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School: TSIS Grade Level: 12

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 1-4, 2019 Semester: 1st


A. Content Standard The learners have an understanding of…

poetry as a genre and how to analyze its elements and techniques
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to…
produce a short, well-crafted poem
C. Learning Competencies -The learners identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in poetry. The learners identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
/Objectives (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6)
poetry. (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6);
determine specific forms and conventions of poetry. (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-
II. CONTENT 6. Reading and Writing Poetry* 6. Reading and Writing Poetry* 6. Reading and Writing Poetry* 6. Reading and Writing Poetry*
6.1. Elements of the genre 6.1. Elements of the genre
a. Essential elements a. Essential elements
b. Elements for specific forms b. Elements for specific forms
-Types of Rhyme -Stanza
-Rhyme Scheme -Genre
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials pages
3. Textbooks pages
4. Additional Materials from Creative Writing by Arnold Jarn Ford Creative Writing by Arnold Jarn Ford
Learning Resource (LR) portal Buhisan and Ayesha Sayseng, pp. 26- 33. Buhisan and Ayesha Sayseng, pp. 26- 33.
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Let learners give the elements of poetry Review rhyme and rhyme scheme Review elements of poetry. Review the forms of poetry that
or presenting the new lesson that were previously discussed
B. Establishing a purpose for Describe Me Activity Describe Me Activity
the lesson
With a group, describe the poem With a group, describe the poem
given based on form. (Show an given based on form. CShow an
example of Haiku) example of Limerick)

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the types of Rhyme: 1. End Discuss stanza and its number of lines Discuss poetry forms and their Discuss poetry forms and their
and practicing new skills #1 Rhyme, 2. Internal Rhyme, and 3. Slant
characteristics. characteristics.
 Blank Verse  Limerick
 Haiku  Free Verse
 Epic  Sonnet

E. Discussing new concepts Discuss how to identify the rhyme scheme Discuss the genres of poetry
and practicing new skills #2 of poems
F. Developing mastery Present some poems from famous writers Do Activity 1: Brainstorming. List Do true or false test about poetry Do true or false test about poetry
(Leads to Formative and let learners identify their rhyming
Assessment 3) words and rhyme scheme
down all the thoughts you have right forms and characteristics of each forms and characteristics of each
now. form. form.

Do Activity 2. Choose a genre of

poetry and write a sample of it. Use
the words or phrases from Activity 1.
G. Finding practical application Ask: Ask:
of concepts and skills in daily Why do writers use rhyming words in
living creating poems?
How the elements of poetry can help
you to strengthen your skills/ talents?
H. Making generalizations and The learners enumerate the importances The learners enumerate and describe
abstractions about the lesson of adding rhyming words to poems.
the elements of poetry.
I. Evaluating learning Identify the nrhyme scheme of “I Do Cool Down activity.
Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William
Directions: Exchange your poem with
your seatmate and let your seatmate
analyse and rate your poem.
J. Additional activities for Write your poem based on the form
application or remediation
assigned to your group. On the next
meeting, do a gallery walk of the
A. No. of learners w ho earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons w ork?
No. of learners who have caught up
w ith the lesson
D. No. of learners w ho continue to
require remediation
E. Which of m y teaching strategies
w orked w ell? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
w hich m y principal or supervisor
can help m e solve?
G. What innovation or localized
m aterials did I use/discover which I
w ish to share with other teachers?

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