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Republic of the Philippines

San Matias National High School

L. Gomez Subd. San Matias , Sto.Tomas, Pampanga.

Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objective:
During the Lesson the Students will be able to :

A. Identify the Different types of Chemical Bonding

B. Describe the Process of attraction among the types of Chemical Bonding

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Chemical Bonding: Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding

B. References: Science 9 Learners Module, First Edition, Reprint 2017

C. Concept: The Chemical bonding is lasting attraction between atoms, ions or molecules
that enables the formation of chemical compounds. It can be distinguish to different types
which are the Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding.

D. Materials:
i. Periodic Table of Elements
ii.Activity Sheet
iii. Marker
v. Element card
E. Science Processes

i. Observing



iv. Analyzing

A. Preparatory Activities:
Teachers Activity Student Activity
1. Engage

Let us pray first, who will lead our prayer Student will remain standing and one student will lead
Today? in prayer

Happy Afternoon Class Happy Afternoon Sir,

You may take your sit. (The student will take their sit)
Is there any absent today? Secretary? Class secretary will announce the number of students
present and number of students absent in the class

How your day class? good sir.


Before we proceed to our next topic let’s

have a Recap to our last discussion. Do you
want to play a game?

Yes sir!
Ok let’s play a game
The title of our game is Let’s Fix it!

Instruction: You will be divide into 6 group. I

will give you a cardboard where you can
write your answers. I will show a question in
the tv monitor with the answers that are
jumbled.Try to find the answer by fixing the
correct position of the letter corresponds to
the given question. You have 5 seconds to

1. What is the rule stating that a atom should ( one student will raise his hand to answer)
have 8 valence electron to make it in its
stable state. Octet Rule

2. What is the tendency of an atom to attrach

an electron ? Electronegativity

3. What is the energy needed by an atom to

remove or to pull out electrons? Ionization

4.What kind of elements have less than 4

valence electrons?
5. Which group among the groups in t
periodic table have their electrons in the
stable state?
Noble Gases
B. Motivation
Do you want to play another game?

Yes Sir!

Ok this time open your understanding with

the sound of words.
The title of our game is “Sounds like?’’
I will show you Images and try to know the
word by knowing its sound like.

Lets have the first one

What is the words sounds like?

One of the students will raise his hand

Its sounds like IONIC Sir,

Very Good.

How about he next one

Sir...( Students will raise their hands to answer)

Its sounds like Transfer Sir.

Yes, Very Good Thats the Word!

How about this one.
( Student will raise his hand to answer)

______________________, Covalent Sir,

Very Good________________



(Students will raise their hands to answer)

me sir,

sounds like......?

Ok ________________
This the last.

( Student will raise their hands to answer)

Ok __________________,
What is the word? Mettalic Sir.
Very Good

Upon your observation and understanding of

the words we guess while ago, What do you ( One of the Student will raise his hand to answer)
think the topic that we will going to discuss


Chemical Bonding Sir,

Ok very Good Its Chemical Bonding

Can you read what is Chemical Bonding?

( One of the student will raise his hand to answer and
read the meaning of the chemical bonding)

The Chemical bonding is lasting attraction between

atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation
of chemical compounds.
Exellent _______________,

Okay Class we will going to have an activity.


i. Setting of Standards Okay class what are

we going to do if theres a group activity 1.Cooperate in the activity silently
2.Avoid Loiterring
3. Avoid chatting

ii. Discussion of Procedures

Now Class, you will be grouped into 3 and
you will going to select a leader

To find your Group

All the color blue and white elements will ,,
combine silently in one group and will call
them ‘’team Papasa”
All Brown and green should be in one group
and they will call them ‘’team Pahiram’’
All Orange and Yellow will silently combine
in one group will call them team “
Ok silently go to your prospective groups.

Can you read the procedure _____________?

Yes Sir,

1. As you reach to your group, identify all the given

elements that were present to your group

a. Is there any member of your group got a metal

element? Yes/No
b. Is there any of your group got a non- metal
element? Yes/No
2.Next using the periodic Table of Elements as your
basis,check the electronegativity of your choosen
two combined elements of your compound and get
their differnce by subtracting each others
4. After you got the electronegativity difference of
those elements that you combined,kindly approach
the facilitator for additional resources using share it
application ( one representative from the group will
be allow to use cellphone during the
activity)Proceed to the task

a. Make a model
b.Present your model to your classmates together
with some understanding from the resource that
your facilitator provided’

iii.Checking of Materials
Leaders, please get one activity sheet and the
materials needed for the said activity Leaders will get the materials and the activity sheet.

A. Activity Proper
( The teacher will facilitate the Class)
Students will answer the activity sheet

B.Post-Laboratory Activity Group leaders will submit their activity sheets and
( Teacher will receive the output for the group mates will clean the materials used for the
activity ) activity.


The first group will going to explain first,

followed by the second group and the third Leaders and some assign members on the group will
group going to report their observation and understanding
about the activity.

IV. Discussion

( The Student will watch a video taken

from a science class website.)

Upon observing the video,
What are the 3 Types of Chemical bonding?

________________, (Student will raise their hands to answer)


Very Good
Let’s have the first

Who can define Ionic bonding?

( students will raise their hands to answer)
Very Good!
Ionic bonding is combination of metal + Non metal

Why do you think class not all of the

elements can’t transfer their electrons?

( student will raise their hands to answer)


Because their electronegativity is lower than 1.9

Very Good,

Can you give some elements that can form

ionic bonding? Did you know that their are
also uses in our life?

Very Good. Lets have some more example

( Student will raise their hands to answer)
Can you read?__________

NaCl or Table Salt

Ionic bonding has many uses Isn't it? Yes Sir

( Student will raise his hand to read)
Ok the Second type of bonding is covalent

What is Covalent bonding? Will you read?

Yes _____________,

(students will raise their hands to answer)

What do you notice with phase of matter They can be many form of matter
exhibit by a covalent bond?



Can somebody give me a example of a

covalent bonding compound? ( Student will raise their hands to answer)

Yes ______________________ H2O

Water Sir,
Ok, Very Good. Water is an example
covalent bond

lets have some example..will you read? ( students will raise their hands to read )

Do Covalent bonds have many uses?

Yes sir.
Ok the last type of chemical bonding is what
we called?
( the student will raise their hands to answer)
Yes ______?

Exellent Mettalic bonding sir,

Who can read the meaning of mettalic

bonding? Bonds form through attraction of positively charge
metal ion+(cation) and the shared electrons that
surrounds it

( student will raise their hands to answer)

How about its electronegativity?
Electronegativity : N/A

Why do you think Mettalic Bonding have no

electronegativity differences? ( student will raise their hands to answer)

because the bonding occurs is just for the metal
elements and the electron surrounds it.

Yes very Good,

What are the examples of the mettalic ( student will raise their hands to answer)


Lets have the other examples of Mettalic

compounds (student will raise their hands to answer)

yes ____________ Iron, cobalt, calcium and magnesium, silver, gold,

barium, platinum, chromium, copper, zinc, sodium,
lithium and francium are some of the examples of
metallic bonds.


V. Generalization
( The Students will put the similarities and differences
Using Triple Ven Diagram. Write of types of bondings)
Similarities and the Differences of the types
of Chemical Bonding. Choose from the Word
Metals +Non Metals
TRANSFERING Similarities of Covalent & Ionic Bond
Higher Than 1.9 OCTET RULE
Crystalline Solid they form compound
Non- Metals + Non- Metals
Lower than 1.9
Solid,Liquid, Gas
Metal ions + Free Floating Electrons
Sea Of Electrons
Ductile Solid



Lets have a quiz

Show the transfer/sharing/ Electron sea
( Student will quietly answer the quiz)
structure of electrons to the following
elements forming compounds.Get their
electronegativity difference, Chemical
formula and the write their type of chemical
student will raise their hands to answer the questions
1.Li F


3.K Cl


EN:3.0 ( ionic Compund)
5.N H

N/A ( Mettalic Comound)

EN:2.2( Ionic Compund)

4. Fe
N/A ( Mettalic Compound)

EN: 0.9 ( Covalent: Non Polar bond)

On your notebook, please answer the
following questions.

1. What are organic compounds

2. What are the important uses of organic
compound Students will copy the questions. They are going to
research either electronic or printed materials. Answers
will be written in their notebooks.

Prepared by:
Adrian B. Ortega
Student Teacher Grade 9
San Matias National High School

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