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(Constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune)

Batch: 2016-2021 Semester V

Administrative Law

B.A., B.B.A. LL.B

Syllabus for Re- Test

It’s hereby informed to all students of V semester the syllabus of Re- Test for Tutorial - I
and II is as under.

Topic 5- Remedies against Administration

5.1 Writs under Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution of India: Habeas Corpus,

Certiorari, Prohibition, Mandamus and Qua Warranto

5.2 Procedural Aspects - Locus standi, Laches, Res Judicata, Exhaustion of Alternative


5.3 Exclusion of Judicial Review - Exclusionary Clauses

Topic 6- Liability for Wrongs (Tortious and Contractual)

6.1 Government Tortious Liability
6.1.1 The Old View
6.1.2 Vidyawati to Kasturilal and the later Developments
6.1.3 Writs and Damages for Government Torts
6.2 Contractual Liability of Government
6.2.1 Formation of Contract
6.2.2 Estoppel and Government Contracts

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