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K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris PTS

Persiapan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Ganjil

Doc Name: RK13AR12ING01PTS Version : 2016-12 | halaman 1

January 6, 2014: Policy makers know that some people

will try to take advantage of programs. Their
A low-cost and free telephone program
challenge is to discourage abuse. At the same
is available from the federal government. It is
time they do not want to penalize honest
called the Lifeline program.
More than 15 million families are using
The states and federal governments are
the program. Cell phones were included in
proposing new ways to collect information
the program in 2005.
on Lifeline telephone use.
Low-income families get discounts on
their phone bills. The first 250 minutes and
01. Which one is NOT TRUE according to the
250 text messages are free. This makes it
possible for many to have phone service.
Georgia and other states any there is (A) The Lifeline program is provided by the
widespread abuse by some participants in the government.
Lifeline phone. Some poor people are no (B) More than 15 milion people use the Life-
different than some non-poor. If the system line program.
is not regulated, why not get two or three (C) Mobile phone are included in the Lifeline
phones? program.
The program does not do much check- (D) Georgia is one of the states that provides
ing of participants. Georgia wants to impose the Lifeline program.
a $5 a month charge for the basic service. (E) The Lifeline program is a low-cost and
This can cause a problem for poor people. free telephone program.
They need phones but may not be able to
afford them. 02. What is the problem of the Lifeline program?
Opponents of the $5 fee say if family can (A) There is widespread abuse by some gov-
only afford the free phone, they will be hurt ernment officials in the Lifeline program.
by the $5 monthly charge. (B) The Lifeline program does not check it’s
The telephone industry is a strong sup- participants.
porter of the Lifeline program. They think (C) Many homes get more than one Lifeline
today’s poor people are the working people phone.
of tomorrow. They think it is a good idea to (D) Many families refuse to pay $5 a month.
get them as customers now. (E) The telephone industry pays for the Life-
The companies are supposed to decide line program.
who is eligible. To be in the program, people
must have incomes below 135 percent of the 03. The underlined word “eligible” in paragraph
poverty level. Or be eligible for another fed- 8 mostly means ....
eral program such as food stamps. (A) Important.
A woman is Oklahoma wanted to see (B) Poor.
how easy it would be to get a phone. She (C) Single.
waited in line at a tent to see if the vendor (D) Available.
would give her a free phone even though she (E) Qualified.
does not qualify she did.
“Anybody can get them. They say it’s a
lifeline... They’re for needy people. I’m not
needy and I went up and I got one with no
ID no proof of income, nothing.” She said.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
K13 Revisi Antiremed Kelas 12 Bahasa Inggris PTS, Persiapan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Ganjil

Doc name: RK13AR12ING01PTS Version: 2016-12 | halaman 2

04. Why would the author mention the woman in Jln. Bumi Sari no 10
Oklahoma (paragraph 9)? Jakarta
(A) To exemplify the use of the Lifeline pro- 177772
(B) To emphasize how people love the Life- 10 September 2016
line program.
Ms Julia Greed
(C) To show that the selection to become a
Human Resource Manager
Lifeline recipient has a loophole.
World Edu Academy
(D) To show the readers that Oklahoma has
101 Pentonville Road
the highest number of customers.
(E) To refuse the argument about the wide-
N1 9BY
spread abuse of the Lifeline program.
Dear Miss Greed,
05. According to the text, who is the proponent
of Lifeline program? Vacancy for Youth Ambassador
(A) Federal government.
I am writing in reply to your advert from a
(B) Honest people.
poster “Young People Teach the World”. Here
(C) Telephone industry.
I enclose my CV.
(D) Policy makers.
I am currently a fresh graduate from 40 High
School. When I was in high school. I had
experience in teaching less fortunate children
in Rain Foundation for 2 years. I was chosen
to represent Rain Foundation as a youth am-
bassador with mission to increase awareness
of reading in 2015.
In addition to the experience I outlined above,
I have started creating my own crowdfunding
website related to education since 2015, I be-
lieve that with my experiences, I am suitable to
be the youth ambassador for your world edu-
cation program in London. This will be my
first-time experience in establishing relation-
ship with people from different cultures.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thomas Lambong

06. What is the purpose of the letter?

07. Who is the job applicant?

Whom is the letter addressed to?

08. What position does the applicant apply to?

09. What are the past experiences of the job


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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education

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