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Name: Debarghya Das

PRN NO:18021141033

Oberoi Hotels: Train Whistle in the Tiger Reserve

1) Imagine yourself in the shoes of consultant to Mr. Vikram, What you
would have recommended in terms of managing guest complaint? What
is primary driver of your recommendation?
Ans: A decision of refunding the charge of 3rd night reservations. It is
recommended that the guests should also be provided with the other
facilities free of costs as well as few complimentary gifts in order to regain
the lost confidence of the customer. Furthermore, the customer should also
be assured that the weaknesses identified by him would be resolved as
quickly as possible.
Oberoi hotel is a well renowned 5-star luxury hotels which is well known
for its excellent quality services as well as exceptional customer care
services. The top management of the hotel focuses extensively on the
customer care services of the hotel as they think that the excellent
customer care services is the only key to attract the customers towards the
The top management of the hotel provides various customer care facilities
to its customers, which include greeting cards and presents, complimentary
gifts, free birthdays and wedding gift hampers, and various discounted and
complimentary packages in order to attract the customers towards the
The top management of the hotel has established a highly proficient
customer care department, which provides its customers with
questionnaire with respect to their perceptions and views related to the
quality of the service of the hotel.
The responses of the question aries are reviewed regularly and if any
weakness is identified by the customer, then the management makes quick
steps to overcome such weakness in order to maintain the quality of the
services up to mark.
In addition to this, the hotel offers attractive membership benefits to its
valuable members which includes complimentary hotel stays, free facilities,
and high value merchandise products. Moreover, the hotel organised
annual dinners and functions and monthly presentations in which the
employees, members and profitable customers of the hotel are also invited.
Furthermore, the hotel is also involved in various charity programs as well
as it also provides donations to various human welfare institutions. This
enhances the overall customer base of the hotel as well as this also acts as a
competitive edge for the hotel.
2) What is your assessment of eMpower? How it incentivises front line
people to be empathetic / attentive? Will it work on sustainable basis?
Ans: The waiters and other staff of the hotel is trained in such a way that
they identifies, observes and understands the contextual backgrounds of
the customers, especially the likes and dislikes of the customers. The
waiters and other staff are supposed to retain the contextual backgrounds
and likes and dislikes of the customers and they provides facilities to the
customers in accordance with their contextual background emphasizing on
the things they like and avoiding the things they do not like.
The management of the hotel also makes various strategies in order to
retain the contextual backgrounds of their profitable and recurring
customers to provide them services in accordance with their likes whenever
they arrive. These anticipatory services offered by the hotel attract the
customers towards the brand, which subsequently enhances the overall
loyalty of the customers towards the brand and hence it increases the
overall competitiveness of the hotel and allows the hotel to secure a
leading position in the entire industry.
3) What advice do you have in terms of Oberoi's Growth plan?
Ans: The top management of the hotel has a well-established and a highly
skilled human resource department which makes its back breaking efforts
in order to recruit highly skilled and well educated workforce who bears the
necessary skills to compete in a challenging environment.
The workforce recruited by the hotel are university graduates, who possess
excellent communication and interpersonal skills, as well as they are well
versed in English language and are highly motivated and they have a
positive attitude towards learning and overall growth in their professional
career. The top management of the hotel has set a code of conduct, which
is required to be followed by the employees of the hotel in order to
maintain the overall professionalism and a decent & disciplinary
environment within the hotel. In addition to this, 85% employees of the
hotel are single in order to ensure a work life balance in the employees.
Moreover, the employees of the hotel are well trained by the management
of the company. A professional training with respect to dealing with
customers and performing day to day activities is provided to the
employees of the company.
Furthermore, a performance evaluation of the employees of the hotel is
made by the top management of the hotel on timely basis and attractive
incentives and bonuses are provided to the best performers. Moreover,
annual bonuses, effective learning, and handsome salary packages are
provided to the employees of the hotel in order to keep them motivated.
4) Can it be replicated effectively in other services?
Ans: Hospitality marketing is unique because it deals with the tangible
product, like a bed in the hotel or food in the restaurant, but it also deals
with the intangible aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry. It is
about the experience in a trip and social status it brings eating in a fine-
dining restaurant.

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