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Baliwag Transit vs. CA very cautious person, with due regard for all the circumstances.

In a contract
(GR 116110, 15 May 1996) of carriage, it is presumed that the common carrier was at fault or was
negligent when a passenger dies or is injured. Unless the presumption is
FACTS:On 31 July 1980, Leticia Garcia, and her 5-year old son, Allan rebutted, the court need not even make an express finding of fault or
Garcia, boarded Baliwag Transit Bus 2036 bound for Cabanatuan City driven negligence on the part of the common carrier. This statutory presumption
by Jaime Santiago. They took the seat behind the driver. may only be overcome by evidence that the carrier exercised extraordinary
diligence as prescribed in Articles 1733 and 1755 of the Civil Code.
At about 7:30 p.m., in Malimba, Gapan, Nueva Ecija, the bus passengers
saw a cargo truck, owned by A & J Trading, parked at the shoulder of the Article 1759 of the Civil Code provides that “Common carriers are liable for
national highway. Its left rear portion jutted to the outer lane, as the shoulder the death of or injuries to passengers through the negligence or willfull acts
of the road was too narrow to accommodate the whole truck. A kerosene of the former’s employees, although such employees may have acted
lamp appeared at the edge of the road obviously to serve as a warning beyond the scope of their authority or in violation of the orders of the
device. The truck driver, and his helper were then replacing a flat tire. common carriers. This liability of the common carriers do not cease upon
proof that they exercised all the diligence of a good father of a family in the
Bus driver Santiago was driving at an inordinately fast speed and failed to selection or supervision of their employees.”
notice the truck and the kerosene lamp at the edge of the road. Santiago’s
passengers urged him to slow down but he paid them no heed. Santiago Section 34 (g) of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code provides “Lights
even carried animated conversations with his co-employees while driving. and reflector when parked or disabled. — Appropriate parking lights or flares
When the danger of collision became imminent, the bus passengers shouted visible one hundred meters away shall be displayed at the corner of the
“Babangga tayo!”. Santiago stepped on the brake, but it was too late. His bus vehicle whenever such vehicle is parked on highways or in places that are
rammed into the stalled cargo truck killing him instantly and the truck’s not well-lighted or, is placed in such manner as to endanger passing traffic.
helper, and injury to several others among them herein respondents. Furthermore, every motor vehicle shall be provided at all times with built-in
reflectors or other similar warning devices either pasted, painted or attached
Thus, a suit was filed against Baliwag Transit, Inc., A & J Trading and Julio at its front and back which shall likewise be visible at night at least one
Recontique for damages in the RTC of Bulacan. After trial, it found Baliwag hundred meters away. No vehicle not provided with any of the requirements
Transit, Inc. liable for having failed to deliver Garcia and her son to their point mentioned in this subsection shall be registered. ”
of destination safely in violation of Garcia’s and Baliwag Transit’s contractual
relation; and likewise found A & J and its truck driver liable for failure to x x x However, the evidence shows that Recontique and Ecala placed a
provide its cargo truck with an early warning device in violation of the Motor kerosene lamp or torch at the edge of the road, near the rear portion of the
Vehicle Law. All were ordered to pay solidarily the Garcia spouses. truck to serve as an early warning device. This substantially complies with
Section 34 (g) of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code. The law clearly
On appeal, the CA modified the trial court’s Decision by absolving A & J allows the use not only of an early warning device of the triangular
Trading from liability. reflectorized plates variety but also parking lights or flares visible 100 meters
away. Indeed, Col. dela Cruz himself admitted that a kerosene lamp is an
ISSUE:Whether or not Baliwag should be held solely liable for the injuries. acceptable substitute for the reflectorized plates. No negligence, therefore,
may be imputed to A & J Trading and its driver, Recontique.
As a common carrier, Baliwag breached its contract of carriage when it failed The Supreme Court affirmed the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA-GR
to deliver its passengers, Leticia and Allan Garcia to their destination safe CV-31246) with the modification reducing the actual damages for
and sound. A common carrier is bound to carry its passengers safely as far hospitalization and medical fees to P5,017.74; without costs.
as human care and foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of a
Gacal V PAL GR L55300 March 15 1990 1. Whether or not the Yobido (bus-owner) be exempt from liability because the
tire blowout was no more than a fortuitous event that could not have
FACTS: This is a petition for review on certiorari after the lower court ruled foreseen.
that it was attributed to force majeure the damages sustained by the
petitioners, who were passengers of flight from Davao to Manila via PAL, Ruling:
which was hijacked by Commander Zapata and other 5 members of the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) –three (3) armed with grenades, two (2)
with .45 caliber pistols, and one with a .22 caliber pistol. When the plane was 1. No. Under the circumstances of the present case, the explosion of the new
about to leave in the runway, after being forced to refuel in Zamboanga from tire may not be considered a fortuitous event. It is settled that an accident
Sabah-Libya, it was apprehended by two armored cars of the military leading caused either by defects in the automobile or through the negligence of its
to a battle which resulted to the deaths of ten (10) passengers and three (3) driver is not a caso fortuito that would exempt the carrier from liability for
hijackers, while plaintiffs were injured. damages.

ISSUE: Will the PAL be exempted from its liability due to force majeure? A common carrier may not be absolved from liability in case of force majeure
or fortuitous event alone. The common carrier must still prove that it was not
HELD: Yes, PAL will be exempted. In order to constitute a caso fortuito or negligent in causing the death or injury resulting from an accident.
force majeure that would exempt from liability under Art 1174 of the civil code,
it is necessary that the following elements must occur: (a) the cause of the
breach of obligation must be independent of human will; (b) the event must In culpa contractual, once a passenger dies or injured, the carrier is
be unforeseeable or unavoidable; (c) the event must be such as to render it presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently. This
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal manner; (d) the presumption may only be overcome by evidence that the carrier had
debtor must be free from any participation in or aggravation of the injury to the observed extraordinary diligence.
creditor. Applying the above guidelines, the failure to transport the petitioners
safely from Davao to Manila was due to the skyjacking incident staged buy
the MNLF without connection to the private respondent, hence, independent The Yobido failed to rebut the testimony of Leny Tumboy that the bus was
of will of PAL or its passengers. The events rendered it impossible for PAL to running so fast that she cautioned the driver to slow down. These
perform its obligation in a normal manner and it cannot be faulted for contradictory facts must, be resolved in favor of liability in view of the
negligence on the duty performed by the military. The existence of force presumption of negligence of the carrier in the law. Coupled with this is the
majeure has been established thus exempting PAL from payment of established condition of the road tough, winding and wet due to rain. It was
damages. incumbent upon the defense to establish that it took precautionary measures
considering partially dangerous condition of the road.
Yobido v. Court of Appeals 281 SCRA 1, G.R. No. 113003
(October 17, 1997) Yobido failed to discharge its duty to overthrow the presumption of
negligence with clear and convincing evidence.

1. Spouses Tito and Leny Tumboy and their minor children named Ardee and
Jasmin boarded a Yobido Liner bus.
2. The left front tire of the bus exploded.
3. The bus fell into a ravine which resulted in the death of 28-year old Tumboy
and physical injuries to other passengers.

WILLIAM TIU v. PEDRO A. ARRIESGADO, GR No. 138060, 2004-09-01 After the petitioner's motion for reconsideration of the said decision was denied, the
petitioners elevated the case to the Court of Appeals
The appellate court rendered judgment affirming the trial court's decision with the
At about 10:00 p.m. of March 15, 1987, the cargo truck marked "Condor Hollow modification that the awards for moral and exemplary damages were reduced to
Blocks and General Merchandise" bearing plate number GBP-675 was loaded with P25,000.
firewood in Bogo, Cebu and left for Cebu City. Upon reaching Sitio Aggies,
Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu, just as the truck... passed over a bridge, one of its rear According to the appellate court, the action of respondent Arriesgado was based not
tires exploded. The driver, Sergio Pedrano, then parked along the right side of the on quasi-delict but on breach of contract of carriage. As a common carrier, it was
national highway and removed the damaged tire to have it vulcanized at a nearby incumbent upon petitioner Tiu to prove that extraordinary diligence was observed in
shop, about 700 meters away.[3] Pedrano left his... helper, Jose Mitante, Jr. to keep ensuring the safety of... passengers during transportation. Since the latter failed to do
watch over the stalled vehicle, and instructed the latter to place a spare tire six so, he should be held liable for respondent Arriesgado's claim.
fathoms away[4] behind the stalled truck to serve as a warning for oncoming
vehicles. The truck's tail lights were also left on. It was... about 12:00 a.m., March Issues:
At about 4:45 a.m., D' Rough Riders passenger bus with plate number PBP-724 GUILTY OF NEGLIGENCE AND HENCE, LIABLE TO RESPONDENT PEDRO
driven by Virgilio Te Laspiñas was cruising along the national highway of Sitio A. ARRIESGADO.
Aggies, Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu. The passenger bus was also bound for Cebu Ruling:
City, and had come from Maya, Daanbantayan,... Cebu. Among its passengers were
the Spouses Pedro A. Arriesgado and Felisa Pepito Arriesgado, who were seated at According to the petitioners, the appellate court erred in failing to appreciate the
the right side of the bus, about three (3) or four (4) places from the front seat. absence of an early warning device and/or built-in reflectors at the front and back of
the cargo truck, in clear violation of Section 34, par. (g) of the Land Transportation
As the bus was approaching the bridge, Laspiñas saw the stalled truck, which was and Traffic Code.
then about 25 meters away.[5] He applied the breaks and tried to swerve to the left to
avoid hitting the truck. But it was too late; the bus rammed into the truck's left rear. They aver that such violation is only a proof of respondent Pedrano's negligence, as
provided under Article 2185 of the New Civil Code. They also question the appellate
The impact damaged the right side of the bus and left several passengers injured. court's failure to take into account that the truck was parked in an oblique manner, its
Pedro Arriesgado lost consciousness and suffered a fracture in his right colles.[6] His rear portion almost... at the center of the road. As such, the proximate cause of the
wife, Felisa, was brought to the Danao City Hospital. She was... later transferred to incident was the gross recklessness and imprudence of respondent Pedrano, creating
the Southern Island Medical Center where she died shortly thereafter.[7] the presumption of negligence on the part of respondent Condor in supervising his
Respondent Pedro A. Arriesgado then filed a complaint for breach of contract of employees, which presumption was not rebutted. The... petitioners then contend that
carriage, damages and attorney's fees before the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, respondents Condor and Pedrano should be held jointly and severally liable to
Branch 20, against the petitioners, D' Rough Riders bus operator William Tiu and his respondent Arriesgado for the payment of the latter's claim.
driver, Virgilio Te Laspiñas... on May 27, 1987. The respondent alleged that the The petitioners, likewise, aver that expert evidence should have been presented to
passenger bus in question was cruising at a fast and high speed along the national prove that petitioner Laspiñas was driving at a very fast speed, and that the CA could
road, and that petitioner Laspiñas did not take precautionary measures to avoid the not reach such conclusion by merely considering the damages on the cargo truck. It
accident. was also pointed out that... petitioner Tiu presented evidence that he had exercised
The trial court also ruled that the absence of an early warning device near the place the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of his
where the truck was parked was not sufficient to impute negligence on the part of drivers.
respondent Pedrano, since the tail lights of the truck were fully on, and the vicinity Petitioner LaspiñasWas negligent in driving
was well lighted by... street lamps.[16] It also found that the testimony of petitioner
Tiu, that he based the selection of his driver Laspiñas on efficiency and in-service The Ill-fated bus
training, and that the latter had been so far an efficient and good driver for the past
In his testimony before the trial court, petitioner Laspiñas claimed that he was
six years of his... employment, was insufficient to prove that he observed the
traversing the two-lane road at Compostela, Cebu at a speed of only forty (40) to
diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of his
fifty (50) kilometers per hour before the incident occurred.[23] He also admitted that
he... saw the truck which was parked in an "oblique position" at about 25 meters
before impact,[24] and tried to avoid hitting it by swerving to the left. However, even safely to his destination are the matters that need to be... proved.[36] This is because
in the absence of expert evidence, the damage sustained by the truck[25] itself under the said contract of carriage, the petitioners assumed the express obligation to
supports the finding of both the trial court and the appellate court, that the D' Rough transport the respondent and his wife to their destination safely and to observe
Rider bus driven by petitioner Laspiñas was traveling at a fast pace. Since he saw the extraordinary diligence with due regard for all... circumstances.[37] Any injury
stalled truck at a distance of 25 meters, petitioner Laspiñas had more than... enough suffered by the passengers in the course thereof is immediately attributable to the
time to swerve to his left to avoid hitting it; that is, if the speed of the bus was only negligence of the carrier.[38] Upon the happening of the accident, the presumption
40 to 50 kilometers per hour as he claimed. As found by the Court of Appeals, it is of negligence at once arises, and it... becomes the duty of a common carrier to prove
easier to believe that petitioner Laspiñas was driving at a very fast speed, since at that he observed extraordinary diligence in the care of his passengers.[39] It must be
4:45 a.m.,... the hour of the accident, there were no oncoming vehicles at the stressed that in requiring the highest possible degree of diligence from common
opposite direction. Petitioner Laspiñas could have swerved to the left lane with carriers and in creating a presumption of... negligence against them, the law compels
proper clearance, and, thus, could have avoided the truck.[26] Instinct, at the very them to curb the recklessness of their drivers.[40]
least, would have prompted... him to apply the breaks to avert the impending disaster
which he must have foreseen when he caught sight of the stalled truck. While evidence may be submitted to overcome such presumption of negligence, it
must be shown that the carrier observed the required extraordinary diligence, which
Indeed, petitioner Laspiñas' negligence in driving the bus is apparent in the records. means that the carrier must show the utmost diligence of very cautious persons as far
By his own admission, he had just passed a bridge and was traversing the highway of as human care and foresight... can provide, or that the accident was caused by
Compostela, Cebu at a speed of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour before the collision fortuitous event.[41] As correctly found by the trial court, petitioner Tiu failed to
occurred. The maximum speed... allowed by law on a bridge is only 30 kilometers conclusively rebut such presumption. The negligence of petitioner Laspiñas as driver
per hour.[29] And, as correctly pointed out by the trial court, petitioner Laspiñas also of the passenger bus is, thus, binding... against petitioner Tiu, as the owner of the
violated Section 35 of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, Republic Act No. passenger bus engaged as a common carrier.[42]
4136,... ec. 35. Restriction as to speed. (a) Any person driving a motor vehicle on a
highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less than Contrary to the petitioner's contention, the principle of last clear chance is
is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the inapplicable in the instant case, as it only applies in a suit between the owners and
highway,... and or any other condition then and there existing; and no person shall drivers of two colliding vehicles. It does not arise where a passenger demands
drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such speed as to endanger the life, limb responsibility... from the carrier to enforce its contractual obligations, for it would be
and property of any person, nor at a speed greater than will permit him to bring the inequitable to exempt the negligent driver and its owner on the ground that the other
vehicle to a stop... within the assured clear distance ahead. driver was likewise guilty of negligence.

Under Article 2185 of the Civil Code, a person driving a vehicle is presumed Principles:
negligent if at the time of the mishap, he was violating any traffic regulation. In actions for breach of contract, only the existence of such contract, and the fact that
Petitioner Tiu failed to the obligor, in this case the common carrier, failed to transport his passenger safely
to his destination are the matters that need to be... proved.[36] This is because under
Overcome the presumption the said contract of carriage, the petitioners assumed the express obligation to
transport the respondent and his wife to their destination safely and to observe
Of negligence against him as extraordinary diligence with due regard for all... circumstances.[37] Any injury
One engaged in the business suffered by the passengers in the course thereof is immediately attributable to the
negligence of the carrier.[38] Upon the happening of the accident, the presumption
Of common carriage of negligence at once arises, and it... becomes the duty of a common carrier to prove
that he observed extraordinary diligence in the care of his passengers.[39] It must be
The rules which common carriers should observe as to the safety of their passengers
stressed that in requiring the highest possible degree of diligence from common
are set forth in the Civil Code, Articles 1733,[32] 1755[33] and 1756.[34] In this
carriers and in creating a presumption of... negligence against them, the law compels
case, respondent Arriesgado and... his deceased wife contracted with petitioner Tiu,
them to curb the recklessness of their drivers.[40]
as owner and operator of D' Rough Riders bus service, for transportation from Maya,
Daanbantayan, Cebu, to Cebu City for the price of P18.00.[35] It is undisputed that The common law notion of last clear chance... permitted courts to grant recovery to a
the respondent and his wife were not... safely transported to the destination agreed plaintiff who has also been negligent provided that the defendant had the last clear
upon. In actions for breach of contract, only the existence of such contract, and the chance to avoid the casualty and failed to do so.
fact that the obligor, in this case the common carrier, failed to transport his passenger

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