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NAME : ____________________________________________________________

FORM : _____________________________________________________________

Answer all the questions.

(10 Marks)

Question 1
Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Write one word to correct the error underlined in the space provided. An example has been
given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling
and punctuation errors in this text.

I live with my family in an oil palm estate. Everyday, I go to school but

it isn’t easy. I miss my friends whose aren’t at my 104-year-old- e.g who
school anymore. One by one, they have leaving with their parents to (a) _____________
migrate to the city. Now, I is the only student left in the school. I feel (b) _____________
lone. However, my headmistress and teachers are nice. They help my (c) _____________
parents by taking turns to give us a lift to and back from school. I get (d) _____________
undivided attention with my teachers. I can ask them questions about (e)______________
school work so they understand difficult topics well. However, there (f) ______________
are no more games or competes at school. I miss the school events (g) _____________
too, which the teachers uses to organise. I feel especially sad during (h) _____________
recess. I sit outside my classroom to eat but I can only think on the (i) ______________
fun memories I having with my friends. I reminisce about our friendly (j) ______________
banter which makes me miss them even more.

(30 marks)

Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

A Visit to Sayang House

Last Saturday morning, the Caring Club members of SK Sri Megah organised another
community service activity. After months of organising fund-raising activities, they had
collected RM950 in cash and received donations of blankets, pillows and mattresses from
kind well-wishers.

The donations were given to Sayang House. It is an orphanage which was set up by
Ms Ananthi Sundram in 2002. The home relies on public donations to care for the 40 children
living there.

The President of the Caring Club presented Ms Ananthi with the donations. However,
that was not all the members had for the children. After a delicious treat of a fast food lunch,
the members organised some games such as musical chairs, memory games and races.

Then, the members entertained the children with various performances. They sang
and danced. The children joined in too.

Questions (a) – (j)
Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

Organised by : Activities organised :

(c) ___________________________ (a) _________________________

(b) _________________________

A Visit to

Background of Sayang House : Donations :

(h) Founder : (d) __________________________

(e) __________________________
(i) Established in the year :
__________________________ (f) __________________________

(j) Number of children cared for : (g) __________________________


(10 marks)

Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) – (i).

Hilltop Destinations in Malaysia

Cameron Highlands

This hill station is about four hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur. It has small towns, tea
plantations and grassy fields. Visit the breathtaking Sungai Palas Boh Tea Estate for a
guided tour of the plantation and tea tasting. There are strawberry, honeybee and butterfly
farms to visit. There are also several popular trails for trekking here.

Fraser’s Hill

This hill station is roughly 100km north of Kuala Lumpur. It is a cool and quiet place,
popular among visitors keen on less strenuous hikes or bird-watching. It is situated across
seven densely forested hills. Visitors can hike along the trails and get a glimpse of the
abundant flora and fauna. You can go boating or visit Jeriau Waterfall for a swim.

Genting Highlands

This hill station is located about 50 km from Kuala Lumpur. Do not miss out on the 3.4 km-
long Genting Skyway, which is an eleven-minute cable car ride above the thick rainforest.
The indoor and outdoor theme parks are popular among tourists. There are water slides, a
climbing wall, and a wind tunnel which stimulates skydiving as well as thrilling rides.

Question (a) – (d) : Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are

(a) There are tea plantations in Cameron Highlands. ______________(1 mark)

(b) Tourists can go on a cable car ride in Cameron Highlands. ______________(1 mark)

(c) Fraser’s Hill is a noisy and crowded place. ______________(1 mark)

(d) Genting Highlands has popular theme parks. ______________(1 mark)

Question (e) – (i) : Read the brochure carefully and answer all the questions below.

(e) Where can visitors go to swim in a waterfall?

They can go to ____________________________________________ in Fraser’s

(1 mark)

(f) How long does the cable car ride in Genting Highlands take?

The cable car ride in Genting Highlands takes _______________________



(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.

Meaning Phrase
i. Hills covered with thick jungle
(Line 9)
ii. Plenty of different animal and
plant life (line 10)
(2 marks)

(h) Why do you think the phrase less strenuous is used to describe hikes in Fraser’s Hill?

This is because the hiking trails there are ____________________________ to



(i) Why do you think Genting Highlands may be popular among children?

There are ___________________ theme parks offering interesting activities and


(1 mark)

(10 marks)

(j) You plan to visit one of the popular hilltop destinations in Malaysia and would like to
invite your friend to join you.In about 50 words, write an e-mail to your friend. In your

 encourage him/her to join you

 give reasons to support your choice
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

To :

From :

Dear _______________________ ,

I would like to invite you to join my family and I on a trip to _________________________.

I think you will like the place because _________________________________________________













(10 marks)

(10 marks)

Question 4
Read the letter from Jaya to Karina.

Dear Karina,

It’s nice to hear from you. How have you been? I hope everyone at home is well.
My family and I are relaxing after several hectic days of entertaining family and friends
during the festive season.
As for your question, I would be happy to share with you my struggle to prevent
breakouts and get clear skin. I am sure you remember that I suffered from pimples
especially on my forehead and chin. I had tried many skin products but nothing seemed to
work. Finally, I found the simplest methods to be the most effective.
First, don’t scrub or wash your face too much. This will actually irritate your skin
more. Only wash your face twice a day using warm water and soap specially made for skin
with pimples.
Don’t pop your pimples because you could be infecting them. This could lead to
more swelling and eventually leave a scar. Likewise, avoid touching your face
unnecessarily because you could be transferring bacteria to your pores. Your pores will get
inflamed and irritated. You don’t want that! If you want to apply any treatment cream on
your face, wash your hands first.
Since you wear spectacles, make sure that you clean them frequently. This will stop
oil and dirt on the spectacles from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
Oh, another tip. Don’t wear tight clothing if you have pimples on your body. They
do not allow your skin to breathe. Dirt, oil and sweat can irritate your skin.
Try out these steps and let me know if you notice any differences. I wish you all the
best. Do write when you are free.

Your friend,

Read the letter carefully and answer questions (a) to (i).

(a) What had kept Jaya busy during the festive celebration?

She was kept busy _______________________________________________________

(1 mark)

(b) What ‘question’ did Karina ask Jaya?

She asked how to ________________________________________________________

(1 mark)

(c) List two things that can cause skin irritation.

(1 mark)
(1 mark)

(d) What is the best way for Karina to clean her face?

She should use warm water and __________________________________________

(1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrase from the letter.

Meaning Word/Phrase
i. a period of celebration
______________________________ (line 4)
ii. two times
______________________________ (line 10)
iii. burst
______________________________ (line 12)
iv. often
______________________________ (line 17)
(4 marks)

(f) How can Karina prevent scarring?

She should not _______________________________________________________

(1 mark)

Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

_________________________ ___________________ ______________________

Pn. Rosy Nurul-Hidayati Yahya
English Language Teacher
SMK Danau Kota

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