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I, ______________________ proprietor having business name _____________________, bearing CNIC#

_____________________________, registered/head office at

_______________________________________________, hereby undertake and confirm that our


being stored and/or forwarded through TCS, either regularly or occasionally, are lawful and do not
contain any

contraband, explosives, commodities/goods fall under dangerous goods or any kind of prohibited

according to the Laws of Islam Republic of Pakistan.

We also undertake and confirm that all the government levies, taxes and duties of the shipments/goods

stored and/or forwarded through TCS have been paid in full and we undertake to provide all legal valid

including but not limited to Invoices, Bill of Entry/Lading (in case of imported goods) etc, pertaining to
the said

shipments/goods whenever required by competent authorities or TCS on behalf of the said authorities.
In case of

any incident involving legal proceedings including inspection, confiscation or detention of goods, taken
by the

Government Authority(ies), we shall take full responsibility for the same and deal directly with the said

to comply with all the legal and procedural requirements of the said authority(ies). We hereby confirm
that TCS is

not responsible to verify or check the relevant documents of the goods in doing this business with us.
TCS will also

have no legal or financial responsibility in such cases at any given time to get such seized/detained or

goods released.
We acknowledge that the role of TCS as service provider is limited to the storing of our shipments/goods

designated warehouses and delivering the same at different places as per our request/advice. We

indemnify TCS from any inconvenience, damage, cost, expense(including attorney’s fee)fines, penalties,

claimsor loss of goodwill and reputation suffered by TCS or any of its directors, officers or employees
due to our

incorrect /untrue representation hereunder or and violation of laws and rules or due to initiation of

legal proceedings, if any.



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