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Institute of Applied Physics

University of Bern

Diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves

Assistent: Gerrit Held
office A74
[email protected]
September 2014

The goal of this lab course is to get familiar with the physical principle
of ultrasonic waves and its interaction with light. It will be investigated how
light diffracts in a transparent medium, which is subjected to periodic density
variations, and how this can be used to measure the speed of sound (SOS)
inside that medium within an accuracy of a few permille. For the implemen-
tation of automated data acquisition and image analysis basic knowledge of
LabView (Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench) and
MatLab is required.

1 Theory
1.1 The basics
For a general introduction into the theory behind, it is recommended to
read the literature as given in the references. This is in particular required
for the following topics: 1. generation of ultrasonic waves using piezoelec-
tric crystals([1], page 49ff), 2. properties of excited piezoelectric crystals
(resonance frequency, harmonic frequencies) ([1], page 231-236), 3. optical
approaches for the determination of the speed of sound ([1], page 173ff). Ref-
erence values for the speed of sound in different liquids in the table ([1], page
263). In addition to the provided references it is strongly advised to perform
a literature research (Library, Internet, etc.) for a sufficient preparation.

1.2 Diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves
The interaction of light and sound exhibits many interesting and useful ef-
fects. Sound waves can deflect light, change its frequency and modulate
its phase and amplitude. In turn the diffracted light can probe the spatial
distribution of acoustic energy in the sound beam and give information on
the velocity and attenuation of the sound wave and the elastic properties of
the material. In 1932 Debye and Sears discovered in the USA and Lucas
and Biquard discovered in France that transparent media diffract light when
an ultrasound wave is sent trough them. This effect is a consequence of a
periodical variation of the refractive index, which in turn is a consequence
of a local periodical pressure change caused by the ultrasound wave. This
periodic variation coincide with the wavelength of the sound field inside the
liquid. The periodic variation in the liquid act as phase grating on the light
beam, which incides perpendicular to the propagation direction of the waves,
leading to the appearance of diffraction phenomena.
To calculate the interference pattern on the screen we need to apply Huy-
gen’s principle. We consider every point on the exit plain x = a after the
ultrasound field as a starting point of a spherical wave with an amplitude and
phase of the light wave in this point, see Fig. 1. Since the exact solution of
the eikonal S in the domain of the ultrasonic wave is very difficult, we would
like to use an approximation in which the light rays pass in parallel through
the ultrasound field and are modulated only in the local and temporal phase.
This corresponds to a linear approximation of the eikonal and amplitude.

S = n(y, t)x and A = A0

In this approximation all the polarization directions are identical, so we

can abandon the vector notation. In region I we have parallel light so

EI = A0 ei(ωt−k0 x) (1)

, where k0 is the wavevector k0 = λ0
and n, the index of refraction

In region II, from our assumption

EII = A0 ei(ωt−k0 n(y,t)∗x)) (2)

we consider region III as a superposition of spherical waves ∆EIII
∆EIII = EII ∗ ∗ ei(ωt−k0 R)) ∗ ∆y (3)

Figure 1: scheme of diffraction principle; I, II and III indicate different re-
gions, before and after the diffraction of the incident planar light waves

For large R or observations around small angles

= r − y ∗ sin(ϕ) (4)
We assume that the ultrasonic wave propagates in the y-direction, thus

n(y, t) = n0 + ∆n0 sin(Ωt − Ky) (5)

where K is the wavenumber K = 2π Λ
and Ω is the oscillation frequency of
piezoelectric element.
Together with equation (2), (3) and (4) we get

A0 i(ωt−k0 n0 a−k0 r)) Z −i(k0 ∆∗n0 ∗a∗sin(Ωt−Ky))−k0 ∗y∗sin(ϕ)

EIII = e e dy (6)
After expanding the ei∗sin -function into a Fourier series and introducing
the Bessel function J, the integral EIII can be solved and expressed in terms
of intensity:

 h i 2
A20 l2 X 2 sin 2l (k0 sin(ϕ) − νk)
I= 2 J (k0 ∆n0 a) ∗ 
 (7)
r 2 0
(k sin(ϕ) − νK)
The function sinx2 x is maximal for x = 0 and drops rapidly from each side
of x = 0. Thus we have strong intensity (interference fringes) around the
angles ϕν in our wave field (r >> l). For small angles we obtain
sin(ϕν ) = ν (8)
where ϕν is the angle of the ν-th diffraction maximum, λ is the optical
wavelength and Λ is the acoustic wavelength resp. the phase lattice constant.

Figure 2: plot of sinc-function; note that the distance of the interference

fringes from each other is the same as with a diffraction grating with a lattice
constant of the length of the ultrasonic wave

By determining the diffraction angle ϕν , based on the distances between

the different diffraction maximums, we can determine the phase grating lat-
tice constant, which corresponds to the acoustic wavelength. By applying
the known relation between speed of sound, acoustic frequency and acoustic
wavelength, the speed of sound can be calculated as the following
cspeedof sound = Λ ∗ f0 = ∗ f0 (9)
sin(ϕν )
where f0 refers to the excitation frequency of the piezoelectric element.

1.3 Experimental determination of the speed of sound
in a liquid using optical diffraction
Making use of the diffraction of monochromatic light with a given wave-
length λ by an ultrasonic wave, we can determine the ultrasonic wavelength
Λ inside the medium. By measuring the frequency, f0 ,of the electric excita-
tion of the piezoelectric crystal, we can determine the speed of sound inside
the medium. A helium-neon (He-Ne) laser is used a light source, which pro-
vides monochromatic and collimated beam of light with a well-known optical
wavelength. For the determination of the observed diffraction angles, precise
distance measurements are required. The determination of the excitation
frequency, f0 , will be performed using a digital oscilloscope.
It is possible to determine an absolute value of the speed of sound inside
the medium with an accuracy of a few permille, when the experiments are
performed in an accurate way.

1.4 Temperature dependence of the speed of sound

The measured speed of sound inside the liquid is strongly depending on
the temperature of the medium. With the previously described method of
determining the speed of sound based on light diffraction, even very small
temperature changes and therefore changes in SOS can be detected. During
the SOS measurement it is therefore important to measure in addition the
temperature of the medium. Single SOS measurements for different temper-
atures, can be used to determine the temperature coefficient, which allows a
scaling of the observed SOS values and therefore a comparison at 20◦ C.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Experimental setup
A scheme of the experimental setup can be seen in Fig. 3. The main com-
ponents are the following:

• He-Ne Laser as coherent and monochromatic light source (λ= 633nm)


• Lens systems, consisting of an microscope objective and two lenses

(O, L1 , L2 )

Figure 3: experimental setup: P = piezoelectric crystal with HF-oscillator,
oscilloscope to determine excitation frequency, HF-amplifier and Impedance
to avoid feedback loops. T = USB-temperature sensor. Arrangement of
components for optical diffraction : L = lightsource (He-Ne Laser); O =
microscope objective; L1 = lens (f1 = 200 mm); Q = glass cuvette with
piezoelectric crystal; L2 = lens (f2 = 100 mm); S = difffraction pattern on
CCD chip (CMOS VGA Chip, OV7720)

• OV7720/OV7221 CMOS VGA (640x480) Camera Chip Sensor (S)

and lab computer
(Datasheet of CMOS VGA sensor see material; pixel size: 6.0µm x

• Glass cuvette filled with ethanol (Q)

• Piezoelectric element (P)

• Highfrequency (HF) source, consisting of HF-oscillator (Wavetek) and

HF-amplifier, control of piezoelectric element

• Oscilloscope

• USB-temperaturesensor GO!Temp (T)

(Range: -20◦ C bis 110◦ C, Resolution: 0.07◦ C, Error: ±0.5◦ C)

2.2 Lightsource
As coherent, monochromatic light source a ”Uniphase” He-Ne laser is used.
It emits light at a wavelength of 633nm and has a average power of around
1 mW. To avoid an overexposure of the CCD ship, different grey-filters are
available for optical attenuation.

2.3 Generation of ultrasonic waves

The experiments will be performed in two different liquids: water and ethanol.
The ultrasonic waves are generated with an oscillating piezoelectric ele-
ment. It is important that the piezoelectric element is used only inside
the liquid . Otherwise it will break due to the much smaller damping in
air. The thickness of the element is 3.2 mm.
By using of a serie-inductance (grey metal box between piezo element and
HF-amplifier) it is possible to adapt the impedance of the amplifier to the
impedance of the element.This avoids feedback loops which can harm the

2.4 Frequency measurement

The oscillation frequency of the piezo element will be determined with the
digital oscilloscope. The resonance frequency of the piezoelectric element
can be determined experimentally, when the maximum number of diffraction
maximums is observed.

2.5 Diffraction pattern

The diffraction pattern, consisting of equidistant spots of high intensity
(diffraction maximums) is projected on the CCD chip which can be read
in real-time using the corresponding camera software PS3.exe. The corre-
sponding icon can be found on the desktop of the lab computer. This can be
very convenient during the alignment of the setup, for real-time feedback. It
is recommended to use Matlab or ImageJ for the image analysis and exact
distance determination between the different spots. A more sophisticated
way of analysis, which is required for the ethanol measurements and which
leads usually to a higher accuracy of the results, is an automated and em-
bedded read out of the camera, combined with the temperature sensor, using

2.6 Properties of Ethanol
At T = 25.5◦ C:
• Index of refraction:
n = 1.3597 at λ = 589nm
n = 1.3597 at λ = 656nm
(H2 O for comparison: n = 1.332)

• density ρ = 0.785g/cm3

• for more properties, check literature.

2.7 Temperature dependency

Because of the strong temperature dependency of the measured SOS, it is
important to record the temperature of the liquid during the experiments.
Therefore it is required to implement a small LabVIEW program, which
reads out the temperature in certain time intervals and simultaneously saves
the corresponding diffraction pattern. It is possible, in addition, to read
out the digital oscilloscope at the same time, for an indication of the used
excitation frequency of the piezoelectric element. For the performance of
the temperature dependent measurement of ethanol, cooled ethanol ( 8◦ C)
will be provided by the lab course supervisor. To have an estimation for the
temperature dependence, the SOS will be measured during the temperature
increase from 8◦ C to room temperature ( 23◦ C). For an improved accuracy
of the temperature coefficient, the measured temperature range can also be
inverted by warming the ethanol up inside the glass cuvette , i.e. using
warm water bath, and let it cool down until it reaches room temperature.
The measured temperature range should be around room temperature +/-
15◦ C.

2.8 LabVIEW
For an overview and introduction into the software-package LabVIEW the
following book [2] can be used. In addition many LabVIEW tutorials for
basic programming can be found on the internet.

2.8.1 Integration of ’EyeToy PS 3 camera’ in LabVIEW

For the integration of the ’PS3-camera’ into LabVIEW, an additional soft-
ware package NI-IMAQdx was added to the standard installation of Lab-
VIEW. The additional functionalities and control buttons can be found in

LabVIEW -’Functions’-folder under ’Functions: Vision and Motion’. For a
further explanantion of how to control the camera in LabVIEW, see provided
reference folder.

2.8.2 Integration of USB-temperature sensor in LabVIEW

To integrate the USB-temperature sensor Go!Temp, Go!Labview-Routines1
have been installed, in addition to the standard installation of LabVIEW.
These can be found under LabVIEW -’Functions’-Panel under ’User Libraries/GO!’.
Example programs of how to integrate the USB-sensor can be found on the
desktop of the lab computer.

2.9 Analysis of diffraction patterns using ImageJ

ImageJ is a ’public domain’ image processing software (freeware).The soft-
ware and documentation can be found and downloaded under
To determine the distance between to diffraction maximums, the function
’Plot Profile’ in the menu ’Analyze’2 can be used. Note: The image analysis
can also be performed using LabView or Matlab.

3 Excercises
3.1 Theoretical Preparation
Acquire knowledge over the following topics:

• Basic principle of the generation of ultrasonic waves (frequency range,

piezoelectric elements, properties of ultrasound waves, Resonance

• Basic principle of propagation ultrasonic waves in a finite medium

(’standing’ waves, solution for wave equation for periodical excitation)

• Arrangement of components in experimental setup: Which purpose

has each individual element in the setup (Figure 3)? What is the
relation between the focal distance f2 and the distance between the
diffraction maximums?

• Careful preparation of the SOS measurements in liquids using light
diffraction by ultrasonic waves: Planing of the experiment and
analysis, Estimation of influence of refraction at transition air-glass

• Estimation of influence of different error sources (propagation of error)

3.2 Experiments
• Measurement of resonance frequencies of the piezoelectric element in
water and determination of eigenfrequency with a high accuracy;
comparison to theoretical value;

• Experimental determination of the speed of sound in ethanol using

light diffraction by ultrasonic waves

• Create LabVIEW program for the experimental determination of the

temperature coefficient of SOS in ethanol within a temperature range
of around 8◦ C to 35◦ C. Apply determined temperature coefficient to
compare measured SOS value with literature value (usually at 20◦ C).

• Discussion of influence of various error sources and estimation of

relative and absolute measurement accuracy of the speed of sound

[1] L. Bergmann. Der Ultraschall und seine Anwendung in Wissenschaft und
Technik. S. Hirzel Verlag Zürich, 5 edition, 1949.

[2] B. Mütterlein. Handbuch für die Programmierung mit LabVIEW. Else-

vier, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-8274-1761-9.


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