledge that they developed in their jobs should stay.

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and capabilities in addition to those already known. Usually thought of as something that individuals do, it is often associated with specific institutions, such as a
school or a university. However, recently there has been a shift of emphasis to informal and work-based learning that occurs outside these specific institutional areas and in employing organizations.

The concepts of learning and knowledge management have many parents, as

Easterby-Smith (1997) pointed out. Two distinct streams – one from psychology and
one from more technical approaches to management information – come together in
this literature. The older tradition of information management emerged from library
studies because, once upon a time, if you sought knowledge, it could most readily be
found in books and libraries.
What previously was scarce and zealously guarded is now freely available.
Knowledge in the modern world is everywhere; it is no longer under strict control by
monastic authorities. Books are just one medium used to process and store technical
information; information processing now includes databases and, of course, the
Internet. There are many places where we can acquire and learn different approaches
to knowledge. Today, you are more likely to find out what you need to know from a
laptop than a book.
When one investigates the ways in which management researchers have addressed
knowledge, some distinctly different approaches are discernible. Psychologically
oriented researchers have focused on different learning styles: how knowledge is
acquired, how people learn, and how knowledge is transferred. Sociologists have
looked at learning from the more general perspective of social structures and
interaction, emphasizing the influence of power, politics, and ideologies. From the
1980s, with the rise of a cultural perspective on management, the importance of
norms, values, and rituals is more obvious.
However, knowledge really sprang into prominence when change management
became linked with organizational learning. In particular, Peter Senge’s bestseller,
The Fifth Discipline (1990), made knowledge a hot topic. We live in a knowledge
society, in which information is paradoxically both the most valuable resource and
one that constantly overloads us to such an extent that we neglect its richness and
depth. In such a world, the management of this knowledge and its development (i.e.
learning) becomes one of the most important concepts in management practice.
Hence, almost every major consultancy has a knowledge management practice these
days, in which it seeks to exploit present knowledge to develop opportunities for
further knowledge. We investigate, first, where know-how might come from, and
then we consider the types of knowledge that might be the sources of know-how.


Knowledge management and organizational learning
Most management theorists differentiate between knowledge management and organizational learning.
For us, knowledge and learning are closely interlinked concepts, or two sides of the same coin. On the
one side, knowledge management focuses on the actual creation, dissemination, and transformation of
knowledge; on the other, learning involves change in the existing state of knowledge. Thus, we argue
that knowledge management focuses on the existing resources within an organization, and learning
focuses on the dynamic development of these resources.


Sources of knowledge

Knowledge can take many different forms and can derive from many sources:
figures, information, written instructions, stories, rumours, gossip, beliefs, and so
on. Think about where people at work – in particular, decision-makers – get their
knowledge. In the modern world, much of what people know comes from formal
bodies of knowledge, especially science. Universities educate tomorrow’s managers
and, through imparting information about management research, these educational
institutions seek to provide knowledge about how current issues might be resolved.
Of course, universities are not the sole providers of knowledge. Fulop and Rifkin
(1999) argue that the following three particularly influential sources of knowledge
are far more important than scientific treatises and management textbooks:

Learning by doing: The complexity and variety of managerial tasks make it

hard to formalize what managers do when they manage. Thus, to obtain most of
their knowledge, they learn when they are actually in the middle of managing.
Common sense, reflection, and informal conversations with their colleagues tell
them how to react and what to do in certain situations. Such action-oriented
behaviour is not always the best, however. Consider how often things get
broken when you learn while you do, compared with an approach where you
think before you do, and then learn. The classic example of the difficulties of
learning while doing is the story of the Apollo 13 space mission, which
introduced the phrase ‘Houston, we have a problem’ to the wider world. Here
the mission, seemingly routine, was underway, when the crew and ground-based
flight command had to learn and improvise their way from disaster to triumph.
Hearing stories: Managers learn what their job is all about through stories that
are told in the organization. Stories are good formats because they relate the
core of an experience (and take the freedom to embellish it a little to make it
more interesting). Accounts of how a tricky problem was solved, an important
deadline was met, or a disobedient employee was disciplined, communicate the
message of how things are done in the organization. Regardless of whether
these stories are true or not, they form a template for managers’ own
experiences and help them make narrative sense of messy situations.
Being exposed to popular accounts: Fulop and Rifkin (1999) refer to stories that
are printed and communicated through management seminars as exemplary
cases drawn from a great organization culture. These accounts often tell how
great CEOs managed to turn around large organizations and how their practices
can be applied by almost everybody, everywhere, anytime. These popular
accounts, sometimes communicated through the quality popular business press
(such as the Harvard Business Review) as well as the general media, provide a
clear focus on how to do things, summarizing them in case studies. Equipped
with the success story of how other managers developed outstanding practice
and gained standing ovations, it is intended that manager readers will be


You will already have a certain image of what managing means and what managers do when they
manage an organization. Where does your knowledge about organizations and management come
from? Is it based on your own experience when you were working? Is it fuelled by stories from your
friends or relatives? Or does it derive from books about Richard Branson or TV shows such as The
Apprentice with Donald Trump or Lord Alan Sugar or The Office? Jot down your ideas below.

Ask your friends (who are not doing a management subject) what they think managing involves and
what organizations do. Why do they think what they do? What is the main source of their ideas?

Types of knowledge

Ironically, what we know about the concept of knowledge itself is actually limited.
Polanyi (1962; 1983) came up with a distinction that still dominates the debate. His
basic idea was that we know more than we can tell. At first this may sound
paradoxical, but think of the example of riding a bicycle: you might be able to do it,
but you cannot describe this complex process in all its aspects and facets. Another
example would be the rules of grammar: you must use them to communicate clearly,
but you probably could not spell out all the rules that you were using at any
particular time. Thus, Polanyi differentiated between two types of knowledge: tacit
knowledge and explicit knowledge.

Tacit knowledge is the knowledge you actually use when you do things but you cannot necessarily articulate it. An example is the knowledge required to ride a bike.

Explicit knowledge is the knowledge you can consciously talk about and reflect on, usually elaborated and recorded in such a way that others can easily learn it.

Nonaka (1991) and his colleague Takeuchi (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) adapted
the notion of tacit knowledge for management practice. For Nonaka and Takeuchi,
explicit knowledge is the formalized, accessible knowledge that can be consciously
thought, communicated, and shared. Tacit knowledge, on the other hand, consists of
personal beliefs, values, and perspectives that individuals take for granted; they are
not easily accessible and thus are hard to communicate. Tacit knowledge is a
personal cognitive map that helps you navigate – consciously or not – through
routines, practices, and processes. Organizationally, it enables you to fill in the gaps
between what is formally stipulated and what you actually do.
Nonaka (1991) differentiates between four basic patterns of knowledge creation,
as shown in Figure 9.1. Looking at the fourfold table that he creates, we can see that,
as the grid suggests, there are four major movements during which knowledge is


The difference between tacit and explicit knowledge
The difference between the two types of knowledge is easy to understand when you look at artificial
intelligence programs. For example, the information needed to play chess is highly explicit knowledge
that you can program into a computer; indeed, the computer can calculate faster than a human brain
what would be the best move in any given situation. On the other hand, if you instruct a computer to
make small talk, it cannot do so; the rules for what you are supposed to say, when you are supposed to
laugh (even if it is just to be kind), or when something is meant to be ironic, cynical, or offensive are
deeply embedded social behaviours that are almost impossible to turn into explicit knowledge. If you
ask a friend why they behaved in a certain way during a conversation, and the friend says, ‘Well,
simply because that is what you do’, then you know that your friend is referring to tacit, not explicit,

FIGURE 9.1 Nonaka’s tacit and explicit knowledge dimensions

Socialization (the move from tacit to tacit): People learn codes of conduct and
rules of behaviour implicitly from other people without ever thinking about
their meaning. Think of how you have learnt basic behavioural patterns: rarely
you will have acquired them through reading a book and reflecting on them.
Rather, you probably absorbed them through mimicking how others behave.
Hence, your knowledge guides your actions but you have little awareness why
and how it does so. Often we become aware of our own set ways of thinking and
doing things when we visit other cultures: suddenly even the simplest things
that we take for granted are done differently; when we ask why this is the case,
more often than not the answer will be a shrug with the shoulders rather than an
explicit explanation. A good example is rules of behaviour in traffic: while the
explicit traffic regulations in Ho Chi Min and Hamburg are rather similar, the
tacit knowledge you need to master traffic could not be more different.
Combination (the move from explicit to explicit): People combine ideas they are
already well aware of. You tell me the latest news in microbiology, and I tell
you what is happening in microphysics. One organization allies with another
and knowledges are combined (Badaracco, 1991). Such a combination can be
decisive; when Sony collaborated with Apple, they produced much more
elegant microcomputers than Apple could have achieved on its own. Similarly,
Sony learned a great deal from Apple, which led to the production of Sony’s
own array of portable computers, such as the VAIO. Open source platforms
such as formulate problem briefs and seek solutions
from outsiders who receive a reward if they manage to solve the problem. Such
collaboration is based on knowledge sharing rather than the creation of new
knowledge within an organization (see also Chapter 8).
Internalization (the move from explicit to tacit): Things that you learned once
become a pattern in your repertoire; you begin to take them for granted, and
you forget that you learned them in the first place. If you start working in a new
job in a different country, you might at first wonder why things are done the
way they are done, but after a while you accept them as a social fact of that
society. Therefore newcomers are often a valuable source of insights as they
have not (yet) become accustomed to the culture of an organization; they might
be able to see things that could be done differently.
Articulation (the move from tacit to explicit): Through articulating and sharing
within the organization, new knowledge becomes accessible and part of official
processes. For instance, the US-based product design firm IDEO developed a
sophisticated research methodology that it uses to discover customer needs.
One technique is simply asking the question ‘Why?’ several times until
customers can articulate the real reason why they want to buy a certain product.
For instance, you might say that you want an iPod because you like listening to
music. Asked why you like listening to music you might say, ‘Because I like
music’; again, when asked ‘Why?’ you might answer, ‘Because all my friends
listen to music’ – which reveals that iPods are as much a symbol of being part
of a community as they are devices to play music.

In the last decade, management theorists have increasingly suggested that tacit
knowledge contributes significantly to innovation processes (see also pp. 372–373).
Thus, it is very important for management to attempt to organize and manage tacit
knowledge, and try to transform elements of tacit knowledge into organizationally
explicit knowledge – an idea that marks the birth of the concept of knowledge
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Boris Ewenstein and Jennifer Whyte (2007) if you want to find a new take on different
types of knowledge.

No wonder management tries to dip into the pot of tacit knowledge; whereas
explicit knowledge encompasses all you can talk about, tacit knowledge is a much
deeper and richer source, and knowledge management is the instrument that is
supposed to allow managers to savour this rich stew. Developing this resource and
aligning it effectively with change became the domain of what is known as
organizational learning.

Organizational learning

Obviously, talking about learning touches on a rather broad field: for example, you
can learn to drive a car, you can learn a mathematical formula by heart, you can
learn how to play the drums, and so on. Each of these processes requires different
skills, timing, and involvement. Although learning something by heart goes rather
quickly (and is in fact forgotten quickly because it involves repetition and lodges in
short-term memory), learning to play an instrument can take years and requires that
you have talent (an inherent potential which you either have or do not). Learning to
drive a car is an entirely different kind of process from the others; it involves not
only cognitive but also complex bodily skills. To be a good driver, your feet must
touch the clutch and accelerator, your hands must act according to what you see and
the information you are processing (about the road conditions, traffic, and so on),
and you must factor in your experience of similar situations. Organizations
accomplish far more complex processes than driving a car. How do they learn to fly
to the moon (as the NASA did), organize peace-keeping missions (as the UN does)
or coordinate the activities of several 100,000 employees (such as German industrial
giant Siemens, which employs 400,000 people globally).

Organizational learning: Argyris (1960) defines organizational learning as the process of detection and correction of errors. In many respects, organizational learning is similar to individual learning. The idea is
that organizations learn when the knowledge that their members have is explicitly known and codified by the organization.

Let us start with a simple question: what is organizational learning? In the past,
managers valued only what was explicit, codified, and routine, but gradually
throughout the systematic development of management they began to realize that
organizational learning – similar to the skills mentioned in the previous paragraph –
involves far more than meets the eye. Whereas Taylor (1967 [1911]) sought to
establish the one best way to do things as management’s way, elsewhere, especially
in Japan, the emphasis shifted to one of continuous improvement (Kono and Clegg,
1998). The premise was that it was not only managers who should know what was
happening – other members of the organization might also know and might even be
able to think of better ways of doing things. The organization could learn from the
tacit knowledge, shortcuts, experience, and improvements introduced by its
members. If all of these were captured and implemented then they could be a
powerful source of competitive advantage. That management might not, a priori,
know best was a significant retreat from the position of scientific management.
Taylor’s scientific management in 1911 was basically an attempt to find out what
workers were actually doing so that it could be codified. Before Taylor, managers set
the agenda and the objectives of what was to be done, but they did not know how
workers actually achieved what they did. Taylor wanted to change this situation; the
lack of knowledge on management’s side made it hard for managers to tell
realistically how much time workers should take to do a certain task. Moreover,
when problems suddenly occurred, management could not react because it lacked the
know-how of workers. Taylor set out to change this state of affairs, trying to get the
knowledge out of the workers’ heads and into management’s prescriptions to make it
an accessible and objective phenomenon for managerial control. Taylor was
convinced that knowledge was power and managers should own it; more
contemporary managers, exposed to the philosophies of continuous improvement
and quality management, might agree with the sentiment but not have the same
expectation of monopoly rights. Knowledge is generated anywhere in the
organization: often, the hierarchy of power is the exact reverse image of the
hierarchy of ideas. Employees that meet customers on a daily basis and learn about
their feedback often know more about potential new innovations than management
which spends time in internal meetings and planning processes.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Emmanuelle Vaast (2007) if you are interested in exploring the relations between power,
bureaucracy, and knowledge.

Can organizations learn? Although you might agree that learning is an important
concept for individuals and even for classes, can entire organizations learn? Is it
only the members who learn how to do things? How do organizations learn? Think
of old and established organizations, such as the Catholic Church. Its liturgy has
changed entirely over the centuries, but the organization goes on, seemingly forever.
In the Church as well as in secular organizations, what persists are the routines,
practices, and stories that embody and enact the organization’s individual character.
The specific character of an organization is formed through its routines, processes,
practices, and stories – put simply, those cultural facets – that constitute where
organizational knowledge is ‘stored’. To change organization culture – the store of
knowledge – organizations must both relinquish old habits and learn new ways (see
also Chapter 6).

Knowledge as a barrier to learning The biggest enemy of learning (besides the

usual suspects, such as lack of interest) is, ironically, knowledge itself. Whenever
we assume that we know something, this implies that we can stop learning about it.
In fact, often we think that when we know, we do not have to learn any more. We
know how to ride that bike, drive that car, or chant that liturgy.


How do organizations learn?
There is a simple way of imaging how organizations learn. Think of your university: there is a certain
way students have to enrol: courses are described online and in brochures; electives and majors are
communicated through the website; assessments consist of multiple choice tests, group work, essays,
etc. The point is that universities have established this way of doing things over centuries. If your
lecturer leaves, the university will continue to do the same thing. In fact, after about 30 years the entire
staff of your university will either be retired or work elsewhere. Still the university will work with the
same processes and routines that are now played out by other staff. In this perspective it matters very
little what individuals learn; organizations have their own way of doing things that has grown
historically. In order to change this way of doing things it is not enough to educate employees; rather,
practices have to be changed and turned into new routines. If this happens, we speak of organizational

The problem is that we do not know how to know otherwise. Starbuck (1983)
offers a good example: Facit, the assumed name of an organization in the 1960s that
produced better mechanical calculators at lower costs than any other company in the
world, failed exactly because it thought it knew what to do:

The engineers within Facit itself concentrated on technologies having clear

relevance for mechanical calculators, and Facit understood these technologies
well. Top, middle and lower managers agreed about how a mechanical-
calculator factory should look and operate, what mechanical-calculator
customers wanted, what was key to success, and what was unimportant or silly
… No resources were wasted gathering irrelevant information or analyzing
tangential issues. Costs were low, service fast, glitches rare, understanding
high, expertise great! … Relying on the company’s information-gathering
programs, the top managers surmised that Facit’s mechanical-calculator
customers would switch to electronics very slowly because they liked
mechanical calculators. Of course, Facit had no programs for gathering
information from people who were buying electronic calculators. (Starbuck,
1983: 92)

Facit’s problem was exactly that it already knew a lot, which made learning more
seem like a waste of time. However, after the market and technology had changed, it
was already too late to learn the lessons that the competition had learned already.
Facit failed because it knew too much about what it did and had insufficient
knowledge about competitors, technologies, and customers.

Learning as adaptation

Levitt and March (1988) as well as Argyris and Schön (1978) tackled the kinds of
problems that led to Facit’s failure when they thought about how organizations can
learn and change. Their theories still provide the template for most accounts of
organizational learning, so we explore them in detail. Levitt and March (1988)
understand learning as a process of adapting to the environment that an organization
is dealing with. Organizations turn past experiences into routines and learn in this
way. Learning is played out as adaptation to environmental changes; think of new
technologies that force organizations to explore the new opportunities they make
possible. Speaking generally, such learning processes increase an organization’s
competence and thus are beneficial. However, Levitt and March identified what they
call the ‘competency trap’. It occurs when an organization does something well and
learns more about it until it becomes such an expert organization that it does not see
the limits of its achievements. It cannot change in response to the changes in its
environment because it has become so focused on doing things its way, even when it
becomes evident that the old routines are no longer working.


Imagine you are a CD manufacturer, a book publisher, or a video rental business. What lessons would
you learn from the story of Facit? What new knowledge will be critical for the future of these
businesses? And what old knowledge should you forget in order to manage future challenges?

The example of the failure of Facit makes the point. Although Facit learned to
build the best calculators in the world, it failed because it relied on its competencies.
Its competencies made it blind to what it did not know. What it did not know was
that electronic innovations were outflanking the knowledge basis of what it was that
they knew so well. In common parlance, they were about to expire, and the future
would consign their technology to the junkyard. It was this phenomenon that Argyris
and Schön (1978) tackled from an inter-organizational perspective when they
distinguished between single-and double-loop learning – which sounds a bit knotty
but is not difficult to grasp.

Single-and double-loop learning

Argyris and Schön (1978) were among the first researchers to focus on the
phenomenon of organizational learning. In contrast to Levitt and March (1988), they
researched organizationally internal preconditions and implications of learning
processes. To understand ways of learning, they differentiated between two types of
learning: single-loop learning and double-loop learning (or learning I and II).

Single-loop learning means optimizing skills, refining abilities, and acquiring knowledge necessary to achieve resolution of a problem that requires solving.

Double-loop learning means changing the frame of reference that normally guides behaviour.

If you attend a training seminar where you learn to use PowerPoint and related
programs, you will obviously learn something (even if you only learn that you do not
want to learn how to use PowerPoint!) Such learning happens within a given frame
of reference: the parameters are given and clearly defined, and the learning
experience focuses on how to optimize (or maximize or increase) your capacity
within this frame. This is an example of single-loop learning.
Double-loop learning is not the acquisition of knowledge that you need to
accomplish a given task; rather, it involves rethinking the task and considering
whether its accomplishment is beneficial or not. Managers in a weekend seminar
discussion of the company’s mission and core values are engaged in double-loop
learning processes when they redefine the market for their products or the products
To put this distinction metaphorically, single-loop learning involves learning the
competencies necessary to play a certain game successfully, whereas double-loop
learning requires thinking and learning about what is the most valuable game to
play. Single-loop learning concerns acting according to the rules of a certain game;
in contrast, double-loop learning involves learning what the actual rules of the game
are and how they could be changed to make another game. Single-loop learning
focuses on optimizing problem-solving behaviour in a given context, whereas
double-loop learning challenges the core assumptions, beliefs, and values that frame
the context. In the words of Argyris and Schön:

When the error detected and corrected permits the organization to carry on its
present policies or achieve its present objectives, then that error-and-correction
process is single-loop learning. Single-loop learning is like a thermostat that
learns when it is too hot or too cold and turns the heat on or off. The thermostat
can perform this task because it can receive information (the temperature of the
room) and take corrective action. Double-loop learning occurs when error is
detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification of an
organization’s underlying norms, policies and objectives. (Argyris and Schön,
1978: 2)

For organizations, these distinctions have important implications. Whereas single-

loop learning is important to improve performance incrementally, double-loop
learning questions the business an organization is in, its culture, and its strategic
vision. Double-loop learning represents an ability to reflect on the single-loop
learning processes and to understand when fundamental change is required.
IMAGE 9.1 Nike Air Force 1 Low White/Red. Nike learnt that customers wanted classic shoes as worn by
sports heroes, even if they were overengineered for everyday use. The Nike Air is such a classic.
Learning at Nike
To make these concepts more concrete, think of the example of Nike. When Nike learned how to
produce shoes more cheaply through outsourcing to Asia or learned to improve the quality of its shoes
by engaging athletes in their design, it was engaged in a single-loop learning process. But when Nike,
thinking that its shoes were completely overengineered for everyday use, stripped the design out of
them, it began a process of double-loop learning. The result of Nike’s action was that customers no
longer wanted to buy the shoes because they no longer embodied the Nike spirit. Customers wanted to
wear the shoes their idols wore. In facing and resolving this challenge, Nike was engaged in a double-
loop learning process. In such a situation, Nike had to find out which business it was in, what its
mission was, and what its core value proposition was. Learning that normal customers loved
overengineered sports shoes because such shoes communicated something that customers could not get
anywhere else, fundamentally changed Nike’s understanding of its identity and how the company
should do and be what its identity entailed (Hatch and Schultz, 2001). Put simply, to improve how you
do things you engage in single-loop learning. In order to question what you do and change it more
fundamentally you will have to engage in double-loop learning.

Single-loop learning is fine as long as everything stays in place so that what you
are doing has a market and customers keep returning. But it is risky. It only needs
some innovation elsewhere – through double-loop learning – and your customers
might vanish and the market disappear. Your organization, if it is not double-loop
learning, could soon be in trouble.

Learning through exploitation and exploration

March (2002) writes about the exploitation of knowledge and knowledge

exploration. The exploitation of knowledge focuses on repetition, precision,
discipline, and control of existing capabilities. The hallmark is process
improvement, deepening and refining existing knowledge about ways of doing
things, which is risk averse and measurement oriented; it seeks measurable
improvement in performance as a result of systematically identifiable causal factors.
Exploitation is aided by strongly legitimated and uncontested organization cultures
where people know and perform in highly institutionalized appropriate ways.

The exploitation of knowledge occurs through routinization, standardization, and formalization of what is already known and done: doing it more cheaply, quickly, efficiently.

Knowledge exploration involves serendipity, accident, randomness, chance, and risk-taking, not knowing what one will find.

March contrasts knowledge exploitation with knowledge exploration. Knowledge

exploration requires more relaxed attitudes to controls and institutional norms.
Evolving and adaptive organizations need to be able to exploit and explore
simultaneously. If they are only good at exploitation, they will tend to become better
and better in increasingly obsolescent ways of doing things; they will find
themselves outflanked. And if they are only specialists in star trekking, in
exploration, they are unlikely to realize the advantages of their discoveries, as they
lack the exploitative capacities to be able to do so. Organizations have to learn to
balance search and action, variation and selection, and change and stability (March,
2002: 271). Organizations will most often attempt risky exploratory behaviour when
they are failing to meet targets rather than when they are achieving them; however,
risks are best taken when there is sufficient slack or surplus resources that the
organization can afford to risk different ways of doing things.


The success trap
Paradoxically, success can breed failure. The phenomenon has been described as the success trap. It
arises from being too good at exploitation. Imagine an organization that keeps on repeating actions that
mimic what was successful previously, and consequently develops highly specific capabilities that new
ideas do not match in action, thus encouraging aversion to exploration. A good example would be
General Motors, Chrysler, or Ford, the giants of the US auto industry. They developed tremendous
know-how in building big cars that US consumers liked – before petrol prices soared, and consumers
developed a sense of environmental responsibility. Asian car manufacturers were quick to respond and
offered more suitable alternatives while the former US giants failed to explore new green technologies
and innovative car designs fit for the twenty-first century. Consequently, in 2009 General Motors,
formerly the biggest US company, had to file for bankruptcy. Or think of the story of the calculator
manufacturer Facit: it also became a victim of its own success. The moral of this story is that
organizations cannot rely only on their past experience and know-how: being in too deep a groove is
dangerous. Organizations need both exploration and exploitation, but not too much of either. But how
can we design them to achieve this?
In a series of papers, Michael L. Tuschman and Charles O’Reilly (2004; 2008) developed the idea of
the ambidextrous organization. Ambidextrous organizations create specialist subunits with unique
processes, structures, and cultures that are specifically intended to support early stage exploration within
the larger parent organization, which is focused on exploitation of existing knowledge. In other words,
the ambidextrous organization characterizes an entity that is capable of simultaneous exploring and
exploiting. By being ambidextrous, say Tuschman and O’Reilly, achieved through growing many small,
autonomous units instead of one monstrous organization, a firm can have it both ways: exploiting what
it knows while simultaneously exploring new knowledge.

In many respects it is least likely that risks will be taken at this time because the
grooves of success are already directing the organization. March offers a good
diagnosis of why efficient forms of exploitation are likely to continue to be
reproduced as the dominant organization form. A successful organization will
resource activities and promote people that contribute to that success; however, at
the same time tomorrow’s winning ideas might question past recipes for success and
hence implicitly undermine the organization’s hierarchy and culture. Where
innovation does occur, then it is likely to be rewarded only where its exploration
rapidly becomes exploited.
March states that ‘[i]maginations of possible organizations are justified by their
potential not for predicting the future (which is almost certainly small) but for
nurturing the uncritical commitment and persevering madness required for sustained
organizational and individual rigidity in a selective environment’ (2002: 275). Many
organizations must fail so that the few models of difference may survive ‘in a
system that sustains imaginative madness at the individual organizational level in
order to allow a larger system to choose among alternative insanities’ (March, 2002:
276). Empirical research thus far suggests that the majority of new organization
practices remain incorporated within traditional organizational forms, that
organizations may embrace new technologies and practices but do not necessarily
change their forms in consequence (Palmer and Dunford, 2001).


Research the dot-com boom that collapsed in 2001, using the web. Find businesses that focused on the
exploration of new ideas without paying attention to the exploitation.

To what extent did the development of these companies exemplify a system that sustained ‘imaginative
madness’ at the individual level and to what extent did it allow the larger system to choose among
‘alternative insanities’?

March (2002) thinks that the framework of increasingly rapid organizational change
will be more likely to create rapid incremental turnover in organization forms than
radical discontinuities. In an environment demanding greater flexibility and change
of organizations, these changes will tend to play out not just in individual
organizations but also in terms of the population of organizations. Some
organizations will be selected as efficient, adaptive, and legitimate, whereas others
will not survive because they do not match what the environment requires. He
foresees a future of short-term organizations that are effectively disposable. These
organizations will efficiently exploit what they know how to do until some other
organizations emerge to do this better. Then they will die. Adaptability will occur at
the population level rather than necessarily at the specific organizational level.
Overall, efficiency will be served, although specific organizations may not survive.
For March’s scenario to be realized, however, there has to be a pool of
organizations that are discontinuously exploring learning through active imagining.
Of course, without the pioneering of new forms and structures, there would be no
new and more efficient mutations of organization forms to succeed those that
already exist. Now, if March is right, what this probably means is a double-edged
movement: McDonaldization of the efficient but relatively disposable exploiters of
knowledge, with the exercise of imagination reserved for those organizations that
seek to explore new forms of knowledge. What is foreseen is a type of Blade Runner
scenario: highly innovative science-based knowledge organizations in gleaming
towers for the highly paid, skilled, and educated, on the one hand, and, on the other
hand, lots of street-level organizations that are exploitive and relatively
impoverished, providing a poor working environment.


Exploration and exploitation

If organizations cannot exploit what they know efficiently they wither and atrophy.
If organizations cannot explore so that they know how to do different things (double-loop learning) or
the same things differently (single-loop learning) they wither and atrophy.
Organizing successfully involves managing both exploration and exploitation.
Organizations must be balanced and structurally include exploitation and exploration in the form of the
ambidextrous organization, for example.
Too much of either pursued single-mindedly leads to atrophy.


In summary of the chapter so far, we can understand organizational learning as being
‘best applied to organizations which are able regularly to monitor and reflect on the
assumptions by which they operate, so that they can quickly learn about themselves
and their working environment, and change’ (Gabriel et al., 2000: 323). As we saw
with Levitt and March’s (1988) and Argyris and Schön’s (1978) analyses, learning is
about self-reflection, which triggers insights into organizational routines, beliefs,
and values. After these facets of an organization are understood, they are open to
being changed – theoretically. But how is such learning actually accomplished, and
what are the driving forces behind learning? In this section, we focus on two major
arenas that drive learning: communities of practice and collaborations. Whereas the
first concept focuses on learning within an organization, the second explores the
learning that occurs when organizations collaborate.

Learning in and through communities of practice

With his concept of a community of practice, Wenger (1998; 2002), a consultant

and researcher, understands learning as a process deeply embedded in what he calls a
‘social learning system’.

According to Etienne Wenger, a community of practice represents a social learning system that develops when people who have a common interest in a problem, collaborate to share ideas and find solutions.

Wenger argues that learning does not happen just in the individual mind,
departmental routines, or organizations; rather, learning is a process that occurs in
social learning systems. Consider your own experience as a student of management;
of course, learning takes place (we hope!) while you are reading the lines we have
written. But, equally important, you learn in the classroom when interacting with
colleagues and teachers. Perhaps you might talk to a friend who is working, or think
of the experiences you had in casual jobs you took during summer vacations, or
maybe you already have a job – these are the resources that you use to make sense of
what you hear. Or maybe you watch movies or read newspapers and link what you
see and read back to what you are learning in the higher education context. When
you speak to a friend who decided to study law instead of management, maybe you
try to explain why you enjoy studying management and why it is important.
Combined, it is all these interactions that make up what Wenger calls a ‘social
learning system’.
When such a system is established, it often blurs the boundaries of single
organizational contexts. It creates learning alliances (between a university and an
organization, perhaps), regional clusters (maybe a group of organizations in a high-
tech industry, such as in Silicon Valley), and global networks (think of all those
Linux users, unknown to each other, who, through cyberspace, are making the Linux
system evermore robust and challenging Microsoft). Learning often takes place
through the almost imperceptible networks that bind us together with others, both
inside and outside the organizations in which we work. Translucent and like a
spider’s web, the objective of networks is to capture knowledge.
For organizations, Wenger’s (1998; 2002) ideas have important implications;
learning does not occur in isolated activities such as training weekends or know-how
seminars offered every six months. Rather, it happens within the normal contexts
that span organizational boundaries and processes and that bring many different
activities together. As Wenger puts it, the interplay between the competence that an
individual’s institutional environment represents and an individual’s own experience
is what triggers learning.

Communities Wenger’s (1998; 2002) notion of communities of practice captures

the actions that take place in social learning systems. Regardless of whether you
look at a group of students who work together on a project, the R&D team of an
organization, or a street gang, they are all communities of practice because they are
the social building blocks of learning systems. It is within these communities that
we define what counts as competence, whether it involves designing a successful
project answer, developing breakthrough innovations, or solving a problem.
Take the example of a design firm: organizational members are dressed casually
and wearing a ‘cool’ T-shirt with interesting prints from foreign cultures is seen as
appropriate clothing. Ideas are developed in brainstorming sessions and by looking
at design work from artists and other creatives. The development of products such as
a new logo takes place through a playful trial and error process in which the
individual designer needs creativity, passion, and courage to develop something new
that will not only please the client but also other fellow designers. Now compare this
with a large accounting firm such as PricewaterhouseCoopers: organizational
members are dressed formally and values of professionalism are held in high
esteem. Rather than brainstorming ideas, solutions most often come from diligent
study of similar cases, scrutinizing of books, and decisions from the high court. A
good solution is one that not only respects the law but also saves the client money.
In the two cases, each community of practice defines what constitutes competencies:
in the case of the design firm it is creativity, thinking outside the box, and
experimentation; in the case of the accounting firm it is detailed legal knowledge,
sound understanding of the client’s business, and reliable advice that has to hold
(sometimes) all the way up the high court. According to Wenger (2002), different
competencies are defined by three elements.
IMAGE 9.2 Informal learning in progress
Sense of joint enterprise: Members need to understand and share what their
particular community is about and how they can contribute to their community.
Put simply, if you work for PricewaterhouseCoopers you need to understand the
core values or professionalism and respect the organizational model of the
partnership. If you work for a design firm, creativity and knowledge about
trends are key to becoming a successful employee.
Relationships of mutuality: Communities are built and sustained through
interaction between their members. Through interaction with each other, they
establish relationships of mutuality. To be a member, you must be trusted as a
member of this community. Put simply, if you are a member of the Mafia, or
want to pass for one, you have to be prepared to live outside the law that
everyone else follows. Diego Gambetta’s fascinating book Codes of the
Underworld: How Criminals Communicate (2009) provides some great
examples of how undercover police agents had to commit minor crimes in order
to be accepted by the members of the organizations they attempted to infiltrate.
Gambetta recounts that some criminal syndicates challenge potential new
members to commit a random murder – something an undercover police agent
clearly could never do. The movie Donnie Brasco with Johnny Depp tells the
story of an undercover agent who lives through the dilemmas of mutuality in
order to be accepted as part of the New York Mafia.
Shared repertoire : Over time, communities of practice produce a common
history. They establish a shared repertoire of stories, languages, artifacts,
routines, rituals, processes – put simply, a culture (see also pp. 216–221). Being
a member of a community means having access to this repertoire and the
knowledge of how to use it accordingly. Think of the scene in the movie
Gladiator (Scott, 2000) in which the character Maximus, played by Russell
Crowe, finally gains the acceptance of his peers by behaving, fighting, and
talking like a gladiator.

The social learning system encompasses many smaller communities of practice.

These communities, equipped with a sense of joint enterprise, relationships of
mutuality, and a shared repertoire, are the building blocks of learning. Obviously,
these building blocks are not good per se – just think of the shared repertoire of
stories that can often be organizationally quite scathing. Shared understanding and
trust is the basis for communicating about change; but, as we have seen –
theoretically, with Argyris and Schön (1978), and practically, with the example of
Facit – these shared assumptions can lead to homogeneity, blindness, and groupthink
(see also pp. 99–100).

Boundaries Communities of practice must interact with other communities, which

shifts the focus to the boundaries around communities. On one hand, boundaries are
important because they trigger the establishment of a community. However, on the
other hand, they need to be spanned and transgressed to facilitate the flow of
information. The boundaries around communities of practice are less clearly defined
than organizational boundaries. For instance, a community of practice can involve
not only parts of an organization but also an important supplier who works closely
with the organization.


A good example of close collaboration between an organization and its suppliers is the US-based
retailer Wal-Mart. Being the largest organization in the world with about 1.6 million employees and a
turnover of more than US$250 billion, Wal-Mart can make or break the business of its suppliers. If your
company produces toothpaste and Wal-Mart decides to stock it in its almost 4,000 stores you can be
almost 100 per cent certain that your sales will increase manifold. Wal-Mart will also help you to
develop and refine your product: through access to its massive database you can learn in which stores
customers buy your product, when they buy it, and what else they put in the shopping cart. Wal-Mart
will also help you to figure out the best way to package your product and how to deliver it to the Wal-
Mart supercentres from where products are delivered to the stores. Often, this collaboration becomes so
close that suppliers open up offices next to the Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. Procter
& Gamble for instance has several hundred employees working in Bentonville who liaise every day
with their largest customer and work on improving their collaboration.

Communities can evolve across organizational boundaries and can include non-
organizational members. Boundary-spanning activity is important because it offers
unique and rich learning opportunities. Being confronted with an outsider’s
perspective or challenged by someone with a different social and cultural
background can trigger new insights. The clash between what you take for granted
and what someone else might see in a different light can become the starting point of
an innovative and creative process (see also pp. 388–395).
Wenger (2002) argues that communities of practice can become hostage to their
own history, and an outsider or newcomer might challenge the repertoire that makes
them inert and reactive (see also p. 389). Managing the boundaries of interaction
between the communities of practice that form a social learning system is thus an
important managerial task. As Wenger (2002) suggests, there are three ways of
managing boundaries – through people, artifacts, and interaction:

People: People can act as brokers between communities of practice and span
their boundaries. Think of a woman who is a board member of an organization
and who also works as senior manager in another company. She lives in two
worlds simultaneously and can infuse one community of practice with
knowledge from the other. By doing so, she creates learning opportunities for
both. Of course, brokers run the danger of being marginalized, overlooked, and
becoming invisible in communities because they do not exclusively and fully
belong to only one community. Thus, managing their needs, expectations, and
experiences is an important task. Sometimes organizations explicitly seek such
members – for instance, when they want to have interlocking directors (people
who already hold a directorship in another company and can bring to bear their
experience from that firm and industry to a different type of organization).
Artifacts: Objects such as tools, documents, models, discourses, and processes
can act as boundary spanners as well. Think of a bar in which people from
different backgrounds meet and chat. In this case, a bar’s preferred beer brand,
the type of music it plays, or the sports it broadcasts can function as a broker
between different groups. As another example, some groups – such as surfies,
skaters, or homeboys – might be linked to each other through their preference
for specific clothes and fashion items. In this case, a common interest of all
three groups in Nike products – even though they might use them quite
differently – creates a potential bridge that could minimize the gaps between
Interaction: Interaction can be a direct boundary-spanning activity because it
exposes the beliefs and perspectives of one community to another. Think of an
exchange programme between your university and a university in another
country; through the exchange programme, you are exposed to another culture.
By comparing your own culture to the other one, you might learn new
perspectives and change established ideas. Organizationally, this interaction
happens between customers and sales staff; salespeople that form one
community of practice talk to the community of users about their products and
services, and complaints from customers are used to improve existing services
and products or even to develop completely new ideas.

In complex interdisciplinary project teams, such as the collaboration between

Swatch and Mercedes that resulted in the Smart Car, different communities of
practice combine and challenge the knowledge and competencies of the others.
When this is done well, it provides a rich learning opportunity for organizations,
given that they accept that they cannot fully own or control these processes. As
Wenger (2002) notes, organizations can participate in such opportunities, leverage
them, and learn. However, the precondition for such learning is the willingness to
open up the organizational boundaries and increase transparency. Hence trust
becomes an important ingredient in successful learning partnerships.

Learning in and through collaborations

Arguably, many companies are skeptical when it comes to working across

boundaries in collaborative relations. They are scared that their competitors could
gain access to their know-how and run off with the fruits of the valuable learning
they have acquired over the years. Growth is to be achieved through mergers and
acquisitions rather than through networking and collaborating.

Collaborative relations involve the process of sharing resources including ideas, know-how, technologies, and staff between two or more different organizations in order to create a solution to a given problem.


Alliances and collaboration
Negotiating alliances and collaboration have become new ways of growing and expanding. Take the
example of the airline industry. Instead of competing and pushing each other out of the market, there
are two major alliances: One World and Star Alliance. Through a clever network, the companies in each
alliance build on their respective strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses. Without each
airline having to fly to every destination in the world, the alliances are able to offer flights just about
everywhere through their networks. And through a smart reward system (frequent flyer points), they
retain customers within their network and create loyalty.

Collaborations can trigger knowledge creation and organizational learning when

organizations work closely together with suppliers, retailers, customers, universities,
or consultants. Or they might focus on collaboration internally among different
divisions, teams, and experts. The electronics company Philips and the sportswear
giant Nike, for instance, announced in March 2002 that they were collaborating (see
von Stamm, 2003: 164). The rationale behind the deal was simple. Nike is a world
leader in marketing, sports, innovation, and material technology, Philips is a leading
innovator in the field of ‘wearable electronics’ technologies and has considerable
knowledge about consumers and digital technology. Thus, their collaboration brings
together different expertise and should enable them to combine and transform their
knowledge into new products. It is important that both companies learn from each
other and, through broadening their knowledge base, trigger innovation and change
(see also pp. 379–386).
From a learning perspective, collaboration is an important means to access new
knowledge and transfer skills that an organization lacks. Moreover, facing the
challenge of creating more and more complex products, it is hard for any
organization to stay at the cutting edge in every single detail. Just think of the
automobile industry; almost every part of a new car is a complex mini-project in
itself, from the stereo system to the computer-controlled engine, the light aluminium
subframe, and even the tyres. Thus, car companies are forced to work closely with
their suppliers and, in collaboration, they learn from each other. Obviously, this is a
dangerous game because no one wants to give away too much information or divulge
secret knowledge that competitors could use. However, without trusting and sharing,
collaborations are hard to keep alive. As in every learning situation, collaboration
needs an open environment in which ideas can grow and spread.
Drawing on extensive research, Tidd et al. (2001) identified three major issues
that determine successful learning through collaboration. First, an organization must
have the intent to learn through collaboration. Instead of trying to steal its partner’s
assets, it needs to see the opportunity to learn mutually. Second, it requires
transparency. If cultural barriers block the flow of knowledge between companies, or
if one partner refuses openness, learning cannot take place. Also, if the knowledge is
more tacit than explicit, it will be harder for a partner organization to acquire it.
Finally, absorptiveness, referring to the capacity to actually learn, is important.
Learning often happens through a trial and error process in which mistakes and
failure provide the richest source of learning. However, normally, organizations do
not embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning but as mechanism to allocate
blame: usually a scapegoat needs to be found to blame when a failure occurs.
Management that sees in mistakes only the negative is likely to block organizational
learning processes because it excludes mistakes from its agenda and brands as
‘losers’ those people who make mistakes.
David Kelley, managing director of the product design firm IDEO, has identified
the blame-game as the biggest hurdle in the learning process. Therefore, at IDEO
employees are encouraged to make mistakes quickly and learn from them fast. As
the management guru Tom Peters (who admires IDEO for its innovativeness) has put
it, the only difference between successful and unsuccessful organizations is that the
successful ones make their mistakes more quickly.


The paradox of organizational learning


9/11 – what should we learn?
It is not always clear what we should learn from a certain experience. Although we share the same
experience, we might disagree completely on the consequences of the event. Take the terrorist attacks
on the USA on 11 September 2001. What happened is clear, but the learning that different people and
factions draw from this event could not vary more fundamentally. Should we fight state sponsored
terrorism and declare the ‘axis of evil’ as state enemy # 1 as George W. Bush did? Or should we
intervene in selected countries with the aim to install democracy and freedom? On the other hand,
attempts from the West to implement change might radicalize fundamentalists and increase their
popularity in Muslim countries. In other words, whereas some suggest fighting fire with fire, others
argue that doing so will simply lead to more of the same problems. The action of one party is the
occasion for reaction from the other party, and what one side identifies as cause is seen by the other as
effect. Thus, learning is based on the interpretation of a particular situation, and this is always contested

In mainstream texts on learning and knowledge management, learning is depicted as

a more or less straightforward process. Weick and Westley (1999) would not
necessarily agree with this dominant view; rather, they challenge the concept of
organizational learning in its fundamentals, arguing that the term organizational
learning is, in fact, a paradox (or, as they put it, an oxymoron). Just like the
members of a dysfunctional family, organization and learning are things that do not
seem to fit together well. As Weick and Westley argue, learning and organizing are
‘essentially antithetical processes, which means the phrase “organizational learning”
qualifies as oxymoron’ (1999: 190). Organizing is all about ordering and controlling
– or, as the authors put it, about decreasing variety – whereas learning is about
disorganizing and increasing variety. If learning is about exploring new terrain and
understanding the unknown, and organizing is about exploiting routines and the
already known, organizational learning is a paradox. Weick and Westley suggest not
that we should simply forget the concept but that we should be careful that, in using
it, we make sense of its ambivalence. Put simply, learning happens when the old and
the new clash and create a tension.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradicting terms (such as deafening silence or military intelligence).


A learning organization is a paradox
As the old proverb goes, knowledge is power. Learning means changing knowledge and therefore it
also means questioning those who have power. Take the example of an employee questioning their
manager: more often than not the manager will understand this as questioning their authority and react
negatively. Learning – and especially double-loop learning – implies questioning the rules of the game.
Of course, those who are comfortable with the current rules and those who have established these rules
will be critical of attempts to change the status quo. Also, we have seen that learning implies a trial and
error process that can be messy. Organizations are made up of rules and routines that try to make the
world stable and predictable. Learning challenges these rules and those who have established them.
Therefore, one can argue critically that learning and organization have a paradoxical relationship!

A practical guide to organizational learning

As we have seen with March’s provocative ideas of learning, learning happens

somewhere between organizations exploring what they do not know and exploiting
what they do not know. Or, to put it another way, profound learning happens when
single-loop learning (exploitation, evolution, adaptation, and habit) intersects with
double-loop learning (exploration, revolution, and thinking outside the box). Weick
and Westley (1999) analyse three ways of dealing with the complexities of exploring
and exploiting. Their ideas are framed by the metaphors of humour, improvisation,
and small wins as moments of learning.

Humour: Jokes and funny situations provide opportunities for learning because
they play with the meanings we normally associate with specific words and
deeds, turning them upside down. Almost every joke pulls together things that
are normally separated and, in doing so, creates a surprising element that makes
us laugh. In addition, the normal social order is suspended for a moment when
we are telling a joke; you might say ‘just joking …’ when you are telling a joke
and you say something that might be true but that is not socially acceptable.
(Remember, in the ancient feudal kingdoms, the only one allowed to tell the
truth was the fool or the jester!) Finally, humour happens spontaneously; it
cannot be planned or forecast. The funniest situations happen out of the blue.
Humour carries the flexibility and richness of quick and creative response to
the environment and represents a way of exploring new ideas.
Improvisation: Improvisation is another concept of learning that deals
productively with the tension between learning and organizing. Actors and jazz
musicians improvise, and so do employees; rather than sending people to
seminars where they learn things they cannot apply back in the organization,
learning on the job – improvisation – encourages people to play around with
everyday patterns and to change them slightly, not necessarily radically, but in
situ. Improvisation is always based on an interplay between past, present, and
future; by carefully listening and changing past rhythms, something new
emerges. Also, errors play an important role within improvisation. To enable
learning and development, errors are tolerated and used as starting points for
future improvisation. Finally, improvisational learning is a team event, not a
one-person show. It relies on the feedback of others, their feelings (rather than
their rational capacity alone), and their contribution to change.
Small wins: Small wins, according to Weick and Westley (1999), are not the big
revolutionary changes promised by consultants or management gurus but rather
the learning opportunities that happen when you almost do business as usual.
The researchers give the example of feminists, who sought to change laws and
regulations, which turned out to be quite a successful learning strategy.
However, while working to achieve their overriding goal of equality for women,
the feminists scored a small win by showing that language itself was deeply
gendered (chairman, postman, and so on). This seemingly small win had a big
impact, making our society learn much more about the ways in which gender is
deeply embedded in how we normally do what we do and become who we are.
Thus, small wins might look small, but their effect can be quite big. Again, they
are moments of learning because they juxtapose order (common language) and
a sense of disorder (new language), creating the space in which learning

Learning, unlearning, non-learning?

As we have seen, learning is a process that is in tension with the core processes of
managing and organizing. Because learning happens only when there is some
freedom to experiment with actions and ideas, it challenges management practices
that focus on order, predictability, and control. Given this problematic relationship
between learning and organizing, you might wonder whether learning is always good
for organizations. If learning challenges organizations, why should they learn at all?
This is exactly the question that Brunsson (1998) asks in a thought-provoking and
ironic paper introducing the idea of the non-learning organization. He argues that
non-learning organizations are healthier than learning ones, which is an idea directly
in opposition to the commonly accepted view that there is a positive relationship
between learning and organizational performance. In fact, most scholars and
management gurus argue that learning leads to greater efficiency and better
Brunsson (1998) looks at public sector organizations and wonders whether their
non-learning – the way that they keep making the same errors – is simply
pathological (something bad) or whether their persistence with routines (their non-
learning) is something more fundamentally positive. He starts by suggesting that if
learning is as extremely positive as theorists suggest, non-learning must be
dysfunctional and negative for organizations. Instead of following the mainstream
argument (learning is good, therefore non-learning must be bad), Brunsson (1998)
turns the order upside down and argues that non-learning can result in the following
unexpected benefits for the organization:

Tolerance of contradictions : When learning organizations face contradictions,

challenges, or problems in their environments, they have to adjust either their
behaviour or their objectives. They have to act consistently over time and
constantly align their behaviour with their objectives. Non-learning
organizations, on the other hand, are much more flexible. If they face an
environment in which contradictions and uncertainties are the norm rather than
the exception, they can still operate normally. The budget agencies, for
instance, were confronted with unsatisfactory reports and asked for better
reports next time. However, despite the incomplete reports, they accomplished
their tasks. Non-learning organizations manage contradictions well because
they accomplish what they have to do, even though they hope that things will be
better next time.
Organizational discretion: Non-learning organizations are capable of benefiting
from the gap between talk, action, and decisions. Although they kept asking for
better reports, they did their job based on the same unsatisfactory reports that
they had always received. Facing this situation, a learning organization would
probably become unsatisfied, and its employees would be frustrated enough to
seek better sources of information, whereas the non-learning organization is
able to differentiate between what it would like to have (better reports) and
what it actually has (incomplete reports). Again, this makes the non-learning
organization flexible, and it provides a certain kind of freedom – such
organizations can be realistic in their task accomplishment and remain
idealistic about the future.

In light of these positive aspects of non-learning, Brunsson argues that the non-
learning organization is in fact an emancipated organization. Learning organizations
have to change, adjust, and align all the time, whereas non-learning organizations
can deal with contradictions, inconsistent demands, and gaps between ideal worlds
and actual reality. They are emancipated because they can disregard the (ostensible)
need for change that drives learning organizations.

The power of learning

Knowledge management and scientific management Knowledge management

practitioners like to think of themselves as conceptually new and innovative.
However, as we have seen above with the example of Taylor, the focus of knowledge
management is quite old; transforming tacit knowledge from employees into explicit
knowledge that is owned by the company was the driving force behind the idea of
scientific management in 1911. Taylor disliked the fact that the workers knew more
about the actual process than he or the managers did. Workers could tell stories
about why things are the way they are, and others had to accept these stories.
Management lacked any better, alternative knowledge because it did not have a basic
understanding of the tasks that the workers accomplished. Without such objective
knowledge, how could management coordinate and control effectively? Taylor’s
initiative in getting the knowledge out of workers’ heads and making it an object of
managerial manipulation in Bethlehem Steel was a harsh way of transforming tacit
into explicit knowledge. It sought to destroy the craft basis of existing know-how
from the situation in prior generations, where knowledge and status were
coterminous – that is, one did not become a master without having acquired the
knowledge of a journeyman and apprentice – so this separation of power and
knowledge was unthinkable (see also Chapter 7).

Lifelong learning equals lifelong examinations In organizational terms, we have

already talked about Taylor’s approach and the way he empowered management: he
simply gained knowledge that had been the workers’ domain. Scientific management
changed the power relations, made the worker an object of study, formalized the
worker’s task, and made any worker exchangeable with another. The difference
between Taylor’s scientific management and modern knowledge management is that
Taylor thought you have to codify knowledge only once, whereas knowledge
management realizes that you can never stop learning or codifying – it is a lifelong
Given the enthusiasm for the concept of lifelong learning, it is interesting to
consider one of Foucault’s (1979) core arguments, which sheds some light on the
dark side of lifelong learning – that lifelong learning might very well imply lifelong
examination. Foucault focused especially on the examination as a common practice
integrating knowledge and power. Once, the integration was institutionally fairly
specific: it occurred mostly at school and university. Thus, Western societies that
praise continuous learning are simultaneously paving the path of lifelong learning
with exams that assess the learners, given the centrality of performance
measurement to contemporary management culture. As you know from your own
experience, exams are powerful instruments that shape your behaviour and, by
extension, your personality. Or think of the assessment centres that are widely used
tools of human resource management. They are almost perfect examples of the
knowledge/power link because they have the power to assess someone (using their
knowledge dimension) and change them (using their power dimension).
For Foucault, the examination is such a powerful tool because it combines both a
hierarchical observation and a normalizing judgement. These are the two functions
of examinations. First, they make individuals visible (who is clever, who is not?)
and allow the supervisor to categorize them and establish a hierarchical relation
among students. Exams enable supervisors to find out who are their potential ‘stars’
and who is the ‘dead-wood’. Second, examinations make it possible to judge people
and to compare them with each other. They establish a norm that enables the
supervisor to categorize some as normal and those who do not comply as abnormal.
Think of your class. You and your classmates might have different strengths and
skills that are not easily comparable. The exam ignores these individual differences
and judges everybody by the same template; it normalizes people as it ignores their
differences and subjects them all to the same metric. The process of scrutiny
transforms ordinary individuals into cases who are obliged to compete with each
other in relation to one common standard.
Foucault analyses three mechanisms that form the heart of the examination:

Visibility: During examinations, the learning subjects are fully visible, whereas
the examiners are almost absent. We see this power working through
surveillance; transforming the individual into an object that is visible and that
can be assessed ensures discipline. For instance, many organizations routinely
test their employees and link promotion back to successful results.
Individuality: Examinations transform a group of people into individuals by
making individual features comparable. Exams establish a hierarchy within a
group and put each individual in their place within the hierarchy. Organizations
that test their employees can create tables where they rank all employees and
categorize the top 10 per cent as ‘high potential’. This means that employees
constantly compete among each other for the top 10 per cent.
Case: Exams transform individual characters into cases that are documented
and objectified. Every individual has a history in this system that can be
compared with others. Individual development can be assessed and, if
necessary, corrected. Yearly or even six-monthly performance reviews mean
that each employee is turned into a case recorded in a file where their
supervisor can track progress of learning and development and, if necessary,
correct the career path.

Examinations combine the hierarchical surveillance of people with the normalizing

judgement of the supervisor. This makes individuals visible, transforms each into a
case, and renders them open to powerful intervention. A society that understands
itself as continuously learning must see its shadow as well in a never-ending series
of examinations that shape individuals.


In this chapter we have explored key issues of organizational learning and knowledge management. We
started our journey by arguing that ‘the only competitive advantage the company of the future will have
is its managers’ ability to learn faster than their competitors’ (de Geus, 1988: 74). In this perspective the
capability to learn and manage knowledge is one of the most important aspects of organizations.
Knowledge management is the process of managing knowledge to meet existing and future needs, and
to exploit present knowledge to develop opportunities for further knowledge.
We have explored different sources of knowledge (learning by doing; hearing stories, popular
accounts). We have also discussed tact and explicit types of knowledge, and how they can be
transformed from one to the other. Learning as changing knowledge is a key concept in management.
Levitt and March (1988) understand learning as a process of adapting to the environment an
organization is dealing with.
A second key theory we have discussed is single-loop learning. It basically means optimizing skills,
refining abilities, and acquiring knowledge necessary to achieve resolution of a problem that requires
solving. Double-loop learning describes learning as changing the frame of reference that normally
guides behaviour. The dialectic between exploring new ideas and exploiting old ones (March) frames
the dilemma of organizational learning.
With the concept of ‘communities of practice’ (Wenger) we have analysed learning as a social
process that occurs within social learning systems. These communities are characterized by three key
features: a sense of joint enterprise; relationships of mutuality: and a shared repertoire. We have
explored how learning happens through collaboration between organizations and across organizational
Critically, we have stressed that organizational learning is no guarantee that what organizations will
learn will benefit them. Organization theorists interested in knowledge management seek to ensure that
organizations learn the appropriate lessons and retain what is good while avoiding or discarding what is
bad. That seems pretty straightforward, but, as this chapter has repeatedly suggested, the process is not
quite as simple as it seems.
Sometimes, non-learning organizations may have an advantage over learning organizations.
Learning organizations can place their members under a fearsome audit and sap their vitality; they can
also codify what is unimportant and inconsequential while missing that which is profound because it is
so deeply embedded in the normal ways of doing things. These issues often come to haunt
organizations that downsize; thinking that they have routinized and learned everything that they need to
know from their members, organizations find out too late that downsizing results in not only live bodies
walking out the door but also the departure of some deeply embedded and important knowledge that
managers did not know would be missed because they did not know what they had until they lost it.
Still, as the chapter has covered, there are many ways of seeking to ensure that knowledge is
managed appropriately. Most importantly openness to error, improvisation, humour, and a strategy of
small wins are key in creating a learning organization.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Organizational learning
Knowledge management
Tacit knowledge
Implicit knowledge
Learning as adaption
Exploring and exploiting
Organizational learning
Knowledge management
Tacit knowledge
Implicit knowledge
Learning as adaption
Exploring and exploiting

2 Why is learning important for organizations?

3 Where does knowledge come from?
4 What does Nonaka think is the most important knowledge to manage and why?
5 What differentiates single-loop learning from double-loop learning?
How would you describe the paradox of organizational learning that results from exploring and
To what extent does the concept of the ambidextrous organization provide a solution to the paradox of
organizational learning?
8 What do communities of practice do in terms of learning?
9 Why should organizations collaborate across boundaries?
10 Why might the term organizational learning be a paradox?

1. The formative work of Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), drawing on ideas from Polanyi (1962), has been
very influential. The concept of tacit knowledge as Polanyi develops it is not quite as easily tamed and
domesticated by management as Nonaka and Takeuchi suggest (see Ray and Clegg, 2007).
2. The missing dimension from most treatments of knowledge management is the way that knowledge
always implicates power and is always implicated in power. The classic text is Foucault’s (1979)
Discipline and Punish, especially the graphic opening pages, in which he contrasts a gruesome
execution with the rules of a model prison established in France just 60 years later. To the former
belongs a fearsome vengeance, to the latter a reforming zeal – but neither vengeance on the body nor
zeal towards the mind of the criminal is a practice of knowledge that we can easily understand unless
we consider the regimes of power associated with them.
3. In terms of films, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Mostow, 2003) is one that comes to mind. In this
movie, a machine, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, knows what the future holds for the hero and
heroine, and he has to ensure that they meet their fate. If only organizations were able to have such
4. The Right Stuff (Kaufman, 1983), about the NASA space programme, is a good resource for
organizational learning. The movie is based on Tom Wolfe’s bestselling 1979 book of the same name.
The film dramatically depicts the way that an organization – in this case, NASA – learned and did not
learn. In a similar vein, the film Apollo 13 (Howard, 1995) is also required viewing.
5. We also suggest watching Bowling for Columbine (Moore, 2002), which is an absolutely surreal journey
through American society. The movie explores why and how American gun culture emerged and is
learned anew with each generation.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #16 by Tim Ray on What does knowledge work do?,
and Talk #17 by Elena Antonacopoulou on Mastering business action: implications for management
learning in business schools.
3. An extremely rich source of themes related to knowledge management and learning is
4. For a rather interesting site with many links to the world of collaboration and knowledge, see
5. Highly professional and updated news is provided by the Society of Organizational Learning:
6. For a nice and simple introduction to the theme of communities of practice, see
7. A website that set itself the goal of sparking critical thinking and triggering learning for students and
organizations is
8. Check out the fascinating Ted talk by Sir Ken Robinson on learning and creativity. It is not only
informative but also good fun! See


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

Ewenstein, B. and Whyte, J. (2007) ‘Beyond words: aesthetic knowledge and knowing in
organizations’, Organization Studies, 28 (5): 689–708. In this paper the authors investigate aesthetic
ways of knowing in organizations through detailed observation of design work in architectural practice.
Vaast, E. (2007) ‘What goes online comes offline: knowledge management system use in a soft
bureaucracy’, Organization Studies, 28 (3): 282–306. This paper investigates when and how online
practices (i.e. practices of management and use of web-based IT) impact offline practices (i.e. regular
work practices and communication patterns) within a bureaucratic environment.
Mir, R. and Mir, A. (2009) ‘From the colony to the corporation’, Group and Organization Management ,
34 (1): 90–113. Building on a case study of a multinational corporation (MNC) and its local Indian
contractor, the authors study knowledge transfer and learning across international boundaries.

Let us introduce Athena, a medium sized consultancy company, employing around 100 consultants.
Athena delivers custom-made software applications for their customers, primarily knowledge
management and work flow support tools. The consultants work in client projects and often work from
the customer’s site for several weeks, sometimes months, in a row. This makes it difficult for the
employees as well as the managers to share knowledge and experience across their different projects,
and to keep track on the latest solutions developed. To enable the consultants to work together, and
work as a team, the consultants themselves have developed a wide range of well functioning software
applications, or knowledge management tools: they have designed their own intranet and extranet, and
applications for sharing project specifics like best practices exemplars and project management
The tools the consultants have developed are primarily dedicated to the articulation and spreading of
codified knowledge. In addition to these efforts, Athena has made the not so common decision to invest
in knowledge sharing practices that cannot easily be accounted for. At Athena the management decided
to extend the lunch break, sponsor free lunch for all employees, and hire a chef with the work
instruction ‘spoil them’. The lunch area is now in the centre of the Athena building. Entering the lunch
room in the morning, the first thing greeting you is the smell of freshly brewed espresso, the second is
the smile of the chef, and the third is a couple of employees in the corner playing darts. If you pause for
a moment you can get a glimpse of your lunch being prepared; if you take the time to stop, which one
often does, you might get the recipe.
The reasoning behind the lunch initiative was that it would encourage the employees to eat together,
to talk together, to socialize. By making the lunch attractive, they wanted to tempt their consultants to
come to head office more often. In other words, believing that knowledge sharing is primarily a social
enterprise, a natural extension of spending time together, extending lunch and making spending time
together attractive was seen as a perfect way of enhancing knowledge sharing and creating practices.
The investment has turned out to be a big success. Around noon the lunch area gets crowded. You
hear a buzz of talk about projects, slick computer designs, programming codes as well as Saturday’s
pub round and the lack of kindergarten availabilities. There is no obvious hierarchy among the
luncher’s, no scheduled seating, employees, managers, and customers all line up for their food. There is
just a big smorgasbord of hot and cold meals, the promise of a good meal, and potential for good
company. On Fridays it is more crowded than ever, as Fridays are labelled ‘lunch with all’, and
consultants working off site are encouraged to come ‘home’. The Friday lunches are used for presenting
important announcements and project achievements.


1. (How) Can you justify calling free lunch a knowledge management tool?
2. What types of knowledge, if any, can be said to be shared and possibly created in such an initiative?
3. Discuss what types of knowledge management efforts you would invest in if you were a senior

Case prepared by Kjersti Bjorkeng KUNNE, SINTEF, Norway; Arne Carlsen KUNNE, SINTEF,
Creativity, Chaos, Foolishness

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Explain the basic assumptions of innovation management

Grasp the role of change in organizations
Understand the role of creativity in business
Analyse different approaches to change and creativity
Discuss the benefits and shortcomings of these approaches
Appreciate these approaches’ challenges for management
Discuss organizational practices that trigger innovation and change


If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. (Henry Ford)

When did you last do something for the first time? Ask many organization managers
this question, and the answer would probably be that it was quite a long time ago
because, like bad habits, organizations are hard to change. Changing processes,
practices, routines, products, or services and coming up with new ones is neither
easy nor always enjoyable; doing something new can be quite painful and difficult.
Thus, organizations tend to stick to the format they are used to and the things they
already know. They find innovation difficult.

Innovation can be defined as the creation of either a new process (process innovation) or a new product or service (product/service innovation) that has an impact on the way the organization operates.
When we think of innovation, it is customary to make the following distinction: a
company can (a) change the products and services it offers (product innovation) or
(b) change the way it delivers them (process innovation). Let us use a concrete
example. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and the assembly line,
was one of the greatest inventors in the history of management, according to Wren
and Greenwood (1998: 41). However, his way to success was anything but smooth.
Born in 1863 as the son of a farmer in Michigan, he fiddled around with engines on
his father’s farm. In those days, cars were seen as a curiosity, and the majority of
people did not believe that they would have a bright future; most cars were based on
experiments with electric-or steam-powered engines. In fact, there were not many
cars around in 1900; of the 4,192 cars that were built in 1900, not even 1,000 were
gasoline or petrol powered. After the failure of his first business venture, Ford raised
more money and developed his models N and T, which became big successes. In
1908, he sold more than 10,000 cars. Ford’s assembly line, the idea for which he got
from the methods used for butchering steers in the Chicago slaughterhouses, was a
process innovation that made changes in management style, production, marketing,
and strategy possible. The assembly line innovation allowed for massive growth. In
1909, Ford produced 13,840 cars; seven years later, in 1916, the company produced
585,388 cars! Simultaneously, the cost of producing each car decreased from $950 in
1909 to $360 in 1916.
The Ford success story illustrates how technology innovation (engine), change in
payment of employees ($5 per day for workers, which was a lot of money back
then), and production (assembly line) all led to something new and revolutionary.
However, at the beginning, he was struggling with the common-sense notions of his
time, and probably not many of his contemporaries would have had much trust or
confidence in his adventures. For example, his high wages were called ‘industrial
suicide’ and ‘socialism’ by Ford’s critics. Even more famously, Henry Ford argued
that if he had listened to the market and what people wanted he would have built a
faster horse.


Innovation and change
Innovation and change are important for organizations. Speaking organizationally, innovation (either of
practice or of products) leads to change that allows a company to position itself differently from its
competitors. It does things differently (practices) or it offers different things (products/services). Either
way, it establishes itself strategically in the market. The competitive advantages of organizations are
built on this core concept. Because innovation and change are interrelated (see Tidd et al., 2001), we
have put them together in this chapter. For instance, you might invent a new way of cooking a burger or
a vegetarian meal; this turns into an innovation if you manage to monetize your invention and turn your
idea into a business proposition. In other words, while we invent a lot of things (often commercially
useless things, such as a new way of tying shoelaces or cutting cucumbers) only a few turn into
innovations that have commercial value.

To use a more up-to-date example of how change and innovation are interlinked,
think about the technological innovation of the Motion Picture Experts Group level
three protocol. If you think you have never heard of it, maybe you know it better as
MP3. It allows you to compress large music files and transfer them fast through the
Internet. This product innovation is changing an entire industry and forcing it to
rethink its business practices of handling music – recording, distributing, and so on.
The initial success of Napster (see Tidd et al., 2001), Kazaa
(, Apple’s iTunes stores, and new gimmicks such as
the iPad and the iPhone tell the story of an industry whose business model is under
technological siege. Learning from these examples, we see innovation forces
organizations to change and rethink their business models: Apple, for instance, is not
any longer a computer manufacturer but a leading lifestyle company that makes a
significant amount of its revenue through music sales.

The automobile is the classic example of the platform innovation: Henry Ford’s
story of the genius innovator is only half of the truth. Rather, Ford benefited and
exploited a social movement that paved the way for a society in which the car would
take on the status of a cultural object – sometimes even a cult object. When the first
car-like vehicles were invented towards the end of the nineteenth century, people
could not agree whether they were a blessing or a curse. Some called them a
‘devilish contraption’ while others argued that ‘you can’t get people to sit on an
explosion’ (quoted in Rao, 2009: 20). Cars were deemed expensive, dangerous,
noisy, slow, and unreliable. People could not even agree on a name for them – some
called them locomobile, others quadricycle, and so on (Rao, 2009: 19). While it was
hard to imagine a name for those new monsters, it was even harder to imagine how
they could be used.
Rao argues that one key element that made the car a culturally accepted object
was reliability tests. In these tests cars competed against each other to demonstrate
that they were trustworthy: ‘Reliability contests were credible because each race was
an event that could be interpreted as evidence of the dependability of cars by the
public. Since reliability contests were public spectacles, they were emotionally
charged events. Finally, reliability contests had “narrative fidelity” because they
combined the logic of testing with the practice of racing and created a compelling
story’ (2009: 32). In other words, these contests made the advantages of cars
tangible and visible to a large audience; they created familiarity with a new
technology and produced stories people could relate to. Henry Ford had won one of
those reliability contests in 1901 against the established producer, Alexander
Winton, which helped to legitimize the start-up of the Ford Motor Company two
years later (Rao, 2009: 32). Rao’s point is that market rebels, including those who
organized reliability competitions, those who attended them, and those who wrote
about them extensively, created an atmosphere in which either car critics could be
convinced that the car was a symbol of progress or they could be successfully
The ecology in which the invention of the car could become a commercial success
did not stop with reliability contests. John Urry (2007) argues that the car marked a
radical departure from the train, which was the great nineteenth-century transport
invention. While the train was public and followed a time regime set by the railway
companies, the car embodied the opposite: it created and meant freedom (I can go
where I want), privacy (the car as living room on wheels), and individuality (from
choice of model to tuning or ‘pimping’ up the car).
As well as cultural legitimacy, the car required a huge infrastructure to become
useful: roads, highway networks, petrol stations, repair workshops, public licensing
authorities, police, legal framework, insurance, and so on. In the twentieth century,
entire cities have been modelled to accommodate the car – think of Los Angeles as
the most often quoted example. Once such a system takes shape, innovations against
the grain of the established ecology are hard to implement because so many players
benefit from the status quo. The politics of the present situation prevail: in Los
Angeles they were enough to stymie any public transport rapid transit ideas for
decades because of the entrenched power of the petroleum and related products
Even when we know that cars have a negative impact on the environment and
make our cities dysfunctional, and that each and every year roads produce 1.2
million dead and more than 20–50 million injured people, at an estimated cost of
$518 billion, the car is still the preferred means of transportation. The power and
diffusion of the car involved a whole network of actors who had to collaborate to
create the cultural and physical conditions to turn the ‘devilish contraption’ into a
desired object and a cultural icon. Hence, the moral of the story is that successful
innovation is more than just developing an idea: it needs the active shaping of a
platform in which the idea can grow and create traction.

A platform is defined as an evolving eco-system that is created from many interconnected pieces.

This is the point that Cusumano and Gawer (2002) make. They argue that
successful firms do not simply develop new products and services and compete with
others in open markets. Rather, leading firms establish a platform on which new
products emerge.
Importantly, innovations have to build on other pieces to make sense to
customers. Think of a new application for your iPhone or computer software: these
complex new products have to be able to communicate with existing technology.
Platform leaders are those companies who control or at least shape the structure of
overarching systems architecture. In other words, platform leaders define the rules
of the game, the size of the playing field, and the entry conditions for players. Of
course, to be able to control the platform is a powerful position that leads to a
significant competitive advantage. A good example for a platform leader is
Microsoft Windows: its ubiquitous operating system forces friends and foes to
engage with its technology (Cusumano and Gawer, 2002).


Opinions about change vary between researchers: some argue that change is the
exception and stability is the norm, whereas others support a process-based view
according to which almost everything is in flux and transformation. Speaking
generally, there are four types of change that can be separated analytically: (a) life
cycle; (b) dialectical (struggle-based); (c) evolutionary; and (d) teleological (vision-
based) (Van de Ven and Poole, 1995). Life cycle change can be thought of in terms
of stages of maturation and growth or aging. Dialectical changes occur through the
interplay, tensions, and contradictions of social relations. Such change can be
observed in two-party-dominated political systems such as those in the USA or the
UK. Change often occurs in moves from the left to the right of the political arena.
Evolutionary changes, such as developing sustainability strategies to deal with
environmental regulations, are essentially adaptive. For instance, an organization
that decides to develop a new online-based product because its major competitor is
working on one is responding to environmental change. Finally, teleological change
is driven by strategic vision, such as when a city government aims to host a future
Olympics and creates an organization to oversee the bid.

Fundamentally change refers to a transition that occurs from one state to another.


Innovation phases
The history of innovation in management and organization theory can be delineated in three steps
(Clark, 2003): from after the Second World War up to the 1980s; the 1980s; and the last decade or so.
During the post-war era up to the 1980s, innovation was conceptualized in terms of technological
progress. Advances in technology – new machines, refined technologies, or new products such as the
ambitious, often government subsidized, projects of the two main airline manufacturers, Boeing’s
Dreamliner (US) or Airbus’ A380 (EU) – were created as a result of national investments in big science
– expensive, prestigious mega-projects – undertaken by major research centres. Organizations had to
adapt incrementally to the changes that the stream of modern technologies produced if they were to
keep up with their competitors. Hence, developments in technology were seen as the driving force
behind organizational change, a view that can be characterized as ‘technological determinism’ (Clark,
2003). Technologies are seen to change autonomously and have necessary causal consequences.
Between 1980 and 1990, the emphasis shifted from technology as the driving force towards a
conception of technology and organization as interactive systems. The success of Japanese companies
in the 1980s showed that technological innovation and change were deeply embedded and, in fact,
depended on a national, cultural, and social context. By analysing the innovation process, researchers
found that forces beyond management’s rational planning tools (and, hence, beyond their control)
shaped the process significantly. Suppliers, users, and employees translated change processes and
innovation into their own context and made sense of it in ways that confused management. The notion
of the rationally developed and executed plan as the core device of change and innovation began to be
questioned, which ultimately challenged notions of predictability and control.
More recently, managers and theorists have started to recognize that the driving force behind
innovation is not always the same. Whereas in the past, changes in the environment have been viewed
as responsible for change and innovation, lately two considerations have been highlighted: the roles of
different stakeholders, especially customers; and the fact that innovation does not happen in a vacuum.
An infrastructure is required to provide a platform for innovation to grow. There are many levels to this
infrastructure, including scientific knowledge, institutional norms, competent human resources, curious
financial investors, educated consumers, and stable legal, political, and economic cornerstones. These
parameters of innovation can only be controlled by an organization to a limited extent because most of
them are out of an organization’s reach. Think of the example of Henry Ford above. Or think of a
biotechnology company that experiments with genetically modified food. It not only needs highly
trained staff from universities but also relies heavily on public opinion and the favourable resolution of
legal and ethical issues that dominate the debate. None of these are implicit in the science or the
organization of innovation, yet they are fundamental to its potential success.

Some writers see innovation as very specifically a matter of science and R&D,
whereas others view it as part of a broader picture. Nelson and Rosenberg (1993)
suggest restricting the concept of innovation solely to new knowledge or new
combinations of existing knowledge of technical innovations as measured outputs.
Others suggest inclusion of organizational, institutional, and social innovation (see
Edquist, 2000). This chapter follows the broader conception of innovation as a social

Planned change

Recall the concept of rational management, which we encountered in Chapter 1. As

we shall see in Chapter 12, Taylor argued for a complete rational reorganization of
the entire shop-floor base of the enterprise. Taylor’s change initiatives were built
upon two principles that have been remarkably resilient: (a) that change is
accomplished through rational plans developed, implemented, and monitored by
management; and (b) that these change programmes are put in place to minimize
future changes. Put simply, the promise is that if you adapt change ideas (from
scientific management, for instance) and change your organization accordingly, you
will never need to change again. This approach views change as something that is
unfortunately necessary; change is undesirable because it is an interruption to the
natural state of organizations, which is a stable equilibrium. The expectation is that
stability will be interrupted by short periods of change, forced upon an organization
either by technological progress or by new organizational processes. In any case, the
environment induces change externally, and the organization has to adapt as quickly
as possible to achieve equilibrium again. Business as usual is the ideal, with
everything else being a disturbance.


Unfreezing, moving, refreezing
Kurt Lewin packaged this philosophy of change theoretically. In his model of change (Lewin, 1951), he
identified three steps that are involved in changing organizations and people: first, you have to unfreeze
the current state of affairs; second, you move things to where you want them to be; third, after you have
succeeded, you refreeze again. This simple chain of unfreeze, move, refreeze became the template for
most change programmes. Some differ in terms of how many steps they assign to each phase, but few
question the underlying rationale and logic of Lewin’s model (see Cummings, 2002: 265).

A typical example of a rational approach to change is business process re-

engineering (BPR), which was developed, disseminated, and successfully marketed
by Hammer and Champy (1993). BPR encompasses a radical rethinking and
redesigning of core organizational activities to achieve higher efficiency and
performance. It is based on two simple assumptions. First, BPR analyses
organizational activities step by step so it can develop suggestions for improvements
(such as time saving, cost cutting, and so on) on a micro level and reassemble the
whole process in the most efficient way. Second, it redesigns the entire organization
in accordance with these findings without paying attention to its past history or its
cultural and social context.
If you think this sounds a lot like an overly rationalist approach to management,
you would be correct. Even the name gives it away as an engineering rationality.
However, the engineering is not very robust – roughly 70 per cent of the change
initiatives made as BPR fail, which explains why BPR has been less successful in
colonizing the change market than its proponents had hoped.

Theories of processual change

Most contemporary approaches to the analysis of organizational change reject

Lewin’s type of approach. The root metaphor of unfreezing/freezing is profoundly
problematic because organizations are always in motion; they never respond solely
to singular design imperatives but usually emerge from many pressures and
directions, even though management change agents may be able to exercise a
steering capacity (Buchanan and Badham, 1999).
The processual perspective emerged from the work of a number of writers, but
there is no doubt that it was Pettigrew who had the single greatest impact. His
magnum opus, Awakening Giant: Continuity and Change in ICI (1985), was a
careful case study that challenged many of the dominant assumptions about how
organizations change. The plans of change agents equipped with formal schemas
were not reflected in what actually occurred. Instead, change appeared to be both
incremental and evolutionary, as well as being punctuated by revolutionary and
radically discontinuous periods. He saw ‘change and continuity, process and
structure’ as ‘inextricably linked’ (Pettigrew, 1985: 24). Rather than stages of
change being observed, processes could be seen changing in patterns produced by
the interplay between the contextual variables of history, culture, and political
processes (Pettigrew, 1990).
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) went through a crisis in its traditional way of
organizing. It made the decision to change its organization structure and processes.
A large organization such as ICI often initiates major programmes of change, but
there are also changes introduced by snipers and ambushes as well as those that are
planned; symbols are used to advance change as much as to retard it, and rumours
about boardroom manoeuverings and executive succession, in both the organization
and the wider business community, are rife. Organizational change is not unlike a
long and contested campaign in which successfully positioning and maintaining the
dominant myths and symbols is of vital importance. And it is the task of leadership
to achieve such positioning (see also Chapter 4). In doing so, as Buchanan and
Badham (1999: 231) remind us, management is a contact sport, one in which ‘if you
don’t want to get bruised, don’t play’. In the game of organizational change, it is
directed and strategic change that retains the central focus, so there is little room for
gifted amateurs, although many participants may well try to press sectional or local
advantages in the opportunities that widespread change presents.
Taking Pettigrew (1997) as our cue, what does the process perspective require for
a theory of organizational change? It has a strong emphasis on process and
temporality rather than seeing change as a sequence of linear events that occur and
are then frozen. This implies that anyone seeking to change organizations must
exhibit mastery of power and politics (See Figure 10.1). Managers usually seek to
manage as if organizations were rational, even when rationality is a mere facade or
veneer for mobilizing resources, allies, and opponents in a political struggle for
change. More often than not, organizations feature messy and ambiguous problems
that stop short of drifting into chaos.
FIGURE 10.1 The capston steering change model (adapted from Dawson, 2003: 23)

Check out the Companion Website for free access to two papers by E. Schein (2006) and by I. Stensaker and J. Falkenberg (2007) that will help you dive
deeper into processual theories of change.

Innovation and change at the edge of chaos

Current approaches to innovation do not put very much emphasis on rational

planning. Instead, they stress the politics of innovation and the balance that is
necessary between freedom and the responsibility required for autonomous and
disciplined creativity. Change cannot be prescribed through one-best-way or
prescriptive practices but instead there are many different ways of achieving
innovative outcomes. In fact, innovation sometimes happens while management is
busy making other plans.

Chaos Some writers suggest that, rather than planning and order being the normal
conditions for organizations, management needs to become accustomed to chaos.

Chaos is a Greek word that is in opposition to cosmos (an orderly and harmonious system). Normally chaos is related to the unpredictability of a system.

Innovation challenges established management practices and beliefs, especially

planning and controlling functions. Pascale (1999) introduced four new principles
derived from complexity theory that can frame the innovation process differently:

Equilibrium equals death: Remember when you first learned to ride a bike? The
idea that those narrow wheels could stay balanced might have struck you as
crazy until you learned that, when riding a bicycle, you can stay balanced only
when you move. Organizations are not that different; as long as they move, they
gain stability, but after they cease to move, they do not retain their balance, and
being an unbalanced organization in the fast-moving corporate world (like
being an unsteady bicycle rider steering through fast-moving traffic) is a recipe
for death. Innovation and creative breakthroughs push an organization away
from equilibrium and increase the necessary variety it has to deal with. As Tim
Mannon, the president of Hewlett-Packard’s (HP) Printer Division, said, ‘The
biggest single threat to our business today is staying with a previously
successful business model one year too long’ (quoted in Pascale, 1999: 90).
Hence stability can be dangerous.
Self-organization is important: Organizations are capable of organizing
themselves according to internally evolving principles. In managing complex
unforeseeable tasks or events such as disasters, people organize themselves, and
an order evolves that is not imposed by a mastermind. Instead of acting
according to a purposefully designed plan, people interact spontaneously, and
patterns of collaboration emerge. A good example is a soccer game: there is no
hierarchal relationship between individual players, rather they are self-
organized around the attractor of the ball, and bound by the rules of the game.
From the perspective of the innovation process, this means that management
should give up fantasies of control and rather focus on supporting self-
organizing powers of a system.
Complex tasks need more complex problem-solving processes : To maintain a
complex system, many apparently chaotic and unstable processes work
together. Think of a high-wire performer for whom many small, ostensibly
chaotic movements maintain balance on the high wire. The same goes for
innovation; lots of trial and error steps may finally come into balance and lead
to successful innovation. During the initial process of innovation, a chaotic
patchwork of actions and outcomes seems to prevail, whereas in the final
stages, more orderly patterns emerge. We know what sense we make only after
we have made it. As Weick (1995) says, all sensemaking – even that projected
into the future – has a retrospective quality about it. The fact that we did not
achieve a certain plan by the due date turns into a great step in the innovation
process because it helped us realize that we were doing the wrong thing, going
in a foolish direction. Without some foolishness, we would never find our way
to what we can later determine is wisdom. All the mistakes on the way can be
represented retrospectively as learning that will eventually be rewarded in the
final successful innovation outcome (see also Chapter 9).
Complex organizations can only be disturbed, not directed: Small causes might
have huge effects, and vice versa. In a complex organizational environment,
changing one pattern might transform the entire company. In innovation
processes, calculations about invested resources and predicted outcome are
meaningless because what innovation will produce may simply not be
calculable. Think of ideas that were truly new, such as the telephone, the
Internet, or simple things such as Post-it notes; their potential for changing
organizational practices and consumer behaviour could not be forecast simply
because no one could imagine the impact they would make on everyday life.
Thus, all that can be done is to make sure that the system does not come too
close to equilibrium and that it keeps on moving, experiencing new ideas as
opportunities and not as threats.

The way these four principles conceptualize innovation and change is radically
different from the rational approach outlined previously in this chapter. They take
into account the limited capacity of management to order and to prescribe, and argue
for a more complex, chaotic, and emergent understanding of the process of
innovation. Innovation that is supposed to lead to truly new outcomes and change
cannot be detailed, prescriptively, in advance. The future is uncertain and the end is
always near, shifting in and out of our grasp.

The changing innovation agenda

In 1983 the Minnesota Innovation Research Program started a longitudinal study of

service, product, technology, and programme innovation. The goal of the
programme, which was conducted by more than 14 teams, was to analyse the
processes of innovation, from concept development to implementation. This huge
research effort resulted in the book The Innovation Journey by Van de Ven et al.
(1999). It describes the journey from an initial idea to its development and
realization. What the authors found, however, did not confirm mainstream opinion
that innovation is a stage-wise, linear, clear-cut process of trial and error learning
that unfolds in a stable environment. Rather, innovation is a more complex
adventure that is inherently uncertain and far from equilibrium. At the same time,
they were critical of conceptions of innovation that see it as a random process or as
merely an accidental event that is fundamentally unplanned, unpredictable, and
unmanageable. Such an approach, they suggest, implies that you should somehow
‘turn the organization off to invent and develop innovations, and turn it on to
implement and diffuse innovations when they emerge’ (Van de Ven et al., 1999: 5).
Such a view leaves no option for managing innovation; instead, it suggests that
‘innovation management’ is an oxymoron and that innovation happens not because,
but in spite, of management. Take the London Eye – it was only supposed to be a
temporary exhibit but proved so successful it became permanent.
IMAGE 10.1 The London Eye (or Millennium Wheel) – an innovation that succeeded!


Peter Drucker defines innovation as the ‘specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by
which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or service. It is
capable of being presented, as a discipline, capable of being learned, capable of
being practiced’ (Drucker, quoted in Tidd et al., 2001: 38). Innovation is an
entrepreneurial tool; it should be exploited, and it is a discipline that can be learned
and practised, in other words. Although this is a nice easy definition it misses a few
important things:

The probability of resistance.

The likelihood of organizational politics shaping the unfolding innovation
process as much as any rational plan.
That innovation will always be a blend of rational planning and anticipation,
and unanticipated as well as predictable political actions.

Managing the politics of change and innovation

Innovation changes organizational power relations: ‘Accomplishing innovation and

change in organizations requires more than the ability to solve technical or
analytical problems. Innovation almost invariably threatens the status quo, and
consequently, innovation is an inherently political activity’ (Pfeffer, 1992: 7).
Innovation is inherently political. As Van de Ven and his colleagues (1999: 65)
found, ‘managers cannot control innovation success, only its odds. This principle
implies that a fundamental change is needed in the control philosophy of
conventional management practices’. At its core, innovation is a journey into the
unknown and thus is inherently unpredictable and uncontrollable. Most change
initiatives fail (recall those BPR programmes with a failure rate of more than two-
thirds) not because the ideas or concepts were not refined or smart enough, but
because the actual implementation was not understood and executed perfectly –
which it never will be.

Hirschhorn (2002) discusses in the Harvard Business Review the idea that change can be
conceptualized as consisting of three different, though closely interlinked, initiatives. First, there will be
a political campaign, which should create strong and lasting support for the desired change (see also
Chapter 7). A second initiative will be a communication campaign, ensuring that all major stakeholders
understand and share the idea of change and are committed to the principles and consequences behind
it (see also Chapter 8). Finally, there will be a rationally planned campaign that makes sure that the
human and material resources necessary for a successful change are available. Without paying attention
to these political implications, innovative ideas cannot be turned into actionable and tangible outcomes.

Can you think of any campaign that has been oriented to you as a consumer, whether from government,
business, or an NGO, that follows this three-stage model? Jot down your thoughts on it below and share
them with others in your study group.


Hirschhorn’s focus is intraorganizational, which makes sense managerially because

the organizational arena is the one most subject to managerial control. However,
innovation is not something that occurs just within the firm, because the firm itself
is embedded within a broader innovation system.
Recent studies of innovation demonstrate the interdependence of economic,
political, social, and cultural factors. Some of these factors are external to the
organizations involved, as a part of the broad institutional setting, whereas others are
internal, such as those that Hirschhorn focuses on. The relative degree of success
enjoyed by organizations and networks of organizations in nations and regions in the
global knowledge-based economy depends on the effective management of these
factors. Therefore, there is a need to understand better the complex
interdependencies between internal firm dynamics around the innovation process
and the broader institutional settings in which the firms operate.
Institutional settings have been identified in terms of local contexts that interact
with the system of innovation – including networks of organizations in the public
and private sectors – to initiate, import, modify, and diffuse new technologies. The
concept of the system of innovation shifts the focus from an isolated firm so that it
may be seen as part of a network of organizations embedded within specific
contexts. The type of context may not only be identified at a regional or a local level
but also include deliberately constructed virtual networks that seek to eclipse
contextual specificity.


Social innovation
Innovation is not contained within the boundaries of the corporate world. The great challenges of our
time – such as climate change, radicalization of cultural identities, poverty, an aging population, and
rapidly rising health care costs – need innovative answers if we want to solve them. But who could
work on holistic, complex solutions for largescale challenges? Governments and the public sector in
general seem to be too thinly resourced and organized too much in silos to tackle these challenges. On
the other hand, corporations, the drivers of much of innovation in the past two centuries, seem to be
more concerned with ensuring the survival of their existing business models and annual (if not
quarterly) returns for their shareholders. Neither markets nor government planning provides a satisfying
answer. How, then, can we tackle the big challenges of our time? Who will be the innovators to solve
these problems?
The answer that is mentioned in the corridors of power and community movements alike is: social
innovation. Robin Murray, Julie Caulier Grice, and Geoff Mulgan define social innovation in The Open
Book of Social Innovation ‘as new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social
needs and create new social relationships or collaborations. In other words, they are innovations that are
both good for society and enhance society’s capacity to act’ (Murray et al., 2010: 3). A good example
for social innovation is micro-finance: in poor regions development is often stifled through the lack of
access to finance. In these regions, a small amount of money could go a long way. For big banks it is
not an attractive business though: they prefer customers with big incomes who use their credit cards and
pay back their mortgage on time. The Grameen Bank Project founded by Muhammad Yunus, who was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, is a good example of micro-finance. For more details see the
good overview at

Two emerging forces shape social innovation: first, technology as enabler of

social networking where people share ideas and solutions. Second, a growing
concern with what Robin Murray, Julie Caulier-Grice, and Geoff Mulgan call the
human dimension, which becomes more important than systems and structures. How
does social innovation work? Murray and his colleagues have devised a six-step

1. Prompts, inspirations, and diagnoses: Every new idea starts with the perception
of a problem or a crisis. In the first stage of social innovation, the problem is
experienced, framed, and turned into a question that tackles the root of the
2. Proposals and ideas generation: Initial ideas are developed and proposal
discussed. Importantly a wide range of ideas is taken into account.
3. Prototyping and pilots: Talk is cheap – so ideas need to be tested in practice.
Trial and error, prototyping, and testing are means of refining ideas that cannot
be substituted by armchair research. The motto is: fail often, learn quickly!
4. Sustaining: This step includes the development of structures and sustainable
income streams to ensure that the best ideas have a useful vehicle to travel.
Resources, networks, and practices need to be organized so that innovation can
be carried forward.
5. Scaling and diffusion: Good ideas have to spread – hence the scaling up of
solutions is key. This can happen formally, through franchising or licensing, or
more informally, through inspiration and imitation.
6. Systemic change: The ultimate goal of social innovation. This involves change
on a big scale driven by social movements, fuelled by new business models,
structured by new organizational forms, and regulated by new public
institutions and laws.

Innovating through significant stakeholders

There are many driving forces and many stakeholders behind innovation. In the last
decade or so, managers and theorists started to recognize that the driving force
behind innovation is not always the same. Whereas in the past, changes in the
environment have been held responsible for innovation, more recently, the roles of
different stakeholders, especially customers, have been highlighted.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an excellent article by M. Lounsbury and E. T. Crumley (2007) on institutional forces and innovative

Market–technology linkages The process of bringing innovation from conception

through design and implementation is referred to as market–technology linking
(Burgelman, 1983). Innovative Japanese organizations have been recognized for
completing this process particularly well (Kono and Clegg, 1998; 2001).

Market–technology linking involves integrating the firm’s unique competencies with customer needs, market structure, and technologies, together with its manufacturing, sales, and distribution capabilities.

Various techniques have been used for innovation success. These include
cultivating ‘lead users’ (Von Hippel, 1986) who work with professionals to create
innovative product features. Another approach is to design multifunctional project
teams. These can overcome tensions that arise because technology and market
knowledge are separate areas in the organization, rarely communicating with each
other. Incorporating competencies that are not necessarily a part of the innovation
team (e.g. external lead users, such as in the case of the LEGO example from the
Mini Case below) can create a potential tension between control and innovation.
Many complex organizations concentrate best on what they can control through
routines and standard operating procedures. However, concentration on control
minimizes learning from innovation by filtering out new information, reinforcing
past routines, and focusing on foreseeable and manageable issues. It also tends to
reinforce existing circuits of power within the firm, based on existing resource
control (Clegg, 1989; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978), thus reinforcing conventional
sensemaking (Weick, 1995). Innovation may require organizations to rethink their
business in ways that operational controls do not easily allow (Workman, 1993).
LEGO provides a good example.
Co-creation through lead users: innovation at LEGO (Antorini, 2007;
Kornberger, 2010)
In 1998, LEGO released a new product, called LEGO Mindstorm. At the heart of it was a yellow micro-
chip that made all sorts of movements and behaviours possible. The product became an instant hit –
within three months 80,000 sets had changed hands. There was just one small problem: the buyers were
not children, but adults. And that was despite the fact that LEGO marketed the product to children, not
adults. Worse, these adults did not consume the product as the LEGO Masterminds had anticipated.
Within weeks, hackers from all over the world had cracked the code of the new toy and created all sorts
of new applications: Mindstorm users built everything from soda machines to blackjack dealers. The
new programs spread quickly over the Internet and were far more sophisticated than those LEGO had
developed. More than 40 guidebooks advised how to get maximum fun out of your 727-part LEGO
Mindstorm set. How did LEGO react? First, negatively: consumers were meant to consume, not produce
their own versions. They were not meant to challenge LEGO’s in-house product developers. Confusion
set in. Inaction followed. Then, after a year, LEGO started to listen to those unruly users and attempted
to understand what they were doing with the product and, more importantly, the LEGO brand.
After lengthy discussions, LEGO came to understand that the community around its products was
doing something interesting, and that just because it was not included in the LEGO business strategy
planning did not mean it was not important. First, LEGO learnt that the boisterous creators were actually
not a homogenous group. While part of the LEGO community was into outer space, there was a second
group who shared a love for trains and real-life modelling. The two groups could not be more different.
The former was about fantasy, science fiction, humour, and free building; the latter was about real-
world models, suburban life, no-nonsense and precisely scaled modelling. Despite these differences,
they formed a community around the LEGO brand that shared a passion for innovation. LEGO users
produced physical and aesthetic add-ons such as batteries for cars and trains, or clothes for figures.
Other users developed new play themes such as LEGO Harry Potter or LEGO Life on Mars, which
explored new experiences for users. Finally, some LEGO fans developed new building techniques, such
as new styles of buildings, models, or colour effects that can be achieved through the combination of
existing bricks. Of course community members toying around with ideas do not develop automatically
marketable new products. Most of their new ideas were incremental improvements that left basic
product ideas unchallenged. But about 12 per cent of all user innovations represented more radical
explorations of new functionalities and new experiences. These included strategy games with
multiplayer features and role-play elements, such as BrickWars. Or mosaic building techniques: rather
than copying existing images with LEGO bricks, an image is translated into pixels (LEGO bricks) and
then assembled digitally. Software called PixeLego has been developed and distributed for free by users
to translate images into LEGO Syntax. Another example is LDraw (, an open source
software program that allows users to create virtual LEGO models and scenes; or,
where animators create short films using LEGO figures.
The moral of the story? The LEGO brand facilitates a new connectivity between consumers and
producers, allowing them to interact and co-create. Be sure, LEGO isn’t a singular example: Procter &
Gamble’s Connect + Develop, innovationexchanges such as, or, and open source movements (think Linux or Wikipedia) allow global interaction
between restless consumers, freelance researchers, retired scientists, inventive students, and large

Imagine you are LEGO’s chief innovation manager. What organizational challenges do you think could
result from co-creative, open innovation? How does LEGO have to change in order to benefit from the
changing rules of the game?
There is much we can learn from the LEGO case. As the LEGO example has shown,
the brand community is a crucial part of the organization’s innovation engine.
Having an active and innovative user community helps LEGO keep an eye on trends
for new products. Maybe more importantly, it helps to develop marketable product
innovations. The long list of user-based innovations that have found their way onto
the shelves include LEGO Studies, based on; LEGO Factory, based
on LDraw; LEGO Mosaic, based on PixeLego, and LEGO Vikings, based on a user-
developed play theme. Traditionally, innovation is meant to occur deep inside
organizations: product managers, R&D experts, and scientists represent the ‘mind’
of the firm in search for the next ‘big thing’. Marketing provides sporadic feedback
from (potential) customers through survey data, needs analyses, focus groups, and so
on. Information from these groups is taken in-house, digested, analysed, and fed into
the product development process. However, the flow of information is slow and
distorted through noise in the channels. The interpretation of the data by product
managers, R&D experts, and marketeers results in solutions that are at best
approximations of what matters to the customer. These approximations are
exacerbated by the limitations of the sources of feedback. For example, a focus
group of consumers sitting in a room cannot adequately represent the lived
experience of the product consumption. At best it is an approximation. Of course, in
a relatively stable world, this trickle of information provided by traditional tools is,
more often than not, enough to innovate. In more competitive environments –
fragmented and rapidly evolving markets – co-creation offers an intensified
communication mechanism between producers and consumers that fuels the
innovation process. Co-creation upsets the established division of labour between
organizations producing new ideas and passive consumers who are waiting to be
spoon-fed with new products – a division that has become firmly entrenched as part
of corporate culture. The brand plays a crucial role in the co-creation process:
especially in the non-mediated medium of the Internet, where the brand offers the
only recognizable interface that frames the conversation between producers and
The brand transformation also radically changes the sociocultural makeup of the
organization. External communities that crystallize around the brand form a quasi-
extension of internal cultures. In fact, culture cannot be confined within the bounds
of the organization. The LEGO brand community co-constitutes the culture of LEGO
through sharing of ideas and practices with employees. Empowered by new
information and communication technology, users become actively engaged in
previously internal organizational production processes. In other words, culture
extends beyond the boundaries of the firm through those consumers who form brand
communities and engage in creative, unruly, and co-producing practices. Creative
consumption does not occur in a vacuum, though: rather, user communities
crystallize around brands. These brand communities describe a new form of social
organization, mediated by brands. Following more than a 100 years of mourning the
decline of social organization, in everything from Tönnies’ Community and Civil
Society (2001) to David Riesman, Nathan Glazer and Reuel Denney’s The Lonely
Crowd (2001 [1950]) brand communities provide a new form of social cohesion. The
brand of LEGO is used by literally tens of thousands of people to express who they
are and to relate to other like-minded individuals. This new form of social
organization is far from leading towards a harmonious new society. Rather, the
communities that form on-and offline are testimony to the tribalization of society.
The defining characteristic of a tribe is its unique lifestyle; its defining currency is
not formed from the pros and cons of rational discourse but from what’s ‘in’ and
what’s ‘out’. Being part of a tribe, individuals play roles and use brands as plots and
props to stage convincing performances. But while the cohesion within a tribe is
high, its tolerance to change is low. In fact, those tribes organized around brands
might turn out to be particularly conservative and reactionary when the brand
changes. At LEGO, the community thwarted innovation at various junctures. For
instance, LEGO introduced a colour change of its bricks because it felt that new
colours would be more appealing to children. However, the LEGO User Group
sparked controversy about that: for collectors, new colours posed a challenge in
regards to integration of new and old bricks. The corollary of this insight is that open
does not automatically equal good, progressive, or democratic. Rather, co-creation
redraws the fields of the chessboard, redefines the moves players can make, and the
power they wield.
The control that organizations enjoy over production and distribution vanishes as
users short cut these circuits of power and relate to each other more directly.
Multiple authorship implies the loss of a single authority that is usually represented
by management. The new distribution of authority puts a lot at stake – including an
organization’s deep-seated identity. At LEGO, the identity of the organization
emerges out of the brand-facilitated conversation between external communities and
employees. While a brand manager might project a certain organizational identity,
the brand inevitably escapes management’s control. A brand represents a socially
constructed meaning system; yet meaning is an accomplishment that requires
understanding, interpretation, and evaluation – all deeply subjective processes. Put
simply, like beauty, a brand exists in the eye of the beholder. And there it is hard to
control: the sensemaking processes of the reader (consumer) co-constitute, and
sometimes override, the text of the author (brand manager). The challenges for
management are formidable: managing identity in the context of co-creation
requires an organization to develop high tolerance for ambiguity, uncertainty, and
paradox. Brands provide the arena in which an organization’s identity emerges out
of the interactions between consumers and producers. A stable identity remains
illusive: rather than searching for an enduring essence, organizations continuously
oscillate between self-definition and definition by outsiders. The brand provides the
space for this dialogue to unfold: it enables an organization to focus narcissistically
on its uniqueness, and, at the same time, forces it to keep an eye on outsiders’
visions. Rather than dreaming of a unified hierarchy, brands transform organization
into a form of organized heresy: the search for differences becomes the core of their
identity. The brand manifests itself as the interface where those different,
competing, and contradictory narratives clash and are, temporarily, reconciled.
Rather than being the sole author of an organization’s identity, the brand manager
becomes the editor of a polyphonic, sometimes even dissonant, narrative.

Customer scenarios
So-called ‘customer scenarios’ (Seybold, 2001) map the needs of different customers and use them as
input for new ideas. This approach harnesses both rational planned initiatives (technologically driven
change) as well as creative and lateral thinking.
Let us look at how this actually works. Tesco, a UK-based supermarket chain with £39 billion of
revenue yearly, decided to let its customers do the innovative thinking when the company started Tesco
Direct in 2001 as an online shopping window. Most Internet grocers assumed that online shopping
would attract customers because it would be a way for customers to save time because they could avoid
being physically present in the supermarket. However, these grocers failed in their venture. Tesco Direct
listened to its customers and found out that they actually loved shopping in stores, seeing new and fresh
products. In other words, shopping was not a chore that they wanted to avoid. Tesco Direct also found
out that, when customers purchased online to save time, they wanted to do so from the grocery stores
where they usually shopped rather than from some remote location they did not know. Thus, Tesco
Direct changed its online service and came up with an innovative system that made both Tesco Direct
successful and the customers happy. Customers shop online from their own store, the one with which
they are familiar, where they have confidence in the fresh quality of the produce.
Tesco Direct then changed its organization to centre on this innovative concept and came up with a
whole set of new practices. The in-store order pickers employed by Tesco for the Internet shoppers have
special shopping carts with online displays. The display shows them their route through the
supermarket, including data on peak traffic areas (such as the fresh bread section between 8.30 a.m. and
9 a.m.). As the order picker walks down the aisle, the display tells them which product to pick. After it
is dropped into the shopping cart, it is automatically scanned. If a product is not available, the display
suggests a similar product, which was recently bought by the specific customer whose order is being
Listening to and observing the customers closely and imagining how technology could deliver what
they wanted triggered these innovative concepts. Changing routines and practices then refined these
concepts. The system now has 750,000 customers who place 20,000 weekly orders online, generating
profits of more than £6.2 million. Tesco learnt from its customers.

What could the educational institution that you are enrolled in learn from the students as its customers?
Conduct a small survey of customer satisfaction among your friends.
It pays to empower your customers so that they can do the innovative thinking for
you because they might know what they want, and what they do not want, better than
do experts in a remote lab. But there is more to be learned from the LEGO and Tesco
Direct cases (see above). Innovation and change are just one side of the same coin,
and creativity is closely linked to often technology-facilitated interaction. The
source of creativity and innovative concepts is not captured within the company but
found in the community.

Innovating through employees Of course, innovation does proceed only from the
outside in; often, creative companies employ creative people to come up with new
ideas. However, the practices needed to manage creative staff differ fundamentally
from traditional management practices. Chris Bangle, global chief of design for
BMW in Munich, manages creative staff; his job is to mediate between financial and
technological constraints and innovative and creative design ideas. Thus, he has to
balance creativity and the commercial side of BMW. In his view it is the
leadership’s tasks to foster innovation and simultaneously achieve commercial goals
(Bangle, 2001). Simply, because innovators are usually not accountants, the logic of
commerce often sounds odd to them. On the other hand, finance departments often
understand the latest innovation as a fancy of the design team and regard it as a cost
rather than an investment in a valuable asset. Bangle decided to protect his creative
resources and make sure that they could work without being interrupted by people
who did not understand what they were doing. In this way, innovative products could
emerge – regardless of whether they were financially feasible or not. At BMW,
Bangle sent his design team away from its normal work environment so that it could
develop its ideas without being interrupted by criticism: ‘To make certain that no
one could possibly trample on the seeds they were planting, I instructed the group to
keep their whereabouts a secret – even from me’ (Bangle, 2001: 50). In such safe
spaces, away from business-as-usual constraints, creativity and innovation are born.
Similar to the findings of Van de Ven and his colleagues (1999), Bangle views the
type of innovation process a company uses as a crucial component in its success.
Shifting the focus from design (innovation) to engineering (implementation) too
quickly kills creativity. Therefore, designers must have the space and the time to
play around with ideas and act outside the usual constraints. By protecting the
process of innovation, managers are kept from overstepping creative boundaries. To
make sure that creative people do not fool around forever, deadlines are imposed to
ensure that playfulness and exploration find an end rather than becoming an end.
These deadlines also assure managers and engineers that these processes, which to
them may appear to be uncontrollable, will result in tangible outcomes.
Managing innovation requires extraordinary communication skills (see also
Chapter 8). The various groups must understand each other’s language: innovators
must understand corporate requirements, budgets, and deadlines, whereas managers
must let go and trust in the people involved in a process with unknown output. The
art of managing innovation is to bridge this gap and create a mutual understanding.
As Bangle (2001) concludes, business and creativity are not the same, but they can
be directed towards the same ends. Think of the glue that created the Post-it notes
that the guy at 3M developed against the orders of his boss. His boss could not see
the value in this tool because he could not relate to it at all. The same point applied
to the chairman of IBM when he claimed in the 1950s that there was a world market
for only about five mainframe computers. Again, he simply did not understand the
new concept because he could not relate to it. Or think of groundbreaking artists;
how many of them had the same fate as Van Gogh, who died poor and lonely,
because everybody thought his art was nothing but madness? Years later, we know
better. Innovation means taking risks – and sometimes the risks may be very obvious
and the destination unclear.
Innovation is much more demanding than is routine. Routine can be managed
mechanistically, whereas innovation needs to be managed organically. Mechanisms
require only routine action (Burns and Stalker, 1961). Organic structures require
members not only to enact innovation but also to make sense of the plurality of
organization and network members that may be involved in many indeterminate
aspects of innovation. Organicism implies commitment of psychic energy and
attention. It embodies the tension between responsibility and freedom. In innovation,
people have to be free to follow the lead of the TV series Star Trek , going boldly
where no one has gone before, but they also have to be organizationally responsible
in terms of timelines, budgets, and goals. Organizations tend to be much better at
framing these responsibilities than they are at empowering creativity. Organizations
must manage the tension between freedom and responsibility to balance
commitment with accountability.

Innovating through collaborators Collaboration between organizations is usually

temporary but often produces long-lasting relationships. Collaboration has intended
purposes but its emergent benefits may be more important. Collaborations are
dialectical systems, and their stability is determined by balancing multiple tensions
within systems of accountability (Das and Teng, 2000). Certain largescale, complex,
project-based tasks are rarely completed by a single organization; instead, they
involve many project partners, each of which brings specialized skills and
competencies to the task at hand, such as constructing a tunnel.
The global economy is marked by the increasing importance of knowledge and
creativity, which, paradoxically, places a premium on innovation facilitated by
proximity. Although the modern economy is global, it is also resolutely regional;
Silicon Valley is the best example. Innovative capabilities are frequently sustained
through sharing of a common knowledge base, interaction through common
institutions, and proximal location. Local, socially embedded institutions play an
important role in supporting innovation (Leonard and Sensiper, 1998). Organizations
that are able to relate to one another in a proximate geographical or regional space
seem better able to collaborate.
Collaborations link people and knowledge, simultaneously tying them to multiple
external contacts. Knowledge circulates through internal and external networks at
various levels. Achieving sustainable competitive advantage means being faster and
better at innovation, which often comes down to being better connected and having
more effective collaborations. Swann et al. (1999) suggest that what is important is
how networks interact with knowledge: what knowledge, who has it, and how it can
be accessed. National and regional institutions – such as universities and research
centres, as well as firms, government policies, and programmes – frame regional
innovation capabilities (Bartholomew, 1998; Dodgson, 2000: 25–26) because they
define the availability and quality of the what, who, and how of innovation and its
knowledge networks.


Innovation is a risky business – but so is failure to innovate!
Failure is the norm for approximately 50 per cent of innovation projects, according to research by
Cozijnsen et al. (2000). Hence, feedback on failure is essential to achieve successful innovation because
it revises present understandings and shifts stakeholder projections. Innovation is highly complex,
uncertain, and creative, thus regular feedback is essential (Romme, 2002). Indeed, the success of
feedback processes may be related to the frequent failure of the projects being managed (Morin, 1984).
If innovation is risky, not innovating is even riskier!

Mapping innovation

Although innovation challenges management’s urge for planning and controlling, it

is not a purely random process. Van de Ven et al. (1999) delineated a road map to
innovation that encompasses major steps on your way towards the new. It provides a
rough outline of the complex, ambiguous, and dynamic terrain from where discovery
and creation emerge. According to Van de Ven et al., the innovation journey can be
differentiated in three main periods: initiation, development, and implementation.
These periods are covered in the following subsections.

The initiation period Innovations usually involve a gestation period of several

years in which apparently coincidental events happen that, looking back, set the
stage for innovation. This period levels the playing field for innovation to emerge.
Then, internal or external shocks (such as a new manager, a loss in market share, and
so on) trigger concentrated efforts to initiate innovation. These shocks lead to a
concentration of attention from diverse stakeholders. Plans are developed to gain
resources internally and to create legitimacy externally. However, these plans are
marketing tools more than project descriptions.

The development period As soon as development begins, the initial idea splits up
into multiple ideas that proceed in different directions. Because it is unclear which
path will be paved with gold and glamour, innovators have to explore many of them
only to discover that they were not glittering highways. Innovations also depend on
other innovations – think of innovations in the mobile phone industry that are highly
dependent on developments in other fields. In this stage, setbacks and mistakes are
common as unexpected changes erode the basic assumption the innovation was built
on. Also, criteria to assess the achievements of the project differ between resource
controllers and innovation managers. People who are committed to the idea tend to
see progress and new opportunities where external agents see only hesitation and
dead ends. Moreover, staff changes frequently occur in the development period.
Motivation and euphoria are often high at the beginning, whereas setbacks and
mistakes breed more and more frustration and closure towards the end of the
innovation journey.
Top managers and powerful key stakeholders (such as investors) act in contrasting
ways and serve as checks and balances on each other. It is at this stage that network
building with other organizations is necessary, and top management should be
involved in this process to gain political support, which can sometimes lead to
unintended consequences. A partner today may well be a competitor tomorrow.
Close partnerships may lead to groupthink (see also pp. 99; 306). In addition, drivers
of the innovation project are often engaged with external stakeholders (such as
competitors, state authorities, and so on) to generate an infrastructure that supports
(rather than undermines) their innovation, creating the paradoxical danger of
simultaneous cooperation and competition.
To innovate means to build multifunctional communities of practice (Wenger,
2002), where the disparate views of various and often incoherent disciplinary
knowledge can be integrated and the politics managed (see also Chapter 6). In
addition, project responsibility has to be maintained in terms of emergent criteria
that allow for both exploratory and exploitative learning. Techniques such as phase
reviews and budgetary accountability help achieve project milestones that assist
exploitative learning. Exploratory learning involves a critical tension between
strategic emergence and strategic determination because top-down plans do not
easily allow new opportunities for learning to emerge. Bottom-up emergence does
not easily allow innovation to be integrated and incrementally cumulated.
Research shows that project teams sometimes punctuate projects through a mid-
term transition in which progress is reviewed and a new sense of urgency and a new
agenda created. This finding suggests that surprise and interruption are devices that
can be used to raise levels of arousal or tension (Gersick, 1988; 1989; 1994). A
consciously generated sense of crisis can interrupt inertia (Kim, 1998). The
alternation between inertia and crisis can be seen as a means for a system to remain
in a state of continuous change, neither settling into equilibrium (equating with low
tension or emotional closure) nor falling into chaos (equating with high tension,
Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997). Management evaluation requires great subtlety if it is
to capture these elements of the innovation process.

The implementation period The implementation and adoption of the innovation are
achieved by integrating the new with that which is old, established, and already
known, fostering a fit within a local context and situation. Politically, the radically
new and different will probably not be embraced by everybody because people have
committed time and emotions to the status quo. Evolution and integration, not
revolution and transformation, seem to be the keys to success.
Finally, innovations reach the end of their organizational careers – they are either
released or dumped as top management and investors assess whether the innovation
was a failure or a success. However, the criteria against which management assesses
the innovation are often inappropriately loaded in terms of short-term financial
indicators. Thus, it is important to focus on monitoring and evaluating the
innovation process. This process challenges usual management evaluation, which
rarely incorporates all the organizational competencies that successful appraisal of
innovation would require. Management generally involves abstract and generalized
calculations. With such calculations, it is difficult to capture novelty and
uniqueness. Standard budgets, deadlines, and reporting protocols can all sabotage
innovative efforts. Members can be transferred or let go, and crucial tacit learning
can be lost from the innovation process. Formalization can be demanded and the
critical detail missed. Managing innovation successfully means that organizations
must manage the tension between determination and emergence to link innovation
with the firm’s resources and strategy.
Being innovative or producing innovations is not automatically useful or
profitable. Rather, usefulness can be assessed only at the end of the innovation
journey, and what the destination seems to be is always subject to redefinition and
renegotiation as the journey unfolds because during the journey the criteria of
judgement change.

Leading the innovation journey Managing innovations requires leadership skills

and involvement from the top of an organization. Van de Ven et al. (1999)
established that many managers are usually involved in innovation processes,
shifting among four roles: sponsors, mentors, critics, and leaders. Each understands
and acts from different perspectives, providing a checks-and-balances function.
Their decision-making is influenced by the pragmatics of innovation more than by
long-term strategic orientations. For simple and trivial tasks, a hierarchical power
and leadership structure might be appropriate, but for the complex and ambiguous
innovation journey, it would be highly inappropriate: ‘Directing the innovation
journey calls for a pluralistic power structure of leadership that incorporates the
requisite variety of diverse perspectives necessary to make uncertain and ambiguous
innovation decisions’ (Van de Ven et al., 1999: 15). Thus, leadership in innovation
processes differs from business-as-usual management tasks. Given the ambiguous
nature of the innovation journey, we should recognize that it is highly unlikely that
the innovation process will be smooth, rationally unfolding, and bereft of politics
and contestation. On the contrary, the production of consensus and a single strategic
intent unifying the heterogeneous opportunities of innovation would seem to be
rather more a part of the problem than the solution.



The innovator’s dilemma

In his influential book, Clayton M. Christensen analysed why successful

organizations (such as Apple, IBM, and Xerox) sometimes fail when they face
change and innovation. Describing this failure as the innovator’s dilemma, his
provocative thesis is that not poor but good management is the reason:

Precisely because these firms listened to their customers, invested aggressively

in new technologies that would provide their customers more and better
products of the sort they wanted, and because they carefully studied market
trends and systematically allocated investment capital to innovations that
promised the best returns, they lost their position of leadership. (Christensen,
1997: xii)

Check out the Companion Website for free access to a very interesting and general paper by T. R. Schatzki (2006) on organizational practices.

Christensen regards good management as the reason for failure, which he explains in
the following way. Disruptive technologies are the key to innovation. However, most
technologies are sustaining technologies, meaning that they improve the
performance of existing products rather than replace them. Disruptive technologies,
on the other hand, result in worse product performance (at least in the short term) for
existing products. Compared with established products, new disruptive technologies
often perform at a lower level of perfection. For instance, top-end decks, tone arms,
and immaculate quality vinyl beat early CDs hands down for tonal warmth and
resonance, though CDs did not scratch as easily and were easier to use, played more
music, and were portable. The CDs had characteristics valued by markets: they were
smaller, and they were also easier and more convenient to use. Another example of
disruptive technologies was the off-road motorbike manufactured by Honda and
Kawasaki. Compared with sleek BMW and Harley Davidson machines, these models
were primitive, though they could go places that the big bikes, with their smooth
finish, could not. The desktop computer was a disruptive technology relative to the
mainframe computers developed by IBM.
The problem for established companies is that they generally do not invest in
disruptive technologies because they are simpler and cheaper and thus promise less
profit, or they develop in fringe markets that are not important to big players. After
the market is big enough to create serious profits, it may be too costly or too late to
join. Often, the established firm’s best customers do not want, and cannot use, the
new, disruptive technologies, and the potential customers of the new technology are
unknown. Proven marketing tools and planning skills do not necessarily work under
these conditions.

Search, organizing dissonance and entrepreneurship
When shipwrecked Robinson Crusoe walked on the beach he knew what was valuable and what not –
and he knew instantly that he had to act when he saw those footprints in the sand. Unfortunately, our
world is more complex. When do we have to act? What is valuable? How can we decipher those signs
showing us as much of the future as they hide? Where should we search? And how should we organize
Search becomes a major challenge to navigate the world. A new economy is evolving around the
central concept of the search engine, replacing the steam engine, the dynamo of the industrial
revolution. In an information society, the capacity to produce is eclipsed by the ability to find, edit and
connect information and new ideas.
The world of business is struggling with search. Typically, search is outsourced to the entrepreneur.
In a Darwinian struggle, so the story goes, thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide explore niches and
new ideas. Most fail. But some make it. Once they have made it, their search has come to an end. They
stop exploring and switch to exploiting their ideas – until younger entrepreneurs make them obsolete
and the process starts all over. Schumpeter (2006 [1942]) has termed this transformation creative
destruction. IBM gave way to Microsoft, and Microsoft to Google, and Google to Facebook, and
Facebook to Twitter, and so on. Each of those firms emerged out of entrepreneurial drive and acumen,
grew into a formidable corporation, and lost sight of new ideas because it focused on exploiting its
In his book The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life David Stark defines the
entrepreneur as the person who is able to exploit uncertainty. Stark describes entrepreneurship as the
ability to keep multiple principles of evaluation at play simultaneously and benefit from the friction
between them. Rather than deciding what is valuable and what not, the entrepreneur keeps on collecting
items with different (maybe even contradicting) values and defers judgement about their usefulness. In
the words of Stark, ‘entrepreneurship exploits the indeterminate situation by keeping open diverse
performance criteria rather than by creating consensus about one set of rules.’ (Stark, 2009: 16).
While it might be possible for an entrepreneur to chase several different ideas at the same time,
organizations usually put a premium on efficiency and alignment. This results in a singular value system
that drives the organization and enforces consensus. Remember that search requires the opposite
mindset: if you search you have to be open-minded and look at each item you find from a different
perspective – especially if you’re not sure what you are looking for! Stark argues that organizations
should actively seek different principles of evaluation, different regimes of what counts as valuable, and
different mechanisms to determine what is potentially interesting and worthy for future exploration.
Strategically speaking, the dilemma is obvious: in an organization that is perfectly well aligned with an
environment that demands typewriters, the PC could only be perceived as negligible noise. After a long
tradition of building big cars that would be filled with cheap petrol, GM, Chrysler, and Ford did not
value small cars built by their Japanese competitors.
Stark’s question is: how to marry organization and the entrepreneur? He refers to heterarchy as the
organizational form that allows diverse principles of evaluation to flourish at the same time. While
hierarchy reflects a heavenly order, heterarchy is a pattern or relations between elements that are in
respect to power and authority equal. While hierarchy relies on a singular rationality informing the
organization, heterarchy accepts that there are several bounded rationalities each of them having their
own evaluation principles.
For Stark, heterarchy resembles organized dissonance. He argues that organizations with ‘greater
diversity in ways of doing things are more likely to have the capacity to adapt when the environment
changes’ (2009: 179). While dissonance might be something to be avoided, it might emerge as an
organizational form that can cope best with the problem of search. Accepting polyphony (Kornberger et
al., 2006) as the reality of organizational life, heterarchy is the form that allows for multiple
entrepreneurial strategies that have their own evaluation principles.

What are the potential problems of a heterarchical organization that embraces dissonance? How could
you manage these potential problems?

Being foolish and creative It should be clear by this point in the chapter that
innovation and change cannot be entirely planned and will unfold in largely
unpredictable and uncontrollable ways. These facts might be scary and challenging
for the world of management, which is used to control (see also Chapter 12). As the
senior vice president of research and development at 3M puts it:

innovation … is anything but orderly … We are managing in chaos, and this is

the right way to manage if you want innovation. It’s been said that the
competition never knows what we are going to come up with next. The fact is,
neither do we. (Van de Ven et al., 1999: 181)

The statement of the 3M manager is echoed, and somehow anticipated, by James

March, one of the most thought-provoking minds in the field of management and
organization theory. In his playful paper, ‘The technology of foolishness’ (March,
1988), he criticizes two major building blocks of common-sense thinking that are
both closely linked to the concept of rationality (see also pp. 460–464). First, he
tackles the idea of pre-existing purposes that inform our actions generally and
change initiatives especially, and, second, he questions the principle of consistency
that should link our purposes, decisions, and actions so that they are aligned. March
says that innovation happens not because of but despite these two principles; the
problem is that goals are not given beforehand but are developed in context and are
thus subject to change. He argues that sometimes we have to do things for which we
have no good reasons to come up with a new objective.
Think of the team at Sony who came up with the idea of the Walkman. At the
beginning, the Sony team did not have the image of a portable little music-playing
gadget in their minds; rather, they bounced ideas around without having a clear
purpose (du Gay et al., 1997). It was exactly this freedom, this lack of clear-cut
objectives, which made it possible to come up with something innovative.
The call for consistent rational behaviour is counterintuitive when it comes to
innovation. March (1988) juxtaposes playfulness with rationality and argues that
playfulness unleashes creativity and innovation because it emphasizes
improvisation, trial and error, and the general openness to try out new things. The
urge for consistency would not allow us to act in different, maybe even
contradictory, ways because this course of action seems to be irrational and hence
undesired. As March argues, ‘we need to find some ways of helping individuals and
organizations to experiment with doing things for which they have no good reason,
to be playful with the conception of themselves’ (1988: 262, our emphasis). He
delineates this as the technology of foolishness, an approach that ‘might help … in a
small way to develop the unusual combinations of attitudes and behaviors that
describe the interesting people, interesting organizations, and interesting societies of
the world’ (1988: 265).
In summary, March (1988) suggests that a narrowly defined notion of rationality
that is obsessed with order and control might be counterproductive when it comes to
the question of innovation, change, and creativity. Rather, he suggests that a
technology of foolishness that allows us to do playful things for which we have no
good reasons might be more appropriate to explore new terrain. This technology of
foolishness happened at 3M, where a chemist discovered the not overly sticky
adhesive that formed the basis of the Post-it note. Playfully exploring where new
ideas lead, without a purpose in mind, can lead to great outcomes; at 3M,
management learned this lesson, and asks employees to devote 15 per cent of their
time to working on things they fancy – a practice adopted by many innovative firms,
including Google.

The paradox of innovation and change
To paraphrase the Greek philosopher Plato (1968), innovation is a paradoxical concept: if things are
really new and innovative, we would not understand them at all because they would embody a radical
break with all we know. What we usually call new is not really new – it will resemble phenomena we
are used to. Take a new car. Is it new because of its styling and engineering? Does it not resemble all
the other cars so much that it is hardly justified to speak about innovation in this case? Thus, the
paradox is that the new is either already known and established, but disguised in new clothes, or, if it is
really new, it is unrecognizable and beyond the ken of our understanding.
The perfect example is the invention of the telephone. Alexander Bell presented his idea to senior
managers at Western Union. They listened patiently to him and, after a couple of days, Bell got a letter
from them saying, ‘after careful consideration of your invention, which is a very interesting novelty, we
have come to the conclusion that it has no commercial possibilities … we see no future for an electrical
Obviously, the guys at Western Union were not exactly right; within four years, there were more
than 50,000 phones in the USA, and after 20 years, there were 5 million, and the patent became the
single most valuable patent in history (see Tidd et al., 2001). Innovation requires the creativity of
foolishness to stick with an idea beyond the stage where most people would dismiss it entirely.

What are the contemporary equivalents to the phone as innovative ideas initially not understood? Can
you think of any and what were the reasons for initial non-acceptance and ultimate acceptance?

How to kill creativity It is hard to tell how one can actually nurture creativity, but it
is quite clear how one can kill it quickly. We have compiled with the help of others’
research a practical guide for managers who want to avoid innovation and creativity
(Amabile, 1998; Kanter, 1984: 204; Morgan, 1989: 54; Ordiorne, 1981: 79). Think of
it as ten easy steps for sustaining routines to the point that they will eventually
destroy your organization:

1. Always pretend to know more than anybody around you. Especially be

suspicious when people from below come up with ideas. You know better!
2. Police your employees by every procedural means that you can devise. Insist
that they stick to the rules of good old bureaucracy and fill in many forms that
need to be signed by almost every senior manager in the organization.
3. Run daily checks on the progress of everyone’s work. Be critical (they love it!),
and withhold positive feedback, which would only encourage them to do things
that are potentially dangerous.
4. Make sure that creative people do a lot of technical and detailed work. Make
sure that they do their own bookkeeping, and count everything you can count as
often as possible.
5. Create boundaries between decision-makers, technical staff, and creative
minds. Make sure that they speak different languages.
6. Never talk to employees on a personal level, except for annual meetings at
which you praise your social and communicative leadership skills.
7. Be the exclusive spokesperson for every new idea, regardless of whether it is
your own or not.
8. Embrace new ideas when you talk, but do not do anything about them.
9. When the proposed idea is too radical, you can always argue that no one has
done it before and that there might be reasons for this.
10. When the proposed idea is not radical enough, just say that the idea is not really
new and that someone else already did it.

Of course, this list is far from being complete; there are many small practices that
can be built into organizational routines that may help you effectively avoid
unnecessary creativity, such as organizing endless meetings in which you discuss
and rehash every new idea without actually developing them; sticking to the
protocols of ways that have been successful in doing things so far; throwing lots of
detailed questions on the table (cash flow in the next couple of weeks, uncertainties
in your business environment, and so on); insisting that everything needs to be
planned carefully before steps of action can be taken; nurturing the not-invented-
here syndrome – the list is endless, sadly. Although the vast majority of
organizations seem to follow the ten rules, some more creative organizations try to
work with a structure that actually triggers innovation and change.

Being monstrous!

Innovation is meant to be something good and useful per se. However, what is useful
and what is not is seen only at the end of the innovation journey; it cannot be
assessed at the beginning. As Van de Ven et al. suggest:

the usefulness of an idea can only be determined after the innovation process is
completed and implemented. In this sense, it is not possible to determine
whether work on new ideas will turn out to be ‘innovations’ or ‘mistakes’ until
a summary evaluation occurs after the innovation journey is completed. (1999:

Or, to put it more philosophically, according to Nietzsche:

Indeed, we have not any organ at all for knowing, or for ‘truth’: we ‘know’ (or
believe, or fancy) just as much as may be of use in the interest of the human
herd, the species; and even what is here called ‘usefulness’ is ultimately only a
belief, a fancy, and perhaps the most fatal stupidity by which we shall one day
be ruined. (Nietzsche, 1974: 301; emphasis in original)

Weick (1979) puts it more bluntly when he advises us to stamp out utility. Similar to
the innovator’s dilemma, this question of usefulness forms quite a big challenge to
ordinary management thinking. The whole task of management seems to be
ordering, planning, and calculating; usefulness seems to be the benchmark of
everything managers do – if it is useful for growth, it is good, and, if not, it should
be abandoned. However, innovation challenges this thinking and thus questions the
underlying core fundamentals of management theory. Innovation brings up the
possibility of monstrous creations – strange and threatening phenomena not
previously seen. As the French philosopher Jacques Derrida suggests:

A future that would not be monstrous would not be a future; it would already be
a predictable, calculable, and programmable tomorrow. All experience open to
the future is prepared or prepares itself to welcome the monstrous. All of
history has shown that each time an event has been produced, for example in
philosophy or in poetry, it took the form of the unacceptable, or even of the
intolerable, of the incomprehensible, that is, of a certain monstrosity. (Derrida,
1995: 387)

Think of new products and processes in the history of management; they were
monstrous to the extent that they seemed to be unacceptable and incomprehensible
for their time. Innovation that is not monstrous but tamed and takes the form of
well-known pet animals is incremental at best. Radical innovation that co-evolves
with new behaviours and platforms always has monstrous characteristics when
compared to the status quo. Thus, truly innovative undertakings always have
something monstrous about them, something that scares and frightens many people,
including management.

Creative structures?
The creative process can be illustrated by using the example of Frank Heart, one of
the core team members of the group that developed early hard-and software for the
Internet. He remembers how the members of the group worked together:

Everyone knew everything that was going on, and there was very little structure
… There were people, who specifically saw their role as software, and they
knew a lot about hardware anyway; and the hardware people all could program.
(Quoted in Brown and Duguid, 2001: 93)

These highly creative people were working in a relatively small team, driven by
highly motivated people, built around self-organizing and flexible principles.
Creativity, defined as the ability to combine previously unrelated dimensions of
experience, flourishes in such an environment. However, this communication-
intensive practice challenges companies when they start to grow; professional
management structures are put in place to manage new ideas – their design,
development, sales, marketing, and so forth. Brown and Duguid (2001: 94) observe
that ‘once separated, groups develop their own vocabularies; organizational
discourse sounds like the Tower of Babel’. At Xerox, for instance, what had been
intuitive to scientists turned out to be unintelligible to the engineers who were
supposed to transform the idea into a marketable product. As each group told its
tales, ‘the scientists dismissed the engineers as copier-obsessed “toner heads,”
whereas the engineers found the scientists arrogant and unrealistic’ (Brown and
Duguid, 2001: 94).
Thus as Brown and Duguid go on to say, one of the greatest challenges that
innovative companies face is the step from initial innovation to sustainable growth,
a challenge that can be managed only by carefully balancing structure and creativity.
Creativity without structure tends to grow out of touch with reality, whereas
structure without creativity results in a loss of innovation. This conundrum brings us
back to the exploration/exploitation dialectics that we have discussed in Chapter 9
(March, 2002).
One strategy to overcome this problem is to use structures as shelters – that is, to
create sheltered workshops in which innovation can occur undisturbed by routine. As
the BMW example illustrated, establishing safe ‘playgrounds’ in which innovators
can explore without being constrained by a business-asusual philosophy can help to
create new ideas and trigger innovation. The risk, however, is that sheltered
workshops can become ivory towers. Disseminating and integrating new knowledge
into everyday organizational structures and practices from a position of remoteness
seems to be almost impossible.
Turning creative ideas into successful products takes more than business-asusual
concepts; the process must combine elements of structure with elements of process
by building project teams that include both R&D people and process improvers,
together with end-user representatives and those who will have manufacturing and
delivery responsibilities for the design that is implemented. There is no point in
having a great design that cannot be made, improved, sold, or used. Thus creativity
becomes a major asset in the conceptualization of innovation and change. The ability
to think outside the box, however, is something organizations find hard because their
efforts are focused on order, control, and predictability. Stacey argues that creativity
is linked to instability:

Organizations with the potential for creativity are those that are tensed by the
presence of efficient formal hierarchical systems that are continually being
subverted by informal network systems in which political and learning activity
takes place. Creative systems are systems in tension and the price paid for
creative potential is an unknowable long-term future. (1999: 75)

Management fashion

Certain organization innovations might be trendy, but what if they were a mere
fashion? Recently, management scholars have put emphasis on the role of fashion in
the dissemination and application of new ideas and practices. As Abrahamson (1996)
argues, fashions are set by gurus and adopted quickly by consultants and the media.
They are nicely packaged collective beliefs sold and communicated through highly
symbolic labels such as BPR or lean management. Using a highly seductive rhetoric,
these fashions promise simple solutions to complex problems. The power of fashion
derives less from the actual message (after all, BPR was in many ways merely a
restatement of Taylor’s (1967 [1911]) scientific management) than from the
symbolic power it conveys. Managers and companies who do not adopt the latest
trends are seen to be inert, reactive, and past-oriented instead of dynamic, proactive,
and future-oriented. Thus fashions create considerable pressure on organizations.
The problem, however, is that fashion offers lots of rhetoric but little substance.
Although it claims to offer innovative solutions, they are often no more than
superficial one-best-way recipes that ignore the complexity of the actual situation.
The task for management lies in the tricky job of differentiating mere fashion from
effective innovation. Just imagine a company that went with every fashion; it would
have to change every couple of years, and it would never be able to form a unique
character. Instead of learning, it would change its practices like fashion victims
change their clothes.
St Luke’s
A good example of how creativity can be harnessed in a business environment (and turned into money)
is St Luke’s, a London-based design and ad agency. It includes on its client list some big names, such as
British Telecom and The Body Shop. St Luke’s is an organization that succeeds in the creative industry
through carefully managing a key paradox: how do you push employees to their limits and provide a
safe and flourishing environment for them at the same time?
The Harvard Business Review (Coutu, 2000: 143) called St Luke’s ‘the most frightening company
on earth’. The unique structure of the company enables it to master the paradox; it is entirely owned by
its employees and, as the founder, Andy Law, says, they are Star Trekkers:

Our employees must take nothing for granted; they must peel away all the levels of their personalities to
become who they really are. That’s frightening. It’s terrifying to have no pretences about yourself, yet
that’s what gives you the psychological resources to question all the rules … What accounts for our
creativity is that we constantly go deeper into ourselves than other people do. (Coutu, 2000: 145)

The whole company keeps moving constantly. For instance, it opened an office in Stockholm:

Why Stockholm? We didn’t analyse the market to see whether there was an opportunity there. But we
analysed ourselves and saw that we needed a bigger canvas for people to experiment on, and we
needed a more diverse group of employees to produce more creative work. So we are going to
Stockholm to set the creative process on fire by doing some intercultural experimentation. We are going
to learn from people who were taught to think differently than we were and whose culture requires them
to communicate in a different way. We are mixing the creative gene pool. (Coutu, 2000: 146)

In their work practice, people at St Luke’s do unusual things as well. They intentionally destabilize the
workplace to keep habit at arm’s length. If you were an employee there, when you started working in
the morning you would not know where you would be sitting, and your contract and actual job might
change without any notice. At St Luke’s, everything is in constant flux, which keeps the employees
St Luke’s practices are similar to the essence of jazz improvisation. For example, when Miles Davis
formed his various quintets, he liked to keep them underrehearsed so that they would not lapse into
routine. When he recorded his bestselling album Kind of Blue (Davis, 1959), he took the musicians into
the studio with no rehearsal, no charts, and just told them to play the tunes that he had prepared loose
arrangements for. This kind of improvisation has been held up as a model for how creative
organizations should operate, and St Luke’s seems to have learned these lessons well (Barrett, 2002;
Kamoche et al., 2002).
St Luke’s might prove to be the exception to the rule that businesses are boring and the opposite of
creative. Thus this approach, much like the movement from chaos that we considered earlier, challenges
the assumptions of the innovation-astechnology and the change-as-rationally-planned schools of
thought. However, as we have seen, innovation does not rely on chaos; structures can help maintain the
balance between routine and random.

Analyse any organization that you can identify as exceptionally creative. How does it manage its

In this chapter we have discussed the main theories of innovation and change.
Planned change and its model of unfreeze–change–refreeze offer a simple way of understanding
change. Processual theories argue that change is more complex and has to be studied as it unfolds over
time. Recent theories explore the importance of chaos and unpredictability for the innovation process
and argue that innovation cannot be planned. Implicitly this challenges management practice that
focuses on planning and controlling. However, it is doubtful if change and innovation can be
successfully and continuously achieved in a planned, rational manner.
Clark (2003: 137) argues that most innovation in organizations occurs through alterations to the
population of organizations. Firms that do not innovate die, and new firms will replace them. Change
and innovation happen through replacement, mergers, or acquisition of organizations more than
through the reorganization of companies.
Managing innovation implies focus on the politics of change. Change always means changing the
status quo, and some people might be very comfortable with the current status or very uncomfortable
with the prospect of instability. Hence, change is an inherently political activity. It is also crucial to
stress the role of stakeholders in the innovation process. Customers, employees, and collaborators can
help you to innovate. Understanding the innovation journey, we differentiated separate periods
including an initiation period, a development period, and an implementation period.
We discussed some of the ‘dark sides’ of innovation, including the innovator’s dilemma, the paradox
of innovation, and management fashions with its (organizational) fashion victims. In conclusion, it is
important to recognize that innovation is one of the hottest topics in contemporary management. Rather
than view innovation, creativity, and change as a rationally planned process, we concentrated on its
emergent, processual, and political aspects. Central to this process are what we have identified as the
key tensions of innovation in organizations, which centre on making innovations happen in terms of the
organization changes and creativity that are required.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Social innovation
Management fashion

2 What are the assumptions behind planned change?

3 Why is change a process?
4 Why does innovation occur between chaos and order?
5 How do politics frame change processes?
6 Who are the main stakeholders in change, and how do they shape the processes?
7 What does the innovation journey look like?
8 What is the innovator’s dilemma?
9 How do foolishness, fashion, and structure shape change?
10 What role can customers play in the innovation process?
11 What is the significance of social innovation? How far does it differ from organizational innovation?


1. There are so many books about innovation, change, and creativity that it is rather hard to know where to
begin, but we will keep it brief. A good sourcebook on change is the text by Hardy (1995), Managing
Strategic Action: Mobilizing Change: Concepts, Readings, and Cases. It is especially useful because it
looks at not just success stories but some failures as well. A good starting point for innovation is
Christensen’s (1997) book, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to
Fail, or the more narrative account by Wren and Greenwood (1998), Management Innovators: The
People and Ideas That Shaped Modern Business, which tells stories about inventive managers.
2. March’s (1988) paper, ‘The technology of foolishness’, is a must read.
3. The best article on the politics of innovation is the rather demanding but extremely excellent article by
Frost and Egri (2002), ‘The political process of innovation’.
4. There are many useful films on the topic of innovation, change, and creativity. Perhaps the best is
Apollo 13 (Howard, 1995), especially its emphasis on the creative processes that brought the astronauts
of the Apollo mission back, even in the midst of chaotic problems. It illustrates organizational learning
as improvisation in action.
5. As an example of how not to innovate, consider the film Titanic (Cameron, 1997), about an innovation
that failed because of some of the assumptions of the designers about basic aspects of the ship and the
environment in which it operated.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #12: Improvising improvisational change , by
Miguel Pinha e Cunh and Joao Vieira da Cunha, as well as Johannes Pennings’ Talk #5 in the series on
The Origins and Development of Management, called Innovation: the paradox of back to the future.
3. To become familiar with the lingo of change managers visit this site:
4. Another useful site with many links is
5. For a site full of ideas and how to make them work see
6. Find out how you can turn your ideas into money at
7. A reliable guide to the world of innovation is to be found on the Harvard site:
8. To see the best inventions of each year visit the web page of Time magazine, where you will also find
an interesting guide to current innovative entrepreneurs:
9. A really innovative company’s website can be found at
10. A nice and entertaining website featuring links and quite good quotes by celebrities is to be found at
11. A funny little exercise to find out how creative you really are is at
12. In 2010 the Danish and Finnish governments released a report with the promising title The New Nature
of Innovation. Check out the accompanying website at
05/04/the-new-nature-of-innovation/ and watch the video with C. K. Prahalad. In your view, what is
new about the ‘new nature’ of innovation?
13. The site introduces you to IDEO, one of the most innovative firms in the world. Check
out the news section where you will find links to inspiring books by and about IDEO.
14. Check out, which is Australia’s virtual portal for entrepreneurs in the
creative industries. It is informative with lots of links and practical tools.
15. If you are interested in social innovation you can download The Open Book of Social Innovation for
free at
the_open_book_of_social_innovation. You can find more information on


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. Lounsbury, M. and Crumley, E. T. (2007) ‘New practice creation: an institutional perspective on

innovation’, Organization Studies, 28 (7): 993–1012. This paper examines the case of the creation of
active money management practice in the US mutual fund industry, drawing on both institutional and
practice scholarship, to develop a process model of new practice creation that redirects attention towards
the multiplicity of actors that interactively produce change.
2. Schatzki, T. R. (2006) ‘On organizations as they happen’, Organization Studies, 27 (12): 1863–1873.
This essay examines what organizations are as they happen. It first argues that the happening of an
organization has two basic components: the performance of its constituent actions and practices and the
occurrence of events whereby its material arrangements causally support these activities.
3. Schein, E. H. (2006) ‘From brainwashing to organizational therapy: a conceptual and empirical journey
in search of “systemic” health and a general model of change dynamics. A drama in five acts’,
Organization Studies, 27 (2): 287–301. This paper presents a set of concepts about the nature of the
organization, the nature of the individual, and the nature of the career – the set of events that tie the
individual and the organization together.
4. Stensaker, I. and Falkenberg, J. (2007) ‘Making sense of different responses to corporate change’,
Human Relations, 60 (1): 137–177. This paper argues that organizational-level responses, and how
these develop over time, can be explained by examining individuals’ interpretative responses.



Oil exploration is a high-risk, high-outcome endeavour. A single offshore well drilled on a geological
prospect can cost over A$100 million. A single discovery can amount to over A$100 billion. All wells
are based on very qualified guesswork; some may have an estimated discovery probability as low as 20
per cent. We will present three sets of empirical observations on creativity in oil exploration, all taken
from a multi-year action-learning project with the exploration teams in a major oil corporation. The
puzzle is this. Creativity is typically regarded as an exception, associated with stable dispositions of
gifted individuals, peak experiences, and intense bouts of more or less deliberate innovative efforts.
What if creativity is not an exception, but a quality of forms of work, embedded in everyday practice?
And can one address creativity at work in settings where key personnel question the usefulness of the
very concept of creativity?

‘We don’t call it creativity’

He was one of the first persons we interviewed, a respected manager of an exploration team and a
person who had participated in many successful exploration efforts. ‘I associate creativity with
something that persons in fluffy garments are doing when they are painting doodles and call it art,’ he
snuffs. ‘I don’t see how that kind of creativity has a place in my work. Exploration operates within basic
physical laws and is about putting together data in a large puzzle, basically knowing your field and
doing long term science based knowledge accumulation.’ There is laughter. An interlude follows where
we partly agree on not looking for the exploration equivalent of pottery making, partly try to qualify
how creativity is not contrary to science-based work. Then the exploration manager starts to talk
passionately about the importance of seeing the big picture in smallscale prospect analysis, about seeing
regional wholes, not only singular blocks or licences or prospects or wells, about being able to imagine
geological processes that took place hundreds of millions of years ago, about the importance of
conjuring alternative interpretations of the same data, about tectonic movements, thinking in four
dimensions, seeing opportunities rather than problems, the use of sketches for zooming out, and the
eternal need for persistence and passion in exploration. Creativity as science-based imagination? We
still think of this as one of our best interviews.

‘Why are you not using any creativity techniques?’

We had just been rounding off a two-day workshop with exploration teams. The agenda was to develop
and rank hydrocarbon prospect ideas in selected geological regions, staged as an ‘exploration creativity
workshop’. The workshop was led by the chief geologist, while we as external researchers had assisted
in design and some of the facilitation. It was the third workshop of its kind, and the corporate word of
mouth on the two preceding ones was quite good. One of the participants – an experienced facilitator of
many development processes in the corporation and well versed in creativity techniques – had asked to
join the workshop to see what was going on. At the end of day two he popped a good question: ‘Why
are you not using any creativity techniques?’ Indeed – why had we not? Part of the answer may seem
straightforward. Geologists use a highly specialized vocabulary that will typically leave outsiders in the
wild after 5–10 seconds. External facilitating of, for example, a brainstorming session on geological
prospects would be very likely to slow down the process, as the many complicated combinations of
ideas would have to pass the filter of an (at least partially) ignorant mind. Could this have been
overcome with the use of a trained geologist as facilitator? Perhaps – the problem here seems to be that
many creativity techniques presuppose distinctness of ideas at an early stage of conception and carry
the implicit assumption of the value of steering idea generation and combination, and the assumption
that such techniques are more or less valid across widely different domains of activity. These are hefty
assumptions. The kinds of discussions we have witnessed in exploration teams seem more like the
jamming of jazz musicians than developing new dishwashers. Fragments of ideas, data, viewpoints, and
alternative interpretations are connected, unconnected, enriched, stripped, negated, and saluted in a
stream of collective efforts where no single individual has more than a temporary lead. One may try to
specify the overall output of the jamming sessions and prepare the ground with communicative tools
and resources. But detailed facilitation? Probably not.

‘The key was understanding why the previous wells did not work’

After having interviewed more than two-dozen oil finders about their successful exploration efforts, a
clear pattern began to emerge. It seems that many success stories in exploration share a plot, with a
breakthrough interpretation in the wake of many years of data gathering, painstaking analysis, and,
typically, a series of costly dry wells based on geological interpretations later found invalid. Successful
exploration, then, is often based on the ability to come up with an alternative geological model based
on the data from dry wells. What does this implicate? A cynical explanation would be that prolonged
exploration efforts in a region where there is oil are bound to result in a discovery, sooner or later, and
that all discoveries are retrospectively justified as being based on a genius analysis rather than mere
luck. More optimistically, the breakthroughs result from novel combinations of interpretations,
emerging from a succession of analytical and interpretive efforts with many people and teams involved.
Maybe dry wells sometimes are necessary as precursors to breakthrough interpretations. Maybe we
should talk of slow creativity?


1. Starting from your own experiences, what do you think constitutes creativity at work? Can we do with
one creativity concept for all kinds of work?
2. What do you think are the motivational drivers of creativity at work?
3. To what degree would you say that creativity is an individual versus a collective phenomenon, and can
activities that lead to breakthrough innovations be ‘routinized’?

Case prepared by Arne Carlsen, Tord F. Mortensen, and Reidar Gjersvik, SINTEF Technology and
Society, KUNNE.
Morals, Conduct, Responsibility

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Understand the importance of ethics for organizations

Outline current approaches to ethics
Debate ethical dilemmas concerning money and morals, and profits and
Grasp how ethics works in practice
Know what is corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Understand how to improve sustainability


Economics does not account for the cost of consumption. (Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth)

The concept of ethics has a long history in Western philosophy.

Usually, ethics is understood as reflecting on and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour.

It follows from our definition of ethics, that business ethics is the reflection on the
ethical behaviour of business organizations. Much discussion of business ethics
focuses on the ethical consequences of individual and organizational behaviour. On
the one hand, some argue that ‘good ethics is good business’. They suggest that the
pursuit of economic interests within the given restrictions of the law will
automatically lead to ethical behaviour. In this perspective, being ethical means
simply following rules for doing good business. On the other hand, most critical
ethicists argue that the pursuit of economic self-interest by firms is fundamentally
opposed to ethical conduct. In their perspective, financial profit and moral principles
cannot be aligned; profits and principles, morals and money, are fundamentally
opposed forces that cannot be aligned. According to this view, either the pursuit of
profits or the pursuit of ethical behaviour must be compromised.


Think of fast food chains that sell sugary drinks and fatty food to young children
contributing to a nation-wide obesity epidemic – are they acting ethically when
doing so? Think of large multinational energy corporations that might exploit and
pollute the environment they are working in (just remember the BP oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico in 2010) and cut deals with governments that do not respect human
rights – are they acting responsibly? Or think of fashion brands that produce cheap
shoes and clothes in developing countries, often employing children working in
miserable conditions – are these companies doing the right thing? Many firms
maximize profits through outsourcing production to developing countries. The
unethical results of this strategy are that they employ workers who, by the standards
of most of its customers, are poorly paid and oppressed. Moreover, some of them are
under the age of 14 and work in ‘sweatshops’. Though in the developing countries in
which they work there might be considerable competition for these jobs, the cost of
the labour used in production hardly compares with the millions that firms such as
Nike spend on marketing their products, especially through promotional tie-ups with
leading sportspeople such as tennis champion Rafael Nadal.
Speared by these inequities, a critical audience picked up these practices of Nike
and protested against Nike management, successfully lobbying it to change
practices. Nike was successful in terms of business goals but as the goals were
achieved in ways that liberals in the developed countries could question, the strategy
turned out to be counterproductive in marketing terms.
Of course, ethical issues are rarely clear-cut: the picture is much harder to
calibrate from the perspective of the developing world’s workers themselves. Yes,
they are exploited in global terms, and the work is demanding and detailed – but, in
terms of comparable wages in their domestic economies, they are privileged. A
young woman working in a factory sweatshop for a few dollars a day looks like
exploitation; indeed, it is – but in the developing world such employment might
mean the difference between starvation and survival for her family. In the light of
these arguments it is not easy to answer the question whether Nike acted unethically
or not. You might say ‘yes’ because it exploited workers; or you might say ‘no’
because it allowed workers to have a job in the first place.
Recent scandals in the corporate world – think again of the BP oil spill or the
behaviour of investment banks such as Goldman Sachs that contributed to the global
financial crisis – have made ethics central to public debate over the sustainability of
business success. Other trends reinforce this centrality; for instance, the growing
interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) demonstrates that stakeholders
expect more from organizations than just financially successful performance.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) occurs when an organization seeks to meet or exceed legal and normatively mandated standards, by considering the greater good of the widest possible community within
which it exists, both in local and global terms, with regard to the environmental, social, economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic impact of the organization’s way of conducting business and the activities it

Stakeholders are key individuals or groups of individuals with vested interests or ‘stakes’ in a given decision or project. The stakeholder can be a direct or an indirect stakeholder. A direct stakeholder is a
customer, supplier, a government body, or anyone else formally linked to the organization. An indirect stakeholder is a member of the community who is not directly involved in the organization but who is
affected by its behaviour, such as a resident in its immediate community.

Often this is reflected in the shift to triple bottom-line reporting – reporting on

People–Planet–Profit – in which the impacts that are measured are not only financial
but also those registered on employees and the natural environment. Put simply,
rather than reporting the financial profit or loss of a firm, the impact of the firm’s
doings on the planet and on people should be reported too. In this sense firms are not
only responsible for financial success but also for human wellbeing and the
environment. Accountability extends beyond narrow criteria and focuses on the link
between business and society. While we have looked at the impact of organizations
on people in the chapter on human resource management (Chapter 5), here we will
also look at the impact that business has on the planet. Increasingly, the
sustainability of an organization is becoming seen in terms of not just getting the
financial side right but also minimizing the effect that the organization has on the
ecology that sustains it and its people. The practical implications of these recent
shifts are that organizations are increasingly under pressure to rethink the ethical
consequences of their behaviour and readjust their actions accordingly: external
stakeholders and the environment have become key influencers of organizational
practices and processes.

Sustainability: Literally, ensuring that resources are renewed. A sustainable use of resources would leave the world short of nothing that was depleted in any process – that resource would be renewed – and
would ensure that nothing deleterious to the world’s natural systems resulted from whatever processes were being undertaken.

The theories explored in this chapter will help you to understand the tensions and
dynamics underlying the debate about what is ethical conduct. As we will argue in
this chapter, there are no simple guidelines for prescribing right and wrong
behaviour. What is ethically sound in one context might be seen as unethical in
another. For instance, most of us would agree that torturing a person is unethical.
However, what if this person is suspected of knowing about a planned terrorist attack
and torture is the only way to get the vital information from them? In this case,
would torture still be unethical? Or would it be unethical to let many potential
victims die as a result of the planned attack? Questions such as this are not easy to
answer: certainly governments in different countries do not agree on the answer to
such questions, so some of their organizations torture or condone torture, while
others do not. Hence, the objective of this chapter is not to argue for one or the other
side but to develop your sensitivity for and interest in ethics. Our aim is to
encourage you to understand business activities and decisions not only as economic
‘facts’ but also as ethical issues.
IMAGE 11.1 Highly unethical small business in Bangkok, Thailand. The business is selling false English-
language proficiency certificates for students who want to gain admission to overseas English-language degree
programs as well as false driving licences

A rapidly growing body of academic literature reflects the importance of business

ethics. Although ethics has its antecedents in both ancient philosophy and religion,
business ethics is an emerging discipline. Further, while a consideration of the ethics
of business can be traced back to the seminal work of Adam Smith, whose focus was
as much moral as economic, the explicit development of business ethics as a field of
research and study is more recent.
Ethics research is a broad field. In recent years a key ethical issue concerns
sustainability in the broadest sense – what is the impact of the business on the
ecology, habitat, and species of Planet Earth? These are big ethical questions that are
sometimes referred to in terms of corporate social responsibility. So, in this chapter
we will look at ethics in general, and approaches to analysing the ethics of a
business, as well as the broader issues of corporate social responsibility, especially
in terms of sustainability.


Thinking about ethics

The core issue in business ethics is how businesses ought to act. What is an ethically
sound way for business to behave? However, as we will see there are no simple
answers to this question. Friedman (1982) argues that businesses are neutral
instruments that have been created for the pursuit of goals that they do not control.
In this perspective an organization can only fulfil its function; it cannot be judged
ethical or unethical.
Think of a small boulangerie bakery: it exists to fulfil a function, which is baking
good bread. One could argue that this is its only purpose; the question of an ethical
or unethical bakery would not make sense since it can only fulfil its function. If it
performs this function well it will be rewarded by loyal costumers who support the
business and help it to grow; if not, the business will ultimately go broke as
customers cease purchasing bread from that particular bakery. However, if in the
process of selling its bread the bakery were to use non-biodegradable plastic bags
which then get dumped in landfill, would it still be a good bakery, as one whose
rubbish can end up in landfill for infinity?
One influential view is that of Milton Friedman (see What’s the Point box below).
He argues that businesses should stay within the rules of the game and must not
engage in illegal or criminal activities. That is about the only limitation he imposes
on business: as long as they respect the law they should, according to Friedman, be
free to do whatever they want to increase their profits.
It is easy to argue that this simple rule does not ensure ethical behaviour. Think of
a global sports brand that manufactures its products in a developing country paying
minimal wages to children: according to the law of the developing countries, the
sports brand may act legally. However, from an ethical perspective the behaviour of
the company might be unacceptable. It can be argued that Friedman’s position relies
too much on a belief in the self-regulating forces of capitalism.
In fact many consumers agreed with these views and put companies such as Nike
or Gap under immense pressure to change their work practices in developing
countries (see Chapter 8 on communication). Further, such a view overlooks the
power dynamics that contribute to the creation of laws. In many developing and
developed nations corporations and corporate interest have a disproportionate
influence in the creation of laws – especially those directly relating to their costs of
production such as the cost of labour or public utilities. This influence has increased,
albeit in a complicated fashion, with the increase in multinational corporations the
world has recently seen.


The only responsibility of a business is to make profit
The following quote by Friedman gained worldwide notoriety – to either condemn capitalism’s laissez-
faire approach or justify capitalists’ operations:

The view has been gaining widespread acceptance that corporate officials and labor leaders have a
‘social responsibility’ that goes beyond serving the interest of their stockholders or their members. This
view shows a fundamental misconception of the character and nature of a free economy. In such an
economy, there is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in
activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say,
engages in open and free competition, without deception or fraud. (Friedman, 1982: 133–134)

Not everything that is legally allowed is ethically sound: just because something is not illegal does not
make it automatically ethical. Think of your own social network: would your friends find it acceptable if
you cheated on your partner and covered it up with lies? How about if you cheat in an ethics exam?
The main theories in business ethics address ethically problematic issues. How should a business
behave? What is the right thing to do? Who is ultimately responsible for the actions of an organization:
the individual or the organization? And how can ethics be ‘managed’ and ethical behaviour ensured
throughout a company? We will attend to these questions in the next section.

Normative and descriptive ethics

Broadly speaking there are two different schools of thought in the business ethics
community. For some, business ethics is conceived of as a normative ethics.

Normative ethics seeks to establish means of judging whether business practices are right or wrong.

Normative ethics can assist managers in dealing with moral dilemmas or to enable
past actions to be judged in terms of their ethicality. Business ethics uses normative
models in order to investigate the ethical nature and consequences of particular
events or practices in business. In this normative approach, business ethics is
generally understood as being related to the rules and/or cultural norms that govern,
or should govern, organizational conduct. In organizations this commonly means
that managing ethics is done through formalized codes of conduct that should govern
everyday actions and decisions. Indeed, it is reported that 78 per cent of the US top
1,000 companies have a code of conduct (Nijhof et al., 2003). This approach is also
used in theories of business ethics which develop normative models for passing
ethical judgement on business practices (e.g. Brass et al., 1998; Gatewood and
Carroll, 1991) or propose the development of ethical rules for organizations (e.g.
Beyer and Nino, 1999).
The study of business ethics has also been pursued through a descriptive
approach, which uses scientific analysis to describe the actual behaviour of
organizations and their members.

The descriptive approach to business ethics would not seek for normative guidelines that ought to be applied in practice, but rather monitor and describe what actually happens.

The key question in both approaches is whether ethics is relative to history and
tradition or whether there is a set of absolute norms that are valid at any time
anywhere in the world. For instance, although gift-giving to facilitate business might
be an established part of one country’s business culture, it might be considered
unethical in other countries: giving and receiving gifts might be seen as normal in
certain countries, whereas it might be understood as bribery in others. In this
example, values are relative. Whether an action is ethical or not depends on the
cultural context with which you are dealing as well as the cultural norms of your
own business culture. Where the two do not coincide then there is always the
possibility of behaviour being construed as unethical by one or other party. For
instance, it is evident that, depending on the culture, giving or not giving gifts to
facilitate business could both equally be construed as unethical.

Is there a set of absolute values that are not negotiable?
We could argue that men and women should be treated equally regardless of religious belief or the
culture in which they live. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nations, written
in 1948, has as Article 1 the following:

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

How consistent is Article 1 with cultures in which women’s sexuality is celebrated either in
representations of them in scanty dress that makes them attractive to men, or where their whole body
and face are totally covered while men’s are not? When some societies embrace sexual display of parts
of the body as the norm and others insist on total coverage – but only for women – is this treating
everyone as free and equal in dignity? What should international businesses do about this in their
employment practices?

Well, Article 1 might be problematic if we think about it enough – but what about Article 5?

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or


Certain countries, including the US, engage in practices that are very close to cruel, inhuman, or
degrading treatment. Pictures from Abu Ghraib Prison and reports from Guantánamo Bay Prison
provided evidence that the US interprets Article 5 differently.
During George W. Bush’s War on Terror the US administration argued that certain techniques such
as water boarding are acceptable if they make suspects speak and hence contribute to saving the lives of
innocent people. If not everybody agrees on such basic values, one can imagine how hard it would be
to agree on other ethical values universally. For instance, we might all agree that workers should receive
a fair wage for their input. However, what constitutes a fair wage in a developing country? If it is two
times more than an average local salary could one argue it is fair? It may still be only a fraction of the
market value at which the products are sold for in developed economies – so is it fair that the
organization’s shareholders increase their value by diminishing that which is paid in wages to their
employees by moving production to a cheap-wage economy? It could be argued, for instance, that it is
only inward investment from more developed economies that will raise wage levels in the less
developed ones. From this point of view, the relativities are not so important. As you can see, it would
be very hard to develop universal rules around such issues: they very much depend on personal values
and beliefs that differ from person to person.

Ethics pays: good business equals good ethics

One prominent argument is that ethics and business are, or at least can be, aligned in
order to create competitive advantage. The core argument here is that ethics does not
contradict the driving forces behind business organization and that there is no
conflict of interest between profits and principles. Francis and Armstrong (2003), for
instance, argue that an ethically informed risk management strategy increases
commercial outcomes, prevents fraud, and lifts corporate reputation.
In this argument, an organization’s ethical commitment is driven by its self-
interest: because it wants to make profits, the company will behave ethically, or in
short: ethics pays. Such a perspective dates back to Adam Smith’s argument that
maximizing personal advantage will lead, through self-interested actors competing
in the market, to a maximum of collectively beneficial outcomes. In sum, this
suggests that ‘good ethics is good business’. Thus, profits and principles are
mutually inclusive rather than mutually exclusive frames (see The Shell Report
(2003) for a business example).
Does ethics pay? ‘Ethics pays’ is the argument behind ‘strategic philanthropy’
(Seifert et al., 2003), as ‘intangible resource for competitive advantage’ (Hall,
1993), as ‘marketing instruments’ (Maignan and Ferrell, 2004), or as means to
increase organizational commitment (Cullen et al., 2003). For instance, Porter and
Kramer (2002) argue that companies should use their philanthropic budget only to
improve their ‘competitive context’ – that is, philanthropy should enhance the
quality of the business environment in those locations in which businesses’ operate
(2002: 58). The education of the workforce, the availability of economic
infrastructure, and the promotion of business aims would all fit the bill. Such
investments are proposed as simultaneously good both for business and for the
various stakeholders involved. So, for instance, McDonald’s may support
neighbourhood schools or provide Ronald McDonald houses for sick children, and
this may benefit both McDonald’s and children in the community.
Such examples raise questions, however. How disinterested is this as philanthropy
or how much is it a marketing exercise? And does it matter? You could argue that if
it is doing good and putting resources where they would not otherwise go, if it is also
marketing, so what? But on the other hand, is it marketing food that is basically
unhealthy and contributes to childhood obesity, excessive waste from the packaging,
and provides a McDonaldized model for business that is uncreative and inimical to
innovation? What might appear to be ethical behaviour in one dimension of an
organization’s remit may be counterbalanced by equally unethical action elsewhere.
Porter and Kramer argue, ‘the more closely a company’s philanthropy is linked to
its competitive context, the greater the company’s contribution to society will be’
(2002: 68; see also Handy, 2002). For example, doing something good and
improving the organization’s prospects are aligned. Providing good education to
people is not only an altruistic act; it also ensures that the organization will have a
pool of educated people that it can employ when needed. In this case smart business
thinking equals ethical behaviour. The ethical rules and the rules for organizing
efficiently and profitably are positioned as being the same. Just following the rules
will produce just and profitable outcomes. In sum, behaving ethically means
rigorously applying the rules of good management. According to this view, there is
no need to be concerned about ethics for, in the long run, good management will by
definition be a harbinger of both profits and ethical outcomes: the two will be
conjoined like Siamese twins.

Ethics as an individual responsibility

An alternative approach argues that ethical conduct is more a matter for individuals
as opposed to businesses or organizations (Soares, 2003). Following this approach, it
is ultimately the individual human being (manager or employee) who has to defend
ethical values and make ethical choices, often in spite of their organization.
Unethical organizational behaviour results from the individual actions of ‘bad
apples’ that are either amoral or guided by immoral principles. For instance, the
humiliation and irregular treatment of Iraqi detainees in Abu Ghraib would be seen
as an example of a few bad apples, such as Private Lyndie England.
The ‘individualization’ of ethics suggests that the individual manager is
ultimately responsible for ethical behaviour and that the organizational requirement
is for ‘empowering ethics’, which supports moral learning and development, instead
of restricting ethics through codes (Kjonstad and Willmott, 1995). The heroic
individual, so the argument goes, needs to listen to their inner voice or ‘moral
impulse’ (Bauman, 1993; 1995). Such organizational members are ‘morally
assertive’ and use their personal ethics to mediate corporate priorities (Watson,
2003). Ethics here is understood as a moral task for managers, who have personal
responsibility for ethics.
If ethics is essentially a matter of individual behaviour, then organizational ethics
would reside solely in the free will of the individual. In this scenario, the
organization (and its rules) is a powerful framework within which an individual
should act ethically. Conceived this way, an organization is an ethically questionable
entity based on rules that individual members respond to according to their own
personal ethics.

Ethics and bureaucracy

In sharp contrast to the above view, some have argued that the shape of the
organization is more important than the individuals in it. This argument is often
expressed in terms of the reform of public bureaucracies in the image of market-
driven organizations (du Gay, 2000a). Changing bureaucracies into more
entrepreneurial organizations that are ‘post-bureaucratic’ (Heckscher, 1994) will, it
is argued, shape the ability of members to behave ethically. In principle, making
these organizations more flexible will allow their members to exercise more
discretion. Think of a service such as a hospital. These are complex professional
bureaucracies, with an extensive division of labour. Within each profession there are
strong ethical codes and a sense of the right thing to do – usually expressed in terms
of an ethic of patient care. What happens if the hospital becomes a ‘Trust Fund’,
with a budget that has to be managed by the professionals within it? It will certainly
become more market-oriented, because the managers have to think about alternative
uses of scarce resources. However, this may mean that they will have less time for a
patient-centred ethic. They may also be urged by hospital administrators to respond
more to the health issues of their wealthy and privately insured patients, rather than
poorer people. In this case, bureaucracy guarantees a more patient-centred ethic of
care, though this may involve more waiting or queuing. Thus, the argument for
bureaucracy is that it preserves ‘a certain ethical dignity … in the face of …
persistent populist, philosophical and entrepreneurial critiques’ (du Gay, 2000a: 9)
coming from arguments for the superiority of markets. Against markets an ‘ethic of
personhood’ is argued for. Such an ethic would stress ‘autonomy, responsibility and
freedom/obligation of individuals to actively make choices for themselves’ (du Gay,
2004: 41).
When choice is associated with markets, the focus on individuality suggests that
ethical people should be enterprising and individualistic and, above all, steadfast in
their privileging of economic rationality. Markets that empower individual choice
see no place for trust, mutual dependence, social bonds, and honourable commitment
(Sennett, 1998).

The liberal ethical argument for bureaucracy Some thinkers have argued that
bureaucracy may well act as a guardian of ethics. They argue that the formal
rationality found in bureaucracy ensures that everybody is treated as a ‘case’,
regardless of their status, religion, ethnic or class background (du Gay, 2000a). A
formally rational bureaucracy would be one in which every case is treated the same.
If this formal rationality was replaced with what Max Weber called substantive
rationality, where the way that a case is treated is determined by the substantive
status of the people involved, then, for instance, capacity to pay, religion, gender,
class, or another (substantive) reason would determine the treatment that you
receive. The core argument for bureaucracy is that such a substantive rationality
would lead to the domination of a set of values in which market economics become
the ethical basis of society (du Gay and Salaman, 1992). Such ethical values are
dominated by notions of enterprise, economic rationality, free-market principles,
and individuality, conceiving of individual responsibility primarily in terms of
‘financial accountability’ (du Gay, 2004: 176).
The argument against the market is that bureaucracy’s ethicality derives from the
training that it provides in ‘the rules’ for bureaucrats, in terms of technical expertise.
Through a clearly defined hierarchy members understand everybody’s
responsibilities, duty, and rights. They are conditioned to think of the office that
they hold in terms of a ‘vocation’, something detached from personal privileges,
passions, and emotions (du Gay, 2000a: 44). Bureaucratic modes of organizing
provide an institutional framework for responsible governance (du Gay, 2004) in
which individual responsibility and ethical conduct can be framed. According to this
view, if we want ethical behaviour we should have more old-style Weberian
bureaucrats who stick to their rulebook. In this view it is not that humans would, by
birth or definition, be ethically sound beings who are led astray by bureaucratic
routines; rather, it is bureaucracy that provides the possibility for ethics by
providing a framework beyond personal desires, needs, and fantasies.
Business ethics as a paradox: critical perspectives

More critical approaches to ethics in organizations question the convenience of the

‘ethics pays’ arguments outlined above. They are skeptical about the possibility of
profit-seeking organizations, premised on the exploitation of the people that they
employ, being ethical (Jones, 2004). The critical approach suggests that the core
assumptions of classic management and organization theory do not position moral
principles as ‘a higher priority than firm profits’ (Quinn and Jones, 1995: 22).
Therefore, if profits are paramount, ethics will inevitably suffer: that is, if ethics
potentially compromised profits, it is the former that will be sacrificed. Ethics is
seen to be opposed to business rationality: their values are incompatible.
This critical approach asks whether business ethics is possible in a system that is
driven by the pursuit of profits. The attempts by writers such as Porter and Kramer
(2002) to align profits and principles, responsibility and performance, philanthropy
and strategic advantage, would be ridiculed by critics such as Jones (2004). The
critical argument suggests that business ethics is a paradoxical concept: businesses
are there to make profits; and making profits means maximizing one’s own
advantage, which more often than not will imply damaging someone else’s. Take for
instance a furniture manufacturer: if it wants to maximize its profits it will pay
minimum wages to its employees, buy the cheapest raw materials available (which
might mean, say, wood from rainforests in Brazil), and only implement those
environmental filters that it is forced to use by law. All three practices will
definitely contribute to increased profits; however, all three practices might be seen
as unethical.


How ethical should advertising be? Look at the three images that follow. The first one looks like it
might be an advert for lipstick. The second one seems to suggest that the lipstick is sensual, exotic,
sexy. Only when we get to the third image do we realize that this is an advert for a car – the Suzuki
Swift. There are several ways of interpreting the advert; maybe it is trying to position the car as the kind
of car a sexy young woman who wears bold lipstick might drive. Or, maybe it is trying to suggest that if
you drive the car then you will be sexy and attract such lips to kiss you. Is it (always) unethical to sell
products using sex?

IMAGE 11.2, 11.3 AND 11.4 Luscious lips; sexy words; red car
Ethics as Catch-22

From the critical perspective, the essential principles of capitalist society do not
value ethical behaviour. That is, commercial success and good behaviour are seen as
mutually exclusive. Even where companies choose ethically sound practices, this
does not mean that the companies themselves are necessarily ethically sound. For
instance, The Body Shop does not rely on animal testing for its products. Whereas
some might argue that this is an ethically sound decision, radical ethicists argue that
The Body Shop engages in these practices only so it can promote itself. Put simply,
being ethical becomes a marketing slogan that is adopted because it contributes to
the bottom line. From a critical perspective, no action based on such a motivation
can be called ethical. Business is by definition selfish, hence there can be no such
thing as business ethics. So, this is a Catch-22 for business. If you do nothing to be
seen to be ethical, then the business will be judged unethical. If, on the other hand,
you do something that is seen to be ethical, you will be rebuked for ‘being ethical’ as
a marketing ploy. Business cannot win this argument. The case study of Google
explains the dilemma – what would you do? Whose ethics do you have in mind?
Your shareholders’ money (as Friedman would define your responsibility) or the
freedom of the Chinese people?

Check out the Companion Website for free access to a paper by D. J. Moberg (2006), which will help you understand how organizations and managers
develop ethical blind spots.

Corporate diplomacy – or how to behave responsibly?
On 29 March 2010 the Jerusalem Post featured an article entitled ‘Google searches for a foreign
policy’. The accompanying illustration showed three statesmen (no women, I am afraid) from Iran, the
US, and China plus one corporate statesman from Google.
Of course, governments develop foreign policies to protect their citizens. And citizens can check on
their governments through elections and other institutions of democracy such as parliamentary inquiries.
But in our globalized world, organizations increasingly face challenges that used to be the business of
states. As the Jerusalem Post article argues, Google and other high-tech firms have to develop foreign
policies, as national governments are unclear on what to do and how to act in the face of change.
Google and its China business are a good example in case. In 2006 Google entered the rapidly growing
Chinese market. Google came under pressure because it offered in accordance with the Chinese
government a censored search engine to the Chinese public. For a company whose mantra is Don’t Do
Evil it seemed pretty close to evil to collaborate with an autocratic system that does not believe in
freedom of speech or search. In its defence Google argued that it is better to have a censored search
engine than none at all. However, over the years, tensions mounted and Google reported that the
Chinese government had hacked into human rights activists’ G-Mail accounts and its network had been
infiltrated. In 2010 Google decided that the trade off did not work and decided to re-direct Chinese
Google users to its Hong Kong site. The Chinese government was not impressed with Google’s evasive
strategy and threatened not to renew Google’s operating license, which means Google would go dark in
China. Google would lose access to 400 million users, representing the world’s largest Internet
population. The long-term economic consequences of such a move for Google are hard to imagine as
Chinese competitors including the search engine Baidu are increasing their market presence in China.
The question cannot be reduced to an economic calculation, however. Clay Shirky, an academic
from New York University, argues that Google does not export a simple product or service – but
freedom. Hence Google needs to think about the impact it has on the democratic and institutional
settings in the countries where it operates. In other words, Google has to balance its own values with the
values of the countries it operates in. Other high-tech providers such as Twitter or Facebook share a
similar challenge: when Iranians demonstrated against their regime after elections in 2010, Twitter
became the medium of choice to organize protests. Deliberately or not, technology companies become
entangled in politics and questions of what’s right and wrong.
Imagine you are head of the corporate social responsibility department at Google. What arguments for
and against doing business in China can you think of? How would you make a decision? How do you
explain to your shareholders that the decision to leave China was the right thing to do – despite the
rapidly developing billion people market it represents? Prepare a short press statement that explains
your reasoning and anticipate some of the points of critique that others might raise.


Corporate social responsibility has been adopted as a formal policy goal by many
advanced society governments and businesses. Organizations that commit to CSR
typically adopt sustainable development goals that take account of economic, social,
and environmental impacts in the way they operate. Why should business bother
with CSR? After all, neoclassical economists have long argued that business owes
abstractions such as ‘society’ nothing: shareholders are the owners of business and
business’s obligation is to do everything (within the law) to advance shareholder
value – not to squander it on well-meaning but irrelevant CSR projects. On the other
hand, the stakeholder model of the firm would insist that shareholders are but one
set of stakeholders; that there are plenty of other significant stakeholders, ranging
from customers, NGOs, communities, and civil society more generally, as well as
activist groups claiming to articulate the interests of the environment, animals,
disadvantaged people(s), or other ‘mute’ or muted stakeholders.

CSR in Austria: from implicit to explicit, by Markus A. Höllerer (2010)
During its impressive career, the concept of CSR has not only conquered Anglo-American parts of the
world but also entered fields where it encountered existing, strongly institutionalized, and taken-for-
granted ideas of good entrepreneurship. For many reasons, Austria is a unique setting to study the
dissemination of CSR in managerial discourse. First and foremost, and as a common feature of the
majority of continental European countries and their governance system, social responsibility of
business is nothing new per se. To the contrary: the implicit notion of CSR has been firmly anchored in
their institutional context – as an ‘indigenous’, taken-for-granted idea that already had been in existence
before CSR was ‘discovered’ as a strategic instrument used to maintain corporations’ licence to operate.
What is, indeed, new is that corporations have started to pick up the rhetoric and explicit vocabulary of
CSR during the last decade.
Such a deeply ingrained understanding expresses a consensus of powerful societal agents and is
materialized in various ways from legal regulation to informal practices of political decision-making (the
so-called ‘social partnership’, built upon a tacit and informal agreement between the government, the
major employers’ associations, and various employee interest groups). Austria has, thus, been portrayed
as the country of corporatism – as an icon of corporatist and stakeholder governance in post-war Europe
opposed to, for instance, the United States. It was especially the business elite that felt responsible for
the socioeconomic architecture of the nation – an idea that frequently came with a flavour of
paternalism that is due to the important role of small and family-owned businesses in Austria, and which
involved the balancing of different stakeholders’ interests due to the claim, and also obligation, to know
better what is good for stakeholders – perhaps better than themselves – and for society as a whole.
While not labelled and explicitly referred to as CSR, ‘good Austrian entrepreneurship with
responsibility’ has left its imprint in public discourse and has been firmly anchored in Austrian society.
Nonetheless, especially with growing pressure from international financial markets, and also as a
reaction to the fierce public debate on the rise of shareholder value in Austria throughout the 1990s, the
global victory march of Anglo-American-style CSR did not stop at Austria’s doorstep. Despite
considerable skepticism, the formerly implicit understanding has been increasingly replaced by explicit
CSR policies and rhetoric since the turn of the millennium. However, this also resulted in a more
fragmented and less clear understanding of what social responsibility of business actually encompasses.
Recent research (Höllerer, 2010), thoroughly examining the CSR discourse in Austrian corporate annual
reports since the early 1990s, shows that the CSR discourse provides several strategic fields for the
corporate world to engage with. A first option of strategically employing CSR focuses on topics in the
area of sustainability (e.g. the holistic perspective of the triple bottom line) and, thus, also connects with
the debate around environmental issues. A second option revolves around good corporate governance
and enhanced transparency, both of increased relevance since a global wave of financial scandals and
corporate fraud in the 2000s. A third line within explicit CSR addresses a number of central and
powerful stakeholders and, consequently, grasps CSR as focused stakeholder management implying the
balancing of divergent interests. Fourth, corporations use explicit CSR terminology to talk about
corporate values and their sociopolitical role within society; here, they think of CSR mainly as
philanthropy and support of societal groups in need that do not have power or voice in corporate
decision-making. This means that the responsibility of corporations for less privileged members of
society remains – to some extent, and at least on the rhetorical level – decoupled from accountability
towards powerful stakeholders.
So, what does this mean for an organization? Above all, the increasing necessity to talk about and
communicate certain issues (i.e. issues of social responsibility) points to their decreasing taken-for-
grantedness. Obviously, the long-established societal consensus and tacit understanding in Austria –
with corporate leaders embracing sociopolitical tasks by virtue of their elitist position – came to an end
when facing new challenges in a globalized world of business. Explicit CSR provides an umbrella as
well as the conceptual tools and vocabulary to tackle a broad range of ‘problems’ at the business-
society interface. However, unclear content and scope of CSR feed into its perception as an ill-defined
concept; on the practical side, societal expectations and ‘threats’ are diffuse – and so are responses from
the corporate world. On the other hand, while the shift from implicit to explicit CSR led to considerable
challenges for organizations and management, it also created novel opportunities. Organizations are
now able to proactively utilize their CSR standing as a strategic resource in order to strive for legitimacy
(‘license to operate’) and competitive advantage. This obviously requires a managerial approach
towards CSR and its integration within the corporate strategic agenda. Empirical evidence indicates that
little is known how to best position an organization when it comes to social responsibility; CSR is
currently still perceived as an all-inclusive notion used by corporations to address an entire bundle of
societal demands. It remains, however, unclear if such a ‘generalist’ strategy (as opposed to a
‘specialist’ strategy and a clearly focused CSR identity) yields best results in terms of organizational

Investigate the CSR policy of a firm from your home country. How far does the CSR policy reflect (like
in the case of Austria) a global language game? What older, more local traditions and approaches does
CSR replace? What are the consequences of this shift?
IMAGE 11.5 Don’t bite from the apple of corruption

Looked at in this broader way, the question becomes one of time periods: if
businesses serve only shareholder value interests in the short term and do so in such
a way as to jeopardize other interests that might claim representation or be
represented, these may then in the long term boomerang back on the business by
attacking its legitimacy or reputation. Thus it becomes a matter of shareholder value
to attend to broader stakeholder interests. As Vogel (2005) suggested, it may well be
the standard business case that the primary responsibility of companies is to create
wealth for their shareholders. But the emergence of CSR and activists associated
with it adds a twist: in order for companies to do well, financially, they must also act
Taking CSR seriously

Cynics might say that it becomes a matter of shareholder value for business to
appear to be concerned about CSR issues. A common critique, therefore, is that CSR
is often no more than a tool of corporate ‘greenwash’ – a rhetorical device employed
by corporations to legitimize the corporate form and accommodate the social
consciences of its consumers.
However, CSR, if monitored by civil society organizations or other independent
external auditors, can operate as civil regulations which limit the range of acceptable
behaviours open to firms and institutionalize new responsibilities. Among the
common range of auditors are AccountAbility’s AA1000 standard, based on notions
of triple bottom-line (3BL) reporting; the Global Reporting Initiative’s
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines; Social Accountability International’s SA8000
standard; and the ISO 14000 environmental management standard. Additionally,
NGOs, such as Oxfam, often monitor closely the activities of transnational
corporations in industries such as mining and the local impact that they have on
communities, politics, and the environment.
If a firm projects itself as being socially responsible, and avoids embarrassing
exposures of malpractice, it can deepen and strengthen its reputational capital and
pre-empt two forms of risk, suggests Utting (2003). First, it can help avoid short-
term reputational risk related to exposure of a firm’s malpractice, which often
carries financial sanctions (Hamann et al., 2003). For instance, after the 1999 WTO
protests those firms listed on the Fortune 500 that were perceived as socially
irresponsible suffered a 2.7 per cent loss (Spar and La Mure, 2003). CSR can help
accommodate consumer preferences for socially responsible products.
Green stakeholders – from concerned individuals, activist stakeholders, through to
green organizations in civil society or non-market-based organizations such as
Greenpeace – can play a key role in shaping the green agenda for organizations.
Civil society organizations have increased the energy they devote to directly
lobbying and exposing the malpractice of corporations, which has helped to change
consumer preferences and citizen’s attitudes towards human rights, the environment,
and exploitative relationships. Just as civil society activists can change the broader
public perception of what business should be doing, they also shape managerial
preferences through developing new concepts of social responsibility, taught in
business education and propagated by industry organizations and civil society.
While rational actor models assume management’s decisions are premised on
primarily narrowly defined cost–benefit analysis, this is not always the case.

BP – beyond petroleum?
BP’s 1998 installation of solar power cells at 200 of its pumping stations looks like an example of
commitment to green values. However, BP invested only 0.1 per cent of its portfolio in solar panels
while simultaneously expanding its fossil fuel extraction and exploration programme. In effect, one
could argue that BP has conducted a public relations campaign designed to accommodate its
consumers’ concerns about the effect of carbon emissions upon the world, while also expanding its
fossil fuel extraction process. BP has also adopted ‘socially responsible’ positions on global warming to
mitigate regulatory risk and legitimize its operations. By defecting from the Global Climate Coalition, an
association that denies global warming, it was able to take part in debates over policy prescriptions,
voicing a preference for market-based and voluntary solutions. Greenwash is the term that has been
coined for espousing the rhetoric of CSR while minimizing its practice.

How ethical is BP? Use the web to research arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ the position that BP is an
ethical corporation, paying particular attention to the high-profile industrial accidents that it has been
involved in, especially the Deep Water Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Is there a clear answer?

Interorganizational relations between civil society organizations and corporations,

stretching from the confrontational to the collaborative, have developed and
implemented rules in a multilayered and diffused fashion, forming a dense
institutional field of ‘civil regulations’. For instance, these regulations can serve to
constrain firms by changing internal/employee norms and practices, embarrassing
firms that commit malpractice despite having built reputational capital around social
responsibility and can bind firms through voluntary, yet external, audits.
Discourses of CSR were initially placed on the business agendas by civil society
movements and they continue to be influenced heavily by civil society movements.
Consider the case of Nike again: analysis of NGO campaigns against Nike shows
that firms may be able occasionally to direct CSR discourse by pre-empting or
exceeding civil society or consumer expectations. However, firms are generally
responsive if they fear that shareholder value will be affected. Media discussion that
is adverse, or criticism from government or submissions to public hearings, such as
Senate Committees, influence CSR discourses. NGOs will, no doubt, continue to use
their position and resources to push progressive CSR agendas, although business has
not been slow to react in setting up its own fronts in civil society, such as the World
Business Council on Development.
Highly concentrated, heavily capitalized, and diversified corporations are the
easiest target for CSR activism. They have more reputation to protect and face a
greater risk of backlash from consumers in sophisticated societies. Regionally based
firms, which have far less diversification and capitalization levels, and
undercapitalized firms, trading close to financial failure, are far harder to affect.
As supply chains become ever more global, there is the risk that the top-tier firms
simply outsource more unethical practices to less capitalized enterprises for cost
cutting and, because they are at arm’s length, denial, if socially irresponsible actions
are uncovered there. They can always cover their legitimacy by adopting codes of
practice, which they can then claim these other firms, unbeknown to them, flouted.
Moreover, if the actions of the industry leaders create a general impression of social
responsibility, those firms that have poor records of CSR will be able to free-ride on
their efforts, enjoying the benefits of mitigated regulation risk without the costs of
social responsibility. If industrial leaders are not differentiated from poor
practitioners of social responsibility, the benefits of their positive activities will be
reduced: as a result they may put less resources into socially responsible practices or
reap less benefits, as consumers fail to articulate between those industry members
who are, and are not, responsible practitioners.

What role do NGOs play in spreading CSR?

NGOs encourage firm-level action to avoid CSR problems. Typically, they advise
firms to consistently communicate messages regarding CSR in a firm-level fashion,
rather than in terms of an industry as a whole.
NGOs should lobby those dominant firms that have shown a commitment to CSR
policies to use their global supply chains and contractual relationships to enforce
socially responsible practices on junior industry partners. This would require major
companies clearly to articulate socially responsible practices (which provide a
further opportunity for civil society to critique and influence them) and ensure
governance controls are appropriate for promoting site-level compliance.
Furthermore, NGOs should lobby socially conscientious investment funds as well
as industry-and trade-union-based superannuation funds, to restrict capital flows to
those firms with low levels of capitalization and poor CSR records. In addition,
where industry bodies are dominated by firms that are among the most socially
responsible, companies that do not practice CSR may be de-listed.
Small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) sometimes complain that compliance
with CSR is beyond their technical expertise or level of surplus capital. NGOs can
help overcome this by showcasing SMEs that have achieved improvements in their
CSR practice and suggesting cost-effective ways of being socially responsible.
While the CSR movement contains implicit dangers of corporate accommodation
and of acting as a legitimization device, corporate organizations, and civil society
NGOs can guard against their co-option. CSR rhetoric offers important opportunities
for civil society to further development objectives and effect meaningful
improvements. It also provides opportunities to educate top management teams in
corporations about social responsibility as an ongoing, developmental, and
deepening process.
CSR is now a part of the normal polyphony that management has to deal with. As
Brown and Coupland (2004) suggested, organizations are constituted by those
conversations, and fragments of conversations, that occur in and around them, in
which many voices strive to be heard, and where what was once a distant echo from
outside the chambers of power can become a glorious noise once it gains access.
CSR is neither necessarily good nor bad from any particular ethical viewpoint; what
matters is how it works in practice – and practice is a constantly evolving
phenomenon, as the website of the International Centre for Corporate Social
Responsibility at Nottingham University demonstrates through its publications.


What are the positive CSR actions of the educational institution you are studying at? Jot them down
below as a reminder of what organizations can do.


What are the negative CSR actions of the educational institution you are studying at? Jot them down
below as a reminder of what organizations should not do.



As discussed above, ethics is often packaged in the form of codes of conduct. Codes
of conduct are a set of rules that organizations adopt; adhering to this set of rules
should then ensure ethical conduct. As we have said, 78 per cent of the US top 1,000
companies have a code of conduct (Nijhof et al., 2003). These codes are often
referred to as statements of CSR. For instance, health care products manufacturer
Johnson & Johnson published a much-cited code of ethics on its website (see Mini
Case below).

Johnson & Johnson’s Ethical Code for the Conduct of Pharmaceutical

Our Ethical Code for the Conduct of Pharmaceutical Medicine is intended to complement our Credo by
providing more specific standards of conduct and behavior for physicians, clinical research scientists
and others who are responsible for medical aspects of pharmaceutical research and development.
Our Ethical Code is intended to describe the principles that guide ethical decision-making to ensure
the safe use of our products, and the best interests of our patients and their families, doctors, nurses and
health care providers.
It is envisioned to be the standard for addressing all ethical dilemmas regarding pharmaceutical
research and its applications.

Our Ethical Code

It is our fundamental responsibility to place the wellbeing of the patient first by appropriately balancing
risks and benefits and to ensure that the best interests of patients and physicians who use our products
receive utmost consideration.
It is our responsibility to apply Credo-based values and judgment regarding the design, conduct,
analysis and interpretation of clinical studies and results.
It is our responsibility to adhere to the principles of good clinical practice.
It is our responsibility to ensure all Company-based, medically relevant product information is fair
and balanced, accurate and comprehensive, to enable well-informed risk-benefit assessments about our
It is our responsibility to understand differences in values across cultures and to appropriately adapt
our behaviors without relaxing our ethical principles.
It is our responsibility to appropriately challenge each other regarding medical and ethical concerns.

Research Johnson & Johnson’s handling of the Tylenol incident, using the web. How and in what ways
did the company live up to its ethical code?

CSR codes state the principles that guide ethical decision-making. They set out rules
that are supposed to ensure ethical behaviour. However, the implications and effects
of different rule-based approaches to ethics can be expected to vary according to
their context. We will identify a number of dilemmas that codes of conduct create.
When rules work to effect compliance

One possible effect of working with rules as a framework for ethics and responsible
behaviour is that they alienate individuals from exercising moral responsibility. An
extreme example of this bureaucratization of ethics might be found in Bauman’s
(1989) seminal discussion of the organization of concentration camps in the Third
Reich. Bauman argues that the people who organized and executed the Holocaust did
so by following precisely defined rules. By breaking complex chains of actions into
small, calculable tasks and prescribing their execution through rules, individual
responsibilities were made opaque and led, ultimately, to inhuman and absolutely
unethical results. Thus, simply following ostensibly neutral rules can lead to the
worst ethical outcomes (Bauman, 1993; 1995).
When codes are seen as an iron law, then trouble is at hand. How can one
prescribe ethicality for responsible subjects by denying them opportunities to learn
(follow the rules and you will not make a mistake)? How can the application of
external rules legislate for responsible autonomy, irrespective of individuals’
interpretations of these rules? The rule might be that as a railway employee the
trains should run on time. What their cargo might be is not a concern for the
individual. However, when the ‘cargo’ is people who are being sent to their deaths,
can one be so sanguine about following the rules? Rossouw and van Vuuren (2003:
397) suggest that a ‘compliance mode’ of ethics can result in disempowerment,
bureaucratization, feelings of individual irresponsibility, and a mentality that
implies that ‘what is not forbidden is allowed’.
Implicitly, code-based ethics suggests that if organizational members do not
exercise discretion and just follow rules, then they will be behaving ethically.
Remember, from Chapter 7, this was the Eichmann defence. In this sense the rules
are designed to anaesthetize individuals from moral obligations by locating
responsibilities only within an institutional domain. However, this view is based on
the assumption that what is organizationally prescribed is ethically appropriate and
that ethicality equates with routine behaviour. Neither seems plausible: keeping the
trains on time to the death camps was organizationally correct but ethically
repugnant, and the failure to resist the organizational routines that made the trains
run on time assisted the slaughter of over 6 million people. While being a good
bureaucrat with a proper regard for timetables was a form of automatic behaviour, it
was hardly ethical. Therefore, organization members cannot easily separate what is
ethical from the exercise of responsible autonomy. Codes of conduct do not support
such responsible autonomy because they promote compliance with rules set by
someone else. Bauman’s argument exemplifies the worst possible case of what
might happen when rules actually work.
Strictly following the rules may not be the best guarantee of good organizational
outcomes, in other circumstances, anyway. Codes of conduct rarely assure that
stated goals are achieved. If they did, working to rule would not be such an effective
industrial relations tactic. Codes merely guide what free and autonomous subjects
will choose to do. For instance, equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation has
not been sufficient to gain women equal status in organizations, despite being based
on the belief that law and rules, implemented properly, will bring about more ethical
circumstances. In practice, discrimination is enacted through the hardly tangible
cultural micro-practices of everyday organizational life (see Martin, 2000;
Meyerson and Kolb, 2000). For instance, although promotions are supposed to be
based on performance and potential, women often have diminished career options.
This is because they are less ‘visible’ and network less with the powerful – less
likely to be invited to the bar with the ‘lads’ after work or invited to the golf course
on the weekend. A legal framework of rules as the basis for ethical practice
insufficiently stresses the relation between rules, their enactment, and the actual
practices of organizing. Rules always have to be made sense of. They do not make
their own sense. And they always have to be interpreted in the context of other rules.
For instance, in a consulting company we know, the informal rule is that you earn
your pay between 9 and 5 and your promotion between 5 and 9 – when you stay
behind in the office to put in extra time. For people who have the responsibility for
picking up the children from school or the crèche, more often than not the mother
rather than the father, then such an informal rule cuts across any formal commitment
to equal opportunity.

Gender at work
The context of the flexibility initiative: ‘functioning in a hostile environment’

One of the authors of this book studied a large professional services firm’s gender programme that was
designed to create the best possible professional workplace for women. In a public presentation, the
CEO of the firm articulated his approach to helping women succeed in business as follows:

my agreement with the women was that if we continued to have meetings and to complain about the
men’s behaviour, I am kind of walking out of the place, because my past experience and track record is
proving that that is not necessarily the most productive use of my time. But if anybody was interested in
helping women to succeed in business, then I am happy to stay … our whole idea is to say, who are our
most talented women? How can we fast-track them? And what do we have to do for them to make sure
that they outperform their male counterparts? And how can they function in an environment that is
pretty hostile? (CEO, Public Speech)

We found the quote in several respects puzzling. Although there was clear intention to change things
and create a more equitable workplace there was something wrong. Let us explore what. The CEO made
very clear that he is not acting on complaints because it is not a productive use of his time.
Consequently gender issues were only deemed important if they were linked to business success. Thus
the gender initiative was framed in terms of the business case; the women who opted into it accepted
they would be contributing to the firm’s business success and would, as a result of doing so, be able to
progress their careers within the organization. Moreover, the CEO’s focus was not on helping women in
general but on helping ‘talented women’. One could argue that this is problematic because ‘talent’ is of
itself a social category negotiated and defined within a patriarchal system. Moreover, why is it necessary
for women to ‘outperform’ men in order to make their careers? Finally, the CEO asked how can women
function in ‘an environment that is pretty hostile’? Again, the message here is that it is not about
changing the environment but about learning to function and (out)perform (others) in such an
environment. The environment is depicted as a given, unchangeable reality in which people have to fit

How would you analyse the CEO’s approach to ethics? Do you agree with his views? How could you
formulate a different narrative that might be more inclusive?

When rules work as ceremonial facades

An ethics formulated on the basis of explicit rules will operate like other
institutionalized rule-based systems (see Chapter 13). Following Meyer and Rowan
(1977), such systems can function as ceremonially adopted myths used to gain
legitimacy, resources, stability, and to enhance survival prospects. Thus, to maintain
ceremonial conformity, ‘organizations that reflect institutional rules tend to buffer
their formal structures from the uncertainties of technical activities by becoming
loosely coupled, building gaps between their formal structures and actual work
activities’ (Meyer and Rowan, 1977: 340). In their search for legitimacy,
organizations use codes of conduct as standards to justify what they do (Brunsson
and Jacobsen, 2000). In this sense, having codes of conduct becomes a ‘public
relation exercise’ (Munro, 1992: 98).

When ethical rules are at odds with other types of rules

Warren (2003) has shown that deviance (breaking rules) in organizations can in fact
be constructive. Confronted with management realities and specific organizational
practices such as human resource management, marketing, production, or
accounting, a clash of logic, language, and basic assumptions that drive the perfect
world of prescriptive ethics and the imperfect world of business reality seems
unavoidable. Imagine a marketing officer wanting to avoid a product recall because
it would damage the image of the company, which might lead to a decrease in sales
and a loss of jobs. However, the production manager might find this attitude
unethical because a faulty product could potentially hurt customers. Both could
argue that their suggestions were ethical. Following their own logic they might each
make good arguments that are, unfortunately, mutually exclusive.


Which rule is right?
Two different rules, each ethical in its own context of application, may clash when enacted together. In
strict Islamic societies women have burned to death in female institutions as the male fire-crew wait for
the male guardians to allow them access to the women’s space. Each rule that is applied, saving lives,
putting out fires, and respecting the purity of women, might in itself make sense within an Islamic
context, but in the context of a fire in a school or maternity ward the fact that one rule is embedded in
strict interpretations of the Koran while the others are not means that there is a clash between the rules.
Rules cannot account for these ethical dilemmas, since it is two or more rules that, looked at
separately, create the dilemma. To take a business example: a company that produces pharmaceuticals
may be committed to environmental values as well as to helping Third World countries. Each rule seems
ethical and ‘good’ in itself but what if they clash? Management has at least two options: either
producing at lower cost in less environmentally friendly ways and thus being able to distribute a new
medicine much less expensively in Third World countries, or manufacturing according to high
environmental standards and selling the medication at a higher price. In the second option, the
environment is respected but the limited economic resources of poor patients are not, meaning that
many people who need the medicine will be excluded from using it. Ethics is at stake when these two
rules clash – and no third meta-rule can be applied to resolve the dilemma. As Munro concludes, ‘codes
are almost useless to individual employees who are faced with their particular dilemmas’ (1992: 105).
Ethical decisions emerge out of dilemmas that cannot be managed in advance through rules.

When a member of an organization faces a novel and ethically charged situation

they do more than merely apply a formulaic rule in order to decide on a course of
action. Rather, ruling is an activity, as the gerund demonstrates: the member has to
apply the rule (interpret it) in the specific situation that can lead to a situation where
two ethical rules compete with each other. As Munro (1992) has shown, it is exactly
this competition between two ethical rules that characterizes ethical situations as
dilemmas. As he argues, the ‘very nature of moral dilemmas is that they arise from
the existing norms of behaviour, which sometimes demand contradictory things of a
person’ (1992: 102).
Where people enact one rule they must do so in the context of their knowledge of
other rules. Think of a ‘No Standing’ sign. Such a sign, as seen in many Western
cities, means that cars are not allowed to stop or park in the area designated by the
sign. ‘No Standing’ does not mean that one must fall down, be prone, or seated. Nor
does it mean that one must be mobile. Of course, this context is not supplied by the
sign itself, but by its socially skilled interpretation. It is feasible that someone
unused to Western cities seeing such a sign and having the skills to read it might get
it wrong – possible, but not likely because only a cursory reference to context would
provide plenty of counterfactual clues to interpretation.

When the rules are ambiguous in their application

Some approaches to ethics suggest that analysing the consequences of that behaviour
can assess the ethicality of behaviour. Thus, behaviour is said to be ‘good’ if the
consequences of this behaviour are seen to be useful or valuable. This utilitarian
logic is problematic, however, because it fails to account for situations where
different people can interpret the consequences of actions differently. Indeed, what
are good consequences for one party can be awful for other parties. As Willmott
(1998) puts it eloquently, one party’s freedom fighter is another party’s terrorist. Or,
as in the case below, one culture’s gift is another culture’s bribe.


No gifts, we are ethical!
Shell tried to implement a code of conduct that stated (as principle number 5) that employees are not
allowed to receive or give any gifts from clients, suppliers, etc. (see The Shell Report, 2003). Such a rule
should prevent the corruption and bribery that ostensibly occurred in some of Shell’s activities in
developing and other economies.
However, as Shell found out, in some countries giving and receiving gifts is simply a normal practice
of business. Acting strictly according to the ‘no-gift’ rule would mean, in these cases, losing business
opportunities. The general and universally defined rule ‘no gifts’ needs to be set in context, interpreted,
and sometimes broken – in order to do business according to ethically local habits and traditions.
In terms of ethics, rules do nothing by themselves – the concern is with how people interact with and
use the rules according to local culture-specific and industry-specific practices.
Can an individual truly assess and predict the consequences of their behaviour? In a complex and
fast-changing world in which multiple cause and effect relations form a dense web, calculation of the
consequences of one’s behaviour will often fail. Moreover, in organizations that are ‘garbage cans’,
where processes are messy and rationality a scarce good, the consequences of one’s behaviour are
likely to be unpredictable (see Chapter 7). In such an environment, the best of intentions is often not
good enough; worse, as the proverb goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Paradoxically, on the other hand, sometimes ostensibly bad practices can lead to surprisingly ethical
outcomes: take Oskar Schindler, for instance, well known since the 1993 film, Schindler’s List, based
on Thomas Keneally’s (1982) novel Schindler’s Ark. Schindler was a womanizer, a money-hungry man
who understood the war of Nazi Germany as a business opportunity rather than as a threat. He followed
the SS into Poland and became heavily involved in the black-market and the underworld and became
friendly with the local Gestapo. He procured women, alcohol, and other favours for them. With these
newfound connections he managed to acquire a factory, which he worked with Jewish labour. Despite
this seemingly selfish behaviour, he managed to rescue 1,200 Jews – as Thomas Keneally wrote. The
implication of this story is that ethically dubious practices can have ethically good outcomes, and good
practices bad outcomes. Rules that simply state what is good and bad provide simplifying templates for
complex ethical problems and dilemmas and cannot account for Schindler’s dynamics.
When rules assign responsibilities

Rules can be employed to assess organizational responsibilities and thus to ascribe

blame to individual managers when responsibilities are interpreted as having gone
awry. This use of rules is problematic in several respects. By excluding emotions,
personal responsibility, and by considering humans as neutral personnel,
organizations fail to understand and act according to ethical values, suggests du Gay
(2000b). Implicitly, the argument is that only good individuals, trained in ethics and
equipped with sound moral principles, can ensure that the organizational machine
works ethically. It all depends on the people. If the organization does not act
according to rule, then a decision-maker should be identified and be held personally
responsible. Sometimes this can lead to sacrificial victims – when it is systems that
are responsible.


Sacrificing a victim when a system was responsible
We have looked at the collapse of Barings Bank in 1995 in earlier chapters. We want to return to this
case again because it focuses so many issues so well. In this case the problems faced by the bank were
ascribed to the unethical behaviour of a single ‘rogue trader’ – Nick Leeson. Allocating responsibility to
this one person is insufficient to explain why Barings collapsed, however (Drummond, 2002; Stein,
2000). Rather, it was a lethal mix of structural, cultural, and historical rules that prefigured the end of
Barings. As Stein (2000: 1227) argues, ‘Barings’ problem [is located] squarely with the institution rather
than with Leeson … the conditions for Leeson’s fraud were set in place substantially prior to his arrival
at Barings’. Blaming Leeson personally means neglecting to account for local contexts, organization
cultures, and the history of decision-making at Barings.
It is too easy to personalize problems rather than see them as embedded in a complex interrelation of
contingencies. Such simple views echo the popular management and sporting press, where the success
(and failure) of organizations is attributed to the one person at the top – say business success in the case
of Jack Welch or Bill Gates or political failure in the case of George W. Bush or Tony Blair.


Doing ethics, being ethical

Perhaps we should consider ethics in the context of situated practice – what we do

when we are being ethical – rather than from the perspective of generalized
pronouncements on the effects of rules. Take the example of (business) bluffing
(Carr, 1968; Carson, 1993): bluffing is not ethically conspicuous when one plays
poker or wants to buy a car; however, bluffing in a courtroom or in a marriage might
be unethical because the context of the situation does not allow for bluffing. Thus, in
looking at when and how ethics is enacted the context is decisive. If we examine
how ethics is differentially embedded in practices that operate in an active and
contextualized manner we can understand that ethics inhabits the spaces between
rules, between subjects interacting with rules, and the different ways that these
spaces, rules, and actors can be understood and enacted.
A concern with ethics as practice asks how are rules translated into practices and
how are they enacted in everyday organizational contexts? Empirically, what needs
to be investigated is the adhering, violating, ignoring, or creative interpreting of
rules and how these actions frame rule users, shapers, enforcers, defenders, critics,
and interpreters. As shown above, pure rule following can lead to ethically
questionable outcomes just as the ethics of the rules themselves is not guaranteed.
Therefore, interpreting and adapting rules according to local circumstances,
including sometimes even breaking rules, might be ethically sound. Ethics as
practice addresses the gap between rule following and other possible responses to
them. Understanding the enactment of rules, or ruling as a practice, makes visible
the dilemmas as well as possibilities of ethical conduct – aligned or opposed to the
official code of conduct.
Where current approaches consider ruling as a means of governing (or trying to
govern) ethical activity by prescribing to other people what they should and should
not do, considering ethics as a practice shifts focus to how rules are enacted, how
they are implemented and made practical. While rules are resources used to
legitimize and to negotiate organizational realities, ethics conceived as practices
focuses on the potentially unethical use of these resources.
Just as any other form of practice, ethics is enacted through specific discourses.
As discourse we understand the written or spoken, verbally or non-verbally
communicated texts constitutive of organizational realities, including codes of
conduct, stories, and interaction between people. It is in the everyday use of
language that moral and ethical judgements are made – often in passing, embedded
in the ‘natural’ categories of language use.

Ethics expressed in and through the categories used in everyday language

Take for example the value seen in being an ‘organization man’ as an ideal type of
worker (Whyte, 1960) in the 1950s. And he was a man – this was a time when
women often retired from the workforce after marriage and most women aspired to
be married to an organization man who could provide for them and their children
through the security of their employment and pension. The organization man was a
man who was loyal to one organization and built his whole career there. By the
1980s the organization man was rarely referred to. As we have seen in the market
critique of bureaucracy, the focus has now shifted to entrepreneurial selves who
exercise initiative rather than just follow the rules (du Gay, 1996).
In each case a different discourse creates different categories for being a ‘good’
employee: one sees the employee as a rule-follower; the other sees the employee as
a person who can be trusted to show initiative. In both contexts, the meaning of
‘being ethical’ might differ.
Understanding ethics as practice implies analysing those discourses that enact
particular ethical attributions. For instance, ISO 14000, introduced by the
International Standards Organization, opened up new ethical possibilities for
organizations. They could choose to adapt or to ignore the standard – but in doing so
they had to respond to and use the discourse triggered by ISO (see Bansal and
Hunter, 2003; Brunsson and Jacobsen, 2000). As Karl Weick puts it, they have to
make sense of the new situation: sensemaking is ‘less about discovery than it is
about invention. To engage in sensemaking is to construct, filter, frame, create
facticity … and render the subjective into something more tangible’ (1995: 13–14).
Ethical problems and unethical action do not exist per se – they only exist as they
are talked into being by the ways in which people make sense.
In judging whether a given behaviour is ethical or not, therefore, we need to
understand the discourse that nurtures the ethical sensemaking process. Thus, for
instance, rules that forbid smoking inside offices are embedded in a discourse about
the ill effects of secondary inhalation of matter known to be cancerous. These ethics
could not be applied at a time when the link between smoking and cancer was not
known or accepted. Hence, in many old movies, we see smoke-filled rooms as the
normal kind of habitat of hard-bitten reporters and detectives. Specific discourses
create the conditions of possibility for notions of ethics to be applied; their
application constitutes particular types of social action as either ethical or not
ethical: think of smoking again.
There is a relation between subjectivity and power (Foucault, 2003). The practices
employed in an asylum, for instance, constitute certain historically formulated and
specific identities associated with being mentally ill (see Foucault, 1965; Goffman,
1961). For instance, people who were regarded as ‘village idiots’ in the Middle Ages
were venerated as having a particular wisdom and insight, and had a special role in
the community. By the nineteenth century such people were confined in ‘lunatic
asylums’, and a popular entertainment consisted of going to watch the lunatics in the
asylum. In the twentieth century they were often released to ‘care in the
community’, which, too often in practice, meant homelessness, exploitation, and a
lack of any therapeutic framework.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to a paper by M. Kornberger and A. D. Brown (2007), which provides a more detailed empirical study of
ethics as practice, co-written by one of the co-authors of this book.

Similarly, when Phillips and Hardy (1997) researched the UK refugee system they
found that refugee identity was conceptually constructed discursively. ‘What is a
refugee?’ becomes a key question. For instance, refugees are not usually allowed to
be ‘economic migrants’ seeking a better life. They must be able to demonstrate
persecution that is unequivocal. Also, there is the question asked at an individual
level of ‘Who actually is a refugee?’ That is, given the categorical meaning, does
this particular person fit the category?
Thus ethics not only shapes the subjectivity of organizational members, but also
provides resources through which organizations can shape the identity of both
employees and others (Styhre, 2001). Such shaping never occurs on a level playing
field, to use a popular metaphor. It has political heights and gullies, deeply
overshadowed spaces, others that bask in the light of what is taken to be pure reason,
and underground roots that spread under the terrain, shaping it in unseen and thus
radical ways. As du Gay (2000b) suggests, liberal forms of managing and governing
create social actors as subjects of responsibility, autonomy, and choice upon whom
political institutions seek to act by shaping and utilizing their freedom.

Practices at work: designing ethical behavioural change

In his 2007 book, Gordon lifts the lid on one such set of circumstances. He was able
to research a specific organization where it was evident that unethical conduct
flourished. The organization was the New South Wales Police Service. The NSW
Police Service is one of the largest police organizations in the world with more than
17,000 employees serving a population of 7 million in the state of New South Wales,
an area of more than 800,000 square kilometres, equivalent in size to the US state of
Texas. In 1997 the results of a Royal Commission, a statutory inquiry authorized by
the state government with all the powers of a judicial body, revealed the reality of
policing in NSW to be very different from the ethical values that the Service
espoused: the Service was rife with unethical and corrupt behaviour. Examples of
such behaviour included the abuse of authority, the taking of bribes, providing false
evidence, drug dealing, commissioning criminals to commit crimes, fixing internal
promotions so that corrupted members were promoted, and the use of intimidation
and stand-over tactics as well as murder (Wood, 1997).
The Royal Commission’s findings illustrate how strong discipline and a strict
adherence to authoritarian principles of management constituted a culture of
obedience and fear in the Service: even if one was not corrupt, one did not question
the authority of superiors. Dubious practices went unchecked; over time, the sense of
dubiousness was lost to the point where practices that violated almost every element
of the Service’s ethics became part of the everyday routine.
Acting in response to the Royal Commission’s findings and recommendations, the
NSW government appointed Mr Peter Ryan, from the UK, as the new Commissioner
of Police, who initiated a reform programme aimed at achieving ‘ethical and cost
efficient policing’ (Ryan, 2002). Commissioner Ryan understood modern
management concepts (empowerment, teams, and flatter structures) to be the
solution to the problems highlighted by Wood (1997). He initiated a departure from
a traditional hierarchical and military structure and, over the next five years,
diligently implemented a reform process employing contemporary theories of
organizational design to create a frame within which to combat unethical behaviour.
Chief among the new instruments was the Operations Control and Review (OCR)
meeting, introduced by Ryan and his team with the intention of changing the ethics
of the service. The OCR was designed as a formal meeting in which the senior
management team of the Service coordinated and discussed the operational
performance of each local area. Officers testified that the OCR had a pervasive
impact. The meeting functioned as a form of Electronic Panopticon in reverse: it did
not exercise surveillance over all members but all members exercised surveillance
over it as it was broadcast throughout the Service, transmitted via police television
to local area commanders across the state.
While the OCR was designed to coordinate the operational performance of the
different local area commands, according to the comments of numerous officers it
appeared to be more of an arena in which senior executives reinforced their
superiority by attacking and punishing local area commanders. The focus on
individuals rather than operations was reflected in the pervasive use of metaphors
such as people appearing before it placing their ‘heads on the block’, portraying the
OCR as a setting for an execution. Other officer’s commented that ‘it is just a big
magnifying glass’, indicating that the OCR should be seen in terms of a very public
mechanism for framing ‘normal’ expectations.
The OCR meeting was a prime medium through which officers in management
positions throughout the Service were made aware of how management is done in
the Service. Rather than leave space for dialogue, the OCR enforced an unambiguous
and fact-driven question and answer discussion that simply did not allow for
ethically charged situations to be discussed.
In fact, the OCR marginalized interpretive problems that officers might
experience with ethics in practice and installed a ‘fact-driven’ discourse that, in its
focus on results, did not allow discussing how these results were achieved ethically.
The OCR focused on tangible results that each local area commander had to present.
For instance, they had to report on how many drug dealers they arrested in their area.
Of course, an ethically responsible and modern approach to policing might not count
the number of small dealers that are arrested but focus on preventive measures.
Hence, a commander who arrested fewer people for drug possession was, according
to the OCR, less effective than one who arrested many.
You can see that the OCR, introduced to change ethics, in fact added to the ethical
dilemmas of the police. They had to report their ethically complex reality in a black
and white, figures-driven format. However, reality is more complex than a set of
rules. Rather than being a catalyst for learning, the discursive practice of the OCR
meetings turned the new initiative into a mechanism for non-learning that was
achieved through putting potential problems into a specific temporal, spatial,
personal, and structural context, introducing a strict procedure that distributes
responsibilities in a particular way.
Ethics in practice requires an openness to accept and discuss ethical dilemmas:
ethics is at stake not only when we have no rules at hand but also when rules clash.
Thus, the acceptance and discussion of ethical dilemmas is one step towards more
ethical management. Instead of reducing practice to simple wrong–right answers, we
suggest making ethical problems visible and discussing them as complex problems
rather than ones that can be managed according to an economic calculus. In practice,
organizations typically wrestle with ethical difficulties rather than using rules to
avoid them. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of what has come to be
called corporate social responsibility.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Ray Gordon, and two of the authors of this book, Stewart Clegg and Martin Kornberger
(2009), which provides more details on the New South Wales police case.



How responsible are managers?

According to Handy (2002), 90 per cent of all Americans do not trust managers to
look after the interests of their employees and only 18 per cent think that they look
after their shareholders properly. He argues that ‘these countries that boast most
stridently about their democratic principles derive their wealth from institutions that
are deficiently undemocratic, in which all serious power is held by outsiders and
power inside is wielded by a dictatorship or, at best, an oligarchy’ (Handy, 2002:
52). And, as the surveys demonstrate, oligarchic elites do not generate trust in the
institutions that sustain them. Thus, ethics is an important issue for organizations
facing environments in which their customers, clients, employees, patients, students,
etc. are clearly ethically sensitive. At best, codes of conduct are insufficient to
ensure ethical behaviour, at worst they provide quick-fix answers that prevent
ethical dilemmas from being debated.
The task of ethics permeates up, down, and across an organization, as the example
of sustainability suggests. Since the publication of the report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, by UNESCO on 2 February 2007, the
reality of global warming is now widely accepted. Almost as widely accepted is the
realization that corporate and business activity is contributing significantly to this
warming. Many business leaders are now well aware of this fact and are seeking to
do something about it.
Increasingly, ecologists are not alone in changing the way that business is done.
There is a growing realization that although we have created a hugely successful
business system for generating needs and satisfying them, one of its side effects has
been a huge growth in environmental degradation, toxic wastes, and species risk.
This is especially the case in those industries that comprise the petrochemical
complex, which supply so many modern essentials, from familiar things made of
plastics, nylon, and other artificial fibres, to complex compounds we have probably
never heard of. Many of these chemicals are highly toxic.

Ray Anderson’s story of sustainability
Ray Anderson is the chairman of Interface Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of carpets. Interface
makes an enormous number of carpets. It also used to cause huge pollution: every year its factories
produced hundreds of gallons of waste-water and nearly 900 pollutants.
After reading Hawken’s (1993) The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability,
Anderson was converted to a sustainable point of view that he vowed to implement in his own business.
First, Anderson reduced waste and conserved energy by recycling. Of course, this makes great
business sense. Less waste can equal more profit as you use all that you pay for rather than throw a lot
of it away. Before Anderson read Hawken, 6 tons of carpet trimming was sent to the landfill by his
company each day. By 1997 that waste was reduced to zero. New computer controls were installed on
boilers to reduce carbon monoxide emissions (by 99.7 per cent), which also improved the boilers’
efficiency, resulting in further decreased waste and increased profits.
Anderson has written about his conversion in a 1999 book, Mid Course Correction: Toward a
Sustainable Enterprise: The Interface Model. What is this model? It is one that aims for complete
sustainability, using solar and wind power in the place of fossil fuels, planting trees to offset carbon
pollution caused by trucks transporting carpets, making carpets out of organic materials such as corn.

Look at and Anderson’s book, if you have

it locally available. What could the organization you work or study in do to be more sustainable,
following Anderson’s ideas?

Toxic chemicals are one component of what German sociologist Ulrich Beck calls
the risk society (Beck, 2002). They cannot be contained within any one plant or
nation; if they escape into the ecology they spread through the air, rivers, and rain
into the environment of people unaware of the risks they face and unable to do much
about them.

A risk society is one in which the life-threatening disasters that it might be subject to cannot be controlled within a specific territory: Chernobyl or global warming are good examples.

Clearly, in complex chains of interorganizational relations, especially at the far

end of the chain, especially when the end of the chain is perhaps selected because
standards there are laxer than at the beginning of the chain, there is ample
opportunity for things to go wrong. A global trade in toxic waste is a trade based on
unequal standards. How can businesses and societies seek to minimize risk?
There are a number of ways that concerned people are seeking to limit the risks of
ecological disaster and create more sustainable modes of business, giving rise to
what Jermier et al. (2006: 618) term the ‘new corporate environmentalism’. At the
centre of this movement is the attempt by businesses and business leaders to play a
leadership role in reforming the way business does business, by making it more
sustainable, and to use the tools and approaches of rational management to improve
ecological behaviour. Thus, the new corporate environmentalism seeks not only to
comply with whatever governmental or industry regulations may be in place, but
also to develop more proactive sustainability approaches. This places sustainability,
or as it is sometimes referred to, corporate greening, at the core of a firm’s
strategic agenda.

Corporate greening is a process that involves trying to adopt green principles and practices in as many facets of the business as it is possible to do so.

What is corporate greening?

Corporate greening involves the espousal of ‘green’ values, which are becoming
increasingly mainstream in the wake of the Kyoto Treaty and the realization that
sustainable production is equivalent to more efficient production. Inputs that are not
wasted and processes that do not provide outputs that have to be scrapped are both
ecologically and economically rational. Waste is irrational and inefficient.
Corporate greening could involve green production that uses less energy, green
materials that recycle and aim for zero waste, green transportation (for instance,
using bicycles or pedal-powered scooters to get around the workplace or between
organizations), green facilities that are designed to minimize energy waste and use,
green products that use less non-renewable resources, and a continuing programme
of educating employees and spreading learning about being green employees as
widely as possible.
Marketing could point to the green benefits of the product and the processes taken
to produce it, and not be wasteful of paper or other resources (Buckholz, 1998). It
could report, for instance, the widespread use of environmental management
systems and standards to structure organizational processes and behaviour, and the
use of green accounting standards that as a part of their ‘triple bottom line’ report on
the environmental impact of the company or organization (Kolk, 2000).
The company may form green partnerships with NGOs or community
organizations to extend green practices in the broader society (e.g. Gordon, 2001;
Wasik, 1996). The organization might join bodies such as the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development, or align itself with something such as the
United Nations Global Compact. Above all, it will seek to outdo whatever is
constituted as regulatory best practice, seeking to make itself greener than it is
obliged to be.

What are the consequences of going green?

One consequence of saving materials, wastage, resources, is that less money is

wasted. Another consequence of a tight regulatory regime limiting the opportunities
for businesses simply to dump their ‘externalities’ in a local – or distant –
environment is that they have to become more innovative in devising systems and
practices that limit waste and harmful side effects. In principle a green business
should be a more profitable business, as Porter and van der Linde (1995) argued: it
gets a double dividend of greater social responsibility and greater profit. Of course,
once the easy wins have been achieved then it becomes harder to keep gaining
double dividends.
Other ways of gaining further dividends from corporately sustainable behaviour
may come from using a corporate leading role to force best standards throughout an
industry by making suppliers standard compliant if they want to continue doing
business. International standards such as the ISO 1401 standard have been used in
this way by firms such as the Ford Motor Company and General Motors – all their
suppliers have to be ISO 1401 compliant.
Of course, as the critics have been quick to point out, ISO 1401 does not
necessarily create better ecological performance, as Jermier et al. (2006: 634–635)
argue. A great deal depends on how rigorously and independently the business is
audited to the standard, and what the sanctions are for non-conformance. Again, the
effectiveness of any social contract is contextually specific – while some forms of
civil regulation will be very effective, others will be markedly less so.


A brick in time
Stewart once went to a meeting of members of a Scottish Chamber of Commerce, held in a large
multinational company headquarters near Edinburgh. The speaker for the day asked a rhetorical
question: ‘What would you say if I told you that in a business such as this I could save you over 10,000
pounds a year?’ The consensus was that this was a good thing. Then he reached into his briefcase and
pulled something out of it, while at the same time asking, ‘What would you say if I told you that you
could save that money with this?’ People looked puzzled – how could a common or garden building
brick save money? He proceeded to tell them: ‘Put one of these in every toilet cistern and you will save
10,000 pounds a year in water that would otherwise get flushed away.’ Well, everyone agreed this was
a great idea and went away committed to introducing bricks into their organizations. But it is a very
simple and easy win – continuing to gain double dividends may be a little harder.

Small wins: learning to be green Organizations cannot be green if those within

them do not adopt green behaviours across the board. Turning off the lights, turning
down the heater or the air-conditioning, using the windows to cool a room rather
than the air-conditioning unit, walking or cycling to work, or using public transport,
rather than driving – all these small things can make a big difference. These are the
small wins, though. Learning to be green We can learn to be green and the
organizations we work for can be crucibles for green learning. Jermier and his
colleagues (2006) suggest that several factors characterize a successful green
learning organization:

Lifelong learning: Ensuring that the organization really is a learning

organization, constantly trying to find not only new ways of doing the same
things better (single-loop learning) but also new things to do in innovative ways
(double-loop learning).
Developing critical thinking skills: Helping organization members gain
confidence in critical reflection on existing ways of doing things and
encouraging them to voice their opinions as to how things might be done better,
developing future-oriented scenarios that are more sustainable.
Building citizenship capabilities: Encouraging employees to think not just as
employees – in terms of the firm benefit – but as concerned citizens desirous of
reducing the overall ecological footprint of not only the organizations they
work for and with, but also the impact that they make in their daily lives.
Fostering environmental literacy: Encouraging people to learn about specific
environmental problems and solutions, their causes, consequences, and
Nurturing ecological wisdom: Sharing an eco-centred understanding of the web
of life, the centrality of responsible, ethical and sustainable behaviour to a good

Three things need to come together to build green learning in organizations: the
creation of a public sphere; the development of communicative rationality, and
discursive design. A public sphere is a space in which the ‘public reason of private
citizens’ predominates. Organizations can become actively involved in educating
their members for participation in green debates in the broader society as concerned
citizens and parents rather than just as employees of Corporation X. Here they
should be able to develop communicative rationality – a commitment to frank and
open debate – as well as the capability of assessing and evaluating evidence, and
reaching evidence-based ethical decisions independent of specific interests. They
will learn to speak the language of the environment as a form of non-instrumental
rationality, which is shaped not by the instrumentality of their or their organizations’
interest, but the public, ecological, and ethical good.
Such a model of social responsibility may seem idealistic. But recall where we
started this section – that the world’s scientists have now accepted that global
warming is a reality and that a major contributing factor is the industrial systems
that we have designed. It will not be possible to solve this problem with a narrowly
instrumental attitude. If these prevail then there will always be some firms, some
industries, and some countries that are prepared to tolerate standards that are
irresponsible. We are all on the Earth together and if we are to leave it in good shape
for the future generations then we need to accept responsibility for its stewardship as
a collective necessity.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to a paper by G. Moore and R. Beadle (2006), which summarizes some of the topics that have been
discussed in this chapter.


In this chapter we have reviewed contemporary approaches to ethics, corporate social responsibility
(CSR), and sustainability.
Ethics, CSR, and sustainability are sometimes seen as ‘soft’ topics but they have become more and
more important for businesses in the twenty-first century. Ethically related issues have become both
much more central and diverse, with the environment now being at the core of contemporary concerns.
The triple bottom line is now the reporting standard of choice for organizations that seek to demonstrate
that they are being ethical in a broad sense. The shift to a concern to be seen to be ethical means that
organizations and their managers now have to relate to a much wider set of stakeholders, concerns, and
interests in a meaningful way. There are no simple or easy recipes telling managers how to manage
ethically – they have to be acutely aware of the necessity to manage ethics in practice. Managing ethics
implies dealing with paradoxes, ambiguities, and trade-offs rather than being a simple and easy matter
of applying clear rules to identifiable cases.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Business ethics
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate greening
New corporate environmentalism
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Codes of conduct

2 How would you define business ethics?

3 What are the different approaches to ethics?
4 Why are rules a problematic way of ensuring good governance?
5 What are the key elements of the ‘ethics as practice’ approach?
Why did the ethical behavioural training in the New South Wales Police Service fail? From your
perspective, how could the failure have been avoided?
7 What is corporate social responsibility?
What sorts of things must organizations do if they wish to become more sustainable and lessen their
ecological footprint?
9 To what extent is the term ‘business ethics’ a paradox?


1. There are many interesting texts on business ethics that give you a deeper understanding of the topic.
For a critical perspective we would recommend For Business Ethics: A Critical Approach by Campbell
Jones, Martin Parker, and Rene ten Bos (2005). A more upbeat look at ethics is Andy Crane and Dirk
Matten’s book (2004) Business Ethics: A European Perspective: Managing Corporate Citizenship and
Sustainability in the Age of Globalization. Both offer good introductions to key topics discussed in this
2. For further research we can recommend the two edited volumes on business ethics that have been put
together by the authors of this book. The first is Clegg and Rhodes’ Management Ethics: Contemporary
Contexts, published in 2006; the other is Carter et al. (2007) Business Ethics as Practice:
Representation, Discourse and Performance. Here you will find more specialized contributions that
might be helpful if you have to write a thesis or an essay.
3. As noted in the introduction to this chapter, there are several journals that deal with business ethics
including Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Professional Ethics Journal, Journal of Business and
Professional Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics, and Business Ethics Quarterly. They all offer valuable
insights into business ethics.
4. Further, we can recommend several excellent movies; most notably, we think, Al Gore’s movie, An
Inconvenient Truth (Guggenheim, 2006), a timely and interesting film that helps to understand the
pressing needs to change (corporate) behaviour.
5. Less famous, but nonetheless very powerful, we would recommend the movie Thank you for Smoking
(Reitman, 2005). It tells the story of a PR guy who works for the cigarette industry and follows his
attempts to cover up the truth about the health risks of smoking. It shows in a humorous way how
corporate spin works and how ‘truth’ is manufactured by PR departments.
6. The Fog of War (Morris, 2003) is a documentary that tells the story of Robert McNamara, former US
Defense Secretary. The film documents how horrible events such as the burning down of Tokyo and the
dropping of the two atom bombs in the Second World War and later on the Vietnam War were
rationalized by the US administration. It also shows that ethical decisions are not easy to make and that
what is ethically right and what is wrong are often established after ethical decisions have been made.
7. We think it is worth looking at Alex Gibney’s (2005) Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, a film that
tells the story of the collapse of Enron and Arthur Andersen. The movie shows brilliantly how a total
lack of ethics contributed to one of the biggest corporate collapses in history.
8. This brings us to our last movie that we think is worth your while: The Corporation by M. Achbar
(2003) explores the psychopathic nature of corporations and includes interviews with people such as
Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, and Michael Moore.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #16: Managing sustainably, Suzanne Benn and
Talk #17: Managing ethically, René ten Bos.
3. The website is the International Business Ethics Institute’s home page. The
Institute’s goal is to ‘promote equitable economic development resource sustainability and just forms of
government’. You will find interesting articles on the value and importance of business ethics for
practice, a bibliography, as well as many useful links.
4. The Business for Social Responsibility in the USA can be found at It is a global
organization that aims to help its members be successful in a sustainable way and respect ethical values
of stakeholders and the environment.
5. is a portal for CSR and ethics; feature articles, events, news, and other sections
help you to keep up to date with the debate on ethics and CSR.
6. Another useful CSR resource is CSR Europe, which you can find at This European-
based forum features many reports, events, and other interesting sections related to CSR and ethics.
7. is a website that monitors multinationals and reports critically about their
deeds. It is an interesting site for exploring some of the dark side of business.
8. reports on latest issues related to ethics. It is a very informative site
where you can find the latest trends and company strategies in regard to business ethics.
9. A more radical site directed against one company – Shell – can be found at The
organization behind the site presents itself as (s)hell’s angels.


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. Moore, G. and Beadle, R. (2006) ‘In search of organizational virtue in business: agents, goods,
practices, institutions and environments’, Organization Studies, 27 (3): 369–389. An intriguing look at
virtue ethics in practice.
2. Moberg, D. J. (2006) ‘Ethics blind spots in organizations: how systematic errors in persons’ perception
undermine moral agency’, Organization Studies, 27 (3): 413–428. This paper looks at how common
perceptual frames create ethics blind spots that undermine moral agency.
3. Kornberger, M. and Brown, A. D. (2007) ‘“Ethics” as a discursive resource for identity work’, Human
Relations, 60 (3): 497–518. This article analyses how participants in a not-for-profit service organization
(the ‘Incubator’) drew on understandings of ‘ethics’ in order to make sense of their individual and
collective selves.
4. Gordon, R., Clegg, S. and Kornberger, M. (2009) ‘Embedded ethics: discourse and power in the New
South Wales Police Service’, Organization Studies, 30 (1): 73–99; reprinted in Clegg, S. R. (2010)
SAGE Directions in Organization Studies (Volume II) , London: Sage, pp. 301–333. In this article two of
the authors of this book, together with Ray Gordon, demonstrate how change programmes with good
ethical intentions can produce results that were unanticipated and that embed further the issues they
were trying to change.
5. Stubbs, W. and Cocklin, C. (2008) ‘Conce ptualizing a “sustainability business model”’, Organization
and Environment, 21 (2): 103–127. There are many different ways of thinking about sustainability.
Given the dependence of traditional management paradigms on the neoclassical model and industrial
society, they are inherently limited in their ability to address ecological issues. The authors argue that
new models of business need to be developed in which sustainability is intrinsic.



Emerging from the private menageries of royal families in Europe during the eighteenth century, public
zoos remained primarily focused on entertainment until the second half of the twentieth century.
Costumed chimpanzee performances, elephant rides, orang-utan tea parties, and displays of human
‘savages’ were common spectacles in various zoos around the world during this period. From the
1960s, leading zoos increasingly concentrated on animal conservation, breeding endangered species in
more natural habitats (as their enclosures began to be called), and on eco-efficiency. Granby Zoo, one
of the most popular zoos in Canada and a major economic driver in its region, is an example of the
metamorphosis that such institutions have undergone.
Granby Zoo began as a private menagerie of the humanitarian, industrialist, animal lover, and
charismatic Mayor of Granby for 25 years, Horace Boivin. Wanting to create a beautiful city where all
would feel happy, he established several parks including the celebrated Granby Zoo that officially
opened in 1955. It immediately became a major tourist attraction, receiving nearly 300,000 visitors in its
first season and supporting many local businesses in the process. Despite its popularity, it was a
financially strapped small and mediumsized enterprise (SME) that employed a skeleton staff with a few
retired farmers as zookeepers. These zookeepers fed the restaurant scraps to the animals and allowed
visitors to interact with them like they were domestic species. They were unable to recognize the
animals’ stress signals and unaware of how inappropriate the animal care was or how prematurely these
animals deceased. By the 1970s, with increased habitat destruction, species extinctions, the emerging
environmental and animal rights movements, new conservation networks, and growing knowledge in
fields such as zoology, zoo conservation efforts at Granby Zoo began. Despite several attempts by the
vet to improve animal care, most calls were not heeded. Zookeepers repeatedly blocked her efforts and
management was focused solely on survival following several years of financial losses (blamed on poor
weather, union strikes, and subsequent negative publicity, as well as several pay rises). This vet left in
the early 1980s and expressed her frustration with the lack of progress being made to improve animal
care by publishing a scathing book.
Granby Zoo had returned to profit by this time, largely assisted by a new attraction that saw visitor
numbers increase by 35 per cent in 1984. When the management staff left in 1985, the president hired a
new vet who was also given two new responsibilities previously held by the director of infrastructure:
animal curator and zookeeper manager. With this new power, the vet was able to replace rapidly half
the zookeepers with trained specialists who supported his efforts to improve animal care. The vet’s
vision was inspired by a best-practice zoo conference he attended in his first year, where he learned
about the potential of exchanging or breeding animals with other zoos rather than purchasing them from
dealers (which was increasingly difficult and expensive as wild species numbers diminished). This
required good animal records and healthy specimens, so the vet began improving animal diets, care,
and habitats. With financial resources available and management behind him, the vet applied for
accreditation from the network of leading American zoos that focus on conservation. While certification
was not initially awarded, the recommendations stemming from the evaluation assisted the vet in
pushing through a series of improvements, which saw Granby Zoo accepted into the prestigious
Association of American Zoos and Aquariums by the end of the 1980s. During this period Granby Zoo
began focusing on housing and breeding endangered species in international networks, supporting
conservation efforts worldwide, reintroducing certain almost extinct species back into the wild, and
educating thousands of visitors each year about such issues. By the 1990s, animal conservation and
education were firmly anchored in the zoo’s mission.
The early 1990s saw Granby Zoo enter another period of financial difficulty. Facing repeated poor
weather, increased competition, union problems, bad press, and aging infrastructure, the zoo made one
loss after another. No longer able to care adequately for several charismatic species, Granby Zoo
decided to part with them and visitor numbers further diminished. During this period certain employees
began environmental initiatives such as recycling cans, an environmental club, and saving energy.
While some assisted in raising revenues or decreasing costs, the lack of follow-up and coordination
meant that they were often short-lived. With the zoo facing closure in 1996, the board members decided
to recruit a new CEO who had a reputation for saving enterprises in difficulty. This individual
immediately began installing a culture of ‘wow’ service, which saw visitor satisfaction and union
relations improve considerably. Then he began championing an idea that would end the zoo’s financial
insecurity: an aquatic centre. While many employees were concerned that it would dilute the zoo’s
conservation role, they were quickly won over. When the aquatic park opened in 1999, visitor numbers
and visit time increased by 39 per cent and 60 per cent, respectively, where they have remained ever
since, making new investments in animal habitats, infrastructures, and conservation efforts possible.
By 2003 Granby Zoo had paid back its debts and began planning a major modernization project to
celebrate its 50-year anniversary. The board chose a new CEO with a background in communication
and the environment. She saw the potential to create a ‘greener’ zoo and immediately established green
principles to guide all those involved in the modernization project. Early in 2004 she hired an
environmental coordinator to organize, evaluate, and follow up several projects collectively referred to
as the ‘Green Zoo’. By 2006 Granby Zoo had: decreased its water consumption by 70 per cent; become
one of Canada’s largest users of geothermal energy; built 72 per cent more energy-efficient ecological
constructions; banned all non-organic cleaning products; and increased recycling substantially. While
this process continues, Granby Zoo has already won several prestigious prizes, received much positive
publicity, and set new profit records.


1. How have criteria for measuring zoos as ‘good’ or ‘ethical’ evolved? How and why did Granby Zoo’s
raison d’être evolve?
2. When did Granby Zoo become an ethical organization? What made it so?
3. Which factors contributed to the success of ethical initiatives in Granby Zoo? Which factors limited such
4. How did certain individuals (the vets, zookeepers, environmental coordinator, or upper management)
facilitate or hinder such change?

Case prepared by Annelies Hodge and Marie-France Turcotte, School of Management, University of
Quebec at Montreal (UQAM).
12 Managing one best way?

13 Managing beyond bureaucracy

14 Managing organizational design

15 Managing globalization
Thinkers, Principles, Models

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

See that modern management is what makes possible much of what we take for
granted today
Understand the relation between surveillance and management control
Appreciate why an increase in scale led to innovations in management
Describe the main approaches that developed in early management theory and
continue to inform management today
Know how management ideas spread globally
Understand McDonaldization as the major force shaping much of the way we


Improvising on a statement by the English landscape painter John Constable:

Remember that management is a science of which organizations are but the experiments!

In this chapter we look at some of the most influential ideas about management,
ideas that have travelled widely, perhaps because they are all fairly simple. These
ideas reduce management to simple principles or one-best-way models. In this
chapter we will encounter ideas of management embedded in control of slavery; in
the design of buildings; in the application of engineering to management; in the
structuring of both the formal and the informal in human relations. These ideas
include the views that management means moral leadership, or that management
should be seen in terms of relations of democracy and autocracy; that management
at its core consists of the systematic exploitation of workers, or that its essence can
be captured in the promulgation of management models. What all these highly
variable approaches have in common is a focus on one best way of managing,
organized in terms of an overarching principle: the panoptical for Bentham;
engineering for Taylor; authority for Fayol; human relations for Mayo; democracy
for Follett; exploitation for Braverman; and abstract models for various standards
and excellence-focused bodies. Max Weber, as we shall see, was somewhat more
analytical than any of these other early theorists.

Management ideas have spread globally for a long time. Simple ideas travel most
easily: complex ideas usually become simplified in order to travel. Wherever
economic activity has been spread across the globe then general management
theories have developed, often suggesting that there is one best way to manage –
what today is often called best practice. The earliest form of management best
practice might be surprising to you.
Although long established, from the sixteenth century onwards one general form
of work organization and management rapidly became global: slavery in the
plantation economies of the Caribbean and the Americas. Slavery, an institution
founded on human bondage, was one of the earliest and simplest ideas about how to
manage large-scale organization. Many early ideas of modern management were
developed in the context of slavery. The involuntary migration of millions of people
from Africa to the Americas where they were sold into forced labour brought into
sharp focus the necessity of managing to extract value from recalcitrant bodies.
Slaves, bought and stolen from Africa, shipped to the Americas, laboured long and
hard under the management of overseers who shared no language or culture, and
often precious little sympathy, with their charges. A system of work and
management had to be devised that was very simple, so that even people wrongly
regarded as ‘ignorant savages’ could do it. From slavery, the beginnings of a formal
discipline of work as a consciously designed set of tasks under the control of an
overseer developed. Cooke (2003) suggests that the management of slaves in
plantations anticipated many early modern management ideas.1
On the plantations, the central issue was how to produce disciplined labour in the
service of those who owned the land and the people. Whereas the title to the land
was enshrined in property deeds, ownership of a slave was denoted by the slave
being branded with a hot iron with the insignia of the owner. The combination of
black bodies, green fertile fields, and cash crops proved lucrative indeed for the
owners of these properties. In his seminal Black Jacobins, published initially in
1938, James (2001: 9–10) described the horrific forms this efficient management
took in French-run San Domingo:

For the least fault the slaves received the harshest punishment. In 1685 the
Negro Code authorized whipping … and slaves were not infrequently whipped
to death. The slaves received the whip with more certainty and regularity than
they received their food. It was the incentive to work and the guardian of

The good management of their assets was a major concern. Slave owners differed
between those who sought to extract as much value from a slave before they died
prematurely and those who wanted to avoid exhausting the usefulness of their slaves
through overwork. The latter were acting as prudent investors seeking neither to
underutilize nor to waste their investments, for allowing slaves to die prematurely
represented a costly waste of these human resources. In everyday practice, discipline
was settled through the employment of tight surveillance, the use of exemplary
harsh punishment to keep the mass in line, together with routine management
(Cooke, 2003).
In Europe slavery was an option that was only ever countenanced on people who
were not recognized as being a part of the nation; the same was true in the United
States. In the US, if you were a ‘landed immigrant’ you were a free person; if you
were an immigrant through expropriation of your body by a slave trader or if your
ancestors were, unless you had been ‘emancipated’ by the slave owners, you
remained captive until slavery was abolished in the South after the US Civil War.
Slavery was not much practiced in the domestic economy of Britain compared to the
plantations of the West Indies and Americas, as industrial property owners preferred
able and willing bodies in their service rather than slaves. Slavery ceased to be a
legally available mode of production in Britain, having been outlawed by the British
Parliament early in the development of modern industry, on 25 March 1807. Other
systems for producing profits had to be found and exported globally. Initially, these
focused on architectural design; later they focused on work and organizational
design. What they all have in common is the assumption that there is one best way to
manage. In this chapter we will meet a number of proposals for the one best way.
Each of these has made a significant contribution to a theory of and for management.


For early modern management those who were managing and being managed
should create more value than would be paid out to them in wages and salaries, thus
ensuring that there is a return to the capital – usually in the form of shareholdings –
that is invested in the enterprise. For value to be extracted in this way reform of both
asset holding and, as a consequence, of management, was necessary.

Early modern management was based on the efficient extraction of value from the labour that was employed.

One of the most significant economic historians of management has suggested:

The pioneers of the industrial revolution were forced to lay the foundations of
the practices of labour management themselves, involving a subject as
complex, novel and full of pitfalls as the other applied sciences they had to
master …. We can hazard a guess as to how many of the survivors were
successful … largely because they mastered … the tasks of management, [but]
we shall probably remain forever ignorant of the number of those who failed
because they did not. (Pollard, 1965: 160)

The numbers to be supervised were not great. As late as the early 1850s in the
British cotton industry, a factory of 300 people could still be considered very large
(Hobsbawm, 1975: 21), and, as late as 1871, the average British cotton factory
employed only 180 people, whereas engineering works averaged only 85. One reason
they were small was that finance was in scarce supply:

By and large the characteristic enterprise of the first half of the century had
been financed privately – e.g., from family assets – and expanded by
reinvesting profits, though this might well mean that, with most of capital tied
up in this way, the firm might rely a good deal on credit for its current
operations. But the increasing size and cost of such undertakings as railways,
metallurgical and other expensive activities requiring heavy initial outlays,
made this more difficult, especially in countries newly entering upon
industrialization and lacking large accumulations of private investment capital.
(Hobsbawm, 1975: 214)

To grow large meant expending capital in the shape of money. Not that much capital
was available. In the early days of the Industrial Revolution money was mostly tied
up in aristocratic land-holdings. Mostly early entrepreneurs raised capital through
credit. Merchants combined credit with rented buildings and machinery, together
with cheap sources of labour. If the enterprise were to fail, the liability and exposure
of the emergent entrepreneurs would be limited (Tribe, 1975). By keeping these
commitments small, fortunes might be better insured.
Enterprises were enabled to grow beyond the financial capacities of their owners
by the development of limited liability legislation. This enabled the incorporation
of a company as a legal entity, limiting the liability of those who invest in it such
that their personal fortunes are dealt with as legally separate from their investments
in the asset. Such legislation was first pioneered in the UK in 1856 and then widely
copied internationally almost immediately thereafter.

Limited liability legislation separated the private fortunes of entrepreneurs from investments in business, so that if the latter failed, the personal fortune was sequestered and the debtors’ prison avoided.

Limited liability legislation was the key factor in fuelling the formation and
growth of accountancy institutes in the UK, and thus the accounting profession.
Before 1856, the situation was quite different. If the business failed, the owner’s
personal fortune could be seized against debtors. Not surprisingly, this limited the
size of the enterprise, because a prudent investor would not want to be overexposed.
Being able to risk the savings of investors freed up entrepreneurial energies and did
much to prepare the ground for a widespread share market in which individuals
might invest their savings in productive enterprises.
The scale effects of limited liability were dramatic. For example, the Krupp works
at Essen in Germany had only 72 workers in 1848, but by 1873 it employed almost
12,000. Whole regions became dominated by huge commercial ventures. Limited
liability legislation was an institutional form that rapidly spread globally.

Limited liability legislation

If limited liability legislation solved the problem of how to raise capital and increase
scale, it did not resolve the problem of how to manage the vastly expanded
enterprise. It was the ‘“master” rather than the impersonal authority of the
“company”’ that held sway in ‘the enterprise, and even the company was identified
with a man rather than a board of directors’ (Hobsbawm, 1975: 214). But how could
a single master exercise mastery over so many? How was the master to achieve
effective governance over a vastly increased scale of operations?
One solution was based on the owners of previously independent business being
re-employed as internal contractors to oversee the processes of labour in firms that
were taken over by financiers. These were individuals skilled more in the art of
raising capital than executing the mundane command of work. One consequence of
internal contracting – where the contractor used materials, plant, and equipment
supplied by the owners but managed the labour contracted to deliver a certain
quantity of product – was that quite different methods of internal control could
flourish in different plants in the same industry. Standards were highly variable.
Here a benign and benevolent despot might be master, there the master might be
acting on behalf of a labour-managed cooperative, while in another plant the master
might be a ruthless and vicious tyrant, exploiting family members or those too weak
in the market to resist downward pressure on their wages.
The system of internal contracting flourished from the late nineteenth through to
the early twentieth century, with variable lags in different countries, being
developed earliest and superseded fastest in the USA. Given that the internal
contract was a fixed sum agreed between the internal contractor and the employers
of capital, then the middleman, the internal contractor, stood to gain the most by
paying the least for the quantity contracted, so there was plenty of opportunity for
downward pressure on wages to occur. Not surprisingly, this fact was well
understood by trade unionists as they sought to improve the lot of union members by
standardizing conditions and wages (Clawson, 1980; Littler, 1982). Unionism
exercised an upward pressure, standardizing the conditions of work, whereas, from
the business owners and employers of finance, there was a downward pressure
beginning to be exercised in the name of an efficient rate of return.
The downward pressure from finance and the upward pressure from the unions
led, inexorably, to an increased standardization of workplace routines, so that they
became increasingly the same across workplaces, modelled on the best practice from
the employees’ point of view. A military model provided the earliest template for
this organizational design. By the early twentieth century, the most percipient
observer of organizations, a German called Max Weber, noted that bureaucracy had
become the fate of our times, modelled unambiguously on the military (Weber,
1976). As the economic historian Eric Hobsbawm put it, ‘Paradoxically, private
enterprise in its most unrestricted and anarchic period tended to fall back on the only
available model of large-scale management, the military and bureaucratic’ (1975:
216), noting the railway companies, with their ‘pyramid of uniformed and
disciplined workers, possessing job security, often promotion by security and even
pensions’, as an extreme example. Weber (1948: 261) put it even more sharply: ‘No
special proof is necessary to show that military discipline is the ideal model for the
modern capitalist factory.’
The result of processes working towards standardization was that the blueprint for
designing modern organizations was increasingly inherited from the design of
professional armies, shaped within a framework of military discipline, even while
being applied to market-based enterprises. Being disciplined and being visible were
the key themes. Order, discipline, and authority were to become organizational
watchwords, especially in the confined spaces of manufactories – or, as they became
known, factories.
Management control was best assured through establishing routines disciplining
those employed. Discipline was achieved when predictable and designated work was
done unproblematically in a routine way. In small workshops, discipline was
relatively easy to enact, especially where these workshops had a craft basis or were
organized around mastery of a specific knowledge, such as how to make barrels,
fabricate metal, or weave wool. In such a structure, the master was presumed to
know the craft, which apprentices were presumed not to know and had every motive
for learning, so that they too could become skilled workers.
The master exercised power by getting the apprentice to do things the way that he
favoured. The basis of the master’s authority was ownership of key resources, such
as a workplace, materials, and distribution and manufactory networks, ownership
that made them capitalists. On this basis, masters were easily able to enforce rules,
to say when work was done correctly or incorrectly. They had knowledge of how to
do the work in the workshop, which provided the basis for direct management
control. While the master had these resources, the employees had little or none. The
only thing they owned and controlled were their bodies and perhaps those of
immediate family, which they could sell as labour power to owners of resources.

The owners of capital were known as capitalists because they owned capital – the social relations and resources that made them masters over other men, women, and children.

Direct management control was possible because of the combination of ownership and control of resources as well as of knowledge of the means of production that enabled employers to exercise discipline
over their employees.

In small workshops the master’s control was exercised face to face. In larger
workshops, in contrast, it had to be enacted at a distance. Various methods of fusing
discipline and surveillance over employees were tried. Early in the development of
industrial capitalism one man had wondered if one could not design a building which
had factory discipline built into it. He was familiar with a manufactory that his
brother ran in Russia. Based on his knowledge of this factory, he designed an
architectural innovation that was influential in early management control because it
enabled that control to be built into the bricks and mortar: as a built form it was
reproduced around the world, such that examples may be found in the West Indies,
the Americas, as well as in Europe. The designer was a man called Jeremy Bentham.

Designing architecture for management: Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham was a prominent English philosopher who was the leading voice in
founding a philosophical movement known as utilitarianism – a philosophy that
sought to improve society through the application of rational calculation and
efficient planning. He wrote in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in
England and sought to reform many aspects of human life through the application of
utilitarian philosophy. He proposed reform of many institutions, including the
relations between religion and the state, proposed the abolition of slavery, sought to
introduce equal rights for women, and sought to reform the institutions of marriage
and divorce as well as employment and unemployment. His ideas travelled far. For
instance, ideas that he initially developed for a model factory were quickly picked
up and adapted for use in the design of prisons, as a systematic architecture for
management, which sought to make oversight more efficient.

Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that says we should always act for the greatest good of the greatest number.

Bentham planned to reform work by using what he called the panoptical principle:
establishing the possibility of inclusive surveillance, or panopticism. Successful
surveillance, according to Bentham, depended on architectural principles. Bentham
designed something that he called a Panopticon. Its ingenuity resided in the
economy of effort required to administer it, once it was designed and built.

Panopticism: The capacity to be all seeing. It was an attribute of the architectural structure known as a Panopticon, designed by Jeremy Bentham in the eighteenth century. What was most significant about the
Panopticon, and what gave it its panopticism, was the fact that those under surveillance did not know when they were being watched, but were aware that they were potentially always under surveillance.

Panopticism is not just an external attribute of the design; it is also a disposition

of those under its sway. Those under panopticism are aware that they may be being
observed but are never sure whether they are actually being watched at that moment.
A s Image 12.1 shows, the Panopticon was a complex architectural design. It
consisted of a central observation tower (which you can see clearly in the cutaway
section) from which any supervisor, without being seen, could see the bodies
arranged in the various cells of the building. In each cell, the occupants were backlit
(neither electric nor gas lighting had yet been invented) and isolated from one
another by walls, yet subject to scrutiny by the observer in the tower. Control was to
be maintained by the constant sense that unseen eyes might be watching those under
surveillance. You had nowhere to hide, nowhere to be private, and no way of
knowing if you were being watched at any particular time. The situation was
structured such that obedience in and through productive activity seemed the
worker’s only rational option, not knowing whether or not they were being watched
but obliged to assume that they were (see also pp. 174). The Panopticon was a means
not only for making work visible but also for making those being seen aware that
they may be under scrutiny at any time. The Panopticon was not just a system of
surveillance but also a system of records and rules. The authorities would have a
complete file on the behaviour of each inmate. There would be rules governing
timetables, the nature of work, and the authority to exercise surveillance. The
principle of inspection or surveillance instilled itself in the moral conscience of
those who were being overseen. The aim was to produce a self-disciplining subject.
The asymmetrical nature of seeing but not being seen, of knowing you were possibly
being watched but not when or if you were, was designed to produce employees
labouring under the threat of constant supervision.
IMAGE 12.1 Plan of the Panopticon (2nd edn, 11.6)

Today, of course, the Panopticon has become electronic. The average person in the
cities of the developed world is rarely out of range of a CCTV as they move around
(see pp. 297–299). As people walk in the streets and through the halls of public
spaces they are subject to cameras that follow their every move. However, they do so
with little effect, except insofar as people are called into account retrospectively
because of a perceived deviant event. It is not just in public space: almost all large
organizations today will have multiple security cameras. Most of the time there is no
one constantly monitoring the results of the watchful electronic eyes. It is usually
only when it is established that some crime or misdemeanour has occurred that the
tapes are checked. If it is not established fairly quickly, the evidence has often
disappeared, as the tapes are routinely wiped and reused if nothing has come to
notice. The mere fact of panoptical possibilities does not mean quite as much control
as might initially be thought. Panoptical possibilities are not necessarily wholly


On your next trip into the city or the uni check how many CCTVs monitor your progress. Record them

Are there other forms of surveillance that you have encountered on the journey? Record them here.

Compare notes with your tutorial group.

Engineering design of jobs: F. W. Taylor

Engineers had long been fascinated by work. For instance, the nineteenth-century
English engineer Charles Babbage made many contributions to early work study and,
in fact, designed an early form of the computer as well as writing extensively On the
Economy of Machinery and Manufactures (1971). Engineering had a natural affinity
with work in a profit-based economy, because engineering’s key concept was that of
efficiency, defined as getting more output from less input. Practical managers and
businesspeople find such a prospect especially appealing.
Engineering was a discipline with great reach and authority. It was being
constructed by popular engineering journals and magazines of the day as the locus of
professional managerial expertise (Shenhav, 1999). According to the new
engineering approaches to management, corporations and organizations could be
managed empirically, on the basis of facts and techniques, rather than experience,
privilege, or an arbitrary position. Functions and responsibilities should be aligned
in a scientifically proven manner by engineers trained in the management of things
and the governance of people working.
Alfred Chandler, in The Visible Hand (1977), proposed that modern management
began when the visible hand of management came to dominate the invisible hand of
market forces. Management emerged as a systematic new solution to the issue of
how to get others ‘to get things done’ (Hoskin, 2004: 745). The answer, suggests
Hoskin (2004), emerged initially at the Springfield Armory, in the production of
muskets through:

establishing prescribed times required to make each musket part, and then
reordering the space across which manufacture proceeded, so that the musket
‘took shape’ following a principle of linear flow. The trigger for this was a
study that to all intents and purposes was a time-and-motion study, but 50 years
before the work of F. W. Taylor. (Hoskin, 2004: 747)

Here, Daniel Tyler, Army Inspector of Contract Arms, established the precise time
that should be required for producing each part of the army-issue musket (Hoskin
and Macve, 1988):

He did so simply by spending six months standing ‘watch in hand’, examining

and recording the average time actually required to produce each musket part,
and then extrapolating a norm or ‘standard’ time (naturally lower) that each
part should take. On that basis Tyler then (a) constructed a table of daily piece-
rate targets and rates for each part and (b) devised an overall production
coordination system across the successive shops involved in the production
process. Once he had covered the whole production process, he had the
information necessary to work out, by cumulating his standard times, the
standard time for the production of one musket (1772 minutes 36.2 seconds),
and to calculate via the piece rates established for each item a daily production
target of acceptable-quality pieces – a ‘tough but attainable’ target (equally
naturally). (Hoskin, 2004: 747)

Tyler was a graduate at the US military academy of West Point. It was

engineering as it was taught and developed at West Point that was decisive in the
triumph of engineering in management theory. Students at West Point were the first
people in the USA to learn a new way of engaging with and solving problems, which
typically took the practices of writing, examining and numerically grading, and
translating them to new situations demanding solutions. In the US context, the West
Point graduates took these practices and applied them to solving the problems of
coordination in workplace contexts. Within 50 years the lessons had become widely
learnt in the USA, as Shenhav (1999) identifies, circulated through popular
mechanics journals that enjoyed mass circulation. However, it was one particular
engineer who, 50 years after their first emergence at West Point, was to have the
distinction of turning the lessons into a practical lesson that changed management
globally. The engineer in question systematized a concern for efficiency with a
separate concern for surveillance and discipline. Armed with a checklist and a
stopwatch, F. W. Taylor (1967 [1911]) developed scientific management around a
set of ideas for making people’s work more visible. He observed and timed work,
and then redesigned it, so that tasks could be done more efficiently. Taylor, an
engineer, proposed that scientific management could design the best way of
performing any set of tasks on the shop floor, based on detailed observation,
selection, and training.

Scientific management: The principle that there is one best way to organize work and organization, according to a science of management based upon principles of standardization of time and routinization of
motion as decided by authoritative experts.

Taylor’s four principles of management are as follows:

1. Developing a science of work: This would be achieved by observing and

measuring norms of output, using a stopwatch, and detailed observation of
human movements. On this basis, improvements could be made to the design of
workstations and tools, which could improve effectiveness. Given
improvements in effectiveness, pay would be improved.
2. Scientifically selecting and training the employee: Not just anybody could earn
the higher rates of pay – they had to be people scientifically selected and
trained. Taylor believed that everyone had different aptitudes – it was really a
question of fitting the worker to the job, and this was the task of management.
When management did this job properly, all human resources would be
developed to their utmost potential.
3. Combining the sciences of work and selecting and training of employees: The
workers would easily perceive the good sense of systematic selection and
training, thought Taylor. They would benefit from higher wages. Resistance
was more likely to come from managers – who had to learn new systems of
work and to give up privileges that they had, in Taylor’s view, no right to.
4. Management and workers must specialize and collaborate closely: Management
must focus on mental labour; on setting up systems, designing them, and
supervising them. Workers must concentrate on manual labour and leave the
higher order mental labour to the managers. If everyone keeps to one’s assigned
tasks, roles, and methods, then conflict in the workplace between management
and workers will be eliminated, he thought. That is because science will show
the one best way of doing things. Taylor had a very limited view of science. He
regarded it as equivalent to making systematic measurement and observation,
after which work would be redesigned on the basis of the data generated and
inferences made about existing procedures and how they might be improved. A
famous example, which is discussed critically by Braverman (1974), was the
example of the Dutch worker Schmidt and the art of shovelling pig iron, heavy,
demanding work. Taylor established that even a rather dumb worker, with a
carefully designed tool, could increase productivity significantly if whatever
scientific management said should be done was done.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Keith Hoskin (2004) on the very earliest years of the discipline of management as a
branch of engineering in the USA, from West Point to F. W. Taylor.

Management should be designed as a series of functions, said Taylor. These could

actually be scientifically disaggregated and redefined so that different functional
specialists would do different aspects of the task. Taylor was the founding father of
work study – fitting the person to the job – and work design, and the pioneer of
productivity-related pay systems.
Taylor’s views were subject to severe criticism from several contemporary
interests. They were not very popular with many people who fulfilled existing
management roles. First, internal contractors – people who provided and supervised
labour to work within factories owned by remote financiers, entrepreneurs, and
industrialists – stood to lose their livelihoods if scientific management triumphed
and replaced them with systematic managers, so they were opposed to it.
Second, the owners of capital were often opposed, particularly those with small
workshops. These people were already fearful of the risk of being swallowed up or
driven out of business by big businessmen gobbling up small enterprises into new
centres of financial control, the men who became known as the robber barons (such
as Andrew Carnegie and Theodore Vanderbilt). Moreover, they were fearful that the
new knowledge would undermine the power of ownership. These fears were well
founded. Prior to the enactment of US antitrust regulations, holding companies in
the form of trusts, such as the Standard Oil Trust, dominated the rise of US
industrial corporate capitalism.
Third, few managers were prepared to accept the productivity pay elements of
Taylor’s system (they preferred the efficiency outcomes without the costs of wages
designed to achieve them). Employers tended to adopt his ideas piecemeal; they
were keen on the efficiencies from the time measurement but not as keen on the
rewards in the form of bonuses that Taylor proposed under his recommendations for
the use of piece rates (Taylor, 1895).
Fourth, from the last quarter of the nineteenth century workers were increasingly
organizing in unions that were opposed to the loss of craft skills that the engineering
approach to management of standardization and systematization of work entailed
(Shenhav, 1999).

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Mark Bahnisch (2000) on how F. W. Taylor sought to re-engineer subjectivity and bodies
as the basis for management.

Fifth, to workers, the fact that scientific management was often associated in the
popular mind with layoffs, due to available work being completed sooner, appeared
particularly threatening.
Taylor’s ideas had the advantage of being quite easy to grasp (see Taylor, 1995;
Wrege, 1995) and to adopt. However, they were controversial, as we have seen.
Much of the opposition to Taylor’s ideas came to a head when the US Congress, in
1912, held an inquiry into the use of his system of management, due to association
of its adoption with strikes. However, the results of this enquiry did not do much to
dampen the adoption of the schemes and the First World War did a great deal to
encourage them. The reason was simple: craftworkers were being enlisted for the
slaughter in Europe and untrained workers, especially young women, were flooding
into mechanistic factory jobs that needed to be quickly learnt and simply done in the
interests of meeting war production targets (Clegg and Dunkerley, 1980).
Mechanistic jobs have formalized structure with rigid job description and
prescription. These jobs have a high degree of work specialization and the jobs tend
to be organized in an equally rigid departmental structure of separate ‘silos’. These
jobs form vertical chains with a clear and strict hierarchy of authority, vertical
communication, and a limited information network. Managers tend to have
relatively small spans of control over a few specialized employees. Chains of
command tend to be relatively long in consequence, and there is little participation
in organizational design and decision-making by employees. The structure displays a
high degree of centralization of knowledge, decision-making, and control at the top
of the organization, resulting in an elongated organizational structure. It seeks to
order the organization to run like clockwork, like a machine. It copes best with
situations where the environment is subject to little change and discontinuity. In a
machine bureaucracy, operating tasks are simple and repetitive, defined as such by
technical analysts – scientific manager’s successors – who do the standardizing.
Specialization: The skill formation that occurs when labour is divided and defined into smaller specific tasks rather than being seen as a general task that anyone might do.

Line managers have formal authority within mechanistic organizations but only
within the terms of the organizational design configured by technical planners,
budgeters, and work-study analysts, who do the designing. Managers in mechanistic
bureaucracies are typically fixated on control; consequently conflict tends not to be
resolved but repressed so that when it does occur it often flares up in a wildcat strike
(Gouldner, 1954). Typically, the interior need for control is supported by operating
in an environment that is simple, stable, and safely unchanging, such as a mass
production firm in a placid rather than turbulent environment. Mechanistic models
of management can cause unanticipated trouble even as they solve some problems.
Their inhumane treatment of the people who work in them often leads employees to
be resistant to the discipline imposed on them by the management system.

Engineering design of authority: Henri Fayol

It was another engineer, Henri Fayol, who is often regarded as the most significant
European founder of modern management. He published Administration Industrielle
et Générale in 1916 (see Fayol, 1949), in which he argued that better management
not merely is concerned with improving output and disciplining subordinates, but
also must address the training of the people at the top. Fayol was important for his
stress on management training. Without training, it was too much to expect that
either legitimacy or rationality would follow. The training should focus on preparing
management to plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control for optimal
performance. To outperform Taylor’s idea of scientific management, presented in
only four principles, the core of Fayol’s training programme offered 14 principles to
provide a manual for proper management, efficient organizations, and happy
employees. Fayol’s ideas received endorsement from leading industrialists and
politicians of the time.
Fayol’s promulgated 14 principles of management from his experiences managing
in the mining industry as follows:

1. Specialization of labour: To encourage continuous improvement in skills and

the development of improvements in methods.
2. Authority: Establishing the right to give orders and the power to exact
3. Discipline: There was to be obedience.
4. Unity of command: Each employee was to have one and only one boss.
5. Unity of direction: A single mind should generate a single plan.
6. Subordination of individual interests: To the interests of the organization.
7. Remuneration policy: Employees should receive fair payment for services.
8. Centralization: Consolidation of management functions so that decisions will
be made from the top.
9. Scalar chain: A clear line of authority and formal chain of command running
from top to bottom of the organization, as in the military.
10. Order: All materials and employees have a prescribed place, where they should
be found.
11. Equity: There should be a principle of fairness involved in the way that the
organization treats employees.
12. Personnel tenure: Limited turnover of personnel was a good thing, and lifetime
employment should be offered to good employees.
13. Initiative: This requires designing a plan and doing what it takes to make it
14. Esprit de corps: There should be harmony and cohesion among organization

Although Fayol developed his work about the same time as the era of scientific
management, it is a different approach, one that focuses on positions rather than
people. He doesn’t strive to simplify people’s work to fit simplified jobs but to
capture the real nature of managerial work. His concern was less with workers and
more with what and how managers did what they did. Fayol was not translated into
English until the 1940s, so his impact on management outside the Francophone (and
Latin) world was delayed.

Bureaucracy: Max Weber

Bureaucratic organization, seen at the turn of the nineteenth century as the hallmark
of modern organization, depended above all else on the application of what Max
Weber, a German scholar, termed ‘rational’ means for the achievement of specific
ends. In a bureaucracy, techniques would be most rational when they were designed
purely from the point of view of fitness for purpose: the better they fit their purpose,
the more rational they were. Following Weber, theorists thought that the forms that
organizations would take would be extremely limited around the world.
Bureaucracies would triumph. Indeed, modernity would be advanced through the
achievements of bureaucratic organization, in Weber’s view. Bureaucracy has
endured as the dominant organizational form for much of the time since.
Weber and subsequent theorists focused on bureaucracy because it has been seen
as absolutely necessary to the running of large organizations. It was functionally
necessary – unavoidable – that organizations should be bureaucracies if they had
large and complex divisions of labour. Some theorists argue that this functional
necessity may be seen as a culturally induced predisposition, in a specific case of a
more general Weberian-influenced approach, which is known as institutional theory.
Below, we will illustrate this theory with a little story about French bread; thus, if
nothing else, there is a lot of food in this chapter! The point of the story about
French bread is to demonstrate that different organizational models for the design
and delivery of a basic staple of life do not follow any necessary or universal
pattern. This is important because, in the spirit of finding singular systems capable
of managing everything in the same way, local variations and differences that are
really important are neglected in the search for the universalizing, one best way –
which for most of the last hundred years or so has meant, for many theorists and
practitioners, bureaucracy.
A bureaucracy is a form of organizational design. In bureaucracy, action is
supposed to be procedurally based on formal rules. When bureaucracies are
classified as being of the rational–legal type, they are supposed to apply values and
principles universally, without favour or prejudice.

Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of differentiated knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only hierarchically in regard to each other but also in

An organizational design is the designated formal structure of the organization as a system of roles, responsibilities, and decision-making.

If you move through one career track in a bureaucracy, in theory, you need not
know anything about how things are done in other tracks. Whether the bureaucracy
is a public or private sector organization would be largely immaterial. Day-to-day
control involves the intermediation of experts whose expertise will always be
specialized, partial, and fragmented. The notion of a career is essential to the
practice of bureaucracy and the career is followed in a specialized area of expertise.
There is differentiation of both expertise and careers.
The term bureaucracy began to be used in France in the eighteenth century by
compounding the French word for an office – a bureau – with the Greek word for
rule. By the nineteenth century, Germany provided the clearest examples of its
success. The German state constructed by its first chancellor, Bismarck, was a model
bureaucracy in both its armed forces and civil administration. The origins of the
modern German state were innovations pioneered in Prussia, the heart of modern
Germany. Weber realized that the creation of the modern state of Germany had only
been possible because of the development of a disciplined state bureaucracy and
standing army – inventions that became the envy of Europe. In the military, nothing
exhibited bureaucratic discipline better than goose-stepping, which the Prussians
invented in the seventeenth century. The body language of goose-stepping
transmitted a clear set of messages. For the generals, it demonstrated the absolute
obedience of their recruits to orders, no matter how painful or ludicrous these might
be. For civilians, the message was that when men were drilled as a collective
machine that could ruthlessly crush insubordination and eliminate individualism, a
formidable apparatus was created (Davies, 1998). Not surprisingly, as modern
industrial organizations emerged in Germany in the late years of the century, they
incorporated some of the forms of bureaucracy whose success was everywhere
around them.
At the core of Weber’s (1978) conception of organization as bureaucracy was the
notion that members of an organization adhere to the rules of that organization. He
contrasted three types of authority, based upon the rule of charisma, the rule of
tradition, and the rule of rational, legal precepts. Thus, there were three major bases
of authority, thought Weber.

Rational organizations Weber identified authority based on rational–legal

precepts as the heart of bureaucratic organizations. Basically, this means that people
follow rules because they respect the correctness of those rules, either because of
their substantive legal content or because of their rationality – their appropriateness
and correctness.

Rational–legal precepts: People obey orders as rational–legal precepts because they believe that the person giving the order is acting in accordance with a code of legal rules and regulations (Albrow, 1970: 43).

Members of a bureaucratic organization are expected to obey its rules as general

principles that can be applied to particular cases and which apply to those exercising
authority as much as those who must obey the rules. People do not obey the rules
because of traditional deference or submission to charismatic authority; they do not
obey the person but the office holder. Members of the organization ‘bracket’ the
personal characteristics of the office holder and respond purely to the demands of
office. Whether you like the office holder or not is supposed to be unimportant (see
Image 12.2). Police officers may be disagreeable personally, but they hold an office
that enables them to do what they do, within the letter of the law. The rule of law is
the technical basis of their ability to take appropriate action, in terms of the
definitions laid down in law.
IMAGE 12.2 Authority
Weber’s three types of authority

Charismatic authority means that deference and obedience will be given because of the extraordinary
attractiveness and power of the person. The person is owed homage because of their capacity to project
personal magnetism, grace, and bearing. For instance, management gurus such as Jack Welch,
politicians such as Nelson Mandela, or popular characters such as Princess Diana have all been seen as
charismatic authorities. People follow them because of what they believe to be the special nature of their
personalities and the success they have achieved.
Traditional authority occurs where deference and obedience are owed because of the blood-line. The
title held is owed homage because the person who holds it does so by birthright – they are in that
position by right of birth. Prince Charles, for instance, is not so much an authority because of his
charisma but because of tradition: as oldest son of the queen, he is the future King of England because
of the line of descent (see Image 12.3).
Rational–legal authority signifies that deference and obedience are owed not to the person or the title
they hold but to the role they fill. It is not the officer but the office that is owed homage because it is a
part of a rational and recognized disposition of relationships in a structure of offices. Examples are easy
to find – just think of passport control or police. They are authorities although you do not know the
people acting in the roles. The people who are actually acting are secondary; what is important is the
office they represent.

IMAGE 12.3 Symbol of authority

Weber saw bureaucracy as an instrument or tool of unrivalled technical superiority.

He wrote, ‘[p]recision, speed and unambiguity, knowledge of the files, continuity,
discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction, and of material and
personal cost. These are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic
administration’ (Weber, 1948: 214). Bureaucracy is a rational machine that Weber
defined as having 15 key dimensions:

1. Power belongs to an office and is not a function of the office holder.

2. Power relations within the organization structure have a distinct authority
configuration, specified by the rules of the organization.
3. Because powers are exercised in terms of the rules of office rather than the
person, organizational action is impersonal.
4. Disciplinary systems of knowledge, either professionally or organizationally
formulated, rather than idiosyncratic beliefs, frame organizational action.
5. The rules tend to be formally codified.
6. These rules are contained in files of written documents that, based on precedent
and abstract rule, serve as standards for organizational action.
7. These rules specify tasks that are specific, distinct, and done by different
formal categories of personnel who specialize in these tasks and not in others.
These official tasks would be organized on a continuous regulated basis in order
to ensure the smooth flow of work between the discontinuous elements in its
organization. Thus, there is a tendency towards specialization.
8. There is a sharp boundary between bureaucratic action and particularistic action
by personnel, defining the limits of legitimacy.
9. The functional separation of tasks means that personnel must have authority
and sanction available to them commensurate with their duties. Thus,
organizations exhibit an authority structure.
10. Because tasks are functionally separated, and because the personnel charged
with each function have precisely delegated powers, there is a tendency towards
11. The delegation of powers is expressed in terms of duties, rights, obligations,
and responsibilities. Thus, organizational relationships tend to have a precise
contract basis.
12. Qualities required for organization positions are increasingly measured in terms
of formal credentials.
13. Because different positions in the hierarchy of offices require different
credentials for admission, there is a career structure in which promotion is
possible either by seniority or by merit of service by individuals with similar
14. Different positions in the hierarchy are differentially paid and otherwise
15. Communication, coordination, and control are centralized in the organization.

Weber saw that there were a number of rational foundations for modern bureaucratic
organizations, such as a legal system based on rules rather than personal influence;
an economy based on monetary exchanges; a formally free labour market in which
people were not bought and sold but hired their labour time; the appropriation and
concentration of the physical means of production as disposable private property;
the representation of share rights in organizations and property ownership; and the
‘rationalization’ of various institutional areas, such as the market, technology, and
education. The outcome of the process of rationalization, Weber suggests, is the
production of a new type of person: the specialist or technical expert. Such experts
master reality by means of increasingly precise and abstract concepts. Statistics, for
example, began in the nineteenth century as a form of codified knowledge of
everyday life and death, which could inform public policy. The statistician became a
paradigm of the new kind of expert, dealing with everyday things but in a way that
was far removed from everyday understandings. Weber sometimes referred to the
results of this process as disenchantment, meaning the process whereby all forms of
magical, mystical, traditional explanation is stripped away from the world (Clegg,


What’s good about bureaucracy?

1. Bureaucratic organizations provide satisfaction for those working within them because you know
exactly what to do and what you will have to do to get to where you want to be in the organization.
2. They are fairly predictable, and they offer opportunities for careers for individual members to specialize
and develop skills in what they most enjoy.
3. They limit arbitrary power and privilege. You must follow the rules but so must everyone else.
4. If you are a client or a customer of a bureaucracy, to the extent that the bureaucracy treats you as
merely a case, you can expect to be treated according to precedents established by rules, rather than the
whim of an officer.
5. You have a right of appeal in a bureaucracy. If the application of rules to cases is illegitimate, then you
would have rational recourse to an appeal mechanism.
6. None are above the law, none can escape rules, and every office is accountable. In short, bureaucracy is
a bulwark of civil liberty.
7. Bureaucracy frees people from arbitrary rule by powerful patrimonial leaders – those who personally
own the instruments and offices of rule.

A cornerstone of bureaucracy, according to Weber, was that it operated ‘without

regard for persons’. Reading this phrase for the first time may resonate with what
you already know about bureaucracy: that it is heartless, soulless, and cruel. It does
not have a human face – it makes everybody a number. But Weber was arguing
something far more fundamental. Essentially, Weber was saying that it does not
matter if you are black or white, Muslim or Jew, gay or straight, rich or poor. It does
not matter who or what you are. You are entitled to be judged not on the prejudices
of the community or the person applying a rule, but strictly according to the rules,
without regard for the specificities of whatever might be your identity. Bureaucracy,
when rational, legal, and fair is an efficient system for processing people.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Stewart Clegg (2005) if you want to learn more about what happened to the Puritan ethic
that lay behind the emergence of modern rational organizations and capitalism, according to Weber.

Human relations: Elton Mayo

Not all of the early management thinkers saw the solutions to problems of managing
and organizing in terms of engineering tighter control through making people more
like machine parts. Rather, some theorists, such as the Australian, Elton Mayo, saw
engineering as a part of the problem rather than the solution. Mayo developed what
became known as the Human Relations School. The emphasis of this approach was
on informal work group relations, the importance of these for sustaining the formal
system, and the necessity of the formal system meshing with the informal system.
As a young man in Australia just after the Great War, Mayo had helped to develop
therapeutic treatments for patients with shell shock and other ‘nervous’ conditions.
From the treatment of maladjustment on the part of veterans, it was a small step to
the treatment of industrial malaises: ‘Industrial unrest is not caused by mere
dissatisfaction with wages and working conditions but by the fact that a conscious
dissatisfaction serves to “light up” as it were the hidden fires of mental uncontrol’
(Mayo, 1922: 64, cited in Bourke, 1982: 226). Treating conflict at work meant
treating industrial neuroses. Most people’s actions were driven by the unconscious,
he thought, following Freud, and this was as true of people at work as at war.
Agitators and radicals were victims of neurotic fantasies that could be traced,
invariably, to infantile history. If individuals could be guided by therapy in work,
they would be healed of their neuroses. When he arrived in the USA, he brought
these ideas with him as a highly successful public speaker on the lecture circuit. He
eventually found a congenial home at Harvard, where he was invited in 1926.
At Harvard, Mayo became associated with what are known as the Hawthorne
Studies. These studies have become a classic of modern management and were
named thus because they were carried out in the Hawthorne Plant of the Western
Electric organization in the suburbs of Chicago between 1924 and 1927. After the
data had been collected and the experiments ended, he joined the project in April
1928 (Henderson, with Mayo, 2002 [1936]). In a range of experiments concerning
the physical determinants of productivity, illumination and other physical variables
were manipulated, with the surprising result that productivity kept rising even when
unexpected – when the illumination was lowered rather than increased. Why was this
Mayo answered the question in terms of what became known as the Hawthorne
Effect: when a group realizes that it is valued and forms social relations among its
members, productivity rises as a result of the group formation. The Hawthorne
Effect is what happens when informal organization formation occurs. It was this
finding for which the study became famous. In this instance, it was presumed that
the effect was an unanticipated consequence of the experimental interest taken in
workers. Such formation will often be an unanticipated consequence of academic
interest in people in organizational settings: research may have unanticipated
effects. (His experiments have been widely criticized. See Carey (2002 [1967]) and
O’Connor (2002) for the criticisms.)
Mayo’s eight principles of management were as follows:

1. Work should be seen as a group rather than an individual activity.

2. Work is a central life interest for most people.
3. The lack of attention to human relationships was a major flaw in most other
management theories.
4. In work, people find a sense of belonging to a social group and seek a need for
recognition, satisfaction of which is vital for their productivity.
5. When workers complain, it may be a manifestation of some more fundamental
and psychologically located issue.
6. Informal social groups at work have a profound influence on the worker’s
disposition and wellbeing.
7. Management can foster collaboration within informal groups to create greater
cohesion and unity at work, with positive organizational benefits.
8. The workplace should be viewed as a social system made up of interdependent

In the informal system, special attention was to be paid to the satisfaction of

individual human needs, focusing on what motivates different people, in order to try
to maximize their motivation and satisfaction. Mayo thought the manager had to be
a social clinician, fostering the social skills of those with whom the manager
worked. Therapeutic interviews were recommended as a management tool and
training in counselling and personnel interviews was seen as an essential
management skill. The advice was simple: pay full attention to the interviewee and
make it clear that this is the case; listen carefully to what they have to say; do not
interrupt; do not contradict them; listen carefully for what is being said as well as
any ellipses in terms of what is left unspoken; try to summarize carefully what has
been said by the speaker as feedback for the interviewee; and treat what has been
said in confidence (Trahair, 2001).
Mayo had an agreeable message for many managers:

What, after all, could be more appealing than to be told that subordinates are
non-logical; that their uncooperativeness is a frustrated urge to collaborate; that
their demands for cash mark a need for your approval [as a manager]; and that
you have a historic destiny [as a manager] as a broker of social harmony?
(Rose, 1975: 124)

Mayo undoubtedly believed that the technical competencies of managers had to be

buttressed by social competencies. People had to be shown how to collaborate in the
new complex organizations, and management’s task, par excellence, was to aid this.
Managers were to be the new conciliators and arbitrators of an accord with rational
workers. While the workers would draw on local rationalities, variants of cultures of
solidarity rooted in family, church, and community experience, the managers would
draw on the rationality of science (Hogan, 1978; Weiss, 1981). In Mayo’s view, it
would be a one-sided contest where the reason of management should be self-
Many of Mayo’s ideas addressed the failure of modern management to consider
collaboration as integral to modern enterprise. Mayo came to the conclusion that the
real problems encountered in work were the lack of ‘well-knit human groups’. Too
little attention was being paid to social relations at work, especially those that enable
people to get on well and cooperate with others. More training in social skills was
required. Just as individual members should have a cooperative attitude, the
organization should have an effective system of communications to foster social
skills (see also Chapter 10). Organizations should organize teams and use personnel
interviews to aid members, as Mayo (1985 [1951]) put it, to get ‘rid of useless
emotional complications’, ‘to associate more easily, more satisfactorily with other
persons – fellow workers or supervisors – with whom he is in daily contact’, and to
develop in the worker a ‘desire and capacity to work better with management’.
Mayo’s star faded fairly fast, although there was some renewed critical interest in
the 1970s and 1980s (Clegg, 1979; Clegg and Dunkerley, 1980), and a sophisticated
appreciation of his importance for contemporary human resource management in the
work of writers such as O’Connor (1999; 2002).

Management, leadership, and the functions of the executive: Chester Barnard

The prosperous 1920s had seen modern corporate bureaucracies become legitimate.
In the depression of the 1930s, however, their legitimacy came into question. The
Depression of the 1930s saw many millions of people unemployed, reduced to
welfare and soup kitchens. If managers were such great leaders, how come American
firms were in such a mess? How could organizations be efficient and legitimate,
when they also caused so much unemployment and turmoil?
For Chester Barnard, the key issue was leadership, of which he had considerable
experience – he had been the president of New Jersey Bell Telephone and the
Rockefeller Foundation. Barnard thought that those lucky enough still to have jobs
should buckle down to the leadership of managers for it was only their good
judgement that stood between them and the misery of unemployment.
Barnard wrote a book on leadership that had a major impact, The Functions of the
Executive (1936). Leadership is required, said Barnard, to ensure both managerial
authority and employee obedience. He knew that people were frequently capable of
being, from an executive’s point of view, mistaken about what they took their
interests to be. Leaders should make followers’ self-interest apparent, and this
interest should be service to authority. Leaders created moral codes for subordinates
to live by; subordinates needed tutelage in strong moral values, which it was
management’s duty to provide. Barnard’s five principles of management are as

1. Individual behaviour is always variable and can never be easily predicted.

2. All individuals will have a ‘zone of indifference’ within which compliance with
orders will be perceived in neutral terms without any questioning of authority.
Managers should seek to extend the borders of this zone through material
incentives but more especially through providing others with status, prestige,
and personal power.
3. Communications, especially in informal organization, are absolutely central to
decision-making. Everyone should know what the channels of communication
are and should have access to formal channels of communications. Lines of
communication should be as short and direct as possible.
4. Management’s responsibility is to harness informal groupings and get them
working for the organization, not against it.
5. Authority only exists insofar as the people are willing to accept it.

Barnard was the first significant modern executive to write on management and
organization. In that sense, he was the genesis of the ‘been there, done that, profited
from the experience’ type of text that executives are prone to write when they want
to record how they did it ‘my way’ (karaoke management theory is what we call it).
From the vantage point of his experience, he saw the manager’s key task as ensuring
that organizational systems motivated employees towards organization goals –
because where individuals worked with common values rather than common orders,
they would work much more effectively, he thought. The real role of the manager, he
wrote, is to manage the values of the organization, which should be set by the chief
executive (see also Chapter 8).
Management and social justice: Mary Parker Follett

Mary Parker Follett was born into a wealthy and privileged Boston family. After
graduating from the Women’s College at Harvard, she became involved in social
work in a diverse Boston neighbourhood. What she learned in making community
centres work for people lacking in the obvious resources of a wealthier society was
that, with experience in ‘modes of living and acting which shall teach us how to
grow the social consciousness’ (Follett, 1918: 363; 1924), many people were far
more capable than they or others might have imagined.
Follett was the first woman to have had a book on management published, albeit
after her death, called Dynamic Administration (1941). In this book, she argued that
organizations, like communities, could be approached as local social systems
involving networks of groups. Not for her the image of the all-knowing scientific
engineer in control. Unlike scientific management, she believed in the full
collaboration of employees and managers, and she sought their willingness to make
these values compatible. Follett wanted to achieve not just productivity but also
social justice. She suggested that Taylor’s ideas were incomplete. In particular, they
had not been thought through for their democratic potential; Taylor’s lone
individuals, in a massive functional structure, under strict control, did not accord
with American ideas of democracy. Something had to change in management
thinking if this were to be the case. Mary Parker Follett signalled the changes. Her
work continues to excite contemporary interest (Boje and Rosile, 2001; Calás and
Smircich, 1996; Fox, 1968; O’Connor, 1999; 2002).
Central to Follett’s worldview was the concept of power. She was concerned to
democratize power, distinguishing between power-with and power-over (or coercive
power rather than coactive power). She argues that it is the former that needs
developing and the latter that needs diminishing. Organizations organize power and
they create power. She saw power as legitimate and inevitable. But because power is
so central, it does not mean that it need be authoritarian. Organizations must be
developed democratically as places where people learn to be cooperative in power
with others, especially managers and workers (see also pp. 287–288). Given
democratic opportunities, she thought that people could make the most of their
situation, even if they seemed relatively impoverished in their access to resources.
Her view of democracy was that it should be participatory, because the experience of
being participative was empowering and educative. In a democracy, Follett believed
that people had to be able to exercise power themselves, at the grassroots level.
Democratic diversity had great advantages, she said, over more authoritarian
homogeneity. We should welcome difference because it feeds and enriches society,
whereas differences that are ignored feed on society and eventually corrupt it
(Follett, 1918). More modest than her male colleagues, she formulated her ideas in
only three principles.
Follett’s three principles of management are as follows:

1. Functions are specific task areas within organizations, which should be

allocated the appropriate degree of authority and responsibility necessary for
task accomplishment.
2. Responsibility is expressed in terms of an empirical duty: people should
manage their responsibility on the basis of evidence and should integrate this
effectively with the functions of others.
3. Authority flows from an entitlement to exercise power, which is based upon
legitimate authority.

Mary Parker Follett was a unique management academic, a woman in a world of

men, and a committed democrat in a world of macho managers. Notions of
legitimate authority and civic responsibility were important to Follett’s thinking.
Thus, not surprisingly, when she turned her attention to organizations and
management, she saw the concept of power as the essential basis for understanding
business. She separated power from hierarchy, shunning the idea that some were
born to rule and others to follow, which Taylor’s ideas legitimated. She produced a
rationale for authority distinct from Taylor’s ‘scientific’ approach in which
management is a responsible discharge of necessary functions. Authority and
responsibility derive from function. Business requires an understanding of how to
produce collaborative action between different people integrated in a common
enterprise. Until her revival with the publication of Graham’s (1995) edited volume,
Mary Parker Follett – Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the
1920s, she was largely ignored. There are signs that her unique contribution and its
relevance to current issues are now being recognized (Boje and Rosile, 2001).


With the exception of Fayol, these early influential ideas were developed in the USA
and then exported. In the UK, engineers were regarded as lowly individuals with
dirty hands and were remarkably unsuccessful in attaining occupational status and
power. The term engineer was stretched to refer both to professional engineers with
formal qualifications as well as to people who use tools to do manual labour.
British engineering owed far more to its craft origins than was the case either on
the continent or in the USA, where professional engineering and scientific
management were conflated in the 1920s. In France and Germany, engineering was
an elite profession. Despite the early impact of approaches to industrial management
(Littler, 1982), managerialism was slow to become really established in the UK. (In
fact, Prime Minister Thatcher was still railing against the complacent inefficiency of
British management in the 1980s when she was promoting ‘efficiency in
government’, much as had Prime Minister Wilson in the 1960s when he was
spreading what came to be known as the ‘white heat of the technological
In France, the interwar state, under Clemenceau, introduced some elements of
technocratic rationalization from above, befitting both the elite status of engineering
and Fayol’s eminence in its application to management. In Germany, although the
USA became increasingly an inspiration for engineers from the early years of the
century, it was not until the rise of the national socialist state that a management
project premised on efficiency was widely adopted and diffused. In Italy, scientific
management ideas were sponsored by notable industrialists, such as Gino Olivetti, in
a counter-argument to ideas emerging from the workers’ movement (Clegg and
Dunkerley, 1980: 110–111), and were also espoused by Mussolini’s fascist state –
whose achievements, for many, were summed up in the idea that it ‘got the trains
running on time’. In Russia, in the new Soviet Union after 1917, Lenin, the head of
state and major theorist of Bolshevism, the prevailing ideology, proclaimed that
electrification plus Taylorism represented the basis for building scientific socialism.
Though the foundational ideas of modern management travelled far and wide,
they were mostly cemented into place in the USA, from the 1930s onwards. As Grant
and Mills (2006) argue, much of what became institutionalized in the USA as the
normal account of management during the post-war period owed a great deal more
to the context of the Cold War period in which it was produced than was
acknowledged at the time. In the politically divided Europe after the Second World
War, the importance of modern management was all too clear. The impact of US
institutions on post-war Europe, through the Marshall Plan for post-war
reconstruction, and Japan, through the immediate post-war occupation, ensured a
process of widespread dissemination of US management and organization theory. In
Europe business schools were created on explicitly American lines where they did
not already exist. By the late 1960s in the UK, business and management schools
were being developed by many universities, and even in a relatively under-
industrialized country such as Australia, a national school of management was
established by the late 1970s. In all of these schools, American management, by and
large, became institutionalized as the template for modern management (see Locke,
1984). Curricula were developed, and writers examining organizations (Pugh and
Hickson, 2007) studied, most of them American, although a few were not, such as
the French Fayol, British Urwick, Anglo-Australians Clegg and Donaldson, and the
Canadian Mintzberg.


Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by James D. Grant and Albert J. Mills (2006) on the formative years of the discipline of
management in the USA, from 1936 to 1960.

Many contemporary management approaches tend to ignore contemporary

management theory. They tend instead to develop the management principles first
expounded by Taylor and others. They use these principles to institute managerial
control through establishing routines. The most notable of these are the many and
various models of business excellence and quality management that are widely used
in business, such as ISO 9000, the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality
Management) model, the US Baldrige model, GE’s Six-Sigma model, and so on.
In many respects the purposes of management principles and designs have not
changed that much. Despite changing terms and fashions they are often oriented to
making organizational behaviour predictable. They are normative and prescriptive
models and, as Grant et al. (1994: 36) noted, rarely have any explicit theory. Being
simple, lacking explicit theory, and being intellectually insubstantial, these models
have been widely grasped by hard-pressed managers searching for common-sense
solutions to complex problems. The models have travelled the world, seeking to
translate local variations into common models.
However, they always have to do so in a context where individual sensemaking
has the potential to make the best-laid plans and prescriptions imperfect. What is
‘common sense’ to managers is not always common sense for others, whether
employees, supply chain managers, or customers. From a sensemaking perspective,
we would expect common sense not to be made easily. Managing always involves
making sense collectively and this is by no means an easy task. It certainly is not as
easy as creating a list of management principles or developing a model and then
expecting that the work of managing has been done and that all that is necessary is
for people to accept one list of principles rather than another, or accept one model
rather than another, and then use that one model systematically. The tools have to be
used, and it is how they are used, with differential sense and interests attached to
them, which is important. Hence, when confronted with management models we
should attend not only to the content of the models themselves, but also to the
meaning that they have for different stakeholders and the different uses to which
they are put.
The search for alternative models of performance has produced a vast variety of
organizational models to describe organizational performance. The processes
through which these models are applied identify opportunities for improvement
within organizations. Organizations that apply management models to areas such as
quality, knowledge management, fair trade, corporate social responsibility,
organizational excellence, and value chains will experience many challenges, not
least of which will be the struggle to make the sense that senior management sees as
inhering in these models coincide with the sense that other stakeholders also accept.
Today, most of these models are internally developed, either by organizations or
consultancies that sell models that they have devised.
Management models are a major source of organizational change: they prescribe
both changes and change as a result of their use, as they run up against the different
sense members, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders make of them (see
Guillen, 1994). Hence, there is a lot of churning in management models as
consultancy companies need a constant stream of new products, and organizations
discover new sensemaking gaps with the use of existing models.
In this chapter we have not surveyed the most contemporary models – they change
too rapidly and are often generic to specific organizations – but have looked at the
original formulations of management models by a number of influential theorists.
Even contemporary models often retain elements derived from these early twentieth-
century auspices. For instance, ISO 9000 and its subsequent variations, which are
widely used in industry worldwide, are largely prescriptive models based on
outmoded ideas about statistical process control, and an erroneous translation of the
Japanese idea of kaizen as continuous improvement, quite disconnected from the
main body of organization theory (Garvin, 1984).
Other influential models include the Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton,
1992), which focuses on performance measurement of financial, customer, internal,
and knowledge and learning perspectives; the European Foundation for Quality
Management Excellence model, which focuses on leadership, people, policies and
strategy, alliances and resources, processes, results in people, results in customers,
results in society, and key financial results. In this model we see elements of
Taylor’s and Fayol’s concern with efficiency, Mayo’s stress on people and human
relations, together with Barnard’s emphasis on leadership.


The American sociologist George Ritzer coined the term McDonaldization. The
model of McDonald’s is a metaphor for a highly rationalized and ‘cheap as chips’
approach to business processes ‘by which the principles of the fast food restaurants
are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the
rest of the world’ (Ritzer, 1993: 1). McDonaldization does not stop at the fast food
store – it spreads to all areas of everyday life: to recreation, informal and
interpersonal relationships, and even love and intimacy – think of ‘speed dating’. As
Ritzer says, even those places and activities that used to offer some release from a
routinized world have now been rationalized through four major mechanisms:

McDonaldization refers to the application of goal-oriented rationality to all areas of human life.
1. Efficiency means utilizing the least output to gain the highest return. In
mechanics, where the term comes from, efficiency is defined in terms of
minimizing losses to extraneous physical activities, such as heat or friction in
the transmission of energy. In business, given a goal, such as to maximize
profits, what is the most efficient way of achieving this outcome? Or in simple
terms, if the organization is a tool that is managed to achieve specific purposes,
how can waste of resources be minimized around the tool’s use? One way is to
transfer the costs to the consumer. The McDonald’s model dispenses with
waitresses and offers only preformatted menus: it may not make for great
choice or food but it creates a very efficient organization.
2. Calculability means cheapening the assembly costs of the standard product. It
is calculably cheaper to make reality TV shows where there is no script
development cost, no actors and agents’ fees, just a bunch of people happy to
try to grab their 15 minutes of ‘fame’ – or notoriety.
3. Predictability means that a McDonaldized service or product should be the
same anywhere in the world every time. There should be no surprises. It means
leaving nothing to the imagination; scripting everything – ‘You want French
fries with that?’ – and using standardized procedures to produce always
standardized outputs. Every day at Disneyland should be just the same
experience, irrespective of the ‘team members’ inside the suits, on the rides, or
serving in the cafeteria. And the team members are always young, cheap, and
4. Control means minimizing variation in every ingredient in the organizational
assembly of people and things: customers and employees, raw materials, labour
processes, and markets. It often means substituting machine processes that are
utterly controllable for people who are not. Where people cannot be substituted,
they can be drilled – just like the call centre operators and McDonald’s staff –
to perform always the same routines. And the organization can try to ensure
that even physical appearance is controlled. Ritzer cites the example of the
Euro Disney employees who had strict rules applied about their weight-to-
height ratios, facial appearance, hair length, jewellery, makeup, and underwear.
Control means learning to do and to be as one is told, even down to smiling on
cue, as Mills (1996) demonstrates in his analysis of flight attendants.

More do it yourself!
Go into your neighbourhood McDonald’s. Ask for a standard burger minus one or other of the usual
ingredients. How does the salesperson’s standard response script vary from normal? Note how long you
wait for the meal. Look around you, inside and outside the store. How much garbage is there in and out
of the store? Think about Ritzer’s four characteristics of McDonaldization. Count the number of things
in which you find them embedded in the store. Take pictures. Report back to class.

How efficient is McDonalds? What are the costs of this efficiency?

McDonald’s may be instrumentally rational as a profit centre but it uses enormous

quantities of grain to grow cereals to feed to cattle that will be killed in rationalized
slaughterhouses (which were the original basis for Ford’s idea of the moving
production line). It packs the burgers in sweet bread that is unhealthy and serves it in
containers that will be discarded and added to the planet’s waste. Ritzer’s
McDonaldization kills spontaneity, creativity, and joy in discovery. When most
things are reduced to the cheapest way of making them the same, there will be few
surprises in store.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Bryan Turner (2003) if you want to learn more about McDonaldization and how it is
shaping consumer culture.

McDonaldization mostly employs young people, part-time, and students, who

often put up with the work because they know that it is not a life sentence. Not
everyone working in a McDonaldized organization is so fortunate. For some people,
the segmentation of the labour market condemns them to a lifetime of junk jobs.


As a result of the joint spread of modern capitalism and modern management around
the globe, a common type of labour process became widely institutionalized – we
have seen this in the case of McDonald’s in the previous section. Some writers were
convinced that this meant that as a common form of economic exploitation spread
globally, universal forms of resistance to this economic exploitation would also
develop. These were themes that had been developed in ideas about organizations
that regarded Karl Marx’s theory of economic exploitation as a point of departure.
Labour process may be defined as the social relations that people enter into when they are employed as well as the work that they actually do and the conditions under which it is done. Studying the labour
process has given rise to a distinct labour process perspective that focuses on management as a struggle for control of the labour process between employees and managers.

Exploitation means simply that, assuming labour is the source of all value, then any value over and above that paid out in wages – from which profits must arise – derives from paying labour less than the value
that it creates for the capital which hires it.

Modern scientific management is regarded by labour process writers as the major

means for the intensification of exploitation. Scientific management represented the
accumulation, codification, and redesign of traditional craft knowledge in order to
make enterprises more efficient. However, it was a codification of knowledge that
was as much opposed to the laziness of early twentieth-century American
management for allowing the efficiency benefits of innovative technology to be
blunted by craft resistance, as much as it was a critique of these craft practices. For
Taylor, management had been premised on relative ignorance rather than rational
knowledge and was complicit with craft labour in maintaining inefficient working
practices. While this insight is clearly inscribed in Taylor’s work – as he sought to
increase the value of the labour inputs by making them more efficient – it is not
understood in Marx’s terms.
Marx referred to profit as surplus value. According to Marx’s ideas, employees
must receive less value in wages than they created in profits, otherwise no profits
would accrue. These terms focused on the notion of unequal exchange: when
labourers exchanged their labour for a wage, then the capitalist must gain more from
the exchange than the workers – a surplus value – otherwise no profit could be
produced from the labour hired. Harry Braverman, in his book on the labour process
(1974), saw the role of managers as central to the realization of surplus value.

Surplus value is achieved by exploiting labour: working labourers for a greater return than they received and retaining the surplus value that they produced over and above that which they received.

In Braverman’s view, managers anywhere in the world should be seen in terms of

the structural role that they played as delegates of those who owned capital. Their
job was to ensure the efficient extraction of surplus value. They did this by
constantly seeking to increase productivity by simplifying jobs, by ‘de-skilling’
them (making them less craft-based and thus less likely to be controlled by a
craftworker, using specialist craft knowledge, and more likely to be controlled by
the manager who could insist that managerial rather than craft-approved methods be
followed). The result was not only a ‘degradation of labour’ but also an increase in
specialization (albeit at a lower level of skill) and thus the division of labour. It also
contributed to longer organizational hierarchies, as organizations now needed
supervisors to oversee routine de-skilled work in order to see that it was done
correctly, according to management models (see also pp. 470–471). Scientific
management was the epitome of the methods that managers instituted to de-skill and
control labour. It can be said that scientific management, as Taylor and others
conceived of it, was behind the development of managerial capitalism, in which
personal and family ownership was increasingly fused with institutional and market-
based investments, and the people on the shop floor were increasingly de-skilled as
professional managers were increasingly employed, making artisanal craft
knowledge less relevant.

Managerial capitalism sees capitalist entrepreneurs displaced by professional managers as the central, immediate, and direct agents of power within organizations.

In most large, complex, organizations today professional managers coordinate

employees, technology, resources, and administrative structures. They do not
necessarily own shares in what they govern and manage (although this is
increasingly likely as stock-option incentive systems become widespread – at least
for top management team members). As the visible hand of managers replaced
Adam Smith’s invisible hand of the market, managerial capitalism arose to manage
large-scale organizations. Even companies such as Virgin, always associated with
the buccaneering entrepreneur Richard Branson, are actually managed by rather
bland organizational men and women of the corporation, as described by Whyte
(1960) and Kanter (1976).
If capitalism was to be most efficient, argued Braverman, then management
should seek to codify and ‘own’ all knowledge in an organization. Doing so
strengthened the power of management and allowed experiments with more efficient
ways of working. Codification would enable the radical separation of ‘mental’
(managerial) labour from ‘manual’ (worker) labour, allocating management to
reconfigure production as it pleased. It rendered labour interchangeable as part of a
large, efficiently managed machine. Management would achieve total control of the
labour process and could set the pace of work.


Braverman argued that jobs were being de-skilled by the development of the
capitalist labour process. Wherever jobs could be argued to be undergoing a process
of fragmentation and where mental elements involved in the conception of work
were being separated from their manual execution, a dynamic of de-skilling would
be in process. The result would be increasingly routine and fragmented tasks, where
individual employees lacked understanding of the principles underlying their
relation with others. In a word, they would be alienated. The introduction of newer,
simpler technologies would be used to transfer control over the labour process from
workers to management (Braverman, 1974: 194). The result of de-skilling would be
a downward pressure on wages and conditions of work, both within nation-states and
globally. Junk jobs would emerge that had been de-skilled into easily learned low-
paid tasks. Although these might initially open up a divide between those who held
such jobs and those who were in more demanding work in particular countries, the
long-term effect would be experienced in an international division of labour. Junk
jobs could be set up anywhere in the world where there was compliant, cheap labour
(see also pp. 604).
Braverman underestimated the range of strategies pursued by employers. In some
cases, such as in the context of technical complexity, it might suit management to
cede control of production to the workforce. In other cases, management might
choose not to apply scientific management. For instance, even at its peak in 1920s’
North America, there was only ever a partial take-up of scientific management. In
Europe, employers generally tinkered with Taylorism, avoiding a full-blown
implementation. Employers often avoided a full implementation of Taylorism as
they wanted to retain operational flexibility. In the gentleman amateur boards of
directors in the UK, there was a general contempt for ideas of management that
came from North America.
The contemporary embrace of team working and culture initiatives raises
different questions from those that Braverman was dealing with so that, in recent
years, labour process theory has paid attention to the identity and subjectivities of
workers and the surveillance regimes they work under. The research on surveillance
draws on Foucault’s use of the Panopticon metaphor borrowed from Bentham. This
illustrates the way in which ideas from two centuries ago have a continued relevance
to understanding organizations today. It also gives a sense of how ideas are
constantly repackaged and reconfigured.


What’s wrong with labour process accounts of management?

1. Resistance had been overlooked: Michael Burawoy, for instance, highlighted the way in which workers
successfully played games around production targets. Burawoy (1979) noted the prevalence of
cooperation in most workplaces much of the time, which he saw as arising from participation in local
‘games’ on the shop floor – where the immediate elements of management control (such as a supervisor
or payment system) became the object of worker ingenuity designed to beat the rules. He argued that
the opportunity to gain small victories in local struggles over things close at hand to the immediate
concerns of the employees softened the fundamentally skewed nature of the game in which any
employee cooperates.
2. Labour markets were complex rather than simply being subject to universal de-skilling: Not all workers
competed in a single labour market, because there were many labour markets, often exhibiting
characteristics of ‘dual labour market segmentation’. Rubery (1978) developed a theory of dual labour
market segmentation. She argued that labour markets were structured not just by the actions of
employers but also by the ability of workers ‘to maintain, develop, extend and reshape their
organisation and bargaining power’ (Rubery, 1978: 34). Characteristically, dual labour markets divide
between those segments that have some degree of career prospects, are full-time and better paid, and
enjoy better conditions. The other segment is composed of less skilled jobs, often casual and part-time,
with worse pay, prospects, and conditions. Often, labour market dualism was argued to have a gender
dimension to it; that is, the pool of employees divided into those who had secure, better paid full-time
work, largely men, whereas those who were in part-time, less secure, and lower paid work were
disproportionately women (for earlier labour process treatments of these themes, see Clegg and
Dunkerley, 1980: 400–422; Knights and Willmott, 1986).
3. Different controls targeted different types of employee : Divisions made the task of control much easier
because they concentrated employees’ minds on the fact that they slotted into a huge hierarchy of
labour, with the long-term unemployed at the bottom, and everyone competing for the minor qualitative
differences available with shifting from one segment to the next – what Braverman called divide and
rule prevailed. Hence, as Clegg (1981) argued, different types of control, using different principles,
would be targeted at different categories of employees. Organizations were best seen as sedimented
structures, revealing a complex layering of controls stratified in terms of their emergence, as temporal
phenomena, as different innovations in control were layered on top of each other, subsuming but never
entirely replacing what had gone before. Moreover, different strategies of control were oriented towards
different levels in terms of the organizational hierarchy (also see the contributions in Knights et al.,
4. De-skilling was not for everyone, the labour process theorists said. Friedman (1977: 78) argued that
some employees, such as highly skilled and creative types, whose discretion management needed in
work, meant that not all jobs could or would be de-skilled to the furthest point. Instead, some jobs
would be designed to include elements of ‘responsible autonomy’.
5. Control was not just personal – the work of managers – but could be built into technology: Edwards
(1979) extended Braverman’s analysis by highlighting that management also controlled employees
through machinery and technological innovations, such as assembly lines, as well as through
‘bureaucratic control’. The effects of technology, in particular, were much elaborated by labour process
writers (e.g. see the contributions of Knights and Willmott, 1988; also Friedman, 1990). These
technologies were often associated with a decline in craft control by workers as their specialist craft
knowledge became redundant with the introduction of more sophisticated technologies that replaced
manual skill and dexterity with machine-coded reliability.
6. The role of exploitation of surplus value is over-stressed: In many contemporary organizations, labour is
a small element in the overall cost structure. The scene has changed greatly since Marx’s day when
factories were small and labour-intensive.
7. The stress on the capitalist labour process does not allow for analysis of non-capitalist organizations: A
great deal of learning is translated from the private to the public sector and to the non-profit sector, and
some may flow back the other way. Restricting analysis to business for profit organizations is unduly

Labour process theory began to develop many qualifications – but the qualifications
eroded the core theory of exploitation, de-skilling, and resistance. Braverman and
traditional labour process theorists were highly determinist. They argued from the
existence of an analytical model of class structure that they superimposed on
organizations and from which they saw necessary effects of exploitation and de-
skilling as following. They minimized the capacity of ordinary people to exercise
their human agency through resistance to control at work. They saw control as
almost total, in a fatalistic way. Those human beings who were workers became
ciphers in these views, shaped almost entirely by external structures – which,
correlatively, were granted an almost total power as against the almost total
subordination of those they controlled. Thus, it is not surprising that in terms of
intellectual fashions, Marxist analyses fell out of favour in social science thinking. It
was not only the bankruptcy of Marxism as a social system that caused its decline
but also a shift in intellectual fashions. Structural and determinist thinking, in which
immutable structures shaped the fates of ordinary people, fell out of fashion as
entrepreneurial ideas became increasingly influential from the 1980s onwards. It has
been post-structuralist thinking – the key idea of which is that there are no necessary
structural divisions in society such as those between the classes of capital and labour
but many more subtle and complex cleavages – that has influenced more recent

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by David A. Spencer (2000) reviewing Braverman’s legacy and the subsequent development
of labour process analysis.

Knights and Willmott (1989: 554) argued, from a post-structuralist position, that
organizations were not places in which capitalists and managers had all the power
and ordinary employees none. Instead, they argued that everyone in organizations
has some power. People are defined not just by their job descriptions but also by the
whole range of complex identities shaping them. It is not the case that some are
ciphers and some are agents, that some can only do what only others can demand. It
is not a case of power and autonomy on the one hand and subjection on the other.


Taylor, notably, was an authoritarian, and believed that management’s right to rule could be established
scientifically, whereas for Fayol it seemed indubitable that the more rational and enlightened should
lead – and lead wisely with care.
In management theory circles, the contributions of F. W. Taylor have been both overlauded and
overdemonized. The Taylor system was simply one aspect of a widespread movement of
systematization, articulated by engineers, that was afoot in late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century
management, initially in the USA and then, in the era following the First World War, spreading
throughout Europe and elsewhere.
Owners, managers, and employees alike frequently resisted Taylorism, and it was by no means a
smooth path to a more rational future, as Taylor hoped. However, Taylor delivered the template for a
systematic practice of management based on both universal principles and management science.
Disguised, refined, and altered, his ideas are still at work in many contemporary approaches.
Mayo’s Human Relations School contributed significantly to the development of management and
organization theory. It manifests itself today in initiatives such as the ‘learning organization’ and
‘empowerment’ and it is in human relations that many of the personnel functions now associated with
HRM were first developed, especially the idea of the counselling interview.
Although human relations focus on the soft, human side of business, it is often seen as the oil that is
necessary to run smoothly the machine that Taylor designed. Follett and Mayo disagreed markedly with
Taylor. Follett was much more of a democrat than Mayo, however. Mayo drew on his early experiences
in Australia of a radicalized labour movement to point to the necessity of social integration and
collaboration to overcome what he saw as the irrationality, the hatreds, and the futility of class struggle.
Follett’s experiences were more positive. She had seen at a community level what could be achieved by
education, grassroots action, and social networks, and believed that these could deliver similar results in
In contemporary times, major critical currents – centred on labour process theory and the
McDonaldization thesis – have re-engaged with the classic statements of management provided by early
management theorists such as Taylor. In many respects these early management theories prepared the
way for a great deal of modern management. Thus, the lineages of many contemporary or recent
management fads go back to Taylor – such as business process re-engineering, total quality
management, knowledge management, for instance – while others derive from Mayo’s human relations
– such as human resource management. But, as we have explained, formal principles always have to be
seen in the context of their use, how they are interpreted, and understood in practice.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Surplus resources Scale

Division of labour
Direct management control
Scientific management
Labour process theory
Human relations
Traditional authority
Rational–legal authority
Management models

2 What are the central features of bureaucracy?

Why did the expansion of scale in organization activities occur in the latter half of the nineteenth century
and what were its implications for management?
4 What was Bentham’s unique contribution to management?
5 What was innovative about Taylor’s scientific management?
6 What did Fayol add to scientific management?
According to Follett, what were the unanticipated consequences of highly rational (scientific) management
8 What aspects of management and organization did Mayo highlight?
9 How did Barnard conceptualize leadership?
10 Why do management plans sometimes meet resistance when managers try to implement them?
11 What strikes you as problematic with the proposition that labour is the only source of value?


1. Writers on Organizations , written by Derek Pugh and David Hickson (2007), should be a staple
resource for all introductory students. It provides thumbnail sketches of the life, times, and ideas of
many of the key thinkers of management and covers almost all of those addressed here, plus plenty who
were not. The current edition even includes an account of some of the work by one of the authors of
this book, Stewart Clegg.
2. Manufacturing Rationality: The Engineering Foundations of the Managerial Revolution by Yehouda
Shenhav (1999) is an excellent, very detailed, analysis of the engineering auspices of so many
influential ideas and people in the early career of modern management.
3. As Boje and Rosile (2001) argue, Follett was the first advocate of situational models of leadership and
cooperation – models that avoided general theories and approaches in favour of those that were
contextually sensitive, that appreciated the detail of the situation that they were to be applied in. Other
appreciations by distinguished management academics of Mary Parker Follett can be found in work
such as Prophet of Management: A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s , which Pauline Graham
(1995) edited, including commentary by Peter Drucker, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and Henry Mintzberg,
among others.
4. In his book Recreating Strategy, Stephen Cummings (2002: 79–131) ‘deconstructs’ management’s
history, and it is well worth reading for those who want to gain some idea of how the modern idea of
management was socially constructed.
5. An earlier account by one of the present authors was published as Organization, Class and Control
(Clegg and Dunkerley, 1980), and it contains detailed accounts of some other founding fathers of early
management, of a more sociological bent, which have been omitted here.
6. We would recommend also the account by Peter Miller and Ted O’Leary (2002) of ‘Hierarchies and
American ideals, 1900–1940’, from which we have drawn to frame this chapter.
7. There are many accounts that outline an interpretive approach. Many of them are referenced in
Sandberg and Targama (2007), who provide an overall guide for the more sophisticated student.
Perhaps the easiest account for the introductory student to follow is one that has been enormously
influential and has been around for a long time. It is Chapter 6 of David Silverman’s (1970) The Theory
of Organizations, where he compares rational ‘systems’ perspectives with those that are ‘interpretive’,
which he terms the ‘action frame of reference’.
8. In films, there are plenty of examples of satire of various aspects of management, from Charles
Chaplin’s (1936) Modern Times, with its critique of the moving production line and associated
efficiencies, through the 1948 John Farrow film The Big Clock, which is savage in its depiction of how
one man’s megalomania finds expression through a ruthless and amoral concern with efficiency centred
on mastery of time.
9. In more contemporary films, science fiction classics such as the 1982 Blade Runner (Scott, 1982; there
is a director’s cut from 1992 as well) and Gattaca (Niccol, 1997) provide a bleak view of a future where
modern management has become institutionalized as wholly corporate and in control, able to fit the
person to the job almost perfectly, such that life outside its requirements can only be nasty, bleak, and
poor. Both movies show the dark side of meritocracy wed to bureaucracy and science.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #13: Organization design theory: its evolution
within a changing context, John Child.
3. A good introduction to Taylor can be found at
4. One interesting early figure whom we do not discuss in the book but is well worth getting to know is
Charles Babbage. He was an early engineer/manager and is credited with inventing the first computer or
‘calculating machine’. For starters see
5. Henri Fayol is well served by the web:
6. The Hawthorne Studies, with many links, are discussed at
7. David Boje is an American academic who maintains a very lively website. One of his pages,, contains a discussion of connections between Mary Parker Follett’s work on
power and empowerment and that of one of the authors of this book, Stewart Clegg.


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. On the Companion Website you will find Bahnisch, M. (2000) ‘Embodied work, divided labour:
subjectivity and the scientific management of the body in Frederick W. Taylor’s 1907 “Lecture on
Management”’, Body & Society, 6 (1): 51–68, which looks at the way that modern management began
by reforming the body of employees.
2. If you are interested in how management theory got to be the way it is, then it is useful to know a little
history: the Companion Website contains a very useful source, Grant, J. D. and Mills, A. J. (2006) ‘The
quiet Americans: formative context, the Academy of Management leadership, and the management
textbook, 1936–1960, Management & Organizational History, 1 (2): 201–224.
3. A good review article on the influential labour process account of management is to be found on the
Companion Website, in the article by Spencer, D. A. (2000) ‘Braverman and the contribution of labour
process analysis to the critique of capitalist production – twenty-five years on’, Work, Employment &
Society, 14 (2): 223–243.
4. Try and read Turner, B. S. (2003) ‘McDonaldization: linearity and liquidity in consumer cultures’,
American Behavioral Scientist, 47 (10): 137–153, before that next Macca’s!


Innovation is as a key asset for any organization. Let us assume you agree with this statement and
decide to bring innovation into your organization. If yours is a typical company it may fit the following
profile: hundreds, maybe even thousands of employees; company work processes formalized over the
years that seem to be doing their job pretty satisfactorily and shareholders who are more or less satisfied
with the company’s financials. Yet, there is a niggling sense that your company can be performing at a
higher gear, and that innovation can make the difference. So what do you do? Do you change your
workforce to include only the most creative people? Do you prioritize investment in new technologies?
While these are steps in the right direction, their impact on the company may not be sustainable.
Employees come and go and technologies are constantly changing. In this case study we describe a
different approach that can make innovation a more sustainable asset for an organization. It involves
changing the way people think, act, and work and an integrated effort at all levels of the organization:
individual, team, and organizational.
Let us begin by looking at these three levels. On the individual level, everyone in the organization is
required to acquire a skill-set that will allow them to think and act innovatively. This can make a crucial
difference to many common (and uncommon) work tasks: from juggling projects within a time
pressured and resource-scarce environment to dealing with the accidental deletion of an important file
or a missing suitcase on an important week-long business trip. On the team level, providing the right
tools and setting up the right work processes can enable real changes to be implemented. This can make
a whole range of activities more effective: new product development, project management, inter-group
communication and meetings (that great stealer of work time) that lead to better results. On the
organizational level, the key move is to put in place a structure that encourages innovative thinking and
supports implementation of innovative results. Many times organizations have lots of good will and
motivate their employees to come up with new ideas (idea boxes and the like), but they are never
followed up and gradually the hype falls. Proper structures and company guidelines, as uncreative as
they sound, are essential in sustaining the motivation to keep on innovating.
The Bolivar Group is a Colombian-based conglomerate with an asset value in excess of $10bn. Its
holding companies include banking, insurance, construction, mutual funds, and leisure resorts. For two
years Bolivar had been searching for an innovation supplier to help them achieve the company’s vision
of long-term, sustainable leadership through innovation. They were looking to find a structured
methodology that would allow everyone in their organization to be more innovative and so challenge
the general consensus that innovation and creative thinking is an inherent trait among gifted individuals.
In 2007 Bolivar began working with SIT – Systematic Inventive Thinking® – a company with a
structured innovation methodology that helps organizations create self-sustaining innovation. Bolivar
was interested to teach its organization how to innovate. The methodology, known as the ‘SIT Onion’,
consists of five layers and includes the tools, principles, skills, proficiencies, and activities required to
deliver innovation.
Together, SIT and Bolivar launched Efecto-I! (The I-Effect): a comprehensive innovation
programme that has created a culture and an attitude of innovation across the company’s sub-businesses
and 14,000 employees.
On the individual level, SIT provided Bolivar with innovation tools and principles that employees
could apply on their own, at any time or in any situation – what is termed ‘innovation on-demand’.
From senior managers to salespeople to bank clerks, employees now have a method for coming up with
fresh approaches to their daily tasks or solving problems.
On the team level, SIT established a cadre of specially trained innovation managers and coaches.
The key responsibility of this group rests in actively disseminating the innovation methodology to the
companies thousands of employees, and helping specific teams achieve innovation successes.
Furthermore, SIT’s work with Bolivar on project management proficiencies established processes that
ensure that ideas generated in the innovation process are actually implemented, and more importantly,
not discarded at the first sign of difficulty. These skills give the teams the means of working and
thinking together, and ways to make sure that their decisions are carried out.
On the organizational level, SIT worked with Bolivar to design and implement an innovation
structure to ensure all Bolivar’s activities will be self-sustaining in the long run. This involved
establishing dedicated innovation positions, new work processes, and success metrics. Existing
company structures were utilized as far as possible, making it easier and more natural to implement the
new innovation process within the organization.
Between 2008 and 2009, over 400 new products, services, business models, and work processes
have been successfully implemented yielding new revenue on one hand, and cost saving and efficiency
on the other. Two examples include: a) a new service in Bolivar’s industrial machinery leasing company
that created a new market, and b) new banking services that led to hundreds of thousands of dollars in
cost saving.
Over 600 innovation coaches were trained throughout the entire Bolivar Group to lead systematic
innovation inside the organization. These coaches use SIT methodology to manage daily business
challenges in their teams. To date, close to 2000 employees have learned innovation tools from the
coaches who run trainings on a regular basis.
Bolivar’s innovation structure includes two vice presidents responsible for overseeing all innovation
processes and two dozen innovation managers who support the cross-organization innovation coach
activity. An innovation portal was established to support the innovation managers and innovation
coaches by giving them access to innovation tools, workshop scripts, and examples that they can use in
their work.
SIT worked with Bolivar to establish internal communication mechanisms that would update the
entire organization on innovation activities and achievements. This continues to create a buzz in the
company, getting everyone on board, and at the same time shows management support and
commitment to the process. Bolivar regularly puts out quarterly booklets on new products and services
in the company born out of the innovation process, corporate DVDs showcasing different divisions’
accomplishments, and ‘Innovation of the Day’ emails giving both real Bolivar cases as well as
information on innovation tools.
After less than three years of working together with SIT, Bolivar has much to show in terms of its
ROI – return on innovation. The model they applied made innovation a concrete tool across all levels of
the organization:
1. Individuals are more creative and give better performance.
2. Teams have enhanced work processes for rolling out their decisions.
3. The organization has the right structures to implement real changes across the entire company.


1. What kind of changes to management relations and learning among employees would need to occur
when implementing such a model in an organization that had a more traditional design, more oriented to
command and control, rather than innovation and creativity?

Case prepared by Robyn Taragin-Stern and Grant Harris; see also SIT,

1 Although we tend to think of slavery as something that disappeared in the
nineteenth century, this is not the case. A recent study by the Joseph Rowntree
Foundation (Craig et al., 2007), in the UK, suggests that there are tens of
thousands of people who work as virtual slaves in the modern British economy.
The bonds of modern slavery, experienced as a loss of free will and as being
compelled to work irrespective of preferences, are sometimes shackles but are
much more likely to be debt bondage, theft of passport and ID, illegal status,
and fear because of the threat and use of violence. Thus, extreme economic
exploitation, absence of human rights, and actual or threatened violence
characterize modern slavery in areas of the economy such as prostitution, hotel,
factory, and dock labour. Bales (2005) estimated the contemporary number of
slaves at 27 million people, globally.
Dysfunctions, Institutions, Isomorphism

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Understand how bureaucratic organizations’ control over their members can be

Understand how and why so many organizations are similar in their design and
Grasp how and why management action is always embedded in more or less
implicit/explicit theories about what is to be done
Distinguish between (a) organizational exploitation and (b) organizational
exploration of knowledge
Know what is a ‘failure trap’ and what is a ‘success trap’


Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism. (Mary McCarthy)

During the twentieth century the ideas promulgated by writers such as Taylor, Fayol,
Barnard, and Mayo seeped into practice. The major organizational event of the
twentieth century was probably the Second World War, which saw a degree of
management and organization hitherto not found before. Many of what we now take
for granted as modern management ideas were first seen in action in the
organization of events such as the Normandy Landing of 1944, which threw the
weight of the United States into the war in Europe. The military approach was
classically bureaucratic, involving detailed planning and organization. Ideas that had
begun to be circulated in West Point, the US elite military academy, which had
initially been imported from Germany in the nineteenth century and had been
hooked up with the engineering approach of the scientific managers, were now seen
in practice by Europeans as well as Americans. For a number of combatants who
were subsequently enrolled as students in universities in the US, as well as other
observers, it was evident that matters of organization were extremely important in
the post-war world. Several of these students became organization researchers, often
in sociology programmes in universities in cities such as New York at places like
Columbia. As such they all learned from the plethora of translations of Max Weber
that began to appear from the late 1940s, notably Weber’s writings on bureaucracy.
Weber’s approach was based on an analysis of how members of organizations use
their sense of the organization and its rules as a resource in their everyday
management (see Bittner, 2002 [1965]). Weber’s account merely sought to
systematize and accentuate elements of what had become ordinary bureaucratic
practice by the beginning of the twentieth century. The model was neither
prescriptive nor predictive: if these practices changed, then typologies would need to
change. The new wave of organization researchers started to revise Weber’s ideas to
incorporate features of reality not captured in his model. As they conducted research
into actual bureaucracies they found variants on the basic model.


Who benefits?

Two researchers named Peter Blau and Richard Scott asked the question ‘who
benefits?’ from the way an organization is designed. The notion of ‘who benefits?’
captures a dimension that Weber had not focused on. Blau and Scott (1963) focused
on the relation of the organization to its members and beneficiaries. As they argued,
there were at least four types of organization that could be distinguished on the basis
of ‘who benefits?’

1. Member-beneficent organizations, such as cooperatives.

2. Owner-beneficent organizations, such as businesses.
3. Client-beneficent organizations, such as schools or hospitals.
4. Public-beneficent organizations, such as a public postal service, which serves
all members of a community.

It might be assumed that organizations served the person or persons who were their
ostensive beneficiaries, such as shareholders or customers. Yet, just introducing
these two categories can be problematic: many organizations serve both sets of
interests, and while it is possible to argue that if, in the long run, customer interests
are not served, then shareholder interests will suffer. But what about those
organizations that exploit a near monopoly position to yield massive profits such as
Microsoft, and who release software with many problems in it that they then expect
their customers to alert them to and maybe even fix?
Further, many organizations seem to be run for the benefit of those who manage
them rather than those who are, ostensibly, being served. Have you seen the John
Cleese comedy Fawlty Towers in which he plays Basil Fawlty? Basil is authoritarian
and incompetent, arrogant to those whom he despises, deferential to those whom he
admires, and prone to making judgements and assumptions that are invariably
managerially inappropriate and wrong. Nonetheless, the customers and the staff are
always to blame, in his view. One reason why this show is so funny is that it is so
easy to relate it to real-life situations. Most of us, to be sure, have encountered
organizations similar to Fawlty Towers, where the managers seem to think that if
they did not have to serve pesky customers (or students, patients, passengers, pupils,
citizens, etc.), they could run a tightly managed organization.

The centrality of compliance

Other writers took different tacks. Etzioni (1961) focused on what he thought was
the key issue in Weber’s account – the relations of compliance. Why do people do
what other people in organizations tell them to do when these people hold more
powerful positions? What is the motivational basis for their compliance? Why do we
obey directives? Two factors explain these questions, suggests Etzioni: subordinate
involvement and management resources. Essentially, there are three types of power
and three types of involvement, which tend to be internally consistent with each
Etzioni focused on compliance, asking what motives explain why people obey
orders in organizations.

1. Coercive power elicits alienated involvement: ‘I do this because I have no

option other than to do so.’
2. Remunerative power elicits calculative involvement: ‘I do this because I am
being paid to do it and thus it is in my interests to do so.’
3. Normative power elicits moral involvement: ‘I do this for the good of a greater
cause, a higher glory.’
Trying to use the different types of power without the corresponding type of
involvement will lead to unstable organizations and incongruent involvement,
Etzioni suggests. You cannot run a business organization primarily on calculative
involvement if you neglect to pay wages, as many formerly Soviet enterprises found
after the fall of communism. Hence, these three types of relations will tend to be the
coherent points about which actual organizations are organized. The more coherent
the power/involvement relations, the more efficient the organizations will be, he
suggests. There will be a tendency for coherence to emerge in the long run, so that
misaligned organizations will tend to realign themselves. Things are rarely as simple
and as clear-cut as the schema might lead us to believe. Organizations typically use
all three patterns variably at different times. They try to increase moral involvement
as well as paying wages; they try to coerce people while at the same time trying to
maintain moral involvement. Nonetheless, empirical investigation has tended to
support the consistency thesis that Etzioni puts forward (Hall et al., 1966).

Rule tropism

Bureaucracies might be technically superior in many respects, but it has been

suggested that they make people sick. Merton (2002 [1940]), for instance, argued
that, in bureaucracies, following the rules becomes an end in itself rather than a
means to an end and that, as a result, people who work in bureaucracies become
pathologically, psychologically maladjusted: he used a term from biology to explain
this – tropism. The term ‘tropism’ is widely used in medicine, where it refers to an
involuntary orienting response, a positive or negative reaction to a stimulus. In
management, the stimuli are rules, and the response is one in which the existence of
the rules in a bureaucracy immediately and involuntarily, through a learned
response, structures actions within the organization.


Job’s Worth
Organization members in bureaucracies automatically shrink from innovation and creativity and retreat
back to the rigidity of the rules. They become ‘Job’s Worths’, summed up in phrases such as ‘It’s more
than my job’s worth, mate, to do what you want, even if it makes sense – see, it’s against the rules.’
With this proviso almost any kind of laziness, rigidity, and inability to be responsive can be defended.

FIGURE 13.1 Merton’s model of bureaucracy (after March and Simon, 1958: 41)
Highly bureaucratic rules, Merton argued, become a stimulus to which organization
members show an involuntary response. Nobody wins through excessive rule
following, says Merton. In such organizations, members show signs of what he calls
rule tropism – following rules for their own sake. An unanticipated consequence of
this is that the psychological maturity of organization members as adults capable of
healthy learning and development is arrested. They learn only to follow the rules, for
they can never be held to be irresponsible when doing this. Thus, organizational
dysfunctions develop from organizations designed to create efficiency through rule-
following behaviour.
Why does bureaucracy produce such responses? The answer resided in the normal
processes of bureaucracy. Bureaucracies achieve an orderly transmission of
instructions from top to bottom. Instructions are the major mechanism of control,
and reliable obedience to instructions is the major mechanism of consent. Reliable
subordinates perform accountably and predictably, according to the rules.
Organization members realize that if they follow rules, they cannot be formally
criticized. They can always ‘cover their backs’, even if following the rules produces
a less good result. Rule following becomes the reason for people to adopt defensive
behaviour, such as saying, ‘I can’t do that; it’s more than my job is worth’, meaning
it is not part of my duty statement, job description, or responsibility. The more there
is an emphasis on reliability, the greater becomes the reduction in personalized
relationships and the more people are treated as a means to an end in terms of their
role definitions; the rules of the organization become so internalized by members
that they become almost an end in themselves, rather than a means to an end (Figure
13.1). Following the rule and applying the organizational categories strictly in order
to make decisions becomes so much second nature that innovation is curtailed by
conditioned responses – what people have become habituated to doing.
It is not just bloody-mindedness that is at work in rule tropism. Merton identified
the phenomenon of ‘trained incapacity’, which he describes as:

that state of affairs in which one’s abilities function as inadequacies or blind

spots. Actions based upon training and skills that have been successfully
applied in the past may result in inappropriate responses under changed
conditions. An inadequate flexibility in the application of skills will, in a
changing milieu, result in more or less serious maladjustment. (2002: 358)

Strict adherence to rules often leads to a displacement of goals, because the aims of
the organization become identified with following the rules that are only intended as
a means to achieving the goals. Filling in forms correctly can quickly substitute for
whatever action the forms were supposed to achieve. Formalism and ritualism
develop as behavioural traits in consequence. The upshot of rigid adherence to
bureaucratic rules is inefficiency.
Merton’s recipe for bureaucratic inefficiency was quite simple and logical:

1. Effective bureaucracy demands reliability of response and strict devotion to

2. Rules become absolutes rather than means to an end.
3. Adaptation is minimized as rules are rigorously followed.
4. Elements designed in principle to enhance efficiency end up generating
inefficiency as the letter of the law is observed rather than the spirit of the

Changing interpretations of bureaucratic rules

Organization rules mean different things to different people in different contexts at

different times. The meaning of rules is not fixed by what they say but how they are
used. Gouldner (1954) tells a story illustrating this point. The story is set in a
gypsum mine in which a new, younger manager, more focused on the bottom line,
replaced a traditional CEO. Mining gypsum is hard, dirty, and dangerous work.
Mining is the most dangerous of occupations according to ILO statistics.
From the perspective of the new mine manager, when he took over the plant, what
he saw was considerable slackness. Employees ‘borrowed’ plant materials and used
them at home. Safety regulations were violated. Authority relations were very
familiar and flexible. The situation was one of ‘mock bureaucracy’, where the rules
were seen as a result of external industry regulations that could be ignored for all
practical purposes. Neither management nor workers’ values were aligned with the
rules, so they were widely regarded as lacking legitimacy. The rules simply got in
the way of customary means of doing things. Informality reigned in the relations
between management and the workers. Gouldner called this an ‘indulgency pattern’.
Everyone knew what the rules were but no one took them seriously. The new
manager resolved to tighten control (Figure 13.2).
Tightening control did not solve the problems. Employees had become used to a
slack regime. They saw the enhanced control as an imposition, and failed to accept
the legitimacy of the written rules over the customary ways of doing things. The
consequence was an escalating resistance to increased managerial control by
employees used to slackness as a norm. With the tighter policing of the rules, power
relations became much more visible, raising the level of tension and resistance. Now
management defined rule infringements as deliberate, given that the formal rules
were being emphasized. The management response was to tighten supervision still
further. Now, getting away with rule infringements became a serious game for the
employees and a means of enhancing their prestige as successful ‘larrikins’ or rebels
in the workplace, free and independent spirits whom management could not tame.
The situation escalated out of control in a dynamic, unstable, and vicious cycle, as
management saw such non-compliant behaviour as simply further warrant for rule
enforcement. The final result was a sudden and illegal wildcat strike. The
organization moved from a pattern of indulgency to one that was ‘punishment
centred’. After the strike, there was a concerted attempt to reinterpret and use the
rules to create legitimate boundaries for action. During the whole cycle, the rules
remained the same; it was their interpretation that changed. Managing the
organization is less about knowing what the rules are per se and more about
managing their meaning.
FIGURE 13.2 Gouldner’s model of bureaucracy (after March and Simon, 1958: 41)
There are some optimists who think that managerial control, as we have analysed
it here, is a thing of the past, at least under the apparent conditions of greater
autonomy and discretion we have come to associate with knowledge work and
knowledge workers and the advantage that this provides to tacit knowledge (Sewell,
2005). Can managers ensure that employees’ cognitive efforts to apply what they
know to what they do approach their full potential? Typically, the employees are
‘empowered’, that is, given discretion to use what they know to provide their
organizations with solutions to workplace problems. As Sewell argues, however, this
still requires the operation of disciplinary mechanisms that perpetuate managerial
control. Such control will still be expressed in terms of rules about how knowledge
is constituted, can be used, and talked about; in terms of subjects – what makes the
exemplary (or the deviant) knowledge worker; in terms of authority – how some
expressions of knowing are validated as organizational knowledge and others are
not; and in terms of practices of elicitation and representation that supply not only
practical knowledge but also a normative basis by which organization members are
expected to regulate their own, and others’, conduct, through systems of control and

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Graham Sewell (2005) if you want to learn how we should rethink and still use the notion
of managerial control in the era of knowledge work.
Authority and delegation

Selznick (1943; 1949) was interested in authority, one of Weber’s key categories.
Where there is authority there is the possibility of rational delegation of duties that
can be done by authorized others, according to rule. Delegation tends to increase the
need for training in specialized competencies in order to ensure that the delegates
are accountable for what has been assigned to them. It opens up opportunities for
discretionary action on the part of delegates. Delegation occurs through defining
different functional responsibilities, bifurcating organizational interests. Increased
conflict can often occur between different responsibilities, in consequence;
suboptimal goals will become paramount as departmental interests overrule overall
organizational interests, especially where organizational goals are only weakly
internalized by members (Figure 13.3). Consequently, a gap opens between the goals
set by organizational elites and the performance delivered by departmental
delegates. The normal workings of bureaucracies produce dysfunctional and
counterproductive results, as delegation drives a wedge between goals and

Discretionary delegation rather than rule following

Blau (1955) studied two US government agencies: in one, rule-following was widely
policed and observed, whereas in the other, the rules were creatively and
interpretively followed. In the latter agency, rules were often bent or locally adjusted
to ensure that a desired outcome was achieved. Performance assessment was
premised on competition between officials. Blau found that those officials who
collaborated rather than competed and who were more flexible in their reporting
were more productive. Thus, the creative rule users performed better than the rule-
followers. Where individuals were given more discretionary delegation in
organizations, they performed better than when they worked according to rule. (Of
course, working to rule is a classic industrial relations strategy for putting pressure
on management.) In fact, in one of the two agencies, a federal office, Blau found that
persistent and patterned infringement of the rules by officials made the organization
more effective in achieving its formal goals. If the bureaucrats bent the rules they
got better results! Again, the logic is quite simple:
FIGURE 13.3 Selznick’s model of bureaucratic organization (after March and Simon, 1958: 43)
Local tacit knowledge and ways of doing things produce better outcomes than
formally mandated ways.
More decentralized organization and less authoritarian management produce
better practice outcomes.
3 Tightly stipulating rules and procedures does not produce best practice.
4 Best-practice outcomes occur where there is:
a Room for flexibility within a frame of employment security
b A professional orientation
c Collegiality in work groups
d An absence of entrenched conflicts within the hierarchy
c Evaluation by results rather than pressure to conform to processes.

Questioning bureaucracy

Weber identified bureaucracy with a growing pervasiveness of rational calculation

in all spheres of life. He made a moral case for bureaucracy as rule without regard
for persons as a positively democratic ideal, robust against the blandishments of
power and privilege. Against Weber, a number of well-known critiques emerged:
bureaucracy is not rational but produces action oriented to past precedents
(Lindblom, 1959); it generates warped decisions (Cockett, 1995) and enables
exploitation of uncertainty for sectional benefits (Crozier, 1964); bureaucratic
personalities are individually and organizationally pathological (Merton, 2002
[1940]). Kanter (1984) wanted to reform bureaucracy through freeing creativity,
broadening individuals’ understanding of the overall organization, connecting them
to others in it. The corollary of this process would be to improve management. Other
writers saw even more reasons for distrusting bureaucracies. For instance, Peters and
Waterman (1982) argue that bureaucratic rules privilege past precedents, freezing
them for situations that could not have been anticipated, as we discussed in Chapter
6. Often these rules remain in existence because they served sectional interests, they
The diagnosis offered by management consultants Peters and Waterman was
revolutionary. The logic was very clear:

1. Bureaucracy means that the employee is limited to being a cog in the

organizational machine with a limited set of responsibilities.
2. Organization members can be liberated from the bondage of bureaucracy by
increasing their responsibility and autonomy.
3. The chains of organizational hierarchy should be smashed through encouraging
individual responsibility.

Peters and Waterman offered a revolutionary rhetoric, which sought to overthrow

bureaucracy, seeing large-scale complex organizations as traps that ensnare
creativity. Drawing on the research of March and Olsen (1976) and Weick (1969;
1979), Peters and Waterman argued that following bureaucratic rules would produce
unimaginative outcomes. Instead, employees must share a managerial vision of their
organization’s culture and be prepared to go to extraordinary lengths to achieve it,
not just follow rules. Often, the culture is expressed through a commitment to
managing key performance indicators (KPIs) – rather than just following the rules;
the newly liberated managers are expected to manage their own performance, in
terms of striving, entrepreneurially, to exceed past performance.

When KPIs rule, rationality does not always follow
Some unanticipated consequences can flow from this shift from the rules to the KPIs. For instance,
privatized British railway services have, as one of their KPIs, being on time. In order to achieve on-time
running as a KPI they adopted the practice of not stopping at scheduled stops when the train is running
late. Thus, the train arrives on time but, unfortunately, the passengers do not, as their stop flashes by as
the crew meets the KPIs. On paper, the performance is exemplary; in practice actually sticking to the
rules in terms of required stops might lead to better service and customer satisfaction (Private Eye,
1178, 1 March 2007: 12 ‘Cutting a good figure’).
It is not only trains. The Guardian newspaper of Tuesday 20 February 2007 (‘Irish Minister demands
report on dangerous landings by Ryanair’, p. 24) reported that the pilots union in the Republic of
Ireland had reported that Ryanair’s low-cost culture and fast turnaround times had led pilots to take
unnecessary risks in their landing approaches:

Last month the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit issued a report on a ‘serious incident’ involving a
Ryanair plane attempting to land at Cork airport in June last year. The captain failed to perform a
standard procedure known as a ‘go-around’ after aborting a landing and instead banked in a tight circle
to try again minutes later, bringing the plane within 425 feet [130 m] of the ground and alarming
residents. It was the fourth incident within two years following a near-crash at Knock airport in March
2006, and troubled approaches at Rome airport in September 2005 and at Skavsta airport in Sweden in
July 2004 … [Ryanair owner] Mr O’Leary said 25 minute turnarounds, which the Irish pilots union says
puts pilots under severe pressure, are standard across the global budget airline industry. The three pilots
who made the approaches at Knock, Stansted, and Skavsta have been demoted following the incidents.
Mr O’Leary said he could not rule out similar incidents in the future despite the crackdown on pilots
because of the sheer size of the airline, which will fly 42 million passengers on 454 routes this year …
‘There will be more in the future, no doubt, no more than British Airways or easyJet. You cannot run an
airline the size of ours without someone breaking a rule somewhere.’

Why might the pilots union perceive low-cost air service providers’ standard operating procedures as
putting pilots under severe pressure?

New public management

Inspired in part by general management enthusiasms for entrepreneurialism, the

doctrine of ‘new public management’ (NPM) substantially reshaped the public
sector bureaucracies of the neo-economically liberal English-speaking world from
the 1980s onwards. At the core of the doctrine was a particular discourse of
organizational change deployed as a rhetorical device for reshaping the identity of
public service. As du Gay (2003) notes, much of this theorizing about contemporary
economic and organizational change relied on a logic of overdramatic
dichotomization constructing opposed and ethically juxtaposed categorical
imperatives, where the dice was clearly loaded in favour of change. The discourse of
organizational change mobilized support for attempts to re-invent and modernize
public administration. In doing so, stark disjunctures and oppositions were deployed
in simple narratives that politicians and their stakeholders could easily grasp, acting
as catalysts for transformation. Simple answers positing universal and invariable
managerial recipes predictably failed to deliver on their promise.
Neoliberal economic rationalist models inspired the changes over a period starting
from the late 1970s. The consequence has been to create a public service, in Anglo-
American polities at least, that has become less responsive in terms of public value
and governance than it should be. Moves towards efficiency and economy and
concerns for transaction costs are important objectives of government but not always
at the expense of public responsibility. The NPM, as a tendency, stressed a one-size-
fits-all approach to public sector management. At its base was a simple idea: the
public sector worked better the closer it approximated to private entrepreneurial
practice. The introduction of quasi-markets and targets were the means whereby
private sector managerial practices were applied to shape public sector management
and governance (du Gay 2000a, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008). It was assumed that the
same management identities, practices, and roles could be applied across sectors,
with incremental adjustments.
One of the most fundamental problems with the New Public Management
movement has been its diminution of the statist and constitutional character of
public bureaucratic office through the substitution of a language of political
administration by a managerialist lexicon. This language, once learned, can be
applied to managing hospitals as easily as managing transport. The language of the
NPM spread like wildfire among ambitious and career-minded public servants in
many jurisdictions. Not all welcomed it wholeheartedly, though, however much their
political masters and mistresses in office might have embraced it. A micro-politics
of resistance at the level of meanings and subjectivities, with multidirectional and
generative effects for identity construction, characterized its reception in street-level
bureaucracies. Focusing on the UK public services, Thomas and Davies (2005) used
interviews with public service professionals in the police, social services, and
secondary education to explore the meanings individuals ascribe to NPM discourse
and how they see themselves within these meanings. These meanings did not posit
NPM as the hegemonic discourse it is sometimes represented as being; instead it is
seen as highly dynamic with individuals appropriating and ‘conforming’ to or
‘resisting’ disparate elements. The resistance that occurs is discursively produced
within specific contexts, taking different form and emphasis with different groups.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article Robyn Thomas and Annette Davis (2005) on the impact of the NPM on managerial identities.

Institutional theory
There are three main explanations why so many organizations around the world
adopted the bureaucratic form. One explanation stresses biological necessity: it
might be genetic to create and order life according to hierarchies, and thus
unavoidable: something imprinted in the species’ way of doing things. Another
explanation stresses efficiency: bureaucracy is functional, simply the one best way
to organize large-scale activities under uncertain conditions. A third explanation is
that bureaucracy has become so conventional that we find it normal to mimic the
bureaucratic form because it has become so widely institutionalized. The reasons for
its institutionalization (that it was associated with actions widely admired) have
faded with time, such that it now seems natural, normal, and necessary.
This third argument is now widely accepted and is known as institutional theory.
Institutional theory was developed in the 1950s and 1960s and early contributions
emphasized the role of conflict and of the negotiated order between different interest
groups. More recently, new institutional theory emerged and shifted emphasis
towards understanding how organizations appear legitimate in the eyes of

Institutional theory: A theory that proposes that organizations have the structures that they do largely for cultural reasons. Some designs and practices become regarded, for whatever reasons, as highly
esteemed, as displaying high ‘cultural capital’. Through one or more of three specific mechanisms (coercive, mimetic, or normative isomorphism), the template becomes widely adopted.

Much modern institutional theory was developed from Berger and Luckmann’s
(1967) adaptation of some elements of Weber’s social action approach into a generic
‘social constructionist’ perspective. Reality, they say, is socially constructed. This
sounds more confusing than it actually is. Just think of being a student, enrolled in a
first-year subject called Management. As a student, you are assigned a number, and
then you have to enrol. The process of enrolling in a subject means choosing a code,
standing in line on a particular day between 8 a.m. and 12 noon, then attending
classes on a regular basis, passing assignments, until you either accumulate enough
credits to graduate or pass final exams. You will not do these things just as you
please but through skilful work in constructing answers to questions that are
acceptably ‘academic’. You must construct an academic persona and reality. All
these things shape your reality as a student, but none of them are facts of nature –
they do not have to be designed the way they actually are. At a certain point in
history, universities simply decided to organize higher education in such a
bureaucratic way, with registration, exams, graded assignments, and so on. Thus,
much of what we take for granted as reality is, in fact, socially constructed.
Institutional theorists puzzle about questions such as, why, for instance, almost all
public sector organizations in the Western world apply such similar models. To put
it a bit more abstractly, what is at issue is the process by which actions are repeated
and given similar meaning by oneself and others, which is defined as
institutionalization. Institutional theory takes legitimacy as its master concept. It
sees the quest for legitimacy as the driving force behind making organizations more
alike. Meyer and Rowan (1977) argued that modern societies consist of many
institutionalized rules, providing a framework for the creation and elaboration of
formal organizations. Many of these rules are rationalized myths that are widely
believed but rarely if ever tested. They originate and are sustained through public
opinion, the educational system, laws, or other institutional forms. Thus, many of
the factors shaping management and organization are not based on efficiency or
effectiveness but on social and cultural pressures to conform to already legitimate
practices. For instance, there is a lot of pressure on organizations to adapt to new
tools invented by fashionable management gurus. Buzzwords such as TQM, kaizen,
BPR, and so on are by no means proven to lead to success but are concepts that
challenge organizations, since, if they do not apply them (and pay large fees to the
not always so great consultants who are implementing them), they are seen as inert,
reactive, and increasingly anachronistic. Institutional theory analyses the impact of
this pressure on organizations and management decisions.
Few works are as widely cited as DiMaggio and Powell’s (2002 [1983]) ‘The iron
cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational
fields’. Drawing on the new institutional theory pioneered by Meyer and Rowan in
1977, and influenced by Bourdieu’s (1977) ideas about practice, the article
considered how rationalized myths lodged in institutional settings shape
organizational action to the extent that they can secure semblances of organizational
legitimacy in order to capture resources and mobilize support. They sought to
explain why organizations adopt similar forms and practices. They termed this
process of copying isomorphism. The effect of institutional pressures is to constrain
an organization’s choice of structures to a set of arrangements that are acceptable
within its field. The adoption of a particular initiative is a means of gaining
legitimacy in the eyes of important stakeholders. In many cases an adopted initiative
can be used to portray an image of rationality in the eyes of outside agencies. The
ensuing symbolic display might well be decoupled from, or loosely coupled with,
‘what actually happens’.

Isomorphism: A term derived from biology, referring to a similarity in form of organisms of different ancestry. In organization and management theory, isomorphism is usually used in the context of institutional
theory to refer to a situation in which organizational designs and practices in different organizations are nonetheless similar.

DiMaggio and Powell (2002 [1983]) stressed the importance of the concept of
organizational fields and the focus on mechanisms of organizational change through
institutional isomorphism. The organizational field was defined in relational terms
as ‘those organizations that, in the aggregate, constitute a recognized area of
institutional life: key suppliers, resource and product customers, regulatory
agencies, and other organizations that produce similar services or products’
(DiMaggio and Powell, 2002 [1983]: 148).
Institutional isomorphism has become, perhaps, the key concept for much
research during the past decade. Three ideal type mechanism of organizational
change by institutional isomorphism have been sketched: coercive (when external
agencies impose changes on organizations – most obviously through practices of
state regulation), normative (when professionalization projects shape entire
occupational fields), and mimetic mechanisms (essentially the copying of what is
constituted as culturally valuable ways of doing or arranging things – cultural
capital). Interest in the latter has far outweighed the former two in US empirical
studies as Greenwood and Mayer (2008) note, while European researchers have been
more oriented to the role of the state and other regulatory agencies, such as
standards setting bodies (see Higgins and Hallström, 2007).

1. Normative isomorphism: Phenomena can become widespread because they are

regarded as culturally positive norms, such as teamwork. Not meeting the
expectations of what is regarded as a culturally positive norm would be
regarded as either stupid or deviant. An organization’s members become
normatively predisposed through a long period of professional training and
socialization, so that they favour certain sorts of practice. The widespread use
of the partnership form by law and other professional firms is a case in point.
The MBA qualification can be construed as a transmission mechanism for
notions of best practice in management. In the traditional professions,
normative isomorphism is often transmitted through continuing professional
development such as a medical doctor attending a conference on the latest
developments in a particular aspect of medicine, or a lawyer keeping up with
developments in case law. Thus, it is likely that there will be a received wisdom
or a ‘normative’ view as to how best to treat a particular medical condition at a
given time. This can change radically over time. For instance, today’s medical
professionals would look in horror at the ease with which their predecessors
doled out Valium in the 1960s.
Normative isomorphism occurs when an organization’s members are normatively predisposed, perhaps through a long period of professional training and socialization, to favour certain sorts of
design and practices. The widespread use of the partnership form by low and other professional firms is a case in point.

2. Coercive isomorphism is where an organization is compelled to institutionalize

a particular policy, such as adopt an employment law or a tax standard.
Coercive isomorphism is often found in global supply chains, where one
powerful buyer coerces other parts of the supply chain to adopt a particular
initiative or technology. Where the adoption of norms is forced by powerful
agencies, such as the state, this is coercive isomorphism, which we associate
with legal requirements. Coercive isomorphism occurs when some powerful
institution obliges organizations in its domain, on threat of coercion, to comply
with certain practices and designs. Think of the law; it obliges all organizations
over a certain size to have equal employment opportunity practices. The
managers may not want to provide equal opportunity, but they are obliged to do
so under threat of legal penalty. As an example of coercive isomorphism, think
why it is the case that all commercial airplanes have the same little speech and
demonstration of safety features before you take off (including pointing out a
whistle with which to attract attention in the unlikely event of an accident!).
Because international aviation law says they must do so, because they are in
breach of the law if they do not perform the ritual, they do it so as to be seen to
observe the law. The state coercively shapes institutions by enforcing certain
forms of legislation. For instance, in most advanced societies, there are usually
legal rules outlawing discrimination on various grounds; thus mandated
organizations collect data and present profiles of their activities. They do so to
show the ways the organizations are in accord with these laws. Hence,
organizations develop an equal employment opportunity officer and
programmes – not necessarily because they want to or they think it is a good
idea to do so, but because they are obliged, by law, to do so. Coercive
isomorphism is generally associated with compliance to legal requirements but
it is also evident when a powerful organization exerts its will on those in less
privileged positions. For instance, the British food industry, as in most
developed economies, is dominated by a number of powerful supermarkets –
such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s – which demand all sorts of standards from the
farmers and others that supply them.
Coercive isomorphism occurs when some powerful institution obliges organizations in its domain, on threat of coercion, to comply with certain practices and designs. Think of the law; it obliges all
organizations over a certain size to have equal employment opportunity practices. The managers may not want to provide equal opportunity, but they are obliged to do so under threat of legal penalty.

3. Mimetic isomorphism: Sometimes organizations and their managers desire,

consciously, to be similar to a particularly highly regarded exemplar, and when
they copy it in this way, it is a case of mimetic isomorphism. In this type of
action, something is regarded as so normatively attractive that the
organization’s managers desire to be similar because doing so easily defines
what is proper, correct, and legitimate; hence, mimetic isomorphism is the
process of copying organizational devices or practices. Organizational designs
and practices that are seen to be successful are copied because they are
associated with success. Often organizations are held up as exemplars that other
organizations attempt to emulate. This might be a successful competitor or it
might be an organization from another industry. For instance, in the budget
airlines industry many of the start-ups used the American Southwest Airlines as
an exemplar to mimic. In university settings, business schools such as Harvard
or London are often held up as being organizations that others want to copy.
Some might argue that the case study – such an important feature of any
business education – has its origins in Harvard, and has gone on to be mimicked
across the world. The mimicry of so-called excellent organizations through
best-practice benchmarking is an example of mimetic isomorphism. Similarly,
adopting a management innovation such as knowledge management or, in the
recent past, TQM or BPR, would also be an illustration of mimetic
isomorphism. Mimetic isomorphism is demonstrated when a particular
organizational practice, such as professors and teachers dressing up in academic
gowns and making a procession as part of the ceremony of awarding a degree to
new graduates, becomes widely diffused because people identify it as a central
part of an institution. We know of no university that has dispensed with this
ceremony for, as vice chancellors have frequently been known to remark, such a
ceremony is symbolically representative of the university. So the ritual is
widely adopted and diffused even in the newer universities. Stewart, co-author
of this book, once worked somewhere in which many of the students who did
the MBA were from overseas countries. Often, they had returned home prior to
being awarded their degrees in order to return to careers and families and
friends. Hence, they missed the ceremony and its photo opportunities, but
nonetheless they clamoured for an opportunity to gain these mementos. The
problem was that they did not want to have the expense of flying back to
Australia from India or China, for instance, to get their pictures taken.
Consequently, the university instituted a pre-degree ceremony, where a senior
university dignitary would speak some formal words, during which the students
would be told that this was not a degree ceremony, and then hand them
something that was not a degree certificate but looked just like one. The
students wore gowns that they were not yet entitled to wear – as they had not
graduated – but the all-important pictures could be taken ‘proving’ that they
had been at the university and had been ‘awarded’ their ‘degree’. The pictures
proved it! Thus, in this way their social reality was constructed. They had the
pictures to prove they were graduates of, and belonged to, a specific university,
with its appropriate ceremonies, rituals, and photo opportunities, even though
none of it had really happened.
Mimetic isomorphism: In simple language, mimetic isomorphism means the process of copying. Organizational designs and practices that are seen to be successful are copied because they are
associated with success.

According to institutional theorists, the three forms of isomorphism combine to

make organizations that are subject to isomorphic pressures appear increasingly
alike, at least at a surface level – institutional isomorphism even structures the way
that states define themselves. The idea of the state as the modern form of nationhood
first emerged in the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) in which the idea of a modern
Europe of nation-states was institutionalized, such that sovereign states pledged not
to interfere in the activities, within their boundaries, of other sovereign states. Over
the next few hundred years the artifacts, trappings, and rituals associated with a state
spread globally.
Anderson (1982) analyses a specific case in terms of institutional theory by
providing a fascinating account of the spread of the idea of the nation-state as an
organizational form, with its appropriate modes of style, dress, and address, almost
everywhere during the nineteenth century. The idea of the state continued to shape
post-colonial policy after the Second World War when decolonizing territories were
imagined into existence as if they were nation-states, whereas, often, there was
precious little in the way of precedents to suggest that they ever had been. The
legitimacy of the nation-state as the appropriate organizational form – even for tiny
territories with a few thousand people or vast tracts of land containing tribal and
linguistically distinct, defined groups – was so overwhelming that no other
organizational form could be considered. Once produced, the state becomes subject
to the normal pressures of economic growth and recession, demographic changes,
civil war, policies of structural adjustment, and struggles to control it. Sometimes
the state in question succeeds by surviving these struggles. For instance, if we think
about the long period from the US Civil War to the civil rights struggles of the post-
1960s, it is clear that although there have been major struggles to control and use the
state for different and contradictory purposes, through it all something that is
recognizable as the state of the USA has survived intact.
Sometimes states fail, as was the case in Rwanda and the neighbouring Great
Lakes Region of Africa during its post-colonial history, most notably in the 1990s
(Jefremovas, 2002). When states fail, rather than weakening the normative ideal,
they strengthen it: that is how ‘normative isomorphism’ works – as an ideal metric.
Failing the isomorphic test simply becomes further fuel for endorsing the normative
model more strongly.

Institutions and entrepreneurs

Institutional theory was originally and mostly oriented to explaining why there were
so few types of organizations and how things mostly seemed similar. The problem
with this was what to do about change: how was change ever possible if everything
seemed to be oriented to making things similar? In order to make change from
isomorphized regimes possible, institutionalism introduced the category of the
institutional entrepreneur. If so much energy goes into being similar to culturally
valued organizations through mimesis how is it possible that organizations can
change? This is the question the institutional entrepreneur is designed to answer.
Institutional entrepreneurs can be thought of as champions of change. Nelson
Mandela was an institutional entrepreneur in South Africa, for instance, and has
become one of the most widely admired men on the planet in consequence.
Nonetheless, as is the case for the vast majority of institutional entrepreneurs, we
cannot neglect the wider social fabric in which such institutions are embedded.
Without the long struggle, armed resistance, and civil disobedience campaigns of the
ANC Mandela could not have achieved much. Of course, he is a remarkable political
actor but he is precisely that – a political actor tangled up in a complex web of
power and political relations, including a deeply divided ANC.
Institutional entrepreneurs make strategic choices that have determinate
consequences for an industry; however, these choices are limited by institutional
rules that frame what are legitimate or viable strategies for action. Candace Jones’
(2001) study of the early years of the American film industry from 1895 to 1920
takes from institutional theory the idea that firms’ practices depend on the strategic
choices that key agents make; these choices, in turn, depend on the social
construction or enactment that they make of the environment in which they are
operating, which frame their mental models of the institutional field. When a
particular set of mental models becomes embedded in practice then a trajectory is
launched for the development of an institutional field. Thus, initial conditions,
especially an entrepreneurs’ career history as defined by their choices, help shape
the frame through which subsequent choices can be made by privileging certain
frames. Organizations erect barriers to imitation based on their control of either
property rights or knowledge; where they are successful in terms of consumer
responses to their practices they entrench non-imitable competitive advantages that
will depend on the unique mix of local resources and knowledge that they can
continue to corral and control.
‘From Moby Dick to Free Willy’, by Tom Lawrence and Nelson Phillips (2004), is
a study of the emergent industry of whale-watching in Pacific Canada, which charts
the translation of whales from being the prey of Moby Dick to becoming an object of
rare and organized appreciation by ecologically oriented tourists. The evolution was
not naturalistic: key institutional entrepreneurs were involved in transforming an
institutional field. The industry emerged in the context of macro-institutional
changes discursively signalled by the emergence of an ecological consciousness in
which the whale became a spectacle to be reverentially appreciated and
commercially consumed – not in the flesh but in the spirit – the spirit of ‘Free
Willy’. The whale is essentially socially constructed in its meaning; for the Japanese
and Norwegian authorities it is a source of food; for much of the rest of the world it
is an object of wonder and delight rather than a dinner. The transition from being an
object of prey to a source of delight is bounded by professionalized discourses of
whaling and anti-whaling while, in turn, these are increasingly framed within a
popular consciousness that is shaped by the changing representational practices of
A network of collaborative entrepreneurs began to colonize the previously
unknown niche in which there was a demand for whale-watching by coordinating
information on sightings. As the trade grew it became increasingly institutionalized
at the regional level. New actors emerged representing the interests neither of
tourists nor tour operators but the whales. All of these developments were local and
emergent rather than central and planned. Thus was the fashion for whale-watching

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by

Institutions and professions

At the core of all modern organizations of some size and complexity are
professionals. Professions, Scott maintains, define, interpret, and apply institutional
elements such that they are the most influential contemporary creators of
institutions. According to Scott (2008), professions as institutions rest on three
different pillars: the regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive pillars, familiar
from DiMaggio and Powell (2002 [1983]).
Cultural-cognitive agents fix ontological frameworks, distinctions, typifications,
and principles that range from the metaphysical realm of the theologian and
philosopher to the material realm of engineers and applied scientists. Internal
professional control is largely embedded in shared sensemaking. Normative agents
do moral work of various kinds that stakes out areas of legitimated action premised
on professional standards, codes, precepts, and rulings.
Within professions there are distinctions between different generic categories of
social action, suggests Scott. Creative professionals are lodged in the universities,
think tanks, and research centres. Carrier professionals are those who translate
professional messages and spread them to new actors, arenas, and agencies:
educators, trainers, consultants, and so on. The largest sub-category is comprised of
the clinical professionals who deal with specific cases and clients. All professions
are a component of Florida’s (2002) creative class – a somewhat elastic and
amorphous category. Typically, in terms of endogenous change, increasing
professionalization leads to greater specialization within the primary profession,
increased use of mechanization and routinization, and the consolidation and
formalization of knowledge. Exogenously, these professionals are overwhelmingly
organizational members rather than being the independent practitioners of the past.
Not only that; their clients are increasingly corporate as well. One consequence is
that the organizational form of the independent professions increasingly mirrors that
of their clients in some important respects: they are becoming increasingly
managerial. A shift is occurring from professional partnerships as the major
organizing device to a managed professional business form (Hinings et al., 1999).
Such managed professional businesses, as they grow in size, are likely to become
more specialized and differentiated. These tendencies are altering the institutional
logic of the professions away from the old ethos of altruism and service towards a
more market-oriented provision of technical services. Both endogenous
organizational changes such as increased organizational size as well as exogenous
changes contingent on modernization lead to greater specialization and

Standards and institutionalization

One of the most symptomatic discourses of modern times has been the growth of
formal written international standards, a major factor working to make organizations
more alike globally. As Brunsson and Jacobsen (2000) have elaborated, standards
are a major mechanism of institutional isomorphism rendering organization spaces,
at least superficially, more alike, because they are defined by common rules. Since
the late 1980s, starting from a concern with quality, international standards bodies
have issued rules on an increasing number of arenas of organizational activity, such
as ecological impact. A significant industry of global consultancy, auditing,
certification, and accreditation accompanies these new managerial standards.
Winton Higgins and Kristina Tamm Hallström (2007) have investigated
‘Standardization, globalization and rationalities of government’ with respect to
organizations. They focus on the evolution of the national standards bodies, the
participation in government of some of the pioneers of standardization, and how
their relationship with public authorities developed in reference to rationally and
consensually arrived-at ‘technically-best’ solutions, and the growing prestige of
putatively independent expertise.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by R. W. Scott (2008) on the professions.

Standards, and the regulatory routines based on them, play a specific instrumental
role in organizations. They create the manager as someone that is seeking to
improve constantly. The role of the highly abstract (‘generic’) ISO 9000 quality
assurance standards, and of ISO’s subsequent management standards, elaborate
‘practices of the self’ for corporate managers to help them shape their identity as
competent managers through following prescribed practices. Because these practices
are subject to certification and recurring audit, the manager’s and the organization’s
sense of legitimacy is enhanced. They must be doing the right things if they are
following standards and are certified and audited as doing so! As audit never finds
perfection – perfectability is impossible – then the manager must constantly live and
manage with the need to constantly improve; any error or inadequacy uncovered by
audit simply serves as further justification for improvements in the application of
the standard.

Are managers dedicated followers of fashion?

Several pointers emerge from the previous discussions suggesting that management
fashions are important. The combination of institutional entrepreneurship and the
sheer centrality of professions to modern organizations both suggest transmission
belts for organization fashions. The growth of the standards industry also aids the
spread of fashion: the spread of the ILO 9000 standard for quality management in
the 1990s saw a huge growth in total quality management in organizations globally.
Institutional entrepreneurs help spread fashionable ideas, because they carve out new
fields that others then copy; professions do so because they are one of the major
sources of legitimation of new practices that can then be globally translated and
disseminated, through devices such as professional publications and international

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Winton Higgins and Kristina Tamm Hallström (2007) on the role of standards in

The global circulation of management ideas means that organizations that are
self-evidently very different might talk about themselves in very similar ways. Over
the last 25 years a huge array of new management techniques has been diffused
across the organizational world. Many, like total quality management (TQM),
business process re-engineering (BPR), down-sizing, activity-based costing (ABC),
cultural change programmes, and knowledge management, have had significant
impacts on organizations. Very often they are referred to as new managerialist
programmes of change.
In this context, writers such as Eric Abrahamson (1996; 1997), at Columbia
University in New York, have suggested that managers are followers of fashion. The
argument is that the management ideas industry – a loose but powerful network of
management consultancies, management gurus, software firms, business schools,
and the like – develop carefully packaged management initiatives, which are then
commodified and sold across the organizational world. These ideas have a shelf life
of two or three years before being replaced by the next initiative. These ideas are
seen as the latest fashions in management, which are then consumed by managers
who can be characterized as ‘dedicated followers of fashion’.
The adoption of a fashion is an example of mimetic isomorphism – copying a best
practice to appear legitimate and rational in the eyes of important external
stakeholders. As with any fashion, there are early adopters who are at the very height
of fashion – haute couture – and those that follow when the fashion becomes more
Management academics often look down at managers for following fashion.
Barbara Czarniawska, at Gothenburg University in Sweden, and Rene ten Bos, at
Nijmegen University in The Netherlands, take issue with theorists who treat fashion
pejoratively or look down on fashion as trivial (Czarniawska, 2005; ten Bos, 2000).
Both point out that following fashion can be a positive and exciting experience for
managers and organizations alike. Czarniawska alerts us to the paradoxical nature of
fashion in that it is simultaneously about ‘invention and imitation, variation and
uniformity, preserving the status quo’ (2005: 144).
Organizations are constructions, concocted out of whatever knowledge their
members deem salient in specific locales. Child and Kieser (1979) found that a
sample of German organizations was consistently more centralized than was a
comparable sample of British firms, which they put down to local cultural difference
that proved to be even more important than the impact of models of best practice
retailed by international consulting agencies. These models did not produce
convergence by eroding the value basis of a German cultural predisposition for more
centralized control. Such findings, of a ‘societal effect’, are widely established (see
Maurice and Sorge, 2002).

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen and Frank Dobbin (2006) if you want to see how institutional
analysis can help us understand how organization culture forms through processes of not only imitation but also what the authors call hybridization, transmutation, and immunization.

The structure of capital markets, interest rate regimes, and accounting

conventions all provide specific institutional frameworks within which managerial
judgement forms. While the trick of a successful management team is to achieve
appropriate consensus, such consensus may well form around inadequate strategies,
or subsequently come to be defined as such when a new rational metric is
introduced. Think of what happens when the opposition wins an election. The new
government will argue that all the policies of the recent past were errors and
foolishness. New policies require new priorities and new measures of their
achievement, which the new government will introduce. Something similar often
happens when there is a contested takeover of a firm or a merger; sometimes it also
happens when, as a result of the appointment of a new CEO, there is a change in the
top management team. In with the new, out with the old – politics are a major
mechanism of organizational change.
IMAGE 13.1 Inside the Boulangerie de l’Ille Barbe, Lyon, France

Rationality concerns not just technical efficiency, because it is always culturally

framed. Managers seek to make their organizations similar to models that are
already institutionalized as positive examples. They do not want to deviate too far
from the forms that are already culturally valued. Thus, organizations end up being
similar not because it is rationally efficient for them to be so, but because it is
institutionally rational. Sticking to legitimate forms bestows legitimacy. Hence,
organizations in similar fields of activity tend to be similar in their design,
functioning, and structure. These are the basic insights of institutional approaches to
organization analysis. If we take institutional theory seriously along with Weber’s
thoughts on bureaucracy, they give rise to the idea that we do not deal with
rationality but rationalities. The example of French bread illustrates this more

Why French bread is better – organizationally, in terms of taste, freshness, quality

In their research into ‘Artisanal bakery in France: how it lives and why it survives’,
Bertaux and Bertaux-Wiame (1981) wrote, disparagingly, about industrial bread as
‘industrial food wrapped in a shroud of cellophane which is sold in the supermarkets
of the western world under the somewhat euphemistic label of “bread”’. Industrial
bread accounts for most of the bread sold in the Anglo-Saxon countries of the USA,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. The reasons for the supremacy of this
industrial bread are evident from Chandler’s account (1962). Bread is usually
produced from within a division of a giant food conglomerate based around vertical
integration from flour milling to bread and related food retailing. Chandler’s thesis
is that efficient, successful organizations in similar industries, cross-culturally,
should adopt the same type of strategy and structure, irrespective of their location
(see also Chapter 15).
In France, they do things differently. According to data from the French Ministry
of Foreign Affairs (Le Magazine, 26 December 1996), the independent shops of
artisan bakers comprise 75 per cent of the volume (probably more in value), while
industrial bread has an 18 per cent market share, and retailers like Carrefour (bread
produced most of the time in big artisanal units) have 7 per cent. There are still
35,000 boulangeries artisanales, and there are still 81 regional breads, with the
baguette representing 80 per cent of the purchases. Each shop serves an average
1,570 inhabitants per shop.
Visitors to and residents of France know that the typical French bread is a crusty
baguette or half-pound loaf. It looks good and it tastes good. However, to describe it
does not tell us what French bread is. It is clearer, perhaps, if we determine what it is
not. First, it is not a standardized, easily transportable, mass-produced product. It is
not a heavily marketed, brand-identified, size-invariant, shrink-wrapped, and sliced
product sold identically in virtually similar supermarket chains throughout the
country. It provides the quality of ‘freshness’. It is perishable, its value being that it
is fresh, does perish, and cannot be bought other than on a daily basis. It incorporates
everything that industrial bread could never be.
So how is French bread possible? How has the market dominance of conglomerate
oligopoly bread been avoided? Why should it be that in France (and a number of
Latin countries) most of the bread consumed is made by artisans rather than in
factories, and only a small percentage of the market is for industrial bread, whereas
in other countries, such as the UK and the USA, it is industrial bread that wins the
In France there is about one bakery for every thousand people, a decentralized
scattering of small, independent bakeries that manufacture and sell bread, cakes, and
croissants from the same premises. The shopkeeper is usually the baker’s wife, and
the couple is the real economic unit, the man as an artisan and the woman as a
shopkeeper. On average, each bakery employs fewer than three workers, each
usually less than 20 years old. Most of these young people leave the trade sometime
between 20 and 25.
Many of these very small bakeries are in decline in depopulating urban areas and
villages. Newer, larger (employing 10–15 people) bakeries making bread for large
chains, such as Carrefour, have developed in suburban areas. However, these are still
the same kinds of artisan bakeries, making the same kind of artisan bread, using the
same methods of production. They are just larger.
In 1966, however, traditional methods of making French bread did seem to be
under threat. The largest flour-milling group in France, which had a virtual
monopoly on the supply of flour to the Paris market, was rumoured to be preparing a
huge bread factory close to the Seine in order to supply industrial bread to the
French market. One day, without warning, the flour-milling company changed the
terms of trade. Henceforth, only full truckloads would be delivered, a crippling blow
to bakers who had neither the market nor the storage capacity to warrant such an
amount. However, after a week of panic, when it looked as if what the big millers
desired – the eclipse of the small bakers – might occur, the small bakers discovered
some independent mills still functioning in the regions outside Paris, which were on
the verge of closing down, due to a lack of work, that were delighted to receive the
orders of the small bakers.
Baking bread has always been, and remains, hard work, sometimes for relatively
small returns. On a typical day, the shop opens from eight in the morning, or seven
in working-class districts; it may shut from one till four, and then reopen, closing
finally at eight. The wives are the street-level workers, the front-line marketers.
Good bakers bake good bread, but it is good wives who sell it, who create a regular
customer attracted to a particular bread and a particular shop. In addition, wives are
also the accountants, cashiers, and trusted confidantes. Wives who become widows
can hire bakery workers to continue the business, but husbands who have become
widowers, or whose wives have left them, find it difficult to continue in the business
without an unpaid and trustworthy partner. Good wives are good investments in
more ways than one. It is to the wives’ judgement that the reproduction of this whole
enterprise falls.
Given the nature of the trade, only someone who had been apprenticed in it could
possibly run the business, and, indeed, most present-day bakers were formerly
workers who had become self-employed at an early age. The only people who can
take over the trade are the young men who have been apprenticed in it. They are the
only ones to know the trade intimately. Becoming a self-employed baker
consummates the hard union of an apprenticeship with long hours and low pay. It is
this possibility that makes being a lowly worker bearable.
How bakery workers become proprietors and old couples retire from the trade are
inextricably linked. The retiring couple lends the necessary money to the bakery
worker and his wife. For the incoming couple, its acceptance means eight years of
relative hardship and privation as they save to repay the value of the goodwill (based
on the value of an average month’s sale of bread). For the retiring couple it means
placing tremendous trust in the new couple, for the turnover may be a risky business.
The lesson we learn is simple: these bakers act rationally, as do their industrial
counterparts equipped with methods of rational management seeking economies of
scale, even though they each act radically differently. Thus, do not expect a singular
scientific rationality to be played out in an industry; rather, there is more than one
type of rationality. Each type is embedded and legitimized in its own logic. No
rationality is necessarily ‘more rational’ than another.

To say economic action is embedded is to say that it must be understood in its cultural context.

IMAGE 13.2 A listing of some of the local breads provided from Le Boulangerie de L’Ille de Barbe, a
celebrated boulangerie in Lyon, France

French bread is a testament to what Granovetter (2002 [1985]: 363), among

others, has termed the embeddedness of economic action.

Embeddedness refers to the realization that economic relations can never be grasped purely in terms of their economic rationality but need to be seen as organically situated within specific features of social
settings. For instance, in the garment industry, much of the manufacturing may take place through loosely coupled supply chains of organizations whose members share a neighbourhood and ethnicity. The
economic action that ensues is embedded in these social relations.

Granovetter focuses on the central role of networks of social relations in

producing trust in economic life. Seen from this perspective, the reproduction of the
boulangerie is not only a mode of organization but also a complex of cultural and
economic practices. It is a classic case of embeddedness. One consequence of an
embedded analysis is a perceptible transformation in the object studied. It enables
one to appreciate that ‘small firms in a market setting may persist … because a
dense network of social relations is overlaid on the business relations connecting
such firms’ (Granovetter, 2002 [1985]: 385). The case of French bread demonstrates
the importance of the institutionalization of value and the centrality of culturally
framed economic mechanisms in ensuring the survival of a seemingly archaic form
into contemporary times.


French bread is consistent: it is produced through the exploitation of craft
knowledge. This exploitation occurs through tacit knowledge of practice, which in
this case is handed down by tradition. In less traditional industries the exploitation
of knowledge focuses on repetition, precision, discipline, and control of existing
capabilities, usually through explicit management controls. The hallmark is process
improvement, deepening and refining existing knowledge about ways of doing
things, which is risk averse and measurement oriented; it seeks measurable
improvement in performance as a result of systematically identifiable causal factors.
Exploitation is aided by strongly legitimated and uncontested organization cultures
where people know and perform in highly institutionalized appropriate ways. March
contrasts knowledge exploitation with knowledge exploration, which characterizes
organizations that are premised on constant innovation, involving serendipity,
accident, randomness, and chance.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to two articles on embeddedness. One is by Tina Dacin, Marc J. Ventresca, and Brent D. Beal (1999),
while the other is by Simone Ghezzi and Enzo Mingione (2007).


The failure trap and the success trap
Two traps confront organizations. One is the failure trap, the other is the success trap:
In the failure trap, organizations explore too much, always trying new ideas; when they fail, they try
something else new, which fails again, and so on. A culture of failure develops impatience with new
ideas that do not work immediately, as well as an excess of exploration.
The success trap arises from being too good at exploitation. It keeps on repeating actions that mimic
what was successful previously, and consequently develops highly specific capabilities that new ideas
do not match in action, thus encouraging aversion to exploration.

The moral of this story is that organizations should never be where they do not belong: being in too
deep a groove is just as dangerous as always searching for innovative futures. Organizations need both
exploration and exploitation but not too much of either. But how are they to be designed to achieve
March suggests that those organizations that become specialists at short-run efficiency in exploitation
will fail in the long run because of their inability to explore. Where a rigid organization fails to explore
sufficiently, another will replace it by successfully mutating through exploiting what the previous one
failed to explore.
March is less confident than the revolutionaries of management such as Peters (1994). From March’s
perspective, organizations that abandon what they know best in search of the new will be led only to
error and failure. Only those few organizations that were able genuinely to exploit novelty –
paradoxically by driving the unknown out of exploration rapidly – would survive, although not for too

Knowledge exploration requires more relaxed attitudes to controls and

institutional norms. Evolving and adaptive organizations need to be able to exploit
and explore simultaneously. If they are only good at exploitation, they will tend to
become better and better in increasingly obsolescent ways of doing things; they will
find themselves outflanked. And if they are only specialists in star trekking, in
exploration, they are unlikely to realize the advantages of their discoveries, as they
lack the exploitative capacities to be able to do so. Organizations have to learn to
balance search and action, variation and selection, and change and stability (March,
2002: 271). Organizations will most often attempt risky exploratory behaviour when
they are failing to meet targets rather than when they are achieving them; however,
risks are best taken when sufficient slack or surplus resources mean that the
organization can afford to risk different ways of doing things. In many respects,
however, it is least likely that risks will be taken at this time because the grooves of
success are already directing the organization.

Imagining organizing business
Research the dot-com boom that collapsed in 2001, using the web. Find businesses that flourished

To what extent did the development of these companies exemplify a system that sustained ‘imaginative
madness’ at the individual level and to what extent did it allow the larger system to choose among
‘alternative insanities’?

March offers a good diagnosis of why efficient forms of exploitation are likely to
continue to be reproduced as the dominant organization form. Where innovation
does occur, then it is likely to be rewarded only where its exploration rapidly
becomes exploited. While particular organizations may come and go, the forms that
they exhibit are much less likely to display the radical discontinuities that some of
the gurus of management, such as Peters, would suggest. As March says, it is
tenacity more than awareness that most revolutions require.
March (2002: 275) states that ‘[i]maginations of possible organizations are
justified by their potential not for predicting the future (which is almost certainly
small) but for nurturing the uncritical commitment and persevering madness
required for sustained organizational and individual rigidity in a selective
environment’ (2002: 275). Many organizations must fail so that the few models of
difference may survive ‘in a system that sustains imaginative madness at the
individual organizational level in order to allow a larger system to choose among
alternative insanities’ (March, 2002: 276). Empirical research thus far suggests that
the majority of new organization practices remain incorporated within traditional
organizational forms, that organizations may embrace new technologies and
practices but do not necessarily change their forms in consequence (Palmer and
Dunford, 2001).


Exploration and exploitation

If organizations fail to exploit what they know efficiently, they wither and atrophy.
If organizations fail to explore so that they know how to do different things (double-loop learning) or
the same things differently (single-loop learning), they wither and atrophy.
Organizing successfully involves managing both exploration and exploitation.
They must be balanced.
Too much of either pursued single-mindedly leads to atrophy.

March (2002) thinks that the framework of increasingly rapid organizational change
will be more likely to create rapid incremental turnover in organizational forms than
radical discontinuities. In an environment demanding greater flexibility and change
of organizations, these changes will tend to play out not just in individual
organizations but also in terms of the population of organizations. Some
organizations will be selected as efficient, adaptive, and legitimate, whereas others
will not survive because they do not match what the environment requires. He
foresees a future of short-term organizations that are effectively disposable. These
organizations will efficiently exploit what they know how to do until some other
organizations emerge to do this better. Then they will die. Adaptability will occur at
the population level rather than necessarily at the specific organizational level.
Overall, efficiency will be served, although specific organizations may not survive.
Not every organization can be a survivor.
For March’s scenario to be realized, however, there has to be a pool of
organizations that are discontinuously exploring learning through active imagining.
Of course, without the pioneering of new forms and structures, there would be no
new and more efficient mutations of organization forms to succeed those that
already exist. Now, if March is right, what this probably means is a double-edged
movement: McDonaldization of the efficient but relatively disposable exploiters of
knowledge, with the exercise of imagination reserved for those organizations that
seek to explore new forms of knowledge. What is foreseen is a type of Blade Runner
scenario: highly innovative science-based knowledge organizations in gleaming
towers for the highly paid, skilled, and educated, on the one hand, and, on the other
hand, lots of street-level organizations that are exploitive and relatively
impoverished, providing a poor working environment.


Max Weber made an important distinction between substantive and formal types of rationality and
suggested that there was more than one way of being rational.
What was most important to Weber was the injunction to research how values became
institutionalized in organization and management.
Subsequently, many theorists developed Weber’s perspective into institutional theory to explain that
organizations and the management action that occurs within them are culturally embedded, culturally
framed, culturally reproduced, and culturally changed. In other words, whatever passes for rationality is
culturally defined (rather than something that can be settled by reference to some external standard, of
engineering or economic efficiency).
Bureaucracy was the dominant organizational form for much of the twentieth century. In the post-
Second World War era, when systematic empirical study of bureaucracies occurred, it became clear that
bureaucracies often functioned in ways that would not be expected from Weber’s account. The stress
shifted from rule-following as functional to a view of its dysfunctions, especially in terms of knowledge

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Rule tropism
Trained incapacity
Mock bureaucracy
Institutional isomorphism
Normative isomorphism
Coercive isomorphism
Mimetic isomorphism
Organizational exploitation
Organizational exploration
Indulgency pattern

2 How do different rules define different rationalities?

3 What are the main competing rationalities at work in the story of French bread?
4 What does embeddedness mean in practice?


1. There is no substitute for reading great scholars in the original, and Weber is a case in point. Many of
his books are very difficult to read today, as they are very formal and rather heavy going. However, The
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1976) is probably the most accessible of his books, and
has wonderfully prescient conclusions pointing to the world in which we live today.
2. If you find the ideas of institutional theory intriguing, there is a wealth of materials from which to
choose. One thorough and useful contribution is that of Greenwood and Hinings (2002), which
addresses ‘old’ and ‘new’ institutionalism, bringing them together. More recent and definitive is
Lawrence and Suddaby’s (2006) discussion of ‘institutions and institutional work’.
3. A fascinating institutional account is provided by Allmendinger and Hackman (2002) of how the
changes from there being an East and West Germany to a unified Germany had significant effects on
the organization and survival of symphony orchestras from the two territories.
4. Scott (2002 [1987]) provides a synoptic overview of the wide variations in different types of
institutional theory.
5. In terms of institutional theory, one film illustrates the general points particularly well. In Reed’s Down
with Love, the 2003 romantic comedy of sexual manners, starring Renée Zellweger and Ewan
McGregor, when the female lead character starts up a magazine in opposition to the one that the male
lead character is employed on, it is almost a clone of KNOW – the men’s magazine – even to the name,
which is NOW – the only difference being that NOW is pitched at a female demographic whereas KNOW
is aimed at men. The crucial point is that in establishing the magazine, the successful form is copied. In
fact, the whole film is a witty and extended scripting of institutional theory in its premises – all the main
plot moves, on the part of the two lead actors, are generated by character mimesis.
6. In addition, there is also an excellent film of Kafka’s The Trial (Jones, 1992), starring Kyle MacLachlan
and Anthony Hopkins, which illustrates the dread and oppressiveness of bureaucracy at its worst.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #13: Organization design theory: its evolution
within a changing context, by John Child.
3. A good site that gives you a flavour of Weber on bureaucracy is
4. One writer diametrically opposed to Weber was the Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises. At, you can find his impassioned argument against
bureaucracy. At the home page there are more links to his ideas,, which have had
a significant influence on many current economists’ ideas.


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

Capitalism emerged from religious ideas, according to Weber. What has happened to the legacy of Max
Weber’s Puritans in modern times? Look at Stewart’s article to find out: Clegg, S. R. (2005) ‘Puritans,
visionaries and survivors’, Organization Studies, 26 (4): 527–545.
Management control is a constantly evolving phenomenon: if you want to know where it has evolved to
in high-intensity knowledge-based organizations, look at Graham Sewell’s (2005) ‘Nice work?
Rethinking managerial control in an era of knowledge work’, Organization, 12 (5): 685–704.
The paper by Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen and Frank Dobbin (2006) ‘In search of identity and
legitimation: bridging organizational culture and neoinstitutionalism’, American Behavioral Scientist, 49
(7): 897–907, is available on the Companion Website, and is a very useful guide to some of the ways
that fashion operates to shape management and organizations.
Embeddedness is an important concept – if only because the absence of it from most economics
accounts tells you what is wrong with them! The Companion Website has two good articles that use the
embeddedness concept: M. Tina Dacin, Marc J. Ventresca, and Brent D. Beal (1999) ‘The
embeddedness of organizations: dialogue & directions’, Journal of Management, 25 (6): 317–356 and
Simone Ghezzi and Enzo Mingione (2007) ‘Embeddedness, path dependency and social institutions: an
economic sociology approach’, Current Sociology, 55 (1): 11–23.



What follows is a case study based on the Douala Seaport, the economic gateway into the central
African region as a whole and Cameroon in particular. According to the National Port Authority, which
controls the port, it is ‘Open to the world, open to the future.’ The much-heralded infrastructural
developments of the last five years are often brandished as evidence that the port is a client-oriented
one. These developments, it is argued are: ‘Designed to make the port more efficient and operationally-
focused … while offering an exciting and expanding portfolio of investment opportunities to the private
Alas, the experience of the port’s clients is much at odds with the glowing picture painted in glossy
official brochures and on the Internet. Clients instead tell harrowing tales of institutionalized corruption,
intimidation, and brazen theft, which have made the port a major obstacle to economic growth and
private initiative in the country.
In this special report, The Post will chronicle the nightmarish stories of some individuals who have
had the misfortune of dealing with officials at Cameroon’s ‘ideal port facility’. Those with similar stories
are encouraged to send us their stories for publication.
In the meantime, those who want to contact the National Port Authority directly should write to:
Maritime Affairs Centre, SIMAR Bonanjo Building, PO Box 4020, Douala, Cameroon.
Tel: (237) 420133/427384, Fax: (237) 426797,
E-mail: [email protected]
Thursday, 06 January 2005 at 12:40 PM in Special
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Contacting the National Port Authorities does not bring anything. I appreciate the effort being made
here to address this long-term problem of corruption at the Douala port. I have been shipping cars
from Germany to some people in Douala for the past 8 years and the complaints I receive about these
port authorities are really frustrating. Corruption is not only at the port. It is a nation-wide bug that
seems to be normality under Biyaism.

Imagine that one ships an old car from Germany that costs just 400 Euro to Cameroon. The cost of
shipping this car is about 500 Euro. One understands because the size and weight of the car determines
the cost of shipment. When this car arrives in Cameroon, the owner of the car has to spend about 1.3
million frs to claim this car from the port. This is about 5 times the cost of the car itself. Forgetting
about the money ‘chopped’ by the so called clearing agent, the actual custom duty seems to be
unreasonably high, the magnitude of which is never clearly known. How can a poor Cameroonian who
buys a car for 250000 frs in Germany spend 1.3 million frs to get the car out of Douala port?

I shipped a Nissan Cherry in September 1999 to Douala with four computers, monitors and printers in
the car. I was afraid that most of these things shall be stolen in the ship on its way to Douala.
Fortunately, these things all arrived in Douala. My brother traveled to Douala and saw the things all
intact, but one custom officer told the clearing agent that custom duties must be paid for each of those
computers and printers etc. in the car, even the things I sent to some relatives as ‘dash’. My brother
then went back to Kumba to see how he could gather some money, so that he can bribe and collect all
the items including the car because the custom duty he had to pay for one of the computers was far
more than the cost of the four computers. Bribery is a thing that I have never encouraged, but
Cameroonians are pushed into very frustrating situations that they regard bribery as the only way out
because they can’t even avoid it by complaining to the head of the institution. It all starts from the head
and not the bottom! So giving the contact of the National Port Authorities means nothing here. Before
my brother came to collect the things three days after, he noticed that some of the things had been
stolen from the car. One clearing agent told him that the very custom officer came and removed some of
the items and certainly kept them for himself. When he went to the custom officer, he directed him to
settle his clearing business with another officer who finally took some of the items from the car for
himself plus about 200000 frs before the business about clearance could start. Finally, my brother had
to sell the car at the port for the buyer to arrange the clearance. He however got some of the computers
and monitors out.

Some of us are just not interested in shipping cars to Cameroon even for our own use because of this
very customs issue and the corruption at that Douala port. The custom duties are irrational and the
path of clearance is extreme bribery and corruption. Just as the ‘sans galon’ police men collect from
100 frs to even ‘winning cover beer’ from taxi drivers and ensure that the commissioner in the office
has his own share of the money, so too is the corruption at the port. If those custom officers and the
other bandits running around the port do not heavily oil the mouth of their bosses, they shall either be
transferred to an area where there is no possibility to get ‘chocco’ or they are assigned unpleasant
functions. So even the biggest boss knows all what is happening there. It is the system. Don’t think that
it shall be efficient to start fighting the corruption from the ‘small-small’ custom officers by reporting to
the boss. The complaints will end in the dust bin of the boss because he does not want to read that kind
of complaint against their ‘business’. It is Cameroon! The twice most corrupt country in our planet.
If we have to efficiently combat corruption in any sector in our beloved country, then we must start from
the chief executive. You know what I mean. These are the guys in a long time good-for-nothing
government that has not only plundered the economy, but has done everything to ensure that foreign
investors, even Cameroonians abroad, fear investing in Cameroon. However, we should explain our
experiences. At least the public shall read if the head of the National Port Authority finds it frightening.

(Posted by: A. Che Mofor | Thursday, 06 January 2005 at 04:47 PM)

It is rather regretful to express to any Cameroonian abroad who wish to ship anything back home to
rethink because Douala port is worse than a hell on earth. I have brought in goods to Germany, US
and even Israel with no problem but was forced to abandon two of the three cars I brought in to
Cameroon in 2000. I used 2.8 million to take out a car (now LT 0544N) which I was offered as a
birthday gift by a friend. My experience there is not one I would like any other human being to go
through. I will never for whatever reason bring in anything into Cameroon.

Even in the airport is the same scenario. Why must we have to pay a 10,000 frs fee in the small dirty
Dla or Yde airports where no other airport on earth, even great airports such as JFK, Charles de
Gaulle, Franfort Tel Aviv etc. ask for fees.

Sad that some of us who are opportuned to share the wealth of the West can not bring it back home due
to the brokage in Dla. Dla port is the main reason of making Cameroon the most underdeveloped
country on earth. Douala town itself is just an evident of depreciation.

(Posted by: Dr. Martin Salah | Friday, 07 January 2005 at 08:30 PM)

The previous comments make the case as to the nature and level of corruption at the air/sea ports in
Douala so I will switch my attention to another direction of the bureaucratic malfunction in Cameroon.
My view is that the collection of 10,000 frs at the airport in Douala may be a good idea if the funds are
used to maintain the infrastructure but this has not been the case, so where do the funds go? The leaky
roofs, dirty floors, and stinking restrooms (with no toilet tissue) at the airport in Douala, are prima facie
evidence that the collection of 10,000 frs is just another form of extortion. [Are] the government
delegate for Douala Urban Council and/or the senior divisional officer for Wouri aware of these
problems? My guess is yes. Why are they administrators? What constitutes the wellbeing of a locality
and who guarantees that wellbeing? When customs officers, on a daily basis, bring home extorted
goods from merchants what do their spouses or family members say? (Darling, a good steal today;
more grease to your elbows.) The families of these thieves have a moral obligation to let them know that
what they are doing is wrong and should stop.

(Posted by: neba funiba | Saturday, 08 January 2005 at 05:47 PM)

Dear Brothers,

I realised some changes in the customs sector recently when I shipped 3 cars last year October and in
January 2006 I removed them at the Douala port. Actually, I didn’t spend that much to remove them,
maybe due to the recent anti-corruption drive in the country. I hope with time there can be more drastic
action against those perpetrators of any corruptive ideology at the port.

I didn’t [have] to pay for any other charges than to pay just for the vehicles directly at the customs
office. If the government can enforce strict laws governing this domain, I think things will change in
Cameroon for the better. Since then I have been encouraging my friends to import and/or export and
invest businesses back home. Only with this notion can there be a rapid economic boom and other
socioeconomic benefits in Cameroon.

Fritzane Kiki
Hong Kong

(Posted by: Fritzane Kiki, Hong Kong | Wednesday, 07 June 2006 at 10:29 AM)

I personally thank the post newspaper in trying to air out the corrupt nature in which Douala port is
operating, I don’t really know which policy is Cameroon government operating, as regards the custom
duty of imported goods. When you compare other countries in Africa, Cameroon has one of the highest
customs duties. In fact it is a chain of corruption in that port that is hindering Cameroonians out of the
country to invest in Cameroon, foreign nationals and companies have been sent away with our corrupt
habit at the port in Douala. It takes about four to five working days to get out an old car of ten years
old from Douala ports sometimes even longer, while it takes two days to get out your goods or car from
a port in [Togo]. It is alarming what is happening at Douala ports, it is always a nightmare to clear
your goods at the ports. As an importer of used spare parts in Cameroon, I find it easier doing business
in countries like Togo and Ivory Coast that I have shipped many cars and containers there than
Cameroon which is my home country. Douala ports scare a lot of Cameroonians out of the country to
do business in Cameroon, high custom duty, lot of bureaucracy and constructive corruption of the ports
is bringing our economy down. Please let the government do some thing about these malpractices at the
Douala ports.

Joki Manga
Munich Germany

(Posted by: Joki Manga | Tuesday, 08 August 2006 at 05:16 PM)

I have been very sick about this corruption problem in Cameroon. I almost had a stroke last year. I
talked to one community college in Maryland USA. When they were upgrading their computer. I was
given 29 completed computers. I intended to send them to a new Government Technician School in
Alanbukum Mankon Bamenda. After hauling the computers to my Home, I tried to contact friends who
could help contribute for the shipment. I was informed that it will cost me millions to clear these
computers at the custom. I became frustrated and finally gave some of the computers to a salvation unit.

I have an idea about fighting this corruption. If some of us who travel home could get pictures of this
corrupted system or video tape their transactions. This information could be published and it could

(Posted by: anye | Friday, 09 February 2007 at 12:48 PM)


1. You have been appointed to a UN Development Agency charged with remedying the corruption in the
Port of Douala. How would you analyse the problem and what would you recommend as a solution?

Case sourced (and edited) from, accessed

26 February 2007.
Design, Environment, Fit

This chapter is designed to enable you to:

Define organizations in terms of structural contingency theory

Discuss size, technology, and environment as the key contingencies associated
with organization structures
Link organizational contingencies to organizational design
Relate issues of organization structure to questions of organizational strategy


Organization design matters just as much as any other kind of design … ugly organization design
produces bad managing. (Stewart Clegg)

An organizational design is the plan of an organization’s rationally designed
structure and mode of operation. The formal structure of an organization is its
framework of roles and procedures. Since ‘design’ is a noun and a verb,
organizational design can also be the process of creating such a plan. An
organizational design creates a rational model of formal organization; what actually
happens when the rational model is implemented is often called the informal
organization, to the extent that what actually occurs differs from what the rational
design intended. Thus, the study of organizational design is perhaps the most
rationalistic part of organization theory as it is often the study of things that do not
happen – but which should, according to the rational model. The dominant theory of
organizational design is known as contingency theory.
Contingency theory

In management and organization theory a contingency is something that managers

cannot avoid. Contingencies arise from routines rather than from emergencies, as
facts of organizational life, and have to be acknowledged and dealt with. Different
organizations face different contingencies. How they handle these contingencies is
reflected in their organizational design. The contingencies of environment,
technology, and size have been seen as the most important issues to be managed. It
is argued that these are universal issues with which all organizations, with similar
contingencies, anywhere in the world, will have to deal with.

Environment: The more certain and predictable the environments in which

organizations operate, the more probable it is that they will have bureaucratic
Technology: As organizations adopt more routinized technologies –
technologies with repetition and routines associated with them – they tend to
become more bureaucratic.
Size: As organizations become bigger, they become more bureaucratic, in the
sense of being characterized by higher scores on scales that measure the degree
of formalization, standardization, and centralization.

Contingency theory argues that organizations, no matter where in the world they
are, will have a similar design if they are similar in size and technology. It is the
organizational design, they argue, rather than the culture in which it is embedded,
that is important. Thus what gets globalized, as these organizations spread
multinationally, are organizational designs. So, it will not matter if you start your
career in India, China, or the USA: the organizations that you work for and the way
that you do the job you do will be essentially the same; thus, on the basis of
correlations between contingencies and organization structural variables, established
through large-scale, survey-based studies, contemporary organization theorists argue
that there is a tendency towards consistency in organizational designs (Etzioni,
1961). Those organizations whose structures are not well aligned with the
contingencies that they currently deal with have to undertake structural adjustment
to regain fit with those contingencies.

Contingency theory in organization and management theory suggests that there are several key contingencies shaping organizations. The basic idea of contingency approaches is to stress that all organizations
have to deal with a predictable number of contingencies and that these contingencies will shape the organization’s design as it adapts to them.

Recent discussion of the management of organizations has focused on the fit

between an organization’s structure and its contingencies – the inescapable things
that it has to deal with – which can change over time. As these become misaligned,
because contingencies change, a process of structural readjustment is required. The
insight emerged out of studies that focus on the relation between mechanisms such
as technology and size and organization structure. Prior to the development of
contingency perspectives, most theorists had either written up case studies of
particular organizations or focused on some specific substantive aspect of
organizations, such as ‘who benefits?’
The contingencies literature regards organizations as imperfect designs that can
be improved when we know what contingencies they have to deal with. Modern
organization and management theory poses a central question: how to design a
structure specifically suited to the contingencies with which an organization has to
deal? Earlier writers such as Taylor (see also pp. 483–487) presumed one best way to
organize, irrespective of contingencies, rather than seeing that how to organize
depends on the central factors that management faces. The organization is conceived
as a system open to inputs from the environment and that sends outputs to the
environment as a result of internal transformation processes.
The variations that occur in organization structure are seen to be a result of
environmental contingencies by Burns and Stalker (1961): they identify mechanistic
and organic structures. A mechanistic organization takes a machine as its basic
model. It is designed to be formal and specialized, with precise role prescriptions for
each task and responsibility, often expressed in detailed manuals of procedures or
collections of job descriptions. There are many formal rules, procedures, and
instructions. The division of labour is extensive and the specialized differentiation
of functional tasks means that jobs are narrowly defined. Work coordination is based
on the direct supervision of low-level employees by upper-level employees, front-
line supervisors as they are usually termed – or, in older parlance, the ‘foreman’ or
principal worker – literally the first man. The system of control is hierarchical, with
restricted opportunities for mostly vertical communication expressed as imperative
commands – telling people what to do – within narrow spans of expertise and
control, all embedded in a rigidly departmentalized structure. A traditional factory
in a traditional industry such as garment making would be a case in point.

A mechanistic organization is most frequently to be found in stable environments, especially those with a cost minimization strategy; also, mechanistic models are found more frequently in large organizations
that employ a large number of people.

There, the designers design a garment that is produced by workers under supervision
working on specialized parts of the overall garment: some on zips, others on sleeves,
and so on. Mechanistic organizations deal with members who are treated as if they
were simple by putting them to work in tightly prescribed jobs working on designs
in whose composition they have no part.
Mechanistic organizations handle employee’s aspirations for selfactualization
badly; people have to slot into the structures rather than the structures being
designed to handle individual variance. Consequently, employee commitment and
satisfaction are often quite low even though the insistence on loyalty and obedience
to superiors is quite high. Not surprisingly, under these conditions, there is a
considerable potential for conflict. Repressing conflict with an insistence on strict
adherence to the rules diminishes opportunities for alternative ideas and innovation
to be expressed. As an organizational design, it minimizes participation and limits
responsibility to obeying orders. It can work efficiently in a stable environment
where change happens slowly.
While mechanistic organizations often have a hierarchy of command and control,
organic organizations are simpler in structural terms, in which individuals are
allowed space in which to develop their creativity. Think of a business such as
Google where the stress is on constant innovation. Most contemporary organizations
are far better designed on more organic lines because they have to deal with
continuous and turbulent changes in markets, customer preferences, technologies,
regulations, etc. These conditions require a great deal more imagination and
creativity than the mechanistic design can deliver. Organizations appropriate to this
kind of environment will be more like a living organism capable of adapting to its
environment. When employee commitment is central to quality and productivity and
market and technological conditions demand the decentralization of decisionmaking
processes, organic, decentralized, flat organizational forms are far more appropriate.

An organic organization is more likely to be found in firms that are smaller, that operate in highly uncertain environments, and that are strongly oriented to discovery and learning – such as high-tech R&D firms
or biopharmaceuticals.

TABLE 14.1 Burns and Stalker’s structures

Source: Pennings (2002: 6)

Table 14.1 contrasts the structural features of the two types of structure. Each is
characterized by the same structural variables but they are formed in very different
patterns. It is the patterning of the structure on these key variables that distinguishes
the two types of structure; that they vary so sharply is an effect of the different
environmental contingencies that each deals with. Stable environments allow for
machine-like organizations while unstable ones do not; hence they are characterized
by organic structures.

Structural contingency theory

One approach above all others reflected the emphasis on contingencies: the work of
the Aston school (Pugh and Hickson, 1976). They read everything relevant that had
been produced by writers on organizations, looking for convergence and divergence
in the literature (Hickson, 2002 [1966]; Pugh et al., 1971). At the same time that
they were involved in the literature review, they were also conducting interviews
with practising managers. From these key informants they learned what seemed to
be the most salient aspects of the manager’s role. Between the literature review and
the focal discussions with the managers, ‘the concepts slowly crystallized’ (Pugh
and Hickson, 1976) to indicate the appropriate research procedures. These consisted
of a great many questions about aspects of an organization’s structure, design, and
processes, which could be recorded in the form of a numerical score on a Likert
scale. Thus, they were able to build a shorthand picture of how the organization did
what it did through the responses to the scales they designed.
The Aston researchers used factor analysis to search statistically for patterns of
variations in the data collected. These common factors could then be used to refine
scales to align them more closely with those factors that were statistically robust.
The scales were seen to represent real features of the empirical world as they are
defined in terms of conceptual constructs. In the case of the Aston project, the scales
coalesced around a contingency perspective.
The researchers’ discussions and reflections finally focused on five variables
drawn from Weber’s initial list of 15 (which was discussed in Chapter 12):

1. Specialization: The extent to which the organization had highly specialized job
descriptions and designs. It refers to the skill formation that occurs when labour
is divided and defined into smaller specific tasks rather than being seen as a
general task that anyone might do.
2. Standardization: The extent to which the organization has many standard
manuals of procedures involving the prescription of constant and invariant
ways of doing things.
3. Formalization: The extent to which the organization’s total range of actions and
procedures are covered by formal policies and agreements. Formalization refers
to the phenomenon whereby roles, rights, and responsibilities attaching to
positions in an organizational design are defined formally. A high degree of
formalization implies that there are many formal rules and regulations
surrounding these positions; in contrast, a low degree of formalization
describes a situation in which individuals in the positions have a high degree of
relative autonomy in being able to define how they should do what they do, and,
indeed, what they choose to do.
4. Centralization: The extent to which the organization ensures that
decisionmaking is referred to the apex of the organization or distributed to
lower levels. Centralization is the process whereby the roles and positions that
exist in an organizational design are associated with each other through a series
of relations traced to a common central position or set of positions of command
and control. Some organizations are much more centralized than others; those
with only a single centre of command and control that all matters of decision
have to flow through are the most centralized. Typically, bureaucracies are
thought of as being highly centralized.
5. Configuration: The shape of the authority structured as a system of role
relationships, patterning structured formal relations between conceptually
designated elements in an organizational design, such as centralization,
formalization, and routinization. Centralization means that many decisions
have to be referred to the centre; formalization means that most task elements
are formally defined; while routinization means the extensive development of
routines for action so that they become regular and predictable in their
parameters and consequences.

Earlier researchers such as Gouldner emphasized what the phenomena of everyday

organizational life meant, such as the changing meaning of the organization
rulebook. The Aston researchers were less interested in meaning and more
concerned with collecting considerable amounts of statistical data on a large number
of organizations. They could correlate such data with the hypothetical dimensions
and come up with some well-grounded empirical answers to the question they had
set for themselves: what were the determinants of organization structure? The
answer was that structure is determined by situational contingency.


The relation between size and bureaucracy is global
The Aston researchers regarded bureaucracy as unavoidable. In any country in the world where there
are large organizations, irrespective of national culture or industry, environment or technology, these
organizations would be more bureaucratic than smaller organizations in the same country.
For the Aston researchers, the crucial contingency is that ‘size matters’. They had collected extensive
data on the dimensions of organization structures for 44 organizations from the West Midlands of
England. After analysis, they concluded that the variable that best explained why these organization
dimensions had a certain shape or pattern of association between them was the size of the organization.
Basically, the larger the organization, the more bureaucratic it seemed. And this is true all over the
world they suggested, after further comparative research.

The findings of these ‘structural contingency’ theorists nicely unsettle some

common misconceptions, the best known of which is Parkinson’s Law (Parkinson,
1957). Parkinson was a civil servant who, on the basis of his experience and
observations, argued that work expands proportionately with the time available for
its completion. Following from this assertion, he argued that organizations therefore
increase the number of administrators that they require disproportionately with their
increases in size. Structural contingency theory demonstrates that this argument is
not correct. For instance, Blau (2002 [1970]) measured differentiation in terms of
the number of organization levels in the hierarchy, the number of departments, and
the number of job titles. He found that increasing size is associated with increasing
differentiation but that the rate of differentiation decreased with increasing size.
Administrative overheads are lower in larger organizations, and the span of control
for supervisors is greater. Administrative overheads are inversely related to size,
whereas the span of control is positively related to size. Thus, larger organizations
are able to achieve economies of scale if they can distribute delegation of authority
efficiently and effectively in the organization. If they can do so, they can handle the
costs of differentiation – an increased necessity for control and coordination of the
differentiated activities – without piling a weighty administrative overhead on top of
the hierarchy to control the complex differentiation. Thus, the larger the
organization, given that it is able effectively to delegate authority and line control of
workflow, the less necessity there is for centralized control and administrative
overheads. This concept helps to explain the lack of association between size and
concentration of authority/line control of workflow that the Aston researchers found.
Size increases overhead costs but also increases the scope for economies of scale,
which can be deepened further by effective delegation of authority and control.

Organizational design

Debate on organizational design crystallized when Henry Mintzberg, a prolific and

very popular writer, published a seminal paper in 1981. He argued that five natural
configurations fit the different tasks organizations have to accomplish. Like an ill-
cut piece of clothing, some structures do not fit the purpose organizations want to
achieve. This misfit leads to trouble and inefficiencies. Consistency and coherence
between organizational structure and tasks, says Mintzberg, is the key to success.
Rather like an organic structure that evolves in its environment, some organization
structures should simply fit, naturally. They do not need to be chopped to size.
Decentralization is the opposite of centralization. Organizations often seek to
decentralize when they feel that their systems and processes are becoming too slow
because too much decisionmaking, even on small and inconsequential matters, is
being referred to the centre. Often, organizations with low levels of trust are highly
centralized because a decentralized decision structure requires that you trust those
who are delegated to decide.

Decentralization is the opposite of centralization. Organizations often seek to decentralize when they feel that their systems and processes are becoming too slow because too much decisionmaking, even on
small and inconsequential matters, is being referred to the centre. Often, organizations with low levels of trust are highly centralized because a decentralized decision structure requires that you trust those who
are delegated to decide.

Structuring devices such as span of control, forms of decentralization and

hierarchy, degrees of job enlargement, and so on, must be chosen in a way that is
consistent with an organization’s specific situation (its size, strategy, competitors,
production technology, and so on). Imagine a large manufacturing company that has
experience and know-how in mass production buying a small supplier known for its
innovation potential. Should management of the large company put its bureaucratic
structure (suitable for mass production) into the smaller innovative daughter
company? What effects would this have on its innovation potential?
Mintzberg (1983b) argues that, for every situation and task an organization is
facing, there is one of five specific structures that fits best:

1. Simple structure: This configuration, the most basic structure, consists of top
management, a few middle managers, and a task force. Power is centralized;
management knows and supervises the whole company. According to
Mintzberg, this structure is typical for entrepreneurial companies that are small
and innovative but that work on relatively simple products. Most organizations
start off as simple structures but struggle when they grow. Classic
entrepreneurial owner-managed firms will start out as relatively small
organizations in a simple yet dynamic environment, understanding of which is
claimed by the founding figure. Of course, such organizations are highly
vulnerable; to the extent that they are the creations of a single person who
places themselves under high stress conditions of management, they are only a
heartbeat away from potential disaster, if they have not evolved into
professionally managed organizations.
2. Machine bureaucracy: This structure puts the emphasis on standardization and
employs low skilled but highly specialized staff. It is a structure for mass
production that focuses on simple products in a fairly stable environment.
Taylor’s scientific management ideas derived from such structures. In contrast
to the simple structure, this design requires management of administration; the
organization needs detailed planning and standardization, which leads to a
bureaucratic system. The more bureaucratic the system is, the easier it can
grow; the organization continues to do the same things, but instead of making
100,000 hamburgers a day, it produces 1,000,000 a day. McDonald’s is
Mintzberg’s example for such a machine bureaucracy – very efficient in what it
does but not very flexible and not very interesting to work for (see also pp.
3. Professional bureaucracies : In contrast to machine bureaucracies, professional
bureaucracies rely on standardized skills, not processes. Universities, large
consulting firms, or hospitals are examples of this structure; they work like
bureaucracies, but they need highly trained staff to deliver their services. Thus,
employees in professional bureaucracies have more autonomy than workers in
machine bureaucracies. Professional bureaucracies have relatively flat
hierarchies, where professionals accredited through external institutions
(having earned certificates from universities, and so on) do the central work.
These people have considerable autonomy because of their specialized
knowledge and the high demand for the services they can supply. Expertise is at
a premium and highly valued in such organizations. Professional employees
enjoy a high degree of responsible autonomy. However, parallel to the
professional staff, a large number of support staff back up the professionals.
Their jobs are simpler, more routinized, and normally less well paid. (Think of
a hospital with well-paid doctors, nurses who are not as well paid, and poorly
paid auxiliaries, such as porters and cleaners, laundry staff, and ward orderlies.)
These structures fit best into a complex but fairly stable environment. They are
good at executing state-of-the-art tasks but not as adept when it comes down to
changing them. Hospitals, for instance, develop great expertise in operating, but
when they are challenged by alternative herbal medicines or natural therapies,
they do not know how to integrate them, and their normal professional strategy
is one of exclusion.
4. Divisionalized form: In contrast to the professional bureaucracy, this structure
does not rely on highly trained professional individuals; instead, it uses expert
units called divisions. Each division runs its own business by producing
specialized products for a particular market. Hence, these divisions are
relatively autonomous and enjoy a certain degree of freedom. But how does
management make sure that the divisions are on track? Headquarters (HQ)
normally measures their performance (the standardization of outputs, as
Mintzberg puts it). Each division’s performance is measured and compared
with that of the other divisions. This arrangement keeps the division managers
busy and HQ in charge. Put simply, top management imposes goals on
divisions, which forces divisions to plan their activities properly, ultimately
leading to the bureaucratization of the single divisions. As we saw previously in
this chapter, machine bureaucracies are appropriate when standards are
imposed and clear objectives need to be achieved. However, because the
divisional form was chosen so that organizations can respond to a flexible
environment, the dynamic that leads them to bureaucratization has a negative
effect on the organization. Also, it has important consequences regarding
ethical behaviour; because the goals the division must achieve are mostly
formulated in terms of monetary targets for sales, rate of return, and so on, the
social consequences (because they are hard to measure) tend to be ignored.
5. Adhocracy: None of the previous four structures really fits when put into a
highly turbulent environment where constant innovation is the key to success.
The adhocracy, a structure of interacting project teams, is the solution. An
adhocracy may be defined as a type of organizational design that is not
consciously structured but just develops spontaneously, in an ad hoc manner –
hence, adhocracy. Creative think tanks, such as advertising agencies or design
and architectural practices, need lots of experts who create products that cannot
be standardized. With every job they do, they have to deliver the standards to be
able to measure them. In those project teams that make up the adhocracy, power
is distributed; everybody is a decisionmaker, and strategies are not
implemented top down but emerge while the teams explore new terrain (see
also pp. 280–287). An operating adhocracy works directly for clients, as in the
advertising agency example. An administrative adhocracy serves itself; think of
an organization such as the Department of Homeland Security cobbled together
by the Bush administration after 9/11 as a means of enhancing national

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Eric J. Walton (2005) if you want to learn how and why we know that bureaucratic
control is enduring.

All these configurations have strengths and weaknesses. Each type represents a
structure that best fits a certain environment. The consistency and coherence
between structure and task is, above all, the most important thing.

Technology and organizational design

Once upon a time industrial technology nearly always involved smokestacks, but
this is no longer the case. A scientific definition of technology does not just look at
the motive force behind industry, whether coal, water, or wind, for example. A fuller
definition of technology includes not just the machinery but also the organization
relations associated with it in terms of people and processes, the knowledge and
skills necessary to make the technologies work, as well as the infrastructure that
they rely on. For instance, just-in-time technologies assume relatively cheap fuel
and freeflowing roads. Broader still, technology may include a body of knowledge
applied to practice where it is the usefulness of the technology that is important
rather than other intrinsic properties. Woodward saw the relationship between
technology and organizations to be a contingent relation mediated by organization
Using a sophisticated conception of technology Joan Woodward, an English
researcher, studied about 80 industrial firms in the southeast of England and focused
on technology to make sense of the data that she collected (Woodward, 1965). She
argued that the more routinized the technology, the more the firm had a structured
set of organizational authority relations. Technologies were classified by Woodward
into a number of types: small batch and unit production (where the products were
largely tailored designs for different customers with small runs), large batch and
mass production (where the production runs were much larger and the customers
usually many fewer), and process production (where the system was a continuous
flow on a 24/7 basis, with the major requirement being that the system stay to
specifications and standards). These distinctions were made on the basis of the
technical complexity of the operations, defined in terms of the degree of
controllability of the production process and the extent to which results were
predictable. Windmills, waterfrills, and smokestacks would differ organizationally.
Woodward found out, to her surprise, that firms with similar production systems
were organized in a similar manner and that the degree of technical complexity was
related to (a) the number of levels in the organization, (b) the span of control of
front-line supervisors (how many people they supervised), and (c) the ratio of
managers and administrative staff to the total workforce. Organizations using the
least and the most complex technologies – unit and process production, respectively
– showed a number of similarities. These organizations had a low level of
specialization compared with the managers in the mass production firms.
IMAGE 14.1 Alternative technology
The reason that specialists were less evident in unit and process firms differed in
each case:

Small-batch and unit production firms employed fewer specialists because

these organizations required more generalist skills for more variable production
runs; also, these firms tended to be smaller than mass production organizations,
so staff had to be technically more competent.
IMAGE 14.2 Large-batch printing production
In process production, staff specialists had a very high status and were
sometimes difficult to distinguish from management, who also had to have a
high level of technical expertise. Both process and unit and small-batch
production had relatively low levels of bureaucracy compared with mass

Woodward related these differences in organization structure and technology to the

central problems that each category of organization dealt with:

For unit and small-batch production, it was product development – meeting

specific customer requirements for single or small batches of a specialist
For the process organizations, the central issue was marketing – they had to
ensure that the continually flowing output from the production process met
sufficient immediate demand. Thus, the type of innovation that was central
depended on the type of organization.
A formally bureaucratic structure, such as was common in a mass production
technology-centred firm, seemed inimical to innovation; instead, the central
issue was efficiency in administering standardized production.

Time span of discretion is a concept for thinking about the relation of power to do things, the magnitude of the effects these things will have, and the location of responsibility for the things done. It also functions
as a rationale for different levels of remuneration.
Time span of discretion is a concept for thinking about the relation of power to do
things, the magnitude of the effects these things will have, and the location of
responsibility for the things done. It also functions as a rationale for different levels
of remuneration.
Managers who do things that have long-term consequences, which affect major
decision areas such as investment strategy, for which they are ultimately
responsible, have an extensive time span of discretion. Those with an extensive
time span of discretion, said Elliot Jacques (1956), a contemporary of Woodward,
should be remunerated more for the greater responsibility. Woodward’s point was
that the type of organization shaped the time span: in flow and mass production the
time span of discretion would be much greater than in batch and unit production, for
instance. It is not only the central organizational problem that is significant but also
the time span of discretion exercised in making decisions:

In batch and unit production, many decisions are made, but they typically have
short-term consequences because they relate to an immediate design or
production issue that will not necessarily have implications for the next,
probably different, job. Decisions tend to be made on the line with little need
for authorization from on high.
In mass production, however, there are fewer decisions to be made because the
process is so much more routinized and predictable, but those decisions have
much longer implications because production runs are long-lasting and
repeating. Because decisions about production have major resource and related
implications, they tend to be referred up the management line to the level of the
functional specialist responsible for the arena within which the decision issue
In process production, although fewer policy decisions are made, they have
both longer term and more interdependent implications. In a continuous
process, any change to any parameter may affect all others, so decisionmaking
has to be pooled because of the sequential and reciprocal nature of the issues
involved. Hence, a strongly bureaucratic structure would be inappropriate
because it would place functional specialists in separate silos of knowledge
rather than integrating and pooling them. In Woodward’s research, technology
is a crucial contingency because it enables her to construct a detailed narrative
about the nature of organizational structuring and decisionmaking.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Lisl Klein (2006) if you want to learn more about the legacy of Joan Woodward.

Though Joan Woodward died in 1971, her ideas remain influential and are still
discussed today, as you will see if you check out the next download.
Technology, rather than size, may be the crucial contingency variable (Aldrich,
2002 [1971]; Mindlin and Aldrich, 2002 [1975]). The American sociologist Howard
Aldrich reached this conclusion after reanalysing the Aston data using a different
logic of analysis. Whereas the Aston researchers relied primarily on factor analysis
(a statistical technique that establishes high degrees of intercorrelational coherence
and variance in a data set), Aldrich used causal path analysis to model the relations
between variables. Causal path analysis makes theoretical assumptions that it seeks
to justify, theoretically, about the likely explanation for structural relations. These
assumptions can then be tested through various models. The Aston approach differed
in that those researchers simply looked for the correlations that existed and then
imagined how they might have come into being as a result of cross-sectional causal
relations. For instance, if they had counted kitchen sinks, and the number of sinks
had been shown to correlate highly with structure, they would have imagined a story
that explained the relation. Aldrich would not do this unless he had some prior
reason in theory for thinking that kitchen sinks were important.
Aldrich gives external dependence and technology high priority. Technology is
what the organization’s top management chooses to use as its method for doing what
it does, similarly to Woodward’s definition. More highly structured firms – those
that seem more bureaucratic – need to employ more people, Aldrich suggests. Size is
an effect rather than a cause, a dependent rather than an independent variable, and
the major cause of the degree of structure, according to Aldrich’s reanalysis, is the
technology in use in the organization. From these flow the specifications, job
descriptions, and so on, which compose the structural measures. The number of
people employed does not precede the technologies used. The causal path that would
assume so seems nonsensical. Technologies and people evolve together, and the
structure adapts accordingly.

External dependence occurs where top management depends on parent organizations for key resources.

In brief, the development of an organization proceeds from its initial founding and
capitalization in response to perceived market opportunities, through its design
based on copying and modifying other organizations’ structures, and finally to the
employment of a workforce to staff the nearly completed organization. This
obviously oversimplified view of the development of an organization leads to
specific predictions about the causal ordering of observed organizational variables.
Technology is causally prior to the size of the workforce, and organization structure
is at least initially usually prior to size (Aldrich, 2002 [1971]: 355).
Essentially, Aldrich has a more plausible story to tell than the Aston researchers,
who, as pioneers, made up the story as they went along, testing their cross-sectional
data – data collected at the same time and place – in terms of the degree of its
intercorrelation. Whereas the Aston narrative was driven by the correlations – the
story was fitted to the variance observed in the data – Aldrich sought to refine the
narrative structure and then model these assumptions in the causal path analysis.
Also critical of the Aston and Woodward interpretations of the link between
technology and structure were the US researchers, Blau and Schoenherr (1971), who
also found that size determined technology, which in turn determined structure.
Later research suggested that technology does not determine organizational
behaviour; in fact, it is the organizational relations of power and knowledge that are
significant. This finding emerged from a study by Barley (1986) into the adoption of
new scanning technology in hospitals. How the technology was used as ‘an occasion
for structuring’ and the consequences of this depended on the local politics of
knowledge in the hospital, as radiologists and technicians negotiated them.
Orlikowski and Yates (1994) found that both the technologies in use and the
organization structure change interactively as users engage in dialogue with
designers and modify technologies in practice; again the changes in technology and
structure are a result of local politics and negotiations over managerial adaptation
that slowly lead to institutionalization.


Interview five people at random from different jobs in any organization that you are familiar with – ask
them a simple question: if you made a mistake concerning some significant decision in your work, how
long would it be before it became evident?
Enter the data below.
Strategic choice and organizational design

Control was a key element in early theoretical accounts of business organizations.

Etzioni (1961) identified commitment and power as the interlocking basis of
organization control (see also pp. 487–488). It was assumed that, as managers were
hired to control the organization in the interest of its shareholders (a group that
would often include themselves, of course, because their interests were aligned with
those of shareholders through stock options), managerial control of the organization
was a fundamental phenomenon. Managers were committed to control. Through
controlling costs, overheads can be reduced, profits increased, and shareholder value
enhanced. Managers make decisions – that is a key part of their job. The more senior
the manager, the more their decisions will have implications for the time span of
Strategic choices, such as the size of the organization, its environment, and
technology, may determine organization structures, and the top management team –
or dominant coalition as they are sometimes called – exercise choice in the decisions
fixing these things. The kinds of products of the organization will determine the
markets entered, the technologies chosen, and the structural shape and size of the
organization. Thus, for Child (2002 [1972]), the action of strategic choice should be
thought of as preceding the structural factors that structural contingency theorists
see as determining organizational structure.
The argument is very simple:

The most important decisions managers make are those that structure the future strategy of the organization. John Child (2002 [1972]) called these strategic choices.

1. Managers in positions of control make strategic choices about how they will
configure the organizations they are responsible for. They will choose work
plans, resources, and equipment. This is the nature of their work – it is what
their plans and orders are meaningfully oriented towards.
2. The technologies and structures that ensue will be the result of these managers
making decisions that link available resources with necessary tasks.
3. The top management team that constitutes the dominant coalition will
constantly be evaluating the organization’s competitive position.
4. This team will do so in terms of the values that it shares – the organization’s
dominant culture or ideology – from which it derives goal preferences for the
5. For example, will the organization be innovative with respect to new
technology, copy innovations developed elsewhere, or be a cost-cutting exercise
to minimize the costs associated with innovation?
What the managers do on behalf of the organization is its strategic action, the
imposition and subsequent negotiation of their sensemaking. It is this strategic
choice that influences structural features. Hence, management decisions shape
organizational design more powerfully than purely environmental influences
because, to an extent, they choose the conditions under which they operate.

Structural adjustment to regain fit, or SARFIT

There is a lack of dynamism to the contingency models that the Aston researchers
developed because of the historical specificity of the assumptions that framed them.
One writer who appreciated that this was the case, while still remaining wedded to
the basic contingency framework, was Lex Donaldson, who argued that, periodically,
because any organizational design would slip out of kilter with the contingencies
with which it had to deal, organizations had to undergo a structural change to regain
fit with their contingencies – especially those in their environment (Donaldson, 2002
[1987]). He calls this approach the SARFIT model.

SARFIT means Structural Adjustment to Regain Fit.

All organizations make structural adjustments periodically, says Donaldson. The

changes that SARFIT has to respond to are performance induced. There are eight key
corporate factors that might signal the need for change.
There are four factors that might lead to adaptive – or functional – change. These

1. Changes induced by the business cycle of boom and bust.

2. Competition, increasing or diminishing market share.
3. Levels of indebtedness, either fuelling or dragging growth down.
4. Divisional risks, as some divisions fail to meet the performance targets set, and
others exceed them.

Four other factors – diversification, divisionalization, divestment, and directors

– are more likely to lead to dysfunction as a result of a lack of adaptive change:
5. Diversification can smooth out market, cyclical, and seasonal variations in
business, making change less necessary.
6. Similarly, divisionalization can spread risks across a portfolio of products.
7. Divestment means that product lines can be eliminated, together with the
structures that support them, if they consistently fail.
8. Finally, directors, especially non-executive ones, can be a break on what they,
with their wider business horizons, are able to perceive as risk, and their
counsel can diminish performance failures.

If good performance is to be maintained by a business organization, rather like a fine

sports car it needs to be constantly fine tuned to adjust to the environmental factors
it has to deal with. When the organization is out of alignment with its environment,
then, rather like a sports car that is not perfectly well tuned, performance will suffer.
Thus, an organization that has concentrated on a specific product range for its
domestic market will typically have a structure organized around functions such as
finance, sales, and production. As the firm diversifies into an increased number of
products aimed at different markets, such a structure will no longer be well tuned to
the changing circumstances. As Pugh and Hickson (2007: 18) suggest, ‘Too much
will be loaded on to the management apex, and responsibilities and priorities will
become confused. There will be misfit between tasks and structure. Performance
will suffer.’ Under such circumstances firms will likely attempt a refit – or, as
Donaldson calls it, a ‘structural adjustment to regain fit (SARFIT)’.
As a theoretical approach Donaldson champions SARFIT to extend both the
contingency determinism of the earlier Aston school as well as Child’s strategic
choice approach. SARFIT blends insights from the strategy literature with themes
from the literature on organization structure and its determination, and develops the
sociological theory of structural functionalism. For instance, when a firm develops
a multiproduct structure, in the interests of maintaining performance, it will shift to
a divisional structure defined in terms of specific divisions for specific products.
Each division would likely have its own internal functional structure. Should the
firm expand multinationally then it might have to divide into several divisions
organized on a geographical basis: for example, Europe, Asia, North America, and
so on.

Functionalism is an approach to analysis that assumes that phenomena exist to fulfil some function or other. Functionalism is often criticized for being conservative because, ipso facto, it assumes that what exists
serves some purpose, therefore must be useful, and need not be replaced or revised.

Donaldson argues that it is far more probable that the organizational design will
shift as variables that moderate its performance change, such as its size or the tasks
that it is designed to accomplish, than that the organization’s top managers will
choose to keep the same design and allow performance to suffer. These
contingencies, such as size and task design, are related, although he sees size as the
most fundamental. For instance, a firm may see its performance suffering because it
has ceased to be innovative. In response to this diagnosis the organization may hire
more creative and design staff; consequently, the size of the organization increases
and, to justify their existence, the staff come up with new products, processes, and
related ideas.
Two sets of assumptions frame these views:

1. The first is that the organization will be operating in openly competitive

markets; where this is not the case then the organization’s top managers may
expend a great deal of energy or resources in trying to fix the regulations,
competitive structure, and illiberality of the business environment in which
they operate. Under these circumstances, elements of strategic choice can affect
organizational configuration as the result of actions taken by the dominant
coalition. The elite group may choose to adapt to changing contingencies by
protecting the present structure of the organization – for instance, by
withdrawing from an arena in which there is a particular contingency challenge
to deal with, such as a specific market or technology, or they may seek to gain
political support in regulating that market with quotas, tariffs, or other
protective measures that benefit their interests – at least as these are defined in
the short term. The coalition will do this because of the role that their values,
perceptions, and political influences play in creating a cultural comfort zone.
Donaldson argues that changing contingencies to fit an extant structure, while
feasible, is more difficult than changing structure so that it is better aligned
with the changing contingencies; this will especially be the case in a
competitive business environment where a firm’s position is always going to be
judged in relation to its competitors. Organizations and their dominant
coalitions, he suggests, are more likely to readjust their structure than their
contingencies to regain fit between it and the contingencies that they are
obliged – by competitive pressures – to handle.
2. The second assumption is that the organization will actually hire more
employees to increase its capabilities. It might, for instance, decide to
outsource design to a creative agency, make the existing design team redundant
in view of its lack of innovative performance, and thus shrink in employee size.
The dynamics at play in such a situation would be quite different because of the
solution to the perceived problem, with different consequences – shrinkage in
size rather than increase and, following Donaldson’s logic, a less bureaucratic
structure. The first solution to the innovation problem increases size and makes
the task design more uncertain. The second solution decreases size, makes the
task design more uncertain, and will increase organizational interdependence as
the firm comes to rely on the external agency.

Donaldson (2002 [1987]) draws on the well-known strategy/structure literature,

sparked by the studies of Chandler (1962). The essential insight was that:
as companies move from being undiversified to being diversified in their
product range so they move from the functional to the product divisional form.
Similarly, the shift from single to various geographic areas leads to a move
from functional structure to geographic divisions, ceteris paribus (Egelhoff,
1982) … There is a cycle of change in strategy leading to mismatch and low
performance, then structural adjustment to a new match. There are relatively
few cases where adjustment comes about by the alteration of the contingency to
fit the structure. (Donaldson, 2002 [1987]: 383, 389)

How does SARFIT occur? Here are some likely steps:

1. As product diversity expands, the HQ of a functionally structured organization

finds that its decisionmaking becomes increasingly complex because it has to
manage greater product diversity with a corresponding requirement to know
about more products, materials, technologies, markets, competition, and so on.
2. The HQ that does not delegate its decisionmaking to the divisions will soon
become overwhelmed by more information than it is able to process.
3. In product divisional form organizations, the divisions are given relative
autonomy by the corporate office. Control by corporate HQ is accomplished
through comparisons of profitability across divisions. Low-performing
divisions are axed or restructured.
4. Delegated decisions should be better decisions because they are made closer to
market knowledge and organizationally specific know-how. They should be
quicker and better quality because they are more specialized and expert based.
5. Decentralizing gives the top management team at corporate HQ more scope for
strategic rather than for operational decisionmaking. It allows the division’s top
managers to have more autonomy in decisionmaking on matters such as design,
manufacture, and marketing.
6. The HQ no longer has to assimilate so much information and has only to
coordinate the decisions made at divisional level.
7. The costs of this increased efficiency are some measure of duplication of
certain administrative functions in each division, which adds costs, thus: the
functional form is best for more homogeneous product offerings because its
unified control structure is cheaper; the functional form matches low product
diversification; the product divisional form matches high product

Donaldson’s reanalysis of a number of well-known longitudinal studies of structural

changes tests whether the straightforward contingency determinism model, the
strategic choice model, or the SARFIT model best explains the data. He finds that
changes in contingency, such as moving to new markets or products, initially lower
performance. Lower performance leads to a structural adjustment to regain fit and a
new cycle of matched contingencies. The process is one of trial and error.
Periodically, the organization will still require additional changes to stay in match as
contingencies continue to change. Structures overwhelmingly adjust to
contingencies rather than contingencies to structures. For instance, after a company
diversifies, it needs to adjust its structure. Diversification disequilibrates the
organization’s fit with its contingencies, so it has to readjust structurally to regain
fit. The top management dominant coalition will make choices to regain fit, but they
are quite limited in the choices that they can make. Misfit from diversification leads
to poor performance. Poor performance is tackled by making some structural
adjustments, and in this way fit is regained. Thus, strategy leads to structure. The
relation between the variables in the theory is dynamic because a change in either
size or task design – conceptualized in terms of task uncertainty and
interdependence – can change the resource equation. Greater or lesser size
constraints have an impact on available capital, as do changes in task uncertainty
and interdependence. As capital availability – the key resource of capitalist
enterprises – shifts in supply for distribution in salaries, wages, and dividends, then
the market will make judgements of fitness about the organization, affecting its
valuation and through this mechanism the actions of its top management.
Of course, this assumes that the organization is a publicly listed corporation,
although in other situations, such as a private equity fund, where the crucial variable
is the length of time that debt has to be carried, there are other mechanisms working
to encourage fit and fitness, as the markets define it. Thus, in terms of Child’s
strategic choice theory, Donaldson does not oppose managerial choice as such but
points out that it is rather limited in nature. Managers have choice, but they choose
to do what the contingencies would indicate.
McKinley (2008: 956) suggests, that managers are not like:

homing pigeons, equipped with an automatic guidance system that channels

their restructuring efforts toward the condition of fit and prevents excessive
change of structure. If managers did have such an automatic guidance system,
the failure rates of organizations would probably be much lower than they
actually are.

Managers may do SARFIT but to do so they have to make sense of a great deal of
data and information, and sometimes they will get it wrong.
Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Lex Donaldson (2002 [1987]) if you want to learn more about how SARFIT works and
how it fits into a long stream of scientific work.


The limits of the bureaucratic model

The heyday of contingency theory was the 1960s through the early 1980s. Since that
time, other approaches have captured the imagination of many of the best research
journals, but it is fair to say that contingency theory, although it may not be at the
cutting edge of current research, underlies much normal understanding of
contemporary management and organizations as machines within which we work.
In the early 1960s, when the Aston researchers first started to think about
organizations, they had no reference point other than what existed at that time. And
what existed were, by and large, variations on bureaucracy, so the measures that they
devised to capture empirical data on the structure of organizations were largely
normalized on these assumptions. Thus, their questions were all oriented towards
capturing data that demonstrated whether there was more or less bureaucracy, as
measured by the constructs of standardization, formalization, and so on in any
specific organizations in a given sample.
But the world has changed. Some 50 years later, in the early twenty-first century,
we have not only many new forms of organization but also technologies,
environments, and strategies to sustain them that were unimaginable all those years
ago. Of course, one can still go out and use the Aston measures to collect data on
organizations, and, because of the questions one asks, one will still pick up a
distribution of data around these bureaucratic constructs. However, is their saliency
still the same? If the world has changed sufficiently, the assumptions on which these
questions were constructed will no longer be the central issues but will have become
more marginal. We may, therefore, require new questions.
Contingencies are conceptualized and measured through their regular, predictable
effects. Thus, for instance, organization size is a matter of the number of people
employed by an organization: as this number increases, the organization tends to
become bureaucratic. If an organization shrinks in size, then, hypothetically, it
should become less bureaucratic. But what happens if an organization lays off
workers, develops outsourcing of previously internal functions, and focuses on its
core competencies? It has certainly become smaller in terms of the number of
employees, but is it a real change in form? If you were a maintenance employee on
Friday, and on Monday you come in to work as an outsourced subcontractor
employed by a firm other than the one that employed you on Friday and you are
doing the same sort of job, has anything really changed that much? The organization
still has an operations and maintenance (O&M) function, but instead of being
remunerated through the payroll, it is now paid for through a contract with another
firm, which pays the labour. Why should the change in contractual form through
which a function is delivered change the overall nature of the organization?
Certainly, the change means that there is one less area to manage in terms of day-to-
day administration, but the effects of moving to an O&M outsourcing contract do
not mean an end to responsibilities; instead, they are simply shifted to other areas of
the organization and different mechanisms of control.
Size is a construct that made great sense in bureaucracies where virtually
everything was internalized; however, as organizations become virtual in form or
shift from employment to other forms of contracts, the simple assumption that their
size equals the number of labour contracts they have written seems misguided. And
if the fundamental mechanisms are not self-evident, the theories built on their basis
will not be as secure as they seem.
One place where the basis of structural contingency theory becomes especially
problematic is in considering new forms of organization. Given that these are
designed around new and virtual contingencies, will they be consistent in their
behaviour with those organizations designed around the bureau and written files of
rules? Will the same categories apply? If we have ways of asking questions that
already assume that organizations have certain properties, we will collect data based
on these assumptions, irrespective of how relevant these are to the new
organizational forms.

Defining a new organizational form

Various authors define an organizational form as the blueprint for a population of

organizations, such as banks or automobile firms (Aldrich and Ruef, 2006; Hannan
and Freeman, 1989). An organizational population is an aggregation of organizations
that are all different instantiations of a typical form – thus they will exhibit some
common features, whether it is a marketing strategy or an identity (see Aldrich and
Ruef (2006) for an overview, and Hsu and Hannan (2005) for a developed analysis of
organizational form as an identity). New populations of organizations, oriented
towards different formal properties, develop in such a way that they are not merely
contingency-led variations around the structural form of bureaucracy. What marks a
new organizational form is either, as Hannan and Freeman (1989) define it, a goal,
an authority structure, a core technology, and a marketing strategy, or, as Hsu and
Hannan (2005) define it, its identity base, seen in terms of cultural frames. Thus,
new organizational forms exhibit a structural–strategic difference, a cultural
difference, or perhaps both.

New organizational forms are organizational designs for structure seeking to be non-bureaucratic – indeed are often anti-bureaucratic – stressing flat structures rather than tall hierarchies, multiskilled
capabilities rather than a rigid division of labour, informality rather than a high degree of formality.

Often the assumption is made that one form – bureaucracy – is being replaced
with another, new organizational form, but, as Dunford and his colleagues (2007)
suggest, it is more likely that we will, empirically, find hybrids, with some elements
still retaining bureaucratic control features and others showing signs of new
organizational forms.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by
Dan Kärreman and Mats Alvesson (2004) about a knowledge-intensive organization that seemed to have some characteristics of both a bureaucracy and a new organizational form, and find out how issues of
power and individual identity are managed in such firms.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Dunford and his colleagues (2007) if you want to learn more about how bureaucratic
control and new organizational forms may be mutually compatible.


One of the earliest of alternative or new organizational forms that emerged was the
multi-divisional or M-form organization. The classical bureaucracy was a triangle
with a broad base: it was superseded in the minds of many management writers by
the multi-divisional form or M-form which emerged in the 1930s to become the
dominant US form by the 1950s (Fligstein, 2002) and became dominant in Western
Europe during the 1960s and 1970s. In an M-form organization there are many
separate profit centres. Each profit centre has to meet centrally fixed performance
criteria or else be axed. The M-form consisted of a multiplicity of smaller triangles
connected by umbilical cords of financial control to the parental core company. The
structure of 3M, with a division for every product, became the classic case of such
an organization. Each division is a profit centre that can be assessed strategically; it
can be encouraged to grow or it can be terminated if it is in decline, as markets
change and evolve.

The M-form organization is a hub-and-spokes model with a hub of central services serving spokes with profit centres at their end, which were based usually on either product or regional specialization.

According to Alfred Chandler, the M-form facilitates growth through

diversification across products, industries, and markets and includes the notion of
delegation of power and authority to divisional managers. The growth of firms has
seen an evolution from national to multinational corporations (MNCs). These MNCs
adopt an internal structuring that includes operational and strategic integration of
business functions that minimize costs and economize via internal coordination and
control, and as such achieve governance economies. The M-form represents a
combination of a divisional structure with hierarchical control and functional
flexibility (see Figure 14.1).
FIGURE 14.1 The multi-divisional form (MDF) structure. The many small triangles symbolize profit centres
nurtured and controlled by the parental core company in the centre)

Chandler (1962) documented the transformation of the US corporate form from

the holding company to the multi-divisional form (MDF) based on the 1932
assumption of separation of ownership and management control defined by Berle
and Means in The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Chandler (1990)
argued that the MDF is more efficient due to the cost advantages that ‘scale and
scope’ provide. Chandler defined scale as plant size and scope as the use of many of
the same raw materials to produce a variety of product. Among the top 100 firms,
measured in terms of asset size, bureaucracy started to give way to the MDF in the
USA from the 1920s, but especially after the Second World War, particularly in
1948–1949, according to research by Fligstein (2002).
The M-form of organizing was invented by General Motors to encompass central
control and ownership; vertical integration of the production; formal internal
coordination through vertical and horizontal linkages between decentralized
divisions, and corporate head office function and specialized staff concentrated in
departments and subunits.
After the lead of firms such as General Motors and DuPont it was largely firms
that had strong and distinct product lines as their central strategy that made the
switch early, setting up a divisional structure based on the product lines. Where the
CEO of the firm had sales, marketing, or finance backgrounds the firm was also
more likely to have switched to an MDF structure early. Over time, more and more
CEOs came from a finance background and such CEOs were most likely to opt for
an MDF organization.
Typically, it was established firms that were more likely to shift rather than newer
firms. However, there is an interesting mimetic effect: as other firms in an industry
change to the divisional form then any remaining firm is more likely to do so
(Fligstein, 1985: 387). Overall, Fligstein concluded:

those in control of large firms acted to change their organizational structures

under three conditions: when they were pursuing a multiproduct strategy; when
their competitors shifted structures and when they had a background in the
organization such that their interests reflected those of the sales or finance
departments. (Fligstein, 1985: 338)

The data seem to suggest that the ways of making sense of the business situation that
were shared by sales and finance – perhaps being more focused on the numbers –
oriented these people to be more favourably disposed to the M-form model. When
others in the same industry saw that successful firms were making the switch, then
they switched as well, in imitation.
Switching to an overall M-form structure did not mean the end of bureaucracy,
merely its re-specification. Bureaucracy was located in the M-form in either the
productor region-centred divisions, which related as satellites to core centralized
functions, such as finance. The devolved geographical or product-based divisions
had to perform according to criteria fixed centrally – for instance, a certain return on
investment (ROI). Thus, the rules were more oriented to outcomes rather than to
processes, unlike the classic bureaucracy.
From the 1990s onward, the M-form came under increasing pressure (Pettigrew et
al., 2002a) and, especially in the USA, has been changing towards a multisubsidiary
rather than multi-divisional form because of tax and antitrust regimes in the USA
and their effects on the ownership and control of corporate capital (Zey, 2008b). The
legal relationship between the parent corporation and its subsidiaries is one of
capital interdependency, which is of far more importance than the notional legal
The M-form enables internationalization and the emergence of MNCs as complex
networks with centralized governance at the HQ coordinating activities through
subsidiary units. The price mechanism is used to control subunit performance
because they have to meet agreed performance targets or be sanctioned, with the
ultimate sanction being their demise; interunit transactions are coordinated by
transfer-pricing mechanisms, where value is determined by in-house accountancy
rules and decisions. There are at least seven pressures simplifying MDF structures:

1. Heightened international competition through globalization, forcing firms to be

both local and global.
2. Efficiency drives to reduce costs, concentrating manufacturing regionally and
simplifying organization structures.
3. Improving learning and knowledge transfer in international firms, by using
internal networks and alliances.
4. Technological changes producing shorter product life cycles, requiring more
flexibly structured organizations.
5. Advances in IT, enabling less hierarchical controls and more lateral knowledge
flows and networks.
6. Freed-up state-run bureaucracies, following deregulation of state control of the
economy, offering new opportunities for flexibility, innovation, and radical
7. The emergence of a knowledge-based economy as the norm, requiring more
autonomous and skilled employees.

Pettigrew et al. (2002b) suggest that what the organization is designed to be affects
how well it can do what it does. Pettigrew (2003; Fenton and Pettigrew, 2000;
Pettigrew et al., 2002b) investigated these changes during the 1990s in the top
European and Japanese companies. Japanese organizations were less radical in
adopting new forms but, nonetheless, even though they are often seen as the last
redoubt of bureaucracies, they are changing in significant ways (Clegg and Kono,
2002; Kono and Clegg, 2001). A delayering of middle management hierarchies,
accompanied by increased decentralization, both operational and strategic, is
creating more incentive-based and leaner management, often organized in cross-
functional and cross-boundary project teams. Organizations are becoming much
more interactive, both vertically and horizontally, as a result of IT investments and
the development of associated new knowledge and learning capabilities (see also pp.
These new capabilities are not only intraorganizational but also
interorganizational, involving suppliers and customers through supply chains and
enhanced human resource management (HRM) functions. Such activities aim to
foster horizontal relationships both internally and with external stakeholders,
through conferences, seminars, interactions with business schools, and sometimes
with rival firms, to create a ‘boundaryless organization’ (Nohria and Ghoshal, 1997).
The hierarchy of large-scale vertical organization is being replaced with more
horizontal relationships, focused more narrowly on core competencies. What is not
core can be outsourced to some other organization that can provide the service
cheaper, faster, and more innovatively – because it is its core business – or it can be
delivered through an alliance (see also pp. 583–584).
Relatively simple mass production technologies gave rise to bureaucratic patterns
of managing. Where technologies changed to become more flexible, more flexible
styles of managing become possible. Fulk and DeSanctis (2002: 279–280) suggest
that it is technologies that make these new styles more flexible: technologies that
offer a dramatic increase in the speed of communication; decrease its cost; increase
its bandwidth; have vastly expanded connectivity; enhance integration of
communication with computing technologies; and open up communal, collaborative
capabilities for communication help create alternatives to traditional bureaucratic
organizations, making more decentralized and flexible approaches to organizational
design imaginable (Daft and Lewin, 1993).
Indeed, as our world rapidly changes and is increasingly characterized and
typified by uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity, organizations have sought to
become more adaptive or responsive. Today, organizations are finding it is nigh on
impossible to predict and plan for the future in any way that is truly certain. As a
result organizations must be much more inclined to improvisation, creativity in
problem solving, and fluid in form and structure.
In an interesting article in the online version of The Economist (27 February 2007)
Jeffrey Joerres, chief executive of Manpower Inc., argues that organizations should
be thought of more as orchestras than as armies. Rather, organizations must be
highly skilled and talented at the level of the individual, but also well coordinated
and creative in order to make the beautiful and creative music that orchestras are
capable of making. As with orchestras, organizing centres around a project and the
team comes together for its performance and disbands until the next project comes
along. What organizations do today is more like making music than making war
(although we should point out that armies today act more like new organizational
forms than as highly bureaucratized units – although the same forms of authority
still remain in the army).
Fr om The Economist article we get the impression that the military order,
structure, command, and control that the term army elicits is an idea of the past. If
we look at the extensive use of civilian contractors and supply chains on the side of
the Coalition troops in the Second Iraq War, it is clear that warfare is just as much
influenced by new organizational forms as is any other high-technology activity.
Similarly, on the side of the ‘insurgency’ against the occupying armies, there is clear
use of loosely coupled and networked organization, which appears to be almost
virtual, and certainly creative in the use of improvised explosive devices. As such,
critical organizational performances will require, in addition to individual talent and
orchestrated coordination, collaboration and an emphasis on new organizational
modes of operating (such as alliances, networks, and so on). So let us take a closer
look at new forms of organizing, for all indications are that they will be a dominant
feature of your future working life.

Collaboration is typically designed either to advance a shared vision or to resolve a conflict. It usually results in an exchange of information or a joint agreement or commitment to action between two or more
parties, such as organizations.

Matrix organizations

Now you might think that matrix organizations were scary psychedelic organizations
based on the famous movies – but you’d be wrong! Matrix organizations are a
mixed organizational form in which traditional vertical hierarchy is overlaid by a
horizontal structure consisting of projects, products, and business subsidiaries or
geographical areas. The key characteristic of a matrix organization is a multiple
command structure in which employees experience dual or multiple lines of
authority, responsibility, and accountability. Jay R. Galbraith (1971) represented the
matrix organization as a mixed form along the continuum of a range of
organizational design alternatives. Matrix structures are best for temporary projects
with designated cost, time, and performance standards. Classical matrix design is
specified by the choice among the authority structure, integrating mechanisms such
as teams, and by the formal information system (see Table 14.2). Wherever projects
are a key component in the way that products or services are delivered then a matrix
organizational design can be considered. It makes, in theory, for a more flexible

Matrix organizations can be thought of as coordinative devices that blend the programme orientation of project staff with the speciality orientation of functional personnel in a synergistic relationship, and first
emerged in the US aerospace programme in the 1960s.

TABLE 14.2 Advantages and disadvantages of matrix organizations

Matrix organization has been adopted by multinational firms with varying degrees
of success, especially in large project-based organizations, such as civil engineering
firms (see Chan (2008), from whom this account is derived).

Shamrock organizations

A shamrock organization is an organizational structure in which a core of essential

executives and workers are supported by outside contractors and part-time help. We
will often find this structure in design-oriented companies such as Nike. The
employees in the shamrock do the designing, the manufacture of its products is
contracted out.
The shamrock leaf shape is a symbolic representation of an organization with
three distinct parts, as defined by Charles Hardy (1990). It is illustrated in Figure
The first part, or leaf, represents the core staff of the organization. They are likely
to be highly trained professionals who form the senior management. The second leaf
consists of the contractual fringe and may include individuals who once worked for
the organization but now supply services to it. These could be design professionals,
for instance. These individuals operate within broad guidelines set down by the
organization but have a high degree of flexibility and discretionary powers. The
third leaf describes the consultancy services provided by IT specialist firms, for
instance. These firms are sufficiently close to the organization to feel a degree of
commitment to it, ensuring they maintain a high standard of work. The shamrock is
one of many new organizational forms that have been developed in recent years.

Call centres

Not included explicitly in Handy’s shamrock, call centres are an increasingly

ubiquitous accoutrement of contemporary organizations. Call centres are often the
first point of contact that most customers have with virtual organizations. Call
centres handle large volumes of telephone calls from and to internal and external
customers. They emerged in the service sector in the late 1980s as an efficient way
to conduct sales, marketing, and customer service functions. Usually they are
unremarkable office buildings with many cubicles, within each of which is a
computer monitor and telephony head-set. Usually the cubicles are about a metre
deep, about 1.2 metres wide, and separated by a partition wall about 1.2 metres high.
There might be many hundreds of these cubicles. With the development of VoIP
(Voice over Internet Protocol), call centres can be located anywhere, in any country,
and still dial at local rates. Many are located in countries such as India where labour
costs are far cheaper than in the more developed economies and where the skill basis
is well developed, especially language capabilities in English. Call centres are
organized in shifts of teamworkers, with employees answering or making calls.
Team leaders monitor targets and manage performance.
FIGURE 14.2 The shamrock organization
The technology behind call centres is twofold: first the menu of FAQs and
scripted responses, and, second, automated call distribution (ACD), the
technological backbone of call centres. For the former, some call centres will be
dedicated – dealing with just one firm or an organization’s incoming calls while
others will handle multiple accounts. Most scripts are prewritten and appear on the
screen in front of the agent handling the call. The only real problems that can arise
are when the agent is ‘off script’ – when the question does not conform to the
problems for which they have answers. The ADC routes calls to the different
operators on the next available basis, thus minimizing ‘hold times’ and maximizing
the number of calls that any agent can handle, as well as ordering the queue of calls.
Once the calls have been queued then each operator can expect to handle relatively
the same number of calls per shift. Thus, each operator can be subject to surveillance
of his or her performance. Winiecki (2006: 25) notes that data on more than 20
statistical records are recorded by the ADC on the performance of each operative,
such as how long each call takes, how long the operative pauses between calls, how
much time is spent on other related work, such as preparing database records
documenting the call, time logged on and off, break times and duration, and so on. It
is, indeed, an Electronic Information Panopticon as Winiecki elaborates at length.
Moreover, it is one that is capable of generating quite profound emotional
dissonance, as Ball (2008) recognizes. The most common cause of emotional
dissonance will be frustrated and abusive customers, the necessity of sticking to
restrictive scripts, and the increased quantification of the performance management
systems through the Panopticon. The call centre is another example of the electronic
panopticon that was discussed in Chapter 12.
Inbound call centres handle customer queries; employees have to be good
listeners, good at keeping customers to questions that they are scripted to deal with,
and empathetic when dealing with customers. Length of time spent on each call is
the major performance indicator. Efficiency is demonstrated by dealing with a
greater volume of calls. Employees are also assessed according to the service quality
levels they achieve. Outbound call centres try to sell goods and services to randomly
chosen telephone customers and employees are assessed on the number of sales they
make (Ball, 2008).
Call centres combine elements of three different technology-based organizational
designs (Frenkel et al., 1998). First, they are white-collar bureaucracies, with
extensive technical rules built into the design of the work process: the scripts, the
electronic measures of performance, and close supervision. Second, they are mass
production flow-based labour processes. What flows through them on a 24/7 basis
are telephone calls rather than oil or petrochemicals. Third, each service encounter is
a unique opportunity either to sell or service a customer satisfactorily. While each
call will be different, the centres have high degrees of standardization in the
available responses and sales pitches, although, because of the unpredictability of
customer responses, operatives can display creativity and innovation in the way that
they handle specific customers. Where more complex customer relationships exist,
call centres can be innovative forms of work organization, suggest Wickham and
Collins (2004).
Increasingly, call centres not only handle basic sales and customer services, but
also are locales for work to be outsourced to third-party providers, such as specialist
HRM firms. These may be entirely outsourced, or they could be co-sourced, where
both internal staff and external resources process calls, or in-sourced where a
business sets up its own call processes in an overseas location, such as India.
Outsourced firms rely on the premise that they are specialists in services that are
only peripheral to the core business of their contract partners, and thus they are able
to achieve efficiencies of scale, scope, and quality in providing services, which are
stipulated in the contract.


What do knowledge workers do?
Three Accenture-affiliated consultants (Harris et al., 2001) have come up with the following list of
successful capabilities for e-management, suggesting that there are seven key capabilities for e-
managers to master in the new e-management systems. Some of these are quite generic and few seem to
be technologically driven. Indeed the only aspect that seems really specific to the digital technology is
the question of speed. Their research is less about call centres and more concerned with the types of
people typically referred to as ‘knowledge workers’ – symbolic analysts who work with the new digital
technologies in more creative and less scripted ways than the call centre operatives.
Harris et al. stress that e-managers will:

Be speedy in decisionmaking.
Be open to partnering, to identify and evaluate potential partnerships, build key relationships, and
successfully negotiate deals.
Keep up with evolving technologies – reading, meeting with experts, and working with the technology
first hand.
Develop a network of trusted technical experts, who can offer guidance and actively unlearn old
technologies that may be barriers to accepting the new.
Be focused, while balancing the demands of multiple and diverse stakeholders – members of their own
team, colleagues from other units in the company, external partners, customers, and shareholders.
Make sense of the future by constantly exploring the external environment and taking an experimental
Be talent magnets – hiring and retaining good people through communicating a compelling vision and
making sure that vision is understood by everyone in the company and, when it is not, being able to
manage the emotions that will be expressed in conflicts and confrontations, and creating a learning


In The Rise of the Network Society, Castells (2000) claimed that forms of networks
had begun to transform organizations.

Networks can be understood as a long-term relationship between organizations that share resources to achieve common goals through negotiated actions.

Castells identified Cisco Systems as the world’s leading and most typical network
enterprise. Cisco Systems had provided about 80 per cent of the world’s Internet
hardware in 1999, by far the world’s largest supplier of such equipment. Its market
capitalization grew by over 2000 per cent in only five years, reaching a value of
$220 billion in 1999. The following year it more than doubled to $550 billion,
making Cisco the most valuable company in the world at that time. Cisco follows a
‘networked business model’ demonstrating that networks are a means of production
at the same time as being the end product of the business. Cisco uses the Internet and
web-based technology to maintain a global network of customers, employees, and
suppliers. It is reasonable to assume that Accenture might have had Cisco as one of
the companies in mind when producing its list of capabilities.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Premilla D’Cruz and Ernesto Noronha (2006) that takes the reader inside Indian call

There is little from the Accenture list that suggests any great specificity about e-
management in network-based firms whose business model sits astride the Internet.
Indeed, further research suggests that for these new firms in the e-economy, many
aspects of dissagregation of traditional organizational designs are more social than
technological. Barbara Adkins and her colleagues have written that in the:

knowledge economy … [t]he product is no longer tangible, the process is no

longer straightforward, and the outcomes – ‘success’ or ‘failure’ – are no longer
exclusively defined by the bottom line. The traditional firm that works
independently no longer stands up in comparison with the organizational and
professional networks that cross-cut and break down traditional organizational
and disciplinary boundaries. (Adkins et al., 2007: 92)

Networking has become a core business competence for firms such as Cisco in a
largely technical marketing and supply chain set of relations. However, there is one
puzzling aspect of the knowledge economy: if digital dissagregation makes location
anywhere possible, how come so many firms cluster close to each other in locations
such as Silicon Valley – where Cisco Systems has stayed resolutely headquartered?
The answer resides in that concept of ‘embeddedness’ that we encountered in
Chapter 13. Certain places become magnets for particular fields of activity, like hi-
tech in Silicon Valley, movie making in Hollywood or Mumbai, or creative design in
Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley. Let us look at the last one in a little more detail.

Networking involves collaboration between different people or agencies such as organizations. Often, independent organizations join together with others to form a network in which the other organizations have
complementary skills so that together they can do something that neither alone would be able to manage.

Fortitude Valley, or the Valley, as locals refer to it, has long been a slightly seedy
area of the city, close to the old wharves on the Brisbane River, separated from the
city of Brisbane by a ridge and the undeveloped site of a cathedral, in the past a
place associated with prostitution and illegal gambling. But, like many other edgy
areas of major cities, the Valley has become cool. Cheap leases, warehouses ripe for
conversion, streetlevel access rather than anonymous high-rises, and a traditional
café and restaurant scene have seen many new design businesses locate there. A
specific ecology of business has developed in the Valley, where social and business
networks overlay each other in a shared sense of identity and community, as well as
dense networks of referrals and problem-solving. Much of the work that individual
firms do is digitally based but often involves collaborative project-based work with
other creative people in the same neighbourhood. So while much of the work is
Internet mediated, it occurs between people involved in projects that are very much
socially mediated. It is not so much the technology that creates new possibilities for
organizational design that is disaggregated and project based, but a network of ties
premised on social proximity, in both a spatial and cultural sense. Projects and
project teams are the nodes that connect in a series of value-chain relationships that
bind members and projects together. Connected by these nodes are team members,
clients, suppliers, users, and other key stakeholders, who comprise a
socioprofessional community. Digital capabilities maintain and make possible the
network but they are not its essence: that resides in the deep embeddedness of the
creative teams in a specific place and set of related spaces that constitute the Valley
as these creative people experience and use it as a resource, or what the French
sociologist Bourdieu (1998) called symbolic capital.
The ultimate contradiction of the Internet revolution is that although firms could
be located anywhere in cyberspace, they still seem to cluster together in specific
quarters of global cities such as New York, London, and Sydney (Castells, 2001). An
obvious reason is that on the average in the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) economies, about 36–40 per cent of what is spent in the
economy is spent by the national state, in terms of defence, health, education, and so
on, and these sorts of expenditures tend to be well grounded in national capabilities
and concentrated in national space.

More do it yourself!
Are there any equivalents to the Valley near your university? Why do you think the cluster occurs?
What concepts fit the case best?

The Internet enables space to supersede time because, in a world of trade in

symbolic images such as software, currencies, and other forms of representation,
time is no longer an issue. If you have trading facilities in the right time zones, for
instance, you can trade 24 hours a day, moving money, or other ‘signs’ of
commerce, symbolically, across the globe, from London to New York to Tokyo to
Sydney to London. There is an increasing separation of the ‘real’ economy of
production and its simulacra in the ‘symbol economy’ of financial flows and
transactions. A new international division of labour compresses and fragments both
space and distance in such a way that not only production but also various business
service industries become distributed in unlikely places. Global currencies facilitate
trade across the world: MBAs become global warriors in the new world order. New
divisions restructure geographic space. In principle, anywhere is virtually
immediately accessible by information and communication technologies. In
practice, most national capitals can be reached within 24 hours of air travel.
The most radical expression of network organization is that of Michael Hardt and
Antonio Negri (2000), who envisage a new form of global democratic potential in
network organizations, which they term the ‘multitude’. They conceive a network in
terms inspired by Deleuze and Guattari (1984) who imagined a network as an open
system with no underlying structure or hierarchy, which they termed ‘the rhizome’.
The term is used metaphorically and is drawn from botanical usage, where it means
a thick underground horizontal stem that produces roots and has shoots that develop
into new plants. The rhizome can be expressed in terms of several principles,
suggests Munro (2008: 273):
1. Any point in a rhizome can be connected to any other (such as a distributed
network), and objects of different kinds are connected within the rhizome. This
is the principle of connection and heterogeneity.
2. The rhizome is defined by its lines of flight rather than by points internal to it.
As the rhizome makes connections with the outside, it undergoes a
metamorphosis; like a piece of music, it transforms itself with each new note.
This is the principle of multiplicity.
3. The rhizome can be broken at any spot, and it will either sprout a new line of
growth or continue along an old line. Deleuze and Guattari described this kind
of network as ‘the wisdom of plants’, by means of which they move, expand,
and develop their territory. The rhizome moves by following a flow, of wind, of
rain, of water. This is the principle of a signifying rupture.
4. The rhizome does not have an underlying generative structure; intensive states
and thresholds replace the idea of an underlying topology. This is referred to as
the principle of cartography.

Virtual spaces in which information can spread in an unregulated, nomadic fashion

would be examples of rhizomatic networks, such as online communities for file
sharing such as Facebook, YouTube, or Linux, which function by making novel
connections and expanding and maintaining internal communal relations.
Rhizomatic networks, such as Limewire, are challenging the dominance of older
bureaucratically organized music companies, for instance.
There has been a lot of excitement about the ability of virtual, digital technologies
to lead to the erosion of bureaucracy. However, there are findings from empirical
research that suggest that in large-scale organizations information and
communication technologies tend to be framed by pre-existing organization
structures. The imperatives of bureaucracy are not so much dissolved as translated
into the new technologies, as Harris (2008) demonstrates in his analysis of the
adoption of digital technology in the British Library. Where radically decentralized
virtual forms of service delivery were adopted they were framed in such a way that
that they were dependent on heavily managed forms of capacity building and
information aggregation, thus ensuring the continuity of bureaucratic lines of power
and authority.
Other researchers have also noted the ways in which the introduction of virtual
technologies, such as e-business systems, has increased the hierarchy and the
bureaucracy of organizations rather than reducing it. For instance,
ErikssonZetterquist, Lindberg and Styhre (2009), argue that the introduction of an e-
business system for purchasing not only increased hierarchy and bureaucracy but
also threatened the purchasers’ professional identities and established work
procedures. Technological artifacts are not detached from the broader reformulating
of managerial procedures and practices but reflect and embody them.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Martin Harris (2008), which critically evaluates the adoption of information and
communication technologies by the British Library, and charts how virtuality does not necessarily trump bureaucracy; as well as an article by Ulla ErikssonZetterquist, Kajsa Lindberg and Alexander Styhre
(2009) about the implementation of e-business systems in a large global corporation.

New organizational forms after bureaucracy

Many new forms of organization are emerging these days: the network and cellular
form (Miles et al., 1997), the federal organization (Handy, 1993), the creative
compartment (Fairtlough, 1994), the postmodern and flexible firm (Clegg, 1990;
Volberda, 2002), the virtual organization (Goldman et al., 1995), and the
individualized corporation (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1997). Clarke and Clegg (1998)
reviewed the mainstreams in the literature of these ‘post’ organizations – all of
which have in common that they are conceived in terms that are opposed to and seen
as superseding bureaucratic models of structure. Often, in a generic sense, these post
organizations are referred to as new organizational forms. In Table 14.3 we
indicate some of the terms and sources of new organizational forms.

New organizational forms are many but united by one thing – they are all conceived in opposition to the classic model of bureaucracy.

New organizational forms are sometimes termed postbureaucratic organizations,

as Fairtlough (2007) suggests. At their core he suggests are two main features:
reduction of hierarchy and of coercive elements in bureaucracy and a move towards
less rigid and perhaps apparently less rationalistic ways of organizing. Concepts of
new organizational forms are characterized by being less sure about what they are
than what they are not: they are opposed to bureaucracy because of its variously
diagnosed pathologies. All point the way to some version or other of a
postbureaucratic future (Heckscher, 1994), but no one term – other than, perhaps,
‘new organizational forms’ (Lewin et al., 2002) and ‘virtual organization’ (Ahuja
and Carley, 1999; Black and Edwards, 2000; Davidow and Malone, 1992; DeSanctis
and Monge, 1999) – has captured the imagination in the way that the term
bureaucracy once did. Palmer and Dunford (2001) provide a succinct account of the
relationships between design and form.
A further analysis of the literature identified 346 instances of the occurrence of
the term ‘new organizational forms’ that were investigated across 135 articles
(Palmer et al., 2007). The researchers concluded from their content analysis of these
articles that there were five differences in language use and assumptions about new
organizational forms. The five differences covered:
TABLE 14.3 Concepts of new organizational form structure

1. The type of change represented. While some analysts see the emergence of new
organizational forms as evolutionary, others see it in terms of a radical
revolutionary break with prior practices. There is little interchange between the
2. The outcome of changing. Analysts are divided about the outcomes that occur
as organizations shift to new organizational forms. On the one hand some see
the shift as one of increasing simplification of forms while others see it as an
increase in complexity. The former tendency stresses delayering, flattening of
hierarchy, and less division of labour, while the latter emphasizes the need for
simultaneously different things to be accomplished, such as innovation and
control, flexibility and efficiency, and differentiated decisionmaking authority
and broad participation. Not surprisingly, the latter tendencies suggest that new
organizational forms can be ambiguous and challenging because the rules of the
new game are not at all clear to all the players in it. For Child and Rodrigues
(2003), the reduction of organizational layers leads to an increasing complexity
in organizational control because of the absence of traditional bureaucratic
hierarchies. New governance practices premised on trust and cooperation are
required for a simpler, delayered organizational form.
3. The drivers for changing. A strong emphasis in the literature suggests that
management is the major driver, making strategic choices in response to a
changing business environment of technologies and supply chains, as well as
seeking to overcome existing bureaucratic inertias. While these arguments all
emphasize managers’ strategic choice there are other arguments that see the
changes as far more environmentally driven. It is the emergence of new
populations of organizations born in the digital age that are seen as the drivers,
due to the centrality of new forms of knowledge and its management, new bases
for legitimacy and institutionalization as firms such as Google become the
icons of the new age.
4. The level of analysis. The different positions on levels of analysis stress that the
changes are either occurring primarily internally to organizations or they are
the result of new interorganizational relationships between and among
organizations. The former position stresses intraorganizational change; the
latter posits inter-organizational change as the primary mechanism. The former
changes see managerial agency as central while the latter stress the importance
of new industries emerging.
5. The meaning of new. Novelty is always problematic: is something innovative in
an absolute or a relative way? If it is absolutely new this means that the
innovation has never been seen before; if it is relatively new the innovation
may have been known but not applied in the specific context in which it is now
applied. The former is new in time; the latter new in context. The debates about
the meaning of the ‘new’ in new organizational forms often relate to different
paradigmatic assumptions and positions offered by the rich ecology of
organization and management theories.

The upshot of their analysis is that there is a strong need for researchers to be more
explicit about their assumptions and to develop increasing facility in enabling
conversations across paradigms so that there can be greater clarity about these
matters of interpretation and organizational design.
Rationalized myths and organizational change

All planned organizational change is an attempt to construct a specific design for an

organization. Of late, especially since the global financial crisis, this design has been
overwhelmingly driven by the mantra of improving corporate performance. In the
wake of the subprime mortgage crisis in the US corporate failure has become the
headline issue rather than corporate success. Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Ford,
GM, Chrysler, BT, Rolls Royce, Sony, and many more: the litany of corporate cuts
enacted in the name of improving performance rolled out remorselessly. In one
month alone, in November 2008, 533,000 jobs were slashed in the US (The Guardian
6 December 2008). Organizational change invariably means downsizing and
delayering, designing the organization to cost less by shedding more labour. While
this is true of the UK and the Euro zone as well as the United States it is in America
that the trend is most evident. Through aggressive policies of domestic wage cutting,
downsizing, and delayering, combined with outsourcing overseas, corporate profits
are increasing seven times faster than revenue. The Washington Post reports:

How can America’s corporations so defy gravity? Ever adaptive, they have
evolved a business model that enables them to make money even while the
strapped American consumer has cut back on purchasing. For one thing, they
are increasingly selling and producing overseas. General Motors is going like
gangbusters in China, where it now sells more cars than it does in the United
States. In China, GM employs 32,000 assembly-line workers; that’s just 20,000
fewer than the number of such workers it has in the States. And those American
workers aren’t making what they used to; new hires get $14 an hour, roughly
half of what veterans pull down … The GM model typifies that of post-crash
American business: massive layoffs, productivity increases, wage reductions
(due in part to the weakness of unions), and reduced sales at home; increased
hiring and booming sales abroad. Another part of that model is cash retention.
A Federal Reserve report last month estimated that American corporations are
sitting on a record $1.8 trillion in cash reserves. As a share of corporate assets,
that’s the highest level since 1964. (Meyerson, 2010)

There is a particular rationale that drives these changes in most instances and it
goes by the name of ‘shareholder value’. It is a ‘loose rhetoric’ (Froud et al., 2000:
80–7; 2006: 36) that seems designed to play to financial and market analysts who
have such a significant impact on stock valuations. Cutting costs by delayering and
downsizing typically produces an instant result in terms of the market valuation of
shares. The top management team typically receives a substantial slice of their
income in the form of stock options so it is in their interests to drive the value ever
As ever, there are winners and losers from these changes. The winners are
evidently the top management team members having stock options; increasingly the
losers are those survivors in middle management who have to try and manage the
eviscerated corpus of the organizations that have been downsized. It is their
responsibility to manage the consequences of formal changes to organization
structures. Three authors – John Hassard, Leo McCann and Jonathan Morris – have
conducted a major crossnational investigation of how these employees subjectively
interpret the changes of working conditions contingent on these organizational
structural changes. The research was published as Managing in the Modern
Corporation: The Intensification of Managerial Work in the USA, UK and Japan
(2009) and we will summarize the main findings here.
Being against bureaucracy, being in favour of leaner, meaner organizations
became something of a rationalized myth in the 1980s. We can conveniently mark
the emergence of this rationalized myth with the publication of a series of texts by
‘management gurus’ in the 1980s, especially Peters and Waterman’s (1982) In
Search of Excellence and Hammer and Champy’s (1993) Reengineering the
Corporation, which Best (1990) examines in The New Competition. These all
contributed to creating a rationalized myth in modern business: in which
institutional rules function as myths that depict various formal structures as rational
means for the attainment of desirable ends (Meyer and Rowan, 1977). The
institutional rule that has become increasingly accepted as a rationalized myth is
that continuing competitiveness can only be achieved by a perpetual war on costs
best served by ‘slashing costs through mass downsizing exercises in an attempt to
impress financial markets’ (Hassard et al., 2009: 29). If businesses do this then they
will, in the short term, satisfy financial and market analysts and drive up their stock
values. The rationalized myth is not imposed on business: there is no central
authority saying that this is what one must do, nor is it entirely the result of
normative professionally organized pressures, although the major consulting
companies have certainly contributed to the climate in which the rationalized myth
flourished. Mostly it seems to have spread by mimesis, by imitation. As highly
regarded firms seek to ensure the maintenance of their competitive edge through
these strategies then their competitors, fearing that they will lose value in the eyes of
the market if they are not seen to be doing the same things, seek to emulate their

Rationalized myths are rationalized and impersonal rules that bind different organizations through belief in their legitimacy. To be legitimate they will be pervasive features of the institutionalized environment in
which the organizations operate. Their legitimacy is based on the belief that the practices sanctioned by the myths are efficient and effective. Organizations use these myths to increase the legitimacy of their
structure and hence their survival prospects.

While the ‘gurus’ heralded these organizational changes their results, when
exposed to more sober analysis, have been decidedly mixed. Cuts to organizations
have been unnecessarily damaging, suggest writers such as Burke and Nelson
(1997), Sennett (1998) and Pfeffer (1998). Organizational knowledge that was
embodied and embrained in under-valued workers has been allowed to leave the
organization with insufficient regard for what was being lost; innovation has
suffered as the remaining more hardpressed managers seek to manage a greatly
intensified workload. The costs of managing have increased enormously as the
widespread adoption of new digital technologies make work a continuous irruption
into life more generally: the BlackBerry messages that arrive from the boss at 9.00
p.m., demanding an instant response, or which arrive when you are at the kid’s
soccer on a Saturday morning; the mobile calls that announce an emergency that
requires your urgent attention. These interruptions of everyday life are the surface
manifestation of the larger structural pressures that are occurring in our economies
and societies. These pressures are the result of the implementation of the
rationalized myth – restructuring, financialization, downsizing, delayering and the
removal of employee entitlements, as Hassard et al. (2009: 37) observe. These
pressures, despite the existence of the rationalized myth, are not natural but socially
constructed – they result from the decisions made by executives as they respond to
the changing political economy, especially as its signals are directed by leading
politicians and market analysts.
Globalization, which we shall discuss in Chapter 15, has played an increasing role
in these structural changes. Organizations that were once largely domiciled in their
home countries now have supply chains and outsourcing arrangements that span the
globe, bringing new opportunities for cost reduction into play as previously
unincorporated regions and peoples of the planet are brought into the world economy
in regions such as China, India, and the ex-Soviet Union. Accompanying this
globalization of organizations and labour there has been an internationalization of
financial markets, further easing the transmission of the rationale myth.
The results of this globalization have undoubtedly been impressive for consumers:
we have more choice of more things of better quality for less money than was the
case when economies were less integrated globally. Competition on the basis of
price and quality has led to more demanding consumers who, in turn, maintain
competitive pressure on firms. These competitive pressures are condensed and
intensified within firms into expectations that middle managers can constantly
manage a series of paradoxes; tighten cost control and be more innovative; deliver
higher performance and greater commitment; live life through a series of projects
with diminished job security and increased adherence to the corporate culture. The
list of contradictions should be familiar to anybody working in major organizations
The major mechanism for translating the rationalized myth into action ‘has been
the substantial job cuts and reorganizations targeted specifically at managers (in
addition to the long-standing threats to operatives)’ as Hassard et al. (2009: 49)
analyse. Some effects of this are easy to observe: the reduction of management
layers; the outsourcing of non-core backoffice functions to countries with much
cheaper white-collar labour processes, such as India, and the development of
international supply chains and overseas production. All of these tendencies have
contributed to the growing complexity involved in managing organizations that are
considerably smaller than was the case 30 or so years ago, with a greatly diminished
managerial cadre whose roles and responsibilities are now stretched over many more
areas of expertise. For instance, today’s managers work in high-tech knowledge-
intensive environments in which learning is a lifetime imperative and the mastery of
new skills a mundane necessity. That managerial work and organizational design
have changed so considerably is largely due to the massive increase in sophistication
and prevalence of ICT systems – the digital revolution – that have made managing at
a distance, across space and time, much more feasible. We have seen this widely
discussed in the thesis of the ‘network society’ by Castells (1996). Leaner
organizations lack buffer zones and loose coupling that can contain and limit crises
if things go wrong. There is consequently far more probability of crisis and need for
the firefighting that these entail. Contemporary managers also require considerable
skills in managing alliances, networks, and supply chains that would have been a
mystery to an earlier generation. The experience of time has changed as well. In
consulting companies there is a saying current among managers that you earn your
money from nine to five and the chances of promotions from five to nine. The
intensification of work fills in not only all the spaces of the working day but also can
creep into other areas of life.
One of the major changes in organizational designs that has paralleled the
structural changes are changes in the identity of managers. Watch a TV show such as
Mad Men, about Madison Avenue executives in the 1950s, and one thing is
immediately evident: they are all white men and they all share a very common
culture and identity. That is no longer the case; managers are no longer a caste.
Female labour participation rates have increased significantly in most of the OECD
countries, and organizations have to manage not only the career expectations of their
managers but also their fertility expectations in a way that would not have been
meaningful in older style bureaucracies that were largely the preserve of males.
Work–life balance is a major issue not only because of the intensification of
management work and its increasing commitments but also the increasing, if still
limited, entry of women into management roles and the necessity for new domestic
management strategies, particularly with respect to child-care. The extension of
work into domestic life through home-working, home offices, and personal
computers means that the home is no longer such a separate preserve from work and
the organization but that the organization leaches into the family rather than being
shut out as the front door closes. Modern managers are also not exclusively white
anymore: the multi-cultural workforce is a reality in global cities such as Sydney,
Paris, New York, and London. This introduces an additional complexity into
organizational design – the management of and interaction between people of very
different faiths, cultures, and background assumptions. Combined with the pressure
of intensification and probability of recurring crises, the chances of causing
inadvertent cultural offence in everyday work also increase.
The picture is not necessarily bleak and we should not be too one-dimensional
about it: management has become more difficult, demanding, and more challenging
– and for many managers this makes what might once have seemed a humdrum job
one that is very exciting, intellectually, and emotionally rewarding. Yet, in their
empirical investigation of the life world of middle managers in Japan, the UK, and
the US, Hassard and his colleagues (2009) paint a picture of middle managers as the
carriers of the costs of the evident restructuring that has been occurring these past 30
years or so. While they do not find convergence across the three countries, with
Japan, especially, retaining more traditionally bureaucratic practices and the UK a
more regulated environment, there are broad similarities occurring in the
experiences of managers that have been subject to restructuring. Opposed to some of
the more optimistic accounts in the literature – perhaps optimistic because they are
derived from more extraordinary rather than ordinary organizations, which stress the
participatory and empowering elements of new organizational forms – they did not
find much evidence of positive decentralization.

The kind of decentralisation we found involved devolvement of authority

alongside cuts to employment numbers, which tended to mean a centralisation
of core strategic goals and concepts and the re-establishment of top
management prerogative. Senior management’s core message in the 2000s is
communicated down the hierarchy clearly and repetitively … According to the
managers spoken to in our study, so called ‘devolvement’ in this context
usually meant loading extra work onto the shoulders of staff. If there were
greater numbers of colleagues among whom to share the workload, then
perhaps the downward devolvement of authority would be more welcome.
Downwards devolution of authority and widening responsibilities are
commendable concepts, but they rarely work out so well for employees in
practice given the cost-cutting and job-reducing context in which such changes
take place. Although one positive effect of restructuring reported by middle
managers was that their work has become more interesting and rewarding, the
downside was that it has certainly got tougher and more demanding. (Hassard et
al., 2009: 23–24)

It is the middle managers that remain in downsized, delayered structures who carry
the burden of these organizational changes away from bureaucracy to flatter, leaner,
newer organization forms. The findings of the study by Hassard et al. suggest that,
almost universally across different industries in the UK, the US, and Japan, ‘there is
very strong evidence to suggest that the working lives of mid-level managerial
employees are considerably more pressured and possibly more insecure than they
once were’ (2009: 228). There are financial pay-offs as well as more interesting
work opportunities, ‘but the overall feeling of being overwhelmed in work while the
traditional promotional ladder has been largely removed was a major and wide
spread finding’. These findings are backed up by various health and stress-related
studies in each of the countries (see Hassard et al., 2009: 230–231), which document
the costs of stress, pressure, and lack of physical fitness wreaked on middle level
managers by the intensification of work and the encouragement of macho cultures
that stress performance and results consistent with the rationalized myth of
increasing shareholder value in the face of international competitive pressures over
and above the costs incurred doing so. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule:
some organizations do seek to ensure family-friendly, healthy working practices but
these appear to be in the minority, with most firms regarding such ‘soft stuff’ as an
unjustifiable cost incurred against the erosion of shareholder returns by the pressures
of international competition.
The empirical material in the investigations by Hassard et al. (2009) is
considerable and fascinating; unfortunately, there is far too much to report
completely in the context of a textbook but we would urge readers to make
themselves familiar with it at first hand. It is a rich and ethnographically detailed
account of the lives that many readers of this book presently experience or are likely
to experience in the future, unless there are strong counter pressures exerted to those
that presently dominate. While there are advocates of such changes in business
schools and in HRM it is difficult to see such advocacy being successful in the face
of the repeated restructurings that are designed to deliver enhanced value to
shareholders. Certainly, senior executives in the top management team, whose
income is contingently linked to performance in these terms, are unlikely to be
advocates for a more caring and less uncompromising work regime on their middle
managers. Moreover, such a harsh regime is functional for elite recruitment: if
middle managers can manage to thrive despite the pressures, they show themselves
to be the kind of people whose elevation to upper level management may well be
justified. And each time such a decision is made the vicious cycle is reinforced.

Design thinking

In the last few years, the notion of design thinking has gained popularity outside the
design professions, especially in business school circles. In part, this is because of
the accelerating changes in organizational designs and structures over the past 30
years, which has led to increasing calls for design thinking to be incorporated into
the management curriculum. At its core, the call for design thinking seems to be
recognition that the analytical frameworks usually dominant in business schools are
somewhat limited. Typically, these have stressed deduction in research that seeks to
define hypotheses a priori and then test them empirically, and induction, for those
researchers that prefer more grounded and ethnographic approaches where they
‘induct’ findings from the specifics of the empirical situation. Against these
currents, design thinking stresses what the American pragmatist, Peirce (1940),
referred to as abduction.

Design thinking emerged as a term that was widely used in the 2000s. Its inspiration goes back to Simon (1969). Brown (2009) develops it as a conjoined process of inspiration, ideation, and implementation.
Inspiration derives from making a problem material through mock-up, sketches, scenarios, and so on. Ideation is the process of generating, developing and testing ideas through building prototypes, piloting, and
‘testing the waters’ – idea work. Implementation is the clear development and specification of the idea, its effective communication, the enrolment of others in its support, and the translation of the idea into action
or practice.

Abduction is a term drawn from Aristotelian thought and used by Peirce to

distinguish a distinct form of inference from the more common induction and
deduction. Abduction is ‘a process of interpretation in order to develop explanations
based on observation [where] the explanation arrived at is not deduced or induced
but “abduced” from the variety and complexity of experiences and observations’
(Iedema et al., 2006: 1115). Abduction recognizes that social science theories do not
function as grand narratives from which hypotheses can be deduced. Such theories
are never sufficiently local and do not take account of the constructivist basis of the
social reality that they seek to theorize: that social reality is constantly becoming
rather than being constant (Kornberger et al., 2005). Given the assumption that
whatever sense of order is constructed is co-produced by situated actors it follows
that the analyst should turn to the discovery of the underlying rules that are
implicitly embedded in the work of construction. These rules are neither the
instantiation of some covering law nor are they explicitly constructed as such by
those whose actions inscribe them. Furthermore, the analyst, as a situated actor, will
also always be involved in this construction project. The best way of proceeding is to
work collaboratively, through trial, error, and prototypes, to determine how best to
put together an understanding of how to do what in order to create value.
Influenced by design thinking, the field of organization and management studies
acknowledges the need to bring together practitioners and academics in order to
develop knowledge that can be applied (Schön, 1992). One interesting recent
development that attempts to overcome the gap between academics and practitioners
is the connection of design studies to organization science (Romme, 2003; Zell,
1997). Romme (2003) claims that organization studies should include design as one
of its primary modes of engaging in research. Organization science as design science
has to go well beyond the familiar structural aspects of organizations and go beyond
the prevailing conception of organizational entities as natural phenomena (Jelinek et
al., 2008). A focus on design entails a set of tools, skills, and epistemologies for
more grounded organizational enquiry (Romme, 2003). Bate and Robert (2007)
claim that there are four lessons to be drawn from design sciences for organization
and management theory. First, organizational design can include the user of the
organization’s products and services in the development of organizations. Second,
applied design thinking can be used to address simultaneously all three issues of
performance, engineering, and aesthetics/experience. Third, new diagnostic and
intervention methods and approaches are useful. And fourth, design sciences show
how and where energy can be applied to bring about and sustain change.
Drawing upon the work of Herbert Simon, Schön (1992) suggests that
practitioners are, of necessity, designers; the production of artifacts is essential to
their business. Therefore, practitioners in the field of design sciences, including,
among others, professional designers, architects, and engineers, are focused on
prototyping action and are solution centred (Michlewski, 2008). The idea of
prototyping includes the objectives of creating a physical prototype to enable
organizational thinking and learning to occur more rapidly by making prototypes
small and thus, by testing them, being able to minimize the impact of failures.
Prototypes also encourage employees to explore new behaviour (Coughlan et al.,
2007: 127). Design approaches practise interventions that are improvementand
solution-centred (Trullen and Bartunek, 2007), based upon a set of fundamental
values that include the view that collaboration between researchers and practitioners
is important; that research focuses on solutions rather than on analysis; that
experiment is necessary for the intervention process; that each situation is unique in
its context, and that the intervention approach involves trying to reach stated goals
(Trullen and Bartunek, 2007: 27) – even if these change in the process.
That there are strong organizational relationships between design and form is
evident. Think of the image of a central business district and contrast a traditional
townscape with a corporate cityscape, crowding out the small-scale domestic
architecture in its surrounds. Could the corporate organization be easily
headquartered in the townscape? Could the townspeople easily live in or adapt to the
corporate scene? The literature on new organizational forms suggests that modern
corporations can in fact become similar to high-tech cottage industries, as everyone
is wired from anywhere. Working virtually, they may have no need to concentrate in
a few blocks of central business district real estate. Not every organizational form is
as tangible as those that are housed in city skyscrapers. In its most virtual new form,
organization will be composed of networks of interdependent but independent
knowledge-based teams working in different continents and time zones. Such work
can be organized on a rolling 24-hour process and often involves multiple global
collaborators (Clarke and Clegg, 1998: 293). The work activities are often associated
with digital databased projects, such as film or copy-editing, computer
programming, or graphic designing.
For Fairtlough (2007), a rare example of a successful CEO, research biologist, and
organization theorist combined in one person, the alternatives to hierarchical
bureaucracy are heterarchy and responsible autonomy. As he argues, heterarchy
comprises dispersed leadership, dispersed power, and a balance of power, with
mutual accountability. A good example of heterarchy would be the structure of
professional service firms, such as law firms. Although these tend to become more
hierarchical as they grow in size, the advantages of partnership continue to be
recognized. The procedures in many successful law firms are quasi-democratic, with
voting by all partners deciding key issues. A great deal of conversation between
partners takes place before a vote. However, the nature of these conversations is
strongly influenced by the prospect of the subsequent vote (Fairtlough, 2007: 1274).
Responsible autonomy depends on encapsulating relatively autonomous roles as
responsible to rules, both explicit and tacit, which govern the interaction of
autonomous actors or elements or divisions of an organization.
Organizations are essentially adaptive systems. To be adaptive can mean both
preserving elements of what is and adopting elements of what is not already part of
the organization’s makeup. To that extent they are selforganizing systems. Making
up managers and organizations as radically different may not be so easy, because
both remembering and forgetting hamper organizations that seek to change
radically. Organizations forget some of what they know when their managers
presume they can ditch the past for a new future. In order to survive in any changing
present, organizations have to remember a great deal of what they have been if they
are to maintain cohesion and routine. But too much routine (i.e. too much
remembering) can be lethal for organizations, just as can too much change.
Simultaneously, organizations have to exploit what they know and explore what they
do not if they are to be adaptive.
The Internet enables speedier, more efficient, and cost-effective access to
resources and customers and a different set of ownership, location, and
organizational capabilities than was possible just a decade before. Contrast Amazon
with a traditional book retailer. Almost every organization today of any size is
awash with e-technology and software. Most of the tools that are bought are not
revolutionary in their managerial impact; they merely enable managers to do what
they would have done anyway but do it better and faster. The new tools are based on
technological innovations that drastically change the tools used to produce a good or
service. For instance, e-mail replaces and speeds up the postal system, or search
engines such as Google replace and speed up the reference library. As Beauvallet
and Balle (2002) demonstrate, revolutionary new technologies do not necessarily
produce managerial revolutions.
In the nineteenth century the typewriter was a profound mechanical invention. It
speeded up clerical and recording systems that had been based on handwriting. In
Weber’s (1978) view the typewriter directly contributed to the creation of modern
managerial bureaucracies. The computer vastly extends the capabilities of the
keyboard, even while retaining many of its apparent features, but its digital
capabilities also transform the possible nature of organizational design. Digital
technologies can deliver business as usual much faster. Basic e-technologies, such as
e-mail, websites, and search engines, can be used effectively to obtain office
productivity improvements. They make it possible to generate new channels for
communicating with customers, suppliers, and staff.
The digital revolution not only enhances service productivity but can transform
what were once broadcast models of distribution – from a few centres to many
customers – into narrow-cast communication where there are a great many points of
distribution and reception – think of downloads, or the favourite blogs that you visit.
Clearly, the music industry is undergoing rapid change. One of the major labels,
EMI, is in major financial trouble at the time of writing, and the subject of takeover
bids, despite having a huge back catalogue.
Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, digital technologies make extended
supply chain operations feasible and reliable. Think about when you order a product
– a CD or book – from Amazon. You can track the delivery of the product in virtual
space, pay for it virtually, and view many of its features virtually – all from your
office desk. You do not need to leave your chair. Of course, there is a downside to
this from an employer’s point of view: while you may appear to be working hard you
might actually be doing anything! You could be doing the grocery shopping, fixing a
date, flirting, looking at pornography, or selling secrets to a business rival. The web
opens up new channels for business – making it possible to host new forms of
marketing and advertising – but it also makes it harder for employers to control
people’s use of their time.
The major advantages of digital technologies for business and organizations are
their virtual possibilities for disaggregating existing designs. Increasingly,
organizations segment and specialize activities that are critical to their competitive
advantage and those that are not. The non-core functions, such as backoffice
accounting, telemarketing, or programming, are outsourced to parts of the world
where the wage is one-third to one-tenth the cost in the home market. This
dramatically reduces operating costs and increases competitiveness. There are now
very many new niche-based business opportunities that were not previously evident.
Perhaps the one that we are all most familiar with is the call centre. When we have a
problem with that new gadget or that bill we have just received, the number that we
call is not that of the organization that supplied it to us. It will be a call centre that
handles that organization’s account. Digital technology means that organizations can
hive off non-core elements of their business and contract other business, for which
this is their core technology, to handle that aspect of the business.

Bureaucracy was the initial point of departure for empirical studies of organizations. Theorists studied
organizations and analysed them in terms of their degree of difference from the ideal type of model that
Weber had constructed. Clearly, they would differ, and they did. Although a number of classic and
interesting studies were completed in this vein, there was a problem with the knowledge generated: how
could it be made comparable and cumulative?
The Aston programme of research sought to make this scientific goal a centrepiece of inquiry and
shifted analysis to a more sophisticated plane – that of contingency theory. However, the findings that
the programme launched were contested almost from the start. Aldrich accused it of drawing obvious
conclusions on the basis of inference that was guided purely by jumping to conclusions from the
variance found in the data rather than considering deeply how plausible was the story that underlay the
connections presumed. To build a more plausible narrative, he reanalysed the data using causal path
analysis. Child also questioned the narrative; for him, it downplayed the role of the top management
dominant coalition being able to exercise strategic choice.
Donaldson does not deny that such strategic choice occurs but thinks it most probable, on the basis
of empirical enquiry, that the choice will tend to be exercised in favour of the organization structure
being adjusted to regain fit with changing contingencies rather than the contingencies being changed to
suit the existing structure.
Much recent debate has centred on the emergence of new organizational forms. From the perspective
of contingency theory, whose classic conceptual dimensions were modelled on bureaucratic
organizations, the emergence of new organizational forms may be challenging because their premises
are less bureaucratic and written rules, and more IT and virtual designs. In the e-world, the old
certainties may no longer hold.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Multi-divisional form
Structural contingency theory
New organizational form
Call centres
Structural adjustment to regain fit

What is the importance of developing a general theory for managing all organizations in terms of
According to Burns and Stalker, why do organizations in stable environments have different structures than
those in fast-changing and innovative environments?
4 According to the Aston school, why does an organization become more bureaucratic as its size increases?
5 According to Mintzberg, what are the five most feasible configurations of organization structure?
6 What were the major innovations of the multi-divisional form?
7 Does e-management destroy bureaucracy?
8 How creative are call centres?
9 What enables creative designers in the Valley to be creative?


1. The debates that surround a somewhat arcane area of organization and management theory – namely,
why organization structures are as they are – can sometimes be quite passionate. Topics that evoke
lively discussion include the appropriate methodologies that researchers should use and the appropriate
assumptions that they should make about the nature of organizational reality. Most analysts of
organization structures regard these methodologies and assumptions as objectively real, as social facts,
rather than as social constructions that analysts use to make sense of what they assume is reality. The
strongest proponent of this approach, which insists that organization structures are real things that are
representable in terms of a limited number of variables, is Lex Donaldson, who has been a prolific and
robust debater. A clear statement of his views is to be found in Donaldson (2002 [1987]), an article
titled ‘Strategy and structural adjustment to regain fit and performance: in defence of contingency
2. Clegg has elsewhere criticized Donaldson for the tendency in his work to leave little or no room for any
evolution in organizations’ forms in other than a bureaucratic mode; see Clegg (1990), Modern
Organizations, Chapter 2.
3. You might want to consult the overview of structural contingency theory offered by Pennings (2002).
To be up to date with the latest changes in corporate form the excellent contribution by Zey (2008b) on
the ‘multisubsidiary form’ should be read carefully. Finally, in the same encyclopedia there is an
excellent analysis of neocontingency theory by McKinley (2008).
4. Films about organization structure do not easily spring to mind, although several demonstrate
bureaucracy in use. One that is situated in the domestic bureaucracy of an Edwardian manor house is
Gosford Park (Altman, 2001). Each servant is assigned a role and authority ‘beneath stairs’ that is
contingent on that assumed by their masters above.
5. Films about the military often demonstrate bureaucracy in action. Think of all those films about
prisoners of war seeking to escape but first having to gain permission from the officers in captivity who
run the escape committee. The Great Escape (Sturges, 1963) is one of the best of the genre.
6. Another military film worth looking at is A Few Good Men (Reiner, 1992). In this film, Dawson and
Downey are two marines stationed in the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. They follow
orders that cause harm to another marine, resulting in his death. They are put on trial for murder. The
basis of their defence is that they were only following orders. Dawson and Downey were trained to exist
strictly in terms of the hierarchy and structure of the corps. Even though they knew that what they were
doing to the other marine was wrong and that they were endangering him, their life code was to follow
orders from their senior officers without question. The contingency that the Marine Corps had
established in its structure and authoritarian culture (see also pp. 271–274) resulted in their being able to
commit and to rationalize certain acts that most people would ordinarily consider inhumane. By not
using their own reason, they ultimately acted against the best interests of the Marine Corps. The colonel
is imprisoned for giving the order, and the two marines are dismissed from duty. We see in this movie
that the hierarchy and order in organizations such as the Marine Corps and the army, when followed
unquestioningly, have the potential to result in a sequence of events that are not only immoral but
against the best interests of the institution that they were designed to protect.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, especially Talk #13 by John Child on Organization design theory:
its evolution within a changing context.
3. One cool site for creative designers is It has some great graphics and an insight
into the ethos of the design ecology.
4. The website, from Duluth, Minnesota, provides a good insight into the
range of business that a regional company in the e-commerce world might be involved in.
5. Wikipedia has an informative entry on call centres:
6. For an interesting view of some of the unanticipated consequences of call centres, check out the
following story:
7. is a good introduction by UNESCO to the idea of creative clusters.
8. The classic model of a multi-divisional firm is 3M: check its website at and
explore a firm that is diversified and multi-divisional in both products and geographically defined
9. You can explore the Cisco Systems website at


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:

1. Joan Woodward’s ideas remain influential, despite having been developed some time ago. On the
Companion Website there is a paper that shows her contemporary relevance: Lisl Klein (2006) ‘Joan
Woodward Memorial Lecture: applied social science: is it just common sense?’, Human Relations 59
(8): 1155–1172.
2. Lex Donaldson tells us about why he thinks positivism is the best approach to organization and
management theory in a paper that you can download from the Companion Website: Lex Donaldson
(2005) ‘Vita contemplativa: following the scientific method: how I became a committed functionalist
and positivist’, Organization Studies, 26 (7): 1071–1088.
3. Eric J. Walton (2005) ‘The persistence of bureaucracy: a meta-analysis of Weber’s model of
bureaucratic control’, Organization Studies, 26 (4): 569–600, a researcher who has worked with Lex
Donaldson, demonstrates the ways in which bureaucracy is a persistent phenomena in organization life.
4. The iron cage, Max Weber’s metaphor, recurs constantly in studies of organizations: it is used in Dan
Kärreman and Mats Alvesson (2004) ‘Cages in tandem: management control, social identity, and
identification in a knowledge-intensive firm’, Organization, 11 (1): 149–175, which you can find on the
Companion Website.
5. The extent to which bureaucracy persists or is being made redundant by new organizational forms is a
matter that is addressed empirically in R. Dunford et al. (2007) ‘Coexistence of “old” and “new”
organizational practices: transitory phenomenon or enduring feature?’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human
Resources, 45 (1): 24–43, which is available on the Companion Website.
6. When you ring a call centre from an English-speaking country these days, often you will end up talking
to someone in India. If you are interested in how these call centres shape the lives and identity of those
who work there then the contribution by Premilla D’Cruz and Ernesto Noronha (2006) ‘Being
professional: organizational control in Indian call centres’, Social Science Computer Review, 24 (3):
342–361, which is available on the Companion Website, makes very interesting reading.
7. It has been widely and somewhat erroneously asserted that digital technology meant the end of
bureaucracy. Research by Martin Harris in the British Library suggests strongly that this is not
necessarily the case: Harris, M. (2008) ‘Digital technology and governance in transition: the case of the
British Library’, Human Relations, 61 (5): 741–758.
8. To add further skepticism to the view that new digital technologies facilitate there being less
bureaucracy in organizations, you can take a look at Ulla ErikssonZetterquist, Kajsa Lindberg and
Alexander Styhre (2009) ‘When the good times are over: professionals encountering new technology’,
Human Relations, 62 (8): 1145–1170.

New roles are emerging for those closest to artists in a fragmented media world

Owen Gibson and Katie Allen

The upheaval wrought on the music industry in recent years, of which EMI’s latest travails are just the
latest manifestation, have inspired a change in bedtime reading among senior executives. Their book of
choice is now less likely to be a classic tale of rock industry excess such as Hammer of the Gods, but
The Long Tail, a book about how the Internet has brought about the death of shared culture.
The book, written by Chris Anderson of Wired magazine, sums up the challenges facing established
media groups, including leading record labels: ‘At this point, the artists don’t need the labels any more.
The consumers don’t need the labels anymore and I think the labels, rather than trying to protect what
business they have, need to ask themselves what is their relevance.’
Although sales of CDs are falling sharply, British artists are riding the crest of a creative wave – live
music has never been more popular, festivals are selling out in record time and brands are paying
millions to associate themselves with up and coming acts. It is a new music marketplace where the
artist’s brand is becoming as valuable as their recorded output.
But for all the rhetoric about artists being able to build their own fan bases online, a guiding hand –
not to mention substantial investment and know-how – is still required to bring new artists to public
attention in an increasingly fragmented media world. Many experts believe today’s changes will result
in individual artists emerging as ‘cottage industries’ in their own right, much less dependent on labels to
produce and market their music.
As the ancillary revenues around each artist – from live appearances, merchandising, ringtones,
advertising and licensing deals – become more important than dwindling recorded music royalties, new
roles are emerging for those closest to artists. It is no coincidence that the likes of Island Records co-
founder Tim Clark, who now manages Robbie Williams among others, and Creation Records founder
Alan McGee now work in artist management.
Already, many majors rely on management companies to bring new artists to their attention. Now,
some are starting to bypass them altogether. Mr Clark, who co-founded ie Music and was responsible
for Robbie Williams’ multi-faceted £80m contract with EMI, believes that deal could be the last of its
kind. He likens the latest period of flux to the anything goes spirit of the 1960s before the major label
consolidation of the late 1970s.
The company is pioneering a new form of investment in artists backed by Ingenious Media, the
media-focused private equity fund launched last year by former Really Useful Group chief executive
Patrick McKenna. Passenger, a new band who have been building local support in Brighton and release
their first single today, are the guinea pigs for the new approach. Mr Clark is bypassing the big labels by
going directly to Ingenious, which is putting up £1.3m to launch the band – investment matched by ie
Music and external investors.

New model

Through the new financial model – dubbed Music Venture Capital Trusts – they claim that artists have
more freedom and retain more of their own rights while their management are able to lavish care and
attention on all aspects of an artist’s career.
The artist retains ultimate control, they say, because managers tend to be employed on an annual
‘We work for our artists and we answer to our artists. At the end of the day, our artists can turn
around and sack us,’ says Mr Clark. He says he ‘very nearly came to blows’ with EMI over ie Music’s
determination to sign a global marketing deal with Sony Ericsson for Williams – a marriage that he says
has been ‘incredibly successful’. By being able to work with each part of an artist’s ‘basket of rights’,
he claims to stand a better chance of building a long-term brand than a record label more concerned
with short-term returns.
‘That’s why management is having more success in doing this because they recognise that basket of
rights and they recognise the value of those rights,’ says Mr Clark.
Mr McKenna believes the majors should have cottoned on earlier: ‘I think it’s one of life’s great
mysteries why record companies haven’t embraced this 360 degree business model.’
Bryan Calhoun, an Atlanta-based music consultant who works with Kanye West and Ludacris, is
another who is thriving amid the music industry’s shifting sands. He says artists are recognising how far
they can leverage their brands and are going beyond what the major labels can offer them. Kanye West
is signed to Universal Music as a recording artist but has been working with Mr Calhoun’s StrategusPro
company on creating a fan community.

‘It’s about building an entire digital strategy and the fan club is a part of it,’ says Mr Calhoun.
‘Ringtones and mastertones, those things are controlled by the major because that is who Kanye is
signed to. But then he has also retained rights for exploiting his other content, voicetones, images, those
kind of things,’ he says.
‘A lot of people are looking to try to figure out exactly what they are going to do going forward and
it doesn’t necessarily have to do with the major labels.’
Terry McBride, who runs Canadian music management group Nettwerk, also claims that bypassing
major labels can allow artists to hold on to more control. He helped Barenaked Ladies make $3m from
500,000 album sales, much more than they would have done if they had gone through a major label.
As major labels struggle to adapt to this new world, cutting costs and restructuring their business
models, it is important to retain some perspective. Many employed by them retain enough faith to
believe they will emerge from this transitory period stronger.
But the majority of those who stand to benefit from their potential demise, including Mr McKenna,
believe the days of the major labels as we know them are numbered.
‘I’ve always thought record companies believed they financed the music industry, manufactured and
distributed pieces of plastic and did the marketing. The reality, in my view, is that I don’t see them
doing any marketing. And if manufacturing and distribution no longer count, then it’s just the financing
– and we can do that,’ he says.

Off the record

With the music market in decline, artists and their managers are increasing their focus on building
brands that can deliver revenue streams beyond traditional record sales. Notable examples are rapper 50
Cent buying a stake in Glaceau Vitamin Water as part of his new super-healthy image. More recently,
style-conscious Lily Allen announced she was teaming up with fashion chain New Look. London-based
music consultancy Entertainment Media Research has tapped into the trend with a new tool called
PopScores that tracks the awareness and popularity of 200 artists. So who’s up and who’s down? The
Beatles bagged the highest score this month while Peter Andre got the lowest. Amy Winehouse was the
biggest winner, according to the latest survey of 4,500 music consumers aged 13–59.
The PopScores tool can also show up changes in popularity following specific events in a star’s life.
Madonna’s score dropped after her controversial adoption of a Malawian boy. More recently, Robbie
Williams – who has checked himself into rehab – has been losing PopScore points, despite some
offsetting effect from growing support among 40 to 59-year-old women. The service can also pick up
longer-term consumer trends and PopScore’s most recent analysis explores the rarity of female artists
among top favourites lists. For male consumers there is only one female artist, Kylie, in their top 20.
There are six in the equivalent list for female music fans: Pink, Kylie, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani,
Anastacia and Sugarbabes.


1. To what extent are changes in technology making the bureaucratic model redundant?
2. What are the sources of value in the new model and where, if anywhere, do the old structures of the
record companies fit in?

Source: The Guardian, 26 February 2007, available at

.2021280.00.html#article_continue (accessed 27 February 2007).

Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2007.

Flows, Finance, People

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

Debate the impact of globalization, especially on organizations

Identify some key strategic issues involved in managing in a global economy
Explain why resistance to globalization occurs
Discuss the central role of knowledge workers in the global economy
Understand that globalization has both positive and negative effects on
individuals, organizations, societies, and nations


It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity. (Kofi
Annan, ex-Head of the United Nations)

Whereas the Cold War, the world wars, or the Age of Empires shaped previous
generations of managers and organizations, the contemporary scene is shaped by
globalization. Here we debate some key themes, focusing our discussion, eventually,
on the winners and losers from globalization. You, as a management student, need to
understand the global patterns within which your managing will be constituted. The
fact is that we live in a globalizing world. What this implies is that
anywhere/anything is potentially or actually linked to anywhere/anything else in the
management of commerce, government, aid, or other globally exchanged goods and
services, but especially in movements of international financial flows and foreign
currency exchanges that now dwarf the value of international trade in goods.
Financial services are fundamental to the operation of every aspect of the economic
system. Thus, globalization is vitally important in terms of both the factors making
this connectedness possible and the consequences flowing from it. Globalization, as
the enveloping context, provides the big picture within which the rest of this book
should be situated. However, it is also important because globalization is the
phenomenon underpinning the contemporary contexts in which you will be
managing and organizing.

Wall St suffers biggest fall since 9/11
Fears over Chinese and US economies trigger slump Losses wipe out year’s gains on main indices

Larry Elliott, economics editor

The Guardian, Wednesday 28 February 2007

Wall Street suffered its biggest one-day fall yesterday since the immediate aftermath of the September
11 terrorist attacks, as a day of hefty stock market falls around the world culminated in a late panic sell-
off in New York.
The Dow Jones industrial average closed more than 400 points down amid fears that the US and
China – the twin locomotives for the global economy – were about to plunge into recession and that the
White House might be preparing air strikes against Iran’s nuclear capability.
At one stage, the savage mark down of equities on Wall Street left the Dow down 550 points, but a
partial recovery meant that at the closing bell the average of blue chip stocks finished 415.86 points
lower at 12,216.40.
The one-day loss more than wiped out this year’s gains on the stock market for the Dow and New
York’s two other main share price indices – the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq – and was the biggest drop
since September 17 2001, when trading recommenced six days after terrorists flew two planes into the
World Trade Center. Wall Street went into retreat at the start of yesterday’s trading, and was 200 points
lower by lunchtime in New York. It dropped sharply during the afternoon, with the late flurry of selling
coming too late in the day to trigger the automatic circuit breakers designed to calm the markets.
Oil prices, which earlier had climbed to more than $62 a barrel in early New York trading, later
dropped back to close a dollar lower at just over $60 on concerns that the decline of almost 8% in US
durable goods order announced in Washington yesterday was evidence that higher interest rates had
finally taken their toll.
Despite news yesterday of a modest pick-up in sales of existing homes, yesterday’s mini-crash was
also blamed on the exposure of the US financial sector to subprime mortgages, a high-risk form of
home loan that proved lucrative when the housing market was booming. The latest figures show that the
price of existing homes in the US in January was 3.1% lower than a year earlier.
Bond prices rose as dealers sought a safe haven from the turmoil in the equity markets. Thomas
Metzold, vice-president of Eaton Vance in Boston, said: ‘Only time will tell if this is a correction or
more. But I feel we had gotten the point of feeling that risk was nonexistent and maybe people have
finally gotten a wake-up call.’
Earlier, a day of turmoil on the world’s bourses from Hong Kong to Buenos Aires began with a fall
of almost 9% in Shanghai, with the biggest drop in China’s stock market in almost a decade blamed on
hints from Beijing that action was being planned to combat the speculation that this week drove share
prices to record highs.
Chris Low, economist at FTN Financial in New York said: ‘What is striking to us is not the big move
in Chinese stocks, but the contagion driving stocks down around the world. For the past couple of
years, contagion was a thing of the past.’
The FTSE 100 closed almost 150 points down on the day at 6,286.1, with the fall of 2.31% the
sharpest since last June. The FTSE 250 suffered its biggest one-day points fall, dropping by 431.5 to
11,180.9. The Nikkei dropped 0.52% to 18,119.92 after the yen’s strength gave investors a reason to
sell some exporters’ shares. The FTSEurofirst 300, the pan-European index, dropped 2.8% to close
unofficially at 1,507.06, its biggest one-day percentage loss since May 2003.
Foreign exchange markets were also thrown into turmoil by a jump in the yen. Investors have made
big profits in recent years by borrowing money cheaply in yen and buying higher-yielding but riskier
assets elsewhere. An unwinding yesterday of these so-called ‘carry trades’ led to a 2% decline in the
value of the dollar against the yen – its biggest drop in a year. The dollar also lost ground against the
sterling, with the pound ending the day in London little more than three cents away from the $2 level.
The ripple effect reminded some of the retreat in global markets of May 2006. ‘There’s near-term
vulnerability a la May 2006 because of the sheer amount of risk that is on board across the world,’ said
Jim O’Neill, chief global economist at Goldman Sachs.

Explainer: carry trades

Currency carry trades involve an investor borrowing money in a currency where interest rates are low
and buying assets in a currency where they are high.
The amount investors make on the deal depends on the riskiness of the asset they buy and the
amount they are prepared to borrow to boost their initial investment. Evidence suggests that many
investors have plumped for high-risk plays and dangerously magnified their exposure through
In recent years, the prime target for the carry trade has been the Japanese yen, because a decade of
deflation has forced the authorities to keep interest rates at zero. Even now, the official cost of
borrowing is under 1%, compared to more than 5% in Britain and America (these rates are much lower
now, in the wake of the global financial crisis).
The carry trade is not a one-way bet, however. The main risk comes from movements in exchange
rates: if the yen goes up against the dollar, paying back the original borrowing becomes more expensive
and can wipe out the profits of an investor who has borrowed heavily to fund the trade.
Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2007.

What do these ‘Chinese whispers’ tell you about the processes of contemporary globalization?
What have been the further globalization effects of subprime loans?

On the evening of 27 February 2007 (GMT) the world’s major stock markets
appeared to be collapsing, losing as much in New York on a single day as they did
on 9/11. The next day, the Sydney Morning Herald, Independent, Guardian, and the
New York Times all carried the same lead business story. The Mini Case box shows
how the Guardian ran it. It was a precursor of things to come.
These ‘Chinese whispers’ represent one side of the process of globalization – the
international financialization of global investments. Linked by instantaneous
technologies, the world’s major markets are heavily interdependent. While this kind
of spectacular domino effect demonstrates the global reach and interpenetration of
financial markets and is emblematic of globalization, the process of globalization
entails more than merely digitally connected markets. Forty years ago it was
inconceivable that China, stalled in the depths of the Cultural Revolution, could have
precipitated an economic meltdown anywhere. Then it was entombed in Maoist
rhetoric and the struggles that this legitimated against those who were seen as taking
the ‘capitalist road’. Today, despite (or perhaps because of) being a one-party
authoritarian state that is still nominally Marxist, it is building that capitalist road
and using it to supply the world with an ever-increasing supply of cheaper goods. No
one back then could have imagined that rumours in China could shake confidence in
the global economy, but in a global world everything is connected, potentially, to
everything else, as the Guardian commentary shows.

Globalization can be thought of as worldwide integration in virtually every sphere achieved principally through markets, a process whereby the world becomes more interconnected and the fates of those people
and organizations in it become more intertwined. In business terms, globalization means business without frontiers, crossing national boundaries, and dealing with the world, not just the home base.

Financialization means the pervasive influence of financial calculations and judgements. Applied to everyday organizational life, it means the way that financial calculations now constitute the primary criteria of
value, even for mundane objects, practices, and processes. It can be summed up in the ubiquitous phrase ‘what’s the value proposition?’

What makes globalization and financialization such a potent mix is the way that
immediacy characterizes the consequences of decisions, as the ‘Chinese Whispers’
case demonstrates. Of course, moke recently the global financial crisis that began to
unfold from late 2007 has made this even clearer. The implications of a market in
finance that is technologically mediated make a global crisis possible. Karin Knorr-
Cetina and Alex Preda (2007) noted that markets have moved from a network-based
architecture, with human processing at its core, to one based on a mode of
coordination that can technologically mediate and disperse information
simultaneously to a large audience of observers. One consequence of this is the
creation of a historically unprecedented, integrated system of new institutional
components, electronic circuits, software, hardware, and systematic information
processes, enabling a flow market to emerge that moves across time zones with the
sun, 24/7, year in year out. These flow markets are stable only for long enough to
enable transactions to occur and they change as a result of the transactions they
enable – as financial crises make abundantly clear.
The most recent financial crisis began to unravel in late 2007 and, at the time of
writing, is still in process, especially in the Eurozone. Within banking circles it was
clear by late 2007 that the sector was in trouble. Ironically, this came after a record
year of profits for most banks. Steeling themselves for larger losses, banks began to
exercise much more caution in relation to each other. Most specifically, they were
now reluctant to lend to each other in the short-term money markets. The freezing up
of money on the short-term money markets in the UK led to the downfall of
Northern Rock. Subsequently, in the US, Bear Stearns was encountering difficulties
in raising monies on the short-term money markets. In a sense, it was a replay of the
problems that beset Northern Rock a few months previously. In addition, it had been
rocked by the failure of its Bear hedge fund in 2007. Commercial investors started to
withdraw their monies from Bear Stearns: in ten days during March 2008, over $10
billion in cash was taken out of the bank (Tett, 2009: 255). It was clear that Bear
Stearns was no longer viable as a bank. The Federal Reserve exerted heavy pressure
on JPMorgan Chase to intervene and help Bear Stearns. JPMorgan Chase had
suffered some losses, but these were tiny when compared to their competitors. Their
caution in the property market – for which they had been castigated a few years
before – was now proving prescient. JPMorgan purchased Bear Stearns for £250
million ($2 a share, against the $100 it had been trading at in the year before), which
was backed with a $30 billion Fed guarantee against losses. This was seen as a very
low price for Bear Stearns. This was shortly after renegotiated with the government,
when more liabilities were spotted: in return for government guarantees the price
was lifted to $10 a share.
The markets briefly rallied hearing this news; many saw this as a decisive move to
prevent what they feared could have been a financial meltdown. Monies started to
flow once more into the short-term money markets. In many ways this was
reminiscent of the 1929 Wall Street Crash, where at various junctures the markets
rallied and commentators proclaimed the crisis to be over (Galbraith, 1954). By
April 2008 the IMF speculated that total losses could be in the region of £1,000
In September 2008 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, two large American mortgage
providers, were in trouble. They were highly leveraged, lending out large multiples
of loans against their asset base and were seriously undermined by defaults in the
mortgage market. The US government, in effect, nationalized the two mortgage
providers. At this juncture the banking sector was descending into crisis, with
something akin to a domino effect breaking out.
It is widely agreed that the tipping point in the recent banking crash came when
the US government decided not to bail out Lehman Brothers. As an iconic Wall
Street bank, Lehman Brothers had been at the forefront of much of the lending that
had taken place, with particularly aggressive positions in the subprime mortgages
market. Resonant with Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, Lehman Brothers obtained
much of its financing from the short-term money markets. It was struggling to raise
funds and investors were withdrawing assets. Critically, Dick Fuld, its chairman,
failed to seek early help for the bank from potential suitors. Events started to spiral
out of control and other bankers simply lost trust in Lehman’s balance sheet: in their
estimation Lehman was under-stating their huge exposure defaults on super senior
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Banks were unwilling to trade with Lehman
Brothers, which, among other things, led the Fed to call a meeting about the future
of Lehman Brothers. The fascinating feature of this meeting – attended by the Fed
and all the major American banks and some European ones – was that Lehman
Brothers were not actually invited! At the meeting the bankers divided into groups
and went into breakout rooms to discuss options to save Lehman Brothers. The
bankers rejected the idea, mooted by the American government, of forming a
consortium to bail out the bank.
Barclays was interested in purchasing the bank, but, following much deliberation,
was stymied by the British government, which feared, correctly as it transpired, that
Barclays’ financial position was insufficiently strong to mount a takeover.
Discussions went on between Barclays Capital, the UK Financial Services Authority,
and Hank Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary. Barclays Capital wanted to make the
deal, but the Financial Services Authority were less keen and were wary of being
railroaded into agreement. When Alistair Darling, the British Chancellor, told
Paulson that the deal was off, Paulson told his colleagues that ‘the British don’t want
to import our cancer’ (Ross-Sorkin, 2009). Paulson was keen for ‘closure’ by 7 p.m.
on the Sunday evening, as that is when the Asian stock markets opened. Hank
Paulson decided to let Lehman Brothers fail. Having pressured JPMorgan Chase to
subsume Bear Stearns and having bailed out Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac, he
decided that he was not willing to countenance any further rescues and that an
example of the consequences of moral hazard needed to be evident. The decision not
to rescue Lehman Brothers was a dramatic one and it sent shockwaves not just
through the financial community but also through the broader economy and political
sphere. On 14 September 2008, Lehman Brothers went into bankruptcy. The world
was reeling from shock that an iconic Wall Street institution was being allowed to
fail. By the Monday morning, following the bankruptcy announcement, stock
exchanges around the world had lost a stunning $600 billion in a two-day period.
As the global financial crisis demonstrates, in contemporary financial markets,
knowledge systems and sensemaking devices make available unprecedented data
streams processed by divisions of analysts, model builders, and strategists located
on the trading floors of major banks that are liable to catastrophic outcomes from
seemingly rational individual decisions. The market rests on a system of observation
and projection that assembles dispersed and diverse activities, interpretations, and
representations, which in turn orient and constrain the response of an audience in a
cycle that has no finitude. The reality attended to is one of flux and flow, a constant
becoming, as action is enacted on the basis of observational cues that this action will
necessarily, reflexively, change, in a self-regarding system without end, one in
which finitude does not exist. Of course, as we learned in the most dramatic way,
with the unfolding of the global financial crisis, these markets are not self-
The mass of individual enactments change the nature of that which is being
enacted in a constant process whereby a new market reality is in the process of
becoming, in an endless fluidity. The process of reality constantly changing on the
screen is composed of an infinite succession of data that is the market, a series of
devices for managing space, in which the world is comprised of time zones rather
than physical features. Global markets have their own time reckoning systems: dates
and hours set for important economic announcements and for the release of
periodically calculated economic indicators and data, structuring participants’
awareness and anticipation, and anchoring market developments in national or
regional economies’ fundamental characteristics.

For some theorists globalization means the financialization of everyday
organizational life (Martin, 2002). Others see it in terms of the integration of
deregulating markets and technology facilitated by telecommunications and
transport innovations. Additionally, globalization has been seen in terms of the
Americanization of the world (Ritzer, 1993) because many of the phenomena
described as global are American: American products, designs, and politics
dominate the global world – even when they are being manufactured by Mexican or
Brazilian companies. The USA dominates this world; it has the only military capable
of global power projection and its form of English is fast becoming the global norm.
American consumption, especially of energy, drains natural resources from this

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Karin Knorr-Cetina and Alex Preda (2007) if you want to learn more about how global
financial markets are organized.

The USA is not only hugely globalized, but also massively indebted – with much
of that debt held in Chinese and Japanese banks. The global world floats on a sea of
oil and other energy resources that, according to some analysts, are at a tipping point
in terms of exploitable reserves and existing price mechanisms. Future reserves will
only be had at historically much higher prices. Thus, what is increasingly being
globalized are North American values, products, force, and debt, and unsustainable
modes of production and consumption.
Most global corporations are domiciled in relatively few countries. Firms from
Japan and the USA dominate the list of Global 500 firms. There are twice as many
US firms (nearly 200) as Japanese (about 100). Germany, the UK, and France each
have nearly half as many as Japan, with numbers distributed around 40. After these
few countries, most other countries hardly rate, with the exception of Switzerland,
Italy, South Korea, and Canada, which each have about ten such firms, and there are
a handful of firms from the remaining OECD countries as well as one or two from
China, Taiwan, Venezuela, and some other industrialized economies (Bergesen and
Sonnett, 2001).
To the extent that the world is becoming economically global, it is a world
dominated by US, East and South-East Asian, Western European, and allied
interests. Technological, economic, and cultural integration is developing within and
between these three regions and is evident in the patterns of international trade and
investment flows. Interfirm strategic alliances are heavily concentrated among
companies from these countries.
International activities enable firms to enter new markets, exploit technological
and organizational advantages, as well as reduce business costs and risks, and
achieve more economic integration of their activities.
Transnational or multinational organizations – the terms are often used
interchangeably – have significant control over both production and consumption in
more than one country. They dominate world trade. In principle, they have sufficient
geographical flexibility to shift resources and operations between global locations.
In practice it may be a bit more difficult. There is a plurality of transnational
corporations, which neither dominate national industrial sectors in all markets nor
operate without regard for more or less sovereign states.

Those organizations known as transnational or multinational organizations, because they extend beyond national space in their routine activities, are able to exert control either through ownership and/or
through the coordination and control of operations, as a result of other mechanisms, such as a multisubsidiary form based on capital interdependency (as we discussed in Chapter 14). The acronyms TNC
(TransNational Corporation) or MNC (MultiNational Corporation) are sometimes used.

IMAGE 15.1 Coca-Cola, the most global brand

The power of transnationals can easily be overestimated. Only a small number of
transnational corporations are truly global, and not all transnational corporations are
necessarily large, in conventional definitions of that term. Global patterns differ
markedly according to the national origin of the firms. New supplies and sources of
transnational corporations evolve as the world economy evolves, so that we now
have emergent market transnational corporations in newly industrializing countries.
Nonetheless, the commanding heights of the world economy remain centred on
Europe, the USA, and Japan, even as China, India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa
enter the ranks as major outposts jostling for possession of some of these heights.

Why globalization? Scale, scope, and access to key resources

I n Scale and Scope, Chandler (1990) argues that the evolution of the global
corporation is the final stage in the transformation of industries in search of
economies of scale in production, economies of scope in marketing and distribution,
and national differences in the availability and cost of resources:

1. In many industries, economies of scale are such that volumes exceed the sales
levels individual companies can achieve in all but the largest countries, forcing
them to become international or perish. The minimum efficient level for
capital-intensive plants is 80 to 90 per cent of capacity in contrast to labour-
intensive industries. The costs and profits of capital-intensive industries are
determined by plant utilization and throughput, rather than by the simple
amount produced. Less capital-intensive industries are not as affected by scale
2. Opportunities exist for economies of scope through worldwide communication
and transportation networks. Trading companies handling the products of many
companies can achieve greater volume and lower unit cost.
3. Cutting the costs of resources by gaining access to cheap resources is often
assumed to be a reason for globalizing. With changes in technology and
markets came requirements for access to new resources as lower factor costs.
Cheap labour may be important, but not as much as one might think. It is
misleading to assume that the search for cheaper labour in itself is the central
driving force of the increasing internationalization of many industries. In most
industries there are more important factors than labour costs, including access
to markets, technology, and other resources, among which one may be human
resources. Increasingly, industry requires more highly skilled labour, and the
possession of relevant skills is more immediately important than the price of
labour. A focus on globalization that sees it in terms of economies of scale and
scope, or the search for cheap labour, or in terms of the business strategies of
transnational corporations, is not necessarily wrong. But it is limited, as we will


Why do firms become global?
Firms become global in search of three advantages, according to Dunning (1998):

1. Ownership advantages: Reusing existing production techniques and management knowledge to

produce existing goods and services elsewhere other than the home country can provide a significant
return on the original investments that produced them. Thus, firms seek to replicate what they already
know and do somewhere else, under different conditions. Managing these conditions is the major
challenge – things such as language, regulatory and political environment, markets, and so on.
2. Locational advantages: Firms sometimes go global in search of particular local advantages where there
is some particular asset to exploit – things such as low wages or government subsidies or tax breaks – or
there is a particular asset they wish to acquire – such as a new market, raw material supply, or new
3. Internationalization advantages: These arise where there is a realization that working through local
agents with a franchise or licence arrangement leaves the firm open to risks such as brand
mismanagement, or competition from firms already embedded locally.

How do firms become global?

Firms become global in a number of separate ways, according to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989):

1. Where they have undifferentiated markets, such as Microsoft, organizations will tend to be strongly
centralized using local subsidiaries mostly as pipelines to the market – what Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989)
call global firms. Local subsidiaries are not great places to make a career from; what happens there is
relatively overlooked from the centre.
2. Where the local markets are highly differentiated and market know-how and responsiveness are
important, then the organizational form tends to be a series of independent national companies – what
they call multinational firms. In such firms, people’s careers can flourish in the global company if they
are noticed for making a significant difference locally; automobile companies tend to operate like this to
accommodate local preferences for vehicles, such as the prevalence of four-cylinder diesel cars in
France or six-cylinder cars in the USA or Australia.
3. Where firms spread out from a home base that comprised their key assets, but marketed globally, they
would be international firms. Achieving a balance between centralization and decentralization is the
issue here; from the career perspective of managers, being a home-country manager has distinct
locational advantages.
4. Where firms are most thoroughly global they consist of what Morgan (2008: 1566) refers to as ‘a
network of subsidiaries, divisions and central functions in which flows of information could be
horizontal, not just vertical, allowing ideas to flow in all directions’, which are true transnational firms.
Hedlund (1986) characterizes these as having a heterarchic rather than hierarchic organizational form.
From the point of view of a person making a career, these look like the ideal organizations to join
because innovation and ability in one part of the heterarchy can be noticed more easily in other parts.
Moreover, there are opportunities for advancement through the creation of internally competitive
markets within the transnational firm.

Do different national firms become global in different ways and does this
have implications for careers?
The characteristic imprinting of the national business system on the firm affects the way that it
internationalizes, as Whitley (1999) has argued. For instance, Japanese firms tend to be highly
centralized when they move overseas, using Japanese top management teams and Japanese supply
chain partners, relying only on local labour. Their investment strategies are long term as they have
strong bank financing of their operations; thus they build for the long term using the systems that work
well in Japan. Careers by foreign nationals in such firms will face the barrier of their not being Japanese,
which will limit their occupational mobility. Other countries, such as British transnationals, where stock
market pressures for fast returns are far greater, expect subsidiaries to be profitable more quickly.
Careers built in these subsidiaries by foreign nationals who achieve high leverage of their asset base as
managers can be much more competitive because talent gets recognized and rewarded more easily.

Characteristics of globalization

Globalization has a technical core, which is organized in terms of flows of inputs,

their distribution globally, transformation, and outputs, organized through global
supply chains. These, in turn, are embedded in technological and logistical systems,
which, in turn, are coupled with financial and governance systems. The key actors,
without doubt, are transnational firms, whose ability to move facilities and resources
globally sets in play the dynamics flows through global circuits, at the core of which
is a production complex, incorporating material inputs, transformation processes,
distribution networks, and channels to market for the consumption of goods.
Each of these is reciprocally interconnected, with feedback loops. Supporting the
core are technological and logistical systems, which in turn are contained within a
financial system and a governance system of regulation, coordination, and control
(see Figure 15.1 on page 580). Financial systems, as the example with which we
began this chapter indicates, are extremely important: they control the supply and
value of the underlying key commodity, which of course is capital.
Circuits of global production have an impact in four ways:

1. On the global relations between states, as we see states flourish as a result of

globalization, such as China and India in recent times. New opportunities for
managers from, and within, these countries arise, with all the challenges of
international placements for HRM (Brewster et al., 2007; Sparrow et al., 2004).
2. On issues of sustainability, as places such as China and India industrialize on
the back of a fossil fuel industry that is ecologically most damaging. The levels
of pollution in the Pearl River Delta, for instance, which is China’s main export
route, are absolutely dreadful. Managers may manage costs by outsourcing or
setting up a supply chain – but they could end up having to manage damage that
is far more than bargained for when they made their initial assessment of the
value proposition of an outsourcing or supply chain partner.
3. On people’s conceptions of who they are : This reaches into societies and
enables people to migrate and move from one society to another – the millions
of ‘guest workers’ in the Middle East oil-rich countries of the Gulf, for instance
– or the people who become illegal migrants from Africa and Asia in search of
a better life, so it has a considerable impact on changing conceptions of
personal identity. People only develop a sense of self in relation to others. For
most of human history, these others were framed by what was available at the
local, often village, level. Today, even the most remote villager can see
themselves in the mirror that the media project into their communities.
Managers who employ such people may have to manage the contradictions that
occur when the expectations of global business and local culture collide.
4. On the multicultural diversity of organizations and communities: In almost any
of the world’s great cities today there are people working with each other,
competing with each other, and playing with each other, whose ancestors come
from villages all over the globe. Multicultural society is normal. Managers
today have to be able to manage complex differentiated workforces with
sensitivity and skill.
FIGURE 15.1 Global flows, systems, and effects

Transnational corporations often get a bad press for their subcontracting practices in
the Third World. For instance, writers such as Naomi Klein are extremely critical of
the role that transnationals play in the developing world. Her argument is that
transnationals behave irresponsibly by employing subcontractors who pay low
wages, have poor working conditions, and potentially abusive environments (Klein,
2001). She singles out the famous companies whose brands are known the world
In a campaign by Oxfam – the non-governmental organization – Nike has been
taken to task over these issues. One thing that such campaigning activity has
delivered is assurance from Nike that such concerns have been addressed, which for
many is a contestable point. On balance, it is fair to say that transnational
organizations may be positive agents of change. It is clear that they have the
potential to create stable, long-term jobs with decent pay and conditions. Thus,
potentially, they deliver better jobs and better wages in many economies. In
addition, they set standards that local industry has to aspire to in both labour and
industry practice.
Those transnationals that do not meet global standards can expect to be subject to
campaigns throughout the Western world. Their good name represents their
reputational capital. If there really were ‘no logos’, as Naomi Klein advocates, it
would be much harder to police standards, because without brand names, no
reputations would suffer. There would be no brand differentia offering opportunities
for discrimination between the choice of one T-shirt or another. We would expect
that in such a situation, price signals would be even more sovereign and would
exercise still stronger downward pressure on local wages and conditions in the Third
World. Fair logos rather than no logos might be better policy.
Subcontracted manufacturing jobs also create higher export earnings
domestically, which potentially enhance the tax base of less developed national
governments. We say ‘potentially’ because often these companies are quite
sophisticated in moving tax losses around their global operations and using the
pricing of internally traded goods to minimize liabilities where they will attract the
highest regimes of tax – something referred to as transfer pricing.

Global flows of finance, knowledge, people, and politics

Globalization of production, distribution, and consumption flows through many

circuits and networks linking the transit of material and non-material phenomena
(such as services) in relationally patterned ways. There are many linkages and
feedback loops (Hudson, 2004), as well as a few key nodes in the boardrooms of
Tokyo, New York, London, and a few other centres.
The key agencies in these flows, as well as transnational firms, are states, global
institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Labor Organization
(ILO), the World Bank, the IMF, and the G8 – which frame the institutional rules of
the global economy, which are largely neo-economically liberal – and international
non-governmental organizations such as Greenpeace or Human Rights International,
as well as civil society organizations (CSOs) such as the various anti-globalization
These organizations create circuits and networks that are always in various stages
of flux; shifting hither and thither in the search for alliances and pathways that suit
their interests. They traverse varieties of capitalism in a global economy where to
speak of capitalism per se is far too abstracted (Hall and Sostike, 2001). The boards
of the transnational firms in the few really global cities seek to control the key assets
of capital, technology, knowledge, labour skills, natural resources, and consumer
Transnational organizations often have greater range and resources than some of
the national states over whose territories their business interests run. There are
exceptions, including those states that exercise a monopoly or oligopoly control over
a key resource base, such as the OPEC states, or are strongly opposed to liberal
economic governance, such as Russia or Venezuela, with their respective oil
Transnational organizations are also flexible: at best, in terms of flexibility, they
are private equity; if moderately flexible, they only have to account to shareholders
in terms of a bottom line; if slightly less flexible, they may be accountable to a
wider range of stakeholders on a wider range of measures, such as ‘triple bottom-
line’ accounting for profits, people, and nature.
These stakeholders can sometimes include states and other interested parties such
as financial institutions, unions, NGOs, and CSOs. Sometimes, in one arena the same
firms, unions, states, NGOs, and CSOs may be collaborating, while they are
competing ruthlessly in another arena.

Globalization is a multiplicity of processes, not a state of existence

We live in a globalizing rather than globalized world. Dicken (2007: 8), the foremost
geographer of globalization, suggests that there is an interpenetration of four parallel
processes creating globalization:

1. Localizing processes: These are where geographically concentrated activities

with varying degrees of functional integration occur, playing a key role in the
global economy. Key ports such as Rotterdam, Singapore, and Hong Kong or
airports such as Heathrow and Frankfurt would be obvious examples.
2. Internationalizing processes: These are where there is a simple spread of
economic activities across national borders but with low levels of functional
integration. The maquiladora plants of Monterrey, in northern Mexico, which
use cheap land and labour to service goods or produce components and goods
for the US economy, would be a case in point. For instance, GE has a plant that
services all of its North American radiological equipment there.
3. Globalizing processes: These are characterized by both an extensive
geographical spread and a high degree of functional integration. The global auto
industry would be a case in point, where new models may come from any of a
number of countries, despite that we might think of them as ‘national’ cars.
German cars, which many people prefer because of the perceived quality of
German workmanship, might come from Brazil, the USA, South Africa, or the
Czech Republic, for instance.
4. Regionalizing processes: These are characterized by globalizing processes that
take place at a regionally supranational scale such as the EU or the European
Free Trade Association, or other similar common markets.

Corporations sometimes have considerable potential to shape policy within nation-

states. In countries that are competing with one another for foreign direct investment
from these global entities, then, in a process more akin to a beauty contest than any
economic planning model, less developed nations will sometimes compete against
each other in terms of tax incentives, grants, and other inducements to attract firms
to their country. Within countries, regional policies operate to try and bring
investment to particular regions.
Corporations are not entirely footloose and fancy-free: often they are deeply
embedded within specific locales, perhaps because of a specific infrastructure,
suppliers, or university research centres. However, there are a lot more firms than
the 193 countries in the world. UNCTAD (United Nations Centre on Transnational
Corporations) estimates that there are 60,000 transnational corporations globally
(UNCTAD, 2004). Because states are spatially fixed, they are immobile compared
with firms, and so their governments have to struggle with the policy implications of
globalization; they cannot decamp or disengage.

Global financial systems

A liberalization of the financial system took place in the 1980s, which accelerated
through to 2008 when the global financial crisis stopped it in its tracks. This
liberalization occurred together with the digital revolution in IT. The rapid spread of
IT systems linked markets globally so that differentials in interest rates between
states could lead to rapid, almost instant, transfers and movement of large volumes
of capital, sometimes with speculative effect, as currency traders take a punt on
short-term futures markets for the currency in question.
New financial instruments, such as junk bonds, leveraged buyouts, and currency
speculation, became de rigeur as finance capital took on a hyper-real quality. One
consequence of the widespread financialization that ensued, Harvey (1992: 194)
suggests, was that the financial system achieved an unprecedented degree of
autonomy from real production, becoming dominated by an economy of signs
representing capital flows rather than an economy of things.
The global integration of financial markets collapses time differences, creating
instantaneous financial transactions in loans, securities, and other innovative
financial instruments while the deregulation and internationalization of financial
markets creates a new competitive spatial environment (Harvey, 1992: 161).
Globally integrated financial markets increase the speed and accuracy of
information flows and the rapidity and directness of transactions.
The increasing coordination of the world’s financial system emerged to some
degree at the expense of the power of nation-states’ public sector managers in
reserve banks to control capital flows and hence fiscal and monetary policy.
Instantaneous financial trading means that shocks felt in one market are
communicated immediately around the world’s markets, as we saw with the example
of Chinese Whispers. The implementation of transfer taxes to discourage short-term
capital flights has been suggested; however, the international economic polity has so
far resisted these efforts (

Global strategic alliances

Major mechanisms of global integration are collaborations and strategic alliances.

The major strategic objectives of alliances are maximizing value, enhancing
learning, protecting core competencies, and maintaining flexibility. ‘The more a
company becomes globalized, the more it is likely to lose its own identity within a
tangle of companies, alliances and markets’, suggests Petrella (1996: 76).
Particularly in industries where there is a dominant worldwide market leader,
strategic alliances and networks allow coalitions of smaller partners to compete
against the leading companies rather than each other in several ways:

Alliances are essentially a strategic device connecting different organizations in a network or web that includes many transacting parties. Yoshino and Rangan (1995: 17) define alliances as ‘cooperation
between two or more independent firms involving shared control and continuing contributions by all partners’.

1. Strategic alliances help transfer technology across borders. Access to new

markets is facilitated by using the complementary resources of local firms,
including distribution channels, and product range extensions (recall the
example of Cisco Systems from Chapter 14).
2. Alliances allow partners to leverage their specific capabilities and save costs of
duplication (see also pp. 543–549). All other activities can be outsourced either
through alliances or subcontracting.
3. Another way of looking at virtual companies, alliances, and joint ventures is as
the outsourcing of risk, allowing organizations at arm’s length from the parent
companies to take risks more freely, something that the parent organizations
wish to avoid.

Strategic alliances are a way of focusing investments, efforts, and attention only
on those tasks that a company does well in its value chain. Only when the created
value is higher than the cost of creating it will an organization be making a profit.
Those activities and practices that are core to profit making can be differentiated
from those that are secondary, such as corporate governance or human resource

The value chain is a concept for decomposing an organization into its component activities. Each activity can be analysed with regard to the value that it adds to the final product or service, which can be
measured in terms of what the customer is prepared to pay for it, and the cost entailed in producing profit.

The value chain core will differ from industry to industry. Managers can analyse
the value chain in their organization and outsource or procure elsewhere those
elements that are not contributing positively to profitability, a process referred to as
deconstruction or disintermediation of the value chain. When they do this they
establish what is often referred to as a supply chain, where rather than being created
internally value is created through a network of interorganizational relations. Often,
this process of deconstruction and disintermediation can unwittingly destroy subtly
embedded social capital, competencies, and value that are not immediately apparent
or amenable to simplistic analysis. Around half of all cross-border strategic
alliances terminate within seven years. Often, where one or other of the partners
purchases the alliance, then its termination does not necessarily mean failure – but it
does suggest that management at a distance might tax managerial capabilities.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Paul W. L. Vlaar, Frans A. J. Van den Bosch, and Henk W. Volberda (2006) if you want
to learn more about how managers involved in interorganizational relations often use formalization to try and make sense of their foreign partners’ social and embedded contexts.

One strategy that firms that are deeply involved in alliance relations follow is to
use formalization as a means to make sense of their partners, the interorganizational
relationships in which they are engaged, and the contexts in which these are
embedded. Formalizing relations helps to (a) focus participants’ attention; (b)
provoke articulation, deliberation, and reflection; (c) instigate and maintain
interaction; and (d) reduce judgement errors and individual biases, and diminish the
incompleteness and inconsistency of cognitive representations.

Mergers and acquisitions

Some firms globalize by merging with or acquiring others, often in other countries.
The consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers concludes that about 70 per cent
of mergers and acquisitions are destined to fail and destroy value rather than make it
(Feldman and Spratt, 1999). Being big and being global is no surefire success recipe,
despite whatever the financial institutions – whose profits come from brokering
these deals – might say. Going global seems to open firms to challenges and risks
rather than global dominance and easy profits. Interfirm alliance through merger and
acquisition is risky because it carries the cost of strategic and organizational
complexity. As we have seen in Chapter 6, managing organization culture is not
straightforward, and this is especially the case where the organization is the result of
a merger between two or more quite distinct cultures.

Different institutional systems

Transnational activity is not easily managed precisely because it crosses the borders
of so many institutional systems. Of particular importance are the sector-specific
and national institutional features of the home and host countries. For manufacturing
firms, what is crucial are the ways in which the firm is embedded in the home
country and host country and how this shapes the (re)organization of tasks and work
systems. As Geppert and Matten (2006) argue, the important question is how key
actors – especially the top management team – shape the interaction of these
institutional pressures and, hence, manufacturing approaches, location choices, and
work system designs. Typically, they argue, these managers apply a ‘cherrypicking’
strategy where they selectively use elements of the way in which work is normally
shaped by the host-country business system. It is not easy to import wholesale the
manufacturing strategies of MNCs originating from highly coordinated business
systems, because these are highly context specific and difficult (if not impossible) to
transfer elsewhere. For instance, Japanese just-in-time manufacturing does not work
very well in cities, such as Bangkok, where the traffic is gridlocked much of the
UK and US companies are stock price oriented, whereas, in contrast, Japanese,
Dutch, and Swiss companies are less sensitive to stock prices. Indeed, there has been
much debate on the role that the city and financial institutions play in Anglo-
American organizations. Critics such as Hutton (1995) argue that the primacy of
finance creates an atmosphere in which a short-term orientation prevails, as
companies aim to satisfy shareholders, who can easily sell their stock. He contends
that this stifles innovation and makes for capricious organizations. In contrast, he
notes that ownership of German and Japanese companies, with stable and major
bank investments, enables them to plan for the medium and long term.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to two articles that Mike Geppert was involved in writing, one with Karen Williams (2003) and another
with Dirk Matten (2006), if you want to learn more about how multinationals translate their operating systems from one country to another.

National governments and transnational companies have different interests

The interests that transnational organization’s managers have to advance often mean
that they cannot owe loyalty to their national governments as they seek to advance
company value. We can characterize the sometimes vexed relations between
government and transnational managers by showing how what each wants clearly

Transnationals’ managers:

Want unrestricted access to resources and markets throughout the world.

Seek freedom to integrate manufacturing with other operations across national
Demand an unimpeded right to try to coordinate and control all aspects of the
company on a worldwide basis.
Endeavour to maximize shareholder value and minimize taxes.
Minimize taxes by establishing corporate headquarters in low-tax regimes such
as the Dutch Antilles or the Cayman Islands.
Lobby for light regulatory frameworks and minimal government expenditures,
so less tax is required.
Have a bottom line to which they can reduce costs and benefits unambiguously.
Think of how to achieve competitiveness globally without barriers.
Want governments to offer grants and subsidies for local investment.
Expect governments to cover the costs of basic infrastructure, such as funding
of basic and high-risk research, universities, and vocational training systems;
promotion and funding of the dissemination of scientific and technical
information and technology transfer; as well as ensuring economic and physical
security and a communications infrastructure, such as up-to-date and high-
speed international rail links.
Seek tax incentives for investment in industrial R&D and technological
innovations, as well as guarantees that national enterprises from the given
country have a stable home base.
Expect privileged access to the domestic market via public contracts (defence,
telecommunications, health, transport, education, and social services).
Want appropriate industrial policies, particularly for those in the high-
technology strategic sectors (defence, telecommunications, and data
Talk in terms of capital mobility and its logic. If the local state does not
provide the required sweeteners, mobile capitalism will simply exit the scene
and set up where the benefits sought can be ensured.
Have to abide by the rules of the states in which they invest.

Have to manage changing definitions of what constitute ‘citizenship rights’,

such as taxpayer-funded provisions of big-ticket items like health and
education, or else they have to manage to persuade people who once saw
themselves primarily as citizens to become consumers in markets that
transnational corporations are only too keen to enter.
Want external sources of investment, technology, and knowledge that
transnationals can supply to create global competitiveness within the national
Apply investment regulations that define specific levels of local content,
technology transfer, and a variety of other conditions in an effort to make
transnational companies increase the extent of their local activities.
Seek to reduce costs by downsizing, which often produces new commercial
opportunities in fields such as defence contracting and telecommunications.
Practice severe efficiency drives and privatization but still remain in charge of
essential parts of their sovereignty, such as legislation and the formation of
national economic policy.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Glenn Morgan and Peer Hull Kristensen (2006) if you want to learn more about how
multinational – or transnational – companies behave.

The rationalities of government and commerce differ greatly. Neither home base nor
host-country governments necessarily share interests with the transnational
organizations that straddle them. It might be remarked that in business there are no
allies, only interests.


Innovation drives competitive advantage

Globalization is driven by the strategic responses of firms as they exploit market

opportunities and adapt to changes in their technological and institutional
environment, and attempt to steer these changes to their advantage. The most
important competitive force in the global economy is the capacity for innovation, a
thesis powerfully illustrated by Porter (1990) in The Competitive Advantage of
Porter correlates the advance of knowledge, achievement in innovation, and
national competitive advantage. In his search for a new paradigm of national
competitive advantage, Porter starts from the premise that competition is dynamic
and evolving, whereas traditional thinking had a static view of cost efficiency due to
factor or scale advantages. But static efficiency is always being overcome by the rate
of progress in the change in products, marketing, new production processes, and new

Competitive advantage is gained by firms changing the constraints within which they and their competitors operate.

The crucial issue for firms, and nations, is how they ‘improve the quality of the
factors, raise the productivity with which they are utilized, and create new ones’
(Porter, 1990: 21). The capacity to innovate successfully on a worldwide basis
becomes the key competency of leading international companies. It frequently leads
to substantive injustices as employees’ knowledge in one part of the world is used to
deliver cheaper and more efficient manufacturing in another part of the world, and
then their jobs being scrapped (Clegg, 1999).
Market imperfections and high transaction costs provide an incentive for firms to
internalize firm-specific knowledge and expertise. In addition, another incentive is
to protect intellectual property rights within the firm.

Intellectual property is information that derives its intrinsic value from creative ideas. It is also information with a commercial value that can be realized through its sale on the market.

Intellectual property rights are bestowed on owners of ideas, inventions, and

creative expression that have the status of property. Like tangible property, they give
owners the right to exclude others from access to or use of their property. What
protects intellectual property rights are national laws centred on specific legislative
spaces and environments. Intellectual property rights are probably most easily
understood through the example of music. As we saw in Chapter 14, with the case
study, once music flows through the Internet in an immediate digital way, the central
issue becomes how it is that corporations are able to retain their central nodal point
in its distribution and channel profit from the transactions. The answer appears to be,
with difficulty. Although digitalization drives globalization, making intellectual
property easily available anywhere in the world, national laws limit it – but are hard
to enforce in any way other than as the occasional example.
IMAGE 15.2 Irn Bru – the drink that made it in Scotland but not elsewhere
It can sometimes be the case that competitive advantage is purely local, for local
reasons. Take the field of soft drinks, for example. Coca-Cola is the undisputed
world brand but in certain markets it has strong local competition that enjoys a
competitive advantage that might not be found elsewhere. For instance, there are
several brands of ‘Muslim’ Cola available in certain markets: the Mecca brand in
France (and elsewhere in Europe) and Quibla-Cola, launched in the Muslim
community in the UK. These drinks’ intrinsic appeal is that they are not US brands.
Of course, it is not just in the fields of religious identity and global politics that
specific local brands may prosper without making it big globally: in Scotland one of
the bestselling soft drinks is a brand that many of our non-Scottish readers may not
have heard of, let alone know how to pronounce – Irn Bru. You can even buy it from
dispensers specifically devoted to it (see Image 15.2 on page 588).
Local clusters in a globalizing world

A paradoxical consequence of increasing globalization is the concentration of

clusters of world-class expertise in specialist industries in different local economies
around the world. The significant local dimension of the globalization phenomenon
consists of regional economies built upon interlinked networks of relations among
firms, universities, and other institutions in their local environment (see Storper and
Scott, 1993). Early specialization is reinforced by the growth of similar firms and
institutions to create highly competitive industrial and service clusters.
We can explain the rationale for the local concentration of specialist industry in
terms of the advantages of being in the same location as similar firms, specialized
suppliers, and contractors, as well as knowledgeable customers (see also pp. 549–
550). In addition, these locations tend to provide a good technological infrastructure
and specialist research institutions, as well as a highly skilled labour force, where
specialization within firms enables extensive outsourcing (vertical disintegration)
and encourages similar new firms to be set up in the location (horizontal
disintegration). For instance, Lash and Urry (1994) discuss the importance of local
concentration in the making of movies, and a number of UK authors have described
the networks and clusters associated with ‘Motorsport Valley’, a small area north of
London that accounts for most of the automotive innovation associated with
Formula 1 motor racing (Tallman et al., 2004).
Local geographic concentrations of three broad groups of industrial and service
activities have been noted:

1. Highly competitive traditional, labour-intensive industries, which are highly

concentrated, including textiles and clothing in Italy.
2. High-technology industries that often cluster around new activities, such as
biotechnology in San Francisco, semiconductors in Silicon Valley, scientific
instruments in Cambridge (UK), and musical instruments in Hamamatsu
3. Services, notably financial and business services, such as advertising, films,
fashion design, and R&D activities, concentrated in a few big global cities such
as Los Angeles, Tokyo, London, Paris, Sydney, and Shanghai.

Globalization increases the competitiveness of these local economies by attracting

international firms with their own specific advantages and enhancing established
sourcing and supply relations. Local firms individually may respond to heightened
competition through improving their innovative performance. Innovation may be
extended through developing greater interactions between firms, suppliers, users,
production support facilities, and educational and other institutions in local
innovation systems.
Local firms, particularly if they are highly specialized, will cooperate with
international firms seeking complementary resources in the specialized assets of
small firms. Some writers, following Robertson (1992), such as Clarke and Clegg
(1998), Helvacioglu (2000), and Ritzer (2004), have referred to the phenomenon of
the interpenetration of the global in the local, and vice versa, as ‘glocalization’.
However, it is not only in areas of straightforward global business, such as
manufacturing, that locality can become a source of competitive advantage; it can
also be built from marginalized and stigmatized local cultures. Think of hip-hop,
now the dominant popular music trend globally. It emerged from the ghetto culture
of alienated black youth in the big cities of the USA.


For global actions there have to be global ideas that travel and are translated widely.
Over the last 25 years there has been an emergence of a powerful management ideas
industry which has successfully packaged, communicated, and sold discontinuous
innovation as a cultural ideal and a desirable good (Townley, 2000a; 2000b). A
management ideas industry has been fuelled by the rise of business schools,
especially through the provision of MBA degrees, the growth in management
consultancies, and the emergence of self-styled management gurus. Taken together,
this amounts to an actor network that has successfully packaged and commoditized
managerial initiatives. These models of ‘best practice’ have been disseminated
throughout the organizational world. These create blueprints of what organizations
‘should’ look like and what managers ‘should’ do. Collectively the key players of
the management ideas industry have helped produce management fashions.

Large IT firms

The major actors in the management ideas industry have been the large IT
companies, such as SAP and Cap Gemini. The changes in IT have been one of the
major enabling factors behind globalization. IT firms have played an important role
in the development of the management ideas industry. Recent initiatives such as
enterprise resource planning and knowledge management rely very heavily on IT
practices. Kipping (2002) has argued that consultancies go through waves of
development. According to his analysis, large IT firms are riding the most recent
wave and are becoming the dominant players in the consulting industry. We may
think of them as the ‘fifth column’ of the management ideas industry: they penetrate
businesses that need the technical capabilities that IT brings, but their entry becomes
a beachhead for sustained attack by management ideas. The first of these are usually
introduced by management consultants, often called in to try and make the IT
systems that millions have been expended on work better, to live up to expectations.

Management gurus

The emergence of a global management project is in part a phenomenon spread

through hugely influential ‘guru’ books. There is now a huge commercial market in
popular management books and a circuit of celebrity for those who write them. They
are the gurus of the modern age, the ‘management gurus’. Earlier in this book we
introduced Tom Peters. He is the most celebrated and, at the same time, infamous of
the management gurus. Gurus are generally self-styled and known for their image
and rhetoric intensity. Producing airport lounge bestsellers and conducting world
lecture tours, gurus hawk their homespun nostrums throughout the corporate world.
Analysts of gurus have argued – in a McLuhan (1964) fashion – that the medium
is the message: evangelical-style exhortations to change accompanied by convincing
stories and snappy sound bites characterize the genre. The books follow a similar
vein and, as we suggested earlier, are often taken to task for their theoretical and
methodological failings, which is, perhaps, to miss the point. Even more managers
are likely to listen to a guru presentation or perhaps read a guru book than are likely
to attend business school (Clegg and Palmer, 1996).
Many of the gurus have enjoyed glittering corporate careers and their ideas on
management are lent credibility by this corporate experience – such texts have
elsewhere been characterized as ‘karaoke texts’, in a reference to their ‘I did it my
way’ quality (Clegg and Palmer, 1996). Often, key texts will anchor key
management consultancy products.

Management consultancy

Large-scale management consultancy has grown exponentially and consultants have

become major actors in the creation and transmission of management ideas.
Management consultants simultaneously instil a sense of security and anxiety in
their clients: security, because they imbue managers with a sense of certainty and
control over the future or whatever organizational problem it is that the consulting is
concerned with; anxiety, because the managers are in a sense emasculated – unable
to manage without the guidance of consultants (Sturdy, 2006).
While many US consultancies had been in existence for much of the last century –
coming out of the systematic management movement of Taylor’s day – it is over the
last 20 years or so that demand for their services has boomed. Organizations such as
McKinsey and the Boston Consulting Group have become high-status brands in their
own right. Other consultancies emerged out of the large accountancy partnerships.
Uniquely placed as the auditors to large firms, most major accountancy firms
commercialized to the extent that their consultancy operations became at least as
important as the core auditing business, which was notably the case with Arthur
Andersen and its most infamous client, Enron.
The role of the large accounting firms is pivotal to understanding the story of the
rise of consultancies. By the mid-1980s the market for financial audit was mature
and had stagnated. In any case, outside of a few accounting firms in a few
geographical locations, competition between these firms was frowned upon and for
the most part regarded as being somewhat aggressive and ungentlemanly. What the
large accounting firms possessed was a monopoly over the provision of audits to
large firms. The ‘full professional jurisdiction’ (Abbott, 1988) was protected by law.
The large accounting firms developed a number of capabilities, one of which was the
ability to cultivate and sustain long-term relationships with clients. These
connections were often cemented by their own accountants going to work in client
firms after a number of years with the accounting partnership. Accounting
partnerships also possessed highly sophisticated means of charging for audits and
managing large-scale interventions in organizations.
The shifting context of accounting firms in the 1980s allowed them to diversify
outside of audit activities, though their clients were generally those that they also
sold audit services to. Audit became the wedge that opened the corporate door to the
on-selling of additional services. Hanlon (1994) has demonstrated the way in which
the large accounting firms commercialized themselves – pursuing capital
accumulation strategies; also Greenwood et al. (1999) have written extensively on
the unique characteristics of accounting firms that allowed them to globalize so
Power (1999) has argued that we increasingly live in an audit society, one in
which the principles of verification and calculability underpin practices. During this
time accountants and management consultants have risen to powerful positions
within civil society. In the UK, for instance, large accounting firms played an
important role in drafting privatization and private finance initiatives. They were
simultaneously to profit from the implementation of such policies. Accountants and
management consultants now often carry out government work that was once the
sole preserve of mandarins.
What marks out a mandarin from a management consultant or an accountant is a
different type of intellectual capital: the mandarin was most likely to be a classicist,
schooled in a classical discipline, educated at a socially elite university, and drawn
from a wealthy family background. The moral sentiments of the knowledge born by
a management consultant are more technocratic and democratic, and are likely to be
premised on less concern with social origins, and education in a business school,
usually in an MBA.

Management education

Evolution of management education Management education has long been a

contested terrain: indeed, it could be argued that it has been such since the inception
of its current form in the early twentieth century in the USA. Relatively recent signs
of this contestation are evident in two influential reports on management education
that were released in 1959: the Carnegie Report and the Ford Report. A significant
response to these reports was the deployment of the American Assembly of
Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in 1961 as the standards body for masters-
level graduate education. As was reported shortly thereafter (Oberg, 1963), among
the chief criticisms made in these reports were that education standards were low,
grading too easy, and the quality of research conducted in business schools
substandard. It was also claimed that business curricula did not prepare students
properly for work: there was too much narrow vocationalism in a curriculum with an
insufficient number of subjects in the humanities, liberal arts, mathematics,
statistics, languages, and the natural and social sciences (Oberg, 1963).


What’s the point of management education?
At the same time that the American system was being challenged to make management education better
quality and broader in content, it was being exported as an exemplar around the world. Indeed, the post-
war phenomenon of the Americanization of management education on a global scale was instigated
initially by the American involvement in the reconstruction of a devastated Europe. In the UK, this was
later bolstered by the take-up of the 1963 Robbins Report, which not only created significant expansion
of the higher education sector, but also resulted in the formation of the London Business School and the
Manchester Business School, as ‘national’ business schools.
The longer term effects of this expansionism are manifest most particularly in the global adoption of
the MBA as the model for the advanced education of managers. However, by the 1970s the Carnegie
Commission reported that business schools were characterized by ‘a lack of relevance in the topics
under research, overly quantitative course content, and a lack of preparation for entrepreneurial careers’
(Friga et al., 2003: 235). Instead of going back to the earlier idea of broadening the curriculum to
include non-vocationally specific subjects, the response was to ‘include more organizational behaviour
and teamwork topics’ (Friga et al., 2003).
Despite this, another report in 1998 suggested that ‘the major weaknesses of baccalaureate graduates
from business schools center around communication skill’ (Porter and McKibbin, 1998: 103). Further, it
argued that the corporate sector gives business school graduates relatively low ratings in terms of their
leadership and interpersonal skills (Porter and McKibbin, 1998). Management education, they argue,
Be relevant to the needs of business.
Develop leadership skills.
Develop good communication skills.

To which we would add the importance of developing a substantive knowledge of the key topics
covered in this book, especially the relation of managing to management, of actually knowing about the
practice of management and not just its prescribed theory. The reason we recommend this is because
what managers do rarely corresponds to what they are prescribed to do in (most of the other) textbooks.

Management education has penetrated the Anglo-American university system to a

considerable degree. Sturdy (2006) reports that ‘25% of US university students
currently major in business or management and in the UK, 30% of undergraduates
study some management’. Equally, fast-emerging economies such as China and
India have embraced the MBA with great enthusiasm. A small number of business
school MBAs are rich in symbolic capital, while some such as Harvard enjoy iconic
status. Thus, from being, once upon a time, the province of an elite cadre of
American business aspirants, the MBA is now offered in ever-increasing volumes
across the world, fast overshadowing the traditional undergraduate domains of
academic endeavour.
In one sense, the growth of the MBA may be taken as a case in point of what some
critical scholars have seen as the neo-colonial domination of an American
educational model on a global scale (Miller and O’Leary, 2002). Hence, the cultural
logic of the MBA, from its beginning in the neo-classical architecture and green
pastures of Harvard University, has developed in the latter part of the twentieth
century to become the model of management education. As such it is the principal
vehicle for the normalization of disciplined expectations in the managers of
tomorrow, while offering practical opportunities for the consultants of today to enrol
others who will soon be influential to their ideas and to expound them in settings
that proffer great legitimacy and legitimation. The interconnections become almost
seamless; the managers in training are normalized into the idea that consultancy is a
solution provider; the consultancies gain exposure to attract the brightest and the
best from the top MBAs. The MBA-speak of PowerPoint slides and spreadsheets
prepare the student of today for the consulting and management presentations of
tomorrow. Thus, the MBA acts as a rationalizing device as well as a means of career
advancement for individual students.

Management education, theory, and practice One of the fascinating features of the
MBA is its link with management practice. The promissory note of the MBA is to
deliver more highly paid jobs to students. While there are a host of distance and
part-time programmes available, the costs of participating in a full-time programme
are considerable. Students have to be fairly sure that their investment will be
worthwhile by providing them with a degree of fluency in the cultural capital of
managerialism: of course, whether being able to be a smooth conversationalist in a
particular rhetoric makes better managers or not is an open question. What it
certainly does do is to allow them to communicate with other managers in a global
management. As Victorian administrators were schooled in studies of long-dead
languages and the histories of classical civilizations, the managerial classes of today
study a syllabus that is remarkably uniform in its content. The MBA curriculum and
skills are fast becoming the Latin of the modern world, with modern accounting the
grammar, spreading to become a global institutional practice, through the ubiquity
of MBA and professional management education, as Yong Suk Jang (2005) argues.
The MBA has been thought of as the solution to the problem of qualifying
managers (du Gay and Salaman, 1992; Watson, 2004). Managers would not be
people with skills merely learnt on the job but they would have been prepared,
vocationally, beforehand. They would be well-prepared receptacles for the received
forms of calculation with which, globally, management makes its ready reckoning.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Yong Suk Jang (2005) to see how modern accounting has become the grammar of

From within business schools, however, there have been rumblings of disquiet
about the MBA. Almost exactly a hundred years after its inception in the USA, the
concept of the MBA has, as it were, swapped sides: it is now critically perceived as
part of the problem rather than the solution. Some authors regard the MBA as an
increasingly irrelevant model based on assumptions intrinsic to a less flexible age
than today. Henry Mintzberg’s ‘hard look at the soft practice of managing and
management development’ (2004; see also Bennis and O’Toole, 2005) revealed in a
popular tone what other scholars such as Parker and Jary (1995) and Sturdy and
Yiannis (2000) theorized more critically earlier: the concept of the MBA is
producing neither an educated workforce nor good managers.
That the MBA should have talismanic and iconic status might seem surprising
when one contrasts the market reality with the conclusions drawn by significant
figures in the field such as Jeffrey Pfeffer, who suggest that, in practice, ‘there is
scant evidence that the MBA credential, particularly from non-elite schools, or the
grades earned in business courses – a measure of the mastery of the material – are
related to either salary or the attainment of higher level positions in organizations’
(Pfeffer and Fong, 2002: 92). It would seem that the cultural potency of the MBA is
stronger than the realities of its effects or the vigour of its critique.
Problems with management education Mintzberg makes a clear distinction
between the practice of management and what the MBA produces (Mintzberg,
2004). His point is that (North American) MBA education is focused on an
outmoded model of disciplinary business functions, analysis, and technique, rather
than on the practice of administering.
There is a paradox here: his brief review of the series of crises that management
education has faced over the years stands in stark contrast to the overwhelming
international success of management education. In some English-speaking
universities in the world today the MBA has become a commodity to be sold to
overseas students in large numbers to help keep the university afloat in an era of
declining funding. One corollary has been a deflation in the value of the credential.
The value of the MBA was that it was a positional good; when few people possessed
it, it had a high value. When it is increasingly sold to ever more people, some of
whom have few claims to any mastery of business, its positional value will be
sharply eroded. Today, the MBA is increasingly global and ubiquitous; its ubiquity
is leading to increasing attempts to differentiate products in the market, generating
more specialist versions of the overall generalist qualification, in order to enhance
its value proposition.
The wave of accounting scandals and corporate collapses has led to further soul
searching over the MBA. Enron was an enthusiastic recruiter of MBA graduates
(Cruver, 2003). The company was originally involved in transmitting and
distributing electricity and natural gas throughout the United States. Enron grew
wealthy due largely to marketing, and was named ‘America’s Most Innovative
Company’ by Fortune magazine for six consecutive years, from 1996 to 2001. As
discovered, in late 2001, when it collapsed, many of Enron’s recorded assets and
profits were inflated or fraudulently nonexistent. Sophisticated accounting presented
a picture that was far from accurate. Cruver, a Texas A&M MBA graduate,
chronicles his 18 months at Enron before the company collapsed. The enduring
images are of highly motivated, bright MBA graduates not asking difficult
questions, not raising concerns over dubious practices, and generally being
socialized into the macho, competitive ‘win at all costs’ culture of Enron.
That these MBA graduates’ professional education seeded ethical concerns so
lightly is one thing, but some writers such as the late Sumantra Ghoshal have argued
that the MBA actually made crashes such as Enron possible. And had he been around
to see the global financial crisis of 2008 he might also have extended the argument
against MBA graduates as managers. The lack of professional ethical formation of
future managers makes them extremely plastic at the hands of those whose heroic
leadership status in hotshot organizations defines that which the young managers
aspire to be. It institutionalizes the possibility of management’s ethical failure as the
norm to which recruits will be socialized. By contrast with professions such as
medicine and law there is little attention paid to professional ethics and civic
morals, other than those that emphasize winning at all costs, being a corporate game
player, and being the one who ends up with the most chips in the lottery of
organizational life.
How has the MBA achieved the global significance that it has? In part this is an
outcome that is dialectically related to globalization: globalizing processes
encourage the employment and utilization of the technical knowledge associated
with MBAs to maintain their momentum. In part, it is precisely because of these
processes of standardization.

The future of management education Recently, there have been two factors that
have further influenced the development of the MBA: first, the introduction of
ranking systems for business schools; and, second, the growing pressure towards,
and internationalization of, formal accreditation systems. Together, these have
placed management education in a ‘regulatory field’ (Hedmo et al., 2005) that is
increasingly likely to shape its future.

1. It was in 1988 that the US media introduced ranking systems for business
schools – allowing prospective students and potential employers to make easy
cross-comparisons about the ‘value’ of different institutions. In the UK, the
Financial Times produced its first rankings in 1999. The main result of this was
largely limited to ‘tinkering’ with programmes and more attention being
directed towards the marketing and packaging of programmes so as to attract
students in an increasingly competitive market (Friga et al., 2003).
2. There is an increasing importance of standards for the MBA as a commodity
circulating at a global level. The AACSB International – a body recognized as
the ‘largest and most prestigious accrediting institution for management
education in the United States’ (Hedmo et al., 2005: 202) and, increasingly, the
rest of the world – plays a key role in standard setting. (There is also the much
smaller European-based EQUIS programme, but it does not have the same
global significance.)

MBAs are increasingly accredited from bodies such as the AACSB. It is an institute
that bills itself, and is widely recognized, in its own words, as the premier
accrediting agency for bachelors, masters, and doctoral degree programmes in
business administration and accounting. Increasingly, when agencies such as the
AACSB subject management programmes to assessment, scrutiny, and evaluation in
order to accredit them (Hedmo et al., 2005: 3) it has been suggested that these
‘accreditation and public-ranking systems appear to have become more recent
bearers of Americanization’ (Üsdiken, 2004: 89), standardizing the form of
management knowledge.
Despite its eponymous emphasis on being ‘international’, the cultural specificity
of the AACSB is also reflected in the history of its name. Until 1997 it was known as
the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, which was founded in
1916. It then became AACSB International. In 2001, the current de-Americanized
name was adopted but the acronym remained. The AACSB’s emergence as the peak
standards-making body has encouraged the move towards centralized
standardization. To win membership of the AACSB grants global legitimacy; one
consequence of the AACSB and its framing of the field is that, across the world,
students will be tutored in similar lessons in management, finance, marketing,
human resources, and so forth.
While such developments can be seen as a form of decentralized cultural
imitation and emulation, what is striking in recent times is the concerted attempt to
impose a centralized set of standards on the geographically and culturally dispersed
practice of MBA education. Most particularly, such centralization has been achieved
by the way in which the AACSB has become normatively mimetic and, as such, an
obligatory passage point for global legitimacy. The AACSB, an international
standards-setting body based in the USA, now offers accreditation to
business/management school programmes in universities across the world.
Promising a guarantee of quality and credentials, the AACSB is today an important
and influential force in MBA education, and is likely to be so increasingly.

Globalizing education
What are the indications that your university or college is involved in globalization? What would count
as evidence and why? Jot down what you take to be evidence, and compare notes with others in your


Systematic management standards

Perhaps one of the most important and most underrated mechanisms assisting in
globalization is the central role played in organizations today by systematic
management standards. These are structured, acontextual, standardized, and more or
less similar self-assessment frameworks (Cole, 1999) such as the Malcolm Baldrige
Quality Award (MBNQA), the European Foundation for Quality Management
(EFQM) Excellence Model, and the Swedish Institute for Quality (SIQ) Model for
Performance Excellence. Such standards act as both a coordination mechanism and a
regulatory instrument, and what they do is to make globally coordinated control
much easier to achieve.
The most important of these standards, without a doubt, is ISO 9001, dating from
1987. This standard, produced by a technical committee of the International
Standards Organization (ISO), while only seven pages in length, when originally
produced, has been adopted globally in all sizes and forms of organizations. It is the
rational management plan par excellence, being a standard for all management
anywhere. In excess of 800,000 organizations have been certified to ISO 9001, but as
insiders to the ISO world point out, it is likely that several times that number have
applied the standard without seeking certification. Judged on sales of the standard
alone, hundreds of millions of employees throughout the world have had contact
with, or have been influenced by, ISO 9001 or one of its industry-specific
derivatives, such as ISO/TS 16949:2000 and ISO 22000:2005.
Standards are produced by a complicated and lengthy process that occurs in
committees composed of representatives of various national standards organizations.
The members of these committees are not management academics but technical
standards writers, perhaps with some public and private sector representation as
well, producing the standard as a result of a consensus between the various national
representatives and stakeholders. These standards are very influential because they
become rational ideals that function as rhetorical devices that are used to shape what
global organizations actually do. As such ideals they do not need to be justified
outside of the committee system of the ISO. Nor are they held accountable to
processes of peer-reviewed research.
Academic research has had a negligible influence on the emergence of the ISO
9001 standard. Brunsson and Jacobson (2000), who have done the most to advance
our understanding of A World of Standards , suggest that, in fact, research has been
ignored at times when that best suited the interests of the standard writers. It is
probably more accurate to say that explicit management research is something that
occurs in a parallel institutional universe with very little seepage or porosity across
its borders into the standards world of practice. Yet, the latter, the world of
standards, has done far more to shape practice, demonstrating that in management
the relation between theory and practice that is often presumed, by which ideas flow
from theory to shape practice, lacks truth value. Management practice is far more
likely to be shaped by standards in which theory has had little or no role to play than
by the knowledge disseminated in academic journals, texts, and conferences.
Such standards, much as most highly rationalized accounts of what management
should do, probably have more effect on what managers represent themselves as
doing rather than what they necessarily do. Standards largely shape representations
rather more than practices, and thus increase hypocrisy. Nonetheless, to the extent
that global firms adopt global standards, such as ISO 9001, it introduces a powerful
rhetorical device into management anywhere to make it more accountable in terms
of the standard. In part this is the way in which the institutionalization of ISO 9001
has been achieved, largely through a new job classification (the quality manager),
who can use the tool to shape the work environment of all employees under their
supervision. Especially, in the spread of global outsourcing and manufacturing, the
ISO 9001 standard has been very important in translating rationalized management
knowledge into local contexts far from the core of the global economy.
Audit according to the standard is the key mechanism by which rhetoric is
translated into practice. Power (1999) points out that from being a relatively
marginal instrument of control, audit has become a central mechanism in what, after
Foucault (1979), he refers to as new regimes of governmentality. Audit, Power
(1999) suggests, is the control of control, a capacity to act at a distance upon
systems of control. In enterprises, this is said to mean that the introduction of audit
processes can spread power at the micro level through the capillaries of the
organization without the necessity of any centralized control at all: this is the
institutional beauty of standards. And, as Rose (1999: 154) suggests, ‘[r]endering
something auditable shapes the process that is to be audited: setting objectives,
proliferating standardized forms, generating new systems of record-keeping and
accounting, governing paper trails’.
Accountability is created in conformance with a set of norms of transparency,
observability, and standardization that make accountability and inspection in its
name a new norm. While such arguments are elegant, they may be overstated. There
is no guarantee that the rules will be followed, and it is the very rule-followers who
have the discretion in following and interpreting the rules (Brunsson and Jacobsen,
2000). The challenge for particular programmes entering into the accreditation
process rests on the creativity of the interpretation as much as the accuracy of the
rule following.
Of course, the other realm in which standards assist globalization is by ensuring
that specific products work globally, because they all meet a common standard.
Think of mobile phones and the emergence of 3G for instance, or think of Microsoft
Word – these standards make globalization that much easier because everyone is
using the same standard.


Knowledge work
The management ideas industry of gurus, consultants, educators, and IT firms has
reshaped the corporate world. They have changed the linguistic and ideational
context in which organizations operate by ushering in a new grammar for
organizations. Most large organizations’ managers today can talk about their
‘strategy’, articulate their ‘mission’, their ‘values’, and their ‘corporate culture’.
There is no doubt that globalization spreads certain universal values and attachments
through its world of global consumer products and brands. Rolex, Chivas Regal, and
Porsche spell success in just about every language. All young global symbolic
analysts, whether working on the semiotics of money, films, or words, would
recognize such symmetry.
From Reich’s (1991) perspective, symbolic analysts include:

Research scientists
Professional engineers
Public relations executives
Investment bankers
Real estate developers
Creative accountants
Management, financial, tax, energy, armaments, agricultural, and architectural
Management information and organization development specialists
Strategic planners
Corporate headhunters
Systems analysts
Advertising executives
Marketing strategists
Art directors
Film editors
Production designers
Writers and editors
Television and film producers
University professors

These knowledge workers are all symbolic analysts manipulating symbols to solve,
identify, and broker problems. They simplify reality into abstract images by
rearranging, juggling, experimenting, communicating, and transforming these
images, using analytic tools, such as mathematical algorithms, legal arguments,
financial analysis, scientific principles, or psychological insights that persuade,
amuse, induce, deduce, or somehow or other address conceptual puzzles (Reich,
1991). They comprise the creative class who populate creative cities (Florida, 2000).
They are probably who you want to be.
To what degree are these symbolic analysts or knowledge workers, comprising the
creative class, different from those who have gone before? What marks out their
professional identity? Management analysts such as Mats Alvesson (1993; Alvesson
and Kärreman, 2001) have argued that what marks such work as different are its
linguistic and symbolic accomplishments in circumstances of high ambiguity and
uncertainty. In such circumstances, there is not one correct answer; instead, there are
a number of competing, plausible alternatives. It places the persuasive abilities of
the knowledge worker to the fore, comprising both their image intensity (the suit
they wear, the briefcase they carry, the sleekness of their PowerPoint presentation)
and the persuasiveness of their rhetoric (the robustness of their argument, their
vocabulary, their accent).
Knowledge workers are global, working for Big 4 firms or their small boutique
equivalents. They regularly move between the great commercial capitals of the
world, creating genuinely international corporate elites. Such transience, perhaps,
fosters networking skills and alters sensibilities around risk, two other important
characteristics of the symbolic analysts. In summary, they are the stressed-out but
well-remunerated shifters and shapers of money, meanings, and markets, doing
deals, making business, moving from project to project (Garrick and Clegg, 2001).
Global business elites are easy to spot: on the one hand, those who are highly
skilled and educated and employed in global organizations; on the other hand, those
in the service economy of legal and financial advice – both sometimes closely
related through the dependence of the former on the expertise of the latter. These
expatriate and international managers comprise the globalizing elites who not only
partake in similar forms of communication power flows, such as common media,
technologies, and messages, but also they have shared work experiences in
international companies and organizations, working and living in global financial
and economic centres. Expatriates are the most liquid human element in these global
elites if only because they flow with and are shaped by globalizing capital. While
globalizing is not exclusively organized by elites from North American dominated
institutions it is significant that multinational financial institutions, governments,
and markets all recruit individuals socialized in elite business schools.
The prominence and wealth of financial centres in the high period of late
modernity, from the 1980s onwards, deepened links between national elites and
institutions of higher education, ensuring the reproduction of the ‘financial man’;
individuals, mostly male, embedded in a moral community and organizational
system that motivated them to enrich themselves, their corporation and, from the
perspective of state elites, able to advance core national interests. Business schools,
especially the Financial Times elite, were at the core of this activity.

Better than sex: how a whole generation got hooked on work

The dream of a leisure society was the great twentieth-century delusion. Work
is the new leisure. Talented and ambitious people work harder than they have
ever done, and for longer hours. They find their only fulfilment through work.
The men and women running successful companies need to focus their energies
on the task in front of them, and for every minute of the day. The last thing they
want is recreation … Creative work is its recreation. If you’re drafting the
patent on a new gene or designing a cathedral in São Paulo, why waste time
hitting a rubber ball over a net? (Ballard, 2001: 254)

A few years after J. G. Ballard published Super-Cannes, in 2001, two Australian

authors, Helen Trinca and Catherine Fox, published a book with the title of Better
Than Sex: How a Whole Generation Got Hooked on Work (2004), which researched a
similar view to that which the character Wilder Penrose articulates in Ballard’s
novel. The authors asked a number of respondents some simple questions:

What does work mean to you?

Why do you like it?
Why is work so important?
Why do we give it such a place in our lives?
What is it about work that makes us feel good?

They show how work now pervades the whole of our lives, both inside and outside
the workplace. They examine the reasons why this is so, and they show how
corporations operate to capture the hearts and minds of their employees. As the
authors say, ‘the central thesis of this book is that many people are consumed by
work because it is the element of their lives which is most affirming’ (Trinca and
Fox, 2004: 69). The book provides a subtle, insightful, and amusing commentary
about an essential part of commercial life and the participants in that life. The
authors do not postulate that work is invariably better than sex but they say in their
conclusion that ‘work is intensely complex and potentially life changing, and
sometimes, just sometimes, it is indeed better than sex’ (Trinca and Fox, 2004: 218).
After the publication of their book the following boxed column appeared in the
Sam and the City page of the Sydney Morning Herald website.
Hooked on work
Forget oysters and strawberries – it seems that work has become the new aphrodisiac of the 21st
Century. Yet with tough deadlines, rough deals and hefty sales targets, what makes us so addicted to the
hard grind?
‘Our lust for the job erodes our lust for each other,’ wrote authors Helen Trinca and Catherine Fox in
Better Than Sex: How a Whole Generation Got Hooked on Work.
‘Work better than sex? Pah! Give us sex any day over prickly bosses, irksome colleagues and
demanding budgets,’ we angrily retorted when the book was released in 2004.
Yet fast forward today and there seems to have been a rapid and seismic shift in our perceptions and
Instead of designer accessories, it’s whiz-bang gadgets that we’re stocking up on. We’re spending
big on high-fangled devices like USB Pen drives (portable computer hard drives), laptop computers
with built-in wireless connections, buzzing BlackBerrys (portable emailing devices) and snazzy O2
Atoms which are small enough to sit in our pockets and allow us to surf the net any place, any time.
Our work has expanded well beyond the drab four walls of our office buildings. We do it while
we’re shopping for groceries, walking on the treadmill, commuting on the train, waiting in the line at the
bank and even sitting at the dinner table.
So are we obsessed? ‘Addicted to work? Totally!’ confesses Roxy Jacenko, owner of swanky PR
agency Sweaty Betty. ‘I love the buzz of running my own business and watching everything unfold that
I have created. I am a slave to my job, but only because I love it and because I care.’
Ah, the ‘slave to the job’ syndrome. Suddenly, out of sheer necessity, we’re decreasing the hours
spent with our partners, narrowing our personal time to a measly spin class on the weekends (if we’re
lucky) and cutting out social activities to spend more time chained to our desks.
And if we compare ourselves to the rest of the world, Australians are working way too many hours
for comfort. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that the number of us working more than 60
hours per week has shot up a whopping 81 per cent, making us the hardest working OECD country in
the world. Either that’s a whole lot of googling, ebaying and hotmailing, or we’ve become serious
‘There is this great belief you are going to get more out of the work environment than other areas of
your life,’ says Trinca. ‘Work is taking the place of other relationships. Yes, work can be a bit messy
and difficult but personal relationships can sometimes be even worse.’
Janelle Miller, a 33-year-old real estate agent, concurs. ‘After spending a full day at work, and quite
often throwing in a few hours of overtime, I spend what seems like an eternity in peak hour before
getting home. I’m exhausted, cranky and just want to get to bed before doing the whole thing over
again in the morning. I certainly don’t have time for a partner at this point in my career.’
Yet according to Trinca, work might not be favoured over sex for much longer. ‘In the last three or
four years, we’ve seen Generation Y really arguing a little bit more strongly for balance. They’re
ambitious and keen, but are also ambitious for private time. After slogging away for a few years, they’ll
take a break, and it will be a long one.’
Written by author and blogger Samantha Brett, first published on her Sydney Morning Herald blog
‘Ask SAM’ (, ranked #1 Australian news blog.

Global work

The international flow of expert migrant professional and knowledge workers helps
create a global labour market in a growing number of occupations. The evidence of
these jobs suggests that, despite attention to the issues of wages and associated cost
of taxes raised by journalists and politicians, transnational companies do not, by and
large, invest their main facilities where wages and taxes are the lowest. If they did,
the theory of comparative costs would work far better than it does. The reasons are
self-evident: wages are often a minor cost factor; greater transaction costs are
associated with the presence or absence of densely embedded networks for business
in particular locales, such as the world cities of New York, London, Paris, and
Tokyo, which are likely to remain so. Creative cities act as magnets for talent,
offering lifestyle and recreational attractions that draw the creative class to live
there and often provide the melting pot of experiences necessary for their
inspiration. In addition, many businesses reap great advantage from their cultural
and geographic relationships with institutions of education, finance, government,
and so on. Government–business relations typically have an exclusive rather than
open character, and can be an important component in building national competitive
advantage (Porter, 1990), which then attracts globally skilled knowledge workers.

Knowledge work and dirty work

Globally skilled knowledge workers generate job opportunities for less skilled
workers. Supporting the cars, shopping, apartments, and travel of these wealthy
symbolic analysts is all the dirty work done by those who cook, wash, and clean up,
who pack and sell convenience foods, who park and service cars, who tend and care
for appearance: the face workers, nail workers, and hair workers – the necessary
body maintenance to keep all the wealthy and beautiful people sweet. In global cities
such as Hong Kong and Singapore, you can see street-level globalization in the form
of the mainly Filipina and Sri Lankan female domestic workers who congregate in
the public spaces of the central business district on Sunday, their day of rest. The
rest of the week it is more likely to be thronged with global business people while
the maids, chauffeurs, and other domestic servants make global households run
In addition, there is a shadow labour force of workers in the symbolic sphere – but
workers who are tightly scripted, operating in unambiguous and simple
environments, unlike their symbolic analyst counterpoints. Outside the confines of
the corporate glitterati and the symbolic analyst elite there is a category of
disaggregated work quintessentially associated with globalization: that of call
centres. Enabled by developments in technology, call centres were ushered into
existence in the 1990s, the idea being particularly attractive to corporations, as it
allowed them to down-size parts of the organization and establish call centres in
relatively deprived areas where wage, rent, and utility rates were lower and the
workforce more pliable. The growth of IT allowed for the increasing codification of
knowledge, reducing the need for physical contact between producers and
consumers, of which call centres are the perfect example – they can be located
anywhere. Work is cheapened by routinization of existing tasks; re-engineered tasks
can then be moved to places where wages are cheaper. The transaction costs
associated with relocation are not great: satellites and computers can ensure virtual
linkage. The blueprint is clear: rationalize parts of the organization; introduce jobs
at just over minimum wage in deprived, postindustrial parts of the country or
another country; and institute a system of surveillance aimed at maximizing
efficiency (see pp. 545–547).
In terms of globalization, there are also ‘grunge jobs’ (Jones, 2003: 256). Jones
sees grunge jobs as essentially bifurcated. First there are the semi-skilled workers
who work in the lower reaches of the supply chains established by the global giants.
It is a contingent, easily dismissible, and re-employable mass of people who can be
used and laid off to absorb transaction costs and cushion demand for the core
transnational companies globally. In a word, these lower reaches of the supply chain
are ‘sweatshops’ (Teal, 2008) that routinely and intensively exploit employees under
labour conditions that would not be tolerated elsewhere. When these transnational
companies react to signs of economic distress, then it is these subcontract workers in
the supply chain who bear the pain first, buffering the core company employees.
These workers are low skill, add little value, and are easily disposable, but at least
they may have social insurance and may work in the formal economy, although they
have few organized rights and little representation. Many sweatshops are ‘informal’,
meaning that they are illegal and thus evade legal requirements.
The second element in the composition of the grunge economy comprises an
underclass of workers who are often illegal immigrants working sporadically in
extreme conditions outside the formally regulated labour market: think of
sweatshops in the garment industry or the Western world’s many illegal sex-
workers, for instance. As you sit reading this book, you are probably wearing clothes
(possibly designer clothes) that have been manufactured in the developing world.
What are the conditions like for those producing the clothes that you are now
wearing? As Jones (2003) reports, there is research from Deloitte & Touche (1998)
that suggests that informal sector activity ranges from 40 per cent in the Greek
economy to 8–10 per cent of the British economy. States often encourage the
informal sector as an arena from which street-level and taxable entrepreneurs might
develop in enterprises other than the marketing of drugs, prostitutes, and the
proceeds of crime (Deloitte & Touche, 1998; Sassen, 1998).

Globalization in the cultural sphere has meant the global proliferation of norms of
individualized values, originally of Western origin, in terms of a discourse of
‘rights’ (Markoff, 1996). Such discourse is not unproblematic. It meets considerable
opposition from religious, political, ethnic, sexual, and other rationalities tied to the
specificities of local practices, but it does provide a framework and set of terms
through which resistance to these might be organized. Managers seeking to
standardize HRM practices globally will probably follow a ‘rights-based’ template
that will often conflict sharply with local realities.
One theorist who has realized this is Barber (1996), who has popularized the idea
that the world is set on a collision between McWorld and Jihad, where convergence
in the form of primarily US business interests meets stubborn and deep-seated
sources of local resistance, embedded in religious worldviews. From this
perspective, the trajectory of convergence produces a globalization of culture,
technologies, and markets against which local forms of retribalization, through
Jihad, will react.
In many ways, suggests Moghadam (1999: 376), working-class and poor urban
women have been the ‘shock absorbers’ of neo-liberal economic policies having
suffered in both domestic and industrial/productive capacities. Structural adjustment
policies that increase prices, eliminate subsidies, diminish social services, and
increase fees for essentials hitherto provided by the state place women at greater risk
of ill-health and poverty. However, to the extent that transnationals enter into
employment in these regions, then they represent unparalleled opportunities for
employment outside of either the informal sector of dubious work and conditions or
outside domestic service – opportunities that are often accompanied by education
programmes, as governments seek to equip their human capital with the upgradeable
skills that will attract further investment.
The ecosystem as a whole is now often ascribed rights and interests, in the name
of sustainability. Other entities incapable of interest representation, such as fetuses,
those who are on life-support systems, and so on, are also ascribed rights. Animals
are ascribed rights (Singer, 1976). Whales have rights that are violated by global
organizational actors from Japan; domesticated farm animals such as factory-farmed
pigs, hens, and turkeys are routinely treated in ways that deny their right to a
‘natural’ life. It matters not whether a cow is British or French in an economy where
meat, sperm, livestock, and meat-derived products, such as gelatin and cosmetic
additives, as well as avian influenza, mad cow, and foot-and-mouth disease, can
trade globally. Greenpeace, as an organization for expressing a standardized moral
consciousness that can mobilize activists anywhere, can represent Canadian seals as
easily as those that are Russian and, through global media, can act its way into the
global consciousness. Local species can become global icons. Mismanage these and
you will be in deep trouble!
Economic growth and population growth place simultaneous demands on the natural
environment by depleting resources, eliminating species, and spreading disease.
Globalization is resource hungry: the boom in the Chinese economy is swallowing
finite raw materials such as wood, rubber, minerals, ores, or oil from every part of
the world. Global interdependence between human and ecological health is both
causing and spreading global diseases such as HIV/AIDS (French, 2003; Garrett,
1994) and avian influenza.
Increasingly, we live in ‘risk societies’ where national and geographic boundaries
cannot insulate us from human-made or natural disasters generated elsewhere (Beck,
2002). Recall the 2004 tsunami – with good management and prediction in place
ahead of the likely impact of such events we can better cope with them. Whereas the
Pacific had in place such management systems – in Hawaii – the Indian Ocean did
not due to the relative poverty of the region compared with the Pacific, and many
thousands of people died, partially in consequence.
Another example, which Beck discusses, is Chernobyl, but the examples are
legion: the illegal logging of Sumatran rainforest and the burning off of waste that
casts dense smoke palls all over the South-East Asian region, causing health
problems in far-away Singapore. The pollution from industrial China blankets Hong
Kong and occasionally drifts across the Pacific to the US West Coast. The use of
cyanide in mining in Romania, at Aural Gold Plant, allowed 3.5 million cubic feet
(100,000 m3) of cyanide-contaminated waste to enter the Tisza River on 30 January
2000, poisoning the Danube and infecting over 250 miles (400 km) of rivers in
Hungary and Yugoslavia. Cyanide leaching is widely used in the global mining
industry. That engagement ring may be not only potentially tainted with ‘Blood
Diamonds’ but also cyanide-leached gold. Local actions can have global


News Corp and some other global media companies such as CNN are undoubtedly
winners from globalization – but there are also losers. Some of these losers are the
organizational behemoths created in response to the opportunities for global action
that the digital world presents, companies that simply overreached their corporate
governance and integrative capabilities. A case in point, staying in the media space,
would be the Time Warner/AOL merger, which created an overvalued corporate
entity with a difficult blend of organization cultures (see also pp. 236–237). Indeed,
ungovernable entities that are too complex culturally, organizationally, and
financially could be seen as one aspect of the collateral damage that globalization
has sustained on the ranks of business. But these are neither the primary nor the
most desperate casualties.
The main beneficiaries of globalization are undoubtedly the skilled employees of
the transnational companies and those symbolic analyst professionals who service
these companies: lawyers, researchers, consultants, IT experts, and so on. Meyer
(2000: 240–241) is unequivocal that those who organize scientific and professional
activity on a global scale are the real winners. Professional associations represent
such people; international knowledge businesses, universities, and research
laboratories employ such people, as do international governmental associations and
agencies. These are the people at home in airport lounges, with frequent flyer
programmes and portable computers as global talismans of their universality.
The winners also include not just those whom Meyer identifies as being able to
make universalistic claims about rights, science, or any other form of expert
knowledge, as well as the digital content providers, but also those who are experts in
various global sports, representing sponsors such as Nike, Adidas, and other
transnational sports companies whose brands are ubiquitous, as well as the global
entertainers, the J. Lo’s and Kylies. Global brands and those whom they sustain are
unequivocal winners from globalization.
With the emergence of global brands, international outsourcing, and supply
chains, there is a natural tendency for the market leader to get further ahead, causing
a monopolistic concentration of business (Arthur, 1996). Real dangers attach to
winning when the losers are excluded and abandoned to their situation. The winners
can come together and increasingly integrate with one another. Where such
processes occur within societies, serious consequences may result in terms of
increased poverty, unemployment, alienation, and crime. But the consequences are
of a higher order of magnitude when the processes of exclusion and alienation
involve countries and whole regions of the world. The share of world trade in
manufactured goods of the 102 poorest countries of the world is falling as the share
of the developed world increases. There is a delinking of the less from the more
developed world, particularly in Africa. The core of an increasingly globally
integrated world economy excludes those countries from the margins.
Poverty in South Asia increased from 20 per cent in 1981 to 43 per cent in 2005,
while in sub-Saharan Africa it has more than doubled from 11 per cent to 28 per cent
between 1981 and 2005. In 2005 the World Bank redefined the poor as those living
on less than UD$ 1.25 a day. The World Bank saw global poverty decline from 1.9
billion in 1981 to 1.4 billion in 2005. The United Nations Rethinking Poverty:
Report on the World Social Situation 2010 (available from contests these figures, which it
argues underestimate global poverty.
The primary casualties of globalization appear to be low-skilled grunge workers
in traditional manufacturing countries who either lose their jobs as they slip
overseas or experience a painful slide in their wage rates as employers strive to
reduce costs. Particularly vulnerable are the relatively unskilled and undereducated,
especially in labour market systems that do not develop very active and
interventionist labour market policies. Wood (1994) reckons that trade with
developing countries is the prime suspect for the increase in inequality within
industrial countries. He estimates that it has reduced the demand for low-skilled
workers in rich economies by more than a fifth. Against this, however, one must
balance the fact that most jobs are still in spatially discrete and non-tradeable
sectors. A wharfie in Australia cannot easily relocate to become a longshoreman in
the USA. And even for the 16 per cent of US workers who make their living in
manufacturing, the overlap of production with low-wage countries is relatively
small. Their main competitors in most sectors are workers in other high-wage
countries, as is true of most OECD states.
In the world at large, the effects of globalization can be seen through studying the
GNPs of the world of nations in the post-war eras. Those that have been
phenomenally successful in lifting themselves up those tables have, by and large,
engaged, and been engaged with, the world globally. The states that have not been
engaged or have remained disengaged have remained poor and are the real losers
from globalization.

Resistance to globalization began to be seen from the late 1990s onwards in the
‘anti-globalization movement’. Since then, terms such as the ‘social justice
movement’ have gained currency. The first major protests occurred in 1999, often
taking the name of the date on which they occurred (e.g. J16 for ‘June 16th’) or the
city where the protests were held (e.g. the ‘Battle for Seattle’). Protests regularly
occur in connection with economic policy-making institutions such as the WTO, the
World Bank, the IMF, as well as conferences such as the Davos World Economic
Forum and the G8 summits. The political and business elites who gather at these are
seen as the chief architects of globalization by the protestors. The protests often
have a libertarian and carnival quality to them. The resistance often conceives of
itself as ‘globalization from below’ opposed to ‘globalization from above’,
expressing a global solidarity. Since 2001, the World Social Forum has been held as
a sort of annual counter-summit to the World Economic Forum. The World Social
Forum has done a great deal to place issues such as environmental destruction, the
need for sustainability, and Third World poverty on the agenda.
New Right politicians are against globalization; it brings people they do not want
to their nation, it threatens them with ideas they do not like, and while it sells them
lots of cheap goods that they can afford, it does so at the cost of vulnerable jobs in
previously protected parts of the domestic economy – the heartland of their political
support. They see globalization as fragmenting national identities. Those under
threat demand to be protected from its adverse effects. Ethnically distinct identities
(those who do not share what extremists constitute as national identity, usually
because of skin colour or religion, or both) are denounced and marginalized as
denying the majority of ‘ordinary people’ their rights to economic surplus, relief,
jobs, housing, or whatever.
Resistance to globalization is adept at using some of its tools – such as
digitalization – against it: international organizations such as the Global Justice
Movement are able to influence global policy-making through their websites.
Sometimes the tactics of culture jamming are used: hackers attacked Nike’s site in
June 2000 and substituted a ‘global justice’ message for Nike’s corporate message.
Many anti-Nike websites and listserves have emerged, circulating information about
and organizing movements against Nike, which have forced it to modify its labour
practices. The management academic, David Boje, is particularly active in this
Greenpeace created an anti-McDonald’s website. This site was developed by
supporters of two British activists, Helen Steel and Dave Morris, who were sued by
McDonald’s for distributing leaflets denouncing the corporation’s low wages,
advertising practices, involvement in deforestation, cruel treatment of animals, and
patronage of an unhealthy diet. With help from supporters these two fought back,
organizing a McLibel campaign, creating a McSpotlight website criticizing the
corporation. The three-year libel trial, the UK’s longest ever, ended with the judge
defending some of McDonald’s claims against the activists while substantiating
some criticisms. The activists sought public support to help pay their costs and the
fine. The case created unprecedented adverse publicity for McDonald’s and, in
retrospect, the libel action could hardly be seen to have done the corporation any
The New Right sometimes meets the Old Left in the shadows cast by politics. We
also find S11 anarchists agreeing, in Sklair’s (1999: 158) words, that ‘globalization
is often seen in terms of impersonal forces wreaking havoc on the lives of ordinary
and defenceless people and communities’. As he goes on to say, it ‘is not
coincidental that interest in globalization over the last two decades has been
accompanied by an upsurge in what has come to be known as New Social
Movements (NSM) research’ (Sklair, 1998; Spybey, 1996). NSM theorists argue for
the importance of identity politics (of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, community,
and belief systems) in the global era. S11 are a perfect example of this – and their
strategies are based on global tactics. They do not seek to build effective
conventional political alliances and positions, but use the tools of globalization, such
as the Internet, to create activist happenings as spectacular media events whenever
the leading global players meet internationally. But if you are against a concept such
as globalization, which seeks to capture a broad array of social detail, which bits of
it are you most against? And what is the alternative to globalization? Is it
protectionism? Of course, there is an argument that sometimes protectionism,
especially where it preserves unique intellectual/cultural property, such as national
cinema or television, is necessary if the juggernaut of cheap US mass-produced and
McDonaldized products is not to eliminate cultural differences. Such arguments are
common in France, for example.


Banerjee (2008) developed the concept of necrocapitalism, which he defines as those
contemporary forms of organizational accumulation that involve dispossession and
the subjugation of life to the power of death. Such a process is integral to, and an
essential element of, globalization, he suggests. It is a form of natural power
involving violence and coercion as a substitute for the creation of social power.
Organizationally, this coercive power works institutionally, materially, and
discursively in the political economy, resulting in violence and dispossession.
Examples include the impact of the resources industry in developing countries and
the privatization of war and the military. Globalization is blurring the boundary
relations between states and corporations, especially in matters of warfare, where the
state is increasingly outsourcing elements of war to the private sector.
Banerjee draws on contributions from classic social science discussions of
colonialism and imperialism. Three characteristics of colonialism are the
domination of physical space, usually to extract resources, creating not only long-
standing dependency relations in economic terms but also cultural domination
through the reformation of the indigenous and subjugated people’s minds
(particularly in terms of knowledge systems and culture), and the incorporation of
local economic histories into a Western perspective.
Historically, as a result of imperialism, the globe was carved up into a series of
Western centres and ‘other’ peripheries. Organizations such as the major trading
companies and mining companies played a key role in the map-making that
transpired. We live with the consequences of that map-making today. For instance,
the British carved Iraq out of the Ottoman Empire after the collapse of that Empire
as a result of the First World War. On 11 November 1920 it became a mandated
protectorate of the British Empire under the imprimatur of the League of Nations
with the name State of Iraq. The British government laid out the political and
constitutional framework for Iraq’s government, one consequence of which was that
the new political system lacked legitimacy, because it was seen as an alien
imposition. Britain imposed a monarchy on Iraq and defined its territorial limits
with little regard for natural frontiers and traditional tribal and ethnic settlements. It
was, to all intents and purposes, an artificial and puppet state in which British
Petroleum interests were paramount.
In Africa prior to colonization, indigenous people controlled 80 per cent of the
territory. At the Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, called by Bismarck, the European
powers created geometric boundaries that divided Africa into 50 irregular countries.
The new map of the continent was superimposed over the one thousand indigenous
cultures and regions. The new countries divided coherent groups of people and
merged together disparate groups who really did not get along. Nearly all of Africa’s
contemporary problems can be seen to have their roots in this initial map-making
Today, Banerjee suggests, imperialism also operates in economic, political, and
cultural guises and is operationalized through different kinds of power: institutional
power (agencies such as the IMF, WTO, and the World Bank), economic power (of
corporations and nation-states), and discursive power that constructs and describes
uncontested notions of ‘development’, ‘backwardness’, ‘subsistence economies’
while disallowing other narratives from emerging. Banerjee not only traces these
manifestations of power but also provides a number of examples, easily drawn from
recent histories, of organizational violence committed on employees and citizens by
both imperial states and imperialist corporations. Colonialism and imperialism
created export-oriented, often single resource-based economies, centred on
plantation agriculture of cash crops, or resource extraction, and today it is
particularly the latter arena, dominated by a few global companies, that routinely
commit violence and rain down devastation, in the process of developing regions
and consorting with local elites, on communities that have the misfortune to be the
recipients of their investments.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee (2008) on necrocapitalism.

The institutional auspices of organizations studies are something overwhelmingly

situated in European and US universities. The hegemonic intellectualism of Western
ways of knowing have been critiqued widely in the humanities and social sciences
more generally in recent years, following critiques that flow from the postcolonial
literature that Banerjee draws on, as they have been developed in management and
organization theory by Frenkel and Shenhav (2006). They draw on theories of
orientalism, associated with the work of Edward Said (1978), and hybridity as a third
space, associated with the work of Homi Bhabha (1994). Orientalism is founded on a
binary epistemology that necessitates a sharp distinction between colonizers and the
colonized, whereas Bhabha’s work represents a hybrid epistemology, taking into
consideration the fusion and the mutual effects of colonizers and the colonized.
Orientalism and hybridity are often described as mutually exclusive: either as two
consecutive phases in postcolonial theory or as two competing epistemologies. Their
contribution examines the effect of the colonial encounter on the canonization of
organization studies and management more generally as well as on the boundaries of
it as a canon. Banerjee argues, theoretically, that orientalism and hybridity are
neither competing nor mutually exclusive concepts, but rather, two complementary
aspects of the same process. The argument is that the identity that has been
canonized as the mainstream of management and organization studies followed two
contradictory principles simultaneously at work: hybridization and purification.
Hybridization refers to the mixing of practices between colonizers and the
colonized, to the translation of texts and practices from the colonies to the
metropolis, and vice versa. Purification refers to the mechanisms that construct
colonizers and colonized as two distinct and incommensurable, ontological zones.
Examined from this point of view, such encounters were always hybrids albeit that
they were represented in purified binary terms of West versus the rest. Historically,
the construction of Western management discourse was clearly based on a system of
omissions and exclusions, largely of the experiences of slavery and plantation modes
of production, which fed directly into early industrial practices but were excluded
from formal academic accounts of the origins of management thought and practice.
Similar processes are seen to be at work in the evolution of international
management as a field where the good is exclusively (rational) Western and the bad
(irrational) non-Western practice. At its worst, this genre lapses into pure
condescension and stereotyping of non-Western practice that would not have been
out of place in a ‘Black Sambo’ book or Uncle Tom’s Cabin . Management has
adopted an essentially colonial viewpoint casting the non-Western as the inferior
‘other’ while seeing Western culture as a universal model. Much of international
human resource management fits this pattern, for example. Management became the
spearhead of neo-colonialism in the age of decolonization. Furthermore, it assists in
the reproduction of the West’s control of the global economy and culture, while at
the same time increasing management’s ostensibly scientific legitimacy.

Check out the Companion Website for free access to an article by Michal Frenkel and Yehouda Shenhav (2006) on a postcolonial reading of management
and organization studies.

Our everyday life is global. Wherever we live, we cannot escape globalization. Next time you go to the
shopping mall, take a look at the people around you – in fact, take a look at yourself and what you are
wearing. As we noted at the outset, there are no frontiers to fashion. We are all the result of
globalization benefiting from the movement of people as they seek new opportunities, markets, lives,
resources, land, and so on. Organizations sometimes globalize to access new markets and other times to
access cheaper resources, while sometimes they do so for both reasons.
Globalization involves many processes interacting with each other, which are dynamic and unstable.
The major elements of globalization are global flows of finance, knowledge, people, and politics. The
key circuits through which globalization processes flow are: global financial systems, global strategic
alliances, and mergers and acquisitions. Managing in a globalized world exposes the manager to
different institutional systems. Globalization occurs because of economies of scale, scope, and resources
acquisition. The major agencies advancing globalization are: large IT firms, management gurus,
management consultancies, MBAs, and systematic management standards.
The knowledge industries are a major component of globalization, including the education context in
which you are probably reading this book. As well as knowledge workers, globalization also
encourages the spread of dirty jobs. The good news for you is that because you are reading this book,
you probably will not end up doing one of these dirty jobs!
Management cannot avoid responsibility to other humans and the environment in which they live, as
well as shareholders. There is no simple, disembedded global rationality, focused only on accounting
fictions, which a manager can apply as if it were a powerful talisman, ritual, or incantation. There is no
special method to inure you against, and insure your organization from, the perils that occur when an
irresistible force, such as globalization, meets an old immovable object, like a deeply embedded local
reality with its own ways of being, thinking, and feeling.
Being a global manager today entails moral as well as personal responsibilities, ethical as well as
financial obligations, power as well as pleasure, a commitment to the production of better lives, not just
the consumption and spewing out of goods and services.
Globalization, at its best, would mean that all of us cannot prosper from being rapacious to any of us;
to harm, damage, and blight any of us in the name of some of us is a crime against all. We are in this
life together, on one fragile planet, one globe, one people, the human race, and we should try to manage
on that basis. Sustainability matters because, simply, once used up, non-renewable resources are gone.
Globalization means that singular strategic visions that managers produce for organizations will
collide with a world composed of many local realities. Globalization presents many management
problems and opportunities. In this chapter we have identified the major areas of concern with which
such managers will have to grapple. These include managing the intersection of national societies and
all their tacit assumptions, with an increasingly systemic, patterned, and interconnected world. You will
also have to manage the impact of these systemic processes on yourself and those with whom you work
and whom you employ, globally. You will have to manage the impact of your global activities, and
those of the organization that employs you, on the fate of humankind in general.

Having read this chapter you should be able to say in your own words what each of the following key
terms means. Test yourself or ask a colleague to test you.

Globalization processes
Global circuits
Global strategic alliances
Resistance to globalization
Global strategies
Global jobs
Grunge economy
Creative class
Dirty work
Global rights
Knowledge workers

2 What are the key processes defining globalization? How do they shape the phenomenon?
3 Who are the major global actors?
4 What are the different kinds of global jobs?
5 How does globalization shape human consciousnesses?
6 Who are the winners and who are the losers from globalization?
7 Why is it not a paradox to say that the global is always local?


1. The BBC Radio Reith Lectures of 1999 by Anthony Giddens, published as Runaway World: How
Globalization is Reshaping our Lives (2000), are a clear and useful sociological introduction to
globalization as a broad phenomenon.
2. Thomas Friedman’s (1999) The Lexus and the Olive Tree is one of the very best sources on
globalization – and beautifully written, as befits a New York Times correspondent.
3. The definitive text on globalization, written by an economic geographer, is Peter Dicken’s (2007)
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. It contains extensive discussion
of a number of specific industries: clothing and textiles; automobiles; semiconductors; agro-food
industry; financial services and logistics.
4. An interesting guide to globalization is written by sociologist Dennis Smith (2006) Globalization: The
Hidden Agenda, which raises some quite worrying scenarios.
5. Glenn Morgan’s (2008) entry on ‘Transnationals’ in the International Encyclopedia of Organization
Studies is a very useful introduction to these key actors in globalization.
6. The debate between Barbara Parker (2003) and Marc Jones (2003) in Debating Organizations
(Westwood and Clegg, 2003) is worthwhile for those deeply interested in the topic. For others it might
be a bit heavy. Barbara Parker, together with Stewart Clegg (2006), contributed a chapter on
globalization to the Sage Handbook of Organization Studies (edited by Clegg et al., 2006b), which is
also well worth study.
7. In terms of films, there are a number of good documentaries, such as Gap and Nike: No Sweat? It is a
BBC Panorama production, focusing on Nike and Gap, both of which claim that they have strict codes
of conduct for manufacturing. They claim that they do not use sweatshops or child labour. They say
they routinely ‘monitor’ their factories, to make sure their codes are followed. But when the BBC’s
Panorama team visited Cambodia, it found severe breaches of these codes within days. By talking with
workers and using hidden cameras, the team shows how one factory, used by both Gap and Nike, has
sweatshop conditions and employs children. All the workers interviewed were working seven days a
week, often up to 16 hours a day, and some of the employees were children as young as 12. After these
findings, Panorama went back to speak with Gap and Nike, to hear what they had to say. The team also
shows how US companies can use foreign sweatshops and still claim that the goods are made in the
USA. See the Global Exchange Fair Trade Store at (Global
Exchange Fair Trade Store, 2004). You might also want to look at
(Oxfam, 2004).
8. More commercially, there is the 2003 Stephen Frears film, Dirty Pretty Things, which dramatizes life in
the grunge jobs that illegal immigrants fill in any global city, in this case London.
9. The film Blood Diamond (Zwick, 2006) looks at the role of transnational corporations in the troubled
diamond mining industry of Africa in Sierra Leone.


1. Our Companion Website is the best first stop for you to find a great deal of extra resources, free PDF
versions of leading articles published in Sage journals, exercises, video and pod casts, team case studies
and general questions, and links to teamwork resources. Go to
2. For state of the art briefings on how to manage organizations effectively, please visit the Henry Stewart
Talks series of online audiovisual seminars on Managing Organizations, edited by Stewart Clegg:, in particular, Talk #18: Transnational corporations and climate
change: towards a global governance framework, Bobby Banerjee.
3. You can find David Boje’s web page at There are many links to
4. The World Bank maintains a useful resource page on globalization:
5. The consulting company, A. T. Kearney has a globalization index that you can find on The most globalized countries, according to this index, are Singapore,
Ireland, Switzerland, the USA, The Netherlands, and Canada while Egypt, Indonesia, India, and Iran are
the least.
6. Kearney is not the only provider of an index of globalization. The Swiss Think Tank KOF maintains a
very useful page, which provides an index of how globalized countries are: The index measures the three main dimensions of globalization:
economic, social, and political. In addition to the three indices measuring these dimensions, an overall
index of globalization and sub-indices referring to actual economic flows, economic restrictions, data on
personal contact, data on information flows, and data on cultural proximity are calculated. Data are
available on a yearly basis for 122 countries. According to the index, the world’s most globalized
country is Belgium, followed by Austria, Sweden, the UK, and The Netherlands. The least globalized
countries according to the KOF index are Haiti, Myanmar, the Central African Republic, and Burundi.
7. Wikipedia has a good page on one of the main agents of anti-globalization, the Global Justice
Movement, at
8. The IMF has a web page with a 2000 briefing paper in it at
9. The United Nations maintains a Global Policy Forum page at, with some quite useful links on it.
10. There is an academic site maintained by Emory University in the USA that has many links on it:
11. Mining is one of the great global offenders against nature: check out
12. The anti-McDonald’s page can be found at
13. The online journal Globalization can be accessed at
The publisher, Polity Press, maintains a website supporting several of its books in the Global
Transformations series. Again, there are many links that can be easily accessed through this page.
14. Dennis Smith maintains a website related to his 2006 book, Globalization: The Hidden Agenda,


Reading and digesting these articles that are available free on the Companion Website can help you gain deeper understanding and, on the
basis of that, a better grade:
Paul W. L. Vlaar, Frans A. J. Van den Bosch, and Henk W. Volberda (2006) have written a paper that we
have made available on the Companion Website that is a very good guide to ‘Coping with problems of
understanding in interorganizational relationships: using formalization as a means to make sense’,
Organization Studies, 27 (11): 1617–1638.
A crucial issue in managing multinational organizations is how much you should manage centrally in terms
2 of home-country characteristics, or go with the local flow. On the Companion Website we have three
papers that address this issue:
Mike Geppert and Karen Williams (2003) ‘Change management in MNCs: how global convergence
intertwines with national diversities’, Organization Studies, 27 (4): 491–515.
Mike Geppert and Dirk Matten (2006) ‘Institutional influences on manufacturing organization in
multinational corporations: the “cherrypicking” approach’, Organization Studies, 27 (4): 491–515.
Glenn Morgan and Peer Hull Kristensen (2006) ‘The contested space of multinationals: varieties of
institutionalism, varieties of capitalism’, Human Relations, 59 (11): 1467–1490.
Many users of this book will also be studying accounting: in one paper that we have put on the Companion
Website you can read how important and influential being a part of the accounting community really is:
3 Yong Suk Jang (2005) ‘The expansion of modern accounting as a global and institutional practice’,
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 46 (8): 297–326. No more jokes about accountants after
reading this!
Globalization can be a violent and bloody process, as Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee (2008) argues in
‘Necrocapitalism’, Organization Studies, 29 (12): 1541–1563.
Michal Frenkel and Yehouda Shenhav’s (2006) ‘From binarism back to hybridity: a postcolonial reading of
5 management and organization studies’, Organization Studies, 27 (6): 855–876, introduces debates from the
humanities and social sciences into management and organization theory.

Financial markets and their dictates and rhythms are at the heart of modern globalization, as Karin Knorr-
6 Cetina and Alex Preda (2007) examine in ‘The temporalization of financial markets: from network to flow’,
Theory, Culture & Society, 24: 116–138.



Hi, this is Tyrone Pitsis writing. I used to be an executive chef before I wrote books such as this. When I
was a chef, one of the most popular choices at my restaurant was a fish dish made with wild Orange
Roughy Perch fillet, pan fried in a sea salt, pepper, and chilli crust served on a bed of wilted greens
(rocket, baby spinach, and radicchio) topped with char-seared Tasmanian scallops and citrus butter
sauce with Cointreau. Sounds good? It was, but it was also very expensive! Why was it expensive?
Partly because people in Sydney, as in any other global city, will pay almost anything for very good
food, but also because of the hidden story behind the Orange Roughy. This story is all about the
globalization, access, and ownership of the world’s scarce resources, and how global partnerships
attempt to manage such resources in a sustainable way but are prone to failure for all the reasons we
have covered in this entire textbook. Therefore, this story is highly relevant to this closing chapter.
The story begins with the oddly named Orange Roughy. The fish is an excellent eating fish with
sweet, light white flesh suited to several types of cooking methods (pan frying, poaching, grilling, and
so on). As such it is a highly sought-after fish, and while the fish is farmed, diners at the top restaurants
demand and expect the wild variety. For this reason the fish is very high on many fishing industries’
agendas, so much so that it is in danger of being fished to extinction. Indeed, there are several new
technologies designed specifically for locating and catching the fish, such as sonar and mega-fishing
boats. So, herein lies a real problem because, farmed or wild, compared with you and I the Orange
Roughy takes a very long time to reach maturity (approximately 100 years). The long juvenile period,
combined with the fact that the fish stocks are not being replenished sufficiently to sustain them, has
meant that these and many other fish stocks are fast depleting.
To respond, international governments and fishing industries have had to establish a global compact
to manage the fish stocks in an enduring and sustainable way, or risk an entire industry becoming
extinct along with an entire species of fish. However, the complexity of managing such fish stocks is
just too much for one country to deal with for one very simple reason. The ‘Roughy’, like many other
fish, are what we call ‘straddling’ fish stocks. That means they really do like to swim, and they do it far
and wide to the extent that they can swim through the waters of several countries. For example, the
Roughy will typically swim through Australian waters, New Zealand waters, Russian, Norwegian, and
North Korean waters, then into international waters, and so on. Now, in the ocean there are no
checkpoints or immigration officers so the fish cannot know or care which country’s water they
currently are swimming in. The fishermen and fisherwomen of that country do, however, because while
in Australian waters, for example, they are Australian fish – in international waters they are technically
anybody’s. Traditionally, for pure economic reasons, when the fish are in your waters the practice has
been to catch as many of them as you can.
As fishermen and fisherwomen were noticing less fish, and that the fish they caught were younger
and smaller, they started to become quite concerned. The global demand for the fish meant local
fisheries would most certainly become things of the past. Now, while many of the local fishermen and
fisherwomen were thinking locally, and in terms of their own interest, the reality is that the issue of what
can be fished is truly a global one. To complicate the issue further, several international environmental
and scientific groups are lobbying hard to place a complete moratorium (suspension) on fishing.
Clearly, any attempt to address the problem goes beyond any local fishing authority or concern, and
implies knowledge, skills, and abilities in a range of international management capabilities, including
international diplomacy, human relations, conflict management and negotiation, communications,
networks and relationship building, culture and values, corporate social responsibility, business ethics
and sustainability, and global leadership. The ability to manage what at face value seems benign – that
is, some fish – can and will have serious global implications.
To illustrate the complexity of this issue, at one stage several of the Orange Roughy fishing nations
agreed to have controlled catches, to conduct research, and to collaborate to ensure the long-term
sustainability of not only their fish, but also the entire global industry, environmental and scientific
groups, industry and consumers. The problem was that a major South African multinational corporation,
I&J, relied heavily on the fish for some of its very popular products, and would chase the fish in
massive fishing vessels. At one point the corporation offered ‘kickbacks’ (or payment) to some of the
less ethical fishermen and fisherwomen in New Zealand to inform them when the fish ‘straddled’ out of
Australian waters and into international waters – upon which a ship would be ready to haul the fish in at
over two times the legal quota allowed for the participating nations (see,
Clearly, this global issue is not a simple one to manage and requires immense international relations
and international management knowledge and experience. Who would have thought a nice meal in a
restaurant could have such a story to tell? So, let us assume that you and your team are responsible for
drafting a policy document for dealing with the problem and call it a draft paper on Global fish
management and sustainability.


1. Define what you think is the problem, as you see it, and explain to what extent you think the problem is
local or global.
2. Thinking about the issues covered in this chapter, how might what you have learned be applied to the
research and write-up of your report? Provide clear links between your report and this chapter.
3. What would you recommend should be done to deal with the global resource problem? To what extent
will it satisfy all the interested parties involved, including local fisheries, governments, industry,
scientists, and conservationists alike? Can this outcome actually be achieved?

Case prepared by Tyrone S. Pitsis, School of Management, UTS, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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Affective forecasting refers to the process of making basic decisions in the present
based on predictions about your emotions in some future act or event.
Affirmative action is controversial because it attempts to address long-standing and
institutionalized discrimination against people of diverse backgrounds – such as
gender, race, etc. – by discriminating in favour of people perceived as belonging
to categories that are disadvantaged.
Agency is anything that can cause effects, usually delimited to people, but should
not necessarily be so. Machines, viruses, animals, and many other non-human
actors can cause important effects.
Alliances are essentially a strategic device connecting different organizations in a
network or web that includes many transacting parties. Yoshino and Rangan
(1995: 17) define alliances as ‘cooperation between two or more independent
firms involving shared control and continuing contributions by all partners’.
Artifacts are those things with which we mark out territory: the decorations and art
in a building; the furnishings and fittings; the styles of clothes that people wear;
the types of desks, offices, and computers that they use – these are all artifacts
that tell us, subtly, about the environments we occupy or are in.
Attribution theory in its simplest definition refers to how people ‘attribute’ cause
to their own and other people’s behaviour (Heider, 1958).
Authentic leaders have the qualities of transformational leaders but also work on
moral and ethical grounds; possess great self-awareness, integrity, confidence,
and self-control; are positive and optimistic; are resilient (bouncing back from
adversity); and are future oriented.
Authority attaches to forms of domination over others that are viewed as legitimate.
Basic assumptions are defined by Schein as the core, or essence, of culture,
represented in difficult to discern, largely unconscious, and tacit frames that
subconsciously shape values and artifacts, formed around deep dimensions of
human existence such as the nature of humans, human relationships and activity,
reality and truth.
To talk of bounded rationality means accepting that there are limitations and
constraints on human behaviour. People are cognitively limited, producing
‘satisficing’ rather than optimally rational decisions (March and Simon, 1958;
Simon, 1957). Individuals act inconsistently (and therefore irrationally) under
conditions of uncertainty, which are characteristic of any decision-making
situation. Satisficing means accepting decisions that are both sufficient and
Brand A simple definition is the image of an organization that is created through
design (e.g. its name, ads, logo, etc.), its behaviour (e.g. employees), and its
products and services.
Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of differentiated
knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only
hierarchically in regard to each other but also in parallel.
Capital is an abstract concept that might take many material forms. Traditionally, it
was thought of purely in economic terms, as wealth invested in an asset with the
intention of its delivering a return to the owner of that asset. As such, capital
implies complex sets of relations of ownership and control of the asset and
employment in its service.
The owners of capital were known as capitalists because they owned capital – the
social relations and resources that made them masters over other men, women,
and children
Capitalism is an economic system founded on the sanctity and dominance of private
property rights organized through markets, in which the majority of people sell
their labour power in a market for labour to owners of capital which is
consolidated in an enterprise.
Change refers to a transition that occurs from one state to another.
Chaos is a Greek word that is in opposition to cosmos (an orderly and harmonious
system). Normally chaos is related to the unpredictability of a system.
Charismatic leadership is a leadership type that emphasizes the articulation of a
vision and mission that promises a better life. Sometimes such leaders develop a
cult following.
Closed groups have several limitations or barriers to joining, maintaining, and
ceasing membership.
Coaching is the process of developing and enhancing employees’ job competencies
and capabilities through constructive suggestions and encouragement.
Coercive isomorphism occurs when some powerful institution obliges
organizations in its domain, on threat of coercion, to comply with certain
practices and designs. Think of the law; it obliges all organizations over a
certain size to have equal employment opportunity practices. The managers may
not want to provide equal opportunity, but they are obliged to do so under threat
of legal penalty.
Cognitive dissonance refers to the anxiety and discomfort we experience when we
hold inconsistent and conflicting sets of cognitions (or schemas).
Collaboration is typically designed either to advance a shared vision or to resolve a
conflict. It usually results in an exchange of information or a joint agreement or
commitment to action between two or more parties, such as organizations.
Collaborative relations involve the process of sharing resources including ideas,
know-how, technologies, and staff between two or more different organizations
in order to create a solution to a given problem.
Collective agreement is a written agreement, made between the employer and the
employees, which sets out terms and conditions of employment. Usually it is
made between a union, as a body representing employees, and an employer.
Collective agreements are typical of social democratic approaches to industrial
Communication can be defined as exchange of ideas, emotions, messages, stories,
and information through different means including writing, speech, signals,
objects, or actions. It may be intentional, such as a carefully phrased letter, or
unintentional, such as the inferences another person may make about one’s body
Communication with stakeholders describes communication between an
organization and other relevant parties (stakeholders) such as media, community
groups, labour unions, politicians, etc.
Community of practice, according to Etienne Wenger, can be defined as the
process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest
in a problem, collaborate to share ideas, and find solutions.
Competitive advantage is gained by firms changing the constraints within which
they and their competitors operate.
Concertive control is exercised in teamwork situations where the sense of
responsibility that you have to the immediate members of the team impels you
to work intensively and to not let them down.
Conflict In organizational contexts we can define conflict as one or more people
perceiving that their interests are or will be negatively affected by the interests
of others. Such conflict occurs when people want the same thing (power, job,
resources, land, space, etc.), and access to those things is limited. Conversely,
conflict may occur because parties may actually want different things (such as
different outcomes).
Content theories of motivation refer to those ‘contents’ within us that drive or push
Contingency theory in organization and management theory suggests that there are
several key contingencies shaping organizations. The basic idea of contingency
approaches is to stress that all organizations have to deal with a predictable
number of contingencies and that these contingencies will shape the
organization’s design as it adapts to them.
Corporate greening is a process that involves trying to adopt green principles and
practices in as many facets of the business as it is possible to do so.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) occurs when organizations seek to meet or
exceed legal and normatively mandated standards, by considering the greater
good of the widest possible community within which they exist, both in local
and global terms, with regard to the environmental, social, economic, legal,
ethical, and philanthropic impact of the organizations’ way of conducting
business and the activities they undertake.
Cultural anthropology is the study of specific societies and cultures, using the
methods, concepts, and data of field-based research in its descriptions and
analyses of the diverse peoples of the world. Sometimes called social
anthropology it developed as an adjunct of imperialism in the nineteenth
century, mapping largely small-scale (or ‘primitive’), non-Western societies, but
in the twentieth century has developed its fieldwork methods of inquiry into
areas as diverse as youth cultures and corporate cultures.
Culture represents the totality of everyday knowledge that people use habitually to
make sense of the world around them through patterns of shared meanings and
understandings passed down through language, symbols, and artifacts.
Cybernetics can be defined as studying feedback and other communication
mechanisms in machines, living organisms, and organizations.
Decentralization is the opposite of centralization. Organizations often seek to
decentralize when they feel that their systems and processes are becoming too
slow because too much decision-making, even on small and inconsequential
matters, is being referred to the centre. Often, organizations with low levels of
trust are highly centralized because a decentralized decision structure requires
that you trust those who are delegated to decide.
Descriptive approach to business ethics would not seek for normative guidelines
that ought to be applied in practice, but rather monitor and describe what
actually happens.
Design thinking emerged as a term that was widely used in the 2000s. Its inspiration
goes back to Simon (1969). Brown (2009) develops it as a conjoined process of
inspiration, ideation, and implementation. Inspiration derives from making a
problem material through mock-up, sketches, scenarios, and so on. Ideation is
the process of generating, developing and testing ideas through building
prototypes, piloting, and ‘testing the waters’ – idea work. Implementation is the
clear development and specification of the idea, its effective communication, the
enrolment of others in its support, and the translation of the idea into action or
Dialectics refers to the contradiction between two conflicting forces, where each
shapes the other, often against the pressure that is being exerted.
Differentiation perspective stresses that the normal divisions to be found in
organizations – of departments and disciplines, of spatial locations, of gender,
religiosity, ethnicity, age, and other attributes of human beings – will all tend to
be potential bases for specific local cultural formation. The assumption is that
experience of more than one culture is likely to be the organizational norm.
Direct management control was possible because of the combination of ownership
and control of resources as well as of knowledge of the means of production that
enabled employers to exercise discipline over their employees.
Diversity, in an organizational context, can most simply be defined as variety in
geography, culture, gender, spirituality, language, disability, sexuality and age.
Division of labour produces a more specialized labour force. Instead of everybody
trying to be a jack of all trades and a master of none, capable of doing everything
in an organization, labour becomes more specialized by breaking down large
jobs into many tiny components.
Double-loop learning means changing the frame of reference that normally guides
Dyadic communication means two-party communications. Dyadic communication
can be impersonal when two people interact without direct personal contact as
well as face to face and unmediated.
Early modern management was based on the efficient extraction of value from the
labour that was employed.
Efficiency means the most economical use of resources to achieve ends.
Embedded, to say economic action is embedded is to say that it must be understood
in its cultural context.
Embeddedness refers to the realization that economic relations can never be
grasped purely in terms of their economic rationality but need to be seen as
organically situated within specific features of social settings. For instance, in
the garment industry, much of the manufacturing may take place through loosely
coupled supply chains of organizations whose members share a neighbourhood
and ethnicity. The economic action that ensues is embedded in these social
Emotional intelligence has been popularized by Daniel Goleman who conceives of
it as the capacity to recognize our own emotions and the emotions of others, and
the ability to manage our emotions in our relationships with others (Goleman,
Empowerment means giving someone more power than they had previously.
Transferring power to the individual by promoting self-regulating and self-
motivating behaviour through innovative human resource policies and practices,
such as self-managing work teams, enhanced individual autonomy, and so on.
Entrepreneur The term, entrepreneur (adjective entrepreneurial), is associated with
risk-taking activity, where someone seeks to innovate in a way that is
discontinuous with existing ways of doing things.
Environment Organization and management theory conceives of organizations as
existing in an environment composed of other organizations – what is sometimes
referred to as an organization field.
Espoused values are a person’s or social group’s consistent beliefs about something
in which they have an emotional investment as they express them; they are
articulated in speeches, writings, or other media.
Ethics is usually understood as reflecting on and recommending concepts of right
and wrong behaviour.
Ethnography is an approach to research that attempts to understand social
phenomena, such as organizational life, as it happens and in its own terms. It
involves in-depth interviews, participant observation, and detailed case study,
and generally approaches research from the point of view of understanding what
the subjects themselves think. It starts from the premise that meanings and
understandings are socially constructed.
Explicit knowledge is the knowledge you can consciously talk about and reflect on,
usually elaborated and recorded in such a way that others can easily learn it.
Exploitation means simply that, assuming labour is the source of all value, then any
value over and above that paid out in wages – from which profits must arise –
derives from paying labour less than the value that it creates for the capital
which hires it.
Exploitation of knowledge occurs through routinization, standardization, and
formalization of what is already known and done: doing it more cheaply,
quickly, efficiently.
Expressive organization captures different levels of organizational expressions and
their impact on processes such as strategy making, human resources, marketing,
and others.
External attribution refers to attributing the cause of an individual’s behaviour to
an external or situational factor such as being ‘Catholic’ or ‘Jewish’.
External dependence occurs where top management depends on parent
organizations for key resources.
Financialization means the pervasive influence of financial calculations and
judgements. Applied to everyday organizational life, it means the way that
financial calculations now constitute the primary criteria of value, even for
mundane objects, practices, and processes. It can be summed up in the
ubiquitous phrase ‘what’s the value proposition?’
Formal groups refer to those groups where people have been specifically selected
and are recognized as a team in order to complete a task, innovate, solve a
problem, or provide a service or a product.
Fragmentation perspective is suspicious of the desire to make culture clear.
According to the fragmentation view, culture is neither clearly consistent nor
clearly contested, but likely to be muddled and fragmentary. A fragmented
organizational culture is one that forms around specific issues and then dissolves
as these fade or are resolved. The nature of fragmentation is that specific and
opportunistic cultural coherencies form at different times around different
Frame is a term that comes from the cinema: a director frames a shot by including
some detail and omitting other detail. A frame defines what is relevant.
Frames enable us to do framing. They focus us in on specific relevancies: by
framing we decide on what is relevant from the infinite number of stimuli,
behavioural cues, sense data, and information that surround us.
Functionalism An approach to analysis that assumes that phenomena exist to fulfil
some function or other. Functionalism is often criticized for being conservative
because, ipso facto, it assumes that what exists serves some purpose, therefore
must be useful, and need not be replaced or revised.
Fundamental attribution error is the tendency to make internal attributions when
explaining the causes of the behaviour of others.
Garbage can refers to situations characterized by ‘problematic preferences’,
‘unclear technology’, and ‘fluid participation’.
Generations The idea that the different generations of specific societies can be
captured in their essential features in a typology suggests that the values, beliefs,
attitudes and cultural norms of a society are fragmented and centred on
temporal-spatial features which mark specific generations in specific ways.
Globalization can be thought of as worldwide integration in virtually every sphere
achieved principally through markets, a process whereby the world becomes
more interconnected and the fates of those people and organizations in it become
more intertwined. In business terms, globalization means business without
frontiers, crossing national boundaries, and dealing with the world, not just the
home base.
Group can be defined as two or more people working towards a common goal, but
there is no psychological contract between them; the outcomes are less
dependent on all the members working together, and there is usually no shared
responsibility and accountability for outcomes.
Group dynamics is concerned with how groups form, their structure, processes, and
how they function as a unit. Group dynamics is relevant in both formal and
informal groups of all types. In essence, group dynamics is concerned with the
study and analysis of any form of interaction that occurs within group contexts.
Groupthink refers to the tendency of members of a group to seek and maintain
harmony in a group, at the cost of ignoring or avoiding important decisions that
may disrupt harmony.
Halo effect The concept of the halo effect was first developed by psychologist
Edward Thorndike (1920) and refers to the process by which if we ascribe
certain characteristics to a person in one situation based on one trait, we tend to
apply those characteristics to that person in other situations and to other traits.
Happiness can generally be defined as positive thoughts and feeling about one’s life
and can range from elation (being present when your team wins a grand final on
the weekend), to a general feeling of satisfaction and contentment with one’s
life; it includes feeling calm, contented, satisfied, fulfilled, inspired, positive,
and free.
Hard model of HRM: managers tend to have a Theory X orientation and believe
most people would rather not be at work; for this reason management
monitoring and control is integral, and typically extrinsic rewards such as pay
rises and bonuses are used.
Hegemony signifies a system of rule or domination where those who are being
dominated, or ruled, consent to that rule. It is a state of ideological conformance
said to have been imposed on a subordinated group of people because of the
concepts through which they think – concepts that do not enable them to assert a
point of view that reflects a better understanding of their interests and the
situation they are in.
Hierarchy implies status differentia based on relations of super-and subordination
and associated privileges and distinctions.
HRM is the process and practice of managing and advising management on the
recruitment, selection, retention, and development of staff in an increasingly
complex legal and social environment with the aim of achieving the
organization’s objectives as they are made sense of by its managers or
Ideology is a coherent set of beliefs, attitudes, and opinions. The meaning is often
pejorative, with a contrast drawn between ideology and science.
Impact bias may be considered to be the overestimation of the intensity and
duration of the feelings actually experienced when we achieve that future event
or goal (Wilson and Gilbert, 2005).
Individual agreements, as the term suggests, refers to the process of individuals
negotiating the terms and conditions of their work, including pay, rewards and
remuneration and so on.
Industrial relations (IR) refer to the relationship between employers and
Informal groups are groups that are not necessarily sanctioned or even accepted by
the organization and its management, but which still play a significant role in
organizational outcomes.
Information Panopticon Increasingly, people in organizations and everyday life
generally are subject to electronic surveillance, through instruments such as
closed-circuit TV (CCTV), speed cameras, security cameras, and so on. These
forms of surveillance have been referred to as the Information Panopticon.
In-group bias refers to the process in which members of a group favour or treat
members of their own group with preference over others.
Innovation can be defined as the creation of either a new process (process
innovation) or a new product or service (product/service innovation) that has an
impact on the way the organization operates.
Institutional entrepreneurs are those people who occupy key positions with wide
legitimacy attached to them, who are capable of bridging between the interests
of diverse stakeholders, and have the capacity to introduce new practices and
persuade stakeholders of the good fit of these practices with the routines and
values that they embrace (Phillips et al., 2004).
Institutional tendencies are social structures that persist and endure and in doing so
strongly shape the way that people, especially professionals, in organizations do
the things they do.
Institutional theory A theory that proposes that organizations have the structures
that they do largely for cultural reasons. Some designs and practices become
regarded, for whatever reasons, as highly esteemed, as displaying high ‘cultural
capital’. Through one or more of three specific mechanisms (coercive, mimetic,
or normative isomorphism), the template becomes widely adopted.
Institutions are recognizable in as much as specific practices are widely followed,
accepted largely without debate, and exhibit properties of endurance.
Integration perspective According to Martin and Frost (1996), adherents of the
integration perspective define culture as a phenomenon that is consistent and
clear. Because they define organization culture in terms of unitary and shared
assumptions, they include in their evidence only manifestations of it that accord
with this definition, thus excising all the plural and non-integrative aspects of
the culture.
Intellectual property is information that derives its intrinsic value from creative
ideas. It is also information with a commercial value that can be realized
through its sale on the market.
Internal attribution refers to explaining or attributing the cause of behaviour of an
individual due to internal or dispositional factors such as being mean or being
Interorganizational communication takes place between members of different
Interpersonal communication refers to direct interaction between two or more
Intraorganizational communication occurs inside an organization and typically
engages organizational members.
Irrationality literally means the non-interpretability of a rule or rules underlying
action; in practice, it more often means action whose rationality runs counter to
that which is dominant and authorized.
Isomorphism A term derived from biology, referring to a similarity in the form of
organisms of different ancestry. In organization and management theory,
isomorphism is usually used in the context of institutional theory to refer to a
situation in which organizational designs and practices in different organizations
are nonetheless similar.
Knowledge That which is a part of the stock of ideas, meanings, and more or less
explicit understandings and explanations of how phenomena of interest actually
work or are structured or designed and relate to other phenomena: facts,
information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education.
Knowledge exploration involves serendipity, accident, randomness, chance, and
risk-taking, not knowing what one will find.
Knowledge-intensive firms create value by solving their clients’ problems through
the direct application of knowledge. Whereas knowledge plays a role in all
firms, its role is distinctive in knowledge-intensive firms. Rather than being
embodied in the process or product, knowledge resides in experts and its
application is customized in real time based on clients’ needs (Sheehan, 2008:
Knowledge management is the process of managing knowledge to meet existing
and future needs. Put simply, knowledge management is all about know-how and
Labour process may be defined as the social relations that people enter into when
they are employed as well as the work that they actually do and the conditions
under which it is done. Studying the labour process has given rise to a distinct
labour process perspective that focuses on management as a struggle for control
of the labour process between employees and managers.
Leader (a) Leads people as a ruler; (b) inspires people as a motivator; and (c)
facilitates or guides them as a coach and mentor.
Leadership is the process of directing, controlling, motivating, and inspiring staff
towards the realization of stated organizational goals.
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and capabilities in addition to those
already known. Usually thought of as something that individuals do, it is often
associated with specific institutions, such as a school or a university. However,
recently there has been a shift of emphasis to informal and work-based learning
that occurs outside these specific institutional areas and in employing
Legitimacy attaches to something, whether a particular action or social structure,
when there is a widespread belief that it is just and valid.
Limited liability legislation separated the private fortunes of entrepreneurs from
investments in business, so that if the latter failed, the personal fortune was
sequestered and the debtors’ prison avoided.
Management is the process of communicating, coordinating, and accomplishing
action in the pursuit of organizational objectives while managing relationships
with stakeholders, technologies, and other artifacts, both within as well as
between organizations.
Managerial capitalism sees capitalist entrepreneurs displaced by professional
managers as the central, immediate, and direct agents of power within
Managerialism is the view that organizations should be normatively integrated by
shared values expressed within a single source of authority, legitimacy, and
decision-making embedded in the managerial hierarchy and serving the interests
of the owners of that organization.
Managers are middletons: they intercede between executive authority, howsoever
lodged, and those whose task it is to execute it. Historically, they were the
supervisors, who had superordinate vision over subordinates, who were the hired
Managing is an active, relational practice which involves doing things. The things
that managers do are supposed to contribute to the achievement of the
organization’s formal goals.
Marketing The shortest definition of marketing is meeting customer needs
Market–technology linking involves integrating the firm’s unique competencies
with customer needs, market structure, and technologies, together with its
manufacturing, sales, and distribution capabilities.
Mass communication goes from one point to many receivers.
Matrix organizations can be thought of as coordinative devices that blend the
programme orientation of project staff with the speciality orientation of
functional personnel in a synergistic relationship, and first emerged in the US
aerospace programme in the 1960s.
McDonaldization refers to the application of goal-oriented rationality to all areas of
human life.
Mechanistic organization is most frequently to be found in stable environments,
especially those with a cost minimization strategy; also, mechanistic models are
found more frequently in large organizations that employ a large number of
Mentoring is the process of passing on the job expertise, skills, and knowledge in
order to develop a protégé.
Metaphors use terms other than those of the subject under discussion to describe it.
‘Dream-machine’ is a recognizable metaphor.
M-form organization is a hub-and-spokes model with a hub of central services
serving spokes with profit centres at their end, which were based usually on
either product or regional specialization.
Mimetic isomorphism In simple language, mimetic isomorphism means the
process of copying. Organizational designs and practices that are seen to be
successful are copied because they are associated with success.
Motivation is defined as the psychological processes that drive behaviour towards
the attainment or avoidance of some object (be that object a person or
relationship, an abstract concept such as love, or a material good such as money,
an iPod, or a BMW).
Networking is a collaboration between different people or agencies such as
organizations. Often, independent organizations join together with others to
form a network in which the other organizations have complementary skills so
that together they can do something that neither alone would be able to manage.
Networks can be understood as a long-term relationship between organizations that
share resources to achieve common goals through negotiated actions.
New organizational forms are organizational designs for structure seeking to be
non-bureaucratic – indeed are often anti-bureaucratic – stressing flat structures
rather than tall hierarchies, multiskilled capabilities rather than a rigid division
of labour, informality rather than a high degree of formality.
Normative ethics seeks to establish means of judging whether business practices are
right or wrong.
Normative isomorphism occurs when an organization’s members are normatively
predisposed, perhaps through a long period of professional training and
socialization, to favour certain sorts of design and practices. The widespread use
of the partnership form by law and other professional firms is a case in point.
Norms represent the tacit and unspoken assumptions and informal rules, the
meaning of which people negotiate in their everyday interactions.
Occupational health and safety (OHS) refers to legislation, policies, acts,
practices, and processes that are aimed at protecting all workers from injury and
death in the workplace.
Open groups usually have free membership and no barriers to exit, and attract
people due to shared interest.
Open systems In an open systems approach, organizations were viewed as systems
that were open to inputs from their environments and that sent outputs to their
environments as a result of their internal transformation processes.
Operationalize To operationalize a variable simply means deciding that the
meaning of a concept can be best determined by proxy measures.
Operationalization turns abstract concepts into measurable, clearly defined
constructs by specifying certain operations
for the collection of data that are presumed to represent accurately the
characteristics of the concepts.
Organ Another key metaphor for modern management and organizations is the
assumption that organizations are a collective body in which all the component
parts should function much as do healthy organs in a human or animal body.
Organic organization is more likely to be found in firms that are smaller, that
operate in highly uncertain environments, and that are strongly oriented to
discovery and learning – such as high-tech R&D firms or bio-pharmaceuticals.
Organizational behaviour (OB) refers to the study of human behaviour in
organizational contexts. OB is an applied discipline that concerns itself with
individual-level, group-level, and organizational-level processes and practices
that inhibit or enable organizational performance.
Organizational design is the designated formal structure of the organization as a
system of roles, responsibilities, and decision-making.
Organizational identity usually means that organizations are assumed to have clear
boundaries, a large degree of autonomy, and distinctive characteristics that
differentiate them from other organizations.
Organizational learning Argyris (1960) defines organizational learning as the
process of detection and correction of errors. In many respects, organizational
learning is similar to individual learning. The idea is that organizations learn
when the knowledge that their members have is explicitly known and codified by
the organization. Organizations should seek to make as much of what their
members do as explicit as possible. If members leave, the explicit knowledge
that they developed in their jobs should stay.
Organizational politics, broadly speaking, refer to the network of social relations
between people in and around organizations, between employees and their
managers, customers, suppliers, competitors, etc., all of whom can be involved
in organizational politics, insofar as they are involved, whether wittingly or not,
in practices of power.
Organization culture comprises the deep, basic assumptions and beliefs, as well as
the shared values, that define organizational membership, as well as the
members’ habitual ways of making decisions, and presenting themselves and
their organization to those who come into contact with it.
Organizations are systematically arranged frameworks relating people, things,
knowledge, and technologies, in a design intended to achieve specific goals.
To be organized thus means being characterized by the systematic arrangement of
parts into a unified, organic whole.
Out-group refers to those people within one’s own group, or in another group, that
are treated inequitably or more negatively because they are not seen as
belonging to one’s own in-group.
Outsourcing occurs when an organization decides to contract a service provider
who specializes in a particular area of service provision to do more
economically and efficiently something that it previously did itself, such as
catering, cleaning, maintenance, or IT.
Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradicting terms
(such as deafening silence or military intelligence).
Panopticism The capacity to be all seeing. It was an attribute of the architectural
structure known as a Panopticon, designed by Jeremy Bentham in the eighteenth
century. What was most significant about the Panopticon, and what gave it its
panopticism, was the fact that those under surveillance did not know when they
were being watched, but were aware that they were potentially always under
Paradigm A coherent set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that
constitute a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them,
especially in an intellectual discipline, in which the views are widely shared as a
result of training and induction into the methods of the discipline. In more
mature disciplines, there is usually a single dominant or normal paradigm,
whereas less developed disciplines are characterized by a plurality of paradigms
because there is a lack of shared agreement on what the discipline entails.
Perception is the process of receiving, attending to, processing, storing, and using
stimuli to understand and make sense of our world. The stimuli can be
experiences through any and all of the senses such as sight, sound, smell, taste,
and touch.
Personality refers to the stable patterns of behaviour and internal states of mind that
help explain a person’s behavioural tendencies (Monte, 1991).
Person schemas are structures of meaning that affect thinking, planning, and
behaviour concerning others; there are idealized person schemas which serve as
prototypes that we compare all other persons by (see Horowitz, 1991).
Platform An evolving eco-system that is created from many interconnected pieces.
Polyphony means literally the presence of many voices and hence different ideas
and perspectives.
Positive psychology is the study, research, and theorizing of the psychological bases
for leading the best life possible through positive thinking, feelings, and
behaviour. In a management sense, positive psychology seeks to understand and
to foster civic virtues, social responsibility, altruism, tolerance, happiness, and
psychological wellbeing.
Positive psychological capital (PsyCap) refers to positive states such as hope,
resilience, optimism, and self-efficacy through leadership and organizational
behaviour that is oriented towards the positive psychological wellbeing and
health of its members (Anandakumar et al., 2008).
Positivism models itself on natural science; it seeks theoretical generalizations of a
broad scope through explanations that address objective mechanisms in terms of
their causal regularities, a view of knowledge that privileges a conception of
science focused on explanation more than understanding, where explanation is
best served by specifying formal causal relations between abstract concepts
conceived as variables.
Power The most common definition of power is that it is the chance of an actor to
realize their own will in a social action, even against the resistance of others.
The actor may be an individual or a collective entity. At its most mechanical,
power means forcing others to do things against their will; however, power can
be far more positive and less mechanical when it shapes and frames what others
want to do – seemingly of their own volition.
Process theories of motivation concern themselves with the processes that are
involved in motivation. Some argue that the process is one of expecting that
behaving in a certain way will realize certain outcomes.
The term psychology is derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning one’s own
thoughts and feelings, and the English suffix ‘ology’ derived from the Greek
logos, meaning reason, which in English is rendered as ‘ology’, denoting a field
of study.
A psychological contract can be defined as the assumptions, beliefs, and
expectations held between one person and another or within a group,
organization, or some other collective entity, about the nature and function of
the relationship between them. Typically a psychological contract refers to a
contract made in the context of work.
Rational being rational means systematic application of various techniques to
achieve some given end or goal.
Rational choice is a theory that adopts the view that all social interaction is a
basically economic transaction undertaken by self-interested, goal-oriented
individuals who exercise choice among alternative known outcomes that are
based on their knowledge of, and the incentives that exist in, their immediate
Rationality Action that is produced according to some rule; action that is not
random or unpatterned.
Rationalized myths are rationalized and impersonal rules that bind different
organizations through belief in their legitimacy. To be legitimate they will be
pervasive features of the institutionalized environment in which the
organizations operate. Their legitimacy is based on the belief that the practices
sanctioned by the myths are efficient and effective. Organizations use these
myths to increase the legitimacy of their structure and hence their survival
Rational–legal precepts People obey orders as rational–legal precepts because they
believe that the person giving the order is acting in accordance with a code of
legal rules and regulations (Albrow, 1970: 43).
Reciprocal determinism Bandura meant that our personality is a product of our
behaviour, our thoughts, and our feelings in interaction with our environment.
Recruitment refers to the processes and practices used to attract suitable employees
to the organization.
Reflexivity is the process of thinking about the effect of one’s role, assumptions,
and behaviour on a given action or object and considering the effect that the
action has upon how we continue to think and behave.
Resistance to change consists of those organizational activities and attitudes that
aim to thwart, undermine, and impede change initiatives. It is a widely observed
phenomenon in organizations. The resistance can be overt, in the form of wildcat
strikes, campaigns, or other forms of collective action, or it can be covert,
through attempts at undermining change programmes through widespread
adoption of cynicism, irony, and ambivalence.
Retained retention refers to the practices and process used to retain staff, and often
includes staff development which refers to the processes, procedures, and
policies designed and implemented to enhance and update the skills, knowledge,
and capabilities of staff in relation to their career and their job.
Risk society is one in which the life-threatening disasters that it might be subject to
cannot be controlled within a specific territory: Chernobyl or global warming are
good examples.
Role schemas refer to schemas about appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in
specific contexts (e.g. a woman’s role as a mother, daughter, professional, wife,
friend, etc.).
SARFIT means Structural Adjustment to Regain Fit.
Schemas are sets of cognitive constructs developed through social interactions that
organize our thoughts, feelings, and attention (Baldwin, 1992; Epstein and
Baucom, 2002).
Scientific management The principle that there is one best way to organize work
and organization, according to a science of management based upon principles
of standardization of time and routinization of motion as decided by
authoritative experts.
Script schemas refer to schemas about how we operate upon our world and
understand and remember information.
Selection refers to the tools, methods, and criteria upon which people will be, and
are, selected for a given position, and includes job applications, interviews, tests,
and measurement. Selection is related to the recruitment stage of the HRM
Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation that emphasizes our
intrinsic needs for being seen as competent, liked, and free from control of
Self-fulfilling prophecy The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy was originally
conceptualized by the sociologist Robert Merton (1957), to refer to the process
by which a person who holds a belief or expectation, irrespective of the validity
of that belief or expectation, causes that prediction to come true because people
behave and act is if it is true.
Self-schemas are specific self-conceptions we hold about ourselves and we believe
are self-descriptive and highly important to possess (Fong and Markus, 1982;
Markus, 1977).
When a self-serving bias comes into play, people attribute their own successes to
internal causes and their failure to external causes.
Sensemaking Managers have to be highly skilled and competent in managing to
make sense of what they do. In management, the key competency has become
known as sensemaking, which has been defined by Weick (2008) as the ongoing
retrospective development of plausible images that rationalize what people are
Single-loop learning means, basically, optimizing skills, refining abilities, and
acquiring knowledge necessary to achieve resolution of a problem that requires
Social impact refers to the strength of ties between individuals interacting in a
group, the spatio-temporal closeness of the individuals, and the size of the
Social loafing – colloquially known as shirking, bludging, free riding, or laziness –
is a phenomenon that we have all experienced. It refers to a situation in which
members of a group exert less work effort than their peers.
Social schemas, as the name suggests, refer to our social knowledge (such as
knowledge about public affairs, laws, politics, media and the arts, and anything
else socially important).
Soft domination is characterized by the administration of rules that give managerial
discretion to managers while reinforcing the strength of centralized authorities,
because those who are delegates know that their obligation is to act creatively
but to do so within the systems of authority (Courpasson, 2002).
Soft model of HRM takes a humanistic approach to HRM; typically soft HR
managers have a Theory Y orientation which emphasizes that people are
intrinsically motivated.
Specialization The skill formation that occurs when labour is divided and defined
into smaller specific tasks rather than being seen as a general task that anyone
might do.
Stakeholders are key individuals or groups of individuals with vested interests or
‘stakes’ in a given decision or project. The stakeholder can be a direct or an
indirect stakeholder. A direct stakeholder is a customer, supplier, a government
body, or anyone else formally linked to the organization(s). An indirect
stakeholder is a member of the community who is not directly involved in the
organization(s) but who is affected by its behaviour, such as a resident in its
immediate community.
Stereotyping refers to the process of grouping objects into simplistic categories
based on one’s generalized perceptions of those objects.
Strategic choices The most important decisions managers make are those that
structure the future strategy of the organization. John Child (2002 [1972]) called
these strategic choices.
Strategic HRM In the formulation stage strategic HRM can contribute to the
organization’s objectives by ensuring that all key HRM functions such as the
recruitment, retention, and development of staff are consistent with the business
strategy. In the implementation stage HRM can contribute by ensuring that
people understand the key strategic intentions and objectives, and ensure that
people are abiding by those strategic intentions through measurement of
performance consistent with those objectives.
Structural functionalism argues that the existence of an organization structure is
explained by its function; thus those practices that persist are argued to do so
because they are efficient.
Surplus value is achieved by exploiting labour: working labourers for a greater
return than they received and retaining the surplus value that they produced over
and above that which they received.
Sustainability means, literally, ensuring that resources are renewed. A sustainable
use of resources would leave the world short of nothing that was depleted in any
process – that resources would be renewed – and would ensure that nothing
deleterious to the world’s natural systems resulted from whatever processes
were being undertaken.
Tacit knowledge is the knowledge you actually use when you do things but you
cannot necessarily articulate it. An example is the knowledge required to ride a
Team can be defined as two or more people psychologically contracted together to
achieve a common organizational goal in which all individuals involved share at
least some level of responsibility and accountability for the outcome.
A theory is an account of how things work, which is, at its best, coherent in its terms
and applicable to phenomena that it seeks to interpret, understand and explain.
Theory X orientation assumes that people are lazy, require structure, direction and
control, and want to be rewarded with money for a job well done.
Theory Y orientation assumes that people crave responsibility and autonomy, want
to be treated with respect, and are driven towards self-actualization (Pitsis,
2008a; 2008b).
Time span of discretion is a concept for thinking about the relation of power to do
things, the magnitude of the effects these things will have, and the location of
responsibility for the things done. It also functions as a rationale for different
levels of remuneration.
Top management team comprises the senior executives in any organization, the
people who set strategy, direction, and purpose.
Total institutions are those organizations that share the essential feature of
controlling almost the totality of the individual member’s day-to-day life.
Boarding schools, barracks, prisons, and asylums can be categorized as total
Traits refer to a mixture of biological, psychological, and societal influences that
characterize a person’s thoughts and actions throughout their lives.
Transactional leadership epitomizes the initiating structure, concern for
production, and task-oriented themes of the behavioural leadership literature.
Transformational leadership, as you probably could guess, epitomizes
consideration and concern for people and similar relations-oriented themes.
Transnational or multinational organizations, because they extend beyond
national space in their routine activities, are able to exert control either through
ownership and/or through the coordination and control of operations, as a result
of other mechanisms, such as a multisubsidiary form based on capital
interdependency (as we discussed in Chapter 13). The acronyms TNC
(TransNational Corporation) or MNC (MultiNational Corporation) are
sometimes used.
Trans-situational values are those that, irrespective of the situation in which you
find yourself, your values do not change; you take them with you wherever you
Tropism means the involuntary response of an organism or one of its parts towards
or away from a stimulus such as heat or light. In management the term is usually
used to refer to rule tropism, where the stimuli are rules, and the response is one
in which the existence of the rules in a bureaucracy immediately and
involuntarily, as a learned response, structures actions within the organization.
Uncertainty can be defined as the inability to know how to continue some action, a
lack of a rule, or undecidability about which rule to apply.
Unions can be defined as an association of wage-earning employees mobilized and
organized in order to represent their constituents’ interests. These interests can
often be counter to the interests of employers, but not always necessarily so.
Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that says we should always act for the greatest
good of the greatest number.
Value chain is a concept for decomposing an organization into its component
activities. Each activity can be analysed with regard to the value that it adds to
the final product or service, which can be measured in terms of what the
customer is prepared to pay for it, and the cost entailed in producing profit.
Value priorities refer to the order of values in terms of their importance to us as
Values are a person’s or social group’s consistent beliefs about something in which
they have an emotional investment. Schwartz defines values as desirable goals,
varying in importance, which serve as guiding principles in people’s lives
(Schwartz, 1992; 1994).
Variables are characteristics distributed across an entire population or sample of
that population that will vary in the extent to which they are displayed. For
instance, a student class varies in terms of the variables of height, weight, and so
on. Such variables are defined by certain measures, such as inches, kilos, and so
Virtual teams are teams that operate across space, time, and organizational
boundaries in order to complete a project. Typically, they use computer-
mediated communication technologies and collaborative software in order to
communicate and share information.
AACSB, 593, 596–7
abduction, 560
Abrahamson, E., 396, 505
Absolut Vodka, 319
Academy of Management, 81, 195
acceptance by others, 103, 360
accountability, 405, 412
AccountAbility, 419
accounting firms, 592
adhocracy, 527–8, 553
Adidas, 607
adjourning (teams and groups), 102
advertising, 187, 308, 309, 312, 321, 413–15
advice and involvement teams, 93
affective forecasting, 77, 78, 659
affirmative action, 129, 177, 185, 190
AFL-CIO, 204
Africa, 608, 611
age discrimination, 200
Aldrich, H., 531–2
Aldrich, H. and Ruef, M., 540
alliances, 583–4, 613
Allison, G.T., 284
Allport, G.W. and Odbert, H.S., 63
Alvesson, M., 35, 181, 182, 600
Amazon, 562
ambidextrous organizations, 346, 347
ambition, 60
Ambrose, S., 118, 272
ambush marketing, 311
American Behavioral Scientist, 119, 480, 514
American deficit, 272
American Express, 35
Amnesty International, 188
anal stage, 68, 69
Anderson, Chris, 567
Anderson, Ray, 434, 501
anticipatory connectedness, 285
Antonacopoulou, E., 6, 361
Apple, 222, 338, 367
appraisals of performance, 201–2
Bahaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), 202
Graphic Rating Scales (GRS), 202
Apprentice, The, 336
apprenticeships, 137, 170, 198, 451, 508
Arendt, H., 275, 305
Argyris, C., 334, 339, 342
Argyris, C. and Schön, D., 342, 343, 348, 350
armies, 544
artifacts, 9, 217, 221, 222, 352, 659
artifacts for managing, 41
Asch, S., 98
Ashkenasy, N.M., 221, 240
Ashkenasy N.M. et al, 36
associations, 193, 196, 204, 417, 607
Aston research, 523, 524, 531, 538
Athena case study, 363
attribution theory, 54–5, 659
audiences for marketing, 312–13, 317
audit, 599
audit society, 24, 592
ACTU, 204
affirmative action, 129, 190
equal pay for women, 53
Fortitude Valley, 549–50
New South Wales Police Service, 431
Austria, 416–17
authority, 458, 460, 467, 468
and delegation, 492–3
types of, 460, 461
auto industry, 345, 582
automated call distribution (ACD), 546–7
Avey, J.B., 21, 165

Babbage, Charles, 453–4, 480

baby boomers, 178, 179
Bachrach, P. and Baratz, M.S., 284
backup supply, 171
Bahaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), 202
Bahnisch, M., 456, 480
Balanced Scorecard, 471
Baldwin M.W., 49
Ball, K., 547
Ballard, J.G., 279, 601–2
Bandura, A., 63
Banerjee, S.B., 610, 611, 612
Bangalore, India, 32
Bangle, C., 384
banks, deregulation of, 226
Barber, B., 605
Barclays, 574
Baring’s Bank, 226–7
Barker, J., 100, 267, 268, 269–70, 329
Barker, P., 232, 289
Barker, R.A., 128
Barley, S.R., 562
Barley, S.R. and Kunda, G., 268
Barnard, C., 466–7
Barry, D. et al, 300, 329
basic assumptions, 148, 203, 221, 222, 230
Bass, B.M. and Avolio, B.J., 138, 139
Bate, S.P. and Robert, G., 560
Bauman, Z., 217, 275, 277, 278, 411, 423, 424
Bear Stearns, 573, 574
beauty, 61, 275
Beauvallet, G. and Balle, M., 562
Beck, A.T., 76
Beck, U., 234, 606
Becker, B.E. and Huselid, M., 211
Belbin, R.M: Team Roles at Work, 107
beliefs, 111, 115, 128, 149, 186, 221, 222
Bell, Alexander, 392
Benetton, 14, 320
benevolence, 60
Benson, J. and Brown, M., 178
Bentham, Jeremy, 144, 446, 451–3
Berger, P. and Luckmann, T., 497
Bertaux, D. and Bertaux-Wiame, I., 506–7
Bhabha, H., 611
Big Clock, The, 479
Biggart, N.W. and Hamilton, G.G., 553
billboard advertisements, 308
Black, Conrad, 218
Blade Runner, 479, 512
Blair, Cherie, 228
Blake, R.R. and Mouton, J.S., 130
Blau, P., 254, 492, 525
Blau, P. and Schoenherr, R., 532
Blau, P. and Scott, W., 486–7
BMW, 26, 148
Body Shop, 415
Boeing case study, 120
Boje, D.M., 316, 326, 480, 609, 614
Boje, D.M. and Dennehey, R., 141, 143, 144, 145
Boje, D.M. and Rhodes, C., 145
Boje, D.M. and Rosile, G.A., 479
Bolden, R. and Gosling, J., 136, 163
Bolden, R. and Gosling, R., 163
Bolivar Group, 481–2
bonds of organizations, 6
‘boomer’ generation, 178
Bordow, A. and Moore, E., 296, 312
boundaries, 111, 351, 352
boundary spanners, 315, 351, 352
bounded rationality, 28, 390
Bourdieu, P., 498
Bowling for Columbine, 361
BP, 419–20
BP oil spill, 404, 405
BPR (Business Process Re-engineering), 268, 283, 497, 500
branding, 314, 318–20, 345
and communication, 318–20
global, 607
Branson, Richard, 16, 137, 329, 366, 504
Braverman, Harry, 446, 455, 474–5, 476, 477, 480
Brazil, 413, 576, 582
British Empire, 610–11
broad-mindedness, 61, 64
Brown, A.D., 178, 227, 245, 431
Brown, A.D. and Coupland, C., 421
Brown, J. and Duguid, P., 394, 395
Brown, T., 559
Browning, B.W., 138, 163
Brunsson, N., 11, 14, 16–17, 30, 41, 357, 358
Brunsson, N. and Jacobson, B., 504, 598
Buchanan, D. and Badham, R., 260, 290, 402
Buchanan, D and Huczynski, A., 285, 292
Burawoy, M., 476
bureaucracy, 29, 34, 255, 411–13, 458–64, 486, 489–94
authority, 492
bureaucratic rules, 490–2
critiques, 493–4
delegation, 492–3
Gouldner’s model, 491
interpretations of rules, 490–4
key dimensions (Weber), 462
limits, 538–40
Merton’s model, 489
Selznick’s model, 493
see also institutions; organizational design
Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M., 521, 522
Burris, B.H., 553
Bush, George W., 55, 82, 129, 132, 162, 409, 429
business process re-engineering (BPR), 268, 283, 371–2, 497, 500, 505
business schools, 593

calculability, 28, 286, 472, 592

call centres, 545–6, 604
Cameron, K.S. et al, 76
campassion and leadership, 212
Campos, G.P. et al, 73
Canada, 184, 185, 188, 507
whale watching, 502–3
capability, 60
capital, 17, 451
capitalism, 142, 408, 451
Cappozzoli, T.K., 110
Carnegie Report, 593
Carter, C. et al, 175, 438
Casey, C., 232, 233
Castells, M., 548
Cathay Pacific, 232
causal connectedness, 285
causal path analysis, 531
Celltech, 293
censorship, 330
centralization, 524, 541
Challenger Space Shuttle, 99
Chan, A., 238, 545
Chandler, A., 454, 507, 536–7, 540, 541, 576–7
change see innovation and change
changing knowledge, 181–2, 360
channels of communication, 317, 467
charismatic authority, 460, 461
cheap labour, 577
Child, J., 533
Child, J. and Kieser, A., 505
Child, J. and Rodrigues, S., 552
child labour, 404
China, 185, 272, 415, 594
General Motors, 555
and globalization, 555, 572, 579
and Google, 415–16
‘Chinese Whispers’, 572
choosing goals, 60, 77
Christensen, C.M., 388–9, 398
Christensen, L. and Cheney, G., 312
Cisco, 54, 212, 213, 548, 549, 583
Citicorp, 35
citizensship, 72, 190, 202, 287, 437
clans, 553
Clark, P., 370, 397
Clarke, T., 567, 568
Clarke, T. and Clegg, S.R., 552, 561, 590
Clegg, S.R., 14, 42, 81, 118, 162, 440, 476, 480, 514, 553
Clegg, S.R. and Dunkerley, D., 469, 476, 479
Clegg, S.R. et al, 99, 275
Clegg, S.R. and Kornberger, M., 240, 433
Clegg, S.R. and Palmer, 591
Clegg, S.R. and Rhodes, 438
Clif Bar case study, 164
closed groups, 93
CNN, 607
coaching, 146
Coca Cola, 576, 589
codes of conduct, 422, 423–4
coercive control, 231
coercive power, 488
cognitive dissonance, 55–6
Cohen, M.D. et al, 282
collaboration, 544
collaborative problem solving, 112
collective bargaining, 206
Collinson, D.L., 263
Colson, C. and Pearcey, N., 52
Columbia Space Shuttle, 99
Colville, I. et al, 225, 244
common errors, 52
audiences, 296, 312–13
as branding, 318–20
for collaboration, 314–15
and company image, 321–2
and corporate identity, 322
for decision making, 467
definition, 296
double interacts, 305, 307
downward, 313
dyadic, 302–4, 306–7
feedback, 296–7
frequency, 545
in groups, 306
horizontal, 313
interorganizational, 314–15
intraorganizational, 313
levels of, 301–11
managing, 330
as marketing, 316–17
and meta-communication, 303
and organizational design, 311–12
and organizational discourse, 395
polyphonic, 326–7
and power, 324–5
processes, 312
and resistance, 303, 304
shared understanding, 307, 350–1
with stakeholders, 315
storytelling, 299–300
as strategy, 323–4
upward, 313
use of words, 322–3
see also mass communication
communities of practice, 348–52
boundaries, 351
compassion, 117, 119, 212
policies and systems, 212
competency trap, 342
competition, 408, 534
competitive advantage, 587–9
configuration, 524
as balance of power, 109
definition, 108
functional and dysfunctional, 109–10
management styles, 112
pluralist approach, 109
sources of, 110
strategies of management, 112
toxicity handling, 113–17
unitarist approach, 109
conformity, 60, 98, 273
conscientiousness, 64
contemporary management models, 470–1
contingency theory, 520–5, 538, 539
structural, 523–5
continuous connectedness, 285
control, 533
Cooke, B., 447
Corman, S.R. and Poole, M.S., 328
Cornelissen, J.P. et al, 26, 42
corporate assets, 171
corporate failure, 554
corporate greening, 435
corporate identities, 14
corporate social responsibility (CSR), 405, 416–20
in Austria, 416–17
civil society organizations, 420
ethical rules for, 422–3, 422–9
role of NGOs, 421
and sustainablitity, 405, 433–7
corporate stories, 300
Costa, P.T. Jr and McCrae, R.R., 64
‘country club management’, 130
Crane, A. and Matten, D., 438
creative structures, 394–5
killing, 392–3
critical thinking skills, 362, 437
Crozier, M., 256–7, 259, 494
Cruver, B., 596
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 72
Cuban missile crisis, 284
cultural alignment, 141
cultural anthropology, 229
cultural sensitivity, 37
definitions, 216–21
designer culture, 233
differentiation perspectives, 236
in Disneyland, 230, 243
farming analogy, 217
fragmentation perspectives, 237
and globalization, 579
homogeneity, 241
integration perspectives, 234–5
levels of, 221–2
merging, 246
national, 240–2, 524–5
strong cultures, 222–4
and subcultures, 230, 235, 237
texts of, 239–40
culture of management, 227
Cummings, S., 371, 479
Cusumano, M.A. and Gawer, A., 369
cyanide leaching, 607
cybernetics, 296, 297
Czarniawska, B., 505
Czechoslovakia: Prague Spring, 229

Daily Telegraph, 228

Darling, Alistair, 574
Darwin, Charles, 47, 67
Davidow, W.H. and Malone, M.A., 553
De Dreu, C.K.W. and Van Vianen, A.E.M., 111, 112
de Geus, Arie, 334, 360
de-skilling, 475, 476
Deal, T.E. and Kennedy, A.A., 224, 323
decentralization, 525, 558
decision-making, 222, 258, 280–7, 467
and connectedness, 285
ethics of, 285–7
garbage can, 282
incremental search, 282
processes, 283
programmed/non-programmed decisions, 281–2
delegation, 492–3
Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F., 550, 551
Dell, 33
Deloitte & Touche, 605
Deming, E., 26
democracy, 84, 186–7
demographic changes, 177–9
Den Hartog, D.N. and Koopman, P.L., 161
Department of Homeland Security, 528
depression (economic), 466
Derrida, J., 286, 394
design and form, 561
design thinking, 559–63
devil effect, 54
Diefendorff, J. et al, 73
differentiation, 236, 525
digital technologies: benefits, 562–3
DiMaggio, P. and Powell, W.W., 497–8, 503
direct management control, 451
discovering goals, 77, 107, 126, 133
discrimination, 210–11, 499
dishonesty, 110
Disneyland, 230, 243
diversification, 535, 537–8
diversity, 184–6
age, 186
cultural, 185
disability, 186, 188
gender, 185
geographic, 185
and government policy, 190
linguistic, 186
religious, 186
sexuality, 186
division of labour, 11, 26, 474
international, 475, 550
divisionalization, 535
divisionalized form, 527
Donaldson, L., 285, 534–8, 563, 564, 565–6
Donnie Brasco, 350
Douala Seaport case study, 515–18
downsizing, 554, 555
dress codes, 274
drivers for change, 554
Drucker, P., 269, 376
du Gay, P., 286, 412, 431, 495, 496
dualisms, 56
Dubrin, A.J., 146, 147
Dunford, R. et al, 540
DuPont, 541
Durkheim, Emile, 275
dyadic communication
impersonal, 306–7
interpersonal, 303
dysfunction: four factors (Donaldson), 535
dysfunctional conflict, 109–10

e-managers, 548
earnings, 187
Easterby-Smith, M., 334
easyJet, 316
ecological wisdom, 437
economies of scale, 525, 577
economies of scope, 577
Economist, The, 544
Edelman, J. and Crain, M.B., 110
EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity), 15, 424
efficiency, 60, 169, 315, 390, 453, 469, 471, 472, 479, 496
Eichmann, Adolf, 274–5, 424
Einstein, Albert, 55
Ekman, P. and Friesen, W.V., 73
electronic panopticon, 547
electronic surveillance, 547
email, 562
embeddedness, 508–9, 549
EMI, 562, 567
emotional intelligence, 71, 74
emotional stability, 64
emotions, 51, 64, 73–5, 299, 428
and facial expressions, 73, 147, 300
masking, 71
and moods, 74
toxic emotions, 81, 106–7, 113, 114–17
empathy, 53, 55, 71
employee-centred leadership, 131
employment relations
collective agreements, 206, 207
individual agreements, 206, 207
empowerment, 142, 253
enactment, 22
encouragement, 146, 147
engineering metaphor, 454, 457–8
enjoyment, 60
Enron, 131, 227, 595–6
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, 439
entrepreneurs, 16, 270, 501–3
environment: going greening, 435–7
environment of organizations, 520, 535
environmental literacy, 437
Epstein, N.B. and Baucom, D.H., 49
equal pay for women, 53, 187
equality/inequality, 608
equity theory, 151, 152
Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. et al, 551
espoused values, 221–2
Esser, J.K. and Lindoerfer, J.S., 99
and absolute values, 408, 409
in advertising, 413–15
behavioural change, 431–3
and bureaucracy, 411–13
codes of conduct, 422, 423–4
corporate social responsibility (CSR), 405, 416–21, 422–9
critiques of business ethics, 413
and cultural context, 408–9
of decision-making, 285–7, 423
definitions, 404
discourses of, 430–1
‘ethics pays’, 410–11
and gender issues, 425
individual responsibility, 411
issues and questions, 405–6
normative and descriptive, 408
of obedience, 98, 274–5
in practice, 429–31
and profit, 408
relative/absolute, 408, 409
and rules, 425–9
ethnography, 236
Etzioni, A., 487–8, 533
European Foundation for Quality Management, 598
European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence, 471
evolution vs. creationism, 52
Ewenstein, B. and Whyte, J., 339, 362
examinations, 358–60
case, 359
individuality, 359
visibility, 359
Experiment, Das, 290
explicit knowledge, 337
exploitation, 473
of knowledge, 509–11
exploration, 510–11
expressive organization, 321
external attribution, 54
external dependence, 532
extraversion, 64

face-to-face teams, 96
factor analysis, 63
failure trap, 510
Fairtlough, G., 552, 561
Fawlty Towers, 487
Fayol, Henri, 457–8
Festinger, Leon, 55
Fiedler, L. and Sontag, S., 142
financial system
liberalization, 582–3
financialization, 572, 575
Fleming, P., 30
Fleming, P. and Spicer, A., 262, 264, 291
Fligstein, N., 29, 450, 540, 542
flow markets, 572
Flyvbjerg, B., 284, 289
focalism, 78
Follett, Mary Parker, 268, 446, 478, 479
principles of management, 467–9
Fong, G.T. and Markus, H., 50, 668
Ford, 27, 279, 321
Ford, Henry, 27, 299, 366–7
Ford Report, 593
formal groups, 93
formalization, 523–4
Fortitude Valley, 549–50
Foucault, M., 358, 359, 361, 475
fragmentation perspectives, 237–8
framing, 8–9
Francis, R. and Armstrong, A., 410
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, 573
free will, 8
Free Willy, 502
freedom of choice, 41
French bread, 506–9
Frenkel, M. and Shenhav, Y., 611
Freud, Sigmund, 67–71
Frey, L.R., 119
Friedman, Milton, 407–8
Frost, P.J., 115, 116
Toxic Emotions at Work, 114
Frost, P.J. et al, 115
Frost, P.J. and Robinson, S.L., 113, 114
Full Metal Jacket, 274
functionalism, 535
fundamental attribution error, 55

G8, 581
Galbraith, J.K., 187, 229, 544
Gambetta, Diego, 350
Gandhi, 88, 136
Gandz, J. and Murray, V., 265
Gap, 407
Gap Gemini, 590
Gardner, W.L. et al, 158
Gattaca, 479
gay bashing, 69
Gazi, I. and Zyphur, M., 299, 329
Geldof, Bob, 157
gender differences, 169, 178, 181
gender discrimination: equal pay, 53, 187
gender equality, 425
gender roles, 108
teams and groups, 108
gendered communication, 29
General Electric, 334
General Motors, 279, 312, 345, 436, 541, 555
Generation X, Y, 37, 38, 46
generational differences, 178, 181, 210
Geppert, M. and Matten, D., 585
Germany, 505
Ghoshal, S., 159, 596
Gioia, D., 305, 329
Giuliani, Rudolph, 132
Gladiator, 162, 350
Glengarry Glen Rose, 162
global businesses, growth of, 33, 577–8
global financial crisis, 48, 405, 554, 572–4
Global Justice Movement, 609
global warming, 284, 420, 433, 437
globalization, 556, 557, 570–618
advantages for businesses, 577–8
beneficiaries, 607–8
and careers, 578
characteristics, 578–9
and China, 572
competitive advantage, 587–9
economies of scale and scope, 576–7
financial systems, 582–3
and financialization, 572, 575
and global rights, 605–6
impacts of global production, 579–80
institutional systems, 585
knowledge workers, 599–601
local clusters, 589–90
management education, 593–7
and management ideas, 590–2
meaning of, 572, 575
mergers, 584–5
multiplicity of processes, 581–2
national differences, 578
and national governments, 585–7
and national identities, 609
and organizational change, 556–7
resistance to, 608–10
strategic alliances, 583–4
sustainability, 606–7
systematic management standards, 598–9
and USA, 575
work, 603–4
globalizig processes, 582
GlobalVision, 186
GLOBE project, 159
goal setting, 147
Goffman, E., 273
Goldman, Barry et al, 190, 210–11
Goldman Sachs, 176, 405
Goleman, D., 74
Google, 33, 390, 392, 522, 562
and China, 415–16
youthful culture, 200
Gordon, R., 431
Gordon, R. et al, 433
Gouldner, A.W., 490, 524
Graham, G., 313, 314
Gramsci, Antonio, 270
Granby Zoo, 441
Granstrom, K. and Stiwne, D., 97, 119
Grant, J.D. and Mills, A.J., 470, 480
Grant, R.M. et al, 470
green learning, 437
Greener, I., 227, 245
greening, 435
Greenpeace, 419, 581, 609
Greenwood et al, 592
Greenwood, R. and Mayer, R., 498
groups see teams and groups
groupthink, 99
‘grunge jobs’, 604–5
Guardian, The, 570, 572

habit and rational choice, 28

Hall, C.S. and Lindzey, G., 69
halo effect, 52
Hammer, M. and Champy, J., 555
Handy, C., 433, 545–6
Haney, C. et al, 278, 290
Hannan, M.T. and Freeman, J., 540
affective forecasting, 77
CHOOSE model, 77
conducive to performance, 76
definition, 75
focalism, 79
and health, 76, 77
money and, 77
and quality of life, 75
questionnaire, 78–9
teachable?, 76–7
Hardt, M. and Negri, A., 550
Hardy, C., 545
Hardy, C. and Clegg, S.R., 264, 290
Harris, J.G. et al, 548
Harvard Business Review, 113
Harvard University, 500, 594
Hassard, J. et al, 555, 557, 558–9
Hatch, M. and Schultz, M., 318, 322, 344
Hawken P., 434
Hawthorne Studies, 464
hearing stories, 336
Heart, Frank, 394
Hedlund, G, 553, 578
hedonism, 60
Held, Barbara, 72, 82
helpfulness, 60
Herman, S., 153, 162–3
Hersey, P. et al, 133, 134, 135
heterarchies, 553, 561
Hetrick, W.P. and Boje, H.R., 267
Hickson, D.J., 523
Hickson, D.J. et al, 257
hidden agendas, 111
hierarchy, 269, 270
hierarchy of needs, 149, 150, 151
Higgins, W. and Hallström, K.T., 504
Hill, R.P., 38, 42, 181, 210
Hirschhorn, L., 377
Hitler, Adolf, 131, 136, 137, 156, 161, 184
Hobsbawm, E., 448, 449, 450
Hofstede, G., 58, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245
Höllerer, M., 416–17
Holt, D.B., 319
home as workplace, 558, 559
Honda, 389
Hornby, Nick: High Fidelity, 143
Horowitz, M.J., 50
Hoskin, K, 454, 455
House, R.J., 133
House, R.J. et al, 128, 134, 159, 160
House, R.J. and Mitchell, T.R., 133
Hsu, and Hannan, 540
Huffington, Arianna, 310
human captial advantage (HCA), 182
human process advantage (HPA), 181, 182
human relations, 446, 464–5
Human Relations School, 464, 478
human resources management (HRM), 202, 208, 211
demographic changes, 177–8, 208
diversity, 184–5
and environmental complexity, 177
generational differences, 178–80
hard and soft approaches, 170–1, 172
Harvard and Michigan models, 171
immigration, 178, 184
‘virtuous spiral’, 196
human rights, 187, 188, 208, 218, 434
Human Rights International, 581
humility, 61
humour in learning, 356
hybridity, 611–12

IBM, 33
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), 372
ideas and preferences, 28
fluidity of, 580
and globalization, 579, 609
individual, 7, 579
of managers, 557–8
relational, 579
shaped by organizations, 12
IDEO, 354
ideology, 24
causing conflict, 111
ILO 9000, 504
image-culture gap, 322
image-vision gap, 322
imaginative madness, 346
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 271–2, 581
immigration, 178, 184
imperialism, 610–12
‘impoverished management’, 130
Inception, 81
incompetence of managers, 115
Inconvenient Time, An, 438
India, 579, 594
call centres, 546
individual identities, 7, 579
individuals, nature of, 7–8
industrial relations (IR), 203–8
employment relations, 207–8
unions, 204–7
Industrial Revolution, 181, 448
inevitable toxicity, 115
infidelity of managers, 115
influence tactics, 147
informal groups, 93
Information Panopticon, 266–7, 547
information technology (IT), 181
innovation and change, 366–99
in auto industry, 366
and chaos, 373–4
definition, 366
development period, 386–7
four factors (Donaldson), 534
implementation period, 387–8
initiation period, 386
institutional, 501
isomorphism, 498–500
leading, 388
and management fashion, 395–6, 504–6
market-technology linkages, 379–80
phases, 370
planned change, 371–2
platform innovation, 367–9
politics of, 376–7
problem-solving processes, 374
processual, 372–3
self-organizing powers, 374
social, 378–9
through collaborators, 385–6
through employees, 384–5
insensitivity of managers, 115
Insider, The, 291
entrepreneurs, 16, 270, 501–3
and professions, 503
tendencies, 15
theory, 496–501
toxicity in, 115
integration perspectives, 234–5
critiques, 235
intellectual property, 588
intelligent design (ID), 52
intentional conflict, 110–11
interactivities of organizations, 543
internal attribution, 54
internal contracting, 449, 450
internal markets, 553
international division of labour, 10, 34–5
International Labor Organization (ILO), 581
International Standards Organization, 13, 430, 504, 598
internationalizing processes, 582
Internet, 309
chat, 95
conferencing tools, 95
erosion of bureaucracy, 551
giving access to customers and resources, 562
and location of businesses, 549–50
rhizomic networks, 551
use by Barack Obama, 310–11
intrusive managers, 115
Iraq, 610–11
Irn Bru, 588, 589
irrationality, 30
ISO 9001, 598
isomorphism, 498–500
coercive, 499
mimetic, 499–500, 505
normative, 498–9
IT firms, 590–1

Jacques, Elliot, 531

James, C.L.R., 447
James, William, 72
Janis, I., 99
Jansons, Mariss, 83
Japan, 558
globalization, 578
Jary, D., 12
Jermier, J. et al, 435, 436, 437
Jerusalem Post, 415
job security, 197, 450, 557
Joerres, Jeffrey, 544
Johnson & Johnson, 422–3
Jones, C., 502
Jones, C. et al, 438, 604
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 483
junk jobs, 473, 475

Kaarsemaker, E.C.A., 210

Kaarsemaker, E.C.A. and Poutsma, E., 171, 187
Kanov, J.M. et al, 119, 212
Kanter, R.M., 494
Kärreman, D. and Alvesson, M., 540, 566
Kärreman, D. and Rylander, A., 329
Katz, D. and Kahn, R.L., 91, 126
Kawasaki, 389
Kelley, David, 354
Kelman, H.C., 275
Kennedy, John F., 284
Kerr, S. and Jamier, J.M., 140
key performance indicators (KPIs), 141, 494–5
Kipping, M., 591
Klein, N., 580
Knights, D. and Willmott, H., 477
Knorr-Cetina, K. and Preda, A., 572
as barrier to learning, 341–2
definition, 334
exploitation and exploration, 345
exploitation of, 509–10
management, 334
and scientific management, 358
sources of, 335–6
tacit and explicit, 338–9
types of, 337
knowledge work, 15, 33, 35, 181, 557, 599–601
Knowles, M. and Knowles, H., 90
Kornberger, M. and Brown, A.D., 431, 440
Kotler, P., 317
Kreiner, K. and Schultz, M., 237
Krupp works, 449

labour market, 604, 608

unregulated, 605
labour markets, 476
labour process, 205, 472, 473–7
Lam, K. et al, 78
Lash, S. and Urry, J., 589
latency (Freud), 68
law, 499
Lawler, E.E., 198, 199
Lawrence, T. and Phillips, N., 502, 503
‘lead users’, 379, 380
leadership, 124–61
authentic, 157
autonomous, 160
as behaviour, 129–32
charismatic, 137
and coaching, 146–7
consideration, 130–1
contingency theories, 132–4
definitions, 126
employee-centred, 131
and empowerment, 142–3
and followership, 126, 136–7
full-range, 138, 139, 160
and GLOBE project, 159–60
great person theory, 128
humane, 160
intiating structure, 131
job-centred, 131
managerial grid, 130
and mentoring, 146–7
modern and postmodern, 144
and motivation, 148–54
networking, 133
neutralizers, 140
participative, 160
passive-avoidant, 139
path-goal theory, 133–4
positive psychology of, 156–7
qualities of leaders, 128–9
real existence of (‘leadership is dead’), 139–40
self-protective, 160
SERVANT model, 143
situational theories, 134–5
styles, 139
substitutes, 139, 140
team-oriented, 159, 160
Theory X and Theory Y motivation, 148
as traits, 128–9
transactional, 136, 137, 139
transformational, 136, 137, 139
values-based, 133, 160
wisdom, 158–9
as adaptation, 342
in alliances, 353
communities of practice, 348–51
definition, 334
double-loop, 343
internalization, 336
knowledge as barrier to, 341–2
as paradox, 354–8
single-loop, 343, 344
three ways (Westley), 355–6
through collaborations, 348, 353–4
Leeson, Nick, 226–7, 428
legitimacy, 497
LEGO, 380–1
Lehman Brothers, 573–4
Lench, H.C. et al, 78
Lennon, John, 157
levels of communication, 301–11
Levitt, B. and March, J., 342, 343, 348, 360
Lewin, K., 371, 372
lifelong learning, 35–9
Likert, R., 131, 236, 523
limited liability legislation, 449–50
line managers, 457
listening, 323
Littlejohn, S., 302, 306
localizing processes, 582
locus of control, 64–7
Lord of the Rings, 162, 216
Lounsbury, M. and Crumley, E.T., 379, 399
Lukes, S., 265, 271, 289
Luthans, F. and Avolio, B., 157
Luthans, F. et al, 157, 158
Luthans, F. and Youssef, C.M., 158
Lynham, S.A. and Chermack, T.J., 128, 163

M-form organizations, 540–4

McBride, Terry, 568
McCrae, R.R. and Costa, P.T. Jr., 63, 64
McDonaldization, 472–3, 512
McDonalds, 526, 609
McEwan, Ian: Atonement, 290
McGee, Alan, 567
McGregor, D., 149
machine bureaucracy, 526
McKenna, Patrick, 567, 568
McKinley, W., 538
McKinsey & Co., 224
McLuhan, M., 308, 328, 591
McNay, L., 217
McSweeney, B., 241, 244
Madsen, S.R., 146
Maguire, S. and Hardy, C., 299, 329
Malcolm Baldridge Quality Award, 598
Malone, T.W. et al, 553
management consultancy, 591–2
management education, 593–7
future of, 596–7
and practice, 594–5
in university system, 594
management fashion, 395–6, 504–6
management ‘gurus’, 591
management ideas industry, 590–2
management of meaning, 254, 260, 322
managerial capitalism, 474
managerial control, 491–2
managerial grid, 130
managerialism, 24
Mandela, Nelson, 501–2
Mannon, Tim, 374
March, J., 391, 510, 511, 512
March, J.G. and Olsen, J., 494
March, J.G. and Simon, H.A., 28
marketing, 316–18
definition, 316
five steps (Kotler), 317
‘green’, 435
Markus H.R., 50
Martin, J. and Frost, P., 234, 235
Marx, Karl, 204
Maslow, A., 149, 150, 151
mass communication, 306–11
in Christian church, 310
mass production, 531
Master and Commander, 137, 162
matching words with actions, 17
matrix organizations, 544–5
advantages and disadvantages, 545
Mayer, J.D., 74, 498
Mayes, B.T. and Allen, R.W., 265
Mayo, E., 464–6
principles of management, 465
MBAs, 498, 593, 594–6
mechanistic organization, 521–2
Memento, 81
mentoring, 146
mergers, 584–5
Merton, R.K., 488, 489–90
metaphors, 26–7
of division, 26–7
organizations as organs, 27
of rationality, 28
Meyer, J.W., 607
Meyer, J.W. and Rowan, B., 497
Meyerson, D., 555
Microsoft, 33, 487
Microsoft Windows, 369
middle managers, 558–9
migrant workers, 605
migration, 178, 184
Milgram, S., 156
Miller, P. and O’Leary, T., 479, 594
Miller, S.J. and Wilson, D.C., 281, 282, 283
Minnesota Innovation Research Program, 375
Mintzberg, H., 525–8, 553, 595
Mir, R. and Mir, A., 362
mishandling conflict, 111
misunderstanding, 110
MIT, 313
Mitch, D.J., 184
Mitchell, C., 314
miulticultural workforce, 558
Moberg, D.J., 15
Modern Times, 479
Moghadam, 606
monitoring performance, 139
Monte C.F., 62
Moore, G. and Beadle, R., 437, 439
Morgan, G., 26, 299
motivation, 28, 148–54
extrinsic and intrinsic, 152–3
and leadership, 148–54
process theory, 151
satiation of needs, 150
self-determination theory, 153–5
Mouzelis, N., 221
multi-divisional form (MDF), 541–2
multiculturalism, 579
multinational organizations, 575–6
Mumby, D.K., 327
Munro, I., 550
Murdoch, Rupert, 220
Murray, R. et al, 378
music industry, 562, 567–8
Music Venture Capital Trusts, 567

NASA, 99
Nathan, B.R. and Alexander, R.A., 202
nation-states, 501
national culture, 240–2, 524–5
national security, 60, 528
Navistar, 323
negligence, 110
Nelson, R.R. and Rosenberg, N., 370
network organizations, 553
networking, 549–50
networks/networking, 315, 348, 548–51
‘rhizome’, 550–1
neutralization, 142
new organizational forms, 540–54
call centres, 545–7
concepts of, 552–3
M-form, 540–4
matrix organizations, 544–5
networks/networking, 315, 348, 548–54
opposition to bureaucracy, 552
shamrock organizations, 545, 546
new public management (NPM), 495–6
New Right, 609
New Social Movements, 610
New York Times, 311, 572
New Zealand, 185, 190, 203, 210, 617, 618
News Corp, 607
News International, 218–19, 220
News of the World, The, 220
Nicholson, N., 48
Nietzsche, F., 393
Nike, 316, 344, 404, 405, 580, 607
Nonaka, I., 337, 338
Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H., 337, 361
normative power, 488
norming (team development), 102, 103
Northern Rock, 572
Nowecki, M. and Summers, J., 180

Obama, Barack, 129, 145, 210

obedience, 60, 98, 274–5
observation and inference, 57
OHSS (Occupational Health and Security), 15
Oliver, C., 314
Olivetti, Gino, 469
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 290
One World, 353
online communities, 93, 95, 551
OPEC, 581
open groups, 93
open systems, 258
open-space offices, 312
openness, 64
oral stage, 68
Orange Roughy case study, 617–18
organic organizations, 522
organizaiton culture, 14, 277, 341, 345, 429, 506
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 550
‘organization man’, 273
organizational behaviour, 45
organizational change, 554–9
and globalization, 556–7
identity of managers, 557–8
organizational design, 270, 459
contingency theory, 520–5, 538, 539
decentralization, 525
design thinking, 559–63
Mintzberg: five structures, 525–8
and SARFIT, 534–8
strategic choices and, 523–4
technology and, 528–32
organizational identities, 14, 382
organizational politics, 252, 259–62
political games, 261
orientalism, 611–12
Orlikowski and Yates, 532
Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty Four, 230–2
Osborne, Peter, 220
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra case study, 83
Ouchi, W.D., 553
outsourcing, 32–3
owner-managed firms, 526
Oxfam, 580

Palmer, I. et al, 552

panopticism, 452
paradigms, 32
Parashar, S. et al, 61, 82
Parker, J., 595
Parker, M. and Jary, D., 595
Parkinson’s Law, 525
Pascale, R., 373, 374
Paulson, Hank, 574
Peirce, C.S., 560
perception, 49–57
and common errors, 52–6
information processing, 49, 50
schemas, 49, 50, 51
personality, 45
Big Five, 63, 64
humanist approach, 70–1
locus of control, 64–7
traits approach, 63
Peters, T., 591
Peters, T. and Waterman, R., 494, 555
Pettigrew, A. et al, 543
Pfeffer, J., 159, 264, 288, 376, 595
Pfeffer, J. and Salancik, G., 254, 258
phallic stage, 66, 70
Phillips, N. and Hardy, C., 431
Pitsis T.S., 51, 148, 149, 209, 617–18
Pitsis, T.S. and Clegg, S.R., 158, 159
platform innovation, 367–9
pleasure, 60, 67
Polanyi, M., 337, 361
politeness, 60
Pollard, S., 448
polyphony, 326–7
PopScore, 568
Porter, M., 587, 604
Porter, M. and Kramer, M.R., 410, 413
Porter, M. and van der Linde, C., 436
positive identity construction, 53
positive power, 278
positive psychology, 72–9
criticism, 72
post-bureaucratization, 268, 286
post-structuralist thinking, 477
postmodern organizations, 553
postmodern/ism/ity, 142, 143
Poutsma, E., 210
poverty, 608
Powell, W.W., 553
power, 60, 488, 592, 599
and communication, 324–5
power-with and power-over, 468
resource dependency, 258
and soft domination, 232, 265–6
sources of, 253–9
strategic contingencies, 257–8
techniques of, 275–6
and uncertainty, 255–7
zero-sum conception, 259
predictability, 370, 395, 472
Price, A., 174
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 584
problem-solving processes, 374
process production, 531
Procter & Gamble, 199, 351, 380
production and service teams, 93
professional bureaucracies, 526–7
professions, 503
Proffet-Reese, M. et al, 180
project and development teams, 93
projection, 69, 770
prototypes, 561
psychoanalysis, 67–71
stages of development, 69
psychological contracts, 96
psychological properties, 44–5
psychology, 45–57, 67–79
humanistic, 72, 82, 148
nature vs. nurture debate, 46–7
origin of term, 45
perception, 49–57
positive, 72–9
‘Who am I?’ question, 71
public sector, 24, 357, 495, 496, 497
Pugh, D. and Hickson, D., 523, 535

racism, 190
Räisänen, Christine and Linde, Anneli, 271, 292
Rao, H., 368
rape, 55
rational choice, 28, 281
criticisms, 28
rational organizations, 464
rational-legal precepts, 460
rationality, 29–31
bounded, 28
culturally framed, 506
feminist criticism of, 29
and irrationality, 30
practical understanding, 31
and resistance, 30
rationalized myths, 555–7
reaction formation, 69
Reagan, Nancy, 228
Reagan, Ronald, 228, 272
reality as constructed, 497
reality principle, 67
recruitment, 192–4
and discrimination, 200, 203
job application, 196
job interview, 196
job-duty statement, 195
realistic job preview (RJP), 193–4
and retaining staff, 197–8
selection, 194
and staff development, 197
tests and measurement, 196–7
Red Bull, 315
Reed, S.K., 50, 51
Reeder, G.D. et al, 55, 82
refugees, 185, 431
regionalizing processes, 582
Reich, R.B., 600
Reinke, Catherine, 109
relations between states and globalization, 579
relationships of mutuality, 350
remuneration, 488, 529–30
repression, 69, 229
reserve supply, 173
resistance, 474
as alternative rationality, 30
by comission, 30
by omission, 30
to change, 30
resources, costs of, 577
respect, 60, 61
responsibility, 276, 286, 287, 385, 411
responsible autonomy, 561, 562
rhetoric, 10
Right Stuff, The, 361
risk society, 434, 606
risk-taking, 38, 60
Ritzer, G., 472, 475, 590
Robbins Report, 593
Rockart, J.F. and Short, J.E., 553
Rogers, Carl R., 71, 323
Rohan, M.J., 61
Rokeach, M.R., 59
Romme, A.G.L., 560
Rose, N., 599
Rotter, J.B., 64, 65
Rubery, J., 476
rules, 425–9
ambiguous, 427
conflicting, 426
following, 40, 489
institutional, 497
and sacrificial victims, 428
Russell, N. and Gregory, R., 278, 292
Rwanda, 501
Ryan, Peter, 432
Ryan, R.M. and Deci, E.L., 152, 153

safety and health, 177, 183, 190–1

Said, E., 611
St Luke’s, 396–7
SAP, 590
SARFIT (structural adjustment to regain fit), 534–8
‘satisficing’, 28, 281
Scanlon Plan, 205
Schatzki, T.R., 389, 399
Schein, E., 221, 222, 223, 235, 244, 373, 399
schemas, 51–2
Schindler’s List, 428
Schön, D.A., 561
Schuler, R.S., 174
Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E., 174, 175
Schultz, M. et al, 328
Schumpeter, J.A., 291–2, 390
Schwartz, Shalom, 58, 59–60
science of work, 455
Scientific American, 98
scientific management, 89, 148, 171, 256, 268, 299, 340, 358, 396, 455–6, 469,
473–5, 526
four principles, 455
Scott, W.R., 503
script schemas, 50
SEC, 246
security (values), 60
self-actualization, 71, 149, 150, 153
self-concept, 71
self-determination theory, 153–5
self-direction, 60
self-discipline, 60
self-fulfilling prophecy, 53–4
self-interest, 28, 47–8, 148, 149–50, 404, 410
self-organizing powers, 374
self-schemas, 50
self-serving bias, 55
selfish gene, 47
Seligman, Martin E.P., 72, 76, 81
Selznick, P., 492
Semler, R., 205
Senge, P., 221, 334
Sennett, R., 38, 412
sense data, 8, 18, 19
sense of joint enterprise, 350
sensemaking, 4, 17–26, 284, 302, 374, 430
aspects of, 18, 22
and common sense, 470–1
importance for organizations, 19–20
sources, 23–5
tools, 20–1
September 11th attacks, 116, 354, 570
Sewell, G., 266, 267, 268, 492
shamrock organizations, 545, 546
shared repertoire, 350
shareholders, 5, 24, 409, 416
Shaw, G., 299, 300
Sheldon, Kennon M., 154, 155
Shell, 312, 315, 318
Shirky, Clay, 416
Silicon Valley, 222, 278, 348, 385, 549, 553
Simon, Herbert, 561
simple structure (Mintzberg), 526
situational leadership, 134–6
size of organizations, 520, 524, 525, 532, 539
and differentiation, 525
Skype, 125
Slaughter, J.E. and Zicker, M.J., 106, 108, 119
slavery, 190, 446, 447–8, 451, 612
in modern Britain, 483
small wins in learning, 356, 360, 436
Smart Car, 352
smiling, 74
Smith, Adam, 26–7, 47, 48, 67, 149–50
social capital, 17, 584
social context, 22, 154, 370
social facilitation, 97
social impact, 95–7
social innovation, 378, 379, 399
six steps, 378–9
social justice, 61, 467–8
social order, 60, 356
social power, 60, 284, 610
social schemas, 51
social security, 48
Sony, 348
South Africa, 501–2
South Park, 68
Southwest Airlines, 199, 500
specialization, 311–12, 457, 458, 522, 523, 589
Spencer, D.A., 477, 480
stakeholders: definition, 405
standardization, 523
standardization of workplace routines, 450
standards, 504, 598–9
Star Alliance, 353
Starbuck, W., 282, 341
Stark, D., 390
Stein, M., 226, 428
Stensaker, I. and Falkenberg, J., 373, 399
stereotyping, 52–3
Stiglitz, Joseph, 271, 272
stimulation, 60
stories, 222–4
storytelling, 299–300
strategic alliances, 583–4
strategic choices, 523–4
strategic contingencies, 257–8
strategic management, 174–7
Strategy-As-Practice (SAP), 176
Sturdy, A., 594
Sturdy, A. and Yiannis, G., 595
subcultures, 230, 235, 237, 274
success trap, 345–6, 510
Sudnow, D.: Passing On, 227
suffering, cost of, 212
superego, 67, 80
supply and demand, 47
surplus value, 474, 477
surveillance, 114, 131, 266–7
survival of the fittest, 47, 48
sustainability, 158, 200, 369, 405
and globalization, 579, 606–7
Swann, J. et al, 385
Sweden, 187, 188, 203, 207, 615
Swedish Institurte for Quality, 598
Sydney Morning Herald, 602–3
Sydney Olympics, 140
symbolic analysts, 600
symbols of self, 70
Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT), 481–2

tacit and explicit knowledge, 338–9

Tannenbaum, A.S., 257
‘task management’, 130
Taylor, F.W., 455–7, 521
teams and groups, 88–113
conflict, 108–13
conformance, 98
definitions, 88
development, 100–1
face-to-face communications, 96
gender roles, 108
group dynamics, 89–90
groupthink, 99
in-group bias, 92
and interpersonal psychological issues, 90
out-groups, 92
reasons for, 90–2
reflexivity, 104–5
roles, 105–7
self-managing teams, 269
size of, 96
social impact, 95
social loafing, 100
spatio-temporal context, 101
stages, 102–4
‘team management’, 100, 130, 269
types of, 93
virtual teams, 101–2
technocracies, 553
technological changes, 32–4, 542
conceptions of space and time, 36–7
and behaviour, 532
classification of, 528–9
and flexible styles of management, 543
large and small batch units, 528–30
and organizational design, 520, 528–32
TEDx, 95
teleological change, 369
ten Bos, R., 505
Terminator 3, 361
Tesco, 383
Thatcher, Margaret, 272, 469
Theory X and Theory Y motivation, 148
Third World, 580, 608, 609
transnational corporations, 580–1
Thompson, J.D., 256
Thorndike, E.L., 52
Tidd, J. et al, 354, 367, 376, 392
time span of discretion, 530–1
Time Warner/AOL, 607
time-space relations, 36–7
Titanic, 229, 398
total institutions, 266
Totten, Hugh, 218
toxic emotions, 81, 106–7, 113, 114–17
TQM (Total Quality Management), 268, 283, 497, 500
tradition, 61
training in work, 172
traits, 63
transactional leadership, 136, 137, 139
transnational corporations, 575–6, 580
flows, 581
and governments, 586–7
in the Third World, 580–1
wants of managers, 586
Treaty of Westphalia, 501
Trinca, H. and Fox, C., 602
Triplett, Norman, 97
trust building, 146
tsunami 2004, 606
Tuckman, B. and Jensen, M.A., 102, 104
Tuschman, L. and O’Reilly, C., 346
Tziner, A. et al, 202

uncertainty, 28
uniforms, 20, 241, 255–7, 274
unions, 23–5, 298
United Nations, 581
United Nations Global Compact, 435
United Nations Human Rights Council, 188
unity with nature, 61
universalism, 61
universities, 470, 497, 500
Urry, J., 368
US National Academy of Science, 52
corporate cuts, 554–5
debts, 575
and globalization, 575
as nation-state, 501
utilitarianism, 451

Vaast, E., 340, 362

value chains, 584
values, 57–62
priorities, 61
trans-situational, 59
types (Schwartz), 60–1
Van de Ven, A. et al, 375, 376, 384, 386, 388, 391, 393
Van Maanen, J., 230, 235
Veenhoven, R., 75
Virgin, 16, 474
virtual organizations, 553
virtual teams and face-to-face meetings, 96
vision-culutre gap, 322
Vogel, D., 418

Wal-Mart, 189
Wall St Crash, 573
Washington Post, 555
Watson, Thomas, 324–5, 411
wealth, 17, 48, 60, 76, 80, 221, 418
Weber, Max, 458–60, 486, 493–4, 512
Weick, K.E., 18, 25, 225, 239, 244, 305, 306–7, 374, 394, 430, 494
Weick, K.E. and Westley, F., 355, 356
Wenger, E., 348–9, 350, 351, 352
West, M., 93, 101, 105
West, M. et al, 118
whale watching, 502–3
Whitley, R., 578
Whyte, William F.: The Organization Man, 279
Willmott, H., 231, 232, 427
Winiecki, 547
wisdom, 61, 156, 374
and empathy, 182
equal pay, 53, 187
in management, 557–8
Wood, A., 608
Wood, J.R.T., 431, 432
Woodward, Joan, 528–31
addiction to, 602–3
knowledge work, 15, 33, 35, 181, 557, 599–601
unskilled/dirty work, 604–5, 608
work-life balance, 558
working class, 173, 606
World Bank, 271, 272, 581, 608, 609
World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 420, 435
World Economic Forum, 609
World Trade Organization, 272
Wren, D and Greenwood, R., 396

YouTube, 162, 193

Yunus, Muhammad, 378

Zara, 14–15
Zedler, Bill, 52
Zenger, J.H., 146, 162
Zey, M., 542, 564
“The Changing of the Guards” written by Bob Dylan. Copyright © 1978 Special
Rider Music. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted by

Image I.2 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) by Allan Ramsey © National Gallery

of Scotland.

What Do You Mean section, Chapter 2, p. 77. Reprinted with permission from Dr
Timothy Sharp.

Figure 3.2 adapted from De Dreu, C.K.W and Van Vianen, A.E.M (2001) ‘Managing
relationship conflict and the effectiveness of organizational teams’, Journal of
Organizational Behaviour 22: 309–328. Reprinted with permission.

Image 3.3 artwork courtesy of Catherine Reinke (recycled artist)

Figure 4.1 adapted from Blake and Mouton’s (1985) registered model. Reprinted
with permission from

Figure 4.2 © 2002 Centre for Leadership Studies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Situational Leadership © is a registered trade mark of the Centre for Leadership
Studies. Reprinted with permission.

Image 9.1 Nike Air Force 1 Low White/Red: from the Kix and the City online
magazine dedicated to sneaker culture.
/uploads/2007/01/RWProf.jpg) Table 9.1 adapted from Clark, P. (2003)
Organizational Innovations. Reprinted with permission from SAGE.

Image 12.2 reprinted with thanks to Bruce Petty.

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