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The Pathology Company

High Performance Tissue Processor

Focus on Quality.
Because you are trusted with human tissue, quality always comes first.

That’s why the primary focus of the ASP6025 tissue processor is to ensure all your

specimens receive optimal processing. A familiar interface lets you easily set-up runs

correctly, and you can be confident that intelligent automation is constantly monitoring

and protecting critical reagents.

Deliver diagnostic clarity

Simplicity Confidence Protection

A straightforward touchscreen With built-in sensors the ASP6025 The unique ParaLast system
interface means, ASP6025 tissue tissue processor measures the reduces paraffin contamination
processor operators will find it easy to concentration of each alcohol to during xylene-free protocols.
perform critical operations. ensure the optimal sequence.

Reduce operator error Optimize reagents and Eliminate contaminates

processing quality

Focus on Specimen Safety.

When a critical diagnosis depends on a single

specimen, you need to be confident that your

tissue processor will care for that specimen

as much as you do. The ASP6025 tissue

processor gives you this confidence with

advanced specimen protection.

Protect the patient behind

the specimen

Seeing is believing Unstoppable A new level of support

Quickly check that your Built-in battery backup ensures Find and eliminate problems before
specimens are fully covered specimens are covered with the they occur. The Leica RemoteCare
thanks to the simple addition most appropriate reagent, even service provides constant support.
of a retort viewing window. if your lab suffers a complete
power failure.

Eliminate hidden risks Autostart after power-failure Identify problems before

recovery they damage tissue

Focus on Productivity.
Increase productivity and your existing resources will help more patients.

With speed, flexibility, reduced up-keep, and in-process reagent exchanges, the

ASP6025 tissue processor delivers everything you need to set your laboratory on the

path to Lean Histology. Plus, staff will appreciate the ASP6025 tissue processor protecting

their health with clean technology that reduces xylene and exposure to retort vapors.

Create a Lean Histology


Fast Flexible Lean

Ensure patients get critical With xylene and low-temperature Less waste, less work: reagents
results sooner. The ASP6025 is xylene-free operation along auto-rotate after optimal use,
a rapid processor with a unique with rapid, validated protocols, hot paraffin is exchanged without
pre-melt paraffin station that helps the ASP6025 tissue processor is ready manual handling, and ready-to-use
avoid delays. and waiting for any request from your reagent bottles are comfortably
pathologists. exchanged.

Reduce patient anxiety Be prepared for any Improve laboratory

request workflow

ASP6025 Tissue Processor Technical Specifications

Dimensions (L x W x H): 680 x 750 x 1500 mm (26.77 x 29.53 x 59.05 inch)
Weight (instrument only): approx. 210 kg (463 lbs)

Operating temperature range: +15 °C to +40 °C

Paraffin containers
Paraffin melting station: 1
Number of paraffin baths: 3
Capacity: 5.0 L per paraffin bath
Paraffin Temperature: 50 °C to 65 °C

Processing Retort
Capacity: max. 300 cassettes
Reagent volume: max. 4.6 L (up to fill level of third sensor, without specimen filling)
Temperature (processing reagents): ambient or 35 °C to 60 °C
Temperature (cleaning reagents): 50 °C to 67 °C
Fill time: approx. 90 seconds
Drain time: approx. 80 seconds
Impregnation vacuum: – 35 kPa
Infiltration pressure: +35 kPa
Fill vacuum: – 35 kPa to – 60 kPa
Drain pressure: +25 to +60 kPa

System bottles: 9 (in the reagent cabinet)
RTU–bottles: 6 (in the drawer)
Condensate bottle: 1
Containers for cleaning solutions: 3 (not additional)
Bottle volume: 3.8 and 5.0 L

System setup
Password status: supervisor/operator/service
Type of password: alphanumeric, freely selectable
Reagent management system (RMS): switch between RMS and concentration measurement
Nominal voltage: two factory-preset voltages (not user-adjustable),
120V ± 10% or 230V ± 10%
Nominal frequency: 50 to 60 Hz

Technical specifications subject to change.

The device ASP6025 tissue processor was developed, designed and manufactured to conform with the Directive
98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices.

Total Tissue Processing Solutions

Efficiently prepare and process tissue for high‑quality Routine, Special
and IHC/ISH staining.
CEREBRO Sample Tracking and Specimen ID
Clearly label cassettes and slides with Leica Biosystems' advanced
printers then track specimens, protect patients and monitor workflow
throughout your laboratory with the CEREBRO sample tracking system.
Get the best results with cassettes including the ActivFlo range for
maximum reagent exchange.
Fixatives and Processing Reagents
Choose from a range of traditional and innovative fixitives, alcohols and
other processing reagents.
Paraffin wax
Leica Biosystems offers a wide range of high‑quality paraffin waxes so
you can find the formula that is just right for you.

Embedding, Sectioning and Staining

Maintain quality and efficiency with Leica's range of histology
instruments and associated reagents and consumables.

LEICA biosystems
Leica Biosystems is a global leader in workflow solutions and automation, Leica Biosystems brings together
striving to advance cancer diagnostics to improve patients’ lives. Leica
Biosystems provides anatomic pathology laboratories and researchers a
products, quality and support.
comprehensive product range for each step in the pathology process, Offering a complete solution that
from sample preparation and staining to imaging and reporting. Our helps you advance workflows,
easy-to-use and consistently reliable offerings help improve workflow enhance diagnostic clarity and
efficiency and diagnostic confidence. The company is represented in over
deliver what really matters –
100 countries and is headquartered in Nussloch, Germany.
better patient care.
Leica Biosystems – an international company with a strong network of
worldwide customer services:

North America Sales and Customer Support

North America 800 248 0123
Asia/Pacific Sales and Customer Support
Australia 1800 625 286
China +85 2 2564 6699
Japan +81 3 5421 2804
South Korea +82 2 3416 4500
New Zealand 0800 400 589
95.9729 Rev D ∙ 03/2015 ∙ Copyright © by Leica Biosystems, Nussloch, Germany, 2015.
Singapore +65 6779 7823
Subject to modifications. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica
Europe Sales and Customer Support
Microsystems IR GmbH.
For detailed contact information about European sales offices or distributors Paralast and ActivFlo are trademarks of Leica Biosystems, registered in Europe, USA
please visit our website. and other countries.

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