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Reference to Memorandum: resent Memory Revived

People v. Plasencia
GR No. 90198
Nov 7, 1995


This case is about the robbery with homicide of Herminio Mansueto (Mansueto) by Antonio
Plasencia (Plasencia), Roberto Descartin (Roberto AKA: RUBY) and Joelito Descartin (Descartin) as
filed before the RTC San Juan, Province of Cebu.

The Facts are as follows:

10: 00 am – Nov 29, 1984 – Mansueto, wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt, maong pants,
Seiko 5 stopwatch, and a Pandan hat, left on his bicycle for Brgy. Patao, Bantayan Cebu, to purchase
pigs with the P10,000 he brought along.

In Patao, Francisca Espina (Espina), whose house was just across the street of the accused,
saw Mansueto and Roberto talking. She approached them and asked Mansueto if he wanted to buy
her 2 pigs for P1,400. Mansueto agreed but told Espina to wait as he still had something to do with

Mansueto and Roberto proceeded to Roberto’s piggery. Joelito, and his brother (Rene)
were also seen going to the piggery of Roberto. Believing that Mansueto was already prepared to
leave. She promptly walked toward the piggery which was 100 meters away form her house. Mid
way she halted her tracks as she suddenly saw Plasencias stab Mansueto. Roberto then stabbed
Mansueto while Joelito hit Mansueto’s head while Rene held Mansueto’s legs.

Espina saw everything clearly for only a coconut tree and only some ipil-ipil leaves were the
hindrances to her sight. She immediately rushed back home and did not immediately inform the
police in fear for her life.

The following day, the daughter of Mansueto, (Rosalinda) was worried as her father did not
return yet. She reported her missing father to Francisca Tayo (Tayo), the barangay captain.

A day after, Tayo proceeded to the piggery as it was in the itinerary of Mansueto. He was
infomed by the son of Roberto that the bike of Mansueto was taken by Joelito

The next day, Tayo was accompanied by police officers and went back to Roberto’s place.
He saw blood in the railings and on a bamboo pole to which Roberto said it was chicken blood. He
then saw a hole that looked like an empty grave. The digging was measured and photos were taken.
The police then found a hat at the back of a hut in the piggery, which was later recognized to be that
of Mansueto.
Nov 30, 1984 – Patrolman Elpidio Desquiatado (Desquitado) went back to the piggery, and
learned from Espina herself that Joelito took Mansueto’s bike. Joelito was then invited to the police
headquarters where he waived his right to counsel, and executed a confession.

Joelito stated that it was Roberto’s instruction to bring the bicycle to the piggery.
Unexpectedcly he was surprised when Plasencia stabbed mansueto. He tried to run but Robterto
Stopped him. They then brought the body of Mansueto to the islet of Gilotongin where they
dumped the body of Mansueto.

Police then headed for the said island. They searched the area where the body was dumped.
While searching they were informed that he body surfaced near the vicinity of the srach and
delivered to the Municipal building.

The Municipal Health officer Dr. Oscar Quirante (Dr. Quirante) examined the body and
concluded that the victim died due to internal hemorrhage due to stab wonds.

The main defense of the accused were alibi. The RTC convicted them of homicide.

Appellants then question the credibility of the prosecution’s witness, Espinas as she had
inconsistencies, she had issues with Placensia (a debt worth 300 and a dog bite), and she being
jittery during the giving of her testimony.

Whether the use of memory aid during an examination is prohibited under the rules of court

NO. The use of memory aids during an examination of a witness is not altogether
proscribed. Section 16, Rule 132, of the Rules of Court states:

Sec. 16. When witness may refer to memorandum. — A witness may be allowed to refresh his memory
respecting a fact, by anything written or recorded by himself or under his direction at the time when
the fact occurred, or immediately thereafter, or at any other time when the fact was fresh in his
memory and he knew that the same was correctly written or recorded; but in such case the writing or
record must be produced and may be inspected by the adverse party, who may, if he chooses, cross-
examine the witness upon it and may read it in evidence. So, also, a witness may testify from such a
writing or record, though he retain no recollection of the particular facts, if he is able to swear that the
writing or record correctly stated the transaction when madel; but such evidence must be received
with caution.

Allowing a witness to refer to her notes rests on the sound discretion of the trial
court. 23 In this case, the exercise of that discretion has not been abused; the witness herself
has explained that she merely wanted to be accurate on dates and like details.

Appellants see inadvertency on Francisca's appearing to be "jittery" on the witness stand.

Nervousness and anxiety of a witness is a natural reaction particularly in the case of those who are
called to testify for the first time. The real concern, in fact, should be when they show no such

Francisca did fail in immediately reporting the killing to the police authorities. Delay or vacillation,
however, in making a criminal accusation does not necessarily adulterate the credibility of the
witness. 24 Francisca, in her case, has expressed fears for her life considering that the assailants,
being her neighbors, could easily exact retribution on her. 25 Also, the hesitancy in reporting the
occurrence of a crime in rural areas is not unknown. 26

Francisca's inability to respond to the summons for another appearance in court for further
questioning was satisfactorily explained by the prosecution. Francisca at the time just had a
miscarriage and was found to be too weak to travel. The recall of the witness was, after all, at the
sound discretion of the trial court. 27

The claim of appellant Roberto Descartin that Francisca and her husband, a tuba-gatherer, owed
him P300.00, and the assertion made by appellant Antonio Plasencia on the dog-biting story
involving Francisca's son truly were too petty to consider. It would be absurd to think that Francisca,
for such trivial reasons was actually impelled to falsely implicate appellants for so grave an offense
as murder.

Appellants questioned Francisca's ability to recognize them from a distance. Francisca knew
appellants well; they all were her neighbors while Antonio Plasencia himself was her cousin. 28 The
crime occurred at around three o'clock in the afternoon only about fifty (50) meters away from her.
With an unobstructed view, Francisca's positive identification of the culprits should be a foregone
matter. 29

The alleged inconsistencies in Francisca's testimony and in her sworn statement of 18 December
1984, cover matters of little significance. Minor inconsistencies in the testimonies of witnesses do
not detract from their credibility; 30 on the contrary, they serve to strengthen their credibility and
are taken as badges of truth rather than as indicia of falsehood 31 even as they also erase suspicion
of rehearsed testimony.32

All considered, the case against the appellants has been proven beyond reasonable doubt even with
the retracted extra-judicial admission of Joelito Descartin. 33 The testimony of a single witness, if
found to be credible, is adequate for conviction, The defense of alibi hardly can overcome the
positive identification of a unprejudiced eyewitness.

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