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Online book recommendation system using Collaborative filtering

Recommendation systems were evolved as intelligent algorithms, which can

generate results in the form of recommendations to users. They reduce the
overhead associated with making best choices among the plenty. Now,
Recommender systems can be implemented in any domain from E-commerce to
network security in the form of personalized services. They provide benefit to
both the consumer and the manufacturer, by suggesting items to consumers,
which can’t be demanded until the recommendations. Every recommender
system comprises of two entities, one is user and other is item. A user can be any
customer or consumer of any product or items, who get the suggestions. Input to
recommendation algorithm can be a database of user and items and output
obliviously will be the recommendations. Input for this system is customers and
book data and output of this book denotes the book recommendations. This
paper presents a new approach for recommending books to the buyers. This
system consists of content filtering, collaborative filtering and association rule
mining to produce efficient recommendations.

Modules and their Description

The system comprises of 2 major modules with their sub-modules as follows:

1. User Modules:
 Registration / Login: User or customer should register with basic
details to make an account for buying the books online. Registered
User can login into the system with valid username and password.
 View Book Gallery: After Successful Login user can see all the
available books to buy online. The book gallery contains front image
of book, price, name etc. Clicking on particular book name it will
show brief overview about that book.
 Recommendations: When User come to website again the system
will show the recommendation of books using collaborative filtering.
 Add to Cart/Buy Now: User can buy book with two options like add
to cart and buy now. Within cart option User can add or remove
items and after confirmation payment procedure starts.
 Online Payment: User can buy the book by doing online Payment
with credit/debit card, while doing payment all the card details
mandatory like card number, CVV, name on card etc.
 Order Details: With this option user can view which books he/she
buy online with basic details of that book

Admin Modules:

 Login: Admin can login with valid username and password into
 Add Books: Admin have authority to add new books to sell online
with image, price and basic details of it.
 View Books: Admin can see all the available books with its details like
name, price etc.
 View Order Details: All the successful order details are visible to the
 View Users: Can view all the registered users with their details.

Hardware Requirement:

 i3 Processor Based Computer or higher

 Memory: 1 GB RAM
 Hard Drive: 50 GB
 Monitor
 Internet Connection

Software Requirement:

 Windows 7 or higher
 Visual studio 2010.
 SQL Server 2008.


 This system saves the precious time of customer and very efficient to use.
 Provides large number of choices for books & also recommend for books.
 User can buy book easily by making online payment
 The system recommending algorithm scale well with co-rated items.


 Dependent on human ratings for books


This application can be used by user who are fond of reading books.

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