Family Health Nursing

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Subjective: Threat of cross infection from a Inability to recognize the
communicable disease case as presence of the problem due
Mother Verbalized “Sa health threat. to:
buong pamilya, ang
natanggap lang naming A. Inadequate
bakuna na magkaparehas ay knowledge.
para sa tigdas. Sa apat kong B. Denial of its
mga anak, si Gretchen existence as a result
lamang ang nabakunahan ng of fear of
BCG. Noong ako’y buntis, consequences of
nakatanggap din ako ng diagnosis of the
Tetanus Toxoid.” problem.

Inability to make decisions

Objective: with taking appropriate
health action due to:
No immunization record was
shown. A. Failure to
comprehend the
nature/ magnitude of
the problem.
B. Low salience of the
C. Inadequate
knowledge of
community resources
for care.
Failure to utilize community
resources for health care due

A. Lack of knowledge of
community resources
for health care.
Subjective: Faulty eating habits as health Inability to make decisions
 Not drinking enough threat. with respect to taking
water. Mother stated appropriate health action due
that “ Limang baso to:
lang ang iniinom
namin kada araw. A. Financial
Hindi kasi malamig inaccessibility.
yung tubig.”
B. Lack of control in
 “Hindi mahilig sa regard to choices of
gulay ang mga bata, food intake.
mas gusto nila yung
mga prito tulad na
lamang ng hotdog at

 “Mahilig kumain ng
mga matatamis na


 Dental caries
 Frequent intake of
processed food.
 Body Mass
Index(BMI) of the
children is

Subjective: Poor environmental sanitation Inability to provide a home

“ Malamok pag-umuulan kasi specifically presence of breeding environment conducive to
pinamamahayan ng lamok sites of mosquitoes as vectors of health maintenance and
yung ilalim ng bahay. Hindi disease as health threat. personal development due to:
ko alam kung paano lilinisin
kasi nakasara, kaya A. Inadequate
pinapausukan ko nalang.” As knowledge of
verbalized by the Mother . preventive measures.

B. Lack of skill in
carrying out measures
Objective: to improve home
 Dirty surroundings.
 Stagnant water
reservoir behind their
 Inaccessibility to the
basement of the

Subjective: Illegitimacy as foreseeable crisis Inability to recognize the

“Nagsasama lang kami, pero situation. presence of the condition due
hindi kami kasal.” to:

“Labing- dalawang taon na A. Attitude/ Philosophy

kaming nagsasama ni in life, which hinders
Benjie.” As verbalized by the recognition and
mother. acceptance of the

Objective: B. Limited family

 Civil Status
 Surname of the C. Failure to see the
mother is different benefits of marriage.
from her partner and

Subjective: Inadequate physical activity as

“Hindi na nakakapagbigay health threat.
ng oras para mag exercise
dahil sa dami ng gawaing

“Hindi na rin nakakapag-

exercise ang aking mga anak
dahil sa school.”

“Hindi na makapag exercise

ang aking asawa dahil gabi
na natatapos ang kaniyang
trabaho at puro tulog nalang
kinabukasan.” As verbalized
by Grace Romanos

 Body built of all the

family members are
 Low energy of the

Problem Identification with Computation

1. Threat of cross infection from a communicable disease case as health threat.
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is a health threat
Problem/Condition which demands
immediate action.
2. Modifiability of 1/ 2 x 2 1 Resources are
the Problem available and
interventions are
possible to do
3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 Immunization can
Potential be done to prevent
such diseases.

4. Salience 2/2x1 1 The family

recognizes it as an
alarming problem. It
seems to be a
problem that needs
immediate action.
Total Score: 3.66

2. Faulty eating habits as health threat.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is a health threat
Problem/Condition that demands
immediate action.
2. Modifiability of 2/2x1 1 Resources are
the Problem available in the
market, and they
can plant crops as
their resources.
3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 Faulty eating habits
Potential can be easily

4. Salience 0/2x1 0 The family does not

recognize it as a
serious problem.

Total Score: 2.66

3. Poor environmental sanitation specifically presence of breeding sites of mosquitoes

as vectors of disease as health threat.
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.66 It is a health threat
Problem/Condition which does not
demand immediate
2. Modifiability of 0/2x1 0 There is no access
the Problem in cleaning the
basement, or else
their house will be
3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.66 This problem is
Potential unavoidable since it
requires demolition
of the house.
4. Salience 1/2x1 0.5 The family
recognize it as a
serious problem yet
it does not demand
immediate action.
Total Score: 1.82
4. Illegitimacy as foreseeable crisis situation.
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 1/3 x 1 0.33 It is a foreseeable
Problem/Condition crisis situation since
the couple do not
have legal
agreement in regard
to their marriage.
2. Modifiability of 1/2x1 0.5 It is not easy to
the Problem modify since the
family lacks of
finance and also it
requires long
3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.66 It can be moderately
Potential prevented, as long
as the couple have
good ties with each
4. Salience 0/2x1 0 The couple does not
recognize this as a

Total Score: 1.46

5. Inadequate physical activity as health threat.

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.66 This is a health
Problem/Condition threat which does
not demand
immediate action.
2. Modifiability of 2/ 2 x 1 1 This can be easily
the Problem modified.

3. Preventive 2/3x1 0.66 By improving their

Potential physical activities, it
can be prevented.

4. Salience 0/2x1 0 The family does not

recognize this as a
serious problem.
Total Score: 2.32


RANK 1 Threat of cross infection 3.66
from a communicable
disease case as health

RANK 2 Faulty eating habits as 2.66

health threat.

RANK 3 Inadequate physical activity 2.32

as health threat.

RANK 4 Poor environmental 1.82

sanitation specifically
presence of breeding sites of
mosquitoes as vectors of
disease as health threat.

RANK 5 Illegitimacy as foreseeable 1.46

crisis situation.

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