Gann 1440 Degree Calculator

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Gann Calculator Find Target High in Uptrend Sq Rt +2

Low Price enter 1.2150 as 12150 12042 111.736

12485 113.736
12936 115.736
13395 117.736

Find Target Low in Downtrend

13668 114.9102
13204 112.9102
12749 110.9102
12301 108.9102

Day/Date Calculator:

Check Business Days only

Row C Squared Degrees Days to 1st Gann Cycle
Square root of B3
1.2485 360 110
1.2936 720
1.3395 1080
1.3862 1440

1.3204 360 117

1.2749 720
1.2301 1080
1.1861 1440


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