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The Angel Vehuel

Vehuel Et tu Domine
susceptor meus
et gloria mea et
exaltans caput
The Angel Yeliel
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-HAH-VUH-HAH

The Call of Psalm 3:3 “But you, Adonai, are a shield around me, my glory, and the
Yeliel one who lifts up my head.” Tu autem
The Angel’s Name: VEH-WHO-ELL
Domine ne
The Powers of Vehuel
Have a more open mind.
Understand science or mathematics. auxilium tuum a
Persuade clever people.
Improve your willpower. me ad
The Angel Sitel defensionem
meam conspice
Sitael The Admitting Word: EE-EE-AH-LAH-VEE-AH Dicet Domino:
The Call of Psalm 22:19 “But don’t be far off, Adonai. You are my help. Hurry to susceptor meus
help me.”
es tu et refugium
The Angel’s Name: YELL-EE-ELL
meum: Deus
The Powers of Yeliel
meus, sperabo in
Find justice when you are opposed by family.
The Angel Elemel
Find peace in a troubled relationship. eum
Elemiah The Admitting Word: YEE-SAH-EE-VAH-TAH Exquisivi
The Call of Psalm 91:2 “I will say of Adonai, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; Dominum, et
my God, in whom I trust.’”

The Angel’s Name: SEAT-ELL

exaudivit me: et
The Powers of Sitel
ex omnibus
Protection against misfortune or calamity.
Communicate the truth.
Bring clarity to a relationship.The Angel Mahashel meis eripuit me

Mahasiah The Admitting Word: EE-AH-LAHV-MAH

Psallite Domino,
The Call of Psalm 34:15 “The eyes of Adonai are toward the righteous. His ears
listen to their cry.” qui habitat in
The Angel’s Name: ELL-EM-ELL Sion: annuntiate
The Powers of Elemel intergentes
Ease spiritual torment.
studia ejus
Discover traitors.
Travel safely over long distances.
Angel Lelahel
Discover new ways of working.

The Admitting Word: EEM-AH-HAHV-SHAH

Lelahel Miserator et
The Call of Psalm 80:19 “Turn us again, Adonai, God of Armies. Cause your face
to shine, and we will be saved.” misericors
The Angel’s Name: MAH-HAH-SHELL Dominus:
The Powers of Mahashel
The Angel Achael
longanimis et
Helps people to live in peace.
Theothers working
Admitting Word:magick.
Learn at great speed.
The Call of Psalm 86:3 “Be merciful to me, Adonai, for I call to you all day long.”
Achael The Angel’s Name: LEH-LAH-ELL Venite
The Powers of Lelahel adoremus, et
Inspires new relationships and love. procidamus: et
Brings ease to sickness.
Helps you to acquire fame or reputation. ploremus ante
Dominum, qui
The Angel Kahetel fecit nos
Cahetel The Admitting Word: EE-AH-KEH-VAH Reminiscere
The Call of Psalm 3:5 “I laid myself down and slept. I awakened; for Adonai sustains
The Angel’s Name: AK-AH-ELL tuarum, Domine,
The Powers of Achael et
Improves your ability to be patient. misericordiarum
Helps to promote a business venture.
tuarum quae a
The Admitting Word: EE-KAH-HAHV-TAH

The Call of Psalm 119:75 “Adonai, I know that your judgments are righteous, that in
saeculo sunt
faithfulness you have afflicted me.”

The Angel’s Name: KAH-HET-ELL

The Powers of Kahetel

Protects against supernatural evil.

Helps the growth of food and crops.
Gives you a clear and powerful voice.
The Angel Heziel

Haziel Fiat misericordia

tua Domine
super nos:
The Angel Eladel
speravimus in te

The Admitting Word: YAH-HEZ-VAY-AH

Eladel The Call of Psalm 88:14 “Adonai, why do you reject my soul? Why do you hide your
Vivit Dominus
face from me?” et benedictus
The Angel’s Name: HEZ-EE-ELL
Deus meus, et
The Powers of Heziel
exultatur Deus
Obtain the friendship of important people.
Urge somebody to keep a promise or pay a debt.
Encourage loyalty in those you work with.
salutis meae
The Angel Lavel

The Admitting Word: EE-AH-LAHV-DAH

Label The Call of Psalm 88:1 “Adonai, the God of my salvation, I have cried day and night
Ut qui Domine
before you.” recessisti longe,
The Angel’s Name: ELL-ADD-ELL
despicis in
The Powers of Eladel
Keep a secret from others.
Helps to heal disease.
Remove negative thoughts andThe
in tribulatione

The Admitting Word: EE-LAH-AH-VAHV-AH

hahael Jubilate Deo
The Call of Psalm 27:13 “I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of Adonai
in the land of the living.” omnis terra:
The Angel’s Name: LAH-VELL cantate, et
The Powers of Lavel
exultate, et
Let your abilities and talents become well known.
Influence those in power to show Angel Yezelel psallite
The Admitting Word: YAH-HAH-HAH-VAH

Yezelel The Call of Psalm 6:4 “Return, Adonai. Deliver my soul, and save me for your loving Et factus est
kindness’ sake.”

The Angel’s Name: HAH-HAH-ELL

The Powers of Hahael
Help others who are in great need of comfort. pauperis: adjutor
Endure and overcome an adverse situation.
Convince wise people of your argument. in
The Angel Mebahel opportunitatibus,
in tribulatione
Mebahel The Admitting Word: EE-YAH-ZAHV-LAH Et factus est
The Call of Psalm 104:16 “Adonai’s trees are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon,
which he has planted;”
mihi Dominus in
The Angel’s Name: YEZ-ELL-ELL refugium: et
The Powers of Yezelel Deus meus in
Reconcile lovers. The Angel Hariel
Improve friendship with one who remains aloof.
adjutorium spei
Obtain insight into the actions of those who influence you.
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-BAH-VAH-HAH
Learn new information and recall it easily.
Hariel The Call of Psalm 9:9 “Adonai will also be a high tower for the oppressed; a high Domine Deus
tower in times of trouble.”

The Angel’s Name: MEB-AH-ELL

salutis meae, in
The Powers of Mebahel
die clamavie, et
Protection from those who would take your money. nocte coram te
Make the truth become clear in a legal battle.
Make enemies reveal themselves through errors of judgement.

The Angel Hakemel

Hakemel The Admitting Word: EE-HAH-HAH-RAHV-EE-AH Dominus Deus

The Call of Psalm 128:4 “Behold, thus is the man blessed who fears Adonai.” noster, quam
The Angel’s Name: HAH-REE-ELL admirabile est
The Powers of Hariel
nomen tuum in
Protect your emotions from negative people.
Discover new ways to create art. universa terra

The Admitting Word: EE-AH-HAH-KAH-VAH-MAH

The Call of Psalm 10:1 “Why do you stand far off, Adonai? Why do you hide yourself
in times of trouble?”

The Angel’s Name: HAK-EM-ELL

The Powers of Hakemel

The Angel Lavahel

Lavahel Judica me
justitiam meam,
et secundum
The Angel Keliel innocentiam
The Admitting Word: EE-LAH-AH-VAH-VAH
meam super me
The Call of Psalm 105:1 “Give thanks to Adonai! Call on his name! Make his doings
Keliel known among the peoples.” Expectans
The Angel’s Name: LAH-VAH-ELL expectavi
The Powers of Lavahel
Dominum, et
Encourages peaceful sleep.
Eases sadness and depression. intendit mihi
Inspires musicians to create new work.

The Angel Lovel

Lovel The Admitting Word: EE-KAH-LAH-VEE-AH Domine libera

The Call of Psalm 103:21 “Praise Adonai, all you armies of his, you servants of his,
who do his pleasure.”
anima mean a
The Angel’s Name: KELL-EE-ELL labiis iniquis, et
The Powers of Keliel a lingua dolosa
Influence witnesses and dominate a legal trial.
Reveal your innocence in the face of accusation.
Cause enemies to be confused, and to lose interest in you.
The Angel Pahalel

The Admitting Word: EE-LAH-VAH-VAH-VEH

Pahalel The Call of Psalm 40:1 “I waited patiently for Adonai. He turned to me, and heard my
Ego autem in te
cry.” speravi Domine:
The Angel’s Name: LAW-VELL
dixi Deus meus
The Powers of Lovel
es tu: in manibus
Improve your level of intelligence and memory.
Become filled with charm and charisma.
Be well-liked by those who meet you.
tuis sortes meae
The Angel Nelachel

The Admitting Word: EE-PAH-HAV-LAH

Nelachel The Call of Psalm 119:108 “Accept, I beg you, the willing offerings of my mouth. Dominus
Adonai, teach me your ordinances.”

The Angel’s Name: PAH-HAH-LELL

custodit te;
The Powers of Pahalel
Find a spiritual path through life. protection tua,
The Angel
Appreciate the wonder of creation Yeyayel
in the moment.
Understand the needs that are the root cause of addiction. supermanum
The Admitting Word: EE-NAH-LAHV-KAH
dexteram tuam
Yeyayel The Call of Psalm 18:49 “ Therefore I will give thanks to you, Adonai, among the
nations, and will sing praises to your name.”
The Angel’s Name: NELL-AK-ELL
introilum tuum,
The Powers of Nelachel

Close the mouth of those who slander you.

et exitum tuum:
Remove negative spirits from your home.
Understand mathematics more The
readily.Angel Melahel
et ex hoc nunc,
et in saeculum
The Admitting Word: EE-YAH-YAHV-YAH
Melahel Ecce oculi
The Call of Psalm 147:11 “Adonai takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who
hope in his loving kindness.” Domini super
The Angel’s Name: YEH-YAH-EE-ELL metuenteseum:
The Powers of Yeyayel et in eis, qui
Improves fortune in matters of business.
Makes business trips run smoothly.
spirant in
The Angel Chahoel misericordia
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-LAH-VAH-HAH ejus
The Call of Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that Adonai has made. We will rejoice and
Chahoel be glad in it!”
Domine in toto
The Angel’s Name: MEL-AH-ELL
corde meo:
The Powers of Melahel
narrabo omnia
Assists with safe travel over long distances.
Heals illness and injury. mirabilia tua
Protects against injury from weapons.

The Admitting Word: EE-KAH-HAH-VAH-VAH

The Call of Psalm 95:6 “Oh come, let’s worship and bow down. Let’s kneel before
Adonai, our Maker, for he is our God.”

The Angel’s Name: KAH-HAW-ELL

The Angel Netahel

Nethael Clamavi in toto

corde meo,
exaudi me
The Angel Haahel justifications
The Admitting Word: EE-NAH-TAHV-HAH

The Call of Psalm 34:4 “I sought Adonai, and he answered me, and delivered me from
tuas requiram
Haahel all my fears.” Eripe me
The Angel’s Name: NET-AH-ELL
Domine ab
The Powers of Netahel
homine malo, a
Find answers to your life’s journey in your dreams.
Become wise regarding a subject of import. viro iniquo eripe
Improve your ability to work with magick.
The Angel Yeretel

The Admitting Word: YAH-HAH-VAH

Yerethel The Call of Psalm 97:1 “Adonai reigns! Let the earth rejoice! Let the multitude of
Deus ne
islands be glad!” elongeris a me:
The Angel’s Name: HAH-AH-ELL
Deus meus in
The Powers of Haahel
auxilium meum
Protection from those who would discourage you.
Bring peace to a tumultuous relationship. respice
Communicate well with those who serve their own leaders.
The Angel Shahahel

Shahahel The Admitting Word: EE-YAH-RAH-VAH-TAH Ecce enim Deus

The Call of Psalm 140:1 “Deliver me, Adonai, from the evil man. Preserve me from
the violent man.”
adjuvat me: et
The Angel’s Name: YEAH-RET-ELL
The Powers of Yeretel susceptor est
Make an enemy confused and unwilling to attack. animae meae
The Angel Riyiyel
Bring peace to a conflicted workplace.

The Admitting Word: EE-SHAH-AH-VAH-AH

Riyiyel The Call of Psalm 35:24 “Vindicate me, Adonai my God, according to your Quoniam tu es
righteousness. Don’t let them gloat over me.”
patientia mea
The Angel’s Name: SHAH-AH-ELL
Domine spes
The Powers of Shahahel
mea a juventute
Find practical solutions to complex problems.
Prevent disease from getting worse. mea
Maintain good health at an important time in your life.
Save a business or venture fromThe Angel
collapse Omael
at times of crisis.

The Admitting Word: EE-RAH-YAHV-YAH

Omael The Call of Psalm 9:11 “Sing praises to Adonai, who dwells in Zion, and declare Quoniam non
among the people what he has done.”
The Angel’s Name: REE-YEE-YELL

The Powers of Riyiyel

Protect against hidden enemies.
introibo in
Discover an enemy’s identity when you feel you are under attack.
Discover secrets about those who affect your life.
Domini: Domine
The Angel Lecavel
justitiae tuae
The Admitting Word: YAH-HAV-VAH-MAH
Lecavel The Call of Psalm 7:17 “I will give thanks to Adonai according to his righteousness, Quia rectum est
and will sing praise to the name of Adonai Most High.”

The Angel’s Name: AWE-MAH-ELL

verbum Domini,
The Powers of Omael
et omnia opera
Relief when you feel desperate or frantic. ejus in fide
Improves patience in general.
To encourage fertility in men.

The Angel Vesherel

The Admitting Word: EE-LAH-KAHV-BAH

Vesherel The Call of Psalm 31:14 “But I trust in you, Adonai. I said, “You are my Dominus scit
God.”” The Angel’s Name: LEK-AH-VELL cogitations
The Powers of Lecavel
Brings clarity and inspiration to your
profession. Helps you to remain inconspicuous. quoniam vanae
The Admitting Word: EE-VAH-SHAHV-RAH

The Call of Psalm 116:4 “Then I called on Adonai’s name: ‘Adonai, I beg you, deliver
my soul.’”

The Angel’s Name: VESH-AIR-ELL

The Powers of Vesherel

The Angel Yichuel

Yichuel Speret Israël in

Domino; ex
hocnunc, et
usque in
The Angel Lehachel

The Admitting Word: EE-YAH-KAH-VAH-VEH

Lehachel The Call of Psalm 92:5 “How great are your works, Adonai!
Dilexi quoniam
Your thoughts are very deep.” exaudiet
The Angel’s Name: YEE-KOO-ELL Dominus vocem
The Powers of Yichuel orationis meae
Make an enemy’s plans come undone.
Help those in authority see the truth.

The Angel Kevekel

The Admitting Word: EE-LAHV-HAH-KAH

Kebekel The Call of Psalm 98:4 “Make a joyful noise to Adonai, all the earth! Burst out and Domine dilexi
sing for joy, yes, sing praises!”

The Angel’s Name: LEH-HACK-ELL

decorum domus
The Powers of Lehachel
tuae: et locum
Brings an end to anger between people or groups.
Inspires faithfulness.
gloriae tuae

The Angel Menadel

Menadel Deus ad
The Admitting Word: EE-KAH-VAHV-KAH
The Call of Psalm 88:13 “But to you, Adonai, I have cried. In the morning, my prayer
comes before you.”
converte nos: et
The Angel’s Name: KEV-ECK-ELL ostende faciem
The Angel
Powers Aniel
of Kevekel tuam et salvi
The Admitting
a fair inheritance is obtained.
Heals damaged friendships and family feuds.
The Call of Psalm 26:8 “Adonai, I love the habitation of your house, the place where
Aniel your glory dwells.”
Quoniam tu es
The Angel’s Name: MEN-AH-DELL Domine spes
The Powers of Menadel mea: altissimum
Helps reunite estranged family Angel
Brings an end to gossip and slander.
Chaamel posuisti
The Admitting Word: YAH-NAH-VAY-AH refugium tuum
Chammel The Call of Psalm 94:18 “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping!’ Your loving kindness,
Adonai, held me up.”
The Angel’s Name: AH-NEE-ELL Dominus, et
The Powers of Aniel misertus est mei:
Assists with meditation. Dominus factus
Enables deep contemplation ofThe Angel
important issues.Rehoel
Encourages creative writing.
The Admitting Word: EE-KAH-HAH-VAH-MAH
est meus adjutor
Rehoel The Call of Psalm 91:9: “Because you have made Adonai your refuge, and the Most Ut quid Domine
High your dwelling place.”

The Angel’s Name: KAH-AH-MEL

The Powers of Chaamel
Repels against demonic curses. meam: avertis
Gives impetus to those who seek wisdom.
Endurance in the face of physical Angel
challenges. Yeyizel faciem tuam a
The Admitting Word: EE-RAH-HAH-VAH
The Call of Psalm 118:16 “The right hand of Adonai is exalted! The right hand of
Yeyizel Adonai does valiantly!” Domine libera
The Angel’s Name: REH-HAW-ELL animam meam a
The Powers of Rehoel labiis iniquis et a
Recover when energy has been lost. lingua dolosa
Ease the effects of an illness. The Angel Hahahel
Improve your relationship
The Admitting with a parent.
Hahahel The Call of Psalm 115:11 “You who fear Adonai, trust in Adonai! He is their help and Dominus
their shield.”
custodit te ab
The Angel’s Name: YEAH-EASE-ELL
omni malo;
The Powers of Yeyizel

Remove yourself from the attention of an enemy.

Improve artistic confidence and inspiration.
The Admitting Word: YAH-VAH-HEH-AH
animam tuam
The Call of Psalm 120:2 “Deliver my soul, Adonai, from lying lips, from a deceitful Dominus

The Angel’s Name: HAH-HAH-AH-ELL

The Powers of Hahahel

Strengthens willpower.
Makes those who are unkind to you rethink their lives.
The Angel Michel

Michel Et ego ad te
clamavi: et
mane oratio mea
The Angel Vevalel
praeveniet te
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-YAHV-KAH
Vevalel The Call of Psalm 121:7 “Adonai will keep you from all evil. He will keep your soul.” Voluntaria oris
mei bene placita
The Angel’s Name: MEEK-ELL
fac Domine: et
The Powers of Michel

Influence those in positions of power.

judiciatua doce
Give power to a political cause to which you belong.
The Angel Yelahel me
The Admitting Word: YEE-VAH-VAHV-LAH
Yelahel The Call of Psalm 121:8 “Adonai will keep your going out and your coming in, from
Si dicebam,
this time forward, and forever more.”
motus est pes
The Angel’s Name: VEH-VAH-LELL
The Powers of Vevalel

Improve general prosperity.

misericordia tua
Angel Sealel
The Admitting Word: EE-YAH-LAH-VEH-HAH
Be seen as a powerful and important Domine,
The Call of Psalm 106:2 “Who can utter the mighty acts of Adonai, or fully declare all
his praise?” adjuebat me
Sealel The Angel’s Name: YELL-AH-ELL Suavis Dominus
The Powers of Yelahel universes: et
Be courageous when facing legal action.
Achieve victory in a legal battle.
Ease the mind in relations to difficult business concerns.
ejus super omnia
opera ejus
The Angel Ariel

The Admitting Word: EE-SAH-HAH-VAH-LAH

Ariel The Call of Psalm 33:22 “Let your loving kindness be on us, Adonai, since we have
hoped in you.” magnificata sunt
The Angel’s Name: SEH-AH-LELL
opera tua
The Powers of Sealel
Domine! Omnia
Find a good teacher.
Rectify and unjust situation. in spientia
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-RAHV-EE-AH
fecisti: impleta
The Call of Psalm 38:21 “Don’t forsake me, Adonai. My God, don’t be far from me.”
The Angel Eshalel est terra
The Angel’s Name: AH-REE-ELL
possessione tua
The Powers of Ariel
Eshalel Discover new sources of income.
Notum fecit
Find solutions to problems that appear overwhelming.
Experience more vivid dreams.
salutare suum:
in conspectus
The Angel Mihel
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-SHAH-VAH-LAH
gentium revelatit
The Call of Psalm 100:2 “Serve Adonai with gladness. Come before his presence with justitiam suam
Mihel The Angel’s Name: ESH-AH-LELL
The Powers of Eshalel
Dominus et
Contemplate the self and your true desires.
laudabilis nimis
Understand where your future may take you.
et magnitudinia
The Angel Vehuahel ejus non est finis
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-EE-VAH-AH

Vehuahel The Call of Psalm 109:30 “I will give great thanks to Adonai with my mouth. Yes, I
will praise him among the multitude.”
Miserator et
The Angel’s Name: MEE-HEL misericors
The Powers of Mihel Dominus:
Help a marriage remain loving.
The Angel Daniel
longanimis et
Urges your spouse to support your dreams.
The Admitting Word: EE-VAH-HAH-HAHV-AH misericors
Daniel The Call of Psalm 145:3 “Great is Adonai, and greatly to be praised! His greatness is
Sit gloria
The Angel’s Name: VEH-WHO-AH-ELL Domini in
The Powers of Vehuahel saeculum:
Bring peace where there is aggression.
Overcome the power of a great and influential personality.
Make those who are too proud become humble.
The Admitting Word: EE-DAH-NAHV-YAH
Dominus in
The Call of Psalm 9:1 “I will give thanks to Adonai with my whole heart. I will tell of
operibus suis
all your marvelous works.”

The Angel’s Name: DAH-NEE-ELL

The Powers of Daniel

Helps recovery from grief.

Helps you to make inspired decisions on any issue.
The Angel Hachashel

Hachashel Confitebor
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-HAH-KAHV-SHAH
justitiam ejus: et
The Call of Psalm 104:31 “LetThe
psallam nomini
Adonai’s glory Omemel
endure forever. Let Adonai rejoice in
his works.” Domini altissimi
The Angel’s Name: HAH-KAH-SHELL
Omemel Cognovi
The Powers of Hachashel

Helps you understand the workings of magick.

Domine quia
Enables you to hold many simultaneous thoughts during complex
projects. Improves clarity of thought under pressure.
aequitas judicia
tua: et in veritate
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-MAH-VEH-MAH tua humiliasti
The Call of Psalm 25:6 “Adonai,The Angel Nenael
kindness, for they are from old times.”
your tender mercies and your loving
Nenael The Angel’s Name: AWE-MEM-ELL Dominus in
The Powers of Omemel coelo paravit
Makes an enemy weak.
Helps you research effectively.
sedem suam: et
Brings vitality and enthusiasm to any activity. regnum ipsius
The Admitting Word: EE-NAH-NAHV-AH
The Call of Psalm 33:18 “Behold, Adonai’s eye is on those who fear him, on those
The Angel Nitel dominabitur
who hope in his loving kindness.”

Nitel The Angel’s Name: NEN-AH-ELL Tu autem

The Powers of Nenael
Domine in
Helps you to become an effective teacher.
Improves your skills in areas of science and craft. aeternum
Compels those who work in law to regard you well.
permanes: et
The Admitting Word: EE-NAH-YAH-VAH-TAH
memoriale tuum
The Call of Psalm 16:5 “Adonai assigned my portion and my cup. You made my lot
The Angel Mivahel in generationem
Mibahel The Angel’s Name: KNEE-TELL Allevat
The Powers of Nitel Dominus omnes
Brings stability to families and organizations.
Gives your family or business a good reputation.
qui corrunt: et
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-BAH-VAH-AH origit omnes
ThehasAngel Pawiel
The Call of Psalm 103:19 “Adonai
kingdom rules over all.”
established his throne in the heavens. His elisos
pawiel The Angel’s Name: MEE-VAH-ELL Qui timet
The Powers of Mivahel Dominum
Offers healing and love to others.
Encourages fertility.
speraverunt in
Brings comfort and acceptance when genuine loss is unavoidable. Domino: adjutor
The Admitting Word: EE-PAH-VAHV-EE-AH eorum et
The Call of Psalm 149:4 “ForThe Angel
Adonai Nememel
takes pleasure in his people. He crowns the protector eorum
humble with salvation.”

The Angel’s Name: PAW-EE-ELL

Nememel The Powers of Pawiel
Et anima turbata
Bring what is asked for when a project nears completion. est valde: sed tu
Enables you to enjoy pleasure in moderation.
Brings fame and success to those who have long worked for it. Domine usque
The Angel Yeyilel
The Admitting Word: EE-NAH-MAH-VAH-MAH

Yeyilel The Call of Psalm 145:14 “Adonai upholds all who fall, and raises up all those who
are bowed down.”
A solis ortu
The Angel’s Name: NEM-EM-ELL
usque ad
The Powers of Nememel occasum,
Eases anxiety and fear that has no apparent source. laudabile nomen
Helps those who work hard to prosper.
The Angel Harachel

Harachel The Admitting Word: EE-AH-LAHV-YAH

Justus Dominus
The Call of Psalm 113:2 “Blessed be Adonai’s name, from this time forward and
forever more.” in omnibus viis
The Angel’s Name: YEAH-YEE-LELL suis: et sanctus
The Powers of Yeyilel
in omnibus
The Admitting
Heals emotional Word:
Enables you to let go of difficult memories. operibus suis
The Call
Wards offof Psalm
those who94:22 “But
are not Adonai
enemies, buthas
are my high tower, my God, the rock of
my refuge.”

The Angel’s Name: HAH-RAH-KELL

The Powers of Harachel

Encourage female fertility and awareness of cycles.

Helps you control large amounts of money in business, without interference.
The Angel Metzerel

Metzerel Sit nomen

benedictum, ex
hoc nunc et
The Admitting Word: EE-MAHTS-VAH-RAH
usque in
The Call of Psalm 34:16 “Adonai’s face is against those who do evil, to cut off their
memory from the earth.” The Angel Umabel saeculum
Umabel The Angel’s Name: MET-ZAIR-ELL Vide quoniam
The Powers of Metzerel
mandata tua
Heal your spirit after long endurance and suffering.
Make those who would bully you back off. dilexi Domine,
in misericordia
The Angel Yahahel
The Admitting Word: EE-VAH-MAHV-BAH
tua vivifica me
The Call of Psalm 8:9 “Adonai, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
Yahahel The Angel’s Name: OO-MAH-BELL
Servite Domino
The Powers of Umabel
in timore: et
Helps you obtain the genuine friendship of a specific person. exultate ei cum
Enables love that fails to end inThe Angel Anuel
Gives confidence to those who fear relationships. tremore
The Admitting Word: EE-AH-HAH-VAH-AH

Anuel The Call of Psalm 24:5 “He shall receive a blessing from Adonai, righteousness from Ecce oculi
the God of his salvation.”
Domini super
The Angel’s Name: EE-AH-AH-ELL

The Powers of Yahahel

metuentes eum:
Helps you remain unseen when secrecy is required.
et in eis, qui
The secrets to
Admitting be kept,
Word: even when others seek the truth.
Enables you to see wisdom in past failures.
sperant super
The Call of Psalm 37:4 “Also delight yourself in Adonai, and he will give you the
desires of your heart.”
The Angel Machiel misericordiam
The Angel’s Name: AH-NOO-ELL ejus
Machiel The Powers of Anuel Convertere
Bring protection to your business.
Helps you to make deals that serve your business
Domine, et
well. Avoid accidents in a risky work environment. usque qua? Et
deprecabilis esto
The Angel Damebel
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-KAH-VAH-EE-AH
super savos tuos
The Call of Psalm 30:10 “Hear, Lord, and have mercy on me. Adonai, be my helper.”
Damebel The Angel’s Name: MAH-KEY-ELL
Ne derelinquas
The Powers of Machiel
me Domine
To bring skill to your written work.
Deus maus; ne
Helps your words be well liked by the public.
Gives you the ability to promote Angel Menakel
effectively. discesseris a me
The Admitting Word: EE-DAH-MAH-VAH-BEH

Menakel The Call of Psalm 90:13 “Relent, Adonai. How long? Have compassion on your Delectare in

The Angel’s Name: DAM-EBB-ELL

Domino et dabit
The Powers of Damebel
tibi petitiones
Prevent evil sorcery from affecting Angel
life. Iyahel cordis tui
Thrive in business.
The Admitting Word: EE-MAH-NAHV-KAH
Discover new ideas to expand your business.
Iyahel The Call of Psalm 87:2 “Adonai loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Confitemini

The Angel’s Name: MEN-AH-KELL

The Powers of Menakel
quoniam bonus:
Find peaceful sleep during difficult times. quoniam in
The anger in oneWord:
who isYAH-EE-VAH
close to you.
Discover items that appear to be lost forever. saeculum
The Call of Psalm 18:46 “Adonai lives! Blessed be my rock. Exalted be the God of my
The Angel’s Name: EE-YAH-ELL ejus)
chavuel The Powers of Iyahel Dominus pars
Discover a breakthrough when all seems lost.
Discover strength in adversity.
Encourage change to move your life forward.
meae, et calicis
mei: tu es, qui
meam mihi


Hayiel Confitebor
Domino nimis in
ore meo: et in
medio multorum
laudabo eum

Mumiel Convertere
anima mea in
requiem tuam:
quia Dominus
beneficit tibi

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