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C3h-4 Declaration Against Interest

People v. Bernal
GR No. 113685
June 19, 1997


Theodore Bernal (Bernal) was accused to have kidnapped Bienvenido Openda Jr. (Bienvenido). The
prosecution presented 4 witnesses
- Salito Enriquez (Enriquez) – a tailor and resident of Kasilac, Bucana, Davao City;
- Roberto Racasa (Racasa) – a mason and resident of Kasilac, Bucana, Davao City;
- Adonis Sagarino (Sagarino) – a student and resident of Boston Isla; and
- Teresita Openda (Openda) – the mother of Bienvenido Openda, Jr.

Aug 5, 1991 – 11:30 in the morning Bienvenido and Racasa were having a drinking spree.
They invited Bernal who was passing by, to which the latter agreed. After some time, Bernal left,
then 2 men approached Bienvenido and asked if he was “payat”. Bienvenido answerd in the
affirmative. Immediately after, the 2 men handcuffed Bievenido and pointed a gun at him and stated
the they were policemen and they were arresting him as he had score to settle. Racasa immediately
went to Bienvenido’s house and told his mother what had happened.

During the trial, the witnesses were cross examined and alleged the following:
- Adonis Sagarino (Sagarino) – he was in a billiard hall, saw 3 persons, left, saw 2 came back
along with Bienvenido
- Roberto Racasa (Racasa) – was drinking with Bienvenido, heard question “payat” saw the
- Salito Enriquez (Enriquez) – stated that Bienvenido confided to him that Bienvenido and
Bernal’s wife had an affair.

Whether the testiomony of Enriquez may be admitted as evidence to convict Bernal

Yes. Openda, Jr.’s revelation to Enriquez regarding his illicit relationship with Bernal’s wife
is admissible in evidence, pursuant to Section 38, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules on Evidence, viz.:

“Sec. 38. Declaration against interest.—The declaration made by a person deceased, or

unable to testify, against the interest of the declarant, if the fact asserted in the declaration was at
the time it was made so far contrary to declarant’s own interest, that a reasonable man in his
position would not have made the declaration unless he believed it to be true, may be received in
evidence against himself or his successors-in-interest and against third persons.”
With the deletion of the phrase “pecuniary or moral inter-est” from the present provision,
it is safe to assume that “declaration against interest” has been expanded to include all kinds of
interest, that is, pecuniary, proprietary, moral or even penal.

A statement may be admissible when it complies with the following requisites, to wit:
(1) that the declarant is dead or unable to testify;
(2) that it relates to a fact against the interest of the declarant;
(3) that at the time he made said declaration the declarant was aware that the same was
contrary to his aforesaid interest; and
(4) that the declarant had no motive to falsify and believed such declaration to be true.”

Openda, Jr., having been missing since his abduction, cannot be called upon to testify. His
confession to Enriquez, definitely a declaration against his own interest since his affair with Naty
Bernal was a crime, is admissible in evidence13because no sane person will be presumed to tell a
falsehood to his own detriment.

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