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4 September 2008
© 2008 FERTECON Limited. Unauthorised transmission or reproduction prohibited

New business out of Black Sea at $900 fob.

Sale of Middle East ammonia to a trader for the Far East at $920 cfr.

New sale into US Gulf at $955 cfr.


Yuzhnyy fob – $850-900.

Tampa/US Gulf cfr – $931-955.

Firm for near-term but some feelings that prices are approaching a peak.


US$/t US$/short ton
1000 1000

800 800

600 600
fob Caribbean
400 400

200 200
fob M. East fob NOLA barge

0 0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008

FERTECON AMMONIA REPORT – 4 September 2008 Page 1 of 8

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All prices in US$

4 September 28 August 21 August

Fob prices
Caribbean 885-886 885-886 700-875
Middle East * revised 775-842* 734-842 734-842
Of which:
- Netbacks on contract/formula-priced sales 775-785* 734-735 734-735
- Spot fob 820-842 800-842 800-842
Yuzhnyy/FSU 850-900 845-860 840-850
Ventspils/FSU 860-910 855-870 850-860
Southeast Asia * nominal 750-850* 700-850* 700-840*
Of which:
- Netbacks on contract/formula-priced sales 750-800* 700-750* 700-720*
* nominal
- Spot fob * nominal 830-850* 830-850* 800-840*
Delivered prices
NW Europe (duty paid/duty free) *nominal 945-995* 940-950* 940-950*
NW Europe (duty unpaid) * nominal 900-955 895-905 895-905
Far East 800-920 800-900 800-900
India 815-828 712-774 712-774
US Gulf/Tampa 931-955 931-936 745-925
- Tampa 931 931 745
- US Gulf (MS, LA, TX) * nominal 955 936 925
- US east coast n/a n/a n/a
US domestic
US barge (s.t. fob NOLA) n/a n/a n/a

US $/tonne
(Rates basis 1-1 unless stated)
Route Cargo size (t) Rates Notes
Caribbean –Tampa/USG 20-23,000 45-50
Baltic (Ventspils) – NW Europe 23,000 35-40
Black Sea–NW Europe (excl Scandinavia) 8-12,000 75-95 basis t-c
Black Sea – Antwerp/Belgium 23-25,000 65-70 Low end t-c, high spot
Black Sea – US (1-1 Tampa) 35-37,000 85-90
Black Sea – US (1-2 USG) 35-37,000 90-100
Black Sea – Far East 35-37,000 125-135 Low end t-c, high spot
Middle East – India (W. Coast) 15-20,000 30-43 basis t-c, 1-1/3 ports
Middle East- Far East (Taiwan) 23,500 70-80 Low end t-c, high spot
Middle East - Far East (South Korea) 23,500 80-90 Low end t-c, high spot
Indonesia – Far East (Taiwan) 15-20,000 40-45 40-45


Prices, rounded to the nearest US$, represent the last known spot business and current indications, for 4-35,000
t cargoes, net of credit. The interest rate used to deduct credit is the $ LIBOR rate plus 1% - i.e. currently

FERTECON AMMONIA REPORT – 4 September 2008 Page 2 of 8

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Ammonia prices have continued to climb with new business reported this week out of Yuzhnyy at
$900 fob for late September. A new spot sale into the US Gulf has been done at $955 cfr. A trader
has bought Middle Eats ammonia for the Far East at $920 cfr.
However, already traders are hesitating over making further commitments at such high prices in the
Black Sea. The recent soaring ammonia prices have largely been the result of severe supply
constraints due to both planned and unexpected plant closures over the summer months. However,
ammonia export supply is set to improve as plants come back on-stream after turnaround. Although
there is no further news over the possible timing of a restart of the Burrup ammonia plant in Western
Australia, plants in North Africa, Russia and Ukraine are coming back on-stream after turnarounds.
There are still some turnarounds due in September but supply should be improving as we go through
September and October. In some cases, there appears to be some suggestion of a shift towards
higher ammonia exports – in the case of CIS exporters because of a lacklustre nitrogen fertilizer
market, and in the case of Libya because of continued problems with urea capacity. Oil prices are
also coming off.
Demand for ammonia has so far remained fairly buoyant and certainly the eastern hemisphere
remains tight. However, there have been some concerns over reductions in demand for ammonia for
non-fertilizer end-uses in the US, Europe and Far East due to high input costs of ammonia and other
Although Indian ammonia imports (largely for DAP production) are picking up as phosphoric acid
supplies improve, there are concerns elsewhere about future DAP production rates due to some
downturn in demand, which could impact on ammonia import requirements. (Downward momentum
continues in the international phosphate market. There has been some business in India but
elsewhere import demand remains very subdued. Sentiment in the current market, even on the part of
traders, is becoming increasingly bearish. Last week, DAP sold into India at prices of $1,200-1,240
cfr. Earlier this week, fresh tonnes were sold at $1,170 and now two additional cargoes have been
sold at $1,095 and $1,100 cfr. Firm offers have been made ex-US at $1,100 cfr this week. Indian
buyers’ price ideas are adjusting downwards accordingly and are now well below $1,100 cfr. DAP
buyers in Latin America, Europe and Pakistan are showing little sign of returning to the market to
book significant volumes any time soon and the same is true for most other global markets. Given
uncertainties as to how prices will develop in the short term, most buyers are choosing to wait on the
sidelines in anticipation of lower prices.)
On the input cost side for DAP, sulphur prices are sliding rapidly in the international market. For
example, new business has been done in India at $500 cfr, down from sales in the $670s cfr done a
few weeks ago. Similar trends are being seen in other regions. For the time being, however, some US
DAP producers who have to rely imported rock and given ammonia costs of $931-936 delivered for
September, are looking at production costs of well over $1,200 per metric tonne of DAP. Depending
on how international DAP prices develop, DAP production closures are a real possibility, whuch could
affect ammonia demand.

FSU: Yuzhnyy: Gorlovka has sold 20,000 t for 20-30 September lifting at $900 fob. New indications
are higher but traders are now becoming hesitant about committing to new purchases at this stage, as
they sense that prices may now be peaking.
Ammonia capacity is beginning to come back on-stream after summer turnarounds although there are
still some turnarounds to take place which will restrict supply to some extent. The Rossosh plant in
Russia will be down for turnaround this month. There are unconfirmed reports that, in Ukraine,
Severodonetsk will go down for turnaround in September. DnieprAzot has postponed its turnaround
until 6-8 October.
However, OPZ will take down one urea line on 7-10 September for 15-21 days and the second line for
just 5-7 days. This will release additional ammonia for export – around 5-7,000 t – during this period.
Cherkassy is due to bring the second line up from maintenance in mid September.

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Furthermore, some producers are also intimating that they may make a shift towards higher ammonia
exports as nitrogen fertilizers prices come under pressure product backs up. In particular there are
some indications that producers will cut back AN output to favour ammonia, particularly if AN prices
slip below $450 fob. Indeed, ammonium nitrate prices have come under considerable pressure this
week with offers reported as low as $420-440 fob Black Sea but upon investigation these are proving
more likely to be buyers’ bids. Even if prices came to $450 it is not evident that there could be too
much interest but equally sellers do not seem ready to commit at this level as yet.
The KIP (the Ukrainian minimum export price system) has been abolished to be replaced by a
recommended price.
August ammonia shipments out of Yuzhnyy totalled 281,000 t. The last vessel to load was the
Herdis, which completed for Yara on 31 August.
So far around 310,000 t has been committed for September shipment. The September line-up is as
- Brussels – 23,500 t, Transammonia to US, 3 September.
- Al Majedah – 15,000 t Yara, 4 September.
- Hemina – 35,000 t, Nitrochem to US, 5 September.
- Havlur – 12,000 t, Yara/Israel, 7 September.
- Brugge Venture - 23,500 t, Transammonia to US, 9-10 September.
- Hesiod – 40,000 t, Yara, 12-15 September.
- Clipper Posh – 35,000 t, Nitrochem, 17-20 September.
- Kent– 23,000 t, Nitrochem, 20 September.
- Herakles – 20,000 t, Keytrade to Morocco, 25-20 September.
- tbn – 35,000 t, Nitrochem, end September.
Ventspils – There are some signs that availability could start to improve as we go through
September although there are still some shortfalls due to turnarounds. The Berezniki plant goes
down for turnaround 20 September. Kemerovo was due to restart last week but has encountered
some problems and is now expected back on stream next week. The Salavat plant is scheduled to go
down for a 21 day turnaround in September. However, Perm restarted mid-August.
UNITED STATES: CF Industries Holdings, Inc. reported yesterday that its Donaldsonville,
Louisiana nitrogen complex, which had completed an orderly shutdown last weekend in advance of
Hurricane Gustav striking the US Gulf Coast, is currently assessing the effects of the storm on the
operation and their implications for start-up timing. Initial indications are that the complex suffered no
significant physical damage during the storm. The Donaldsonville facility is located on the Mississippi
River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge. CF stated that it has begun removing storm debris at
the complex's ammonia, urea, and UAN solution plants. However, as of Wednesday morning,
electrical power had not been restored in the Donaldsonville region. Damage to area electrical
transmission lines must be repaired before the complex can restart production.
ALGERIA: The Annaba plant continues to run well. One line at Arzew has been running and the
other is now understood to be starting to run again. The Pertusola is loading 11,800 t in Annaba to
day for Europe.
LIBYA: The urea line that has been down for turnaround for two months has a major problem and it
could be some time before NOC can restart production. In the meantime, the ammonia unit will be
restarted about 10-15 September. NOC can now load 23,000 t lots following recent work at the
loading facilities and is expected to offer a cargo of this size later on for 1st half October lifting.
MIDDLE EAST: Spot fob prices are stable in the $820-842 fob range. Netbacks achieved on
contract sales are increasing, with latest direct contract business in west coast India at $883.75 cfr
with 60 days’ credit, giving a return of around the mid $780s fob.
Mitsui has sold 23,500 t of Middle East ammonia to Koch at $955 cfr US Gulf, for early October
Mitsubishi has bought 23,500 t of Saudi ammonia at $920 cfr Far East.
Iran – Transammonia’s cargo of 14,982 t, which loaded in BIK on the Nijinsky, will arrive in
Kandla/WC India tomorrow for KIT/Iffco.

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Transammonia is sending both the Tobolsk and the Sanko Independence, which loaded in Iran in late
August, to South Korea, covering spot sales to SFC.
Transammonia will load a cargo in the Middle East on the Sylvie around 15-20 September for delivery
to PPL/Paradeep, EC India under contract for end September arrival.
Oman – Iffco/India has received 20,006 t of Omani ammonia into Paradeep on the east coast on the
Nordic River.
Qatar – The price of Qafco’s 14,000 t cargo on the Al Marona destined for west coast India for
Hindalco (5,000 t eta 1-3 September), MCFL (4,000 t eta 5-6 September) and Zuari (5,000 t eta 8
September) (as reported last week) is $833.75 cfr with 60 days’ credit.
Mitsui’s vessel, the Gas Oriental, sailed today from Qatar with 23,300 t on board for delivery to east
coast India as follows – 11,300 t to CFL and 1,000 t for STL at Kakinada, plus 4,000 t to CFL at Vizag
and 7,000 t to CFL at Ennore.
It is understood that the Gas Colombia is loading in Qatar covering Mitsui’s sale of 23,500 t of Middle
East ammonia to Koch at $955 cfr US Gulf, for early October arrival.
Saudi Arabia - Sabic has sold 23,500 t to Mitsubishi at a price close to $920 cfr Far East for
shipment in 1st week September for 2nd half September arrival. It is believed that the tonnes will load
on the Rose Gas. It is understood that Mitsubishi will take most of the tonnes to FPG at
Mailiao/Taiwan, plus possibly a small lot elsewhere in the Far East.
The price of Mitsui’s cargo on the Al Jabirah, which loaded 14,935 t last week in Al Jubail/S. Arabia
for delivery to east coast India for CFL at Kakinada (5,935 t) and Vizag (9,000 t) is $815 cfr cash.
The Damman ammonia/urea plant has now been permanently shut down.
Middle East export shipments for August/September 2008 are as follows:

Price $/t cfr

Vessel Supplier/Origin ‘000 t Destination/Buyer unless stated Load date
AUGUST 222.71
n/a Mitsui/Qafco 15 Far East 650 fob August
n/a Mitsui/PIC 8 n/a 800 fob August
TA/Iran & Abu
Nijinsky Dhabi 15 Igsas/Turkey n/a 4 August
Oman (8.19) & 654-655 w 15
Tobolsk 22.19 KIT/Iffco, WC India 10 August
Qatar (14) d
Gas Major Qafco/Qatar 10 JPMC/Jordan l-t contract 6 August
S. Arabia (18) &
Rose Gas 23.19 WC India - KIT/Iffco l-t contract 11 Aug
Oman (5.19)
EC India – CFL 10 to
Gas Oriental Mitsui/Iran 23.39 Vizag & 12.89 Kanada 712.75 2nd wk Aug
+ 0.5 STL
MCFL & Zuari, WC
Al Marona Qafco/Qatar 10 India 779.63 w 60 d 18 August
Tobolsk TA/Iran 23.5 South Korea/SFC n/a 18-22 Aug
Independence TA/Iran 23.5 South Korea/SFC n/a 25 August
Nordic River KIT/Oman 20 KIT/Iffco – EC India n/a Late August
Al Jabirah Mtsui/S.Arabia 14.94 EC India/CFL 815 cash 27 August
Hindalco (5), MCFL
Al Marona Qafco/Qatar 14 833.75 w 60 d Late August
(4), Zuari (5), WCIndia
Nijinsky TA/Iran 14.98 India/KIT-Iffco n/a 1 Sept

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CFL (22.3), STL (1),

Gas Oriental Mitsui/Qatar 23.3 n/a 4 Sept
EC India
Gas Colombia Mitsui/Qatar 23.5 Koch/US 955 cfr Early Sept
Antwerpen Mitsui/Iran 8 ? Early Sept
MSK/Far East – prob 1st week
Rose Gas Sabic/S.A. 23.5 incl Taiwan 920 cfr Sept
Sylvie TA/Iran 23.5 PPL/EC India n/a 15-20 Sept
Tbn Nitrochem/Iran n/a n/a n/a End Sept

INDONESIA: Kaltim announced plans this week to build another urea plant at a cost of $740
million. Construction would start in mid-2009 and be completed in 2011 according to local press
MALAYSIA: The Nanga Parbat is on its way back to Kerteh and due to arrive 5 September to load
another cargo for east coast India. Based on current numbers, Mitco estimates this will give a fob
netback of around $660.

NORTHWEST EUROPE: DSM’s Geleen plant in the Netherlands is now back up to full capacity
following ammonia production problems. The plant came back up to full operation last weekend.
In France, as reported previously, GPN is taking maintenance turnarounds at its two units in
succession (Rouen and Grandpuits) from 1 September for 5-6 weeks.
European gas prices have strengthened this week and are currently quoted at around $12/mmBtu for
spot gas, which is still considerably less than the reported contract price of $14.50 mm/Btu. The gas
Interconnector from the UK to mainland Europe is down for maintenance so the usual gas flows that
happen at this time of the year from the UK to the continent currently do not exist. UK gas has
increased to over 73p/therm ($13/mmBtu) due to North Sea supply problems.
INDIA: The price of contract deliveries from Middle East suppliers has risen further this week, with
latest pricing at $833.75 cfr with 60 days credit for three port discharge.
Ammonia import requirements are recovering now that acid supplies have improved. It is understood
that GCT/Tunisia has yet to finalise third quarter phosphoric acid contracts with GSFC and CFL at the
supplier’s target price of $2,310 cfr. However, OCP/Morocco earlier settled at $2,310 cfr with GSFC,
Zuari, PPL, MCFL, and TCL and has started supplying these volumes.
West coast: Iffco will receive 14,982 t into Kandla tomorrow on the Nijinsky, which loaded in
BIK/Iran under Transammonia’s account with KIT.
The price of Qafco’s 14,000 t cargo on the Al Marona destined for west coast India for Hindalco
(5,000 t eta 1-3 September), MCFL (4,000 t eta 5-6 September) and Zuari (5,000 t eta 8 September)
(as reported last week) is $833.75 cfr with 60 days’ credit.
East coast: The price of Mitsui’s cargo on the Al Jabirah, which loaded 14,935 t last week in Al
Jubail/S. Arabia for delivery to CFL at Kakinada (5,935 t) and Vizag (9,000 t) on east coast India is
$815 cfr cash.
Mitsui’s vessel, the Gas Oriental, sailed today from Qatar with 23,300 t on board for delivery to east
coast India as follows – 11,300 t to CFL and 1,000 t for STL at Kakinada, plus 4,000 t to CFL at Vizag
and 7,000 t to CFL at Ennore.
Iffco has received 20,006 t of Omani ammonia into Paradeep on the Nordic River.
Transammonia will load a cargo in the Middle East on the Sylvie around 15-20 September for delivery
to PPL under contract for end September arrival.
Indian ammonia imports for September 2008 delivery are tabulated below:

FERTECON AMMONIA REPORT – 4 September 2008 Page 6 of 8

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Buyer/ $/t cfr unless

Location Supplier ’000 t stated Arrival Vessel
West coast 28.98
KIT/Iffco/Kandla TA/Iran 14.98 n/a 5 Sept Nijinsky
Hindalco/Dahej Qafco/Qatar 5 833.75 w 60 d 1-3 Sept Al Marona
MCFL/Mangalore Qafco/Qatar 4 833.75 w 60 d 5-6 Sept Al Marona
Zuari/Goa Qafco/Qatar 5 833.75 w 60 d 8 Sept Al Marona
East Coast 81.74
CFL/Ennore Mitsui/Qatar 7 l-t contract Mid Sept Gas Oriental
CFL/Kakinada Mitsui/S. A. 5.94 815 cash 5-7 Sept Al Jabirah
CFL/Kakinada Mitsui/Qatar 11.3 l-t contract Mid Sept Gas Oriental
STL/Kakinada Mitsui/Qatar 1 l-t contract Mid Sept Gas Oriental
CFL/Vizag Mitsui/S.A. 9 815 cash 7-8 Sept Al Jabirah
CFL/Vizag Mitsui/Qatar 4 l-t contract Mid Sept Gas Oriental
Iffco/Paradeep KIT/Oman 20 n/a 2 September Nordic River
PPL/Paradeep TA/Iran 23.5 n/a End Sept Sylvie
FAR EAST: Prices have risen with the latest spot purchase of Saudi product by Mitsubishi at close
to $920 cfr.
CHINA: China has increased the special export duty on urea to 150%, making the total duty 185%
currently. The export duty also now also applies to exports of ammonia. However, China currently
does not export ammonia but does import into Caojing and Zhanjiang and there is a small terminal at
Fangcheng port in the south of China near the Vietnamese border.
PHILIPPINES: Philphos is in the market to buy ammonia but will probably pass on offers in the
current, very tight market in Asia.
SOUTH KOREA: Namhae is due to receive two cargoes of ammonia in September - one each
from Nitrochem and Mitsubishi, and another one from Mitsubishi in October.
SFC will receive two cargoes of ammonia from Mitsui and one from Yara in September, one each
from Mitsui, Mitsubishi and Yara in October and one each from Mitsubishi and Yara in November.
Transammonia is sending both the Tobolsk and the Sanko Independence, which loaded in Iran in late
August, to South Korea, covering spot sales to SFC.
TAIWAN: Formosa Plastics (FPG) received one cargo of ammonia from Mitsubishi at the very end
of August and is due to receive a another cargo from Mitsubishi at the end of September which will be
shipped from the Middle East – i.e. the Sabic cargo recently purchased by Mitsubishi at $920 per t cfr.
Demand for imported ammonia for the balance of the year may be adversely affected by current high
ammonia prices as FPG has cut back on acrylonitrile production, claiming this is due to high costs.
UNITED STATES: As reported last week, the Tampa contract price has now risen to $931 cfr, a
massive $186 increase on the August contract price of $745 cfr.
Last week, new ammonia business was concluded into the US Gulf at $936 cfr, but this week there
has been a sale of 23,500 t of Middle East ammonia by Mitsui to Koch at $955 cfr for arrival in early
DAP is a major end use for imported ammonia into the US and there are some concerns over the
outlook for production rates given a downturn in demand for DAP in domestic and international
There has been little impact on import demand for ammonia because of the impact of Hurricane
Gustav, however – although Mosaic’s Faustina phosphate plant is currently down due to power loss
following Hurricane Gustav, this plant is not based on imported ammonia. MissPhos, which imports
ammonia into Pascagoula, announced earlier this week that Hurricane Gustav caused only minimal
physical wind damage to its Pascagoula phosphate production facility. The facility experienced an
electrical interruption during the storm which resulted in a temporary plant shutdown. The facility was
in the process of resuming full operations. The company’s customers and suppliers should see no

FERTECON AMMONIA REPORT – 4 September 2008 Page 7 of 8

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UKRAINE: According to the agriculture ministry, Ukraine harvested 43.2 million t grain on 12.56
million hectares by 1 September 2008, with an average yield of 3.44 t/hectare. The amount of grain
harvested to date is around double the amount harvested a year ago, when the average yield was
reported at 2.05 t/hectare. The ministry said wheat harvested to date was 26.842 million t on just over
7 million hectares, 99.9% of the total area to be harvested and the average yield was 3.8 t/hectare.
Barley harvest to date was 13.42 million t on 4.179 million hectares. Rye harvest was 1.051 million t
on 459,000 hectares. The ministry expects grain harvest this year at 48.7 million t compared with 29.3
million t in 2007.
Price Price Price
Product Change
Sept 2008 Sept 2007 Sept 2009
Corn 546.4 -31 322 600.2
Wheat 752.2 -50.4 770 841.0
Soybean 1,251.0 -97 870 1,263.6
Rough Rice 1,844.0 +10 1,003 1,800

Bids and offers for FIS ammonia cash settled derivatives are as follows.
Contact: Ron Foxon & Alexey Paliy - FIS Ltd
Office : + 44 207 090 1122 Mobile: + 44 7738726557
[email protected]

Ammonia fob Yuzhnyy
Month Bid Offer
September 850 925
October 850 900

Vivien Bright

FERTECON AMMONIA REPORT – 4 September 2008 Page 8 of 8

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