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MA2215 Linear Programming Tutorial 9

Reading Chapter 6.

1. Consider the following balanced transportation problem.

1 2 3 Supply
1 5 1 2 25
Source 2 7 2 4 10
3 3 3 5 15
Demand 10 20 20

Find a starting basic feasible solution by the (i) north west corner method and
(ii) least cost method.Compare the total transportation costs at both starting
basic feasible solutions.
[Solution] (i) NW-method

1 2 3 Supply
5 1 2
1 (10) (15) 25
7 2 4
Source 2 (5) (5) 10
3 3 5
3 (15) 15
Demand 10 20 20

Cost = 10(5) + 15(1) + 5(2) + 5(4) + 15(5) = 170.

(ii) Least-cost method

1 2 3 Supply
5 1 2
1 (20) (5) 25
7 2 4
Source 2 (10) 10
3 3 5
3 (10) (5) 15
Demand 10 20 20

Cost = 20(1) + 5(2) + 10(4) + 10(3) + 5(5) = 125.

2. Consider the balanced transportation problem.

1 2 3 Supply
1 5 1 2 25
Source 2 7 2 4 10
3 3 3 5 15
Demand 10 20 20

(a) Verify that the basic feasible solution given by

x11 = 10, x13 = 15, x22 = 10, x32 = 10, x33 = 5

is not optimal. Find the entering variable and leaving variable, and obtain the
next basic feasible solution.
(b) Proceed to find an optimal solution.

[Solution] (a)

1 2 3 Supply u
5 1 2
1 (10) 1 (15) 25 0
7 2 4
Source 2 0 (10) 0 10 2
3 3 5
3 −5 (10) (5) 15 3
Demand 10 20 20
v 5 0 2

Because c̄31 < 0, the solution is not optimal.

(b) Loop: x31 (+) → x11 (−) → x13 (+) → x33 (−) → x31 . θ = 5. New solution

1 3 u2
5 1 2
1 (5) −4 (20) 0
7 2 4
Source 2 5 (10) 5 −3
3 3 5
3 (5) (10) 5 −2
v 5 5 2

Loop: x12 (+) → x32 (−) → x31 (+) → x11 (−) → x12 . θ = 5. New solution

1 2 3 u
5 1 2
1 4 (5) (20) 0
7 2 4
Source 2 5 (10) 1 1
3 3 5
3 (10) (5) 1 2
v 1 1 2

All c̄ij ≥ 0. Thus, Optimal solution:

x12 = 5, x13 = 20, x22 = 10, x31 = 10, x32 = 5, others = 0.

Cost = 5(1) + 20(2) + 10(2) + 10(3) + 5(3) = 110.

3. Consider the transportation problem in Table A, the total demand exceeds

total supply. Suppose that the penalty costs per unit of unsatisfied demand
are 5, 3 and 2 for destinations 1,2 and 3.
(a) Find a starting basic feasible solution by the Vogel’s Approximation method,
and proceed to find an optimal solution.
(b) Suppose the unit transportation cost from Source 1 to Destination 3 is
reduced to 2. Determine whether the optimal solution is optimal. If not
proceed to find an optimal solution.

Table A
1 2 3 Supply
1 5 1 7 10
Source 2 6 4 6 40
3 3 2 5 15
Demand 25 20 50

[Solution] (a)
T D = 25 + 20 + 50 = 95
T S = 10 + 40 + 15 = 65
Dummy Supply = T D − T S = 30.
Find a starting solution by Vogel’s method:

1 2 3 Supply Penalty
5 1 7
1 (10) 10 4
6 4 6
2 (10) (10) (20) 40 2
3 2 5
3 (15) 15 1
5 3 2
Dummy S (30) 30 1
Demand 25 20 50

Penalty 2 1 3
3 2 1

Proceed to find the optimal solution:

1 2 3 u
5 1 7
1 2 (10) 4 0
6 4 6
2 (10) (10) (20) 3
3 2 5
3 (15) 1 2 0
5 3 2
Dummy S 3 3 (30) −1
v 3 1 3

All c̄ij ≥ 0. Thus, Optimal solution:

x12 = 10, x21 = 10, x22 = 10, x23 = 20, x31 = 15, x43 = 30(Dummy), others = 0.

Cost = 10(1) + 10(6) + 10(4) + 20(6) + 15(3) + 30(2) = 335.

(b) We shall re-calculate the reduced costs

1 2 3 u
5 1 2
1 2 (10) −1 0
6 4 6
2 (10) (10) (20) 3
3 2 5
3 (15) 1 2 0
5 3 2
Dummy S 3 3 (30) −1
v 3 1 3

This is not optimal, (c̄13 < 0). Proceed to find the optimum.
Loop: x13 (+) → x23 (−) → x22 (+) → x12 (−) → x13 . θ = 10. New solution:

1 3 2 u
15 2
1 3
1 (10) 0
46 6
2 (10) (20) (10) 4
3 2 5
3 (15) 1 2 1
5 3 2
Dummy S 3 3 (30) 0
v 2 0 2
Cost = 20 + 60 + 80 + 60 + 45 + 60 = 325.

4. Consider the unbalanced transportation problem in Table B. Suppose the de-
mand at Destination 1 must be shipped from Source 4.
Use the Vogel’s Approximation method to find a starting basic feasible solu-
tion, and proceed to determine an optimal solution.

Table B
1 2 3 Supply
1 5 1 0 20
Sources 2 3 2 4 10
3 7 5 2 15
4 9 6 0 25
Demand 5 10 15

Let x41 = 5 and xk1 = 0 for k = 1, 2, 3. Do not consider destination 1 in the
further computation.
T S = 20 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 65
T D = 10 + 15 = 25
Dummy demand = T S −T D = 40. Costs for transporting to Dummy Demand
are 0.
Find starting BFS by Vogel’s approximation method:

2 3
Dummy D Supply Penalty
1 0 0 0
1 (10) (10) 20
2 4 0 2
2 (10) 10
5 2 0 2
3 (15) 15
6 0 0 0
4 (5) (15) 20
Demand 10 15 40

Penalty 1 0 0

Compute the reduced costs:

2 3 Dummy D u
1 0 0 0
1 (10) (10) 0
2 4 0 0
2 1 4 (10)
5 2 0 0
3 4 2 (15)
6 0 0 0
4 5 (5) (15)
v 1 0 0

All reduced costs are nonnegative. Thus, solution is optimal.

Optimal solution: x12 = 10, x13 = 10, x41 = 5, x43 = 10, other xij = 0.
Cost = 10(1) + 10(0) + 5(9) + 10(0) = 55

5. Three electric power plants with capacities of 25, 40, and 30 million kilowatt
hour (kWh) supply electricity to three cities whose maximum demands are
estimated at 30, 35, and 25 million kWh. The costs in dollars of selling power
to the different cities per million kWh are given in the table.

1 2 3
1 600 700 400
Plant 2 320 300 350
3 500 480 450

Formulate the problem as a transportation problem (in the form of transporta-

tion tableau) for the purpose of establishing the most economical distribution
plan from the standpoint of the power company and find the optimal solution.

Formulate problem (add a dummy destination) and find starting BFS by least-
cost method:

1 2 3 D.D. Supply
600 700 400 0
1 (20) (5) 25
320 300 350 0
2 (5) (35) 40
500 480 450 0
3 (25) (5) 30
Demand 30 35 25 5

First iteration:

1 2 3 D.D. u
600 700 400 0
1 150 370 (20) (5) 0
320 300 350 0
2 (5) (35) 80 130 −130
500 480 450 0
3 (25) 0 (5) −50 50
v 450 430 400 0

Entering variable: x34 .

Loop: x34 (+) → x33 (−) → x13 (+) → x14 (−) → x34 . θ = 5.

Second iteration:

1 2 3 D.D. u
600 700 400 0
1 100 220 (25) (0) 0
320 300 350 0
2 (5) (35) 130 180 −180
500 480 450 0
3 (25) 0 50 (5) 0
v 500 480 400 0

Optimal cost = 10000 + 0 + 1600 + 10500 + 12500 + 0 = 34600.

6. A wholesale company supplies goods to three retailers who each requires 30
units. The company has 2 warehouses. Warehouse 1 has 40 units available
and Warehouse 2 has 30 units available. The costs of shipping 1 unit of goods
from warehouses to retailers are shown in the table:
From Retailer 1 Retailer 2 Retailer 3
Warehouse 1 $15 $35 $25
Warehouse 2 $10 $50 $40

Suppose that the penalty costs are, respectively, $ 90, $ 80 and $ 110 for each
unit of Retailer 1’s , Retailer 2’s and Retailer 3’s unmet demands.
(i) Formulate the problem as a transportation model to minimize the sum of
shortage and shipping costs.
(ii) Find an optimal solution of the problem.
10 30 30
(Answer (ii) W 1→R2 , W 1→R3, W 2→R1 cost = 3000.)
[Solution] (i) and (ii)
Formulate problem (adding dummy source) and find starting BFS by least-cost

1 2 3 Supply
15 35 25
1 (0) (10) (30) 40
10 50 40
2 (30) 30
90 80 110
D.S. (20) 20
Demand 30 30 30
Compute reduced costs:

1 2 3 u
15 35 25
1 (0) (10) (30) 0
10 50 40
2 (30) 20 20 −5
90 80 110
D.S. 30 (20) 40 45
Demand 15 35 25
All reduced costs are ≥ 0.
Optimal solution: x11 = 0, x12 = 10, x13 = 30, x21 = 30, x32 = 20 (Dummy),
others = 0.
Cost = 0(15) + 10(35) + 30(25) + 30(10) + 20(80) = 3000.

7. (Assignment as a transportation model.)
Joshop wants to assign four different categories of machines to five types of
tasks. The number of machines available in the four categories are 25, 30, 20
and 30. The number of jobs in the five tasks are 20, 20, 30, 10 and 25. Machine
category 4 cannot be assigned to task type 4. The following table provides
the unit cost (in dollars) of assigning a machine category to a task type. The
objective of the problem is to determine the optimum number of machines
in each category to be assigned to each task type. Set up the problem as a
transportation problem (in transportation tableau form).

Task Type
1 2 3 4 5
1 10 2 3 15 9
Machine 2 5 10 15 2 4
Category 3 15 5 14 7 15
4 20 15 13 − 8

[Solution] Numbers of machines and jobs are considered as supplies and de-
mands. The problem is balanced.

1 2 3 4 5 No. machines
10 2 3 15 9
1 25
5 10 15 2 4
2 30
15 5 14 7 15
3 20
20 15 13 M 8
4 30
No. jobs 20 20 30 10 25

You are not required to find the optimal solution.


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