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Client Name
Scope Of Work
The Foundation
*In the SOW we want to answer the who, what, when, how and why. USE simple English**

What and Why: Briefly talk about what is going to happen in the upcoming phase. Goals to be reached
can be mention in this section. Then Briefly discuss why you think these are the main things that will be
going on in the upcoming phase.

HOW: What actions will be taken to reach the goals and accomplish the “what”? Examples can include
using and recording video or any of the different ad or placement types.

Scope of Work Timeline

When: This project will start ______and will end______________.


 (Your client's Name and people involved)

Start Date
Date: --- include

Location: --- include

What’s Need from the client

 (list them here)

Package & Pricing

Total price:__
(Client name)
Everyday cost:

One-Payment: $$$
Two-Monthly Payments: $$$
Three-Monthly Payments: $$$

Support Provided After Build

--- timeline


Prior to a contractual agreement, elements of this proposal may be amended upon

collaboration with the client, (client name) at the discretion of (company name).


1.1 Fees. In consideration of the Services to be performed by (Your name), (client name) shall pay to
fees in the amounts and according to the payment schedule set forth in the Proposal, and all
applicable sales, use or value-added taxes, even if calculated or assessed subsequent to the
payment schedule.

1.2 Additional Costs. Project pricing includes (Your name) fee only. Any and all outside costs
including, but not limited to, equipment rental, photographer’s costs and fees, photography and/or
artwork licenses, prototype production costs, talent fees, music licenses, and online access or hosting
fees, will be billed to Client.
1.3 Invoices. All invoices are payable within 5 business days of receipt.


Client acknowledges that it shall be responsible for performing the following in a reasonable and
timely manner:

(a) coordination of any decision-making with parties other than the (Company name) Team;

(b) provision of Client Content in a form suitable for reproduction or incorporation into the
Deliverables without further preparation.

(c) final proofreading and in the event that Client has approved Deliverables but errors, such as, by
way of example, not limitation, typographic errors or misspellings, remain in the finished product,
Client shall incur the cost of correcting such errors.


Both parties are able to use and reproduce the materials built and established. Example: (your
name) is able to use the work we’ve done with (client name) as a case study on our website and
other social channels.


4.1 Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” means all confidential and/or proprietary
information disclosed or made available by one party to the other including but not limited to, (a)
business plans, financial reports, financial data, employee data, customer lists, forecasts, strategies,
and all other business information, and (b) software or firmware code, semiconductor or printed
circuit board layout diagrams, product designs and/or specifications, algorithms, computer
programs, mask works, inventions, unpublished patent applications, manufacturing or other technical
or scientific know-how, specifications, technical drawings, diagrams, schematics, technology,
processes, and any other trade secrets, discoveries, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques,
materials, formulae, compositions, information, data, results, plans, surveys and/or reports of a
technical nature or concerning research and development and/or engineering activity. Confidential
Information may be that of the disclosing party or of third parties to whom disclosing party has an
obligation to treat the disclosed information as confidential. Confidential Information also includes
copies, notes, abstracts and other tangible embodiments made by the receiving party that are
based on or contains any of such information, as well as the existence and progress of the Purpose
(described in Section 7.4 below). Any oral discussions between the parties that relate to the
Confidential Information shall be kept secret and confidential and are deemed to be Confidential

4.2 Protection of Confidential Information. Each party acknowledges that in connection with this
Agreement it may receive Confidential Information from the other party. Each party agrees to the

(a) its agents and employees shall hold and maintain in strict confidence all Confidential Information,
shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, and shall not use any Confidential
Information except as may be necessary to perform its obligations under the Proposal except as may
be required by a court or governmental authority.


5.1 This Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall remain effective until the
Services are completed and delivered.

5.2 This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the mutual agreement of the parties, or if any

(a) becomes insolvent or is likely unable to pay, or fails to pay, its future debts as they become due;
files a petition in bankruptcy; makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or; (b) breaches
any of its material responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, which breach is not remedied
within 10 days from receipt of written notice of such breach.

5.3 In the event of termination, (Your company) shall be compensated for the Services performed
through the date of termination in the amount of (a) any advance payment, (b) a prorated portion
of the fees due, or (c) hourly fees for work performed by (Your company) or (Your company) agents
as of the date of termination, whichever is greater; and Client shall pay all Expenses, fees, out of
pockets together with any Additional Costs incurred through and up to, the date of cancellation.

5.4 In the event of termination by Client and upon full payment of compensation as provided herein,
(Your company) grants Client such right and title as provided for this Agreement with respect to
those Deliverables provided to, and accepted by Client as of the date of termination.

5.5 Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement: (a) each party shall return or, at the disclosing
party’s request, destroy the Confidential Information of the other party, and (b) other than as
provided herein, all rights and obligations of each party under this Agreement, exclusive of the
Services, shall survive.

5.6 Upon Compilation of marketing strategy services receiving party shall have the right and option
to own and host all aspects of the strategy. (Client name) will have full admin access and will retain
all rights to the digital property.

Accept Proposal
Your signature below indicates acceptance of this (Insert offer) proposal
and entrance into a contractual agreement with (Client) beginning on the
signature date on the final page of this document.

Acceptance of this proposal puts (Client) into a contractual agreement with

(Your company) to pay ($$$) to (Your company) for the services bound by
this contract. Both parties have agreed upon a two or three-month payment
that equals a total of ($$$). The project will start after the collection
of the first payment.

Payment is necessary prior to the start of the campaign.

Approval Signatures

[Namel], [Name], [Name],

Project Client Print Name Date Signed

[Name], Project Manager [Name], [Name], Date Signed

Print Name

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