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G.R. No.

L-2598 June 29, 1950

C. ARNOLD HALL and BRADLEY P. HALL, petitioners, vs. EDMUNDO S. PICCIO, Judge of the
Court of First Instance of Leyte, FRED BROWN, EMMA BROWN, HIPOLITA CAPUCIONG, in his
capacity as receiver of the Far Eastern Lumber and Commercial Co., Inc.,respondents.


Petitioners and the respondents signed, the article of incorporation of the Far Eastern Lumber and
Commercial Co., Inc., organized to engage in a general lumber business to carry on as general
contractors, operators and managers, etc. Immediately after the execution of said articles of
incorporation, the corporation proceeded to do business. Subsequently, the said articles of
incorporation were filed in the office of the SEC for the issuance of the corresponding certificate of
incorporation. Pending action, the respondents filed before the Court alleging among other things that
the Company was an unregistered partnership; that they wished to have it dissolved because of bitter
dissension among the members, mismanagement, fraud and heavy financial losses. The court
ordered the dissolution of the company. In the present special civil action the petitioners argued: that
the court had no jurisdiction to decree the dissolution of the company, because it being a de facto
corporation, dissolution thereof may only be ordered in a quo warranto proceeding instituted in
accordance with section 19 of the Corporation Law; that inasmuch as respondents Fred Brown and
Emma Brown had signed the article of incorporation but only a partnership.

ISSUE (1): Does a corporation exist in this case?



All the parties are informed that the SEC has yet issued the corresponding certificate of incorporation.
All of them ought to know, that the personality of a corporation begins to exist only from the moment
such certificate is issued — not before (sec. 11, Corporation Law). The complaining associates have
not represented to the others that they were incorporated any more than the latter had made similar
representations to them. And as nobody was led to believe anything to his prejudice and damage, the
principle of estoppel does not apply. This is not an instance requiring the enforcement of contracts
with the corporation through the rule of estoppel.

ISSUE (2): Was the court bereft of jurisdiction to decree the dissolution?



The contention of the petitioners is premised on the theory that, inasmuch as the Company is a de
facto corporation, section 19 of the Corporation Law applies, and therefore the court had no
jurisdiction to take cognizance of said case. Section 19 reads as follows:

. . . The due incorporation of any corporations claiming in good faith to be a corporation

under this Act and its right to exercise corporate powers shall not be inquired into collaterally in any
private suit to which the corporation may be a party, but such inquiry may be had at the suit of the
Insular Government on information of the Attorney-General.

However, this section does not govern the situation. Not having obtained the certificate of
incorporation, the Company — even its stockholders — may not probably claim "in good faith" to be a
corporation. The immunity of collateral attack is granted to corporations "claiming in good faith to be a
corporation under this act." Unless there has been an evident attempt to comply with the law, the
claim to be a corporation "under this act" could not be made "in good faith."

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