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Course Name: Management Process and Organisation Behaviour [MBA 101]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objectives: Objective of this course is to develop competencies and knowledge of students to
become effective management professionals to orient students on recent changes and development in
the field of management and to impart knowledge on Contemporary issues and challenges in the field of

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course students would be able to

1. Apply the knowledge about management in the real life business situation

2. Analyze their managerial ability and professional skills

3. Evaluate and compare individual behavior related to motivation.

4. Explain different leadership styles and their roles organizational change


Unit: 01 Introduction to Management [10 Hours]

Concept, Nature, Scope, Functions and levels of Management, Evolution and Foundations of
Management Theories, System Approach to Organization, Modern Organization Theory. The emergence
of Human Relation and Behavioural Science and its relationship with scientific Management.

Unit: 02 Management Functions [10 Hours]

Planning (Fundamentals of Planning - Objectives, Strategies, Policies, Decision making)., Organising

(Fundamentals of Organizing- Nature and purpose, departmentation, Span of Management, Strategic
organizing design, line and staff authority and decentralization). Staffing, Decision Making, Direction,
Communication, and Control. Management by objectives (MBO).

Unit: 03 Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour [10 Hours]

Introduction and meaning of OB. Attitudes, Values and Work Ethics, Perception and Learning, Stress
Management Leadership and Organizational Culture and Climate: Leadership, Traits Theory,
Managerial Grid, Transactional Vs Transformational. Leadership- Qualities of good Leader, Change
Management. Conflict Management. Personality, Emotions and Emotional Intelligence.

Unit: 04 Interpersonal processes and Group Behaviour [10 Hours]

Interpersonal behaviour and Group Dynamics-Benefits of Groups, Types of Groups, Group Formation
and Development, Motivation: concept of motivation, Motivational Theories of Maslow, Herzberg,
David McClelland and Herzberg. Quality of work life and Work Ethics-their foundation in the theory and
method of work in the Indian Context, Stress Management, Concept of Corporate social responsibility.
Learning Resources

1. Gupta, R.S., Sharma, B.D., &Bhalla. N.S. (2011). Principles & Practices of Management (11th edition).
New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers.

2. Iyer, P. (2011). The Habit of Winning, Penguin

3. Robbins,Judge S.P.,T.A.,Vohra N.(2016),Organizational Behaviour,16/e, Pearson Education.

4. Koontz, H., & Weihrich, H. Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill Publishers.

5. L M Prasad, (2007). Principles and Practices of Management, Himalaya Publishing House

Course Name: Managerial Economics [MBA 102]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objective:

To familiarize students with the fundamentals of Economics, and their application in Business Decisions
related to Demand, Supply, Production, Cost, Pricing and Strategy.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the fundamental concepts & models of economics, and the role of Economics in solving
business problems through its concepts and tools.

2. Apply the economic way of thinking to business and managerial decisions

3. Analyze situations related to demand, supply, production, cost, market structure, prices, etc and take
decision in various scenarios using fundamental principles and tools of managerial economics like
Opportunity cost, Marginal and Incremental Analysis, Time perspective, Break-even analysis, etc.

4. Formulate and evaluate the strategies of firms in light of their goals & objectives, nature of product
or service offering, customer and market dynamics, and the internal & external scenario at micro &
macro level.


Basic principles of Economics & concepts like Scarcity & Choice, Economic activities, Circular flow model
and Central Problems, GDP and National Income, etc. Managerial Economics: nature & scope of
Managerial Economics, Fundamental principles of Managerial Economics in Decision Making.

Concept of Utility, Law of Diminishing marginal utility; Demand & Supply: Demand & Supply functions,
Law of Demand/Supply, Demand & Supply interplay, Elasticity. Indifference curves, Price Consumption
Curves, Income Consumption Curves, and derivation of Demand Curves & Engel Curves.


Production Possibility Frontier, Production function, Law of Variable Proportions, Isoquant Analysis,
Laws of Returns to scale, Cost Concepts - Types of production related costs, Cost – Output relationship,
Short run & long run cost, Economies & Diseconomies of Scale, Break-even point concept and analysis.


Types of market structure – Perfect Competition & Imperfect Competition (Monopolistic Competition,
Oligopoly and Monopoly), Pricing and Equilibrium (short run and long-run) in Different Market
Structures. Emerging market trends & forms. Inflation, Business Cycles, brief overview of Monetary &
Fiscal policy measures;

Learning Resources

1. Ahuja, H.L. (2015). Managerial Economics. S.Chand.

2. Geetika, Ghosh, P., & Choudhury, P.R. (2011). Managerial Economics. Tata McGraw Hill Pvt Ltd.

3. Atmanand. (2008). Managerial Economics. Excel Books.

4. Salvatore, D. (2009). Managerial Economics: Principles and Worldwide Applications. Oxford HE.

5. Hirschey. (2009). Economics for Managers. Cengage Learning.

6. Peterson, H.C., Lewis, W.C., & Jain, S.K. (2009). Managerial Economics. Pearson Education.

Course Name: Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting [MBA 103]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to provide a framework for analyzing a firm’s past performance,
estimating its future performance This course integrates key concepts from accounting, finance and
economics, and applies them to financial decision-making.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Have a framework for analysing a business

2. Be proficient at calculating and interpreting financial ratios. You will understand how to use ratios to
compare a firm to its competitors and to evaluate changes in ratios over time. You will also know how to
use these ratios to help forecast the future.

3. Learn about earnings announcements and the reporting of GAAP

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Unit: 01 Understanding Financial Statement [10 Hours]

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Forms of business organizations, Sole Proprietorship,
Partnership firms and private companies, Public and Govt. Companies. Content of annual reports,
Quality of financial reporting, reporting regulation in India, reporting regulations for Partnership firms,
Reporting regulations of Companies

Unit: 02 Preparing Financial Statement [10 Hours]

Nature & objectives of Financial Statements, Uses & Limitations of Financial Statements, Stakeholders of
financial statements. Income Statement. Balance Sheet.

Unit: 03 Financial Statement Analysis [10 Hours]

Tools and techniques of financial statement analysis. Ratio Analysis, Cash flow statement. comparative
Statement, Common Size Statement, Du-Pont Analysis, Concepts on sickness, distress.

Unit: 04 Reporting of Financial statement

Types of business combinations, Consolidated financial statements, Consolidated financial statements,

Consolidated financial statements, Inter-company transactions and profit confirmations, Inter-company
transactions and profit confirmations.

Learning Resources

1. Maheshwari, S. N. (2012). A Textbook of Accounting for Management,

2. 3rd Editionn. Vikas Publishing House. 2. Tulsian, P. C. (2002). Financial Accounting. Pearson
Education India.
3. Gibson, C. H. (2012). Financial reporting and analysis. Nelson Education.
4. Foster, G. (2004). Financial Statement Analysis, 2/e. Pearson Education India.
Course Name: Business Communication [MBA 104]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objectives:

To help students to understand the concepts and ways involved in Business communication.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate persuasive and professional language in speech in writing.

2. Able to use current technology like SMS, teleconferencing, video conferencing and social media to

3. Able to write memo and minutes of the meeting.

4. Demonstrate advanced interpersonal communication and telephone etiquette

Unit: 01 Basic Principles of Communication [10 Hours]

Introduction, Understanding Communication, the Communication Process, Barriers to Communication,

the Importance of Communication in the Workplace. Types and Channels of Communication. Types of
Business Communication, Communication Network in Organizations

Unit: 02 Using Business Communication [10 Hours]

Importance of Listening in the Workplace: Introduction, what is listening? Barriers to Listening,

Strategies for Effective Listening, Listening in a Business Context. Guidelines for Written Business
Communication: Introduction, General Principles of Writing, Principles of Business Writing. Developing
Oral Business Communication Skills: Introduction, Advantages of Oral Communication, Oral Business
Presentations. Reading Skills for Effective Business Communication: Introduction, what is reading? Types
of reading, SQ3R Technique of Reading

Unit: 03 Internal and External Business Communication [10 Hours]

Internal Business Communication: Guidelines for Meetings: Introduction, Types of Meetings, Before the
Meeting, During the Meeting, After the Meeting, and Common Mistakes made at Meetings Writing
Memos, Circulars and Notices: Introduction, what is a Memo? Circulars and Notices External Business
Communication – Writing Business Letters: Introduction, Principles of Business Letter Writing, Types of
Business Letters, Format for Business Letters

Unit: 04 Employment Communication [10 Hours]

Resumes and Cover Letters: Writing a Resume, Writing Job Application Letters, Other Letters about
Employment. Group Discussions and Interviews: Introduction, what is a Group Discussion? Attending
Job Interviews

Learning Resources

1. Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley, Kathryn Rentz and NeeajaPande (2009). Business
Communication: Making Connections in a Digital World, 11/e. TMH. New Delhi

2. Randolph H. Hudson and Benard J. Selzler, (2006). Business Communication: Concepts and
Applications in an Electronic Age, 5/e., Jaico Reprint, Jaico, New Delhi.

3. Kitty O. Locker and Stephen KyoKaczmarck, (2007). Business Communication: Building Critical Skills,
3/e, TMH. New Delhi.

Course Name: Marketing Management [MBA 105]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objectives:

To familiarize students with the fundamentals of Marketing, and their application in Business Decisions
related to Demand, Supply, Production, Cost, Pricing and Strategy.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe key marketing concepts, theories and techniques for analyzing a variety of marketing

2. Identify and demonstrate the dynamic nature of the environment in which marketing decisions are
taken and appreciate the implications for marketing strategy determination and implementation.

3. Demonstrate the ability to justify marketing strategies and advocate a strategically informed position
when considering marketing plan implementation.

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Unit: 01 Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers [10 Hours]

Introduction: Concept, nature, scope and importance of marketing; marketing concept and its evolution;
Marketing mix; marketing in 21st century; -an overview. Market Analysis and Selection: Marketing
environment – macro and micro components and their impact on marketing decisions; Buyer behavior;
consumer versus organizational buyers; Consumer decision making process.

Unit: 02 Designing a Customer - Driven Strategy [10 Hours]

Marketing Information System: Meaning and scope of Marketing Information System; Role of Marketing
research; Marketing research process. Segmentation Targeting Positioning: Market segmentation,
Targeting and positioning; Strategic marketing planning; Branding, Creating Brand Equity; Crafting the
Brand Positioning; Overview of social media marketing.

Unit: 03 Product & Pricing Decisions [10 Hours]

Product Decisions: Concept of a product; Classification of products; Major product decisions; Product
line and product mix; Branding; Packaging and labeling; Product life cycle – strategic implications; New
product development and consumer adoption process. Pricing Decisions: Objectives of pricing; Pricing
policies and strategies; Pricing methods; Managing price changes.

Unit: 04 Place and Promotion Decisions [10 Hours]

Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions: Designing and managing Marketing Channels-
selection, cooperation, Vertical and Horizontal Integration, Channel Conflict Management, Physical
Distribution System & Logistic Management. Promotion Decisions: Communication Process; Promotion
mix – Advertising; Sales Promotion; Personal Selling; Public Relations; Publicity and Propaganda.

Learning Resources

1. Philip Kotler/Kevin Lane Keller 15th Edition Marketing management. Pearson Education Publication.

2. Noel Capon & Siddharth Shekhar Singh (2018) Managing Marketing (An applied Approach) Wiley

3. Ramaswamy V. S. & Namakumari (2011). A Text Book of Marketing Management. Macmillan.

Course Name: Business Analytics –I [MBA 106]

Course Credits 4 Course Evaluation 100 Marks Instruction Hours 40

Course Objectives:

To provide student broad understanding of tools and techniques of Business Analytics, and their
application in business.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain and provide examples of descriptive, predictive analytics.

2. Determine and construct the appropriate chart to visualize different types of data.

3. Understand the concept of probability, probability distributions and its application.

4. Understand the concept of sampling, sampling techniques and its confidence intervals.

5. Explain the purpose of hypothesis testing, and choose proper test for hypothesis testing.

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Unit: 01 Introduction to Business Analytics and Decision Making [6 Hours]

Business Analytics: Introduction and Definition, Scope of Business Analytics Evolution of Business
Analytics, Impacts and Challenges; Categorization of Analytical Methods and Models: Descriptive
Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics; Business Analytics in Practice: Financial Analytics,
Human Resource (HR) Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Health Care Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics,
Analytics for Government and Nonprofits, Sports Analytics, Web Analytics

Unit: 02Descriptive Statistics [ 12 Hours]

Types of Data: Population and Sample Data, Quantitative and Categorical Data, Cross-Sectional and Time
Series Data, Sources of Data, Creating Distributions from Data: Frequency Distributions for Categorical
Data and Quantitative Data, Measures of Location, Measures of Variability, Analyzing Distributions,
Measures of Association Between Two Variables: Scatter Charts, Covariance, Correlation Coefficient,
Simple Linear Regression.

Unit: 03 Introduction to Probability [ 10 Hours]

Probability Theory – Terminology, Fundamental Concepts in Probability, Conditional Probability, Bayes

Theorem, Random Variables: Discrete Random Variables, Continuous Random Variables, Probability
Mass Functions, Probability Density Functions, Expected Value, Variance and Standard Deviation.
Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, and Normal Distribution.

Unit: 04 Sampling Theory, Estimation, Confidence Intervals and Testing of Hypothesis [ 12 Hours]

Introduction to Sampling: Population Parameters and Sample Statistics, Sampling Techniques:

Probabilistic Sampling, Non Probabilistic Sampling, Sampling Distribution, Central Limit Theorem, Sample
Size Estimation: Qualitative and Quantitative Factors, Estimating Confidence Intervals Hypothesis
Testing: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing, Procedure for Hypothesis Testing, One tailed and Two Tailed
Test, Type I Error and Type II Error, Z-test, T-Test and F-Test.

Learning Resources

1. Kumar, U. D. (2017). Business Analytics: The Science of Data-Driven Decision Making (First). New
Delhi: Wiley India.

2. Evan, J. R. (2017). Business Analytics (Second). New Delhi: Pearson.

3. Camm, J. D., Cochran, J. J., Fry, M. J., Ohlmann, J. W., Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A.

(2015). Essentials of Business Analytics (First). New Delhi: Cengage Learning.

4. Sharma, J.K. (2017). Business Statistics(Third). New Delhi: Pearson.

Course Name: Career & Life Skills – I [MBA 107]

Course Credits 2 Course Evaluation 100 100 Marks Instruction Hours 20

Course Objectives:

This course is offered with an objective to provide students a platform, not only to hone their
communication and Aptitude skills but also to develop confidence, smartness and outward skills.
Keeping in view the requirement of the job market, other than the technical skills, students must be
good at Soft skills too.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Helps to develop cross cultural indulgent and confidence in communication through collaboration
with the classmates. Increased participation in college activities and increased interaction with the
larger community in order to gain confidence to face the job market.

2. To develop confidence in terms of presenting in front of larger community. To understand the ways to

grab listener’s attention, to hold their interest. To use power points ad visual aids effectively.

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Unit: 01 Soft Skills [10 Hours]

Orientation session, Extempore Sessions, SWOT Analysis, Problem Solving Skills, Probing Skills and
handling stress, Introduction to Global Accent

Unit: 02 Presentation Skills [20 Hours]

Introduction to Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R Covey. Presentations Skills Basics,
Mock presentations.

Unit: 03 Aptitude and Quant [10 Hours]

Logical Reasoning: Series, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense, Blood Relations Quantitative Aptitude:
Number Systems, Percentage, Ratio and Proportions, Simplifications

Learning Resources

1. Dale Carnegie How to Winn Friends and Influence People.

2. Carmine Gallo Talk Like Ted 3. Steven R Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

4. PA Anand (2015), Wiley Quantitative Aptitude, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

5. PA Anand (2016) & Lalit Singh, Wiley Verbal Ability and Reasoning (First Edition) Wiley India Pvt. Ltd

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