Cristian Lesson Plan Edu 220 PDF

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Cristian Sequeira

Professor Isbell


I. Describe the Class

There are 28 students in my classroom, and I am teaching first grade. There

are 2 learning disabled students and 1 second language learner.

II. Subject/Skill:

Earth Science: 8 phases of the moon.

III. Objective(s)

The first grade learner will model the understanding of the 8 phases of the
moon using the Oreo cream-cookie representation activity. All 28 students
will participate with a 83% success rate.

IV. Procedures: For a Direct Instruction Lesson

1. I will show a powerpoint to students of the 8 phases of the moon.

2. Students need to know the 8 phases of the moon and why they work. They
need to know the names of each phase and what time of the year they
3. Before the activity is started I will show them an example that I did before
class. I will give them detailed procedures to follow,
4. Students will be doing the learning together cooperative learning strategy.
Students will be working in groups of 4. Each student will get to do two
stages of the moon with their Oreo. Once done students will each get a
5. Students will take home an assignment to see if they understood what the
activity was about.

V. Materials

One pre-made paper plate with moon phases attached

8 Oreo cookies, split per student
One plastic soon per student
VI. Grouping Structures

The classroom will be split in groups of 4.

VII. Modifications

I will give instructions for this lesson in three different ways. I will tell the
instructions orally. I will write the instructions on the board. I will also show
them my example of it. I will be making rounds during the activity to assist all
students. For the writing dysgraphia student I will offer assistance in placing
the moon phase names. For gifted learners they will have to know the names
of each moon phase and know where the sun is placed.

VIII. Assessment

6. After they finish there activity we will review the 8 phases with each
example they have. We will also watch a short video on the lesson.
Students should be able to differentiate what a new moon, waxing
crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, 3rd
quarter, and waning crescent. I will give each student an assessment to see
if they understood the material. Before this they will have time to get in
pairs and quiz each other.
7. I will assign them some homework with a worksheet where they have to
draw and name each moon phase. We will also keep talking about it once
we move onto the sun and planets. Distributed Practice and Review: (e.g.
assign homework to provide distributed practice on the new material. In
later lesson, review material and provide practice opportunities to increase
the chances that students will remember what they learned and also be
able to apply it in different circumstances.)

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