5-Minute Daily Practice - Writing (NRevill v1)

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5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible activity sheets in this book for classroom use. No other
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Cover design by Gerard Fuchs

Cover art by Dave Clegg
Interior design by Holly Grundon
Interior illustrations by Mike Moran and Jared Lee

ISBN: 0-439-26244-5
Copyright © 2003 by Marc Tyler Nobleman
All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

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5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Co ntents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Persuasive Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Descriptive Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Expository Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Narrative Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Story Starters and Endings

Life's Most Embarrassing Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Alternate Universe Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Wacky Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Weird History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
On the Job With a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Did You See That? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Overheard the Strangest Thing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Stories Our Grandparents Told . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The Number One Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Dream Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Landed on Your Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

One-Sentence Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
One-Sentence Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources 3
I n t ro d uc t io n
H ow can you help your
students become better
writers? One way is to provide
them with inspiring prompts.
This book makes it easy to do
that. You’ll find 180 prompts
sure to spark your students’
imaginations and make it
simple for you to include
writing as a part of the daily
The prompts in this book are
designed to encourage students to try a
wide variety of writing styles. There are
expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative prompts.
You’ll also find one-sentence story starters and endings.
A section of longer starters and endings gives your
students a chance to use their critical-thinking skills
to figure out how to complete the story.

How to Use These Activities

You may want to copy the shorter prompts
onto the chalkboard. You could also copy
each prompt onto an index card and
invite students to choose a card each
day. You may want to reproduce and
cut apart the prompts on each page
to give to students. Another alter-
native is to make an overhead
transparency of each page. Leave all
but the daily prompt covered each day.

4 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
P e r su a si v e
Persuasive Prompts

1. Imagine your town is going to be renamed.

What do you think its new name should
be? Write a letter to the editor of your
town newspaper making a case for
your choice.

Persuasive Prompts

2. What is your favorite television show?

Write a paragraph persuading your
classmates to watch the show.

Persuasive Prompts

3. What kind of music do you like best?

Hip-hop? Classical? Rock and roll?
Write about your favorite and try to
persuade others to your point of view.

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P e r su a si v e
Persuasive Prompts
4. Do you think your lunch period is long
enough? How could you persuade your
school to make it longer?

Persuasive Prompts
5. Do you think that weekends should be longer? In your answer, include
persuasive reasons for extending weekends.

Persuasive Prompts
6. What picture book did you like best when you
were younger? Write about it in a way that would
convince kids in first grade to read it.

Persuasive Prompts

7. Some communities have a law banning skateboarding in public places. Do you

agree or disagree with this law? Be sure to support your position.

6 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
P e r su a si v e
Persuasive Prompts

8. Do you think a cat or a dog makes a better pet?

Write a paragraph explaining your choice.

Persuasive Prompts

9. You have just heard about a well-paying babysitting job. Write a persuasive
paragraph explaining why you would be an excellent choice for the job.

Persuasive Prompts

10. Your teacher said you could have a homework-

free weekend if you give her a good reason for
it. Write a speech that would convince her.

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D e s cr i pt i v e
Descriptive Prompts
11. Make a list of five adjectives you could use to describe an ideal pet.
Then use the words to write a description of this pet.

Descriptive Prompts
12. What’s the worst movie you’ve seen
this year? Write a review of it.

Descriptive Prompts
13. What’s your favorite restaurant? Pretend you’re a restaurant critic. Write a
review of your favorite restaurant.

Descriptive Prompts

14. What qualities do you look for in a friend? Write

a paragraph describing a good friend.

8 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
D e s cr i pt i v e
Descriptive Prompts
15. Describe the best birthday you’ve ever had.

Descriptive Prompts
16. Imagine an absolutely perfect day. Describe it.

Descriptive Prompts
17. Describe your very first friend. What was special about him or her?

Descriptive Prompts

18. Plan a surprise party for your best friend. Tell a story
about how you would make sure he or she was surprised.

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E x p os i to r y
Descriptive Prompts

19. You just got a new puppy. You’ve only had it for
an hour when you realize it can do something no
other dog can do. Describe what it can do.

Descriptive Prompts

20. What is your dream job? Describe a day in your life while working at your
dream job.

Expository Prompts

21. Do you like to do your homework at a desk in

your room? At the kitchen table? Tell about
where and how you like to do your homework.

10 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
E x p os i to r y
Expository Prompts

22. What rules do you have in your class-

room? List them and explain the reason
for each rule.

Expository Prompts

23. What’s your favorite sport? Write an

explanation of the sport so someone
who’s never heard of it can understand
how to play it.

Expository Prompts

24. You just won $50,000! Describe how you would use the money.

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E x p os i to r y
Expository Prompts

25. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? Write about
it and explain why it was so embarrassing.

Expository Prompts

26. What holiday do you like the best? Explain what you do on that holiday and
why you like it best.

Expository Prompts

27. Write directions for a friend explaining

how to get from the school to your house.


12 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
E x p os i to r y
Expository Prompts

28. There’s a new student in your class from another country who’s never had a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Write step-by-step directions for the student
explaining how to make one.

Expository Prompts

29. If you could meet any famous person,

who would you choose? What questions
would you ask? Write five questions you
would ask.

Expository Prompts

30. How are you like your best friend? How

are you different? Write a paragraph in
which you compare and contrast yourself
with your best friend.

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N a r ra t iv e
Narrative Prompts
31. Write a mysterious story with this title: “The Strange Case of Ms. Beenie’s
Disappearing Chalkboard.”

Narrative Prompts
32. You find a magic stone on your way
home from school. When you rub the
stone, magical things happen. Tell a
story about what happens to you.

Narrative Prompts
33. Your aunt arrives with a huge box. You hear strange
noises coming from the box. Write a story about
what’s inside.

Narrative Prompts

34. You arrive at school one day and suddenly realize you’re invisible to your
teacher and your classmates. Describe what happens to you that day.

14 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
N a r ra t iv e
Narrative Prompts

35. Although you asked for an MP3 player for

your birthday, your parents gave you a
telescope. But it’s not just any telescope.
Something amazing happens when you
look through it. Tell a story about what
happens when you use the telescope.

Narrative Prompts

36. It rains on the day of your class picnic. The

class can’t play any of the outdoor games
they had planned. But the picnic is more fun
than ever! Write a story explaining why it’s
so much fun.

Narrative Prompts

37. One day you wake up and discover your family

has acquired a robot helper! Tell a story about
how the robot changes your family’s life.

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N a r ra t iv e
Narrative Prompts

38. You win $200 in a contest! Write a story about how you use the money.

Narrative Prompts

39. Choose one character, one setting, and one plot from the choices below, and
then use your choices to tell a story.

Character Setting Plot

● a dinosaur ● New York City ● has trouble
● an athletic princess ● a deserted island making friends
● is lost
● a famous racecar ● outer space
driver ● is being chased by
an evil turtle

Narrative Prompts

40. Your time machine has taken you 500 years into the future. Write a story about
what life is like at this future time.

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S t a rt e rs
a n d En d in gs
Life’s Most Embarrassing
Name: Moments
41. Forgetting My Own Birthday
I have a great memory. I know all the presidents of the United States, in order.
I could tell you the first and last names of all the kids in my school. I never forget
the birthday of anybody in my family. That’s why it’s so hard to believe that one
year, I actually forgot my own birthday!
At breakfast that day, my parents were acting a little weird. They probably
thought I was the one acting weird because I didn’t mention my birthday. I didn’t
know their big birthday surprise for me would happen after school.
When I walked into my classroom, there were birthday decorations everywhere.
My friends were ready to celebrate. Still, I didn’t think it was all for me. Finally,
I realized it was my birthday when . . .

Life’s Weird History

Most Embarrassing
Name: Starter

42. Slipping in the Cafeteria Ending

. . . and that’s when I lost my balance.

Luckily, I landed on my backside
and wasn’t hurt. Meanwhile, my
lunch tray hit the ground loudly
and food splattered everywhere.
That was the noise that made everyone
turn around and look at me. I turned
bright red with embarrassment.
My friends came to help me up. Seth
couldn’t resist saying “I told you not to do
that! If you'd listened to me, you never
would have slipped."

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a n d En d in gs
Name: Moments
43. Missing the Ball
. . . I was having a great game until that happened. In fact, I don’t
remember our team ever having played so well, which only made me more
The worst part about it was that there were only minutes left when I made
that mistake. And boy, was it a big one!
However, my teammates were nice about it. Andrew said, “We’re not mad
at you."
Cassie said, “It’s okay. We all miss the ball sometimes."
“Yeah," said Justin, “but none of us have ever done it in such a funny way!"

Life’s Weird
Most Embarrassing
Name: Moments

44. Secret Crush Starter

I was the only person who knew I had a secret crush on Chris,
or so I thought. Chris was new in school and very nice.
Imagine my shock when I found a note on the classroom floor that read
“Guess who likes Chris?" And there, underneath in big letters, was my name!
Who wrote that? I wondered. And how many people saw it? I started to worry
that a lot of people knew about my crush on Chris.
Luckily, everyone was on the playground when
I found the note, so I could get rid of it before
anyone else could see it. I turned to throw it out,
and standing right in front of me was . . .

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Life’s Most Embarrassing
Name: Moments
45. Milk Shot out of My Nose
. . . several more kids came into the principal’s office. I was
even more embarrassed now, but I also wanted to laugh.
Kevin’s shirt was covered with tomato sauce, and Mike’s
pants were splattered with something brown—maybe gravy?
Clumps of mashed potatoes were in Rachel’s hair, and I thought
I saw a piece or two of ravioli in Randi’s.
I couldn’t believe it had all started over a little carton of milk.

Alternate Universe
Weird History
Name: Holidays

46. Thanksgiving in Dimension Z Ending

. . . which is why, twice a year, the Zites (the inhabitants of Dimension Z)

get together with their families and give thanks. They all wear the traditional
Thanksgiving outfit, inspired by the very first Zite Thanksgiving thousands of
years ago. And they each eat two delicious servings of opbort, also a very old
Thanksgiving custom in Dimension Z.
They are proud because Dimension Z is the only place that celebrates
Thanksgiving twice a year, and now you know why!

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Wacky Interviews
Name: Holidays
47. Independence Day
on Weird World
Americans celebrate Independence Day every Fourth of July. It’s a festive
time when we remember how hard our ancestors fought for the freedom to
run the new country themselves. The creatures on Weird World also celebrate
Independence Day, but not in July—they don’t even have a month called July!
Their Independence Day isn’t about freedom from another country, it’s about . . .

Weird History
Name: Holidays

48. Family Day in the Zigzag Zone Ending

. . . just like they do every year on Family Day. When that’s done,
the family climbs into its crooked car together to begin the day’s final—
and most exciting—annual event: the Zigzag Race. As you probably guessed,
the race must be done in a zigzag
(like everything else in the
Zigzag Zone).
Family Day is a time to
be together, whether you
prefer moving in a straight
line or a crooked one!

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Weird History
Name: Holidays
49. Halloween on Chura 5114 Starter

The first day of the new year on Chura 5114 is Halloween.

Churians always expect to hear the first knock at the door
around 5 A.M., when the first treat-or-trickers usually show
up, hoping to get some great vegetables tossed in their sack.
On Chura 5114, the kids don’t go out on Halloween—the
adults do! (But the kids are always very excited because the
adults come back and share all the vegetables with them.)
This year, the most popular Halloween costume was a
“Human Being," a creature from a planet called Earth in the
Milky Way galaxy. Until recently, most Churians didn’t know
what a human being was. They learned about humans last year when . . .

Weird History
Name: Holidays

50. Memorial Day in the Land of Ug Ending

. . . agreed to hold a meeting. The Ug Council needed to discuss what
to do to honor the memory of the brave Uggers who participated in the
heroic act that saved their land.
It didn’t take long for the Council to decide that they should create a holiday to
pay tribute to them. The day they chose to celebrate the holiday was the day when
the Uggers first gathered to protect their people.
Now every Memorial Day in the Land of Ug, colorful flags are flown and the
names of all the heroes of Ug are printed on the front page of every newspaper.

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Wacky Interviews
Name: Holidays
51. Mother’s Day on Asteroid Amam Starter

One asteroid that contains life in the Andreae

galaxy is called Amam. Mother’s Day on Amam is very
unique because the date changes every year. One year
you might celebrate on November 28, and the next on
March 14 or July 8. That way, the Mother’s Day gifts
are not the only surprises—Mother’s Day is, too!
This year, sister and brother Siri and Woron chose
January 2 for Mother’s Day. As always, they woke their
mom up first thing in the morning—to Amamians, that
happens to be in the middle of the night! Then, they
began with their favorite Mother’s Day custom of . . .

Weird History
Wacky Interviews

52. Oldest Person Ending

Interviewer: Wow, that's old. I don’t think anybody will believe it!

World’s Oldest Person: They can look at my birth certificate! It’s written by hand.

Interviewer: Any final words of advice for the rest of us?

World’s Oldest Person: If you do all of the things to stay young and fit that I just
told you about, some of you might even beat my record someday.

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Wacky Interviews

53. Fastest Runner Starter

Interviewer: The world’s fastest runner doesn’t slow down
very much, so we’re lucky today to get this interview.

World’s Fastest Runner: It’s my pleasure.

Interviewer: How fast can you run?

World’s Fastest Runner: Faster than a turtle but slower than a cheetah.

Interviewer: So you’re actually the world’s fastest human runner.

World’s Fastest Runner: Yes, but that doesn’t sound as good.

Interviewer: When did you realize you were so fast?

World’s Fastest Runner: I don’t remember this, of course, but my parents tell me that
it was right after I was born. When I was only a few weeks old, they noticed that I . . .

Wacky Interviews

54. Bravest Person Ending

Interviewer: Were you scared when it happened?

World’s Bravest Person: Yes, I was, but I didn’t let my fear get to me.

Interviewer: That shows that you truly deserve the title “World’s Bravest Person."

World’s Bravest Person: Thank you, but I’ve seen many brave people. I’m only one
of them.

Interviewer: Still, what you did that day was remarkable. It took amazing courage.
I’m sure it will be very inspiring to everyone reading this.

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Wacky Interviews

55. Smartest Child Starter

Interviewer: Everyone knows that kids are very smart, and today
I’m here to talk with a kid who has been called the world’s smartest.
Just how smart are you?

World’s Smartest Child: Smart enough to know that I don’t believe that title! I’m
flattered, but there are so many smart kids in the world. How could anyone compare
us all?

Interviewer: Why did people start calling you the “World's Smartest Child"?

World’s Smartest Child: Probably because I learned to do math at a very young

age. I learned to read when I was even younger.

Interviewer: What was the first book you read, and how old were you?

World’s Smartest Child: Believe it or not, the first book I read was . . .

Weird History

56. Tenochtitlán (Mexico) Starter

Being an Aztec emperor was amazing. He wore gold sandals.
Every time he took a step, nobles swept the floor in front of him, and
covered the ground with beautiful cloth. Even still, the emperor rarely walked
anywhere—he was carried, lounging on a litter. No one was allowed to look at his
face or turn his or her back on him. Even
family members had to leave the room
backward. One day, the emperor was
being carried around on his litter,
when . . .

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Weird History

57. Stonehenge (England) Ending

. . . then the pair of renowned archeologists turned and walked

slowly away from Stonehenge.
Seth said, “Wow, we came to Stonehenge to study the ancient monument, but I
never dreamed we would see what we saw today. People usually think of rocks
when they think of Stonehenge, but that was definitely not a rock."
Dara said, “Stonehenge is a mysterious place. There are still many questions
about it. Who put these huge stones here in the middle of a grassy plain in England
thousands of years ago? And how were those ancient people able to move the
stones without trucks?"
“I think what we saw today might be a clue to help us answer those questions,"
Seth said smiling.

Weird History

58. Easter Island (off the coast of Chile) Starter

Maxine is an amateur petrologist, meaning a person who studies
rocks. She was very excited to take a trip to the island of Rapa Nui. We
know it as Easter Island, which is what Europeans called it after landing
there in 1722. It is a remote spot, over 2,000 miles west of Chile. The island is
famous for its large stone statues shaped like heads.
Those heads are exactly what Maxine wanted to
see. She wanted to examine the statues up close.
That’s where Maxine was when she tripped on
something shiny that was sticking out of the
hillside. As she bent down to pick it up, a per-
son who lived on the island ran over to her.
“Please, don’t touch that!" he said.
“It’s . . ."

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Weird History

59. Colosseum (Rome, Italy) Ending

. . . but the renowned archaeologists Seth and Dara figured something

unusual like that would happen during their visit to Rome’s Colosseum. After all,
this magnificent structure has a very shocking history. They just never expected a
piece of that history to fall and clunk Seth right on the head!
The Colosseum is a giant, circular arena built in the first century C.E. A big piece of
its outer wall is missing. Today, it is a tourist attraction, but when it was new, it
was often used for epic contests between wild animals and
gladiators. Thousands of people attended. They were even able
to fill up the Colosseum with water to have battles between
real ships!
Seth and Dara were eager to show their friends the
photograph of the piece that fell on them. Hopefully the
museum's curator would know exactly what it was a piece of,
because they sure didn’t.

Weird History

60. Machu Picchu (Peru) Starter

There is a mystery high above Peru in the Andes mountains. It's a
city called Machu Picchu that was “lost" for hundreds of years. The Incans
built it sometime before 1500 to defend themselves against the Spaniards. No one
is sure why or when the city was abandoned, but it remained hidden for several
The archaeologist Hy Dan Seeke was studying Machu Picchu when he discovered
a secret chamber in one of the religious temples. As he opened the ancient door,
sunlight flooded the room for the first time in many centuries. His eyes widened
when he saw . . .

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Weird History

61. Pompeii (Italy) Ending

“. . . which is why this is such an important discovery!" Dara told Seth,

showing him what she was holding.
It was very typical that Seth and Dara, the renowned archeologists, would find
something so interesting during their first visit to Pompeii, the famous city that was
buried by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E.
“I think it’s important, too," Seth said. “Many people know that Pompeii was
destroyed when the volcano erupted, but there are still mysteries here. Like this."
Dara said, “People have explored these ruins for centuries and have uncovered
all sorts of things—even buildings—that are still perfectly preserved under the
volcano’s ash. It’s amazing! But I don’t think anyone has found anything as
beautiful as what we found here today."

Weird History
On the Job With a . . .

62. Secret Agent Ending

“. . . this is exactly why I don’t like to take anyone along on my
top-secret missions!" the secret agent told me.
“I’m so sorry, Agent Tudor!" I said. “It was an accident!"
Agent Tudor appreciated the apology, but it didn’t change
the fact that we were stuck in the middle of nowhere
without a phone, food, or a plan. Plus nobody else
knew where we were, and a storm was coming.
We did manage to get out of our
predicament, but believe it or not, that
story is not nearly as interesting as
how we got into the predicament in
the first place.

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On the Job With a . . .

63. Matador Starter

On my first trip to Spain I met a real matador!

Maria is one of the world’s first female matadors.
She happened to be sitting in the lobby of my
hotel, and the desk clerk told me who she was. I
was very nervous to go up to her, but the clerk
said it was okay.
I told her that I was from the United States and
knew nothing about bullfighting. Maria told me how scary it was at first because
bulls are big and can be dangerous. However, as she practiced, she got more and
more comfortable around them. Although many people are against the sport because
animals get killed and people get hurt, it is a great honor to be a matador in Spain.
I asked Maria if she ever got hurt bullfighting. At first she said no, but then she
admitted that her first day on the job did not go well. Something very interesting
happened. As soon as she stepped into the ring . . .

On the Job With a . . .

64. Cartoonist Ending

“ . . . but I never in a million years expected to win. I only entered the
cartoon contest because I was curious about the ‘mystery prize.’"
“You must have been so excited when they announced that you were the
winner," the cartoonist said.
“I was totally surprised," I said. “I've thought back over the last few months—
where I first saw the contest advertised, who convinced me to enter, and what I
drew. And after all that, I actually won!"
“Well, I’m glad you did, because I enjoyed showing you my studio and how I work."
“It was even more fun for me. I thought the mystery prize would be a gift
certificate or something like that. Spending time with a famous cartoonist was
much better! And the best part of all is that you weren’t the only part of the
mystery prize. My friends will never believe what else I got!”

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On the Job With a . . .

65. Rocket Scientist Starter

My school bus drove by the space lab every day, and I always
wanted to visit. My friend’s father knew a scientist there named
Mr. Sapper. I wrote him an e-mail asking if I could see the lab
sometime. Minutes later, Mr. Sapper wrote back: “Yes!"
The night before my visit, I couldn’t sleep. I stared out the
window at the stars.
I got the feeling that the stars were alive. There must be
more than twinkling lights out there! I didn’t want to ask Mr.
Sapper what he thought. He might think I’m crazy.
At the lab, everything looked so complicated. While Mr.
Sapper explained how they figured out how to build the rockets
I couldn’t help but think about the stars I saw the night before. I decided
to ask him if he thought there were other living things somewhere else in the universe.
“Good question. I used to think not, but since I started working here . . ."

On the Job With a . . .

66. Dinosaur Fossil Hunter Ending

. . . which was the last place I would have thought to look for
dinosaur bones.
After a long, hot day of digging without luck, I’m glad Debbie tried one
more spot. Debbie was the best paleontologist I’d ever met. Then again, she was
the only one that I’d ever met. How often do you meet a person who learns about
prehistoric life by studying fossils? Not often. When she visited our school, I told
her that I’d like to come along sometime, but I never thought she’d say yes.
“Finally, we found one!" she said. I could only see a little bit of the bone in
the ground, as Debbie dusted off the top. She was very happy.
“It looks like a big one," I said.
“Actually, it’s quite small," she said. That made me wonder what a big one looked like!
When we found that bone, it made me better understand all the stories Debbie
had told me that day.

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Wacky Interviews
On the Job With a . . .
67. Skyscraper Window Washer Starter

My mom works on the top floor of an office building that is 40

stories high. That’s 38 stories higher than our house, so you can tell I’m
not used to heights.
On the first day of summer vacation, I came to work with her. I was sitting in an
empty office down the hall from my mom's office, reading a book. Suddenly, I
heard a tapping behind me.
I turned to see a window washer smiling at me! The only time I’d ever really
seen one was from the ground. He waved and pointed down. I didn’t want to look.
When he did it again, I realized he was telling me to go down one floor. I asked my
mom if I could go, and she said it was okay. She knew him and told me that he was
a nice guy named Darren.
I took the elevator down to the 39th floor and rushed to the window. Darren
was there! It was amazing. He gestured for me to open a window.
“The windows on the top floor don’t open," Darren said. “Sorry I made you
come down here."
“That’s okay," I said.
“Want to know the weirdest thing I ever saw while washing windows way up
here?" he asked. Weird History
I nodded. Starter
He said, “I was outside the 62nd floor of another building when I noticed . . ."

30 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
S t a rt e rs
a n d En d in gs
Did You See That?

68. Leprechaun Ending

. . . but we were a long way from Ireland, where leprechauns

supposedly live.
“That’s a great story, but I still don’t believe in leprechauns.”
“Did you see that?" Leslie asked.
“I don’t know what I saw," Dan said.
“It couldn’t have been a real leprechaun," Diana said. “Leprechauns aren’t real."
There are many small, green things in the forest, but how many of them wear
little hats? All four of us swore we saw something wearing a little hat as it jumped
from the branch to the path and scurried away, faster than a squirrel.
Even the smallest things can turn an ordinary morning hike into a mystery. We
still don’t know what we saw, but we always tell the story because we want to
believe that we really saw a leprechaun.

Did You See That?

69. Loch Ness Monster Starter

Most kids would love to have relatives in Scotland. That’s where
Loch Ness is—and where Loch Ness is, some say that's where a monster is, too!
Of course, I don’t believe in the Loch Ness Monster . . . anyway, I didn't use to.
Two nights ago, I begged my aunt and uncle to take me to the lake again.
(“Loch" is Scottish for “lake.") They’d taken me before but we never saw anything.
The lake is huge. We stopped the car and walked closer. I scanned the water with
my binoculars but didn't see any movement. After a few minutes, I gave up.
As we walked back to the car,
we heard a splashing sound. I
whipped around and quickly
looked through my binoculars.
That’s when I saw . . .

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Did You See That?

70. Ghost Ending

. . . and that’s why we ran for our lives! Well, that might be an
exaggeration, but we sure were scared. Nobody looked back until we
got to the front porch, and when we looked then, it was gone.
All three of us went inside and immediately looked in the book that
the strange, old man had given us earlier.
“Did you see that?" Rachel said.
“We never should have gone in that cave," Julie said.
“But that’s why we went out there! We wanted to see if it really exists,"
Rachel said.
Flipping through the pages, we found the right picture.
“Yes, that’s it. That’s what it was," Julie said.
“I like it much better on paper than in person," I said.

Did You See That?

71. Alien Starter

A humming noise woke me up. When I looked out my second-floor
bedroom window, the noise suddenly stopped. Nobody was out mowing any lawns.
Then the humming noise started again, and I looked up at the sky. A flying
saucer was hovering over my house. Maybe I should say it this
“Did you see that?" I said. Then I realized I was
talking to myself. Nobody else was around.
An odd-looking ladder lowered from the bottom
of the flying saucer. But, somehow I wasn’t scared.
The flying saucer looked very peaceful.
A creature began climbing down the ladder. As it
got closer, I noticed . . .

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Did You See That?

72. Bigfoot Starter

I used to dislike going to camp, but not because I was afraid of
Bigfoot. (It was because I was afraid of snakes.)
Now I love camping, and it’s all because of Bigfoot! What happened?
At summer camp, we'd stay in cabins. It wasn’t really “roughing it," but it
was still very different from living in a house or an apartment.
Sometimes, we’d hear things outside the cabin at night. Usually, it was the
wind blowing through the trees. But one night, we thought we heard an animal.
My friends and I wanted to see what kind of animal might be making the noise,
so we crept outside. At first, we didn’t see anything but soon we saw a snake nearby!
There were five of us and only one snake, but I was still nervous.
The snake slithered under some leaves.
“Did you see that?" Ian said. “That snake was huge!"
Elliot said, “But it couldn’t have made that noise we heard."
Before we moved a muscle, something even more huge than the snake came
out of the woods, looked at us, and . . .

Weird History
Did You See That?

73. Superhero Ending

. . . that was when everyone looked up in the sky. Sure enough, there
was something flying very fast overhead, something—someone—wearing a
bright green cape.
“Did you see that?" someone in the crowd said.
“I don’t believe my own eyes," someone else said. “But if you saw it, then I
guess I saw it, too."
I smiled because I knew who it was. I'm the only one who knew the truth about
my city’s new superhero.

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Wacky Interviews
the Strangest
Name: Starter
74. In a Movie Line Starter

My parents surprised my sister and me on the first day of summer

vacation. We went to see the big, new movie starring my favorite actor—
on opening night!
In line at the cinema, my sister was telling us about the party her class had on
the last day of school. She stopped for a moment, trying to remember the name of
one of the games they'd played.
That’s when I overheard the person in front of us say to
his friend, “You must be so excited because this is
the first movie you’ve ever seen."
His friend looked older than
our parents! How could this be
his first movie? The only reason
I could think of was . . .

Weird the
Name: Starter

75. Under a Tree House Starter

Jason and I were still standing under the tree house, and Jason’s
brother Joel was still up there, so we had to be quiet. We didn’t want
Joel to know we were there.
“No," I whispered, “I’m positive I heard it right. Joel definitely said, ‘Jason
doesn’t know that he has a twin.’"
“But I don’t have a twin!" Jason said in a loud whisper. “My only brother is Joel."
“I think the only way to find out the truth is to climb up there right now and
ask him," I said.
Jason didn’t like that idea at first, but he was so curious that he finally agreed
to do it. Imagine how surprised he was when he saw . . .

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Name: Ending
76. In a Hotel Elevator Starter

I was eight years old when I first went into an elevator. Since I
lived in a small town, the buildings were only a few stories tall and didn’t
have elevators. But my family was on vacation in New York City, where it seems
like every building has them!
After a long day of sightseeing, my parents were very tired. They plopped on
the bed to rest.
“Let’s call room service for a snack," my mom said.
“May I go downstairs to get it instead?" I asked. I wanted to ride the elevator
as much as possible.
My parents said okay. The building had 40 floors and we were on the 32nd.
If there were a lot of people in the elevator, it could be a long ride down.
But there were only two women in the elevator, and they were both hotel
employees. We all smiled and said, “hi,” then I started watching the numbers drop
lower and lower.
One of the women said, “Now you’ll believe me when you hear about the
elephant on the 40th floor." The other woman laughed.
I couldn’t believe what I'd just heard! As soon as we got to the lobby, I
pretended to exit the elevator, but then I got right back in Weird History
and pressed the button
for the 40th floor. Starter
When the doors opened on the top floor, the first thing I saw was . . .

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Wacky Interviews
the Strangest
Name: Starter
77. On the Beach Starter

“. . . the snow was up to my knees on this beach."

It was the hottest day of the year when my friend Gabriela and I
overheard that. The sand was so hot, our bare feet could hardly stand it.
“Did she say what I think she said?" I asked Gabriela. “Did she say that just
yesterday, the snow was up to her knees on this beach?"
We turned around to look at the man and woman we had just passed. They were
in bathing suits, lying on a towel. People all around us were swimming, playing
ball, and building sand castles.
“That’s what I heard," Gabriela said. “But I just remembered something. Here’s
why I think she said that . . .”

Weird the
Name: Starter

78. At the Zoo Ending

. . . and that’s when it came charging right at us! Then it stopped,
but we knew it would.
So that’s what the zookeeper meant when we overheard
him tell a tour group not to take photographs.
My friend Lee said, “I’m so glad there’s a cage between that
animal and us."
“One thing is for sure," I said. “If there wasn’t, we’d be
running right now."

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Name: Ending
79. In the Principal’s Office Starter

I was sitting in the principal’s office, but it’s not what you’re thinking.
I wasn’t sent there because of bad behavior. I was there to interview our
principal, Mr. Whitfield, for a school project.
We were supposed to meet at 11 A.M., but it was already 11:10. Mr. Whitfield was
usually very punctual, so I figured there had to be a good reason that he was late.
At 11:15, his assistant, Ms. Konareski, peeked into his office and then came over to
me. “He should be right with you," she said. “He’s just finishing up another meeting."
At 11:20, Mr. Whitfield and another man I've never seen before came out of his
office, walking quickly into a meeting room. All I heard was the other man say, “If
your idea works, then lunch and recess will become the students’ least favorite parts
of the school day!"
Suddenly, Mr. Whitfield popped back out and came over to me. “Sorry I’ve kept
you waiting," he said politely. “I promise I’ll be ready by 11:30. Is that okay?"
“Sure," I said. He thanked me and rushed back into the meeting room.
That gave me ten more minutes to try to figure out what they were talking
about. My best guess was . . .

Weird History

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Stories Our Grandparents
Name: Told
80. The Day We Got Electricity Ending

. . . that’s why they didn’t think it would work. Like a lot of other
people in 1900, my great-grandpa Frank was used to reading by
“For hundreds of years—thousands even—people read by
the light of a fire, and I don’t see why that should change now!"
he said.
My great-grandma Bertha said, “If you feel that way, maybe
we should move out of our house. Our ancestors lived in caves."
Then she giggled.
Grandpa Frank tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. “You’re right.
Let’s take a look at this thing again," he said, taking something out of a bag.
He held it up to Grandma Bertha.
“It’s called a light bulb," he said.

Stories Our Grandparents

Name: Told

81. When This Was a Dirt Road Starter

The main road in my city is six lanes wide. It was about the same
width one hundred years ago, only then it was made of dirt instead of asphalt.
When my mom was a little girl, her grandmother Ethel (my great-grandmother)
used to walk down the road with her. It wasn’t dirt anymore, but it wasn’t crowded
with shops and restaurants yet, either.
Ethel used to say, “When it rained, oh, what an awful mess! The whole street
turned to mud."
“Yuck!" my mom would say.
“But people still needed to get places, so they’d walk in the mud and show up
totally dirty. In fact, one time it rained so hard that . . .”

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Our History
Name: Ending
82. Old-Time Blizzard Ending

. . . and that was my favorite part of the story.

Whenever it snowed, my grandmother would tell me this story
about the worst blizzard she ever experienced.
“Did the newspaper say there was
going to be such a big storm?" I
asked her.
“No, it was a big surprise to
everyone," she said.
As I looked at the snowflakes
piling up on our windowsill, I
thought about how amazing it must
have been for my grandmother and
her family to have experienced that
much snow.

Our History
Name: Starter

83. House Call Ending

“. . . but after all that, it was nothing serious," my grandma said.
“Just a little cold."
“Grandma!" I said. “The doctor came over for a cold?"
“It was a different time back then. I liked him a lot because he always brought
me a surprise—like a piece of chocolate."
“And that was the last time Dr. Neuman came to your house?" I asked.
“I believe so," she said. “Soon after that, doctors stopped making house calls.
People started going to hospitals more."
“Wow," I said. “The doctors must have been sad. It sounds fun to visit people
all day and make them feel better."
My grandma said, “It was always nice to see the doctor, even when nobody
was sick."

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Name: Starter
84. Meeting the President Starter

At least once a year, my dad would hear a certain story from his
dad. Now I hear that same story at least once a year from my dad! It’s a great story.
When my granddad was a little boy, his dad (my great-granddad) took him to
the big city. Neither of them had ever been to any big city before, so it was quite
a treat to visit Washington, D.C.
The first site they wanted to see was the White House. They didn’t know what
the White House looked like until they got there because they had never seen a
picture of it in the newspaper, which was one of the only ways people got
information back then.
Most people didn’t have cameras in those days, so my great-granddad drew
a picture of the White House, which my dad still has.
“Do you think we’ll get to see President Roosevelt?" my granddad asked.
“I would guess not," my great-granddad said. “Too hot out for the President to
be walking about, don’t you think?"
“No, I don’t think so," my granddad said. “I think it’s perfect out."
“I agree with the young man," a voice behind them said. They turned and
saw . . .
Weird History

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Our History
Name: Ending
85. Landing at Ellis Island Starter

“Everyone was so excited to go to America, to learn to speak English

and, most of all, to see the Statue of Liberty! That was the biggest thrill
for my parents—your great-grandparents," my grandpa said.
“Did it look the same as it does now?" I asked.
“Basically the same. Maybe a little shinier," he said.
“But you don’t remember coming in on the boat, do you?" I asked.
“Heavens, no! I wasn’t even born yet! This is a story that my parents used to
tell me when I was very little."
“So what happened next?"
“The boat docked at Ellis Island in New York Harbor. That was where many
immigrants landed in America."
“What did people do when they got off the boat?" I asked.
“Everyone had to be registered first, but my parents were young and excited.
There was something they wanted to do before that," grandpa said. “They weren’t
supposed to, but they snuck out of line to go see . . ."

Weird History

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The Number One Rule

86. Wipe Your Feet Starter

For months, my parents planned a big party to celebrate their wedding

anniversary. It rained a lot on the day of the party, but I had to go out with
my dad to buy food for the guests.
We got back and wiped our feet thoroughly. This was an important rule at our
house. Mom was upstairs getting ready. We put the
groceries down, and I went to see if she needed any help.
That’s when I saw them. Muddy footprints. Dog
prints! Somehow our dog, Scruples, must have gotten
out and come back in without wiping his paws! I had
to clean the pawprints up quickly before anyone arrived.
I followed the pawprints through the hall and into
the living room. Just then, the doorbell rang. The first
guests had arrived! And the living room was
completely . . .

The Number One Rule

87. No Running in the House Ending

. . . tripped and knocked it over! As I watched, it seemed to fall in slow
motion. The brand-new, delicate gift we had just given mom hit the ground.
It made a loud noise and shattered into a million pieces, or at least a thousand.
My sister Darby laughed, but I sure didn’t.
“Oh, no!" I said. “Please don’t laugh. I’m in so much trouble!"
“You knew mom’s rule," Darby said.
She was right. Mom’s words kept running through my head: “No running in the
house." A few months ago, that rule became very important in our house because I
broke something else as I was rushing to answer the phone.
And this time, my reason for running wasn't even that good.

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The Number One Rule

88. Put Your Bike Away Starter

My friends and I always seem to be in a hurry. A lot of times, we’ll

ride our bikes right up to the front step of my house, jump off, and run inside.
My dad didn’t like that, and I understand why. It could be dangerous, both for
me and for everyone else. Somebody could trip on the bike. Luckily, no one ever
did, but something else happened that made me pay attention to our number one
rule: “Always put your bike away."
I came straight home after school for a quick
snack. I grabbed a banana and headed back outside.
I’d only been away from my bike for a minute,
but . . .

The Number One Rule

89. Clean Your Room Ending

. . . it was under a jacket that was lying on the floor in the messiest
corner of my room. But it was too late.
I turned to my dad who was still standing in the doorway. “I found it, Dad,"
I said sadly.
“Which pile was it in?" he said, smiling a little bit.
“I know what you’re thinking," I said. “This never would’ve happened if I kept
my room clean."
My dad kidded around with me. “You know, that just might work!"
I called my friend to apologize, but I was still happy that I finally found it. It's
very important to her. She was understanding, but disappointed because she really
needed it that day, and I didn’t find it in time.
At that moment, I made my own number one rule: “Always clean your room!"
And I never broke that rule again.

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Wacky Interviews
The Number One Rule
90. Write Down Phone Messages Ending

“. . . he never showed up!" my dad said. “I drove all the way there, but
Steve never showed up. I’d been looking forward to meeting him all week."
I thought about how excited my dad had been to meet Steve, and why.
“I don’t believe it!" my mom said. “He didn’t even call to let you know he
couldn’t make it."
That’s the part that made me want to leave the room. My dad and mom
didn’t know that Steve actually did call, but my dad never got the message.
Oops . . . I had to be honest, otherwise my dad would be angry with Steve.
Steve didn’t do anything wrong. I did.
“Uh, Dad," I said. “Remember the other day, when I had a lot of homework?"
“Yes . . . ," he said.
“I was so busy that I . . . well, Steve actually did call a few days ago, and I did
write it down . . . only I forgot to give it to you.”
I’m sure you can guess my dad’s reaction, and this is, of course, why the
number one rule at our house now is: “WRITE DOWN ALL PHONE MESSAGES—AND

Weird History

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The Number One Rule

91. Don’t Shout Across the House Starter

My parents’ bedroom is on the opposite side of our house from my

bedroom. We communicate with each other in many ways. Sometimes I
walk over to their side. Sometimes I call them on their cell phone. We’ve
even used e-mail to communicate across the house!
One thing we don’t and won’t do anymore is shout, and this is why.
Last month, I was working on a school project in my room. I had a question that
I knew my mom would know the answer to, but I didn’t feel like going downstairs
and walking all the way to her room. (It only takes a minute but I was feeling lazy.)
So I called to her. “Mom! Mom!" I yelled.
She didn’t answer so I raised my voice even louder.
I didn’t hear any response from her, but I got a sense that she was angry. I don’t
know how, I just did. So I ended up walking downstairs to find her, and I was right.
She was very mad because while I was screaming, she was trying to . . .

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Dream Jobs

92. Asking a Doctor Starter

Interviewer: I’m here with Dr. Denise Dimauro to ask her, “Besides
your current job, what is your dream job?"
Doctor: Without question, being a doctor is my dream job, but my second choice
would probably be a scuba diving instructor.
Interviewer: Interesting. That’s quite different from a doctor!
Doctor: Right now, it’s just a hobby, but I think I might like spending more time
under the ocean's waves.
Interviewer: How long have you been interested in being a scuba diving instructor,
and why?
Doctor: Ever since I was a little girl, I have . . .

Dream Jobs

93. Asking a Teacher Ending

Interviewer: Wow, you’ve sure had a lot of jobs before becoming a
Teacher: Yes, and I liked them all, but none of them were my dream job.
Interviewer: I never would have guessed your
dream job even if I tried a hundred times.
Teacher: If you think about it, it’s not that
different than what a teacher does. It’s also
a job that helps people.
Interviewer: That’s true. But you’d have to
move pretty far from your home here in
Miami, Florida, to do it!

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Dream Jobs

94. Asking an Astronaut Starter

Interviewer: This is Christian Stockstone, an astronaut who has made
12 trips into space. An astronaut is a dream job for a lot of people.
Astronaut: It’s a great job. You see things very few people ever get to see, such as
the beauty of our planet from a distance.
Interviewer: Do you have a dream job, Christian? Besides being an astronaut, that is?
Astronaut: Let’s see if you can guess. I’ll give you a clue. I first
thought about my dream job while I was orbiting Earth in outer space.
Interviewer: Uh, a photographer?
Astronaut: Good guess, but no.
Interviewer: Orbiting the Earth . . . hmm . . . something
to do with the environment?
Astronaut: You’re getting closer . . .
Interviewer: I’ve got it! A . . .

Dream Jobs

95. Asking a Police Officer Ending

Interviewer: That dream job seems even more dangerous than being
a police officer!
Officer: Maybe, maybe not. If you’re careful, things aren’t so dangerous, and
I’m always very careful. I feel like I’m prepared for almost every situation.
Interviewer: Sometimes officers like you have to stay up all night. What would the
hours be in your dream job?
Officer: I think they would be similar. But time flies when you’re having fun, and
I’d have a lot of fun doing that job. Anyway, I love being a police officer so much
that I’ll probably never change jobs.

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Dream Jobs

96. Asking a Fishing Boat Captain Starter

Interviewer: The waves are rough out here today, but it’s worth it to
speak with an actual fishing boat captain! I’m very interested in your real
job, but you know that the Question of the Day is “What is your dream job?"
Captain: Believe it or not, my dream job also involves animals of the sea, but in a
different way. I’d love to raise and train them at a place like Oceanville.
Interviewer: The famous family theme park?
Captain: Exactly. I’d love to get close to the killer whales and bark with the seals!
Interviewer: You get to see some of those animals in their natural environment.
How do you feel when you see them in captivity?
Captain: That’s why it would be my dream job. I would love to make sure that these
animals . . .

Dream Jobs

97. Asking a Chef Ending

Chef: To me, that job is just as delicious as being a chef!
Interviewer: And not as much pressure.
Chef: Right! As a chef, I’m hoping everyone will like my
cooking. But as a restaurant critic, everyone would be
hoping that I’d like their cooking!
Interviewer: The story about how you chose to be a
chef instead of a critic is very interesting. What do you
think would’ve happened if you didn’t meet that chef
when you were a young child?
Chef: Who knows? Maybe I would’ve been a doctor.

48 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
S t a rt e rs
a n d En d in gs
Landed on Your Street

98. Hot Air Balloon Ending

. . . but we never thought it was a hot air balloon!" I told the balloonist.
“Yes, they sound much louder than people think," she said. “It’s even
scarier if you’re caught off guard!"
By now, lots of our neighbors had come out to the street
to see what all the fuss was about. In a small town like
ours, it’s not every day you see what we just saw.
Soon a flatbed truck pulled onto our street.
“That’s my ride home," the balloonist said. “My
team followed me on the ground."
“They can fit this huge balloon in that little truck?"
my friend Meredith asked.
“It has to be folded first. Do you guys want to help me
pack up the balloon?"
“We’d love to!" I said.

Landed on Your Street

99. Meteorite Starter

I remember learning in science class that meteors often burn up
after entering Earth’s atmosphere. One that doesn’t completely vaporize
and hits the ground is called a meteorite.
“I’d love to see a meteorite land!" I said.
“Good luck," my friend Jay said. “I would, too, but you can’t predict when or where
they’ll land. And I’m not waiting around for a space rock to bonk me on the head."
That was a year ago. Last night, as my family drove home from a restaurant, the
last thing I was thinking about was meteorites. As we were about to pull into the
driveway, something streaked across the sky and thumped onto the pavement right
in front of us. My mom braked the car just in time.
“Don’t move," she said. She turned the high beams on to see better, and when
she did we all . . .

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Wacky Interviews
Landed on Your Street
100. Injured Bird Ending

“. . . you did the right thing to call us," the woman said. She said a lot
of birds get hurt every day, but a lot of people don’t know that they
can call an animal protection office like hers for help.
My brother and I watched her carefully lift the little bird
with special gloves and put him in a box with air holes and
“We named him already," I said. “When we saw
him get hurt, I felt sad, but he seemed strong—like a
little Hercules. So we called him Hercules."
“I'm sure Hercules will be very happy when you
come visit him at the animal hospital," she said.
My brother said, “And soon, he’ll back on his feet—uh,

Weird History
Landed on Your Street

101. Book of Spells Starter

“Do you think it’s real?" my friend Harris asked.
“I don’t know," I said. “I’ve never seen a book of spells before, real or fake."
“I’ve never seen any book in the middle of the road," Harris said.
“That’s why it probably is a book of spells," I said. “Maybe a witch dropped it
while she was flying on her broomstick."
“Spells and witches? You don’t believe in all that, do you?" Harris said.
“Well, a book of spells wouldn’t exist if there were no witches, right?"
We opened the book. Harris said, "I don’t think it's in a weird language. I think
this is French or German, maybe."
“Let’s test it. I’ll say one of these sentences and we’ll see what happens," I said.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea," Harris said nervously.
“I thought you didn’t believe it was a book of spells," I said, smiling. Then I read
the first sentence out loud and . . .

50 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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One-Sentence Starters

102. My first day at the new school went fine, but my

sister can’t say the same.

103. Ed knew exactly where to go; he just didn’t know how to get there.

104. Not everyone has an elf living in his closet, but my best friend does.

105. My alarm rang at 3 A.M.—five hours earlier than I set it for.

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106. I went to sleep in New York and woke up in London.

107. Ray saw something shiny in the sand up ahead.

108. “Tell me a story about when you were a little kid," I asked
the President of the United States.

109. When I came home, I found my neighbors in our house

and my parents in theirs.

110. “That’s weird," Caroline said, “I had the exact same dream last night."

111. It’s been one year since I gave up eating chocolate.

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112. Three words were written on the blackboard—and they made us all groan.

113. When I opened my e-mail, the first words I saw were, “You have 403 new

114. The phone rang and someone knocked on the door at the same time.

115. We weren’t having a blackout, yet none of the electrical devices in our house

116. “When I was your age, I almost became

a movie star," grandpa said.

117. I saw someone in the store that looked just like my best friend from kindergarten.

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118. I knew the zoo's rule: “Don’t feed the animals," and I wish I had respected it.

119. For my mom’s birthday, I decided to make her breakfast in bed.

120. The group of weary travelers stepped onto the

shore of the strange, new land.

121. Joel practiced guitar every day after school, but not because he
wanted to be a rock star.

122. My best friend and I decided that we’d trade places for a day.

123. I don’t believe in ghosts, aliens, or fairies, but I do believe in monsters.

54 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
S t a rt e rs

124. As my mom took the old painting off the wall, a dusty
envelope that had been hidden behind it fell to the floor.

125. Jake searched his room to find things he could donate to charity.

126. “Originally, you weren’t going to be named Laura," my mom said.

127. Tonight I found out that my cousin Kevin isn’t really my cousin at all.

128. The dog ran up to the biggest tree in the area and began barking.

129. “Five of you will stay here, and four of you will come with me," the leader said.

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130. I opened my eyes and saw about ten fireflies in my bedroom!

131. Dan lit a candle and said, “I think we’re all going to be here for a while."

132. Diana looked up “human" in the dictionary and was shocked when she couldn't find
the word there.

133. Lucy was acting weird all day long, much weirder than cats usually do.

134. Tyler looked at the obstacle course with fear in his eyes.

135. “Raise your hand if you’re ready for this test," our teacher said.

56 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
S t a rt e rs

136. “I’ve been to every state but one," Tawana said, “and I’ll never go there."

137. We found the perfect spot for our picnic—that is, until we realized we were

138. Mitch had to deliver the letter before sunset, but the gate was locked.

139. Just as my dad was about to light a fire, something flew down the chimney and into
the family room.

140. Ever since I ate that apple, I haven’t been able to stop sneezing.

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En d in gs

One-Sentence Endings

141. Luckily, the rain didn’t come until the whole thing was over.

142. Only two of us had gone in, but three of us came out.

143. “I told you it wouldn’t work no matter what you tried," Rick said.

144. “The second and third wishes worked out great, but I wish I
could take back my first wish," Darlia said to the genie.

58 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
En d in gs

145. As they cracked the door open nervously, they discovered the room was empty
except for one red marble.

146. When Meg got home, the bike she thought was stolen
was lying on the lawn.

147. Amelia promised herself that she would always

bring a camera with her from now on.

148. As she walked up the driveway, the smell

of baking cookies filled the air.

149. For the first time all day, everyone smiled—even me.

150. After that, Jack said he was through accepting dares.

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En d in gs

151. It was the second-best vacation I've ever had.

152. Sixty people showed up, and every one of them was named “Paul."

153. There was a time when my dad would have thought it was funny, but not anymore.

154. This just proves that ordering a pizza is not

always as easy as it’s supposed to be.

155. “We'd better play a different game next time," Isabella said.

156. Thirty seconds after he left, the doorbell rang.

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En d in gs

157. I suddenly noticed why—I was wearing two different shoes.

158. “I better go take a bath," Grace said with a giggle.

159. The whole family went around the neighborhood to take down the “Lost Dog"
flyers together.

160. Steve looked me straight in the eye and said, “My real name is Gordon."

161. This time, the footprints in the snow were

going away from the house.

162. We only got three hours of sleep that night.

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En d in gs

163. After rereading the e-mail about ten times, I took a deep
breath and clicked on “Send."

164. We decided we'd had enough of the future and reset the time machine to visit
the past.

165. The race proved who was faster, but it proved something else as well.

166. “That’s why I didn’t tell you the truth from the beginning," Ms. Sloane said.

167. It was the only blizzard she'd ever experienced.

168. In the morning, I not only felt like a whole new person, I literally was a new person.

62 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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169. “April Fool’s—one day early," said Martin.

170. We decided to paint the tree house again—but

this time, any other color besides red.

171. Then we understood why our teacher had been so grumpy all week.

172. “I’ve changed my mind," Alina said. “I think I’d rather be an pilot instead."

173. When my parents weren’t looking, the waiter winked at me and I winked back.

174. Everyone agreed that we would find a

new campsite next year.

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En d in gs

175. She left before I got the chance to thank her.

176. Gerard almost caught it, but it escaped at the last second.

177. That’s why we named him “Whisper."

178. I grew two inches since this started.

179. When the smell of burnt toast came from the kitchen, I knew everything was back
to normal.

180. “This is so much better than the gift

you gave me last year," grandma said.

64 5-Minute Daily Practice: Writing © Marc Tyler Nobleman, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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