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Circular No. 2018 - 28 November 05, 2018



Subject : LICA Academy Management Program (LAMP2) Training Series

Greetings from the LICA Academy!

A well-trained, properly equipped manager is vital to achieving an organization’s goals. Middle management
plays an important role in setting examples to be emulated by their peers and subordinates.

Having recognized this necessity for training middle management personnel, we are excited to offer your team
available slots for the LICA Academy Management Program (LAMP2) Training Series.

LAMP 2 seeks to prepare the seminar attendees to perform their leadership tasks with the intent to be
objective, productive and keep a harmonious work atmosphere with their teams. It likewise equips them to
become self-managing, self-policing and internally motivated leaders.

The training is open to General Sales Managers and Group Retail Managers from all our dealerships, as well as
Supervisors from our Affiliate businesses. We highly encourage early sign up, as this program is set to provide
these managers with a competitive edge in their respective fields. As such, feel free to assign as many as you
can to attend the program.

In order to accomplish this, LICA Academy is now releasing the guidelines for the Leadership and Management
Program Training Series:

1. Group General Managers will have the discretion to select General Sales Managers and/or Group Retail
Managers they wish to attend. Attendance is a must.

2. The training will be held for three (3) training days, covering Technical Management and Soft Skills.
Training starts at 8:30am, late comers should provide valid excuse letter duly signed by their respective
General Manager.

3. The Leadership and Management Program will focus on the following topics:

Date Topic Venue
November 17, 2018 The Leader As A Role Model Old Swiss Inn
The Leader As A Communicator
November 24, 2018 Old Swiss Inn
The Leader As A Coach
The Leader As A Change Agent
December 1, 2018 Old Swiss Inn
Action Plans

4. GSM’s and GRM’s who will not be present but are required to take the program should submit an excuse
letter, duly signed by their respective Service Manager, within 3 days from the schedule of training.
Letter will be submitted directly HR for filing and appropriate action.

For any concerns regarding the training schedule, kindly contact Mr. Vincent Marquez at (0927) 200 9050 or
email [email protected], Senior Trainer, so we can make possible adjustments, if necessary.

Thank you very much.


Training Administrator, LICA Academy

Noted by:

Department Head, LICA Academy

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