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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Understanding Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
√ √ thinking √ √ Competence √
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
√ √
LINKS OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Personal, Movement &
Social & Physical
Understanding Movement skills Students should be Warm Up Can you recall Volleyball Courts
movement and sequences able to recall the Informal Line Chasey the correct Poles & nets
Week 1 through within different correct technique Observation to - Use one full volleyball court technique used Volleyballs
Lesson 1 biomechanical physical activity for a set and dig ensure lesson - 2 allocated taggers for setting and
concepts. contexts objectives are met. - Once you’re tagged complete 10 star jumps then continue digging?
Acceleration reflecting Students should be Provide coaching - Whistle blow indicates change in direction Sets and Digs
and absorption increased able to corrections where - Play until all players are out or interest is lost information sheet
of force by the complexity and demonstrate the required. How can you
body. transference of correct technique Skill Development improve your
learned skills. for a set and a dig Activity 1: Setting set or dig?
- To deliver instructions sit all students down
Skills and - Demonstrate a set
strategies to - Visual and verbal demonstration When and how
improve team KTPs would you use
performance - Start with body facing target, feet shoulder width apart and soft knees setting and
such as - Spread fingers in the shape of the ball above head, form digging in a
motivation, triangle/diamond shape, make sure fingers aren’t actually touching match?
team-work and - On contact with the ball, set by extending the arms and legs
leadership. Things to look for Would it make
- Contacting the ball with the palms of the hands sense to have a
- Facing where the ball has come from not where it is going set person for
Instructions setting? E.g
- Students to grab 1 ball between 2 Libero
- 1 person completes 10 sets first, partner must provide feedback
based on KTPs
- Then rotate
- Do this three times through, get students to bob down after both pairs
compete each round
- Then get students to complete 2minutes worth of passing to each
- Height on pass = important
Activity 2: Digging
- Repeat activity 1 but with digs
- Ready position: knees soft, arms away from body
- Shoulders forward, hips back
- Sweet spot = lower forearms, just above the wrists
- Keep arms away from the body
- Forearms must face in the direction you want to go
- Foot work = shuffle steps, no crossing over
Things to look for
- Contact ball at waist level
- Bent elbows
- Stuck in the mud
- Contact of ball on hands not the forearms
- Arm swing = only towards target, not into the air

Modified Game
- Groups of 4 to play each other across nets, full court
- 3 touches per side
- Setting and digging ONLY
- Focus: accuracy and precision of touches
- 5 minute games then rotate sides

Lesson 2 Movement skills Students should be Informal Warm Up Volleyball Courts

and sequences able to recall the Observation to British Bulldogs Poles & nets
within different correct technique ensure lesson - Play across 2 courts Volleyballs
physical activity for a spike? objectives are met. - 2 taggers, the rest of the students have to run across without getting
contexts Provide coaching tagged Spike Information
reflecting Students should be corrections where - Once you’re tagged you become a stationary tagger Sheet
increased able to required. - Play until everyone is out
complexity and demonstrate the Review Digging and Setting
transference of correct technique - In partners, line up 1 on the base line 1 opposite
learned skills. for a spike? - Practicing sets then digs
- Focus: height of sets and ball control of dig
Skills and
strategies to Skill Development What is the
improve team Spiking correct
performance - Introduce spiking technique technique for
such as - Discuss when it is used both offensive and defensively spiking?
motivation, KTPs
team-work and - Approach: 2 steps then jump (2feet) How can you
leadership. - Both arms swing forward on take off improve you
- Bow and arrow ready position spike?
- Wrist snap for topspin on contact
Things to look for
- One foot jump
- Fist instead of open palm
- Tennis serve action
- Shot put arm action
Activity 1
- Students must all line up without ball and practice spiking
- The practice approaching the net
Activity 2
- Split students into two groups. Group 1 will practice
- spiking on court 1, group 2 to practice dig-set-spike on court 2
- Specialist setters to set for spikers (advanced students)
- Rotate groups between spiking and dig-set-spike.
- Keep advanced students separate.
Teacher to observe and provide feedback (verbal, visual and kinaesthetic).

Modified Game
- Volleyball games using all courts
- 5v5, standard rules,
- Setting, digging, spiking and underarm serving.
- Focus on 3 successful touches with final touch being a spike.
- Rotate groups across courts

Week 2 Movement skills Through observing Informal Warm Up How does body Volleyball Courts
and sequences a game video Observation to Knee tag stance affect Poles & nets
Lesson 1 within different students should be ensure lesson - Explain and then begin game without suggesting tactics. skill technique? Volleyballs
physical activity able to describe objectives are met. - Rotate partners every 30s Logbooks
contexts spiking and Provide coaching - Observe students stance and tactics. How/what Pens
reflecting defensive corrections where Once concluded explain the games relation to volleyball- having a low defensive
increased formations. required. defensive stance is advantageous. formations work Serve Information
complexity and in a game? Sheets
transference of Check students Activity 1: Paired Pepper
learned skills. Students should be ability to self- - Using knowledge from learnt sets and digs complete this in partners What reactions
able to apply reflection according - Overhead pass, receiver digs, followed by the set, finished with a do certain
Skills and observed spiking to log book review. spike spikes cause in
strategies to and defensive the opposition?
improve team formations in a Activity 2: Learning to serve
performance game situation. - Teach whole skill at once without the ball How does the
such as - Bow and arrow from spiking position of
motivation, Students should be - Firm contact players affect
team-work and able to self-reflect - Stationary overhead serve one another?
leadership. on performance up - Jump serve for experienced students
to date. - Put cones on opposite side of gym for students to aim at

Activity 3: Complete Initial Stages of Log Book

- Activity 3: Volleyball needs to be completed
- All ‘before’ sections should be completed

Modified Game: King of the Court

- Teams of 6
- To start game, serve over the net
- Receiving team can catch the ball then must complete dig, set, spike
to return the ball
- Receiving team catches the return, and completes dig-set-spike.
- Teach students rotation of position, start in right back corner and
rotate to the left.
- Front positions are the ‘spikers’

Lesson 2 Description of Students should be Introduction What are the iPads

movement able to recall - Verbally review skills which have been learnt KTPs of each Worksheets
using basic spiking, attacking - Setting, digging, serving, spiking, spiking tactics and formations. skill? Kahoot Quiz
kinematic and defensive - Question students- what are the fundamental skills in the (above)
and kinetic term tactics. techniques? What are some
s, such as: common errors
Students should be Body that beginner
able to evaluate - Student orientated learning. Students to use resources (electronic players make?
• Projectile spiking, attacking devices/textbooks) to complete written review of skills.
motion and and defensive (verbal/linguistic learning) How can you
• Summation of tactics in a written - Students to provide a summary of all skills (set, dig, serve, spike, eliminate these
forces summary. formations and tactics) and errors?
- A critical analysis of a video of a skill (teacher to provide skill videos).
- Students can complete activity in small groups for video analysis but
must complete skills summary individually
Conclusion (10 mins)
- Kahoot quiz to (informally) assess student knowledge.
- Based on skills learnt-setting, digging, serving, spiking, tactics,
defensive and attacking formations.
- Students can complete quiz in groups.
If time permits, students can have free time to play modified volleyball games or
practice their skills.

Week 3 Selection and Warm Up What are the iPads

adaption of Keepey Up KTPs of each
Lesson 1 responses to - Students from groups of 6 in a circle formation and must keep the ball skill?
the outcome of up in the air for as long as possible
previous - Students must use digs, sets and spikes to keep the ball up Is this player
performances - If the ball hits the ground the players must all touch the four corners achieving the
in the gym and then return to play KTPs of each
Note: Focus of today is for students to self-assess and peer-assess skills skill?

Activity: Students to work in groups of 4, each group needs 1 iPad If not, how can
- Every student must have a recording of them completing 3 they improvie
consecutive sets (to themselves), 3 digs off the wall and have a their
recording of them in paired pepper. performance?
- You can record everything then analyse or a record one segment
then analyse as a group Are you meeting
- On the piece of paper each student must reflect on their own the KTPs of each
performance (individually) and then must receive 1 point of feedback skill?
from each group members on how to improve performance
- If time permits, students must then record a second attempt, trying to
implement the changes noted from feedback sessions

- Next lesson lets implement these changes and continue to reflect on
our skills
- Game play

Lesson 2 Movement skills Formal Assessment Warm Up Volleyballs

and sequences of Skills Run Throughs Courts, net, poles
within different - Jog, high knees, kick butts, high knees, arm swings Marking checklist
physical activity Paired Pepper
contexts - Give students a few moments to warm up their volleyball skills
reflecting - Provide constant feedback
complexity and Assessment
transference of - Student to form partners, 1 ball between 2
learned skills. - One player on baseline, 1 ~3m apart
- Students to demonstrate their best skills while you assess
Skills and performance
strategies to - All skills to be assessed
improve team - Sets, digs, spikes and serves
performance - To assess spikes follow map below, rotate setter but must be of high
such as skill level
motivation, - To asses serves split class on either side of net and serve across
team-work and
leadership. Lesson Closure
- Provide some feedback on classes general ability and performance
- Next lesson = final game day
- To be assessed on game play and team work/leadership skills

Week 4 Skills and Students should be Informal Warm Up What are the Volleyballs
strategies for able to Observation Keepey Off fundamental Courts, net, poles
Lesson 1
effective demonstrate the - Students from groups of 6 in a circle formation with one player in the techniques for
leadership, correct technique middle setting, digging,
including for a set, dig, serve - Outside players must keep the ball up in the air for as long as serving and
and spike. possible without the centre person intercepting the ball spiking?
teamwork and - If the person in the middle gains full possession of the ball they move
motivation Students should to the outside and the person whose fault it was goes into the middle
work with their - Players to self-mange activity and be honest in decision making
Transfer of team to establish
skills and tactics tactics and Skill Development: Through Game Play
between strategies. NOTE: The following 3 lesson will all run with the same plan. Teams will be set
physical based on marks from skill assessment (with teams supposed to be of even
activities Teams exhibit the ability).
use of offensive - 4 Teams of 6 players
Characteristics and defensive - Each lesson all teams will play each other (roughly 15minute games)
of fair play and formations. - Non-participants to referee and score games
application of - Final prize will be awarded at the end of the tournament
fair and ethical
behaviour in
physical activity.

Lesson 2 Skills and Students should be Student checklist to Warm Up Volleyballs

strategies for able to recall all assess technique Sticky Popcorn What are the Courts, net, poles
effective skills and tactics and skills. - Use 1 court, 2 taggers different spiking
leadership, learnt in previous - Play until all players are sticky tactics used and
including lessons. Paired Pepper when can they be
teamwork and - Give students a few moments to warm up their volleyball skills employed?
motivation Students should be - Provide constant feedback
able to How can
Transfer of Demonstrate Skill Development accuracy
skills and tactics learned skills Activity 1 be used in a
between in a game - Groups of 6 game
physical situation. - Cross court pepper to add
activities - Focus on ball control and accuracy advantage?
Students should be - Use all courts.
Characteristics able to apply Can you
of fair play and tactics learned in Game Play successfully
application of attack and defence - Two courts/4 teams/ 6 per team. employ defensive
fair and ethical - Full game conditions and rules. and attack
behaviour in - Students not participating to score/collect balls/referee formations?
physical activity. - Students should be focusing on 3 touches upon receiving the ball and
adjusting their positions to organise attacking/defensive formation.
- Range of spikes should be used (outside/inside/back court).
- Complete checklist on student’s performance/ skill development.
- This game teams will be split based on skill ability,

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