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The review of related literature presents some previous studies and

publications relevant to the thesis proposals. This chapter will also include steps

and outlines that shows how each study works.

Review of Related Literature

The proponents had gathered some information online such as reviews,

articles and notes for foreign to local, which will serve as a reference for their

study. This will also guide the researchers to achieve their target objectives by

getting ideas on other related studies and make improvements as possible. The

information gathered by the proponents focuses on ‘online selling or commonly

called as e-commerce websites.

Foreign Literature and Studies

The extension of technology that integrates the electronic media in the

buying and the selling process is known as the Ecommerce. Elton (2012)

mentioned that the ecommerce website has deflated the dissimilarity of the

world. Running an online business is much better than opening a store. Selling

online is indeed one of the great ways to make profits online. In fact, it is also a

great way to widen your target market and grow your business fast as well.

Anderson (2012) stated that “by putting your business online, you are also

widening your reach worldwide”. It is important to check out some online selling

tips that may help make selling successful. According to Brigita Go (2012), as

more and more business take the ecommerce journey to charm customers, it is

enhancing more and more necessary to build effective ecommerce marketing

ideas. According to Sunny (2012) the primary reasons for marketing your

ecommerce business online is to remain fasten.

Hollander(2012) stated that there are three online marketing trends every

successful entrepreneur must adopt: communities are critical, dynamic browsing

environments and control what you create.The online medium offers a big

platform to promote your business as compared to other medium available. Your

products and services will reach to a large number of potential buyers only if you

choose the right marketing medium for your business.

In Australia, a group of web-developers (Brehmer & Johansson, 2004)

created an article that states how web becomes an opportunity to marketers to

add value to products and services. They said that the phenomenal growth and

rising of the popularity of internet and the World Wide Web have become a key to

attract more consumers and businesses to engage the benefits of Electronic

Commerce (Online selling). This e-commerce is sited as any form of business

transaction in which parties interact electronically rather than physical exchanges

or direct physical contact. This has transformed the traditional

commerce and enhanced sales and exchanges of merchandise and information.

It is not just considered as single entity of technology but a combination of

technologies where applications, processes, business strategies are necessary

to do business electronically. The availability of goods and services with the click

of mouse is changing the global setting.

Local Literature and Studies

According to Santos (2008), a social marketing is defined as ‘a process for

influencing human behavior on a large scale, using marketing principles for the

purpose of societal benefit rather than commercial profit’. Because of their

manual system they have their services slow down. In their current system

problems like missing orders and loss of data possibly occur by the

implementation of the online ordering system anyone that have the authorization

to access the information, they could use them anywhere and anytime.

According to Pantiao, (2009) A Commerce (Online Selling websites)

consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of

products or services over electronic system such as the internet, electronic

devices and other computer networks.

Based on the work of Ernie, (2005) Start your Online Business Now, is a

company whose business is to help other people start their own businesses. It

recently launched the Philippines’ first online marketplace for goods and services,

bringing together buyers and sellers through an online Web portal that serves as

a complete virtual office.

On the other hand, a study has been made by (2016)

regarding the Philippine e-commerce prominence. It describes how widely e-

Commerce is used, the primary sectors that sell through e-commerce, and how

much product/service in each sector is sold through e-commerce versus brick-

and-mortar retail. Includes what a company needs to know to take advantage of

e-commerce in the local market and, reputable, prominent B2B websites.

e-Commerce in the Philippines has a unique set-up; it is geared for massive growth but

is also facing significant challenges. The rising middle class, high consumer spending

and a young and vibrant, tech-savvy population is driving eCommerce forward by leaps

and bounds. According to eCommerceiq Asia, the Philippines eCommerce market in

2015 was estimated at US$0.5 billion which translates to only 0.5 percent of retail

transactions in the country. This market is estimated to grow into a US$10 billion

industry by 2025.

Current Market Trends of

This upward trajectory seems to be supported by Euromonitor’s data on internet

and device penetration. Forty four percent of the Philippine population use the

internet. Twenty nine percent of households have access to the internet, while only three

percent have access to broadband internet. Forty four percent of mobile subscribers

have access to broadband service on their mobile phones Ninety nine percent of the

Philippine population is covered by a mobile cellular networkmedia. Estimates this year

show that there are 48 million active social media users from the Philippines. Of this

number, 60 million are on Facebook; 12 million on Twitter and 4 million are LinkedIn


Synthesis of Reviewed Literature and Studies

Through this research review, the proponents found more ideas and

information in order to make this proposal more reliable and efficient. The studies

that has been presented and reviewed extends the appreciation of the

proponents on how ‘Online Selling website (e-Commerce) is significant

worldwide. It allows the proponents to fully understand the benefit of the proposal

and inspired them to pursue this study.

As a summary, e-Commerce is widely use around the globe and still

moving forwards to provide accessibility and convenience to people. The

students behind this research were looking forward that this study could help the

consumers and to provide a user-friendly website.

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