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A. Vision and Mission of the Agency/Organization;


Communities where people are productive, creative, self-reliant, and proud to be



Understanding community realities and engaging people in the change process.

Acting as catalyst for inclusion to bridge community and business aspirations.
Building and nurturing partnerships with public and private groups, civil society, and Ayala to achieve
impact, scale, and sustainability for everyone involved.


We have a deep love of country.

We believe in shared prosperity.
We are creative and innovative.
We act with integrity.
We strive for excellence.
We collaborate and work as a team.
B. Discuss type of Audit Opinion and why do you think such type of opinion was

C. Discuss audit and accounting issues.

D. What are your recommendations to resolve the issues in item 2.c;

E. Discuss Financial Ratios and Analysis (Vertical and Horizontal);

F. What are the major sources of funds and revenues;

G. .What are the major expenditures (classify into Capital expenditures and
Operating expenses). Do you think these are aligned with their Vision/Mission in
item 2.a?

H. Identify accounts peculiar to the organization. Explain/Define these accounts;


I. Discuss Organizational Structure and Possible Internal Control Issues.


Board of Trustees Bernard Vincent Dy

Member of the Board of Trustees
Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala
Co-Chairman of the Board of Victoria Garchitorena
Trustees Member of the Board of Trustees

Fernando Zobel de Ayala Jaime Laya

Co-Chairman of the Board of Independent Trustee
Mercedita Nolledo
Ruel Maranan Member of the Board of Trustees
President and Member of the
Board of Trustees John Philip Orbeta
Member of the Board of Trustees
Gerardo Ablaza Jr.
Member of the Board of Trustees

Alfredo Ayala
Member of the Board of Trustees

Ernest Lawrence Cu
Member of the Board of Trustees
Management Committee

Ruel Maranan

Romualdo Katigbak
Chief Finance Officer and Senior
Director, Finance

Joanna Duarte
Senior Director, Social

Ma. Elizabeth Gustilo

Senior Director, Arts and Culture

Ma. Fatima Mijares

Senior Director, Human
Resources and Corporate

Celerina Amores
Senior Director, Corporate

Vivien Reyes
Chief Information Officer and
Senior Director, Information and
Communications Technology

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