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Arrange these words to make meaningful sentences.

1. publishing / when / been / book / I / for / first / had / 22 / I /my / teaching / years.
2. rented / house / had / before / living / years / in / we / houses / for / six / been /
bought / we / our.
3. been / long / had / you / before / a course / you / exam / entered / attending /
how / the / university?
4. long / how / driving / had / when / he / been / had / the driver / the / accident?
5. before / 20 / had / snowing / it / for / the match / the referee / minutes / stopped /

Comlete the sentences using Past Perfect Continuous

1. He broke his leg. He ............................ soccer. (play)
2. Everybody ................................ on the beach when it started to rain yesterday. (lie)
3. The teacher was very angry, he .............................. for the students to start the lesson for many
4. When I came home she ...................................... . (sleep)
5. He had a stomach-ache yesterday because he .................................. anythink since the morning.
(eat) (-)
6. I advised him to see his doctor on Friday. He ........................ well since last weekend. (feel) (-)
7. Before we left home, the children started to do their homework. When we arrived home, they
still ............................ their homework.(do)
8. Before she began speaking English fluently, she ............................ for it for a year. (pratise)
9. When we went to a hotel, we ........................... for a week. (travel)
10. When our teacher got retired, he .................. English for 21 years. (teach)

Past Perfect Progressive: Affirmative and Nagative Statements.

Comlete the sentences with the past perfect progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. 1.
We hadn’t been watching the news regularly before the Williams case. After that, we
watched it every night.
2. Before her accident ............................ (play) soccer every weekend. She had been the goalie all
3. I .......................................... (get together) with my friends because of my heavy schedule.
4. When you called, I ........................... (look) for my car keys. That’s why I sounded so upset.
5. Ben .............................. (fell) well. That’s why he made an appointment to seehis doctor.
6. It ............................................ (snow) before our trip. The weather cleared just before we left.

Past Perfect Prograssive: Questions and Short Ansver.

Complete the questions and write short answers where indicated. Use the past perfect progressive
form of the verb in parentheses.
1. A: Had you been living (live) in Florida long before you started your
B: No, we had’nt . We had just moved here.

2. A: Who ............................ you ....................... (talk) to about opening a store?

B: My lawyer.

3. A: ............................... Anette ...................... (study) hard for the test?

B: .......................... . Every night.

4. A: .......................... . He never complains about anything.

Make sentences in the perfect continuous tense, using the verbs in brackets.

1. When the bus finally arrived, I ........................ (wait) in the quene for over half an hour.
2. How long .................. you .................... (live) in İzmir when you were appointed to a school
in Balıkesir?
3. How long .................. the baby .................. (sleep) when the naughtyboy caused it to wake
4. I was exhausted last night because I ....................(work) all day yesterday.
5. When the rain started at noon today, we ............... (play) football for oven an hour.
6. When I became an English teacher in 1966, I .................. (teach) at a primary school for 18

Complete the sentences, using the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. I ..................... (feel) tired and sleepy yesterday because I ...................(not sleep) well
the previous night.
2. He ................... (take) a driving course for six months when he ................. (take) the
driving test.
3. When he ...................... (be appoint) as manager, he .................... (work) for the
company for over ten years.
4. We...................... (be) good friends since we ................... (start) to work in the same
hotel .
5. The candidate ........................ (tell) the the interviewer that he .................... (used)
computers for over three years.
6. He .................. (denty) that he ......................... (participate) in the robbery.
7. The witness .................... (insist) that he ........................ (see) the robbery clearly.
8. He finally ...................... (realise) that she ....................... (take) the wrong turning to
the station.
9. She ........................ (remember) that she ....................... (leave) her camera in the cfe next
to the museum.
10. When he ....................... (be invited) to the party, he .................... alredy .............. (make
up) his mind not to go.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past perfect continuous.

1. Sophie had been painting (paint) the walls all day before she finished them.
2. ........................... (you / wait) long when the boss announced that he could’nt see you?
3. Tom ....................... (look) for a job for six mounth when he found one.
4. We ......................... (watch) TV. For half an hour when the doorbell rang.
5. They ......................... (sunbathe) for an hour when it started to rain.
6. Stan ........................... (work) as a postman forty years when he retired.
7. I .............................. (live) in France for ten years when I met my husband.
Put the verbs in the correct from of the past perfect.
Kate: When I got back from school today, I found my mother climbing through the bedroom
Anna: (she / lose)had she lost her keys?
Kate: yes, she had.She (leave) ................................(1) them somewhere at the airport.
Anna: At the airport?
Kate: Yes, she had to collect my sister, Linda, from the airport this morning.
Anna: Where (Linda / go) .............................. (2) ?
Kate: She (be) ............................(3) on holiday in India.
Anna: Wow! How long (she / spend) .................................(4) there?
Kate: Two months. It was’nt her first visit. She (go) ...........................(5) there before.
Anna: Did she get you any thing nice in India?
Kate: Yes, she did. A lovely scarf. Come and I’ll show you.
Zoe: I went back to Ditchling last weekwnd.
Ben: When (you / last / go) ...................................(1) there?
Zoe: Twelve years ago!
Ben: It / change) ................................(2) a lot?
Zoe: Yes it had. They (knock) ...........................(3) down my parents old house and they
(build) ............................ (4) a supermarket instead. It was horrible!

Put the verbs in brackets in to the correct form of the past perfect simple.

1. Jason had returned (return) home before the storm broke out.
2. ......................................... (Lucy / pack) her suitcase by the time you called her?
3. The children ........................................ (finish) doing their homework by nine o’clock.
4. ........................................ (Juile / type) the letters by the time you called her?
5. I ....................................... (not / finish) my lunch when uncle Bill came.
6. After Sarah ................................(do) the shopping, she had coffee with her friends at a cafe.
7. When I got to the garage, the mechanic ............................ (not / repair) my car.
8. The boys were frightened because they ............................ (not / be) on a plane before.

In each sentences put one in the verb in the past simple and in the past perfect.

Example: After I (buy) my ticket, I (get) on the train to Stansted.

After I’d bought my ticket, I’got on the train to Stansted.
1. As soon as I (sit) down, the ticket inspector (ask) to see my ticket.
2. When I (show) him my ticket, I (get) out my book. ...........................
3. Before I (read) one page, my mobile phone (ring)..............................
4. I(just / finish) talking on the mobile when an annoying child (spill)
lemonade all over my knee..................................................................
5. After I (clean) up the mess, the same child (drop) a piece of chocolate
cake on my book..................................................................................
6. When I (get) all the cake off my book, I (decide) to move to another
seat. .....................................................................................................
7. I (just / move) to a nice quiet seat when the inspector (come) round
again. ...................................................................................................
8. After he (look) my ticket, (teel) me to move back to my old seat. .....
9. When he (hear) my story about the annoying child, he (say) it was OK
me to stay in my new seat. ..................................................................
10. As soon as I (pick up) my book again, the train (arrive) at Stansted...

Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the past perfect simple, positive or

finish play eat forget receive shut reserve see fly

Example: They did the washing up when they had finished eating.

1. They couldn’t get a room because they ............................ one.

2. The cake wasn’t cooked because I turn the oven on.
3. I did’nt recognise him because I .............................him for ages.
4. He read the letter which he ................................ before.
5. he was nervous on the plane because he ...................... before.
6. She won the match although she ............................ tennis for years.
7. It was easy for the thieves to get in because she .........................the windows on the ground
8. There wasn’t any food in the fridge because my brother ............................ it all.

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