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Separation of Spouses in the Philippines has of marriage will be lost.

It won’t seem like such

been an issue for several years. in fact, the an important decision to some because one can
Philippines is the only country in the world always “undo” and “redo”.
besides the Vatican that does not allow divorce,
As a result of that, more and more couples will
mostly due to religion (de Leon on his article ,
2014). Roughly 83 percent of Filipinos are end in divorce and will set a bad example for
Roman Catholics (de Leon, 2014). Marriage is their children. Future generations will put less
one of the Seven Sacraments that all Catholics importance on marriage when they mature and
celebrate and hold dear. Marriage, according to the cycle just continues.
Catholics, is a public sign that one gives oneself ON THE OTHER HAND
totally to another person. It is especially sacred
to Catholics because having a church wedding According to De leon, Although legalizing
means a person is not only making a promise to divorce can save many individuals from bad
his/her future spouse but also to God. relationships, it can also erase the importance
of marriage. The Philippines cannot lose the
According to a study by Jihan A. Jacob entitled sanctity of marriage because majority of
Reintroduction of Divorce into Philippine Law Filipinos are Catholic and the family plays a big
states that role in the Philippine culture. On the other
Annulment or legal sepation destroys Filipino hand, individuals in failed marriages can always
families which the State has vowed to choose for an annulment or a legal separation
protect.26 The biblical argument that “what from their spouse. Aside from that, there isn’t
therefore God hath joined together, let not man really much of a reason to legalize divorce.
put asunder” People just need to be completely sure of the
person that they will be marrying to be able to
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the sustain a happy and healthy relationship.
Philippines (CBCP) believes that annulment will
lead to violations of the children’s right to a Bibliography
stable family as a result of the irreversible De Leon, S. (2014, October 6). The fight to make
breakdown of a family, and the right of married divorce legal in the Philippines –
couples to contract an indissoluble marriage. Retrieved April 13, 2015, from
Fr. Melvin Castro preaches that couples should
simply “seek perfection in marriage [and] not /philippines-legal-divorce-battle/
seek a perfect husband nor wife nor a perfect

An interview with Archbishop Socrates Villegas,

the president of the Catholic Bishop’s
Conference of the Philippines revealed the
church’s opinion on the issue, saying that
divorce or annulment makes a mockery of
marriage. If divorce is allowed, the sacredness

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