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Group # 3 Case Study

Group Leader: Sanchez, Ainsley Jouseph M. Section: HUMSS 12-1

Group Members: Aguila, Clariez Audrie T. and Gaupo, Hughie Lane G.

Demographic Profile:

Name: Marcel Civil Status: Single

Age: 21 years old Family Background:

Sex: Male Father: Deceased

Citizenship: African-American Mother: Alive

Gender: Bisexual No. of Siblings: 1 (Older

Occupation: Unemployed

Stage 1: Relationship Building

1. How do you feel today?

2. What is it that urged or encouraged you to come here?

3. Is there something that's hard for you to talk about?

4. How can you describe your childhood?

5. How was your relationship with your parents back then when you were a kid?

6. What was your escape mechanism whenever you face family issues before?

7. Did those escape mechanisms help? If yes, in what ways? If no, what do you think the
reason is?

8. What do you want to achieve after the sessions that we will be doing?

9. How would you like to help yourself?

10. Are you willing to do certain efforts in order to resolve your problems?
Stage 2: Assessment and Diagnosis

Main Problem: Marcel was raised and grew up in a dysfunctional family and his childhood
was not easy.

Illegal Sexual

Failure to Drug Abuse

Establish Self- and
Identity Dependency




Figure 1: Diagram of Marcel’s Problems

Marcel's drug addict parents were very abusive and they kicked him out of their house at
the early age of 14. Because of this, he was already homeless and was seeking shelter from the
local gay community. Since his family was dysfunctional and his father accused him of being gay,
Marcel failed to establish his own identity in his adolescence stage and this is possibly the reason
why he claimed that he is bisexual. Moreover, as his parents were drug addicts, it is possible that
he acquired a strong desire to use drugs because of them and is now more dependent on these.
Marcel was exposed in different types of drugs as he grow old. These drugs ranges from
inhalants, marijuana, crack, and amphetamines which are drugs that increases sexual drive.
Consequently, these drugs may also cause the alteration of his thoughts and emotions. Not
receiving any care from any of his family members, Marcel lived the rest of his life on his own and
is engaged into different sexual actions with both men and women. In exchange for drugs, he
offered sex instead as he was currently unemployed.

Stage 3: Formulation of Counseling Goals

Problem Counseling Goals Specific Goals:

1.) Refer to undergo psychotherapy as an

intervention for him to resolve his suppressed
emotions concerning the past issues with his
deceased father.
Psychosocial Developmental Goals
2.) Learn how to distance himself from those
people who engage in illegal sexual actions,
drug use, and alcoholism to avoid doing so,
since these practices are some of the
manifestations of his main problem.

1.) Contact his mother and have an intimate

conversation with her to resolve their issues by
expressing all their harbored thoughts and
Dysfunctional Psychological Goals feelings about their relationship from the past.
2.) Schedule a quality time with his older sister
in order to maintain their fair relationship and
even make it better.

1.) Since being unemployed is one of the

manifestations of his main problem, start looking
for a new activity that will allow him to acquire
and practice skills for him to find a job.
Unemployment Exploratory Goals

2.) Attend job fair and seminars and be patient

with finding a decent job while making an effort
in attaining the requirements needed
Figure 2: Table of Counseling Goals

Stage 4: Intervention and Problem-Solving

a.) Identify the problem.

Main problem: Marcel was raised and grew up in a dysfunctional family and his childhood
was not easy.

b.) Develop Alternatives

(1) Undergo psychotherapy as a counseling intervention in order to resolve his suppressed

emotions concerning the past issues with his deceased father.

(2) Reach out to his mother and talk about their thoughts and feelings about their
relationship before when he was still a kid.

(3) Contact his older sister and make time to have a bonding with her so that they will be
able to develop their fair relationship.

(4) Since one manifestation of his main problem is him being unemployed, try acquiring
new skills that are needed in order to find a decent job.

(5) Some of the other manifestations of his main problem are engagement to illegal sexual
actions, drug use, and alcoholism, therefore, learning to distance himself from those who can
influence him in doing such would help him maintain his self-control.

c.) Best Alternatives

(1) Undergo psychotherapy as a counseling intervention in order to resolve his suppressed

emotions concerning the past issues with his deceased father.

(2) Reach out to his mother and talk about their thoughts and feelings about their
relationship before when he was still a kid.

Stage 6: Research and Evaluation

Research Topics:
(1) Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) — from Mayo Clinic
(2) ADHD Medication Tied to Lower Risk for Alcohol, Drug Abuse in Teens and Adults — from
Science Daily
(3) Alcohol Alert— from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services)


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