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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template

Hello coaches,
This week we’re talking 5 out motion offense. Based off your replies I know many of you run
this so my team has put together a template four day 5 out motion offense camp. Here’s the
Day 1: Teach spacing and cuts
Day 2: Add screen and roll
Day 3: Fine tuning
Day 4: Ready for games
“The key is not the ‘will to win’… everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is
important” – Bob Knight. It’s this quote that inspires my overall practicing planning philosophy
and why I created the Practice Planner app and newsletter to help other coaches prepare to
I also believe in games based practices and “showing but not telling”. Many of the drills in here
will put your players in small game like scenarios which force them to think for themselves.
After all, to quote Gregg Popovich: “I can’t make every decision for you. I don’t have 14
timeouts. You guys got to get together and talk.” Keep that quote in mind as you practice.
Anyways, let’s jump straight to it. I’ve attached the plan with drills in the appendix below.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Day 1: Teaching spacing and cuts
Drills Time Coaching Points
Italian drill 10 min For this passing/shooting warmup, make sure your
players are running across the court at game speed.
U14 players should be shooting from the midrange
rather than 3.
Dynamic stretching 10 min Mix and match your dynamic stretches to create your
own routine. Examples include: toe touches, high kicks,
hop jumps, lunges, and sumo squats.
Hall of fame drill 10 min The focus of this drill is passing footwork, teaching
players how to use the hop step and pivot without
7 vs 5 passing 10 min For this mini game, make sure your players are passing
quickly. The idea is that the 7 should move the ball
before the 5 on defense gets a chance to smother
3 man triangles and 15 min Older teams can simply play this as a 3 on 3 with added
cuts to the basket points for baskets scored off cuts. If a player passes but
stands still, it’s a turnover.
Teaching spacing and 20 min Run through rules 1 to 5 on passing and screening from
cuts the 5 out motion guide. Give the rule to your players
and have them figure out how to make it work, then
give corrections.
Scrimmage 15 min Rules- no moving after passing leads to turnovers, half
court game only. For U14 teams run this as a 4 on 4 as
they extra space will give them more confidence to

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Day 2: Add screen and roll
Drills Time Coaching Points
7 vs 5 passing 10 min If your players are familiar with this drill, make the drill
more complicated by adding another defend or an
extra ball.
Dynamic stretching 10 min The USA basketball team has a great resource on
dynamic stretching here.
Dribble penetration 15 min Make these shooting drills competitive by splitting your
curl combo shooting team into two groups. First to 50 makes wins, losers
must run.
OSU shooting drill 15 min Older teams can ask players to make reads off screens.
Add a defender. If he closes out, guard drives, screener
pops. If he sags, guard shoots, screener rolls.
2 on 2 down screen 10 min Simplify this drill for young players by just giving them
one or two options- shoot or drive.
Teaching on ball and 20 min Run through rules 6 to 8 in the 5 out motion guide.
off ball screens Although the focus is offense, make sure the screening
fundamentals are right- lots of contact, hard rolls, not
setting it too high or too low.
Scrimmage 10 min Half court game only. Expect your players to run the 5
out motion, but also expect them to have many
mistakes. Wait until after the game to review them, let
them work things out.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Day 3: Fine tuning
Drills Time Coaching Points
Slalom lay ups 10 min Conditioning like this can be snuck into practice simply
by adding a ball. Add a rule- last player to make 5
layups has pushups to motivate your players to play
hard on both sides of the floor.
Dynamic stretching 10 min One of the benefits of developing a routine is that it
helps players be prepared mentally on game day.
OSU shooting 15 min Record scores of team shooting drills (time to make X
number of shots) and challenge your team to beat it
each time.
1 on 1 post 15 min Emphasis here is quick moves. Players only get one
dribble and 5 seconds to score.
Teach post ups 10 min Teach the last rule (post ups) for the 5 out motion
4 on 4 with motion 15 min Play a 4 on 4 with motion principles. Each team gets 7
possessions before swapping. Keep score.
Scrimmage 15 min Run a full court 5 on 5. Record 2-3 plays that were well
to highlight to your players after the game. Compare
with a couple of other plays that weren’t executed well.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Day 4: Ready for games
Drills Time Coaching Points
Italian drill 10 min If your players are familiar with this drill, have an
assistant guard them to half court to have them
practice driving under pressure.
Dynamic stretching 10 min Another benefit of routine is that players can run the
drills. This is the best time for coaches to step back and
look out for leaders in their teams.
7 v 5 passings 10 min Until now you’ve erred on the side of attack- players
aggressively looking for their own shots. This drill
reminds players that ball movement is still the number
one way to get people open.
1 on 1 with 3 dribbles 15 min Everyone has to be able to attack from the perimeter in
a 5 out motion offense. Compliments can highlight
what moves players do well and guide them to
developing go-to moves for games.
4 on 4 with motion 15 min I don’t believe in rules like X number of passes before
scoring as it encourages pointless passes. However,
you should tell players to look for better shots e.g
cutters, post ups, corner 3’s.
Scrimmage 30 min Play this as two halves of 12 minutes, with a break in
between to discuss improvements for the second half.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template

Italian Drill


Players line up at diagonally opposite baselines, each with balls. One player stands at the wing
furthest away from the line.


The first player dribbles to half court, crosses over, and then dribbles to the top. They throw a
pass to the player on the wing, who shoots the three.

Coaching Points

 Players need to pass off the dribble with one hand (the outer hand) as this is a quicker
pass that will be harder to intercept


 Have the wing player drive and kick back out to the incoming passer. The passer then
shoots the three.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Hall of fame drill


Players line up in 4 lines. 2 lines face each other so that they are organized like a “+”. The first
player in each line has a ball.


Players dribble to the center, jump stop and pivot towards a line and pass. Do the following
pivots (presuming right handed shooter, with right foot in front): 1. Pivot off the front foot 2.
Reverse pivot off the back foot 3. Reverse pivot off the front foot 4. Double pivot- pivot 180
degrees one way then swing around and pass.

Coaching Points

 Players need to keep their stance low, knees bent, to pivot correctly
 Players may get confused with the direction of their pivoting. Let them show initiative to
talk and figure it out.


 One way to make the drill more games based once players have mastered the variations
is to let players pivot how they want, but they cannot repeat the same pivot that was
done before them, and they cannot pass to a player with a ball.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
3 on 3 Triangle Passing and Cutting


Players split up into groups of 3. One player stands at the top of the key with a basketball, two
players stand at the wings.


The player at the top passes the ball to a player at the wing, and then cuts to the basket. The
opposite wing slides up to the top to fill the space. The wing player with the ball returns the
ball to the top, who passes it back to the cutter, who has now popped back out.

Coaching Points

 Add the pass to the cutter for a layup only once players have mastered the passing
 Communication is key for this drill- get your players to shout out that they want the ball.


 You can add 3 defenders to provide some pressure for the players.
 Play a 3 on 3 where an extra point is given for scoring off a give and go.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Dribble Penetration Curl Combo Shooting


Players line up above the wing with balls. The coach stands at the top.


1. Each player drives with the outside hand, hesitates at the first cone, then drives baseline
for a 1 dribble pull up.
2. They rebound their own shot and pass it to the coach up top.
3. Afterwards, they run around the cones as if curling around a down screen.
4. Catch the ball at the opposite elbow for a jumper.
5. Rebound own shot and return to the line.

Coaching Points

 Don't let players just stand in lines. As soon as they see the player in front of them
shoot, they should go. The ideal sized group for this so that no one is waiting too long is
about 6 players.
 The final catch and shoot can be quite tricky as the pass is coming from behind the
player. Again, footwork is key- the feet need to be taking a regular 1-2 step, as if simply
pulling up with the ball off a dribble. The arms reach for the ball. Also, the head needs
to quickly transition from looking to the ball to the basket. Watch one of the best spot
up shooters in the NBA, JJ Redick, do it in slow mo here.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
OSU shooting drill

Players line up under the basket with basketballs. A player starts at the wing with a basketball,
and another player stands at the top.

The player at the top sets a screen for the player with the ball. They use it, driving middle, and
dribble to the elbow to shoot. The screener flares to the corner and catches and shoots. Run for
25 team makes.

Coaching Points

 Make sure your players run this drill at game pace.

 Screen properly and brush shoulders when driving pass.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
2 on 2 Down Screen


1 player on offense on the wing, another in the corner, both guarded. A coach stands at the
top with a ball.


1. The wing sets a down screen for a corner, who makes a read. If no one is open, the
coach will not pass the ball.
2. Repeat setting down screens until someone is open. After the catch, players can shoot
or drive to the basket and set something up.
3. If the defense gets a stop, they go on offense. First team to 10 points wins.

Coaching Points

 Limit your players to playing on one half of the court to simulate weak side help.
 After the ball is passed, no more screening is allowed. Also, if the players can't get open
after 2 down screens then it's a turnover.
 A common problem is that the screener isn't making enough contact on the screen. If
the guard is forced to trail the play then someone will be open.

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5 Out Motion Offense Camp Template
Slalom Layups


Place 2 cones 15 feet apart at the free throw lines and half court lines. Players start at one end,
one has a ball.


The players weave in and out of the cones. Player with the ball tries to make a layup at the
other end. Run for 25 makes.

Coaching Points

 To make the drill more difficult, increase the number of cones players need to move
 You can also add an extra help defender under the basket to add to the challenge

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