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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | October 1, 2019

Hamilton teacher charged with attempted

murder of her child at Columbus Lake
Police believe suspect deliberately backed By the time
police arrived,
break one of the car’s windows
to pull the two to safety.
another adult.
According to her Facebook
the car into lake with toddler inside a friend of Cul-
lum’s had already
Police previously reported
the driver had called the friend.
page, Cullum has been em-
ployed with the Monroe Coun-
Dispatch Staff Report into Columbus Lake while her pulled the suspect No one was hurt in the inci- ty School District as a second
2-year-old was riding inside. and her daughter dent. grade teacher at Hamilton Ele-
COLUMBUS — Police have Cari Campbell Cullum, 34, is from the vehicle, The press release says the mentary School, which MCSD
charged a Hamilton elementary accused of backing the car off a according to a Cullum suspect has two other children Superintendent Brian Jernigan
teacher with attempted murder boat ramp just after 3 a.m. Sept. Columbus Po- besides the toddler. Police Chief confirmed to The Dispatch
after investigators determined 21 into the lake off Wilkins Wise lice Department press release. Fred Shelton said the children Tuesday.
she intentionally drove a car Road. The friend told police he had to have been placed in the care of See Cullum, 6A


daily meetings
on proposed
short-term rental
Opponents call
proposed restrictions
an ‘overreaction’ to
complaints about Airbnb
[email protected]

City officials will

hold daily meetings
at City Hall this week
for anyone with ques-
tions about proposed
restrictions on Airb-
nb rentals, after the
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
city received about
Sally Allen, right, prepares to kick the soccer ball to Caris Carver during practice at McKee Park Thursday afternoon. The girls
30 emails, primari- Kim belong to a team of 8 and 9-year-olds in the Starkville Christian Homeschool Educators sports program, and their season
ly from Realtors, concerned about lasts from August to October.
Community Development Direc-
tor Sungman Kim said there were
misunderstandings he felt needed
to be cleared up before Thursday’s

Board to review 15 applicants for LCSD superintendent

public input session for the pro-
posed code. The meetings will be
held at 2 p.m. through Thursday, he
Airbnb allows users to rent out Eleven live in Mississippi; more than one already works in district the applicants
have doctorate
their properties — which can be an
entire house, an apartment or even By Zack Plair dent search, according to sitting superintendents, degrees.
just a private room — to guests. [email protected] information the Mississippi seven assistant superinten- A ppl ic a nt s
The service uses an online mar- School Boards Association dents, three principals, one include 10
ketplace where guests can browse LOWNDES COUNTY — provided the school board assistant principal and one males and five
available listings and book in ad- Fifteen applicants met Lown- Monday during a two-hour content specialist, MSBA females. Elev-
vance. Starkville is a popular short- des County School District’s executive session at Central Executive Director Mike en are from Waldrop
term rental destination thanks to its minimum requirements Office. Waldrop reported after the Mississippi,
See Short-term rentals, 6A for its ongoing superinten- Among that field are three meeting adjourned. Seven of See LCSD, 3A

A crowd of City-county relations raised again at second forum

more than
two dozen, Sanders, Brooks defend county’s feel the county and city
have a great partnership,
candidates, response to February tornado but some of their chal-
lengers said they want to
listens during
a political fo- BY ISABELLE ALTMAN agreed on the state of see better cooperation.
rum for those [email protected] the board’s relationship The issue arose when
running for with city of Columbus District 1 Supervisor
county office COLUMBUS — Harry Sanders, the
officials during a politi-
Monday night Those hoping to be
at the Colum- cal forum at the Colum- board’s president, re-
bus Municipal elected to a seat on the bus Municipal Complex sponded to a comment
Complex. Lowndes County Board Monday night. his opponent, indepen-
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff of Supervisors dis- Incumbents said they See Forum, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What Nick Hornby novel tells of a single guy Friday and Saturday meetings
who fakes fatherhood to meet women at a Today:
■ Roast ‘n’ Boast: The
single parents’ group? Starkville Board
2 What structure, built between 3000 B.C. and Mississippi State Barbecue
of Aldermen,
1600 B.C., draws thousands of revelers on the Championship takes place at
5:30 p.m., City
Summer Solstice? the Columbus Fairgrounds on
3 What NFL team are the “cheeseheads” big Highway 69 South. Opening
fans of? Oct. 3: Public
Carly Nickoles ceremony is 5 p.m. Oct. 4. Vis-
4 What celebration’s seven principles are Umo- input session
Kindergarten, Caledonia`` it or contact
ja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Nia, Kuumba, for proposed
Amber Henson at 662-645-

97 Low 71
and Imani? unified
5 What desk item was both encased in Jell-O 8291 for more information.
High on The Office and hoarded by Milton in Office
Mostly sunny and hot code, 5:30
Full forecast on
Answers, 6B Saturday p.m., Starkville
page 2A. ■ Blues & Brews: This Boys Sportsplex
& Girls Club of the Golden Tri- Oct. 7:
angle fundraiser takes place in Oktibbeha
Inside downtown West Point, with re- Marilou Solero moved to Colum- County Board
tail shopping from 5-7 p.m. and bus from Syracuse, New York, of Supervisors,
Classifieds 5B Health 6A
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A festivities including live music, 25 years ago. She runs Marilou’s 5:30 p.m.,
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A food and craft beer tastings at Alterations and enjoys spending Chancery
Dear Abby 4B The Ritz from 7-9 p.m. time with her five grandchildren. Courthouse


2A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “Myself and our coaches got to make sure we’re putting
Forever 21 bankruptcy reflects kids in position to be successful with the calls; we’ve got
to make sure we’re out there making plays.”
teens’ new shopping behavior MSU head football coach Joe Moorhead. Story, 1B.

Los Angeles- fashion, according to a re-

based privately
port by Global Data Retail.
The bankruptcy marks
a dramatic fall for the retail-
House Democrats subpoena Giuliani
held chain was
founded in 1984
er. Forever 21 was founded
in 1984 and, along with
other fast-fashion chains
in Trump impeachment probe
like H&M and Zara, rode a
By ANNE D’INNOCENZIO ‘Text messages, phone
Off message: A Republican takes
wave of popularity among
AP Retail Writer young customers that took
off in the mid-1990s. It records and other
years, teens flocked to For-
ever 21’s massive stores at
even stole customers from
traditional stalwarts like
Abercrombie & Fitch and
requested from
heat for impeachment remarks
the nation’s malls for its American Eagle. By MICHELLE L. PRICE
speedy take on fashion,
like its $5 shimmery halter
Their popularity grew
during the Great Reces-
president’s personal The Associated Press

tops and $25 dresses.

But the chain that
sion, when shoppers
sought fashion bargains.
lawyer by Oct. 15 LAS VEGAS — GOP Rep. Mark Amodei’s comment seemed harm-
less enough. Asked what he thought of the Democrats’ impeachment
helped popularize so-called But Forever 21 went on an The Associated Press probe into President Donald Trump, the Nevada Republican gave re-
fast fashion has moved too aggressive expansion just porters a vague dodge: “Let’s put it through the process and see what
slow for a new generation as shoppers were moving WASHINGTON — At one end of happens.”
of young customers. more online. Now, it’s Pennsylvania Avenue, the president Within about an hour, Amodei was on phone calls with his party’s
The Los Angeles-based closing as many as 350 raged about treason. At the other, leaders and the White House, explaining himself. No, he did not intend
privately held chain filed stores globally, including the methodical march toward im- to be the first Republican to endorse the investigation, he told House
for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as many as 178 stores in peachment proceeded apace. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, as his Facebook page exploded with
Sunday, a victim of rapidly the U.S. As of the bank- Democrats on Monday sub- angry Republicans.
changing shopping tastes ruptcy filing, it operated poenaed Rudy Giuliani, the presi- Amodei’s episode stemming from a phone call with reporters last
among teens who are in- about 800 stores globally, dent’s personal lawyer who was at Friday is something of a cautionary tale for Republicans as they try to
creasingly turning away including more than 500 the heart of Trump’s efforts to get answer questions about impeachment, Trump’s behavior and the rocky
from malls and heading to stores in the U.S. The com- Ukraine to investigate political rival road ahead. In the highly charged partisan environment, even nods to
trendy online sites. pany says it will still oper- Joe Biden’s family. That was after bipartisanship or process can sound like betrayal.
They’re also interest- ate its e-commerce busi- one of Trump’s staunchest defend- “I’m a big fan of oversight, so let’s let the committees get to work and
ed in buying eco-friendly ness, which accounts for ers, Senate Majority Leader Mitch see where it goes,” Amodei said in the call.
fashions, like pants made 16 percent of total sales. McConnell, said he would have Amodei is a moderate who sometimes makes a point of striking a
from recycled plastic, not “The world has “no choice” but to consider articles nonpartisan tone. But he’s also the chair of Trump’s campaign in the
stuff they’ll just throw changed, and Forever 21 of impeachment if the House ap- state. His apparent endorsement of the Democrats’ investigation quick-
away after a few uses. And didn’t change with it,” said proved them. ly became a headline. His Facebook page filled up with people calling
they’re gravitating toward Stacey Widlitz, president With Congress out of session for him a “traitor” and “RINO” (Republican in name only) who should
online second sites where of SW Retail Advisors. observance of the Jewish holidays, be voted out of office — along with some scattered praise from those
clothes can be used over “And the walls closed in, in Democrats moved aggressively across the aisle.
and over again. In fact, the terms of the competition.” against Giuliani, requesting by Oct.
secondhand fashion busi- Widlitz and others not- 15 “text messages, phone records Zelenskiy to investigate Hunter Trump took to Twitter to defend
ness is projected to reach ed that the chain was also and other communications” that Biden’s membership on the board anew his phone call with Zelenskiy
$64 billion by 2028, nearly dogged by the deteriorat- they referred to as possible evi- of a Ukrainian gas company. It is as “perfect” and to unleash a series
1.5 times the size of fast ing quality of its clothing. dence. They also requested docu- that call, and the circumstances of attacks, most strikingly against
ments and depositions from three surrounding it, that are fueling the House intelligence committee
of his business associates. new Democratic drive for impeach- Chairman Adam Schiff. The Demo-
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH Meanwhile, the circle of officials ment. crat, he suggested, ought to be tried
Office hours: Main line: with knowledge of Trump’s phone McConnell, a steadfast Trump for a capital offense for launching
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 call to Ukraine’s president widened defender, nonetheless swatted into a paraphrase of Trump during
with the revelation that Secretary down talk that the GOP-controlled a congressional hearing last week.
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? of State Mike Pompeo listened in Senate could dodge the matter “Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made
n [email protected] on the July 25 conversation. of impeachment if the House ap- up a FAKE & terrible statement,
Report a missing paper? Pompeo’s presence on the proved charges against Trump. pretended it to be mine as the most
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score?
Ukraine call, confirmed by two of- “It’s a Senate rule related to im- important part of my call to the
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000
ficials who spoke on the condition peachment, it would take 67 votes to Ukrainian President, and read it
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? of anonymity to discuss an internal change, so I would have no choice aloud to Congress and the Ameri-
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to matter, provided the first confirma- but to take it up,” McConnell said can people,” the president wrote. “It
Buy an ad? community tion that a Cabinet official heard on CNBC. “How long you’re on it is bore NO relationship to what I said
n 662-328-2424 Trump press President Volodymyr a whole different matter.” on the call. Arrest for Treason?”
Submit a birth, wedding
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n [email protected] n Download forms at www.

Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 US targets Russia in first step against meddling in midterms
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 The Associated Press
‘We will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections’
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
The Treasury Depart-
ment on Monday took its Sanctions placed on the warning: any actors who Ministry criticized the
SUBSCRIPTIONS first action in response to planes and yacht of finan- continue to engage with sanctions.
foreign interference in the cier Yevgeny Prigozhin these individuals, com- “We realize that such
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE 2018 midterm elections mean that any U.S. and panies, aircraft or vessel steps reflect an internal
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 by placing the yacht and many foreign ports would may also be subject to fu- political crisis that has en-
Online.......................................... private planes of a Russian face penalties for provid- ture sanctions,” Secretary gulfed the United States,
financier on an interna- ing services to the vessel of State Mike Pompeo in which Russia-related is-
RATES tional sanctions list along or the aircraft, according said in a statement. “We sues are deliberately used
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. with employees of a Rus- to a U.S. Treasury Depart- have been clear: We will by part of Washington’s
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. sian troll farm he funded ment notice announcing not tolerate foreign inter- establishment to achieve
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. to spread false informa- the measures. ference in our elections.” its goals,” the ministry
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. tion on social media. “Let this serve as a The Russian Foreign said in a statement.
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo.
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card.

The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)

Wintry blast closes schools, plunges temperatures in Rockies
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. The Associated Press took their earliest snow other parts of the Rocky and Idaho, and tempera-
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: day in memory Monday Mountains in an unusu- tures were expected to
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 HELENA, Mont. — after a blizzard dumped ally early blast of wintry drop into the teens and
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Some schools in Montana several feet of snow, while weather. 20s in those states and
plunging temperatures Freeze warnings were Montana overnight and
threatened crops across in effect in parts of Utah Tuesday morning. The
cold set in with the lin-
gering fall storm system
that dumped snow for
three days across much
of central and western
Montana, including over
4 feet on the Blackfeet
Reservation and Glacier
National Park.
While parts of the
Rockies were dealing
with frigid temperatures
and unusually early snow,
warnings of extreme wild-
fire danger emerged in
eastern Utah and much
of Colorado, where tem-
peratures as high as the
mid-80s, gusty winds and
dry air were expected to
create critical conditions.
Montana Gov. Steve
Bullock has declared
an emergency after the
storm brought heavy, wet
snow and high winds that
closed roads, downed
SOLUNAR TABLE trees and caused scat-
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game. tered power outages. The
Tues. Wed.
Major 3:09a 4:02a declaration allows the
state to mobilize resourc-
Minor 9:00p 9:40p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
es to help areas that were
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks


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Lowndes County may ink new deal with health clinic

of this year, Billingsley said, sending us a can-
CLW served cancellation notice after trying to strike deal of its own the county paid BMG about cellation notice.”
By Zack Plair “I still have to verify that lowed its agreement with CLW $215,000 under the clinic con- Gale said
[email protected] number … but I expect (super- to expire and has not offered a tract. In the same period, it CLW’s health
visors) will approve it at next new deal to the utility, Execu- incurred $355,000 less than insurance plan
L OW NDE S projected in health insurance covers 150 em-
Monday’s meeting,” Billingsley tive Director Todd Gale said.
COUNTY — claims — a forecast the insur- ployees and de-
said. Billingsley said the coun-
Lowndes Coun- ance provider based on the pendents, and all
The county, CLW and the ty’s fewer than 300 individuals
ty will likely previous year’s claims and the were eligible to Gale
city of Columbus all agreed to covered by its health insurance
approve a new number of employees. Several use the clinic at no cost to the
contracts with the BMG clin- weren’t enough to continue
agreement with factors led to decreased claims, individual. That group was only
ic at 2502 Fifth St. N. in early the contract as-is, but paying
a local Baptist but the clinic played a part, he generating about 30 visits per
2017. Under the terms, each even a higher rate for primary month, which Gale admitted
Medical Group entity paid a flat fee of about clinic care based on usage will said.
Billingsley actually cost CLW more than it
Clinic to resume $25 per covered individual per basically amount to the same The new agreement with
providing free medical care for Baptist will not cover medicine, saved.
month, regardless of whether amount of money per month. “The employees who used it
its employees. those people actually used the The county averages 80 vis- so employees and dependents
will all return to paying copays loved it,” he said. “I thought may-
Meanwhile, Columbus Light clinic. The contract charged the its per month, which charged at
for those services, which will be it would cut down our costs,
and Water employees, which entities reduced rates for other $80 each would cost $6,400 plus
then be filed on the county’s but to break even we needed 50
had used the clinic at no cost services like lab work and med- additional lab work — the exact
insurance. Until an agreement to 60 visits per month. So we
since it opened in 2017, have icine, as well. same as it paid under the con- were under-utilizing it.”
been left out of the equation. Employees and dependents tract. More visits, for example if is reached, county employees
Still, Gale said, CLW is seek-
County supervisors tabled a who used the clinic and its asso- there is a flu epidemic, he said, must also copay for clinic ser-
ing options to keep that benefit
measure at their Monday meet- ciated pharmacy paid nothing would obviously cost the county vices at BMG, since the con-
for employees.
ing to resume using the clinic for those services, and the en- more. tract expired Monday.
“We are talking with other
for non-contracted rate based tities did not have to file claims “But if (an employee) goes clinics,” he said. “(Employees)
on use. County Administrator for any clinic costs with their to a primary care doctor, they’ll Gale: CLW wanted to stay in can use the Baptist clinic just
Ralph Billingsley said super- health insurance provider. have a $40 copay, and the doctor CLW wanted to continue to like a regular clinic, I guess, but
visors will likely approve the But Columbus, as a cost-sav- will then charge our insurance participate with BMG in some it will come with a copay and
agreement after Baptist pro- ing measure, did not renew its another $100 or more,” Billing- way after the city bowed out, other costs.”
vides a written quote for what contract for Fiscal Year 2020, sley said. “(So the clinic is) a but Gale said the utility wasn’t Janet Cranford, director for
the county will be billed each which begins today, pulling its good deal for us as a county. It’s given the opportunity. regional operations with BMG,
month for the service — which 470 employees and dependents a really good deal for the em- “We went to them a couple of did not return a call and mes-
he expects will be about $80 per covered by city insurance from ployees.” weeks ago to work out a deal,” sage seeking comment by press
patient visit. the pool. BMG subsequently al- From January through July he said. “They responded by time.

Continued from Page 1A
dent Steve Pyle, made Emergency Management Supervisor Leroy Brooks city and county get along. Other candidates candidate for state office
at a different forum Sun- Agency) and everything both defended county offi- We don’t all go out and to attend the forum. Like
Other candidates
day night that the county else, but I think there’s cials’ interaction with the drink cocktails and eat to- prosecutor and constable
present included county
could have done more to more that could have city. Sanders pointed out gether, but when it’s time candidates, he introduced
prosecutor candidates
aid with clean-up after a been done in the city.” the city and county have to come to take care of himself but did not an-
Republican Steve Wallace
Feb. 23 tornado touched The discussion was agreements in place that business, we do that. And swer questions from mod-
down in north Columbus, part of the larger topic make them partners for sometimes it gets conten- and Democrat William
Starks, who each had erators.
damaging or destroying of city-county relations, the Columbus-Lowndes tious, but that is the na- Cindy Egger Goode,
hundreds of homes and which was raised when Airport, Columbus-Lown- ture of the beast.” three minutes to intro-
duce themselves and their who is running for chan-
businesses. moderator Carrie Ste- des Public Library, E-911, Brooks also agreed
platforms. Also present cery clerk as a Republi-
“The county worked phenson asked each of a jointly funded shooting with Sanders that the
were candidates for con- can, answered questions
three full days, Satur- the five supervisor can- range off Yorkville Road county aided the city after
stable, including District from moderators with Re-
day, Sunday and Monday, didates present to rate and the joint narcotics the tornado.
cleaned up all the rights- the relationship on a task force between Lown- District 2 Republican 1 opponents Democrat publican sheriff candidate
of-way, cleaned up all the 1-10 scale. Stephenson is des County Sheriff’s Of- candidate Trip Hairston Jake Humbers and Repub- Eddie Hawkins. Hawkins’
streets and riverbanks be- vice chair of the Colum- fice and Columbus Police came down more in the lican Chris Griffin, as well opponent, independent
cause we had equipment bus-Lowndes League of Department. middle, saying he felt the as District 2 Republican Anthony Nelson, arrived
the city didn’t,” Sanders Voters, which hosted the While the agreements county hadn’t gotten “the candidate Spence Wall- late and did not answer
said. “We cleaned up forum. regarding those entities press” it deserved for aid- ingford. questions, but he still was
Sim Scott Park. (Lown- The candidates who are in place, at different ing with storm cleanup. District 17 Senator given three minutes to in-
des County) Emergency actually responded with points the library, shoot- He agreed with Sanders Chuck Younger (R-Co- troduce himself and his
Management, which is a number were Pyle and ing range and E-911 have that the county has a good lumbus) was the only platform.
a county unit, did every- District 3 hopeful Demo- all been highly conten- partnership in certain ar-
thing that you need to do crat Tim Heard, who gave tious issues between city eas, adding they also have
in the coordination of ev- the relationship a “2 or 3” and county officials with- a joint agreement with the
erything. We did our part. and a 3, respectively. in the last few years. Also, Tax Assessor’s Office to
Also, we had to clean up “It seems like they the city and county split in collect taxes in both en-
the county part. ... We had can’t really, from what 2017 over their joint parks tities. He suggested the
a flood at the same time. I’ve seen on the outside, ... agreement, and each enti- county and city can do
(There was) talk about work together on much of ty now runs its own parks more like that.
the tornado, it didn’t say anything,” Heard said. “... and recreation depart- “Let’s start there and
anything about the flood. My thought here is that ment. pick out those things
We had to clean up all the Columbus is Lowndes “I think that the re- (that) work well and build
roads and do all the debris County. When someone lationship we have with on those,” he said. “One of
and everything.” says Columbus, they’re the city is a good rela- the first vehicles I saw (af-
But Pyle did not back looking at the entire city tionship,” Brooks said. “I ter the tornado) near Sim
down from his position. of Columbus and Lowndes think from time to time Scott Park was (Lowndes
“I lived in East Colum- County. It’s inevitable that there are personalities County Road Manager)
bus, growing up my whole you have to grow from in- that get involved and Ronnie Burns’ truck, so
life,” he said. “I go through side out, and there’s going sometimes maybe even the county was Johnny on
that area, and to see that to have to be some kind of personal agendas, but I the spot. They were one
debris everywhere — and (way for) the city and the think it’s an erroneous of the first vehicles I saw,
I know that there’s certain county to work together.” misconception by the and I was proud to know
requirements of (Federal Sanders and District 5 community about how the that.”

Continued from Page 1A
with one each from Ala- down to five or six appli-
bama, Illinois, Pennsylva- cants and interview them,
nia and Virginia. then get it down to two
More than one already or three and do another
works at LCSD, school of- round of interviews,” Kil-
ficials confirmed, though gore said.
they didn’t give a specific Brian Clark, another
number. One of the 15 is board member who said
current superintendent Wright Barksdale Kilgore Clark
he is satisfied with the
Lynn Wright, whose last “We got a lot of infor- ted to the board doing its field of applicants, told
elected term in the posi- mation on these appli- “due diligence” in finding The Dispatch he felt Mon-
tion ends Dec. 31. State cants tonight, and we’ll a superintendent whose day was the true starting
law has converted coun-
probably decide more leadership will help main- point for the board’s par-
ty school superintendent
about who we want to in- tain the district’s A ac- ticipation in the process.
posts from publicly elect-
terview at our meeting countability rating with With a hire needing to
ed to board-appointed.
LCSD contracted with (Friday),” board presi- the Mississippi Depart- be decided by Dec. 31,
MSBA to conduct the su- dent Robert Barksdale ment of Education — a let- he said, time is of the es-
perintendent search and said. “We all have our ter-grade rating based on sence.
present information on concerns. This is some- end-of-year benchmark “It’s already Oct. 1, so
qualified applicants to the thing new for us because exam performance, grad- we’re going to have to fly,”
board. From this point, we’ve always had an elect- uation rates and other fac- he said. “… This is poten-
Waldrop said, the board ed superintendent. I feel tors — and raise ratings tially the most important
will narrow the field to like we’ll get a good hire for individual campuses decision we’ll make as a
the candidates it wants to from this field.” in the district that are still board. It’s going to impact
interview, and MSBA will Board member Jane struggling. a lot of lives, for good or
schedule those. Kilgore she is commit- “We may narrow it bad.”

Send in your News About Town event.

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Subject: NATS
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Pelosi’s power of restraint Pelosi fast-tracks impeachment

For a long time, House Speaker Nancy “This is a very sad time for our country. There is no joy in this,”
Pelosi held a stop sign before vocal Dem- said Nancy Pelosi Saturday. “We must be somber. We must be prayer-
ocrats’ revving demands to get President ful. ... I’m heartbroken about it.”
Donald Trump’s impeachment on the Thus did the speaker profess her anguish -- just four days after an-
road. Now her sign reads, “proceed with nouncing that her Democratic House would conduct an impeachment
caution.” Pelosi knows what she’s doing. inquiry of President Donald Trump.
The speaker wouldn’t launch an But is this how it really went down? Is this how Pelosi came to
impeachment inquiry back then be- authorize an impeachment inquiry before she read the transcript of
cause she knows that impeachments the conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr
are fraught with risks. Polls show a Zelensky?
public tired of Trump’s civic decrepitude Another explanation, based on the actual events, suggests itself.
but also weary of more political strife. By late September, Pelosi was under constant fire from the House
Impeachment proceedings sometimes Froma Harrop Patrick Buchanan
“resistance” that wanted Trump impeached and whose numbers were
backfire on the party that launches them. slowly growing. What was the speaker to do?
And in any case, an election is planned The judiciary committee is the body historically authorized by a vote of the full House to
for just over a year from now. Voting Trump out of office would be conduct impeachment inquiries. But to Pelosi this was looking like a loser, a dead end, a formula
the cleanest way to get rid of him. for failure followed by a backlash against House Democrats and her own removal as speaker in
Trump has been stomping on our laws and norms for a long January 2021, if not before.
time, and some of the offenses are impeachable, legal scholars say. How so? Her judiciary committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, in his investigation of Trump,
Trump opponents — with the never-Trump Republicans making
had presided over a debacle of a hearing where Trump ally Corey Lewandowski mocked the
the strongest cases — can offer a long list of them. But that’s the
members. House Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth called the hearing a “fiasco.”
problem. Throwing the kitchen sink against the president would
Thus, when news broke of a July 25 conversation between Trump and the president of
create confusion. Some accusations are more serious than others.
Ukraine, during which Trump allegedly urged Zelensky “eight times” to investigate Joe Biden
Furthermore, a personal-
and son Hunter Biden’s connec-
ity like Trump thrives on
tions to corrupt oligarchs, Pelosi
That was evidently seized upon it to solve all her
Pelosi’s view until Trump problems.
again invited a foreign To satisfy the red-hots in her
government to help his Democratic caucus, she an-
campaign by digging up dirt nounced an impeachment inquiry
on an opponent. But what on her own. To spare her moder-
made this bad behavior ates the pain of having to vote for
mind-blowing was Trump’s or against an inquiry, she skipped
evident willingness to com- the floor vote.
promise national security To ensure the investigation was
for his personal gain. done swiftly, she took the fran-
National security is chise from Nadler and his judi-
something Americans unite ciary committee and handed it to
on. It is something they Adam Schiff and the intelligence
understand. And it is scary committee. Now she is urging a
big. narrowing of the articles of im-
This is not about Trump’s peachment to just one -- Trump’s
paying hush money to a request of Ukraine’s president to
porn actress who claims look into the Bidens.
she had sex with him or his Pelosi’s hope: Have one House
steering taxpayer dollars vote on a single article of impeach-
into his hotel properties. It’s ment by year end; then send it on
even bigger than his asking to the Senate for trial and be done
our Russian adversaries for with it. This is Nancy Pelosi’s fast
help in the 2016 election; track to impeachment of Trump
Trump had the excuse (not and ruination of his presidency.
a legal one but an excuse) But, to be sure, she is “heartbro-
of being a private citizen ken” about all this.
then. And Robert Mueller’s For three years, the me-
report on the matter, while dia-deep state axis has sought to
in no way clearing Trump, overturn the election of 2016 and
was fuzzy enough to give bring down Trump, starting with Russia-gate. Now it appears to have tailored and weaponized
Trump’s defenders a foothold. the impeachment process.
But there’s nothing squishy about Trump’s call to Ukraine’s That is what this is all about. It always is. Then-editor Ben Bradlee of The Washington Post,
leader. Trump in effect threatened to withhold U.S. military aid when it looked like the Iran-Contra matter might break Ronald Reagan’s presidency, after his
that Ukraine needed to defend itself against Russian aggression — 49-state landslide, chortled, “We haven’t had this much fun since Watergate.”
if Ukraine would not help dig up dirt on his leading rival, former This is what the deep state does to outsiders Middle America sends to Washington to chal-
Vice President Joe Biden. Anyone familiar with mob linguistics lenge or dispossess it.
understands that citing something the other party is desperate for How should the Republican Party and Trump’s base respond?
and then saying, “I need a favor, though,” is a threat. Recognize reality. Whether or not Trump was ill-advised to suggest to the president of
Trump had already put a freeze on the nearly $400 million
Ukraine that passing on the fruits of the investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden, the end game is
Congress allocated for the purpose of Ukraine’s defense. Recent-
bringing down Trump, democracy’s equivalent of regicide.
ly, he’s been pushing the batty theory that Ukraine, rather than
While the “whistleblower,” whose memo is the basis of these impeachment hearings, is well
Russia, interfered in the 2016 election. Over the weekend, Trump’s
on his way to Beltway beatification, no campaign to depose the president can be allowed to cloak
first homeland security adviser swatted down that nonsense and
itself in anonymity indefinitely, for one man’s whistleblower is another man’s seditionist.
asked the Trump camp to stop spreading it.
Before the Ukraine outrage, Pelosi held back the floodgates on Whom did the whistleblower collaborate with to produce his memo? What is his background?
impeachment to protect Democrats who had won in Trump-friend- What are his biases? The people have a right to know. And democracy dies in darkness, does it
ly districts. After it came to light, several of those representatives, not?
most with military or intelligence backgrounds, called for starting Not until 30 years after Watergate did we learn the “whistleblower” known as “Deep Throat”
the inquiry. That changed the logistics. was a corrupt FBI veteran agent who leaked grand jury secrets to The Washington Post to dis-
Meanwhile, a few elected Republicans, having loosened credit acting Director Pat Gray and thereby become FBI director himself.
Trump’s chains, spoke of the serious accusations. The Repub- His identity was sheltered for three decades. For whose benefit?
lican-led Senate voted unanimously to send the whistleblower Republicans should not allow Democrats to fast-track this process but should give their
complaint — a CIA officer’s urgent memo outlining what had troops time to recognize the stakes involved, organize a defense and repel this latest establish-
allegedly transpired — to the intelligence committees. It had been ment attempt to overthrow a president elected to come to the capital to corral that establish-
improperly withheld. ment.
By not launching the inquiry until this scandal broke, Pelosi Force all the Democratic candidates for president to take a stand on removing Trump for high
has shown the power of restraint. She kept her powder dry until crimes -- over a nebulous phone call to Kiev.
there was something truly appalling that the wide public would And the U.S. Senate should refuse to take up and should return to the House any bill of
understand. And she’s keeping the charges simple. impeachment done in a short-circuited and savagely partisan manner, as this one is being done.
The first step here, an inquiry, need not lead to the next step, There should be no rush to judgment.
articles of impeachment. We’re gathering the facts right now. Im- If the election of 2020 is going to be about President Trump, tell the nation that the people
peachment still makes me nervous but less so knowing that Pelosi will decide his political fate in November 2020, and that of Joe Biden if Democrats believe he is
controls the signals. as pure as the driven snow and choose to nominate him.
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the Providence Patrick J. Buchanan, a nationally syndicated columnist, was a senior advisor to presidents Rich-
(Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is [email protected]. ard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. His website is

Letter to the editor

Voice of the people
Policing and ment community, we are in a
sorry state of affairs.
Thank you Mr. Everette remarks. I know the liberals news. The Democrats/Lib-
Cribb for your letter on and some in the academic erals/Socialists might think
the political climate In some cases politicians in September 25. Don’t let it be world are more concerned about how impeachment
God bless our law enforce- powerful places your last one. I think your with “Global Warming” than works. They are opening
ment men and women. They have blamed the police for thoughts of living in “Abnor- they are about the health of themselves up by having
are doing a job like our mili- just doing their job. Every mal Times” were right on. If democracy in America. some testimony from some
tary are doing: protecting us, time I meet a policeman, I tell our politicians would use half The Trump haters have very interesting characters.
which is unappreciated and him thank you for protecting the efforts to try wasted three years trying to Comey, Page Ohr, Holder,
not respected by many. Some us. Respect for police officers, to solve our national prob- bring him down. Our econ- Steele, Brennan, Clapper,
politicians have created and teachers and all first respond- lems and try to work together, omy is growing, unemploy- Lynch and lastly H. Clinton.
encouraged a climate to criti- ers is not taught in the home the sky is the limit as to what ment is down, pride has been When that happens the smirk
cize the police for racial profil- any America could be. restored to a lot of us that will be wiped off their pious
ing in many cases. Profiling more. Respect for others in Now, we just witnessed a love this great country. Think faces.
is a problem in some cases, general is not taught period. hearing with the chairman about it my liberal friends, God Bless America, pray
but it is being corrected as we I support our local police acting like he was on “Satur- maybe you are looking at the and do your part.
speak. When politicians do department. God bless each day Night Live,” spewing lies wrong person. Lee Roy Lollar
not support our law enforce- one of you. and innuendos in his opening I’ll close with impeachment Columbus
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 5A

Southern Baptists ready to put spotlight on sex-abuse crisis

Largest Protestant denomination in the The first survivor scheduled
to speak is Susan Codone, a pro-
There’s been some sharp
criticism of the conference from
& Religious Liberty Commis-
sion, which holds a national
U.S. to hold three-day conference featuring fessor at Mercer University in
Macon, Georgia, who says she
several anti-abuse activists who
were not invited to speak, in-
meeting every year in its role
as the SBC’s public policy arm.
victim advocates, attorneys, therapists and was abused as a teenager by the
youth minister and pastor at her
cluding Christa Brown, an au-
thor and retired attorney who
It decided in April to scrap its
planned theme, “Gospel Cour-
at least 10 survivors of sexual abuse SBC church in Alabama. says she was abused by a South- age,” and instead devote the
She is grateful that SBC lead- ern Baptist minister as a child. entire meeting to the sex-abuse
By DAVID CRARY church officials from the largest ers now seem to be taking the She suggested that organizers
AP National Writer crisis wracking the SBC and
Protestant denomination in the sex abuse problem seriously, opted to invite survivors whose
other churches.
U.S. for a program featuring vic- but suggested progress would stories were deemed “risk-free
Entangled in a multifaceted The commission’s president,
tim advocates, attorneys, thera- come faster if the denomination for the SBC.”
sex-abuse crisis, the Southern pists and at least 10 survivors of the Rev. Russell Moore, says he
— which espouses male leader- “They have picked those who
Baptist Convention is preparing sexual abuse. ship at church and in the home don’t ask anything of them at and his colleagues sought a di-
to host a high-profile conference Several of those survivors — brought more women into this point,” said Brown, who has verse array of speakers, and are
on the topic that has kindled told The Associated Press they leadership roles. been pushing the SBC to create urging them to be “candid and
skepticism even among some of had mixed feelings about the “The anger in the survivor an independently run database forthright.”
the scheduled speakers. conference — hoping it rep- community has been extremely listing pastors and other church “I can understand skepticism
The three-day Caring Well resents a genuine desire for valuable for instigating change,” personnel who have been credi- from all sorts of people, given
conference opens Thursday at a change but concerned it might she said. “But changing the cul- bly accused of abuse. the track record of the church,
resort hotel near Dallas, draw- come across as a public rela- ture of the SBC will take gener- The conference is being or- especially over the past several
ing hundreds of pastors and tions exercise. ations.” ganized by the SBC’s Ethics years,” he said.

2020 Democrats plead for campaign Ethics panel reviews claims

cash as third quarter closes against Tlaib, 2 Republicans
Offices of the three lawmakers
Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and
Elizabeth Warren are anticipated Trump critics struggle to raise said complaints are related
to be among the leaders in the field money for primary challenge to campaign spending
The Associated Press
The Associated Press
By BRIAN SLODYSKO not only face challenges
The Associated Press paying for advertising to The House Ethics Committee said Monday it
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Mark Sanford, the most is reviewing allegations of wrongdoing against
amplify their message,
WASHINGTON — prominent primary challenger to President Donald Michigan Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Bill Huizenga
but they are also likely to
Bernie Sanders said, “I Trump, has said he won’t solicit contributions from and Florida Rep. Ross Spano.
struggle reaching fund-
hate asking people for his longtime donor base until he’s “proven a measure The committee did not reveal the nature of the
raising thresholds set by
money” — and then asked of electoral success.” complaints, but the offices of the three lawmakers
the Democratic National Bill Kristol has yet to fully activate a super PAC
for money. Joe Biden’s said they are related to campaign spending and
Committee to qualify for aimed at hurting Trump’s reelection chances.
campaign warned that not the members’ official congressional duties.
future debates. And Stuart Stevens, the top strategist for Sen.
President Donald Trump Tlaib is a high-profile freshman Democrat
Top-tier candidates Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, until he
would “feel like he won” if from Detroit, while Huizenga, a Republican, is
like Sanders, a Vermont was prompted, could not recall the name of the su-
a fundraising goal wasn’t in his fifth term representing west-central Mich-
senator, former Vice per PAC he is advising that supports another Trump
reached. And Beto O’Ro- igan.
President Biden and Sen. challenger, Bill Weld.
urke offered to “try to text Spano, a Republican, is a freshman from cen-
Elizabeth Warren of Mas- So far, not even the start of an impeachment
you” in exchange for $5. tral Florida.
In the days and sachusetts are anticipated inquiry against the president has energized the
to be among the leaders All three lawmakers denied wrongdoing, say-
hours before Monday’s campaigns of those candidates, or aligned groups, ing in separate statements that they were cooper-
third-quarter fundrais- in the field. But others are seeking to deny Trump the Republican presidential
facing pressure to post ating with investigators.
ing deadline, Democratic nomination.
White House hopefuls competitive numbers or Still, outside spending by disenchanted “Never
were pleading for cam- get out, something that Trump”-type Republicans could diminish Trump’s
paign cash, making ap- might not happen soon 2020 odds by wounding his candidacy even if stop-
peals on social media and enough for some angsty ping well short of denying him the nomination.
collectively blasting out
more than 80 emails ask-
“If you are being out- numbers by an addition- tenders even if he has an
Collins resigns from Congress
raised 3-to-1 by Elizabeth
ing supporters to “chip in”
$5, $10 or $50. Warren, Bernie Sanders
or Joe Biden, you have
al $1.7 million he’d likely
have to drop out, stating
outstanding quarter.
Montana Gov. Steve ahead of expected guilty plea
With the Iowa caucus- that he didn’t “believe Bullock, who has also
es approaching in Feb- no viable path to victo- people should stay in this struggled to raise money, New York representative accused
ruary, there’s a growing ry,” said Rufus Gifford, just to stay in it.” But the announced Monday that
sense of urgency as the Barack Obama’s former New Jersey senator an- he’s applying for public of leaking confidential information
primary becomes a fierce finance director. “Even if nounced he surpassed his financing, turning to a
The Associated Press
battle for a limited pool of you can compete in the goal on Monday, raising fund that is replenished
cash that could make the early states ... shortly $2 million after enlisting by those who volunteer
thereafter you will run out NEW YORK — Rep. Chris Collins, a Republican
difference between stay- help from Hillary Clinton to chip in $3 from their
from western New York, submitted his resignation
ing in the race and head- of money.” and his girlfriend, the ac- taxes. He hopes it will
from Congress on Monday ahead of an expected
ing for the exits. Those Cory Booker recent- tress Rosario Dawson. supplement his campaign
guilty plea in an insider trading case in which he
who continue to muddle ly warned that unless he Regardless, he will still with a $2 million fundrais-
was accused of leaking confidential information
along in the lower tier will juiced his fundraising lag behind the top con- ing boost.
during an urgent phone call made from a White
House picnic.
Collins’ resignation will take effect when Con-
gress meets in a brief session on Tuesday, accord-
ing to a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pe-
China parades its latest missiles in challenge to US, others A federal judge in Manhattan scheduled a hear-
ing for Collins to enter a guilty plea to unspecified
The Associated Press The vehicle-mounted kilometers — China’s lon- Beijing insists all are charges in the case Tuesday afternoon. A similar
Dong Feng 17, or DF-17, gest-range weapon — that homegrown, and though hearing has been scheduled Thursday for the con-
BEIJING — Military was the standout among could reach the United China is believed to have gressman’s son, Cameron Collins.
planners in Washington weapons showed off at a States in 30 minutes. benefited from industrial Collins’ congressional office declined to com-
and elsewhere will be tak- ment on Monday. His attorney didn’t immediately
military parade on Tues- Also featured at the spying and imported tech-
ing note of new missile respond to a message. The U.S. attorney’s office in
day marking the 70th anni- event were the JL-2 sub- nologies, its massive mili-
technology displayed by Manhattan also declined to comment.
China, particularly a hy- versary of the founding of marine-launched strategic tary research and develop- Collins, who was among the first members of
personic ballistic nuclear the Chinese state. Those missile believed to be stan- ment program and the size Congress to support President Donald Trump’s run
missile believed capable of also include the Dong dard weaponry for China’s of its economy have put its for the White House, had been scheduled to go to
breaching all existing an- Feng 41, or DF-41, an inter- nuclear-powered subs, as weapons technology at the trial next year on charges of conspiracy, securities
ti-missile shields deployed continental ballistic mis- well as the CJ-100 cruise forefront along with Rus- fraud, wire fraud and making false statements to
by the U.S. and its allies. sile with a range of 15,000 missile. sia and the U.S. the FBI.

Jessye Norman, renowned international opera star, dead at 74

By MESFIN FEK ADU multi-organ failure sec- arts and culture educa- sical music, performing said in a 2002 interview
AP Music Writer ondary to complications tion,” the family state- songs by Duke Ellington with the Chicago Sun-
of a spinal cord injury she ment read. and others as well. Times. “It’s important
NEW YORK — Jessye suffered in 2015. She died Funeral arrangements “I have always been for classical musicians
Norman, the renowned at Mount Sinai St. Luke’s will be announced in the drawn to things other to stretch and think be-
international opera star Hospital in New York, and coming days. people might consider un- yond the three B’s (Bach,
whose passionate sopra- was surrounded by loved Norman was a trail- usual. I’m always taken by Beethoven and Brahms).
no voice won her four ones. blazing performer, and the text and beautiful mel- They were wonderful
Grammy Awards, the Na- “We are so proud of one of the rare black ody. It’s not important to composers, but they went
tional Medal of Arts and Jessye’s musical achieve- singers to attain world- me who has written it. It’s to the great beyond a long
the Kennedy Center Hon- ments and the inspira- wide stardom in the opera just more reasonable to time ago. There’s lots of
or, has died, according tion that she provided world, performing at such have an open mind about music that will live for a
to family spokesperson to audiences around the revered houses like La what beauty is,” Norman very long time.”
Gwendolyn Quinn. She world that will continue Scala and the Metropol-
was 74. to be a source of joy. We itan Opera, and singing
A statement released are equally proud of her title roles in works like
to The Associated Press humanitarian endeavors “Carmen,” “Aida” and
on Monday said Norman addressing matters such more. She sang the works
died at 7:54 a.m. EDT as hunger, homelessness, of Wagner, but was not
from septic shock and youth development, and limited to opera or clas-

A club for boys and girls

Boys and Girls Club of Columbus
6A TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

Health tip
n Don’t smoke or do drugs, and only drink in
moderation: If you smoke or abuse drugs, tackle those
problems first. Diet and exercise can wait. If you drink
alcohol, do so in moderation and consider avoiding it
completely if you tend to drink too much.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Harnessing produce power health-protecting, ple grapes, beets
plant-based chem- and raspberries.
to fight oxidative stress icals are found in ■ Sweet pota-
Legend has it that Paul Bunyan fresh fruits and toes. Plus yellow/
— the mythological, 7-foot-tall, veggies — and eat- orange veggies
super-lumberjack — roamed the ing seven to nine like carrots, acorn
upper Midwest with his giant blue servings of them and butternut
ox, Babe. When they encountered daily can help tamp squash.
a 200-foot tall logjam on a Wiscon- down the cell-dam- ■ Black coffee
sin River, Babe was able to reverse aging effects of also tamps down
the river, send the logs upstream oxidative stress,
and then have them flow graceful- damaging oxida-
hence the “anti”
ly back down, simply by swishing Drs. Oz and Roizen tion.
in antioxidants).
her tail around as she tried to But the best way
That’s why eating
scare off some bothersome flies! to fight oxidative
That’s a legendary example of an foods makes your RealAge sub- stress is physical activity. So, walk
Ox relieving stress. stantially younger! Try these: to your nearest farmer’s market
But sometimes Ox — as in ■ Blueberries. Eat a cup a day while sipping black coffee and
oxygen — doesn’t relieve stress. (organic is best, and frozen are bring home some organic blueber-
Instead, it leads to bodywide oxi- as good as fresh) to improve your ries!
dative distress, triggering excess heart health even if you already Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
inflammation, potentially dam- have high blood pressure, low Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
aging your DNA and RNA, and “good” HDL cholesterol, elevated M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
increasing your risk for cardio- glucose, abdominal obesity and/or Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
vascular disease, some cancers, high triglycerides. land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
diabetes and more. ■ Red cabbage. Also good are tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
Enter antioxidants. These red apples, strawberries, red/pur-

Short-term rentals
Continued from Page 1A
proximity to Mississippi makes sense for second squeaky wheel is that “How, if they don’t
State University and its homes and investment needs to be greased,” know the number of prop-
athletics programs. properties, but the restric- Nettles said. “If we had erties, can they possibly
Only three people tions are too much for peo- a resident or two come know the economic im-
showed up to Monday’s ple’s primary residences. to a meeting, that is a pact of this regulation,
meeting: Jerome Nettles, City officials began very, very small percent-
whether it be through
a Realtor with ERA Town considering placing limits age of the entire city of
and Campus Realty; and on short-term house rent- Starkville.” tourism dollars, through
Airbnb hosts Jason Camp als in May when Oktibbe- Osborne, who previ- property values decreas-
and Heather Osborne. ha Gardens resident Julia ously told The Dispatch ing, all of that?” Osborne
The proposed new Baca told the board of she would have to stop said after the meeting.
code would allow short- aldermen that roughly 17 using her property in The first of four pub-
term residential rentals guests had stayed at her central Starkville if the lic input sessions for the
with restrictions: a $300 neighbors’ house via Airb- proposed restrictions proposed code will be
yearly license fee, a maxi- nb in a six-week period pass, offered to let city Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at
mum of 10 weekends or 30 and expressed concerns leaders stay in her Airb-
the Starkville Sportsplex.
nights rented per year and about noise and safety in nb free of charge so they
the requirement that the the neighborhood. can understand how the Kim said he hopes to hear
vendor live in the house Osborne, Camp and short-term rental system more opinions at the three
permanently. Nettles all said the pro- works. They also need to meetings before then.
Kim said the city’s goal posed restrictions are know how many proper-
is to limit commercial an overreaction from the ties would be impacted
use of residential areas. city. by the restrictions before
Nettles said the concern “I don’t see where the passing them, she said.

CVS stops sale of heartburn drugs with suspect contaminant

The Associated Press Administration recently The retailer will continue
warned consumers about to sell other heartburn
CVS has halted sales a potentially dangerous medications.
of popular heartburn contaminant in prescrip- In September, the FDA
treatment Zantac and its
tion and over-the-counter said it detected low levels
generic store brand after
warnings by U.S. health versions of Zantac. of a probable cancer-caus-
regulators. In its announcement ing chemical known as
It’s the latest precau- this weekend, CVS said NDMA in Zantac and
tionary move by retailers customers who bought related generic drugs to
and manufacturers after Zantac products can re- treat ulcers and reflux dis-
the U.S. Food and Drug turn them for a refund. ease.

Continued from Page 1A
Jernigan said he could not discuss her current status with the district because it
is a personnel matter.
Municipal Judge Gary Goodwin set Cullum’s bond at $400,000 and ordered her not
to have contact with any of her children.
Cullum is currently in custody at Lowndes County Adult Detention Center.

John Reed/USA TODAY Sports

Auburn quarterback Bo Nix has the ball stripped by Mississippi State safety C.J. Morgan during the second quarter Saturday at Jordan-Hare Stadium. Morgan’s personal
foul for a late hit out of bounds is an example of the penalties MSU has been committing in bunches this season, especially on the road and in eventual losses.

MSU’s penchant for penalties proving costly

BY BEN PORTNOY flag thrown,” Moorhead said. But more pressing is MSU’s “The first and biggest thumb five penalties before earning a
[email protected] “I asked ‘Where’s the flag?’ and propensity for penalties in de- goes back to me,” Moorhead first down, picked up a personal
apparently he didn’t like how I feat. In losses to Auburn and said. “Myself and our coaches foul for an egregiously late hit
STARKVILLE — As Joe asked — the delivery of it.” Kansas State, the Bulldogs got to make sure we’re putting out of bounds on Auburn’s sec-
Moorhead slouched behind the ond drive.
“I’m guessing there aren’t compiled a combined 16 penal- kids in position to be success-
podium in the underbelly of Jor- Later in the second quarter,
many other coaches in the ties for 153 yards, good for an ful with the calls; we’ve got to
dan-Hare Stadium on Saturday junior linebacker Erroll Thomp-
league that would be called on average of eight penalties for make sure we’re out there mak-
night, there was audible frustra- son was ejected after earning a
tion in his voice. with that language, but that’s 76.5 penalty yards per game. ing plays.”
just me,” he added. Conversely, MSU averaged At present, Saturday’s loss at targeting foul for lowering the
Having just seen his team crown of his helmet on Auburn
run off the field by the No. 7 Just one of a number of men- just four flags and 31.7 resulting Auburn proved consistent with
tal lapses, Saturday’s thrashing yards in wins over Louisiana, MSU’s penalty-prone road trips receiver Seth Williams, extend-
Tigers 56-23, Moorhead irrita- ing the Tigers’ drive after hav-
bly fielded questions, stopping was a case study in MSU’s re- Southern Miss and Kentucky of seasons past.
ing notched a third-down stop.
every few seconds to bite his cent inability to stay disciplined this year. In all, the Bulldogs were
Auburn scored touchdowns
tongue or adjust his visor. in losses. It’s also worth noting the tagged for nine penalties that
on both drives.
Most notably, it was a Through five games this Bulldogs’ inability to stay disci- accounted for 70 yards. And
And though MSU’s defense
third-quarter unsportsmanlike year, the Bulldogs currently plined away from home. In last while those numbers aren’t accounted for 46 of the team’s
conduct penalty he received rank as the second-least penal- year’s road defeats at Kentucky, entirely abysmal, MSU found 70 total penalty yards, the of-
that had him peeved. ized team in the SEC, averaging Florida and Alabama, MSU av- a knack for finding flags in key fense was far from innocent.
“I saw what happened right just 49.6 penalty yards per game eraged 9.3 penalties for 78 yards moments. The unit picked up two delay
in front of my face and thought — an upgrade from last season’s — both of which eclipsed its av- Junior safety C.J. Morgan, of game penalties on its open-
it was a target and didn’t see the 57.5-yard average. erage numbers for home losses. who helped the Bulldogs record See PENALTIES, 3B


Steelers break out of funk, stomp Bengals

The Associated Press stretching the field while
running Mike Gundy’s
PIT TSBURGH — Dif- “air raid” offense. He was
ferent quarterback. Same uneven at best in his first
result. career start last week in
Mason Rudolph threw San Francisco after being
for 229 yards and two thrust into the gig for the
touchdowns to pick up his rest of the season while
first victory while filling Roethlisberger rehabs
in for Ben Roethlisberger a right elbow issue that
as the Pittsburgh Steelers required season-ending
easily handled the Cincin- surgery. He was consider-
nati Bengals 27-3 on Mon- ably sharper against Cin-
day night. cinnati, though he wasn’t
Rudolph completed 24 asked to do much other
of 28 passes, most of them than find the closest open
quick hitters that allowed man —usually Conner or
the Steelers to control the Samuels — and keep the
clock. He connected with sticks moving.
James Conner on a de- Conner and Samuels
layed screen for a 21-yard touched the ball on all five
touchdown in the second snaps of a second-quar-
quarter, then broke the ter drive that ended with
game open with a 43-yard Conner taking a flip from
heave to rookie Diontae Rudolph and knifing his
Johnson midway through way into the end zone to
the third as the Steel- give the Steelers a 7-3
ers (1-3) won their ninth lead. They touched it
straight over the Bengals four times on an eight-
Charles LeClaire/USA TODAY Sports
(0-4). play drive to start the
Steelers running back James Conner steps on Bengals defensive tackle Andrew Billings at Heinz Field on Monday.
Jaylen Samuels ran for third quarter, the final
26 yards and a touchdown, coordinator Randy Ficht- started 0-5 in 1984 but under heavy duress. yards. Tyler Boyd, elevat- snap turning into a 2-yard
caught eight passes for 57 ner opened up his play- helped his team rebound The Steelers sacked him ed to the No. 1 receiver touchdown run by Samu-
yards and was even credit- book to help the Steelers to an 8-8 finish. Taylor’s eight times, picked him while A.J. Green recovers els after he lined up in the
ed with three completions avoid just their second 0-4 task of getting Cincinnati off once and forced a sec- from ankle surgery, was shotgun.
— in reality “pop” passes start in 51 years. back to respectability will ond-quarter fumble that held to three receptions Two Dalton incomple-
to teammates in motion Cincinnati coach Zac be far harder if he can’t halted a second-quarter for 33 yards on the same tions sandwiched around
that traveled all of three Taylor became the second figure out a way to protect drive in Pittsburgh ter- field where he starred in a sack forced Cincinnati
feet — while working out first-year coach to drop quarterback Andy Dalton. ritory when the game college at Pitt. to punt. Kevin Huber’s
of the Wildcat formation his first four games with Dalton spent a signifi- was still in doubt. Dalton Rudolph set records shank set Pittsburgh up
as Pittsburgh offensive the Bengals. Sam Wyche cant portion of the night finished 21 of 37 for 171 at Oklahoma State by See Steelers, 3B
2B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 The Dispatch •

College Football
EMCC rises to third in new NJCAA poll
California to let college athletes sign endorsement deals
East Mississippi Community College jumped two
The Associated Press duce similar legislation. when it comes to social tournament as millions male athletes, who have
spots to third place in Monday’s new National Junior The NCAA — which and political change. watched on TV. limited opportunities
College Athletic Association football poll. S ACR A M EN T O, had called on him to The movement to allow “I know for sure I for professional sports
EMCC (4-1) was fifth for the past two weeks but Calif. — Defying the veto the bill, arguing student athletes to prof- would have been us- once they leave college.
jumped Butler (Kansas) and Northwest Mississippi, NCAA, California
which both lost last week. The Lions are riding a that it would destroy it from their labors on ing my name after that “College is the pri-
opened the way Mon- the distinction between the court or the playing Houston shot,” he said.
four-game win streak into Thursday’s home game with mary time when the
Northwest, which fell to the No. 7 spot. day for college athletes amateurs and pros and field has been simmer- His teammate, spotlight is on” them,
Hutchinson (Kansas) kept the top spot in the rank- to hire agents and give California an un- ing for years, portrayed three-time NBA cham-
ings, and Mississippi Gulf Coast took the No. 2 spot. make money from en- Skinner said. “For wom-
fair recruiting advan- as a matter of economic pion Draymond Green,
Monday’s poll was the first of the season to use
dorsement deals with en, this might be the
the Football Computer Ranking, which factors in teams’ tage — said it is consid- fairness and civil rights. went further.
sneaker companies, only time they could
strength of schedule in determining the ranking. ering its next steps. It “A majority of these “The NCAA is a dic-
The Lions kick off with Northwest at 7 p.m. Thurs- soft drink makers, car did not elaborate. athletes, it’s no secret, tatorship,” the former make any money.”
day at Sullivan-Windham Field in Scooba. dealerships and other In a statement, the are African American,” Michigan State star NCAA rules bar
sponsors, just like the NCAA said it is work- said Sen. Steven Brad- told reporters Monday. players from hiring
SOURCE: From Special Reports
pros. ing to revise its rules ford, a co-author of the “I’m tired of seeing peo- agents. The NCAA has
also steadfastly refused
CALENDAR The first-in-the-
nation law, signed by
on making money off
a player’s name and
bill who is black. “It’s
an issue of fairness, and
ple get ripped off, and
I’m tired of seeing these to pay players in most
Democratic Gov. Gavin likeness. But it said it’s an issue that has college athletes being cases. But a committee
Today Newsom and set to take any changes should be been long overdue.” ripped off.” is studying other ways
Prep Cross Country effect in 2023, could up- made at the national lev- Newsom tweeted Before the gover- players could make
Starkville Academy at Simpson Invita- end amateur sports in el through the NCAA, a video showing him nor signed the law, the money. Its report is ex-
tional, 4 p.m. the U.S. and trigger a not through a patch- signing the law during NCAA threatened to pected in October.
Prep Volleyball legal challenge. work of state laws. a special episode of bar California universi- The NCAA does let
Nanih Waiya at West Lowndes, 6 p.m. Newsom and others California’s law ap- HBO’s “The Shop: Un- ties from competition,
Choctaw County at New Hope, 6:30 some athletes accept
cast it as an attempt to plies to students at interrupted” alongside meaning powerhouses
p.m. money in some instanc-
bring more fairness to both public and private NBA superstar LeBron such as the University
Starkville High at Meridian, 6:30 p.m. es. Tennis players can
big-money college ath- institutions — but not James, one of many pro- of Southern Califor-
South Pontotoc at Caledonia, 6:30 p.m. accept up to $10,000 in
letics and let players community colleges fessional athletes who nia, UCLA, Stanford
Prep Softball share in the wealth they prize money per year,
— in the nation’s most have endorsed the mea- and the University of
East Webster at New Hope, 5/6:30 create for their schools. and Olympians can
populous state. While sure. California, Berkeley,
p.m. Critics have long com- the measure covers all James, whose could find themselves accept winnings from
Prep Soccer plained that universi- sports, the big money 14-year-old son is a banned. their competitions.
Columbus Christian Academy at Man- ties are getting rich off is in football and basket- closely watched bas- If that were to hap- Also, many schools
chester Academy, 4:30 p.m. the backs of athletes ball. ketball prospect in Los pen, California schools pay players yearly cost-
Starkville Academy at Pillow Academy, — often, black athletes Student athletes Angeles and will be 18 could form a new gov- of-living stipends of
6:30 p.m. struggling to get by fi- won’t get salaries. But when the law takes ef- erning body and get $2,000 to $4,000.
College Volleyball nancially. under the law, they fect, exulted over its schools from like-mind- “We just kind of
Mississippi University for Women at “Other college stu- can’t be stripped of signing on Instagram, ed states to join, in a joked every kid is go-
Judson (Ala.), 6 p.m. dents with a talent, their scholarships or saying it will “change threat to the NCAA’s ing to want to go to
College Men’s Golf whether it be literature, kicked off the team if the lives for countless dominance. college out here in Cali
Mississippi University for Women at music, or technological they sign endorsement athletes who deserve But the governor, a now,” Warriors forward
Owls Golf Invite, 8 a.m. innovation, can mone- deals. it!” former college baseball Glenn Robinson III,
tize their skill and hard There are some He added: “NCAA, player, said he doubts who played college ball
Wednesday work,” the governor limitations: Athletes you got the next move. the NCAA would kick at Michigan, said of the
Men’s College Soccer said. “Student athletes, can’t enter into deals We can solve this for ev- California schools out, new law.
Mississippi University for Women at however, are prohib- that conflict with their eryone!” arguing that the state’s
“I think it’s time. A
Huntingdon College, 6 p.m. ited from being com- schools’ existing con- NBA rookie Jordan 40 million people and
pensated while their lot of people are waking
tracts. For example, if Poole of the Golden status as the world’s
respective colleges and your university has a State Warriors also fifth-largest economy up and starting to see
Thursday universities make mil- contract with Nike, you welcomed the new law. make it too big to lose. how much money that
College Football these universities are
lions, often at great risk can’t sign with Under Six months ago, as a The NCAA “can’t af-
Northwest Mississippi Community making off of players,”
to athletes’ health, aca- Armour. player at the Universi- ford to do that,” he said.
College at East Mississippi Community he added. “Where I
demics and profession- The law represents ty of Michigan, he hit Democratic state
College, 7 p.m. al careers.” another instance of a game-winning shot at Sen. Nancy Skinner, went to school, a lot of
Holmes Community College at Itawam- Newsom predicted California jumping out the buzzer in the sec- the bill’s author, said it players couldn’t afford
ba Community College, 6:30 p.m. other states will intro- in front of other states ond round of the NCAA could especially help fe- lunch.”
Prep Volleyball
Thursday’s Games Friday’s Games
Vancouver 8 15 10 34 37 58 17. Daniel Suarez, 707.
West Lowndes at Kemper Academy, 6 Philadelphia 34, Green Bay 27 Houston vs. L.A. Clippers at Honolulu, Hawaii, NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie. 18. Jimmie Johnson, 701.
p.m. Sunday’s Games midnight y- clinched No. 1 playoff seed in conference 19. Paul Menard, 631.
Playoff Glance L.A. Chargers 30, Miami 10 Indiana vs. Sacramento at Mumbai, 8:30 a.m. x-clinched playoff berth 20. Chris Buescher, 598.
South Panola at Starkville High, 6:30 WILD CARD N.Y. Giants 24, Washington 3 Franca Franca at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m. Sunday, September 22 21. Matt DiBenedetto, 555.
Today: Milwaukee (Woodruff 11-3) at Washington Tennessee 24, Atlanta 10 Saturday’s Games Minnesota 0, Portland 0, tie 22. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 542.
p.m. (Scherzer 11-7), 7:08 p.m. (TBS) Carolina 16, Houston 10 Sacramento vs. Indiana at Mumbai, 8:30 a.m. New York City FC 1, FC Dallas 1, tie 23. Austin Dillon, 539.
Cleveland 40, Baltimore 25 L.A. Lakers at Golden State, 7 p.m. New York 2, Philadelphia 0 24. Ty Dillon, 495.
Wednesday: Tampa Bay (Morton 16-6) at Oakland
(TBD), 7:09 p.m. (ESPN) Oakland 31, Indianapolis 24 Orlando at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United 2, Seattle 0 25. Daniel Hemric, 409.
New England 16, Buffalo 10 Adelaide 36ers at Utah, 8 p.m. Wednesday, September 25 26. Bubba Wallace, 403.
Prep Football DIVISION SERIES Kansas City 34, Detroit 30 Sunday’s Games New York City FC 4, Atlanta 1
Minnesota 2, Sporting Kansas City 1
27. Ryan Preece, 387.
(Best-of-5) Seattle 27, Arizona 10 Maccabi Haifa at Memphis, 2 p.m. 28. Michael McDowell, 383.
Center Hill at Columbus, 7 p.m. American League Chicago 16, Minnesota 6 Charlotte at Boston, 5 p.m. LA Galaxy 2, Real Salt Lake 1 29. Corey Lajoie, 325.
Houston vs. Oakland-Tampa Bay winner Jacksonville 26, Denver 24 Shanghai Sharks vs. L.A. Clippers at Honolulu, Los Angeles FC 3, Houston 1 30. David Ragan, 320.
Starkville Academy at Pillow, 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4: Oakland-Tampa Bay winner at Tampa Bay 55, L.A. Rams 40 Hawaii, 6 p.m. New England 2, Portland 2, tie 31. Matt Tifft, 304.
Houston, 1:05 p.m. (FS1) New Orleans 12, Dallas 10 Philadelphia 2, San Jose 1 32. Reed Sorenson, 92.
Delta Academy at Columbus Christian Open: San Francisco, N.Y. Jets Sunday, September 29 33. Quin Houff, 73.
Academy, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 5: Oakland-Tampa Bay winner at
Houston (FS1 or MLB) Monday’s Games WNBA Playoff Glance Toronto FC 2, Chicago 2, tie 34. Jamie McMurray, 19.
Monday, Oct. 7: Houston at Oakland-Tampa Bay Pittsburgh 27, Cincinnati 3 Semifinals Orlando City 1, Cincinnati 1, tie 35. Austin Theriault, 15.
Washington 3, Las Vegas 1 Columbus 2, Philadelphia 0
Rossville Christian (Tenn.) at Oak Hill winner (FS1 or MLB) Thursday
L.A. Rams at Seattle, 8:20 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17: Washington 97, Las Vegas 95 Atlanta 1, Montreal 1, tie
36. Andy Seuss, 9.
37. Stanton Barrett, 2.
x-Tuesday, Oct. 8: Houston at Oakland-Tampa Bay
Academy, 7 p.m. winner (FS1) Sunday, Oct. 6 Thursday, Sept. 19: Washington 103, Las Vegas New England 2, New York City FC 0 38. Casey Mears, 1.
x-Thursday, Oct. 10: Oakland-Tampa Bay winner Atlanta at Houston, Noon 91 D.C. United 0, New York 0, tie
Houston at Noxubee County, 7 p.m. at Houston (FS1) Minnesota at N.Y. Giants, Noon Sunday, Sept. 22: Las Vegas 92, Washington 75 Colorado 3, FC Dallas 0

Saltillo at West Point, 7 p.m.

N.Y. Yankees vs. Minnesota
Friday, Oct. 4: Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees,6:07
Baltimore at Pittsburgh, Noon
Jacksonville at Carolina, Noon
Buffalo at Tennessee, Noon
Tuesday, Sept. 24: Washington 94, Las Vegas 90
Connecticut 3, Los Angeles 0
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Connecticut 84, Los Angeles
Vancouver 4, LA Galaxy 3
Los Angeles FC 1, Minnesota 1, tie
Real Salt Lake 2, Houston 1
Transactions Monday’s moves
p.m. (MLB)
Christian at Hebron Christian, 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5: Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees (FS1 Chicago vs Oakland at London, UK, Noon. 75 Seattle 1, San Jose 0 BASEBALL
or MLB) Tampa Bay at New Orleans, Noon Thursday, Sept. 19: Connecticut 94, Los Angeles Portland 2, Sporting Kansas City 2, tie American League
Victory Christian at East Memorial Monday, Oct. 7: N.Y. Yankees at Minnesota (FS1 New England at Washington, Noon 68 Sunday BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Announced RHP
Sunday, Sept. 22: Connecticut 78, Los Angeles 56 New England at Atlanta, 3 p.m. Chandler Shepherd has cleared waivers and was
(Ala.), 7 p.m. or MLB)
x-Tuesday, Oct. 8: N.Y. Yankees at Minnesota (
Arizona at Cincinnati, Noon.
N.Y. Jets at Philadelphia, Noon Finals Cincinnati at D.C. United, 3 p.m. assigned outright to Norfolk (IL).
(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) HOUSTON ASTROS — Promoted Pete Putila to
Germantown at Starkville, 7 p.m. (FS1) Denver at L.A. Chargers, 3:05 p.m.
Green Bay at Dallas, 3:25 p.m. Washington 1, Connecticut 0
Sporting Kansas City at FC Dallas, 3 p.m.
LA Galaxy at Houston, 3 p.m. assistant general manager, player development,
x-Thursday, Oct. 10: Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees
French Camp Academy at West Lown- (FS1) Indianapolis at Kansas City, 7:20 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29: Washington 95, Connecticut 86
Today: Connecticut at Washington, 7 p.m.
Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 3 p.m.
New York at Montreal, 3 p.m.
Brandon Taubman to assistant general manager,
player evaluation, Bill Firkus to senior director of
National League Open: Detroit, Miami
des, 7 p.m. Dodgers vs. Washington-Milwaukee winner Monday, Oct. 7 Sunday, Oct. 6: Washington at Connecticut, 2:30 Chicago at Orlando City, 3 p.m. baseball strategy, Armando Velasco to senior di-
Thursday, Oct. 3: Washington-Milwaukee winner Cleveland at San Francisco, 7:15 p.m. p.m. New York City FC at Philadelphia, 3 p.m. rector of baseball operations and Charles Cook
Lake Cormorant at New Hope, 7 p.m. at L.A. Dodgers , 7:37 or 8:37 p.m. (TBS) x-Tuesday, Oct 8: Washington at Connecticut, 7 San Jose at Portland, 3 p.m. director of player evaluation.
Friday, Oct. 4: Washington-Milwaukee winner at p.m. Minnesota at Seattle, 3 p.m. LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Fired manager Brad
Caledonia at Shannon, 7 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (TBS) Steelers 27, Bengals 3 x-Thursday, Oct. 10: Connecticut at Washington, Columbus at Toronto FC,3 p.m. Ausmus.
Cincinnati 3 0 0 0—3 7 p.m. Real Salt Lake at Vancouver, 3 p.m. SEATTLE MARINERS — Announced will not be
Women’s College Soccer Sunday, Oct. 6: L.A. Dodgers at Washington-Mil-
waukee winner (TBS) Pittsburgh 0 10 14 3—27 renewing the contracts of third base and outfield
coach Chris Prieto and bullpen coach Jim Brower.
Mississippi State at Alabama, 7 p.m. First quarter
x-Monday, Oct. 7: L.A. Dodgers at Washing-

Mississippi University for Women at

ton-Milwaukee winner (TBS)
x-Wednesday, Oct. 9: Washington-Milwaukee win-
Cin_FG Bullock 28, 8:22.
Second quarter Golf Reassigned pitching coach Paul Davis within the

Hendrix College, 4 p.m.

ner at L.A. Dodgers (TBS) Pit_Conner 21 pass from Rudolph (Boswell kick),
NHL Preseason Glance PGA Tour Statistics National League
Atlanta vs. St. Louis EASTERN CONFERENCE Through Sunday
Thursday, Oct. 3: St. Louis at Atlanta, 4:02 or 5:02 Pit_FG Boswell 29, :58. Darnell Coles, Mike Fetters, Robby Hammock,
Atlantic Division
Men’s College Soccer p.m. (TBS) Third quarter GP W L OT Pts GF GA
FedExCup Season Points
1, Sebastian Munoz, 605. 2, Cameron Champ,
Eric Hinske, Dave McKay, Jerry Narron, Tony Pe-
Friday, Oct. 4: St, Louis at Atlanta (TBS) Pit_Samuels 2 run (Boswell kick), 10:36. rezchica and Luis Urueta coaches will return for
Mississippi University for Women at Sunday, Oct. 6: Atlanta at St. Louis (TBS) Pit_D.Johnson 43 pass from Rudolph (Boswell
Tampa Bay 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
526. 3, Joaquin Niemann, 506. 4, Sungjae Im, 352. the 2020 season. Announced pitching coach Mike
5, Tom Hoge, 315. 6, Adam Hadwin, 300. 7, Har- Butcher will not return for 2020 season.
kick), 9:24.
Hendrix College, 4 p.m. x-Monday, Oct. 7: Atlanta at St. Louis (TBS)
x-Wednesday, Oct. 9: St. Louis at Atlanta (TBS) Fourth quarter
Florida 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ris English, 240. 8, Byeong Hun An, 198. 9, Marc Florida State League
Toronto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leishman, 190. 10, Brian Harman, 190. FSL — Named Terry Reynolds president.
College Volleyball Pit_FG Boswell 49, 5:51.
Montreal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scoring Average BASKETBALL
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Ottawa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, Viktor Hovland, 67.856. 2, Brian Harman,
Ole Miss at Mississippi State, 6 p.m. (Best-of-7) Team statistics Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68.659. 3, Keegan Bradley, 68.856. 4, Adam
National Basketball Association
CHICAGO BULLS — Signed Gs Perrion Callan-
American League Cin Pit Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hadwin, 68.865. 5 (tie), Joaquin Niemann, Scottie
Mississippi University for Women at Saturday, Oct. 12 (Fox or FS1) First downs 16 20 Metropolitan Division Scheffler and Richy Werenski, 68.909. 8, Nate
dret, Milton Doyle and Justin Simon.
Sunday, Oct. 13 (Fox or FS1) Total Net Yards 175 326 FOOTBALL
GP W L OT Pts GF GA Lashley, 68.926. 9, Sebastián Muñoz, 69.145. 10,
Martin Methodist, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15 (Fox or FS1) Rushes-yards 19-73 25-66 New Jersey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harris English, 69.311.
National Football League
Wednesday, Oct. 16 (Fox or FS1) Passing 102 260 NFL — Suspended Oakland LB Vontaze Burfict
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driving Distance for the rest of the season for repeated violations
on the air x-Thursday, Oct. 17 (Fox or FS1) Punt Returns 0-0 0-0 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, Kyle Westmoreland, 355.0. 2, Bubba Watson,
x-Saturday, Oct. 19 (Fox or FS1) Kickoff Returns 2-44 0-0 of unnecessary roughness rules.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337.4. 3, Cameron Champ, 335.6. 4, Shintaro Ban, ARIZONA CARDINALS — Released S D.J.
x-Sunday, Oct. 20 (Fox or FS1) Ints.-Ret. 0-0 1-0 Carolina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 335.5. 5, Davey Jude, 334.0. 6, Jason Kokrak,
National League Comp-Att-Int 21-37-1 27-31-0 Swearinger. Re-signed WR A.J. Richardson to the
N.Y. Rangers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 332.8. 7, Tom Lewis, 328.5. 8, Joseph Bramlett, practice squad. Placed WR Johnnie Dixon on IR.
Sacked-Yds Lost 8-69 0-0
Today Friday, Oct. 11 (TBS)
Saturday, Oct. 12 (TBS)
Monday, Oct. 14 (TBS)
Punts 5-41.0 2-49.5
Fumbles-Lost 2-1 1-1
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N.Y. Islanders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
325.0. 9, Mason Williams, 324.3. 10, Tyler Mc-
Cumber, 323.2.
Driving Accuracy Percentage
ATLANTA FALCONS — Acquired S Johnathan
Cyprien and a sixth-round draft pick from the
COLLEGE SOCCER (MEN’S) Tuesday, Oct. 15 (TBS) Penalties-Yards 8-60 4-37 Central Division 1, Conrad Shindler, 85.71%. 2, Chandler Phillips,
Philadelphia Eagles for LB Duke Riley and a sev-
enth-round draft pick.
x-Wednesday, Oct. 16 (TBS) Time of Poss. 30:14 29:46 GP W L OT Pts GF GA 78.57%. 3, Boo Weekley, 76.79%. 4, Andrew No-
5 p.m. — Penn State at Michigan State, x-Friday, Oct. 18 (TBS) Individual statistics Minnesota 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vak, 75.00%. 5, Jim Furyk, 73.21%. 6, Brendon
CHICAGO BEARS — Waived DL Abdullah An-
x-Saturday, Oct. 19 (TBS) RUSHING_Cincinnati, Mixon 15-62, Dalton 3-8, derson.
BTN Bernard 1-3. Pittsburgh, Conner 10-42, Samuels
Nashville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Todd, 72.62%. 7, Chad Campbell, 71.43%. 8, Kee-
gan Bradley, 69.64%. 9, 5 tied with 67.86%.
DETROIT LIONS — Signed DE Jonathan Wynn to
10-26, Snell 2-1, Rudolph 3-(minus 3). the practice squad. Released DT Ray Smith from
7 p.m. — Indiana at Northwestern, BTN (Best-of-7)
PASSING_Cincinnati, Dalton 21-37-1-171. Pitts-
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Greens in Regulation Percentage the practice squad.
Dallas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, Davis Riley, 83.33%. 2 (tie), Robert Allenby, HOCKEY
MLB BASEBALL Tuesday, Oct. 22: at better record (Fox) burgh, Rudolph 24-28-0-229, Samuels 3-3-0-31.
RECEIVING_Cincinnati, Tate 4-50, Bernard 4-16,
Colorado 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adam Hadwin, Scottie Scheffler and Aaron Wise, National Hockey League
Wednesday, Oct. 23: at better record (Fox) Winnipeg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80.56%. 6, Harris English, 80.09%. 7 (tie), Jim Fu-
7 p.m. — Playoffs: Milwaukee at Wash- Friday, Oct. 25: at worse record (Fox) Mixon 4-1, Ross 3-36, Boyd 3-33, Eifert 2-27, Wil- Pacific Division ryk, Garrett Osborn and Boo Weekley, 79.17%. 10,
ANAHEIM DUCKS — Waived F Daniel Sprong and
D Luke Schenn.
Saturday, Oct. 26: at worse record (Fox) lis 1-8. Pittsburgh, Conner 8-83, Samuels 8-57, D. GP W L OT Pts GF GA Emiliano Grillo, 78.70%.
ington, N.L. Wild Card Game, TBS x-Sunday, Oct. 27: at worse record (Fox) Johnson 6-77, Smith-Schuster 3-15, Vannett 2-28. Edmonton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Driving
x-Tuesday, Oct. 29: at better record (Fox) MISSED FIELD GOALS_None. ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned G Adin Hill to
RUGBY Arizona 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1, Jason Kokrak, 15. 2, Conrad Shindler, 24. 3, Tucson (AHL).
x-Wednesday, Oct. 30: at better record (Fox) Calgary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Viktor Hovland, 28. 4, Mason Williams, 31. 5, Har- BUFFALO SABRES — Placed Fs Remi Elie, Curtis
2:30 a.m. (Wednesday) — World Cup San Jose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ris English, 34. 6, Harold Varner III, 40. 7, Hayden

2019: France vs. U.S., Pool C, Fukuoka, Pro Football Pro Basketball Los Angeles
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Springer, 49. 8, Keegan Bradley, 54. 9, Andrew
Novak, 60. 10, Scottie Scheffler, 67.
Lazar and Scott Wilson and D Casey Nelson on
waivers. Assigned Fs Rasmus Asplund and Tage
Thompson and D Lawrence Pilut to Rochester
Japan, NBCSN NBA Preseason Glance Vancouver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SG-Putting (AHL).
National Football League EASTERN CONFERENCE Anaheim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime
1, Rod Pampling, 1.784. 2, Charles Howell III,
1.667. 3, Sam Burns, 1.558. 4, Kevin Streelman,

Atlantic Division
W L Pct GB loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild 1.427. 5, Lanto Griffin, 1.421. 6, Stewart Cink,
East EDMONTON OILERS — Waived F Sam Gagner
cards per conference advance to playoffs. 1.390. 7, Denny McCarthy, 1.388. 8, Daniel Berg-
11:55 a.m. — UEFA Champions W L T Pct PF PA Boston 0 0 .000 —
Today’s Games er, 1.349. 9, Richy Werenski, 1.332. 10, Tommy
and D Brandon Manning.
New England 4 0 0 1.000 122 27 Brooklyn 0 0 .000 — NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Waived D Steven
League: Club Brugge at Real Madrid, Buffalo 3 1 0 .750 76 63 New York 0 0 .000 — No games scheduled
Wednesday’s Games
Gainey, 1.313.
Birdie Average
N.Y. Jets 0 3 0 .000 33 70 Philadelphia 0 0 .000 — NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Assigned D Jeremy
Group A, TNT Miami 0 4 0 .000 26 163 Toronto 0 0 .000 — Ottawa at Toronto, 6 p.m. 1, Adam Hadwin, 5.50. 2 (tie), Dylan Frittelli and Groleau to Binghamton (AHL).
Southeast Division Washington at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Scottie Scheffler, 5.38. 4, Nick Watney, 5.17. 5
2 p.m. — UEFA Champions League: South NEW YORK ISLANDERS — Waived F Josh Ho-
W L Pct GB Vancouver at Edmonton, 9 p.m. (tie), Dominic Bozzelli and Chez Reavie, 5.00. 7
W L T Pct PF PA San Jose at Vegas, 9:30 p.m.
Sang and D Thomas Hickey.
(tie), Corey Conners and Sungjae Im, 4.83. 9, 4
Bayern Munich at Tottenham, Group B, Houston 2 2 0 .500 78 78
Indianapolis 2 2 0 .500 94 102
0 0 .000 —
0 0 .000 — Thursday’s Games tied with 4.75.
NEW YORK RANGERS — Assigned Fs Filip
Chytil, Vitali Kravtsov and Vinni Lettieri; D Ryan
Montreal at Carolina, 6 p.m. Eagles (Holes per)
TNT Jacksonville 2 2 0 .500 84 84 Miami 0 0 .000 —
Buffalo at Pittsburgh, 6 p.m. 1 (tie), J.B. Holmes, Satoshi Kodaira, Garrett
Lindgren and G Igor Shesterkin to Hartford (AHL).
Tennessee 2 2 0 .500 91 62 Orlando 0 0 .000 — PITTSBURGH PENGUINS — Waived G Casey
TENNIS North Washington 0 0 .000 — Florida at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m.
Winnipeg at N.Y. Rangers, 6 p.m.
Osborn, Adam Scott, Scott Stallings and Kyle
Westmoreland, 36.0. 7, Matt Jones, 45.0. 8, 3 tied
W L T Pct PF PA Central Division American Hockey League
5 a.m. — ATP/WTA: The Rakuten Japan Cleveland 2 2 0 .500 89 91 W L Pct GB Minnesota at Nashville, 7 p.m. with 54.0.
AHL — Awarded an expansion franchise to NHL
Chicago 0 0 .000 — Boston at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Sand Save Percentage
Baltimore 2 2 0 .500 135 100 Seattle, which be located in Palm Springs, Cali-
Open & The China Open, Early Rounds, Pittsburgh 1 3 0 .250 76 88 Cleveland 0 0 .000 — Calgary at Colorado, 8 p.m. 1 (tie), Bronson Burgoon, Chad Campbell, Tommy
fornia, and will begin play as the primary develop-
Arizona at Anaheim, 9 p.m. Gainey, Chip McDaniel, Braden Thornberry and
TENNIS Cincinnati 0 4 0 .000 57 110
0 0 .000 —
0 0 .000 — Boo Weekley, 100.00%. 7, Bryson DeChambeau, ment affiliate of Seattle in the fall of 2021.
HARTFORD WOLF PACK — Announced Fs Jake
88.89%. 8, Brandt Snedeker, 85.71%. 9, Dylan
9 p.m. — ATP/WTA: The Rakuten Japan
Open & The China Open, Early Rounds,
Kansas City 4 0 0 1.000 135 94
Oakland 2 2 0 .500 79 102
Milwaukee 0 0 .000 —
Southwest Division
Pro Soccer Frittelli, 83.33%. 10, Joaquin Niemann, 81.82%.
All-Around Ranking
Elmer, Dawson Leedahl and Ty Ronning were re-
assigned to Maine (ECHL). Loaned Fs Greg Chase
and Shawn McBride; D Zach Tolkinen and G Tom
L.A. Chargers 2 2 0 .500 90 74 W L Pct GB Major League Soccer 1, Viktor Hovland, 203. 2, Keegan Bradley, 325. 3,
J.T. Poston, 327. 4, Justin Thomas, 336. 5, Scottie McCollum to Maine. Released F Connor Brickley
Denver 0 4 0 .000 70 93 Dallas 0 0 .000 — Eastern Conference and G Francois Brassard from their professional
Houston 0 0 .000 — Scheffler, 343. 6, Joaquin Niemann, 344. 7, Denny
NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA tryouts agreements.
5 a.m. (Wednesday) — ATP/WTA: The East Memphis 0 0 .000 — x-New York City FC 17 6 10 61 61 41
McCarthy, 349. 8, Harris English, 390. 9, Sungjae
Im, 394. 10, Sebastián Muñoz, 397.
Rakuten Japan Open & The China Open,
3 1 0 .750 107 56
New Orleans
San Antonio
0 0
0 0
.000 —
.000 —
17 12 4 55 55 42
16 10 7 55 57 48
USL Championship
LOUDOUN UNITED — Signed F Alioune Ndour for
Early Rounds, TENNIS
Philadelphia 2 2 0 .500 110 105
N.Y. Giants 2 2 0 .500 87 97
Washington 0 4 0 .000 66 118

Northwest Division
W L Pct GB
0 0 .000 —
x-D.C. United
x-New York
x-Toronto FC
13 10 10 49 42 38
14 13 6 48 53 48
12 10 11 47 56 52
Auto the remainder of the 2019 season.
International Tennis Federation
8:30 a.m. — IAAF World Champion-
South Minnesota 0 0 .000 — x-New England 11 10 12 45 49 54 NASCAR ITF — Reappointed Mary Pierce and Mark
W L T Pct PF PA Oklahoma City 0 0 .000 — Chicago 9 12 12 39 50 45 Monster Energy Cup Points Leaders Woodforde as the two ITF Board Athlete repre-
New Orleans 3 1 0 .750 84 92 Portland 0 0 .000 — Montreal 11 17 5 38 44 60 Through Sunday sentatives to serve the 2019-23 term. Appointed
ships 2019: Day 5, Doha Qatar, NBCSN Tampa Bay 2 2 0 .500 123 117 Utah 0 0 .000 — Columbus 10 15 8 38 39 46 1. Kyle Busch, 3046. René Stammbach as treasurer, who will continue
11 a.m. — IAAF World Championships Carolina
2 2 0 .500 95 80
1 3 0 .250 70 99
Pacific Division
W L Pct GB
Orlando City
9 14 10 37 42 47
6 22 5 23 31 75
2. Martin Truex Jr, 3041.
3. Denny Hamlin, 3030.
as chairman of the finance committee; Katrina
Adams, Bernard Giudicelli and Bulat Utemuratov
2019: Day 5, Doha Qatar (taped), North Golden State
L.A. Clippers
0 0
0 0
.000 —
.000 —
Western Conference 4. Joey Logano, 3029. vice presidents.
W L T Pct PF PA W L T Pts GF GA 5. Kevin Harvick, 3028. COLLEGE
NBCSN Green Bay 3 1 0 .750 85 69 L.A. Lakers 0 0 .000 — y-Los Angeles FC 20 4 9 69 82 36 6. Brad Keselowski, 3024. BROWN — Named Rufus Biggs men’s assistant
Chicago 3 1 0 .750 66 45 Phoenix 0 0 .000 — x-Minnesota United 15 10 8 53 52 42 7. Chase Elliott, 3024. crew coach.
12:30 p.m. — IAAF World Champion- Detroit 2 1 1 .625 97 95 Sacramento 0 0 .000 — x-Seattle 15 10 8 53 51 49 8. Kyle Larson, 3006. NORTH CAROLINA STATE — Suspended F DJ
Minnesota 2 2 0 .500 84 63 Monday’s Games x-LA Galaxy 16 14 3 51 56 55 9. Alex Bowman, 3005. Funderburk from the men’s basketball team for
ships 2019: Day 5, Doha Qatar, NBCSN West Houston 140, Shanghai Sharks 71 x-Real Salt Lake 15 13 5 50 45 41 10. Ryan Blaney, 3004. violation of team policy.
WNBA BASKETBALL W L T Pct PF PA Today’s Games Portland 13 13 7 46 49 48 11. William Byron, 3001. SOUTH CAROLINA — Named Andrew Adams
San Francisco 3 0 0 1.000 96 54 No games scheduled. FC Dallas 12 12 9 45 48 46 12. Clint Bowyer, 3000. men’s assistant tennis coach and Kyle Koch men’s
7 p.m. — WNBA Finals: Connecticut at Seattle
L.A. Rams
3 1 0 .750 103 89
3 1 0 .750 117 104
Wednesday’s Games
No games scheduled.
San Jose 13 15 5 44 51 52 13. Aric Almirola, 2081.
14. Ryan Newman, 2070.
volunteer assistant tennis coach.
Colorado 12 15 6 42 57 60
Washington, Game 2, ESPN Arizona 0 3 1 .125 74 115 Thursday’s Games Sporting Kansas City 10 15 8 38 49 61 15. Kurt Busch, 2056. men’s and women’s track and field and cross coun-
No games scheduled. Houston 11 18 4 37 45 57 16. Erik Jones, 2009. try coach.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 3B

Continued from Page 1B

John Reed/USA TODAY Sports

Mississippi State running back Kylin Hill spins away from Auburn linebacker Michael Harris during the fourth quarter Saturday at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, Alabama.
ing drive alone. The first chance to cut the Auburn Bulldogs without points “I really went on two, addressing the media star tling penchant for
occurred on MSU’s first lead to 17 heading into and with little chance of but I take the blame for following his team’s penalties both in losses
play from scrimmage. halftime. a comeback. Dareuan Parker jumping f lag-ridden night on and on the road, a trend
Senior right guard Backed up four yards, “I think ‘DP’ thought offsides.” T he Plains. that will continue to
Dareuan Parker was freshman quarterback I was going to go on one, Miffed at the Yet, in all realit y, hamper the Bulldogs
also tabbed with a false Garrett Shrader then but I went on two,” senior of f iciating postgame, Saturday was simply whether Moorhead
start inside the Tigers’ fumbled his ensuing center Darryl Williams Moorhead noticeably another data point thinks the refereeing
1-yard line as MSU had a carry, leaving the conceded postgame. held back while exhibiting MSU’s is fair or not.

Continued from Page 1B
at the Cincinnati 43 and on second down Rudolph final- missed his fourth straight game while recovering though he still managed his first sack of the season.
ly went deep, lofting the ball to a wide-open Johnson, from a concussion and Cincinnati’s protection prob-
who caught it at the Cincinnati 5 and walked into the lems continued. The Bengals have now surrendered
end zone for his second touchdown in two weeks to 19 sacks through four games.
Up next
give the Steelers a 24-3 lead. Steelers: TE Vance McDonald sat out with a right Bengals: Host Arizona next Sunday. The Cardinals
shoulder injury. Nick Vannett, acquired in a trade won the last meeting, 34-31, in 2015.
Injuries with Seattle last week, started and caught two passes Steelers: Welcome AFC North rival Baltimore to
Bengals: WR John Ross III left in the third quar- for 28 yards. ... DE Cam Heyward dealt with a thigh Pittsburgh on Sunday. The teams split the season se-
ter with a right-shoulder injury. ... LT Cordy Glenn injury that left him limping off the field at times, ries last year, both winning at home.

NFL suspends Raiders linebacker Burfict for rest of season
The Associated Press with the Raiders that he
disputes accusations that
Oakland Raiders line- he is a “dirty” player.
backer Vontaze Burfict “I play a physical posi-
was suspended Monday tion, which is middle line-
for the rest of the season backer, outside lineback-
for a helmet-to-helmet
er. That’s physical,” he
hit on Indianapolis Colts
said. “I can’t go in there
tight end Jack Doyle, the
playing patty-cake. If I
most severe punishment
go out there playing pat-
in NFL history for an on-
ty-cake, then I’m going
field infraction.
to be getting run over. I
Burfict will miss the
final 12 games of the sea- have 300-pound linemen,
son and any playoff games 300-plus pound linemen
for “repeated violations of coming at me, trying to
unnecessary roughness block me. If I play soft,
rules.” He has been sus- then I’m not doing my
pended three times in his job. I could see if I played
career for hits violating quarterback or kicker or
the league’s player safety punter, then yeah you can
rules. be, I wouldn’t say soft, but
Burfict has the right you know what I’m say-
under the collective bar- ing. I play a physical posi-
gaining agreement to tion to where I have to put
appeal the punishment my jockstrap on right, put
in the next three days. Mark J. Rebilas/USA TODAY Sports
my shoes on right, put my
He had one of his previ- Oakland Raiders linebacker Vontaze Burfict during a preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals. Burfict was cleats on right and come
ous suspensions reduced suspended for the rest of the season after yesterday’s helmet-to-helmet hit on Colts tight end Jack Doyle. out ready to play physi-
from five games to three contact was unnecessary, ict more than $1.1 million showed no symptoms of a and violating its policy on cal.”
games on an appeal in flagrant and should have in salary and per game ac- head injury. performance-enhancers. Burfict also was sus-
2017. been avoided. For your ac- tive roster bonuses. But Reich backed the He was fined regularly pended for the first four
It’s that history that led tions, you were penalized Burfict was flagged league’s decision. for hits that crossed the games in 2018 for violat-
to the most severe punish- and disqualified from the for unnecessary rough- “I was just thankful the line, most notably the one ing the league’s policy on
ment the NFL has handed game. ness and ejected from the league took the action that to Antonio Brown’s head performance-enhancers.
out when it comes to play- “Following each of Raiders’ game against the it did, and (I) support the that helped the Steelers The loss of Burfict
er safety, topping the five your previous rule viola- Colts on Sunday after a league and the decision,” rally for an 18-16 playoff will be a big blow to the
games Tennessee’s Albert tions, you were warned by blow to Doyle’s head early he said on a conference win in the 2015 season. Raiders defense. He was
Haynesworth got in 2006 me and each of the joint- in the second quarter. call Monday. “I did have a That led to a three-game brought in because of his
for kicking and stomping ly-appointed appeal offi- “I just got tackled,” reaction yesterday. When suspension to start the extensive knowledge of
on Cowboys center Andre cers that future violations Doyle said after the game. someone does something 2016 season.
coordinator Paul Guen-
Gurode’s face, leading to would result in escalated “I’m sure it looked worse like that and attacks one Burfict then was penal-
ther’s scheme and had a
30 stitches. accountability measures. than it was. I didn’t really of your players — that’s ized for a blind-side block
key role as captain and
Burfict had served two However, you have con- feel anything from it. My just not supposed to be in against Kansas City full-
three-game suspensions signal caller to make sure
tinued to flagrantly abuse helmet protected me.” the game. Then when it’s back Anthony Sherman
already in his career and Oakland ran it properly.
rules designated to pro- The Colts have now against one of your play- in the 2017 preseason
had been warned about tect yourself and your had two players enter ers, you naturally have that led to a five-game Tahir Whitehead took
severe punishment for fu- opponents from unneces- the concussion protocol a reaction. I’m just glad suspension that was later over as signal caller after
ture infractions. sary risk.” following games this sea- they did what they did reduced to three games. Burfict left the game.
“There were no miti- “Your extensive his- son — All-Pro lineback- at the game and the fol- Burfict was also fined The Raiders arrived
gating circumstances on tory of rules violations is er Darius Leonard two low-up action seems very $112,000 last season for in London on Monday to
this play,” NFL Vice Pres- factored into this decision weeks ago and starting appropriate.” hits on Brown and James prepare for an upcoming
ident of football opera- regarding accountability safety Clayton Geath- Burfict during his time Conner in a game against game against the Chica-
tions Jon Runyan said in a measures.” ers following Sunday’s in Cincinnati was repeat- Pittsburgh. go Bears, and players and
letter to Burfict announc- The suspension is game. Doyle, Colts coach edly suspended by the Despite that history, coaches were unavailable
ing the suspension. “Your without pay, costing Burf- Frank Reich said Monday, NFL for egregious hits Burfict said after signing for comment.
4B TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 The Dispatch •


Angels fire manager Ausmus after just one season

The Associated Press Moreno bought the ballclub in 2003, and season without going on the injured list. ing as a catcher and logging lengthy
the two have a cordial relationship. Eppler and Ausmus didn’t immedi- assignments as a minor league manag-
ANAHEIM, Calif. — Manager Brad Ausmus got a three-year contract last ately return phone messages seeking er and a major league assistant coach,
Ausmus has been fired by the Los Ange- October as the Angels’ hand-picked re- comment. along with two stints as the Angels’ in-
les Angels after just one difficult season placement for Mike Scioscia, who spent The 50-year-old Ausmus was unable terim manager. He was Scioscia’s bench
in charge. 19 years on the Angels’ bench and won to stop the Angels’ streak of five straight coach for six seasons, winning a World
Angels general manager Billy Ep- their only World Series title in 2002. non-playoff seasons and four straight Series ring along the way, before he left
pler announced the decision to move on After Ausmus was let go by the De- losing records during the prime of AL to manage the Tampa Bay Rays.
swiftly from Ausmus on Monday, a day troit Tigers in late 2017 following four MVP favorite Mike Trout’s career. De- Ausmus on Sunday acknowledged he
after they finished 72-90 for the fran- seasons as their manager, he spent the spite the majors’ ninth-largest payroll had heard the rumors linking Maddon,
chise’s worst record since 1999. 2018 season as a special adviser to Ep- this season at $164.4 million and the ide- who has said he still owns a home near
The dismissal of Ausmus immedi- pler. But that knowledge didn’t trans- al franchise cornerstone in Trout, Los Anaheim, to an Angels return.
ately sparked speculation that former late to wins as the 17th manager in the Angeles has made the playoffs just once Ausmus was hired to provide a fresh
Angels bench coach Joe Maddon, who franchise history of the Angels, who re- in the past decade and hasn’t won a post- voice to the Angels after nearly two de-
parted ways with the Chicago Cubs one gressed in his sole season with a poor season game since 2009. cades under Scioscia while incorporat-
day earlier, will return to the franchise pitching staff and several underper- Rumors began to swirl about Ausmus’ ing new-school strategies in analytics
where he spent three decades of his ca- forming position players. job security last week while Maddon’s and player management. He did all of
reer. Beset by injuries and tragedy, Aus- future was being debated in Chicago. those things while maintaining an ap-
A candidate of Maddon’s magnitude mus’ team struggled for nearly every The Cubs’ only World Series-winning parently strong relationship with Trout
would be an obvious reason for such an month of the summer, except for a burst manager of the past century decided to and his other players, but the results
abrupt change of plan by the Angels, of inspired play through its grief over the leave the club by mutual agreement last never showed up.
who have had four consecutive losing midseason death of pitcher Tyler Skaggs week. The Angels went 7-18 in September
seasons for the first time since 1993-96. in a hotel room in Texas. Only five ma- The 65-year-old Maddon spent 31 and finished 37 games behind the AL
Maddon was with the Angels when Arte jor league regulars made it through the years in the Angels organization, start- West champion Houston Astros.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: suggestions? — crime he committed was 10
I have been CONFOUNDED IN years ago. If not for the fact
employed CALIFORNIA that his brother is dating my
at a fine dining DEAR CON- cousin, I’d be much more skep-
restaurant for 30 FOUNDED: The tical. But my cousin has never
years. I love my new proprietors had anything bad to say about
job. appear to have him, and I’m confident if there
New owners “an arrange- were, she would tell me.
bought it eight ment,” which is My family is adamantly
years ago, and why the wife is against the relationship.
the restaurant willing to look the They say he’s too old for me,
was booming. other way while I should be more concerned
ZITS Our owner had an
affair with another
her husband
carries on. If the
about his criminal history, and
no one they know has anything
employee, and new “girlfriend” good to say about him. I’m
her schedule and is receiving the conflicted about moving
treatment became same favorit- forward because I’m afraid of
insane. She didn’t
Dear Abby ism in her work the rifts it would cause with my
have to work as assignments relatives.
hard as the rest of us, treated that the last one enjoyed, you I have had a lot of anxiety
everyone she worked with and the rest of the staff have over this. I am also hurt that
horribly and nothing was done a right to complain about the we weren’t given the chance to
about it. She and her family unequal treatment. It might be reveal his past so he could be
suddenly moved out of state most effective if you do it as a as transparent with my parents
a short while ago, and nothing group. as he has been with me about
was ever said about her again. Change jobs if the atmo- it. Any advice? — ANXIOUS IN
Recently, we found out that sphere isn’t healthy for you, ARKANSAS
GARFIELD he’s having an affair with an-
other co-worker, and the entire
and some of your favorite
customers may follow. That
you have been seeing this
staff is discouraged and angry. goes for every other person man for several months, long
Both of our bosses, husband who works there. If enough of enough to develop serious
and wife, seem OK with these you quit, it may have a negative feelings for him, you should
affairs and act like nothing is effect on the business. have talked to your parents
wrong! Morale is at an all-time DEAR ABBY: I have been about his history before they
low, and the anger and frustra- seeing a man for the last few heard it from others. Because
tion are at an all-time high. months. His brother and my they love you, their feelings are
I’m trying to ride this out, cousin have been dating for understandable. If there is any
but I’m very frustrated and just four years. He’s 35, and I’m hope of changing their minds,
want to quit. My heart is heavy 23. you and your boyfriend should
because I love my job and my He is about to be divorced speak to them together so he
customers. Do you have any and has a record, but the last can address their concerns.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. would on your own. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
1). You used to fantasize about TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Yes, you’ve fixed your heart on
a certain future for yourself. You’ll run into a baffling situa- something that’s not so easily
Now that wishful thinking is tion. You’ll be bothered by what gotten. That’s OK. You also
actually well within the realm you don’t understand and even have the dedication to do what
of possibility, so go forward in more bothered by what you do. it takes and the resilience to
courage, taking the real steps Take this one in small doses. keep coming back to it in a new
— it’s not as risky as your fear GEMINI (May 21-June 21). way until you’ve figured it out.
tells you. You’ll be celebrating When life comes at you fast and VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
big at the end of the year and colorful, it can inspire wonder. Though you long for the day
then hunkering down to work There is just as much wonder in where your goal is in hand, you
with a crack team. Capricorn moments like you’ll have today also know that success without
and Cancer adore you. Your in darkness and silence. Get a journey would be hollow
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 4, 21, 44, quiet, and look inward. indeed. The real fulfilment is
17 and 44. CANCER (June 22-July 22). in what’s happening right now
ARIES (March 21-April 19). A reputation is a thing you own, with the work you’re doing to
It’s better to team up because like property or a business. get there.
you’ll be around people with It’s a possession that requires LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
varying strengths. With the maintenance. It’s an asset that Imagine how you’ll feel when the
benefit of many different styles, you can leverage to get what group swells, the dollar amount
you’ll all find your way out of a you desire. Enjoy what you’ve triples, the email goes out to
problem much faster than you built. a giant list. You’ll be dealing in
the bigger numbers soon, so
it’s a good idea to get your head
around them now.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Everyone who lives in this
day gets the same 24 hours,
BEETLE BAILEY and even the richest person
couldn’t buy more. You’ll pack
so much into your moments,
though, because you’re open to
feeling their fullness.
21). You also deserve your
love and attention. In fact, you
deserve it more than anyone
else today. Think in terms of
getting ahead of life’s demands,
fueling yourself up for the long
drive ahead.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Enjoy your amateur status
MALLARD FILLMORE at a certain endeavor — revel
in the freedom of this. Go for
true self-expression, and let
yourself soar without worrying
about anyone else’s pleasure or
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It doesn’t seem like this
should be the case, but truly,
it’s the need to control things
that will ultimately ruin them.
Controlling moves will be
invasive, overbearing, fearful,
wasteful of time and energy...
just let it go.
20). You’d love to always know
the right thing to say in every
moment. Who wouldn’t? But
some moments aren’t best
matched with words. Some
moments are best matched by
silently holding a space.

Silly season
Public Notice No. 2035 Located at 78-78 1/2

September 26, 2019
Application No. A2035 Brickerton Street,
Columbus, Lowndes,
MS 39701.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Office of Geology has re-
ceived an Application for a Sur-
face Mining Permit pursuant to The name(s), title(s),
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
Sections 53-7-27 and 53-7-29 and address(es) of
of the Mississippi Surface Min-
ing and Reclamation Act of the
To place ads starting at only $12,
1977, as described below:
owner(s)/partner(s)/c call 662-328-2424 or visit
APPLICANT: Parker Sand and orporate officer(s)
Gravel, LLC
399 Barton Ferry Road and/or majority stock- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 n 5B
Columbus, Mississippi 39705 holder(s)/member(s)/
LOCATION: East ½ of Northw- trustee of the above
est ¼ of Section 20, Township
Legal NoticesRange 18 West,
named business are:
Booze Legal Notices General Help Wanted Houses For Rent: North Houses For Rent: North
16 South,

LEGALS Rentals
Lowndes County (Lat. N33° 39’
36.78”, Long. W88° 26’
Stephanie Alexandra THE COMMERCIAL DOWNTOWN APT on 5th 3/2 WITH OVER 1 ACRE.
Vazquez, Member Dispatch is seeking a St. 2BR/1BA. 1100 sqft Located on dead end,
mechanically-minded $700/mo. W/D. Deck on private road. Very
Call us: 662-328-2424 DESCRIPTION: The operator
proposes to open pit mine
147 Acorn Dr. individual to work in its Ads starting at $25 back. Avail Aug 1st. 662− convenient location. $900/
43.56 acres to a total depth of Columbus, MS pressroom. Applicants 327−2588. month. Call 662−386−
Legal Notices 30 feet for sand and gravel. 39705 must be comfortable work- Apts For Rent: West 0157.
Sediment and erosion will be ing around heavy ma- Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: North
controlled by settling ponds, chinery, adhering to tight

and diversion berms. Reclama-
tion will consist of a pond with Sebastian Vazquez, deadlines and must have DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA 3BR/2BA HOUSE FOR
CAUSE NO.: 2019-0176-JNS an eye for detail & quality.

3 to 1 grassed slopes. Member Flexible hours are a must.
CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
historic district, 1 block
RENT. All brick, big yard,
carport, W/D hookup.
LOWNDES COUNTY This public notice is being dis- 147 Acorn Dr. Must pass drug test. Email from downtown. Nice neighborhood.
tributed to interested persons Columbus, MS resume to
Apartments & Houses
$575/mo. + $575 dep. $780/mo. 155 W Thomas
Letters Testamentary have and agencies to assist in devel- [email protected] or NO PETS. 662−574−8789.
oping facts on which a de- 39705 Dr. 3 min from CAFB.
1 Bedrooms
been granted and issued to the drop resumes off at 516 Peaceful & Quiet area. 504−813−1200.
undersigned upon the estate of cision by the Office of Geology Main St,
2 Bedroooms
ANTHONY SCOTT FLORA de- can be based. You are reques-
If any person wishes Columbus, MS 39701. 3BR/2BA. 26 Noblin Rd.
ceased, by the Chancery Court ted to communicate the inform-
of Lowndes County, Missis-
sippi, on the 12th day of
ation contained in this notice
to any other parties whom you
to request a hearing
to object to the issu-
No phone calls please.
3 Bedrooms COLEMAN Central HVAC, carport, near
CAFB. $750/mo. $500
September, A.D., 2019. This is deem likely to have interest in PT CAREGIVER/SITTER RENTALS dep. Call 662−889−1122.
to give notice to all persons the matter. All agencies and ance of this permit a needed to assist elderly Furnished & Unfurnished TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
having claims against said es- persons shall have until Octo-
tate to Probate and Register ber 10, 2019, to submit com- request for a hearing female in West Point.
Overnight care/sitting and 1, 2, & 3 Baths 1 BEDROOM
2 & 3 bedroom w/
same with the Chancery Clerk
of Lowndes County, Missis-
ments, recommendations, or
evaluations to the Office of
must be made in writ- day-time transportation Lease, Deposit 2 BEDROOMS 2−3 bath townhouses.
sippi, within ninety (90) days Geology. Comments by an
agency shall include an enu-
ing and received by must be provided to ap-
pointments as needed.
& Credit Check 3 BEDROOMS
$600 to $750.
from this date. A failure to so the Department of 662−549−9555.
Probate and Register said meration of permits or li- Email Ask for Glenn or text.
Revenue within (15)

© The Dispatch
claim will forever bar the same. censes required under the [email protected]
agency's jurisdiction.
This the 13th day of Septem-
fifteen days from the with your contact info. DEPOSIT PRICE REDUCED: LARGE
3BR/2BA. Remodeled,
ber, 2019. If further information is
needed, an agency may be fur-
first date this notice WCBI is seeking to fill the AND modern appl, dw, ch/a,
Apts For Rent: Other
/s/ Rosemary Beaver nished a copy of the notice of was published. position of Part-Time CREDIT CHECK carport, washer/dryer
ROSEMARY BEAVER intent or permit application. Promotions Coordinator. 1ST MONTH − Rent Free! hookup, quiet. 3254

PUBLISH: 9/17, 9/24, &

Any person may inspect the
permit application on the MD- Requests shall be For job description and how
to apply, go to
1BR Apt − $350−$385
2BR Apt − $395−$495
662-329-2323 Military Rd. $800/mo +
dep. 662−574−8559.
10/1/2019 EQ website at sent to: and click on Employment.
ology_public_notice.aspx or at
2BR TwnHome − $625
Lease, Dep & Credit Check. 2411 HWY 45 N Houses For Rent: New Hope
the Office of Geology, 700 Chief Council, Legal Men's retail store seeks Coleman Realty COLUMBUS, MS 3BR/2BA w/ carport &
North State Street, Jackson, PT Sales Person for store 662−329−2323.
MS 39202. Division sales & general duties. storage bldg. No pets.
$750/mo + dep.
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- In the event comments are not Department of Reven- Mail resumé to:
SEVERAL 1, 2, & 3 BR 662−327−4376.
received by October 10, 2019, ue c/o Commercial Dispatch UNITS AVAILABLE. Various
the Office of Geology will con-
sider that the agency has no P.O. Box 2282 Columbus, MS 39703 locations. Lease, Deposit,
Credit Check. No Pets.
New Hope School Dist. For
CAUSE NO: 2019-0115-F Rent. 3BR/2BA house.
comments, recommendations Jackson, MS 39225 Sales / Marketing $375 and up. Call Long & Credit check. No hud. Call
and/or evaluations that the
NOTICE TO CREDITORS agency deems necessary and Long @ 662−328−0770. 662−386−3086.
proper based upon the effect Date of First Publica- Men's retail store has the
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI of the proposed operation on following positions: Houses For Rent: Other
Commercial Property For Rent
LOWNDES COUNTY matters within the agency's jur- tion: 10/1/2019 PT Mature Sales Person.
isdiction. Experience a plus. 3BR/1.5BA In Vernon, AL
Letters Testamentary have OFFICE FOR RENT OR Nearly brick home located
been granted and issued to the PUBLISH: 10/1, 10/8, & Published: Experienced Seamstress STORAGE SPACE W/
undersigned upon the Estate of 10/15/2019 for men's tailoring. on a large yard w/ a
James Eugene Sparks, de- 10/1/2019 & Mail resumé to: 30x15. Separate air
carport, large porch w/
ceased, by the Chancery Court 10/2/2019 Blind Box 669 patio & other amenities.
of Lowndes County, Missis-
conditioner & bathroom. Call 810−877−5211 or
c/o Commercial Dispatch $400/mo. Located in
sippi, on the 27th day of June, PO Box 511 205−714−6029.
A. D., 2019. This is to give no- Booze Legal Notices Caledonia. Call 662−574−

tice to all persons having Columbus, MS 39703 0082. Mobile Homes for Rent
claims against said estate to
Probate and Register same
We, Stephanie Alex-
andra Vazquez and 123 BECK DR. 14x64.
with the Chancery Clerk of FOR RENT LOCATED
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Sebastian Vazquez, Call us: 662-328-2424 NEAR DOWNTOWN.
2BR/1BA. $450/mo.
$450/dep. Includes
within ninety (90) days from the 3,000 sq. ft. truck
first publication date of this No- members of Alexan- garbage. No pets.
General Help Wanted terminal, 9,500 sq. ft.
tice to Creditors. A failure to so
dra LLC El Patron, in- Let your shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
No HUD. 662−574−7614.
Probate and Register said
claim will forever bar the same. tend to make applica- MACHINE OPERATORS fingers do the DOWNTOWN 1BR
office/shop. Buildings can 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
needed. Must be willing to be rented together or
This the 11th day of Septem- tion for a Retail per- abide by all safety regula- walking. This large 1 bedroom separately. All w/ excellent
Hope school dist. $500/
mo & $500 dep. No pets,
ber, 2019. mit. tions, submit to & pass Find your
apartment has been
recently renovated. It
access & Hwy. 82 visibility. no drugs, no partying. Call
background check & drug 662−327−9559. b/t 10a−7p. 662−386−
/s/CYNTHIA DESHAY SPARKS, features great natural
EXECUTRIX As provided by the screen, able to lift heavy dream job in light, hardwood floors, 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
rolls of fabric up to 75 lbs, Houses For Rent: North
McEwen Law Firm Local Option Alcohol- work 2nd shift & possess the classifieds! tall ceilings and access
to a shared laundry room. NICE DW 3BR/2BA MH
Steven R. McEwen ic Beverage Control good reading & math com- $750 rent and $750 2BR/1BA HOLLY HILLS In Columbus School Dist.
P. O. Box 709 prehension. AA/EOE. Call
Columbus, MS 39703 Laws, Section 67-1-1, 662-328-5670 for appt.
deposit. Utilities included. RD. $900/mo. No pets.
No HUD. 662−549−2302.
$600/mo + 600 dep.
No pets please. Call Peter, 601−940−1397 or
PUBLISH: 9/17, 9/24, &
et seq. of the Missis- 662−574−1561. Leave message. 662−549−8861.
10/1/2019 sippi Code of 1972,

Service Directory
Annotated. If granted Music Minister/Director
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY such permit, I or We Baptist Church,Vernon, AL
OFFICE OF GEOLOGY propose to operate is in search of a bi-voca-
Mining and Reclamation Divi-
sion as a Limited Liability tional music minister/dir-
ector. To apply for this pos-
P. O. Box 2279 Company. ition please bring your re-
Jackson, MS 39225
(601) 961-5527 sume to the church or you Promote your small business starting at only $25
Under the trade name can forward your resume to
PUBLICNOTICE [email protected] Carpet & Flooring General Services Plumbing Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
of El Patron Mexican
Public Notice No. 2035
September 26, 2019
Application No. A2035 Located at 78-78 1/2 PART-TIME OFFICE ASST. & Bonded−carpentry,
painting, & demolition. Stan McCown
assist w/ cooking, light
Brickerton Street, Needed for retail business. Licensed Plumber
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Computer skills needed, Landscaping, gutters housework, & personal
Columbus, Lowndes, cleaned, bush hogging, "We fix leaks." care. Mon−Fri & every other
The Office of Geology has re-
buying, filing, AP/AR. 662−386−2915
clean−up work, pressure weekend. 662−364−8308.
ceived an Application for a Sur- MS 39701. Pay based on experience.
washing, moving help &
face Mining Permit pursuant to Send resumes to: Tree Services
Blind Box 668 c/o furniture repair.
Sections 53-7-27 and 53-7-29
of the Mississippi Surface Min- The name(s), title(s), The Commercial Dispatch
ing and Reclamation Act of and address(es) of PO Box 511 DAVID’S CARPET & Lawn Care / Landscaping Work from a bucket truck.
1977, as described below: Columbus, MS 39703
the UPHOLSTERY Insured/bonded. Call
CLEANING JESSE & BEVERLY’S Jimmy for free estimate,
APPLICANT: Parker Sand and
Gravel, LLC
owner(s)/partner(s)/c 1 Room − $40 LAWN SERVICE. 662−386−6286.
399 Barton Ferry Road orporate officer(s) PART-TIME sharp and creat- 2 Rooms − $70 Mowing, cleanup,
Columbus, Mississippi 39705 and/or majority stock- ive poetry writer to write 3+ Rooms − $30 EA landscaping, sodding, You can’t always do it all
special occasion poetry. Rugs−Must Be Seen & tree cutting. on your own.
LOCATION: East ½ of Northw- holder(s)/member(s)/ Must be able to meet dead- Car Upholstery 662−356−6525 Find childcare providers
est ¼ of Section 20, Township
16 South, Range 18 West, trustee of the above lines. Send inquiries to Cleaning Available in the classifeds service
Grow your business.
Lowndes County (Lat. N33° 39’ named business are: [email protected]. 662−722−1758 directory.
36.78”, Long. W88° 26’

Just a click away!

Stephanie Alexandra
DESCRIPTION: The operator
proposes to open pit mine Vazquez, Member
43.56 acres to a total depth of 147 Acorn Dr.
30 feet for sand and gravel.
Sediment and erosion will be Columbus, MS
controlled by settling ponds,
and diversion berms. Reclama-
tion will consist of a pond with
3 to 1 grassed slopes. Sebastian Vazquez,
This public notice is being dis- Member
tributed to interested persons 147 Acorn Dr.
and agencies to assist in devel-
oping facts on which a de- Columbus, MS

The best place for personalized

cision by the Office of Geology
can be based. You are reques- 39705
ted to communicate the inform-
ation contained in this notice
If any person wishes

advertising in your community.

to any other parties whom you
deem likely to have interest in to request a hearing
the matter. All agencies and
persons shall have until Octo- to object to the issu-
ber 10, 2019, to submit com- ance of this permit a
ments, recommendations, or
evaluations to the Office of request for a hearing
Geology. Comments by an must be made in writ-
agency shall include an enu-
meration of permits or li-
censes required under the
agency's jurisdiction.
ing and received by
the Department of
Revenue within (15)
If further information is
needed, an agency may be fur- fifteen days from the
nished a copy of the notice of first date this notice
intent or permit application.
Any person may inspect the was published.


permit application on the MD-
EQ website at Requests shall be
ology_public_notice.aspx or at sent to:

Featured ads $5
the Office of Geology, 700
North State Street, Jackson,
MS 39202.

In the event comments are not

Chief Council, Legal
Sponsored ads $3
received by October 10, 2019,
the Office of Geology will con-
Department of Reven- Premium placement Preferred placement in search
sider that the agency has no
comments, recommendations
ue on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.
and/or evaluations that the
P.O. Box 2282

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

agency deems necessary and Jackson, MS 39225
proper based upon the effect
of the proposed operation on
matters within the agency's jur- Date of First Publica-
tion: 10/1/2019 Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
PUBLISH: 10/1, 10/8, &
10/15/2019 with a dash of color. an attention getter.
10/1/2019 & ADS STARTING AT

6B TUESDAY, October 1, 2019 The Dispatch •
Office Spaces For Rent
Need a
LEASE. 1112 Main St.,
Garage Sales new car? ON THE WEB
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty
of private parking. 662− Two free signs Visit
Estate Sales for a printable copy of
Storage & Garages
1364 Phillips Hill Rd. 10/ these puzzles.
3, 12−5; 10/4, 7−5; 10/
MINI WAREHOUSES 5, 7−12. Everything must
Four convenient self go! L/R suits, B/R furn.,
storage locations in the curios, TONS of tools,
Columbus & New Hope collectibles, curios, kitchen
areas for household & items, etc. 662−315−
commercial storage. 4675.
Rent online at
Estate Sales
Start in the classifieds section for
or call 662−327−4236.
Huge Estate Sale your buying and selling needs!
991 Co. Road 89
Ethelsville, AL
Ads starting at $12 for one week!
Fri. Oct. 4 8am−5pm
Sat. Oct. 5 8am−5pm
Sun. Oct. 6 1pm−5pm
Mon. Oct. 7 9am−3pm
Selling Contents of Lawn & Garden

Home, Barn, Shop,
Stewart’s Antiques, SALE! OCT 10−12. 8AM−
You’ll find the best deals Appraisals and Estate 6PM. 1069 New Hope Rd.
662−251−6665. Ads starting at $12
Sales 662−251−1515
when you advertise Sporting Goods Travel & Entertainment
and shop here!
One person’s junk,

is another person’s

9−5: Tues−Fri &

Drummer, Experienced,
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
9−12: Sat.
Over 50 years experience! New to Columbus
Excellent drummer with placing puzzle based on
Real Estate
Repairs, cleaning,
refinishing, scopes Roland V Pro level Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 4 2 5 8 9 1 7 3 6
mounted & zeroed, electronic equipment ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 6 1 3 5 2 7 4 8 9

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

just moving to
handmade knives. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 9 8 4 3 6 2 5 1
Ads starting at $25 Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North Columbus, MS and
of West Point, turn right on would like to join 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 6 4 7 5 3 9 2 8
Houses For Sale: East Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn current group or form given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 9 3 7 2 4 8 1 6 5
left on Darracott Rd, see new and dynamic band object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
with dedicated, quality
numbers 8 5 2 6 1 9 3 7 4
contains the1sameto 9 number
sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
495 EMERALD Dr. musicians. Over the
Nice Brick Home in
left. 662−494−6218.
years I have played the empty spaces so 5 7 1 9 8 2 6 4 3
only once. The difficulty 2 8 9 3 6 4 5 1 7
established neighborhood. traditional soul, R&R, that each row, each
Located on a large lot. The FIND YOUR level increases from
rockabilly, C&W, some
column and each 3 4 6 1 7 5 8 9 2
home boasts 4BR/2.5BA Mondayboxtocontains
blues and zydeco as
w/ 2 car garage. Freshly GOLDEN DEAL WITH well as my current love 3x3 Difficulty Level 9/30

painted interior and tile GARAGE which is Southern the same number only once. The difficulty level
floors in the kitchen & Gospel, traditional increases from Monday to Sunday.
bathrooms. $125K OBO. SALES Ads starting at $12 Gospel, Country Gospel
770−658−7726. and bluegrass. I guess
Autos For Sale a "Dailey & Vincent"sort
Houses For Sale: Southside of mix is what I like


Automotive Sales 2601
Buttermilk Rd
most but definitely open
to any mix of the above
−listed genres. I am a
Beautifully renovated 3BR/
1BA brick home. Like new Ads starting at $12 Cottondale, AL 35453
solid Christian, fun and
easy to deal with and
with new appliances, new
HVAC, white cabinets, new 205−562−2188 know how to blend in
Bargain Column New inventory arriving daily! with and act in a
counter tops, new flooring
and much more. Good professional band. Yes,
credit a must for total BROWN LOVESEAT, $50. Sedans: I am "retired"more or
payment near $500.00 per Beige loveseat, $50. 662− 2015 Honda Accord LX; less but still have it
month and little or no down 327−5480. Lv. msg. & no. 4dr, Silver, 34K Miles, going on when it comes
payment if you qualify. $11,900 to the music. I have
Call Long & Long and FREE FIRE Wood Call 662− 2017 Honda Accord Sport; recently been with The
speak directly to the 251−7717 for details. 4dr, Gray, 25K Miles, Glorybound Gospel
Broker/Owner for details. $16,900 Band out of Pensacola,
652−327−0770. LRG. OLD Stereo, $75. 2017 Honda Accord Black; FL for the last five years
Lrg. mirror, $25. 662−327 4dr, Black, 29K Miles, and you can see me
−5480. Lv. msg. & no. $16,900 play on their Facebook
Lots & Acreage 2018 Honda Accord page. Some travel or
Furniture Touring; 4dr, Red, 48 touring would be ok for
356.7 ACRES ON HWY. 69 Miles, $24,900 the right situation if
S. 5 mi. from Columbus. BABY ROOM FURNITURE: 2012 Honda Civic EX; 4dr, necessary. I will be
30−year old mature pines, Dresser, changing table (no Silver, 151K Miles, $7,900 available in Columbus
green fields, good hunting. pad), and infant crib(no 2017 Honda Civic Sport starting the first of
$3000/ac. Bud Phillips, mattress)−converts to Hatchback; 4dr, Gray, 53K September. Send me a
662−549−2302. daybed and is currently Miles, $16,900 text if interested,
packed back in box. All 2018 Honda Civic Sport; 706−575−9399.
matching pieces. Oak 4dr, Blue, 474 Miles,
CARROLL CO. 543 ACRES color. Light scratches but $17,900
Mature timberland w/ nice nothing broken. Very good Free Pets
2013 Nissan Altima 2.5;
metal building w/ total condition! Would like to sell 4dr, Maroon, 86K Miles,
living area. Excellent deer all together if possible for $9,900 FREE−1 FEMALE 5 MO.
& turkey hunting. 3 miles $300 OBO for all. 2015 Nissan Altima 2.5; OLD KITTEN. Very sweet
off I−55. $2200/ac. 662− Cash or PayPal accepted. White, 70K Miles, $9,900 disposition. She plays with
227−5295. 662−397−4840 2017 Nissan Maxima 3.5 dogs & other cats. She has
S; 4dr, White, 50K Miles, had her first 2 shots. If
$16,900 interested, please call 662
Two Piece Living Room Set −549−1409 anytime. Ask
FALL SPECIAL. 1.75 acre A loveseat and chaise for 2018 Nissan Maxima SL;
lots. Good/bad credit. 10% sale. Brown and blue. 4dr, Black, 1362 Miles, for Gypsy.
down, as low as $299/mo. New!!! Leave a message. $21,900
Eaton Land.
$300.00 662−242−2884
General Merchandise
2013 Acura RDX
Need a new
Technology Pkg; 4dr, Gray,
76K Miles, $13,900
4 acres of land w/ 2BR shampoo to treat ’hot 2018 Acura RDX
home. Needs to be spots’, doggy odor, & Technology Pkg; 4dr, Black,
renovated. $27,500. non−specific allergies 8K Miles, $21,900
Serious inquiries only. without a prescription.
662−329−9099 or At Tractor Supply. Vans:
662−386−8631. ( 2010 Honda Odyssey EX;
4dr, 135K Miles, Silver, ACROSS
Houses For Sale: Other $7,900 1 “Beauty and the
2013 Honda Odyssey EX; Beast” beauty
4dr, 56K Miles, Gray, 6 Elevator stop
Trucks: 11 Wise saying
2017 Freightliner 12 T-shirt size
Cascadia; 155K Miles, 13 Some combo
Red, $60,000 musicians
2011 Toyota Tacoma
15 Guitar blaster
When looking
PreRunner V6 SR5; 4dr,
Brown, 162K Miles, 16 Smoked
$13,900 salmon
for a new pet, 17 Ready to go
2016 JLG 4069LE 35
Hours Man Lift; Green, 18 “Wheel of
Fortune” buy
adoption is
Upcoming Vehicles: 20 Track race
2013 Toyota Tacoma 4WD 23 Neighbor of
always a
Double Cab; 102K Miles,
$18,900 Tibet
2019 Honda Civic LX; 4dr, 27 Resting on
Black, 8K Miles
Campers & RVs good option. 28 Carry on, as
2 Midterm, for one
3 Speech
24 Skillet
29 Hayride need problem 25 Grow older
1998 WINNEBAGO. New 31 Like some 4 — Angeles 26 Went ahead
tires. $17,000. 662−327− jackets 5 Hire 30 Japanese
32 Ceremonies 6 Pale yellow assassins
Motorcycles & ATVs 34 Had dinner 7 Put down 31 Errand runner
37 Old horse 8 Refinery rocks 33 Nineteenth
2004 KAWASAKI Drifter.
1500cc, Vance & Hines Five Questions: 38 Air conditioner 9 Storybook Greek letter
loud muffler, 32,400mi. meas. monster 34 Cain’s brother
Looks like an Indian M/C. 41 Parachuting 10 Take a 35 Fare carrier
$4500. 662−352−4776.
1 About a Boy daredevils
44 Spare
breather 36 “Cómo —
ELECTRIC SCOOTER with 3 14 Depressed usted?”
wheels. $700. 662−327− 45 Have a spat 18 Mist 38 Pleads
46 Deceitful
2 Stonehenge people
19 Narnia’s
39 Factual
40 Avails oneself
47 Rocket parts 20 Unrefined of
Read local. DOWN 21 Seventh Greek 42 Go wrong 3 Green Bay 1 Rum-soaked letter 43 Course
Packers 22 Piece of employee

4 Kwanzaa

Looking for goods 5 Stapler

or services?
It’s a classified
We tell readers
what they need
Find it in the to know to buy
what they need.

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