c4-10 Bored Piling Works

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C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Related Sections 1
National Productivity and Quality Specifications (NPQS)

C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Standards and Regulations
1.4 Trade Preambles 2
1.5 Definitions 5

2.1 Requirements for Design Verification 6
2.2 Performance Criteria for Piles Under Test 6
2.3 Permissible Damage Criteria for Existing Critical Structures or Services 6

3.1 Source of Materials 8
3.2 Drilling Fluid 8
3.3 Water 8
3.4 Concrete 8
3.5 Grout 8
3.6 Reinforcement 8
3.7 Temporary Casings 8
3.8 Permanent Steel Casings 9

4.1 General Workmanship Requirements 10
4.2 Trial Bores 10
4.3 Boring Excavation 10
4.4 Use of Drilling Fluid 12
4.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases 12
4.6 Reinforcement 12
4.7 Pile Casting 13
4.8 Backfilling Empty Boring 16
4.9 Grouting of Piles 16
4.10 Tolerances 17
4.11 Protection to Piles 18
4.12 Replacement of Piles 18
4.13 Cleaning Up 18
4.14 Non-Performance of Working Piles 18
4.15 Cutting Off Pile Heads 19
4.16 Noise and Disturbance 19
4.17 Final Survey and As-Built Drawing 19


5.1 Submissions 20

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C4-10 Bored Piling Works

5.2 Inspection and Test Certificates 21

5.3 Tests 22
5.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid 22
5.5 Pile Testing 23
5.6 Records 24

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.

1.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for the construction of bored piles including:
a. In-situ concrete piles
b. Micro piles
The piles may be used as foundations to support principally vertical loads, or may be
used to form embedded retaining walls resisting principally horizontal loads.
This document is supplementary to section C4-10 of the NPQS. It provides project
specific data to be read in conjunction with the main section. All modification and
additions noted in this documents take precedence over clauses noted in the main

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections as follows:
C1-20 Condition Survey and Monitoring
C2- 10 Site Investigation
C2-50 Instrumentation and Monitoring
C4-30 Pile Testing
C3-10 Concrete Construction Generally
C3-20 Reinforcement

1.3 Standards and Regulations

1.3.1 Standards
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, ensure all of the Works comply with the relevant
requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the body of
the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be proposed for approval by
the SO, provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes
comply with the requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes
quoted are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Singapore Standards
SS 31 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
SS 78: Part A16 Testing Concrete. Method of determination of compressive
strength of concrete cubes
SS CP 4 Foundations
SS CP 65: Part 1 Structural use of concrete. Design and Construction
SS CP 79 Safety management system for construction worksites
Other Standards

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

API Specification Drilling Fluid

13A 5th Edition
API-RP-13B-1 2nd Standard procedure for field-testing water-based drilling fluid
BS 1305 Batch type concrete mixers
BS EN 1008 Mixing water for concrete, specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water
BS 5228 Noise and vibration control on construction and open sites
Part 1(1997) Code of practice for basic information and
procedures for noise and vibration control
Part 4 (1992) Code of practice for noise and vibration control
applicable to piling operation
BS 5930 Code of practice for site investigations
BS 7123 Metal arc welding of steel for concrete reinforcement
BS 8004 Code of practice for foundations
BS 8008 Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the construction
and descent of machine-bored shaft piling and other purposes.
BS EN 1538 Execution of special geotechnical work – Diaphragm Walls

1.3.2 Technical References

Refer to the following technical reference for guidance in carrying out the works:
a. BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low-rise building.
b. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, England (CIRIA)
Report 104 (1984) Design of retaining wall embedded in stiff clay.

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Design Verification

Engage technically competent personnel with relevant geotechnical experience to
SO’s acceptance, to carry out:
a. Verification of material excavated at the intended pile founding level as consistent
with the design requirements.
b. Design verification checks based on actual ground conditions to determine the
required length of each pile and ensure that the specified working load and
settlement criteria of the piles are achieved.
c. Proposals to amend the design including compensating piles as necessary in the
event that for any reasons the installed piles do not perform as intended.
d. Proposals to amend the pilecap design of the building in the event that the piles
are installed out of the permitted tolerance.
e. Proposals as a response plan in the event that measures taken to control ground
movement and vibration do not perform satisfactorily.
Take into account of the design requirements as set out in Clause 2.1 below.

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C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Submit the design to the SO for acceptance. Design proposals in (c) to (d) are to be
endorsed by a PE (Civil).
Submit the CV of the personnel to be engaged for the above including the PE’s, for
SO’s acceptance.

1.4.2 Building Damage Assessment

Carry out a Building Damage Assessment on the effects of ground movement to the
neighbouring properties due to the works, for the purpose of establishing suitable
values for ‘Alert’ and “Work Suspension’ levels for monitoring. Submit to SO with
endorsement from a PE.

1.4.3 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate with other contractors who may carry out other works at the same time at
the site. Take into account of site access, space occupation, safety and safeguarding
of adjoining properties and each other’s works.

1.4.4 Condition Survey

Where applicable, prior to and upon completion of the site works, carry out a
condition survey to adjacent buildings in accordance with the requirements of section
C1-20 “Condition Survey and Monitoring”. Submit all records to the SO and adjacent
property owners where directed.
Keep a copy of the survey report on site ready for inspection.

1.4.5 Instrumentation and Monitoring

Provide instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, vibration and condition of
adjacent properties. Refer to Section C2-50, Clause 3.1, and the drawings for the
schedule of instrumentation required. If necessary or as required by the authorities,
propose and provide additional instrumentation and monitoring for records.
Take cognisance of and co-ordinate with other contractors on site who may be
carrying out instrumentation and monitoring works to avoid duplication of installation
and readings.
For general requirements of the instrumentation and monitoring works refer to
Section C2-50.

1.4.6 Upholding of Adjoining Properties

Accept responsibility for the upholding of the adjoining buildings and roads, footpaths
etc., where applicable, together with the mains and services from the time of taking
possession of the site through the duration of the works.
Adequately maintain roads and footpaths within and adjacent to the site and keep
clear of mud and debris.

1.4.7 Verification of Site Information Site Surveys

Verify and be satisfied that the information given in the existing site survey plans
provided are accurate. If necessary, engage a registered Surveyor to carry out
additional site survey before commencing any work.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works Additional site investigation

Carry out additional ground investigation where additional information is needed for
the works or when directed by the SO. Carry out the works in compliance with
Section C2-10 “Site Investigation”.
Carry out the boreholes progressively prior to commencement of the works in areas
according to the contractor’s construction programme. On completion of drilling,
backfill the boreholes with a suitable bentonite/cement mix.
Submit the location and schedule for the boreholes to SO’s acceptance prior to
carrying out the works. On completion, prepare the site investigation report and
submit to the SO for acceptance. Groundwater level

Verify the data on groundwater level from available ground investigation reports. Contamination
Verify information on contamination identified or believed to be present on site.
In the event that contamination is either positively identified or suspected, draw to the
attention of all personnel working on site together with the need to take any
precautionary measures in handling contaminated materials, groundwater and
obnoxious vapours from the ground.

1.4.8 Existing Services Affected by the Works

Refer to Preliminaries and conditions of contract for the requirements to deal with
existing services affected by the works.

1.4.9 Site Protection

Protect all equipment and working area using fencing or other methods as accepted.

1.4.10 Obstructions
If any obstructions such as existing fences, structures, footings, boulders, concrete
blocks, pipes, drains, driveways or ramp are encountered during excavation, submit
proposals for their removal for the SO's acceptance.

1.4.11 Supervision of the Works

Engage a competent and suitably experienced site engineer to the SO’s acceptance,
to supervise the field works.

1.4.12 Quality Control Plan

Submit and work to a quality control plan as agreed with the SO. Refer to the General
Requirements section, clause 1.4.10 for guidance.

1.4.13 Safety
Provide safety precautions to comply with all current legislation and regulations,
f. Building Control Regulations
g. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

h. Factories (Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction)

i. Factories Act
j. SS CP 79 Safety management system for construction worksites
k. For works within LTA Railway Protection Zone, ensure the works comply fully with
Code of Practice for Railway Protection.
Additionally, comply also with the following:
a. BRE Digest 251 (1995) Assessment of damage in low rise building
b. BS 8008: Guide to safety precautions and procedures for the construction and
descent of machine-bored shaft for piling and other purposes

1.4.14 As-Build Pile Surveys

Employ a Licensed Surveyor who is to be responsible for surveying pile locations and
eccentricities and submit the as–build survey to the SO in format as directed within
14 days after the piles have been trimmed to the cut-off level.

1.5 Definitions
a. Pile Dimensions Piles dimension specified in pile layout drawing(s) /
piling schedule are the minimum acceptable
b. Rock Material classified as grade I to III In table 10 “Scale
of weathering grades of rock mass” in BS 5930:

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


2.1 Requirements for Design Verification

The required working load and sizes of the piles are indicated in the drawings,
together with an indication of the required pile penetration depth.
Based on actual ground conditions encountered as revealed by boring logs or ground
investigations, carry out design check to confirm the required pile length as to
achieve the specified working loads within the specified limits for load settlement
behaviour as indicated in Clause 2.2. Account for effects of negative skin friction
where applicable.
Verify the design based on SS CP 4 unless otherwise agreed.

2.2 Performance Criteria for Piles Under Test

Any of the piles, when under static or dynamic load test, is to satisfy the performance
criteria as set out below, unless otherwise specified in the PSD:
a. The maximum permitted settlement at one time the specified working load (SWL)
is to be 7mm, increased by 2.2% for every meter depth of pile length beyond
b. The maximum permitted settlement at two times SWL is to be 13mm for SWL 
65 tonnes, increasing by 0.2mm for every tonne above 65 tonnes, until maximum
The maximum permitted permanent or residual settlement after removal of the test
load is 13mm.
Any of the piles, when under static or dynamic load test, is to satisfy the performance
criteria as set out below:
Specified Permitted Permitted Permitted Max. Permitted
Working Load Settlement at Settlement at Settlement at Permanent
(SWL) 1*xSWL 1.5*xSWL 2*xSWL Settlement
(kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

In addition, the overall pile capacity is to have at least a factor of safety of 2.5 against
design ultimate compression and lateral loads, respectively and at least a factor of
safety of 3.0 against design ultimate tension load.

2.3 Permissible Damage Criteria for Existing Critical Structures or

Based on the results of the damage assessment as set out in Clause 1.4.2, propose
the allowable ground settlement and vibration limits due to the works taking into
account the vulnerability and sensitivity of the adjacent properties.
State the values for alert and work suspension levels in the submission in accordance
with the requirements of Building Control Act [Section 7(2)] Annex (BE/CP/5).

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Notwithstanding the above, ensure that the ground movements and vibrations
generated by the works comply with the following if more stringent:
a. Generally comply with the requirements of BS 5228 Part 1.
b. The vibration generated by the works in MRT structures not to exceed a peak
particle velocity of 15mm/s.
c. Unless otherwise directed, refer to Section C2-50, Clause 4.2.2 for general
restrictions on ground movements and vibration limits for adjacent structures
where relevant.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


3.1 Source of Materials

Do not change sources of supply until it has been demonstrated that the materials
from the new source can meet all the specified requirements.
Remove from site any material that fail to comply with the specification.

3.2 Drilling Fluid

3.2.1 General Requirement

Where drilling fluid is used it is to be such as to:
a. Provide continuous support of the excavation
b. Be easily displaced during concreting
c. Not pollute the ground at any stage
d. Not coat the reinforcement such as to impair the steel/concrete bond
Drilling fluid including Bentonite supplied to the site and prior to mixing is to be in
accordance with API Specification 13A 5th Edition (1993) Drilling Fluid.

3.3 Water
Water used for the construction is to be clean and free from harmful matter in solution
or suspension.
If taken from a source other than the Public Utilities Board, water is to be tested in
accordance with BS EN 1008.

3.4 Concrete
Refer to section C3-10, clause 3.0 for general requirement of concrete.

3.5 Grout
Grout containing fine aggregate may be used in place of concrete. Constituents are
to be water, ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate where permitted and
admixtures subject to agreement.

3.5.1 Minimum Cement Content

Minimum cement content is to be 400kg/m³ for concrete to be placed under water or
drilling fluid by tremie method.

3.5.2 Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate is to be In accordance with grading C or M of SS 31(1998) Table 6.

3.6 Reinforcement
Refer to section C3-20, clause 3.0 for general requirements of reinforcement.

3.7 Temporary Casings

Unless otherwise agreed with the SO, temporary casings of accepted quality or an
accepted alternative method is to be used to maintain the stability of pile excavation.
Propose to SO’s acceptance, the depth, size and thickness of casing to be provided.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Temporary casings are to be free from significant distortion. They are to be of uniform
cross-section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they are to be
free from internal projections and encrusted concrete, which might prevent proper
formation of the piles.

3.8 Permanent Steel Casings

When permanent casings are required, use S275 steel sections in compliance with
BS EN 10210.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


4.1 General Workmanship Requirements

Ensure the equipment set up and installation procedures are in conformance with SS
CP 4.

4.1.1 Depth of Penetration

Install each pile to a penetration as indicated in the drawings or as adjusted as a
result of the design verification check.

4.1.2 Socketing of End Bearing Piles

For all piles indicated as end bearing in the drawings or schedules, form a socket of
depth at least 1m or 1 times diameter, whichever is larger, into the material that
meets the founding conditions, unless indicated in the drawings or modified as a
result of the verification check in clause 1.4.1, as approved by the SO.

4.1.3 Pile Toe

Adopt a construction method, which ensures that the soil below the pile is not
softened. Ensure that no drilling fluid or slurry remains at the base of the pile.

4.1.4 Continuity of Construction Time for Excavation and Concreting

Each pile is to be excavated and concreted within twenty-four hours from the start of
excavation below any temporary casing.
Where this time restraint cannot reasonably be met, set out an alternative in the
method statement together with an estimate of the likely effect on the performance
and capacity of the pile. Construction without temporary casing

A pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of temporary casing or
other form of support is to be bored and concreted without prolonged delay and in
any case soon enough to ensure that the performance of the pile is not impaired.

4.2 Trial Bores

Conduct trial bores to confirm the ground conditions and the feasibility of the
proposed method of installation.
Agree with the SO on the location, depth and size of the trial bores.

4.3 Boring Excavation

4.3.1 General
Submit a detailed method statement clarifying the procedure for installing the bored
piles including the method of overcoming any obstructions encountered and drilling
through hard rock for SO’s acceptance. The method of excavation is to ensure no soil
collapse in the bored holes. Do not commence working pile excavation before
method of excavation is accepted.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Carry out boring excavation generally using boring or reversed circulation drilling
equipment operating at the existing ground level.
Provide temporary steel casing and drilling fluid if necessary to support the
excavation. Ensure the extreme dimensions (teeth to teeth) of the boring bucket or
auger is not smaller than the specified pile diameter.
Do not dewater within the excavated bored holes.

4.3.2 Boring Proximity

Do not bore so close to piles that have been recently cast which contain workable or
partially set concrete that a flow of concrete or instability could be induced or damage
sustained by any previously formed piles.
Boring is to be kept clear from a minimum distance of 5 times pile diameter from a
newly cast pile within 24 hours after casting.

4.3.3 Ground Conditions

Report to the SO immediately any apparent variance in the ground conditions from
those reported or might have been inferred from reports.

4.3.4 Rock Socketting and Obstructions

When socketting through rock had been called for or in the event of encountering
obstructions below ground level during boring, use reverse circulation drilling method,
chiselling or propose other means for SO’s acceptance to bore through the
obstruction or rock.
Should the reverse circulation drilling method fail to clear the obstruction or rock,
propose and employ other methods including predrilling with coring to assist in the
clearing of the obstructions.

4.3.5 Temporary Casing

Unless otherwise agreed, provide a temporary casing of appropriate size and length
to support the excavation. Use low vibration equipment to install and extract casing
for bores in built-up areas.

4.3.6 Pumping from Pile Excavation

Do not pump from a pile excavation unless a casing has been placed into a stable
stratum, which prevents the flow of water from other strata in significant quantities
into the boring, or unless it can be shown that pumping will not have detrimental
effect on the surrounding soil or property.

4.3.7 Determining Penetration Depth

Verify soil extracted as consistent with design assumptions in accordance with clause
1.4.1above. Terminate boring at the level indicated in the drawings, subject to
modifications as a result of verification check in clause 1.4.1. and to SO’s approval.
Keep soil samples drilled at strata change and at 3m intervals for records, unless
otherwise indicated in PSD.
Keep soil samples at intervals of      m for records.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

4.4 Use of Drilling Fluid

4.4.1 Proposal for Use

Propose to the SO’s acceptance on the need to use drilling fluid. If acceptable,
propose suitable type and method of drilling fluid to be used.

4.4.2 Storage
Store solid additives in separate waterproof stores or containers, which will prevent
the materials from becoming contaminated.

4.4.3 Use
Use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions unless there is a
demonstrable reason to do otherwise.

4.4.4 Mixing
Mix drilling fluid thoroughly with clean fresh water to make a suspension, which will
maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period necessary to place concrete
and complete construction.
Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, take special
precautions to modify the drilling fluid suspension or prehydrate the drilling fluid in
fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the construction of piles.

4.4.5 Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid

Where the use of drilling fluid is accepted for maintaining the stability of a boring,
maintain the level of the fluid in the excavation so that the fluid pressure always
exceeds the pressures exerted by the soils and groundwater. Use an adequate
temporary casing in conjunction with the method to ensure stability of the strata near
ground level until concrete has been placed.
Maintain the fluid level at a level not less than 2m above the level of the groundwater
unless otherwise agreed.
In the event of a rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, backfill the
excavation without delay and inform the SO immediately. Obtain directions from the
SO before excavation at that location is resumed.

4.4.6 Spillage and Disposal

Take all reasonable steps to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid suspension on the
site in areas outside the immediate vicinity of boring. Remove discarded drilling fluid
from the site without delay. Disposal of drilling fluid is to comply with the regulations of
the appropriate authority.

4.5 Cleanliness of Pile Bases

On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, remove all loose, disturbed
or remoulded soil or rock from the base of the pile while avoiding disturbance to the
ground below the base. Maintain the stability of the bore at all times, using
appropriate levels of support fluid as required.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

4.6 Reinforcement

4.6.1 General
Refer to section C3-20, clause 4.0.

4.6.2 Fixing
Keep the number of joints in the longitudinal bars to a minimum. Arrange the joints
such that the full strength of each bar is effective.
Ensure the reinforcement cages are sufficiently rigid to enable them to be handled,
placed and concreted without damage.
Welding is to be in accordance with BS 7123.

4.6.3 Placing
Lower the steel reinforcement accurately into position with sufficient spacer blocks to
ensure the correct cover is maintained at all times. Spacer blocks are to be of
suitable durability. Allow a vertical tolerance of +150/-50mm on the level of the
reinforcement projecting above the cut-off level.

4.6.4 Cover to Reinforcement

Ensure cover provided comply with SS CP 65 and SS CP 4, unless otherwise
indicated in the drawings.

4.7 Pile Casting

Read these clauses in conjunction with section C3-10, clause 4.1 to 4.3.

4.7.1 General
Adopt a method of placing, and a suitable workability of the concrete, so as to form a
continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section.
Place the concrete without such interruption as would allow the workability of the
previously placed batch to have deteriorated significantly. The method of placing is to
be accepted by the SO. If necessary, incorporate an accepted set retarding additive
into the mix in order to ensure extended workability of the concrete after placement.
Take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to avoid
arching of the concrete in a casing.
Prevent contamination of the concrete by spoil, liquid or other foreign matter.

4.7.2 Workability of Concrete

Use slump testing for mixes with workability type A as in Table 4.7.2 below. Use flow
testing as alternative workability test for higher workability mixes if practical, submit
proposals for SO’s acceptance.
Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile shaft or at the time of
discharge into the concrete pump hopper is to be in accordance with the standards
shown in the table below, unless otherwise agreed.
Do not use a concrete pump to place tremie concrete directly into the pile shaft.
Table 4.7.2
Target flow Slump Typical condition of use

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Class of mm Min Max

Workability (mm) (mm)
A Not 75 125 Placed into water-free or permanently lined shaft;
applicable reinforcement spaced at not less than 100mm centres
B 500+/-50 100 175* Where reinforcement is spaced at less than 600mm, or
pile bore is water free and less than 600mm diameter
C 550+/-50 175 225* Where concrete is to be placed by tremie under drilling

4.7.3 Compaction
Do not use internal vibrators to compact concrete in the pile shafts.

4.7.4 Placing Concrete in Dry Shafts

If the pile shaft is completely dry and stable, allow concrete to be discharged directly
into the borehole. Before placing of concrete, clean out all loose materials.
Take necessary measures to avoid loosening of the sidewalls of the shaft,
segregation, and bleeding; and to ensure that the concrete at the bottom of the
borehole is not deficient in grout.
Use a hopper and a length of rigid delivery tube of not less than 3m to ensure the
concrete falls centrally down the shaft. The lower end of delivery tube must be no
more than 10m above the bottom of the reinforcement cage. At no time must the
concrete be allowed to free-fall more than 10m.

4.7.5 Placing Concrete Under Water or Under Drilling Fluid

Place concrete under water or drilling fluid using a tremie concrete pipe. Do not
engage alternative methods of underwater placement such as the use of a drop
bottom bucket or hose from a concrete pump unless otherwise accepted.
Do not discharge concrete freely into the water or drilling fluid.
Before placing the concrete, ensure, by a method acceptable to the SO, that there is
no accumulation of silt or other material at the base of the boring, and ensure that
heavily contaminated drilling fluid suspension, which could impair the free flow of
concrete from the pipe of the tremie has not accumulated in the bottom of the hole.
Take a sample of the drilling fluid suspension from the top and the base of the boring
using an accepted sampling device. If the specific gravity of the suspension exceeds
1.25 or does not comply in any respect with the stated limits for the particular
material, do not proceed with the placing of concrete. In this event, modify or replace
the drilling fluid as agreed to meet the Specification. Tremie Equipment

Check that the hopper and pipe of the tremie is clean and watertight throughout.
Extend the pipe to the base of the boring and place a sliding plug or barrier in the
pipe to prevent direct contact between the first charge of concrete in the pipe of the
tremie and the water or drilling fluid. If the plug or barrier is sacrificial, do not retain it
in the mass of the concrete. Tremie Procedure

Keep the tremie pipe outlet at least 2 m below the surface of the concrete at all
stages in the pour to prevent the re-entry of slurry into the pipe and do not withdraw
until concreting is complete.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Develop a system of level checks for the concrete and pipe outlet to ensure that this
requirement is met.
At all times, maintain a sufficient quantity of concrete within the pipe to ensure that
the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or drilling fluid. The internal
diameter of the pipe of the tremie is not to be less than 250 mm.
The number of tremie tubes per pile is to be acceptable to the SO. Where more than
one tremie pipe is employed during concrete pouring to any one pile, arrange the
charging of concrete in the tubes so that it is evenly distributed between the tubes
and no differential head exists at the concrete/slurry interface over the length of the
pile. Confirm this level by soundings taken during the concrete pour. Delay in Concreting Operation

Should a delay or breakdown occur during the concreting operation, which in the
opinion of the SO could cause a cold joint, entrapment of laitance in the tremie
concrete, or otherwise lead to defective concrete, abandon the concrete placing.
Ensure that an adequate supply of concrete to the tremie is available at all times so
that placement is continuous.

4.7.6 Monitoring of Concrete Level During Pile Casting

For each truckload of concrete discharged, counter-check the rise in concrete level
against the expected increase. A graph showing the theoretical and placed concrete
volumes is to be plotted against depth during concreting and submitted to SO for
confirmation. If the rise in concrete level is found to be higher than it is physically
possible with the amount of concrete discharged, demonstrate the integrity of the pile
to the satisfaction of the SO.

4.7.7 Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances Piles cast in dry bores with temporary casing

Cast pile heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a sound concrete
connection can be made after trimming. The casting level is to be 0.75m to 1.0m
above the cut-off level.
In the event of the ground water level being higher than the required pile head casting
level shown on the Drawings, submit proposals for acceptance prior to placing
concrete. Do not leave the pile head below the ground water level unless acceptable
precautions are taken. Piles Cast in Dry Bores with Permanent Lining Tubes or Casings
Where permanent lining tubes or casings are used to where the cut-off is in stable
ground below the base of any casing used, cast pile heads to a level above the
specified cut-off so that a sound concrete connection can be made after trimming.
The casting level is to be 0.75 to 1.0m above the cut-off level.
Where Cut-off levels are specified below the standing groundwater level, do not
reduce the borehole fluid level below the standing groundwater level until the
concrete has set.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

4.7.8 Extraction of Casing General
Remove the casing in such a manner that no defect or damage will be sustained by
the newly cast piles. Workability of Concrete

Extract temporary casings before the initial setting time of the concrete expires and
when the concrete remains sufficiently workable to ensure that it is not lifted. Should
a semi-dry mix have been accepted for formed piles, submit the means of ensuring
that the semi-dry concrete does not lift during extraction of the casing.
During extraction maintain the motion of the casing in the axial direction of the pile. Concrete Level

When the casing is being extracted, maintain a sufficient quantity of concrete within it
to ensure that pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that
the pile is neither reduced in section nor contaminated.
Do not place concrete in the boring once the bottom of the casing has been lifted
above the top of the concrete; place it continuously as the casing is extracted until the
desired head of concrete is obtained.
Take adequate precautions in all cases where excess heads of water or drilling fluid
could be caused as the casing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or
fluid by the concrete as it flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft.
Where two or more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) are used in the
construction, the proposed method of working is to be acceptable to the SO.

4.7.9 Overbreak
Ensure that the method of construction does not cause an overbreak of larger than
100% of the nominal pile concrete volume. Where the overbreak is larger than
100%, the pile is deemed to be defective. Propose suitable remedial measures
including load tests justifying the capacity of the piles for SO’s acceptance.

4.8 Backfilling Empty Boring

After each pile has been cast, backfill any empty bore remaining carefully as soon as
possible with acceptable materials. Ensure the method of discharging is accepted by
the SO and in a manner that will not affect the integrity of the completed pile.

4.9 Grouting of Piles

4.9.1 Specific Requirement for Pile Grouting

Refer to the PSD for the need for pile grouting.
Piles designated below are to be base grouted.
Pile designation Remarks

Commence grouting a minimum of       days after casting the pile.

Base grouting, use       no of independent circuits of the tube manchette type.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Where the base or sides of the pile are to be pressure grouted, construct the piles
with grout tubes and all other necessary equipment for grouting.

4.9.2 Grout Batching
Maintain weighing and water dispensing mechanisms to the levels of accuracy
stipulated in BS 1305. Measure the moisture contents of aggregates immediately
before mixing. Mixing
Mix all ingredients thoroughly to produce a homogeneous mix. After mixing, pass mix
through a 5mm aperture sieve and use within 30 minutes. Transporting
Transport so as to avoid segregation of the mix.

4.9.3 Method of Grouting

The method adopted is to be such that all requirements of the specification in regard
to load-settlement behaviour and pile uplift during grouting are met.

4.9.4 Grout Tubes

Test the tubes to ensure that leakage at the joints does not occur under pressure.
Protect the tops of the tubes during and after grouting.
Clean the tubes by flushing with water after grouting is complete. Re-grout if the
specified uplift or target pressures are not achieved.
Monitor the grout pressure during all operations.

4.9.5 Pile Uplift

Monitor the uplift of piles during grouting using an appropriate monitoring device and
reference frame. During base grouting the pile uplift is to be within the range 0.2 to

4.10 Tolerances

4.10.1 Setting Out

Establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positions of all piles.
Carry out setting out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure. Immediately
before installation of the pile, mark the pile position with suitable identifiable pins or
markers. Casing position
Check the casing position during and after placing the casing.

4.10.2 Position
The maximum permitted deviation at cut off level of the pile centre from the centre
point shown on the setting out drawing is to be 75 mm in any direction. A survey of
the eccentricity of each pile and the pile group is to be carried out by a Licensed
Surveyor, with the results submitted to the SO within 14 days or as directed after the
pile has been trimmed to its cut-off level.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

4.10.3 Verticality
For vertical piles, the maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the
vertical is 1 in 75.

4.10.4 Rake
For raked piles, the piling rig is to be set and maintained to attain the required rake.
The maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the specified rake is 1 in

4.10.5 Pile Diameter

The cross-sectional dimension of the pile is not to be less than specified. Check the
auger width as required and record for each pile to ensure the specified diameter is
Allow a tolerance of 5% on the auger width. Enlarged Pile Bases

Enlarged bases formed mechanically is to be not less than the specified dimensions
and concentric with the pile shaft within a tolerance of 10% of the shaft diameter.
The angle between the sloping (upper) surface of the base and the axis of the pile is
not to exceed 35° and at the specified diameter of the base at the perimeter the
thickness of the base is not to be less than 150mm.

4.11 Protection to Piles

Ensure that, during the course of the work, no damage or displacement, which could
impair performance or durability, occurs to the completed piles.
Do not bore nor drive pile casing nearer than five times its diameter (measured centre
to centre) from an unfilled pile excavation or from an uncased concrete pile where the
concrete has been in place less than 24 hours.

4.11.1 Undesirable Imposed Forces

Do not subject installed piles to any forces (direct or indirect) prior to their
incorporation into the superstructure unless accepted by the SO.
Cracks, tilting or bending of piles are sufficient evidence that undesirable forces had
been imposed on the piles.

4.12 Replacement of Piles

4.12.1 Rejection of Piles

Any piles cracked, deformed, twisted or suspected to be damaged in anyway or not
installed within the specified tolerance is to be rejected at the discretion of the SO.

4.12.2 Remedial Proposals

In the event of pile rejected, propose remedial measures including replacing the
rejected piles or supplement by substitute piles for SO’s acceptance.
Propose the details of modification of design to the pile caps, any required
compensating piles, and other measures as necessary. All proposals are to be
endorsed by a PE.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

4.13 Cleaning Up
Remove from the site periodically during the works and on completion all
unnecessary plant, rubbish and debris resulting from the activities.

4.14 Non-Performance of Working Piles

Notify the SO if the performance of any pile is expected to be less than that of a
similar pile whose test behaviour has been accepted.

4.15 Cutting Off Pile Heads

On completion of installation of piles, cut off the piles to the required level as shown
on the Drawings and to a tolerance of 20 mm unless otherwise agreed.
Where a pile has been formed below the required cut-off level, build up the deficient
portion and ensure the reinforcement is to project for a minimum length as stipulated
below. Submit the method of cutting the pile heads for SO’s acceptance.
Take care to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Cut away
any cracked or defective concrete and make good with new concrete properly
bonded to the old.
Table 4.15 Minimum Bond Length
Grade of Pile Cap Concrete 30 40 or more
High Tensile Steel 37D 32D
(fy = 460 N/mm2)
Mild Steel
(fy = 250 N/mm2) 30D 25D
D = nominal diameter of bar.

4.16 Noise and Disturbance

Carry out the work in such a manner as to minimise noise, vibration and other
disturbance. Comply with all current regulations and environmental controls.

4.17 Final Survey and As-Built Drawing

On completion of the trimming to cut-off-levels of the piles, engage a registered land
surveyor to survey and prepare a survey plan and as-built drawing showing the
position, cut off level, founding levels and eccentricity of the piles.
Allow for the survey plans to be taken in batches and to carry out the survey work on
several visits. Submit within timing and format as directed by the SO.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Submission at Tender

Submit the following details with the tender:
a. Proposals to deal with noise and vibration, and an assessment of vibration
characteristics for the different piling operations and how they will attenuate with
b. Details of method of achieving penetration of the piles, as well as through
c. Details of method of avoidance of critical services.
d. Work programme indicating the anticipated time required for installation of the
piles from (commencement of site works/start of excavation) to completion.
e. Track records showing evidence of experience of this type of work.
f. General methods for control of the piling works.
g. Confirm that the ground investigation information provided is adequate for the
piling works and design verification. List any concerns in the tender.
h. Details of the action that would be taken to stabilise an excavation if for any
reason the completion to the excavation of the concreting is delayed or

5.1.2 Method Statement

Prior to commencement of piling works, submit a method statement for the proposed
method of installation to achieve the required performance including:
a. All relevant details of the method proposed during tender, including details of the
method of transporting and placing concrete in piles and how the specified
casting level tolerance will be achieved.
b. Method of overcoming any obstructions encountered and drilling through hard
rock and ensuring no soil collapse within the borehole. Include details of the
reversed circulation drilling, chiselling or other method as proposed.
c. Methods to achieve the specified maximum permitted verticality of pile. Method of
checking the verticality and corrective actions to be taken if the deviation exceeds
the maximum permitted limits
d. Methods for installing piles in ground which exhibits Artesian conditions at depth
e. Details of proposed plant and boring equipment
f. Details of proposed monitoring equipment
g. Details of specialists used for grouting
h. Details of concrete and grout mixes
i. Methods of concreting and grouting
j. Methods of handling reinforcement

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

k. Details of spacers to be used on reinforcement cage

l. Details of permanent casing and the method of installation
m. Details and properties of support fluid.
Do not commence work for working piles before proposed methods are accepted.

5.1.3 Piling Programme

Submit to SO’s acceptance the sequence and programme of working pile installation.
Inform the SO of the piling programme scheduled for the following day and give
adequate notice of any intention to work outside normal hours and at weekends.

5.1.4 Monitoring of Adjacent Structures

Provide proposals for surveys and monitoring of movement and vibration in adjacent
structures and services before work commences.

5.1.5 As-Built Details

Submit as-built details of the piling works on A1 size drawings including at least the
following details:
a. Final setting out plan, pile depths, pile sizes, pile capacities, pile eccentricities,
pile lengths and cut-off levels.
b. Location of piles which have been discarded and not in use, e.g. abandoned
piles, unused existing foundation, rejected piles and preliminary test piles.
c. Location and type of pile load tests.
Submit these drawings to the SO endorsed by a PE within 2 weeks upon completing
the works.

5.1.6 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for SO’s acceptance prior to starting work.

5.2 Inspection and Test Certificates

5.2.1 General
Provide the SO with test certificates, analyses and mill sheets. Ensure that adequate
notice is given to the SO when the processes can be inspected or tests can be
Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the SO’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.

5.2.2 Inspection of Bores

Inspect each pile bore prior to the placing of concrete in it. Provide suitable
equipment to the SO’s acceptance for carrying out the inspection.
Where the borehole is dry inspect from ground level to ensure that:
a. The base is adequately clean
b. The shaft is stable
c. The bore has been constructed within specified tolerances
Provide adequate lighting, measuring tapes and the means of measuring verticality.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

Keep records of the inspection of bores.

5.3 Tests

5.3.1 Compliance Testing of Concrete and Reinforcement

Refer to requirements as set out in sections C3-10, clause 5.1 and section C3-20,
clause 5.0.

5.3.2 Grout Testing

Carry out cube testing in accordance with SS 78: Part A16.
Each sample is to comprise six cubes, three for testing at seven days and three for
testing at 28 days after casting.

5.4 Compliance Testing of Drilling Fluid

5.4.1 Verification of Drilling Fluid Material

Provide a certificate from the manufacturer of the drilling powder, showing the
properties of each consignment delivered to the site. The properties to be given by
the manufacturer are the apparent viscosity range (in centipoises) and the gel
strength range (in Newton’s per square metre) for solids in water.

5.4.2 Frequency of Testing

Propose the frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of
sampling prior to the commencement of the work. The frequency may subsequently
be varied as required, depending on the consistency of the results obtained.
Measure the density of freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension daily as a check on the
quality of the suspension being formed. The measuring device is to be calibrated to
read to within 0.005 g/ml.

5.4.3 Testing Laboratory

Establish a suitably equipped and maintained site laboratory for testing the support
fluid. Provide skilled staff and all necessary apparatus to carry out the sampling and

5.4.4 Testing Batch Testing

Tests to determine density, viscosity, shear strength and pH value is to be applied to
each batch of freshly mixed or reconditioned drilling fluid supplied to the pile boring
and the results submitted before the batch is used in excavations. For average soil
conditions, the results are to generally be within the ranges stated in Table
Carry out the tests until a consistent working pattern has been established, take
account of the mixing process, any blending of freshly mixed drilling fluid suspension
and previously used drilling fluid suspension and any process which may be used to
remove impurities from previously used drilling fluid suspension.
When the results show consistent behaviour, the tests for shear strength and pH
value may be discontinued, and tests to determine density and viscosity is to be
carried out as agreed. In the event of a change in the established working pattern,
tests for shear strength and pH value is to be re-introduced for a period, if required.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works Testing from Bore

At least one sample of fluid is to be taken from the base of the excavation and one
from the top immediately prior to placing reinforcement and concrete. Compliance
values are as stipulated below.
Table Drilling Fluid Properties

Property to be Range of results – Range of results – Test Method

measured sample from bore
Freshly mixed fluid
prior to placing steel
and concrete
Density Less than 1.10 g/ml Less than 1.10 g/ml Mud density
Viscosity 30-90s or less than 33-42 s Marsh cone or
20 cP Fann viscometer
Shear strength (10 1.4 – 10.0 N/m2 or 1.4 - 10.0 N/m2 or Shearometer or
minute gel strength) 2 2
4.0 – 40.0 N/m 4.0 - 40.0 N/m Fann Viscometer
PH 9.5 - 12.0 9.5-12.0 pH indicator paper
strips or electrical
pH meter
Sand content Less than 4% Less than 2% Wet sieving
through 210 BS

5.5 Pile Testing

For general requirement and procedures of the pile load tests refer to Section C4-30
“Pile Testing”, clause 4.0.

5.5.1 Preliminary Piles

Refer to section C4-30, clause 4.1 for requirements of the preliminary pile(s). Agree
locations with the SO.

5.5.2 Working Pile Testing

Refer to section C4-30, clause 4.1 for the requirement of working pile tests.

5.5.3 Remedial measures Piles Carrying Gravity Loads

For each pile test that has failed, propose and provide one or more substitute
compensating piles for acceptance by the SO. If, in the opinion of the SO, it is
impractical or inadvisable to install substitute piles in place of a failed pile, submit
proposals to rectify the defect. The proposal is subject to the acceptance of the SO. Piles Carrying Lateral Loads

In the event that a pile fails a lateral working load test, carry out remedial measures
as follows:
a. Carry out a structural assessment to ensure the pile is structurally sound.

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

b. Excavation of all materials for a distance of not less than 5 metres from pile face
around the entire pile to minimum 1m below the level of the pile cap soffit. The width
of excavation is to be the same on all sides of the pile.
c. Backfilling and compaction of the excavation hard against the pile and testing and
re-testing as appropriate. Finally, completion of backfilling and compaction to the
level of the top of the pile cap.
Alternative remedial measures such as compensating piles may be proposed subject
to the acceptance of the SO. Carry out additional load tests as directed by the SO.

5.6 Records
Keep records of the installation of each pile with information as below. Submit two
copies of these records to the SO the next working day after the pile was installed or
as directed. Note any unexpected boring conditions in the record.
a. Contract
b. Pile reference number (location)
c. Pile type
d. Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameter
e. Nominal diameter of underream
f. Length of preformed pile
g. Standing groundwater level
h. Date and time of boring
i. Date of concreting
j. Ground level at commencement of installation of pile
k. Working level
l. Depth from working level to pile toe
m. Toe level
n. Depth from working level to pile head level
o. Length of temporary casing
p. Length of permanent casing
q. A log of soil type encountered from start to finish of excavation and observed
water levels.+
r. Length and details of reinforcement
s. Concrete mix
t. Volume of concrete supplied to pile where this can be measured in practice
u. A graph of theoretical and placed concrete volumes with depth.
v. All information regarding obstructions/delays and other Interruptions to the
sequence of work

5.6.1 Grouting Records

Provide duplicate records within 24 hours of completion of grouting, showing:

Version 1.0
C4-10 Bored Piling Works

a. Pile identification
b. Date
c. Leakage test
d. Records of pressure and uplift
e. Total uplift
f. Grout test results

Version 1.0

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