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White Paper Disclaimer

This document is a technical white paper (“White Paper”) setting out the current and future developments of
the CryptoBnB (the “Company”). This paper is for information purposes only and is not a statement of future
intent. Unless expressly specified otherwise, the products and innovations set out in this White Paper are
currently under development and are not currently in deployment.
The Company makes no warranties or representations as to the successful development or implementation
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disclaims any warranties implied by law or otherwise to the extent permitted by law. No person is entitled to
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The information contained in this publication is derived from data obtained from sources believed by the
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The Company does not have an obligation to amend, modify, or update this White Paper or to otherwise
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Table of Contents

White Paper Disclaimer 2

Table of Contents 4
Abstract 5
Introduction 6
Market Description 6
SWOT Analysis of Existing Marketplace 7
Strengths 7
Weaknesses 7
Opportunities 7
Threats 8
Conclusion 8
CryptoBnB: The Solution 9
Technology 10
Client Applications 10
Smart Contracts and IPFS 10
AI and Big Data 11
Road Map of Technology Development 13
Phase 1: MVP Delivery 13
Phase 2: AI, Big Data Integration, and Permissioned Block Expansion 14
Security 15
P2P Marketing 16
In a Nutshell 16
CryptoBnB ICO 18
Token Specs 19
Token Dispatch and Listing 19
Token Distribution Tier Model 19
Token Distribution 20
Use of Funds 20
Road Map 22
Team and Advisors 23

CryptoBnB is building a next-generation marketplace of online, short-term rentals and tenant smart-matches.
This new marketplace aims to improve on the existing options available to travelers by offering more
efficiency on searches, overall lower fees, and better flexibility by using blockchain smart contracts in
combination with the power of AI and big data to find a desired accommodation in the most efficient way.
This new blockchain technology allows peer-to-peer transactions for renting a property securely without the
added costs of an escrow service. The technology also enables a smarter intelligent way of directed P2P
marketing between hosts and travelers, while boosting the ROI for hosts.
This next-generation marketplace of online hospitality and short-term vacation rentals will allow travelers
and occupants to tap into a huge market of residences that match their budgets and accommodation
requirements around the globe while boosting trust between homeowners and occupants. The AI algorithm,
combined with blockchain in the platform, will generate accurate matches between homeowners and
suitable short-term tenants, with minimal transaction fees. This next-generation marketplace will allow
homeowners and occupants to quickly transact secure payments using BnB tokens, without global barriers.
The short-term rental business model has a proven track record in today’s economy and keeps growing year-
over-year (Kharpal 2016). CryptoBnB strives to improve today’s peer-to-peer rental market by providing a
more foolproof, efficient, short-term rental platform.
CryptoBnB will be built on unique proprietary technology that combines some proven tools such as uPort
with advanced search and targeted marketing capabilities to create a more reliable, dependable ecosystem.

The short-term rental economy has dominated its sector in growth for the last ten years; it took 10 percent of
the market share from the $550 billion global hotel industry in 2016 (Kharpal 2016).
CryptoBnB will capture the short-term rental market by combining pre-existing short-term rental models
such as AirBnB and HomeAway with blockchain technology. CryptoBnB’s use of blockchain technology will
create an improved marketplace for the short-term rental market by reducing significant challenges that
currently exist in the market, including inefficient searching, high fees, fraudulent identification, fraudulent
representation of properties and fraudulent reviews. Reducing these challenges will also increase the return
on investment for the host. CryptoBnB will be the first platform to combine the “power of three”: blockchain
(smart contracts), artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. This will generate an intelligent hospitality service
marketplace that benefits property owners and travelers by providing more accurate matches between
travelers and properties.
The platform aims to increase the return on investment (ROI) for hosts and service providers through
enhanced matchmaking to the right traveler who is looking for that particular property or service.

Market Description

The short-term home rental market is currently one of the most attractive segments in the real estate and
property management sector. It is aggressively altering market share from the existing hospitality industry to
individual property owners, with the sector gaining more acceptance each year by both hosts and travelers.
According to HomeAway, an online marketplace for vacation rentals, listings have increased 44% since 2009.

(McAlone 2015)
These growth rates and rapid market acceptance of the concept make any improvement to the route-to-
market very attractive with huge potential success.

SWOT Analysis of Existing Marketplace

Evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of existing short-term rental
platforms can provide great insight into what the perfect system should look like. CryptoBnB is using SWOT
analysis to analyze the short-term rental market and guide the development of the CryptoBnB platform.

Current short-term rental platforms have caused a significant portion of the population to change their
outlook toward a hospitality-sharing economy. A decade ago, the idea of renting a room in a stranger’s house
was not well received. This way of renting and traveling has become much more common, especially for
Millennial travelers. This has resulted in gains of 10 percent or higher per year for these platforms.

One of the greatest weaknesses of the short-term rental platform is centralization. Centralization has created
a large overhead cost since hiring people in every country to manage platforms and be on call is expensive.
This overhead has forced existing companies to charge high fees to its platform users, typically 12–15 percent
for each transaction. This has deterred many hosts from listing their properties on short-term rental
platforms since high fees decrease their profit margins and limit companies such as Airbnb from being able to
increase property offerings (i.e., scale up to meet the demands of a growing market).
Centralization has also forced these companies to take on the role of an escrow agent, negotiating the deal
between the buyer and the seller. This has exposed these companies to huge legal and reputational
exposure. Recently, Airbnb became a victim of many lawsuits due to their centralized role of acting as the
escrow agent between the traveler and the host.
Another weakness that emerges from centralization is the swayed ratings and reviews of centralized
marketplace users and hosts. A quick look at some of the reviews on Airbnb and TripAdvisor for the same
property makes you think twice how genuine these reviews are.
Additionally, centralized marketplaces such as Airbnb were blamed for bringing a bad influence into the
neighborhood by attracting travelers who were not similar to their hosts, resulting in a large community
backlash toward Airbnb in many cities. This indicates a gap in the match making system of current platforms.

In less than ten years, the short-term rental market has impacted the hotel and lodging industry by 0.5
percent year-over-year, estimated at $300 million dollars per year. That percentage represents only a small
fraction of the total available accommodation market.
The short-term rental market is dynamic, as many properties get listed and unlisted based on market supply
and demand.
Short-term rental marketplaces have an endless potential to expand. They can do so by capitalizing on a
variety of demographics that are currently underrepresented in the short-term rental market, specifically
homeowners who are skeptical of listing properties on short-term rental market platforms due to the
inability to trust the system or the system’s patrons within their homes. Having technology that creates trust
could assure these homeowners that it is safe to rent to strangers that have been pre-screened and verified
and create an enormous turning point for the short-term rental market.

CryptoBnB faces several threats that could negatively affect the industry segment. Fierce competition exerts
constant pressure on market share and prices. Traditional marketplaces for hotel bookings such as and are providing access to short-term rentals on their platforms, thus competing
for market share.
Many cities have implemented strict rules for short-term rentals, passing constantly changing government
regulations for short-term rentals that could result in the potential risk for centralized marketplaces to be
exposed to penalties and lawsuits.

Even though short-term rental platforms have attained success by providing access to short-stay
accommodations, the results of the SWOT analysis show that there is a pressing need for the adoption of a
new model that will address the gaps in the existing platforms. CryptoBnB will be built on the already
functioning short-term rental model but with the introduction of advanced technology based on blockchain
power, AI and big data. These features will allow our marketplace to catapult to success with growing
demand, new acquisitions and novel products and services within the sector. This innovative approach to
short-term renting will make CryptoBnB a leading competitor in the short-term rental market. CryptoBnB is
developing a unique proprietary application called CryptoDNA™ (patent pending), a feature that traditional
hotels and rent-sharing sites such as Airbnb, HomeAway, Room Ram, FlatClub, and are not
currently using. The following schematic shows how CryptoBnB will address the current technological gaps of
existing platforms.
CryptoBnB was created to overcome the shortcomings of the existing short-term rental platforms. The graph
above clearly highlights that today’s platforms suffer from centralization, which has caused inefficiencies
such as the following:

The need to manually transact escrow activities

Legal and reputational exposure due to manual escrow activities

Cumbersome and costly payment transactions

Low trust factor due to a lack of transparency, independence and partiality

More administrative work, which has resulted in higher overhead costs

Technological limitations that reduce service, provide poor search function

and provide poor marketing capabilities

CryptoBnB: The Solution

CryptoBnB will build a smart platform that serves a growing market segment. The platform will develop tools
that will make the market grow in a more transparent, user-friendly manner. CryptoBnB will attempt to
resolve the technological gaps in the current short-term rental platforms. The CryptoBnB platform will aim to
drastically improve the user experience within the peer-to-peer rental market by implementing the following
technological advancements:

● Blockchain (smart contracts)

● Interplanetary File System (IPFS)
● Artificial Intelligence
● Big Data

Client Applications

CryptoBnB will be hosted on the Web and on mobile devices through native applications. The platform will
use P2P smart contracts to conduct transactions on the backend. The platform will be powered by
blockchain, specifically smart contracts, and will use BnB tokens for exchange of services.
Although the platform will have a similar look and feel to existing short-term home rental platforms, the
results generated by the CryptoBnB platform will be superior to the results provided by current platforms.
CryptoBnB’s enhanced, intelligent, AI-powered search engine will access blockchain-encrypted data from its
users, resulting in search results that are more accurately tailored to the user’s preferences.

Smart Contracts and IPFS

Smart contracts for this platform will be created on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). These contracts
will be written in Solidity code, compiler 0.4.13 or higher.
Smart contracts are used to immutably track and transfer value and safely manage sensitive information. The
information in a public blockchain (e.g., Ethereum) is 100 percent transparent and can be seen by anyone.
With sensitive information, there is a need to protect it from being altered and to prevent theft and fraud.
Smart contracts can hash information into illegible strings by creating what seem to be random numbers and
letters that are approximately 32 characters long. The ability to hash information used in combination with
the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) will create what is known as Permissioned Blocks. Only users with the
blockchain address and key to the hash will be able to access the information or allow others to access the
information either in part or in its entirety.
Authentication and adoption of smart contracts enables CryptoBnB to solve common issues within the
property rental market, including lack of transparency, inefficiencies and inaccuracies, all of which create the
potential for fraud.
By using smart contracts, a virtually incorruptible resource, both the sender and the recipient of funds will be
protected by digital ownership certificates. These certificates are created by hashing real property
information using sha256 technology and storing it in the Permissioned Blocks. The hashed digital ownership
certificates within the CryptoDNA™ smart contract will be impossible to replicate and will protect the
property against false listings and unauthorized renting.
Basing the platform on blockchain technology will give it permanence and immutability, which will allow
CryptoBnB to automate parts of the business processes, significantly reducing the costs associated with areas
such as compliance, recordkeeping, and manual intervention. The ultimate goal of CryptoBnB is to retain
exclusive status as a short-term rental platform that guarantees full transparency and security of transactions
with minimal fees for hosts and tenants.

Have near real-time settlement of recorded transactions, removing friction and reducing risk, but also
limiting the ability to charge back or cancel transactions.

Allow any two parties to transact directly with each other, without the need for a trusted third party.

Retain a public history of transactions and a secure source of proof that the transaction occurred on
the blockchain.

Retain secure and immutable property records.

AI and Big Data

AI and Big Data combined with smart contracts will create an intelligent wallet called CryptoDNA ™.
CryptoDNA™ will be a unique proprietary application of smart contracts that will combine third-party ID
management, big data and AI preference management. This wallet will be fundamental in the positive user
experience. Each type of user—host, renter, service provider (SP)—will use the platform differently but in a
manner that enriches each of their experiences and focuses on their individual needs. CryptoDNA™ will
power the intelligent search engine of the platform to enhance matchmaking between renters and properties
by relying on AI and big data.
CryptoDNA™ will eventually allow the storage of growing personal data to shape the wallet owner’s digital
identity. The data will be collected from the individual's transactions, which will allow a proper rating system
to take hold. This individual-based rating system will draw on the user’s actual transactions and reviews
received during that transaction to create the rating. There will be no external centralized system in which a
person can make conflicting or untrue comments about themselves, the properties or the services. If during
one of the transactions the renter or rentee creates a false statement, the payment will be stopped, held in
escrow, and then go to arbitration. The party against whom the complaint has been filed will be responsible
for proving that the complaint is inaccurate, and the cost of arbitration will fall on the party found to be at
The CryptoDNA™ will keep getting smarter over time, learning more about its owner with each use of the
CryptoBnB platform by tracking user preferences. CryptoDNA™ will have the first blockchain-based digital
identities and trust ratings wallet. CryptoDNA™ captures the “DNA” of each user as follows:

Traveler: CryptoDNA™ will log the traveler’s identity, preferences, history, rating and token balances.

Host: CryptoDNA™ will log the host's identity, property access rights, property details, preferences of
targets, history, rating and token balances.

Service Provider (SP): CryptoDNA™ will log the SP’s identity, business license information, service
details, preferences of targets (host/traveler), history, rating and token balances.

The wallet will differentiate the user’s experience in many ways:

a) Decentralization: Today, various centralized platforms display individuals’ and companies’ trust
levels. All these ratings and reviews are controlled by the platform and never synchronized with
other platforms, so each platform has its own ratings and comments, which become questionable as
users often find contradicting reviews for a specific host or property. If, instead, all reviews were
restored on a distributed ledger where access was only permitted when the person or company
provided an access key to the counterparty who wants to assess the reputational rating, a new level
of trust would be established, which would help the sharing economy grow (i.e., the presence of
CryptoDNA™, decentralization, and statistical reviews by multiple users rather than artificially
manipulated entries).

b) Customization and Personalization: CryptoDNA™ will enable the platform to be highly customized to
the individual's wants and needs:

i. Search results will be customized based on data stored in the CryptoDNA™ and will
minimize the uncertainties and inefficiencies that deter travelers from using current
short-term rental platforms. A search on Airbnb or HomeAway could take days,
especially in big cities where the traveler must sift through dozens of properties and
go through each one, comparing photos, details, and ratings, even comparing other
sites and online review pages to ensure they are not getting scammed. After all the
searching, the traveler will still need to contact the host, who can still reject the
applicant. So even after the traveler has found the right accommodation, he or she
could still have product reliability issues (e.g., the property may not actually match
what was published online, etc.).

ii. CryptoBnB will utilize a revolutionary artificially intelligent search engine that will
identify a traveler’s preferences immediately, based on the traveler’s recent
selections. That will result in a customized shortlist of properties from which the
traveler will likely be able to pick. The hosts of the short-listed properties will be
able to accept requests to lease these properties more quickly and confidently
because they will have access to CryptoDNA™ profiling, which will detail the
traveler’s property preferences and past performances as property users. These
accurate and time-saving measures will encourage more travelers and more hosts
to use CryptoBnB.

iii. To date, the power of customized P2P marketing has not been exploited due to
limitations of technology. Current promotional activities use Web cookies that “spy”
on your machine to know what you are looking for. This form of promotion often
results in non-reputable or annoying ads that are based on your previous browsing
history. These results get scattered between the various machines or devices you
use and become a poor reflection of your wants and needs. With the power of AI
and permissioned CryptoDnA™, hosts will be able to select representative keywords
and tags they can use to filter for targeted customers to create better matches.

Road Map of Technology Development

Deliver MVP Launch of AI + Big Launch of P2P

(6 MO) data integration (6 Marketing (6 Mo)

Phase 1: MVP Delivery

The expected minimum viable product (MVP) that will be implemented first will be a system that removes
the cost of currency-to-currency exchange and increases the ease of payments compared to the existing
short-term rental systems. In addition to lower overall payment costs, escrow services will be part of the
platform at no charge.
The MVP will also offer the beginnings of the specialized wallet, CryptoDNA™, to help individuals fine-tune
their searches for rental properties by meeting the needs of the traveler. Within the wallet for the MVP,
there will also be space for comments and ratings. The wallet will be used by the host, the traveler and the
service provider. The wallet will function as the ID of the person, business, or property, along with the ratings
and comments about each one.
The property owner’s wallet will be able to hold multiple properties as an increasing number of private and
institutional investors recognize the value of short-term rentals.
To achieve this platform’s goals of reducing user costs, increasing platform services and increasing
accountability of its patrons and accommodation providers, the blockchain will provide three things:

1- ERC20 token that will be used by the traveler to pay for services rendered by either the
accommodation provider or experience provider.

2- A digital wallet that will contain Identification information that is government issued and
stored safely and securely by integrating an already developed safe identification utility such as
uPort or CIVIC.

3- Traveler preferences such as accommodation types and the proximity to theaters or sporting
venues, airports, and tourist attractions will be specific to each traveler and documented in the
secured filing system that will be implemented using Permissioned Blocks and IPFS technology.
The information contained in the Permissioned Block will be kept secure with no external access
unless the user wishes to use that information to provide a more accurate accommodation
search. The first stage of this Permissioned Block technology will be to implement simple account
storage for properties to be used for manually entered preferences for searching in the MVP.
uPort technology will be utilized to perform identification protection and validation activities to maximize the
user experience for both safety and ease of use. The IPFS data will need to be secured similar to methods
within the blockchain, but because there will be a growing amount of data with the addition of each user and
the continual updating of user information, the data must be stored in another way, not on the blockchain,
thus requiring the integration of the IPFS and Permissioned Blocks.

Phase 2: AI, Big Data Integration, and Permissioned Block Expansion

Manual searches will be implemented in the minimum viable product, with automated and AI-assisted
searches to follow. As the wallet becomes further developed, it will include user preferences from which AI
will be able to draw automatically.
CryptoBnB’s platform will also evolve to address the gap between the digital world and the tangible world in
a trustworthy way. CryptoBnB will minimize conflicting reviews and multiple listings of the same property to
reduce the occurrence of lawsuits and to attempt to eliminate the listings that are listed as a result of false
representation. CryptoBnB aims to do this by having registered properties provide details of the property to
which only the homeowners would have access and/or by having renters provide assigned rental agreements
that state that the renter may sublet the property. This documentation will be stored in the Permissioned
Blocks and will be accessible to the platform to verify that the property can be rented legally by patrons of
the CryptoBnB platform.
The platform will also deploy AI to search properties based on multi-dimensional metrics such as personal
preferences, previous customer reviews, property features, location, and occupancy information in order to
allow users to list, discover, and book short-term rentals efficiently on the platform.
From the first time a user interacts with CryptoBnB through the end of a booking, the platform will provide a
range of tools, both online and offline, that will support users:

CryptoDNA™ to resolve P2P identity and trust issues.

Reduced legal and governance ambiguities.

Crypto wallets that enable direct P2P payments on a decentralized ledger.

A competitive fee schedule from which both travelers and hosts will benefit. The network will
benefit its user with very low fees as a result of low overheads and the use of cryptocurrency in
which no bank fees are involved, compared to Airbnb fees that reach 12–15 percent per
transaction for using the platform.

Robust profile and review systems that allow guests and hosts to get to know each other through
detailed profiles and authentic two-way reviews prior to a reservation but still allow people with
no history to transact with escrow services that can be used in that case.

Host and guest messaging that allows hosts and guests to message each other through the
CryptoBnB platform before making a reservation and then continue through the reservation
resolution center to help resolve the very low percentage of potential disputes.

To address inherent limitations within blockchain technology such as scaling, CryptoBnB will employ a
strategy developed by one of the Plasma, Raiden or 0xProject teams. The strategy to deal with the scaling
challenge is to perform off-chain transactions in a safe and reliable manner, then record these transactions in
the EVM at a later time. To accomplish this we will use one of the previously mentioned projects as a third
party plug-in to help us meet our goals of producing a quality product. The Ethereum road map includes plans
to address this challenge, and once that plan is widely accepted in the EVM we will adopt that solution as it
becomes available, but to fulfill our roadmap will build on an already existing solution.

CryptoBnB will adopt several new technologies within its platform to ensure security:
- CryptoDNA™ ID verifications built up on uPort
- OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates for security

The CryptoBnB platform will solve security challenges by utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, a decentralized
platform for applications that run without the potential of fraud, censorship or third-party interference. This
will provide independence, decentralized data access and transaction encryption. CryptoBnB will offer a safe,
decentralized way to manage transactions between hosts and travelers within the short-term rental
To manage existing risks to blockchain, specifically Solidity-based smart contracts, the platform’s security will
employ the standards found in the Open Zeppelin and Consensys Corporation. The ERC20 Token, crowd sale,
wallet contracts, and platform functionality smart contracts will meet these standards. As part of the security
and operability of the platform, a thorough bug bounty will be completed during the testing phase.

P2P Marketing
Peer-to-peer (P2P) marketing encourages customers to engage other customers by advocating a product or
service to friends or associates. The keywords extracted from CryptoDNA™ will be utilized to flag peers that
could potentially collaborate and further market the platform. The power of AI and big data, combined with
Permission Blocks, enables the platform to be able to assist both travelers and hosts and zoom in on their
target markets by extracting keywords from public CryptoDNA™. Travelers and hosts will be able to select
their targets based on location, spending habits, social status, and ratings.
CryptoDNA™ will enable P2P marketing to intelligently update constantly changing tastes and preferences
and enhance ROI to advertisers due to its ability to constantly provide targeted marketing.

In a Nutshell
While blockchain pilot projects and proofs-of-concept are currently infiltrating all industries, there are very
few existing blockchain solutions that are actively solving business problems or making operational processes
more efficient. CryptoBnB will build on existing proved technology to create a new technology that will make
real changes with the power of blockchain. With secure wallets used to store digital identities and trust

Increase trust by leveraging user reviews

Improve matching between owners and renters

Improve marketplace UX and UI

The ease of walletize properties

The ease to produce and customize smart contracts

ratings on a global scale, users will benefit from a P2P connection, which minimizes trust issues through
smart contracts and reduced usage fees.CryptoBnB’s marketplace role is to reduce friction (i.e., unnecessary
fees) to facilitate transactions within this network. There are many actionable ways to reduce friction. Below
are the most measurable actions that blockchain would allow within the short-term rental market.
CryptoBnB will regulate the marketplace from a point of quality, integrity and security through safe, smart
contracts that do not implode upon the presence of disputes. Reviews, customer feedback, and payment
records will remain decentralized due to the use of smart contracts that use identity tokens, allow
transparent and ethical transactions, and eliminate misrepresentations and scams.
The blockchain-based marketplace creates a relatively seamless process for both owners and renters to have
their wallets and tokenized accounts set up without the need for a deep knowledge of cryptocurrency.
CryptoBnB ICO

Participants will be invited to support the development of the next-generation short-term rental marketplace
through a technology that will revolutionize the hospitality industry forever by integrating crypto technology
that will serve the industry.
CryptoBnB participants will be awarded CBnB tokens that will benefit them on a short-term and long-term
Token Specs

- Total CBnB tokens: 1 billion CBnBs

- 1 ETH=3000 CBnB on exchange listing (target)
- Token pricing as per Tier Model
- Minimum Cap 15,000 ETH
- CBnB token is ERC20
- Participant’s wallets must be ETH ERC20 compatible

Token Dispatch and Listing

- Participants will register on the website and get the address to transfer ETH.
- Upon successful transfer of ETH and filling out the KYC form, the CryptoBnB team will vet all
- Approved accounts will be allocated tokens in a maximum of one week, while rejected
applicants will receive a refund.
- Tokens will be listed in major exchanges within 1–2 months from the tokens dispatch date.

Token Distribution Tier Model


Bonus 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00%

CBnB : ETH 11,700 11,250 10,800 10,350 9,900 9,450

Tokens/Tier 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000

Duration 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week

Token Distribution

- Token ICO: up to 60%

- Team: 5% and will be frozen for 1 year
- Founders: 15% (50% frozen for 1 year)
- Advisors: 2.5% (50% frozen for 1 year)
- Bonuses: 2.5%
- Bounties: 2.5% to debug code, convert super hosts
- Reserve: 12.5%

Use of Funds

All funds received from the ICO will be used for the development of the CryptoBnB marketplace platform.
- 15% Blockchain Team: Recruitment of top talent to maintain CryptoBnB’s competitive edge as well
as develop new products and services.
- 20% Marketing and Sales: Rapidly increase market share; improve user acquisition and worldwide
- 15% Multi-Platform Support: Cost for servers and customer service so iOS, Android, and WebApp
client applications work seamlessly and ensure that users can access CryptoBnB from anywhere.
- 10% Administration and Operations: CryptoBnB will make all efforts to ensure security of all users'
crypto assets, aiming to achieve banking industry level auditing and security compliance.
- 5% Development fund, strategic partnerships.
- 5% Legal Affairs: Legal compliance is key to CryptoBnB’s long-term success.
- 5% Security and Bug Bounty.
- 25% Expense Reserve.
Team & Advisors

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