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Klausa Kata Sifat ( Adjective Clause)

Klausa kata sifat juga disebut klausa relative.

Kata ganti / benda Kata pengantar Kalimat ilustratif

Arti :

1. orang Kata ganti relative : Kata pengantar yang berfungsi sebagai :

Who (whom atau Subjek – He paid the man who (atau that) had
whose) done the work.

That Objek kata kerja - He paid the man whom

(atau that) he had hired.

Objek kata depan – He haid the man from

whom he had borrowed the money.
Kata sifat kepunyaan – This is the girl whose
picture you saw.

2. benda Which Subjek – Here is a book which (atau that)

describes animals.
Objek kata kerja – The chair which (atau
that) he broke is being repaired.

Objek kata depan – She was wearing the coat

for which she had paid $2,000.

3. waktu When This is the year when the Olympic Games

are held.

4. tempat Where Here is the house where I live.

5. alasan Why Give me one good reason why you did that.

Kata – kata lain yang mungkin mengawali klausa kata sifat adalah :

Before atau after He became sick the day before he was to leave for his vacation.

As (di belakang the same) She made the same mistakes as (atau that) her sister did.


Gunakan koma Jangan gunakan koma

Ketika antesedennya dibatasi sendiri : Ketika antesedenya dibatasi oleh klausa kata
sifat :
- Anteseden kata benda nama diri

Many people congratulated William

Faulkner, who had just won the Nobel Prize Many people congratulated the man who had
for literature. just won the Nobel Prize for literature.

- Anteseden satu dari yang sejenis

The boy’s mother, who loves him very much, A mother who loves him very much, has
has made many sacrifices for his happiness. made many sacrifices for his happiness.

- Antesedenya yang dibatasi oleh

konteks sebelumnya

Late in the evening they sent out for some

coffee. The coffee, which had been boiling for Coffee, which had been boiling for a long
a long time, tasted rancid. time, tasted rancid.

Ketika antesedenya mengacu pada semua Ketika antesedenya dibatasi oleh klausa kata
dalam suatu kelas : sifat pada sebagian dalam suatu kelas :

The chairs, which were in bad condition, were The chairs, which were in bad condition were
sent out to be repaired and refinished. (Semua sent out to be repaired and refinished.
kursi dalam kondisi rusak dan dikirim keluar) (Sebagian, dari kursi – yang dalam kondisi
rusak-dikirim keluar. Kursi-kursi selebihnya
tidak dikirim keluar)

Perhatikan bahwa klausa tanpa koma membedakan satu atau sebagian dari yang lain. Jika tidak
ada perbedaan – atau pilihan – yang dimaksud atau perlu, klausa tanpa koma digunakan.

Isilah dengan klausa kata sifat di dalam tiap kalimat di bawah ini. Jangan gunakan koma jika
klausa kata sifatnya berfungsi mengidentifikasi antesedenya atau membatasi kuantitas

1. Klausa kata sifat – who has too great expectations from his sons.

2. Klausa kata sifat – where he keeps his money now.

3. Klausa kata sifat – who gave the lecture yesterday

4. Klausa kata sifat – which revolves around the sun

5. Klausa kata sifat – who serves as a symbol of nobility and dignity

6. Klausa kata sifat – who has studied his culinary art in France

7. Klausa kata sifat – which has all the latest improvements

8. Klausa kata sifat – which were painted by the great masters of the Renaissance

4. Adjective clause-which revolves around the sun

a. The earth is called a planet

b. A heavenly body is called a planet

5. Adjective clause- who serves as a symbol of nobility and dignity

a. The queen of England is loved her people

b. A queen is loved her people

6. Adjective clause- who has studied his culinary art in France

a. The restaurant hired a new cook recently. The cook

is expected to be very good

b. A cook is expected to be very good

7. Adjective clause- which has all the latest improvements

a. An air-conditioner is quite expensive

b. An air-conditioner is being installed in the new theater. The air-conditioner

8. Adjective clause- which were painted by the great masters of the Renaissance

a. Some of pictures

sold for a high price at the auction.

b. All the pictures

sold for a high price at the auction.


Kata ganti

Relatif sebagai Orang Benda

Subjek The doctor who (atau that) came to see the The tree which (atau that)
sick woman gave her some medicine. his father was plented last
year already has blossoms.

Objek The tree which (atau that)

The doctor whom (atau that) they had called was plented last year already
Kata kerja was delayed because of a traffic accident. has blossoms.
Informal: The doctor who they had called
was delayed because of a traffic accident. Informal: The tree his father
was plented last year already
has blossoms.

Kata ganti

Relative sebagai Orang Benda

Objek kata depan The doctor to whom she sent her The tree under which he is standing
friend is a well-known specialist. is a very old one.

Informal: The doctor who(m) she Informal: The tree which (atau
sent her friend is a well-known that) he is standing is a very old
specialist. one.

Atau atau

The doctor she sent friend is a well- The tree he is standing is a very old
known specialist. one.

Her doctor, whose office was newly That tree, the branches of which are
Kepunyaan decorated, started to charge higher almost bare now, is a very old one.
Informal: That tree, whose
branches of which are almost bare,
is a very old one.

That digunakan untuk orang dan benda hanya di dalam klausa restriktif. Kata ganti relative
dapat dihilangkan hanya di dalam klausa restriktif.

Ubahlah kalimat kedua di dalam tiap kelompok kalimat menjadi klausa kata sifat dan masukan
ke dalam kalimat pertama. Berhati-hatilah dengan tanda baca klausa kata sifat. Gunakan bentuk
formal, tetapi perhatikan di mana bentuk informal dapat dibuat.

CONTOH The police finally arrested the thieves

They had participated in the great train robbery.

The police finally arrested the thieves who (or that) had participated in the great
train robbery.

1. The musicians

arrived very late because of the storm.

The company had hired them for the office party.

2. The rans

came too late to save the crops.

The farmers were expecting them.

3. Abstract art

is concerned with esthetic from rather than with

graphic representation.

Many people do not understand abstract art.

4. At the flea market she bought a ring

It was supposed to be 200 years old.

5. The car

Was continually being stopped by the cheering


The president was riding in the car.

6. The man

Was reluctant to report the theft to the police.

His money had been stolen.

7. The browns were greatly impressed by the brilliance of Mr.Jones, the young author

They had just been introduced to him.


moved to another town.

Her husband has recently been transferred.


Ubahlah kalimat kedua di dalam tiap kelompok kalimat menjadi klausa kata sifat dan masukkan
ke dalam kalimat pertama. Gunakan bentuk formal maupun informal dari klausa kata sifat.
Berhati hatilah dengan tanda baca klausa bersangkutan.

CONTOH : a. The company employes many people.

She works for the company.

The company for which she works employs many people.

The company (which or that) she works employs many people.

b.Prof. Emery has written a very controversial book

Everyone is talking about him these days.

Prof. Emery, about whom everyone is talking about him these days, has written
a very controversial book.

Prof. Emery, who(m) everyone is talking about him these days, has written a
very controversial book.

1. The house is very cold.

The taylor live in the house.

2. The fire is now under control.

The Fire Department has been fighting against it for several hours.

3. The bank is very reliable.

I have just borrowed some money from it.

4. My father-in-law is lending me some money for a

new house.

I can always depend on him for help.

5. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata iss a great piece of music.

I listen to it whenever I play my record.

6. He has gotten himself into a dangerous situation

He has no control over this situation.

7. The Empire State Building is one of the tallest

buildings in the world.

We are just going into this building.

8. The Rocky Mountains are very beautiful.

We will soon be flying over them.

9. He picked up the toy

His son was playing with the toy.

10. The enemies are proverty and injustice.

Every country fights against these enemies.

11. The street is a very busy one.

Our store is located on that street.


Kata ganti relative dapat digunakan di dalam frasa of yang didahului dengan kata yang
diacu oleh frasa tersebut. Kontruksi ini khususnya lazim di belakang kata ganti kuantitas tak
tentu dan di belakang superlative yang digunakan sebagai kata benda.

The new student, some of whom came from other countries, were required to take
a special orientation program.

This nightclub has put on many shows, the most spectacular of which is the
present one.

Kontruksi ini dapat pula digunakan dengan kata benda jenis lain.

They decided to see the movie at the Bijou, the title of which intrigued them.

Di dalam klausa seperti ini, whose dapat menjadi alternatif untuk of which – One of his
books, the title of whoch (atau whose title) escapes me at the moment, tells all about
the “lost continent”.
Di dalam setiap pasangan kalimat di bawah ini, ubahlah kalimat kedua menjadi klausa kata sifat
dan masukkan di dalam bagian yang kosong di dalam kalimat pertama. Gunakan koma untuk
klausa kata sifat.

CONTOH The toys, were returned to the manufacturer

Most of them had been damaged in transit.

The toys, most of which had been damaged in transit, were returned to the

1. The members of the band

came from all parts of the city.

The majority of them were amateurs.

2. She hurried home to feed her cats.

One of them had just had kittens.

3. The president appointed a special committee

The chairman of the committee was to report to him periodically

4. Their apartment

was one of the most expensive in the building.

The windows their apartment faced the river.

5. This old book

has had a great influence on me.

The author of the book is unknown

6. The children

went to look for something to stand on.

The tallest of them could not reach the shelf where the cookies were.

7. The storekeepers in the neighborhood

asked for more police protection

several of them had already been robbed

8. The residents

were given help by the Red Cross

All of their homes had been damaged by the flood

9. He was put out of business by his many competitors

The most unscrupulous of them had cut prices below cost


Sebuah kata biasanya didefinisikan dengan lebih dahulu meletakannya di dalam suatu
kelas dan kemudian menyatakan apa yang membuat kata tersebut berbeda dengan anggota lain
dari kelasnya (perbedaan)

Geography – A science (kelas) that deals with the earth and its life (perbedaan)

Definisikan kata-kata berikut ini dengan menambahkan klausa kata sifat pada kata kelas yang
diberikan. Gunakan kamus jika perlu

1. Cannibal – A human being who

2. Euphemism – An expression that

3. Socialism – A system or condition of society in which

4. Atom - The smallest component of an element that

5. Bullfight – A spectacle in which

6. Economic – A science that

7. Demagogue – A political leader

8. Capitalist – A person

9. Peninsula – A body of land


Gabungkan pasangan-pasangan kalimat berikut ini sehingga kalimat kedua di dalam tiap
pasangan menjadi klausa kata sifat yang menerangkan kata yang dicetak miring di dalam kalimat
pertama. Berikan tanda baca dengan cermat. Pertimbangkan semua bentuk yang mungkin
digunakan, baik formal maupun informal, untuk kalimat pembuka.
Orang sebagai Anteseden
1. Albert Einstein will always be revered in history.
He was not only a great scientist but a great human being.

2. A person meets all his responsibilities.

Everyone admires such a person

3. The student was highly praised by his teacher.

The student’s competition was read in class.

4. Ellen peters is a very prominent lawyer

The judge is talking to her at the moment

5. The woman is a very prominent lawyer

The judge is talking to her at the moment

6. All of the office workers were dismissed by the company

They had gone on strike for higher pay

7. Some of the office workers were dismissed by the company

They had gone on strike for higher pay
8. Suddenly a man appeared at the back door
She knew the man was wanted by the

9. The soldiers 0n the European front were overjoyed when they received the news of the
Many of them had been on active duty for four years

Benda sebagai Anteseden

10. Tennis offers a pleasant means of recreation for young people
It can be played by two or four players

11. His lat letter was lost

It was the letter in which he enclosed the check

12. The books finally arrived

He had sent away for the books

13. The ABC television program is very popular with young children
Some educators are producing the program

14. Some people do not like modern art

They believe it is only a random splashing of paint on canvas
Tempat sebagai Anteseden (gunakan where)
15. The town has been very mush in the news these days
The university is located there

16. The city is rich in historical associations

Henry James preferred to live there

17. London is rich in historical associations

Henry James preferred to live there

18. The garage is very expensive

The executives of the company pasrk their cars there

19. There was a wonderful view from the hilltop

The hikers had stopped there to have lunch

Waktu sebagai Anteseden (gunakan when)

20. The president will see you on Saturday
On this day he will have more time to spend with you

21. More students look forward to the Christmas holiday

At this time they can relaxafter months of hard work

22. They generally take a short vacation in January

In this month there is very little business in their store

Klausa kata benda Penghubung Fungsi

yang berawal dari : Pembuka Klausa Contoh

1. Pernyataan that Subjek That coffee grows in

Coffee Brazil well known to all
grows in
Brazil Subjek di It is well known that coffee
belakang it grows in Brazil
Pelengkap My understanding is that
subjektif coffee grows in Brazil
Objek kata I know that coffee grows in
kerja Brazil
Apositif His belief that coffee grows in
Brazil is correct

2. Pertanyaan
a. Mengharap Whether Subjek Whether (or not) he gets the
(or not) juga if money doesn’t concern me
jawaban ya
atau tidak Pelengkap subjektif The question is whether he

Will he got will get the money

the money?
Objek kata kerja Do you know whether (atau if)
he will get the money?
b. Kata Tanya
Objek kata depan We were concerned about
How whether he would get the
Who money
will he
get the What Subjek How he gets the money is his
money ?
own affair
Which Pelengkap subjektif
The question is how he will
get the money
Where Objek kata kerja
I don’t know how he will get
the money
How Objek kata depan
we were concerned about how
he would get the money
3. permintaan That Objek kata kerja He suggested that I write the
letter soon

4. seruan What Objek kata depan I hadn’t realized what a

what a pretty girl she was
pretty girl
she is ? How Objek kata depan We talked about what a
pretty girl she was

Pemakaian the fact that (dan bukan that) untuk membuka subjek klausa kata benda
menekankan sifat faktual dari subjek bersangkutan.

Klausa kata benda terdiri atas subjek dan predikat yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda.
Salah satu dari fungsinya yang paling lazim adalah sebagai objek kata kerja, khususnya kata
kerja aktivitas berbicara atau aktivitas mental. Jika kata kerja seperti ini dinyatakan dalam past
tense, kata kerja di dalam objek klausa kata benda juga mengambil bentuk lampau (past.

A. Percakapan Tak Langsung – Klausa Kata Benda Dari Pernyataan

Kata Kerja Utama Present Kata Kerja Utama Past

(Tanpa sequence of tenses) (sequence of tenses)
He says (that) : He said (that) :
The train always arrives late The train always arrived late
The train is arriving The train was arriving
The train arrived late The train had arrived late
The train has just arrived The train had just arrived
The train will arrive soon The train would arrive soon
The train may be arriving soon The train might be arriving soon
That dihilangkan dalam pemakaian informal. Present tense dapat dipertahankan di dalam objek
klausa that yang menyatakan generalisasi. (He said that the train always arrives late)
Tidak ada koma di depan atau dibelakang klausa kata benda.

Ubahlah menjadi percakapan tidak langsung. Perhatikan sequence of tenses pada semua ata kerja
di dalam klausa kata benda. Buatlah perubahan apa pun yang diperlukan pada kata ganti.
He said, “ I need more time to get ready.”
He said the he needed more time to get ready. (perhatikan bahwa tidak ada koma
di depan that)
1. He said, “ They have already finished the work.”

2. He said, “ Contructions on your house will begin as soon as the lumber arrives.”

3. The technician said, “ The laboratory has already sent in the report.”

4. The mechanic said, “ Your car is repaired and you can pick it up at the garage at any

5. She said, “ We are planning a farewell party for our two guests.”

6. He said, “ I will meet you at the airport whenever you wish.”

7. Our visitor said, “ It rains is great deal in my country.”

8. He said, “ The weather is so bad that I won’t go out at all.”

9. The gardener said, “ The bushes should be trimmed one a month.”

10. She said, “ My parents live too far away for me to visit them often.”

B. Percakapan Tak Langsung

Klausa Kata Benda Dari Pertanyaan
Ubahlah menjadi percakapan tak langsung. Perhtikan sequence of tenses dan buatlah perubahan
apapun yang diperlukan pada kata gantu. Gunakan urutan subjek-kata kerja yang biasa pada
klausa kata benda.
CONTOH : a. He asked me, “ Does the train always arrive late?”
He asked me whether (atau informal if) the train always arrived late.
(Perhatikan bahwa tidak ada koma di depan whether dan bahwa ada tanda titik
pada akhir kalimat)
b.He asked me, “ Where do you keep your keys?”
He asked me where Ikept my keys.
1. He asked me, “ Will the report be ready soon?”

2. He asked me, “ Has anyone found the missing dog?”

3. He asked me, “ Can you cook?”

4. He asked me, “ What color do you want?”

5. He asked me,” How much does this umbrella cost?”

Should sudah dalam bentuk lampau sehingga dapat diterima di sini. Should have trimmed
megubah arti menjadi yang tidak dilakukan.
6. He asked me,” What is your name?”

7. He asked me, “ Which block do you live on?”

8. He asked me,” Where is the post office?”

9. He asked me,” Why didn’t you answer when I called you?”

10. He asked me,” Who was hurt in the accident?”

11. He asked me,” May anyone enter the contest?”

12. He asked me,” When are they leaving for Chicago?”

13. He asked me,” Is the bus non-stop?”

14. He asked me,” Have you ever been to New York?”

15. He asked me,” Which typewriter do you like better?”

16. He asked me,” Who is that pretty girl?”

17. He asked me,” What time is it?”

18. He asked me,” Whose hat is this?”

19. He asked me,” Whom does the blue umbrella belong to?”

Jika pertanyaan dengan kata Tanya mengandung bentuk kata kerja bebas
be + subjek kata ganti /kata benda, urutan subjek dan kata kerja dibalik
dalam pertanyaan tak langsung.
Pertanyaan How late is the train?
Pertanyaan tak langsung He asked me how late the train was.

20. He Asked Me,” How long have you been waiting?”

21. He asked me,” Which beach did you go yo?”


Ubahlah kata kerja utama menjadi past tense dan buatlah perubahan pada klausa kata benda yang
diperlukan menurut sequence of tenses.
CONTOH: a. He denied that he took the money.
He denied that he had taken (informal, took) the money.
b.She is pretending that she hasn’t seen him come into the room
She was pretending (atau pretended) that she hasn’t seen him come into the
c.I know that I can do the work if he will give me the chance
I knew that I could do the work if he would give me the chance

1. We believe that he may take the late train home.

2. I assume that the insurance company will pay me for the damage to my car.

3. I think that the baby is crying.

4. We doubt that they have already left.

5. I suppose that they are out to lunch.

6. Our neightboors are threatening that they will call the police if we continue to play such
loud music.

7. I suppose that the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be satisfactory.

8. She is complaining that the doctor is charging too much for the series of treatment he is
giving her.

9. He insist that the report he has prepared is based on accurate statistics.

10. I promise that after the ball game is over I will come straight home.


Ubahlah tiap jenis kalimat menjadi objek klausa kata benda. Perhatikanlah sequence of tenses di
belakang kata kerja utama bentuk lampau. Gunakan tanda titik pada akhir kalimat kecuali jika
keseluruhan kalimat merupakan pertanyaan.
CONTOH: a. The package has arrived.
He said (that) the package has arrived.
b.Can they afford to buy a house?
They wondered whether they could afford to buy a house.
c.What time is it?
I don’t know what time it is.
d.What a terrible cold she has!
Did you notice what a terrible cold she has?

1. She can do no wrong.

She believes
2. Will the tickets be expensive?
He couldn’t tell us
3. Who is playing the piano?
She asked
4. Hoe noisy this typewriter is!
I hadn’t realized
5. May I see you soon?
Please let me know

6. Where is the bus stop?

Can you tell me
7. No one is allowed to enter the building.
The guard explained
8. How far is the airport from here?
I’ll try to find out
9. What a wonderful hostess she is!
No one can ever forget
10. He doesn’t understand the question.
He pretended
11. Is she wearing her diamond ring?
I didn’t notice
12. On which street does he live?
She asked him
13. How late it is!
I hadn’t realized
14. Her son is a famous athlete
He boasted about
15. The dictator makes more promises than he keeps
The people were irritated by


Di belakang kata kerja wish, klausa kata benda that dapat mengacu kepada waktu
sekarang atau waktu lampau. That pembuka sering dihilanhakn, khususnya dalam pemakaian
Harapan (wish) yang mengacu kepada waktu sekarang sering berlawanan dengan
kenyataan. Bentuk pengandaian lampau dari kata kerja digunakan untuk harapan seperti ini.

My wife plays the piano I wish she played better ( She doesn’t)

The fact that harus digunakan dengan pernyataan yang dijadikan objek kata depan –
The police are suspicious of the fact that she safe was not loocked at the time of the
Bentuk kata keeja yang digunakan dalam harapan sekarang yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan
sama dengan yang digunakan dalam unreal condition – If my wife played better.

A. Isilah dengan bentuk yang tepat untuk harapan sekarang yang berlawanan dengan
kenyataan. Hilangkan that pembuka.
CONTOH: a. I’m at home now, I wish (be at the beach).
I wish I were at the beach.
b.That’s beautiful picture. I wish (know how to paint).
I wish I knew how to paint.
c.Our refrigerator is always breaking now. I wish (can afford to bu a new
I wish I could afford to buy a new refrigerator.
1. I have black hair. I wish (have red hair)

2. Our apartment is very noisy. We (can move away from here)

3. They live in a tropical climates now. We wish (live in a more moderate here)

4. We have to work on our income taxes tonight. Don’t you wish (be able to go to a
movie instead).

5. It’s very cold outside. I wish (be warmer)

6. She lives in the eastern part of the country. She wishes (live in the West)

7. It’s hard for me to express myself in English. I wish (speak English well).

8. We are sorry you have to leave now. We wish (be able to stay longer)

9. Our television set isn’t working. I wish (know how to fix it).

10. It’s winter now. I wish (be summer)

11. It takes me a long time to get to work by bus. I wish (have a car) and (can drive to

12. The cat isn’t eating. I wish (know what the matter is)

13. I couldn’t sleep last night. I wish (not have to go to work today)

B. Harapan dengan WOULD

Harapan dengan would sering menunjukkan waktu sekarang hingg waktu akan
datang. Would membuka kemungkinan bahwa harapan bahwa harapan tersebut dapat terwujud
pada masa datang.
I wish (that) it would stop raining vs I wish (that) it weren’t raining now
I wish (that) he would study harder vs I wish (that) he study harder

Isilah dengan bentuk yang tepat untuk harapan berikut ini yang mungkin terwujud. Hilangakn
that pembuka.
CONTOH: a. He is a nuisance. I wish (go away)
I wish he would go away.
b.The radio is too. I wish (turn it down)
I wish you would turn it down.

1. His hair is very long. His mother wishes (have it cut)

2. The stock market keeps going down. I wish (start to go up again)

3. I like a well-kept home. I wish (my neightbors keep their yard clean)

4. Our television set isn’t working. I wish you (have it fixed)

5. You’re driving too fast. I wish (slow down)

6. This letter is carelessly done. I wish you (type more carefully)

7. His wife smokes too much. He wishes (stop smoking)


Harapan yang mengacu pada waktu lampau tidak menjadi kenyataan. Bentuk past perfect
digunakan dalam harapan seperti ini.
My wife plays the piano I wish she had played better yesterday (but she

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