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VMware HCX User Guide

VMware HCX 3.5.1

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VMware HCX User Guide

You can find the most up-to-date technical documentation on the VMware website at:
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VMware, Inc.
3401 Hillview Ave.
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Copyright © 2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright and trademark information.

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About the VMware HCX User Guide 6

Updated Information 7

1 VMware HCX Overview 8

2 VMware HCX Components 9

3 Installing VMware HCX 11

Installation Requirements 12
Network Requirements 13

Downloading the VMware HCX OVAs 15
Deploying HCX Manager in the vSphere Client 16
HCX Activation and Initial Configuration 17
Managing HCX Appliance Management Settings 18

Updating the HCX Manager License Keys 19

Updating the HCX Manager Time Settings 19
Updating the HCX Manager System Name 20
Managing CA and Self Signed Certificates 20

4 Configuring and Managing the HCX Interconnect 22
About HCX Interconnect Configuration Methods 22
Configuring and Managing HCX Interconnect 23
Adding a New Site Pair 23
Editing a Site Pair 24
Removing a Site Pair 24
Enabling the HCX-IX Migration Service 25
Enabling the HCX WAN Optimization Service 26
Enabling the HCX Network Extension Service 28
Removing Service Appliances 29
Preparing the Destination Site Interconnect Configuration 30
Using the Multi-Site Services Mesh to Create and Manage the HCX Interconnect 31
About the HCX Multi-Site Services Mesh 31
Creating a Compute Profile 34
Creating a Network Profile 38

5 Extending Networks with VMware HCX 40

About VMware HCX Network Extension 40

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Extending Networks from the vSphere Networking Context Menu 41

Extending Networks from the VMware HCX User Interface 42
Removing a Network Extension 42
Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware HCX Enterprise Interface 43
Verifying Network Extension Operations in vSphere Task Interface 43
Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware HCX Cloud Interface 43
VMware HCX Network Extension with Proximity Routing 44

6 Migrating Virtual Machines with VMware HCX 48

VMware HCX Migration Types 48
About VMware HCX Bulk Migration 49
About VMware HCX vMotion and Cold Migration 50
Additional Migration Settings 51
Migrating a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Context Menu 52

Migrating Virtual Machines from the VMware HCX Interface 53

7 Protecting Virtual Machines with VMware HCX Disaster Recovery 55

About VMware HCX Disaster Recovery 55

Enabling DR Protection for a Virtual Machine 56

Performing a Virtual Machine Test Recovery 58
Performing a Virtual Machine Recovery 59
VMware HCX Disaster Recovery - Protect Operations for VMs 59

8 Updating VMware HCX 60
About VMware HCX System Updates 60
Planning VMware HCX System Updates 61
VMware HCX Update Procedures 62
VMware HCX Release Notes 63

9 VMware HCX Troubleshooting 64

Enabling SSH on the VMware HCX Manager 64
Logging into the VMware HCX Manager CLI 65
Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX Manager CLI 66
Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX Plug-In 66
Using Central CLI to Connect to VMware HCX Services 67
Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the VMware HCX Plug-In 68
Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the VMware HCX Appliance Management 68
Viewing Logs In the VMware HCX Manager Shell 69
VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX Appliance Management Interface 69
VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX CLI 70
Viewing VMware HCX System State 71
Viewing VMware HCX-Related Entries in the vSphere Task Console 72

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VMware HCX User Guide

Enabling the VMware HCX Central CLI 72

10 Monitoring VMware HCX Systems 73

vROPS Management Pack for VMware HCX 73
Installing the VMware HCX Management Pack 74

11 VMware HCX in the VMware Cloud on AWS 76

Deploying VMware HCX Cloud from the VMC Console 76
Overview of VMware HCX on NSX for vSphere backed SDDCs 77
Overview of VMware HCX on NSX-T Backed VMC SDDCs 79
Configuring VMware HCX for Direct Connect Private Virtual Interfaces 81

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About the VMware HCX User Guide
The VMware HCX™User Guide describes how to plan for, install, and operate VMware HCX services in
a vSphere data center. The information includes step-by-step configuration instructions and operational

Intended Audience

This information is intended for anyone who wants to install, upgrade, or use VMware HCX. The
information is written for experienced Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with
virtual machine technology and data center operations.

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VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For
definitions of terms as they are used in the VMware technical documentation, go to


VMware, Inc. 6
Updated Information

This VMware HCX User Guide is updated with each release of the product or when necessary.

This table provides the update history of the VMware HCX User Guide.

Revision Description

23 OCT 2018 n Added the Chapter 11 VMware HCX in the VMware Cloud on AWS topics.

20 OCT 2018 n Added information about Replication Assisted vMotion in VMware HCX Migration Types.

1 SEP 2018 n Added information about the vROPS Management Pack for VMware HCX.
n Added the procedure Chapter 8 Updating VMware HCX.

21 JUN 2018 Initial Release.


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VMware HCX Overview 1
VMware HCX abstracts on-premises versus cloud notions and presents capabilities to Virtual Machines
as a continuous hybrid cloud.

VMware HCX enables:

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n Modernization of Mission-Critical Application Infrastructure with a minimal operational overhead
without requiring a retrofit of legacy infrastructure.

n New hybrid data center architectures, where premises/private cloud network topologies are efficiently
replicated, accelerating application migration, mobility and business continuity, and at scale.

n Coherent migration of hundreds of VMs, bi-directionally, in parallel, on a secure high-performance

overlay, over an existing WAN, VPN, or Private lines.

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VMware HCX Components 2
The VMware HCX is comprised of a virtual management component at the source and destination site,
and up to three types of VMware HCX Interconnect service appliances. VMware HCX services are
configured and enabled at the source site, and then deployed as virtual appliances at the source site, with
a peer appliance at the destination site.

VMware HCX Enterprise Manager and VMware HCX Cloud

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VMware HCX Manager platform is deployed to the management zone, adjacent to each site's vCenter
Server, and provides a single plane for VMware HCX administration. The VMware HCX manager provides
a sophisticated framework for deploying VMware HCX service VMs across both the local and remote
sites. VMware HCX administrators are authenticated, and each task authorized through the existing
vSphere SSO identity sources. VMware HCX mobility, extension, protection actions can be initiated from
the VMware HCX User Interface or from within the vCenter Server Navigator screen's context menus.

In the HCX site-to-site Architecture, the HCX Managers have a Source or Destination function. HCX
Enterprise Manager is always deployed as the source. HCX Cloud Manager is always deployed as the
destination. Same types cannot be paired with each other.

In HCX enabled public clouds, the cloud provider deploys VMware HCX Cloud. The public cloud tenant
deploys VMware HCX Enterprise on premises.

In the NSX Hybrid Connect model (HCX for Private to Private deployments), the tenant deploys both
source and destination VMware HCX Managers.

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VMware HCX User Guide

HCX-IX Interconnect Appliance

The HCX-IX service appliance provides replication and vMotion based migration capabilities over the
Internet and private lines to the target site whereas providing strong encryption, traffic engineering, and
virtual machine mobility.

HCX-WAN-Optimization Appliance

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The VMware HCX WAN Optimization service improves performance characteristics of the private lines or
Internet paths by applying WAN optimization techniques like the data de-duplication and line conditioning.
It makes performance closer to a LAN environment. It accelerates on-boarding to the cloud using
Internet/VPN- without waiting for Direct Connect/MPLS circuits.

HCX Network Extension Virtual Appliance

The VMware HCX Network Extension service provides a late Performance (4–6 Gbps) Layer 2 extension
capability. The extension service permits keeping the same IP and MAC addresses during a Virtual
Machine migration. Network Extension with Proximity Routing enabled ensures that forwarding between
virtual machines connected to extended and routed networks, both on-premises and in the cloud, is

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Installing VMware HCX 3
HCX Manager integrates with vSphere systems and is installed at the source and destination
environments as the first step to enabling HCX services.

In HCX deployment architectures where the destination is a public cloud, the HCX Cloud Manager is pre-
installed, or automatically deployed by the public cloud provider. Some minimal configuration may be

required for HCX to consume Direct Connect / MPLS for services.

In HCX deployment architectures where the destination is a private vSphere or vCloud Director
environment, the HCX Cloud Manager installation is required.

Overview of the HCX Installation Process

A VMware HCX deployment involves the followings steps:

1 Plan for the deployment by completeing the HCX Pre-Install Checklist. Use the checklist to prepare
deployment configurations for the source and destination

Note Obtain the pre-install checklist from your VMware account team. This document will soon be
available in

2 Download and install the HCX Manager OVA.

3 Connect to the HCX Appliance Management interface to activate, and integrate with local vSphere
systems (vCenter Server, vCloud Director, NSX, SSO)

4 In private to private deployments, Prepare the Destination site HCX for services

6 Using the HCX Enterprise Plugin at the source site, register the HCX Cloud Manager as the target
(site pair).

7 Use the source site plugin to build the HCX Interconnect for a selected site pair.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Installation Requirements

n Network Requirements

n Downloading the VMware HCX OVAs

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VMware HCX User Guide

n Deploying HCX Manager in the vSphere Client

n HCX Activation and Initial Configuration

n Managing HCX Appliance Management Settings

Installation Requirements
Requirements for deploying VMware HCX components.

Component Version Requirements

Component Type HCX Source Site (HCX Enterprise) HCX Destination Site (HCX Cloud)

vCenter Server 5.1 6.0.0 U2 and above

ESXi 5.0 ESXi 6.0 and above

NSX Optional. NSX 6.4 required.

For Network Extension of Logical The Interconnect deployment cluster
Switches at the source, NSX 6.4 or must be prepared for NSX Logical
above. Switches.

Virtual Hardware Requirements

VMware HCX Component vCPU Memory Disk

HCX Manager 4 12 GB 60 GB

HCX WAN Interconnect (HCX-IX) 8 3 GB 2 GB

HCX Network Extension (HCX-NET-EXT) 8 3 GB 2 GB

HCX WAN Optimization (HCX-WAN-OPT) 8 14 GB 100 GB

Feature Interoperability Requirements

Note Listed VMware HCX Interoperable versions must also meet VMware Product Interoperability Matrix
compatibility requirements.

Feature Source Site Requirements

VMware HCX (API Only) n vCenter 5.1 and above with ESXi 5.0 and above.

VMware HCX Bulk Migration n vCenter 5.1 and above with ESXi 5.0 and above.

VMware HCX vMotion n vCenter 5.5 and above with ESXi 5.0 and above.

VMware HCX Cold Migration n vCenter 5.5 and above with ESXi 5.0 and above.

VMware HCX Cloud Motion with Replication Assisted vMotion n Source vCenter 5.5 and above with ESXi 5.5 and above.
n Only supports target vSphere in VMware Cloud on AWS.

VMware HCX Network Extension (VLAN) n vCenter 5.1 and above with ESXi 5.1 and above.
n vSphere or 3rd party Distributed Switch must be installed.

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VMware HCX User Guide

Feature Source Site Requirements

VMware HCX Network Extension (VXLAN) n vCenter 5.5 and above with ESXi 5.5 and above.
n vSphere Distributed Switch must be installed.
n NSX 6.1+ and above at the local source site .

VMware HCX Network Extension with Proximity Routing n vCenter 5.1 and above with ESXi 5.1 and above.
n vSphere Distributed Switch must be installed.

VMware HCX Network Extension of Cisco Nexus 1000v n vCenter 5.0 and above.

VMware HCX Disaster Recovery n vCenter 5.1 with ESXi 5.0 and above.

Requirements for VMware HCX Activation

Requirement Notes

HCX Manager activation requires connectivity Test connectivity from the HCX Manager command line, or the HCX

to configuration UI.
curl -k -v

Note If there is an HTTPS proxy server in the environment, it must be defined

in the HCX Manager configuration first.

For private to public HCX deployments, obtain Obtaining the activation keys for VMware HCX in VMware Cloud on AWS.

the HCX Activation Keys from the HCX- n Log in to
enabled cloud provider. n Open VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension > Activation Keys > CREATE
For private to private HCX deployments, ACTIVATION KEYS.
obtain NSX Datacenter Enterprise + Licenses n Create an VMware HCX Cloud key for VMware Cloud on AWS.

from n Create an VMware HCX Enterprise key for VMware HCX on-premises.

Network Requirements
The VMware HCX network requirements include Network Address Assignments, ports for VMware HCX
WAN connections, local connections, standard management connections, and MPLS/VPLS/Direct

Network Address Assignments

Component Requirements

VMware HCX Enterprise n One management internal IP (typically from the ESXi management network).
Manager (HCX-ENT-MGR)

VMware HCX WAN n One management IP per remote site (Preferably allocated from the ESXi management
Interconnect (HCX-WAN-IX) network).
n One vMotion IP address per remote site (In most environments the vMotion network is not
routed, this assignment keeps the network isolated and allows VMware HCX to become a
secure proxy to one or more configured remote sites).

VMware HCX Network n One management internal IP per Distributed Switch. (Preferably allocated from the ESXi
Extension (HCX-NET-EXT) management network)

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VMware HCX User Guide

Component Requirements

On-premises/Local Internet n The local VMware HCX components can share a single public NAT IP address, or they can
Public IP / NAT be configured for 1 to 1 NAT. Both approaches are supported.

On-premises/Local HTTPS n VMware HCX must be configured in the proxy bypass settings.
Proxy Servers n The proxy server can be specified in VMware HCX appliance management.

Remote VMware HCX n For each VMware HCX appliance deployed on-premises, the remote VMware HCX Cloud
components (the target site) automatically deploys a peer appliance.
n One Public IP is required per peer appliance. At minimum, two public IP addresses are
n The current VMware HCX Enabled Cloud services providers include the minimum IP
addresses out of the box but require additional VMware HCX public IPs to be purchased.

Network Ports for VMware HCX WAN Connections

VMware HCX functionality always spans a source and remote site. The local VMware HCX components

make network connections to remote components. The connections are detailed in the following table.
The perimeter firewalls must be updated to allow these connections.

Source Destination Protocol/Port Purpose

HCX Manager (Enterprise & TCP-443 Activation & Entitlement
Cloud) Access to Updates

HCX Enterprise Manager Remote Site VMware HCX Cloud Manager TCP-443 VMware HCX Multisite

Source HCX-IX Peer HCX-IX UDP-500 VMware HCX Interconnect

(Enterprise site IX initiates.) (Peer IX responds, never initiates.) UDP-4500 WAN Transport Tunnels.

Local Site HCX-NET-EXT Peer HCX-NET-EXT UDP-500 VMware HCX Network

(Enterprise site NET-EXT (Peer NET-EXT responds, never initiates.) UDP-4500 Extenstion WAN Transport
initiates.) Tunnels

VMware HCX Local Connections

VMware HCX is closely integrated with vSphere Products (vCenter, ESXi, Optionally NSX), connections
are made to those components for inventory and for specific VMware HCX operations. A table for the
local connections is available in the appendices, at the end of the user guide.

VMware HCX Standard Management Connections

The VMware HCX Manager must be integrated with the local DNS, NTP and Syslog servers. Use your
existing processes to ensure that these shared services are reachable.

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VMware HCX Over MPLS/VPLS/Direct Connect

By default, VMware HCX will use a minimum of 2 Public IP addresses to connect the HCX-WAN-IX and
HCX-NET-EXT components (Public IP addresses are assigned to their uplink interface). In most VMware
HCX-enabled Cloud providers, VMware HCX can be configured to use Direct Connect IP/private lines
addresses as the uplink IP addresses of the appliances. The remote site (VMware HCX Cloud)
configuration must be updated.

Downloading the VMware HCX OVAs

The VMware HCX Manager OVA is used to install


n In private to private HCX deployments, the HCX Cloud Manager OVA must be installed in the

destination environment.

n In private to public cloud deployments, the public cloud will install the HCX Cloud Manager
component as part of the infrastructure when the HCX service is enabled.

The HCX Enterprise OVA is required for all deployments at for the source environment.


n The HCX Enterprise OVA download link should come from the HCX Cloud interface to ensure

compatibility across the sites.


1 If required, download the HCX Cloud Manager OVA from

a Browse to

b Search HCX.

c Click VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere > NSX Hybrid Connect 3.5.1.

d Click Download Now.

The installer file is VMware-HCX-Installer-3.5.1-8633017.ova with Release Date: 2018-06-19.

This installer will update itself to the most current release during the initial configuration.

Skip Step 1 if using the deployment is to an HCX enabled public cloud, and the HCX Cloud Manager
is already deployed. When there is a pre-existing HCX Cloud Manager system, ensure the latest
updates are applied before using the HCX Enterprise Client download link.

2 Connect to the HCX Cloud Manager system, and download the HCX Enterprise Manager OVA.

a Navigate to

b Connect using the SSO user (or System Administrator in vCloud Director integrated systems).

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c Navigate to the Administration tab > System Updates.

d Click the Request Download Link.

Deploying HCX Manager in the vSphere Client

The VMware HCX Manager component requires a standard OVA template installation through the
vSphere client.


This procedure can be used for both the HCX Enterprise and Cloud Manager installations.


1 Connect to the vCenter Server client and deploy the OVF Template.

2 Browse and select the HCX-Installer-#.ova file, Click Next.

3 Review the Deploy OVF Template Details and click Next.

4 Read and accept the EULA and click Next.

5 Enter the HCX Manager appliance name and the inventory location and click Next.

6 Select a specific host and click Next.

7 Select the Storage Profile and Destination Storage and then click Next.

8 Select the Disk Format and click Next.

9 Select the Destination Network and click Next.

10 Set the appropriate properties.

n Passwords

n Provide an admin password.

n Provide a root password.

n Network Properties

n Enter a Hostname for the HCX Manager virtual machine.

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n Static Route

n Optionally, provide the IPv4 Network, the Prefix Length, and Gateway IP address for any
networks that are notreachable through the default gateway.


n Enter the DNS server. (Required)

n Services Configuration

n NTP Server List (Required)

11 Click Next.

12 Review the Deployment settings and click Finish.

What to do next

Allow up to 5 minutes for the VMware HCX appliance to initialize, then browse to the HCX appliance

management interface for the initial configuration using Proceed to the
HCX Activation and Initial Configuration topic.

HCX Activation and Initial Configuration

A newly deployed HCX Manager system will need to be activated immediately upon launching the

Appliance Management interface, after the newly deployed system is initialized.


n The HCX Manager OVA deployment should be completed first Allow up to five minutes after the HCX
OVA deployment for the services to initialize.


1 Browse to the HCX appliance management and authenticate using the admin user.

Browse to

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2 Enter the Activation Key and click Continue.

If there is a proxy server in the environment in the path for outbound HTTPS connections, click
Activate Later, and provide the proxy server configuration in the administration tab.

If a proxy server is entered, local vCenter, ESXi, NSX, SSO and HCX-IX systems must be added as
exceptions not to be sent to the proxy server.

3 Select the nearest major city to where the HCX Manager system is geographically located. HCX sites
are represented visually in the HCX Enterprise dashboard.

4 Click Continue.

5 Click Yes and continue to acknowledge a successful activation.

6 Enter the vCenter Server FQDN, user name, and password.

7 The NSX registration is manadatory for HCX Cloud Manager configurations, and optional for HCX
Enterprise Manager systems.

a Select Connect your NSX.

b Enter the NSX Manager URL, NSX admin and password.

8 Click Continue.

9 Enter the SSO server details, user name, and password and then click Continue.

The SSO URL must be entered exactly as it is displayed by the vCenter Server system.

10 Verify the information. To reinitialize the VMware HCX services, click RESTART. It permits up to 5
minutes for VMware HCX, fully to reinitialize (the Appliance Management interface becomes

unavailable briefly). After the VMware HCX Manager system is initialized, the VMware HCX Manager
Dashboard is displayed.

11 Browse to the vSphere Role Mapping section in the Configuration tab.

12 Assign the VMware HCX Roles to the vCenter User Groups that are allowed to perform VMware HCX
operations. The groups assigned must have sufficient privileges to perform the VMware HCX-related
operations in vCenter Server.

13 Click Save.

14 Log into the vSphere Web Client and look for the VMware HCX plugin in the Navigator.

Log out first if an active session existed during the VMware HCX configuration.

Managing HCX Appliance Management Settings

Reference of operations available on the HCX Manager's appliance management interface.

The appliance management interface is reached by navigating to This

interface uses the admin credentials set during the OVA deployment.

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Updating the HCX Manager License Keys

VMware HCX installations using evaluation or trial activation keys can be configured to use a purchased
NSX Enterprise Plus license.

Attention This procedure is applicable to both the Source (Enterprise) and Target (Cloud) VMware HCX
Manager systems activated with NSX Data Center Enterprise Plus trial licenses (or expiring licenses).

It is not applicable to VMware HCX systems will connect to an VMware HCX enabled cloud IaaS provider.
In private to cloud deployments (where the target site is an VMware HCX enabled cloud provider like IBM,
VMC, OVH), the VMware HCX activation keys will be obtained through the provider specific process.

n Administrative access to the HCX Manager System.

n NSX Data Center Enterprise Plus purchased License.

1. Navigate to the Appliance Management Interface

2. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

3. Select HCX on the side menu and click Edit.

4. Enter the NSX Enterprise Plus key, and click UPDATE.

Updating the HCX Manager Time Settings
Initial NTP Server settings are provided during the HCX Manager OVA deployment. These settings can
be updated in the appliance management interface.

Caution Editing NTP Settings requires HCX Management Services to be restarted.

Editing and Removing the NTP Server Configuration

NTP Settings can be modified in the HCX appliance management interface.

HCX requires a valid NTP server synchronized time for integrated systems operations.

1 Navigate to the Appliance Management Interface

2 Navigate to the Administration tab.

3 Select Time Settings on the side menu, click Edit (or Unconfigure NTP Servers).

4 Enter the NTP server.

Multiple servers can be specified, separated by a comma.

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VMware HCX User Guide

Updating the HCX Manager System Name

The initial Hostname is provided during the HCX Manager OVA deployment. The system name can be
updated in the appliance management interface

Editing the HCX Manager System Name

1 Navigate to the Appliance Management Interface

2 Navigate to the Administration tab.

3 Select System Name on the side menu, click Edit .

4 Enter the System Name. Click Save.

Managing CA and Self Signed Certificates D
The appliance management interface can be used to add or remove certificates from the HCX Manager
certificate store.

Importing Certificates with a Remote Site URL

This operation is required for successful site pairing when the remote HCX system is using self signed

1 Navigate to the Appliance Management Interface

2 Navigate to the Administration tab.

3 Select Certificate > Trusted CA Certificate on the side menu.

4 Select the URL option.

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5 Enter the URL for the target HCX system:

Use the IP or FQDN that the source HCX Manager uses to reach the destination HCX Manager.

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Configuring and Managing the
HCX Interconnect 4
The VMware HCX Interconnect provides a secure pipeline for migration, extension, and Virtual Machine
protection between two connected VMware HCX sites.

r a
This chapter includes the following topics:

n About HCX Interconnect Configuration Methods

n Configuring and Managing HCX Interconnect

n Using the Multi-Site Services Mesh to Create and Manage the HCX Interconnect

About HCX Interconnect Configuration Methods

HCX services can be deployed and managed with the traditional Interconnect interface, or with the new
Multi-Site Service Mesh.

Overview of the Traditional HCX Interconnect Services

1 Prepare the destination for Interconnect Services:

Complete the Interconnect Configuration on the HCX Cloud Manager. This interface reserves
compute, storage and network parameters for deploying the peer service appliances, whenever
deployments are initiated at the source site.

2 Site Pairing: Register the destination HCX system at athe source.

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3 Enable and Configure HCX Interconnect services:

Use the Install HCX Components option in HCX plugin at the source side to enable and deploy

Compute, Storage and Network configurations are provided while the Interconnect components are
being enabled.

Overview of the HCX Interconnect Services Deployment with

Multi-Site Service Mesh
The following steps use the new Interconnect Multi-Site Service Mesh interface. Configuration preparation
steps are symmetrical.

1 Create a Compute Profile in the source and destination HCX environments.

2 Site Pairing: Register the destination HCX system at the source.

3 Add the Service Mesh at the source :

Select a source and destination compute profiles, and enable a Service Mesh

Configuring and Managing HCX Interconnect

r a
The HCX components interface is used at the HCX source site to create site pairs and deploy
Interconnect Services.

Caution The HCX Components interface is deprecated and will be replaced by the Multi-Site Service

Mesh in an upcoming release.

n HCX Enterprise Manager installed at the source environment.

n HCX Cloud Manager installed at the destination environment.

n The HCX Cloud Manager as a valid Interconnect Configuration.

The procedure for Interconnect Configuration is included withthe topics that follow.

Adding a New Site Pair

Site Pairs establish the boundary for HCX services across a source and destination environment. Service
operations (Network Extension, Bulk Migration, HCX vMotion, VM Protection) are triggered for the site
pair from the HCX interface at the source site.


Site Pairing requires:

n HCX Manager for Enterprise to be installed and configured at the source environment.

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n HCX Manager for Cloud to be installed and configured at the destination environment.


1 In the vSphere Client, navigate to HCX > Interconnect > HCX Components > Install HCX

2 In the top-right area , click Register New Connection.

3 Enter the VMware HCX Cloud Site URL, user name, and password.

The Site URL should reference the HCX system at the target:

Provide an SSO integrated user from the destination site SSO domain. e.g.
[email protected]

When registering a vCloud Director Org:<orgname>

Provide an Organization User with (Local or LDAP) Organization Administrator role . e.g.

4 Click Register.

Editing a Site Pair

Modify a remote VMware HCX System connection configuration.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX.

2 Click the Dashboard tab and locate the Site Pairings pane.

3 Click > to expand the Site Pair that is modified.

4 Click Edit Site Pairing.

5 Modify the URL, user, or password settings.

6 Click Update to apply the changes.

Removing a Site Pair

Remove a registered remote VMware HCX System when it is no longer required.


All VMware HCX Interconnect components must be deleted prior to removing a remote VMware HCX


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX.

2 Select the Dashboard tab.

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3 Locate the Site Pairings pane.

4 Click > to expand the Site Pair that is removed.

5 Click Remove Site Pairing.

6 In the confirmation screen, click Remove.

Enabling the HCX-IX Migration Service

The HCX Interconnect (HCX-IX) appliance provides replication and vMotion based capabilities over the
Internet and private lines to the target site while providing strong encryption, traffic engineering, and
virtual machine mobility.

VMware HCX WAN Interconnect (CGW) Deployment Considerations

n The VMware HCX WAN Interconnect service appliance must be deployed in a cluster where the
VMware HCX appliance is not CPU/Memory resource constrained.

n It is a good practice to have 100 Mbit of the WAN bandwidth available for the VMware HCX WAN
Interconnect's migration services.

Figure: VMware HCX WAN Interconnect Connections Summary

HCX Enterprise


Local HCX Secure HCX Remote HCX

HCX Operation/MGMT Interconnect WAN Transport Interconnect

HCX Bulk Migration

ESXi Management
VMkernel Interface HCX Cold Migration

ESXi vMotion HCX Cross Cloud vMotion

VMkernel Interface
Or Private Circuit WAN Boundary: Internet


The source environment must have HCX Enterprise Manager installed, activated and configured. The
HCX Enterprise integrated site will display the HCX Plugin in the vSphere Client.

The destination environment must have HCX Cloud Manager installed, activated and configured.

The HCX cloud at the destination environment must be prepared for services through the Interconnect
Configuration or Multi-site Service Mesh.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX > Interconnect > HCX Components.

2 Click Install HCX Components. The Install HCX Components wizard is displayed.

3 In the Remote Site Connection, Select Connection section, registered remote sites are displayed.
Select a single site.

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4 Select the HCX Interconnect Service, click Next.

Note If the selected remote site is unavailable or deactivated, or if the service is already installed the
service is dimmed .

5 Populate the HCX Interconnect Service (IX) form for the local appliance deployment. Refer to the
HCX Deployment Checklist, if completed during planning. The text boxes are as the following:
Placement of local Hybrid Cloud Gateway

a Network : Select a distributed port group. The interface connected to the selected network is used
for management of the appliance, for VMware HCX internal communications, and for the
migration protocols. Selecting the ESX Management network is preferred.

b Cluster/Host: To deploy the service, select a resource VM. To maximize migration performance,
ensure that the appliance is not resource constrained.

c Datastore : Use the flash/high performance tier datastore for maximum migration performance.

VMware HCX Interconnect disks are 1.5 GB.

d IP Address/Prefix Length : Provide an available IP address and prefix length (e.g = PL 25) for the network selected.

e Default Gateway : The network gateway IP address for the specified network.

f DNS : Provide the local DNS server IP address.

g vMotion Network : Select the vMotion distributed port group. If the management network defined
in step 1 is also used for vMotion, leave this left blank.

h vMotion IP Address/PL : Provide an available IP address and prefix length (e.g
= PL 25) for the network selected. Skip if 7 was left blank

i Passwords : Set the admin and root passwords.

6 Click Next and configure the other selected services, or proceed to the Ready to Configure screen.

7 Verify the information and click Finish.

8 Follow the vCenter tasks pane for the appliance deployment progress.

Enabling the HCX WAN Optimization Service

The VMware HCX WAN Optimization (HCX-WAN-OPT) service improves performance characteristics of
the private lines or Internet paths by using WAN optimization techniques like the data de-duplication and
compression. The process makes performance closer to a LAN environment. It accelerates on-boarding
to the cloud using Internet/VPN- without waiting for Direct Connect/MPLS circuits.

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VMware HCX WAN optimization Deployment Considerations

n The VMware HCX WAN Optimization service appliance must be deployed to the compute zone, or
network services cluster (or in a cluster where the VMware HCX appliance is not CPU/Memory
resource constrained).

n The VMware HCX WAN Optimization service appliance must be deployed in performance tier storage
to ensure de-duplication and WAN conditioning services operate optimally.

The VMware HCX WAN Optimization appliance does not need an IP address. VMware HCX uses an
internal addressing configuration and network to service chain the WAN-OPT.

Local HCX Remote HCX

Path for HCX Interconnect Interconnect
ESXi Management Secure HCX ESXi Management
VMkernel Interface WAN Transport VMkernel Interface
Migration Flow

ESXi vMotion ESXi vMotion

VMkernel Interface VMkernel Interface

Local HCX

Remote HCX

Or Private Circuit WAN Boundary: Internet


The source environment must have HCX Enterprise Manager installed, activated and configured. The

HCX Enterprise integrated site will display the HCX Plugin in the vSphere Client.

The destination environment must have HCX Cloud Manager installed, activated and configured.

The HCX cloud at the destination environment must be prepared for services through the Interconnect
Configuration or Multi-site Service Mesh.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX > Interconnect > HCX Components.

2 Click Install HCX Components. The Install HCX Components wizard is displayed.

3 In the > Remote Site Connection > , registered remote sites are displayed. Select a single site.

4 Select the WAN Optimization check box and click Next.

5 The VMware HCX WAN Optimization service appliance is also an enterprise-grade traffic shaper.
Configure the setting only if there is a need to restrict the bandwidth available for VMware HCX.

6 Click Next and configure the other selected services, or proceed to the Ready to Configure screen.

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Enabling the HCX Network Extension Service

VMware HCX Network Extension (HCX-NET-EXT) provides a High Performance (4–6 Gbps) Layer 2
extension capability.

Scaling the VMware HCX Extension Service

A Single Network Extension Appliance for the VMware HCX Source Site

If a single HCX-NET-EXT/L2E appliance is deployed, the ESXi host it resides on must be connected to
every VDS for those networks to be displayed in the VMware HCX interface.

One Network Extension Appliance per Site per Virtual Distributed Switch

The HCX-NET-EXT/L2E can be deployed per Distributed Switch to achieve isolation in environments
where business zones are segregated by Distributed Switch.

One Network Extension Appliance per Extended Network

For high-density environments with a very high-bandwidth network use; the HCX-NET- EXT/L2E
component can be deployed for each extended network, providing about 4–6 Gbps per extended

Cloud Site
NSX Router

Local First Hop
VM-B10 VM-C10

VM-A10 VM-A20
NET A Gateway
Virtual Machine Network A Virtual Machine Network A
NET B Gateway NET C Gateway
Virtual Machine Network B Virtual Machine Network B
Secure HCX
WAN Transport
vSphere Distributed Switch vSphere Distributed Switch

Local HCX Remote HCX

Data Center A (On-Premises) Data Center B (Cloud)
-HCX Enabled Source Site- Or Private Circuit WAN Boundary: Internet -HCX Enabled Target Site-


The source environment must have HCX Enterprise Manager installed, activated and configured. The
HCX Enterprise integrated site will display the HCX Plugin in the vSphere Client.

The destination environment must have HCX Cloud Manager installed, activated and configured.

The HCX cloud at the destination environment must be prepared for services through the Interconnect
Configuration or Multi-site Service Mesh.

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1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX > Interconnect > HCX Components.

2 Click Install HCX Components. The VMware HCX Components wizard is displayed.

3 In the Remote Site Connection > Select Connection section, registered remote sites are displayed.
Select a single site.

4 Select the Network Extension Service check box and click Next.

5 Populate the Network Extension Service form for the local appliance deployment. Refer to the HCX
Deployment Checklist, if completed during planning. The text boxes are as explained:

a Compute : To deploy the service VM, select a resource; Consider the Deployment Options
implications when selecting the resource. See the preceding Deployment Options section for

b Datastore : Select a datastore for deploying the Extension appliance. Network Extension

appliance disks are about 1.5 GB total.

c Network : Select a distributed port group. The interface connected to the selected network is used
for management of the appliance and VMware HCX internal communications with the VMware
HCX Manager

d VM Hostname : Specify a friendly name for the VMware HCX Network Extension VM.

e IP Address/Prefix Length : Provide an available IP address and prefix length (e.g = PL 25) for the selected network.

f Default Gateway : The network gateway IP address for the specified network.

g Passwords : Set the admin and root passwords. Click Next and configure the other selected
services, or to the Ready to Configure screen.

6 Click Next and configure the other selected services, or to the Ready to Configure screen.

7 Verify the Information and click Finish.

Removing Service Appliances

Remove VMware HCX Interconnect Service Appliances if they are no longer required.


The VMware HCX Hybrid Interconnect (HCX-WAN-IX/CGW) component must not be running migration
operations or DR replication.

The VMware HCX Network Extension (HCX-NET-EXT/L2C) component must not be currently extending


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate To HCX > Interconnect > HCX Components.

2 In the Service Component column, click the ► icon to display the expanded appliance view.

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3 Click X Remove.

Preparing the Destination Site Interconnect Configuration

The HCX Interconnect Configuration prepares HCX at a destination environment for deploying
Interconnect appliances, when triggered at the source site.

n VMware HCX Interconnect Interface Types

n Management

n VMware HCX Interconnect appliances use this interface for communications with the
vSphere environment.

n vMotion

n VMware HCX Interconnect appliances use this interface for vMotion communications with the
hypervisors. This interface type should always be used when the vMotion network is not


n Internet/Direct Connect

n VMware HCX Interconnect appliances will use this interface for WAN-bound encrypted
communication with the remote site/peer VMware HCX Interconnect appliances.

r a

n The experimental Multisite Service Mesh can be used for interconnect preparation.


1 Open the VMware HCX Cloud Service Interface at

2 Authenticate with a user in a group that has been designated the System Administror role in the
VMware HCX Appliance Management vSphere Role Mapping interface.

3 Click CONFIGURE INTERCONNECT on the banner. Or navigate to the Interconnect Configuration

section in the Administration tab.

4 Click CREATE INTERCONNECT CONFIGURATION, the Create Interconnect Configuration wizard

is launched.

5 In the Select Compute Resources screen, make the following required selections:

n Select the vCenter Server IP Address

n Select the HCX Resource Pool. VMware HCX will use it when deploying VMware HCX
Interconnect appliances.

n Select the Datastore. VMware HCX will use it when deploying VMware HCX Interconnect

6 Use the Configure Network Profiles section to define the LAN and WAN networks that VMware
HCX will use when deploying Interconnect appliances. Make the following selections:

n Select the vSphere or NSX Network Type.

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n Select the VMware HCX Interface Type

n Enter the IP Ranges that will be used when deploying VMware HCX Interconnect appliances.

n Enter the Prefix Length.

n Enter the Default Gateway IP Address.

7 Click Next.

8 Optionally, Add Static Routes. Click Next.

9 Verify all information. Click Finish.

What to do next

The complete Interconnect Configuration is required for source VMware HCX systems to deploy
Interconnect to this VMware HCX target/cloud system.

If this system will connect with multiple VMware HCX source sites, the Network Profile IP ranges should

be sized to ensure Interconnect appliances can deploy successfully.

Using the Multi-Site Services Mesh to Create and Manage

the HCX Interconnect

The Multi-Site Service mesh is used to create a secure optimized transport fabric between any two sites

managed by HCX.

About the HCX Multi-Site Services Mesh
When HCX Migration, Disaster recovery, Network Extension, WAN Optimization services are enabled,
HCX deploys Virtual Appliances in the source site and corresponding "peer" virtual appliances on the
destination site. The Multi-Site Service Mesh enables the configuration, deployment, and serviceability of
these Interconnect virtual appliance pairs with ease.

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Multi-Site Service Mesh Benefits

New Configuration Options:

n Uniformity: the same configuration patterns at the source and remote sites.

n Reusability: Once a compute profile is created it can be used to connect to multiple HCX sites. Hence

the site administrator need not define the same things again and again.

n Multisite ready: Compute Profiles and Network Profiles can be shared across multiple sites.

n Ease of reconfiguration: New capability to pool datastores or modify them post-Interconnect


n Scale-out deployment: The HCX-IX can be deployed per cluster or a single HCX-IX can be shared
across multiple clusters.

n Cloud-to-Cloud: Cloud to Cloud capabilities are built on the foundation of the Multi-Site service mesh.
Currently in preview in the VMware Cloud on AWS.

Performance Enhancements:

n Parallel execution ensures faster Interconnect deployments (in under 5 minutes).

n The new lockless model ensures parallel configuration of network stretches.

Usability Enhancements:

n Improved interfaces display a clear deployment diagrams.

n New task tracking features give step by step details of the progress of operations

n Preview of required firewall rules for ease od configuration.

Multi-Site Service Mesh Site Pairs

The destination HCX system is registered in the Multi-Site Service Mesh Interface at the source site.

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Compute and Network Profiles

r a
The compute profile describes the infrastructure at the source and destination site and provides the
placement details (Resource Pool, Datastore) where the virtual appliances should be placed during
deployment and the networks to which they should connect.

n The integrated compute profile creation wizard can be used to create the compute as well as network
profiles (or Network Profiles can be pre-created).

n HCX Interconnect service appliances are not deployed until a service mesh is created.

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Service Mesh
A Service Mesh specifies a local and remote Compute Profile pair. When a Service Mesh is created, the
HCX Service appliances are deployed on both the source and destination sites and automatically
configured by HCX to create the secure optimized transport fabric.

Creating a Compute Profile

A Compute Profile contains the compute, storage and network settings that HCX will use on this site to

deploy the Interconnect virtual appliances when a Service Mesh is added.

Create a Compute Profile in the Multi-Site Service Mesh interface in both the source and the destination
HCX environments using the planned configuration options for each site, respectively.


n The HCX Manager must be installed and configured.

n Assign resource configurations based on HCX deployment considerations and best practices.

n Use the planned configurations collected in the HCX Pre-Install Checklist.


1 In the vSphere Client, navigate To HCX > Interconnect > Multi-Site Service Mesh.

2 Click Add Compute Profile.

3 Name the Compute Profile.

a Enter a name for the Compute Profile

b Click Continue.

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4 Select the HCX services to be enabled.

5 Select the Service Clusters.

a Click the Select Clusters drop-down menu.

b Select each cluster that will be enabled for HCX services.

If there is only one cluster, it will be automatically selected.

c Click Continue.

6 Select the Deployment Resource Pools.

a Click the Select Resource drop-down menu.

b Select each cluster or resource pool to be used when deploying HCX Interconnect appliances.

c Click the Select Datastore drop-down menu.

d Select the each datastore to be used when deploying HCX Interconnect appliances.

When multiple compute resources or datastores are selected, HCX will use the first selection until
its capacity is exhausted.

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7 Select the Management Network Profile.

a Click the Select Management Network Profile drop-down menu.

b Select an existing Network Profile or click Create Network Profile to create it.

Reference the Creating a Network Profile topic for more details.

c Expand the selected Management Network Profile view its details and free IP Addresses. Click
Close when done reviewing.

d Click Continue.

8 Select the Uplink Network Profile.

n The Network Profile selected as the Management Network Profile can also be assigned as an
Uplink Network Profile.

n Multiple Network Profiles can be selected.

a Click the Select Uplink Network Profile drop-down menu.

b Select an existing Network Profile or click Create Network Profile to create it.

Reference the Creating a Network Profile topic for more details.

c Expand the selected Uplink Network Profile to view its details and free IP Addresses. Click Close
when done reviewing.

d Click Continue.

The topology view is dynamically updated, depicting how HCX Interconnect appliances will be
connected with the selected Uplink network.

9 Select the vMotion Network Profile.

a Click the Select vMotion Network Profile drop-down menu.

b Select an existing Network Profile or click Create Network Profile to create it.

Reference the Creating a Network Profile topic for more details.

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c Expand the selected vMotion Network Profile to view its details and free IP Addresses. Click
Close when done reviewing.

d Click Continue.

The topology view is dynamically updated, depicting how HCX Interconnect appliances will be

connected with the selected vMotion Network.

10 Optionally Select the vSphere Replication Network Profile.

Assigning a vSphere Replication Network Profile is useful when there is a dedicated VMkernel
interface for vSphere Replication traffic. If the Management Network Profile is used for Replication

traffic, click Continue to skip this step.

a Click the Select vSphere Replication Network Profile drop-down menu.

b Select an existing Network Profile or click Create Network Profile to create it.

c Expand the selected vSphere Replication Network Profile to view its details and free IP

Addresses. Click Close when done reviewing.

d Click Continue.

11 Select Distributed Switches for Network Extension.

a Click the Select Distributed Switches for Network Extensions drop-down menu.

b Select the Distributed Switches with virtual machine networks. Click Close.

Only the virtual machine networks on the selected Distributed Switches will be available during
the network extension operations.

c Optionally use the Advanced Configurations to restrict the Network Extensions for the
Distributed Switch.

d Click Continue.

The topology view is dynamically updated, depicting the selected Distributed Switches.

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12 Pre-Deployment Validation

HCX will perform a seri


What to do next

Use the new Compute Profiles to create the Service Mesh.

Creating a Network Profile

The Network Profile is an abstraction of a Distributed Portgroup, Standard Portgroup or NSX Logical
Switch, along with Layer 3 properties of that network. A Network Profile is a subcomponent of a complete
Compute Profile.

Create a Network Profile for each network that will be used with the HCX services. The network profiles

will be selected when creating a Compute Profile and assigned one or more of four Network Profile

n Management Network:

The HCX Interconnect appliances will use this network to communicate with management systems

like the HCX Manager, vCenter Server, ESXi Management, NSX Manager, DNS, NTP.

n Uplink Network:

The HCX Interconnect appliances will use this network for WAN communications, like TX/RX of

transport packets.

n vMotion Network:

The HCX Interconnect appliances will use this network for vMotion protocol traffic.

n vSphere Replication Network:

The HCX Interconnect appliances will use this network for vSphere Replication traffic.

Caution A Network Profile can be assigned any of the functions during the Compute Profile
Configuration. Consider each role when planning each network profile.


n The HCX Manager must be installed and configured.

n Assign resource configurations based on HCX deployment considerations and best practices.

n Use the planned configurations collected in the HCX Pre-Install Checklist.


1 In the vSphere Client, navigate To HCX > Interconnect > Multi-Site Service Mesh.

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2 Click Create Network Profile.


What to do next

r a

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Extending Networks with
VMware HCX 5
The VMware HCX Network Extension can be used to create bridged multi-gigabit network segments at
the target VMware HCX data center. The new stretched network is automatically bridged/aggregated with
the vSphere Network at the source VMware HCX data center.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n About VMware HCX Network Extension

n Extending Networks from the vSphere Networking Context Menu

n Extending Networks from the VMware HCX User Interface

n Removing a Network Extension

n Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware HCX Enterprise Interface

n Verifying Network Extension Operations in vSphere Task Interface

n Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware HCX Cloud Interface

n VMware HCX Network Extension with Proximity Routing

About VMware HCX Network Extension

You can create local network segments at an VMware HCX enabled remote data center with advanced
technologies using VMware HCX Network Extension .

With VMware HCX Network Extension (HCX-NET-EXT), a High-Performance (4–6 Gbps) service, you
can extend the Virtual Machine networks to an VMware HCX enabled remote site. Virtual Machines that
are migrated or created on the extended segment at the remote site are Layer 2 next to virtual machines
placed on the origin network. Using Network extension a remote site's resources can be quickly
consumed. With Network Extension , the default gateway for the extended network only exists at the
origin site. Traffic from Virtual Machines (on remote extended networks) that must be routed returns to the
origin site gateway.

Figure: Virtual Machine Is L2/ARP Next to Virtual Machine in the Remote

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Target Site
NSX Edge Router
Local Site HXC Target
Gateway Manager
HXC Source
VM-A20 Network A
First Hop Gateway Virtual Machine Network A - Extended
Virtual Machine Network A
Virtual Machine Network B -
Virtual Machine Network B Native
Secure HCX
WAN Transport
vSphere Distributed Switch vSphere Distributed Switch

Local HCX Remote HCX

Data Center A (On-Premises) Data Center B (Cloud)
-HCX Enabled Source Site- Or Private Circuit WAN Boundary: Internet -HCX Enabled Target Site-

n Using VMware HCX Network Extension with VMware HCX Migration you can retain the IP and MAC
addresses of the Virtual Machine and honor the existing network policies.

n Extend VLAN networks from VMware’s vSphere Distributed Switch.

Extend VXLANs (Requires NSX integration at the origin site).

n Extend Cisco’s Nexus 1000v networks.

n VMware HCX deploys the Remote Site HCX-NET-EXT appliance automatically whenever a local

appliance is deployed. The HCX-NET-EXT service appliance is always deployed as a pair.

Extending Networks from the vSphere Networking

Context Menu
VMware HCX Network Extension can be initiated from the vSphere Networking views.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the Networking view.

2 Right-click a Distributed Port Group.

3 Locate Hybridity Actions near the bottom of the menu.

4 Select Extend Networks to the Cloud.

The Extend Network to the Cloud VMware HCX interface opens with the network selected.

5 In the top right, select the Edge from the drop-down.

6 Select the Extension appliance in the Power by column.

7 Provide the Gateway IP and Prefix Length for the network being extended.

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8 Extending the configuration displays optional DNS configuration, must be left blank unless required
by a vCD target cloud.

9 The PR switch enables Proximity Routing.

10 Click Stretch to finish.

Extending Networks from the VMware HCX User Interface

The VMware HCX Network Extension tasks can be performed directly on single Distributed Port Group's
context menu, or on multiple Distributed Port Groups selected in the VMware HCX User Interface.

This approach allows multiple network extensions to be configured in a single operation. The interface
loads all Distributed Switches connected to the VMware HCX Network Extension services and all the
networks under each Distributed switch. Networks that were previously extended are dimmed.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the HCX > Interconnect > Extended Networks.

2 Click Extend Network.

3 In the top right, select the Edge from the drop-down.

4 Select each network that is extended.

5 For each selected network:

a Provide the Gateway IP and Prefix Length for the network being extended.

b Select the Extension appliance in the Power by column.

Extending the Gateway/PL configuration displays optional DNS configuration which must be left blank
unless required by a vCD target cloud.

6 Toggle the PR switch to enable Proximity Routing.

7 Click Stretch to finish.

Removing a Network Extension

Unextending a network prevents further cross-site communications between virtual machines residing on
that network. This operation is typical when the source side network is vacated.


1 In the vSphere Web Client navigator, select HCX.

2 Navigate to Interconnect and select the Extended Networks tab. You can see a list of currently
extended port groups.

3 Locate the network that must be unextended and expand the selection.

4 Click Unstretch.

The Un-Extend Network interface opens. Review the information.

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5 Optionally, select the Connect cloud network to cloud edge gateway after unstretching option to
connect the remote side gateway. To view this selection, expand Cloud Network column.

Using this option will enable the gateway for the stretch network. Ideally, perform this operation after
the stretched network has been fully evacuated from the source site. Not selecting this option results
in a network segment at the target site that is not connected to a gateway for routing.

6 To confirm the operation, click Unstretch.

Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware

HCX Enterprise Interface
The status of in-progress Network Extension operations can be tracked in the VMware HCX Enterprise
User Interface.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the VMware HCX.

2 Open the Interconnect tab.

3 Select the Extended Networks section.

4 Locate the Status column.

The status appears as Extension Complete when the operation completes.

Verifying Network Extension Operations in vSphere Task

The status of in-progress Network Extension operations can be tracked in the vSphere Tasks interface.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Tasks.

2 Look for Network Stretch V2 in the Tasks Console.

The task shows Completed when the stretch operation finalizes.

Verifying Network Extension Operations in the VMware

HCX Cloud Interface
Network Extension operations can be tracked in the VMware HCX Cloud User Interface.


1 Browse to the VMware HCX Cloud interface.

2 Navigate to Services.

3 Navigate to the Networking section and locate the extended networks section.

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4 The status appears as success when the extension operation finalizes.

VMware HCX Network Extension with Proximity Routing

VMware HCX Proximity Routing optimizes connectivity for VMs that are migrated in and out of Proximity
Routed Networks. Proximity Routing builds on VMware HCX Network Extension by integrating with NSX
Routers at the VMware HCX Cloud destination site. By dynamically injecting Virtual Machine routes into
the existing routed topology, proximity routed network traffic always traverses a symmetric path to the
network target.

VMware HCX-PR allows extended VMs to route optimally on regress through the cloud side first hop
gateway. By dynamically injecting VM routes into the routing protocols, ingress traffic from the local and
remote data center uses an optimal path to reach the extended Virtual Machine, while ensuring all flows
remain symmetric. The Proximity Routing feature is toggled on during the VMware HCX Network
Extension operation, but it carries distinct requirements and results in enhanced traffic patterns, which are
covered in this section.

Virtual Machine Reachability on Extended Networks without Proximity Routing

n In the figure below, Network A has been extended without enabling Proximity Routing. Virtual
Machine B has been migrated.

n Reaching Virtual Machine B:

n Traffic sourcing from Virtual Machine A in data center A traverses Local HCX-NET-EXT and
Remote HCX-NET-EXT to reach Virtual Machine B in data center B, and conversely for Virtual
Machine B to Virtual Machine A.

n Traffic sourcing from Network B, Network C, or any other network, must first travel to the Network
A gateway in data center A. It then traverses Local HCX-NET-EXT and Remote HCX-NET-EXT to
reach VM-B in data center B.

n Traffic sourcing from VM-B to Network B, Network C, or any other network, must first travel to the
Network A gateway to be routed to its destination.

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Figure 5‑1. Network A Is Extended from Data Center A to Data Center B

Cloud Site
NSX Router
Local First Hop
Gateway VM-D
Dinamic Routing
VM-A NET A Gateway (HCX-PR)
NET A Gateway Dinamic
Virtual Machine Network A Routing Virtual Machine Network A
NET B Gateway (OSPF/BGP) NET C Gateway
Virtual Machine Network B Virtual Machine Network C
Secure HCX
WAN Transport
vSphere Distributed Switch vSphere Distributed Switch

Local HCX Remote HCX


Data Center A (On-Premises) Data Center B (Cloud)
-HCX Enabled Source Site- Or Private Circuit WAN Boundary: Internet -HCX Enabled Target Site-

VMware HCX Proximity Routing In Action

The following events take place when VMware HCX-PR is used, with VMware HCX Migrations. Once the
requirements in the previous sections are met.


Requirements and Restrictions for VMware HCX Proximity Routing

n Dynamic Routing

n The VMware HCX Enterprise site (on-premises data center) must be configured to learn routes
from the VMware HCX Cloud target site dynamically. A routing protocol like BGP or OSPF must
be configured between the two sites.

n The VMware HCX-enabled Cloud target site must be running NSX 6.3GA+ (allows host routes to
learn from the dynamic routing protocol).

n Private Lines/Direct Link/ Direct Connect Networks

n Private lines are typically implemented as the transport for the Dynamic Routing configuration (if
there is OSPF, to meet security requirements, and adjacency requirements ).

n VMware HCX-Cloud Providers and Proximity Routing

n VMware HCX is available for IBM Clouds, OVH Private Cloud, and the VMware Cloud on AWS
(VMC). The IBM and OVH cloud services can be configured to meet all VMware HCX-PR
requirements. If the Cloud is configured to use NSX Distributed Logical Router for virtual machine
networking, there additional requirements in the following section that must be met.

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VMware HCX User Guide

n At the time, of this writing, the VMC cloud cannot be configured to meet the VMware HCX-PR

n After all requirements are met, Proximity Routing can simply be toggled enabled during the Network
Extension operations.

Additional Configuration Requirements for VMware HCX Proximity Routing when NSX Distributed Logical
Router (DLR) is Present.

n Dynamic Routing Between the Cloud Site Edge Gateway and the Cloud Site DLR

n Cloud Site NSX Edge Services Gateway Configuration

n Enable BGP.

n Add the Cloud Site DLR as a Neighbor.

n Add the on-premises peer as a neighbor.

n Configure Redistribution of Static routes.

n Cloud Site NSX DLR Configuration

n Enable BGP.

Add the Cloud Site NSX Edge as a Neighbor.


n Add BGP Filters (in this specific order):

n Deny Out Network Extended/Stretch Prefix Lists.

n Permit Out Any (this advertises native Virtual Machine networks).

n Deny Any In (The NSX DLR must be configured to reach the ESG using its default route).


1 VMware HCX Network Extension is triggered at the source site (on-premises).

n The extended subnet's details are provided, including the extended subnet's gateway IP. VMware
HCX-PR is set to enabled for the extension.

n Upon completion, a routed port group and isolated port group are created for the extended
network, at the cloud site.

n The VMware HCX Network Extension appliance becomes connected to both the routed and
isolated extended port groups.

n VMware HCX creates the extended subnet's gateway on the Cloud Site DLR using the same IP
as the on-premises gateway. ARP filters are applied to prevent the new gateway.

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2 A Virtual Machine is migrated into the PR-Extended Network.

u A virtual machine is migrated to the extended network with VMware HCX Proxy vMotion placed
into the ISO segment. The ARP table shows the on-premises gateway's MAC address, the VM
continues sending routing requests to the on-premises gateway mac address.

Note VMware HCX handles VM membership in the isolated "ISO" network under the covers. VM
membership in the ISO port groups is not reflected in the vCenter Network view.

n Whenever the vMotion VM is rebooted (at the administrator's discretion), VMware HCX connects
the VM to the routed (non-ISO) version of the network. Post-reboot, the VM ARP table shows the
Cloud Site DLR MAC address for its gateway and being routing locally, without hair pinnning.

Note Rewiring into the non-ISO/routed port group requires VM tools to be running and detecting
the virtual machine's IP address.

n A Virtual Machine migrated to the extended network with VMware HCX Bulk Migration is placed

directly on the non-ISO tagged/routed extended network. The ISO tagged isolated network is not
used in this case.

n VMware HCX Injected Routes

n After the VM is placed on the non-ISO/routed extended network, VMware HCX will add a /32 host

route for the VM. The VM is then added to the Cloud Site NSX Edge Gateway with the Cloud Site
DLR Uplink IP as the next hop.

n Also, VMware HCX adds exclusion static routes covering every IP from the extended subnet that

does not belong to migrated VMs to the Cloud Site DLR. With the Cloud Site NSX Edge
Gateway Downlink IP as the next hop.

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Migrating Virtual Machines with
VMware HCX 6
Workloads can be migrated bi-directionally between data centers using various VMware HCX migration

This chapter includes the following topics:

n VMware HCX Migration Types

n About VMware HCX Bulk Migration

n About VMware HCX vMotion and Cold Migration

n Additional Migration Settings

n Migrating a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Context Menu

n Migrating Virtual Machines from the VMware HCX Interface

VMware HCX Migration Types

Virtual Machines can be moved to and from VMware HCX-enabled data centers using multiple migration

VMware HCX Bulk Migration

This migration method uses the VMware vSphere Replication protocols to move the virtual machines to a
remote site.

n The Bulk migration option is designed for moving virtual machines in parallel.

n This migration type can set to complete on a pre-defined schedule.

n The virtual machine runs at the source site until the failover begins. The service interruption with bulk
migration is equivalent to a reboot.

VMware HCX vMotion

This migration method uses the VMware vMotion protocol to move a virtual machine to a remote site.

n The vMotion migration option is designed for moving single virtual machine at a time.

n Virtual machine state is migrated. There is no service interruption during an VMware HCX vMotion

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VMware HCX Cold Migration

This migration method uses the VMware NFC protocol. It is automatically selected when the source
virtual machine is powered off.

VMware HCX Replication-Assisted vMotion

This new migration method, VMware HCX Replication-Assisted vMotion (RAV), combines advantages
from VMware HCX Bulk Migration (parallel operations, resiliency, and scheduling) with VMware HCX
vMotion (zero downtime virtual machine state migration) .

n The migration begins with the replication of the virtual machine's disks. As with Bulk migration, virtual
machines can be migrated in parallel, and the switchover is configurable on a schedule.

n During the RAV switchover phase, vMotion is engaged for migrating the disk delta data and virtual
machine state.

n VMware HCX Replication Assisted vMotion (RAV) is in preview for VMware Cloud on AWS
customers, and has the following requirements:

n VMware HCX must be updated to Release 105 or later.

n A VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC with vSphere 6.8.1 or later.

n Contact VMware Support to enable this feature.

About VMware HCX Bulk Migration

Bulk migration uses the host-based replication to move a live virtual machine to and from VMware HCX-
enabled Cloud sites or data centers.

To reduce the downtime, the source VM remains online during the replication and is bootstrapped on the
destination ESX host after replication completes.

A Bulk Migration request triggers the following actions:

1 Replication begins a full synchronization transfer to the remote site. The time it takes to replicate is a
function of the size of the VM and available bandwidth.

2 Replication bandwidth consumption varies depending on how the workload changes blocks on the

3 When full synchronization finishes, a delta synchronization occurs.

4 When the delta synchronization finishes, a switchover is triggered. You can start immediately or delay
the switchover until a specific time using the scheduled migration option. By using the scheduled
migration option, the switchover can occur during a maintenance window.

5 Following the switchover, the source VM is powered-off, and the migrated replica is powered-on. If for
some reason the VM cannot power on, the new VM is powered off (or remains powered off) and the
original is powered on. You must have sufficient resources to power on the VM.

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6 VMware HCX Manager renames the powered off original VM to avoid a naming conflict with the
migrated VM. VMware HCX Manager appends a binary timestamp to the original VM name. If you
have not enabled the Retain MAC option, the migrated VM obtains a new MAC address.

7 The migration completes.

VMware HCX copies the original VM to the Migrated VMs folder in the vSphere Templates view. You can
recover a saved VM.

Note There are two uses for these copies:

1 The copy can act as seed, in the event the VM on Site B must be protected on Site A.

2 Protect against any VM corruption (due to external factors) during migration.

About VMware HCX vMotion and Cold Migration

The VMware HCX Interconnect integrates with ESXi to perform migrations based on the vMotion protocol
for live powered on virtual machines, and with VMware NFC for cold migrations on powered off virtual

Hot Migration

VMware HCX vMotion can transfer a live Virtual Machine from an VMware HCX enabled vCenter Server
to an VMware HCX enabled Remote Site (or from the VMware HCX-enabled target site towards the local
site. The vMotion transfer captures the virtual machine's active memory, its execution state, its IP

address, and its MAC address. Migration duration depends on the connectivity, including both the
bandwidth available and the latency between the two sites.

Cold Migration
Cold migration uses the same network path as VMware HCX vMotion to transfer a powered-off virtual
machine. During a cold migration, the Virtual Machine IP address and MAC address are preserved. Cold
migrations must satisfy the vMotion requirements.

Pre-Requisites for VMware HCX vMotion

n VMware HCX Interconnect Tunnels must be up/active.

n VMware HCX vMotion requires 100 Mbps or above throughput capability.

n The virtual machine hardware version must be at least version 9 or higher.

n The underlying architecture, regardless of OS, must be x86.

n VMs with Raw Disk Mapping in compatibility mode (RDM-V) can be migrated.

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VMware HCX vMotion Restrictions

Virtual machines with the following attributes are not supported for migration.

n Disk size exceeds 2 TB.

n Shared VMDK files.

n Attached virtual media or ISOs.

n Virtual Machine Hardware Version 8 or below.

n Although concurrent VMware HCX vMotion migrations can be initiated up to the vSphere limits,
VMware only supports serial VMware HCX vMotion migrations between a source and destination site.
For simultaneous migrations in parallel, select VMware HCX Bulk Migration.

n VMware HCX vMotion defaults to Opportunistic mode for per-VM vMotion Encryption if it is set to
Required. During the migration operation - the mode is changed to Opportunistic during the migration

initialization, and then set back to Required after the migration is completed.

Additional Migration Settings

The VMware HCX migration interface provides a set of options that can be used to tailor the behaviors
and conditions of the Virtual Machine before or after the migration operation.

Force Power-off VM

By default, VMware HCX will attempt to gracefully shutdown the Virtual Machine guest during the VMware
HCX Bulk migration operation. If the OS interrupts the graceful shutdown, the migration operation will fail.
Checking this option allows VMware HCX to force the power-off. This option is not available for vMotion

Retain MAC
This option allows a virtual machine to keep its current MAC address during VMware HCX bulk migration
operation, allowing communications to resume gracefully, and allows for MAC based security policies to
be honored. This option is not available for vMotion migrations.

Upgrade Virtual Hardware

This option allows VMware HCX to upgrade Virtual Machine Hardware to the latest supported version as
part of the migration operation, making current Virtual Machine Hardware features immediately available
to the migrated Virtual Machine.

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Upgrade VMware Tools

This option allows VMware HCX to upgrade VMware Tools to the latest supported version as part of the
migration operation, making current VMware Tools features immediately available to bulk migrated Virtual

Remove Snapshots
This option allows VMware HCX to consolidate snapshot files prior to migrating the Virtual Machine. If
there are snapshots present, the option will be checked by default.

Force Unmount Container

This option allows VMware HCX to remove mounted ISO images prior to migrating the Virtual Machine.

Select Destination Container
This dropdown option is for selecting a compute container (cluster, host, resource pool) that the VMware
HCX migrated Virtual Machine will use at the target site.

Select Destination Storage

This dropdown option is for selecting a storage location that the VMware HCX migrated Virtual Machine
will use at the target site.

Select Virtual Disk Format
This dropdown option allows VMware HCX to set the Virtual Disk Format that the migrated Virtual
Machine will use at the target site.

Select the Destination Network

This dropdown option is for selecting the network that will be used to connect the VMware HCX migrated
Virtual Machine at the target site. If the Virtual Machine resides on a network that has been extended with
VMware HCX, that network will be pre-selected.

Migrating a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Context

When VMware HCX is installed, the capabilities are integrated into the vSphere Web Client. The situation
is the ideal method for kicking off single Virtual Machine Forward Migrations. Forward Migration refers to
the VMware HCX Migration of Virtual Machines from the Local Site to an VMware HCX-Enabled Remote
Site. The operation is initiated at the local site. These operations can be initiated directly from the Virtual
Machine context menu.

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1 In the vSphere Web Client, search for a virtual machine and select it, or select it directly in the VMs
and Templates navigator tab.

2 Right-click the virtual machine and selectHybridity Actions

3 Select Migrate to the Cloud.

4 In the Migrate to the Cloud wizard, select from the migration options: Force Power-off VM, Retain
MAC, Upgrade Virtual Hardware, Upgrade VMware Tools, Remove Snapshots, and Force-Unmount
ISO Images.

From HCX Release 113 onwards, guest customization options are also available for Bulk Migrations.

5 Select the Target Site Resources Destination Container, the Storage, the Virtual Disk Format and the
Destination Network.

6 Set Migration Type to vMotion, Bulk Migration. Cold Migration is automatically selected for powered

off virtual machines.

7 Click Next. VMware HCX performs a validation.

8 To begin migration, click Finish.

Migrating Virtual Machines from the VMware HCX

The VMware HCX interface is used for configuring multiple migrations, or for configuring Reverse

Migrations. Reverse Migration refers to the VMware HCX Migration of Virtual Machines in VMware HCX-
Enabled Remote to the Local Site. The operation is initiated at the local site.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to HCX.

2 Select the Migration tab and click Migrate Virtual Machines.

The Migrate Virtual Machines to Remote Site wizard is displayed.

3 Select from the migration options: Force Power-off VM, Retain MAC, Upgrade Virtual Hardware,
Upgrade VMware Tools, Remove Snapshot, Force-Unmount ISO Images.

Note Use the Default Options pane to make the options apply to all selected Virtual Machines.

4 Select the target site resources:

n Select the Destination Container.

n Select the Storage.

n Select the Virtual Disk Format.

n Select the Destination Network.

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5 Set the migration information:

n Select from the Migration Types: vMotion, Bulk Migration, Cold Migration.

n If Bulk Migration was selected, set a schedule.

6 Click Next.

VMware HCX performs a validation.

7 To begin migration, click Finish.

r a

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Protecting Virtual Machines with
VMware HCX Disaster Recovery 7
The Disaster Recovery feature replicates and protects Virtual Machines to a remote data center. Existing
VMware HCX Interconnect components are used, greatly simplifying from traditionally complex Disaster
Recovery infrastructure.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n About VMware HCX Disaster Recovery

n Enabling DR Protection for a Virtual Machine

n Performing a Virtual Machine Test Recovery

n Performing a Virtual Machine Recovery

n VMware HCX Disaster Recovery - Protect Operations for VMs

About VMware HCX Disaster Recovery

Virtual Machine replication-based protection with a nimble architecture that uses existing VMware HCX
mobility components.

VMware HCX Disaster Recovery is a service intended to protect virtual workloads managed by VMware
vSphere that are either deployed in a private or a public cloud. It is simple to set up, manage, and costs
less than the traditional disaster recovery solutions. VMware HCX Disaster Recovery can accommodate
the most demanding business critical applications and allows you to scale your protection capacity to
meet variable demands. This user guide addresses configuration, setup, and management aspects of
VMware HCX Disaster Recovery. VMware HCX Disaster Recovery provides the following benefits:

n Simple and easy to use the management platform that allows secure (enterprise to cloud and cloud to
cloud) asynchronous replication and recovery of virtual machines.

n Introduces major efficiency gains over traditional business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR)

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n Allows for an improved recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) policy
compliance while reducing total cost of ownership (TCO).

Note RPO is the interval of time that might pass during a disruption before the quantity of data lost
during that period exceeds your BC/DR maximum allowable threshold. Whereas RTO is the duration
of time, and a service level within which data must be restored after a disaster to avoid unacceptable
consequences associated with a break in continuity.

n Reverse failover of workflows to your source site.

n Self-service RPO settings from 5 minutes to 24 hours per virtual machine.

Note RPO policy compliance depends on the available bandwidth from the source site to the
destination site.

n Multiple points in time recovery snapshots that allow you to recover back up to 24 previous replication
point in time.

n Optimized replication throughput by use of Wan Optimizer.

n Routing replication traffic through a customer preferred direct connect network

n On-premises monitoring and management with the fully integrated vSphere Web Client.

Additional benefits of proximity routing and stretched networks. See Service Architecture for



n Access to VMware's production-level support.

n Requires compute on a secondary site.

n Enabled Interconnect services through VMware HCX.

n VMware HCX Disaster Recovery uses the IPsec tunnel established between sites as the data path for
replications. For a proper communication, ensure you adhere to the requirements in the KB article
Port numbers that must be open for vSphere Replication 5.8.x, 6.x, and 8.x (2087769).

Enabling DR Protection for a Virtual Machine

The VMware HCX virtual machine protection operation is used to configure the disaster recovery settings
for a virtual machine, with specific remote site resources and recovery point objectives.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to VMware HCX.

2 Navigate to the Disaster Recovery tab and click Protect VMs.

Protection Configuration screen appears.

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3 Set these options as appropriate:

n Replication Destination Site – When selected, the site loads the virtual machine Inventory for Site
B. When deselected (default) Site B’s virual machine inventory is loaded.

n Remote Site – The 2 Sites that are paired and the current direction of Protection.

n Source Inventory

n Default Replication options – Global Setting Policy for all VMs within the DC or Cluster, Resource
Pool, or Host.

n Virtual MachineReplication Options:

n Enable Compression – Helps during the seeding process of the VM. Helps if there is a low
throughput LAN/WAN connectivity.

n Enable Quiescence – Pauses the virtual machine to ensure that the most consistent copy of
the virtual machine is protected on Site B.

n Seed Virtual Machine – Used when a previous action created a copy of the VM, for example,
a Bulk Migration of a virtual machine.

n Specify Destination Container – data center, Cluster, or Resource Pool where the protected

copy of the virtual machine is going to live.

Storage – Datastore on which the protected copy of the virtual machine lives.


n RPO – Recovery Point Objective for the VM. With VMware HCX, it can go from 5 mins – 24
hours. The synchronization interval between the Source virtual machine and the Protected
virtual machine

n Snapshots Interval – Interval between Snapshots. In the event, a corrupted change was
synchronized to the protect site, providing an option to recover from an earlier point in time.
The event provides a Multiple Point in the Time Recovery plan for the protected VM.

n No. of Snapshots – Total no. of snapshots within the established snapshot interval.

n Network Port group – Corresponding port group that the protected virtual machine uses. In
the illustration used, the port group that the source virtual machine is using has been
stretched to Site B, as a result it is automatically populated.

4 Click Next. A validation of the configuration for protection is performed.

5 Click Finish.

The DR Dashboard is displayed. You can monitor the progress of virtual machine protection.

6 The dashboard now shows the virtual machine being protected. Expand the dashboard.

n Local VMs – Reflects the total # of VMs on Site B that are protected. In the preceding illustration,
it shows that one local virtual machine is being protected.

n Remote VMs – Reflects the total # of VMs on Site B that are being protected from other Sites.

n Activity – To monitor any ongoing Disaster Recovery related operations.

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n Green Shield – DR protection is active.

n Yellow triangle – Protection has not been tested.

n In/Out – Direction of protection between a local site and a remote site.

7 Log in to Site B.

8 Go to Services > Disaster Recovery.

The Protected virtual machine is displayed.This process shows how a virtual machine on Site A is
protected on Site B using VMware HCX.

Performing a Virtual Machine Test Recovery

An VMware HCX Disaster Recovery protection configuration can be tested by bringing the virtual
machine online with a test recovery operation, which does not disrupt the ongoing replication.


n An initial full synchronization of the protected virtual machine is required. The vm test recovery option
will be grayed out while the initial synchronization is in progress.

When working with protected virtual machines on extended networks


n Do not connect a test recovered virtual machine to the extended network. This may impact the

original protected virtual machine due to the duplicate IP address.

n Create or use a test network at the Disaster Recovery site to test the recovery.


1 Log in to the vSphere Web Client and access the VMware HCX plugin.

2 Go to the Disaster Recoverytab.

3 Select the virtual machine and under Actions, click Test Recovery.

4 If the Protected virtual machine is on a stretched network, an error similar to the illustration shows up.
The option to use none is available for test recovery.

5 ClickingTest.

After the test completes, the yellow triangle changes to a certificate to show a test been completed.
The solid yellow triangle shows that a test cleanup is needed.

6 Select the VM, click Actions, and then click Test Cleanup.

7 Click Cleanup on the next screen.

The test is now cleaned up. The solid yellow triangle disappears.

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Performing a Virtual Machine Recovery

Using the VMware HCX Disaster Recovery's Virtual Machine recovery operation, you can enable the
Virtual Machine replica at the VMware HCX Target Site.


This procedure applies when a protected Virtual Machine has become unavailable due to a disaster
event. This unavailable state is indicated with a red lightning bolt status in the Services - Disaster
Recovery interface.


1 Open the VMware HCX Cloud interface at the destination site.

2 Navigate to Services > Disaster Recovery.

3 Click : (colon icon) and click Recover.

The recovery process starts. After the recovery completes, the Virtual Machine is visible in the
VMware HCX Disaster Recovery Target Site's vSphere Inventory.

VMware HCX Disaster Recovery - Protect Operations for

VMware HCX provides various operations that provide more control and granularity in replication policies.

Available Operations include:

1 Reverse – After a disaster has occurred. Reverse helps make Site B the source site and Site A where
the protected VM now lives.

2 Pause – Pause the current replication policy associated with the virtual machine selected.

3 Resume - Pause the current replication policy associated with the virtual machine selected.

4 Remove - Remove the current replication policy associated with the virtual machine selected.

5 Sync Now – Out of bound sync source virtual machine to the protected VM.

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Updating VMware HCX 8
The information includes step-by-step instructions for performing VMware HCX system updates.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n About VMware HCX System Updates

n Planning VMware HCX System Updates

n VMware HCX Update Procedures

n VMware HCX Release Notes

About VMware HCX System Updates

Updates to the VMware HCX service with new features and software fixes are released in a bi-weekly

Terminology used in this section:

n VMware HCX Enterprise refers to the VMware HCX Manager system type for on-premises or source
data center installations.

n VMware HCX Cloud refers to the VMware HCX Manager system type for public cloud or destination
data center installations.

n VMware HCX Interconnect refers collectively to the VMware HCX service appliances:

n The HCX-WAN-IX (CGW): The VMware HCX migration and DR service appliance.

n The HCX-WAN-OPT: The VMware HCX WAN optimization service appliance.

n The HCX-NET-EXT (L2C): The Network Extension service appliance.

n VMware HCX Interconnect appliances are deployed in site to site pairs.

n The VMware HCX Architecture for System Updates describes VMware HCX Enterprise (on-
premise/source) and VMware HCX Cloud (on-premise/target or Public Cloud) as VMware HCX Client

n The VMware HCX Architecture for System Updates describes the VMware HCX Service URL as a server system. This service provides VMware HCX update metadata
to the clients.

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n The VMware HCX Architecture for System Updates describes the VMware HCX Service URL as a server system. This service will provide the VMware HCX Update
files to the VMware HCX Client systems.

n An VMware HCX Release refers to a set of builds, which are released on the same cycle with
updated software for all VMware HCX client systems types. For example, Release 105 (R105) was
released August 20th and contains VMware HCX Enterprise Build 9689240 and VMware HCX Cloud
Build 9689167.

Build numbers in a release set have similar opening digits.

VMware HCX Architecture for System Updates:

r a
Planning VMware HCX System Updates D
Carefully plan VMware HCX Updates to minimize risk.

n Perform updates on all connected VMware HCX sites. In the VMware HCX Architecture for System
Updates illustration in the previous topic, there are two VMware HCX Enterprise systems connected
to a single VMware HCX Cloud at the destination site. Plan a single maintenance event for all three

n All VMware HCX Manager components should be updated before the VMware HCX Interconnect
service components are upgraded/redeployed.

n VMware HCX client systems periodically connects to and queries the
server for published updates. The VMware HCX UI displays a banner when an update is available.

n VMware HCX client systems must be able to reach using HTTPS
throughout the entire lifecycle of the system. When this connection is not working; the VMware
HCX client system will not display updates available to other VMware HCX systems.

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n Only perform an update when a published release is available on all of the VMware HCX

n VMware HCX client systems must be able to reach using HTTPS for
the download of update files, without connectivity to the depot, the Update Download fails.

n The VMware HCX Interface allows the Update file download to be decoupled from the VMware HCX
Manager update.

n VMware HCX Enterprise/Cloud Manager systems must be updated on all connected sites before
updating the VMware HCX Interconnect service appliances.

n Updating the VMware HCX Enterprise and VMware HCX Cloud systems requires a reboot of the
VMware HCX Manager appliance, but will not disrupt VMware HCX services as they operate
headless when the manager is unavailable.

n Because updating the VMware HCX Manager does not disrupt the VMware HCX
Interconnect/Service layer, the VMware HCX team recommends consuming VMware HCX updates as

they become available to ensure that the systems are running the latest fixes and security updates.

n Updating the VMware HCX Interconnect VMs causes an interruption to the VMware HCX services.
Only upgrade the VMware HCX Interconnect during an approved off-peak maintenance window.

n Ensure that migrations are not running or scheduled when updating the HCX-WAN-IX(CGW) and
HCX-WAN-OPT appliances.

n Re-deploying the HCX-NET-EXT (L2C) appliances will disrupt connectivity that crosses the
Network Extension path. The tunnel state reconverges in less than one minute.

VMware HCX Update Procedures
Updating an VMware HCX system installs the latest features, problem fixes, and security patches.

Verify the VMware HCX Client systems from all connected sites have received notifications of an
available update for the same release.f

1 Update the VMware HCX Manager components:

n Download and Upgrade the VMware HCX Cloud Manager component at the destination site. The
VMware HCX Manager system will reboot during the Upgrade. Allow the system several minutes
to fully initialize.

n Download and Upgrade the VMware HCX Enterprise Manager component at the source site. The
VMware HCX Manager system will reboot during the Upgrade. Allow the system several minutes
to fully initialize.

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2 The VMware HCX Interconnect Service appliances can be upgraded once all the paired VMware
HCX Manager systems are updated.

n The service appliances updates are always initiated at the source site. Use the VMware HCX
Interconnect view to redeploy or upgrade the VMware HCX Interconnect service appliances:

n Upgrade or Redeploy the HCX-WAN-IX (CGW) and HCX-WAN-OPT together. Both

appliances must be fully operational

n Verify tunnels are Up before resuming services or proceeding to the next component.

n Upgrade or Redeploy the HCX-NET-EXT (L2C) appliance

n Verify tunnels are Up before resuming services or proceeding to the next component.

Note Re-deploying the VMware HCX Network Extension service disrupts VM to VM traffic
traversing the Network Extension network path provided by VMware HCX. This component
should only be redeployed or upgraded in off-peak hours, during a maintenance window.

VMware HCX Release Notes
Details for new updates can be found in the System Updates section of the VMware HCX Manager plug-

in and on the VMware HCX | NSX Hybrid Connect document page.

Locating the Release Notes within the VMware HCX Interface
1 In the vSphere Web client on the VMware HCX Enterprise | VMware HCX Source site, open the HCX


2 Open the Administration tab.

3 Open the System Updates section.

4 Under the Local VMware HCX section right-click the available version link and select Readme.

5 Current Release Notes are displayed.

Release Notes on VMware Docs

Release Notes are available in the VMware documentation homepage: VMware HCX | NSX Hybrid
Connect Release Notes.

VMware, Inc. 63
VMware HCX Troubleshooting 9
The following sections contain common VMware HCX troubleshooting scenarios, troubleshooting
methodology, general information collection and how to use built in diagnostic tools like the VMware HCX
Central CLI.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Enabling SSH on the VMware HCX Manager

n Logging into the VMware HCX Manager CLI

n Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX Manager CLI

n Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX Plug-In

n Using Central CLI to Connect to VMware HCX Services

n Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the VMware HCX Plug-In

n Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the VMware HCX Appliance Management

n Viewing Logs In the VMware HCX Manager Shell

n VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX Appliance Management Interface

n VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX CLI

n Viewing VMware HCX System State

n Viewing VMware HCX-Related Entries in the vSphere Task Console

n Enabling the VMware HCX Central CLI

Enabling SSH on the VMware HCX Manager

Enabling the SSH service on the VMware HCX Manager component for CLI access.

To access to the VMware HCX Manager and its services, use a VMware Remote Console session using
vSphere or by establishing an SSH session. You must first enable SSH on the VMware HCX Manager if
SSH was not enabled during the initial VMware HCX Manager installation.


1 Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface

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2 Go to Appliance Summary.

3 Under System Level Services, locate the SSH Service.

4 Click Start.

Logging into the VMware HCX Manager CLI

This topic contains information on how to connect to the VMware HCX Manager CLI.


When logging in to the VMware HCX Manager command-line interface, either Using VMRC or an SSH
session, the first-level access is with the admin account created during the initial installation of the
VMware HCX Manager. If requested do do so by support, you can switch the User to root once you log in
with the admin account.


1 Connect to the VMware HCX Manager using VMRC or SSH.

2 When prompted for credentials, enter admin as the user name and password.

3 Switch to root by typing su rootand providing the root password.

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Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX

Manager CLI
When working with support, you may have to provide the VMware HCX System IDs. You can get the IDs
from the VMware HCX plug-in and from the VMware HCX Manager CLI.


This procedure only permits you to obtain the local VMware HCX System ID.


1 Connect to the VMware HCX Manager shell using VMRC or SSH.

2 Switch user to root: su

3 Type cat /common/location

4 Note the System ID .

Locating the VMware HCX System IDs Using VMware HCX


r a
When working with support, you may have to provide the VMware HCX System IDs. The IDs can be
obtained from the VMware HCX plug-in and from the VMware HCX Manager CLI.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the VMware HCX plug-in > Administration > System

2 Under Local VMware HCX, in the Info column, click the i (information) icon. The System ID will be
copied to your clipboard. Do the same to obtain the Remote VMware HCX System ID.

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3 Note the IDs and provide them to VMware when requested.

Using Central CLI to Connect to VMware HCX Services
From the VMware HCX Manager Central CLI, you can connect to the various VMware HCX services for
troubleshooting or gathering information.


1 Enable CCLI on the VMware HCX Manager: ccli

2 Type list to view a list of VMware HCX nodes.

3 Identify the VMware HCX Node ID for the VMware HCX service you want to connect to.

4 Type go # where # is the node ID.

5 Type ssh

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6 Use the help command to display available commands. For more detail about the Central CLI
commands, see the VMware HCX Central CLI Guide.

Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the

VMware HCX Plug-In
Locating the VMware HCX logs for review and knowing how to gather them is an important part of the
troubleshooting process. It is helpful to include at least the VMware HCX Manager Technical Support log
when experiencing an issue and contacting support.


1 In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to the VMware HCX plug-in > Administration >
Troubleshooting > Download Log Bundles.

2 Select the box next to one or more logs that you want to generate.

3 Click Request.

4 After the bundle is prepared, you are prompted to download them.

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Gathering VMware HCX Technical Support Logs from the
VMware HCX Appliance Management
Locating the VMware HCX logs for review and knowing how to gather them is an important part of the
troubleshooting process. It is helpful to include at least the VMware HCX Manager Technical Support log
when experiencing an issue and reach for support.


1 Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface.

2 Navigate to Administration > Troubleshooting > Technical Support Logs.

3 Select the box next to one or more logs that you want to generate.

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4 Click Generate.

5 After the bundle is prepared, you are prompted to download them.

Viewing Logs In the VMware HCX Manager Shell

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VMware HCX service logs are useful when troubleshooting failures.


There are two key logs in the VMware HCX Manager that can be reviewed and used when
troubleshooting problems or to monitor system activities. Both are located in /common/logs/admin and
they are the Application log (app.log) which logs all activities for the App-engine service and Web log
(web.log) which logs all activities for the VMware HCX Web Engine service. The process requires a
good understanding of the VMware HCX system so it is best to review with a VMware support engineer.


1 Use VMRC or SSH to connect to the VMware HCX Manager shell.

2 Switch user to root: su –.

3 Change directory to /common/logs/admin.

4 From within this directory, you can open the relevant logs using standard linux text commands.

5 When troubleshooting failures, search using keywords such as Fail, ERROR, exception, migration.

VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX

Appliance Management Interface
Managing VMware HCX services from the appliance management interface.

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The VMware HCX Manager requires several key services to be running for VMware HCX operations to
function properly. There are several services that are required but the two most important ones which you
must monitor and become familiar with are the App-engine and the Web- engine services.

When working with support, you may have to confirm that these services running or may have to restart
them. The VMware HCX Manager Services are located and can be viewed and restarted in several

Note Do not restart services unless it is requested by a support engineer.


1 Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface.

2 Navigate to Appliance Summary.

3 You can find all services and can monitor or restart them. The only two services that are optional are
the SNMP and SSH services. All others must always be running.

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VMware HCX Manager Services from the VMware HCX CLI
You can manage the VMware HCX service using the VMware HCX CLI.


1 VMRC or SSH into the VMware HCX Manager.

2 Switch user to root: su –.

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3 Type systemctlactionservice_name.

n Action can be status, stop, start, restart.

n Service name can beWeb-engine or app-engine.

systemctlstatus web-engine

systemctlstatus web-engine

systemctl stop web-engine

systemctl restart web-engine

Viewing VMware HCX System State

Viewing VMware HCX system state from the appliance management dashboard.


For VMware HCX to run properly, it is important that it has sufficient available resources. You can view the
key system resources such as CPU, memory, and storage from the Dashboard section in the VMware
HCX Appliance Management Interface. The dashboard section also provides other useful information
such as the version that the VMware HCX Manager is running, the uptime, its IP address, and current

time. All useful information when reviewing logs or required by support.


1 Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface.

2 Navigate to Dashboard.

3 Review the CPU, Memory, Storage, Uptime, and Version.

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Viewing VMware HCX-Related Entries in the vSphere Task

Most VMware HCX Operations such as the initial appliance deployment, extending a network, or a
migration can be monitored from the vSphere Web Client Task Console.


1 Open the vSphere Web Client and navigate to Home.

2 Navigate to Tasks.

3 In the Task Console, filter the results by using HCX in the search filter.

4 Look for any failures or errors. If you see an error, you can review the logs to find additional details.

Enabling the VMware HCX Central CLI

The VMware HCX Central CLI is used for diagnostic information collection and secure connections to
Interconnect components.

The Central CLI on VMware HCX allows you to run commands available centrally on the VMware HCX
Manager to query all your VMware HCX services, including the VMware HCX Interconnect and Network

Extension Service. The Central CLI reduces troubleshooting time by providing centralized diagnostics and
increases the security of the WAN Interconnect service appliances by eliminating the need to run SSH. To
use it, first you must enable the Central CLI on the VMware HCX Manager.


1 Use VMRC or SSH to connect to the VMware HCX Manager shell.

2 Switch user to root: su –.

3 Type ccli.

The VMware HCX Central CLI is now enabled.

4 Begin using it by exploring the p command output.

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Monitoring VMware HCX
Systems 10
VMware HCX native tools and views can be used to collect current state and general system health. Also,
VMware HCX can be integrated with vRealize Log Insight and vRealize Operations using Management

vROPS Management Pack for VMware HCX

The vRealize Operations Management Pack (MP) for VMware HCX helps monitoring with integrated
dashboards and reports. It triggers problem alerts for the VMware HCX components and services.

The vRealize Operations Management Pack for VMware HCX extends the Operations Management
capabilities of vRealize Operations for VMware HCX Hybrid Mobility, Interconnect Management and Data

Center and Cloud Migrations.

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Installing the VMware HCX Management Pack

The VMware HCX Management Pack is available in two variants: One for vSphere based VMware HCX
deployments and the other is specific to vCloud Director-based vSphere deployments.


You need a account to download the management pack.


1 Navigate to the VMware Solutions Exchange.

2 Locate the appropriate Management Pack based on the presence or absence of vCloud Director.

3 Login using credentials.

4 To download the Management Pack, click theTry button.

r a

Log into the vRealize Operations Manager user interface with administrator privileges.

On the left pane, click the Administration icon and click Solutions.

On the Solutions tab, click the plus sign.

Browse to the downloaded HCX MP PAK file.

9 Click Upload. After the upload, click Next.

10 Accept the EULA, click Next.

11 After the installation is finished, click Finish.

The Management Pack is listed as a solution.

The listed VMware HCX Enterprise Adapter is connected to the local VMware HCX system, typically
in the same site as the VROPS installation. The VMware HCX Cloud for vCenter Adapter makes a
connection to the remote VMware HCX system.

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12 Connect the HCX Enterprise Adapter or HCX Cloud for vCenter Server Adapter to the VMware HCX
Enterprise system using its IP or FQDN. Authenticate to the VMware HCX system using a vSphere
SSO-integrated user that belongs to a group with access to VMware HCX.

13 Connect the VMware HCX Cloud for vCloud Director Adapter using its Load Balancer address or
Public Access URL. Authenticate using the Org Administrator.

After sufficient metrics are collected - the vROPS dashboard is populated with views based on
enabled VMware HCX services.

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VMware HCX in the VMware
Cloud on AWS 11
VMware HCX enables cloud on-boarding without retrofitting your source infrastructure, supporting
migration from vSphere 5.0+ to VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) without introducing application risk and
complex migration assessments.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Deploying VMware HCX Cloud from the VMC Console

n Overview of VMware HCX on NSX for vSphere backed SDDCs

n Overview of VMware HCX on NSX-T Backed VMC SDDCs

n Configuring VMware HCX for Direct Connect Private Virtual Interfaces

Deploying VMware HCX Cloud from the VMC Console

VMware HCX is an add-on to the VMC SDDC. The VMware HCX Cloud components are deployed and
the SDDC becomes an eligible VMware HCX target site.


n The user performing this procedure must have access to the VMC Console.


1 Log in to the VMC Console at

2 On the Add Ons tab of your SDDC, click OPEN HYBRID CLOUD EXTENSION on the Hybrid Cloud
Extension card.

The VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension interface opens.

3 Navigate to the SDDCs tab and click DEPLOY HCX and click CONFIRM to initiate the deployment.

The VMC activation is created and displayed, and the deployment begins. This step takes several
minutes to complete.

4 Open the vCenter console and locate the VMware HCX_cloud_manager.

5 On the Add Ons tab of your SDDC, click OPEN HYBRID CLOUD EXTENSION on the Hybrid Cloud
Extension card.

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6 Navigate to the SDDCs tab and click OPEN HCX.

The VMware HCX Cloud service interface opens, the URL reads*

7 Enter the [email protected] user and credentials and click LOG IN.

The Administration tab System Updates can now be used to download the VMware HCX Enterprise
Client installer, which is needed for the on-premises VMware HCX installation. The on-premises
deployment is detailed in the document Chapter 3 Installing VMware HCX.

Overview of VMware HCX on NSX for vSphere backed

VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs backed by NSX for vSphere and SDDCs backed by NSX-T support
different sets of features. This section describes the behavior and features of VMware HCX services on
SDDCs whose networking is backed by NSX for vSphere.

Determining Whether Your SDDC Networking is Backed by NSX for vSphere or NSX-T

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VMware HCX Component Architecture on NSXv backed SDDCs

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Supported VMware HCX Features with NSXv SDDCs
Feature Details

VMware HCX Virtual n VMware HCX vMotion for serial migrations.

Machine Migrations n VMware HCX Bulk Migration for scheduled, replication-based, parallel migrations.
n VMware HCX Cold Migrations for powered-off virtual machines.
n VMware HCX Replication-Assisted vMotion is only available with exclusively VMware HCX on
VMC. For more details, see VMware HCX Replication-Assisted vMotion.

VMware HCX WAN n Deduplication, compression and line conditioning of VMware HCX migration and protection
Optimization network flows.

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Feature Details

VMware HCX Network n Network Extension with Proximity Routing is not currently available with VMware Cloud on AWS
Extension NSXv or NSX-T SDDCs.

VMware HCX over AWS n VMware HCX supports connections over AWS Direct Connect with a Public Virtual Interface
Direct Connect only.
n VMware HCX does not require special configuration for Public VIF support. The VMware HCX
component EIPs will be part of the AWS region subnets advertised to the premises router.
n For more detail, see Using AWS Direct Connect with VMware Cloud on AWS.

Overview of VMware HCX on NSX-T Backed VMC SDDCs

SDDCs backed by NSX for vSphere and SDDCs backed by NSX-T support different sets of features. This
section describes the behavior and features of VMware HCX services on SDDCs whose networking is
backed by NSX-T.

Determining Whether Your SDDC Networking is Backed by NSX for vSphere or NSX-T

Summary of VMware HCX Changes to Support NSX-T backed VMC

n Updated component architecture uses the NSX Service Insertion Framework.

n The AWS Direct Connect with Private Virtual Interface is now supported. User-defined Private IP
Subnets can be used during the VMware HCX Interconnect configuration.

n Network Extension L2 bridging is done with MAC Address learning on the Network Extension L2

switch port.

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VMware HCX Architecture on NSX-T backed SDDCs

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VMware HCX Features with NSX-T Backed SDDCs
All the features listed in the Supported VMware HCX Features with NSXv SDDCs section apply to
VMware HCX on NSX-T SDDCs with the exceptions detailed in the following table.

Feature Details

VMware HCX Network n A maximum of four networks can be extended to the SDDC per VMware HCX Network
Extension Extension appliance.
n After a Network Extension operation, there is a five minute delay until the network is available
for a migration operation.

VMware HCX over AWS n VMware HCX supports connections over AWS Direct Connect with a Private Virtual Interface.
Direct Connect

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Configuring VMware HCX for Direct Connect Private

Virtual Interfaces
The private virtual interface allows VMware HCX migration and network extension traffic to flow over the
Direct Connect connection between your on-premises environment and your SDDC.


n The AWS Direct Connect with Private Virtual Interface is only supported on VMC SDDC backed by
NSX-T networking.

See Determining Whether Your SDDC Networking is Backed by NSX for vSphere or NSX-T.

n The SDDC must be configured to use the Direct Connect Private Virtual Interface.

See Using AWS Direct Connect with VMware Cloud on AWS.

n A private subnet that can be reached from on-premises over the Direct Connect with Private VIF,
ideally reserved for VMware HCX component deployments.

n A logical switch should be configured and reserved for the VMware HCX interconnect.

n Existing VMware HCX Interconnect, Optimization Network Extension appliances must be removed
prior to this configuration.

See Removing Service Appliances.


1 Log in to the VMC Console at

2 On the Add Ons tab of your SDDC, click OPEN HYBRID CLOUD EXTENSION on the Hybrid Cloud
Extension card.

3 Navigate to the SDDCs tab and click OPEN HCX.

4 Enter the [email protected] user and credentials and click LOG IN.

In the current release, this procedure requires a VMware Support account. In the upcoming release,
the cloud administrator can perform this operation.

5 Navigate to the Interconnect Configuration section of the Administration tab and click Edit.

6 Locate the Network Profile with Type: Internet. To delete it, click the X.

7 Create a Network Profile:

a Select the Distributed Port Group Network Type

b Select the Direct Connect Network Network Type

c Enter the private IP address ranges reserved for VMware HCX.

d Enter the Prefix Length and the Gateway IP address.

8 Click Next, and click Finish.

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When the VMware HCX Interconnect services are deployed from the VMware HCX Enterprise console
on-premises, the VMware HCX Interconnect appliances are deployed using uplink IP addresses that are
reachable over the AWS Direct Connect.

Figure 11‑1. VMware HCX over Direct Connect Private Virtual Interface

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