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US Units

Service of Unit Item No.

Type AEL Orientation Horizontal Connected In 1 Parallel 1 Series
Surf/Unit (Gross/Eff) 6934,27 / 6797,27 ft2 Shell/Unit 1 Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff) 6934,27 / 6797,27 ft2
Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
Fluid Name Hot Gas Cooling Water
Fluid Quantity, Total 1000-lb/hr 5,5433 3,6000
Vapor (In/Out) wt% 100,0 93,5 0,0 0,0
Liquid wt% 0,0 6,5 100,0 100,0
Temperature (In/Out) F 213,00 90,00 77,00 184,87
Density lb/ft3 0,5782 0,6887 V/L 40,547 62,891 59,963
Viscosity cP 0,0142 0,0119 V/L 0,2711 0,8902 0,3305
Specific Heat Btu/lb-F 0,5145 0,4723 V/L 0,5619 1,0309 1,0432
Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-F 0,0225 0,0176 V/L 0,0745 0,3532 0,3890
Critical Pressure psia
Inlet Pressure psia 164,696 58,015
Velocity ft/sec 1,28 4,431e-3
Pressure Drop, Allow/Calc psi 0,537 0,087
Average Film Coefficient Btu/ft2-hr-F 13,65 47,10
Fouling Resistance (min) ft2-hr-F/Btu
Heat Exchanged 0,4016 MM Btu/hr MTD (Corrected) 7,1 F Overdesign 19,02 %
Transfer Rate, Service 8,34 Btu/ft2-hr-F Calculated 9,92 Btu/ft2-hr-F Clean 9,92 Btu/ft2-hr-F
CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
Shell Side Tube Side
Design Pressure psig 150,000 150,000
Design Temperature F 213,00 213,00 48

No Passes per Shell 1 1

Flow Direction Downward
Connections In inch 1 @ 3,0680 1 @ 1,0490

Size & Out inch 1 @ 3,0680 1 @ 1,0490

Rating Liq. Out inch @ @
Tube No. 1962 OD 0,7500 inch Thk(Avg) 0,0830 inch Length 18,000 ft Pitch 1,0000 inch Layout 30
Tube Type Plain Material CARBON STEEL Pairs seal strips 0
Shell ID 48,0000 inch Kettle ID inch Passlane Seal Rod No. 0
Cross Baffle Type PERPEND. SINGLE-SEG. %Cut (Diam) 35;00 Impingement Plate Circular plate
Spacing(c/c) 12,0000 inch Inlet 15,8662 inch No. of Crosspasses 17
Rho-V2-Inlet Nozzle 1555,97 lb/ft-sec2 Shell Entrance 1060,63 Shell Exit 831,75 lb/ft-sec2
Bundle Entrance 28,01 Bundle Exit 31,07 lb/ft-sec2
Weight/Shell 36634,4 Filled with Water 50500,6 Bundle 22979,5 lb
Notes: Thermal Resistance, % Velocities; ft/sec Flow Fractions
Shell 72,71 Shellside 1,28 A 0,292
Tube 27,06 Tubeside 4,431e-3 B 0,530
Fouling 0,00 Crossflow 2,26 C 0,015
Metal 0,23 Window 1,09 E 0,163
F 0,000

C:\Users\UDI\Job\PUSTEK E&T\PROJECT FOSTER\Air Cooler.htri

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