Unit 6 Test B: Use of English: Grammar

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Unit 6 Test B Class ..........................................................................

3 Rewrite these sentences using the word

Use of English: Grammar given. Do not change the word given.
1 You should have given me this information
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of earlier.
the verbs given. WISH
A: Hi! How are you feeling? You don’t look so I ____________________________________.
good today. 2 I’m in a lot of pain because I didn’t take my
B: You’re right. I don’t feel very well. If I stand painkillers this morning.
up too quickly, I (1) __________ (get) a bit WOULDN’T
If ____________________________________.
A: If I were you, I (2) __________ (go) along to
3 Jackie might need a lift home, so I’ll stay for a
see the doctor.
B: No way! It’s not that bad. If everyone went to
the doctor when they felt a bit dizzy, the
doctors’ surgeries (3) __________ (be) full all I ____________________________________.
the time. 4 I didn’t concentrate much in Spanish classes at
A: OK. So, what do you think is the matter? Have school and now I don’t speak Spanish very
you eaten anything odd? well.
B: No, but I think I might have caught a cold. I WOULD
wish I (4) __________ (not go) on that walk If ____________________________________.
with Sophie yesterday. It was freezing, and I 5 I’d love to be skiing on the mountains right
forgot my coat. now.
A: Well, if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow, I ONLY
(5) __________ (bring) you my vitamin drink.
If ____________________________________.
It will get rid of a cold very quickly.
B: Thanks!

2 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 If Judy had finished/finished her degree, she’d
be working as a doctor now.
2 I’ll buy the ingredients, as long as you will
cook/cook the meal.
3 I wish the neighbours turned/would turn down
their music. It’s always so loud.
4 I wish I liked/like eating fish. It would make
Mum’s life a lot easier when she’s cooking!
5 If only we didn’t take/hadn’t taken the wrong
turning. We’d be home now!


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6 Choose the correct alternatives to complete

Use of English: Vocabulary the sentences.
4 Complete the email with one word in each 1 I need to ___ for a check-up at the hospital next
gap. week.
A get
Hi Connie,
B go
Thanks for your email. It was really good to
hear from you! What you say about the new C make
medical centre they’re building near you is 2 The doctor ___ my blood pressure when I saw
interesting. I think it (1) __________ be great to him this morning.
have a big centre like that as long as it isn’t too A made
big. (2) __________ it’s enormous, then people
B had
will never see the same doctor and they’ll lose that
personal relationship, which I think is so C took
important. On the other hand, with a bigger centre 3 My aunt has ___ from heart disease for several
they’ll be able to provide more advanced years now.
treatments without having to send people to A suffered
hospitals. I wish they (3) __________ rebuild our
B treated
local doctors’ surgery. It’s tiny! And if you want
an appointment you have to book two weeks in C caught
advance, if you’re lucky! I hate going to the 4 Taking tablets will ___ the symptoms but it
doctor’s anyway, and it’s even worse when you won’t stop the problem.
have to wait in a small room, crowded with people A take
who are coughing and sneezing. I think they (4) B dislocate
__________ computerise things more too. If they
did that, people wouldn’t always need to C relieve
physically visit a doctor. They could talk to him or 5 Since Terry has been ill he’s ___ a lot of
her online via a webcam, and that (5) __________ weight.
save a lot of time and money. What do you think? A lost
Write soon! B taken
Mark C decreased

/5 /5

5 Reorder the letters to find parts of the body.
1 LEHE __________
2 GHITH __________
3 NISK __________
4 SHECT __________
5 UGENTO __________


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7 Complete the second sentence so it means 8 Complete the text with word formed from the
the same as the first, using the word given. words given.
Do not change the word given. Use between
A lot of people these days decide not to go to the
two and five words.
doctor’s when they’re feeling ill but decide to try
1 My brother ate some fish last night and he’s an alternative therapy instead. My mum has a
been vomiting all day today. stomach problem and she was fed up with getting
DOG (1) __________ (prescribe) and regular injections
from the doctor. He also gave her a lot of
My brother ate some fish last night and he’s
painkillers, and she was worried about getting
been _______________ all day today.
(2) __________ (addict) to them. So she went to
2 The way Denise talks about her illness you’d see an acupuncturist, a Chinese woman who put
think that she was about to die. needles in different places on her body. Sounds
LEGS strange, but mum is convinced that it was
The way Denise talks about her illness you’d successful. The acupuncturist told her to avoid
think that she _______________. (3) __________ (process) food and to eat a
3 I’m sorry I can’t come to school this week, but balanced diet. Mum’s now got lower blood (4)
the doctor says I’ll be fine by next Monday. __________ (press) and is feeling much better.
Some people say that the treatment from these
FEET therapists is basically (5) __________
I’m sorry I can’t come to school this week, but (psychology), and your mind makes you believe
the doctor says I’ll _______________ by next that you’re feeling better. But if so, that’s got to be
Monday. a good thing hasn’t it?
4 It’s going to take Mary a couple of weeks to
recover from her illness. /5
It’s going to take Mary a couple of weeks to
_______________ her illness.
5 I feel ill, so I think I’ll miss tennis today.
I _______________, so I think I’ll miss tennis


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