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Republic of the Philippines


San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City

RESOLUTION NO. .1 Series of 2015



WHEREAS, Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9136 (R.A. 9136) or the Electric
Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA) states that Generation Companies
shall, before they operate, secure from the Energy Regulatory Commission
(ERC) Certificates of Compliance (COCs) pursuant to the standards set forth

WHEREAS,' the ERC may require reports or document from the electric
power industry participants, the Generating Companies included, as necessary to
facilitate compliance pursuant to Section 4(q), Rule 3 of the EPIRA Implementing
Rules and Regulations;

WHEREAS, for purposes of compliance with the terms and conditions

under their respective Certificates of Compliance, Generation Companies have
been required to submit reportorial documents on an annual basis;

WHEREAS, in view of the projected electricity imbalance in the Luzon grid

in 2015, the ERC is cognizant of the need to monitor the reliability performance
of the generating facilities of Generation Companies not only on annual basis but
close to real-time;

WHEREAS, relative to said monitoring by the ERC, the Generation

Companies must provide real time accurate information on the operations of their
generation facilities, specifically timely notification to the ERC of Outage events;

WHEREAS, in order to facilitate timely receipt of such real time

information/reports, the Commission deems it necessary to establish a
communication system through the use of, among others, Short Message
Service (SMS), electronic mail (e-mail) and facsimile machine;

WHEREAS, such reports shall indicate relevant data including, but not
limited to, the following: time, date of outage, duration, unit generation outage
levels; and time and date of restoration of the generation facilities;

ADOPT the following procedure on the reporting to the Commission by the
Generation Companies of Outage events concerning their generating facilities:

I. Unplanned Outage

a. Within three (3) hours from the occurrence of an Unplanned (Forced or

Maintenance or Outside Management Control (OMC)) Outage, the
Generation Company shall send through SMS, to ERC Mobile No.
+639175844843, the following information: Type of Unplanned Outage;
Name of Generation Facility/Unit, Total Outage, Date and Time of
Occurrence, Reason for Outage and Surname of person reporting.

[e.g. Forced, ABC Unit 2, 500MW, 23 February 0430H, transformer

breakdown, 13 March 1015H, Fontanilla]

b. Within forty eight (48) hours from the occurrence of the same Outage
event, the Generation Company shall submit a report, as prescribed
below, through email: [email protected]; or
through facsimile at +6326333253.

Power Plant
Generation Date and Detailed Expected Date
Outage Affected and Total
Facility/Unit Time of R'eason for and Time of
Event Total Outage
on Outage Occurrence Outage Resumption
ABC Coal
23 February Transformer
Fired Power 30 March 2015;
Forced ABC Unit 1 500 2015,' Breakdown
Plant 1500H
1500H due xxx
1000 MW

Said report must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the

Generation Company.

c. Subsequently, within three (3) hours from the resumption of operations

of the generating facility subject to said Outage, the same shall be
reported to the ERC thru SMS with the following format: Type of
Unplanned Outage; Name of Generation Facility/Unit, Total Outage,
Date and Time of Occurrence, Date and Time of Resumption,
Surname of person reporting.

[e.g. Forced, ABC Unit 2, 500MW, 23 March 0430H, 02 April 0600H,


A report in writing, signed by the duly authorized representative of the

Generation Company, shall also be submitted through the above-
provided e-mail addresses and facsimile numbers within forty-eight
(48) hours from resumption of operations, as prescribed below:

Power Plant Total
Generation Date and Detailed Actual Date and
Outage Affected and Total Outage
Facility/Unit Time of Reason for Time of
Event Total Outage Hours
on Outage Occurrence Outage Resumption
ABC Coal
23 February Transformer 41 Hrs
Fired Power 30 March 2015;
Forced ABC Unit 1 500 2015; Breakdown
Plant 1500H
1500H due xxx
1000 MW

II. Planned Outage

a. A Generation Company which intends to implement a Planned Outage

shall submit a report, as prescribed below, through email to:
[email protected], copy [email protected]; or through facsimile at
+6326333253, at least ten (10) days prior to the implementation of the
said Planned Outage:

Date and Time Expected Date

Outage Generation Total Remarks
of Planned and Time of
Event Facility/Unit Outage
Outage Resumption

ABC Coal
25 March 2015; 25 July 2015; In accordance
Planned Fired Power 647 MW
1500H 1500H with GOMP

Said report must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the

Generation Company.

b. Within forty eight (48) hours from resumption of operations of the

generation facility subject to Planned Outage, the Generation
Company shall provide a report, through email to:[email protected].
copy [email protected]; or through facsimile at +6326333253, as
prescribed below:

Actual Date and Total

Date and Time Outage
Outage Generation MW Time of the
of Planned Remarks
Event Facility/Unit Affected Resumption of Hours
ABC Coal In accordance
25 March 2015; 20 July 2015;
Planned Fired Power 647 MW 41 Hrs
1500H 1500H with GOMP

Said report must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the

Generation Company

III. Definition of Terms. For reference purposes, following shall be the
relevant terms used herein:

Forced Outage - An outage that requires immediate removal of a unit

from service, another outage state, or a reserve shutdown state.

Maintenance Outage - An outage that does not require immediate

removal from the In-Service state but requires a Unit to be removed from
the Available state before the next planned outage. This is scheduled at
least seven (7) days in advance.

Outage - The state of a Unit and/or Component when it is not available to

perform its intended function due to some event directly associated with
that Unit and/or Component. An Outage mayor may not cause an
interruption of service to customers.

Outside Management Control (OMC) Outage - An outage wherein the

cause is beyond the control of the Generation Company and has not
resulted from planning error or negligence. The following are considered
under this classification:

a) Force majeure event;

b) Grid connection or substation failure. This reason relates to problems
with transmission lines, substation, and switchyard equipment outside
the responsibilities of the Generating Plant;
c) Lack of fuel (water from rivers or lakes, coal mines, gas lines, etc.)
where the Generation Company is not in control of contracts, supply
lines, or delivery of fuels;
d) Special environmental limitations such as low cooling pond level, or
water intake restrictions that could not be prevented by operator action;
e) Labor strike.

Planned Outage (GOMP) - The state in which a Unit is unavailable due

to inspection, testing, preventive maintenance or overhaul. A Planned
Outage is scheduled with a pre-determined duration and is coordinated
with the System Operator. The Planned Outage of a Unit shall be reflected
in the Grid Operating and Management Program (GOMP).

Unplanned Outage - The state in which a Unit is unavailable but is not in

the Planned Outage state. Also, Unplanned Outage starts when Planned
Outage (GOMP) ends but is extended due to unplanned work.

The terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed
to them under existing rules and regulations of the ERC.

Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the University of the Philippines

Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UPLC-ONAR),
System Operator and Generation Companies thru their respective duly
authorized officers and regulatory compliance officers (RCOs) and all parties


Pasig City, 09 March 2015.

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