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Employee's Personal Information Form

Name (in capital letters):

Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY):

CNIC# Exp Date:

Driving License Type: issued by(City Name):

Paste Picture Here
Driving License Number: Exp Date:

Present Address:

Permanent Address:

Contact Number/s: Blood Group

Employment History (Start from latest employer)

1-Employer Name (Company Name):

Job Duration (Mention at least month with Year) From To


Current Salary or Salary at the time of seperation

Starting Salary

Reason of Seperation (Reason to Leave the Job)

2-Employer Name (Company Name):

Job Duration (Mention at least month with Year) From To


Salary at the time of seperation

Starting Salary

Reason of Seperation (Reason to Leave the Job)

3-Employer Name (Company Name):

Job Duration (Mention at least month with Year) From To


Salary at the time of seperation

Starting Salary

Reason of Seperation (Reason to Leave the Job)

Education (start from latest degree)

Degree/Diploma University / College / Institute Passing Year Total Marks/CGPA Obtained Marks/CG PA

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Family Information

Religion Sect

Marital Status (Mark  Appropriate) Un Married Married

House Wife
Spouse's name Working Woman

Brief description about Spouse's working status

No. of Children Son Daughters

Are you, Your Spouse, Children (i.e. Dependents) suffering from any desease or disability:

Information about Parents/Other Family Members


Working Status (Mark Appropriate) Own Business Doing Job Retired

Nature of Business/Job and Employer Name

Location of Business/Job (i.e. City/Town/Area etc.)


Working Status (Mark Appropriate) House Wife Doing Job Own Business

Nature of Business/Job and Employer Name

Location of Business/Job (i.e. City/Town/Area etc.)

Brother/s: Elder Younger

Brief Description about Brother/s Job, Marital Status:

Sister/s: Elder Younger

Brief Description about Sister/s Job, Marital Status:

Other Details:

Do you have your own Conveyance Yes No

Type of your Conveyance (Engine Power/CC)

Your Residential Status (Your Home Town) Own Residence On Rent

Emergency Contact Details

1-Name & Relation: Contact No./s


2-Name & Relation: Contact No./s


Nomination Declaration: In case of my death during the course of employment, all legal dues should pay to my nominee as under.
1-Name & Relationship: CNIC#/B.Form# Percentage share from
receivable dues

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Have you ever convicted/Police Case etc. (share the current Status if yes):

Any relative working with this company? Please mention details below?

Total Numbers of Relatives working.

Name and Designation: Relationship Company/Location

Name and Designation: Relationship Company/Location

1-Name & Contact Number/s: Employer/Own Business Name Designation

2-Name & Contact Number/s: Employer/Own Business Name Designation


I hereby declare that information given in this form is true to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand that in the event of being employed with this company
and or during the course of my employment with this company, if it is found that any statement made by me in this application is untrue, the same shall be treated
as an act subversive of discipline of the Company which will be sufficient cause for termination / dismissals in accordance with law.

Signature/Thumb Impression of Applicant

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